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ITM/KHR/PGDM1820/SM-111040120 COURSE CODE: CRM-18308 tw INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (ITM BUSINESS scHooL) NAVI MUMBAI PGDM 2018-2020 BATCH [PGDM - MARKETING] SUBJECT: COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW MODULE TTERM END EXAMINATION JAN. - 2020) Max. Duration: 1:30 Hrs. Was. Marke: 30 Section A: Answer any 3 of the following (words limit minimum - 500, max -1000) (5x3=15) 1. “The auto sector is going through a severe crisis,’ Discuss the statement with reference to the current Indian Scenario, 2. What is an omnichannel and how does e-commerce play a major role in creating customer experiences? 3. Do you think that the consumer Durable sector is on an all-time high? If so why and discuss the role of technological evolution in the consumer durable segment. 4. Observing the recent trends in the Indian affordable housing segment, what other segments like co- working spaces, senior citizens’ housing and student housing could be expected in 2020 and beyond? If premier players of the industry like Lodha and Kalpatru enter the affordable housing segment substantially (more than what they do in the present), what could be the possible consequences in the industry? Support your answers with appropriate reasons, 5 Indians are experiencing a major shift from saving in physical assets to financial assets post demonetisation. Though mutual fund penetration in India has shown double digit growth Y-O-Y, it continues to be at low level as compared to other developed market. Discuss the barriers to growth of mutual funds (MF) in India, and what MF companies should to do to reach investors effectively. Section B. Answer any 2 of the following. (words limit - 70 to 80) (2x 2.555) 1. Is the BCG Matrix important for strategic planning? If so how and Why? 2 What is the difference between Selling and Marketing? 3. Define Buzz Marketing and Permission Marketing 4, What is the difference between available market and potential market? Page 1 of 2 Section C - Define (any 10 ) (10x1) a, Total Customer Cost b, Market Challenger strategy c, Customer delivered value d. Convenience product e. Point of Purchase f. Discriminatory pricing g. Market Potential h. Market Size i. Market Skimming pricing j. Segment marketing k. Inbound marketing? 1. Sales Funnel m. Hyper Market N. Product Mix @@e@e@e@

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