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“TARGET PAPER for getting 85/85 Marks”


By Sir Nasim Zulfiqar
Section A (Multiple Choice Questions) – 33 Marks
CH#1 Periodic Classification
(i) The electronic configuration of the outer shell of an element is 4s2, 3d10, 4p1 it belongs to III-A group & 4th Period. (2016)
(ii) Elements of group I-B are called Coinage Metals. (2018/2017/2016/2013)
(iii) The atomic number of an element belonging to group V-A and 3rd period is 15. (2015/2013)
(iv) The first seven groups of the periodic table are divided into sub-groups ‘A’ consisting of Representative elements. (2014)
(v) All noble gases fulfill the octet rule except Helium. (2019/2018/2013/2011)
(vi) The element with symbol ‘Ga’ belongs to this family. Boron Family (2013)
(vii) The number of elements in each lanthanide and actinide series is 14. (2012)
(viii) The elements in same group have the: same number of valence electrons. (2011)
(ix) Elements belonging to the same group in the periodic table are: *Ca & Na *Ca & Be *Ca & Li *Ca & K (2011)
(x) The number of valence electrons in the elements of II-A group is: 2. (2010)
(xi) The element belong to group V-A and 3rd period has the atomic number 15.
(xi) The element with atomic number 33 belongs to p-block. (2019)
(xi) Which pair of elements belong to the same group in periodic table? (2021)
(a) Mg & S (b) O & Br (c) Na & Al (d) C & Si
(xii) The valence shell electronic configuration of halogen family is: ns2, np5
(xiii) ‘A’ is the element of group II-A while ‘B’ belongs to group V-A. When A reacts with B they form: A3B2 (2021)
(xiv) The element which is present in group IV-A and 3rd period, its atomic number is: 14 (2021)
CH#2 Hydrogen
(i) Hydries of Group IV-A are: (a) Acidic (b) Basic (c) Neutral (d) Amphoteric (2016)
(ii) The binary compounds of hydrogen with transition metals are called Metallic hydrides. (2015)
(iii) The ratio of electrons, protons and neutrons in Deuterium is 1:1:1. (2015)
(iv) The ratio of electrons, protons and neutrons in protium is 1:1:0. (2014)
(v) An example of electron deficient hydride is (a) BH3 (b) NaBH4 (c) NaH (d) CH4 (2014)
(vi) Interstitial hydrides are also named as: Metallic Hydrides (2018/2014)
(vii) The number of neutrons in protium is: ZERO (2018/2013)
(viii) Hydride ion and helium atom have same: (a) No. of protons (b)No. of electrons (c)No. of neutrons (d) Valency (2013/2021)
(ix) Water gas is produced by passing steam over red hot coke at 1000 °C. (2012)
(xi) Hydrogen shows the oxidation state(s): (a) Zero only (b) -1 only (c) +1 only (d) All of these (2011)
(xii) Having half filled valence shell, Hydrogen resembles the Elements of IV-A. (2017)
(xiii) Hydrides of V-A group are basic. (2019)
(xiv) The nucleus of tritium consists of one proton and two neutrons. (2019)
CH#3 S-Block Elements
(i) Sodium amalgam is an alloy of Sodium and Mercury. (2016)
(ii)The formula of dolomite is MgCO3.CaCO3 (2015)
+ + + +
(iii) This has the minimum hydration energy (a) Na (b) K (c) Rb (d) Cs (2018/2013)
(iv) On burning in excess of oxygen, sodium forms its: (a) super oxide (b) per oxide (c) monoxide (d) dioxide (2013)
(v) This metal forms super oxide: (a) Li (b) Be (c) K (d) Mg (2019/2012)
(vi) NaOH is named as caustic soda because: it corrodes organic tissues. (2012)
(vii) Brine is a concentrated aqueous solution of: Sodium chloride. (2012)
(viii) The crystalline solids that contain water molecule in their crystals are called: Hydrates. (2010)
(ix) Sodium reacts with water more vigorously than lithium because it: is more electropositive. (2010)
(x) Plaster of Paris is obtained by heating Gypsum. (2017)
(xi) Sodium burns with excess of oxygen to form its per oxide. (2017)
(xii) Dolomite is a carbonate of: Ca & Mg (2021)
(xiii) Oxidation number of oxygen in super oxide is -1/2 (2021)
(xiv) Li is a powerful reducing agent because of its large value of Hydration Enthalpy. (2021)
CH#4 P-Block Elements
(i) Ruby is an oxide of Aluminum. (2016)
(ii) H2S is a reducing agent. (2016)
(iii) Rhombic sulfur and monoclinic sulfur are in equilibrium at this temperature 95.5 °C. (2018/2017/2016)
(iv) Kipp’s apparatus is used to prepare H2S. (2015/2012)
(v) Aluminium bronze contains 10% Aluminum and 90% Copper. (2021/2015)
(vi) N2 gas liquefies at this temperature: -196°C. (2015)
(vi) The bond angle and bond distance between the atoms in rhombic sulfur are______. (2014)
(vii) The density of 98% HNO3 is 1.51 g/L. (2014)
(viii) The chemical formula Al2O3.3H2O stands for: Gibbisite. (2014)
(ix) The formula of hypochlorus acid is HOCl. (2013)
(x) The chemical name of laughing gas is Nitrous oxide. (2013)
(xi) The element having the symbol ‘Ga’ belongs to this family: Boron. (2013)
(xii) A mixture of aluminum nitrate and aluminum powder is called Ammonal. (2021/2018/2017/2013/2010)
(xiii) Ca2B6O11.5H2O is the chemical formula of: Colemanite. (2017/2013)
(xiv) Tincal is a mineral of Boron. (2012)
(xv) Molecular formula for tincal is: Na2B4O7.10H2O (2011)
(xvi) The substance which contains two or more metals is called Alloy. (2011)
(xvii) Bauxite is an ore for the extraction of: Aluminum. (2010)
(xviii) Royal water is a mixture in the ratio of 1:3 by volume of HNO3 & HCl. (2017)
(xix) Antidote of H2S poisoning is very dilute chlorine. (2019)
(xx) The product of heating boric acid to 140°C is: pyroboric acid. (2019)
(xxi) Nitric acid is frequently transported in the container made up of Aluminum. (2021)
(xxii) Diaspore is an ore of Aluminum. (2021)
(xxiii) Metallic character of p-block elements depend upon electron population of outermost shell and Ionization Potential. (2021)
(xxiv) Aluminum does not react with HNO3 (2021)
CH#5 D-Block Elements
(i) Galvanized iron is protected by a thin layer of Zn. (2021/2019/2012)
(ii) Stainless steel is an alloy of Fe, Cr and Ni. (2016)
(iii) EDTA is this type of ligand: Hexadentate/multidentate. (2015/2014)
(iv) Hypo is used as fixer. (2015)
(v) The metal ion having the highest number of unpaired electrons is: Mn+2, Fe+2, Co+2, Ni+2 (2013)
(vi) In K2Cr2O7 the oxidation number of chromium is +6. (2010)
(vii) The harmful and undesirable reaction of metals, when exposed to atmosphere or any chemical agent, is known as Corrosion. (2010)
(viii)The green color of glass is due to the presence of Cr2O3 (2018)
(ix) which of the following ligand is chelating Agent? (EDTA, CN-, NH3, F-) (2021)
(x) The formula of chromite ore is FeCr2O4 (2021)
(xi) The co-ordination number of cobalt in [Co (en)2 Cl2]Cl is 6 (2021)
(xii) The ligands which form ring structure with central atom is polydentate ligands. (2021)
(xiii) The number of unpaired electrons in ferrous ion is: 4 (2021)
(xiv) On jumping from eg to t2g orbitals electron radiate energy in this region of spectrum: visible (2021)
CH#6 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
(i)This is used to increase octane number and efficiency of petrol: (C2H5)4Pb (2016)
(ii) Propanal and propanone are: Functional Group Isomers. (2019/2016)
(iii) This is a natural polymer: Cellulose (2016)
(iv) This is the general formula of ketones: (2016)
(v) The functional group in RSH is: Thioalcohol. (2015)
(vi) The formula of Caproic acid is: C6H13COOH or CH3.(CH2)4.COOH (2014)
(vii) The boiling point range 40°C – 200 °C is for this fraction of petroleum: Gasoline (2014)
(viii) Cycloalkanes have the general formula: CnH2n (2018/2013)
(ix) Dimethyl ether and ethyl alcohol are functional group isomers. (2012)
(x) The compound 1-butene and 2-butene are position isomers. (2011)
(xi) General formula of alkyl halides is CnH2n+1X (2011)
(xii) Catenation is a process in which carbon shows properties of making long chains or rings of carbon atoms. (2010)
(xiii) The general formula of aldehyde is R-CHO (2010)
(xiv) The general formula of alkene is: CnH2n (2010)
(xv) The commercial name of Phenol Formaldehyde polymer is: Bakelite (2017)
(xvi) Octane number is related to Gasoline. (2017)
(xvii) The functional group is RSH is Thio Alcohol. (2018)
(xviii) The number of isomers of pentane is: 3 (2019)
(xix) Alkanes are also called Paraffins. (2021)
(xx) Which of the following is a heterocyclic compound: Pyridine. (2021)
(xxi) Bakelite is the polymer of phenol and form aldehyde. (2021)
CH#7 Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
(i)This group is a meta directing group: (-R, -OR, -COOR, -X) (2015)
(ii) Another name of methane gas is Marsh gas. (2018/2014)
(iii) This gas was used in First World War: Mustard Gas. (2013)
(iv) This gas is produced by treating ethene with sulfur mono chloride: Mustard gas (2012)
(v) This gas is used in welding: (Methane, Ethane, Ethene, Ethyne) (2021/2012)
(vi) Ethylene is used as (anesthetic, ripening of fruits, preparation of mustard gas, all of these) (2011)
(vii) Molecular formula of chloroform is CHCl3 (2011)
(viii) Blood cancer is caused by Benzene. (2011)
(ix) A carbon atom having a positive charge is called carbonium ion. (2011)
(x) The chlorination of methane is an example of substitution reaction. (2010)
(xi) Mawkownikoff’s rule will be applicable in the addition of HBr on: (CH2=CH2, CH≡CH, CH2=CHBr, None) (2010)
(xii) Calcium carbide on hydrolysis forms Acetylene. (2021)
(xiii) Dehydration of ethanol produces ethene. (2021)
(xiv) The number of acidic hydrogen present in 1-butyne is: 1 (2021)
(xv) Which of the following is a meta directing group: (-NH2, =CH3, -NO2, -OH) (2021)

(xvi) In the following hydrogenation reaction

the change in hybridization state of carbon atoms is: sp  sp2  sp3 (2017)
(xvii) The most stable carbonium ion is R3C+ (2021/2018)
(xviii) Which of the following gives electrophilic substitution reaction: Benzene (2021)
CH#8 Alkyl Halides
(i) The first step is similar in these mechanisms: (E1 and E2, SN1 and E2, E1 and SN2, SN1 and E1) (2017)
(ii) Grignard’ reagent reacts with ketone to give: 3°-alcohol. (2012)
(iii) General formula of alkyl halides is CnH2n+1X. (2011)
(iv) The metal present in grignard’s reagent is Mg. (2010)
(v) It is not a neucleophile: (OH-, NH-, BF3, CN-) (2019/2010)
(vi) Ethyl chloride reacts with alcoholic KOH to give Ethene. (2010)
(vii) When CO2 reacts with Grignard’s reagent it gives: Carboyxylic acid. (2021)
CH#9 Carbon Compounds with Oxygen containing functional group
1) Another name of wood spirit is methanol. (2021/2016)
2) Ethyl acetate is present in pine apple. (2016)
3) In the manufacturing of methanol, hydrogen gas is reacted with Carbon monoxide. (Model Paper)
4) The percentage by weight of ethanol in rectified spirit is: 92 – 95% (2018/2015)
5) Saponification results in the formation of soap. (2014)
6) The hybridization in the carbon atom of carbonyl group is sp2 hybridized. (2021/2019/2013/2011)
7) The functional group present in cresol is phenolic, -OH (2012)
8) In Tollen’s test, the end product is silver mirror. (2012)
9) Methylated spirit is a mixture of CH3OH & C2H5OH (2011)
10) Tollen’s reagent is Ammonical silver nitrate. (2011)
11) Fruity smell is produced when C2H5OH is reacted with CH3COOH (2011)
12) In acetone, the number of bonds are: 9σ and 1π. (2017)
13) The reagent converts acetic acid into acetyl chloride is: SOCl2 (2017)
14) It is used as a preservative for biological specimen: Formalin (2018)
15) Reduction of aldehyde gives: alcohol. (2019)
16) The compound obtained by dry distillation of calcium formate is: Methanal (2021)
17) Glyoxal is formed by the ozonolysis of benzene. (2021)
CH#10 Chemistry of Life
(i) It is not a member of Vitamin B complex: (Niacin, Folic acid, Retinol, Riboflavin) (2017)
(ii) This is a natural polymer: (Cellulose, PVC, Nylon, Terylene) (2016)
(iii) The number of monosaccharide units in oligosaccharides is: 2-10 (2016)
(iv) Cod liver oil is a source of Vitamin A. (2016)
(v) Milk sugar is also called: Lactose. (2019/2015/2012)
(vi) Citrus fruits are important source of Vitamin C. (2018/2015)
(vii) Glucose and fructose are functional group isomers. (2021/2015)
(viii) Chemical name for fruit sugar is: Fructose. (2014)
(ix) This is animal starch: Glycogen. (2021/2014)
(x) The number of carbon atoms in a Monosaccharide is 3 – 10 (2014)
(xi) Glycogen is a polysaccharide. (2018/2013)
(xii) This functional group is present in oils and fats: Carboxylic. (2012)
(xiii) Cholestrol, Cholic acid and progesterone are: Steroids. (2012)
(xiv) The sweetest sugar is: (Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose, Lactose) (2011)
(xv) The human body stores a part of glucose in the liver in the form of glycogen. (2010)
(xvi) This vitamin is water soluble: (A, C, D, K) (2010)
(xvii) Rickets is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin: D (2019)
(xviii) A dipolar charged but overall electrically neutral ion is called: Zwitter Ion. (2021)
(xix) Which of the following is acidic amino acid: Aspartic Acid. (2021)
(xx) Another name of fructose is: Laevulose. (2021)
(xxi) Polyhydric aldehydes or ketones are known as carbohydrates. (2021)
CH#11 Chemical Industries in Pakistan
(i) This is not nitrogenous fertilizer: (Urea, Ammonium nitrate, Ammonium sulphate, Triple phosphate) (2017)
(ii) This is used for the etching of glass: HF. (2016)
(iii) This imparts red colour to glass: ZnO (2014)
(iv) Fertilizer maintains the range of pH of soil at: 7 – 8 (2014)
(v) This one is condensation polymer: (PVC, PVA, Polyethene, Terylene) (2019)
(vi) This imparts green colour to glass: Cr2O3 (2021/2019)
Section B (Short Answer Questions) 32 Marks

Q1: Write down the chemical formulae of the following compounds:

Soda-ash Whiterite Oil of vitriol Bleaching Powder
Washing Soda Baryte Blue Vitriol Milk of Magnesia
Potash Alum Cryolite Boric Acid Alumina
Epsom Salt Fluospar Magnesite Gypsum
Caustic Soda Bauxite Borax / Suhaga Lunar Caustic
Slaked lime/lime water Gibbsite White Lead Pigment Water Glass
Limestone Diaspore Baking Soda Copper Pyrite
Colemanite Corundum Sandhur Plaster of Paris
Litharge Alunite Stibnite Carnalite
Oleum Hypo Chromite Ore
Q2: Complete and Balance the following Reactions:
K + O2  NaOH + Cl2  MgCO3 + H2SO4 
CaOCl2 + CO2 + H2O  Mg + HNO3 -----cold--- HCOOH + H2SO4(Conc.) 
Zn + H2SO4 ----90%--- Al + Fe2O3  P + HNO3 
Sb2S3 + HCl  Ca2B6O11 + Na2CO3  C6H12O6+H2SO4 
Zn + HNO3 ------v. dilute--- * SO2 + Cl2 H2S + H2SO4 
Cu + H2SO4 ----Hot/Conc.---- Zn + HNO3------cold/dilute---- Cl2 + NaOH 
S + HNO3  Na2B4O7+7H2O Al + KOH + H2O 
K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4  KI + K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4  K2MnO4 + Cl2 
AgOH + NH4OH  AgBr + Na2S2O3  K2Cr2O7 + FeSO4 + H2SO4 
FeO.Cr2O3 + K2CO3 + O2  K2MnO4 + Cl2  CuSO4 + NH3 
AgNO3 + NH3  K2CrO4+H2SO4  CuSO4 + KI 
K2Cr2O7 + KOH  CuFeS2 + O2  Cr2O3 + KOH + Br2

Q3: Write down the IUPAC names of following Inorganic Complexes:

 [Co(Cl)6]-3  [Ni(CO)4]  [Cu(CN)4]-2
 [Cr(en)3] +3
 [Cr (NH3)5] +3
 [Co(en)3](NO3)3
 Na3[Fe(CN)5NO]  K3[Fe(CN)6]  [AuCl3]-
 [Pt(NO2)4(NH3)2]  [Co (N2—CH2—CH2—  K3[Fe(C2O4)3]
 [Co(NH3)3Cl3] NH2)3Cl3  [Co(CN)6]-3
 [Cr(en)3]Cl3  [Pt(NH3)3Cl2]  [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
 Na3[Cu(OH)2(NO3)2]  [Fe (CO)4]  [Ni(en)2Cl2]+2
 [Fe(NO2)6] -3  Na3[AlF6]  [Cr(H2O)6](NO3)
 [Cr(en)2Cl2]Cl  [CoBr2(en)2]Br
 NH4[Cr[SCN)4(NH3)2]  NH4[Cr(SNC)4(NH3)2]
Q4: Predict the Group, Period and Block of the following elements by using electronic configuration.
Z=17, Z=30, Z=24, Z=49, Z=29, Z=34
Q5: Give Reasons for the following.
(i) Zinc hydroxide is soluble in excess of sodium hydroxide solution.
(ii) Alkali and alkaline earth metals can form +1 and +2 ions respectively.
(iii) Alkali metals are powerful reducing agents.
(iv) Alkaline earth metals are more strongly hydrated than alkali metals ions.
(v) Alkali metals cannot be used in voltaic cell.
(vi) Plaster of Paris is used in making plaster coats and moulds.
(vii) The ionization potential increases with the increase in atomic number in the period but decreases in a group from top to down.
(viii) Alkaline earth metals are harder than alkali metals.
(ix) Alkali metals can form Cations easily.
(x) Atomic size of Sulfur is bigger than that of Oxygen.
(xi) Plastic sulfur is elastic.
(xii) SO3 is dissolved in H2SO4 but not in water.
(xiii) Graphite conducts electricity whereas diamond does not.
(xiv) B2O3 is acidic while Al2O3 is amphoteric.
(xv) The viscosity and boiling point of water are high.
(xvi) Boric acid is soft and silky.
(xvii) Diamond is a non-conductor of electricity.
(xviii) Boric acid is a weak mono-basic acid.
(xix) Graphite conducts electricity parallel to the plane.
(xx) Transition elements show variable oxidation states.
(xxi) NH3 and H2O acts as ligands but NH4+ and H3O+ does not.
(xxii) In d block elements, 4s orbitals are filled prior to 3d orbitals but 4s electrons are lost first in ionization.
(xxiii) Ligands are generally called Lewis bases.
(xxiv) Anhydrous CuSO4 is white while hydrated CuSO4 is blue.
(xxv) Transition metals form non-stoichiometric compounds.
(xxvi) The elements of a group in the periodic table have the same valence shell electronic configuration.
(xxvii) Lithium and Beryllium markedly differ from other members of their respective groups.
(xxviii) Hydrogen exhibits +1 and -1 oxidation states in its compounds.
(xxix) Atomic/Nascent hydrogen is more reactive than molecular hydrogen.
(xxx) Why is the electronic configuration of chromium (Cr) is 4s1, 3d5 instead of 4s2, 3d4 while that of Copper (Cu) is 4s1,
3d9 instead of 4s2, 3d9
Q6: State the following Laws.
Dobereiner’s Rule of Triad Newland’s Law of Octave
Modern Periodic Law Mendeleev’s Periodic Law
Q7: Define the following Terms:
Isotopes Etching Atomic Hydrogen
Allotropy Alum Ligands
Q8: What is Aqua Regia? How does gold dissolve in it?
Q9: Write General Valence Shell Configuration of the Following:
II-A and I-B IV-A and VI-B V-A and V-B Zero group elements Representative
Q10: Discuss the types of elements based on electronic configuration.
Q11: Explain the three isotopes of hydrogen.
Q12: Define Hydrides. Explain Ionic Hydrides / Covalent Hydrides.
Q13: Write the methods of separating hydrogen gas from water gas.
Q14: Discuss the position of hydrogen in group I-A and Group VII-A
Q15: Draw the structures of HNO3/H2SO4/HNO3 (solid phase and vapor phase)
Q16: Discuss these properties of Transition Metals
(a) Variable Oxidation States (b) Colored Compound Formation (c) Magnetic Properties
(d) Complex Compound Formation (e) Catalytic Properties

Q1: Define the following Terms:

Cracking Octane number Functional Group Isomerism Markownikoff’s Rule
Saponification Zwitter Ion Peptide Bond Rancidification Cracking
Q2: Write a chemical test to distinguish between the following:
Paraffin and Olefin n-Hexane and Benzene 1-Butyne and 2-butyne
Ethene and Ethyne/Alkene and Alkyne Alkyl halide and alkane Aldehyde & Ketone
Q3: What happens when?

(xxvii) Ethylene reacts with cold aqueous KMnO4 solution

(xxviii) Ethyl chloride reacts with sodium metal
(xxix) Reaction of Sodium benzoate with Soda lime
(xxx) Methyl iodide is treated with sodium metal
(xxxi) Toluene reacts with KMnO4
(xxxii) Acetylene reacts with cold KMnO4
(xxxiii) Phenol is heated with red hot zinc dust
(xxxiv) Ethyne is reacted with iodine in the presence of ethanol
(xxxv) Combustion of Ethane
(xxxvi) Oxidation of Benzene
(xxxvii) CH3MgCl reacts with water
(xxxviii) Reaction of Benzene with H2 and O2
Q4: Give the Preparation of:
(i) 2-bromopropane from 1-bromopropane
(ii) Benzene from phenol
(iii) Benzoic acid from Benzene
(iv) Ethane from Grignard’s reagent/Organo-metallic compound
(v) Water gas from methane
(vi) Acet aldehyde from acetylene
(vii) Ethene from ethyl alcohol
(viii) Oxalic acid from ethyne
(ix) Benzene from toluene
(x) Propane from Grignard’s reagent
(xi) Ethyne from Ethene
(xii) Ethane from methyl iodide
(xiii) Ethyne from calcium carbide
(xiv) Red solid from acetylene
(xv)Phenol/Carbolic acid from benzene
(xvi) Isopropyl alcohol from 1-propanol
(xvii)Phenol from chloro benzene
(xviii) Ethyl ethanoate from ethanol
(xix) Acetal from methanal
(xx)An Oxime from Formaldehyde
(xxi)Give two preparations of dimethyl ketone
(xxii)Ethanol to Ethanoic acid
(xxiii)Diethyl ether from ethanol
(xxiv)Methanol from water gas
(xxv) Acetone from acetic acid
(xxvi)Ethanol from glucose
(xxvii) Ethanal from Acetylene
(xxviii) Diethyl ether from chloro ethane
(xxix) Reaction of SO2 with Cl2
Q5: Draw and explain the orbital structure of methane/ethane/ethene/ethyne.
Q6: Discuss the free radical chain mechanism of chlorination of methane.
Q7: Define electrophilic substitution reactions. Explain the mechanisms of Nitration/Sulphonation/Friedel
Craft’s Alkylation.
Q8: Discuss the orientation and benzene. Name ortho-para directions and meta directors.
Q9: What are organo-metallic compounds? Prepare the following from any one organometallic compound.
*Ethane *Ethyl alcohol *Vinegar *Propane
Q10: What are alkyl halides? Classify them with one example of each.
Q11: Write down the IUPAC names of the following organic compounds:
* (CH3)2-CH-(CH2)3-CH(CH3)2 * CH3-(CHOH)2-CH2OH * CH2=CHCHClCH2C≡CH

NO 2

(i) C2H5 O CH2 C(CH3)3 (ii) Br

(i) (C6H5)3CBr (ii) C2H5OCH(CH3)2 (iii) (iv)

(i) (CH3)3C---CH2---CO---CH(CH3)2
(iv) (v)

(i) (ii) (iii)

(iv) CH3---CH2---O----C(CH3)3 (v)

(i) (CH3)2.C.Br.CHO (ii) CH3(CH2)3.COOC(CH3)3 (iii) (CH3)3.C.OH (iv) (CH3)2.CHCOC(CH3)3
(i) (ii) (iii) CH3—CH=CH—CH2--COOH

(iv) (v)

(i) CH3—CH2—CH=CH—COOH (ii) CH2=CH—C≡C—CH=CH2 (iii)

(iv) (v) (vi)

2010:(i) CH3—CH=CH—CH2OH (ii) HOOC—CH2—CH2—COOH (iii) HC≡C—CH2—CH2—CH=CH2
Section C (Detailed Answer Questions)

Q1: Give the industrial preparation of sodium carbonate by ammonia-Solvay process. Draw the flow diagram.
Q2: Describe the extraction of sodium from molten sodium chloride. Why are the anode and cathode compartment
separated in the extraction of sodium?
Q3: How is caustic soda prepared by Castener-Kellener’s cell / Nelson Cell.
Q4: Describe the industrial Preparation of Ostwald Process with the help of a diagram.
Q5: Describe the industrial Preparation of Contact Process with diagram.
Q6: Short Notes:
Borax Detergent Tin Plating Fertilizer
Corrosion & its prevention Silvering of mirror Glass Photography


Q1: Describe the natural sources of organic compounds.

Q2: Differentiate Between the following:
Saturated Hydrocarbon & Unsaturated Hydrocarbon
Reducing Sugar and Non Reducing Sugar
Q3: Define Isomerism and explain its types with examples.
Q4: Define Polymerization. Explain its two types with example.
Q5: Give the equations for the following:
*Reaction of ethanal with Grignard’s reagent.
*Reaction of chloroethane with sodium ethoxide
*Ethanol with Grignard’s reagent.
*2-propanone with methyl magnesium chloride
*Sodamide with chloroethane
* Ethyl chloride with Sodium Acetate
* Ethanol with Phosphorus penta chloride
Q6: What is elimination reaction? Explain the mechanism of E1 and E2 reaction.
Q7: Write a short note on Carbohydrates OR Vitamins.

----Best of Luck----

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