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A feminist idea known as liberal feminism emphasizes the capacity of women to defend
equality through their choices and actions. The goal of liberal feminism is to grant women the
same political and legal rights as men. For thousands of years, women were subjugated to
men. They claim that society retains the mistaken idea that women are inherently less capable
than men, both physically and mentally. They feel that outdated norms that teach women to be
subservient are impeding their global success. Minor modifications occurred over the ages
such as during the Renaissance, but the situation did not shift considerably until the World
Wars. The condition led to women from all over the world being indispensable in the war effort.
Thus, the World Wars ushered in a new period of opportunity for women to be acknowledged
for their contributions outside the house. Women also had the courage and bravery to express
their needs to the public. Since then, there have been an increasing number of women's rights
movements. The film "Mona Lisa Smile" depicts the role of women in that decade and the
subsequent awakening of consciousness. The film covers the topic of women's roles in
society. In the 1950s, many people felt that women's roles were limited to motherhood and
marriage. The movie acts as a reminder of the strides made in the continuous struggle for
women's rights and gender equality.

The film starts in the socially restrictive 1950s, based on Katherine Watson's experience as an
art history teacher. In the film "Mona Lisa Smile," she is a liberal feminist and a UCLA graduate
from California, and it appears that at the time, Massachusetts was less open to new ideas and
was deeply entrenched in old traditions. She is an educated lady who thinks for herself and
refuses to submit to societal expectations for women of the period. Women's roles in our
society have long piqued the curiosity of people from many different backgrounds. Women's
rights are currently advancing, with various groups advocating for quality. The way women are
seen at home has also evolved throughout time. The girls at Wellesley come from some of
Massachusetts' most rich, powerful, and upper-class families. The females at the school are
taught foreign languages so that they may arrange beautiful dinner parties for their husbands'
bosses. The females are also trained on how to be poised and talk properly when hosting
dinner parties. The girls were captivated by the customs placed on them as they grew older,
preventing them from wondering why they were required to follow traditions. Katherine teaches
the ladies an alternative way of life, which has a long-lasting influence on them. Katherine
sought to assist the girls from making the mistake of not pursuing their ambitions. She urges
them to be more than just a man's wife, to be self-sufficient women who are not afraid to defy
social standards. This film accurately depicts liberal feminism, the struggle for self-
determination, and gender norms in the years 1953-1954. Despite the hardships and
judgmental comments she receives from students and some faculty, Katherine is determined
to confront society's outdated ideals and the institutions in which she works. Katherine inspires
her traditional students to think for themselves and choose a different path than what society
expects them to take.
In summary, the movie "Mona Lisa Smile" portrays the lives of women in 1953 and the roles
that were expected of them. In the past, women were seen as objects whose sole purpose was
to marry and make good wives to their husbands under whatever conditions. The requirement
for free choice in making life decisions has always been central to the arguments for equality.
Women should not exist as if they rely on others to make decisions. This film is set in a
patriarchal era in which marriage was the finest thing a girl could wish for. They are attempting
to learn science, literature, art, and so on. However, they will not be able to put them to use,
and they must accept that they are housewives simply because they are "the roles women
were born to fill," as Betty stated. The role of women in family and society is a topic that most
sociological theories are always excited about. The way women are perceived, taught, and
induced in Mona Lisa Smile reflects a variety of factors that functionalist conjecture supports
and warfare theory excludes. Whether the picture gives the feeling of being ejected in the
mood of its period and nation, those considerations in the current societal demands. In the
same manner that Katherine encourages her students to explore their roles in the film, we
should investigate our existing educational and societal frameworks. Understanding their
hidden focuses will assist us change our overall population, which is beneficial.

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