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THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR MINISTRY OF EDUCATION TEACHER’S GUIDE ENGLISH GRADE 9 LANGUAGE AT OUR SERVICE TEACHER'S GUIDE ENGLISH GRADE 9 = ___ Table of Contents = | 1. Student-centred Pedagogy |__| 2. Basic Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning 3. Bloom's Taxonomy 2 3 | 3 | 4. Teacher Planning and Self-reflection . |__| 5. 21s Century Skills: the Soft Skills z |_| | 6. Assessment in the Classroom : 6 7. Overview of Social Dimensi 4 | ions in Secondary School Classrooms (gender, i ethnic diversity, social status and disabilities) eB | 8. Syllabus and Year Plan Unit 1 45 unt2 =a =a ) |unit3 7 ais 22 "Review 1, Project 1 & Poem 1 : 26 Unit 4 a 29 Unit 5 = Bas 34 | Junte = [88 ~ |Review 2, Project 2 & Poem 2 44 Unit 7 48 Unit 8 53 Unit 9 58 Review 3, Project 3 & Poem 3 61) Unit 10 eS Unit 14 22 Unit 12 73) Review 4, Project 4 & Poem 4 ENGLISH TEACHER'S Guipg GRADES 8. Syllabus and Year Pian (1) Syllabus The syllabus for the Grade § ‘and a number of learning objectives: fe 9 English Textbook includes seven course components, five Soft skits, = a 7 "Unit Number & Listening & Speaking Reading sontskilis 2 {ae eS Tuntt_|+ Greetings Coe - ler, 02,3, C4 |. Saying thanks + Small talk «Farewells anf + Introductions lunta Talking about Myanmar festivals |. Lifestyles a C1, C2, C3, C4 Unit 3 = Collocations with travel and holiday = Talking about Indawayi Lake | | + Talking about a holiday | To hep students revise selected knowledge and skills from Units 1, 2and 3 + To create an invitation card er 1,62, 63, 04 } | ? _ Poem 1 + Poetry by Eleanor Farjeon % a, “Unit 4 + Describing feelings using adjectives + Talking about careers C1, c2, €3, C4, i es + Describing feelings Unit 5 Types of music Myanmar + Kinds of 1,62, 63, 4 instruments Unit 6 C1, C2, C3, C4 + Aflight in bad weather Review 2 ~ To lp sudénis revise 5 ‘Selected knowledge and skills ae —— from Units 4, 5 and 6 To write a narrative of an event, a trip or a film a TEACHER'S GUIDE | + Would you mind / Do mind ...? + Question tags Uses of the present perfect + To provide summative assessment of student learning + To successfully complete the project by working collaboratively in small groups ENGLISH GRADE 9 you + Writing an email |. Having small talk Confirming understanding — = Sa ‘Asking for detailed) | mation | « Asking for detailed information ints Writing a letter of enquiry | Talking about a holiday | | | * 7" sal ~ Questions in the past simple | - Describing past events |. Describing feelings, + Describing impressions Impressions and past events + Reported speech + Identifying opinions and facts + Asking for and giving opinions + Past simple and past continuous = Narrating a story + Narrative writing + Recounting an + Linking words po ENGLISH GRADES the Earth + Some daily activities, cause carbon emission ‘erving the climate of + Obs Unit 7 | c1, c2, 63, C4,| « Talking about cause and effect Jet, 02, C3. se & —}-iosenold devices and Kitchen appliances | « ‘Ahealthy cooking appliance | Unit 8 + Preparing food with an ai C4, 2, €3, C4, fryer | ic | ariel Cc fobesity Funes + Talking about social problems + Causes of obesity | + Prevention of obesity C1, C2, C3, C4, Yi “To hep studena revise selected knowledge and skis from Units 7, 8 and’ + To talk about how to reduce GHG emissions | Project 3 + Months by Christina Rossetti | Unit 10 + International travel + Travelling in nature C1, C2, C3, C4 | + Buying fight tickets + Going on a package tour Unit 14 + Deseribing things using adjectives | » Abrief history of Yangon C1, C2, C3, C4 | « Talking about a cultural heritage site “Unit 12 + Talking about physical exercise + Different kinds of physical + Giving a presentation exercise | | ct,c2, 03, c4 TEACHER'S GUIDE + Clauses of contrast + Second conditional + Imperatives + Third conditional 7To provide summative assessment of siudent leaming + To successfully complete the project by working collaboratively in small grouPS ENGLISH + Narrating a personal account + Giving instructions | J Talking about social| + Writing a letter of apology + Giving instructions GRADES Talking about cause) and effect \ problems — 4 | + Passive voice ~ Writing atravelgude | « Sample travel guide structure + Asking for and giving information: | + Present perfect and past simple = Describing things | + Writing a brief biography = Will, can, may, could, might «+ Expressing possibility + Giving a presentation (2) Yoar Plan The year plan for tho Grade 0 English Textbook includes 48 lesson topics 1 periods for each lesson, 4 review sections, 4 projects, 4 pooms, and revi Lesson Lesson 2 How's everything with you? Lesson 3 Be my guest! Lesson4 Thanks for everything Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Unit 2 ne Losson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Unit 3 Review, Project & Project 1 Poem Poem 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Units Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 1 li units essen? Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Year Plan for the Grade 9 English Textbook 1 That's vory kind of you ‘Most colebrated festivals in Myanmar The Salone: Nomads of the sea It’s a beautiful night, isn't it? ‘Could you be more specific about ...? Do you have any holiday plans? ‘A popular lake resort What have you done this week? Have you booked a holiday this year? Poetry Feelings! Job satisfaction ‘What did you do yesterday? “Awonderful place to visit! Tove music! Can you play the Myanmar harp? She said that she was busy I think it's fantastic! Pee col oo | n/a fells | Ee ok ale o Mor 12 units, allocation of 14 14 14 14 4 GUIDE 4 exam periods. June July ‘August TEA vrpa TEACHER'S GUIDE Review, Roview2 Project & Project 2 ENGLISH Poem — Poem2 —_ Light Lesson 1 Tracing global climate nn? Letser 2 Cilpnits in the climate change crisis Lesson 3 What would you dof you had more time? Lesson 4 | found total peace! Lesson 1 What electrical devices would you lke to have? Lesson 2 A\r fryers unit 8 Lesson 3 Beware of... Lesson 4 Can you tell me how ...2 Lesson 1 What are today’s social problems? Lesson 2 Ob Unit 9 a Lesson 3 if you had missed the class, Lesson4 Please accept my sincere apology Review, Review 3 Project & Project 3 Poem — Poem3 Months Lesson 1 Where are they? Lesson 2 Enjoying nature Unit 10 mI’ Lesson Who is the agent? Lesson 4 A travel guide to our city Lesson 1 Asmall antique bronze statuel Lesson 2 Getting hooked on history Unit 11 Lesson Have you ever been to Bagan? Lesson 4 Famous people in history Lesson 1 Let's go to the gym! Lesson 2 _ Let's try them out! Unit 12 | esson 3 The battery may be dead Lesson 4 Infographics ‘ew, Reviews Project & Project 4 4 TheArrow and the Song Total (teaching periods) Reserve (revision and exam) GRADED 5 October 1“ 4 4 5 December 14 14 January 4 February 5 188 28 ENGLISH TEACHER'S Guipe. for each unit structured as follows: ‘You wil find the lesson pian sade up of 12 units. Each unit consists of four lessons s0 you wi The Grade 9 English Textbook is {or tho academic year around. There are a total of 14 periods for each have a total of 48 lessons for the @ te each for Lesson 1 and Lesson 2, while you have 3 periods each for Lesson unit, You have 4 periods each for and Lesson 4 ‘Atthe beginning of each unit You will ind the learning outcomes students will achieve at the end of each unit. ‘At the beginning of each lesson: ‘You will find the lesson topic and the number of periods for the lesson. « You will find the language skils, language components or language functions the lesson focuses on ~ Lesson 1 focuses on listening and speaking ~ Lesson 2 focuses on reading = Lesson 3 focuses on grammar. = Lesson 4 focuses on writing ~ The related vocabulary is given, where necessary, for all lessons, Each lesson has four stages ~ Introduce, Teach, Practise and Review (ITPR), 1 | Introduce | This includes a check on Prior Learning, For example, the entry-exit strategy will be used. Each lesson starts with warm-up exercises or class discussion as an Introduction ENTRY: What three expressions do you recall learning about extra-curricular activities? EXIT: What new expressions have you learned about extra-curricular activities? T | Teach This is mainly teacher-centred. ‘There are steps you will have to follow — how students will be organized for the planned activities and how you will handle these activities, This (s mainly student-centred, ‘There are steps students wil have to follow — how students will engage in the planned activities, aciel This includes a Lesson Summary / Review Questions, B: Lear Ay TEACHER'S GUIDE ENGLISH ee Learning Objectives At the end of this At this unit, students will be able + exchange appropriate greet farewells, words of thanks, and responses in a conversation + make friendly conversations + introduce themselves to others appropriately, using express to self-introductions ee + start a conversation with safe topics + make polite requests + ask for permission and res; nd appropriately os + have a polite and respectful conversation + write ‘thank you' email The soft skills that will be practised are collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem solving, and creativity. No. of periods: 4 acu bie Introduce check students’ prior knowledge by asking, ‘How do you greet someone when you Meet him / er for the frst time?’ and "What do you say when someone helps You? id the expressions GRADED speakers are. Play the recording and check their answers. Then ask them to study the expressions in the table. Play the recording ‘again and ask students to tick the expressions they hear, Then ask them to ‘compare their answers in pairs In Ex ask students to listen to the recording again and complete the ‘conversation with the correct expressions. Play the recording and have students check their answers. sin 4, divide the class into groups of 3 and ask them to practise the conversations in Exercise 3. Then choose 3 students and ‘ack them to role-play the conversation. Give feedback on their pronunciation and intonation if necessary. + in Ex ,, explain to students that they are going to role-play @ conversation between a teacher and two students using the given expressions. Organise the class into groups of three and ask ther to role-play the conversation. Go around the class and monitor as necessary. Choose 2 groups to do the role-play in front of the class. Review = Summarise the lesson by pointing out that they have learnt about how to say greetings, words of thanks and say goodbye appropriately. « To reflect on their learning, practise greeting, saying goodbye and saying words of thanks and have students respond. No. of periods: 4 GRADES Teach and Practise «Ask students to read the topics in Ex and choose the sate topics for small talk. ASK them to compare their answers in pairs: ASK students to think of other safe topies to begin a1 a conversation select some students or jents to read out each + In Ex groups of stud paragraph. On one comer of the board, write the words and phrases that need pronunciation practice. Explain unfamiliar words using contextual clues + Practise pronunciation using a repetition dril after reading the passage. + Ask students to read the sentences (a-f) and complete the gaps in the paragraphs. ask students to match the words or phrases in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Check their answers. + In Exercise + Ask students to answer the questions in Exercise 4 and check their answers. + Summarise the lesson by telling students that they have learnt what greetings are and how to express them, how to start a conversation with small talks, how to address appropriately when you are introduced to someone and ENGLISH TEACHER'S GUIDE, No. of periods: 3 ee Introduce « Recall the lesson by asking what they have learnt about making polite request or asking for permission. « Elicit modal auxiliaries and ask them which are used to make polite requests or ask for permission. Teach and Practise + Ask students to study the table. + Ask students if they know the meaning of ‘Do, ‘you mind ...?’ or ‘Would you mind ...?" + Explain that they are used to ask someone's, permission and to ask to do something in a polite way. + Tell students to note that past simple is used to in ‘Would you mind if ...?° structure, Explain that past tense is used instead of present tense to be more polite. + Tell students to do Exercise 2 and ask them to make polite requests using ‘Would you mind / Do you mind ... ?' Check their answers. + Tell students to rewrite the given sentences by using ‘Would you mind / Do ‘situations in ‘in pairs to a ‘TEACHER'S GUIDE ENGLISH « Divide the class into two big groups: one to read out the expressions and the other to read out the responses. Practise as the whole class, «In Exercise 5c, ask students to work in pairs. They need to think of two or three different situations in which they need to make polite requests with appropriate responses. + Go around the class and help them if necessary. + Select some pairs of students to share their ideas. | Review: + Summarise the lesson by telling students that | they have learnt how to make requests and | ask for permission. «Ask students to make requests and ask for i permission based on the classroom situation. No. of periods: 3 «Review the structures students learnt in Lesson 3. ‘Teach and Practise GRADE 8 ‘Thon ask them to answer the questions and check the answers. «+ In Exercise 3, students have to rearrange the sentences in the correct order. Ask them to work in pairs and check their answers, + Explain to students that they are to write an email based on the prompts given in Exercise 4. Before writing the email, tell them to look at the box to check some important points, They also need to use ‘Would you mind ...?/ Do you mind ...?'in the email. «Ask students to write a thank-you email to & friend in the class. Review + Summarise the lesson by asking students what they have done in this lesson (writing ‘an email and important features of an email.) «To reflect on their learning, ask students ‘What are the differences between an email and a letter?” ENGLISH GRADE 9 re Learning Objectives t ' At the end of this unit, students will be able a talk about Myanmar festivals + talk about different lifestyles + make question tags + confirm understanding + ask for detailed information + write an email asking for detailed information The soft skills that will be practised are collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem solving, and creativity. No. of periods: 4 Introduce + Organise the class into pairs. Have them look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and ask them what they are. Then, tell the pair to ask and answer the questions with their partners. Then, ask some students: Which of the festivals have you taken part in? Did you enjoy them? Teach Practi TEACHER'S Gung sentence using @ word or phrase in Eyerg 2c and give feedback. + Tell students that they are going to listen to g dialogue between a visitor and a native of Taunggyi at the hot air balloon festival. As, students to study the useful phrases given jn the box in Exercise 3a. Then, play the recording and ask them to tick the expressions in the table what they hear in the dialogue. Check their answers + Ask them to read the statements in Exercise. 3b. Then, play the recording again and ask them to listen and write True or False against each statement. Tell them to compare their answers with their partners. And then play the recording again and check their answers, + In Exercise 4a, ask students to listen to the recording again and complete the extracts, ‘Check their answers. + In Exercise 4b, ask students to practise the dialogue in Exercise 4a in pairs. Monitor the class and remind them to switch roles. + Choose four pairs and ask them to role-play the dialogue. Review + Summarise the lesson by asking students what they have learnt in the lesson. learning, quiz students on ‘TEACHER'S GUIDE ENGLISH (Ask: Are you following me?) prickly = covered with small sharp parts Answer: pineapple - Ihave a hard outer covering and soft flesh with water inside me. What am 1? = (pause) (Ask: Are you with me?) Answer: coconut = am juicy and sweet. My name sounds the same as my colour. What am |? (pause) (Ask: Do you know what | mean?) ‘Answer: orange No. of periods: 4 alone: Nomads of thi eee a oy Introduce «To introduce the lesson, ask students the following questions: - Are you satisfied with your present lifestyle? = What would you change about it? Teach and Practise GRADE 8 + Ih Exeroise 2a, ask students to read the passage quickly without thinking the meanings of unfamiliar words and check thelr ‘answers in Exercise 1. + Do the model reading and have students follow silently and underline unfamiliar words. + Ask them to read out the unfamiliar words and phrases that they have found in the passage. Encourage them to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words from the contextual clues. « Ask six students to read out each paragraph. Write the words and phrases that need pronunciation practice on one corner of the board and drill the pronunciation later. + Ask questions orally to check students’ comprehension of the paragraph and ask students to give short oral answers. Paragraph 1 = Where do the Salone people live? = What does the Myeik Archipelago have? Paragraph 2 = Where do the Salone usually live? = When do they live in their temporary homes? “a What do they do for their living? Paragraph 3 = How long can they stay underwater vith yaratus? GRADES + Paragraph 6 = Why/s their way of = What kind of lifestyle do they have? « sk students to read the passage again and answer the questions in Exercise = fe them to compare their answers wil friends beside them, and then check their answers. + Ask students to read the definitions in Exereise 2 and look at the bold-faced words in the passage. Ask them to match the words and the definitions. Then, check their answers and give feedback if necessary. + In Exe 4, ask them to complete each ‘sentence with the word in Exercise 3. Review + Summarise the lesson by telling students that they have leamt the lifestyle of an ethnic group who live on the islands in the southernmost part of Myanmar. fe difficult today? + To reflect on their learning, ask some students: - What is your typical lifestyle? > What type of lifestyle would you prefer in your future? No. of periods: 3 Pa ence ana ee ENGLISH TEACHERS cpg a + Then, elicit the structure of the questions ang answers: Are they like the usual questions, What are the first part of the questions, Where do the questions occur? What is the difference between the verbs in the statements and questions? What form of thy subject is used in the question parts? Hoy, did the listener respond to the question wih negative statement / positive statement? + Again, ask students: Why did the speaker ask the questions? Then, ask them to study the meaning and structure of question tags expressed in the grammar section. + Elicit the beginnings of question tags for the statement with a verb-to-be, for the statement with an auxiliary, for the statement with a main verb. + Tell students that some verbs or expressions have different question tags (e.g. Let's go ‘swimming, shail we?) and ask them to study the note thoroughly. ‘Teach and Practise + Tell students to complete the blanks in Exercise 1a with question tags. Do the first ‘one as an example and ask them to do the fest. Then, ask them to compare their answers with their friends. Check their answers and give feedback. ‘TEACHER'S GUIDE practise the questions with re spon: pairs. Ask them to switch the roles. Mentor the class and give feedback. 7 Review + Summarise the lesson by telling students that they have learnt how to make question tags. «+ To reflect on their learning, ask them to make 5 positive or negative question tags on the following facts to confirm them with their friends: = Myanmar Independence Day number of their friend's family members name of the (Myanmar, English, Mathematics, etc.) teacher your friend's like and dislike + Choose some pairs to demonstrate questions and answers. No. of periods: 3 Lesson 4: Could you be more specific Pits Introduce Ask students what information they would expect to find in an invitation card (e.g. event name, purpose, name of host, date, time, venue, etc.). Teach and Practise ENGLISH GRADES Subject of the letter? and How many paragraphs does it have? Then, ask them to ead the letter and answer the questions in Exercise 2. Check thelr answers, + Ask students to study the language focus box ‘and to look for and underline the expressions, in the email. = Ask students to read out the instruction for Exercise 3a and the questions. Then, ask them to answer the questions. Check their answers. «= Put students into groups of 4 to do Exercise * Tell them that they are going to write an email Using the prompts given and expressions in ». Ask them to read the the email of Exeris prompts and check their understanding by ‘asking: What information would you like 10 confirm? What expressions do you need to use to confirm the information? What information would you like to ask for in detail? What expressions do you need to use to ask for detailed information? and What would you like to propose for entertainment? «Ask students to organise the ideas and discuss what and how to write the email (in groups). Set a time limit of 30 minutes to write it, Remind them to check spelling and grammatical mistakes when they have finished. ; ENGLISH EACHER'S Bune GRADE 9 : ‘And also, tell Wai Yan to prepare information about his holiday. Ask thea ® role-play the dialogue in pairs in Exerg.. to SC Give feedback on their pronunciation intonation if necessary. ang [ Learning Objectives ia, | At the end of this unt, students will be able} exercise 5, tell students to think a} is holiday they took, and talk about i in pase | «ae abou a note and places © 9 Ve trecanpe teen, | and things to do Sera | suse travel collocations —s | + use the present perfect aS + write an enquiry letter The soft skils that will be practised are = your feeling collaboration, communication, critical thinking euféod and problem solving, and creativity eynecee = scenery No. of periods: 4 ae - place Pee NEE a + Summarise the lesson by pointing out that + Write the lesson tile on the board and ask, ‘they have learnt about collocations and ‘What do folrknow’ about caloatins?” places to go and things to do, and how to esk for and give information. To reflect on their learning, ask students the following questions + Ask students to study travel collocations in = Me SPE Re fave you ever travelled to another town? ‘words go with ‘travel’ and ‘holiday’. ~ If so, what did you do there? + Ask students to complete the sentences in ~ Hf not, tell us about a town that you woud ‘se 2 using the appropriate collocations ‘ike to go for your holiday. Why? in “sorose |. Check that they. kno TEACHER'S GUIDE ‘Teach and Practise «Ask students to read the question: 8 Exercise 1. Check their understanding a Y ask them to choose one question to devering their travel experience and then answers in groups. big + In Exercise 2 ask students to read the title the posting and ask them to predict what t will be about (e.g. where the Jake is, when and how you can go there, how much you must spend to get there, and what activities you can do there, etc.). Then, have a class discussion on the picture in the reading passage asking questions: = What do you see in the picture? - What animals can you see? = [sit beautiful scene? + Ask students to read the first paragraph quickly and check their answers. «Ask students to read the passage quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Ask: ~ How many paragraphs are there in the passage? What is the first /second / third / fourth paragraph about? = Do the model reading of the passage and have students follow silently and note down unfamiliar words and phrases. s Ask five students to read out each paragraph, Write the unfamiliar words and phrases that they need to look uP ina ENGLISH onADE® Paragraph D: designated, sanctuary, reserve, endangered, oto + Chock students’ understanding of unfarniliar words and phrases, Explain to students Now to guess the meanings using contextual clues, + Explain the use of prefix ‘un’ to make the ‘words negative in terme of moaning ~ unforgettable = unpleasant = unexplored + Elicit the uses of the conjunctions: and (adding something) because (showing cause) as well as (adding something) = although (showing contrast) - moreover (showing further addition), in spite of (showing contrast) ‘Ask questions orally to check students’ comprehension of the paragraph and ask students to give short oral answers. Paragraph 1 = Where do people go for holiday? - What can you do at Indawgyi Lake? Paragraph 2 = What particular activities can you do at Indawayi Lake? i ENGLISH GRADE ions (1-5) in «Ask students to answer the questions (4-5) E “, Check their answers. . : corcise + Go through the questions 0 Te again and. check their understanding) T° the types of information students have fo 8° for. For question number 1, they will need fs look for specie information given in the passage; for question number 2, they wi need to look for what nature lovers like to do according to the passage; for question number 3, a reason; for question number 4, 2 reason / reasons; and question number 5 is ‘an open-ended question. Students can give their own individual answers. Check their answers whether they are factually and grammatically correct. Review + Summarise the lesson by telling students that they have learnt how to obtain information regarding places to visit and things to do. + To reflect on their learning, ask students: ~ What place would you like to visit? Why? = Would you like to visit Indawgyi Lake? Why or why not? TEACHERS = Me not the main verbs in the exa have finished my homework. / Spe @ | finished her homework.) They are nel auxiliary verbs in the present Perfect tang, * Teach and Practise + Tell students to look at the qu Exercise 2, Tell them that they are t dag what the present perfect is used fa. a: them fo match the uses of the present pags tense with the sentences (1-7) in Exerose > Do the first one as an example. Check tha, answers and give feedback. + Before asking students to do Exercise 4 explain that ‘since’ is used for point in tine and ‘for’ is used for length of time. + Explain the correct forms of present peren tense: has / have + past participle. Then ay them to do Exercise 4, Check their answer and give feedback. + Ask students to use the affirmative of negative forms of the present perfect tense. Divide the class into small groups of three or four: Tell group A to ask group B to read ot the first 4 sentences (1-4) in Exercise §, Group B asks Group A to read out the las three sentences. The remaining groups take turns in this way. Finally give feedback on the answers. EACHER’S GUIDE ENGLISH ond ‘Review Haytave bark beri rane ete sentences Gee +Trad ona area, kao mae 5 moe Senaneas ur set pate out their sentences. esa | No. of periods: 3 + Ask students what information they would expect to find in an enquiry letter (e.g, address of the sender, date, address of the recipient, subject, greeting, body, leave taking and signature, etc.) ‘Teach and Practise = Ask students to study the elements of an enquiry letter given in Exercise 1. Elicit the answers by asking: Where do you write the ‘address of the sender or the address of the recipient? What is date or subject of the fetter? How do you start an enquiry letter? ‘and How do you end an enquiry letter? «Aske students to answer the questions about the elements of an enguiry letter In pals Monitor and prompt questions where necessary. «Put students into groups of 4.0F © 1 do Exercise 2a, Tell them to label the enquiry letter with the appropriate ‘elements. Monitor and give help where necessery with the information about the enquiry let" irs to read the letter again xercise 2b. sin {go through the prompts give below the instruction. Ask them to read the prompts, Check their understanding and aive the meaning of an elephant camp: 2 fore camp for captive elephants + Ask students to write an enquiry |etter with the prompts given. Check answers with th whole class. = Put students into groups of 4 or 5 to Tell them that they are going to write an enquiry letter with reference to t prompts and picture given. ASK through the prompts and picture check their understanding by asking questions, ¢.9. Where is Winge Baw Elephant Camp? How far is it from Yangon? again and «Select a student from each group to read out their group letter. Give feedback on the Janguage or the content. Review « Summatise the lesson by asking students what they have done in this lesson (writing an enquiry letter). «To reflect on their learning, ask students the following questions: = What elements does an enquiry letter have? = [Is it @ formal letter or an informal letter? why? GRADES nt in Units Introduce + Ask students what they have lear 1, 2and 3 Teach and Practise + Review some words students have studied in Unit 1. Ask them to read the sentences given in Exe and choose the correct answer for each sentence. Check their answers and give feedback. Read the sentences and ask students to repeat after the teacher. + Elicit forms and meanings of present perfect. and present perfect continuous tenses. Ask students to read the instructions given in brackets in 5x 2 and rewrite each sentence according to the instruction. Check their answers and give feedback. + Elicit the structures of tag questions. Ask students to complete the dialogue in Exercis 3, using tag questions, Check their answers and give feedback. Ask some students in pairs to role-play the dialogue. + Review some words students have studied in Unit 2. Ask them to complete each sentence in Exercise 4 with an appropriate word by guessing from the given initial letter. Check their answers and give feedback. Ask them to read out the sentences. + Elicit the use of ‘Do you mind’ and ‘Would you mind’ asking a question: e.g. How do you make a request if you want to sit besidi sentences with the appropriate expression, Check their answers and give feedback them to role-play the dialogue in pairs, Introduce + Elicit the information included in an invitation card Teach and Practise + Organise students into groups of four. Assign each group an event in Exercise 1 to create an invitation card. + Ask students to brainstorm the points given in Exercise 2 for their invitation. + Ask students to study the sample invitation card given in Exercise 3. To check their understanding, ask them to look for the points in Exercise 2 in the sample invitation card. Check their points. + In Exercise 4, each group has to write the information for the event based on the points in Exercise 2. Encourage them to use the necessary points to create their own invitation card and decorate it with appropriate pictures by discussing the ideas in groups. Monitor the class, + Remind students to check their invitation cards for spelling and grammatical mistakes and make sure all requirements are met when they have finished. to look at other group's works best invitation card. PAE a TEACHER'S Oupe aN TEAC Poe Pur TEACHER'S GUIDE ENGLISH [No-otperods: 1 | Poetry (Eleanor Farjeon) Purpose: + Reading and studying a poem will help students develop oral language skills and understand some literary elements as well as its deeper meaning, Learning Objectives: Poetry gives students opportunities to + appreciate poetry as an art form expand their vocabulary knowledge «+ experience different rhythms and rhyme patterns + develop listening skills and practise speaking and reciting skils + think about deeper meaning and express their own interpretation This lesson is organised into three parts: pre~ reading, reading the poem and posteading ‘comprehension questions. Introduction: Pre-reading + Use the pre-reading questions in the textbook for @ class discussion. Ask students: = Class, look at the picture accompanying the poem. How many words can Y0 identify? What do they mean? «amor that, ask students to find unforiat wots ih tne poem and guess eT meanings. Check their answers and give feedback. « Review students’ knowledge and understanding of the word ‘poetry Teach and Practise discuss the ‘gleam’ + Before reading the poem, meanings of some words such a firefly’, ‘scent’, and ‘prot = Read the poem out loud to students, Tell them to repeat after you «= In pairs, ask students to practise reading the poem out loud to each other + Have students work together to read the poem again and answer the questions in rc Check their answers and give feedback, + Explain the meaning of ‘animate’ and ‘inanimate’ and ask students to find examples of animate and inanimate objects inthe poem. Then, ask them to do = In Exercise 4, ask students to read the instruction and make sure they know what they have to do. It can be done in groups of five, and each student writes one sentence. Discuss their sentences in groups. Monitor the class. Ask the groups to read out their sentences to the class. Give feedback. Information for Teacher: Rhyme Rhyming pairs are two words that end with the same sound. The last word of the first line of ‘Poetry’ is ‘knows’. The last word of the second line of the poem is ‘rose’. ‘These two words have a similar vowel sound, They are a rhyming pai ‘of words. In the same way, the last word of the third line ‘sky’ and that of the fourth line fly’ thyme. The last word of the fith line ‘sea’ and that of the sixth line ‘mes hyme: GRADES ENGLISH the last word of the seventh line ‘prose’ and that of the eighth (last) ine ‘knows" rhyme ‘A rhyming scheme is the pattern in the sound of the last words of different lines of a poem. The rhyming scheme for the poem ‘Poetry’ is AABBCCDD because every two lines in the oem rhyme with each other. information for Teacher: saying the name of the postess correctly + Eleanor means the shining star. It is Pronounced as [elene]. The postess’ family name is pronounced as {fard3en], information for Teacher: Paraphrase The poetess Eleanor Farjeon wonders what Poetry means. She wants to know who knows the meaning of poetry. According to the Boetess, a rose is known not by its name, but by its fragrance. The sky is well known for its light. Here in the poem, the fly is the firefly. It is also well known for its shiny gleam. The sea is known for the sound of waves. Besides, what makes her a poetess is not herself, but what makes her see, hear and feel something that prose cannot. In conclusion, the poetess wonders whoever knows the meaning of poetry. ‘TEACHER'S GUIDE ENGLISH Learning Objectives {At the end of this unit, stu i e idents will be able + describe their feelings ti ee and emotions + discuss careers and why appealing. si + use Wh-questions about previ ay it previous + describe past events. «+ describe impressions of an j aes n interesting The soft skills that will be practised are collaboration, communication, critical 5 critical thi and problem solving, and creativity. ae No. of periods: 4 Introduce « Write the lesson fitle on the board and ask ~ ~ After having a long day, how do you feel? = Are you bored with your studies? = How are you feeling about your result? Teach and Practise exam GRADES + In Exercise 1b, check that they understand the meanings of content words (noun, ad}, verb, adv). Make sure they are able to decide if these words have positive meanings or negative ones. Then ask them to choose the appropriate adjectives. + In Exercise 22, tell students to listen to short dialogues and complete them with adjectives Play the recording. Check their answers and give them feedback. Choose two students and ask them to role- play the dialogue in Exercise 2. Give feedback on their pronunciation and intonation if necessary. Then ask students to practise the dialogue in pairs. Go around anc monitor the class. «In Exercise 3a, tell students to listen to a talk show between the host and the guest speaker, Ye Hit, Ask them to read the given statements and guess if they are true or false before listening. Play the recording and have them listen to it. Then let them do the exercise. Check their answers and give feedback. « In Exercise 3b, ask the students to guess whether the given adjectives in the box have positive or negative meanings. Then, ask them to fill in the blanks with the suitable adjectives: in the box and ask students to

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