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Batch 3

External Repairs, Redecorations & Associated Works


Multiple Council Housing Residential Blocks & Dwellings


The London Borough of Hillingdon

Prepared By:
Quatrefoils Limited
Brook House, 54a Cowley Mill Road,
Uxbridge, Middx. UB8 2FX

Our Reference: 2843

Version 1.0
1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements





3.1.1 The Employer (The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of £ -
Hillingdon) are proceeding with a block redecoration programme.


3.1.2 Due to the need to identify individual costs for each item back to specific
blocks in both the preambles and the main works, the contractor can price the
preamlbes here but is asked to split out the cost per block on the summary
sheet to enable the section 20 consultation.


3.1.3 The contractors are to visit all sites to understand the extent of the works £ -


3.1.4 All tender documentation must be read in conjunction with one another and all £ -
must be read & understood to form the basis for your tender submission. The
tender documents include:-

Front Cover and Contents

Section 1 - Preliminaries
Section 2 - Materials and Workmanship (Dulux)
Section 3 - Pre-Ambles
Section 4 - Priced schedule (This document)
Section 5 - Final Cost Summary (End ofthis document)
Section 6 - Form of Tender & Bona Fide Tender Certificate
Section 7 - Appendices

Appendix A - Quatrefoils Principal Designer Health and Safety Information

Appendix B- Akzo Nobel Specifications

Appendix C - Record Asbestos Survey Report



3.2.1 If there is any discrepancy with part/s of this document this must be brought to £ -
the attention of the CA immediately during the Tender stage. If any
discrepancies are noted, for the avoidance of doubt, this specification of works
is to take precedence.

3.2.2 Where products have been described in this document specifically by name £ -
and ‘equal or approved’ is stated then an alternative product can be used
subject to the product being of no lesser quality and that the Contract
Administrator (CA) has been consulted and has approved the alternative

3.2.3 Before submission of Tenders the tenderer shall resolve all queries as no claim £ -
will be entertained at a later date for inadequacy of information.

3.2.4 The tenderer is requested to check that all details described in this document £ -
are complete and fit for purpose, and the application of materials, fittings and
accessories is suitable. Any sizes given in the schedule are approximate and
the Contractor shall be directly responsible for taking all dimensions and
details required for completion of the works.

3.2.5 All works, materials and components are to fully comply with Current £ -
Building Regulations requirements, relevant British Standards, Bye-Laws,
Regulations and Acts.

3.2.6 All work must be carried out taking full regard of Current Health and Safety £ -
legislation and take full account of COSHH Regulations for all products
specified or being used.

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements



3.2.7 The Contractor shall familiarise themselves with this document and provide a £ -
fixed price against each clause and so to return a fully priced specification.
Failure to comply with this request may result in your tender being invalid.

3.2.8 The Contractor shall include for carrying out the supply of all materials, £ -
installation, setting to work, as described in the whole Specification and shown
on drawings. This shall include all necessary builders work and all making

3.2.9 The works identified herein have been described in reasonable detail, the £ -
contractor must consider this in conjunction with the site conditions and the
actual works involved on site and whilst taking a holistic view of the overall
site conditions allow for everything necessary for the works to be carried out
in the best manner whether specifically mentioned or not. It may be reasonably
implied. If there are specified work items that have not been allowed for within
the specification, include these items here and provide a detailed breakdown of
these items for clarity with your tender submission.

3.2.10 The word provision shall be taken to mean the supply and installation of all £ -
equipment materials and attendance on works and services in order to form a
complete and fully functional installation.

3.2.11 The Contractor is to price for all works to be carried out with the assumed £ -
occupation of the properties and neighbouring properties for the duration of
the works.


3.2.12 Although the works are tendered in bulk with a number of estates, it maybe £ -
that these are run as smaller individual contracts as costs need to be
apportioned per block to enable the section 20 Leasehold consultation
procedure to be followed with invoices and instructions issued on a block by
block basis. Close liaison with the Contract Administrators will be needed who
will assist in this.


3.2.13 Allowances to be made for a full-time working foreman with a mobile £ -

telephone number who will be responsible for work on site from the start until
practical completion. This must also be a competent person in terms of Health
& Safety & CDM Regulations, with skills and expertise based upon the
element of work being progressed.

3.2.14 The contractor is to allow for all of the works from commencement through to £ -
completion during the timescale set out under the preliminaries / in their
submitted project programme. All of the preliminary costs are to be itemised in
the breakdown of preliminaries.

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

3.2.15 The contractor is to be aware that under the CDM regulations they will be £ -
acting as principal contractor and should make allowances to properly fulfil
this role within the tender.

3.2.16 Pre-construction health and safety information for the project can be found £ -
within the appendices. Details of the Contract Administrator and Principal
Designer) can be found within the preliminaries section.

3.2.17 The contractor must allow to set up and maintain suitable welfare facilities £ -
which must comply with the Contractor’s obligations under the Construction
(Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 2015, and all costs should be
included within the tender sum.

3.2.18 The Contractor is to review the Designer's Risk Assessment found within the £ -
Appendices. Contractor is to allow to implement all control measures included
within this document and include within the Risk Assessments and Method
Statements. Contractor is to query any risks that they are unsure of with the
Principal Designer.

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements



3.2.19 The Principal Contractor is required to provide Method Statements for the £ -
- Sequence of works to maintain safe access for residents for all works incl.
replacement floor coverings.
- The handling of materials and accumulated waste and any temporary storage
- the handling of goods materials and waste across internal common parts.
These are to be submitted at least five working days in advance of the works
and for comment by the CA.

3.2.20 These method statements are required in addition to the Contractor’s £ -

obligations under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
2015 and are required to keep the CA/Design Team and client informed and
appraised of the works, e.g. timing, sequence, anticipated impact upon ongoing
occupation/operations etc.


3.2.21 Whilst general level 2 surveys are available for most blocks and are attached to £ -
the tender, the contractors are to prepare level 3 inspection reports by a
licenced contractor in all areas where removal of surface finishes or other
works are likely to potentially disturb fibres. Such reports are to be made
available to the client for their records.

Works Access

3.2.22 The Contractor is to allow for all costs associated with the delivery of all £ -
materials required, any additional parking costs etc.

3.2.23 Appropriate delivery methods and material handling procedures are to be £ -

agreed with the CA and the Principal Designer before any works commence.

3.2.24 Safe and clear access is to be maintained to adjacent buildings/properties at all £ -

times for refuse collection, deliveries, and emergency vehicles.

3.2.25 All works are to be undertaken in accordance with the relevant regulations, £ -
byelaws and acts.

3.2.26 All works are to be undertaken in accordance with the relevant regulations, £ -
byelaws and acts.

Pre-works Surveys and Testing

3.2.27 The Contractor is to allow for undertaking a full photographic schedule all £ -
areas which may be affected by the works including all access routes, external
and internal areas to be worked in or accessed.

3.2.28 Where the contractor is unable to provide pre-condition evidence in relation to £ -

any subsequent associated claims, the responsibility for making good to the
satisfaction of the resident/leaseholder will rest with the Contractor.

3.2.29 The contractor shall determine all necessary temporary services required to £ -
undertake the works. The contractor will be permitted to use the existing water
and electricity supplies, however, the contractor will be responsible for
installing sub-meters and taking readings and will be charged back by the
employer for the services used.

Pricing and Programme

3.2.30 Pricing of this specification for tender purposes must be accompanied by a £ -

detailed inspection of the site both by the Principal Contractor and any
specialist sub-contractors.

3.2.31 Any quantities indicated or referred to in this specification are for guidance £ -
purposes only and it is the contractors responsibility to establish/quantify all
works hereafter referred to and to make all due allowance in respect of this.
No claim will be considered for failure to observe this clause. The contractor
shall be responsible for all dimensions, co-ordination, setting out etc, in
connection with the works.

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements



3.2.32 The contractor is to verify all dimensions and areas on site and advise the £ -
contract administrator of any discrepancy particularly in relation to ordering of
specific items.

3.2.33 The contractor is to provide a breakdown of their weekly preliminaries costs £ -

with their tender submission.

3.2.34 The contractor shall submit a detailed works programme as part of their outline £ -
construction phase health and safety plan.

3.2.35 In this particular section the contractor is reminded that all items are held on a £ -
fixed price basis. Before submitting this quotation / tender the contractor is
expected to visit the site and satisfy himself as to the condition, accessibility
and character of the site operations and conditions affecting labour. There will
be no claims on the ground of want of knowledge in such respects.

Messing Facilities

3.2.36 The contractor will provide a works compound in an area to be agreed with £ -
full office, toilet and washing facilities. (See later notes) The contractor is to
allow to supply and install temporary sink unit & base unit for tea/wash
station, with water heater. The contractor is to set up a desk, computer, printer
and provide table and chairs for meetings. Allow for a separate porta-loo for
the duration of the contract installed outside of the plant room along the left
side of the site.

Specified Products

3.2.37 It is the responsibility of the contractor to receive any approval for the usage of £ -
any similar products. If approval for similar products is not sought at tender or
installation stage then the product is not to be used. Generally all items
specifically referenced in the specification without stating the option for
similar approved, need to be allowed for and installed as written. If prior
approval has not been awarded, the client and C.A. will expect the specified
item/s to have been installed.


3.2.38 As outlined above, the buildings will all be occupied for the duration of the £ -
works and careful consideration must be given to the undertaking and
sequencing of works and the protection and safety of all the common parts at
all times - including external areas and the public highway. The contractor
must provide adequate protection to all elements which are not to be replaced.
Protection should also be provided to all access routes, ensuring all access
routes are maintained during the works and where obstructed a suitable
temporary solution provided to continue the flow of circulation throughout the
building incl. external access routes.

3.2.39 The contractor must ensure that the areas of work are protected with adequate £ -
warning signs and labels as necessary to undertake the works.

3.2.40 Suitable barriers and signs should be erected around all working areas £ -
including material storage.

3.2.41 All signs to warn persons to stay clear of the area must be provided by the £ -
contractor. The exact positions for barriers and hoardings etc are to be agreed
with the contract administrator prior to the commencement of works. Signage
must also be used to direct occupants to any diverted access routes.

3.2.42 The contractor is to allow for providing new and clean dust sheets / megafilm £ -
throughout the duration of the works to protect any floor coverings / resident
positions / existing fixtures and fittings which are to remain on site.

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements



3.2.43 As part of this project the successful contractor will be required to sign up and £ -
register to the Considerate Constructors Scheme
( if they are not already registered and abide by
the Code of Considerate Practice outlined by the scheme for the all of the
works covered in this specification and for the entire project duration. Please
make any necessary allowances for this.

General Services

3.2.44 Any works carried out to be certified by a part P qualified electrician who will £ -
provide an appropriate certificate for Building Control upon completion.

3.2.45 Where applicable maintain all existing services installations, or where £ -

temporarily isolated, reinstate to ensure all are left in full working order.

Financial Constraints

3.2.46 The contractor shall note when pricing this document that subject to financial £ -
constraints, the Employer may wish to omit works from the contract and make
other post tender adjustments to value engineer the scheme.

3.2.47 The above must be taken into account at tender stage as no claim for loss of £ -
profit or attendance will be due as a result of a reduction in the scope of works
will be considered by the C.A. or client after tenders have been returned.

Working Methods & General Conduct

3.2.48 All members of staff, sub-contractors and all persons involved with the £ -
execution of the works identified in this specification must be made aware of
the due consideration to be provided to the existing site, building, occupants
and persons affected. The principles of the Considerate Contractors Scheme
are to be followed.

3.2.49 All staff / operatives will wear protective clothing and will wear clothing £ -
displaying company name for identification. The contractor will need to
maintain a signing in book for the site held in the welfare room/site office.

3.2.50 The Contractor shall employ none but fully qualified, competent tradesmen £ -
and the whole of the work shall be carried out and completed in accordance
with "Best Practice". All the works are to be undertaken in accordance with the
relevant British Standards, Bye-Laws, Regulations and Acts.

3.2.51 The Contractor is to ensure that works are executed in such a way that gives £ -
minimum disruption to the operation of the site, buildings and their occupants.

Compound Area

3.2.52 The final arrangements for the site compound area are to be agreed and £ -
confirmed with Hillingdon once a contractor has been selected.
The contractor is to allow to create a covered and secure temporary storage
structure for each site. These must be secure and lockable. Allow to provide
heras fencing with privacy screening to separate the remaining area of the roof
terrace (by the sliding doors). Approx area per site is 6.5m x 6.5m, although
this will depend on the size of the sites eg Yeading Lane may have one
compound of a larger size, Barlee Crescent will not need a compound. The
contractor is to allow for scaffolding / tower for safe access to this area,
including hoist/lift for lifting materials/equipment.



3.3.1 The Contractor is to be aware of the sensitive nature of the works and that a £ -
consistent message is given to residents in relation to the safety of the blocks
both historically and moving forward.

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements



3.3.2 The contractor will be provided contact information so that they can make £ -
arrangements for access. It is essential that Good Resident Liaison skills are
used throughout the project.

Hillingdon Council will support the Contractor in attempting to gain access to

complete the surveys/works. However, the contractor must provide evidence of
letters/communication attempts. The contractor must not rely on LB
Hillingdon for access arrangements.



3.4.1 All of the works will be executed to occupied premises and the Contractor £ -
shall give reasonable notice to the occupier of his intention to commence
work, and the work is to be carried out in a manner that will cause the
minimum inconvenience and nuisance from obstruction, dust, noise, etc. All
necessary precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of the occupier.
Deliveries of materials must be arranged so as not to interfere with the

3.4.2 Fire escape routes from all floors are to remain fully operational at all times. £ -

3.4.3 The Contractor is to allow for a temporary barrier to restrict resident access £ -
whist works are progressing in these areas.



3.5.1 Many of the noted buildings will require full height scaffolding to carry out the £ -
works. Allow in this section all costs associated for the full design, erection,
management & removal of all scaffolding and temporary working platforms &
structures for the duration of the works. This includes all and any necessary
temporary access arrangements to facilitate the works. Include for all costs &
associated/incidental work associated with this.

3.5.2 The contractor is to price for providing, erecting maintaining altering and £ -
adapting as necessary and dismantling and removing upon completion, the
scaffolding to enable full access as required in the safe carrying out of the
works as specified.

3.5.3 The contractor is to ensure that all scaffolding is protected by reinforced £ -

polythene sheeting and that this oversails sufficiently to protect the
surrounding areas.
Note: the safety of the building occupants and it's visitors is of paramount
importance. All appropriate RAMS, design & approvals to be carried out
in relation to the scaffolding.

3.5.4 All scaffolding ladders, working platforms, guardrails toe boards and £ -
associated items shall be provided and employed strictly in accordance with
the construction working places regulations 1966, HSE guidance and NASC

3.5.5 The contractor should familiarise himself with the provision of power and £ -
water to be drawn for the purposes of carrying out the works and include any
necessary allowances for the use of and access to this area.

3.5.6 The contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary hoists, mechanical £ -
equipment and plant of all descriptions required for the satisfactory completion
of the works and as and when required when directed by the contract
administrator remove these.

3.5.7 The contractor is to allow for security alarm & appropriatee security measure £ -
such as lighting to prevent unauthorised access to the scaffolding for the
duration of the works. The location is a busy and built-up area and the site is
very exposed, as such, significant security measures must be implemented to
safeguard the building and it's occupants for the duration it is erected.

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements



3.5.8 If any damage is caused as a result of the erection, maintenance dismantling of £ -

the scaffolding the contractor will be responsible for executing at his own
expense all necessary remedial measures required by the Contract

3.5.9 The contractor is to provide temporary fencing, hoardings, planked footways, £ -

lighting, bumping warning notices guardrails debris netting, gantries and alike
necessary for the protection of the property owners and any adjoining
neighbours and for securing the site against trespass damage. All ladders at
ground level should be removed at the end of the day.

3.5.10 The contractor should familiarise himself with the HSE safety document £ -
'working on roofs' and ensure that he adhere to this and all other HSE guidance
when carrying out the works.

3.5.11 Ensure that the scaffolding does not negatively impact the existing access
routes, in particular entrance doors serving existing units for the whole
building - these must be maintained and protected for the duration of the



3.6.1 In all areas where painting is noted the contractor is to allow for full
preparation to a sound surface by removing all loose and friable paint and
scraping back to a sound surface sanding back to blend edges where possible.
The contractor is to read the Dulux Technical sheet for each property type that
includes the levels of Preparation, Making good, Priming and finishing for
each surface and material type.

3.6.2 Any timber windows and doors are to be opened to allow painting of the
internal reveals. Close liaison with residents will be needed by letter drop to
obtain access. Record properties where access is not granted.

3.6.3 Painting, staining and other treatment is noted in the Dulux (AkzoNobel)
Texhnical documents or the individual block specification.



3.7.1 On completion of the works the contractor is to provide the CA with details of £ -
any manufacturers' guarentees in relation to installed products for each block,
materials and systems (where applicable). Where relevant the contractor is to
ensure that guarentees are registered in the client's name and details. In
summary, these may include:-

i) Guarantee for any new windows and doors - (min 10 years) + FENSA £ -

iii) Replacement external cladding - tagging & certification provided. £ -

Guarantee for material.

3.7.2 If defects and omissions are identified these will be noted on a snagging list £ -
form and if agreed with the CA the element will be considered as practically
complete. Defects will be made good within five working days of the element
and presented to the CA.

3.7.3 Commitment must be given to full completion to all the works and making £ -
good to pre-handover defects including necessary certification to achieve
practical completion to the satisfaction of the CA.

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, London E9 7QP
Section 3 - Pre-ambles General Particulars External Repairs and Improvements








NB: All figures are exclusive of VAT

Quatrefoils Ltd Grainger Plc

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 22-32 Norwood Gardens, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311215
Date: 9th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of, guttering and fascias where needed. Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted.
Cleaning of UPVC cladding and steam cleaning. Removal of moss from roofs. Minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulleys. Antislip staicase nosings.




403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled
roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are
also individual external sheds for each flat.

22NG.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed

Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are protected with suitable canopy.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
22NG.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Decorate the external door and screen inside and out to match existing finish. Potential replacement at a later date under a separate contract is envisaged.
Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage cupboards (Decoration to be priced in painted Timber

22NG.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry

Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the
elements. This includes ground and first floor .

22NG.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
22NG.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
22NG.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends, joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply
and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.
Ensure a purpose made adaptor is used where the guttering abuts a property where the original guttering is retained eg on right to buy dwellings. Also ensure flow direction is maintained so that properties that are not
having the guttering replaced are still able to discharge water.

22NG.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush
treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

22NG.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
22NG.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white
soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.
Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate the works.

Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total. £___________:________

22NG.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

22NG.3.14 External UPVC Cladding
Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m each with Cedral click panels in smooth white to
manufacturers instructions.
Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with

22NG.3.15 External Render Repairs

Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.

22NG.3.16 External Window cleaning

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.

22NG.3.17 External Cable Tray

Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all cable into the trays.
22NG.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways
These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24


22NG.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat first floor balcony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any cracks or floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco Fibreglass
tape or similar approved products) .
22NG.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls
Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the
22NG.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor balconies as part of these works.

Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and
fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

22NG.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire first floor timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow to stain the handrail in a similar colour as
Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

22NG.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
22NG.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.
Decorate flat 25 entrance door
22NG.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)
No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
22NG.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


22NG.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners where needed. (For example at external garages)

22NG.3.30 Limescale staining under overflows to be removed with brick acid or Doff cleaning as necessary.
22NG.3.31 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
22NG.3.32 Make good haunching around one number loose manhole cover.
22NG.3.33 To the right hand side of the entrance steps pack concrete into the void and infill where movement has occure to a smooth and level finish. Break out and recast 0.5sqm of concrete path and relay where dropped with
100mm Gen1 concrete on 150mm type 1 to match.
22NG.3.34 Replace the LBH No ball games signs to the walls provisionally 4 number to be painted by sign writer. Allow the provisional of £100 per sign as LBH may have a stock that can be fitted,
22NG.3.35 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps and side gully 1500

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 34-44 Norwood Gardens, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311216
Date: 9th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of, guttering and fascias where needed.
Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted. Cleaning of UPVC cladding and windows, replacing damaged sections and steam cleaning. Removal of moss
from roofs. Minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s. Antislip staircase nosing’s.


403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and
Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired
glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also individual external sheds for each flat.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
34NG.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.
34NG.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Decorate the external door and screen inside and out to match existing finish. Potential replacement at a later date under a separate contract is envisaged.
Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage cupboards
(Decoration to be priced in painted Timber section.)

34NG.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry

Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as
balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the elements. This includes ground and first floor .

34NG.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
34NG.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
34NG.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends,
joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.
Ensure a purpose made adaptor is used where the guttering abuts a property where the original guttering is retained eg on right to buy dwellings. Also ensure flow
direction is maintained so that properties that are not having the guttering replaced are still able to discharge water.

34NG.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of
similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

34NG.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
34NG.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be
replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.
Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate
the works.
Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total.

34NG.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

34NG.3.14 External UPVC Cladding
Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m each with
Cedral click panels in smooth white to manufacturers instructions.
Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
34NG.3.15 External Render Repairs
Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow
for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.


34NG.3.16 External Window cleaning

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.
34NG.3.17 External Cable Tray
Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all
cable into the trays.
34NG.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below


34NG.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat first floor bacony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any cracks or
floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco Fibreglass tape or similar approved products) .
34NG.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls
Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and
reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.
34NG.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor
balconies as part of these works.
Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow
to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

34NG.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire first floor timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow
to stain the handrail in a similar colour as existing.
Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first
floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

34NG.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
34NG.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.

34NG.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)

No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
34NG.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


34NG.3.30 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners
where needed. (For example at external garages)
34NG.3.31 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
34NG.3.32 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 47-57 Norwood Gardens, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311217
Date: 9th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

47NG.3.0 Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of, guttering and fascia’s where needed.
Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted. Cleaning of UPVC cladding and windows, replacing damaged sections and steam cleaning. Removal of moss
from roofs. Minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s. Antislip staircase nosing’s. Installation of cable tidy trays.




403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and
Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired
glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also individual external sheds for each flat.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
47NG.3.5 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.
47NG.3.6 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Decorate the external door and screen inside and out to match existing finish. Potential replacement at a later date under a separate contract is envisaged
47NG.3.7 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as
balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the elements. This includes ground and first floor .

47NG.3.8 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
47NG.3.9 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
47NG.3.10 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends,
joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.
Ensure a purpose made adaptor is used where the guttering abuts a property where the original guttering is retained eg on right to buy dwellings. Also ensure flow
direction is maintained so that properties that are not having the guttering replaced are still able to discharge water.

47NG.3.11 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of
similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

47NG.3.12 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
47NG.3.13 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be
replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.
Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate
the works.
Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total.

47NG.3.14 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

47NG.3.15 External UPVC Cladding
Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows.
Allow to clean down all stained UPVC cladding panels with

47NG.3.16 External Render Repairs

Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow
for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.

47NG.3.17 External Window cleaning

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
47NG.3.18 External Cable Tray
Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all
cable into the trays.
47NG.3.19 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below


47NG.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls
Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and
reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.
47NG.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor
balconies as part of these works.
Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow
to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

47NG.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire timber section to the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow to stain
the handrail in a similar colour as existing.
Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first
floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

47NG.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
47NG.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.

47NG.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)

No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
47NG.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


47NG.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners
where needed. (For example at external garages)
47NG.3.30 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
47NG.3.31 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 45 Norwood Gardens, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: None
Date: 11th March 2024 House
Surveyor: Richard Maude

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of, guttering and fascia’s where needed. Cleaning of UPVC cladding and windows, replacing
damaged sections and steam cleaning. Removal of moss from roofs. Minor brickwork repairs.


403 Dulux Trade high gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
The subject property is a 2-story middle terraced house adjacent to block 47-57. As such the gutters, fascias and soffits can be replaced but there will be a junction detail needed with the adjoining house.
45.NG.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations and replacement rainwater goods. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are protected
with suitable canopy.
45.NG.3.5 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Decorate all previously and usually painted Masonry painted areas as per the Dulux specification to all wall panels.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
45.NG.3.6 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber
Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external store owned by the individual house. Assume one number.
45.NG.3.7 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends, joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply
and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.
Ensure a purpose made adaptor is used where the guttering abuts a property where the original guttering is retained eg on right to buy dwellings. Also ensure flow direction is maintained so that properties that are not
having the guttering replaced are still able to discharge water.

45.NG.3.8 Roof Cleaning

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush
treatment only.
45.NG.3.9 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?
Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
45.NG.3.10 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white
soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.

45.NG.3.11 External UPVC Cladding

Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels to walls and porch with
45.NG.3.12 External Window cleaning
Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.


45.NG.3.13 Allow the provisional sum of works to store roof as actual store not identified.

45.NG.3.14 TOTAL
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24

Front Elevation Front Elevation

Rear Elevation Stores

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 52 Norwood Gardens, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: None
Date: 11th March 2024 House
Surveyor: Richard Maude

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Releveling rainwater goods and decoration of fascia and soffits. Cleaning of UPVC cladding and windows,
replacing damaged sections and steam cleaning. Removal of moss from roofs. Minor brickwork repairs.




403 Dulux Trade high gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss

The subject property is a 2-story middle terraced house adjacent to block 47-57. As the property has private dwellings each side the guttering will be left and overhauled.
52.NG.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations and replacement rainwater goods. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are protected
with suitable canopy.
52.NG.3.5 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Decorate all previously and usually painted Masonry painted areas as per the Dulux specification to all wall panels.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
52.NG.3.6 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber
Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external store owned by the individual house. Assume one number.
Front and rear doors assumed to be timber so allow to decorate.
52.NG.3.7 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
The rainwater goods will not be replaced as the adjoining dwellings are owned.
Clean out the guttering and supply and lay Triflex liquid membrane in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines to the full internal face.
Treat the external for corrosion with a rust primer and decorate Dulux Trade metal shield gloss.

52.NG.3.8 Roof Cleaning

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush
treatment only.
52.NG.3.9 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?
Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
52.NG.3.10 Soffits and Fascias
All front and rear timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be thoroughly prepared and redecorated with Dulux Trade Weathershield satin as per the manufacturers recommendations..

52.NG.3.11 External UPVC Cladding

Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels to walls and porch with
52.NG.3.12 External Window cleaning
Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.

52.NG.3.14 Allow the provisional sum of £1000 for fascia repairs only to be expended upon the instruction of the contract administrator. 1000
52.NG.3.15 Allow the provisional sum of works to store roof as actual store not identified.
52.NG.3.16 Indicate the cost and carry to the total to replace the facia boards around the perimiter of the porch.

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24

Front Elevation Front Elevation

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 3-13 Douglas Crescent, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311108
Date: 8th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of damaged doors, guttering and fascia’s where
needed. Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted. Cleaning of UPVC cladding and isolated replacements and steam cleaning. Securing loose satellite
cables back to the building and minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s.


403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and
Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired
glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also individual external sheds for each flat.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
3DC.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.
3DC.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Decorate the external door and screen inside and out to match existing finish. Potential replacement at a later date under a separate contract is envisaged.

Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage cupboards
(Decoration to be priced in painted Timber section.)

3DC.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry

Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as
balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the elements. This includes ground and first floor .

3DC.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
3DC.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
3DC.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends, joints
etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.

3DC.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of
similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

3DC.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
3DC.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be replaced
with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.

Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate
the works.

Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total. £______:___

3DC.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

3DC.3.14 External UPVC Cladding Repairs/Replacement

Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m each with
Cedral click panels in smooth white to manufacturers instructions.

Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
3DC.3.15 External Render Repairs - Optional
Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow
for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.


3DC.3.16 External Window cleaning & repairs

Allow for a replacement window cill at the window located on the right-hand side of the main entrance on the ground floor.
In the unlikely event the window cill cannot be replaced Provisionally allow to replacement of the window as existing with a new UPVC double-glazed casement window in
the exact location exact sizes and dimensions are to be taken on site. Indicate cost£____________:_____

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.

3DC.3.17 External Cable Tray

Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all
cable into the trays.
3DC.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below


3DC.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat ground and first floor balcony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any
cracks or floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco Fibreglass tape or similar approved products) .

Allow to undertake concrete repairs to 5sqm concrete. Gack up existing and scabble back the surface min 65mm depth. Lay new Sikka concrete repair to manufacturers
instructions in isolated areas. Where repaired, areas to be totally treated with Watco as above.

3DC.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls

Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and
reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.
3DC.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor
balconies as part of these works.

Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow
to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

3DC.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire first floor timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow
to stain the handrail in a similar colour as existing.

Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first
floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

3DC.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
3DC.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.

3DC.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)

No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
3DC.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorate the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24


3DC.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners
where needed. (For example at external garages) also include brick work repairs to te boundary walls.
3DC.3.30 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
3DC.3.31 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 15-25 Douglas Crescent, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311109
Date: 7th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of guttering and fascia’s where needed. Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted.
Cleaning of UPVC cladding and steam cleaning . Securing loose satellite cables back to the building and minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s. Minor brickwork repairs
and installation of GRP stair nosings.


403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof,
UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also
individual external sheds for each flat.

15DC.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed

Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are protected with suitable canopy.
15DC.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Decorate the external door and screen inside and out to match existing finish. Potential replacement at a later date under a separate contract is envisaged.

Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage cupboards (Decoration to be priced in painted Timber section.)
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
15DC.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the
elements. This includes ground and first floor .

15DC.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
15DC.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
15DC.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends, joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and
install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.

15DC.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

15DC.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
15DC.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to
match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.

Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate the works.

Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total. £______:___

15DC.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

15DC.3.14 External UPVC Cladding Repairs/Replacement

Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m each with Cedral click panels in smooth white to manufacturers

Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with

15DC.3.15 External Render Repairs - Optional

Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.


15DC.3.16 External Window cleaning

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.
15DC.3.17 External Cable Tray
Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all cable into the trays.
15DC.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24


15DC.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat ground and first floor balcony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any cracks or floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco
Fibreglass tape or similar approved products) .

Allow to undertake concrete repairs to 5sqm concrete. Gack up existing and scabble back the surface min 65mm depth. Lay new Sikka concrete repair to manufacturers instructions in isolated areas. Where repaired, areas to be totally treated with Watco as above.

15DC.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls

Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.

15DC.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings

Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor balconies as part of these works.

Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings
to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

15DC.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow to stain the handrail in a similar colour as existing.

Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

15DC.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
15DC.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.
15DC.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)
No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
15DC.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


15DC.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners where needed. (For example at external garages)

15DC.3.30 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
15DC.3.31 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 52-62 Douglas Crescent, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311110
Date: 8th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of damaged doors, guttering and fascia’s
where needed. Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted. Cleaning of UPVC cladding or replacement as needed and steam cleaning. Securing
loose satellite cables back to the building and minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s. Replacement of
wire glazed panel where damaged on balcony.


403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart
Road, and Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-
framed Georgian wired glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also individual external sheds for
each flat.

52DC.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed

Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all
entrances are protected with suitable canopy.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
52DC.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Decorate the external door and screen inside and out to match existing finish. Potential replacement at a later date under a separate contract is envisaged.

Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage
cupboards (Decoration to be priced in painted Timber section.)

52DC.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry

Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such
as balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the elements. This includes ground and first floor .

52DC.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
52DC.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
52DC.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop
ends, joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.

52DC.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss
killer of similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

52DC.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
52DC.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be
replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.

Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to
facilitate the works.

Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total.

52DC.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

52DC.3.14 External UPVC Cladding Repairs/Replacement

Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m
each with Cedral click panels in smooth white to manufacturers instructions.
Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
52DC.3.15 External Render Repairs - Optional
Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth
finish. Allow for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.


52DC.3.16 External Window cleaning & repairs

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.
52DC.3.17 External Cable Tray
Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp.
Fix all cable into the trays.
52DC.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below


52DC.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat first floor balcony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any
cracks or floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco Fibreglass tape or similar approved products) .
52DC.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls
Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and
reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.
52DC.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor
balconies as part of these works.

Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to
match. Allow to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

52DC.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire first floor timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following
installation allow to stain the handrail in a similar colour as existing.

Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at
the first floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

52DC.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.

52DC.3.25 Decorations to internal doors

Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.

52DC.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)

No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
52DC.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


52DC.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on
corners where needed. (For example at external garages) also include brick work repairs to te boundary walls.
52DC.3.30 Allow to replace 1 no. frosted georgian wired glazing panel at the first floor balcony handrail in style to match existing.
52DC.3.31 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
52DC.3.32 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 19-29 Hobart Road, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311154
Date: 8th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of damaged doors, guttering and fascia’s where
needed. Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted. Cleaning of UPVC cladding replacement if needed and steam cleaning. Securing loose satellite cables
back to the building and minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s and replacement of one damaged glazing panel.




403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and
Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired
glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also individual external sheds for each flat.

19HR.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed

Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
19HR.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage cupboards
(Decoration to be priced in painted Timber section.)
19HR.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as
balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the elements. This includes ground and first floor .

19HR.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
19HR.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
19HR.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends,
joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.

19HR.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of
similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

19HR.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
19HR.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be
replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.

Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate
the works.

Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total. £______:___

19HR.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

19HR.3.14 External UPVC Cladding Repairs/Replacement
Allow to replace a total number of 8 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m each with
Cedral click panels in smooth white to manufacturers instructions.

Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with

19HR.3.15 External Render Repairs - Optional

Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow
for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
19HR.3.16 External Window cleaning & repairs
Allow to replace first floor double glazed casement window and frame to match existing style as existing window glazing has blown. Ensure new window is installed in
accordance with manufacturers instructions.

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.

19HR.3.17 External Cable Tray

Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all
cable into the trays.
19HR.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below


19HR.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat first floor balcony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any cracks or
floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco Fibreglass tape or similar approved products) .
19HR.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls
Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and
reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.
19HR.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor
balconies as part of these works.
Decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow
to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

19HR.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire first floor timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow
to stain the handrail in a similar colour as existing.

Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first
floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

19HR.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
19HR.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.

19HR.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)

No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
19HR.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


19HR.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners
where needed. (For example at external garages) also include brick work repairs to te boundary walls.
19HR.3.30 Allow to replace 1 no. frosted georgian wired glazing panel at the first floor balcony handrail in style to match existing.
19HR.3.31 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
19HR.3.32 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 43-53 Hobart Road, Hillingdon
Batch 3 RBL No: 311155
Date: 8th January 2024
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and decoration of external areas including balconies and hand rails and common parts. Replacement of damaged doors, guttering and fascia’s where
needed. Replacement of section of the timber handrail where rotted. Cleaning of UPVC cladding and steam cleaning. Securing loose satellite cables back to the building and
minor brickwork repairs. Where necessary re coating asphalt balcony and cleaning out of gulley’s. Provisional sum replacement of boarded window.




403 Dulux Trade high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
623 Dulux Trade Ultimate Woodstain

The subject property is a 2-story building situated in the London Borough of Hillingdon, part of a group of 8 similar structures lining Douglas Crescent, Hobart Road, and
Norwood Gardens. Characterised by a pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows,UPVC cladding panels the blocks are made up of a combination of Timber-framed Georgian wired
glazed doors and robust steel entrances. Communal areas, accessible at the front and rear, there are also individual external sheds for each flat.

43HR.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed

Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
43HR.3.5 External doors - Repairs/ Replacement
Allow to supply and install 6 no. 44mm thick ledged and braced hardwood external doors with all new ironmongery to match existing for external store/garage cupboards
(Decoration to be priced in painted Timber section.)

43HR.3.6 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry

Clean off water staining and moss beneath overflows that have leaked on brickwork with a dilute solution of brick cleaning acid.
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls. This covers the main walls and ceilings of the block, Common parts such as
balconies denoted as internal despite being open to the elements. This includes ground and first floor .

43HR.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual flats.
43HR.3.8 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Yes. These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below
43HR.3.9 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and dispose of existing rainwater goods and supply and install new OSMA Alutec gutter Osma guttering to include all brackets at 600mm centres, stop ends,
joints etc to manufacturers recommendations. Supply and install new downpipes in existing positions in Alutec to match with brackets and shoes.

43HR.3.10 Roof Repair Needed

Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of
similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 10 no. tile replacements.

43HR.3.11 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials.
43HR.3.12 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be
replaced with swish UPVC with white fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.
Also incude to replace the external store fascia boards with a UPVC alternatives size to match. Allow to take off and refix any glass fibre or other edge trims to facilitate
the works.

Indicate the cost but do not carry to the total to replace the store roofs with an uninuslated 3 layer high performance felt roof but do not carry to the total. £______:___

43HR.3.13 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

43HR.3.14 External UPVC Cladding Repairs/Replacement
Allow to replace a total number of 12 damaged and stained UPVC Cladding panels directly beneath windows. This is the entire panel of approximately 2m x 1m each with
Cedral click panels in smooth white to manufacturers instructions.

Allow to clean down all remaining UPVC cladding panels with

43HR.3.15 External Render Repairs

Allow for dealing with isolated areas of damaged rendering in small areas with a sand and cement render with a waterproof additive in 2 layers to a smooth finish. Allow
for 5 number 500mm x 500mm areas.

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
43HR.3.16 External Window cleaning & repairs
1 no. window has been visibly boarded up in flat 53 this can be seen at the east elevation. Allow a Provisional sum to replace 1 no. double glazed UPVC Hopper window at
higher level provisionally 1200mm * 600mm with full opening casement to match others.

Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.

43HR.3.17 External Cable Tray

Allow to install 10 lm of new 150mm x 25mm pre-galvanised steel cable tray fitted in accordance with manufacturers instruction set off the wall to avoid damp. Fix all
cable into the trays.
43HR.3.18 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
These are separated and covered in the "Internal Works" sections below


43HR.3.20 Internal floor repairs
Allow to coat first floor bacony floors with new grey Watco Balcony Coating or similar approved product in line with manufacturers insructions. ( Ensure any cracks or
floor/wall joints are bridged with Watco Fibreglass tape or similar approved products) .
43HR.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls
Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls, balconies and
reveals.Allow to take off and reinstate any items on the walls.
43HR.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted board ceilings
Clean out all internal gulleys across the first floor and Allow to scrape back, render and redecorate as existing all damp staining at the underside of the first-floor
balconies as part of these works.
Allow to scape back all damaged sections of decorations replaster and decorate all communal areas on all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where
previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow to take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on

43HR.3.23 Internal Decorations & Repairs Needed – Painted Timber

Allow to replace the entire first floor timber section at the top of the hand rail across the first floor balcony with new 57x32mm ungrooved oak following installation allow
to stain the handrail in a similar colour as existing.

Painted timberwork to be attended to, includes the electrical cupboard doors on the ground floor and handrails leading to the first floor and loft hatch visible at the first
floor ceiling. See Dulux specification.

43HR.3.24 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Handrails leading to the first floor and across the balcony areas. Allow to scrape back existing decoration re prime and redecorate in colour as existing.
43HR.3.25 Decorations to internal doors
Decorate internal woodwork to doors and frames where timber exists. Note many are UPVC so only cleaning is needed. Include serve cupboard and store doors.

43HR.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)

No suspected areas however the contractor should allow to review the R&D survey before commencement of these works.
43HR.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Decorated the timber doors and frames to the service cupboard doors. As Identified above.


43HR.3.29 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 20 bricks to be replaced. Provide galvanised angle irons on corners
where needed. (For example at external garages) also include brick work repairs to te boundary walls.
43HR.3.30 Allow a provisional sum to replace 1 no. frosted georgian wired glazing panel at the first floor balcony handrail in style to match existing.
43HR.3.31 Allow for the installation of GRP Anti-Slip Stair Nosing Covers to stairs leading to the first floor total number of 14 steps.
43HR.3.32 Allow a £1,500 provisional sum for repairs to the external main entrance steps. 1500

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 1-12 Adelaide House Perth Avenue, Hayes
Batch 3 RBL No: 311233
Date: 4th December 2023
Surveyor: Richard Maude

Erection of scaffolding and decoration and or steam cleaning of the external façade as necessary. Painting of the common parts and garage areas.
Repairs and investigation of potential leaks to flat roofing areas of decking over garage. Possible cleaning of internal downpipes.
Investigation of dampness and possible repairs depending on what is discovered.


624 Dulux Trade Ultimate Opaque
512 Dulux Trade Metalshield Gloss
1017 Dulux Trade Pyroshield Matt
1016 Dulux Trade Pyroshield Eggshell
403 Dulux Trade High Gloss

The subject property is a relatively modern four storey block of flats with ground floor open garage parking where the stores are located.
Decorations are the the external walls and balconies, communal areas, car park and stores.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
AH.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are protected
with suitable canopy.
AH.3.5 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering and blockwork to the block at all levels. This covers the main walls of the block, the internal car park walls and
storeage areas.
AH.3.6 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber
Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the property and other areas. Incude timber doors, frames and architraves in the undercroft
parking area both sides.
AH.3.7 External Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork
Allow for the decoration of all external metalwork including the car park automated gates.
AH.3.8 Glazing
Clean all glazing including that to the balcony areas externally.
AH.3.9 Roof Repair Needed
Inspection of large garden and balcony areas will be required as part of the redecoration programme.
AH.3.10 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?
AH.3.11 External Windows/ Doors redecorating?
External timber window and doors are included in Painted timber above.
Flat windows UPVC/Amuminium
AH.3.12 Are there external railings / fencing / walls that require works?
No, currently in satisfactory repair
AH.3.13 External Staircase / External Common Parts / Walkways.
Yes. To be examined once works commence
AH.3.14 Are there balconies requiring repairs / redecoration?
No access at present. Allow a provisional sum of £5000. 5000
AH.3.15 External Bin Stores / Outbuildings / Garages
Decoration of garages and stores at ground level to be included and priced within external areas above.
AH.3.16 Doff cleaning to external facades
Allow to Doff clean the external prefinished render façade. A closer examination will be needed to determine if through coloured render or painted so allow the costs for both.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24


AH.3.18 Floor Coverings
Steam clean the internal floors at all levels by professional subcontractor to be pre-approved by the Contact Administrator.
AH.3.19 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster ceilings
Decorate all of the communal areas at all floors as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted. Include the ceilings in colour schemes to match. Allow to
take off and refit lights and other fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works and reinstate on completion.

Where there are suspended drop in perforated ceiling tiles, take these out and spray paint them prior to reinstatement. Do not spray insitu.

AH.3.20 Internal Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry/plaster walls

Decorate all of the communal area and staircase walls as detailed in the Dulux sections of the report where previously painted to include all walls and window reveals.
Allow to take off and reinstate and signage, letter box units and other items on the walls.
AH.3.21 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Timber
Painted timberwork to be redecorated, includes the internal doors to the common parts and flats, skirtings, architraves, stair strings where usually and previously painted. Ensure
that any letterbox plates, door numbers, handles etc are taken off and reinstated to allow decoration of flat and other doors.
DO NOT paint any intumescent seals.

AH.3.22 Internal Decorations Needed – Painted Metalwork

Allow to decorate the stairhandrail and spindles with gloss as per the Dulux specification. Review on site prior to commencement of works.
AH.3.23 Decorations to internal doors
Include pricing within the internal timber section
AH.3.24 Any wall / ceiling repairs needed
Allow for repair noted in the additional notes section due to potential leaks from high level roof light. Do not cost here.
AH.3.25 Works required to door entry system
None at present. Working order and automated opening.
AH.3.26 Potential Asbestos (e.g. textured coatings)
Modern building and not believed to be any asbestos.
AH.3.27 Works to service cupboards / common part rooms/cupboards
Ensure access is obtained and paint internally to the various bin, boiler and electrical store rooms within the basement carpark areas.
Also open and paint withine the common parts cupboards.
AH.3.28 Notice boards / mailboxes
Yes but decoration not needed. Removal and reinstatement required to allow painting of walls.
AH.3.29 Wayfinding & Internal signage needed
Allow the provisional sum of £250 for replacing any adhesive glow fire signage which is stuck on and is damaged during removal. Must be confirmed with the contract administrator.


AH.3.31 Allow the provisional sum of £250 for dealing with damp penetration on flank by window. Will be inspected on site by contract administrators once access is available. 250
AH.3.32 Signs of dampness instairwell may indicate leak to roof light/smoke vent. Allow the sum of £250 for potential repairs after confirming by the contact administrators. 250
AH.3.33 Allow the provisional sum of £250 for replacing any adhesive glow fire signage which is stuck on and is damaged during removal. Must be confirmed with the contract administrator. 250

AH.3.34 Rebuild damaged section of wall by front entrance. See photo

AH.3.35 Allow the provisional sum of £1000 for leaking soil pipes in basement. Possible investigation and jetting needed along with rejointing. 1000
AH.3.36 Allow for patch plaster repairs 5 number in small areas not exceeding 250sqmm each
AH.3.37 Allow to replace failed sections of hermetic glazing up the common parts staircase. Provisionally allow for 8 panes of double glazing to the same specification in obscure glass in
various sizes from 3 sqm to 2 sqm per panel 5 of each to be remeasured prior to ordering.
AH.3.38 Allow the provisional sum of £20,000 for potential repairs to the flat roof balcony areas to be determined. 20000

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 7-13 Spring Close, Harefield
Batch 3 RBL No: 200730
Date: 7th December 2023
Surveyor: Jason Clancy

Erection of scaffolding and external redecoration and repairs. Including repairs to the canopies directly outside masonette 9 and 11.


401 Dulux Trade Weathershield exterior high gloss
512 Dulux Metalshield Gloss
418 Dulux Trade Weathershield smooth masonry paint
AM305 Armstead Endurance Floor Paint

The subject property is a 2-story detached building situated in Harefield, which foms 4 seperate maisonettes. Characterised by a steep pitched tiled roof, UPVC windows
and a facing brick façade.
SC.3.4 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.
SC.3.5 External Decorations Needed - Painted Masonry
Painted masonry is isolated to the canopies over entrance doors and sections of painted brick beneath.
SC.3.6 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber
Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include all timber doors to the external stores owned by the individual maisonettes.
SC.3.7 External Decorations – Painted Metalwork
Decorate all previously and usually painted metalwork including cast iron SVP's, downpipes and metal supports to canopies.
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
SC.3.8 Guttering & Rainwater Goods
Take off and replace with guttering system with new Osma 112mm deepflow guttering to replace the existing. All to be laid to fall with brackets at 600mm centres
including all joints and stop ends etc as necessaey to complete the works. Connect upto the downpipes with appropriate adaptors as needed.
SC.3.9 Roof Repair Needed
Gain safe access to the roofs on the rear elevation of the flats and carefully remove moss and treat surface with proprietory moss killer such as Moss-Go Moss killer of
similar. Do not jet wash roofs but use brush treatment only.
Allow a provisional sum for 15 no. tile replacements.

SC.3.10 Potential Asbestos Soffits / Other Asbestos?

Potentially could have asbestos containing materials. Full R&D on fascia and soffits in particular
SC.3.11 Soffits and Fascias
Timber fascia and soffit boards are all to be replaced as they have reached the end of their functioning life and have a considerable amount of rot these are to be
replaced with swish UPVC with black fascia and white soffit all to match the existing sizes.
Slide in Redland Eaves guard above the fasica
Ensure a full asbestos R&D is undertaken before any removal works.

SC.3.12 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

There are canopies previously mentioned.
SC.3.13 External UPVC Cladding Repairs/Replacement
SC.3.14 External Render Repairs
SC.3.15 External Window cleaning
Clean all windows and doors which are UPVC or Aluminium with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.
SC.3.16 External Steps
There arevisible steps visible directly outside flats allow these to be redecorated as per Dulux's section of the report.


SC.3.18 No Internal communal areas


SC.3.21 Brickwork repairs : Allow for isolated replacement bricks in a gauged mortar. Provisionally allow for 15 bricks to be replaced.
SC.3.22 It is to be noted there is signs of dampstaining to the brickwork directly above the canopy of maisonette no.9 and lack of lead flashings at the abutment it is also to be
noted there were sections of damp staining to flat 11 internally.
Clean down and refelt to canopy to numbers 7 & 11with a 3 layer non insulated felt system with a GRP eaves trim with a 150mm upstand into a 25mm chase to the
brickwork. Cover with a Ubiflex non lead cover flashing.

SC.3.23 Allow to investigate below ground floor gullys

SC.3.24 Allow £800 provisional sum for potential damp proofing repairs to only be expended on the surveyors instructions. 800

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Project Proposed external decoration contract Batch 2 External Repairs &
Redecorations 2023-24
Client: London Borough of Hillingdon
Site: 5 Barlee Crescent, Yiewsley
Batch 3 RBL No: 37384207
Date: 13th December 2023
Surveyor: Richard Maude

Erection of scaffolding and external redecoration and repairs.

AREA (£)
Single semi detached house.
BC.3.2 Full Scaffold Needed
Supply and install full scaffolding in accordance with NASC guidelines to all floors to allow full access for decorations. Ensure full access is maintained and all entrances are
protected with suitable canopy.

BC.3.3 External Decorations Needed - Painted Render

Decorate all usually and previously painted external rendering at all levels to the walls on three elevations.
Also decorate the porch canopy and brackets.

BC.3.4 External Decorations Needed – Painted Timber

Decorate all previously and usually painted timberwork to include projectingpurlin timbers.
Decorate the side gate where timber with 2 coats sadolin or similar to be agreed on site.

BC3.5 Guttering & Rainwater Goods

Clean out generally and rejoint to leave in sound watertight condition.
BC.3.6 Soffits and Fascias
Clean all guttering, fascias and soffits with HG cleaner in accordance with Dulux Trade recommendations.

BC.3.7 Is there a front porch that requires repairs/redecorations?

Yes, included above


BC.3.9 Allow the provisional sum of £500 for unseen items to the rear as no access 500
BC.3.10 Allow for rendering repairs to the front under the top floor bedroom window. Allow to hack off and repair 1sqm of rendering, subject to site remeasurement. Render
with a sand and cement mix to match. Mix to be agreed.

External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
External Repairs Redecorations 2023-24
Section 5 - Final Cost Summary
1-35 Grove House, 16 Tudor Grove, E9 7QP
External Repairs and Improvements





BLOCK BELOW (where costs are shared, apportion these
accordingly per block).Include R&D Asbestos reports






Yeading Lane Estate

Batch 3 22-32 Norwood Gardens
Batch 3 34-44 Norwood Gardens
Batch 3 47-57 Norwood Gardens
Batch 3 45 Norwood Gardens (House)
Batch 3 52 Norwood Gardens (House)
Batch 3 3-13 Douglas Crescent
Batch 3 15-25 Douglas Crescent
Batch 3 52-62 Douglas Crescent
Batch 3 19-29 Hobart Road
Batch 3 43-53 Hobart Road
Batch 3 1-12 Adelaide House, Perth Avenue
Spring Close (house)
Batch 3 7-13 Spring Close
Barlee Crescent (house)
Batch 3 5 Barlee Crescent, Cowley

£0.00 £0.00 £0.00


NB: All figures are exclusive of VAT

Quatrefoils Ltd

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