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Day of Deliverance 22Dec, 1939 The "Day of Deliverance" ( Yourn-e-Nijat) was a celebration day marked by the All-India Muslim League and others on 22 December 1939 during the Indian independence movement. It was ted by Muslim League president Muhammad Ali Jinnaly, and intended to rejoice the resignation of all members of the rival Congrsss patiy from provincial and central offices in protest over their not having been consulted over the decision to enter World Warll alongside Britain, 1940-1947 23march,1940 | The Lahore Resolution was written and prepared by Muhammad Zafsnullah Khan!!!21] and was presented by ALK Fuzlul Huy, the Prime Miniter of Bengal, was formal political statement adopted by the All-India ‘Muslim League on the oceasion of its three-day general session in Lahoxe on 22-24 March 1940. The resolution called for independent states as seen by the statement: 1942 The British were alarmed at the successive victories of Japan during 1940s. When Burma was turned inta a battle field and the war reached the Indian boarders, the British started feeling more concerned about the future of India, Situation in the country was further complicated as the Congress wanted to take advantage of the situation by accelerating their efforts in their struggle for independence. Moreover the differences between the Congress and the Muslim League were widening fast and visibly there was no chance to bring both the parties on a common agenda. In these circumstances, the British Government sent a mission to India in 1942 under Sir Stafford Cripps, the Lord Privy Seal, in order to achieve Hindu-Muslim consensus on some constitutional arrangement and to convince the Indians to postpone their struggle till the end of the Second World War. When the war ended in August 1945, Viceroy Lord Wavell decided to hold a political conference ta which he invited Muslim League and Congress representatives, The conference began in Simla on June 24, 1945 and lasted till July 14, 1945. The Viceroy proposed an interim Central Government in which all the portfolios except that of war would be given to Indians. Lahore Resolution Cripps Mission ‘Simla Conference (1945) The Congress denied Muslim League's claim of being the sole representative of the Indian Muslims. Quaid-i- Azam took a strong stand on these two issues and the Round table conference communal award of 1932 TET2 nov, 1930- L9jan 1931 2*=Sep 7, 1931 — Dec 1, 1931 3 Nov 17, 1932- 24 Dec 1932 The Communal Award, announced by Ramsay MacDonald on 16 August 1932, ensured the retention of separateelectorates Tnresponse to the inadequacy of the Simon Report the Labour Government, which had come to power under Ramsay MacDonald in 1929, decided to hold a series of Round Table Conferences in London, DR B, Ambedhkar demanded separate electorate for untouchable. pact between Gandhi and lord Irwin On $ March 1931, pact was signed between M.K Gandhi and Lord Irwin the Viceroy of India. The pact made the British Government concede some demands, which were given below: To withdraw all ordinane: and proseaations. To release all the political prisoners before second round table. In 2RTC Gandhi opposed the separate electorate. ‘The third Round Table Conference was not attended by the Judian National Congress and Gandhi. Many other Indian leaders were also absent. Like the two first conferences, little was achieved. The recommendations were published ina White Paper in March 1933 and debated in Parliament afterwards. A Joint Select Committee was formed to analyse the recommendations and formulate a new Act for India. The Committee produced a draft Bill in February 1935 which was enforced as the Government of India Act of 1935 in July: 1935 *Choudhry Rahmat Ali in his pamphlet Now or Never gave word PAKSTAN 1933 Movement was founded in 1933 by Choudhry Rahmat Ali in London The Pakistan National Government of India Act 1935 2 August 1935 having 321 sections and 10 schedules The Act led to 1. Establishment of RBI. 2. FPSC, PSC, JPSC. 3. Federal Court in 1937. 4. Bicameralism in 6 provinces (Bombay, Madras, Bengal, Bihar, Assam and United Provinces) out of 11 provinces. Indian 1937 Provincial Elections(congress ministries) 1936-37 Provincial elections were held in British India in the winter of 1936-37 as mandated by the Government of India Act 1935. Elections were held in eleven provinces - Madras, Central Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, United Provinces, Bombay Presidency, Assam, NWFP, Bengal, Punjab and Sindh, The final results of the elections were declared in February 1937. The Indian National Congress emerged in power in seven of the provinces - the exceptions being Punjab and Sindh. The All-india Muslim, League failed to form the government in any province, Reginald Dyer. Khilafat Movemnent(1919-1922) and Hijrat Movement(1920) 1919 , 1920 “Muslims under the leadersip of Shaukat Ali and Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar(brothers) started movement to restore the Khilafat of Turkey, When the British did not pay much heed. The ulamas called the Indian territory Darul-Harb and asked for the massive migration to A fahanistan. Ton cooperation movement Ts August, 1920 ‘Mahatma Gandhi with the aim of self-governance and obtaining full independence as the Indian National Congress (INC) withdraw its support for British reforms following the Rowlatt Actof 21 March 1919, and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 13 April 1919. Simon Commission 3% February! 28 group appointed in November 1927 by the British Conservative government under Stanley Baldwin to report on the working of the Indian constitution established by the Government of India Act of 1919 Nehru Report 10 August 1928 appeal for a new gdaminian siatus and a federal set-up of government for the constitution of India. It was prepared by a Committee of the All Pasties Conference chaired by Motilal ‘Neluy with his son Jawaharlal Nebr acting as a secretary.Proposed joint electrorate with reservation of Seats for minorities in the legislatures and opposed separate electrolate. AIML and Hindu Mahasaba Opposed the Nehru report 28 March 1929 the Muslim League session washeld at Dethi under the presideney of Jinnah Allahabad address (Allama Iqbal 29 December 1930 25th annual session of the Alldndia Muslim Leagus Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP Sir Muhammad Iqbal Biography(9 November 1877 —21 April 1938) In 1907, Iqbal moved to Germany to pursue his doctoral studies, and earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 1908. Because of his learning and knowledge, people soon began to call him ‘Allama’ Iqbal and in 1922, King George V of Britain, made him a knight, giving him the title of Allama 'Sir' Muhammad Iqbal Iqbal was elected president of the Muslim League in 1930 at its session in Allahabad The Tomb of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, or Mazaar- e-Igbal (Urdu: Ls! 5!) is a mausoleum located within the Hazuri Bagh, in the Pakistani city of Lahore, capital of Punjab province Presidency of Ameer Al *Quaid-e-Azam Joined Indian National Congress 1906 indian Councils Act iano Indian press act 1910 ‘Annulment Of Bengal Morley Minto Reforms( | 12March 1909 fp 12" December i Separate Electorate forthe Muslims The Press Act of 1910 was legislation promulgated in British India imposing strict censorship on all kinds of publications, ‘On the occasion of the visiting His Majesty George Vto Indo-Pakistan and holding of Darbar Delhi the partition of Bengal was cancelled under the viceroy of Lord Hardinge. Capital was changed from Calcutta to Delhi in 1938. Lucknow Pact *Quaid-e-Azam Joined All India Muslim League 1913 on the request of Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar December 25, 1876, Karachi September 11, 1948, Karachi Did his barrister in Lincoln's Inn College London, 1896 The title of Quaid e Azam was given to Mohammad Ali December 1916 innah by Maulana Mazharuddin Shaheed Joint Sesion of Indian National congress and AIML allowed the separate muslim electorate for religious minorities in the provincial legislatures. ‘Montague Chelmsford Reforms(Mont-Ford Reforms) Government of India Act, 1919 1919 giving more representation to the natives in India. ‘The Central Legistature was to consist of two houses, Upper House (Council of the State), and the Lower House (Legislative Assembly). Council ofthe State was to consist of ‘60 members, out of them 35 members would be elected and rest of them would be nominated by the Governor General The Legislative Assembly was to consist of 144 members, out of them 103 were to be elected and 41 to be nominated by the Governor General. The duration af the Upper House was five and of the Lower House was three years. Viceroy: Chelmsford Rowlett Act ‘Act of 21 March 1919 legislation passed by the Imperial Legislative Council, the legislature of British India, The acts allowed certain political cases to be tried without juries and permitted internment of suspects without trial Jalinawala Bagh Massacre(Amritsar massacre) 13th April 1919 Where the British Indian amy opened fire on gathering who gathered in Jalinawala Bagh for oppsosition of Rowlett Act at Bisakhi festival. According to official source 379 people were rites Orderea oy GENE Lal Pak History Main Events 1857-1900 Event Date Detail War of Independence May 10, 1857 — Noy 1.1888 ‘Other name: Sepoy Mutiny/First War of Independence Begun in Meerut Reason of revolt: used kartoos made of pig, cow oif Religious factor Government of India Act 1858 2 August F958 Dissolution of the British East India Company and passed the power to British crown (Queen). The British Gavernor- General of India was given the title of viceroy In Government of fndia Act 1858, Charles John Canning(1") Indian Council Act 1861 1 August 1861 Was introuduced to Urdu Hindi controversy st census in subcontinent Indian National Congress is founded by A.O, Hume 186° 17th February, 1881 28 December [885 Urdu ys. Hindi Devnagri at Banaras Viceroy: Lord Ripon Founded at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in Bombay, with 72 delegates. Allan Octavian Hume assumed office as the General Secretary, and Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee of Calcutta was elected President. Indian council 1892 20 June 1892 The Indian Councils Act 1892 was an Act Parliament that introduced various amendments to the ‘composition and function of legislative councils in Br India, Most notably, the act entailed provisions on the number of additional members to be represented in the central and provincial vouncils, 1900-1940 Partition of Bengal 19-20 July 1905 Bengal Division was divided into two sub paris by Lord Curzon due to administeri ‘majority and east part had Muslim majority. Hindus opposed partition. issue. West part had Hindu Simla Deputation AIML, 1* Gatober 1906 30 dee, 1906 (Dhaka) the All-India Muhammadan Educational Conference was held in Dhaka from 27 December until 30 December 1906 AllIndia Muslim League was established in 1908 in London uncler the 35 leaders of Muslim community went to meet to the viceroy, under the leacership of Sir Aga Khan, in Simla on 1" October 1906. demands that rights of separate electorates, 3000 delegates attended the meeting. headed by both Nawab Wagar-ul-Mulk Kambob and Nawab Muhasan-ul-Mulk (the Secretary of the Muhammaden Educational Conference). ‘All India Muslim League’ name was proposed by Samiullah Khan, ‘Sic Sultan Muhammad Shab (Aga Khan ILD became first president of AIML. six vice-presidents, a secretary, and two joint secretaries conference failed to achieve anything and finally ended on 14th July, 1945. Elections of 1945-46 December 1945 to January 1946 Leagues perfarmance was even more impressive as it managed to win all the 30 seats reserved for the Muslims. The results of the provincial election held in early 1946 were not different. Congress won most of the non-Muslim seats while Muslim League captured approximately 95 percent of the Muslim seats. On the other hand League celebrated January 11, 1946 as the Day of victory and declared that the election results were enough to prove that Muslim League under the leadership of Quaid--Azam was the sole representative of the Muslims of the region Cabinet Mission Plan New Delhi on 24 March 1946 3 members After an extensive discussion with Congress and Muslim League the Cabinet Mission gave its own proposal on May 16 1946. Interim Government 1946-47 Muslim League joined the interim Government on October 25, 1946 Poor Man’s Budget (1947) Liaquat as Finance Minister, however, was the budget he presented on February 28, 1947. Lord Mountbaten plan 3” june, 1947 Royal assent: 18 July 1947 Radcliffe Line between india and pak By Cyril Radcliffe(lawyer) 17 August. On 16 August 1947 at 5:00 pm, the indian and Pakistani representatives were given two hours to study copies, before the Radcliffe award was published

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