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International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

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Adoption and impacts of generative artificial intelligence: Theoretical

underpinnings and research agenda
Ruchi Gupta a, Kiran Nair b, *, Mahima Mishra c, Blend Ibrahim d, Seema Bhardwaj e, f
Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, India
College of Business, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi School of Management, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Department of Business, Faculty of Business, Istanbul Ticaret University, Istanbul, Turkey
Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, Pune, India
Maldives Business School, Male, Maldives


Keywords: Large language models (LLMs) have received considerable interest in the field of natural language processing
ChatGPT (NLP) owing to their remarkable ability to generate clear, consistent, and contextually relevant materials. Among
Adoption the numerous LLMs, ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Chatbots) is emerging as a prominent
Generative AI
prospective tool for developing conversational agents such as chatbots. However, there is a need for a clear
conceptual understanding of ChatGPT’s potential implications for the industry and its role in marketing. This
study explores the adoption of ChatGPT in marketing and examines theories that may influence its adoption by
marketers and consumers, as well as its implications for marketers. This study discusses how ChatGPT may allow
for more personalized and engaging content, better customer experience, and improved ROI. However, adoption
also brings challenges, including ethical considerations and the need for new skill development. This study also
discusses future research opportunities for the adoption of ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence
technologies in marketing. The goal is to provide insights for organizations that consider implementing these
technologies, and to contribute to the literature on the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the use of
Generative AI in marketing.

1. Introduction potential. While some studies have tested ChatGPT’s use in the educa­
tional sphere for academic writing and to develop instructional mate­
As humans began to employ artificial intelligence (AI) in various rials and virtual tours for students (Wang et al., 2023; Zhai, 2023),
disciplines, companies pioneered a new paradigm, known as Generative others have explored its use in healthcare (Shen et al., 2023), legal
AI. Generative AI focuses on creating new and unique content using writing (Shope, 2023), coding (Avila-Chauvet et al., 2023), cyberse­
training data. This content can be in the form of literature, images, curity (Mijwil & Aljanabi, 2023) and entertainment (Aydin et al., 2023).
music, or videos. This might even be the plot of a film or an academic The rise of artificial intelligence and the use of language models like
paper. Thus, a wide range of applications is possible. For example, one ChatGPT have resulted in substantial changes in the marketing industry.
application of generative AI is chatbots. DeepMind, OpenAI, Google, and ChatGPT has been hailed as a game changer in the industry because of its
Meta are among many businesses that have developed chatbots. ability to enable marketers to develop customized content that resonates
ChatGPT’s popularity has increased ever since OpenAI made the user with their target audience. This can be used to create virtual assistants
interfaces of this generative AI accessible to the public. Although these for customer care, allowing consumers to receive rapid and personalized
settings are still in their infancy, academic research has begun to responses to their problems. They may also be used to develop person­
concentrate on them, and experts are regularly evaluating their alized marketing materials, allowing firms to engage with customers in a
dependability. unique manner (Aydin et al., 2023). Nevertheless, the adoption of
ChatGPT is already used in various businesses and has enormous ChatGPT and other AI technologies is not simple, and several theories

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Nair).

Available online 29 March 2024

2667-0968/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

have been proposed to explain why some firms are likely to embrace marketing strategies, this study provides a roadmap for industry pro­
these technologies. fessionals, marketers, and policymakers to ensure responsible and
As the user base of ChatGPT expands, reactions to technology effective utilization of Generative AI in the ever-evolving landscape of
become more pronounced, reflecting broader sentiments about inno­ Industry 5.0. Finally, our study discusses how the use of ChatGPT and
vation (Dans, 2023). While some claim that ChatGPT is a premier AI other AI technologies in marketing defines future areas of work for
chatbot for the general public (Roose, 2022), critics express concerns researchers.
about the potential negative impacts on its use in the knowledge sector The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 re­
(Krugman, 2022), democratic processes (Cowen, 2022), and ethical views the literature. Section 3 discusses ChatGPT-induced potential
considerations associated with its use (Cotton et al., 2023). These dual changes in marketing, and Section 4 explains the various theories rele­
perspectives highlight the nuanced discourse surrounding ChatGPT’s vant to the adoption of Generative AI. Section 5 is the discussion part
role in industry and society. that highlights the major contributions of the study, its managerial and
This study focuses on explaining the adoption and impact of policy implications, and limitations. Section 6 presents future research
Generative AI, particularly in the marketing domain. Our research was directions, followed by conclusions.
guided by the following factors. The increasing attention from re­
searchers in this area has amplified the importance of this study. With 2. Literature review
the adoption of generative AI, including models such as ChatGPT, the
implications for marketing strategies have become more pronounced in 2.1. Artificial intelligence (AI)
various industries. By exploring these theoretical underpinnings, this
study provides a roadmap for understanding the mechanisms through Artificial Intelligence (AI) constitutes a vast domain within the realm
which generative AI influences marketing practices. Furthermore, the of computer science, focusing on enabling computer systems to create
novelty and evolving nature of generative AI technologies necessitate a intelligent machines capable of thinking, learning, and behaving simi­
proactive approach to conceptual exploration. Given the rapid ad­ larly to humans (Dwivedi et al., 2021; Sarker, 2022). AI has evolved
vancements and transformative potential of AI in marketing, this study since its inception in the 1950s, and is driven by scientific advance­
serves as a catalyst for stimulating further research in this field. Thus, ments, increased computing power, and new technologies (Kar et al.,
our study is unique as it not only addresses the current knowledge gap 2023). AI involves various techniques, including machine learning,
pertaining to the theoretical underpinnings related to the adoption of which recognizes patterns and applies conclusions to new data, and deep
Generative AI but also inspires and guides future empirical studies that learning (DL), which uses artificial neural networks to simulate human
can delve deeper into the practical implications and real-world appli­ brain functions such as image recognition (Kar & Kushwaha, 2023;
cations of ChatGPT in marketing contexts. Verma et al., 2021). In addition, natural language processing (NLP)
Moreover, in the era of Industry 5.0, which is characterized by the enables computers to understand and interact with human language
integration of advanced technologies such as Generative AI, under­ naturally and is used for tasks such as machine translation and voice
standing the adoption and impact of such innovations is crucial for assistance (Kar et al., 2023). Computer vision also allows computer
shaping the future of industries. It is imperative to understand the systems to analyze and understand images and videos, and recognize
transformative implications of Generative AI on production processes, faces, objects, and scenes (Dwivedi et al., 2021). Moreover, AI can be
workforce dynamics, and overall industrial landscape. Particularly, in defined as the capacity of a system to effectively extract insights from
the context of marketing, Generative AI, with its ability to create content external data and apply acquired knowledge to achieve particular ob­
autonomously, profoundly transforms marketing strategies. It is jectives and tasks. These are typically classified into supervised,
important to investigate how businesses in the Industry 5.0 era should semi-supervised, and unsupervised algorithms (Haenlein & Kaplan,
utilize Generative AI to personalize marketing content, enhance 2019; Kar, 2016; Kar et al., 2023). AI finds applications in self-driving
customer engagement, and streamline campaign management. Under­ cars, drones, smart transportation systems, drug development, medical
standing the nuanced ways in which Generative AI influences consumer diagnosis, new product development, industrial process improvement,
behavior, brand perception, and market dynamics is essential for com­ and increased productivity (Dwivedi et al., 2021; Hemmati & Rahmani,
panies to remain competitive in this technologically advanced era. 2022; Kar et al., 2023). It also enables companies to develop intelligent
In this context, our study investigates how ChatGPT-induced shifts in robots and responsive entities to enhance productivity (e.g., chatbots)
marketing have significant ramifications for marketers. This includes (Sridevi & Suganthi, 2022).
helping marketers develop more tailored and engaging content and Consequently, AI systems can be categorized as analytical, human-
enhancing customer experience, customer service, and ROI, among stimulated, or humanized, contingent on their intelligence type (Dwi­
other things. This study also seeks to explore various theories that vedi et al., 2023). Kumar et al. (2019) highlighted in their study that AI
explain the use and adoption of ChatGPT and other generative AI in offers predictive insights into customer management and brand strate­
marketing. By investigating these theories, we intend to shed light on the gies, advancing developed and developing countries. Kim et al. (2022)
factors that drive the adoption of Generative AI in marketing and pro­ also suggested that AI serves various purposes such as enhancing car
vide insights for firms contemplating deploying generative AI technol­ automation and improving customer service responses, among other
ogies, such as ChatGPT-enabled chatbots. applications. AI plays a crucial role in multiple aspects of modern
Thus, our study aims to answer the following research questions. marketing and excels in analyzing customer data swiftly and accurately
and identifying shifts, patterns, and emotional changes, empowering
■ RQ1: How has the adoption of ChatGPT induced changes in the marketers to integrate AI insights into their strategies (Dwivedi et al.,
marketing area, and what are the implications of these changes for 2021; Kumar et al., 2019; Verma et al., 2021).
marketers? Various AI techniques have been extensively used to enhance the
■ RQ2: What are the main theories and constructs that influence the marketing and digital strategies of brands. For instance, big data anal­
adoption of ChatGPT and other generative AI in marketing? ysis enables brands to improve customer understanding, enhance ex­
periences, and predict future behavior (Verma et al., 2021). Social
The adoption of Generative AI in Industry 5.0 signifies a paradigm network analysis studies user interactions, monitors brand popularity,
shift towards more autonomous and intelligent systems. Our study ex­ and assesses satisfaction by employing tools such as Google Analytics,
plores how businesses incorporate these technologies into their opera­ Facebook Insight, and Twitter Analytics (Zhang et al., 2022). In addi­
tions and investigates the factors that influence successful integration tion, AI techniques can manage social media content, schedule posts,
and potential challenges. As businesses increasingly leverage AI-driven and optimize advertising. Tools such as the buffer, hootsuite, and prout

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

social simplify content management without deep knowledge of web data, such as Wikipedia, books, and videos (via transcription) (Dengel
development (McLachlan, 2023). These tools allow marketers and ex­ et al., 2023). This vast knowledge base enabled students to answer a
ecutives of marketing companies to create and schedule posts, deter­ wide range of questions.
mine optimal timing for publication, and manage advertising campaigns GPT-3, the first version of ChatGPT, was released in November 2022
(McLachlan, 2023). For instance, Zendesk is a popular platform offering and has 175 billion parameters (Marr Bernard, 2023). GPT-3 can
customer service solutions with features, such as ticket systems, waiting generate coherent text and provide interactive responses to user queries
lists, live chats, and analytics (Deutscher Maria, 2023). Moreover, tools (Dengel et al., 2023). ChatGPT 4 represents the latest conversational AI
such as Social Mention monitor and analyze interactions on social model, developed by OpenAI and released in September 2023 (Marr
media, keeping track of brand mentions, key terms, and essential topics, Bernard, 2023). The knowledge base for ChatGPT, both versions 3.5 and
helping businesses understand how their audiences engage with their 4.0, is up to September 2021(OpenAI, 2023).
content (Zhang et al., 2022). GPT-4 marks advancements in Generative AI (GAI) and shows the
potential for replicating text-to-image processing by harnessing Mid­
2.2. Generative artificial intelligence and its types journey’s features in industrial automation (Hao Karen, 2023). ChatGPT
is a powerful LLM chatbot that can be used in various applications. It is
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) focuses on training genera­ still under development but has learned to perform various tasks, such as
tive models on existing datasets and using these models to create new providing tailored educational experiences for customer service and
data that resemble existing data (Kar et al., 2023). GAI leverages creating games and interactive experiences (Dwivedi et al., 2023).
generative modeling and advancements in DL to produce various types
of data that generative models can create, including images, text, audio, 2.3. Use of ChatGPT in marketing
and video (Dwivedi et al., 2023; Verma et al., 2021). Generative models
can generate new creative content, improve analytics accuracy, or even ChatGPT and other AI tools offer invaluable support to marketers
create realistic virtual experiences (Kar & Kushwaha, 2023; Votto et al., (Dengel et al., 2023; Verma et al., 2021). These tools streamline various
2021). Despite the numerous valuable applications of generative processes, including ideation, research, and content generation, leading
modeling, it also has potential risks. One such risk is that generative to significant time and effort savings (Lund & Wang, 2023). As multi­
modeling can be used to create fake or deceptive content (Dwivedi et al., modal capabilities continue to develop, ChatGPT is on its way to handle
2021). This content can be used to spread misleading information or to text, images, videos, and the text within them, thereby providing a
harm a person’s reputation. comprehensive solution for a wide range of marketing needs (Rivas &
The existing body of research has recognized two prominent GAI Zhao, 2023). In the digital marketing context, ChatGPT has extensive
models: the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and Generative Pre- applications. It can assist in generating ideas for marketing campaigns,
trained Transformer (GPT) (Dwivedi et al., 2023; Kar et al., 2023). A analyzing data patterns, offering insights, predicting trends, and
GAN is a type of generative artificial intelligence that employs two adapting content to match specific tones and styles (Dwivedi et al.,
competing neural models to create new data resembling original and 2023; Paul et al., 2023; Verma et al., 2021). Moreover, ChatGPT is a
fake data based on authentic data (Lin et al., 2023). GANs have received rapid content creation tool that can be employed to craft marketing
significant attention in recent years because of their remarkable ability materials such as social media posts, articles, and emails (Rivas & Zhao,
to generate highly realistic and novel data that can be utilized in various 2023). It is also well suited for data analysis tasks, helping marketers
applications, such as image and video synthesis and text generation (Kar extract valuable insights and providing guidance. Furthermore,
et al., 2023; Shamsolmoali et al., 2021). GANs consist of two neural ChatGPT aids in identifying core customer segments and provides a
models: a generator and discriminator (Ding et al., 2022). The generator deeper understanding of their needs and preferences (Dwivedi et al.,
aims to produce new data that resembles the original data, whereas the 2023; Paul et al., 2023; Verma et al., 2021).
discriminator seeks to differentiate between genuine and fake data.
GANs learn through a process called "adversarial competition" (Ding 3. ChatGPT induced potential changes in marketing
et al., 2022; Shamsolmoali et al., 2021). GANs have been used to craft
realistic images that are practically indistinguishable from real images, The use of ChatGPT in marketing has created new opportunities for
making them valuable for applications in computer vision, gaming, and marketing-related research and innovation. The implications of this
virtual reality. In natural language processing GANs have been used to development are significant and far-reaching as ChatGPT appears to
generate coherent and grammatically correct texts (Man & Chahl, offer several advantages over traditional marketing techniques. The way
2022), enabling their use in applications such as chatbots and automated businesses measure their marketing campaigns, how consumers engage
writing (Jabbar et al., 2021; Lin et al., 2023). with brands, and how we think about marketing in the future can all be
The second Generative AI (GAI) model type is GPT, which is a pre- significantly changed by this new technology. This section discusses the
trained generative model based on multilayer deep neural networks potential changes in marketing that we might see in the near future as
(Kar et al., 2023). It is designed by training extensive text datasets to ChatGPT is integrated as a technology (for instance, with chatbots) into
understand language and generate new texts based on context (Dwivedi various marketing efforts and strategies of companies.
et al., 2023). GPT is distinct because it relies on a single transformer
model instead of a second type that uses two models (Dwivedi et al., 3.1. Customer engagement
2023; Kar et al., 2023). Moreover, GPT was trained on a substantial
dataset of texts and codes (Lund & Wang, 2023). One of its key advan­ The adoption of ChatGPT in marketing has significant implications
tages is its ability to create text, translate language, and generate various for marketers across various areas of their work. First, ChatGPT may be a
types of creative content. In recent years, GPT has made remarkable potent tool for real-time dialogue with customers, enabling more indi­
progress in NLP research. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a large vidualized and responsive customer engagement. Customers can
language model (LLM) and one of the most powerful generative models converse with ChatGPT-powered chatbots regarding their preferences,
that has gained widespread popularity since its initial release (Dwivedi requirements, and problems, while receiving prompt and effective so­
et al., 2023; Kar et al., 2023). It is based on the architecture of GPT, an AI lutions. Additionally, marketers may find ChatGPT useful for learning
approach that recognizes language patterns and leverages them to learn more about consumer behavior and preferences, so that they can
how to generate new text and engage in open-ended dialogues with improve customer experience and forge closer bonds with their clients.
humans (Dwivedi et al., 2023; Lund & Wang, 2023). ChatGPT is trained Engagement is a multidimensional concept defined by consumers’
on a significant portion of the Internet alongside other publicly sourced cognitive, emotional, and behavioral activities (Brodie et al., 2011;

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

Hollebeek, 2011). In the past, researchers have placed greater emphasis uses this technology to create blogs and posts on social media for its
on the behavioral components of engagement while ignoring cognitive clients. The firm can produce high-quality material in a fraction of the
and emotional aspects. Luarn et al. (2015) examined consumers’ online time it would require to compose it manually because of ChatGPT’s
engagement with Facebook by considering their likes, comments, and capacity to comprehend and produce human-like language. This not
shares. However, when assessing consumer engagement using only saves time but also guarantees that the information is accurate and
ChatGPT-powered chatbots, it would be interesting to determine has a high standard (Williams, 2023).
whether the behavioral and emotional aspects of online customer brand While it has been argued that ChatGPT can support quality control
interaction are equally significant. and consistency across all marketing platforms, ensuring that brand
messaging is consistent and coherent, concerns have also been raised as
3.2. Customer service to how marketers must analyze and validate the content produced by
ChatGPT to guarantee consistency with the brand message and image
Customer care staff can focus on more difficult tasks using ChatGPT (Fares, 2023).
to reduce their workload considerably. This could result in higher pro­ Although ChatGPT offers a cutting-edge, human-like response, and
ductivity and lower business costs. Moreover, ChatGPT can manage can generate content, it is crucial to understand that this generative AI
numerous conversations simultaneously, necessitating less infrastruc­ technology can only be described as human-like. Similar to the typical
ture and staff. Companies are actively embracing and endorsing AI’s difficulties that chatbots encounter, the degree of human-likeness is
capability to mimic human-like interactions, catering to real-time con­ crucial for process optimization and content creation (Fares, 2023).
sumer demands (Yen & Chiang, 2021). Lemonade, a digital insurance Furthermore, relying solely on ChatGPT to produce original content
provider in the US, has been using ChatGPT to deliver quick and effec­ could lead to short- and long-term problems. ChatGPT offers a thorough
tive client services (Iyoob, 2023). Customer inquiries and claims are grasp of human nature but lacks the lived experiences of humans.
handled by chatbots powered by ChatGPT, freeing representatives to ChatGPT should be utilized to encourage ideation and enhance current
work on more difficult tasks. With the help of ChatGPT, Lemonade was content, while still allowing for human creativity, as over-reliance on
able to decrease wait times, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce technology could limit creative abilities (Fares, 2023).
the efforts of its customer service representatives (Iyoob, 2023).
3.5. Personalisation
3.3. Customer experiences
Another area where ChatGPT may make a big difference is person­
In terms of customer experience, ChatGPT can help marketers pro­ alization. ChatGPT can provide advertisers with insights into client
vide personalized and customized experiences to customers. Chatbots preferences and interests by examining customer data and behavior.
powered by ChatGPT can process and respond to customer queries in ChatGPT may assist marketers in discovering what sort of items or
real time, providing an instant response to customers and enhancing the services a consumer is interested in and designing tailored ads that are
customer experience. Natural language processing is a vital component more likely to resonate with them by analyzing data such as customer
in the design of consumer experiences using ChatGPT. ChatGPT can demographics, behavior, preferences, and prior purchases. ChatGPT
deliver a more engaging and human-like experience using natural lan­ may also assist marketers in personalizing content for social media and
guage processing to comprehend and respond to consumer inquiries. email campaigns. Thus, ChatGPT may assist marketers in creating more
Consequently, the workload of customer support teams may be reduced, tailored content that is more likely to be shared and interacted with by
allowing them more time to concentrate on complex issues. With the their target audience by analyzing customer data and producing insights
help of a ChatGPT-powered chatbot, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines offers into what sort of content consumers enjoy.
customer service using Facebook Messenger. This ChatGPT-powered Furthermore, ChatGPT can help tailor customer experiences by
chatbot can answer a variety of questions, including queries about making unique products or service suggestions. ChatGPT can recom­
flights and the location of customer luggage. The airline has saved a lot mend products that are more likely to be of interest to customers based
of money by implementing the chatbot, while also enhancing customers’ on customer data and past behavior, thereby improving the likelihood of
experiences (Iyoob, 2023). a purchase and delivering a more personalized shopping experience.
Although it has been suggested that marketers may use ChatGPT to
improve consumer experience, it is difficult to fully realize the potential 3.6. Lead generation
of ChatGPT without the relevance, personality, experience, and personal
connections that humans can offer. Using ChatGPT to build customer ChatGPT can help streamline the lead generation process by quali­
relationships and engagement without any human involvement might fying leads and providing them with relevant information and support.
damage rather than increase genuine customer relationships (Fares, ChatGPT can be used as a chatbot to interact with visitors on a
2023). company’s website or social media channels, providing pertinent in­
formation and answering inquiries in real-time. Capturing leads through
3.4. Content creation opt-in forms or surveys is one method by which ChatGPT can help
marketers create leads. ChatGPT can ask users a series of questions to
With regard to content creation, marketers may produce content at gather information about their interests and requirements and then use
scale, such as product descriptions, blog pieces, social media updates, that data to send targeted marketing messages or personalized offers.
and email newsletters, with the aid of ChatGPT. This could increase the possibility of converting visitors to qualified
One of the most significant benefits of adopting ChatGPT-3 for leads.
content creation is its capacity to comprehend natural language inputs. ChatGPT can also help marketers with lead generation by employing
Marketers can send specific inquiries or prompts for social media con­ natural language processing to decipher the intent behind consumer
tent in the same way that they question a person, rather than utilizing inquiries. ChatGPT determines when a consumer is looking for a specific
certain keywords or phrases (Aljanabi et al., 2023). For many people, product or service and presenting it with relevant recommendations or
this can make the content creation process simpler and more user offers. ChatGPT can also analyze consumer behavior and provide in­
friendly. sights into the channels or messaging methods that generate the most
Small businesses and those with few resources may find this to be leads.
very helpful because it enables them to produce content more effectively This can assist lead generation activities in becoming more successful
and efficiently. Social Beat, an Indian digital marketing organization, and efficient, allowing marketers to concentrate on the most promising

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

customers and improve the overall return on investment in their mar­ develop conceptual and research models while conducting future
keting operations. research on ChatGPT.

3.7. Consumer behavior 4.1. Technology acceptance model (TAM)

Marketers can gain useful insights into customer behavior, prefer­ Davis first introduced the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in
ences, and needs using ChatGPT. They can better understand customer 1989 to understand and predict the adoption of new technologies. The
pain points and identify improvement opportunities by looking through model contends that the two main factors influencing the initial adop­
the chat logs. ChatGPT can also aid in analyzing consumer conversations tion of a new technology are perceived usefulness and ease of use.
and feedback on social media platforms, emails, and chatbots. This can The extent to which someone thinks that utilizing a specific tech­
assist companies in better meeting their customers’ needs by optimizing nology would be beneficial is known as the perceived usefulness. The
their products and services (Iyoob, 2023). likelihood that a person will use a given technology increases with the
ChatGPT can also help marketers understand consumer behavior by perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use is the degree to which a
analyzing data and producing insights that can be used to develop person believes that using a specific technology is effortless. People’s
effective marketing strategies. ChatGPT can assist marketers in under­ intention to use a given technology increases with their perception of its
standing what motivates customers to make a purchase by evaluating simplicity.
customer data, such as demographics, past purchases, behavior, and To explain perceived usefulness and usage intentions, Venkatesh and
preferences. Davis (2000) expanded the original TAM model and added the con­
structs of job relevance, subjective norm, image, output quality, and
3.8. Ethical considerations and policy implications result demonstrability to TAM2. TAM3 added additional constructs such
as perceived enjoyment and computer anxiety to understand the adop­
Ethical considerations are of paramount importance for the adoption tion of a new technology.
of Generative AI in marketing. Ethical implications include transparency TAM has been used to examine how new technologies are adopted in
in communication with consumers regarding the use of AI-generated a variety of scenarios, including internet banking (Alsajjan & Dennis,
content and potential manipulation of information. Businesses must 2010), electronic toll collection systems (Gao & Bai, 2014), mobile
ensure that ChatGPT usage is consistent with customer expectations and learning (Tan et al., 2014); mobile commerce (Liébana-Cabanillas et al.,
that personal data are protected and not used inappropriately. More­ 2017), smartwatches (Hong et al., 2017), service robots (Park et al.,
over, there is a chance that marketing initiatives based on ChatGPT 2021), voice-based assistants (Pitardi et al., 2021), and autonomous
could unintentionally reinforce prejudices and stereotypes, harming vehicles (Dimitrakopoulos et al., 2021).
marginalized or vulnerable populations because ChatGPT can only be as The TAM can also be used in the context of ChatGPT to understand
accurate as the data it is trained on. As a result, businesses need to be potential user behavior drivers and the efficacy of AI chatbot systems.
aware of the moral ramifications of using ChatGPT in marketing, and The adoption of ChatGPT is affected by various factors, including
take precautions to guarantee that their procedures are transparent and perceived ease of use and usefulness. Users are more likely to utilize
ethical. ChatGPT if they believe that it is a useful tool that is easy to use.
ChatGPT-3 identifies various ethical concerns addressed by OpenAI However, some consumers can find the technology challenging to use,
and AI ethicists, emphasizing the issues of manipulation and bias (Kar fail to see its worth, obtain inaccurate findings, or obtain superficial
et al., 2023; Chan, 2023; Bender et al., 2021). A significant concern outcomes (Cahan & Treutlein, 2023).
arises from the societal bias encoded within GPT-3, potentially harming
marginalized populations and leading to discriminatory practices and 4.2. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)
social inequalities (Chan, 2023). These challenges exemplify the darker
aspects of AI, including algorithmic bias in ML models and the man­ According to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Tech­
agement of AI bias, encompassing the unintended consequences of AI nology (UTAUT), four key factors determine the probability of tech­
technologies (Akter et al., 2022; Varsha, 2023). Thus, there is a need to nology adoption: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
ensure that the algorithms driving Generative AI models are fair and impact, and facilitating conditions (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Perfor­
unbiased, and do not perpetuate existing societal prejudices. Stake­ mance expectancy relates to the notion that employing technology im­
holders, including marketers, consumers, and AI developers, must proves job performance, whereas effort expectancy is the level of ease
collectively address concerns regarding consent, data protection, and associated with using technology. While facilitating conditions pertain
the broader societal impact of AI-generated content. to the presence of organizational and technological infrastructure to
Regarding policy implications, the use of ChatGPT in marketing may support technology use, social impact refers to the influence of other
result in revisions of the laws governing data protection and application people’s beliefs on technology adoption.
of artificial intelligence in marketing. To ensure that businesses utilize The UTAUT model has been used in various contexts to predict
technology in an ethical and responsible manner, governments and adoption and use. Gao et al. (2015) investigated the factors influencing
regulatory agencies may need to set standards and best practices for the consumers’ desire to adopt wearable technology in healthcare by
use of ChatGPT in marketing. combining an upgraded version of the UTAUT with other models.
Going ahead, the industry will undoubtedly be significantly Madigan et al. (2017) found hedonic motivation to be the most effective
impacted by the continuous development and adoption of ChatGPT in predictor of behavioral intentions to utilize automated road transport
marketing. As technology advances, it may become more effective in systems (ARTS) using UTAUT to evaluate the variables that influence
attracting and converting customers, thus enabling businesses to forge consumers’ acceptance of ARTS.
close ties with their target markets. The UTAUT model may be applied to ChatGPT to understand why
some users are more likely to accept and adopt the generative AI chatbot
4. Theoretical underpinnings to explain and understand the than others. In the case of ChatGPT, performance expectancy and effort
adoption of ChatGPT and other generative AI expectancy are expected to have the greatest influence on a person’s
decision to use the chatbot because people are likely to believe that the
In this section, we discuss various theories that will help us under­ chatbot is simple to use and does not require much effort. The facili­
stand the adoption of ChatGPT and other generative AI in the near tating conditions construct refers to the notion that all prerequisites for
future. These theories and their constructs can be used by researchers to using ChatGPT are met. The degree to which an individual is persuaded

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

by others to utilize a certain technology is referred to as social influence. successful in responding to client questions, it quickly became clear that
In the case of ChatGPT, it is possible that users will be motivated to use it had trouble with the difficult requests. To address these questions and
the chatbot by their friends or family, because they feel that others are offer precise and helpful responses, Microsoft must update its chatbot
using or promoting ChatGPT. (Iyoob, 2023). Thus, businesses must carefully assess their needs and
constraints, take precautions to reduce potential dangers, and ensure
4.3. Theory of task-technology-fit (TTF) successful adoption of ChatGPT. To ensure that ChatGPT continues to
add value to both customers and businesses, companies should contin­
As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it is uously assess how well they are working and make necessary
important to understand how well it meets our needs. Although the improvements.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) states that information technol­ There are various drawbacks to ChatGPT model that can contribute
ogy must be regarded as useful to be effective, it does not address an­ to mistakes in the model’s predictions. Although AI language models can
tecedents other than perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use generate cohesive content, they cannot provide accurate information.
(Davis et al., 1989). According to Goodhue and Thompson (1995), the Marketers must analyze and validate the content generated by ChatGPT
most crucial factor in determining a technology’s effectiveness is how to uncover potential mistakes and ensure consistency with brand mes­
well it fits the purpose for which it is used. sages and images (Fares, 2023). Furthermore, ChatGPT model does not
The Task-Technology Fit (TTF) model, given by Goodhue and consider the possibility of human errors in chat interactions. This can
Thompson (1995), posits that the effectiveness of technology is deter­ lead to mistakes if the chat conversations on which the model is based
mined by how well it fits the purpose for which it is used. Therefore, the contain flaws. Consequently, human judgement must be used in any
fundamental premise of the model is that the value or efficacy of tech­ decision-making process, including chatbot prediction.
nology is established by the fit between the task requirements and
technical components that enable a user to perform the intended ac­ 4.4. Technological, organizational, and environmental (TOE) framework
tivities (Goodhue, 1998; Goodhue et al., 2000). Tasks culminate in all
the physical and/or cognitive acts and processes that people perform in The TOE framework comprises three core elements: technology (T),
certain settings. Technology can be defined as the tools people use to organization (O), and environment (E) (Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990).
perform or help accomplish their tasks (Ammenwerth et al., 2006; Technological factors encompass the nature of technology and how
Goodhue & Thompson, 1995). potential adopters perceive their superiority over alternative options
Therefore, TTF is a measure of how much a technology helps a (Qalati et al., 2022). Organizational factors pertain to the internal
person carry out their tasks (Howard & Rose, 2018; Yang et al., 2013; context in which technology operates, encompassing aspects such as an
Ammenwerth et al., 2006; Goodhue & Thompson, 1995) and it is organization’s size, structure, culture, and available resources (Qalati
influenced by the interaction between the characteristics of the task and et al., 2022). Environmental factors involve external pressures such as
the functionalities of the technology (Spies et al., 2020). Thus, tech­ customer demands for technology adoption in their interactions with
nology should produce better performance when it fits the task char­ businesses for communication, purchasing, or browsing. In essence, the
acteristics that it seeks to assist (Goodhue et al., 2000). The TTF model TOE framework offers a comprehensive understanding of the interplay
predicts that performance suffers when task demands and technical between technological, organizational, and environmental dynamics in
capabilities are not well-matched. shaping businesses’ adoption decisions.
TTF model has been used along with other models of technology The Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE)
adoption to study adoption of wearable devices (Chang et al., 2016), framework is highly relevant in the adoption of ChatGPT, providing a
mobile banking user adoption (Zhou et al., 2010) and adoption of structured approach for understanding the various factors that influence
augmented reality technology in education (Faqih et al., 2021), to the integration of this generative AI technology into businesses.
mention a few. In the context of ChatGPT adoption, technological factors encompass
Understanding TTF in context of ChatGPT: TTF is a measure of how the nature of the AI model, its capabilities, and how organizations
much technology assists a person in performing their activities. As perceive it compared to other available options. Businesses must eval­
previously stated, tasks are the sum of all physical and/or cognitive acts uate the efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation that ChatGPT brings to
and processes carried out by persons in a certain ’context’ (Goodhue & customer interactions, content creation, and problem-solving. The
Thompson, 1995). On the other hand, ChatGPT has difficulty recog­ technological dimension of the TOE framework helps organizations
nizing context because it relies on a predetermined set of rules to create assess whether ChatGPT aligns with its specific technological needs and
responses. When a conversation deviates from the established rules, it goals.
may result in inconsistencies. Understanding human interactions, The internal organizational context is crucial when considering the
particularly conversations, requires a grasp of context. One of the most adoption of ChatGPT. This involves examining the size, structure, cul­
critical issues in artificial intelligence research today is training com­ ture, and available resources of an organization. Factors such as the
puters to recognize and respond correctly to context. Although existing existing IT infrastructure, the organization’s openness to innovation,
chatbots cannot completely comprehend the context, significant and the ability to provide necessary training to employees are integral in
breakthroughs in deep-learning neural networks may eventually enable determining how well ChatGPT can be integrated into daily operations.
this. Chatbots can hold genuine human-like conversations if they can The organizational dimension of the TOE framework helps assess the
effectively read the context. readiness and capacity of the organization to seamlessly incorporate
Furthermore, when it comes to the performance of a technology, if its ChatGPT.
dependability is low, it will have a negative influence on performance, Environmental factors in the TOE framework include external in­
and as a result, task-technology fit will be poor. This is problematic fluences that affect technology adoption. In the case of ChatGPT, these
because ChatGPT may be unreliable and deliver misleading information. factors could involve customer expectations and demand for personal­
For marketers, this may imply that customers become disappointed, ized and efficient interactions. Additionally, competitive pressures
harming the brand’s reputation (Iyoob, 2023). A potential interpretation within the industry may drive organizations to adopt ChatGPT to stay
of this constraint for marketers is that marketers must ensure that ahead. Regulatory considerations and ethical concerns surrounding AI
ChatGPT enables the chatbot to be updated to handle more sophisticated adoption are environmental factors. Evaluating these external dynamics
consumer inquiries so that the system can deliver accurate replies. is crucial for understanding how ChatGPT aligns with a broader business
Microsoft used ChatGPT to run a chatbot that provided support for its ecosystem.
Azure cloud-computing platform. Although the chatbot was initially Thus, the TOE framework facilitates a systematic examination of the

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

technological aspects of ChatGPT, the internal readiness and capabilities performance-related expectations are influenced by outcome expecta­
of the organization, and the external influences that may shape or tions related to work performance. In line with the SCT, two contra­
impede its adoption. dictory factors are thought to affect user behavior. The "affect" element,
which measures the extent to which someone enjoys their work, con­
4.5. Theory of reasoned action (TRA) tributes positively. The element "anxiety," on the other hand, which
refers to a person’s uncomfortable reaction when executing a task like
Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) proposed the Theory of Reasoned Action trying to use a computer they are not very familiar with, makes a
(TRA). The theory has its roots in the social psychology setting. It was negative contribution to desired behavior. Many adoption studies have
formulated using three constructs: attitude, subjective norms, and applied this theory in different contexts. This theory may be applied in
behavioral intention. According to this theory, a person’s behavioral future research to study the behavior of users in the context of ChatGPT.
intention towards something is dependent on the subjective norms and
attitudes of the person towards the thing. 4.8. Self determination theory (SDT)
According to this theory, attitudes are the sum of beliefs about a
certain behavior, weighed by evaluations of these beliefs. In contrast, The 1985 publication of Self-Determination and Intrinsic Motivation
subjective norms are people’s views that influence behavior because of in Human Behavior by psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan
the weight one gives to each of their points of view. The subjective supported the development of the self-determination theory. They
standards for a certain behavior as well as attitudes towards that created a theory of motivation contending that autonomy, competence
behavior influence behavioral intention, which has been shown to pre­ and relatedness are the factors often drive people.
dict actual behavior. Self-determination theory emphasizes internal sources of motiva­
TRA is useful for understanding how ChatGPT adoption works. For tion, including the desire for knowledge or independence (intrinsic
instance, the intention to use a generative AI chatbot increases if one has motivation). If engaging in an activity causes a person to feel pleasure
a favorable attitude towards it. and brings about satisfaction, that behavior can be categorized as driven
by intrinsic motivation (Vallerand, 1997). The degree of pleasure
4.6. Theory of planned behavior (TPB) experienced when using a computer is an example of intrinsic motiva­
tion (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Davis et al., 1992).
The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), first postulated by Fishbein According to the self-determination theory, people must feel con­
and Ajzen (1975), served as the foundation for the Theory of Planned nected, competent, and autonomous to grow psychologically (Ryan &
Behavior (TPB), which was built in 1991. In addition to the conceptions Deci, 2020). The ability to take meaningful action that will bring about
of attitudes and subjective norms that comprise the TRA, the TPB real change is considered autonomy. Competence is necessary for in­
introduced the concept of perceived behavioral control (PBC). dividuals to acquire new skills and become task experts. People are more
PBC refers to people’s perceptions of how easy or difficult it is to inclined to take actions that will forward their goals when they believe
carry out a desired behavior. The TPB has responded to the objection- they possess the skills needed for success. People need to have an
levelled TRA, which is founded on a comparatively static construct of attachment and a sense of belonging to connect with others.
attitude, and cannot be utilized to predict behavioral outcomes. Self- Self-determination theory can be used to better understand how new
Efficacy Theory (SET), first put forth by Bandura (1977) and derived technologies such as ChatGPT are adopted. This theory has been applied
from Social Cognitive Theory, serves as the conceptual foundation for to clarify new members’ engagement patterns in online groups (Tsai &
PBC. Pai, 2014). Studies have shown that when people’s needs for autonomy,
Perri et al. (2020) utilized TPB to research consumers’ intentions to competence, and relatedness, the three components of
use smart grid technology. Their study included a fourth variable related self-determination, are satisfied, they change their social identities and
to resistance to change in addition to the three antecedents of intentions engage in activities (Tsai & Pai, 2014).
listed by Ajzen (1991). TPB helped explain the behavioral intentions The design of ChatGPT can affect how well the users’ fundamental
assessed in this study. psychological needs are met, which in turn can affect how motivated
The notion of planned behavior can be used in the context of they are to adopt and use the chatbot. For instance, features that allow
ChatGPT. The TPB states that a strong intention to undertake a behavior users to customize their interactions can improve autonomy, whereas
is predicted when (a) an individual has a favorable attitude towards a those that provide users with accurate and practical information can
behavior (use of ChatGPT), (b) the attitude is compatible with the improve their competence. In future studies, it would be interesting to
appropriate subjective standards (for example, the usage is consistent examine how users evaluate ChatGPT’s capacity to offer hedonic and
with social norms approved by your parents, friends, teachers, and so utilitarian rewards.
on), and (c) the individual senses a high degree of behavioral control
(while using ChatGPT). 4.9. Theory of diffusion of innovations

4.7. Social cognitive theory (SCT) Diffusion research has its origins in the seminal study by Rogers
(1962), often known as the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. The funda­
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) focuses on the idea of self-efficacy, mental tenet of the theory is that innovation, time, communication
which is defined as "the assessments of one’s ability to carry out the channels, and social systems are factors that have the greatest impact on
courses of action necessary to deal with potential scenarios" (Bandura how quickly a new idea spreads.
and Cervone, 1986). Since it encourages the development of coping The primary participants (adopter categories) were innovators, early
mechanisms, the theory contends that self-efficacy is the most signifi­ adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Marketing practi­
cant factor influencing behavioral change. According to Compeau and tioners typically employ the diffusion of innovation theory to promote
Higgins (1995), self-efficacy is “the assessment of one’s capacity to use the consumer adoption of novel goods. This theory is frequently used to
technology to carry out a specific job or task.” accelerate consumer acceptance by identifying and engaging influential
According to SCT, a user’s behavior is influenced by their expecta­ early adopters.
tions for the future in terms of both performance-related and personally The following five elements affect how well an invention is adopted:
beneficial outcomes. Self-efficacy influenced the expectations for both compatibility, complexity, triability (the ability to test or experiment
outcomes. When it comes to personal result expectations, a person’s self- with an innovation before committing to it), and observability (the ca­
worth and sense of accomplishment are relevant; however, pacity of the innovation to yield measurable benefits).

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

In the context of ChatGPT, this theory highlights the importance of Table 1

explaining the advantages of technology to potential users, and how to Adoption theories and their relevance to marketers and consumers in the context
leverage social networks to encourage adoption. In addition, ChatGPT’s of ChatGPT.
design should be modified to fit the demands and tastes of its users, Theory (Author, Year) Constructs in the Theory Relevance to Marketers and
paying particular attention to innovators and early adopters. This should Consumers in the Context of
be done to facilitate early adoption of this new technology. ChatGPT

Table 1 presents information on the various theories affecting the Technology Perceived Usefulness, ChatGPT can be more
adoption of a technology and its relevance to marketers and consumers Acceptance Model Perceived Ease of Use, widely adopted if marketers
(TAM) Behavioral Intention, can design it to be
in the context of ChatGPT.
(Davis, 1989) Actual Use perceived as useful and easy
to use. For example, by
5. Discussion, implications and limitations ensuring that the chatbot
can understand natural
language and provide
5.1. Findings
personalized responses,
users are more likely to find
The advent of ChatGPT ushered in a transformative era in various it useful and easy to use.
facets of marketing, bringing about significant changes in content Also, the developers could
marketing, lead generation, CRM, customer experience, etc.. This study highlight the ease of use of
ChatGPT by emphasizing its
aims to delve into the multifaceted impact of ChatGPT on the marketing
user-friendly interface and
landscape, shedding light on the profound transformations it has simple commands.
introduced and the subsequent consequences for the stakeholders Consumers can evaluate the
involved. usefulness and ease of use of
ChatGPT to decide whether
Our study aimed to understand how the adoption of ChatGPT has
it is suitable for their tasks.
induced changes in marketing, and the implications of these changes for Unified Theory of Performance Expectancy, In the context of ChatGPT,
marketers. We found that one important aspect is how ChatGPT in­ Acceptance and Use Effort Expectancy, Social these constructs can help
fluences content marketing. By harnessing the power of generative AI, of Technology Influence, Facilitating marketers understand the
marketers can now access tools that can efficiently craft compelling and (UTAUT) Conditions, Behavioral factors that influence users’
(Venkatesh et al., Intention, Actual Use intention to use the chatbot,
contextually relevant content. This not only streamlines the content
2003) such as the perceived
creation process, but also enhances the overall quality, catering to the performance of the chatbot,
evolving preferences of the target audience. ChatGPT has emerged as a the perceived effort
game-changer in the realm of lead generation. The ability to engage with required to use it, and the
potential customers in a personalized and dynamic manner has rede­ social influence of peers and
family members.
fined lead generation strategies. The integration of ChatGPT into Additionally, facilitating
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has bolstered its conditions, such as
significance in marketing. Automating routine tasks, providing instant providing training or
responses, and personalizing interactions are just a few ways in which technical support, can
facilitate adoption.
generative AI enhances CRM functionality, helping businesses build
Theory of Task- Perceived task Marketers can leverage the
stronger and more meaningful relationships with their customer base. Technology-Fit characteristics, perceived TTF model to identify the
However, amidst the positive transformations, this study addresses a (TTF) technology most appropriate tasks for
critical concern: the ethical dimensions surrounding ChatGPT. Although (Goodhue & characteristics, and task- ChatGPT and tailor the
technology brings immense benefits to users, there are growing appre­ Thompson, 1995) technology fit. technology’s characteristics
to suit the task’s
hensions within industries and governments regarding its potential for requirements. For instance,
unethical use. This study delves deeply into these ethical considerations if ChatGPT is being
and proposes a compelling need to mitigate potential negative deployed for customer
consequences. service, it should be
equipped with natural
Furthermore, our study also aimed to lay down theoretical un­
language processing
derpinnings for understanding the adoption of ChatGPT and other capabilities to understand
Generative AI. Understanding theories that elucidate the adoption of the customer’s inquiries
generative AI by businesses is crucial for navigating the complex land­ and provide relevant
scape of technological integration. Delving into these theories provides responses. Consumers can
evaluate the suitability of
invaluable insights into businesses’ decision-making processes, fostering ChatGPT for their tasks and
informed strategies for implementation and addressing potential chal­ adjust their expectations
lenges. Our study highlights various theories relevant in this context. accordingly. Here, they
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of might expect ChatGPT to be
more effective in answering
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) are prominent theories that
factual questions than
explore the factors that influence technology adoption. Applying these providing emotional
frameworks to generative AI adoption allows businesses to assess how support. Similarly, if the
employees perceive a technology’s utility, user friendliness, and the target audience is
impact of social factors on its integration. customers of an e-
commerce platform,
Moreover, theories such as the diffusion of innovation theory have ChatGPT can be
shed light on the dynamics of how new technologies spread within so­ programmed to provide
cieties and organizations. Understanding the diffusion process helps personalized product
businesses anticipate potential challenges related to the adoption of recommendations based on
previous purchase history.
generative AI, such as employee resistance, technological uncertainties,
and organizational culture clashes. (continued on next page)

The Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework is also

crucial for comprehending ChatGPT adoption dynamics. Addressing the

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

Table 1 (continued ) Table 1 (continued )

Theory (Author, Year) Constructs in the Theory Relevance to Marketers and Theory (Author, Year) Constructs in the Theory Relevance to Marketers and
Consumers in the Context of Consumers in the Context of

Technological, Technological, In context of ChatGPT ChatGPT can provide a

Organizational, and Organizational, and adoption, technological sense of autonomy and
Environmental Environmental Factors factors encompass the AI competence by allowing
(TOE) Framework model’s nature, them to interact with a
(Tornatzky and capabilities, and perceived machine without human
Fleischer, 1990) advantages. Organizations intervention and providing
evaluate ChatGPT’s accurate responses.
efficiency, innovation, and Theory of Diffusion of Innovation In the context of ChatGPT,
impact on customer Innovations Characteristics, this theory emphasizes the
interactions. (Rogers, 1962) Communication importance of
Organizational factors Channels, Social System, communicating the benefits
involve examining size, Time of the technology to
structure, culture, and potential users and
resources. Existing IT leveraging social networks
infrastructure, openness to to promote adoption.
innovation, and employee Additionally, the design of
training determine seamless ChatGPT should be tailored
integration. Environmental to the needs and
factors, including customer preferences of the target
expectations and industry users.
competition, impact
ChatGPT adoption.
Regulatory and ethical technological, organizational, and environmental dimensions facilitates
considerations fall within a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved, helping busi­
these external dynamics,
crucial for understanding
nesses strategically navigate the adoption of ChatGPT in a manner
ChatGPT’s alignment with aligned with their specific needs and the broader business ecosystem.
the business ecosystem. Additionally, we describe the constructs of other theories such as the
Theory of Reasoned Attitudes, Subjective Marketers can influence the Theory of Task-Technology-Fit (TTF), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA),
Action (TRA) Norms, Behavioral adoption of ChatGPT by
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), and
(Ajzen and Fishbein, Intentions, Actual shaping users’ attitudes
1975) Behavior toward the technology and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in the context of the adoption of
the perceived social norms ChatGPT.
around its use. For example, Understanding the theories that explain the adoption of generative
by promoting the chatbot as AI by the industry is crucial for realizing the full potential of these
a reliable and convenient
source of information,
technologies. By streamlining business operations and optimizing
marketers can shape users’ resource allocation to address ethical concerns and societal impacts,
attitudes toward the these theories offer a comprehensive framework for informed decision
technology. making. Industries that embrace the understanding from these theories
Theory of Planned Attitudes, Subjective In the context of ChatGPT
not only enhance their competitive edge, but also contribute to the
Behavior (TPB) Norms, Perceived adoption, this theory
(Ajzen, 1991) Behavioral Control, emphasizes the importance responsible and sustainable advancement of generative AI in the broader
Behavioral Intentions, of perceived behavioral socioeconomic landscape.
Actual Behavior control. If users feel that
they have control over the
use of the chatbot and that 5.2. Managerial and policy implications
they are able to interact
with it effectively, they are
more likely to adopt it. 5.2.1. Managerial implications
Social Cognitive Self-efficacy, Marketers can leverage the As organizations navigate the integration of Generative AI into
Theory (SCT) Observational Learning, principles of Social marketing strategies, managers face the imperative of understanding
(Bandura and Reciprocal Determinism Cognitive Theory to how these technologies can reshape traditional workflows. This study
Cervone, 1986) encourage adoption of
ChatGPT by showcasing
provides valuable insights into optimizing marketing operations by
examples of successful harnessing Generative AI for content creation, personalization, and
interactions with the targeted advertising. Managers must deal with the technical aspects of
chatbot and providing AI implementation and address the organizational culture and skill set
feedback that reinforces
required for seamless collaboration between humans and machines.
positive interactions,
enhancing users’ self- Identification of skill gaps is crucial, leading to the development of
efficacy. strategic training initiatives to upskill the marketing team and foster a
Self-Determination Autonomy, Competence, For marketers, providing a workforce capable of leveraging the full potential of Generative AI.
Theory (SDT) Relatedness sense of autonomy and Managers dealing with the adoption of generative AI such as
Deci and Ryan competence to the
(1985) consumers through
ChatGPT confront ethical considerations. The first and foremost is
ChatGPT can enhance the transparency: managers must communicate clearly when AI systems are
intrinsic motivation of in use to avoid misleading customers. Genuine human-like interactions
consumers to use the facilitated by ChatGPT require disclosure to maintain trust. Striking the
product. Relatedness can
balance between personalized marketing and customer boundaries is
also be fulfilled by ChatGPT
by providing a personalized crucial. Managers need to instill a culture of ethical marketing practices
experience to the within the organization, emphasizing the responsible use of generative
consumers. For consumers, AI to enhance, rather than compromise, customer trust. Navigating the
ethical landscape is essential not only for compliance with regulations

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

but also for fostering long-term relationships with customers who 5.3. Limitations of the study
increasingly value transparency and ethical behavior from the brands
they engage with. Addressing bias is also crucial because these systems This study aims to offer a conceptual grasp of the theoretical foun­
learn from vast datasets that may inadvertently perpetuate societal dations and implications of Generative AI in the business realm, focusing
prejudice. Managers must actively identify and rectify biases in training on marketing. The conceptual nature of this study is driven by the
data to ensure fair and equitable outcomes and foster inclusivity in AI limited availability of research on the intersection of ChatGPT and
applications. marketing. Future investigations could enhance this understanding
Therefore, data privacy has emerged as an important issue. Gener­ through systematic literature reviews, grounded theories, and case study
ative AI often processes sensitive information and requires stringent approaches, aiming for a more exhaustive exploration. While this study
safeguards to protect user privacy. Managers must implement robust delves into theories and contexts, future research may encompass
security measures and adhere to data-protection regulations. It is broader aspects, considering the characteristics and methodologies for a
imperative to strike a balance between automation and human more holistic examination. It is important to note that this study con­
involvement. Overreliance on AI can compromise personal touch inte­ fines its scope to the marketing domain, suggesting the potential for
gration in customer relationships. Ethical management involves careful future multidisciplinary research to extend its comprehensive impact
consideration of societal implications including potential job displace­ across various business landscape dimensions. Additionally, some of the
ment. Proactive measures such as reskilling initiatives can mitigate the limitations of this study lay down the scope for future research.
impact of aligning AI adoption with broader societal well-being. One of the limitations of this study is the generalizability of its
findings across diverse contexts within the marketing domain. The
5.2.2. Policy implications adoption and impact of ChatGPT may vary significantly, depending on
The adoption of generative AI requires policymakers to navigate a industry-specific nuances, company size, and geographical location.
complex web of regulatory, societal and ethical considerations. Regu­ Theoretical frameworks may not apply uniformly to all sectors, and a
latory frameworks for generative AI must address several key areas. more nuanced exploration of context-specific variables that influence
Policymakers must address the challenge of crafting regulations that the adoption and impact of ChatGPT in different marketing landscapes
foster innovation while mitigating the risks associated with AI-driven would be useful.
marketing practices. First, policymakers must mandate the trans­ While this study touches upon the theoretical aspects of ChatGPT
parency requirements. Another critical aspect is the mitigation of biases. adoption, potential unintended consequences may not be exhaustively
Policymakers should institute regulations that mandate regular audits of addressed. Future research should consider delving into potential biases
generative AI systems to identify and rectify biases in the training data. and responsible use of customer data in AI-driven marketing strategies.
These regulations can guide the development and deployment of algo­ Understanding unintended consequences, such as the risk of perpetu­
rithms that prioritize fairness, ensuring that AI applications do not ating stereotypes or their impact on consumer behavior, will add depth
perpetuate or exacerbate societal prejudice inadvertently. to research.
Data privacy regulations have come at the forefront. Policymakers While the study may present robust theoretical frameworks, it may
must establish clear guidelines for how user data are handled by fail to address the practical challenges associated with the imple­
generative AI systems. This includes rules for data collection, storage, mentation of ChatGPT in marketing strategies. Practical considerations,
and usage to protect individual privacy (Kar et al., 2023). Balancing the such as the cost of implementation, the need for skilled personnel to
imperative for data security with the need for innovation is a delicate manage and optimize AI systems, and the potential resistance from
task that requires nuanced regulatory measures. marketing teams or customers to AI-driven interactions, are crucial
The accountability and liability standards must be clearly defined. factors influencing actual adoption and impact. A more pragmatic
Policymakers should specify the responsibilities of developers, opera­ exploration of these challenges, along with potential solutions, would
tors, and users for the use of generative AI. This includes setting enhance the applicability of the research for practitioners looking to
guidelines for transparency in algorithmic decision-making processes, integrate ChatGPT into their marketing efforts.
and establishing mechanisms for holding entities accountable in cases of Establishing causality between ChatGPT adoption and specific mar­
AI errors, misuse, or unintended consequences. keting outcomes is complex. This study does not address the challenges
Anticipating the societal impact of generative AI is crucial to poli­ of attributing changes in marketing performance solely to the adoption
cymakers. Job displacement owing to automation is a pertinent concern. of ChatGPT, considering the multifaceted nature of marketing strategies
Policymakers should encourage businesses to invest in reskilling pro­ and the influence of various external factors.
grams to equip their workforce with the skills required in a changing job
market. Support mechanisms for workers facing displacement must also 6. Future research directions
be considered to ensure a transition. Accessibility and inclusivity are
important societal factors. Policymakers should promote the develop­ The application of ChatGPT in marketing is a relatively new topic
ment and deployment of generative AI systems to accommodate diverse that has opened up a plethora of options for researchers. Researchers can
user groups. This involves addressing issues of language bias and cul­ provide insights into the opportunities and challenges related to the use
tural sensitivity and ensuring that AI technologies do not inadvertently of ChatGPT in marketing by investigating its potential, which can help
exclude certain populations. guide future studies in this field. Table 2 summarizes the research areas
From an ethical standpoint, policymakers should consider broader that can be investigated in relation to potential ChatGPT-induced
implications of generative AI. Ethical guidelines should emphasize the changes in marketing. Each of these domains poses distinct research
importance of respecting human values, dignity, and rights in the questions that may shed light on the implications of using ChatGPT in
development and deployment of such technologies. It is imperative to marketing.
ensure that generative AI aligns with the societal norms and values. The use of AI-enabled chatbots in marketing has grown in popularity
Policymakers should encourage research on the ethical use of AI, in recent years, and researchers are now working on a variety of research
fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and regulatory problems to gain useful insights into the potential obstacles related to
bodies. This can lead to the development of the best practices and ethical the application of Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT)-
standards that evolve with technology. powered generative AI technology in marketing. By answering research
questions related to the use of ChatGPT in marketing, marketers can
make better-informed decisions about using ChatGPT in their marketing
initiatives. Understanding the effectiveness of ChatGPT in engaging and

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

Table 2 Table 2 (continued )

ChatGPT for Marketing: An Agenda for Future Research. Focal Research ChatGPT induced potential Research Questions
Focal Research ChatGPT induced potential Research Questions Area changes in Marketing
Area changes in Marketing
• How does ChatGPT
Content Marketing Automated content creation • How does the use of improve the customer
with ChatGPT - Creation of ChatGPT affect the quality experience?
personalized and relevant and relevance of content • How does ChatGPT impact
content at scale, generation marketing? customer journey
of real-time insights, and • How can ChatGPT be mapping?
improved content creation integrated into existing • What are the ethical
efficiency content marketing implications of using
workflows to improve ChatGPT in customer
efficiency? relationship management?
• How does the use of Customer Improved customer • How can ChatGPT be used
ChatGPT for content Experiences experiences through to enhance customer
creation affect consumer improved customer experiences across
engagement? engagement, enhanced different touchpoints?
• How do consumers customer service, • How can ChatGPT be used
respond to personalized personalised to understand and analyse
marketing content recommendations customer feedback and
generated by ChatGPT? sentiment?
• What is the role of • How can ChatGPT be used
ChatGPT in omnichannel to improve the
content marketing? accessibility and
• How can ChatGPT- inclusivity of customer
generated content be opti­ experiences?
mized for search engines? Customer Engagement • What are the best practices
• What are the ethical Improved customer for using ChatGPT to
implications of using engagement - ChatGPT can engage customers
ChatGPT for content provide personalized effectively?
creation? customer interactions • What is the impact of
Lead Generation ChatGPT can improve lead • How can ChatGPT be used personalized
generation through better effectively for lead conversations on customer
engagement and data generation? engagement and
collection - Higher quality • What are the key factors retention?
leads, faster lead that influence ChatGPT’s • How does ChatGPT
qualification, better ability to reach new improve customer
customer profiling, audiences? engagement compared to
improved conversion rates • How can ChatGPT help traditional marketing
marketers better qualify methods?
and score leads? • How does ChatGPT impact
• What is the impact of customer engagement
ChatGPT on lead quality metrics, such as
and conversion rates? conversion rates and
• How can ChatGPT be used average order value?
to generate leads across Customer Service • How do customers
different channels and Improved customer service perceive the quality of
platforms? with ChatGPT chatbots - customer service provided
• How does ChatGPT Automation of customer by ChatGPT?
compare to traditional service, faster response • How can ChatGPT be used
lead generation methods times, and the ability to to improve customer
in terms of cost and handle large volumes of service and issue
effectiveness? queries simultaneously resolution?
• How can ChatGPT be used • How can ChatGPT be
to improve customer optimized for specific
profiling and industries and types of
segmentation? queries?
• What are the best practices • How do companies ensure
for using ChatGPT in lead that ChatGPT is consistent
nurturing? with their brand voice and
• How can ChatGPT be used values?
for predictive analytics in • What is the role of
marketing? ChatGPT in enhancing
Customer Improved CRM through • How does ChatGPT impact customer experiences and
Relationship ChatGPT - Improved customer relationship loyalty?
Management customer retention, management processes? • How does ChatGPT impact
(CRM) Enhanced personalization, • What is the role of the workload and job
Increased customer lifetime ChatGPT in customer satisfaction of customer
value service and support? service agents?
• How does ChatGPT • What are the differences in
influence customer customer perceptions of
satisfaction and loyalty? human vs. ChatGPT
• How can ChatGPT be chatbots?
integrated with existing • How can ChatGPT
customer relationship chatbots be personalized
management tools? for better customer
(continued on next page)

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

Table 2 (continued ) Table 2 (continued )

Focal Research ChatGPT induced potential Research Questions Focal Research ChatGPT induced potential Research Questions
Area changes in Marketing Area changes in Marketing

Personalisation • How can marketers ChatGPT-based

Increased ability to create leverage ChatGPT to marketing?
personalised content and develop more personalised • How can ChatGPT be used
recommendations communication with to promote diversity and
customers? inclusivity in marketing?
• How can ChatGPT-based • How can ChatGPT be used
personalisation improve to promote responsible
customer engagement and and sustainable marketing
retention? practices?
• How can ChatGPT be used • How can marketers ensure
to personalise customer the transparency and
experiences across accountability of
different channels and ChatGPT-based marketing
touchpoints? activities?
Consumer Behavior More personalized • How does ChatGPT • How can ethical standards
marketing messages using influence consumer be upheld while using
ChatGPT - Personalized behavior and psychology? ChatGPT in marketing?
communication, improved • What are the cognitive and • How can organizations
customer satisfaction, emotional factors that manage the ownership of
reduced sales cycle affect consumer response ChatGPT-generated
to ChatGPT? content?
• How do consumers • How can organizations
perceive ChatGPT ensure that their ChatGPT
interactions in terms of technology is secure and
trust and privacy that data is not stolen or
concerns? misused?
• How do customers Comparison with ChatGPT is a new • How does ChatGPT
perceive ChatGPT based Traditional technology that can compare to traditional
marketing messages Marketing complement or replace marketing methods in
compared to traditional traditional marketing terms of costs and
marketing messages? methods - Greater effectiveness?
• How can ChatGPT be used scalability and efficiency, • How can ChatGPT be
to influence purchase increased personalisation integrated with traditional
decisions and brand and targeting, real-time data marketing methods?
loyalty? analysis, lower costs, • How can marketers ensure
• What are the best practices potential for better ROI that ChatGPT-based mar­
for using ChatGPT to keting activities comple­
engage with customers? ment and enhance their
• What are the ethical existing marketing
implications of using strategies?
ChatGPT to influence • What are the situations
consumer behavior? where ChatGPT is more
Policy Implications ChatGPT raises important • How will the use of effective than traditional
policy questions – Increased ChatGPT affect policies for marketing methods?
regulation and oversight, marketing and • How does ChatGPT impact
new legal considerations, advertising? the ROI of marketing
potential impact on data • What regulatory campaigns?
privacy, security, frameworks should be • How can ChatGPT be used
intellectual property and implemented to regulate to reduce costs in
liability the use of ChatGPT in marketing?
marketing? • How can ChatGPT be used
• What are the legal to optimize conversion
implications of using rates?
ChatGPT-generated con­ • What is the impact of
tent in marketing? ChatGPT on sales and
• How can ChatGPT be used customer acquisition
to comply with the costs?
existing data protection Future ChatGPT is likely to become • What are the potential
regulations? Developments more advanced and future developments of
• How can marketers prevalent in marketing – ChatGPT in marketing?
balance the benefits of Continued innovation and • How can organizations
ChatGPT with the need to improvement, integration prepare for these
protect consumer privacy with other technologies, developments?
and security? new use cases and • How can ChatGPT be used
Ethical ChatGPT raises concerns • What are the potential applications in emerging channels and
Considerations about the impact of ethical implications of platforms, such as voice
and Ownership technology on human using ChatGPT in assistants and integrated
communication - Increased marketing? with technology like
responsibility and • How can organizations use virtual and augmented
accountability, potential for ChatGPT in a way that reality?
bias and discrimination, risk aligns with their values • What are the potential
of unethical or harmful use, and avoids ethical risks and benefits of
need for transparency and conflicts? increased adoption and
informed consent • What are the risks of biases scalability of ChatGPT in
and discrimination in marketing?
(continued on next page)

R. Gupta et al. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 4 (2024) 100232

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