Detailed Lesson Plan in English(Argumentative essay)

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

Quarter 3
Name of the Teacher: Bless Janine T. Juario Time: 3:00-4:00
Subject and Grade Level/English 10- Topaz Date: March 18,

Learning Competency: Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative

writing techniques (EN10WC-IIIb-14.1.2)
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. know the different techniques in writing informative, persuasive and
argumentative essay;
b. recognize the importance of applying different techniques in writing an
essay; and
c. write an essay that applies the different informative, persuasive, and
argumentative writing techniques.

II. Subject Matter: Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative

writing techniques (EN10WC-IIIb-14.1.2)
Reference: Argumentative Writing Techniques || GRADE 10 || MELC-based
III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
“Good afternoon, class. Kindly
stand for our opening prayer.”
Students are standing.
“For the Catholics, sign of the
cross. In the name of the Father,
the Son, the Holy Spirit, Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer…”
Students start praying.
2. Greetings
“Once again good afternoon, class!
How was your day?
“It is good, Ma’am.”
“Okay now with the use of your
hands and fingers, from numbers
1 to 10, please rate how happy
you are today.”
Students are raising their hands.
“Okay we have 5, 7, 9, 8 and I hope
that those 4, 3, 2, and 1 will
become 8, 9, and 10 after our
3. Icebreaker Activity “Yes, Ma’am.”
“Now since I’ve noticed that many
of you are sleepy, let us first have
an activity. Are you familiar with
‘The Singing Bee’?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Okay, I have here a stuff toy and I

want you to pass this stuff toy to
your classmates and whenever the “Yes, Ma’am.”
music stops, the person who holds
the stuff toy as the music stops
will have to sing and guess the
missing lyrics of the song.
However, if he or she cannot guess
correctly, he/she will have a
consequence, which I will reveal
later. Do you understand?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Very good.”
The activity starts.

4. Classroom Management
“Now class kindly arranged your
chairs and pick up the pieces of
paper under your chairs if there’s
any.” “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Very good, class. You may now

take your seats.”

5. Checking of Attendance
“For your attendance, may I
request the class secretary to give
me the list of absentees this
afternoon?” “Okay, Ma’am.”

6. Review
“Before we continue our topic, let
use first have a quick review on
our topic last meeting. I want
those students who did not guess
the lyrics earlier to answer my
questions. What was our topic last
meeting?” “Our topic last meeting was all about
the techniques in writing persuasive
and informative essay.”

“What is the difference between

informative and persuasive
essay?” “Informative essay should be based on
fact and has the purpose of educating
readers while persuasive essay has the
purpose of convincing and persuading
the readers.”

“What are the different parts of

and essay” “The different parts of an essay are
introduction, body, and conclusion.”

“Give me one technique in writing

persuasive essay.” “It should be emotion based”

“How about informative essay?” “It should be based on facts.”

‘“Our topic last meeting was all about
argumentative essay.”

“Very good. Is everything about

argumentative essay clear to you
class?” “Yes, Ma’am.”

B. Lesson Proper
1. Discussion
“Since we are done with the
different techniques in writing
informative and persuasive essay,
let us now discussed the different
techniques in writing an
argumentative essay. How can you
define argumentative?” “Argumentative is define as having or
showing a tendency to disagree or

“How about essay” “It is a short piece of writing in a

particular subject.”

“With those definitions, we can

conclude that an argumentative
essay is a kind of writing that aims
to make the reader agree with the
writer’s opinion about a
controversial topic or a debatable
“For instance the issue is,
Malacanang told mayors to follow
the priority list for the
coronavirus disease 2019
vaccination. This issue became
controversial before because
some mayors already had
vaccines before even if they are
not on priority lists. Now what is
your stand in this issue? You only
have two options either you agree
or disagree. If you agree with the
issue, let us have this as your
claim or thesis statement(flashes
on screen) and if you disagree, let
us have this as your thesis
statement (flashes on screen).”

“Remember that you should only

take one side. Choose only one
between the two claims. This is
actually the first step in
developing your argumentative “ Step 1: Formulate your claim or
essay. Kindly read.” argument on the issue.”

“Not let’s say that you already

have your argument, Mayors
should not skip the COVID-19
vaccine line since they are not in
the priority line. What do you “Supporting our claim with evidences.”
think is the next step?”

“Very good. We can provide

evidences through our prior
knowledge, experts’ opinions, or
reliable books and articles. This is
actually the second step in writing
an argumentative essay. Kindly “ Step 2: Look for evidence to support
read.” your claim/argument.”

Parts of an Argumentative
 Introduce the issue
 Give background
knowledge information
 State your claim/thesis
 Present tour
evidence(Reason +
Supporting details)
a) Each paragraph
must contain one
reason and its
supporting details.
b) The supporting
details may include
examples, statistics,
experiences, or
 Includes Counterclaim +
 General statement that
supports your claims or
thesis statement “Step 3: Write your argumentative
 A quotation or call to essay following this format.
action  Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion

Techniques in Writing an
Argumentative Essay
 Make your thesis crystal
 Use evidence to support
your side
 Show why the other side is
 Use logical connectors
(Therefore, however, on
the other hand, and etc.”

2. Analysis
“To test if you really understand
our topic, let us have an activity. I
have here a stuff toy and I will
play a song of your choice and
what you’re going to do is to just
pass the stuff toy to your
classmate just like what we did
earlier on our first activity. Do you

“What is an argumentative
“What are the steps in writing an
argumentative essay?”
What are the techniques in
writing an argumentative essay?”

3. Generalization
“How did argumentative essay
differ from informative and
persuasive essays”

“What do you think is the

importance of knowing the
different techniques in writing an
argumentative essay in your daily
undertakings as a student?”

4. Application
“Now, I will divide the class into
two because we will be having
another activity. Your task is to
read the given thesis, and then
choose from the table two valid
and strong arguments and three
accompanying evidences that
would support your thesis. You
can paste your answers on the Thesis: In times of a pandemic, and in
posted cartolina on the board and a place where discipline is not part of
you can only paste your answers every citizen's vocabulary, a lockdown
if you can successfully flipped the is still the Philippine's best option to
bottle.” keep the coronavirus disease under

1. Limiting the movement of people in
public spaces minimizes the spread of
the virus.
2. A lockdown compels the leaders to
prove their worth in extending public
3. Staying at home allows for a much
needed bonding time among family
4. Imposing curfews and window
hours help ensure public order and
safety among residents.
5. A time off from public spaces allows
the environment to heal itself.
6. All countries who successfully
contained the virus implemented a

1. At least 7.3 million Filipinos lost
their jobs because of the pandemic
based on the record of the Philippine
Statistics Authority.
2. According to a study by the
University of the Philippines, there is
an 83 percent decrease in Covid-19
cases during the implementation of
the lockdown.
3. Philippine National Police record
shows that crime rate dropped to 55
percent during the lockdown period.
4. The ozone layer was reported to
have recovered, and Manila Bay is a lot
cleaner now.
5. Former health secretary and dean of
Ateneo School of Medicine Manuel
Dayrit said, "Not imposing community
quarantine will risk a Wuhan-like
6. In March alone, over 17.000.
lockdown violators were arrested.

Direction: Choose the best answer for

IV. Evaluation the following questions. Write only the
“Get ¼ sheet of paper because we letter of the correct answer.
will be having a short quiz.”
1. What is an argumentative essay?

A. A type of essay that provides

instructions on how to perform a
specific task.
B. An essay that analyzes the
characters and plot of a literary work.
C. A form of writing that presents
reasons and evidence to support a
particular viewpoint on a
controversial issue.
D. An essay that narrates personal
experiences and reflections on life
Answer: C

2. You are writing an argumentative

essay on the topic of school uniforms.
Your thesis statement is: "School
uniforms should be mandatory in all
public schools." You have gathered
evidence to support your claim,
including statistics on improved
discipline and academic performance
in schools with uniform policies, as
well as personal testimonies from
students and teachers.

Which of the following would be the

most effective example of supporting
detail for the reason that uniforms
improve discipline?

A. A study showing that 90% of

schools with uniform policies report a
decrease in disciplinary incidents.
B. An anecdote about a student who
felt more focused and respectful after
switching to a school with a uniform
C. A quote from a fashion designer
expressing support for the idea of
school uniforms.
D. A list of potential uniform styles and
colors that could be implemented in
Answer: A

3. In an argumentative essay, what is

the purpose of the introduction?
A. To summarize the writer's
B. To present the writer's claim or
thesis statement and provide
background information on the issue.
C. To analyze the opposing viewpoints.
D. All of the above
Answer: B

4. What is the role of evidence in an

argumentative essay?
A. To confuse the reader.
B. To support the writer's argument
and strengthen their position.
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer: B

5. What should each body paragraph

of an argumentative essay contain?
A. Multiple reasons without
supporting details.
B. One reason and its supporting
C. A mix of reasons and personal
D. Evidences only
Answer: B

6. True or False: Including a

counterclaim and rebuttal are
essential in an argumentative essay.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

7. Which of the following is NOT a

technique in writing an argumentative
A. Making the thesis ambiguous.
B. Using logical connectors.
C. Showing why the opposing side is
D. Use evidence to support your claim
Answer: A

8. What is the purpose of the

conclusion in an argumentative essay?
A. To introduce a new argument.
B. To summarize the main points and
reinforce the writer's claim.
C. To introduce the topic
D. To leave the reader with
unanswered questions.
Answer: B
1. What are the steps in writing
argumentative essay?
2. What are the techniques in writing
an argumentative essay?

V. Assignment
Write an an argumentative essay
(three to five paragraphs) about
The Legalization of Abortion in the
Philippines. This would require
you to research about your
chosen topic. Also, be guided with
the content of the rubric.
(Attached on the last page)


BSED ENGLISH Cooperating Teacher
Student Teacher

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