Summer Adventure in English (S3-S4) (1)

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yw unit 1 Vocabulary Exploration A(p2) 1. occupation 2 hardship 3. apprentice 4. accommodation 5. starvation Reading Explorat B.(p.4) 1. To let the younger generations know about how life was during the Japanese occupation 2, They feared that they would be killed by the Japanese troops. 3. He and his little brother were provided with food and accommodation. 4, There were frequent air raids and he might be attacked by other citizens. c.(p.4) 1. starvation 2. chaotic D.@.4) 1. Japanese 5. starved 2. apprentice 6. food 3 dificult 7. chaos 4. infectious Grammar Exploration E.(p.5) 1.0 3. such 2. such 4.50 F@s) 1. Lhaven't seen her for such a long time that I've forgotten her nam 2. Kelvin is such a shy boy that he stil hasn't made, any friends in class. 3, Thore were such a lot of people in the bus that. he couldn't move. ‘The school is such a long way from the MTR station. G.(p.5) 1. Harry was so late t of the film 2. It was such a slippery floor that he fell over. 3. It was such a boring film that he almost fell asleep. 4, The cinema was s0 dirty that rats ran // were running around. 5, The seats were so old that many of them were broken. hat they missed the first part 6. Harry and Flora were so angry that they left the cinema early. Listening Exploration H.(p.6) Side no: [sidene. 2 [sidena 5 Caption, | Coption: Works | Caption: JOrclothes [that we never. |King of forget Kowloon Side nod |Sldeno.1 [Slide no. 6 Caption |Coption: [Caption Gpabove [Steet art__ | King’s car (1) Photography (5) 2pm 2 Galery (6) Bufor & 3pm 1) wendi@photos com 2May Writing Exploration 18) (Suggested answer) Life in Dream Village 30 years ago Blessed with abundant water resources, Dream Village is a small farming village located in the northeast New Territories. Life in the village 30 years ago was simple. Most of the villagers were farmers and they all lived in harmony. The ‘community was like one big family. All doors were kept open at night. Villagers loved chatting ‘outside their huts and enjoyed the night breeze after dinner. ‘An event that changed Dream Village ‘A super typhoon in 1996 brought devastation to the village. The village was left with fallen trees, flooded river and farmland. The crop failures led to food shortage. Villagers suffered from starvation and malnutrition. It was then followed by the outbreak of a mysterious fatal disease. The plague killed about 50 in a week. The rest decided to move out of the village. The whole village turned into a ghost town overnight. Speaking Exploration 4.9) (Suggested answer) 1. we should think about how to preserve them and put them to better use 2. Many people have grown up with trams and they have been an indispensable part of thoir daily lives. 3. The locals stil folow the regimented customs in celebrating Chinese festivals such as Chinese New Year and the Mid-autumn Festival . Bite AnswerKey 1 4. more visitors can come on Saturdays and Sundays 5. Education is more effective than punishment. 6. a lot of people still enjoy watching Chinese opera Skills Exploration K.( Free wring Tapescript Narrator: Listen to the conversation between John and Wendy about the exhibition. First, ‘write down the number (1-6) of the slide ‘and the caption for each picture. Then Use the information to complete the Well. How's the preparation work for the exhibition John Wendy: "ve chosen some pictures for the slide show. Let me tell you the sequence. The first slide shows ‘the picture of old Mr Tsang. It was taken when he was marking the streets of Hong Kong with his distinctive grafft | decided to put the caption, ‘Street art’ under it. The second slide shows the photos taken by the admirers of Mr Tsang. They consider his calligraphy as {an icon of an era. I think I can use "Works that we never forget" as its caption. “Works that we never forget’. That's 2 very good idea. How about the remaining slides? The third and fourth slides show how his calligraphy inspired local art and fashion designers. For the third one, there are two lanterns in the picture and Vl use “Up above' as the caption line. The fourth one displays a jacket made by 2 famous fashion designer in town land the designer suggests that we use “Our clothes’ as the caption. The fifth picture shows a Chinese-styled sofa {as the admirers take it as a throne and dedicate it to Mr Tsang, whose nickname was the ‘King of Kowloon’. Maybe we can just copy the sign and use the words fon it as the caption. All right, now we come to the last slide. You can see Mr Tsang sitting in the wheelchair and next to him is a car painted with his gr Lot's write ‘King's car, that is King with ‘apostrophe s. What do you think? 2 Summer Adventure in English 3 (Third Edition) Good. It's done. | think we have to work tote ee ehe lnvitation,carde nek? andidsad wu unit 2 Vocabulary Exploration a flat x coche 3. gadget Reading Exploration B.(p.14) 1. slaves to technology 2; He left his mobile phone at home. 38 C.(p.14) {_ezie Wong [Alex Watson | Thomas Millar t z D.(p.14) 18 2c 3A a8 7. () casual (i) causal 8 (9. compliment (i) complement, {ii complimented (iv) complement 9. {costs (i) takes 10.) discreet (i) discrate 11.6) imaginative (i) imaginary 12.() raise (i) rose 13.0) stationery i stationary Listening Exploration F.@.18) Task Task 2 Normal language Shorthand language 1. Thanks for what you|thx 4 wot u av done, have done. See you|CU 2moro. tomorrow. 2.| look forward to| 18k fwd 2cm u dis we. seeing you this weekend. 3, Let's meet at the|Let's met @ d st6N station tonight. 2nite. 4, Give me a call as|gimme a dll ASAR soon as possible. 5. What you have told| me is amazing. wot u av tld me is JamazN, Task 3 1. Where were you yesterday? 2. They're leaving tomorrow. 3. | want to see you at 8 tonight. 4, Have a nice weekend. Writing Exploration G.(p.19) (Soggested answer) 1. First, register on the website to be our ever. 2. Then key n you login name and password. 3. after that, selec the item you want to buy by Clicking onthe ‘Buy now button 4, Then, choose the colour and the size, Dont forget to enter the quant 5. Clek the trolley to view your basket to see the items you have selected 20 fr. 6 Click he cashier icon to confirm 4, Click the eredit card button to make your ayment, a, Them, the receipt will be sent to your email account 49. Open the email to get the reference code, 40.1he order willbe sent to you within 5 days, Speaking Exploration H.(p.21 Heat 7, olesed 2 beetle 2. festres 3 eford 9. sensor i beer to.tacks 5 budget Tiwatersosstnt & bre 1 perach Skills Exploration 1.23) Free writing Tapescript Narrator: Catherine and Donald are discussing the funny icons used in sending messages. Listen to their conversation and use the information given to complete the task Catherine: Hey, Donald. This is a very funny website. Come and have a look! Let me see. It is about the new Internet shorthand language of text messages, chat rooms and emails. I'm sure | can type faster with all these abbreviations and icons. Let's first learn what these icons mean Hove this one very much. The semi colon really looks like a winking eye, and with a close bracket it means a winking smile. Catherine: This smile is funny, too. With an asterisk, it means a drunken one. I'm sure my sister will love this cute little cat. 'd never have thought that the insert marks could become the eyes of a cat How about this one? It's so creative that the capital letter C can be used as the hat of a chef. ‘Oh, now | understand how they do it. We can use the colon to represent the eyes and the hyphen as the nose. Look et these three. They help to show different kinds of emotion, Catherine: Right. The X is a kiss on the lips and the ‘and’ sign means tongue-tied, or don't know what to say. Donald: This one is just like @ very sad face, which means super sad with 3 mouth facing downward. The last one is very useful because eel very tired now. The O at the tend is just like my yawning mouth. It ‘moans ‘yawn’. We still have to learn the short form. Let's click this bar. Catherine: Cool! The whole chart is there. Maybe ‘we can play a game here. Donald: Catherine: Donald Donald: Donald Catherine: Donald AnswerKey 3 Now you can move on to Task 2. Listen to the five messages and write them down. Then read the data file to rewrite them using the shorthand. language. Donald: Let's click this button and listen to the five | Catherine: Go ahead. Recording: Message number 1: ‘Thanks for what you have done. you tomorrow. Message number 2: Hook forward to seeing you this weekend, Message number 3: Let's meet at the station tonight. Message number 4 Give me a call as soon as possible Message number 5: ‘What you have told me is amazing.| Narrator: Now, listen to the five messages again and check your answers. Repeat [Message number 1 - Message number 5] Wout Vocabulary Exploration A.(p.24) 1. independently 4, guarantees 2 comfort zones 5. participants 3 interpersonal Reading Exploration B.(p.26) 4, Secondary schoo! graduates ze ©. (9.26) 1 university 5, cultures 2. independently &. social 3. accommodation 7. interpersonal 4, orranged (9.26) he oF 2.NG Grammar Exploration £.(p.28) 1, has gone, did he leave, left 2.heard, won, did you celebrate, have not celebrated 3. have you known, did you first meet 4. have not watched, did you watch, watched 4 Summer Adventure in English 3 (Third Edition) 5, Have you swept, swept, have not had, Have you finished, have just returned 6. Have you ever been, visited, have never been, travelled Listening Exploration F.(9.29) 7 |Have Right [Lecture hall [Opening Start 1 ceremony at Roomast _|9 2 |Working [Lecture hall [Across Culture 3 [Dining ate Formal Fable dressing Etiquette Jinternational Lecture hall [Bring press fAdverising _|1215 kit 5 [Business Card | computer lb] Design Room 403 eron-cuturak Negotiation 6 |ross-culturel|Room 403 Negotiation» | Computer tab Business Card Design Point to remember * Photography and video recording are not allowed + Arvive 15. minutes early. * A certificate wll be presented at the end of the course. Writing Exploration G.(930) (Suggested answer) Long time ago, there was an emperor who often disguised himself as a commoner and travelled ‘through the empire. Once he went into a teshouse with his followers to take a rest, He poured himself cup of tea and then filed his men's cupe 25 well. The followers were very surprised and wanted to kneel down and bow their head for this great honour he gave them. However, as the emperor had asked them not to reveal his identity before, they did not dare to do so. Then, one of them had an idea. He tapped three fingers on the table to show gratitude and his respect to the ‘emperor. Now Chinese people tap their fingers to #87 thanks to the person who pours their tea Speaking Exploration ‘HL (p.31) 2 ck 8 Negative ae ounce Dass pe 5. broom Ai.row pe se es. Skills Exploration 1.32) 1 exposition 4. rising action 2 falling action 5 ciwine 3 resolution J. (p.33) 1. Exposition ing John 2. Rising action Robin and hie 3. Climax Robin Hood 4. Falling action. * One day. 5. Resolution Acruel Tapescript Narrator: You are going to attend a training ‘course on cross-cultural awareness. Look at the details of the course. Listen to the recording and the email attached to make necessary amendments. One has been done for you as an example. Welcome to the briefing of this cross-cultural ‘awareness course. It runs for six days and we have different topies in each session. You can now take out the schedule in the information kit. Some ‘amendments have been made and you can mark them down now. Since we are very honoured to have Professor Chau as our guest speaker for the talk on ‘Cross-cultural Negotiation’, we' decided to move this session to the last one. Therefore, the last session, ‘Business Card Design’, will be the fifth one instead. Mal you also remember to change the venue as this Session must be conducted in the computer lab. For the first session, the venue should be Lecture hall 1, not Room 251. For the third session, it should be ‘Dining Etiquette’ because we think the word ‘Dining’ is more appropriate than “Table'. Please remember to have formal dress con that day. No shorts or jeans are allowed. You may write down ‘Formal drassing’ in the remarks Section. Right, next. Due to the renovation work, Lecture hall 12 is not available for booking, We have already booked lecture hall 15 instead. Please update it accordingly. We suggest all participants bring their own company's press kit for reference, so mark down ‘Bring press kit’ in the remarks section also for that day. I'd almost forgotten. An opening ceremony will be held before the first session starts, around 9 o'clock in the morning, so on the first row, you have to write down ‘Opening ceremony at 9" in the remarks section, That's all for the changes. ‘WML Elective Exploration A(p.35) EH 4.40 2c 5.6 38 F 8.37) 1. Directed 7. technical 2 sequel 8 characters 3 original 9. audience 4 filmmaker 10.voice acting 5. amusing Mseript & scene 12. animated Sw unit 4 Vocabulary Exploration (p38) 1. thorough 4, ethical 2. invaded 5. intelligence 3. terrorist Reading Exploration B.(p.40) 1. Its secret data collection programme / Spying ‘on people without their knowledge 2. For safety concerns / To find potential criminals 43, Listening to people's phone calls / checking on their text messages / browsing histor locations a al 8 Hackers could easily use the private and Sensitive information the government collected against people. 6 No. The writer says that ‘some intelligence- gathering activities are necessary and justified Answerkey 5 ©.(p.40) 1. opposed to 2. advancement 3. issues 4 justified Grammar Exploration D. (p42) 1. talking 6. watching 2. toput 7. playing 3. to take to write 4. torevise 9. cheating 5. toworry see E.(p.42) 1 6. totell 2 7. bullying 3. causing 8. committing 4. arguing 9% totell 5. toinform Listening Exploration F.(p.43) Essential qualities: 1. Hit the right target 2. Auser friendly design 3. Effective graphics 4. An attractive cover 5. Low price Rank the preferences: Sport 1 Business: 9 Local news: 3 Horoscopes: 4 Celebrites: 2 Technology: 5 Health and fitness: 7 Fashions 8 Movies! 6 Writing Exploration G.(p.44) (Si sted Answer) (Teonagers may imitate these behaviours and bully their classmates in school. They might ‘even consider triad members heroes. Surely it will have a bad effect on youngsters. 2. It is not surprising that teenagers can easil ‘access pornographic materials or obscer pictures. The concerned department should ‘adopt a better censorship system. 3, Parents can help their children with their selection of TV programmes. They should not allow their children to watch programmes containing too much sex or violence. Better parental guidance is needed. 6 Summer Adventure in English (Third Easton) «ut srongly agree with. Publ figures should | ronal Ferme for youngsters to follow Be eee vot amoke, speak foul language eee aly in pubic. They should bean oat wa they do hes great impact on 5 See Rees the metla puts too much focus on serie stones It fee like jourmalists only roe erie ond depressing events, They Feula provide « more balanced reporting of pontive and negative news Speaking Exploration H. (p.45) we 6A z¢ 2 3A ac ae 9c 5A 10.8 Skills Exploration 1. (9.46) [4 [Tak about the main theme of the book. 1 [Give an overview of the book [Encourage readers to take action. 2 [Comment on the characters and give @ [quote to show the author's writing style. 3 [Highlight the most important character in the book. J.(p.47) Free writing Tapescript Narrator: Listen to the recording about the essential qualities of a successful magazine and read the Data File. Then complete the note below. ‘Walk into a convenience store and you can soe that the shelves are full of magazines. You name ft and there's a magazine for it. Is it a lucrative business? Today, we'll ry to find out the secret of success for some successful magazines. A recent survey by the Magazine Association shows thatthe secret isn five main areas, rst, hit the right target. It is important to kom who the readers vw so sto clude what they like to read. It can be highly varied for different groups of people. Therefore you have 10 know your potential readers very well. Next, 8 userriendly design. A friendly design means W's easy to read For busy peopl : people whe don have time 10 ead a great de, othe rece forthe success of some mogasinns renee eraphics. Specialy drown colour et ene 2nd bags sunmaranfomatonse een be understood auich and cont aan over i another man Yeason fo Fgh cea fan eyeratching cover aires reese a the magatine out of th pool OF couse ieee cial, too. Keeping the price ou caren he 2 distinctive advontage nthe marke ber er ite Kept low? Tough edverdnon ere the numberof adverisements te chenceene ee BuitS Vocabulary Exploration A. (p.49) 1 sehotarship eeerrnerin 2. mentor 3. perseverance 5. hang out with Reading Exploration B.(p.50) G.CEAB.EDH C.(p.50) 1. adverstos 4. persevering 2: persevere 5 tealy 3 obstacles D.(p.50) 1. perseverance 5, rehebiltation 2. Sdversities nn 2. gangsters 7, totum over a new leat 4, paralysed 8. take for granted Grammar Exploration E.(p.51) 1 playing 4. frozen 2, mutdred, delivering 5. damaged, towed 3. freezing, drowning 51) jured ‘The woman typing over there i the secretary. ‘The car stolen lastnight belongs to Mr Lee, She onjoyed herself at the picnic organized by her cass The robbery was foiled by two policemen patrolling the streets FE 1 2 3. 4 Listening Exploration G.(p.52) Part A (1) LamChi Ming (4) 08.25.95 @) M/Mole (5) Tinity College (3) 56889900) Par B (6) school (12) treatment @) drug (13) HKDSE (8) cleaner /coole (14) Best Scout (9) cool /cleaner (15) old people / the (10) streets elderly (11) social (16) teacher Writing Exploration H.(p.54) (Suggested answer) Dear Unhappy Student, It seems that you haven't adapted well to secondary schoo! life. Don't worry, you are not the only one, A lot of $1 students have the same problems you do. It takes some time for you to get used to the new environment. Making now friends will help, as you can share your happiness and sorrow with them and you won't feel so lonely in school. Joining extra ‘curricular activities is @ good way to enlarge your social circle. Some students might think it’s 3 waste of time. It's a matter of striking the right balance between school work and your social life. Moreover, you can explore your interests and potential. An all-rounded development is essential. Ifyou wont to improve your English, you should expore yourself tf. The best way to Go 50 by reading Engizh newspapers, Books and listening 18 Engh ngs youre tir, Dobe ay ad taleto foreigners in English whenever you get the chance. we Ask for help from the senior form students and teachers. I'm sure they'll be happy to help. | believe you'll enjoy your school life very soon, Best wishes, Ask Me Speaking Exploration 1.55) 4. cope 2. professional 3. hours, parental 4. expectations, pressure ad AnswerKey 7 7 elles 5. broken, emotional 6. ratio, adopt 7. part, stress Skills Exploration Tapescript Narrator: You are going to nominate your friend, Chi Ming, to be @ candidate for the Outstanding Youth Award. Listen to the recording and use the information in the Data File to complete the nomination form, Chi Ming used to be a rebellious teenager. He didn't like to listen to his mum and dad and loved going his own way. He often skipped classes and finally dropped out of school when he was thirteen. He got addicted to smoking and, later, even drugs. To him, drugs helped him forget all his troubles. In order to support his living, he did some low skill jobs, like being a cleaner in ‘construction sites and a coolie for some moving ‘companies. His family did not welcome him and he became a street-sleeper when he was 20. didn’t want to be homeless but | had no money to pay the rent. One day when | was sleeping on the mat, a litle boy walked past me and asked his ‘mum why | became homeless. His mum muttered to the boy and he shouted, “Shame on you!” That was like a big slap to my face. | told myself that I couldn't live like this anymore, | decided to pull ‘myself together and turn over a new leaf.” Later, with the help of a social worker, Chi Ming went to a rehabiliation centre. He quit smoking and drugs after receiving treatment for one year. He then went back to school and will sit for the HKDSE exam in May. In his leisure timo, he participates actively in community work. He serves as a handyman on a voluntary basis to help ‘old people fix their houses and do the household chores. Algo, he often goes to schools and shares his past experiences with students. He hopes to be a secondary school teacher in the future. 8 Summer Adventure in English 3 (Third Edition) Sw Unit 6 Vocabulary Exploration A059) 1. ceased 4, bustling 2. skyscrapers 5. amateurs 3. accessible Reading Exploration B.(p.60) Paragraph Subheading 3___ [Amust-go in Hong Kong [Getting » glimpse of old Hong] Kong 7 [Hong Kong has @ lot to offer to its visitors Outdoor activites in Hong Kong 2 [Recommendations for nature lovers C.(p.60) 1. promote 3. conserve 2 protect D.(p.60) 4. hustle 3. environmental 2. photography 4. weltland: Grammar Exploration E961) 4. The cup has been dropped by Tamms 2. Can't change : 3. The man’s wallet was stolen by the thief on tho bus. was interviewed by the employer in the conference room. pee 5. The blackboard is always cleaned by one of the students after class 4. Can't change. 7. The residents were told to leave the dangerous building by the firemen [ 8. Can't chang 9. The children will be very happy if they are takentothe z00by you SY 10.16 the house being built by the construction workers now? » Listening Exploration F.(p.62) To find out how well young children know about nature and their experiences in the countryside May Pre-school kids aged between a ond 5 150, Yes (76%), No (12%) Not sure 12% 1. barbecue 2. pienic 3 observations of plants and animals 4. nature walk Yes (61 %); No (39%) 1. The countryside was too dirty. 2. It was too hot to go there 32% of the respondents could identify the 43% of the respondents could match the . ‘Over 25% of the respondents believed 1. They can ask children to observe nature with] their senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch, under safe conditions. 2. They can take their children to join some| Green tours organized by local conservation| groups. Writing Exploration G.(p.64) (Suggested answers) Rouse ‘What is ‘reusing’? Not throwing away items that are reusable, Reducing waste by making full use of any item. How can we do it? Instead of throwing away broken furniture, we can fix it or repaint it. We can also do the same with clectrical appliances. ee Mer i uae vel nad secre ot apnghno mnte i hea ae Recycle What is ‘recycling’? {A process of turning waste materials items. to usable How can we do it? We can sort our waste and put recyclable materials into recycling bins. We can donate our unwanted but still usable items to recycling organizations. Speaking Exploration 1.065) 1. conserving 4 energy 2. environment 7. leave 3 daly 8 sort 4% optimum 9. recycling 5. windows —_‘10.plastie Skills Exploration 1. (p.66) 1. Understanding the question: Making a choice 2, Discussion topic: Choose a one-day excursion for a group of ‘exchange students. 3. Brainstorming ideas '2, What does the name of the tour tell you? Tour A: It takes participants to some famous places in Hong Kong. Tour B: It introduces participants to the lifestyle of the locals in Hong Kong, 'b, Where are they going to visit for each tour? Tour A: Some famous attractions Tour 8: Places that local people 90 ‘¢. What can they learn from each tour? Tour A: Some famous places in the city Tour B: The local culture and lives of Hong Kong people dd. What are the most interesting parts of each tour? Tour A: Take the Peak Tram and the licopter ride Tour B: Visit the wot market and have lunch with a local family Which tour are you going to choose? Give ‘reasons to support your choice. Tour B Reasons: { The students can have a better understanding of our culture. (init would be fun for them to shop around the wet market and know more about our food culture. i) They can explore a city in a rather interesting way. AnswerKey 9 Tapescript Narrator: You are working for Green Kids, charitable organization putting effort into educating young children on environmental protection. You are asked to gather information for the next issue of its newsletter. Use the information in the recording and the press release to ‘complete the task. Recently we have conducted a survey to find out how much young children know about nature and their experiences in the countryside. ‘The survey was conducted in May. We interviewed 150 pre-school children from three to five years old. Of the respondents, 76% indicated that they had been to the countryside. Among them, ‘85% went there for a barbecue or pienic. Only 13% got to observe plants and animals or had 2 nature walk. Of the respondents, about 12% had never been to the countryside. When being asked whether they liked to go to the countryside, about 39% of the respondents did not like it because they felt that the countryside was too dirty. Some said that it wat too hot to go there and they preferred to stay in an air-conditioned room. Although 52% of the respondents said they loved the countryside, they liked it because they ‘enjoyed barbecuing and playing there. Only 2% mentioned that they loved to get close to nature. Another part of the survey was to test their knowledge of nature. When the children were asked to identify a photograph of a tadpole, only 37% of the respondents got it right while the rest picked a wrong picture or could not give an answer When they wore asked to match the food for four different kinds of animals, namely fons, monkeys, Giraffes and horses, only 43% of the children got the right answers. The survey also asked whether dragons and unicorns existed now. Over 25% of the children stated they existed in our modern world in summary the results show that today’s children lack awareness of nature, which might hinder future cnviconmental protection and conservation efforts, 40 Summer Adventure in English 3 (Third Edition) = Elective Exploration A.(9.69) 1. Presenting your argument 2. Defining the motion 3. Drawing a conclusion 4. Greeting 5. Allocating the arguments 6. Asking a rhetorical question 7. Attacking the opposition’s arguments B.(p.70) docob>a C.(p.71) moten 2. tttrundertood 2. affirmative 8 believe 3. first speaker 9. opposition 4. second speaker 10. comparison 5. sum up 11. Shouldn't we 6. definition 12. Inconclusion

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