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es (uni acer ictionary NORMA SHAPIRO AND JAYME ADELSON-GOLDSTEIN De si a 7 e Ene Sr GGA THE “OX FOR'D Oxford University Press Contents Muc Luc 1. Everyday Language _Ngdn Noi Hang Nay A Classroom Lop Hoc 2-3 Personal Information Lj Lich 4 School Truéng Hoc 5 Studying Hoe 67 Everyday Conversation 2m Thosi Hang Ngaiy 8 The Telephone Sign Thoai 9 Weather Thai Tiét 10 Describing Things M6 74 08 Vat W Colors Mau Séc 12 Prepositions isi Tw B Numbers and Measurements Con Sé Va Do Luding 14-15 Time Thi Git 16-17 The Calendar Lich 18-19 Money Tin 20 Shopping Mua S4m 2 2. People = Nguéi Age and Physical Description Tudi Tc Va Thé Chat 22 Describing Hair Mo Ta Too 23 Family Gia Dinh 24-25 Daily Routines Céng Viée Hang Ngay 26-27 Life Events _Dién Bién Trong Cuge Seng 28-29 Feelings cam Giée 30-31 AGraduation Tet Nghiép 32-33 3. Housing _ Nha Ct Places to Live Ch @ 34 Finding a Home Tim Nha 35 Apartments Apartment 36-37 AHouse Nha 38 AYard San 39 AKitchen Nha Bép 40 ‘A Dining Area Phong An at ALiving Room Phong Khach 42 ABathroom Phong Tam 43 ABedroom Phong Nau 44 AChildren’s Bedroom Phang Ng Tré Con 45 Housework Vige Nha 46 Cleaning Supplies Vat Dung Lau Chai 47 Household Problems and Repairs Sta Chia Vat Dung Trong Nha 48-49 4. Food Thy Pham Fruit Trai Cay 50 Vegetables Rau 51 Meat and Poultry Thit 52 Deli and Seafood —Tigm Ban D2 An Lam S&n Va D8 Bién 53 The Market Chg 54-55 Containers and Packaged Foods 8b Byng Va Thye Phéim Dong Goi 56 Weights and Measures Tiong Lugng Va Bo Luting 57 Food Preparation Nau An 58 Kitchen Utensils Dung Cy Nha Bép 59 Contents _Muc Luc Fast Food —Thye Bon Cilia Quan 88 An Lién 60 A Coffee Shop Menu Thue Don Gila Quan Ca-Phé ot A Restaurant Nha Hang 62-63 5. Clothing Y-Phuc Clothing | ¥-Phyc! 64-65 Clothing Il Y-Pnye 66 Clothing IM y-Phuc tl 67 Shoes and Accessories Giay Va Phy Tung 68-69 Describing Clothes Mé-Ta Y-Phuc 70-71 Doing the Laundry Gist 90 72 Sewing and Alterations hau May Va Sta 93 3 6. Health Swe Khée The Body Co Thé 74-75 Personal Hygiene V8 Sinh C4 Nhdn 76-77 Symptoms and Injuries _Trigu Chitng Va Thuong Tich 78 llinesses and Medical Conditions Bgnh Hogn Va Tinh Trang Sie Khée 79 Health Care Cham Sec Sue Khée 80-81 Medical Emergencies Cuu Gp ¥-78 82 First Aid Cuiu Thuong Ba Clinics ¥-vien 84 Medical and Dental Exams Kham Benh Va Kiam Rang 85 A Hospital enh vign 86-87 7.Community Céng Ding City Streets Ouang Ph 88-89 An Intersection Nga Tw 90-91 ‘AMall Trung Tam Thuong Mai 92-93 AChildcare Center Trung Tam Nudi Day Ti 94-95 US. Mail Buu Dign Hoa-Ky 96 ABank Ngan Hang 97 A Library Thu Vien 98 The Legal System He Théng Pap Luat 99 Crime Ti Ac 100 Public Safety An Toan Cong Cong 101 Emergencies and Natural Disasters Tai Hoa Kivin Cap Va Thién Tai 102-103 8. Transportation _Giao Thong > Public Transportation Giao Thong Géng Cong 104 Prepositions of Motion Giei Ty Chi Sy Van Chuyén 105 im Cars and Trucks Xe Hoi Va Xe Van Tai 106 Directions and Traffic Signs Phuong Hung Va Bang Higu Luu Thong 107 Parts of a Car and Car Maintenance 86 Phan Xe Hol Va Béo Ti Xe Hoi 108-109 An Airport Phi Tuting 110 ‘APlane Trip Chuyén Bay am 9. Areas of Study Hoc Duding Types of Schools _Loai Truting Hoc 112 English Composition Lugn Van Bang Anh Nat 113 BA USS. History Lich-Sit Hoa-ky 114-115 = U.S. Government and Citizenship Chanh-Quyén Hoa-Ky VA 16 ‘Quyn Cong-Dan Muc Luc Contents Geography Dialy 7 Mathematics Toan-Hoe 8 Science Khoa Hoe 19 Music Am-Nhac 120 More School Subjects Cao Mén Hoc Khae 121 North America and Central America B4¢ My Va Trung My 122-123 The World —Thé-Gidi 124-125 Energy and the Environment _ Nang Lugng Va Moi Sinh 126 The Universe Vu-tru 127 10. Plants and Animals Thy Vat Va Béng Vat Trees and Plants Cay Céi 128 Flowers Hoa 129 Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles Thy San, Giéng Lei Nude 130-131 Va Gidng Bd Sat Birds, Insects, and Arachnids Chim, Cdn Tring, Va Nhén 132 Domestic Animals and Rodents Thu Vat Nudi Trong Nha Va 133 Loai Gam Nném Mammals éng Vat C6 Vi 134-135 11. Work Lam Vige Jobs and Occupations, A-H__ Viée Lam Va Ngh& Nghiép 136-137 Jobs and Occupations, H-W _Vige Lam VA Nah Nahiép 138-139 Job Skills KV Nang Lam Vige 140 Job Search Tim Vige 141 ‘An Office Van Phong 142-143 Computers May 8i¢n Todn 144 AHotel khach San 145 ‘AFactory Nha May 146 Job Safety An Toan Trong Khi Lam Viée 147 Farming and Ranching Tidng Trot Va Chan Nui 148 Construction Xay Cat 149 Tools and Building Supplies 6% Nght Va Vat Ligu Xay Dung 150-151 12. Recreation Giai Tri Places to Go _Nhdng Noi Di Tham 152 The Park and Playground Cong Vien Va San Choi 153 Outdoor Recreation —Giai Tri Ngoai Trei 154 The Beach Bai Bién 155 Sports Verbs Cac Dong Ti Trong Thé Thao 156-157 Team Sports Gc Mén Thé Thao 8ng Boi 158 idual Sports Cac Mon Thé Thao C4 Nhan 159 Winter Sports and Water Sports Cac Mén Thé Thao Miia Dong Va 160 Cac Mén Thé Thao Dui Nuée Sports Equipment Dung Cu Thé Thao 161 Hobbies and Games Cc Thi Tiéu Khién Va Trd Choi 162-163 Electronics and Photography 8i¢n TW Va Nniép Anh 164-165 Entertainment —Tigu ihién Git Tr 166-167 Holidays Cac Ngay Lé 168 A Party Tiéc Lién Hoan 169 Verb Guide Ban Huéng Din Bong Tu 170 Index Phy Luc 173 Geographical Index Phy Luc Bia Ly 206 Vietnamese Index Phy Lue Viet Now 209 1. chalkboard bang 2, screen man anh A Classroom Lop Hoc 3. student 5. teacher hhge sinh ido vién 4, overhead projector 6. desk my chi6u lén tung ban A. Raise your hand. B, Talk to the teacher, NOt vai gido vien. F. Point to the picture H. Erase the board. Chi vao tran (nh). vist Xa bang 1. Open your book Mb sich ca |. Close your book K. Take out your pencil. L. Put away your pencil Gp séch Ii Cam bit ch Fon. BO bat oh Lop Hoc _A Classroom 8. bookcase 14. bulletin board ke sach ng bdng thong odo /yét th 9. globe 11. cassette player 13. pencil sharpener 15. computer qua dia clu dy cat'sét may got bat chi may vi tinh may ign toan 16. chalk 20. pencil 24. binder/ notebook 28. dictionary phan Bit ent t8p sich 4 316 tu dign 17. chalkboard eraser 21. pencil eraser 25. notebook paper 29, picture dictionary ci x6a bang ty trang gidy fy dién hin 48. pen 2, textbook 26. spiral notebook 30. the alphabet bat sich sah 06 gy 18 x0 che cai 19, marker 23. workbook 27. ruler 31. numbers. bit mau sch lam bai tap thude 96 Use the new language. Share your answers. 1. Name three things you can open. 1, Do you like to raise your hand? 2, Name three things you can put away. 2. Do you ever listen to cassettes in class? 3. Name three things you can write with, 3. Do you ever write on the board? Personal Information Ly Lich = 6. ron To Sih ine Ne Queens, HY. —> 13 School Registration Form Miu Bon Ghi Danh Hoc 1. name ho vatén 2 fistname 3. middle inal Tat rae ten ch et (itt) ten 06m ho 5. address 6. apt ia chi can nha 6 7. city. 8, state 9..21P code tanh phd tidu bang 6 khu we Xie) ae Se 10. area code 11. telephone number 12,sex: 13. 0 male Social Security number sdvung 86 dign thoai gist am 6 an sinh xa hoi 14. C1 female ng 16. date of birth 17, place of bith gay sinh vonth) ate) (year) noi sin (thang) (ngay) (nam) 18. signature * apt. # = apartment number cha ky LARSON A. Spell your name. B. Fill out a form, . Print your name. D. Sign your name. Banh vin ten. ibn don. Viét tan bing chit in. Ky ten, Talk about yourself. Share your answers. My first name is Sam. : 1. Do you like your first name? My last name is spelled 2. 1s your last name from your mother? father? husband? J come from Ottawa. 3. What is your middle name? Truéng Hoc School 1, classroom hong hoe 2. teacher ido vign 3. auditorium thinh duéng/glang dung 4, cafeteria hong an 5. lunch benches hé dai 48 ngoi an trua 6. library thu vgn 10. nn 12. lockers hoc a8 dd |. rest rooms nha v@ sinh gym Phong tap thé thao bleachers kn di track san on kin field san 15. 16. 7. 18. .- principal's office van phong higu trang J}. principal higu trading counselor's office hong 06 van ‘counselor 6 vin vién main office vvan phong chinh clerk thu ky I Share your answers. 1. Do you ever talk to the principal of your school? 2. Is there a place for you to eat at your school? ‘More vocabulary instructor: teacher ‘coach: gym teacher administrator: principal or other school supervisor 3. Does your school look the same as or different from the one in the picture? 5 Studying Hoc . Say the word. Boe ti 6 lon D. Repeat the word. ep E, Spell the word. F. Copy the word. tal ti 6, Banh van tw dé, Chép tal tr a6. Work with a partner Lam viée v6i ban ) oe your book? s y G. Ask a question Dat cdu hd J. Help your partner. Dang chung quyén sch." Giup ban, K. Brainstorm a list. L. Discuss the list M. Draw a picture. N. Dictate a sentence. Béng nao dé dua ra Théo ivan vé ban ligt ke Ve hinh, Boe lén mot cau. mot ban ligt ké. Class work Lam bai @ (©. Pass out the papers. Pht bai ra. Follow directions Theo hung dan Noi chuygn voi nhau. Q. Collect the papers. Thau bai lam. ® Write with a _penci (o> pen. Sign your name in pencil. ‘S2eA> cB? eC? ed? CED SQeA2 D2 cE ACA? cB? S5cA> S@°A2 SBEA2 (Br CC cp? ED BOA? cB? CC? D2 cE? Heli R. Fill in the blank, Bin vao chd tréng. S. Circle the answer. Khoanh cau tra Ie. a r. Mark the answer sheet. Banh du vao trang td I. © pen pencil chalk marker © Give me the pencil. @ my is pencil. That A That ismmy penci U. Cross out the word. V. Underline the word. \W. Put the words in order. Gach bd cher (46). Gach dui chur (46). Xép cdc chir theo thu ty. ® @ Ue 1. sit, 2. pencil ; ¥ 2.write —b book zs Bread ¢.chair = | kp \ X. Match the items. Rap ch0'/s6 thich hgp. Share your answers. 1. Do you like to work in groups? 2, Do you like to share books? 3, Do you like to answer questions? Y. Check your work. ‘Kiém Iai bai tam. Z. Correct the mistake. Siva 161, 4. Is it easy for you to talk with your classmates? 5. Do you always check your work? 6. Do you cross out your mistakes or erase them? Everyday Conversation Am Thoai Hang Ngay B, begin a conversation ‘bat du cuge dam thoal cham dirt cuge dam thosi Hi, I'm Mary, D. introduce yourself E. make sure you understand F. introduce your friend ‘61 thigu minh Inghe lal cho ky ‘61 thigu ban oO Excuse G. compliment your friend Ht. thank your friend L khen thuréing ban cam on ban Practice introductions. Hi, 'm Sam Jones and this is my friend, Pat Green. That’s a great sweater, Tomas. Nice to meet you. I’m Tomas Garcia. Thanks Pat. | like your shoes. Look at Clothing I, pages 64-65 for more ideas. ign Thoai_ The Telephone 1. telephone/phone dign thoai 2, receiver ng nghe 3. cord day 4. local call ‘oi gn 5. long-distance call goixa 6. international call 991 di nuée ngoai 7. operator han vien tng dai 8, directory assistance (411) 86 (411) gidp 46 fim dién thoal 9, emergency service (911) ‘ich vu khan cp 10. phone card thé dign thoai 1. pay phone ign thal cong ong 12. cordless phone ign thoai khéng giay 13. cellular phone dign thogi cim tay 14, answering machine may tra 6H dign thogi 15, telephone book Ccu6n nién giém dién thoal 16. pager may bao s8 dign thogi A. Pick up the receiver Nhe dng nghe len B. Listen for the dial tone. Nghe eng may C. Deposit coins. BS tn vao may. ‘More vocabulary ‘When you get a person or place that you didn’t want to call, we say you have the wrong number. D. Dial the number. Bam $6 dién thos, E. Leave a message. 188 tin nha lal F. Hang up the receiver. Gaic May. Share your answers. 1, What kinds of calls do you make? 2. How much does it cost to call your country? 3. Do you like to talk on the telephone? Weather Tho Tiét ‘Temperature Nhigt Degrees Fahrenheit 6. sunny /clear 7. cloudy 8. raining 9, snowing, nang /quang dang may mis mua 06 tuyét 10. windy 13. icy 16. thunderstorm 19. hail © gi6 ong dé idng bao mua ds 11. foguy 14, smoggy 17. lightning 20. snowstorm ed sutong mi 8 nhl /66 Khoi ma chop bao tuyét 12. humid 15, heat wave 18. hailstorm 21. dust storm fim inéng (timg dot) ao mya da bao cat Language note: itis, there is Talk about the weather. For1-14weuse, —It'scloudy. Today it's hot. It's 98 degrees. For 15-21 we use, There's a heat wave. Yesterday it was warm. It was 85 degrees. There's lightning. 10 Mo TA BS Vat Describing Things 1 le hand tay nh 2. big hand taylan 13. heavy box hop nang 14. light box np nhe 3. fast driver ‘gud lai nhanh 4, slow driver ‘Aguo lai cham: 15, neat closet ‘ti a0 gon gang 16. messy closet td do bira bai 5. hard chair ghé cong 6. soft chair hé mbm 17. good dog cho ngoan 18. bad dog ho hur 7. thick book/ fat book quy6n sach dy 8. thin book quyén sch méng 19. expensive ring nha dt an 20. cheap ring nina tien 9. full glass ly day 10. empty glass 'y khong 11. noisy children/ loud children con tré On 20 12, quiet children ‘con tré yn lang Use the new language. 1. Name three things that are thick. 2, Name three things that are soft. 3, Name three things that are heavy. 21. beautiful view anh dep. 22. ugly view lnh 23. easy problem bai toan dé 24, difficult problem/ hard problem bai toan Kho Share your answers. 1. Are you a slow driver or a fast driver? 2. Do you have a neat closet or a messy closet? 3. Do you like loud or quiet parties? " Colors Mau Sac 1. blue 6. orange xanh nur6e bién mau cam 2, dark blue 7. purple xanh dm tim 3. light blue 8, green xanh lat anh li cy 4. turquoise 9. beige ‘6ng anh xanh rau vang lat 5. gray 10. pink xém rag Use the new language. Look at Clothing 1, pages 64-65. Name the colors of the clothing you see, That’ a dark blue suit. 11. brown nau 12, yellow vang 13. red 0 14. white trang 15. black den Share your answers. 1. What colors are you wearing today? 2, What colors do you like? 3. Is there a color you don't like? What is it? 1. The red box is next to the yellow box, on the left. Hop mau d8 6 sét bén trai hop m: 2, The yellow box is next to the red box, on the right. Hop mau vang 6 sat bén phal hop mau dd 3. The turquoise box is behind the gray box. Hop mau éng anh xanh & phia sau hop mau xd. 4. The gray box is in front of the turquoise box. Hop mau xm 6 phia truée hop mau éng Anh xan 5. The dark blue box is in the beige box. Hop mau xanh dm @ trong hép mau néu vang 6. The green box is above the orange box. Hop mau xanh 1a cy hop mau vang cam. 7. The orange box is below the green box. Hop mau ving cam 6 duéi hop mau xanh | cay. 8. The white box is on the black box. Hop mau tréng trén hop mau de 9. The black box is under the white box. Hop mau den 6 du6i hop mau trang 10. The pink box is between the purple box and the brown box. Hop mau hdng 6 gitta hop mau tim va hop mau ng pe More vocabulary near: in the same area The white box is near the black box. far from: not near The red box is far from the black box. B Numbers and Measurements Con Sé Va Do Lu'eng HOME 1] ot) visitor (5) SAN DIEGO 235 miles Cardinals $6 Thudng 0 ze 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 101 86 khong mudi mot hai muci met one hundred one 1 one 12 twelve 22. twenty-two fed a8 mot mu hai hai muti hai 1,000 2 two 13 thirteen 30 thirty re thousand hai mui ba ba mudi mit oper 3 three 14 fourteen 40 forty 100) ba mh bén bon mud one thousand one mot ngan Ié mot 4 four 15 fifteen 30 fifty ben mut tam nam muci 1.600 P ten thousand 5 five 16 sixteen 00 sixty muuttingin nam mui su su muoi ‘ait 6 six 17 seventeen 70. seventy ‘one hundred thousand sau mui bay bay musi Titi ig 7 seven 18 cighteen 80 eighty 1,000,000 bay musi tam tam muoi ‘one million 8 eight 19 nineteen 90 ninety mot trigu tam musi chin chin muci 4,000,000,000 9 nine 20 twenty 100 one hundred ‘one billion chin hai mui mot tam mot 10 ten mui i Ist first sth eighth 15th fifteenth Ordinale 96 Thiet; thir nba tartar thers lam 2nd second Sth ninth 16th sixteenth ther nahi thichin thir mvat séu 3rd third oth tenth 17th seventeenth thirba thi musi thir mui bay 4th fourth Mth eleventh 18th eighteenth tha tr ther mudi mot thea tm Sth fifth 12th twelfth 19th nineteenth this nam thir mudi hal thsi chin 6th. sixth 13th thirteenth 20th twentieth this su ther moi ba thi hai mui 7th seventh 14th fourteenth tha bay th mz6i bn 1 7 XXX = 30 0 8 = 40 aH 9 50 * 0 zo0rx v 100 v XV = 15 500 vl XX = 20 = 1,000 Con S6 Va Bo Lung _Numbers and Measurements Fractions Phan Sé f 1 cup 3/4 2/3 i 1.1/8 one-eighth 2. 1/4 one-fourth 3. 1/3 one-third 12 mot pan tém mot phn tu mot phan ba eS : : rs 4.1/2. one-half 5.3/4 three-fourths 6.1 whole mgt phan hai ba phiin te a phan met nla Percents Phin Tram 10% ten percent so mga phan tram wn 10% eos 50% aon om 20% 10% ® io) ® @ Measurement 50 Luding 12. centimeter (cm) xang-t-mét [phan] 13. inch find ® 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters 1 yard = 91 meters 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers 12inches = 1 foot Beet = 1 yard 1,760 yards = 1 mile Se More vocabulary measure: to find the size or amount of something count: to find the total number of something Equivalencies Tyong Duong twenty percent hai mui ph&n tram fifty percent nam muse phan tram eighty percent tam mui phan tram one hundred percent mgt tram phan tram 11. 100% 100% ® Dimensions Chiéu 14, height 16. length chibu dai 15. depth 17. width chieu sau chibu rng Share your answers. 1, How many students are in class today? 2. Who was the first person in class today? 3. How far is it from your home to your school? 15 3 : | Time Thi Gi 5.1.05 6. 1:10 7145, one-oh-five one-ten one-fifteen dt gids nam mot gigi mudi mt gid muri Karn five after one ten after one a quarter after one mot gid nam ‘m@t git mui ‘mot gids must lam 8. 1:20 1:25 10. 1:30 11, 1:35 one-twenty one twenty-five one-thirty one thirty-five met gid hai muci ‘mot gid hai mu lam met gid ba muci mot gid ba mugi lam twenty after one twenty-five after one half past one twenty-five to two mot gid hai myo: mot gies hai mut lam mot gid ru hai gid kém hai mci im 12. 1:40 13. 1:45 14. 1:50 15. 1:55 one-forty one forty-five one-fifty one fifty-five mot gid bin muta mot gid bn mura Kam Ot gi’ nam mui ‘mét gid’ nm musa kim twenty to two a quarter to two ten to two five to two hai gid kém hai mut hai itt kém mudi am hai gid Kem mudi hha itt kém nr Talk about the time. Share your answers. What time is it? W’s 10:00 a.m. 1. How many hours a day do you study English? What time do you wake up on weekdays? At 6:30 a.m. 2. You are meeting friends at 1:00. How long will you What time do you wake up on weekends? At 9:30 a.m. Sere re ete 16 16. moming 17. noon 18. afternoon 19. evening sang va chia ‘6 20. night 21, midnight 22. early 23. late gem na dem som mut 5 ¥ a G3) xe Caer ak 6% PACIFIC Hoxowuy OCEAN ATLANTIC ‘OCEAN . | 24, Hawaii-Aleutian time 27. mountain time 30, Atlantic time 33. daylight saving time Git He gid mién ni y-dueng @i8 ngay nan 25. Alaska time 28. central time 31, Newfoundland time id Alaske gio min trung ¢ Newfoundland 26. Pacific time 29, eastern time 32, standard time id Thai-binh-dvong gid mién dong gid can ban ‘More vocabulary Share your answers. on time: not early and not late 1. When do you watch television? study? do housework? He's on time. 2. Do you come to class on time? early? late? 7 The Calendar Lich Days of the week Ngay Trong Tuan 1. Sunday Chi nhat 2. Monday Thit hai Tuesday Therba Wednesday Tho te S Thursday Ther nam Friday Thi sau 7. Saturday Thur bay 8. year nam 9, month thang 10. day ngay 11. week tun 12, weekdays gay (lam vige) trong tun 13. weekend cudi tun 14, date gay, thang, nam 15. today hom nay 16. tomorrow ngay mai 17. yesterday hom qua 18, last week ‘an trude 19. this week ‘wan nay 20, next week aan t6i z 21. every day moi ngay (hang ngay) 22. once a week mdi tun mot in 23, twice a week ri tun hai Ran 24, three times a week imei tun ba fan Talk about the calendar. Share your answers. What's today’s date? It’s March 10th, 1. How often do you come to school? What day is it? it's Tuesday. 2. How long have you been in this school? What day was yesterday? It was Monday. Lich The Calendar Months of the year ‘Thang Trong Nam 25. January ‘Thang mot 26. February Thang hai 27. March Théng be 28. April ‘Thang te 29. May Thang nam 30. June ‘Thang sau 31. July ‘Thang bay 32. August Thang tam 33. September Thang chin 34. October Thang muti 35. November Thang musi mot 36. December Thang mudi hal Seasons Mia 37. spring xuain 38. summer ha 39. fall thu 40. winter ééng 41, birthday rrgay sinh nhat 42. anniversary noms Zh E nga kj nigm f 43. legal holiday rngay nah Ib 44. religious holiday naay [8 tén gido 45. appointment hen 46. vacation night nghi ha EASTERSUNDAY Use the new language. Talk about your birthday. Look at the ordinal numbers on page 14. My birthday is in the winter. Use ordinal numbers to say the date, My birthday is in January. Its June Sth, Ws the fith. My birthday is on January twenty-sixth. 19 & © | Money Tien hd 1.$.01=1¢ 3. $.10 = 10¢ 5. $.50 = 50¢ a penny/1 cent a dime/10 cents a half dollar motu mot hao mudi xu nam muti xu/ nita G6-1a 4, $.25 =25¢ 6. $1.00 a quarter/25 cents a silver dollar mot dé-a bac 7. $1.00 11. $50.00 adollar ten dollars fifty dollars mot do mudi 6 nam muci 66 8. $5.00 10. $20.00 12. $100.00 five dollars ‘twenty dollars one hundred dollars nam 6 hai mugi d6 mat tram d6 Ways to pay Cach 7 Ee ie 13. cash 15, credit card 17, traveler's check tin mat thé tn dung chi phigu durch 14. personal check 16. money order chirphiéu Phi td tn (agan phiéu) Mare vocabulary ‘Other ways to talk about money: borrow: to get money from someone and return it later a dollar bill or aone a ten-dollar bill or a ten lend: to give money to someone and get it back later a five-dollar bill or a five a wenty-dollar bill or a Pay back: to return the money that you borrowed twenty 20 S4m_ Shopping sweaters are only $9.99, ey a Jct A. shop for E. keep 2. regular price 6. price/cost mua aw id thuting gia cd B. sell F return 3. sale price 7, sales tax ban ted lal oid ha thué ban . pay for/buy G. exchange 4. bar code 8, total tra tis mua, asi lai iy higu ghi gia téng cong D. give 1. price tay 5. receipt 9, change cho thd oid tien hhéa dan ts bien ningn ti8n the ‘More vocabulary Share your answers. When you use a credit card to shop, you get a bill in the 1. Name three things you pay for every month, mail. Bills list, in writing, the items you bought and the 9. Name ane thing you will buy this week. total you have to pay. A 3. Where do you like to shop? a1 Age and Physical Description _Tudi Tac Va Thé Chat 1. chien 4. 6-yearold boy tré con bé tal 6th 2. baby 5. 10-year-old gil embé be gal 10 tush 3. toddler 6. teenagers 06 nik thanh ti nign 7. 13-yearold boy 10. woman thidu-nién 13 tudi dan ba 8. 19-year-old girl 11. man thigu-nd 19 tus ddan ong 9. adults 12, senior citizen ‘nguéi lan bbe gia ca @ ® 13, young 17. average height te Chiba trang bint 14, middle-aged 18. short ‘trung nién ‘tha: 15. elderly 19. pregnant. gut gi Chia thal nghén od 16. tall mang cao 20. heavyset nang ky 21, average weight 25. physically challenged cin nang tung binh thutong t8t 22. thin/slim 26, sight impaired bli sgy/thon, mat kém /mis 23, altractive 27. hearing impaired / deat ingp aan tal kém/ age 24, cute a thuong Talk about yourself and your teacher. am young, average height, and average weight. My teacher is a middle-aged, tall, thin man. 22 Use the new language. ‘Tum to Hobbies and Games, pages 162-163. Describe each person on the page. He's a heavyset, short, senior citizen. M6 Ta Téc Describing Hair 1. short hair t6c ngan 2. shoulder-length hair ‘60 dal ngang vai 3. long hair 6c dai 4. part 1 dung ngoi 5. mustache fiamép 6, beard ru quai nén 7. sideburns 6c mai 9% bangs t6e che tran straight hair tc thang 1. wavy hair *6e gan s6ng curly hair tee quan . bald héi dau - gray hair toc bac red hair toc dd 15. black hair toc den 16. blond hair toc vang 17. brown hair téc nau 18. brush luge kiéu ban chai 19. scissors kéo 20. blow dryer may sy t6c 21. rollers ng cugn toc 22. comb chai A. cut hair at t6c B. perm hair én te . set hair cugn tec D. color hair/dye hair inhudm toc More vocabulary hair stylist: a person who cuts, sets, and perms hair hair salon: the place where a hair stylist works Talk about your hair. My hair is long, straight, and brown, Ihave long, straight, brown hair. When I was a child my hair was short, curly, and blond. Family Gia Dinh Tom Lee’s Family agers Lu 2. grandmother 3. grandfather 4. parents: ba an) shame Chang Helen, Daniel Smother 6. father 10. aunt 11, uncle Bs cha Lily Alex Emily —me: B.sister 9. brother a chifem gai anh/om tai is 7. (Min and Luts) srandson cha tra si (ca Min va Lu) Berta Ana Garcia’s Family 13. motherin-law 14, father-in-law me vg 6a j Marta | Se Tito @ 20. (Tito’s) wife ‘ (cia Tho) ve 15. sister-in-law. 16. brother-in-law 19. husband oh one are Alice’ 9 Fddie Sara H & Felix 17. niece 18. nephew 21. daughter 22. son chau gai chau trai on gai con tral ‘More vocabulary Share your answers. Lily and Emily are Min and Lu’s granddaughters. 1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Daniel is Min and Lu’s son-in-law. 2. What number son or daughter are you? ‘Ana is Berta and Mario's daughter-in-law, 3. Do you have any children? Lisa Smith's Family (23. married 24. divorced 66 gia din vai i f } 25. single mother en 26, single father me doc than ‘cha déc than 27. remarried tahon Carol Rick 28. stepfather 31. stepmother cha ghé me ghé David Kim Bill = 29. half brother 30. half sister _ 32. stepsister 33. stepbrother em trai cing me em gai cing me ‘em gai cing em tral od khéc cha khéc cha cha khéc me ‘More vocabulary Carol is Dan’s former wite. Rick is Carol’s husband. Sue is Dan’s wife. Lisa is the stepdaughter of both Rick and Sue. Dan is Carol’s former husband. Daily Routines _Céng Viée Hang Noay A. wake up F. make lunch K. work thie day lam com rua lam vige B. get up G. take the children to schoo! L. goto the market 1d day dua tré dihoc dichg C. take a shower H, take the bus to schoo! M. leave work tam di xe buyt di hoc 618 lam D. get dressed IL. drive to work/go to work mac quan ao Iai xe ci lam E, eat breakfast J. be in schoo! an diéim-tam Jan sang hoe! trsdng Grammar point: 3rd person singular For he and she, we add -s or -es to the verb. ‘These verbs are different (irregular): He/She wakes up. be He/She is in school at 10:00 a.m. He/She watches TV. have He/She has dinner at 6:30 p.m. 26 SSS SS ee ee ee oe Céng Viee Hang Naay Daily Routines N. clean the house R. have dinner V. read the paper ‘queét don nha fn t61 doc bao ©. pick up the children S. watch TV W. exercise én con 6 nha git te xom TY. tap thé duc P. cook dinner T. do homework X. go to bed nndu com t6i lam bai tap inal Q. come home/get home U. relax ¥. go to sleep ve nha ighi ngei/x8 hoi Ginga Talk about your daily routine. Share your answers. 1 take a shower in the moming 1. Who makes dinner in your family? 10 to schoo! in the evening. 2. Who goes to the market? 1 g0 to bed at 1 o'clock. 3. Who goes to work? Life Events Dién Bién Trong Cudéc Séng ‘A. be born san ra B. start school bat dau di hoe a hap can D. graduate tot nghiep TMMiGRATION immigrate D) DepartMENT oF :. learn to drive hoe Iai xe F. join the army i linh du quan G. get a job tim vigo H. become a citizen thanh cdng-dan |. rent an apartment mutén apartment |. go to college di hoc dai hoe n fall in love you nhau get married fap gla dinh ét hon Grammar point: past tense start immigrate learn graduate join | +ed move +d rent retire travel die ‘These verbs are different (irregular): be — was have — had get — got buy — bought become — became go — went fall = — fell Dién Bién Trong Cuéc Séng_Life Events M. have a baby 66 con N. travel du lich ©. buy a house ‘mua nha P. move don nha Tegare On! | sk ese = ak Haas ace aa SS) SSS i | j=? |= Caiferaa Sate Beery arn Ber Rand se ‘More vocabulary ‘When a husband dies, his wife becomes a widow. ‘When a wife dies, her husband becomes a widower. ‘When older people stop working, we say they retire. “Las Anges sigh Schaal Q have a grandchild 168 chau (ndi, ngogi) R. die chet 1. birth certificate aidy kha sin 2. diploma am as | na cd soasseeas | | 3, Resident Alien card. oranag thé d-tri/thé xanh 4. driver’ license bing li xe 5. Social Security card thé an sinh x2 hoi © 6. Centficate of Naturalization E idy ching nan nhap tich Martin Dares ® 7. college degree bbng dai hoe 8. marriage license ‘ify hon tha 9, passport 86 thong hanh Talk about yourself. Twas born in 1968. 1 earned to drive in 1987. immigrated in 1990. Feelings Cam Gide 1. hot néng 2. thirsty kat sleepy budn nga cold lan 5. hungry 6 6. full comiortable thoai mai 8. uncomfortable khng thoai mai 9. disgusted chan ghét 10. calm binh finh nervous ban khoan/h&i hp 12. in pain dau én 13. worried lo 14. sick ém well hide lai 16. relieved hit lo 17. hurt dau 18. lonely 6 dan/é foi 19. in love yeu nhau More vocabulary furious: very angry terrified: very scared overjoyed: very happy 30 Talk about your feelings. exhausted: very tired 1 feel happy when | see my friends. starving: very hungry Teel homesick when | think about humiliateds very embarrassed mov family, Cam Giac Feelings 20. sad bun ru - homesick ‘Aho nha 22. proud }shanhdign/ty hao 23. excited ‘di h6p/hao hang 24. scared sg hai 25. embarrassed bi r6i/then thang 26. bored chan chung 27. confused b6i di (28. frustrated that vong 29. angry ian dor 30. upset bye boi |. surprised ‘ngge nhién/simg sot 32. happy wal ve 33. tired mét méi Use the new language. Look at Clothing I, page 64, and answer the questions. 3, How does the woman at the bus stop feel? 1, How does the runner feel? 4. How do the teenagers feel? 2, How does the man at the bus stop feel? 5. How does the little boy feel? AGraduation Tét_Nghiép The Ceremony | 1. graduating class 5. podium lop t6t nghigp bye ditng 2, gown 6. graduate 40 ge sinh’ sinh vién tot 3. cap nghiép non 7. diploma 4, stage bang cép sin khgu 8. valedictorian thi khoa taking a picture. She is | Biving a speech Hes " smiling. clapping. 32 faughing. ). audienc making 2 toast. }. guest speaker khach doe dién van kan thinh gia photographer nhiép anh vién . graduate Ot nghigp They are 2 s applaud /clap vo tay ery. Khée . take a picture chyp anh give a speech gc ain van i Talk about what the people in the pictures are doi graduating. hugging. ki applauding. Tét Nghiép A Graduation 12. caterer 15, banner 18. gifts 1H. laugh ‘nhfin vién phye dich bigu nov ua tang cual men ar 16. dance floor F kiss 1._make a toast 13. buffet san nhay hén chide ming lige béprphe 17. DJ (disc jockey) G. hug, J. dance 14. guests gu digu khign dan om khieu vo Keach dia rinac Share your answers. 1. Did you ever go to a graduation? Whose? 4. Did you ever go to a graduation party? 2. Did you ever give a speech? Where? 5. What do you like to eat at parties? 3, Did you ever hear a great speaker? Where? 6. Do you like to dance at parties? 33 Places to Live Ché @ 1. the city/an urban area 2. the suburbs 3. a small town 4, the country/a rural area thanh phé/ngi thanh th goal 6 thanh phé hd /thitrdn thén qué /nai thén dé 5. apartment building E 7. townhouse ‘nha cao fang cao dc/téa nha nha lién vaeh 10. shelter hung-eu al hoe’ del hoe x 11. nursing home 12. ranch nha dung lao on aién ‘néng tral 34 More vocabul Share your answers. duplex house: a house divided into two homes 1. Do you like where you live? ‘condominium: an apartment building where each 2. Where did you live in your country? abedtienits oeped Betaratey 3. What types of housing are there near your school? co-op: an apartment building owned by the residents Tim Nha Finding a Home Renting an apartment | Mun Apartment Utilities A. look for a new apartment tim apartment méi B. talk to the manager C. sign a rental agreement ‘noi chuyén vdi cht nha ky hop dong muén nha D. move in don vao Buying a house Mua Nha C) G. talk to the Realtor Nol chuyén vdi Nhan Vién Dia Gc get a loan Vay titn J. take ownership tam chi nia ‘More vocabulary K. arrange the furniture L rental agreement for a specific period of time 3: Bas, water, and electricity for the home = pay the mortgage twa tidn vay mua nha Practice talking to an apartment manager. How much is the rent? ‘Are utilities included? When can | move in? 35 36 Apartments 1. first floor 6. playground 11. vacancy sign au mot san choi bang cho muén nha 2. second floor 7. fire escape 12, manager/ superintendent fau hai cché thoat ki hda hoan gui quan iy 3. third floor 8, intercom/speaker 13, security gate Pau ba Joa truyén than c6ng bio ve 4. fourth floor 9. security system 14. storage locker Fu bin hg thing béo ng ho chita 6 5. roof garden 10. doorman 15. parking space von tren mai aha gui géc ota hd dau xe More vocabulary rec room: a short way of saying recreation room basement: the area below the street level of an apartment ora house Talk about where you live. I ive in Apartment 3 near the entrance. | ive in Apartment 11 on the second floor near the fire escape. A-part-ment Apartments 16. swimming pool hd boi/h tam 17. balcony bban-cong 18. courtyard sin chinh (gta khu nha 6) 19. air conditioner may dig hoa khong ki 20. trash bin thang rc 21. alley dung hem 22, neighbor hang xom 23. fire exit 16i thot khi hod hoan 24. trash chute mang d rac 25. smoke detector ‘may bao dong ki €6 knoi 26. stairway cu thang 27. peephole i6 nhin 28. door chain day xich ota 29, dead-bolt lock 8 kinda chat che 30. 31. 32, 33, 34, 35. doorknob qua ndm cite key chia khéa landlord cha nha, tenant gual muén nha elevator thang may stairs cau thang - mailboxes thing the pu Talk about apartments. Grammar p there is, there are singular: there is plural: there are There isa fire exit in the hallway. There are mailboxes in the lobby. ‘My apartment has an elevator, a lobby, and a rec room. ‘My apartment doesn’t have a poo! or a garage. My apartment needs air conditioning. 37 , - , A House Nha 38 fexraRcony lbeDROoM BEDROOM @ LIVING ROOM 1. floor plan toe ab dn 2. backyard 3. fence hang 4, mailbox thung thy 8. driveway Wixe 6. garage miha 06 xe ‘More vocabulary 7. garage door nha a8 xe 8. screen door ita Lusi 9. porch light den trude hign 10. doorbell chuéng 11. front door aa tude, 12. storm door ta bio v (ki ta ‘two-story house: a house with two floors downstai the bottom floor upstairs: the part of a house above the bottom floor 14, front walk (i vao true 15. front yard 16, deck bboong 17. window cia 88 18. shutter eva chop Share your answer fanh /méng x6i 20. root 21, chimney 22, TV antenna fang:ten TV. 1. What do you like about this house? 2. What's something you don't like about the house? 3. Describe the perfect house. 1, hedge 8. sprinkler 15. pruning shears dau voi tui nude eo tia cay 2. hammock 9. hose 16. wheelbarrow vong voi nude xe ba banh 3. garbage can 10. compost pile 17. watering can thung rac ing phan bon thing toi nue 4. leaf blower 11. rake 18. flowerpot may théi la cy bB-ca0 cai 20 chu hoa/béng 5. patio furniture 12, hedge clippers 19. flower ban gh6 6 sn canh nha” kéo tia hang dau hoa bong 6. patio 13, shovel 20. bush san (canh nna) xéng lum cay 7. barbecue grill 14. trowel 21, lawn 1 mdng barbecue cai bay s88n 68 /thém 06 22, A. lawn mower may eat 6 weed the flower bed Jam of luéng hoa water the plants tudt cay mow the lawn eft 08 plant a tree fring cay im the hedge tia hang déu rake the leaves a0 la SUP TITanTIsUEEEEIEEanmreeeerveremememmemeeeneeeeeer Talk about your yard and gardening. Share your answers. 1 like to plant trees, 1. What flowers, trees, or plants do you see in the i cir ess eee. picture? (Look at Trees, Plants, and Flowers, pages Hike/don’t like to work in the yard/garden, 128-129 for help.) 2. Do you ever use a barbecue grill to cook? 39 A Kitchen Nha Bép 1. cabinet 8. shelf 15. toaster oven niga ti Kg Yo nudng banh 2. paper towels, 9. refrigerator 16. pot 3. dish drainer 10. freezer 17, teakettle séng chén 1G dng lan nidi nu nue 4. dishwasher 11. coffeemaker 18. stove may ra chén may Ige e&-phe bép Io 5. garbage disposal 12. blender 19, burner may xay rac may xay bép 6. sink 13, microwave oven 20. oven ban le microwave cy 7. toaster 14, electric can opener 21. broiler may nung ban mi may ma hop le muéng 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. counter uly drawer nigan kéo an endo electric mixer may tron food processor may ond bién én cutting board that SS Talk about the location of kitchen ms. Share your answers. ‘The toaster oven is on the counter near the stove. 1. Do you have a garbage disposal? a dishwasher? ‘The microwave is above the stove. 2, Do you eat in the kitchen? a microwave? 1echina cabinet 8. candlestick ti trung chen bat cy dung nén 2, set of dishes 9. vase b6 dia binh cm hoa/béng 3. platter 10. tray Gia khay 4, ceiling fan 11. teapot quat tran binh tra 5. light fixture 12. sugar bow! den 6 dyng duting 6. serving dish 13. creamer dia an & dung cream 7. candle 14, saltshaker én lo rc mudi Practice asking for things in the dining room. Please pass the platter. May I have the creamer? Could I have a fork, please? 15. pepper shaker Ip rac tou 16. dining room chair ahé phong an 17. dining room table ban an 18, tablecloth kan ban 19. napkin khan an 20. place mat tim lot 21. fork radia Share your answers. 2, 23, 24, 25. 26. 2. 28. knife dao spoon mung plate oa bow! to /bat glass Iyleée coffee cup tach ca-phe mug 60 06 quai 1, What are the women in the picture saying? 2. In your home, where do you eat? 3. Do you like to make dinner for your friends? 41 if 1 | A Living Room Phéng Khach 7 bookcase basket track lighting, bp den di chuyén duce lightbulb bong an ceiling wall wong painting franh Use the new language. 161 chan Wa . logs wall unit th ke J. stereo system Look at Colors, page 12, and describe this room. There is a grav sofa and a gray armchair 15. floor lamp én san nha 16. drapes 17. window 18. plant 961 dya 21, end table ban cust Talk about your living room. 22. 23, 24. 25. 26. 27. magazine holder 4B dung tap chi coffee table pan caphé armchair/easy chair he dya/ghé ban love seat long cho doi tinh TV (television) carpet thm In my living room I have a sofa, two chairs, and a.cofifee table. 1 don’t have a fireplace or a wall unit Phong Tam A Bathroom 1. hamper 8. towel rack 15. toilet paper 22, sink ® chia y-phye they ra cy treo khan ‘id ve sinh bin 2. bathtub 9, tile 16. toilet brush 23. soap bn tim san I6t ey chil Cau axphing xa bong 3. rubber mat 10. showerhead 17. toilet 24, soap dish thm cao-su voi tm Bu v8 sinh 8 dung xacphong/xa 4. drain 11. (minipblinds 18, mirror Bang duréng thodt nue rman etta mini auong 25. wastebasket 5. hot water 12, bath towel 19. medicine cabinet thing réc rue néng kan thm 1 dung thude 26. scale 6. faucet 13. hand towel 20, toothbrush _ wei nuée kan lau tay ban chai anh rang 27. bath mat 7. cold water 14. washcloth 21, toothbrush holder ide tea pining ti rude lanh khan eh a dung ban chai dan rang Seer More vocabulary Share your answers. half bath: a bathroom without a shower or bathtub 1. Do you tur off the water when you brush your teeth? linen closet: a closet or cabinet for towels and sheets stall shower: a shower without a bathtub wash your hair? shave? 2, Does your bathroom have a bathtub or a stall shower? 43 ABedroom Phong Noti 1. mirror ‘vong 2. dresser/bureau bban trang diém 3. drawer gan kéo 4, closet hhge treo do quitn 5. curtains man cia 6. window shade man cita 6 7. photograph &nh/hinh 8 bed givéng - pillow . pillowcase bao a6 « bedspread khan tal giu’ing . blanket mBn/chan flat sheet khan tral gizéng |. fitted sheet ‘khan trai Om Kivi gictng 20. 21 - headboard tm 96 dau givong - clock radio radio dng nd lamp den . lampshade cchyp dn light switch odngrtéc dign outlet cam oién night table ban ngd 26. 27. 1 dust ruifle vay giving rug thir . floor san nha = mattress, rem box spring, hung 1 x0 nding ném bed frame khung giurdng Oe Share your answers. 1, What is your favorite thing in your bedroom? 2. Do you have a clock in your bedroom? Where is it? 3. Do you have @ mirtor in your bedroom? Where is it? 44 Use the new language. Describe this room. (See Describing Things, page 11, for help.) see a soft pillow and a beautiful bedspread. Phong Ngii Tré Con_A Children’s Bedroom 1. bunk bed 7. bumper pad 13, diaper pail 19. cradle givtong tang rném lot vibn ni thing dung ta dor noi 2. comforter 8. chest of drawers 14, dollhouse 20. coloring book chin ph ging ti dyng 4o quan nha chat bup be sch t0 mu 3. nightlight 9. baby monitor 15. blocks 21. crayons den dém/dén not may theo doi tré nit 8} chai hin ki culo sép/bot mau bing 4. mobile 10. teddy bear 16. ball = 8 chai treo nbi fu om anh 22. puzzle 5. wallpaper 11, smoke detector 17. picture book ® chai rap tinh ify dan tung ‘may béo dng khi ob Khoi” Sach (26) inh 23, stuffed animals 6. crib 12. changing table 18. doll tha hdl bong 6% ban thay ta up bé 24, toy chest 1 dymg @ chot oe, Talk about where items are in the room. The dolihouse is near the coloring book. The teddy bear is on the chest of drawers. ‘Share your answers. 1, Do you think this is a good room for children? Why? 2. What toys did you play with when you were a child? 3. What children’s stories do you know? Housework _Viée Nha A. dust the furniture ‘chil byl ban ghd B, recycle the newspapers ‘tal dung aly bdo co CC. clean the oven chai bép kb 1D. wash the windows choi ra ca 56 E. sweep the floor quet nha empty the wastebasket 66 rac G. make the bed don givdng /am givang H._ put away the toys L don dB choi vacuum the carpet hat byi tha ‘mop the floor ‘choi nha K._ polish the furniture L ‘danh bong ban ahé scrub the floor chal san nha 1. wash the dishes riga chen dia |. dry the dishes lau kh6 chén ia wipe the counter faw/ehii quay change the sheets thay tém trai givdng ). take out the garbage 6.46 réc 9 Talk about yourself. 1 wash the dishes every day. I change the sheeis every week. I never dry the dishes. Share your answers. 1. Who does the housework in your family? 2. What is your favorite cleaning job? 3. What is your least favorite cleaning job? Vat Dung Lau Chui Cleaning Supplies ©, ® @ sp A x 4 Pm ‘~e 1. feather duster chéi long 2, recycling bin thing dyng a t8i ché 3. oven cleaner thuBe eh 1 4. rubber gloves ‘ging cao-su 5. steel-wool soap pads chia co baing thep x6p 6. rags Gié lau cht 7. stepladder thang 8. glass cleaner thus lau kinh 9, squeegee cy lau in 10. broom 11, dustpan db ht rac 12, trash bags ‘bao rc foi dung rée 13. vacuum cleaner may hat Bui 14, vacuum cleaner attachments phy tung may hut byi 15. vacuum cleaner bag, bao hit bui 16. wet mop cchdi lau nha 17. dust mop chdi lau byi 18, furniture polish ‘thuée danh béng ban ghé 19, scrub brush ban chai cg 20. bucket/pail thang 21. dishwashing liquid xarphong nue rita chén 22. dish towel khan lau chén bat 23. cleanser ‘hue lau chit 24, sponge miéing x6p Practice asking for the items. I have to sweep the floor. Can you get me the broom, please? J want to wash the windows. Please hand me the squeegee. Household Problems and Repairs 1. The water heater is not working. roof is leaking. Mai nha bi dot 4. The wall is cracked. Tuéng nha bi nut indow is broken. 5. Th Use the new language. Look at Tools and Building Supplies, pages 150-151. Name the tools you use for household repairs. 48 6. The lock is broken. 11. locksmith Okhda bi gy. ho khéa 12. carpenter 13, fuse repair person 1 5 use a hammer and nails to fix a broken step. use a wrench to repair a dripping faucet. Siva Chiva Vat Dung Trong Nha_ Household Problems and Repairs 15. The furnace is broken. 20. plumber 24, antis) Lo ga bi hu, tg sita Sng nuge ign 16. The faucet is dripping. 21. exterminator 28. cockroach(es) Voi nuée bit. thg tr gian sian 17. The sink is overflowing. Household pests 26, mice* Bon nue bj tran. Vat Hal Trong Nha chugt nhat 18. The toilet is stopped up. 2. termite(s) 27. ratis) Nha vé sinh bj nghet: mi cchuét lén 19. The pipes are frozen. 23. fleals) Ong nus bi dong da. ran ‘Note: one mouse, two mice More vocabulary Share your answers. fix: to repair something that is broken 1. Who does household repairs in your home? ‘exterminate: to kill household pests 2. What is the worst problem a home can have? a chemical that is used to kill household pests 3. What is the most expensive problem a home can have 49 pesti 1. grapes 9. grapefruit 17. strawberries 25. dates ‘Bho busi trai dau (tay) chal 2. pineapples 10. oranges 18. raspberries 26. prunes thom (dita) cam trai rat-berri ‘man kh 3. bananas 11. lemons 19. blueberri 27, raisins chuéi chanh (ving) tral blurbe- sho kho 4. apples 12. limes 20. papayas 28. not ripe to (bom) chan (xanh) ou dis cchua chin 5. peaches 13, tangerines 21. mangoes 29. ripe dao quit xo8i chin 6. pears 14. avocadoes 22. coconuts 30, rotten le bo tra thd 7. apricots 15. cantaloupes 23. nuts mo dua kanvtarl6p hat 8. plums 16. cherries 24, watermelons man trai che-ri dua hau Language note: a bunch of Share your answers. We say a bunch of grapes and a bunch-of bananas 1. Which fruits do you put in a fruit salad? 2. Which fruits are sold in your area in the summer? 3. What fruits did you have in your country? 50 1. lettuce rau xérlach 2. cabbage bp xt bap cai 3. carrots cast 4. zucchini dia xanh 5. radishes 8 cai 06 6, beets 7. sweet peppers St ngot 8. chili peppers otcay 9. celery can tay 10. parsley rau mil ty 11. spinach rau spinach 12. cucumbers ‘dua chuot/dva leo 13. squash ava 14, turnips 15. broccoli rau bré-korl 16. cauliflower cei hoa, hoa la! xGp lo 17. scallions hanh ske-ion 16. eggplants eatin 19. peas au 20. artichokes acti'so 21, potatoes Kooi ty 22. yams khoal lang 23. tomatoes ca chua 24. asparagus mang tay 25. string beans au day (cau da 26, mushrooms dm 27. com bbép/ngo 28. onions an 29, garlic ti SEE EEE EEE EEE EEEEP EERE Language note: a bunch of, a head of We say a bunch of carrots, a bunch of celery, and a bunch of spinach. We say a head of lettuce, a head of cabbage, and a head of cauliflower. Share your answers. 1. Which vegetables do you eat raw? cooked? 2. Which vegetables need to be in the refrigerator? 3. Which vegetables don’t need to be in the refrigerator? 31 Meat and Poultry Thit Beef Bo Pork Heo lamb cou 1. roast beef 9. ham 13. lamb shanks thit bb muting thitheo ngudi thit ott 06 xueng 2, steak 10. pork chops 14, leg of lamb ‘hit bo bit-téoh fit heo edt lat di cis 3. stewing beef 11. bacon 15. lamb chops ‘hit bo kho Ait aya thit cin ct lat 4. ground beef 12, sausage ‘bo nghién <0Bi xu xieh 16. chicken 19. breasts 22, drumsticks 24. raw chicken a nave! ie ui ga/téi 98 thit ga chura néu 17. turkey 20. wings 23. gizzards 25. cooked chicken gatay anh mB thit 8 néu chin 18. duck 21. thighs vit bap dit More vocabulary vegetarian: a person who doesn’t eat meat Meat and poultry without bones are called boneless. Poultry without skin is called skinless Share your answers. 1. What kind of meat do you eat most often? 2. What kind of meat do you use in soup? 3. What part of the chicken do you like the most? 52 1. white bread 6. pastrami bénh mi tréng thit oi Dhé-mat Thyy-st 2. wheat bread 7. roast beef 12. jack cheese banh mi kaa mach thit bo nuréng ho-mat Jack 3. rye bread 8. comed beef 13. potato salad bianh mi tba mach den thit be mudi xdrldch khoal tay 4. smoked turkey 9. American cheese 14. coleslaw thit 8 ty xéng Khoi phéemat My xéléch kons to 5. salami 10. cheddar cheese 15, pasta salad xc xich ¥ pho-mat vang xérlach mi soi Fish Ca Shellfish Ca co vo 16. trout 20. halibut 22. crab 26. mussels chibi ca hérirbut cua nghéu xanh 17, catfish 21. filet of sole 23. lobster 27, oysters ca kétfish lat ca 86 lobs-t0/t6r him 2 18, whole salmon 24, shrimp 28. clams ‘4 xlu-manh nguyén con tom ighéu si 19, salmon steak 25. scallops 29. fresh fish ce xiu-manh ot lat ngac cate 30. frozen fish ca dng tanh Practice ordering a sandwich. Share your answers. ''d like roast beet and American cheese on rye bread. 1. Do you like to eat fish? Tell what you want on it. 2. Do you buy fresh or frozen fish? Please put tomato, lettuce, onions, and mustard on it 54 1. a bottle return {ra v6 chai ‘meat and poultry section ‘Khu bain tht va g@ Si, 4. 5. shopping cart xe day 6 chg canned goods 6 hop aisle 16i di (6-cho) 6. baked goods @ an nuéng Io 7. shopping basket aid ctehy 8, manager quan Iy 9. 10. Mu dairy section ku ban sta pet food 6 an cho gia sic nudi lam e@inh trong nha produce section ku ban rau 24, 25. 26. 27. soup xup tuna ca tuna beans au spaghetti mi sparghét+i 28. 29. 30. 31. rice geo bread banh mi rolls bbanh mi cue nhé cookies bain kick 32, cake anh ngot 33, yogurt Girua (sa chua) 34. eggs ‘wang 35. milk sta 36. a7. 38. 39. butter bo sour cream kem chua cheese pho-mét margarine margiarrin Cho The Market 12. frozen foods 15. an dng lanh 13. baking products 16. 4 an nuténg 414. paper products 7. van phéng phim bever thie uéng snack foods qua vat/d® an vat checkstand quay tra ten 16. cash register ‘may tinh en 19, checker ‘nguéi tinh tin 20. line x€p hang 21, bagger ‘ngubi bé hang vao bao 22. paper bag bao aidy 23. plastic bag. bao piattic 40. potato chips 44, koai tay chién lat mang 41. candy bar 45. théi keo 42. gum 46. go cao-su 43. frozen vegetables 47. rau dong lan ice cream kem/carrem flour bot spices glawi ‘cake mix ‘bot lam banh 48. sugar avong 49, oil dau 50. apple juice nuéc cSt to 51. instant coffee cciephé pha ngay 52. soda nude ngot 53. bottled water nude déng chai ' 54. plastic wrap gidy plét-tic dé bao 35, aluminum foil ‘ly nhOm a6 bao 35 56 4, carton hop cac-tOni 5. container 6. box a 8 dung thong, hop Cem A, & 9. six-pack xach/thung 66 6 chai/lon 10. loaf 6 (anh) mi 13. a bottle of soda 17. a container of cottage cheese imét chai nude nggt imgt hop dung loa phé-mat 14. a jar of jam mem, co mau trang mot lo oot trai cay 18, a box of cereal 15. a can of soup mot hop nga cbc ‘mot lon xGp_ 19. a bag of flour 16. a carton of eggs ‘psciomnaed mdt hop trimg 20. a package of cookies ‘mot goi ban kkk! Grammar point: How much? How many? ‘Some foods can be counted: one apple, two apples. How many apples do you need? I need two apples. ‘Some foods cannot be counted, 21. a six-pack of soda mt wach s0-da 6 lon 22, a loaf of bread ‘mgt 6 ban mi 23. a toll of paper towels mot cugn khan ify 24, a tube of toothpaste mot dng kem danh rag ids, grains, spices, or dairy foods. For these, count containers: one box of rice, two boxes of rice. How much rice do you need? I need two boxes. TO) ng Luong Va Bo Lung Weights and Measures ‘A. Measure the ingredients. Bo luéing cfc thi khi ndu an. Liquid measures @ ® 1 fl. 07, Dry measures = Onan Lisp. Weight —Trong luong ‘Bo Iueng chat kho B. Weigh the food. (Can thu an. Bo Iuéng chat lng C. Convert the measurements. Fioan dl don w do lveing 1. a fluid ounce of water mt ounce nude a cup of oil mét tach dau 3. a pint of yogurt més pint gia-ua 4, a quart of milk mot quart sta VOLUME 1 fl, oz, = 30 milliliters (ml.) 1c. = 237 mil. A7 liters (.) 5. a gallon of apple juice ‘mot gariong nude o8t tao 6. a teaspoon of salt mot muéng mudi nhd 7. a tablespoon of sugar mat mudng duéing fon 8. a 1/4 cup of brown sugar mot 1/4 tach duvang vang EQUIVALENCIES 3 tsp. = 1 TBS. 2 TBS. 2e=1pt 9.2 1/2 cup of raisins mt 1/2 tach nho Kho 10. a cup of flour ‘mét tach bot 11. an ounce of cheese mét ounce phé-mat 12. a pound of roast beef mét cn Anh thit bd nuéng WEIGHT 1 oz. = 28.35 grams (g,) 1 Ib. = 453.6 8. 2.208 Ibs. = 1 kilogram 1b. = 16 oz. Food Preparation Ndu An Scrambled eggs Trirng khudy A. Break 3 eggs. D. Pour the eggs into Bap 3 tring. the pan, Bi Beat wel. 6 tring vao chéo. anh trina, E, Stir C. Grease the pan. ual, ten ‘Trang du trong F. Cook until done. chao, Nau cho dén khi chin Vegetable casserole Rau hap 10 G. Chop the onions. J. Grate the cheese, ‘Thal hanh, Mai pho-mat. H, Sauté the onions. K. Mix the ingredients. ao han, TrOn cdc the. 1. Steam the broccoli. L. Bake at 350° for Hap brék-kér! 45 minutes. Nuéng 6 350 40 trong 45 phat Chicken soup Xup 98 M. Cut up the chicken, P. Boil the chicken. Cat ga. Luge ga. N. Peel the carrots. Q. Add the vegetables. Got ca rot ‘Them /d6 rau vo. ©. Slice the carrots, Re Simmer for 1 hour. Thal cd-6t [Ninh trong + tiéng ding he S. fry T. barbecue/grill —_U. roast V. broil chien ufging Io than quay /nuéng nvéng “en Talk about the way you prepare these foods. Share your answers. 1 iy eggs. : 1. What are popular ways in your country to make rice? I bake potatoes, ‘vegetables? meat? 2. What is your favorite way to cook chicken? 58 Kitchen Utensils 1. can opener 9. wooden spoon 17. colander 24. lid Re ggater 10. garlic press 18. kitchen timer 28, saucepan 3. platc storage 1. eassepole dish cone) evan fontaine af hap 19, spatula mr bénh (ng mae ae an 12. carving knife t ba — 27. poe sheet ; 4. steamer 135 roasting pan 20, eggbeater 28. pie pan 5. frying pan 14, roasting rack 21. whisk, 28. pot holders 6 pot 15. vegetable peeler 22. straine 30. rolling pin alle 16. eating knife 31. mixing bow! 8. double boiler — " Use the new language. Look at Food Preparation, page 58. Name the diferent utensils you see. Talk about how to use the utensils. You use apeeler to peel potatoes. You use a_pot to cook soup. 39 eee Fast Food Thu'c Do'n Cia Quan Dé An Lién 1. hamburger hem-bo-go 2. french fries khoai tay chién lat méng 3. cheeseburger chiz-be-go 4. soda nu6c s6-da/nuGc ngot 5. iced tea nuéc tra da 6. hot dog hot dog 7. pizza pirza More vocabulary green salad xarlach xanh taco banh trang tak-kd . nachos banh trang nat-ché « frozen yogurt gia-ua déng lanh . milk shake sta s6e . counter quay . muffin banh mép-phin donut: doughnut (spelling variation) condiments: relish, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. 60 15. doughnut banh dé-nat 16. salad bar quay xa-lach 17, lettuce rau xa-lach 18. salad dressing nuéc chan xa-lach 19. booth ban an (ngan thanh khu) 20. straw 6ng hit 21. sugar duéng Share your answers, 22. sugar substitute dudng (cho ngudi king an) 23. ketchup s6t ca chua 24, mustard mtrtac 25. mayonnaise may-d6 /sét dau tring 26. relish gia-vi (cho thit) A. eat an B. drink uéng 9 SS a 1, What would you order at this restaurant? 2. Which fast foods are popular in your country? 3. How often do you eat fast food? Why? Thue Don Cla Quan Ca-Phé A Coffee Shop Menu [Desserts 1. scrambled eggs 8. grilled cheese 13. steak 20. pudding tramg khudy sandwich thit bip-téch banh pot-dinh 2. sausage bach mi xang-wich c6 14. baked potato 21. pie ddi/xde-xich pn ier khoai tay nuéng (1d) bnh nan (trai cay) 3. toast hef’s salad 15. pasta 22. coffee banh mi nung se cherssaiad mi pats-ta ca-phé mén xa-lach cia . 4. waffles dau bép 16. garlic bread 23. decaf coffee oe Caan fa a As = s banh whap-phd 10. soup of the day en e uép tdi ca-phé cit 5. syrup mén xp trong ngay 17. fried fish 24. tea xi-16 ea chién nude tra 11. mashed potatoes — 6. pancakes khoai tay tan nher 18. rice pilaf Banh penne 12, roast chicken comibin 7. bacon ga quay 19. cake thit bay-kan banh nggt Practice ordering from the menu. Use the new language. I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup. Look at Fruit, page 50. Wl have the chef’s salad and a cup of decaf coffee. Order a slice of pie using the different fruit flavors. Please give me a slice of apple pie. A Restaurant Nha Hang 1. hostess 3. menu 5. patron/diner nar tiép vien thuc don khach 4n/thuc khéch 2. dining room 4. server/ waiter phéng an bdi ban A. set the table D. order from the menu G. clear the table J. leave a tip sap dat ban goi mén an (tir thy don) don sach ban dé tién budc-boa trén B. seat the customer E. take the order H, carry the tray ban dat khdch ngi han dat mon an burng khay C. pour the water F. serve the meal 1. pay the check pha nuéc don mén an ra tra tign More vocabulary Practice giving commands. eat out: to go to a restaurant toeat ~ Please set the table, take out: to buy food at a restaurant and take it home I'd like you to clear the table. Pea It’s time to serve the meal.

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