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Archangels Horoscope Tarot Blog Store Members Login

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Guardian Angel

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Your Shocking Personal Tarot Reading can

show you the way to an amazing Future


Today's Angel Card Is...

Credits: "The Angel Tarot" card deck by Jayne Wallace

The Empress: Angel of Abundance

Today is the perfect day for you to feel happiness, love, beauty, and generosity. The
Empress: Angel of Abundance is close by. What great news this is because whether it
is money you lack, you will ?nd that ?nancial areas such as mortgages, loans, bank
accounts, and so on will have great energy. Perhaps you would like to ?nd a
wonderful new love connection or some new friends – that will be taken care of in
abundance too! No matter what you currently lack, so long as it’s in line with your
spiritual path, it will be yours!

Abundance Comes Via Finances, Mortgages, Friendships and Love

The Angels of Abundance is a mother ?gure, so she wishes to take care of you and to
provide. Her keywords include happiness, beauty, generosity, nurturing, stability, and
love. Taking a look at the card, we see a pregnant angel, ?lled with positivity and hope
for the future. She is all about love. Having said that, she is down to earth too so she
is ready to help you with all aspects of life including ?nances, mortgages, friendships,
and love.

A Message From
Your Angel

You have One Unread Message

from your Guardian Angel. Read
it now!

The Empress brings you into the realms of fertility and nature – either literally or
perhaps relating to new routes and ideas. Also, if you’re hoping to have a child, there
is beautifully positive energy relating to that. Changes for the better are most
certainly ahead!

A Dynamic Force of Nature

The Angels of Abundance is a dynamic force of nature. Her presence will often
provide you with the inspiration to get involved in creative projects. Additionally, she
brings growth and ?nancial stability which means that ?nances will be managed
beautifully as they Iow well. There is both peace and abundance indicated by this

Your angels invite you to appreciate what you already have as you build on this. There
is huge energy of growth as well as change surrounding your life. You will inIuence
everyone and everything around you for the better. Creative projects will go well.
There is to be peace, tranquility, and stability in your life!

    

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