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All interested medical physicists are encouraged to have their names added to a list of available reviewers. Please rank your interest
among radiation therapy, x-ray imaging, nuclear medicine imaging, ultrasound imaging, MR imaging, radiation injury, radiation
protection, and others. Make your interest known to Dimitris Mihailidis, Ph.D., Book Review Editor (dimitris@charlestonradiation.com).
Include your name and email address in the body of the response.

Basic Radiological Physics, 2nd Edition. total. The text and figures are in black are left out. For example, brachyther-
Kuppusamy Thayalan, Author. Jaypee and white, with four color plates at the apy for prostate or breast were not
Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd, New
Delhi, India, 2017. Paperback 480 pp. beginning. mentioned. The AAPM Task Group-43
Price: $31.15. ISBN: 978-9352700486 The first section of the book pro- dose calculation formalism is presented
vides an overview of the most essential in brevity.
DESCRIPTION basic physics concepts that the students The section covering radiological
will need to appreciate the radiological health and safety will be of special
This book covers basic radiation phy- sciences. Electricity and magnetism interest to the students in India. It
sics and surveys its applications within concepts are developed and segue into details specific local regulatory codes
medicine. The first edition was pub- a chapter concerning transformers and and requirements governing the use
lished in 2001. rectifiers. At that stage, I think the stu- of radiation and radioactive materials
dent is well prepared to understand the in India. There is an overview of
next three chapters which cover x-rays shielding considerations for radiation
PURPOSE and their production. facilities.
With this book, the author has pro- The remainder of the book covers a The amount of material that is cov-
vided a single, well-organized source wide breadth of radiological sciences. ered in only 488 pages is ambitious. In
of information for radiological physics. It is divided into 4 sections: diagnostic general, while the book is sound and
In addition, the legal guidelines that radiology, nuclear medicine, radiation free of errors, it is necessarily terse. It
regulate the medical use of radiation, therapy, and radiological health and is unfortunate that the book provides a
specifically in India, are presented. safety. very few references, a few worked
This text is an important contribution In the diagnostic section, aspects of example problems within the text and
for students in that part of the world. basic radiography are developed first, it does not provide exercises for stu-
then followed by several specialized dents to practice.
chapters covering mammography, fluo-
AUDIENCE roscopy, computed tomography, ultra-
The author has written this book to sound, and magnetic resonance
be primarily aimed toward students that imaging. These chapters provide Overall this could serve as a refer-
are training to become radiological cogent and self-contained overviews of ence text, providing key local informa-
technologists, including students study- a lot of material. tion to students in India. It could also
ing either within a radiology and imag- The nuclear medicine section covers serve well as a companion/alternative
ing technology program, or within a radioisotope types, generation, and text for parallel study alongside a more
radiotherapy technology program. The detector types, including those used for established textbook.
author is a professor and practitioner of SPECT and PET detector systems.
medical physics with a substantial The radiation therapy section does Reviewed by Derek Dolney, Ph.D., DABR
amount of experience in the field. well to cover modern and specialized
technology, including IMRT, VMAT, Derek Dolney is a Senior Clinical Physicist
with Main Line Health System in Newtown
Gamma Knife, CyberKnife, Tomother- Square, Pennsylvania. His expertise is in
CONTENT/FEATURES apy, and SRS/SRT/SBRT. A chapter is all aspects of radiation therapy physics and
The book is divided into six sec- devoted to brachytherapy, which pro- quality assurance of radiotherapy equip-
tions comprising of 30 chapters in vides only an overview. Several topics ment.

5402 Med. Phys. 47 (10), October 2020 0094-2405/2020/47(10)/5402/1 © 2020 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 5402

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