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Topic: Principles and Strategies for Effective Spiritual Church Leadership.

An Assignment Submitted in In the Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the

Course: RELP 400- Church Leadership and Administration.

Presented By: Garatsa, John

Student Number: SU170141F

Instructor: Dr. L. Masuku

First Semester 2020

The Introduction

The researcher in this research paper states and explains the principles and strategies for effective

spiritual church leadership. The research paper qualifies how and why the stated and explained

principles and strategies deserve to be awarded the status of ability to create an effective spiritual

church leadership.

The Definitions of Key Terms

Principles are defined as fundamental truths or propositions that serve as the foundation for a

system of belief or behaviour of for a chain of reasoning.1 Strategies are defined as the plans of

actions or policies designed to achieve a major or overall aim.2 Spiritual church leadership involves

values, attitudes, and behaviours required to intrinsically motivate people and to generate a sense

of (spiritual) well-being.3

The Background Information

Norval F. Pease says that there is four folded role of a pastor which include: preaching, counselling,

administration and worship leading.4 The anonymous SDA writer/s of the book "The Leadership

Loop: Pastoral Development for Leadership Excellence" complement/s Norval F. Pease by listing

seven areas of pastoral ministry which are church management, evangelism, leadership (spiritual

church leadership), character development, relationship building, scholarship study and worship

inspiration.5 Henceforth, it is justifiable for a pastor/minister to know the principles and strategies

for effective spiritual leadership for proficiency and efficiency in the pastoral ministry specifically

the spiritual church leadership. Ellen G. White says, “It is not everyone who can labour judiciously

for the salvation of souls. There is much close thinking to be done. We must not enter into the work

English>Greek Dictionary
Lorena Martinez Soto, Journal of Applied Christian Leadership Volume 11 (Digital Commons, 2019). 28
Norval F. Pease, The Minister: The Leader of Worship.
The Leadership Loop: Pastoral Development for Leadership Excellence (2017). 17
haphazard and expect success. The Lord needs men of mind, men of thought, Jesus calls for co-

workers, not blunderers. God wants right-thinking and intelligent to do the great work necessary

to the salvation of souls.”6

The Body of the Research Essay

The researcher found out there exists about seven main principles for effective spiritual church

leadership.7 The fist principle for effective spiritual church leadership says, “Seek Knowledge and

Self-Improvement.” The principle summarise the scholarship learning quality of a leader. John F.

Kennedy says, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” It well known that

knowledge changes one’s attitude, altitude, aptitude, gratitude, solicitude and magnitude. Self-

improvement also comes by knowledge. Louise Hay was quoted as saying, “I don’t correct the

problem (result) but the mentality (cause).” Mentality is corrected by knowledge and in turn the

problem could have been thoroughly corrected. Ephesians 1:17-18 says, “… in the knowledge of

Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened…”8 The Bible passage above shows that

knowledge leads to understanding and enlightenment. Resultantly, the spiritual church leader ought

to seek knowledge and self-improvement through fervent studies for example a devotional study

for him to be effective.

The second principle for effective spiritual leadership says, “Develop and Model Biblical

Character.” The principle summarises the character development quality of a leader. It calls for

the leader to be sincere in Christian character development and modelling and not to practice

hypocrisy by appearing as a real spiritual church leader whilst he is not. The leaders ought not to

have form of godliness in their character but to model godliness (2 Timothy 3:5). “Be more

concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are,

while your reputation is merely what others think you are,” says John Wooden. The leader ought

Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church Volume 4. 67
Military Bible (Copyright © 2016 Military Bible Association)
King James Version
to be wholeheartedly involved in the leadership and to have a Biblical/Christian leadership

character for effectiveness.

The third principle for effective is “Relate like a Leader.” The principle talks of the relationship

quality of a leader. The leader is called to relate well to others regardless of faith, age, ethnicity,

personality, or gender and welcoming, loving and showing compassion for others. He should have

carefulness and connections. “Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough

ahead to motivate them,” says John C. Maxwell. Leader who relate well they’re likely to succeed

because they usually win the attention and confidence of those they lead. The magna carta of SDA

Mission says that, “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching people. The Saviour

mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to

their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them “Follow Me.””9 A leader of good

relations is an effective leader.

The fourth principle for effective spiritual Christian leadership says that, “Care about the Well-

Being of Others.” Followers don’t likely follow selfish leaders but they cling to those who are self-

less and altruistic. The golden rule which says that, “Love your fellow beings as how you love

yourself,”10 is an impartiality rule calls for the equality of the created beings. “Leadership should

be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it,” says Marion

Anderson. If one don’t make it clear that, he just hold a leadership privilege but he is still human

in caring and respect of others he will not be effective.

The fifth principle for effective spiritual church leadership is the one which says, “Communicate

Like a Leader.” Theodore Roosevelt says “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to

pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while

they do it.” The leader for him to be effective in the spiritual church leadership ought to have good

Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing. 143
Handbook of SDA Theology; Commentary Reference Series Volume 12 (Review and Herald Publishing Association,
leadership communication skills. The one who fail to communicate well closes the hearts of his

followers to his ministry. Ellen G. White says, “A lack of courtesy, a moment of petulance, a single

rough, thoughtless word, will mar your reputation and may close the door to hearts so that you can

never reach them.”11

The sixth principle says, “Employ People’s Abilities and Gifts.” Ellen G. White says under the

topic “A Division of Labour” in the book Gospel Workers, “The minister should not feel that it is

his duty to do all the talking and all the labouring and all the praying; he should educate helpers

in the Church. Let different ones take turns in leading the meetings and in giving Bible readings;

in so doing they will calling into use the talents which God has given them and at the same time

receiving training as workers.”12 Contextually the leaders who give precedence to the Spiritual

gifts of others (Ephesians 4:11-13) succeed because he could have taken into consideration that he

doesn’t have all the knowledge and he needs complementation. “Get the best people and train them

well,” says Scott McNealy.

The last principle for effective spiritual Christian leadership says, “Build Up Your Team- Work in

Unity.” The Minister’s Handbook says, “Be the spiritual leader… but do not assume to know all

the answers. Because Christianity is an intensely personal experience, no one has all the

answers.”13 Anita Roddick says, “You have to look at leadership through the eyes of the followers

and you have to live the message. What I have learned is that people become motivated when you

guide them to the source of their own power and when you make heroes out of employees who

personify what you want to see in the organization.” Team work will accommodate others and

refine the spiritual leader. The team work can even include mentors and coaches.

The main strategies for effective spiritual leaders falls under Louis Fry’s theory of spiritual

Leadership. The theory encompasses three phases which seal up all essential strategies for effective

Ellen G. White, The Adventist Home. 38
Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers. 197
SDA Minister’s Handbook (The General Conference of the SDAs, 2009). 38
spiritual church leadership. The first phase is called Spiritual Leadership. This stage is focused on

the exercise of leadership actions aimed at maintaining a dynamic interaction between three

categories: organizational vision, hope or faith, and altruistic love.14 In this stage of the theoretical

strategy, the spiritual leader put his vision into action, in hope and faith and in the respect and

involvement of his fellows and followers.

The second phase results from the first and is called Spiritual Well-being. In this theoretical

strategic phase, the spiritual leadership action implemented during the first stage are observed to

estimate the wellness of their course. In it motivation and commitment is also checked.

The third stage called Organizational and Individual Outcomes follows the second phase. The

spiritual leader checks the outcomes of his plan and action he initiated and these are evidenced

through organizational commitment, productivity and financial results. The tripartite staged or

phased Louis Fry’s theory of spiritual Leadership houses the main essential strategies for effective

spiritual church leadership which include implementation in hope and altruism, assessment of the

course of action and realization of the course of action to change the principle and way of operation

currently in use.

The Conclusion

The researcher realized that there exists about seven main principles for effective spiritual church

leadership. In the other side of the research, the researcher also came to know that Louis Fry’s

theory of spiritual Leadership which include three phases of spiritual leadership can be used as a

strategy for effective spiritual church leadership. The researcher qualified how and why the stated

and explained principles and strategies deserve to be awarded the status of ability to create an

effective spiritual church leadership as made clear by the research essay body above.

Op. Cit, Lorena Martinez Soto. 29


Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers.

Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church Volume 4.

Ellen G. White, The Adventist Home.

Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing.

English>Greek Dictionary

Handbook of SDA Theology; Commentary Reference Series Volume 12 (Review and

Herald Publishing Association, 2000).

King James Version

Lorena Martinez Soto, Journal of Applied Christian Leadership Volume 11 (Digital

Commons, 2019).

Military Bible (Copyright © 2016 Military Bible Association)

Norval F. Pease, The Minister: The Leader of Worship.

SDA Minister’s Handbook (The General Conference of the SDAs, 2009).

The Leadership Loop: Pastoral Development for Leadership Excellence (2017).


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