Nearpeer Vocabulary -6

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27 Cord string, thread, disconnection, He wound the cord

lace, strap, separation, around a wheel.

Thin, flexible rope, wire, disconnect,
string or rope ribbon, disengagement,
made from cable, tape detachment,
several twisted tie, ligature disunion, parting,
strands. division
28 Despised abhorred, beloved, cherished, The School said; he was
abominated, darling, an old man; they might
Feel contempt or detested, dear, fair-haired, have despised anyone
a deep disdained, favoured, else for the weakness.
repugnance for. disfavoured, favourite, fond,
disliked, execrated, loved, pet,
hated, loathed precious, special
29 Dainty delicate, coarse, unpleasant, Seeing those dainty
demanding, ugly, unrefined, feet, Maulvi Abul burst
Delicately small exacting, unsophisticated, into tears like a child.
and pretty. fastidious, harsh, horrible
finical, finicky,
30 Delegate representative, Deny, ignore He continued, "A
envoy, emissary, refuse, reject congress of delegates to
A person sent or commissioner, retract, keep represent the real,
authorized to agent, deputy, hold, retain free Turkey should be
represent others. commissary, called as quickly as
spokesperson, possible."
31 Deuce combination, Unyoke, outspan, His opponent, Mr Jones
couple detach, deaden, de- wins each of his three
The two on dice duo, match, energize. games off the first
or playing cards. team, brace, advantage from deuce.
combo, doublet,
duality, dyad
32 Diffident shy, bashful Reassured, No longer did he have
modest, self- overconfident, those slight and
Modest or shy effacing confident, self- occasional disciplinary
because of a lack unassuming, confident, troubles, or feel
of self- humble, meek, self-assured, diffident about his own
confidence. unconfident assured, work and worth.
unassertive, cocksure,
timid, timorous unreserved.

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