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 Elements of Directing / Direction

1. Supervision
2. Motivation
3. Leadership
4. Communication
 Elements of Delegation
1. Authority
2. Responsibility
3. Accountability
 Elements of Marketing Mix
1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion
 Elements of Promotion Mix
1. Advertising
2. Personal Selling
3. Sales Promotion
4. Publicity
 Standing Plans
1. Rules
2. Policies
3. Procedures
4. Methods
 Single Use Plans
1. Budgets
2. Programmes
3. Projects
4. Objectives
 Neither Single use nor Standing Plan- STRATEGY
 Leadership Styles
1. Autocratic/Authoritarian Leader
2. Democratic/Participative Leader
3. Laaisez Faire/ Free-Rein Leader
 Elements of Communication
1. Sender
2. Message
3. Encoding
4. Media
5. Decoding
6. Receiver
7. Feedback
8. Noise
 Grapevine/Informal Communication Networks

1. Gossip Network
2. Cluster Network
3. Probability Network
 Formal Communication Networks
1. Chain
2. Wheel
3. Circular
4. Free Flow
5. Inverterd V
 Internal sources of Recruitment
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
 External Sources of Recruitment
1. Direct Recruitment
2. Casual Callers
3. Campus Recruitment
4. Employment Exchange
5. Labour Contractors
6. Web Publishing
7. Advertising on Television
8. Recommendation of Employees
9. Advertisement
10. Placement Agencies & Management Consultancies
 Steps in Planning Process
1. Settings Objectives
2. Developing Premises
3. Identifying Alternative Courses of Action
4. Evaluating Alternative Courses of Action
5. Selecting an Alternative
6. Implement the Plan
7. Follow-up Action
 Steps in Organising Process
1. Identification& Division of Work
2. Departmentalisation
3. Assignment of Duties
4. Establishing Reporting Relationships
 Steps in Staffing Process
1. Estimating Manpower Planning
2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Placement & Orientation
5. Training & Development
6. Performance Appraisal
7. Promotion & Career Planning

8. Compensation
 Steps in Selection Process
1. Preliminary Screening
2. Selection Tests:
a) Intelligence Test
b) Aptitude Test
c) Personality Test
d) Trade Tests
e) Interest Tests
3. Employment Interview
4. Reference and Background Checks
5. Selection Decision
6. Medical Examination
7. Job Offer
8. Contact of Employment
 Maslow’S Needs Hierarchy Theory involves
i) Basic Physiological Needs
ii) Safety/ Security Needs
iii) Affiliation / Belongingness needs
iv) Esteem Needs
v) Self Actualisations Needs
 Steps in Controlling Process
1. Settings Performance Standards
2. Measurement of Actual Performance
3. Comparison of Actual Performance with Standards
4. Analysing Deviations
5. Taking Corrective Action.


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