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0buo noNI ir irnprtaruy ar tht'rgrwit'l'bs cpl',{!qtu{a{
ogliga,horu artre{ ftoyn
It nnt qt1;tled
.-->-' t !:
Larnx? "
.i' ii'-,,:: tLi.1 )"ruhg do ws have tro nta'ng
)rromelhirl$ fl1dt i( boqncl todo t : H uon are,dwdqng an ol itri*h ths d e'ue'lop rn el't cit{
i thu€r il ,rome {hat dozu vief h49g d lggdl Omtl ruilh tFors P/!bk'n^l fh&t reqrlin0 voltrt'lionr'
con{olusntl cxen l{ npt don0 br,ittht'ro arg
* 41(ficLg 6qo (avUcoor)
con(equcn{4J irwpoetd re4ona1';l'l hu-]
[n'lf * rnamed wovn4,n YnA^/ t^.k,"

etvtL copE cRA J+0'08tu) (a) wr rnaiden fi51! Mme an|vwnam(t+twbands vr{rna/fl{l

'l4rD (U) W rtamet and tw'lbandQ 'rurrams/

.\r,lDo avtrclef hvrrband( fi,tttnanos dh+lro
rho wrtl at)dtA a
frrelahonr [.i;
ttnrl. Ghi,{ba,n4.t fol *wr.'
,'0brigMo0 l,r o[uridical he@d(iu gJf(U"
! Ho t,tnuru o bft<,(" !
or not to do'"
* ARncL6' ltrS '
d pcrl0n orog;r* den'tcd frorvr tar'O ora ll'ot Ptt{rrr,lel
-if, :, ',I ther tow docl no{ oUlgrrFo
" L7 Oo nnf rvul(/ a(fimp+ioru ot+tro f'r'rt

to mans hi'r Par-t'rr

ll lupp o,+rry tttt, farn\\' plfFERENrKrNps oF tAw ' *',rliufHu:,
. lovJ - b1
\\- to Po'
t in*ro +ffi7uP* ttroro srnrloYsd

*1 o}h'cr .rourrx/ of,int'ovvro

al thu .;l'jlffi sfi&l"ffi,hqtffiffiWffi
ffi* -',{4,r*t
ernPtWoX uns rcryon(ibter tu uuumit tk' CDort z UtOrelu) xcommcn/cd { $?JATfl'
^*'tft' lcrf*u-G( on exir$rj lad ont'J'
NOr 19 D0: ,loppiog in publi6' L: gare.d o^ tali,'
. rd.t^1 berilrul rhe pd^riq < @'lrRA€:#

JU,At0lcAL \IEcgf( i'ry

*rf%tffi"r rlsq)
b mavrno{o -ront'ar} btlta'n hqb4rul

lq rhtl
' '. domothlng tha"t il wtoruaflet
*q wik.
tf FUrnruJ raoe $*it tgrftntuir'llm{Ait)
r- rand 615ql pbunalr) 4"
L' u"t .^a *,[Jllfl'i),,.#*o,,gas Br'r cmbrJ

-r ' d and
cprwp y}. gmRto-i m'
{{, 1$dnPlo{il't'
r s\ dNlQ/ I + rnano gi n g NlhOtlnU Lfrrv"t
cowrPliing , Q*4u,blit, ffctl ol K'A' (a"vr*ntr"1)
i t+'iti,r nof t^lfrtld, ori*i,l violarnd,lou (ffiq1
Lt tqo,? corrnifinti o v\
in the ow4 GfillrTr'**verqy,+a,liw
JhvPrlbt€tn trfith tho +nbunal
, \^c
''L { tntorccobtO bY }0,td -'. rt i,r en{oraalute in fl''o tnhs^l .t^reultrr,? ?orttt( 0r f'0 Ctrmoof cog ll'ihl 1481)

+ thr,rg i,r an elsmwl of nccu+l\, mr{lqll'

I bA{A{ PA{^DANJA, or bP tdudhg +fig$rnO a('t{\^W ufrt
Nor coNJiogK.Eo ei 4 (Uptpirpf rlEr,tridrJ . Preldr ,hal geeNs or P.0.t4unng 1te,{imooPmarul)
'S0ioru comrnitment ' Etpvrbli<.iAfi or
('ft' ttndcptnflolo LoefuovwuA
. ordinary pvotniltr
, (pmmsnN{alh At* or 6ff' (cowrvronwedfn flefiod) tFr
. hW Yari retolt^hon
t nots i,r cn
IYIII wlwYv 0ne., " $fi Cdurtng ther Avnefican bs rrued qr &r &t4'1px1 arrd por r.toa
tt{g o*lnMnoNl t2x Miolu)
! ' \ -1...{\ 1.
' -t ttigvrelt lqw sP thc land
? A rneohnq ofwrind b(hNten 2P{nofl{ hlhtrebY snebroAi (
-7 l1hern thc rora8l dl.*Sa* a taw P
6sinh n*t{rnt with t+,0
nirrr rerf , uirtr rtlp ul 1'e thg othe'f , b gtng iomt'ttti1g on ulhtioru, flrt formt't rhrut4 bc, {oid , nwd tIw ldtFr
to rtndtr ,royncetrvik." tA* 116,6., 6ivli codO) rhat! $o royil .,' C*rhde'1 , dnladt}
4 0or,l not nscd *o bS F/nlkn Ortiqned" L> hrtrrn a lqN{ {he conrtitr,tl'i on thtre$ors ifF wuBn

+contra,rtr 0ore.n \ r0rrnO,l taU'

, ;-i r,ltl

tlhe Con {'hh/vh 04

hea.rt o{1hc
ain t't th* g
rn un1'
-r 4 yeno n"t fl roFtlion 19
-a fla,r 22 (flrhoN
'rodion 1 h-lloPnilvh
pKD ws {"
. pair ftoa,tfnq\,t' bu *,iur! orf[0 $otrsfnm€^]'
L1 ri i/r mult btr
L) {u.hon U 4 w ' tuirfrr-a.hryrt^t ohd rp<udu +na,i

L;6ulion lz: k"igh,tl of +ht,*gttru\

L:.feltion tT'. Wgw io barl
L: J*r.,tio, i.igrik of Pgno(undan lnvertigahon
Lr ,fu*ion rq; (ight dgairrrt cel{-incyirvrinakon

Lf tany< nntl,tl6s, rta{onablV Lftnt oPPr(

li (urion lg: Noi dohwlrrvt {or yov\nca\ /r*llg;o^r
Ll,tu*ion lqr hb uvrd or q,rrrarr,ra,{ pur.irhvn tnih
Lr Daa*+\ ? l( 00n rlitwtiona,l
,0r\6 rc(( trW?ettd
tl kc-dq,i o6 Puyeryt6 .40 yf
$ ,rerfion lo , No iwrprironnnr_6 &r doui-
k Uu.r h(Io n w rwt llx
Cd-fai V'tl,"lo-[or, ncc{ Ypvr to
t[en^ grpcrtl)


cltildmomo4u {:ol)
4. R.A. [r4V - PendliYlu
?. E'O' 2&- fiami\i codo
O. b P. Le-- A,^*i- roounury ctreel< tqnJ Clqtq)
4'r.o' |fl, -rmporivrg 1{as N{-tE Uon71 - R^peol"d
c' R n oot4 - [hii -grafi ond cor,nr,Pt Trwr,et AdCl400)
(r' c'h. l+?- ' - &ia.r tad {'14?t')
!. [Lt oDtr- nu,itud ?<nd Gdr.t t)qfi"]
ab ob h 2.s P4

sf,ffi mEedoaffig ftm ost0ffioNg * J+ {hs lod or c0nrralt doe' nor ttatg *ro d'ilig*tna
t(An obligahon i,r o.luviolical
ir to bo obrarv4 in thv ?Y*Wy
ntwi4r ^Uir'[
1 do or not ft do''' ir cxprhc/ 0t a good f"nher o{u-{datll uh^,[l !o
-Art. ll$r 6civr1 co4t) {, 'par'(cwi\ 6do)
rtal orti gotron
q$.tr'## t eg.r,ir,.d " - AKt' lttl3, &x,4
Lf f p to dow hot vfaiq nl[66 rirrd of
p.rourArrnENT( fn( 00Ll
du,igtnu,r ir nttdd,fiurifurt/, * tr arurrad tlraf
"ftt{ puron obtipd, i1 ir jurf "ndh"U fi'tigrno. ?rotr,cl ot6ga/iefl
t\I al{o obtigccl to fcx<;
diI 0+q father 0f a{ary\i\!,untrJ(Yh0 (Anollrga}ion ir oiur'rdiral nrr<d\ to 1',lo or \otrto do. "
rrtipulanof\ s* JhU partrtr requiru< 'Avt, tt(6 rcivrl O4s,)
tq,N ol"

ofiother rtaMqld s* t'6r1"'" t, n Jy,o'o obli gtd to dd'iver

r - &rt' lt\01(ovil adu) tno m thO *,rW the' ob
m ad,a'n *,n o*t4'tu'' 4nd lhc/ rquJ i r
faditi o natl
{yn .{htryr -rlrc $wtt-Itlr5
(Pamarrhalt oci$):
olo rot &l{^, qnIriLiU
,Piligcnc.i, ofa oood Fnfhs +ordinary Aligentl't ir alrl o{o} ,lolv.orll fWortdlr ohqg
Cu.lhdt i( t{?ertul of gou) ar obr,rla*furt.
h trg'. po{'owin$ rromsthrfl $, W?VuLAfr loc&ovtA€"Y,
r$*m it'- , tvtora dohtndi i Del*l by fio deltgr
.e il,fr {rnd,ir4
"Wj(d Auipcndi -) 0al6^l hY thv cn/[]gr l.gcarh*.nfi,
OnornAp.{ Dt uogNc,g UJ. BffkA'okolNneY
Dlq 0 EN CE u o &n 6ffi{r
REc.t ecp 961 oo oN <:
ctl + lujtr'rr ruva e{ dr'li3uttu
e'+n .eairo cal obligo,*tir1lT"#["i'a,,q ino"< in
fitra' Od.inarg Oitr gcn

, very caufi0u.{ ddal if tho olhtr dool not co$PrJ sr iv noh cedd{
-t0 corvrp\ rn o proper mcnntn hJhat iq ina^vvr[qn1
+ fu fa.r qr huynan care and $re,righF can pondc

Fy. teanarda Da Yinci.i

L1 qold ql ( {ro million.
-(alrradu Ul*nti I upon him -" (ert. lluq, 3rd par)
borh s{ thtirn ar fnrut.
btau wiit t&.{ Raititt{ Pa,1'1 k d'Jn'1t'{i t*
h if go,,r wAnt to c.ltan up yur v\! oxpenuirg -$*rtlr ii.
pain$qg g0\A rhou,ld hir'er a ocmpanl and vYlqlaQl b lor^l o F^,ile-4 dr,tnng tho extrqludic",Wl dw anol.t
a contr64 with *frcfl Obrigatrng thom tr natw( ov*rtt , ti g_ggU,& sn q $!b nra,t
-raKu frtr-uy,e/ 4itigeao. fitibo* *erYtand
and iu, alrra^l( l$ocalranl ...' Jtulg of {u,'{tu,,mb
E{. fiankg ano\ Crvnwron 6,rr.ritn
ttovoe,,rtr, frrVDfhn*rib S tho tNdifor ftall {,0t bV
+hodtrl o{ fttf'd( oF ) qwvli<,t
i,ttitr\ vnl,vit|.t4
iiku lcepne4dTtnqclu, necrr(Gl5 i0 ordu :ha* duqS mag aln0:
tho pub\iu'
tJv txgrcw i ta+irgrulr,
L7 armtzl rnzrrrtj gUqrll -4. Wheo 114e, ohli$a100 0r+h4l tohJt^lf {€r([g ta,Jr 1o:
[,roli4 \rttpl vdul- b r*ecninq pm.aC itt '' \diYtnr^f rrrc&dl oP dtmcond''
rtwnidn d dttvtN
- Att' ttra 4 ,$APal fi''virc"&)
L) tA(€ dxmo\lfed vanl
guarded with.{ucroll lr vohioto
PArfi{rcuHrp :

Nhr,h'lra\t\(p ortg *r$. t, .T.q+h., bdu'n obhgo"tronu of Faftnerahig

ur if ftt ttn4,theg haVo tr dnu{rl nvr/ tu btl
'1u 4e,tiver' I prpo\ yvomired tffit. ht lJ
to rnag; utrr.v thatihv cou*q.oUV t parrtngtn
rnorlxE rrvtll het returrvd. Ll fitU {hould noh
toud nuli r,'
bRJ glqg',r1g
urnfin*t t\@d
dtlnv<r th
# r c*rr,
0+ deterrnr
S,^rk Suttl 'sttr
fhin 6r,

*u gn1,ufit.
18 J,:vT belal Dil\vung an )ttnn '
l. mhur ffnrntt]u nr*rrrtr and the, arannnrlanra r*thv
Ubli0ah0n )Y aqytar< tha* +{rQ, 4uigna*iort e+fh&ttr,y, " ff
the; obtiqor dtlaqs , or haJ P romi.r€.d +o deLtUrf hg
yrfiwt -ttg tfn,ru i,, fr. to'dsf,rvtrypl on{rt, ,rWiu, i.t. +, rrorne thinS to 'lwg of Mono Nh^l do nplhavs -thg

W rertnrwd il/o( q pshtrotting rvroi,w S. th.a, ea*abl,irhvrntn,t rramt inlerurt , ho.rhatl

u.,tn"l hc Wa {.lr,4*d v
${ {t^o antvart'
ftrt'llb4, Jvr4 par Ccivri oo4€l
ltbr, Spat
1 /\
t, bbligation ir tir'^ulro&nj' &JroliCIq 4oor ra;
unfirrtan trryltablO
f Ranpltr' f talt qrod nu,.a?r.
t7v*rrrn rher trtdd,ing alutn aro laf,tr, *rrlflr
otrr ohigsos-,,,
tl4+g oqn bu (urcd tU fh" *r"pA,t &r ftr,o rrad yvrEyrorigl
for th"ir hrangw, bk4Mf,u $r,al obl^'ga*lon k KCE
r si./i
[iATzuR inwi*abto
tirno-bq,qnots tht, oq,prr, €hfi^rrt hrf. I,\aNTr;r,,,hd ('fti( an unhrJun ocu n/n Le, frl\a|+aful
tt L$n. , "t
o^ ha( no coruho\ ouqT if, bLil a fsrce, nnlurd or
g. hlhex\ dun"ot\A u/eu,td bs ufdu,(, ax hlhoflrhUobltgat tna,r - wu,,r)rt, a( il oaAq bU ohanw ot q1)dqt ,'t
w\d,uaA ifbtgond t,,l-< perru'+{ Pertq/Yn'
ai,ki tattu 0ir,honargJ
I I - *rr'rtu4, u't,F*raivt aa,lJ
fi^rtrnilot^l ,^ gr,h {ha} irtttn$utl rui{lr gottr olfig *f,*
fl*Y L?
},q can st-t, Lr Jho l,an^a6rot Gn"rrg olt[q*thql
ffiffi oil{ st/-r^r, tttr, objrut a$uwv+V$N*ar,w/,. omF\C" (@vil'lql r,htnlto pandewr,r't, rk4\r/ hU

otunJ UApPfi.l.( t^ll{E{ Jou +ArrYo Tu 0ELlVn<'

o.r-d $? obvigor-o{ola,t1r, 0r hatr prumirud+u deliivt/ liw
rcrmo 'th,ing +o twu 0r IYurYs PWon{ dh/o 40 Mlthnw Jl^o
h^ouhai| lo mryopal6to ,,$r &htru'to114 q1uvF
U,nti1 hv h'Or alfe-r.,,tcd 'ltr.udvtivfg ""
'fi+"WW' \Pa* Uvn&e) "10.,t oot/ h,o{ nc4orrebfO {rr FrcvN4wr,
h-cruft? or;,^vlY! o
hr,n or^0 tqparr*.bra iF gbo d, drl*d{'
Coeu( th^rcn v E oEtt Y€rrY
. rrlmbol,,i 6,DtlivUg Uq q$r and Pa*)
l.lOl ru QD y<nona.l orolrticrhon
ta Vraiing th? lctg.( to gor,r oLr tho'rgr"b4 o$

ha4diirg 11rs 6qttul o"poturio/l o-t-Jt^A Wf'\'"

'trad,itro langga YPaaP [l$aa)
9 bV wa,inq l\w v\rilnil /wtu''a'ng fu n11|;
'(Wttt thg ourigafiorr Cont\.tk in noi-doing , an\ *V'ct
con'tml eryo(tl{durl oPthei do4, nlha.f htr bun torbol,len vliry\, ilrha{
J* an., 0"inn3
rkt,rn tn sthelq' 0 at W ex1m(r,'
Bre.m l\aarylr4

cu.rnJut ho.^lr, if r
t cna ilho
{rc rhon.
f",t frtl - **'nvu
Uvtl co'k)

r Lt th", lhu borro,rrrq,' -h,trrnr jrutoqlllv'n,q

ttV owr,tr
tanaAtw)can WJ nqhred
Llvtna^,* ttv, uviana't fi\lnt;. i{- er
qivu -tt^rnn {lu qr^n^ri\' &t brulrun thn{. + aar'u'l hC
ty'/.oE rcr{ortr
cl frryv\ Cr{qtr 4.rt Par^' 4 Wot) ry^v
t h{tiorrJ
r. ilnry*rd
her &,q u+ dowahon sr *Pad e+td& | 1

b Yorn *il *^wl trant{tr fl^, x-q;grra't1un ot \ bxrtrntrtiorl tpq +\wdannaqu\

rur.rt coryrtltuno {p rovnoorLO' Jorn' lf i^a Wa*'lt
L-) uupitr +frr, pc,rnaf,tl
6{ ra-le dttd 04 rtpfla,hon crx -tt^r,tr q{o*
ruh<l rfvgro )we+ho,w/.' BBrrrcorBilt{ ftr 6tf ffil$l S
b t o.uur? wnq ru4uhl, q'< {{ne'r-t- Qne'10{-

*tier',cd i.1unj dt*4' olrd'le 0r J':'rrtpn) ' 4it,rgcno ol o good fl,*h<r

. roL fu detqJ
fcirq n*ariBd lo.rr'[.{rx h+nnr{tr . urdoing dhatrhould ytot (,rovt beqAone)
6h,hq{hit, ?

.uni,,*[; bvw,*#\el wtfhiq roodfqiiln C*'l'*1
'1, t
K[ND( oF obu64florrl
ooue,nops r, i
.trtE trt(gNflA L Cond,itiono.l !'

Ets$^ENt( 1 Colmltncfs , d<4w.dt ufon 4 L+*no or untrr{-airr**r'1f,il

padi&l'it denwndiloltt
or uruknonrh tu rhu
fartttcuur dtfi wat)
Jn an 06Ll6efl0N JN a coNrP&$ (,ftrt.tlu) at ono' f mt'lhq ' i'ct Par' '
. 0bti gor ta pa*gt;r\6 &,ntru,t)
' fa((r\r0 ,f*gU,h Pur0
*o.mPto:, farciro rult tr* , bug ond de,rno.,n dofu)
Ed;ic vwt<.ltat +\4, . fktr,ral dtfiVug
obtigation li' lo(-0 trlugM'
tutant flNp,r oF ogvlaAflotl<:
Puro ond Cond,itioua1

t , [ctrve futilttt , obl,rgcg [a par'tyina oolufirt) obligafion'{ rdrlh a Putod

h ono rriho in trno tho fxcuplo'. Ptrcrn cr,h l^o 0lol rga,ti ont
dgr# iv duncnd {hC ctoaitsr
llh (olidaq
futfilttvr*tf uflha \H tav,rradu \}oint anct 6btiga,tioru
obligra*ion or d'rft" I ru,.orrqaqoo Diviciblo qnd JndiviriLtt 6bligalionr
**lvt ruli tA : (unotul a'rtd
tfroyoad sorio,lnof)
0bliSafiont With a Ps,nal Qaa."

' Ohi ut [0"' Pu+o'tion") 0b,lots

tf "tt',
t rnct
+sub'1rrr *cA*"t'
r&,, rt atrrvr

, La*t4t
' Car.lto
{hr, rnnnt*iln h th)
fli :gi:r,f it.. ' {?,tq- a$rf
L juti/.ical or trgnl tiFu '.'s.'.i

' fun{-oflft'< vl'tru,l parrr oF

A cgl"hraet
t{ @$t"alt'

tvha+ ir .lho,lun,iiral fuga l't' e.

. 1ho r4r, iu the iundica{ /tega,l {ro'

. thc, lan, proh,rbik "flifl0t" 6al!rl&t

' th{. law ii nt' rour* d lht'' obtigationr

."thc lafi, , it \^omtd , rerrlth ip 1x{orrerrnen'l in fu

t&\rtt( rn purri&mcm''lt'
'fur, lutlr l$ uiara]eA '
?.f 5 a3.tCI . wL3

KIN?i$ oF@EDucAnoffi
yra( ralohttou cpndilisn ;
'Pd/rfiit0$ <urPoth
r) fuo and Condi{iona'l -if gt*t whcn 1

1, ( glo! obiigat'on rthoro pc.r+oryyunei doe'r not dtpvrd orc omfmprl

4. t'ncfiildrtn
U.pon o furut 0r unofitain Qlerr$, 0r (pon d polt k€l\i
{. r tt haw ot futnn\
ontnown t tho partieJ , I{ dttnandoHo dttonca.t
CArt . ttrt 4 , I .rh P4r ' u ci vrl crd t-)
\r. n rl ntafiq MJa 1ru'ola{0
(tr.tftrrrrw'. \(r Nil/i ffrr$h mY vponiibilit{ ruh(,h .-.'
! Rgtro OUtigOtton'r * cornwron Gfid r,fl.r:i\ rtuldtmt$$ci
Rer.oluttorj'. ol Will oontrnurg) rn.1 retpontiUitnb until "''l
1dr,t,and derucndab$
-+aoilal dtl^$l ntilh q Paiod +naft<lblt dd\ u$dn
"r) our,i go.rionr
* , no nqd Sra futurg *tadltflo 17 ,+*ttv Vqb, dvfl cnd<l : "Obligarion{ hr alh"eo
*' I
to Ptrtorm i{- rigvr+ ot^roi
Jou hary o
fi,rtaltnn'entr ada$Warn hu beuifrt<.d dWag
Exomp'le,: ooiog to t&o ctor(/ cna iruVirlg wmethin3, [.lou madO
d payfnmt cnd tfitrvtndor Sivol {ou +h0tturng lou dgmandobtei on\ whr,n thar dary nmu:'
nted. Da^l ftftain ? oysttthaf, l.{ (urs{p oorttu
L? A+ttr .fotn ttovo rh? dDr(,r "tho vtn dor doeu noF
, "0ai0 hfuawptt" gewing bonr
hntrrl an,l obligo,tion t0 Yov{ 4n\Imoc/ .4 ,rpu,ificd
tt condltionat 0btiSahron'l +dqxed,{CIh 6,r'} {vt"f\f "
f'fifnCtraryW -Nr0ng: ne4f I netxl wu'lt
h Uqmd d ffrturd *una/rtain wgMr/ orupon q Ptlh iu *taril **nd.ngM" lwerNelE
o'kx *%F
- k!fut.. Tr^h ruetKt +orn
a.l*{$ 661swn to th*i tsmgl, iu dt4'v'ta64obls,i aton*" 'IaW

Cftrf. llqqr L$ Far,, dMl trd?]

-)-h bU ptr+o'fvr 'rornttimel in {'lrU Snttar^el An inrmmnqlf ir,oro a+ a dt*vminciblo
4 in tho flat't'lr' $,r,tuVdrygr, wilhthg tnart'ry of thk *6,
'frr'(top Perloovlinqtfx\ obti$ction
ruhirh i,e (,xprc(lr4\ lo bo TryaW -
) ?spwAupon /x{ tYiggwd ry'
* funrw or ltnot/ffern e,w^.f It+ td) 4t a fixl.d pviod qftLr dol-U or right;
the dov a*w{he oeditur reqjwrUl<rr
* fa{{ - (}m,t unKnoulv) orkl ovutr jurf retrn*ry'
nop. .. ttEoonAgl s}.l{rRvrnBNr
fta,mptc: s.rwill {{a'yt h/o whcn rrslw doQ,,.' 'A d"ry butd on antve,of I ' rt q.Mfi
cotditionalt oblig ah on con4i*ional Oru{\i
s thc fix/ uriga4t wilt if ttrqd an utrugu{d Ranrpto: t@'"-Nof
*n 6ttota,t L-l oondi+iondl g/tAF chri<rm ary OaV W0 /
obtig arion
wi[ reqiWr \ftud0( worl( ., ur\,tit *v-dcadtiqe)lt Y.lherv 0o lprt hnd OUtigatiort{ hriih o Peiod ?
_ Eilu
arodilioncd obli gadol CrnditiOnal crtnf '
- lnuoon .In.rta,ilm mr< [rr4irr'ael and q"r'lal-cd ry
*(rr,rpurciw Cnndition ,
, whtn thg QMmr hqpPqN 6r i,r dicrovtxd, *ho Bdl4{ Pcmban(q 2? bouninq thctKtVwo}
obilgarion muh bo fufrlltd" hne,nw frwdary fi^,n il, firno hu fttu,ftd
Lt tbtigatiun ir adiva,ted ths e,vil,lhdpptn(' fl^<J t$+<r'
- prumi<roq Noho
Rornptr,: whu\ a manbtr t.r horpiharlTd, FtilHtatlh
nrill poY 4ll or oovht o{ thO till' - la jh Morvtr pr^t to%{dilos Sr "**ng ia 0r*'A)
thu ifttlfi'
nelolutonl g661di{ion i
$until" t't^N
* \nnanda*A V.{

-r whtn gg t'rrcffi Mfferu orir diuta't'e/.r thel ^ r*u<)

lt e'trn!'riilLd '\*^j*il)-rl
,h on0br'g4ho0
thai urdi pw duigalign:-$^;*ai^; L
h r,rhtn {ovr otop p€rbrtni'g.You( tuti9'fion{xUtlitr^r.
Erayrrpto: ths nuno will corUintro I adrnini(ltr tho rwedidng
unti! tlttr fcf'qrt ir dkcharge4"

q A{ lcr0d,try{ obli$aflou ,) {ointard ..ot'ida4 obliga*io/ls

Ll [*. lrao!, civil cot]g, lrtPav. ;
I pu,ton
$otNT v{. cov?ktzl
6PmailN,\ bo.rnd b{ di,ft<De1t fruwo{( $eaJhto hil own' , $r
one/ of fhavt
t, , "q.m onerv
0Dwvphfolt Otrtofin
dqidcl e+w nginthw .o+ {her + b'^**tchllO , ono &r alt
r tha ufiioru
{rra,ruavtion' .? +boo4to fiqttt atVlu
to ?(r{9r{n
a wfil Pe,rta{urn do Pt^
Y{ran't sr AUo catle$

#Anptp . 946 borottrJ. lO rvtiltion ftm Ath' 1tm4

b $oin* 66rigalioru
d(loo ttra'f Eon coutd pay b htttio4 0R fimm 4hg lod ,
or thv noltttci of *fq wwdi MJ
"J0 arttdu
holirff a rtd sPork co!: of ths obtrgalioru tD Nhi& thO Perdin g
epryff,tht, cxdiJ'or
- fi[']ilftr il',.,'t #o ffi5'di t' su .,ft rr' rloctd neRA thf, (,ntra,rv doerr n,ot
irut? a{
q Drtigolrul o+a goql fdh{'r' dtt t
Uo *o
qrt/ut' choru a{ thW
+ rho dr,btor ir npl' liobtr{ in a{orttlitow ng con<i dWA di{tiqt Sqm onfl anOtt',C5
Ae}i'l be,,t
Cevh. l2d qi +o ttr<J r,ttt( ,p fuurn* *lv- wtutti d\
tfe d#{or i( trabls {erdd o'^1,fiM.t 4 of ,lu,lH'
(.d(W-f 2or) .- CB.r.l2lg, civit elato)
'ihto d,l n4e{u, wt
'rl4ri/rd ,tI
to las ,l^'yirted tl^ers
t, &' Ct',lnt*';ltl'ili!"nninu
q*4ilora ordtlatot('
6r$PhahJ '
ol iloiu -, fhb]a1l-+o rtr(,l h't'ttx of oorrt'
'par{ tho
{trl o[i6aie6 an ba A^\id'4l'Jirhibott4'
i** dnotho. thrn3lowntnhip
' gutornn rrorw0ttll'U -
* ;futnt Oslr.\'or,(.
[t Por' : "lhorignt of c]ritd b'hn$'t
, firf . lal0, cJvt] ooc]o,
gront+d +o
' to fnt/ dtlotor, unttl< ilk'av
htr/t exprclq ]h"{/ f t, ,00 000 -
ctedl'tor. "
ftc thuflghllsatdorvr to drotp
d'tloton tw 0sbtor & \Uotvt L VUnW I Drmr t
{ghh in *avof rf cft'{ihr'
u*\tt$t ho worw tha+
rhoicl' hu b<n
Avt. ttel, civrl c.odcr l<* for' : "Wusn th?
&a\ u*nt &t0rooo ,ru o-uo tn t 0 OD Am 060

r_ *1l-l:.Lilfffi*xTxf,1 D iloP
tu bCI oHgrna'n Odalor2- 0tlotorS
Dcilator 4-
cnrvrrnurti'otsd tu
*lw dtltur' " *
* a4tul'
t, hlnat tn *tiYtr?
q tW ngt*"!.Alt * 5rn aioilt ottrlafiOn, J"u 't,r'ddO
*l*',ft'+tpr b'ing an al*unalrvu
* Jf therd k rrp nate'mtm fhat thu obtigarion i'r sot'rllar$
l0 c1g ophoo ontY'
blcwr0 lotl *;'oialtd
tho ouig a,tion ae [or nt zunr,l t*sral thrrrrUl

cr'cdtbf oannok her
ft+'i144, dvrl codg, end?atr'' "'h: -thg Urumgfior\ $r mf ix d S0INT ODuarylgq'
vecrvtJ pa* oF
onr' ctncl pod 0ttho o$tor
**poito canh)Xdfd .+{tt,
arnennt{ol+ paiol
1'-';;;ptor &th ga6nol&abrad.h xrriw sM tf l, ho q{'tslti{ t 4t t hnj mr^r, {AA o+ {fufi
,{&n F utuutd bal d^vi&d qil*9.
inahal$ o{ ths rtd rrPovt< cdr' ,.kn{rt Pa^l
thu o"d'ttr'
h ft{h ean ruo hen Sr not'filfitti1g
DFamp\q: ona o$ rfw f*tl1 fi{ Y
ttux\ trti obliqalrioq,t i*extingSvhtd' rt'r' w-rtr-+or rart
*"r l,i0 Jorto'. 1 awal'1
* facuftafiW obtigafion -)atlo dn oHrtnahvg *i* nr"i*, lwcn^ld
rt'rn a++t'r
+rhU0t d bai('wp hir p 0r0,0oo tiahiti{'f' 1Na 0r4\' stwt
'11ht0 iv a hierarchg aroflijahorur n ddrto f LPt 'r'nd $'
h "tf h? cann6t p^ytlto morvsY rt\nJrnt/La,d vlntl,gtia}y u$ vul?< N nlt dtll"teil
oPrion ir thd +hing 1P ahoo{t ' " 4ffin"4'diDru
9 00'n6y fitv4 carul buanre).L*: 'no'
b fl"q/ d*D tha'h itrctudzu "

^ 'U'l'

Ba,nflc" ff atl oF ttutvr

Pa4r tttuA yo,'t 'an 6'U

a" cotc,qa,4rut &tr' I

b'^tif &r*f'v a^'ue\ p"ri'l *'trr Crcd,itor l- CwAi+D( 2 asdilov I 9,4;+o,4'

{t^rrcned,ftor *^ ffi\ fr\t d coto f uran d*ttr+4^d

rennairr,{ng otna Cd*f"r ?,3 , 4)
lltr lrl, rttl
* tawrca*d( bluxme) 4 carf,)'ton('(Alt)Wlth
tae-e eE e € ee?e e-3 e g
ssss ss si
W*<nAam<' S + ssL + $-+ $- IES€S
It u + * ngs f
* Suirr,t wntloa

gxtAiht d Cnlti*ot')- Cn4itD/9

Pelotot I Dr*.iot I DcbIo( S F.l,arT
f 00o o0-
/ JP 1ou a&tborttr,tfi ry nnot"J tury- jrr'rr,t l,Ufniry
'hu cart fi$do i+'

\ ata\ 0bti ga,tionr

+ "6ti
'ora?a1 6tririnl 4 wvail wilt+or1
u,eair+v 4 &v.AfnnO &Ai1"r
r. JttU 4n o of +fie .@tad

cw4rtoq ; bwt^i$ an1 Awanltivtdicira4 or (rtra:

{ m,ffi Vacu,000 Pan 0,00 Ytn OD
hau $6x1 ttvdy l,Y of t'lnrrn, parl\W
limffi --Til ,4hJ
0ehtor h,.nlot bs' nadv I

c,rr rar+, o*+rsafissa,)

7 fn aN fu p^,r*tt( otdo/Vut,, tt,e, d&hrr ,otl Aehvvf jo orro ic Fvtr*en\ to all. llV orvditoa
efi oq"^t arvro*n{ o'{\,couh of fhl/ ot4,tor-
(an m4ku dtrlu.nrrwffi amhg ',n)vct,
, J+ r 4 cr dtuodyy en pna1 , fion b* *,d 4
d^€dilio h b
+ tsK tor dt affiott
rbdw rrl lalno, 4" 4* dA;fur,
Ex4hPl?: tht,ernploye" h/tu aud andtv11 ntpmnan
) tl u**lt 4W 6rry7.[ bern yad,fui wloanca^
frlo O cilt<t @" Cofitr,f +" +tst h)anr
"r6e/ .rotidari\ , i{ the/ crrprttroo Mnt\oy py fl,
a*ka* Jt\ar rnanog U U rt\t/ f raritiOtr,f rvill,
1x al.d/1tr,t t,0, attd 4 oor,rld Slq,r ot cay to W drlt t' Lr+tthu ha\ager- br. ttrar tgy.;rdcq Anfwt-
G + PairtiFk agairrct 4' d?rfradanlr Pa^l il, dtQn:6+ *tw col.otafioA rvr"ll.

\^lH,+r F fHffiC A$V (WWA.I RffirW( *r{ hu pd,rr{ anyono witfi cllida,fi fuit, fien h&
oblig ati onl ao gerqudi{+f. e.r(n1'ri rhcd
ANp <rg/sRaL O7Anqs ?
, (ovidaU Orok+prc
&rr$ oAlGAilOr.r.C..

e,red.itov {- CwAtlot 7 Mrtor g

Cnt4ihr 4 tudrlor I enootrftr0 Otdilor
arAil, 4

,.ft do, &btor Pdr! ,fio},am 4o Ch"ditw {
"e? eU {n* hi,r obfigaiionr \ wto.4udlwt'
J"; .;{
0K, , .-
,be.btor L Dcbtur A ft)furg bP,bn,

t. .4 1u,,,ir ! ?7

. dvidbte,, and lv'Aiiabw 0h,iqoLt;,orv
crcdibr L 0t4ihr 6a3{\hr in cN4Wt 4
',I id* -a {,r,,ng", f*r #ffililr.r*"1 *a U,ntiu
1 tme obigalio+r rna{ bo dir/id tA, Md +twt nahil;t1
? Io0r OO0 - F JD() 000-
mq, be, wd*ui 4nc4 trtr.t OA\anoW con @,.dividnol r

intg <Upatre*' piutt

ca.rh fil<t p r00,0ff)

J Jt gs dthtor hal yary thc t! -.
tt"o'P?o(r,( o( thei TuoA;1g o"* du, obi{,fd:u
wd\lor I dnd +, l{ iI 4lgo con'rid Wd at Y*A' to gi hd ddinito a,nd tWot<l ,uWi,Ja anO npl

wl r'e<ttvtt a p'{mcrut h
j f+ rh?dc,btorpa,r1 but you oliat aq,bcupl\

c4fl dllw 1o thg Adolor' toW irrdivrr i

l{ftc,rr $^ (/o longe,f go
- *vrtfu W.a.r, VYYar. , dfi alq,
L1 tpv{wgr, 1q tgty floa*"r ttr, Otfur cr'eAt+or
or ott^to a{K $" m,nmUq(Onnrnt frorn &dfrvr{4,1' DrrttttTE ]H,t{As ba doaiexa u
6 F tart tu'ccv'41;121q1 4 hJhDK/ )
,.Iotri,lary LOiM {uxwilt ) h,t fls t" fu7ana Pgh,Mart{/
L( r aln Y{AMptf : =frrafl,rO o,l .tai1h tgnaatotu,tp.rolq
d ,tr,toto( b la ttr{, vtrro"d uJaJ $gltl mqe,l{tun ?o timq
&o &,mand rnailet again.r| ons B{-ihr,?vl"dndtnCIh ,roo,htt,^^6yr4gr.Ml- Wment ++tA evCId{ro aflilt
bet an obrtadg to thpk, wvvifi rn^/V oubte4,g,rtj ffing it qtdQ'Y\'

W, dipfu r4,aln tV *lrr,oths,a, $ lon1al

$ql V l+ A+uvN Aside{ly.o,tl tho $atto I ,
tt ,/ {tr"o *o*tA xith *"
vuoral nu.JV
d*v hu t\^+b€clt tratrl'l @!t*1Jp4fi'
- Pltlofo IWL{'ivil bdd\ Gtr" tVhn4r {hat ar? atfubtl\ lW' dafw)
arc. orui4utlyail ol dehillu
-fi't'in1 {ve+&rultrlur|
trAfld,arl boHoa a{t+"il"'dl'.
Ditribro dbtigorionr -+ t0 W
b ?lcfuw,rA
+ t
c\ tuhen tn(, o{ligd,lhovr hor tor ik o\e th.vW&
a cl*oin nu;rnwr ol A fria qL$tphtbvuf

6l nrork t4 metriu unalx or and,;lo1ow lornq!

bthlot L lltbtu L, 0?btor 0 bebtor
rrrhir,h Ug rh sir 6w ficc(+hbla
naitur{g u+ya,1nl
on@) tr{-'rkra,tt bu d6iidbb'."
0l(,.., - $rhds P7r ,anolpa,r. Onldl
" i ,'. i. *t4 urtiw+"nj if thu luti3a,fion il
a[ivi.iblV or Indivi'ribk ?
h,on' tlnv'
aflwe'll on iI'
.fqr 0&) ,n^o(fl!, Y*ng
G00 000

tL ilantplvr cil?en+<l,7t1\ndr - tr,rhozrr a a$iyafur

Dr,btuv b$tu e,
lE-tnre bclrh,4 oW d oor.tra,r.,t-, i{ k utn 'rtt'ool tUf h'v wTll bund
111e; hovt{O comptt*4,!.
61I uoi d a/ / bldrlom'
+ $ tu/r) 0I mor" attb*o rq
o.[- ]hwr
in joint
*9 cn*frit fu uu r<ra aH) ,orfi,attt on
L, f..^, coifiq^f or.| bdhvootYr I bqar'tt*'
,i , trY*
Obligahont ^o
+*rh 't+v otfu{ ol<Ltor
or,rryrovv(h ail *trr, ar&itnlurill panv y\ a$ in 0qr
iluo il\fu$('
toffr h^,A n^l^fi1...| t' {+'rz 15r$rrul.

tvrs wdtto r who lt

,,ire{ tht' futtatnorrtW
httq "\ddtr l'1
hau rto f,dS trallu,l''
ar^J $
4 $P aOW tr an,.l 5 W h ttro oo4itur, ttq

-trt'#if S"#t"rffi -lt*"-mll,'Effi *nm"*

fb t' vua*tlt purthww:4r@,
tttuirvff ld Utnl: ifu,obtlga'fion ir fi i.<fuw't la oniqa,ttono with a P?tuJ' ctcu.tU'.
.1 ltiag p*M:e{i4 d wupte(a&
\ t+* wrvlra,tvlor,uqinut diA {wy owpldr<l +tv horrtg lfrat+t oue$nwJ,
W oYtt! l\4 totwt(^hd! d'rv\ourLt of a df+t<nnlr ?rorn*tti@ lrc{ [o'4
lorn agvtot/ ,*a{fi &ou*-tiM
$a yatrl thaf p unrnilfi ,*h.k r-* pth
oI *hQ, hou.lo cr,^*t^iw 0t hgt4'd Pwa) hh
cnainen f"^na 'yw1'
latl 1{^ihJ fha*tl<t rllr.twtJrsf' + f+ dou rpt ccnd t'ou
*ha'}-1'ta niho colUmih
Jou cannnf dr,{vra{d {t^'hlhd'd P'uy*qlh
qf\-<). e<n \wv"elX &'^e,i( n bvath of a*at* '

5$01\4.( lBt/r 06vto qfloN-(

"fforwhq,rr, ih,sw,h -lhrz r{u.f or *nOmr$bu
;tn o4tgaho6 a 7n,4 dawV +|lu!rnol\

,,fuId )^tt iUtv aW$rn x inrtivi..Dla Il ro rtaalf cu,laefrtwU fiu rrrlsrnltitY &, damaq+t attd
!^J hN 0l
^ t4* Pa{meni oFTruterc4-( \n
CqlveP tuon-yqrytaLU,
*uHrli,it, Wt\-tdt T+ {fu}o tt no
tf pt't't aii,ln b$N w*rw!-N..te*V}pq,
P*il dana# d^al{ b? ?^iA *W o|atX.or x*uu fu
fra,wr,pfa,: Yo,a ordor q lTinJau yzu,tr6rf.)E V,&++\) f"l fu l$,L\11 or1 g*ilrl * frwf in fu {r.tfrfi^u+
AAwl"{ @wvp^rvt ,V*wr on\ v\^L+ on{fo1 **Y ol W tulLahon,/
mr1 ly1i$ sn llv a*4+w'oot, latlw pwd,+ll ina*4
in ftw ageotvtett4-
p6v! fir6 @,wpAN.1 tutfrLt t+16 OeuOnwT o{ ltu' ,-*:^"\w lbbh1u p +n^*$+ Wdfio"
t4N01 bf,rut<t {,lwcnlcrrwtttt Wr forfr Uill wl oopta,tn lonyr{,f AA.nop&^yfr.
6"t a wwtu an*
W]ffio+t *t14, a:tn+'L'l Vnilyt B.,tdk \n rsr,tin! c)td/* carA uil, rtwwr.
ir+haHhqch,,r,vl A aa;w'
tl'[ p\zxLad oq),6V, n'othat('
fi)yr{ yorn orv cutv1 att $ulltfisll-< arlAn\,
#1tp Wz@@n,rrydn^J hav ho{-pu6lltal pail,}iu trritt brr b,ar'tlr)r
tt.ekt't ytr;rfrfu" tl,
tovutt+t)thu lht6ri0rl o{ tlw c;n,,,tp'rv' iI fr, tal)^f)
"VEW*fy- .-*eqvort, f* ul
k av a vvww t^, l\rslllul Loa fa'6V t k' prlwniry yowr obq qo"6on.
V Wau4al.tJoi Wr^liq o++a,/ \at finarW
frrr;n s.6 lat4 ol fio civil Coila "
lwftod ffnE trJrl , ln.,bta,l ay*nm u*
, .hr'ru Ao ,tro,4 kl,oyu itfl{, obtqahonit
dud,u h Orv tun opptutvfi-l ,b
)r;Aabl<, or na* ? tan'p n ru w I w-wln rh o{t -
o' w1on b', b\^Yt'"/
Y oyiir' ag.n*A , Notr' PAylNa vF YhY t( 4 ctKttny '.

.(-rr,r/ob li6or I obligw W tlv$rJ aN, ovi,rninal arn(qqad7 fu"

t\,on "Pi'ryinl Wu w,t\ fflitg ++wi+qW @

[o,]ra*n LJI()
6oamptr,' loa oam f ?o1o0} arv.r,rlilt.
B on Py,ll [s, '*w ri0/tfriunP+r Isr-
, D{,trtr?il,U , elutlorr,oi{ lwpyluah la^1ltiW +!"tf
te on ngil Ul,lrrr, [r *, iu,rrpo *05 w,lurll (farvnwt, {a/f -
ftn VA4lq
k^try"4 [0 k-'
il, tai aou /r,rt-
V on rtn^yf,l hc or du, f^^f Yn'l (L'
Mtnro.,vr *ndwoicd) Lccatne<t
uvwvl hnwwt youW F".u hN vwt u,ewfr
'.iF ,rrldr, .hlr rrbw bfu, {t*/, tnI0dt{H **^Lfi' yu'ptu hr go af+w {Ntn $hW qrv Wy
f{. :',& "}fu saariu a,tltar}' Q"x a tl'ot't{t' ir"f in a"{ 7 a}4+r t^t wrvty'iltiU,
.# tplur" *ht, durtfitt, W*v atga$ aniry,l ,1\4 fliviao4 fu to alhr 4 W ol.otdu,
cg cotar-1 i'r fnd,luidb[ abliSafioru. \'Jl yon do
5at yW Wut I'vat
Y"u a*ucq 6out+u {l^t, tar,il,r

I ;i
?enal Qowat, on aatu$a\ uadutaking a*tahd n
pgfl.roNs ff, tMFortN b4 PE$fr|CLAU(E :
an ovligdiut a,rnn,o gmafr l,iabif"ty ia 6aco o[
bwod1. [r,fr,r6Iq mondo$ ) N d dtto+oryUour no(mdl +sn
51 il a.r.r',lnng *hat 1ot/l d00t +o P^, 1o*r de,tr+ in dmg"
Krr.rp.r op ftN4t cLAv,I€
L:Jyttwrfi One, q'i*oall", an incerttrvs&r'foil fo
,1. le4il Pen,J Clou,rgr ')irnPqred or pruuidtd fo.J 1ou( loa,n 0n+irvrer 'ro 1ou
Can a'void it'
P^d\ -? a xf tacsrYklt$ &r Jomogtl.
la wai+or cannol irrtpot€l putri,rhmcnl a,rit nriu noF
; L),roivrdm at, +nsinttrarl o'nv the, penar\ itr#"
ut cmalitr,thovtal'
ji,:l't:r' ,.{.{.
' I til.l
* tp1,v6 gr" burinur
"nd PropfiY tn (CI i( nad1l
* ln a otrlral* of loan vtqo iI i< tnoodariry, fi c"'rtd bo unilr
4 .ttrs vongguniar$ Pangtung{od no* thc, 0iR.
to imPo(er d qervicv or por'f1,rq dn@ +
{or o crrll'lor
Efamplct dttrohar$cg -"Lcg"lu k^q^ c.lqurtr - phor\ . Yr.a a wl/rod or ptr'fo166ntd at aO
can irnporct\
impore4 by thr lavr)
o'ttrrndrr(O olotigalion h^I hpt N a PW[Lhr
+ You,r bonrgyrl 0n ((.(, &0(l Pag-s,J andfq+aStt| * g . oUligd,tiiltt wil6 a
frrr. llzh J(ufron W6l clauJr,-
1p PeJ thp arnor{iraiio$ 0n fimg "rh6e h a, a
wH.J r+{6Y lf,fi?ottrD paJA,r, fi\iJrmp 0rD4.MA
p#'alry, tilrO lho 3l, o+'ttV hil ayyrownN pwd4!l.
6 it nritl continraq,tu bqild wp pu dnf' P€N&Lrv V(, DAT4AGd
lotr +thtir{e};
U tfr,ry o& import4 hy oowmmtrutJrutitn*ioy1: d iflBl-
tsg-r&ig iu mondated *nd au"thod??d byth,&n{{i- eaqloir.alot-rl in a cawl"
rution thtrg&r(, l{ can inr,poru per.ffi/ , cpr'klrt
rcquin4 ynyv aadwrc-
a. &nventiona.{ l@il, Uaumu ', : ,'
rrqttrru co,ttpwtaton
t-> pro,,rdtr{
ttl S.[ 4 vhpyrlalo4 0tths PArfif,l. $r,na" Nq1 (uvil ,t{,
t rru"?t x gaidtd t ,1l;rw on
l+ irnpo,rvol \ *tt a.utho,'idQ
.rhpr,rlafion, one k tertttld le en
Iocludrrt in 65$rilfit
Evampt e'. Lale, Pa,yrrmt Ftd + pruuidv{ forJty ade4uaV empe.rrufion only fur
,tlipr,rtation oF th0 f*.lt 'ry [o<., ru++".d nrrn
parri tl' ae hg ha. drn{^,; p^^J.
L, r* puy**t ir te crlvtd aliu $o pcryrqei\,t L: rr^ch o,firp{rredsn ir r*r".1
(__ Dug datg , o iatt PdlfltnY kt,oY 1'[t s+thU nruninrurvl fn uv adyra,l or co
o,v\ oullt durl or PHP W0, whi dat*raga. '/
r,Irtt bV iil\P unrA'
"+ fr1 Jq,l 4nnof po@, tlo{ mmp}
- r*ff in,ro4g
tnn?rf St olarragu.
( a + Adqet eN) "kffitunda.d
fPnl,.ax?' bJ tlrv p*! e+endk\,
'whu^ 1o'r 4'rrlt puhrrn y o*r. 6latigahoylv , yL +rnr{tr nq h toQ{u'F
Vi,t0 o{olt1,!ty
' frvtho orhtr pcultl arrl dnuwrfao,q{l
donl d*ht1 vorl{\A, nrrA^an1 *rtt",
"hlhth Yt\4 tI efibettlt.
*. prps ridi rt't"*{J
tho f</r o9 Inu.''mA
on. 3ir** r{1*.ffil'{n i
if: lii "trg4 ra l ;:ig}. r_*f*f;,SJ
.r,rt r .',t l. , : r+ jfif,r,
l-.rj.:l* t, n, "irr nt i g q.xf, '+$fit
"tft:.1.:. +r-' ,'"
Plo rlo
fxrtuG ulrtlMENI 0f o,LlGl+Tl0N 0b.L+"unL?
0 0 A

c Rqgl,,r iron kancdla,tbn {thp, cor11'a,+) * ,roms .rituationu rcquinO tdiov}r frtceuel Sr
, hlme4r or rho obrigcrrio4 apetiau.f *vto''o wilir
:: m"r*,ffi1,
Udu*or -r ha,r {ho,righ+ to eanu) *hc coo}.rtil} 4 aolo
;| 0biigatiorr
@n at(o D0 €xtoguu(Ued .memk onud furnpetting {fie bulr reflrnthe{hiry bougn+:
+, (om.rond 1i6,bitr\ !
&tlow,11 thC rUt( giren bJ
"Ke(i,raion ficatu tho obtigalio/l +hoihin6s
*h{ dvil oode, rutrr*r wrgth o o\a* ot ths cm*at*r*ogqlhfl^ r'i*t ihar
+!rik , and tht, pricaT wrthit in*erwf ; con'reqtautflJ,if
( troi<ion (canrdlo,hon of *hg crdrqt^k) (An bo amed out ont'f When hg hrho dsryldn{tl
, th(,
)F p ot.rt,t" tP fland obt ic irnpried in raiprum,l
rttufl *thatwu he me) bo ooigeA
reci,rrion 646
onU, tn cd{-o ofl{, of tl
h4w{ to nedorg
nriln whq,t il ina.rYnpe,vut uron hrvl -firtider lb1t, par.1 (civit crdr)
-Atl. ltal oF'ilrs Civilrnde,.
bfu r*rAnd = to canrd Creturn otr+tmJ ,Klherf/ qhg Jte.m{ lho,;l Cox\ tJo Uong W bO Rd*mpj;f,
-&o& (oyerrcd &odr)
L.? flrti Olu ll4l hau all {hqtirt of how,,$"tl urringui'rhsd '
'traar obiiga'li4. I r
- tingtriCI
tho of{cndcd 'parf{ lr)ho dpa not ruceir€r 1l\o ?${o{6g1q)
et obliga*ion rnal rucil\d {hg7 ob}rgcr'ti'on'
(nc" 1ou pal {hoi}cm, thc,ro,tltr lwdnr murt exdryrin0
q5l'igclion ilrhroqgh
httyg dgrut ulo{ *a rueincl'*<l e fayy{enh an4 paymurt otindemnity
nriprud &wn
X KemedJ $rJ+e.rnir flnat cannotbet Y'ehtnrd:
Rstf, cAl 0btigqtlon ,i( thq*ro.lion,rhrp urvroxrn tnaywfiU bqrforcqngn+ of paym s^l'bnwlR tra,ymell
bolh or uth* havo obligatrrcnr/nuponobir.rhufward earln o$er of +ho 0loligation

Esamptu: Oon'irad 0f Calg1, manioqu , emplolmtnt conmztl s666ll amou0k 9'n'rsin br6' or rih/
b-fn o r.ontra*01(4lO,1hObui16 hru thg obt,r4ahoO [crg0 a.movrnt-r 4 6"-6ing*owtl0.t h fnpronr frwt
lolno cel{ qnd the rolCI hru obligaXisn+obuler' L: rrvrail r,loim.( aurt (tenaplattJ
UItlJAflO}T.. b nor trorgtlra/l &m
lantcf dlt€401j PrJ & thg itcrn and fir() Q)l$
Jt fio
harU not ttl 4etrvU or 1ranc{t,r thC ,ftr.r,ircl o, good, +hel &) f^.1nrnt o| +ho 0bligdirltt
brryer beurmzu 'thO $editor qnd+he,re,utf ir lwa drhtBr. It pVr*t irtho ,fa-formAnts of an obligor -la
0n tter o{htr hand, f{rhs udlor [a'1 alrO*dJ Pa'l rflgne$'
dq,Urversd or tran,t{tred tho i{om , buf the, bra1On hal l\ol' fxampla'No porisrti+{ of rcturn'
.ttt paid,thel *ho (otl0r i( .lher *qditor in{ratrliualron'
h whtn -lhe) batbw aln-adl a'tt $xr h'a'in,
f dnd {tro buqql ir rW dt'lslor ' 'hw]( no reufurahon oo {ranrflr*ion.ll.dttioq i'l nul-
Lf * rhil cato r thg tptle^ &rtart') har
{htrigtrtf, cand {ho*wetr: t;ne bwbr atrol +hg cudon,r,er." Jo
f*nffU+lu}O,-lheh i{ the cofirdr't k candh<d ' tw bwbu'
wrO buJQr
i .t1r4tnJf,!.roldfuhiill
y,,r ncd +o p^Y
hau-{hg obligation {o ne.hrm thO t{etY'&) rundY
Damogu f Panloo ? for undupet{ormed
ia rcupmcal ohigafimrttto
,JifiCI *tr,iv btryw har{trg oblrg ation
rrgnttomd"fhgco'ttru,t0t.rdlc'thr;rsi'Inoto11ger64 tf not atwo$r
ocnd ln{rnnd thr rrrooey
qwarllert ry ftucourFin a breoth
ourigatron +o 6<rlo- the ..rder uilt
of CIntant'
And 1hsrer witl bs n0 m,org ouligahonlo 'tatQ or do^ver Ihiv i'r onty o,w arde A,T yotat viotati rr{ oF co rttC-
jkrn' onir rinnr cdudor him in1un1 fu*
' f{ont{ opplicdb\o uJh(nftt'ci+om eo$bo rt*urned' a+Prmdh o+ {ho vioiation].
\ oamag*r not gaJ.lrt colluir bcio;v't1 Jor't havoto pl obhgalrtot-t
t..r Cr,wa) [ Ex+irgui<totYtuol
rignt Yn'olat(d,
gtr/v<t thar pu{ro uern iniur6/ , youu 614,r
rt ftrticlg tr.Cl of 11Y) e^i\ bdvl
mono!,lo(i of bu<ihgrl oPporMfi+Y or $obligotioN arer er*tingrriqhed '
of pridoc lo(r of tralu J hg4tlh cltrus<,**d
for( 1" bl Pd{me,nF er pu$orrnonov;
f thw,$ no idemtified omo$nr ,ra**afitl,fio 2. b{ ths to{l of tho *hing

a,ry1u$nt ir i4cndfie{ h ttto grarn{i$ or {ho am?tai- 0 D.{ rhe condonaii'ofl or remi'rcion ottgdebt:
hant j thc,ro or(, ba,lis &r oompttting olafna$A. 1. 9J mergef, oithe, right'{ ot$o cwd\W
co0*tr'riort 0r
and olebror;
EXarnplgar J+tou areinvolVed in a4 acr,idmtlquo q
vrcrm, 6o to tho horf't^,| ldornr Sr nTsili r,als,Yfi.vl 5. b{ oomPnuonon
&r Q. 6J nwahon
e,vidence' ouliga'lioN' *! *
$lhtr catl{e( of oxrirgnivhment o(
*) 0( d ttto'"lttion1 oondihon'
Sruri,rri rtof tolxtn$ abq,# ur'tu or vuoun('r, ra+heh annulment, rgla<tiun ,+ut{illmont
*^ grr^'Otr'4, dto $ovrned e/'revuher'Ql thlr
in Code'
*ellrin3 4b0rt {ne/ viotation ef righi{
ta tVrc 6rutt of nolattot'l of r) ry Palrvrunt or Perfrn$ancg '

'lhat ttters
q !'rolcttion of rigWt'
ircmo6or:;6 potrot{\+ via ohaX or monage'i
b ha..ts 'tg yrovel
obliganon t
con,riaued fupittrnent s{ tho
r(Jn aq^4 aifi agr'r'rhal4 compt*h ut\
frr ,;adr 7ar ' :
calto4 dioxt
* frmdc, t144 Cc'lvil codt) ,
,rufl wd,buraluo thaf rrfts dotliV${ o{ grumiv:rot1 notu partoblO to
not ont^, ther rratt'rc or thg lotn .l irdq
tad m obtdin dou'tvnsnk fi(L{d
oF fiE whictr fhO 0t bil[ of 0xrhongtl ol' othtl rntrcqrrtilg
-firtrclg eroo of fho 6vil Clodtt pnootuto '{,hs efreuh 0f ga{rnent onty nrhe/l lhq hav€r
plg r,uho acrivN gu*orrnanco ot obligolio4 Ualr canhd, or whtfl *hruragh *he {auttt of thocrejilor
ono who h4''e relponuiuility to yerfonrr
the^l hoNqt b{,t,vr iffPaioed'"
f the ob[\ron i( fie or9 bo*nring
hjho hdvU tg im'1ooro tho tr ttrlu 1'r {ffre, ata bQ'+**to thgl0
uhila the oblig cair tho 0n0
ohul+( anol ulalg *rer*t'
obfigarron 'to aomqlhing o'{ck douti+

L7 srrrting a doeil on a prumiu{orJ notc

Bamplo"2ovhatecorvkat*fuprtvideibt't'torforlttanir mwn obligalroo i< extingui'rheot ' Wra

0n Uede^l o[ alrhoolfftld {lrt{ in .fhe
banKr fonutillhavg
irayd anollour btruin't(td' horlo mon{^l
tiy r Zoc ha"d no bur'tu for \t,t4rt , rdho war wt ab&lo *s Woit for tht wdi{or '6 ca'rh *he cht,tR tha+

,.. 6iw a lovtn

p *ho (fuoltnts.tuan *urnvd llr"'t"hooft wil{ bc irrracd to him itre'r tor paywrvnt'

(int t {uan wan nof yrouidrd butu \ *oe on ffi ffulu andt funR Pothut "

ths da{ of rhe Seld tipr he Wpeneau

lutof vtrvr< ) Jou, oherk il valid untrl 0 rnontlr'r $, thO incarhmen|
dut,n {ho grinirpal,utrlrttnfi and zoe' Juon t^renf 0t ctteJr('

t0 tho dn dur beqwo ho

uyuwad d i0| of afretg i Jo* can ,rhow oft.lottr drcr/t on 9r,rr ftiudrfarrit{ or
an6'l il ecild bt, 6g{00nd Sr o(ation 0f Aa,hagc,' other, \our can Ww it, hontovtrr Yota,rhot,1td
chango it be+ory the, Q nnonthr ehd'
# l{ luon dalbecawu
lo,r,r butin(rer/prufittha+
hez co.nno| ootrtr.t thOtnone{' d'0 COn \uOn fUe, 20c/
L:fxornplo of ltrtara Aa;?\r.r,di.

k XB{, bsco,ruO ho loc'Prufil' * romo rhuXr or9 onlJ vatid Sr U month.r :#

EX can .iuan atru Loet bunurq, otphyrical harrUhip?
fxomploi chcqut,-frum 6(lJJ r(.( and wg-tuig
h 'ig.g, btcdttttt ?0el ga(c hirn rl,.tts' t" nag, 6 rnodhr and 1ou didni in cavh $ter,hequtr,
* "{udn hal thc rigHt+o'flls 100 Sr olamagr
i{ wih br,ctalg' tho bank will no iongr flctert il.
o( .. b*tl.rO r ?
,i Artitle lt44 apprie.r on 6ll rort oF chetl( tr},eqnet').
the rrgh+ to 'ruo Zoer $t hrtor'h
L7 "luon hav

o* ocfirart and co[er]ion of 4arr'rqu'

'* gr'rlruorcontro*not dwals give;Sr riro in
bu+ if tho contrdr,l giro Jott a tof lilts trtha{ hopS.ttt to
{uon *hu .{uu can vuc,
pqrrondl o,nd ur9or61g c'loeq(( havei Jhg fuilibitilrAoountig
t. wyrat if J ooo rrr{ {?iend ?l}pao)andt yaid
dnuk d,e,ptnd sn tho cemPtuo\,.
that amo\rrt to hir wi{o,did J fi^lPiuml obli3ahon?
be,cilAo) pwoh4l ond corporalg
t Affiel{:te"41 {,cldt e0*0], *rnrt Fan.""
$Pa.;rvrontmads/ t0 a third
E)(drnPlqt ft (on crhau ako
# ,t J itrr,tsd d ohu|1 on tYlY peronal thcrlting o{'r,lcuntandf| bc votid inrofan ac Il hal red,onnded, to
host ho 6onslJ t$Y cheil(
pih taounaer' 'rhe be.nctif of tho aed]iu"'"

+ It rho corToo.tron i(su& q dt'tt\,anc[lhwilno m'orr{r 0onjrngal KtlationuhiP,r: atto

,f11f, O4oraig "hs,h wrvt @ot/$cE lhtr'rOvU, ? Normottl . Nhat{,ver \,ot^ own, s}'glhg uwnu.
L: rvre rrcn oJt{ "herX ncvu boun csJ becattomanug*i -rWhAlo,tr ttto[no &fsJ , Yorlt alls edvnJ-
ohux i( alila1v ?"4d4'
Eramptc'. ttO 4&tor fav( Your \lPor^,fg and ,tW goe)

S Ohn Juta tlavO a Manog€d ohuk f"r,a 1$ even f+ Iotn 19 -tho grocu!'olo'o 1o bn'j food c\g1 ,0,
? pa^l tuition
oont haw, d chstt<i(g Acon'tn+ {C€1."

h lct, for rtfontb P^'l (olheong atd+h9

e*ample, Joo
t v,J\U inat rsUotrne€/ Jovr beneltl T
q,heolitDf [^,4nlj ;1 p rocuro in tn,tna{er helut' oott a
>) ofc,our(e) if
t^tftlp tho ntrponcrbillhq fu
p^j 10*r dttot' portrnent- on himlhsr is
banK an4 tatKto {h0 rnonogW and a(K i{t?ro'toanager.
aldc conuirlt (d paynnent fo 1*.
g4n irru{i a roanagcw dtqvo'
b Nhd,t +rno wr0 4o i( tp neut?ttho mono^f
* Wt'o,t if *v dtt tor po,'t+ '{our rprrd o'nd loun
6srtd tr<ug ltro rnolqf "lu4us fu tho f
enon Jou upor {o btft it in onting,rahoog?
wanl to Pa'{' >) obviotnttY,lher€ i,r n0 benef,'t' & f4Ymt{l't

* s* it atrtdd{ ?gE'?Al].o (oI+wrt\ nwo vloolqTtu ltra 'lpotnm Wa'r 4of oon'ridw-d a-r
$al', In thu c4-Q'
bor,tnAr ra{ment \on
L)tho N,aron dhrl (omo credi*orr rt4uind dmnrte(t' thlng w 0o lrrH0xl F"'tiQ$ ''fbm'grung:
?a{m€nf 0n d ry}anag
<n dnequ0' ul o* a recupt, apeuat\ runtn dealing r"ith a

larqt oYh0t^At of rnonUY '

0{ Po.lmen$ or ferf,orrncn@ 'Ulong tr 1.{ thti 4tditor uurLv YIot aVatlabtll, wot fur

J. Am J atlonrcol b f"I (oYntlnri Aeh+1 hirnto b0 orpund t'thu\ PaYini e'vcniflhe

-tD aurlbt tha rrolu'./'
-r thg credit0/ rno.', rfu(O +h€/ third Psnon dpwrro ir wodl eno'lgh

-l tajmm| cqn .rtill t"a n0did h thg third pWon e'rltft

to lhei wlo't$a$er ruhitlo {r reuri\
a'( tho crcditur $. rutral happttll
i+'tho del+o. olon't agrog 'x( lon!
lor ttro 0&r?
dgF?tl /rpnutnt . thtrct a 4if ttnuct')i€tho paymcnt ii rrralt'l
# wh\ iv thia alloraxd ?
uiith afhtrYraho\ st*tr'g '{tt'to'" dllo PaYrht/Il
hm ,rctHg -4e oltbx arrrl tu bc' fair tp
i( rvraoto withowl {hs affirrvration ofthd4cbtur'
'tho exdttor'
Eyompltr" galr wrthoi'tl ths aln'rsnl or trnow\cdg0
If baito
fdids teaU [thoercdi{or }nq trth{t $C third ?er.on)
in an1o51p qlr$f'
o{ fernandt* rhe Dailo cadr uenlr5
tr thtno 4ro furplo rDho qhO graciou.t rnd lt/luout
1ht(rnorl- barlo eorit atto colltr,l' Pcnalhsl h Frnandc+ hu4't^6(./
firfl penon) , ond Wofft t" PoI ''lomtpnd'{ d{bt' d,drit g'ive, perrnr,rtlioq h F^\ fRmandc+
.lou org rho *editor i r tu oretpt ttr tnmuf ftnandc+
thing to do W at fuftYcl
no rndtt(r yrrvret paling it btcUnlv
it iu atrealj on hard, $uryfd
u? bado rrhoor porrfls 0t swn {ruo car'
Lr Dut the lovt, didniglwltht ooditor tho rtghr,
h bqrto cqn p${ the lonn qnd the/ c^r &rt[ bo
tltn iP {orn(ntti il poqioj d0mgon(/ CIter lMq' $tqcd bru.t, fo F+mqndc+'
.ft*q} cttdrrr agrccr thon {q^con pal qoniDnoi doU+ : ,thel third pg(00
F$ fhg tmn urithotat
* It {ho
0ttt nrhat i{ ths DE0TD( 4oqdt u'ran} hir'f hct' Ksrshllrdgo sf Jho dtbttn, ths
to fnl hir d*e+7 ,
MurA h thtr bcnetit'
jhr-rthour* tht conlenl, tlre palmt'ruf on|
bt dmg'
+ D6irrr4 1ryifiotrrt thO {cUtorr <rn{tnh,foYqyl
can ber rn4.dg urTh t1r0 ttid prn5ftho ftcditott
9\ r lrdl{A1 }F: tj m.tu lzsO o+fie crtal coolg ho

ogrvtlnfl't -+ha'h pnd,rtut \n'te/9'lt, payrnenl

' Dailo and fr.tnandp haYC An +15 tho d,thl
it'{b!^re^l{x, besn
baito ,oitl pdt ths loa,rl and Jou po'f n'of be' Ae"mtd tD h4vL
Tindpd uhar4
fgrnav,oltt? u,p,r\k tD tzzuy
il' mattro urttil +he
in'tu'st'( halleban avvtl''
h hilor tum 0v$ th{'oartc boi\0 and betonsr yinupa\"
I 7 o,ocr{ tirrtu,l$ firt+
0ai1o hau thob{'rteht(tnw thtr'l r'tda ,!'( ?ara$a?ll
ri) nrtr<re llf{ of the civil
and 0iriloi ha{s 4n dgrQ0rn'on'}'
*tre drlot i{ mo{h one,roil t{fic dt;totu,

+ A*iao IDI of ttro dul ofui ,*r* thoo*no, ..rhd'trI ve' AouNteA h ltav<)
dcbhr rulthq'th
rtu1yww€,r p4.f 0n bthalf 0f fh0 Vw Va'itieL)'
{ho Knowttd$0 or ogain'fl-
thg r'ritt otths latttrr
4 ontrotn< + bvtrolorr<omg f,tn,DoD i fl'v watl
cohnot @$pq *tni
waito* to subrugato him 0htnvl'l
ari'rihg 6^rm rnorhgago'
in rri.r rigvtll, ,ruoln al the@
guarafltto on Ptnalry'r'
mottgt^4' 4.Thotu wvrith an imO
L? rhr,tt/i1 n roan bwtth{r0 it alto a
!,.Sntra+ Snl-
t-7 K hau to P6.i l. -tu utturQt tho #r'lohrx mortSaqd
thgdepto+ x' \9. rno{t on$ouv (nvrrdm,romeJ
hir car ts {. thtn 2 po'l'ol Sr
At{hough 'th'${ i'tYr('0q'ct.l,.
Zh^{ lw ti$ht ot}trsh& t 2. b|trho Lo( oS tht'lhing ?tn + onlY apptlu t'at
&Xlrmmato ttrig
tf J+ 1a,r heve q,n obhg afton to gtuV 4om9{fnin6 4n/ jm^ 1o{+

) rhr N+uIo the thrrzl Puron J

Jhal rome.lhilg, doa it qrrtonratr'catlJ rnean thaf .1uut AN nn
(fttide r16a)
tongr Olet^gdfed JD
can re@vtr tho pa1 rn €nl tAYt' wa)
> rho felor
'ht palor eANNor dcqr,liro +lw wlo*gdqt x ft,tcrminqlo {fulr{
oJ ddgrntnd,l0, tha lota rr,o lon$k

o+ thing' C n*itlt, tur) 1s4 dbtr" efiai

hats htt
uPonribilltl I
otr,tivtr it tu +trO ftllo/l Yoyr anu

PA{Mq{I ANO ,rWP o6{dh dufuw {o Jhwe*rr, {ou rp^{ Veiwl for darrrngu
tr t0a{, faur4 u ntgtigtno'
* L*ds ttoX (civrl wdt\,l'tf Par"'
..Afl oniga*iOo whi*r conrirk in +ho detrvot"l o1o,1grcnn{Mlci
L thino vhatl be e,xttnS'rirhed i{il "[otald
bc iurt or*qttut*'t

+he fadl s{ Jhe dthltr, ail' W}rrcthe har

" normdttrf l N{. borrwu mont{ to th 1, va$€ ov/i+ov.
in dctoJ.u ,
q ta$lng ahmh ddlnnionfr,
fyomPl0i 1erry onrtl DPI tha {ouwrng amounE
er Fh{t'icttil't{
?uo,ooo (oue on (on"z) *um al o+lr.ew utth0
o ? ,f$,ooO ( gr,te on Dcc'JgJ
oo* o,uc*o,:
?d*loa*k atnadg o$ud upon-
" f qa, ooo coL{o on Dtt"Oo)
'f 0,01{ in inteMt FXar6p1s"-tirr rr,ttin3 air avound Anlottna f,otioanatl
r yvhi,Jr1 .rhonrd (rhe Pa1
nnt ? Kcpt tho"air inrido a bo*h(t1'wonlol rpra tiyrg
t) Rrtiuo 1252 q tha drrit cldlr lrt ?amgraPh +u b,,,r1it ?
sAr4id.o <halt bg mado on10 ot$k whiclr dru fr0{-
h ltr^ artr tpcup dt*cip$ot +ho ik4tn'
tot dvrg .'/ b tnaW Ama ir"t"timtnla'[
Ceorrrhrna, ,\c/c,rrvtrno,lo 'fttrrt3
; ?5C,Oo0 c[an'4.) ii tholod'f] whi*ronoohao ot'd,vto yfrlqo ana\rlwrnrl loolt lik/ ott^U o[yr't"
*0 duer .tni,r I.r P0\)m€nt without,rper,ifr6a'tie6
df w.Au the a.fidl cgeto J 4oqn lpeh r,e 6^ndwlJ
x 4rtlclr, ttt tr Cciu1 adt') al l$v'ntV f.te#n/.
.r6s gire d dil{arv;i^al'o yng \ntuMet*atoir,
oh,igatron h
Aaiwina otr fhd occetdoru lthin6r
\napardo\i e++a'hed -$ndttumiyrql" {r. Ddenninato

q(td, alur,';,'i*,r "'" * Artido l4Uo o+ ths Clvrl CootO
^lir'frl^/h) $ A ${ng }'r dt*unni6a}fl rvhoili} if pcrttln'ttartl
,. A{tido l.[bp 6cilitrn,{r,)
\\ + 1t^ing il ,teilcrmiqatg t'rlhen iti-r,.7a*iq't11y alettg'ralt{ oturignatl sr phrfdeallrl \tvcg'Lq^M from a'[
olhsn' o*fitcamoc)att" othe'rx'
or prryiic4ilY dtg'tgdiol from a'[l
/, -nl': 4"fi\o re{r,ui4lo bode}umiqll'd it
Yt+ o"frnJ
i ';\ii' aalfrficd if dlthg'fmO +hc contrqrli'renwrrl into,
\- 'lhlr hqr 0.n obti0aho'n 1o 40ivc/ at a ,Senvol rr.llg il
$1^e ltung it
fuo +t'rrg i,t loel' alablo of uois maAO drfttru,rnaltl
utinqr,,,t vhd i+
"lv\o +o
&.tvr;n,^l ew^h
gr fi/tdttor agw'uo*
Nil4lrorh tficnaari\ oFat,ratt
s. ri.,1 i. {.r';.11. ,rr i 1,-.,,
batwun'tw YdlrtU-
b[t ^ +'tr'de' 11.1\ etrlho oivit co,lv' Ll'trtn o,rP ro lotgU to. dtfivu it b"t
{0,, anc
t'i6l'!e SrJa'wranu'
0) tntl of tho ttung ott'rgJ ) ne ,t, +^lYxY oloout r,lv,t
lo(( o+ "th, dClctrri nald
lttig rn"tinr+ ang *hirg
* Artdr/ lttQ ot tho cit'rl cootU
" o thc obrigolion fa giuc a dsk murot<l ttug includA
' f,f lojt romen\iOi gyWrL
*hot of duivting al *tg actuttont and
totr +tr"[t haVs tho
M,[pn ritol;1y ru detivtr lo fte puwn ax./.,..onu!
\ou a"rt AWRf
Ju *0iwh. A.c{t{(ioni + wcr3i4ling rnrr.,ioh \t ynluuttl\ athrg,
K inrofpora,t{ gr altaih{-d +l,Qrt, ?ilhi/r
F{arutplo lur rrtruadl paid #(D0 &e air aniwir{0n
grntttw,rd{,r negrutftrty opawl notilrdlt{ 0{ (qul,hfi:cal!.
nqe[na tolit, ln1- b4a.
wgll thrn,lh nurr ce+wrw+ b"t$ /.t,/uirlu- ;1. Exarvrploi Atcntpt C*.fgnaoionr of Lalora .rfr*"W a^01
\h qte.rritln'i"
h $r oUtigattr'un n dth'tlc-lno dt*Nuratu-lhina
tf JVre rnord ir a{+arhsd in+ht,rtatrng Jo \ou dltv
il to<t nhot ths 4ttunirr,a,lct thing it+r,l* ;o.rt."
n€pl -f0 endox/ bvap,g) i+ir part oHhclh-r,'15
,r A,/t1'utg U03 ;'.In an eur,iga*iwr lt d6vgr a
CCivr'tCor{ol fxannpto'. A t*r,- Jhr ridu rwnor, ott4^ig h,he'lr
qc'mnathin3, thr., tor.r or derlrrnrio0 ut anythinq of Wh*d.t, uofur
-ttn uame] Kio{ loar nol efqlng,rtrtr thu obrrga}ioi." Ll $1 i, ,rltqrhtd to t{ao Cd,r'& i{ ,{purhdlolo dd'twt

b Exay'nPlo: J'rn 6onmq d* tour a tcphp. No portirular d d&nv\.tnal/ ffU , 1ou havO tr indudd
fl acnptio r', Vto pr-rtrrU t ar Tktvl *hat flag bu\, tX andt ttAw tt'vg aurrcioru"
ogrtd upn, :
Lr.lstn <lit{ ntad tl duvetr ltu,l$q t ilv 4 4'64g6alon( AUE &rade,rud
Pt/t{vl finrrl,pm alrwd'Y 1^tkl abq,tfthO f*ik
tt'-qg' r"\h*vrra,l fi,u,jk
ttu ("r1
* t?l? olatl.qalion 'to dtrirrtr an indt*srwfna'tO er ffinrra
it atrin3t'ti hd b.t fi^4!il'hu{ w}t' x fiorn ani rvratl
orntnu ll,vr\g not
LlrS 1ou harle on obtigalion to olr,t'lvt,r
an arumal flu or tiverhrJ<,, anl in ther pruar'1
6Er.lEKt o (INPEIE.(MINfiE) Vr' DElB(tvtu416
o1 ,ltti,rt iqg. it gMU bir'th, Jotr alto nad
. PUFFJ f,Contrarl of 'ralt
4 Dct{vff 4 p\tpd ferlhg *o dtliv.c,l^ ttuo otkp,irg a.r w4t,

?ri(o ot Plqooo. b +n raar[ Nh{n wo tallt abou,t Milur?^l ft',ut,

'61,uat +To drr.rvr Pdtravyri tJrpgr nck tarrig al,ud tlvt, o{ft?drg'
{ur f to,aoo " , the fr,nih qH, lwiilgryd laXual frorit
* ]n cxo 6{ tocs lrtatnn{ron # 5n (ats ol- loct f'tt,rtrtntt'''trn and {hr4 haw tho obtigahon 'h drli uu $ruh.
tht obligatio4 f.o^n(Ms {ho obtiqairon ir cancelncol'
r+ trreu,rtJl'u wral ba ruc/
tur DArrnAoe{ i+$(dr d
ilf ^li,ftand or negtigtrrCg
l(tll ol lhc oul bda ..

harle 66 gb\igation fu dqiler ?W ollandt
qfit, k$der


havti vrpt durv* tht tond,'thoyarti ; fu t, ;|Hfiff|; l}ffi
.ri--s^,^, --, riru-,, uf*

{egddhon sr &'ut' of
nsdJ 1. pl 1D{( tho t{ring d'aer;
\tvrrrtce,r nat,ffaujgr{w{ry onthttand
be dclr't0rtd cl.{0. o{
E. A1 the ci/ndonaltou 0t rc'rnir'rron {ho deUt ,
lrluil,rhoo{d ut ctitt dowvr the tneslw.gnt'nttua
' tl tho contr,r,iiu4 0r f4crgcn olt}ro nghx offiq/ osdt*Dr
b1cow< it alrtadrl btl'ong.. n tlw p0on d$nv'

qa{ ,for,r unrrdeli'iril to' n.onocomPerrualionl

a, xrdu.rtvia,l Fr,tilr Q'fl Norohon

. *n* .l,(!rwons<l(o , bnfl,'.wltotl o( Kcvr,riurio4 ol 7th+

a *ar*t anol
lour cetd maxct bpar &'{ivt'Yt6tr E+ dot't
bufl;lrgol itr indwtrUr lh*
as aho cr1fl \
l]c4r'l ftr 1ou fo
on the &rvft. .{otr art, wuppot<drtu 4efiver
tum ouu tho llrnd 1o thg neh] oFdn0r
y*'l+nefu)oY in ordt'1"
1+re obligatrbrl-
ana *q; gre^rirtg $9F |ttrd{ h b'intlurdel' to tutttl4
L: rcoraiqg t0 tho lrud, ihq arc'ruypoctdty Eyomflrz"fie crvd'ihr
not wp#attd fnm rht PnPelh'$tB u4!tut&-4lvn1 thtinltuf
Pilt 0( 6ra,ttow r,orato PaJ tnftatlvr"rnb

f, A prtro o{ tand ir *rrayr dttgmir,att' ol+horngh 11.4;6livtrhtl tri'ting"

Ll **irlu 14,10 of 15s dnludu (trl ?ar)

s. ddl f,/vlih ?ton4onautrun r. r.r ion i'r
1g1v1 i ttntiai\
e,f grattunovs, and
6 Kenti n4uinr thc att erytantg by tho obti$or.I+ wrar, Wr nad}
h tt lonn bou6Yrt ttn ichnd rvrltvahputd0
r4prerr\ imgticd,ll -" . *##
{rsm [ru &ro tho otditor fu for0ivO rgout l0an
I rho t*1lt.,ry lofio{r ra.f *n*.* * {ovr catrnBtproririql oh dvil wdet r/ne,ru *lw Athlor cut
L7 ttc wlt hdrto +opaY rhsrfirt]thh'
f tt(rc ir ho
obtiga,lo thc trca,rfur lo Sv6ivo trk loa'rr'

Actetson g[ J 'thcthingJ rhat yn aold tD rYI4{0 it ( Frgrwnotr of loq,n ir qn iu'trqtivg oFthu cttdr'lvr.
l+it q a{t.
,trui^I. I Joltoot^r

tr ,ro if +c oedrJor |r angr.f rd ./ou , an"l "lunl wdrt'l t) {lrqir.g

Elompto: It 1o,l o"o relting a ctltphong,lour alro*
tout loah .fhon 1o[f narotuhon in t, f'ny l\$ t'rcAilor
irrr,tudg "thg htadrtt, dnatn0ir, r.t\ng,aad
Condu4fltiofl'l :
'lhs bo{' fydmp lo o'f
rMr,rr 10$ bcl/I,rn7 ah |.llyuplo\(tu tumedq,Yvr wilt havglu pa,r;
ItUil h rtrdl{oticl 4nd{ovl {uo- 6o4 lailtr or 6si,h'ibwtiettt ' Putyoutl c[
{( t'r h uunrg
ftlli}to {oulf((
t0 {trnr *l3tt owr nhuryn po+rtlrrlora from er(Pt/trsl in ce+O otr deaJ'h, inlun'er,
{tortfi, P(,son' r*i romorvt, hrrPr'{al uitrU'
.Arurtll&r utacF1 iq the, todn F^dh{'$
t7<r{{ condona,tioa 7"gmr '{hat givv yoa $knwl,
rcmoW {hg inl{,fdt altovrl 1, pa'{ ir'rtallu e/ut'

Whrd i( 114& obW^tion oP'llw Odvl'r?

Jilo pbris4nsn olrhet 4*tu( k t*r Acee,Fr-l *ta
t(Jniffion" or flttt condonalioA-
on o*
+wV ,to lpn cl(Frt''{ 10ura(u?tq^Qj ;arlnolor'o'hon

rovtir<ion 1
ftaWtplgt .{ovr bontrv mon€4 t Xur,v f*qndanoll'u6
loavl tltll lr'rr longu tobv yniol by yot'
4,ar*1 rar'd thatJornr
t^*, t"-iwt nerJ ls accqt\l'
otl and ftg rul"t"tl,,t (a'fidona
,* iti< a t^,?itk^n Qocurrt,l*, , f,r c'[4q,], lt<ina rr,rru hdg0 +3,000.
ahou'ld c[to bg ilt rnafit'n fnYw1t-h'
t*, ,* ,lnfiil act*Ptarud }cl{aF
Osth taau aru"
la {ontrlrodd +ro um}O a'rn
'luo ahA o<tro*olabl<l
L7tYx dtadind 4rL Nel Pat+ lo 4,mlr^to,rto
Con4onafion i< t{rO aUion Ir pooiblg anol bofh6a*r tv?in *rona4y
o{- thu oci,fior t rnafo{heJ vn{t'ttz
palment e,aiw lvr tlwl '}n rnln$ or @fi{vLrqD/g ul{hovano lr(,uA

deffi t tr.,lnil0 Yrcm-rtti on h a,oLy.yqlle, arcihttrrvll of wo'u3'

ir t{Tt cnna[a*run or Srgitrtr
, Nrt ilrvolv(4 in a.rrJ oll"te 6agalverr.llraga,lourttrtl
nrlr ulfhs }oa,n. 'r
4q \rqngla i,rvotved3 ho lr,rpon oortplain.
'l{vch,tpon wr-ll (rafl{erho )rrh0
, b{ *h0 confu.riurr 01" rl}4t'r$0r o&{ho righK o+tftoeldilpr
rwf l\s mdlrov
atrd diloipv
' {..8n -{+p u/, +',adgc rto lohger hu lo}d+ Wtrt.
try norrndq, ln {tq / thto aE t' pgxloni -
+f& ctt4rtor and tlro A$stor' fuAW'< obr,igalion it tatirgwlrla cd, thn<Nvr
tr R*iat, lo'll sT{ho cinl cod<l Mrr di14 sa€{ FnAa& f ol ooo'
thg ebri$a,hen i.t rx{ingrri"trcal {rorvr {h o trn<) tlW
+{anlpl Cerrarvrod,rfrct If**n "
o!twru1* rw4itpr anilAddvt aremuXad in a*lno Vdt{w
ftf{ onl.l a4?l\u iS}hO trqr'4
1+lvwrtno pwon ''r
Jetn owU h,trn I hg
. 0-rt^&l Yot'l'

Uil,rid,lca,f F0(ovl -? toryoralionr rfipcnr ahoA to l^?V'a

Tamarn\riV hs*fu gortibp Sr oo

6Xanrplr.,'. rn fie pcrt, th*e ir q banK call.d wy'.tti$^^ WW" or ca,ll itqtlit i1'.:

- i+i< fioh ohrorlxd b\ PW- mo 'ltttft or

, P f'arm0r EYlw Iorlt Y'.{o'A
CrIw" orporalioru cr,rrlbne- Ona of t{uA{/icd ant)*t*
m? h[fh o,vo t*lt of nil.{tt;r botho+gon
gthar rrrrwr*J . - ruugd to eiarviw.
otn,lurt calt it 4t^4F'
+ .lrt k bwr*e oq v aN,) y oftwl'
yorcibltJ tor q*,i d,fcar.{ ?wot 1o
L1 ortor a*col tu w 1\r' crtd'rhr md trtw othu orra 'ftv
: * i' r'\ ' hd\lbr^dA0
' br; Novafion
de,lofor- whtn @wtbinod, J'k/r il rrn p<rir'itil\| "+ $w clul hde)
b fifi'Ug ll6ll o+
uttih0wt&t4^tn't' ,t\
sgbt,lga,tronr MAyba ruo4if,'td {

uttuaiiun [Wan?lt'.
1. cha,rrgittg ttUr obiu*.
. t'f^:
Ivhph rtfi.on 4 bOn'owtd
t,ttt"n O'
a [o]of monr,! {o
ql1 fago o, .- ^.:,.t^

A ltuo{d -M rnaE paon o.

.forn rtidl ho't Aua<l +t b..Oation
thr,rn (*crr4tan@ in lira sf "
elrAerin cn{ ^4
huh^{n*. - L7

L1 flrbfll-tvrld
b l'unon {b ctnn tP tot6rr c"lkrz.* flVm,At ferun 0. lrin e/thango d
bt4ulr.ei {tur floprhU otu l,sy,) comlirrt4-
Fl'opttJ firanrykr lou ow Jour {,;u(d f too anolinttead o{
f,fing in caeh, Jovr atlt il
' bj a"rjrruation h'u $ottr loq4

Lwd hw nmr{h Fwo qnA

h Pm,rrO 1010 sttht,4vr'l
oCornP(|tra*iovr <hru +"Vu yVn phOrrtwo YeAo^J, { f pila or utioguiltr4'
+ tA f,*, tYl{tlq9 -+ 4chol tP44
rigl.t, qru crtditu( 'tdotor
lnJhrir ortln
" l- biT+txt{t}
Sow'' Attctn6*rug
go.,,tn O{hcl'' " ;'.I,r Afrqnafq1 obt[gairon, ficoptilru arl'a*
&rnpeixa,hon J oNing ,-n'1.3
anol*;ot'r are'l a++he/ btginnirrg'
-q'dt dl 'itwen or 1t'rilt' rphilo Jn"gadJn Wr Pryo,*he
odilor aw{lu)
d*hr ff6r,lruohl trnnri 7a\fie 6['tigdlon
in orher ,^, ,Tll
;*Xffif,'.h.H{,, , w},.
lltf,r{ on onotog.{ bqnd 0A tuti4s l{,4{ Qsfi aaw'\
e hrfor oru htdgu ? lo,ooq., hrtri h vho, ld haua yaid o 1

fiugurt CL.
, Ft^igC arror ltrine f l,oo0 ,t^/hohvl^ould ha$ laid ln
\juttt 01.

* tl-ul Ynp& sr Rndtior an,7a\d en Ci'lg of rUaXati' u7 '114s d*t s

s* oryW bufut- an/ h^ildstL rurtul
ol pa^ling monrg {trg
AyaI4 ery. o{ft.r frraf inrtta4 OanK vw loyqw sw0 thctyr. thqt d<hltw rntl ?^\
r,unt onrO pYlP{lU tnrkad' ntrd .tu thct n%) e&hry wvvtch'$ thil cowft)
fh t ei- f{r *&d'ft art' rt'Dl" ax it'o i'ta"t
tt****, "\ buildu4 balrtt'
u*du te*W,frruS ftro tb b?"p6-id *n ,hor$'
gu*, futQurnioh$$S irrigeo$ 111s'"1t1' coflx')we v'tih Vwatmbu'
{nr n,rottiliorl o+ aurprig ttol Ftf€'$ intUado{VqtU c fyprgvr 4 oh(t uryoouhon laA o{hat^
,1It0ltt. 0n* w"t{'ivt h'atr cambwt"

; al,rrih.thng '+{o ptrtoo oFfu fu)oftt r

6r,11epiolation, fl/, (lt*iry 'ludato caryyrino andt

Q dowrilotrc de dd&0r fu PeJ srgor,u dtft' ,r

;it. uhpptd e4drhng anol d nr4/0
coryoraiioYl" t{la,t it ttro ntrnJ ,ombYlahon
r [i$.-gmdgp0-f 'ndqlogatirrn'l
H- tho tttatqcrt ofio e,'i,+'
D $Jh,.3 (omconC 46( Sr$ot'tr
pum[6;61t' rcy
'{our lo4tl'
x amplo: countlg EanX *
bulld*AEtttol OanU

dtrrPrurvritlionn :' CouotU guilolort Faak

h rovu e,0 ns/ pIil,,l lnt'r,r dilol wtlhoatrfe'ryna'liio n'

l+ t*i,''i( ort,y rmpor*anti{whtn thtc il rru'uity or

aed'r{tr,i{{hv ctn'l'alor
t mcn+ alto do{*olt
L)/ rnt sn tho I

' aGrl)to+
dgN^-( S^?er$p fiird penon than tho de'btor
t tht 40t h( obl(ga,f,ow d,ru ltrYJ elctir,rqutilvl

bt cant1 6eil11ggfo r.trV can[*ftrJ


EXavrrplgr brad Cu*d,*rr) o,v,ra 64owr^ bldd,Ir{od otru.,

ln otl?ty 1llr, offof o$ ehar{iu Cnr,vJ ddoltd+ fO
h4am( car,
Wi{h i{ Fd{ibb,$r Charl{t to
Prrmi.r.rirCI = $r
aLTvFu Arlarrru ar.
Wilhq^t Permidon fll chavtif, ttidt wu Po't h'lailA
*0t +; lro cani lravs Ailo,lr.r'i cdLV.

o" ,ubrugdriYU o'iltlrd jn thsri6r'r,tr of

fis oreditor".

b titronlrorr Nh{r& {ovYtc/0n? ot+O rtep'ln

&l ttnv nrxrl cxdi'{ur'
tatt, ob6i(a.iiunf to ihrr old *#,r+ur a,rer

t'at*nguirlncri ths obtr{ga'fion1

'r' "'r
'{tanrfet*'d 'tu t{40 nan: crtdffor'

fvamptu'. A lbng {inrt ago, '[hw iv aban( caw-A

A{licd 0dnK- +hru drs, t\o tongr,t exiJ{r\g -{o441

+oNwut, {!ig 691,igahorl.r rs{+ft; brrmr,rcr{ o*Allir/
Dant(( dre uirrgv,i,(hr01z bttt ll haV batltan'rW[
-{o *tito nwd o"edifur.

tOrwwl Unry[rn&n
connqt{ , thuvi.r rrnwntfcfr ^lraiW'
" A covrtratf iv a mee*irg of rr,rindc bdwun tialwmg
C$$,o$, rnlVr nelgert *o iho 6tt'16, 6{4mp |gi bordN"4 f
t00 f?orn da({rn alQ andt
trn/0 gtfionl whtrtbl one/ bi n 4t hrrnn$, crtttl
1t ,rar1.r lhat ean P4t i+ "bht'r tdf,1o,r
+o liwl toroe,{h(g 0rt0 hfld(f
royyrg \RMq/.
o*fhs out[gado4
- htt. taof, civr'l codg # lhtr ta[.l.tuw rhat if 'lt?o dolu
h C-mrlU a Svm ot t+.,+rd, O Urlng i* Oa
i.l 6pclt4., thvt th t/ F4ttrsr
*t''Tr* iMnlolcffL t{E.EqIr{ 0*1. r(
aa$ga$on Tl i^€ar,r 4
' fld liko dh ordiodu porni<o to

oft'piltry':rni ur€fiuldg
* A oontrort i< rtol trurT A PtEcE a?A?ER1
'dou canvlgt *'iU;"S rt a nnfittt* ic on AaKEEMENT'iti(
tagd 0oyut4u'mtgl' g{ mind't '#
*< rn ordtn nr q cor\rrqrr to vo 6pruidwda
/v'v q "+
cawiago'r,rn, *il"+,{.I(/ rll;ry'n*; - ^a, or,"r^fw wt^bitx* ilv c'"fi'9ff'^{'
nu *,u: t:
['JH ffi*ffi;Tfb-Til.,,1J3,o[ffi *::m*tlxT*;H3*ffi;-'ere'
o++hv re4oiai}u oa$r'
mNlf{Aot unrurthu &lrorru{1g
' No
bnng govr to {o,tr de.rrina;ion. so ntrq'rtr og ?arhU

th. (t)
m'm. n' c,n(mt 'tirthn.t 4n un*tt:fu .^smcnf od
I y
. hlhsrr bug oorn ghi{g 'uJ r,mdh'hg ln
Or brnS romdh'vrg 1;, +hQ., la'$l

cnter r/yro ot oorftaiotucrc. ;';;; corl(ent ir
q nnurl'
',toro LlthO par*u hauo g eU\\ga+un.lhobuyu hal
an tnowtl* i*tfo lar$ 'ra{c **'
ou,igoton 1r pai srth*rFrn
:.''"::- .. lUnit [:*mmindr:: h]dt]e'r
Lt\ht w,ftr,r ta'r 'ltW obligatronpdctaWr o1'tottanrff
orl0tranrftr iv thQ ruqtd
, ::*
,f.n,r(Np sf rht, irorn. ; tr*'x[#'i
'ffiffi:ff:fl".,:ffi ,Jflill :'il-'ffT,,n," LTmu* be. d$ni]u on.

^:,:*:*" ftrrt
0n,h0 ond,ord 6, pqins
dn qPP/iou
Eromptu'. vuhenurt'r tou 4owntoad orinrtall *rnu**oDth*n *t*
;';;*q':-1: ho ao conkq$
cqh bo
ihcr. can cc

odudr\ e-ntr ro 4 contrarf o{ rscm. o{ rJro. 'i'[

ir fltf ce,td\n'
il dsrttd thg
,bligotion u,hifi i( €(tobti'th'
L'1Jou hovo ro nght to eur br6qu(o otr on
rum.r ond condttilrl [v) eau.o o{thg
Ercmprc: wh q,,, .l0r/ trrroltgd, lou qw aui,lo +u touout thO ruet \ lour
tn'lt lour Stind urho tu'' Iphon0 g and

tfir,n hting in rrchool,i,r oovuvd v1a arwwt Ldweqr ondin m*urn,Jou wont-fo $iva yo*rOetKla&or
Jaq and rtoo univirriry arlt drnoun+ ofimorrt{
pv hor $onorur$f'

'rYffi"' t Xhp U'*"'ttntt etwvfiN 8k Gl'*"irr

;"Tff:A [:H
nsht 1u \ucued lo.*r a.Loun
if .louuiorafo]*(rulsr.botawet rtherrlotrinrldt\it,1rrtl 1n an..pbtigotron .rn d con+raLt
oddo +o fultod the ul$ and regrrlqtioru'

* cowtra'rrt ir wrrttrn on
hhtn rroq* nav<.
xf-T#; ;#ffi:-
. oan{t41gry mln}+wl on p@ptr rn0ttgdg0r
boqr, or {h0 cnnvcydncel otlhoobtigcoi tdh(,Yr gotl ortl ' Achvo crria} " oytiSta
,. ,i*1q9 , dgL{tg Yr rrvu.{vtot lathu onv who hau {hei h a na*1 1qa cont,a'Ai'"
lutiry *ntn inrXnrmrnt. J
,r,tilog, 4 houct,"qnd
ri6nt fu 4crnond Jha &rfitlnr$! Exarnptr,: txano',tand-
dnd ,,,4urr(t u
a{- ffue sgtrgodiuft ordrxr*1 tndJ, lnortqaS+a
**ic,tg t?o$ 9l tho crvrl (rdg" -In Dooanion'
rlho mntratt rnu,rt rrnd both contrarling pa*irf Lr DonOdon thaii(f,,SodOwttl,the,rt qnOtenhJ anol
i{c variditl of cornprian ca c4nnol bo tt4+ t0 vho wi[ oondifion( by tho u.(s of tha f'oPer\ .

st ono, 0{ th{.m.'r t*O,mptt: c6yyrp craillq,,,y'd,f?#r{ to fis 6ousmlhf^1. 4{

uu1ing+hingr an4lotr urti ienfinrre, feoping and
fyai^pt0.. Wtren 10,rfr, lo$g a( tho govurtrm^*^.[
ne$ot qt, wi'lh tlrot10tt woniJ ComowhdoK pwroJrin3 tht prupury-
ttr?, pricO
+'\o1 cAn
.+trx 19 towtr Jhc PnoO' t{, {h; .goft,Ynme4t rp lposov t't'edlWeit,thfi
[r Jtiv thg buo{sr and vtndor who har a rneatilg fe{il,rn +ht, totho pEl}L oh,NB<'

'; rHl ryer wilt ruot dgr€e r'rrith thg p'ico gi*rcn' ' t*o*F'Y^ :t "1:1t'
q fil"(),*tedvnP h{t'{' an.x'oar

1ul ho'.re a ol\tra't o+donafioq u;ith four rponlor,

{t!rn th* i.r np I tl re, M9 bo no *nii^rt.
--" -: g\r'in$ 'l{r'/
r0ohe^, Sr'lour dwatioq t dwlt fiV ytlnt"
-6 tp the bralOr^ Ogrgr,l , th(n+fie.Erirnn'ftic,Ocon*rarA
pno,,o,y, 61 nraorian,n*
r'lRl(Etrt0Rl.EAVE IT
ffi.:fr] ilil1|*t:l}frrfi'
" L1th9 rnpnuJ rs $irerr p' yjur plnacalrOtl honn";g1
COrrtrart rtr 645g({i06
Lr rt{er< *o o rtgo.l ogrtcmtnl thatir Pu,rmrc4t0.ofu(/ lhai cen n{ry i+ lovr taal t0 orrvtlrll "the FaYw s* oovr*art.
rr14v4it orlt&rlti["
other. gatg on o
ForrJ br,tho
b6rii, wrthovrt swtqs
*ho firrr pa\ *'n
'ro'*t-J rpe,pno,u Acrl)
- ru-^r* 0* x.dherion " becawql '
orolinancel - sJ t/oca't

4o{}ttinr.tra#i"0 loo\iu c00tl,,vTo'etro)

one pn,tl hor ctmng.4Tv,uorgaininS.lonr,:ondthl 'KlUr,atioru'bJ
Uthu'portt r< egql.rtiqUrl $aed
6 adhW to +hf.i .L&y,r gstwc.^,l the PaYtit.(- Contrarh
" ';t;;nr^cl^
g1aPol<01' 'fonrhtntion
c'ntrnrh'tho{unrr ond conditioru aro oanvr'oYonn*0 inpntniu fq$'
ruolr o't E{arnplt,i Thr,low 'rog tho*lutt
+fpf .ul otro{tcd b1 thO Part! trrith rn0ro Powgr' (rnoHJ in prirro'ho - but if'luur rqnCd an
{1ro othw pa*1 , ftouWor, Jo\l ,ah -
4 cornponJ 0r dn orgonizafion, o'rd in-
.nftoY*** gontratl,orrf tht' pot't\ ririar hof toqfnolqi
utud|\ cvr graooh(Ltmtr,hau [ittltilo no
pwro\[o thU\ pn ahorrtd not trrnov,li - nnl,in e,fltPte\{.rr fnps\"
abiliq to pod(! an{ $g0otidhO thofe,m,r"
q w,, senfrar,t i'r prolon+td u( q $fanolardf,*1, zF coyltrart{, cv{n Mtlrou'l s' taril,il-'rgrvtr at a lilJ,;irS
a1,rd ttl0 portl u,th lus bargoininJ fot\ltr can oithen 4Srcofnanh bQh^'ufi 11tg Partia"
eU,QPt the +crrrru Or ch.ogn, not tD e,nt11 into thO
40 rctw\enl altugeihor' ufi c,,,ir** har tho Hi' &iqt^)"Se$A1lfirr t'&e6H'S I ;3
\_ 1 haug no tigh+ to negotia}0,
- Pvndel tt$4, eirTl 6odg
No.rg FIen whem{or4


houa {ho


h tha oth&r. I arqPntccAt oou


€6& F*tt.{ it both obtirgor dndob[iqg

tAh, SGcw€fh*

+ t'1!rg tqd [( AetntQ vtrvl'ttt/\ intu <rerg c,or\fi:clt'i

T*{tr **F*FT! q'5

cDACI'hwbad Ftamplr"r tttin o[ eergvin4 4,n hnigud rk 6utrfo{ APYdui\

fixornptor undty Addo 600{tfo kmilt
ond wrk, havt thg tro{hg obt[gatioru to
Qath 6$191'
1 g corrtmr,f ruilrr* bs aVrde) b\ +holu^t'
tr Cpn*rurh intolri'ng Wngocal abtige+iol" th crrr'h ft prnla'1i ovtt,
th{, conkar}i qg p a'tlu rn&r{ etM,loli
L) lvrtbuttr ha*r an obligaiion 'totho
{dlor; qn 4 tho (e,l\tr tnar an obtigafion to oloue, ttvml, avr4 eorrd,ftionv o,l {hgy may do,tmconvmitol,
ttre, buYe,r" CcoNtcnd OF v^ALE) gro,ndd thol arv
u ordtr,or
ExArnprtrf 0y ?ARI\Y{ lt.l CoNfRAUT o7'tALOs(WUIW
d boNAnoN ..

a f,Wql
t -fhpdd,fioo it
-frnrtlg l?{Jo ef tts Divrl notr
'BuYQ,r' &flt,r ' ]nruntt- 'fnnrtd

t).fiu lolv ruarnr fiQMn httttgai,

. Da,wx' ctienr . tlvrrban4'wtfo

Frtrr{'' Abisk
. Fon0 f " OOntE , dur:yrct FrOrndtr -Cr6rh{ngr AUrVrcO

' Docttv - ?ati n|

. tvt^(tor- ngtnt
.;r.,ri ,:r5.r1. rtJ nfl",,rr+')+&rJH i+ ff, igfl* ,t".3d.t1 t
trit po&bt(r tsro conka*to affqt thv ngntr o$ Dths{, Who ttrt) ' Cootrcur of 4oootiorr of rea.l e(t(tt/to o $rei.nsr.
pt parritl {o It? hA Srd$n$ tv hot 4llovtrcd t" buy^el4

f6ytfiup TeFs dtq,t on\ b$rru^vl +ho pavtiUr*trdr6l1ig11

u red e{tdtu properry ln+he pni}iypina.

an4 na6r a$L$ irr ulg Nh€,rO tho ngttt<.an4 obtiga'tioar $4 yu arer FiL-A,rho cnd lour pcrml glnqa lond

.ariring tnro thg cDOtr4I'f drt, rtoh tr4numl't{iblu ." r tuJou, th(n loril c4h havgi| eryni+1,rufuAn
mne,yrcq,n cih?cA.
t7 porcignem ca,n 0Nn con 4oryri6i14na., b,^l
no1 hor4(g
h nrr,*Ur tht oblfualioru in a cnfirort i'r Uctu.rivti ' tg@pf and hf.
.ttlv.1gr*. a,rs Tonfficillo, * t* foreig€^r drYoloyvcd, fher(lrn'trl no bng1; fi Oofi
Jot/r bonou,, 4vYlon$I, tt on\ 0vl0r tdho lhBuld'
E*am?lt' " {u,t"t *rr R'tlptno, lo qq/Iirc lo^d.
\k l/ar$' ^foq connot obtigatO pa'l {on i{'
?o.1 .q,nloncto
ttuwwrrf , Attt, oldnetl, yovr fis " '
t JCd Pqrt\ ro a 00nrraut han no Lvbt+LcFraorrf

u7 trvo q*alo k olirfnut^+ct to

lhs'hdu ftrorrXeru' contrari'u VOt0"..

ttr, {ocnqgakttttlrsa{ato Ll Void aU initiO ( yoid

L1 [ cr&'tor i^al oot]trf d+ ttro vo1 ucAinni
of a 4eod dtl't'r' opqoAtroNs / coNm&(t
6inrrtvltancrr /f"neny) X 0bj01l| (or "prcl1olion,r ") t 0\1k
X-fisrighk 0f coftrulg arg k4nrmis,rible, lf - tt Io givtr , h do, or 6,ry ,5 rftr+rey af thgr
{:,. ernflDym(rlt., Jod c4nnot Inhcrit .lour rnofru,do4j
nfortt, /+rt.laot rbl)
Q J$ rnorn i( o c6o qnd 'lte4 - )or,tinhuit d,r4 of ?wpa(0
htt avrarer brat npr hU pa'lion .Yoq rg^mg a rn4lon i
olobiul rndttr:
Clr6r'ohnldq,f .br,tt 1ou cannorrhhgrtf h$ Cfo pop1fio4.
' @ntral s[ sa terd0ndtiO0)
W{d 'Othr a$o*frotdOrv in ordgr 6n
W ny,td t0 ,b0 b1 empr o\rmqb d eerl,r urt,
wrorriaggl mortgdqe,
{0rl {o bug'tng a Cro.
ttore, ru1d, a1w1
onr o{olxlr\t 4 nrorKthar can lvrhpil iV U4ng f4tH\0t+\^P.
}ou a
t4' lnth,ewr.U WWr, Ayrto $ il n t a poyrlar;.b
t'ft( (rblil,l rwr ,rf bo q rrwi60 NoT (,NtKAKY tD
ina rtot Lo"Nt

tu4lrY A,|r\wthct+c€l in r'1.

mordN, $ood ulutom,t, puutici 0r4v ar puulrr, j,
-A*idtr l?.t11 AvtI 6e4x,
E({sNn4[ Et,ErhENrs I

L7 thefoltowr{ Affioltq ors iogxi,{+cnf ond WloSomttg

* Pqrhe{ (obtigor^ and ovltge{ beginnhg ,

Ll Uega.l carporit\ - Mrtn q peroniu authoriae4 \ tovv Q) fnoru h/ho6(, cqt&rs, ()bjet t or p*rpO,rg i,t con+ra\
' r {o on+tr into a @ntrcu}. 'to lu,trr rnoralr r $ood cl,t,ttornr , p*oli u ardt)t ."
Exanrtptrl o$ fibn+ror& irheFe q pftry hnr no LboeLcAe4ffTll/ -A'Udo t{04 oFfhe,cr'vilods
. wtavh-dgo nlhon ons. o{ *ho pa*ia void abinili0 uecout're tht oult*i' aga'r'nrl
lt* btlol rglean old.
'tl0{- tan/'
L> +{ {ho nrowrogv appficotion youfo
1oa hnihj on
t'l 1c4,,r'r14 6 yoor rnavnogo ii *i,ia*d vrio. ' A0*rH'rt lAvrj
- Agr&rn{Ill o+.fFo tA(U to *$or*ttr
t, 0
J$ lodr{Abovu l0 but b4tr.l &1 , }ora h 1trtn,l q c6r,rd ryhrrt/ ,?o\^+o{ q{Fo.4 fia}
wri+ttn cooc{,n} vr,tht/s I* ic notoriard tnq N{lt ,rtparoto frorn eadrotherqtd cro
bu q noFfl.g, PARENTp! A0YlcE ctlowtd tohaWalovof orqm'rke0.(.fud.hg
' f, rs 1ou 0rg invowo i0 mdrrag u st d,uld , lou ccn be {M tow'
f:6 a}urlqn^*dbiln
{towt't'fi tttg (uprcmg ^o(

&r not abitliog tho law

n Juri\g or cigorslru or Arrrholtu fornrnnu bdot,r l0yr"od L7i:,ffiffllronoro tkrot {hir t<.rn4ot
li.fdlt, t0 q P&rofl bdo1; lt V0[0. it
4gx{/rntr!* tmmot'al qoo\ vOr,o *6rNltro
h $omtlnu iphoiu Fland trtloN arcnotqr,uedthrqc.igorritu/ &tr',ttu8 n
o{ther Favru'\1 M0: kout-tr ctvuppov{ h
t dle* {hu rc of nlhort buyiog in yar,rtuu. 'n*aus Ppdrr{(' tiv?,Mt^ *UiSLfrqS$}
.:.r...r ,:rn
.";s' 'h ttrolq,rnr on lwo\Lnlana, 64ru fia* c.pfyr-ax11
h rntr \,r a conhu.u-o$-(Ln/ico thali.rnot ", r{i*.
etn{owcoblg bUaU,rt thr-ttrblU} tu ie1y1*Ot. 4f tD do thqr lvdrK.
L? giving qwal
pyo{eurionat ticencufr CIgine,u!
. ft0AtN(r tvtou,ALs
* lanlcn,ond au,ounifinil dro reguto.horu rhd,f
Sim.vtia{'on o$ PifrhJ
4rt, herd +g uphold ordw.
L: childtuu crupto m4ks 0n d.Stgemu&l- h Twbtiu
a PN{nqnt t(pnog ef a8d rvh0thd {r({tqou
'AoAlNJf wPuj FoLle^l
g\Yt givOt birfi , q mid-?flg ruru q,,kf
fig Ll puurio Potiol , utafO tirnil-olioN on ptxona4 righr
ph{fitian fu 4sUv<,r fia bqbJ.
tho nnid.rvrlo
Sr oornrnuni\ nrdfartr
trtrll ta[s ttql bivlh c/.rtihcz;! And

tht chitdlr,& WW) fi<,, lqat pormf{.

* crirne agairuf ftadom of vpeer,h
L: $ri.r LLv|wANp tmrnoK4l . berq^M) -- yrrl h[gh intener+ rntgl
thq dor(t rvart 1o gctfo,l h rt X ill0$al becqwt e, Jou 4grrod i{ ;t hr!
proe.a( { adoplron. il hight bo conuidw{ againil,pn}fU pilq
* rarrdig {. ihv to*i\ 6qg, adoptcd bu.awt., it u Uuror6,.
dnrld har equal rignt *o thslcgrtirnap h ogain.rt on,rcienpu
'hild' h Uo (nr,ihatirln in ipttMt fifO*hN i/h{rt,ereh
f No o.btigation in a nid ooattal. no Yioldtioh ih lrtw.
. A&klN(I 60c;0 qr^(rDgI{'-
-Whc,n tho ehild't'iAm( lB, hr,l,rttl trario
Itd,v0 fhur hou,rC"
t- *n the ftcrlc{, thue,cor^pts thOl
Nhrn Jh(ir dourghtor lu,mv l0 , uhe ne4ir
led,rlo ihg hou(c.
1 Ornth'mtr ther lonJ o*dl rcquirtd *o
fruaw traditton / qlatoma hade,{er bccout1.1
0f thp civit ood().

* ihe dvtl Ooqo conrtdfi good crutornr to buhrlpf$l.

rhatt r^,rvry *trol 4orfi altovi contrurt{hofi-t ogainrl
90od out{+ofi'('
. A6ArN(t ?ttbLto oRDEK
Lr p uulio a dw . governrnsn+l ordu4rl nn onogunu[
ol* thg cownfiry.
- maKing f,ctto diplornc /rcplieo o+ d[ploff]o
h rneiou re4uirel q cotr?$odcgrgeJ (o
1ou rruri +o Kc(fo h '$ovg(t 4 (d1190
dcgroo cp,rtificahi or q ottprorhq.-tn(J
diptoryrs tequirql
i( ln Latin byrtthr;
ftqw,V' do nnl [nov,,'thaf, dnd th.ol J,oi+
ingtur ftqunrd 0$r thg
t{ooru Lafin. thO
T;dffl "hit Jtil '. ti i;'*fl"..ti t*ii ,.,tti tillll f",'rt$l {
driptomo ic fq(g - JoU ,ur* rhfrre
q fe.t\^nd +0 *h0
snge,rcr buourrtlowr
CDr\rflr* I agrtc{neht i( y0id fyorn +hg
bcginni ng.
t Aticl0 tql and 1tl2.1pu,1,rgq P?^6tcodQ)
h ft4nivhu hrg.rl ond
- AJ (*ni$i"l*l s.6at*tne] qr,d Fobou, o trr

InaKiqg thg r{orfi{ oF cftoufltiq.


N AroKE 0F A 6OmRn6;Ti
*,,,,,,, 4
*t ilfrvnr//" 4o( 'tna&trown-! contrarH ary7 inorirltnk and

@ nr+ide l?1r " cital cods roru fr'orn thC bt'ginvlih(


h lnoral't'
houiu* ryrul+ bg a'rervics nol conkary lav'l'
or 6) tf."ru Nhi4 ontilnplolet a6 56poc(tow
gooa urttm{) ptrbtir' ordU puht{o potiotl'
€tOrrrplo:'t{ aovrreong 0t9{/1h *altc'{ou ba*
O n*,rt 1041, tir'rlcod<l in irno.
q tt< trwiivrEqs vnul| invol\s omtlhig ''wfuin'ln0
' lwr'z foh'un
od Ynctvt'"
hmtnnutg # 'Smposiblo condilioN , nho,rc, contrq^l P go,4

* e*tclc] t to4 : "Iho ftllorvtng anfta${ are in?,rirtenf qnd U[tomr, ot pnblio Pdnl qnd {hocu prchibrM by
{orp Srom tho hcaivrning : tqr{ ,rhd,U cn$rl thg obtigotlon rrhi,o}r dtptn4r upon
tl)rhD(J runolr, obJut i( ouhidg {h0, Comrnerlt] of rnan. {hql\ ..."
- R.r41'4o iloc ctlvrl a44,3
Lr wno dht 0${ond tttt comqrtrrn of rnotn ? (t)
1horc whi ch, aro qbrol[H,lY e\ryu,rt o*r-4 S fl dltl uyr(

, lhltln -Ltrlrv\.r tf .0.lult -And*tr,ing la.w) f A*ido lh[5 ' Snuta,lion o$ contz*t no'\ VA
I uu,ling arvd re,tlio3 o{ thltn ittrvr.r art, ogoirul Abtotvtr or Rfu&ItYE

tht tavt " ffih ltx.rUlgr and btlyu can WJ pi'r . {9{oLUIE -
tu,tarl, htov,e,r ptow nhen +h0 pottiu dono+intend
Ll t$ 1ru q-hU o bu\tr 0$ a l{o[q \krn ,'{w tnUtd
{o bu bo,rnd at all'
hctfQ.fl Fgeo(l'.,Ih owncf ' Lz tre porrti6( ha{er no'Iwttn4ioq 4fulSTW
h *tvo toN p&(rm€,J tlratfirerUtryer vho*td hdrls Knohn
thdr e!Ug66;6s'
+hc* the, thing ho orrrho k hrling ir fiuLrN'
ta A fic rtortr Erampto: contrart o{ calr, ' *lou<e
(ommJ tluu hiv fiot,l,.rg anol tolrp hk dar4gh]ci^
tul ot{ht, CuadolwPv owrPar('

f tgnoronre 0ttho loN exctr{{,( l[u ono Rau. *rvdid nof Fl hirn.hc ,lid rwtlrrun"t&,r
ttrr tiHv 1o hr.fic{ 4i4 npt regklcrttarcf .
' fletvrr,lttr of a eirvrg i
lV, cBtvtinuod +o liw in ttg frotr,rr
qhal hf.
tl untlcor'lr.d fimormt
iJ On APrsot UIEL{ {lmuLf,ffO cot wR*tt
Lr pick locli.(
Thlr k volp...
l+ 4unr"iftltl * Srrid0 l?4t, . An abiolrah.hl irvu,rtated prfiVi*rbul
' ]<ml uvwail i< vorD.
L7 Ant e,xflodvg . RBLArllrF
htllqdl du(( b Wvwn tho partiu a.ncl-al*rdt rua{ agnorncn}.

L; avrl Prtdr,tcl o{ ittegal acF tf t11g,pqrti$r havo inttolion{ bUt orrrcaled it

dyrd m4r{olh loor rilco omething elre.
'Pubti<,' Domain
Lt FXcmptg'.(4myyr!.r0u hk qnd tothhir
. d*aghttr, Ro,ra, Sr 100/ ooopuro.!. .lhv atnsy
h cidt,n,olK - .lou cannoi ren't it ont Uccatltv\l {
va,lue. 0+ h" Prp*l i( 0fxr'lltovl. Wdtdtwl
pubrir; pnperf/,
* rond that a,rU nn dgdqXd B?r/hnbt0 dlr- pyt hibi{"d, f **w paymcn+ €orn hr a{hough ho*rasfud,
.0*ht,r [e.g. nn. 61106, a,r qmtrrdad) I tlr. tigt-lo he/r, -T{ baavoet a 0oN4It0N'
odu to qvoidia/, hatr.ll ll in a lav priO
h dog wraal
No lan, Prbhibi+d h cal fhcnn bv,t
\ ca{ nneq,l, i{ ir flle{al'lo n}t thctvr. inrtcad o+ donatinS il'
L:'rr,t i.r, q Kuihnv&t .crvlurAtBo coiln(Acx.
@ Aru*" l?j$^clvr'l codo 'Ihl-r binAr'fio F4ttiu $ thsir rea,lgwement.
h ft hrd+ not in,tot'I0 ffiFo{(tbtE tHtt'l&(' r,lhichk 4 tran(ftr ef uwnwhip
'loa{ftbu q Pnputl or o{wicg fi l**t lzl{b: A rctdh!! rimutation
i+4oq ttol brh€r\
pqudittr prrrol a6i.r notinttndc4 Sroh.lpt'ttptg
4 +hlnd
c,nt'onl{otnvro;relart,6#*gmUf"[iX* yru,O

Ecra{u& t}rmEr$tr oFn comnfi

@ Cquro luniduation - po} Ll $+conm,|rl ab.rmF,,

[.r +hl,r{,+nc b^lr(./4tituot,,.
L; Condttion kowi t u ]bl.:lrthl I Plflo Uwtdrng L7
[ *n*t mtL\+ bt fxEEL', atrrEN
1o 0rtiqv lguo) tl +f H ir rwt fiuuy
Ll coun, vanl flvUt, dekrtW.
+he.n itir
4qtndiu ,n crnt u^t . ,, t,
b.fou hoxrl €ruk \tvlo O VoVAgl6 eNflmrrf.
[. r.:1.1,;,,r,, ', f,r,t donqttoVl, flagccr,vt(0 wt'ltbgthfJ i.:,"ll"x .r.'l'l
EYA,npLE of Contrarrg r,tnwooruer+ t,
{ee,ting o[ (atitfar,tioo $r giving 4w4J 4 Propcvt1 jtr: r,',,,tit. $
DErFc,tlyE'. . .fov, rwre irutimi4 (,4ad,+lin/^t1Me.d
$r fiou
pl,). t "Contru,H wit4lorrt c@,\tgtor wilh
or cN c.roed +" g* marired.
# A*irlgl
' Jo,,,,*,r0 firtn WcyeraVlinfurrvrah\n
&v(e), fmducg no e$f<rl rtha'tww' 1lrg
tu onvinrp to C tor )ntD 4
I cdwo it ulttaw{rnl iFit i.r contrort to lou,14orilU1 Jo(I
g*d cur(toryrl, prtatiu ord<t.,or puUtio potic..l." Ceffr4rt of ro[c"
ru,* tifo in clntror.f,r, thc eq'uu'a uhnrtd n'ot t tf ih q co^t{qt,thti CotlrtrXr lt D€.7E4q11W ,*1g
v iol ot0 th c I Qvrl, wlonry' good fllvt0 n^,,o p t'thli<r ordtir' cor,llKAq $rov*bte,
oftion otrtlra o{hu
or prablio FoU"l' ?otrry1o
E{orv\Pler' Em?loYt't'l cannp*
b(/ corn?oll(f,td 4nntrl i[ on nol'
b,fio dLtnurtioo 0t thc cmPto',ori YoJ,rZ unhl annui',l+4
"ir'r ilq mur+ w pald in rnono! ' ahltid0 l0r, 0S
Yar rnal co^linuu .lD
/ YrW't4 {U)
{hr, tobor o4o)' bttr6tt ur annr,rl il
\n Andol(J,qnd vhd {olo*vtY tF I toq,cul k giwtn
b & worl(oY wodqv %^rl,
da'f ' toin
fd,t Mth ont ohic(rn a -t+ hrbrafl thc dwtw N q @nkf,lt
ha1 Lr, clrt hd k chi*eru ' thir il bvtl can ba bnughlfD cou* {D W
avrilltga,l clu{u annralt 4.

v conrcnt
@ -ttriqg'loqlat ,{F Rkrids l)30
h l.,,ftanru 64 "couttt,"A Ll " A wh€.ra crn,reori( givcn though mi,rtaK(1. liglul%
# i'ont orX orQ/ gtt+u.ttd bJ muO On3dtt,and $ern irt+rrnidation, undrrV ioflu{nct/" or #uud M voidablg. "
bound not onlJ fu thd voidcbtg: i{ you qrt. the tqN rtr,lt 4r t@nte{{ "
{hq} momu$'thu partiu crt dorU tvttt

furfiumtn+ o+ Nhd+h6(
bcur oxprr'ttt1 fiiptn'tokd ' f,o Wu hawr tuoatf irnmcdiatr{, '

btnt atrc t" all trc oofl{ oqu o\

d'{ nhfth I acr,ordinj
*o {heiv hctturo may b0 in keeping wilh god ftith, I IC E 0F CONCENT (v$rAr€p coN.(ENT)
whr,rg con{e.nt ir dE{er.tivo- girrtn th'ough
' t*(ege, and ianl '" - Hh.ot0 t?16. . mi.(ld$!
l+ "s+ rh\r.(t t'
rr{u u tho {hing ruvrich Ic thd oq,r*"
# "gcnro5t i,r rnani$cr$ b1 thr *t^,ti5 of olttr atr/ bt {hs @nsqr,}. t L**fc{o t?Ol)
fit a{c+tq'hro upon t{ro *turnj cnot thc c4.t^{el Which Lrm,r,t, on tho ob;u* o$ {hg contrq*
4rt, *o conrliturl{./thc cs\,+rot*. ttrt o{tr murt bo Examplc: \ou UougVg d pho00 orrriqg but d
Arcain qnd 1\C Ac&Wn@ Abarlulc'A4ud.tilitd
ILLLP1aI^LA conr*itrAttq d @\t(\k; - o{l.t{,'l
wr0n$ rnodd rrro.r de.hvotd lgiwn * Jor'
la,t o<turngd ifi( rylodd Po{&d tlru tVtO
- Avttd,ei 1 q,,l*Vat' Wrodsvh ong bul {fto rtltQ,r mean+ i} a.r
- ,tl {htl elol unc' [Jou ff\a! 0r maY mlKnP[1.j
* An accr++qnto rnd.q bt, e,rpxtt 0r iwrfl,ltr\':
. ViolucQl
^funcAL tb?,o
b 'whenin ondt,r +o wr't{t crn(cnl, uuiotn< or irft,cntib}t
Expur ':krryti{ & .,tnplo1ed. " (Artirto lb?6"tdWyJ
- voc atll remvn unr'ca,ttri - cat\bLehoq +hr"tt6h
E:rc*npiU"" Nher, (0Yh00ho foreolourtu rulYd,tr ldnd
- obviou/Il er aTpaurtrl behartor 0r au1'Otw.
OuI.{orr/nt hafpl xith+tre,lr y6,lMen\ lou C4,n
oo rn nrrtr,Mra,lcd.
cln+in0o rvt?h Va, cot*atE, (
tl $wyrenono0tttrt,rontrarring
fu comp4tcd h1
I e coNIRRcr rlwlt(
a x,a,lohottolO
o^.1 gtOW tvit
an4 rvilt-ground(d Qar o&aninrminenl
prrrn or FlDp?,rly,j or upoo thg
vr,poyr l"r'c
lor*,rt PYepeth{
Of hir ryou'ralduundankot * Crrnh,&:
anondo,ntu to g\w lrir coruervt.'/ "A contrujrt i< a rYleuinS of min4t Dtlw({mloo
lttti, lnd *t')
(,&lt| rl o tP
Fnarrl whtx.b1ont binotr hiryrr{fr wilhr€Jpgt;
L7 whtn rory)({ftg tntl t Ftdnt ftar inp flro,rnind
h ttrs oth{r,*ogiwroyhc{hitg orto rnder
{oyrrr0 ,rgMou,r/ (*rri[W ctvnkdL)
and neA,tt of rfig trnon tn+ering inh a ontrarit' lrlDl/
L?Jt do((dl hove,.lo hr., writ+q"
NOt JNnl$104n0N1
- If {ovr dor(t uu1 thi', tmqUgi!,1[1!fgr x tut(/ (nut qu) uubdl b(trraurr srg rafid.
L:WvifHn conrralh at(l dill
Ilv f,.er"o4,
1t0N l( - r$ lovr {o(t burl thio, \ o/ro goiagto gr,f ;f * 0Dge61ro* have +o futtol66gr41
fwun wrc. Ll contrarf "Ioe*it haq f lori nntqriAd
ti n,t.rpaifrtd.
[cr.riding a jap lt ,nring ,riomat)
- rf Joo donir ur,rl tttir, vr h.*tu bL Lq&M.

[x awrp lt"' (lfi'l r4,tF i n vo Mqg rea,l Ulatu
- hcsdv' io bo mtarikcl. Itrqc d,rf) Nhd,"
h "tl;h6 0 W4 *dktl impropgr 4drnnrog0 ,+ hi( \oti
ca,tt $rmal f ,rotcrnn co tralit.fttrt\d^c0tLtrqlfr,
perq/ swr the v,,ilt of anottlofJ dgprivtqg Jho lq*te.Y
rcqt,liro dolcmnllig CP* ulrlra)
0f d ft4lono.blo frcedorn o$ c.huica.' L7
th o ru ft af involvt gorrcrn rn ent a cti oru n
t'?I) uil tt,/..
Ll RelffnoflftL (mmcmc Fhol,* aninflururo ilJou,
Ac,tl Tl.lAr tt TD bE II.I hJK IITfN KM: fl
htw (0troCI invutrnqg na,l righH (**, tlfb. no.t)
P*rn,, a rlationd'riP \'/
Examplo' fi vnil, P(ut
Ll Duting, rUriqg, r-erlfin{, /ona}ing, *i*g "
or rrrortgaging Nal
* tt oohnor be smPlotgd by a 4fu4n0 w h.3uu, thul ProPU,rY.

otor(* haro anin{tuvncu oh lori' @ nqn4Pll a{ hui,tifanltiShE rp,+.r)u6,no-e)

r+ rqe*
&n^,,d uith dcyflefi o{ rnarfr& Ll ruuatt,.l raling 1ou doni rvanl i* i.{ tul
h.,vthm rioti ornt sr machinafun< ef
ll acteryrcd,,
0h0 ofr tlrt mntrarlin$ partit't , th( othcr it indttco4 J,
flxampte: v{hevr q tau4l/ru dnuu rotM+o
mtu irrto a Colttrar* phldr, v"tthouf lhOm , he rwul4 npt tcocirtl hu A*tra< inkre;Tanc{
agrtnd to, " (ft,hd et rbttS),
r-l Ont portl o."Soitd" or t'rltrarcd' @ tnor, inwrviq! mor.e tha,n fs!o' (wlcutr26*,t
rlHA IF NKrTtfN l!0 D.f o lHEcohlTr
f Frtiolt tTQq I tho foltowrnj canvrot girft, conttnt h q contrflt t MOnV Ano NJ Or ilE p^ffif S?
[n crn arrd patul wrrnoq o
'lnronO er dcrvrcnnd rF( , ond dr,al mutor rrfuo . Ko{ormc*io0 Inrtvrnrnalt( G*.lbst)

do not Knsnl hnvt fo wrtttr Lrfiocontrqrt may bt/ W-wvit471

hau a diRnnt *tycrct4otlqn" if tho r{o[g rvordr hos wrihtu bccawe ol
6[ L7

ftdln11. rni<taltO inCqualifl , aa) denl.

* [a.forinati0r\ o{ &Xfu,rrvrer*_r 4[oyv{ $1 adlut}rvrens
1fr.W, na[l) t ateg aI Aoq,rrneaf ipthe,ho rual a mi.rfak{
orewon inih conrcnt*hatdotnn f NfiAt futrr,nuqrr-
lionr ot thO yartf a ivrvo Ut d'
ll nul,t {,utde/t/o t, pr,0r0 rfiaf +ho originolwritttndoarrno,t$
4oor rrA ar,w*t1.l rqorore{rt 1bp attwl-aqreavuc^f '
* 4 lqd.t pmtf,rr thattlplco,tr.l rcquinc, thf, ihlotvem(/ll olat utl'
L, tVr, purporer otaltowing rercicsion irh pnte*
t I
7 porriu fyho havg been unfaflrlJ orunuruftaltJ
inrc eniuinj into q contta{t orhavt oun dtqiWd
* Cr,0*ract( vhould loctarl to undhrtand' or laKen ddtanlog]t of th (olYlo we^,.
L'lth€, wordr fvrra.rt b& t/cor L: wrrtn Q contrati ir rucindtd, ff lrtnaftd 4r i{
httprufation it nwr,t clht(d, and Voth gattita aro xjorucd
- tf tho tuw'r o[ thocontrqrtorccluorqnd firsm thcrir obligattoru ondu {ht cotmd"
Iroug no doubt uPon the' inftn*ion o$tho parhe!' h nnJ ProPutt sr benslfu axrhangdr ar part
e ifttcmal m taninJ e1 ip'rtipulol1olJ
thc conmrtr aro+lpical\ rctq'meol on
oontroll. nlloM -tD-thdr origrnal orungyd.
L7 lnt Yw*tho cpntratl nrr'ltbe rnterpruhd in
txamptc " d'fue'rvv'v
Connulion {P *ht, othu yail{'
'J+(pou(o il qn ab'Ie'f4l&i(mfuring $r 4Jarl
f {0rp cortTKAotl undtr norfncu clra,trvr.*,tnur) + a lovl.o t^t
b if ogoinrt hk Y"vtrw
.law fi10 o pclrlion ddaing
talacftrtr&t ldu{n dnd 'lfux+ort, lfugcan
,$ood caitotYu w\avvJ {ofYl0ontl Ogatn'

C Fu,b tic
ordur * Evarryott,l f{lanagin3 P,vPert"/ of a mlnor
"."pvrbtio goticl. , ' r' r r+ 0 gu4rdionk rnonaging pruPerty oi a

# IotuAgLE coirlKncf,t min91 thul can e\Ltu {o'( adfhi ni(+aiir{/

Ll dt{afivO con(enh '
atfihorltrf tryfr cdtio$.
Li $ .thei1 qro or lo(€{ lay wtovthan
ll4 ur^ 45'h 11fu CANoFLLA9LE.
- in+imida{ion # thu urridrdr" (ggwn bein3 atrthortzed
- rrnduc irhAurnt{, eI. flrinur) can canq.) tho a*ra*.
pu*iU ql3r,\g into a contralt
Aytid! 4lr ${foru? rvrlarntd a+wfhtt hnl
L) eifualio^l o+
efohts tr ds,{at€a "abrentec'r *trgn tno L* tpvvtt,
'dtqf -mr,tlu rc"apptortd [frtrtd re"ap p?,arans$,(?.crOnd
,incontt i< noru {0t0.
+ rnffV Od tvt'o oPtiorlr Auafiobhi' f und,f ru dcion
.contint^g t'ith Jhcl contru4
. go n courl" and gtt {ho Contrctt ohnutttd'
* Fe.crirribts (A*. raOt) fr Untn{orCedble/ J ths Cootrutil uiCirq. m acrh{r+, am +;71w.

It cantillohlg (r,rlfrlh 'tnuru wilhoul Y^Pe" otlrhori*J /:tlalurik4h$

Lr.(p a Cupdol Po*tr of Attomu$
t7 ogreemuU, or contrar.F +hal runbo mna&d
-wn'fk'n antrqrf of "aulhofitr/'
or onnutltd bt o cour14n,611 afia;ncirerrmctanta
-rhk ir atn{ritfrAd downtn*
L) he,rd,flibtu c0ntraLt< qrotho(cth4t drc, -'tntnli qn o?hd,btilhed tvtartor and agcn|
qt.X.d into und0f Wtai^conditi o ru" rruch ru rr.latioruhip.
whsrr t{rerc, it q deta]- in oorucn{" taud, Htanopltor: utJ,tlde/ ' LID

in*irnidation, Undtrg inftr,rcnuo, or Whtn 0n0ol land' *tturrvrr 9f&k/ kt4tr+u o( Detfi

ttrt,paniu i< at a dkadwnfagtiduororhdr iloldtda$i mondahtJ

l, tu* if haw to n*um lh|'fte,m.
Snanrial drraation. ma? Contra$ ma1 aPPear lour pad rJou
vadd 0n tha <urfoc0obtrr {hoy atu ea$denl 'conkuF thal qv hol a\+ou.4uo il n* wn'ttut"
vhtnffabl0 0rcurg€pli610 tu Uriry ra.drrdedt tt r.lnwritHn aqwc{vil/n} fora.roda./ F lord Ytndt}r4
orcan(lrd.' more, thon "{ lear la}tr.
t7 Rcrdtrionprovldq 4 tqdJ rcrylcdj undothtl -fo.rt-froO fi6is =(aW long tefln laa,fr, (wr*e,fl)
onrart and fihro tho parritr tr thtir oriqiMl
guilionr bc{oB t0g 0jfsfiyre& W& m adt . "

lovumi.tcto Gn(Wof Sr dtrt, dL+oiltf,
and a

lr Inrur anCo cornpanitt {tvedortt h*.nob)

# In.rwon(,(, corrtraLt I poUi<4 ;c \ n+waimo fivr1.1 I tamed out freolJ
olwary u/htkr.
@ ovfigannf foro4, Gir';au thqly.fl
-forrvr of NOmfion, rot(ing o relr "lh0
Ll+h(, cnfiira* rnurl ue, Sttuywd 4itfgcnrfJ
xrponritail\ rf a d tbtsv.

h Un*+to ogrtxnrcell ln conridtratio,4 u[ rnaniogC'

Lr fts prhu "hatoaqthoir mntrarf a,( if
thtq ore obe4in3 tho law.
- sthu *hon thu rl,lull/r4l prumiroh wrar{'
Ftamptt'. "f,/tt ,.{rfl lwtaath
@ rvruuolitrl Lfrqittc 0,.' B)
1ou fvtfdl h fie.",rpon.ribilatru in a 61yzt^1y rwt W
q+te([i{ mon\ ,,{r*.'
{oyr s6mLd out by botn pafnu.

h unwn[ten cato worth clttart TfDo @ nantirt\ rlrr)

- lrolh prti6r trrtlrt pfiferq ttrdr o bri gah orU, h Jnlta n c,r ruh u0 abhg alio n< qrg tvurrr ftrara {e.
# lou hauO to dctiW u tro&(+{rr thrproptr\-
h *r, lati tcttr utr thal flk, ctwkulr mor+ bo
- Nhdl ff1ou6u+ rfiad,t avtrbal Ogreuuht?
Jranr{tro/ot(,) to'the parlies pho utuintt if.
L:'{ovr will ttavg u hard nmo gettln3 hUP fitm tk,
-br.rar,u0thw k
oourN No ffioorop{ouq l}


f t{ 1ou dlrsad.J rcceiq frt goo*, Jora havaJp

0r ArtrI
F^t' 'tht good{ afir {t^e proof- rJovr alnea"d! *( floru fiEJ Anr F)(Eq)IED
reuiwd thc tran.(ottion.
) huyw wotttd havo a nard+irug fi tnmpq) +h(/ ' f66uerurad C*r'tats)
L: thrr Jyvb pafiis( yuttd aSrat on fhifrg ondtlvt,l
(uulp olArVw denn tvirc vtaal
f tf t{,a$ P6{yyrt{r+ /duir^enj 4lredd! ,i+ i{ , flr,dl (n*.tnru)
L)thvl girg notrc0J0 t{,10 enfihg tvort{
t7 nnwviltun agrurvrcnt&r learing ftr a longff pnod,
*flan ont, r{tar. 9 Aaatr*r*l Hquim,rnmhr Jotrhavu trrturn
it intu q publ(<,r inrfruvrntnt +Notai tcd
b Urnrvn+ttn a$nornuf &rthg,raft olyud 0ocurnllXy
l\) UO m'$tnf notai?ed ..
-nat Etamp*t Conrrfl.t fi. Patfn e)gh;p
f toVe vuofqfit€4. bolh P4.t U lult,n*ayyeav" trIg itinvolVgt .{Iha,ll qmount af frontrl
in 1ho NofaNl l"vrblit,' te.g' {,ooo fhp.rrb) )*dou wrnwd
b urnwrithrr rgprs(entahon ofranoth€.t{ deb} tb be vlrttttn'
f {t k murb,l q wtbd flgr&mcnf , un+o4unatsiJ f I+ q rcal prDpe/,ry ir iOvotvtd l* nw*,
&r tltu Mihr, hr mlgh+ nof be qbtt to aollt.tlr Jo b0 rrm'tttn anot nohriad * rT nol,
11ns lodn.
itiJ yoi{a51a.
tF F' jhu 0n0 who bontwe/ , fl1c onc who <aid ' Jolcmn /furrno,l Cnrt' tasa)
{ha,t he hillthd loan tvlarf nnl qctudlt| do 4rat-
b rnu,luu wnJ+en dowfl or ru,orded.
-fhoret hih(rt,{hO
h ylvtl{.I Conrot g\uf, conltn+. \ auwfinog mwl ba wrr:{ttrr down.
Exampu'tttoe ruho are rvrinol ExarrtPle': 'sott^ul m aloan
# .{ora (annot lt{att^/ cDlk^} interclt"
LE$S0t l ,fi*r^f ( rdln 6I^rn oot a without 4n agru.n^en| mvit+tn 0r'1vtt1
vuba\ agYerA V?ofi.
[J TDIHE fAftlF{ Kr{Y')uNrttsli1'" s 1

, tlnilafora,l tA* lqlkJ

ic;(,\ 4on adon

f rf dovrw dodl aiecPl,ttrcrci no ontnilt'

. Diloftral tM' lt4)

b oonttotx aw xiPncal obligdtoru

L: hth ano oftigr lobti 3Yo of ea.ln olnw'

L7 I+ i< br'trdtntorn(
LTrhftcivo hen\ xtponcitali\in a mnrmd

, &ratr,tiloyrr

b l?ti,rtit noobtigo,tion h FA'|,

lnvtt nathu,tor,nlu,rl navt to aUU$'

h uo& sel inrrl tvo palig,juttacu4,ting


# Contrarl o{ gwt0r ir t{ot A(AnnllDtll

? Commadatritffl + clot+tu irataitout
Lr Loan of pnptrtJ'
Lt "a gut,ritou,r toan o[ movablt F,opert{
tp bt utd 4nd ftfiImt4 by ttro bonowgr'
(Anoviot rlou ltnd
lotrr pnaPqtV and il
ll w,+uvnad to lor,t' btitf thro Ir no
rfto lfiding
Fa1!Yte,r$ _for
"{ rhpory,
barPtru* trom contnill oruqlt.
f Jott on\ obtr'gation fuh nturnif in gmol
Jn rhod: \ovt urC romeonO sltei
Fnptrt vithontpaying Sr it.

&.( IE liit 0t,IECr:

, fnntlpa,l
L7 rrrain obligaliott
r.i ,,.i. ,i. uLod6 /Jovrborrowtd mone4.

Lt pa!mtfrt oi Pnnuip,t arnounf karrbet

vUbdJ q wri*ten)

, hccg6ery

b Polrnenf of rn{rerl @wlW'wltl+m\

* 5[r, dodt Strn* ltttu, "'ittritltgal'
Erornp't,' rt nargagol <eutfi
lflj [H
T the Cannor cfirf r.n'{hout ffic tgdn. b'Artht
t04S ,o11 llirt filhotrt tha rnnrert.

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