2) Mind Map Physics (XII) MPC & NEET

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CONTENTS PHYSICS. 4 Blectrostaties-1. Electrostaties-2... ® Capacitance... Moving Changes and Magnetism-1 ‘ Moving Charges and Magnetism-2 ‘ Moving Charges and Magnetism-3 % Moving Charges and Magnetism-$ su. Magnetism and Matter Magnetism Electromagnetic Induction... Alternating Current EM Waves % Ray Optics-1 & Ray Opties-2. Ray Optics-3.... 4 Ray Optics-4.... 4% Ray Optics-5 22.25 & Dual Nature of Radiation & Matter... 1.26 & Wave Optics... 27-28 Atoms, 29 30 & Nuclei... 4 Blectronies... 31-33 ) @ MIND MAP dh eo " ry | Equilibrium of Charges Electric fea leek : || a e816 x10" | at NX sat re tea BIB were Ao a 20-9, 7 SGD emg || tots very small | / x a Redistribution of charge Qe, ‘tona=sind | A ea ee tee — Redes on kealee Pag? ae tel oS eg mt | Gita aneme sirtce arg demiy.o29 vam Vote omg ey 929 uae arte deg Veeine ewrerenamepenan oo SEE = | Diseerc conten | : EEE Weetincer since need = : Ese Tm AE she ee jeg wo eq hres Q. The aon p ee RS ote re gad be egaisin a ef _ 16410" 99625610 Toa | Diection len ti em L- SOILVLSOULDATA jeer game Pn ; Low ae | saemarcene ee { ik = If we ae 3 Mg eg i & bs i “ b UE te we « é sok BL me Y. 3 . |e Ho tgelte 2 : tole Byes e Bol ¢ let so S é i of iy Brad g al EE a ees badg aes ‘ My 333 Saas s Time period of Charged | Pendulum in an electric filed Age rede | y | 1 te "2 Time peried wil crease ' | Se 1 gae 165 Properties of field lines 1) Stor from pote charge an enon gatos age 1) Neve for esd lop (Comers fre) 6) Geto, of fd tee SL Ial>lal ——— poi charge re 2) cinder, entilchwise Eafeds coro | Zero flux:~ 42 =0.nhere ¢,20 Electric flux for Cube 1) No charge inside the be 17) Blectic feld due toa finite near change ditrbition| 20, 8) Electric feld due to infinite inecr ot charge 11) Beare field due to a crear rng Z ELECTROSTATIC POTENTIAL, 1 ae oo kt 4 SEE weedy WoRK DONE Pe wean FST we re (00-500) 10007 & 3 uighe 98. tt FS te re mt Cree ‘System of charges ries POG eet z ' POTENTIAL OF CHARGED CONDUCTING || SPHERE. I ne teeth 7 Superposition of potenti ~ Alebroe sam i re eee . waa - ZERO POTENTIAL Like charger str potenti point 2) ate cage 2 pints of eo peel on ine ening 88 ELECTRIC FIELD & POTENTIAL ee Ww oe Re GR ek AV SE ELECTROSTATICS-2 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL Tox? PE St = BE, (= 90) ! Tyg PE sin = 0,(0 = 0) I WORK DONE ' 1 We BE (esi-coso.) 1! 1 POTENTIALENERGY | | ELECTRIC FIELD Z 6 sea a Ee KE yar Be wth dle moment eee where, dE* small change infield einsvacss 1 vt {tthe two locations clear, eth de met 4 [ of the charges ko an IE APACITANCE rif yo Conmecing tw charged cpactors = Case 1 2 FS Verne? 2. Parallel combination CM CMe Bite beter ples 5 cd Bi pares copactance is Independant of 2 Patel iference Unit OF copacians SS vt 2le-e) = loss Connecting two charged copactors~ Cave 2 Crist [ le ; = Battery remains ‘amectes 1 exe Me 2 dena i. Energy loss = BRIDSE Poa Re Force b/w plates of o parallel Piste copodtor “PO da2d GS 1. VeConstant tH G 1, Series combination 2. Parallel combination GeaNER ce a REDISTRIBUTION OF 6 be Vv Voltage divider rule 1 vod eel” Yea)" Biot-Savart's Law Formula of Field dueto straight wire Field Ove to bent wire egrequilatera triangle Fld due to polygon occ Hn 1) At point P “ —— ia Bi ite the plane — og ae y HEE Gincosine), @ magnetic permecity of Tee spe or voeon wetesior ohh (Bis perpencaler to beth an, BY ung Tight hand sew rule we con find rection of rege fle Here, Bis int the plone od Fe total lenght |s bent os on puter rng coc sige Se legtn 13 then Neutral Pints Points at which mognetic field becomes zero are called restr pots ese 1: Peraliel wires carrying current in some direction on Hexagon Magna Fld creulates around he current OM aL tc) CHARGES AND MAGNETISM Case 2: Parallel wires carrying carrent in opposite direction (>) Rectangle "Fe fin fil ot? ose 3: Wines perpendicr to each other Fld wil be zero on all ports of the line OP comparing with omic we get. | 2 EBS) one] slope m= 8P)=80J+0 Wire perpendicular to plane 1) Current directed out of plane @ ee 2) Current directed into the plone @ ts eho rection Direction of field : F-ciockwise [ee a tw Neutral Point 1) Test of the ploe.2 92, Field due toa circular ring & Field at the axis of a ring =e 26e RF Every current carrying loop acts a a megretie i Field at the axis in Le terms oF Field at center Direction ofA le determined using right hand shone le Here, HeTA => Marek 1 current i flowing in antilechwie direction Oj 1 carrent i loving in lacie ection Percentage change in field with respect to centre For the points on the axis Magnetic field lines cho in B= Lt RE" 100% For a current loop ie ve aon 8) Field at the Centre due to circular are r Feld ot centre of fll Cree, pet “Then field ot contre of oe, a aay erat Ty $Ra= wont) Hollow cylinder (pipe) Solid Cylinder a MOVING CHARGES AND WX Si) Charged particle in particle Calculation of ratio of radii ‘magnetic Fiel ane Solenoid Magnetic Force on particle = a0a8) casevi Path: Circle Radius of circular path Dre Helical path & pitch 1) All prticles are prejected with same speed Tmakesangles with (+0. x1) Oursde(>) Path of charge is Helical yc ne qe 8 @ rnd FS sg 8,: 4 un t(cos0,reos0,) ee sree teat 4 2) Tne peri Where n —-no.of turns per unit length 4) All particle are projected with some keneticeneray 2em e Tightly packed long solenoid acceleroted by a voltage of V vt then, KE=qv poe 3DPitch =V,x7) Long solenoid: Radius is small compared to the length of the solenoid For a long solenoid the middle region will have @ uniform magnetic field ean wa IF K,# 0, then K=aV+K, ome, Fare e Cl 1) At centre, ~EETEEEO* ‘Along the axis 2) End point 4) All prticles ane projected by some — potental Time Period a We have = specific charge ni and dimension oF FeqvBsina =o asi per MT. waste aTKLT Unit + kgA*s? = Tesla(T) 1 9 18 Saif charge MOVING CHARGES AND MAGNETISM nsenain® MoM o Cyclotron 1 Maman ee ey ear ‘ inh ee shee esto cn be uted teflon es 1G}: om 1) The constant 5g cle gaonometer constant or curent reduction factor of ‘he galvnometer. 2) Figre of merit ofa gaanomerer Force betweer n parallel conductors 1) Feree Berean mo long paral current centers im Peralel crventsetrect each other. Anti parle erent fepel each other Force per et length of conductor te Net freon eg of entree 2 Lorentz force FgE “The magnetic force experienced by the charge q moving with velecity Vn the magnetic fea Bis en by FseQVe8) “The total forceo the Lorentz fore experienced bythe charge @ ds to ‘A charge qin on elecre field E experiences the electric force bath electri ond mgnetic Feld Is gen by FeqlE+(VxB)] Moving Coil Galvanometer wasn Sensitivity of a Galvanometer DNA arent sensitivity, Where tortion constant © ~ deflection of goanometer Voltage Sensitivity ran seats 2B rage Senin: Tent Senay in figure. Magnetic dipole moment of ’ revolving electron nt he te pra of revi areal ea nti mney ante rt ‘coined wth ha ceeds overt pone 8YE (negel Leet mang Tn vector form . (mce) zt bette al aalaalal Theta of meget moat the eer ain Rema Ale "am, hat one a Og ecrng t ob's anton cnn, ele ‘str sna urate tof ac, Pam be Beate 18 Tid Sate ig east Motion of charged particle Crossed Electric ‘and Magnetic field EB-ivelocity selector 1 ) Chargemovesina straight tne ‘Thus electric and magnetic forces fF care in opposite rections os shown Ive €/8, Fre = 0 ENO) a nia] hd BF fo}- hf bo) || Xe). Torque ona current loop in ‘Than = NtABen Speci xt: D wneng= 0, i, th tong minimum whan the an of the ep i ppc foe moe fed When = 90° {= NIAB ie, the orga mocnam wha the plane of ‘he lope pa! oe magic Pala, POTENTIAL AT ANY GENERAL POINT MAGNETISM PY Pa wm ‘THE MAGNETIC FIELD LINES 41.The magnetic fel ies of e magnet form contnaus dosed loops 2-The tangent tothe field linge at « given pint vege Mees ate pac nemetoe fF 70 “APPARENT ANGLE OF BI? the net mogretic ald B ot oie et P np TsBeEpesng og Z=Wed «MBs Trclnction of magnetic needle that point In plane other than magnetic 23.The larger no.of field WORK DONE IN ROTATING A DIPOLE . lies > stronger 3 15 Apparent ongle of dip tons « e505 true angle of dip 0 Ange between MM ‘nt the plane other ran ni 1, WaPE (eos) 1. WyrM@ (cot,-cost) ‘Maximum work done is from (20° ro B.=t80° POTENTIAL ENERGY ‘Do wot intersect ude ues (a0 stable postin 180° Unstable poten macneric BIPOLE ‘MOMENT (i) RELATION SETWEEN TWO FALSE ANGLE OF DIPS (85) IN MUTUALLY fer rope eth SS SE eee PERDENDICULAR PLANES AND TRUE ANGLE OF DIP (5) cot? §,+ cot? §,= cot?s iia ipa Dinction foam seuthpole “TON pole Unit of Mant Unt of mA pita The simplest mages sete ‘couLoMs's LAW to—6F om BAR MAGNET TO DIFFERENT [AXEAL & EQUITORTAL LINE OF DIPOLE Sos i Ea aie MACHETE ELENENTS GF EARTH ro ‘COMPASS NEEDLE AND DIP NEEDLE 1. A compass needle ot the North ple ‘can point along any direction, 2, Ap needle ot the north pole points down’ nd et South pole pens straight up. ‘Tame PeRx00 of e magnetic ciple in wiform mogeti Feld fc oe dectnaton 3 Trelnation a Dp Magee dle mart Mapes fa True angle of [ME to find, z 8 att wT au 2 Magnet i ‘Absohite Permeability , Tesla metre [Tm] of cr or free space” Ho=4Tx10” OE Relative Permeability 4 Home of medion te 2 Magnetization Gi) [tied ele monet) i vestry stat 94 wy a] Magnetic ascent Cd solr quanty mn Ma rewit Jani Mok ine dimension 7 te ty i = ond sscentily . Hh lg) . «2, Weakly repeled by a magnet Ep: Cu, Ag, Au, NaCl, HO etc. , Supereandictrs - Perfect conductivity perfect dlamognetisn Tat. 4, Penfect diamagnetism in supercanductors is called os MEISSNER 4. dividual atoms do not possess permanent magnetic dipole mament g. No effect of temperature on magretsation HYSTERESIS CURVE / 8-H CURVE ograaation depends on star of magpetsation 2 Ponamognetic substances a, Weakly attracted by magnet . Ep: Al, Mn, Pt, Na, CuCl, 0,,Crown glass Individual atom possesses permanent dipele moment 4. cures Law “Mognetisction of « paramagnetic materi! is inversely proportional to the absolute emperature -OD-Demagnetising process 1 High coercivity" Hrd substance = Steel 2) Low coercivity ~ Soft substance - Soft leon Impectont result BSH curve signifies the energy loss/heat loss In the process ond is proportional te the area ofthe lop. ‘Smaller for soft ion 4, Strongly attracted by a magnet 1 High retentvty bl Eg: Fe, Co, Ni, Cd, FeO, 2) High eoereviry 1. High perneoity Indiv atoms possess permanent magnetic moment Gnd magnese momerts of negbsuring sons fra 7 ‘Steel i used for making permanent magnets ‘lg due to 0 force caled exchange coupling 4. Due to exchange coupling atoms form domains inside hich magnetic momants are elghed inthe same Sheeran . Inportont (Fosot fet ie 4. At high temperature, a ferromagnetic substance becomes paremognetic Care's temperature ager) Stee! ‘salen retentisty igh corey sft ion Higher retertity than sel ‘Slr corey than see peat eee ney es eas Sees esrasenoad cane MAGNETISM 1 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION [Famabays Law | 1) Whenever the soot of Paget Pi tcd wth 2 ‘gut changes, an en MAGNETEE FLUX = no of es of fore [¥] eames for unform fed, 8 0ys8.4 Races + Salar quoity —+ unt —> WebertW2) Change ncrert nore col cause choot ‘nim rater ct and vee vere Le are ge a8 rg % eh , =6. ney Me cole ae muna inuctone ofthe coi ae Be eaP poncs he ce ffx change Lest of st acca LeHLN? a 1 TATA EME induced, ELECTROMAGNETIC Zo —— y : INDUCTION 0,284 (axinon) ot cea e ERECTION oF NUCH een WIA RUETaNE oF 1.2 a dare, he nape ne Seaman eases FUSE BSS Ea A oy ‘Meeting mopar fos ee oe : 2.F fxs resin, the mogneie Stal sree ae Sips mls nape eld Set chong magi fine DA, Jeet = ae etn cot meet fx ae sn hes he Sen sts intel ree we else “= Tg = Current through outer coll B= Hyng Te © Current in the coll, Hy ng Tg x me? ay erg lg oo ince vet Soy eA NATURE OF sNoUcED cuRRENT SOE EPR set Me Mes Hymne xm? BONING ay? NE nn) on DYNAMIC MOTIONAL ENF OUE TO TRANSLATORY NOTION Fame on ara = hurgesezcaulete et the ends ofthe concorde tits movement | ||MO UNETORM MAGNET FIELD TAP TORRE SESS ot he onde ofthe contutar cous al fre of ferent shaper Wiese atieenc feted Moin ifs mage fk ‘aber ay ate Direction te find the pete erin! zane By esng right hand rae ‘ “Tb ~ ty gers ~ Mage ft Pal Pate terminal of the rod Catan of aan ape Ayeetny get Jer 30 Parallel ve ie” etn Ey "TF ee ae coratier sere Wel ave elo jae als % (PE) oe gi on awigeeer || Ea Le J n Ara. Apes decreases, cent wil be BsAlyy ey TA] setter ns ape tight PEREEREAL | || cule wes eit otal . ‘Shrinking Loop * « 7 Nae cueg? (|| IEE 9 Pea foo ° = =|) B} || (HE. Nichutonun maonae ELD 9 ar no 1 Lan hg ay open oe fo oop atte entre For square, oy afd ve tein —— ee TPE sop nein || Oe sede reo | ony em ns :0 (oursde 8) || wearero-Sme [ccz] Hpk eet) || gpa ep in crt 1A et, lath ine ip Pot wsy Ty « aa xk 2.0 ce 5 See 1, 0 Ea ann Tian 2, Be se Ogio Oggaame Orgs Origen iggae pveroge ince emt tee Tien ca erateted from anthro 90° &= 2NBAD ced EAP very, Whe pene, EMF fest (rcs tenses mamas han Screses indeed erro hy encnchce drecton = when cl is ratte from@=S0°t0 160° ‘ALTERNATING GRRENT “aE the direction of crwenting Heats ap obec Senet Rema the arent calcd a Sheri “AYERAEE AND BS VALUE OF AC 2 he geran orwtge nia anf SB epested or ent) Z gine) rete Eo [SPs cawent a eurent amplitude |] 7 tar em BE ae Peepers ECTaNGLAR NCTION Seatac / [8 . (orc pe tenons Bee Te 1. vevasnt 2. isnt 23, Vai ore in phase 4 8. 0:0,c050=1 Hoge BOR rR ep ind Accom nd ter ss tae rob Pinko dt 20 ih tt Ja Ssznat0or rane (14 ree) 5. @en2,c050:0 6. Be (watts eats) 7 trdutvereoetance 0) st 5. ornncoseeo 6. Fo en east veh vad peer me 2 summasy f Z tpeawes]| 8) Tee] kd ato] xeut | xe aco] xeb | ae ALTERNATING fet] 1 Se ‘meray ofan fe regent) ve) woe “The average vous of aquare of si on acne ‘ncton for ov tne peed is ‘ARAVA AFL ONE TaN ROO || Asc ASA foe, ftamet sot pan || Dlazam epesning oc ito oe |] 8) RL CIRCUITS oes pie. leer secon pe oe je fe a | corer BWW L = rs Lvov Wai YE 2 tae pes ago prcaneurs roo] ea yeas +3. Inl.sin (wt-@) : Ve Vint A Lif aE vege vaye, G o per Loe eel eta oe VM Vee = Ve) 8° = VOT (6X9, Voge a th any 26>. erat et he aoe by eek: BY = Me ‘Acaming V, > Vi for roving phasor Vorope phen diagron RESONANCE IN LGR SERIES GIRGUTT In series resonance, impedence of cel is ‘ronan & eau Yo rescrone 92" Re and aman ora pein f se oe rtm oo = re fremeey oe) = R(mpedoce Is minimum and egal 18 Fesstons) Vetmatercemacted cerets V&V, wl show the sone reed ‘Yolmetercomected comment P08 inter oo won T&TSTS4 yen Less sharp the resonance, less i the selectivity of the cit. TF the Quality feter i large, 's low or Lis lege, the clr is more selective Mass spring system Serpe o ieee Sharpness: Qe git; :2au -bandwidth smalleriu, sharper or narrower the comin aw ac cat ‘Average Power FeV ,T .c250 casa 1 Path zend) Purely Resistive circuit - Maximum power dsiption Case Purely inductive or capacitive cleat O50 exs0=0 [No power Is dlssipcted even theugh @ arent is fling inthe cleat cose 3. UR Sates cicut (ncn sere im RL,C-Ror CLR cir FeV Trg C080 ose Power dissipation ot resonance XX0er 60 penal para =7R Moxa pve spate ne rcit aan 1 Displacement (2) 2.Velocty V= $& 3. Acceleration 4. Mass (n),Gnerta) 5 Force costar K 6, Momentum p = mv 7 Retrding force mi €.bifferel equation #u'ec0 9. Keshme ete eftet TRANSEORNERS “Device which rates or lamers velnage in ac cincuts through mutual Induction’ Transformer can crease ae VE Ciena 3) For ideal transformer, net Magnetic fox Self induced emt (UL) Differential equation Eh ue ve 9. Magnetic eergy= BL aane Le OscRLATIONS Capacitor —-stores ‘electrical energy Inductor —stores mmognetic energy When connected, charge on the u capacitor and current in the inductor perform electrical oscillations Between each other a“ ELECTRO MAGNETIC WAVES ‘Time varying electric ond megnetic fields that propogatein space Osziating electric and mognai elds ore ‘eunly perpenieuar vo ch other and both ore perpenliar fo Grecton of propepeton ‘Speed of wave = Speed of light = 9 x 10"m/s ‘SOURCE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IS ‘ACCELERATING / OSCILLATING CHARGE —~ ENERGY DENSITY 4. Uy leztnie field) e 2. Us Magnetic field) 3, Avroseerengy density awe 15, Teal averopeenegy density ‘TRANSVERSE NATURE OF EM WAVES Ee at ee crane By = E, sifot Bz = B, sin(ot -kx) rch a INTENSITY OF WAVE Energy crossing per unit time area perpendicular ‘to the direction of wave propagation ben Power Ttensiy « FORMULAE TO REMEMBER ereacrnve moe Ha REMARKS Maximum electric £608 Feyuy = 4 %, —— Maximum magnetic 2°68 Faas DISPLACEMENT CURRENT apecenetcvet «Caren ecm ot (denen wen scr fd hag wth ne C POYNTING VECTOR Every snr th arg se poppin — — MOMENTUM OF EM WAVES p= GF mri only sone) 20 =2L ot wove completely elected MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS fea = SC Goes Lan of Becrenti fib of Gants Low of Metin) peas “2 pany of crane Fianna ected (dpe als Lm) RadioWaves Produced by : Accelerated motion of charges in conducting wires Frequency : 500 kHz - 1000MHz ‘Application : Cellular phones Microwaves Produced by : Special vacuum tubes = Klystrons, magnetrons, Gunn diodes Detection by : Point contact diodes ‘Application : Radar systems, microwave ‘oven in domestic purposes ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Infrared waves Produced by : Vibration of atoms ‘ond molecules Detection by : Thermopiles, Bolometer, Infrared photographic film ‘Application : Used in remote switches for TV set, maintains average temperature ‘through green house effect, Infrared lamps, Infrared detectors Visible light Wavelength : 400nm to 700nm Frequency: 4 x 10° Hz to 7 x 10% Ultraviolet rays Wavelength: 4 x 10-7m to 6 x 10m Produced by : Very hot bodies Important source : Sun ‘Application : LASIK Surgery, UV lamps ~ Kills germs in purifiers Detection by + Phetecels, photegraphic film X-RAYS Produced by : High energy electrons striking metal targets Wavelength range :10nm to 10-nm Application Di Tonisation chamber iagnostic tool, treatment of cancer Detection : Photographic film, Geiger tubes, GAMMA rays Produced in Nuclear reactions, Radioactive decay of nucleus Wevelength range :10nm fo 10° nm Application : In medicine to Kilcancer cells. Decreasing ander of wovelength >> RMIVUXG D> rerecsing oder of fremeney Laws of Reflection “Ale of iene Age of reflection “after reflection veloty & frequency of ah renee “ane, but nerty decreases phase chnge of nore Hight nde from rare ‘Sodaner ned Spec cases: 1. normal incidence etected ght cae light sete the reflecting srfce tense Field oF view ira Vr Ege Fncing Field of view ae sent Raber ergy Veal ect oad 6 the distance fom sbserver to mirror Is L then field of view 5 By Sina 3, Let the mierors be at an angle @ Images & Objects Weal Enages Number of Images for Inclined Mirror Number oF images 1 fo plane mires are laced apa Yo tech tbr stare w be fate nar of imager sey i the dtc of eject from mins Mg tet caer. Tia Tae meses _Sharteut to find the distance to mages Dice of mae ferme int Dt of nage forme L-SDILdO AVa Deviation of Rays Effect of rotation of mirror Relative motion in plane mirror Deviation in single miecor: Perpendder direction Deviation for twe mitrars inclined at en angle Both parallel ond perpendielor:~ Both object and mirror are moving:~ Ava iyi f-SDILdO Angle of retains ala ‘Relative veloly of abject vith respect tomiror ‘The relationship between angle of incidence and i, focal length fem fa Cora rye) Spherical mieror —————— =r @ YoetieWD Yh Relative velocity of ima Y eet eeflestns ot saiscgeerinar® SAS GO ene otal n.ofreflectionss Lote Lo Bh Tote nf elections Bet Deviation after two sucessive reflections Ve MDE WSE To avoid spherical aberration 41) Use small eperture mirror ~+ Avoid marginal * Only paraxial Velig +H VI Relative velocity of image ‘ithrespect to abject 2) Blackening of central portion ~ Avoid paraxial Differentiate n= Ye 2 + Only marginal 2V,= 200 Magnification and mirror Formula 1) Radius of carver (®) Distance between pole and center of curvature 2) Focal length (f) {Image point on the principle exis for an abject Comex + +e Concave “> ve Plane mirror 00 In,/>1— moped ” Me cive diameter of petion of mieror reflecting the light ‘eeigcting rea clapertire? = m/21 — some size (=) n,j<1—+ small ate SS eat + Inverted ‘Sign convention and different terminclosy 3 . ¥ Saree > Same sign => virtual > Opposite sign => real image Object at co Between FandC eats —+ Extremely large + mot emet iw Air bubble in glass slab oe Area of visible region (Feom Under water Minimum Deviation longitudinal megification ‘At minum deviation From sas tw, ost nn nz, 1 sro, means TIR Occred ina ined For THR to oc, 1 >|, For short abject, ov me 9, Sine Se 5) Refractive index (n= Leesini = nine ea Relative motion in spherical mieror lative vlocy of age wth expect to shea mer (Wa Von) Relative vey of objet with respect t sphere! mer Von Velocity of image VerMiat Me Relotive Vlei of mage with respect to obect soreton ine XR aaeae EE If n,zn and n,= (ait) then, h x aly x Tf mst Area = 2 [Ef onge of prism = angle of minimum deviation eZzAsb then, n= 2 cos (4/2) Angle of cone Total angle ‘when obec iin conser mesium and NG OPTICS - 4 sevrt igts mal bgt Foal ncernel Reflection cotta engle ie Woke) (lect ein dese maan ~ Shi Yovrds the face Obit sm rrer main» SRF aay from the met w “Rin Prism \ ‘Sin ien x sin r, “Ne (Cauchy's Relation nea Beyer eae ev eoen nveEsBoesysooR Value of for which rays wil netrace its path (23) sna sini (2) Thin Prism ‘Angular Dispersion (@) = (wma Deviation of mean ray Dispersion n Prism mack neck betes en ‘Mima devon fr rod Dispersive power os es = BER ne BE DADA Rainbow Combined effec of persion, efrocton (nd reflection of suit by spherical mete oles of rin anion for serving rainbow: Sun shud be sing i one art trang ppt part of hy. (Sos an ste va oly when i back omar the in, Formation of Rainbow: + Singh is vefracted csi enters rcop Camng sper. ‘Vite bent ost whl rt bent last. * Lh ets intra reflected Wf ange between refracted ray and perma ‘othe cop surface ts greater than eal egle GS) « Upnie retraced gut when cer ot ofthe op Vie ight emerges ean angle of 40" related Yo eoingsanght tnd ved ight emerges of 42 Scattering of Light ‘Amount of scattering inversely proportional to Primary Rainbow fourth power of wavelength. (Rayleigh scattering) 1 One THR Colours more clear Red colour on top and Vielet on bottom 3 step process Two TIRE Colours fainter Violet on top & red on bottom 4 step process reed | Also, roe This is true only if particle size a¢» all wavelengths scattered equally + Bluish colour predominates in a clear sky : Blue has shorter wave length than red and is Scattered strongly Also cur eyes are more Sensitive to blue than vielet + Clouds are white Clouds which have droplets of water with a>> are generally white Red colour of sun at Sunrise and sunset. ‘At Sunrise and Sunset, Sun's rays have to pass through larger distance. ‘Shorter wavelength are removed by Scattering. The least scattered light reaching our eyes looks reddish, sz REFRACTION AT CURVED SURFACES aes ‘length onthe side of refecTed roy are taken os “vel LENSES, “hk ae = faces ae ‘ev efeces a toe ea mise eas — tu ica = Tieton Medi, Cage nation emaras Joe “tec EQUECONVEX LENS RR a a cquISREAP EE wn | PUNO concave Lens \(@UTTING OF LENS z ndcomes = > fa Cinco ; LENS MAKERS FORMULA Bnet C offal nth if efrctive de sone on tt ? rar E21 || puano convex Lens ¢ Ff acon ne , EF apices oe Q Intensity Area of Fee rt i) Tocerignal A, (Total AS Fecrew A, “Toting roto of thes to ection we can fd 1" anoaian ofa loth nie Lit. IMU SLE NEBR ATEN MAGNIFICATION To fied ane of image DI Roth he = Metre a lene renin same 1 Petes neem ae 4 FT erat] SARsy [Poe Ee Se HE Rg | Be Se tn | — 0. sagen ee cue ratem (Deer Septic Fw 8 tem acts as plane lens /glass if B., =O Magrificaton eer le cot ‘ersng (TENSES COMBINED SUCH THAT THERE TS A GaP BETWEEN THE afore sherng ods ‘SILVERING OF PLANO-CONVEX LENS. 1) sharing curves face 1 Sern plre wife thang caved swfoe LENS DISPLACEMENT METHOD Distance Between object & mage > AF {In lensDplacement method pole are Dae psa pme After svering a ATURE OF HGBOR TS BETERMINED BY FOCAL ENE To fin fecal length, spt the sred Chats ne tds ver and ops ‘OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS) ‘Sinse Micascoe (Only ee lens [amex lens] nage fomad ot est catoce ot donne ion) Bale brent 5 mage ar ye rae stranded By ooo te je under reloted sate o arm ison Fil nee ot fy HUMAN EVE eset datnce of tnt vison 25 om ‘DHrpernerois Focal eg © BaN-8). Db Leeet donee of detet vlon 1 Myer : «Short sihtenace Comat sex Frony sete Lge from ester cajet evnng foe Spe ler may ost EEE open npr Torvecton Bacal ee io "ovacin yin es Onieet at fara cate 2: ye nde sai ‘oosind Merancene Hes 2 lenges “ge ie Dicnce beter aes, “agnestan msm Um tone ee rape) Le TA iag eed eres meg Imemedate mogt-oredl, ered. mgd Enermeaate ‘mage formed nor ote Fc of eyepiece, “Tete magni m= Xm, Merete 2 ejecting st cose I: Eye in relaxed state or final image at ©. PER] Aim tee a ose 2 : Strained eve AU, AV ty Vo DE Us er an Vas Ble bet, Telescope Normal adjustment /Reloxed eye/final inage at °° Length « Late ouateet, 3 For microscope, eyepiece larger than objective fant fam Fer telescope, eyepiece smaller than abjective 4 increase magnification, er] Eye under strain/Final image at least distance of distinct sion, . — oF a oA Bee hetoy 2 tet Length of Telescope dean hove vans fo oo can have values :f, only Levu, RESOLVING POWER Resolving powers d Resolving ini XzLimit of resolution = Resolving limit macoscore Azan | 1.220 pesoing Uimits 2 2 3:22 tere 9 @ "nad 2n sine TE 2n sing Tz "12 9 end Power _E Intensity (1) =5ouer = 5 Point source @ ro.of Photons Es ny => ne = Eh @no.of Photons per unit time mn, EP. IA_IAA + “thy Wo Wy he TE ech At" FAR At Fo 7 The souncel P, >A, > 1n, ‘source? P, —>2,—>, nerge per unt ores per unit time Pie ret Fa > Te ° 4 Line source = 5°) —> r<2 @ root Photon per area per unit ine p= 28 cos0 ‘FGTOREGTIC FECT Eee f poten € = HY + Vi Frame of er ig Ho. Noche chngy of etd patron + 08+ Ew edn, Work function (u) Man energy reqed for ptelecre ac tome “ote Hm wetigeh®, esodo% ss Thre fregueey in He Jos Tete wowength im 4 Wn tion ny ep en ae of % Tote vege 00 “ncaa mm (etsTe Tel Tete) miivt sel comers = Woe gt om) 3 EE) etgaten woe une A) ECO ele a) “ae at pe eae aie 2 Wet Reps 4 vecany ot ae Momentum of porn (0) Ee Tae Se Bd _) | er Sg oe oh italy ey > Waa respon. © Force (F) =P oe ee Pug rte oe evn i pest dretons + Raation Pressure frente we tne rok (rain gee = + Far perfcty reflecting % ‘then * oe 5s agi not hed : Ee LE ‘er ny tice crn th wo, Gig y Sovpratnos etree ewe || of they ere moving ot right angle 1 ee Deas srmary cos ees Red. Pressure = 2 cone ‘For Perfectly Absorbing roth iehedchn-pt pes re 5 E ~ Kes ol Gr cerged ri) oe Ek be ay sng pret et I bE wn E+ PRT Ghar! restos) Rad. Pressure(P,) = 2 Y Tmereept == BN ‘oro cnett nercept ) (Ptemeenre mn Ww ‘cle aie2: 1s oc-Particle = es Vv “H (Proton) Proten mq 2 (Deuter) —>1 rm = en. ‘He (ePortcle) 2 Protene2 Neutron a. am 24 Relationship b/w wavelength of photon >) Bipot of electron + Ratio of wmelenath of poten fe that of electron with come oem Dam ef Doron OC AZ ie Ta particles formed due to completely >) itdasticealison of perce % and a Wave Front Fein light source -+sphercal wavefront UUnear ight Snance seynarcel wavefront Source st infinity» Pane wove frre ea $f ygen's pple AS OPTICS YOSE in Liquid When OSE se mada i, pis ratas ohio ELD arate er wR X, Resutant Amplnude Phase Diferece & Path Dirmence el 2 Aoki heh Prose Diteence ATine Diference Resultant Intensity We hon, 32, 05,6 202 Faxed torn, nosh eh aht tt, (== Yo en 2 Intensity at any point onscreen For oll maxina T= 45, (IF -Z7,) Fer al minima, (sete (2n-8) 5 2 Resultant intensity at the point of sbservetion wil be finn point of observation Is Fringe visiity ye Foe ‘maxima ca BEY Pace seme meter acy, ten op 3 Sane alc ae Sin ge ie i pre Tntrodution Of Thin Wensparent Sheet inYOSE ‘Opti! pth length end geometric! path length Refrocive index -E Seas hemes roby it ci ef op va pti Poth Length (PL eweey tie x BE os 1 Geometrical Poth Length (GL) = x.then COPLALX, where i isthe refractive index of the medion Fringe With or Band width B) az “Introduction of thin transparent sheet Formate Oxee Poe inl am aren After inrocing eet suinse yoy Buoy First secondary maxima But the intensity of 1" secondary maxima lees 's lower than central maximum shift = Hay =e “Single Slt Difraction Poth ference = Boe din ND secondary Maxima xe(@nen) A ration of First eecondary mina Poth litference =A 2 “Formation of 2rdsecondary minima Poth iference= 2 & Terence of iced ght Ferra nadne = O20 nt) 2. Interference of refrote ght + Formation of secondary minima Distonce of N"secondary maxima fromcM esamy 4 yeep “Angular width and linear with of secondary maxima ion of minimum, 9, =r Angier position of gard ‘Angier postion of nt * itinan 8, =m BA emt A, 7 Lines width = eh “Angular position of “Angular pesition of eel aee N* secondary minima A atenet) A Law of Malus Waiity of Ray Optes)) (-Bessving Power @?) Fresnel'sDistoree stances é + we aoa “Angular width and Linear width of secondary minima Tacos? : pest @ pra pstenctnecximam =n) ngs acon cf) manna 8, = (let) Resolving pawer Resolving Power Resolving pow 1 1» _ || Wheno=90°, Tit ran ee Soe Polarisation by Reflection Brenster found that at the polarising angle the reflected and transinitted rays are perpendicular Yo each other tani» ‘This is Brewster's Low When @= 0 °or 160° co @=*15T=T,, a Majority ofa particles passed without any deviation i) Some are scattered at small ‘angled (impact parameter is equal to that of nuclear First postulate ij Absorption spectrum ‘Al babe photon ae seals) ; 1 Zexe nly few alpha perticle . retrace the path Fane impact parameter = 0) Cosa pote 2 Second postulate roms oF onaxr 10.885 evaoary or necro we Z o7tne pezoo Toh 1 seunsenr faz! snaoverte rey 80% * MAGNETEC DIPOLE MOMENT. Men ‘Total energy emecuency “be eesre suze ‘Total no. of different wavelength photont In emission spectrum = 0-1) Electrons absorb only those ‘mitted in emission specteum, photons whose energy Wovelength of emitted photon Energy difference of 2 shells way armen! Hg] Rio ne If atomic excitation takes place upto n’* shell starting from ground state then (n-1)different photons are absorbed ra (Eat tes (est tine) Gt ey " Zev Energy levels 4,8 & C of a ‘cerfein atom correspond 2» | oo | Se Begin on increasing values of energy. pee de 7 Eiceybe The hehe are « | a] | ume] eA {ie eavlegtheof rdlations & [at Bh Srreoponaing fo traaons a Creee te A and c to 4 ee ee ec venpectoly = | #|4 wl te came ark ae |S] | wertene | ee = 7 ser k we Se alanis ‘anf . Sede haan dian vl Reames Beles se one. ee Sess ae ee we oe Bech oc or 5 sts A ae 8 [ety] of ee |e] ft No.of decayed ce ' conde pose uray eyo sc ry ah geen We ia ELECTRONICS (Cipare sneer “ian pane amondsctor materials mixed nth smal ana of crtan specie Impure with voney afferent from tat of the pore mater the novoer (Fnble electors or bles dasialychenges, Ts proces seed doping onan, snr + [Frew | > [ene Fae sa] 1) Najerity charge carers ~ electrons 2 Mins charge cavers bles, 3) mypesuniconucer is eletrialy retl (ot negatively charges) 4) Dene energy lee les ust below the Pre senicndicter + Arson renpraie 8) ‘eon ey ote ue to fusion, neutrality cf bth N and P type semionductr 1 doneves ‘A lyer of negatively charged ons ‘ppear near the union inthe P stele onda leper of postive lene sppear near the uncon metas ‘neler. + As tamperatreineresze, ‘helene ecione cere ‘aedction band (Cet brestag of content bos) “wan hey lave the CB they leave kind he defen of Sec ithe vlence bond Thi decency of electron ie Inown cx HOLES or coer % “This layer is elled depletion layer 1) The thickness of depletion layer Ymron = 10°m 2) Width of depletion layer Ton 23) Depletion i directly proportion! fe temperate 2) The? N joction dade ie {valent to capector n which the {Epson ayer sets or © lelernie oe 1 Majority charge carers ~ hoes 2) Minty ehrge carers —eecros 5) Pype eclectic muta Got pstvely charged) 19 een ny es tive Dif, Gone Bae Tac joy charge cars The potenti ference created | | Bah Cran eres attrac rated | | CTT ort chrgecavirs Giant dab dba i Sted joel beer Fer GeV, 20.3 Fesys 0.7 C58: — BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE The rovers as woee ot which reson of 5.6 ‘ware ee25r 357 + At high age, mare inert Se coils ae genre sfocron nese ie rena of Cole bon ty econ ef dec "tgp tec baa cde co, 2 * Tt tre nner of sae Thelen etn many See ces re geared, Ah ene ‘er mre coo, * Ta lage eof he cers esting hin sre =tae ae Psi ie comeced toler Kigner potenti ond n-vide GAL vetog o we waltoge tential an ae tolowe pote isthe wget which arent Fhe terns = Farwaré bas opposes ee area reply With of the pein Ene’br math of dapetan —Y) For Ge = 0.3, No caren flue thraigh ole sereoee stv, 070 the joc FP pied eis, oonlauaeRestsvance dhe fo dfson of maety carers. A Veo Fore arent av Sal caren in She ser of A sue (sath opocoss the pcton, «N° BT Siete crt of minty charge earcar zs. E-wave rectifcton-t Bide seca [ al wove retain? Dade Pepesertstion @—>]} —@ “sHeoy doped pon jnction ode ‘Samet be danoged by high reverse cient ‘dinoys operated m reverse Suse constan = Gann comimaty mths beng aged Conte teed oto vege regulator the raion Gf reverse breakown 1a50) Tal + Mole voltage wil be vided berween zener (Sia ond reer renstnce Outpt is btn from resistance which ie ‘Shorted palit Zeer ectifies ha of the AC wave 1 infontive half eye odes forward bised aut sgn sete = EaNegative Flt Paste hal yee de Dec forwar Ber Dv-Rever aces 1 Negative half eee, dade: De evree bar e"forwané based 4 speci pe of pote aeecer 1S Cmnecred reer Ser ‘Speman Fobncoed from 9 potsestive Conductor & provided wh trrsparen iow ‘hs electron hole pos ore greeted de to ine ght & pote carrert canbe detected 12100 there 2 is moc vt of 1) = (BP. evlength which con be eect by maar) + Heo depedshald be conmeced It Glee of semi condictor meter wed LED 1 af tle ight ranges from 400-700 Gest Si tene ~1.8 eV (infrared) “Convert pled DC inte pre DC 1 Gang pool Spector nats or bytes instr metas AAA Wl ‘Srl tnd wen igi ae epcon ren ‘tide becomes pote nse Desames esate Suing ie to pete wage When tater lod Is comted,photcurentZ, ‘owe tro ed pen are tage ELECTRONICS alr fe areas te hoe raph donner neve or hopured tothe emer ‘TRANSCONDUCTANCE Remalng electrons (greater then 98%) cre Fold’ the caer whch lt hgher forer ‘the alecrans ae fly clcte by the Eis nag vom

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