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instructor: Ms. Sheena Mae Marbella Desacula

Review the ff.


2. Criteria of Literature

3. Nature of Literature

4. Functions of Literature

5. 4Rs of Literature

6. 5 Main Literature Genres

7. Poetry and Metrical Romance

8. Secular

Region I
Hero of the epic Biag ni Lam-Ang of the Ilocano
LAM-ANG is the hero of one of the most popular Philippine folk epics, Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-Ang).
The Biag ni Lam-ang, from the people of the northern Philippines, is said to be the only complete epic from a Chris-
tianized Philippine indigenous group. Exhibiting a mixture of Spanish and indigenous cultures, the earliest written
record of the epic was in 1889. There are at least ten versions of the epic.

Father of Ilocano Literature: Pedro Buckaneg

Mother of Philippine Women’s Literature: Leonora Florentino
His writing talks about social justice and change to better lives of average Filipino families: F. Sionil Jose
Father of Pampangueno’s Literature: Juan Crisostomo Soto

Region II
The Legend of Magat River

Magat – Husband of the Maiden, The strong ,handsome, tall, great hunter
Maiden- wife of Magat, The beautiful girl, the crocodile
Setting: Bayombong, Forest, Cagayan Valley
Theme: “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep”

Ibanag Proverbs
Awan tu umune ta uton ng ari umuluk ta davvun.
(Nobody goes up who does not come down)
Mamatugu ka ta gayan nga manututtu ta matam.
(You rear a crow that pecks your eyes.)
Mammula ka ta mapia, gataban nu noka.
(He who sows goodness, reaps gratitude.)
I buruasi nga inikkao, nu ari atazzi, alawa nikaw.
(Borrowed clothes are either loose or tight.)
Awat tu serbi na ru nga kukua, nu marake i pinangngapangngua.
(Wealth is useless if character is worthless.)
Region III
The Legend of Mount Pinatubo

An ancient legend tells of Bacobaco, a terrible spirit of the sea, who could metamorphose into a huge turtle and
throw fire from his mouth. In the legend, when being chased by the spirit hunters, Bacobaco flees to the mountain
and digs a great hole in its summit showering the surrounding land with rock, mud, dust and fire for three days;
howling so loudly that the earth shakes.

Region IV – A

Sa Ugoy ng Duyan

Sana'y di magmaliw ang dati kong araw

Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay
Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal
Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan

Sana'y di magmaliw ang dati kong araw

Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay
Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal
Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan

Sa aking pagtulog na labis ang himbing

Ang bantay ko'y tala, ang tanod ko'y bituin
Sa piling ni nanay, langit ay buhay
Puso kong may dusa sabik sa ugoy ng duyan

Sana'y di magmaliw ang dati kong araw

Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay
Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal
Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan

Sa aking pagtulog na labis ang himbing

Ang bantay ko'y tala, ang tanod ko'y bituin
Sa piling ni nanay, langit ay buhay
Puso kong may dusa sabik sa ugoy ng duyan

Sana'y di magmaliw ang dati kong araw

Nang munti pang bata sa piling ni nanay
Nais kong maulit ang awit ni inang mahal
Awit ng pag-ibig habang ako'y nasa duyan

Region IV – B

Mariang Makiling

Mt. Makiling,Laguna, Philippines

Long ago, in Mount Makiling, there lived a beautiful goddess name Mariang Makiling. She is beautiful, kindhearted
and loving. She had a long shiny black hair and she often wear black pearls and gold jewelry. She often shows off
herself to people living at the foot of the mountain as a human. Many times, people would climb up to the mountain
and pick some fruits but when they came down, fruits changed into gold. People thanked her for it.

But one day, some people robbed her jewelry. Some hunters climb up the mountain and hunted for wild animals, cut
down trees and left the forest at the top of the mountain denuded. At that time, one of those hunters is a mortal
which Mariang Makiling fell in love with. She discovered that that hunter already have a mortal as his wife. After
those things happened, Mariang Makiling was very angry that it thundered and rained hard that night and her voice
was heard by all people leaving at the foot of the mountain saying "I have provided you food, treasures and shelter
but it wasn't enough for you! I have given you everything you want but still you aren't contented. I loved you more
than myself but still you searched for mortal love. Now, feel my anger! And wait for my revenge! From now on, you
shall stand on your own feet and you will never see me again. I swear!" And she laughed so hard that it brought an

After her large voice was heard, she never showed herself again to those mortals who abused her kindness. Today, it
is still believed that Mariang Makiling is still living there.

Region V

The Legend of Mayon Volcano

The myth of the creation of Mayon Volcano is as heated as the heart of the peak itself, with a plot involving star-
crossed lovers, and a tragic ending leading to the rise of the jewel of Albay.
Legend has it that a beautiful maiden, Magayon, lived in a place called Ibalon. She is the daughter of Makusog, the
chief of the tribe.
Magayon was so beautiful that men from different places went to her hometown just to get a glimpse of her beauty.
One of those suitors was Pagtuga (or Patuga in other versions), a warrior and the chief of Iraga.
In a bid to woo Magayon, Pagtuga brought her all kinds of gifts, like gold, jewels and other precious items.
Magayon, however, was not moved by Pagtuga's kind gestures.
As a young maiden, Magayon liked bathing in the Yawa river. One day, while bathing, Magayon slipped on the
rocks. As she did not know how to swim, she shouted for help.
Fortunately, a man named Pangaronon (or Ulap in other versions) was passing by the river and heard Magayon's
plea for help. He saved her from drowning.
The incident started a good relationship between Magayon and Pangaronon, who eventually went to Makusog to ask
for his daughter's hand in marriage.
Makusog, who wanted nothing but happiness for his daughter, approved of Pangaronon for Magayon.
News of the wedding reached Pagtuga, who then kidnapped Makusog. He threatened Magayon that he would kill
her father if she refused to marry him.
In order to save her father, Magayon agreed to marry Pagtuga.
On the day of their wedding, Pangaronon went to the place of the wedding to try and take Magayon away from
A battle between Pagtuga and Pangaronon ensued. Pangaronon fatally struck Pagtuga.
But as Pangaronon and Magayon were about to embrace each other, a poisoned arrow struck Magayon.
Then, as Pangaronon was kneeling over the dying Magayon, Pagtuga's soldier stabbed him.
After the skirmish, Makusog decided to bury Magayon and Pangaronon together.
Years passed and people noticed that the land where the lovers were buried started to rise higher and higher.
The mountain which grew from the land where Magayon and Pangaronon were buried is now known as Mayon
Some people believe that when the volcano is restive and about to erupt, Magayon is being bothered by Pagtuga,
while they believe Pangaronon is embracing Magayon when the volcano is calm.
They also believe that Pangaronon is kissing Magayon when clouds meet at the top of the volcano.

Region VI
Tungkung Langit ang Alunsina

In the beginning, there were two gods: Tungkung Langit and Alunsina. These gods were in love and they were
married. While Tungkung Langit was away for his jobs, Alunsina was only idle, used all her time to beautify her
hair and appearance and doubted Tungkung Langit's faith in love.

She started getting jealous and sent some breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit.

Tungkung Langit found out, confronted Alunsina and sends her away. After the gods' quarrel, Alunsina ran away
from her beloved partner and never came back. She vanished forever.

Tungkung Langit terribly missed her, became depressed and looked for Alunsina but he just got upset every time he
tried to find her.

Because of this, he made wonderful seas, the earth, flowers and trees to attract Alunsina. Tungkung Langit thought
he would succeed and would make Alunsina come home but she didn't.

Tungkung Langit, then, used Alunsina's bracelet to add stars in the skies, crown as the sun and lastly, her favorite
comb as the moon to add the brightest light in the night sky.

Up to now, whenever Tungkung Langit thinks about and yearns for Alunsina, the god cries thus it rains.

Region VII

Sicalac and Sicavay

Once there were two gods, Captan and Maguayan.One day, Captan planted a bamboo in agarden. It grew and split
into two sections, and stepped out a man who was named Sicalac andwoman named Sicavay.
Sicalac asked Sicavay’s hand for marriage because there were no other people on earth.She refused because they
were brother and sister, having been conceived out of the same reed. Sicalac persistently pleaded with her and
finally they decided to consult the tunas of the sea, the doves of the air and the earthquake, who agreed that they
should marry so that the world will be populated. Finally, they decided to go ahead and got married and had a son
named Sibo. Then they had a daughter named Samar.
Sibo and Samar had a daughter named Luplupan who grewup and married Pandaguan, who was also a son of
Sicalac and Sicavay. Lupluban and Pandaguanhad a son named Anoranor.
Pandaguan invented the fishing net and he caught a shark when he used it but the shark did not survive for long out
of the water. He cried loudly to the Gods.The god Captan, sent the flies to find out why Pandaguan was making such
a loud lamentation but the flies refused to obey so they were condemned to scavenge among filthy and rotten
thingsfrom then on. Then, the god sent the weevils and he discovered about Pandaguan’s grief and he struck him
dead by a thunderbolt.
Pandaguan stayed in the infernal regions but the gods took pityon him and brought him back to the world.Pandaguan
discovered that his wife Luplupan became the concubine of Maracoyrun.Pandaguan got angry and went back to
infernal regions, vowing never to return to the world.

Region VIII

Bowaon and Totoon


Totoon – optimistic, merciful, kind hearted
Bowaon – pessimist, impatient, envious
Dead Strangers

On a far village there were two friends Bowaon and Totoon. Unable to find a job on their place they decided to go
look for their fortune somewhere else.

They began their journey in finding a fortune. In this journey they've experienced different circumstances where
Bowaon shows his being pessimist and impatient while on the other hand Totoon's optimism and kind hearted.

When they arrive at king's palace they were given a job. When Totoon become the secretary of the king while
Bowaon as the cook. Bowaon got jealous of Totoon and he began smearing his friend’s name.

Bowaon plotted several evil plans to smear the name of his friend Totoon. He told the king lies to put his friend in

Though Totoon was tested by king because of the lies of his friend Bowaon. With the help of the ones who he first
helped in exchange of his kindness he was able to succeed on all trial that the king gave to him.

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