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A journal by any other name

Chris Burke, Managing Editor
Seattle, Wash

hen Charles V. Mosby and Martin Dewey courses.” Believing that oral surgery “at the present
launched their new journal in 1915, they time is very much of an outcast,” embraced by neither
gave it a name that seemed to say it all: medicine nor general dentistry, the editors and publisher
International Journal of Orthodontia. Lest there be of the Journal made what would be the first of a half-
any doubt, they added a subtitle, “A monthly journal dozen name changes. It would “henceforth be known
devoted to the advancement of the science of ortho- as the International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral
dontia.” But in his inaugural editorial, Dewey gave Surgery.”
the journal room to grow, writing that the articles pub- By 1933, times had changed again. Mosby wrote an
lished would be “on timely subjects of interest to those editorial for the January issue in which he explained:
engaged in the practice of orthodontia, dentistry and “Since 1915 this Journal has lived to see great changes
its allied specialities.”1 A forward-thinking man, he take place in dental and economic affairs. It has seen a
also wrote that he would endeavor to “secure contribu- complete change in dental education. It has seen the
tions of merit from workers in the field.regardless of economic world soar to dizzy heights of prosperity and
'race, color, or previous conditions of servitude.'” An then plunge to almost unbelievable depths of
unsigned editorial in the same issue concluded that economic despair. It has seen the map of Europe remade
the Journal was being published “with the hope that and the diadems of the Romanovs and Hohenzollerns
it may benefit humanity, that it may help to increase literally cast into the dust. It has seen a complete revolu-
human efficiency, and that it may become a factor in tion in the attitude of both the dental and the medical
arousing interest in our child-life to such an extent professions toward child life.”4 Editor H. C. Pollock
that malocclusion be given as much attention as is also weighed in: “Just as medicine at last realized that
now bestowed by school inspectors upon adenoids, a strong, healthy, virile nation depended upon healthy,
eye-strain and mental defects.”2 properly developed will dentistry in the
The specialty was in its infancy, and perhaps the not distant future realize that preventive dentistry starts
name fit for a time, but an unsigned editorial in 1919 ex- with the child.”5 With that, the separate departments
plained that times had changed. “In our endeavors to of oral surgery and radiography were being dropped,
conduct a journal for the advancement of orthodontia, and the Journal was rechristened International Journal
we early realized that orthodontia consists of more of Orthodontia and Dentistry for Children.4
than mere regulating appliances, and that it would be Within a few years, however, the pendulum had
necessary to broaden our scope in order to get articles swung back. In a 1936 editorial, Mosby wrote that
bearing on all its phases.”3 To meet the changing times, when the name had been changed 2 years earlier, “the
a Department of Radiography was being added to the editorial staff knew that it was an experiment, and the
Journal, followed quickly by a Department of Oral Sur- permanency of the department of dentistry for children
gery and Surgical Orthodontia. The writer went on to was to depend upon its results.”6 Apparently the results
note that “when the United States entered the war and did not live up to the editors' hopes, and the Journal re-
the dental corps was being organized, the men in charge turned to its earlier name, International Journal of
of the Department of Oral and Plastic Surgery at once Orthodontia and Oral Surgery.
recognized that men who had special orthodontic Pollock announced 2 changes at once in 1938.7 He
training made much better students in oral surgery quoted a letter that Professor Price of the Oxford Dictio-
nary staff wrote to the Nomenclature Committee of the
American Association of Orthodontists: “The term ortho-
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;147:S161-2 dontia suggests that it means a flower, a disease, or a city
Copyright Ó 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
in Asia. Orthodontics, on the other hand, is neat in appearance, easy to pronounce, and tells you at once,
S162 Burke

Fig. Journal names through the years: International Journal of Orthodontia, 1915; International Journal
of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery, 1919; International Journal of Orthodontia and Dentistry for Children,
1933; American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, 1938; American Journal of Orthodontics,
1948; and American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 1986.

more or less, what it means.The case of ics is still more The Journal name has changed over the years, con-
simple. Since the fifteenth century, it has been used in En- founding reference writers and indexers (Fig). But its
glish to denote a science.” Furthermore, the Journal mission remains the same: to publish “meritorious con-
wanted to emphasize its close connection to “the newly tributions on timely subjects of interest of those
formed American Association of Orthodontists.” There- engaged in the practice of orthodontia, dentistry and
fore, the new name would be American Journal of Ortho- its allied specialities.”1
dontics and Oral Surgery. A decade later, Pollock dropped
“oral surgery” from the name, and for the next 30 years, it REFERENCES
was simply American Journal of Orthodontics. 1. Dewey M. The editorial policy of the journal. Int J Orthod 1915;1:
In the mid 1970s, talk of another change emerged. 40-1.
B. F. Dewel wrote an editorial promoting the term den- 2. No author given. The journal's endeavor. Int J Orthod 1915;1:41.
tofacial orthopedics because “it more accurately 3. No author given. The International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral
Surgery. Int J Orthod Oral Surg 1919;5:83-5.
describes the actual clinical therapies that currently are
4. Mosby CM. 1933 versus 1915. Int J Orthod Dent Child 1933;19:
being used by orthodontists everywhere.”8 By “every- 102-3.
where,” he seemed to be casting his eyes toward Europe. 5. Pollock HD. A big move for dentistry. Int J Orthod Dent Child 1933;
He noted that the French preferred orthopedie dento-fa- 19:98-101.
ciale, and in Germany, it was kieferorthop€ adie (jaw or- 6. Mosby CV. Department of oral surgery. Int J Orthod Oral Surg 1936;
thopedics). In 1980, editor Wayne Watson added “A
7. Pollock HC. American Journal of Orthodontics and Oral Surgery. Am
journal of dentofacial orthopedics” to the title, and J Orthod Oral Surg 1938;24:97-8.
Tom Graber made it official in 1986: American Journal 8. Dewel BF. Orthodontosie, orthodontics, or dentofacial orthopedics.
of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Am J Orthod 1976;70:328.

May 2015  Vol 147  Issue 5  Supplement 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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