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Vocabulary Chapter 2: Transport in Figures



Fernando García Fernández

1. Gross domestic product (GDP) (Producto Interior Bruto (PIB)): is the standard
measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services
in a country during a certain period. As such, it also measures the income earned
from that production, or the total amount spent on final goods and services (less
2. Ranking (Clasificación): position, order, or standing within a group.
3. Billion (Miles de millones): Numeric unit equal to one thousand million, or 109
(ten to the ninth power), as defined on the short scale. This is its only current
meaning in English.
4. Indicator (indicador): Data or information used to know or evaluate the
characteristics and intensity of an event or to determine its future evolution.
5. Purchasing power (poder adquisitivo): Purchasing power is the value of a currency
expressed in terms of the number of goods or services that one unit of money can
6. Performance (rendimiento, resultado): Result of the execution of work, acts, etc.

7. Tonne-kilometre (toneladas-kilómetro): Unit of measurement used to
characterize freight traffic, it gives an idea of the amount of cargo transported
according to the distance.
8. Haulage (Transporte de mercancías por tierra): The commercial transport of
goods or freights by road.
9. Commercial freight vehicles (Vechículos de mercancías): Type of motor vehicle
used for transporting goods or freights.
10. Twenty-feet equivalent unit -TEU-: TEU is a measure of volume in units of twenty-
foot-long containers.
11. Gross tonnage (Toneladas brutas): Nonlinear measure of a ship's overall internal
12. Deadweight tonnage (Toneladas de peso muerto): Mesure of how much weight a
ship can carry.It is the sum of the weights of cargo, fuel, fresh water, ballast water,
provisions, passengers, and crew.
13. Container (contenedor): A container is a cargo recipient for sea or inland
waterway transport, land transport and multimodal transport. They are watertight
units that protect the goods.

14. Passenger-kilometre (pasajero-kilómetro): Unit of measurement used to
characterize passenger traffic, it gives an idea of the number of people transported
as a function of distance.
15. Passenger car (Vehículos privados): Private vehicles.
16. Trolley bus (Trole-bús): A public transport vehicle with rubber tyres that travels
along ordinary roads in towns and is driven by electricity supplied from a wire
above the road.
17. Tram (tranvía): A passenger vehicle powered by electricity conveyed by overhead
cables, and running on rails laid in a public road.

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Fernando García Fernández

18. Commuter (viajero diario al trabajo): A person who travels some distance to work
on a regular basis.
19. Motorization (motorización): Relationship between the number of vehicles and
the total population of a country.
20. Powered 2-wheelers (Vehículos de motor con dos ruedas): Powered 2-wheelers
means a combination of a motorcycle and motorcyclist.
21. Commercial flights (Vuelos comerciales): Type of flight that's operated by a
commercial airline. Typically, a commercial flight refers to a traditional flight that
transports passengers from one destination from another.


22. High-speed rail (Ferrocarril de alta velocidad): Rail transport (especially for long-
distance passenger travel) that runs at significantly higher speeds than traditional
rail services (over 200 km/h), using a system of specialized trains and dedicated
23. Waterborne (Llevado por barco): conveyed by, travelling on, or involving travel or
transport on wáter.
24. Inland waterways (canales navegables): Navigable rivers, navigable lakes,
unnatural waterways (canals, lakes, and regulated sections of rivers).
25. Airport (aeropuerto): A complex of runways and buildings for the take-off, landing,
and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers.
26. Aviation (aviación): The activity of flying aircraft, or of designing, producing, and
keeping them in good condition.
27. Modes of transport (modos de transporte): Term used to distinguish between
different ways of transportation or transporting people or goods.
28. Motorway (Autovía y autopista): A motorway is a major road that has been
specially built for fast travel over long distances.
29. General aviation (aviación general): All civil aviation operations other than
scheduled air services and non-scheduled air transport operations for
remuneration or hire.

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