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This pattern includes two designs: headband and beret. Both start with the headband which is knit flat. For the beret we pick up stitches from the headband and create the crown knitting in the round to the top of the head. Measurements With this design you can easily adjust the size of your headband, This avoids unnecessary rogging Final dimensions of my hat: 27 cm; 10,6 in in diameter Head circumference: 56 cm; 22 in Materials Yarn | skein of aran weight yarn ‘Shown in, 1 skein of Rosy Green Wool Big Merino Hug Red Squirrel (969,153 m, 167 yds) Tools 4,5mm/US 7 and 5 mm/US 8 needles. One marker, cable needle, tapestry needle, hook for provisional CO Gauge Aran: In stockinette stitch on 5mm / US 8 needles: 13 sts x 20rs= 10x10cm- take measurement after blocking the swatch lightly Reproducing this gauge is not critical because the design allows you to customize the size, but its important that you do knit a swatch and block i ightly so that you know your own gauge and how much your yarn stretches. It is also important to make sure you like the density of the knitwork. | prefer denser knitwork for winter so | used 4,5mm/US 7 needle for the headband and Smm/US 8 needle for the crown. Abbreviations C2L = slip 2 stst0 cable needle, and hold atfront,k2, then k2 from cable needle C2R= slip 2 sts to cable needle, and hold at back, k2, then k2 from cable needle CDD = central double decrease: s|2 sts together as if to knit, k1, pass 2 slipped sts over CO = cast on mll= make one left url pm = place marker url 2 stitches together fow/rowstep = repeat rm= remove marker d/mds = round/rounds slk = slip knitwise slp = slp purlwise slip sip knit st/ss~ sltch/stitches Directions Headband Provisionally CO 16 sts leaving a tail of approximately 18-20 cm (67 in) to allow for grafting/binding. 16) 16| 14] 13] 72/14/10] 9 | [7 [6 RI:k3, p2, k6, p2, k3. R2: slp, p2,k2, pé, k2, p3. IRS: kWS:p @ [Rs pws:k ‘AIRS. sip sthritwise WS: slp 1 st purhvise Jip 2sts to cable needle and hold in back, 12, then k2 fram cable needle ip 2 sts to cable needle and holdin front, 12, then k2 from cable needle R3: sk, k2, p2, C2L, k2, p2, k3. RA: slpl, p2, k2, pb, k2, p3 RS: slkl, K2, p2, k2, C2R, p2, k3. R6: slpl, p2, k2, p6, k2, p3 Repeat R3-6 until you get intended length, Undo provisional CO and place the 16 live sts onto needle. Graft live sts or use three-needle bind offon wrong side of your knitwork. Video tutorial: htips:// You have 15 sts on each needle. Using a third needle, go first as if to knit into the first stitch on the front needle, then directly into the first stitch on the back needle as if to knit, and knit the two stitches together and slip them off the needles.* Do it again with the following sts on the needles. You have two sts on your right needle. Slip the first st over the second st.” Repeat the action in between the stars until you have one last st and pull the yarn thought the last stitch. Upper part Upper part is knitted in stockinette stitch in the round with half size bigger needles than the headband. Pick up sts from the headband (see photo). The number of picked up sts depends on the length of the headband, You will pick up a stitch from every other row plus one from the graft. Ifthe headband is 110 rows long, pick up 55 sts + | stfor the part where we connected the beginning with the end, Pick up sts on the wrong side of the headband, Pm for beginning of rnd, RNDI:k RND2: [k2, ml] repeat RNDS: k. RND4: [k2, mI] repeat RNDS: k RND6: At the end ofthis round, you will end up with 162 sts. Add as many mI sts, evenly spaced throughout this round, to bring your stitch count up to 162. Knit instockinette stitch until your work measures 7 cm / 2.75 in from the headband. Please continue with the instructions on the next page. Crown Decreasing is worked by Central Double Decrease on 6 spots every other round {video tutorials: English style: hitps//, Continental style: The CDD involves 3 sts slip 2 sts together as ifto knit 2 together, k1, pass 2lipped sts over. The central stitch will create the star on top of your beret. The star will become distinctive after knitting first four rounds. Every even round is knit. This photo showsthe detail of two incorrect ways of CDD and the right one. From the left: 1) sI2 as if to knit (separately), k1, p2ss0; 2) sI2 together as if to purl, kl, p2ss0; 3) sI2 together as if to knit, k1, p2sso. The third is the actual correct CCD and shows the strong, clean, centered rib in the pattern. RNDI: [k24, CDD] rep to end of round. All even rounds are to be knit. NOTE: For the following rounds, you will complete the final CDD by moving frst slipped stitch from the round to the end of the round ~ you remove the marker indicating the beggining of the round, slip one stitch purlwise and place the marker. RNDS: rm, s|1 purlwise, pm *[k22, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RNDS: rm, sI1 purlwise, pm*[k20, CD], rep from * to end of md. RND7: 1m, sI1 purlwise, pm *[k18, CD], rep from * to end of md. RND9: rm, s!I purlwise, pm *[k16, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RNDI 1: 1m, sll purlwise, pm *[k14, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RNDI3:m, sI1 purlwise, pm *[k12, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RNDI5: rm, sll purlwise, pm *[k10, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RNDI7: mm, s!I_purlwise, pm *[k8, CD], rep from * to end of md. RND19: mm, sl purlwise, pm *[k6, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RND21: rm, s!1 purlwise, pm *[k4, CDD], rep from * to end of rnd. RND23: mm, sl purlwise, pm *[k2, CDD], rep from * to end of md. RND25: m, sl purlwise,, pm *[CDD], rep from * to end of md. Pull the yarn through 6 remaining sts. Weave in ends and block the hat on a big plate. | recommend to put the plate inthe beret first, then make the hat wet so the headband doesn “t overstretch © Marie Petra, March 2017 All rights reserved. Pattern for personal use only.

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