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Received: 7 December 2018 Accepted: 8 December 2018

DOI: 10.1111/vec.12797


Consensus on the Rational Use of Antithrombotics in

Veterinary Critical Care (CURATIVE): Domain 1—Defining
populations at risk
Armelle deLaforcade DVM, DACVECC1 Lenore Bacek DVM, MS, DACVECC2 ∗
Marie-Claude Blais DVM, DACVIM3 ∗ Robert Goggs BVSc, DACVECC, DECVECC,
PhD4 ∗ Alex Lynch BVSc (Hons), DACVECC5 ∗ Elizabeth Rozanski DVM, DACVIM,

1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings

School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts Univer- Abstract

sity, North Grafton, MA Objectives: Thrombosis is a well-recognized phenomenon in dogs and cats with a significant
2 Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Vet-
impact on morbidity and mortality. Despite growing awareness of thrombosis and increased use
erinary Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, of antithrombotic therapy, there is little information in the veterinary literature to guide the use of
anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications. The goal of Domain 1 was to explore the association
3 Department of Clinical Sciences, University of

Montreal, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada

between disease and thrombosis in a number of conditions identified as potential risk factors in
4 Department of Clinical Sciences, Cornell Uni- the current veterinary literature, to provide the basis for prescribing recommendations.
versity College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca,
Design: A population exposure comparison outcome format was used to represent patient, expo-
5 Department of Clinical Sciences, NC State sure, comparison, and outcome. Population Exposure Comparison Outcome questions were dis-
College of Veterinary Medicine, Raleigh, NC tributed to worksheet authors who performed comprehensive searches, summarized the evi-
Correspondence dence, and created guideline recommendations that were reviewed by domain chairs. Revised
Dr. Armelle deLaforcade, Small Animal Emer- guidelines then underwent the Delphi survey process to reach consensus on the final guidelines.
gency and Critical Care, Cummings School of
Diseases evaluated included immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, protein-losing nephropathy,
Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, 200
Westboro Road, North Grafton, MA 01536. pancreatitis, glucocorticoid therapy, hyperadrenocorticism, neoplasia, sepsis, cerebrovascular dis-
Email: ease, and cardiac disease.
∗ These authors contributed equally to this

Settings: Academic and referral veterinary medical centers.

Funding information Results: Of the diseases evaluated, a high risk for thrombosis was defined as dogs with immune-
Funding for this work was provided by the Ameri-
mediated hemolytic anemia or protein-losing nephropathy, cats with cardiomyopathy and associ-
can College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical
Care (ACVECC) and the Veterinary Emergency ated risk factors, or dogs/cats with >1 disease or risk factor for thrombosis. Low or moderate risk
and Critical Care Society (VECCS) for thrombosis was defined as dogs or cats with a single risk factor or disease, or dogs or cats with
Prior presentation: This work was presented in known risk factor conditions that are likely to resolve in days to weeks following treatment.
part at the European Veterinary Emergency and
Critical Care Congress, June 2018, Venice, Italy, Conclusions: Documented disease associations with thrombosis provide the basis for recommen-
and at the International Veterinary Emergency dations on prescribing provided in subsequent domains. Numerous knowledge gaps were identi-
and Critical Care Symposium, September 2018,
New Orleans, LA.
fied that represent opportunities for future study.

cardiomyopathy, IMHA, PLN, thromboembolism, thrombosis


Thrombosis is a well-recognized cause of morbidity and mortality in

Abbreviations: ATE, aortic thromboembolism; CT, computed tomography; HAC,
hyperadrenocorticism; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; IMHA, immune-mediated
people, with large studies documenting reduced risk of thrombotic
hemolytic anemia; LA, left atrial; LOE, level of evidence; PECO, population exposure complications with institution of anticoagulant therapy.1–3 Despite
comparison outcome; PLN, protein-losing nephropathy; PTE, pulmonary thromboembolism;
growing awareness of thrombosis as a manifestation of disease in
TEG, thromboelastography; VTE, venous thromboembolism

J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2019;29:37–48. 

c Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2019 37

veterinary medicine, few large studies quantifying risk are available to Evidence summary
inform decisions related to anticoagulation leading to inconsistent and
While not directly addressing the question due to their retrospec-
anecdotal application of antithrombotic therapy. The predominance
tive nature and lack of controls (level of evidence [LOE] 5, Good), 3
of deep vein thrombosis as a precursor to pulmonary embolism in
studies provide the most compelling evidence that thrombosis is an
people and of atherosclerosis as a precursor to arterial thrombosis
important complication of IMHA. In the Klein study, 31 dogs diag-
further complicates our ability to directly extrapolate from the human
nosed with IMHA in a 5-year period had necropsies performed. Of
literature, given that deep vein thrombosis and atherosclerosis are
these, 10 dogs developed fatal pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE),
uncommon in veterinary medicine. Growing interest in hypercoagu-
and 2 of the 10 dogs had multiorgan evidence of thrombosis.27 The
lability has led to the development of a body of veterinary literature
second study of 34 dogs with IMHA that had a necropsy found
describing thrombosis and use of antithrombotics in dogs and
that 25 dogs (73.5%) had evidence of coagulopathy in the form of
macrothrombosis, microthrombosis, widespread fibrin deposition, and
Retrospective studies of thrombotic states consistently docu-
hemorrhage. In addition to pulmonary thrombi, splenic renal and car-
ment a number of comorbidities that likely represent hypercoag-
diac infarction was commonly noted.28 A third study of 72 dogs with
ulable states.5,7,14–26 The lack of large epidemiology studies that
IMHA noted thromboembolism in 20 of 25 dogs that had postmortem
quantify risk of thrombosis with any one disease state compli-
examinations.29 A small, prospective but uncontrolled study (LOE 5,
cates generation of recommendations related to antithrombotic
Good) evaluated 12 dogs with IMHA and respiratory distress using
therapy. Despite this, an expanding understanding of physiologic
computed tomographic (CT) pulmonary angiography.30 The CT pul-
conditions favoring thrombus formation, combined with known
monary angiography studies confirmed PTE in 3 dogs and were con-
comorbidities and existing veterinary studies, allows for reasonable
sistent with PTE in a further 3 dogs.
determination of the strength of association between disease and
A hypercoagulable state associated with IMHA is supported by a
number of studies seeking to determine the underlying mechanism
The goal of Domain 1 was to explore the association between dis-
of altered hemostasis in this disease. A series of prospective con-
ease and thrombosis in a number of conditions identified as potential
trolled investigations (LOE 2, Good) identify increased tissue factor
risk factors in the current veterinary literature, to provide the basis
expression,31 platelet activation,32,33 procoagulant microparticles,34
for recommendations on prescribing documented in the subsequent
and neutrophil extracellular traps,35,36 in dogs with IMHA compared
domains. A standardized Population Exposure Comparison Outcome
to controls. Conversely, antiphospholipid antibodies were not impli-
(PECO) question format was used to investigate whether in dogs or
cated as a potential cause for thrombosis in dogs (LOE 2, Good).37
cats (Population, P), the development of a disease (Exposure, E), as
Four additional studies used thromboelastography (TEG) to assess
opposed to remaining disease free (Comparison, C), was associated
the whole blood coagulation status in dogs with IMHA. Of these, 1
with the development of thrombosis (Outcome, O). Risk for thrombo-
study (LOE 2, Good) sampled dogs prior to glucocorticoid administra-
sis was further classified as "high," "moderate," or "low." A designation
tion, thus removing the confounding factor from analysis.38 The other
of high risk was used for those diseases with clear and consistent evi-
prospective study (LOE 2, Fair) performed serial evaluations using TEG
dence for thrombosis as a complication of disease, and for dogs and
but enrolled dogs that had received glucocorticoids no more than 3
cats with multiple risk factors. A designation of low or moderate risk
days prior to enrollment.39 The remaining 2 studies were retrospec-
was used for dogs and cats with a single risk factor or disease, where
tive in nature with no controls (LOE 5, Poor) and included dogs that
the degree of association with thrombosis was demonstrably lower,
had received glucocorticoids.40,41 All 4 of these studies documented
and for dogs or cats with known risk factor conditions that, with treat-
changes consistent with hypercoagulability on TEG, and in 2 studies,
ment, are likely to resolve in days to weeks.
the lack of hypercoagulability (relative hypocoagulability) was found to
be a negative prognostic indicator.39,40
Finally, a number of studies involving dogs with IMHA unrelated to
PECO QUESTION: Immune-mediated hemostasis document thrombosis in a significant proportion of dogs
hemolytic anemia that had necropsies performed. It should be noted that a suspicion of
PTE without necropsy confirmation is frequently noted in studies of
In dogs (P), is the development of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia IMHA.42–49 While multiorgan distribution of thrombosis is also iden-
(IMHA) (E), as opposed to remaining disease free (C), associated with tified in IMHA, the pulmonary system seems most prominently repre-
the development of thrombosis (O)? sented in thrombotic complications of this disease.

Knowledge gaps
1.1 Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (dogs only)
Due to the significant occurrence of thrombosis complicating IMHA,
a. Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is strongly asso- antithrombotic therapy is warranted. Although there is some literature
ciated with the development of thrombosis in dogs. describing the use of antithrombotics in IMHA, the number of dogs
b. We recommend antithrombotic therapy for dogs with IMHA. included in studies investigating anticoagulation strategies is small and

the overall evidence is insufficient to recommend 1 particular strat- retrospective study of 52 dogs (LOE 4, Good) with renal amyloidosis
egy over another. Large prospective studies comparing anticoagulant described 20 dogs with thromboembolism (38%) with the most com-
strategies in dogs with IMHA and their impact on outcome are needed. mon location being the pulmonary vasculature.51 In a third study of
222 dogs with familial protein-losing enteropathy and PLN, 10/84
dogs (12%) with PLN developed thromboembolic complications (LOE
PECO QUESTION: Protein-losing 5, Good).62 Finally, in 137 dogs with protein-losing glomerular disease,
nephropathy 13% of dogs experienced thromboembolism and this complication was
the second most common cause of death, accounting for 22% of deaths
In dogs (P), is the development of protein-losing nephropathy (PLN) (E) in this study. The pulmonary vasculature was most commonly affected
as opposed to remaining disease free (C) associated with the develop- (LOE 5, Fair),15,16,51–53,56,57 followed by ATE,5,24,51,52,56,64 but venous
ment of thrombosis (O)? thrombi have also been described.19,22,23,51 Based on these studies, an
association exists between PLN and the development of thrombosis,

Guidelines with the pulmonary vasculature most commonly affected.

1.2 Protein-losing nephropathy (PLN) (dogs only)

Knowledge gaps
a. Protein-losing nephropathy (PLN) is associated with the devel-
opment of thrombosis in dogs. Due to the lack of control groups in most studies of PLN, a clear cause
and effect relationship between this disease and the development of
b. We recommend antithrombotic therapy for dogs with PLN.
thrombosis cannot be established. It is possible that additional risk fac-
tors may be present in some of these patients that precipitate a throm-
Evidence summary botic event.
Of 22 studies reviewed, 15 studies (ranging from LOE 2–5, Fair)
support an association between PLN and thrombosis.19,22–25,50–59
Because of the lack of control groups in the majority of these publica- PECO QUESTION: Pancreatitis
tions, when evaluated individually a clear cause and effect relationship
between PLN and the development of thrombosis cannot be estab- In dogs (P), is the development of pancreatitis (E) as opposed to remain-
lished. However, when evaluated as a whole, the total number of dogs ing disease free (C) associated with the development of thrombosis
described with various thrombotic conditions with concomitant PLN (O)?
highlights the significance of this disease in pathologic thrombosis.
Similarly, studies investigating hemostatic changes in dogs with Guidelines
PLN all describe thromboembolic complications in 6% to 42% of
dogs.50–54,56,60–63 1.3 Pancreatitis (dogs only)

Three prospective studies (1 LOE 2, 2 LOE 3) investigate hemostatic a. Severe pancreatitis, in particular acute necrotizing pancreati-
changes in dogs with PLN and all 3 support hypercoagulable changes tis, may be associated with the development of thrombosis in
in this patient population.50,60,61 All 3 evaluated hemostatic changes dogs.
using TEG and antithrombin activity, with 1 including additional hemo- b. We suggest that antithrombotic therapy be considered for
static proteins. In the only study to include a control population, 29 dogs with acute pancreatic necrosis, particularly when pro-
dogs with PLN, renal failure without proteinuria, and systemic inflam- thrombotic conditions are present.
mation were compared to 20 healthy controls.50 Hypercoagulability
was documented in all dogs with PLN and renal failure, with no changes
Evidence summary
unique to PLN identified (LOE 2, Good). However, 3 of 11 dogs with
PLN experienced thrombosis, and none in the other patient popula- Information regarding the incidence of thrombosis in dogs with pan-
tions studied.50 creatitis compared to healthy dogs is lacking. Guideline recommenda-
Retrospective studies of thrombosis consistently list PLN as an tions were derived from studies supporting a hypercoagulable state in
underlying disease process.16,19,20,22–24,55,63 In a large study of 291 dogs with pancreatitis, retrospective studies of dogs with a diagnosis
dogs with aortic thromboembolism (ATE), 64 dogs (22%) had an under- of pancreatitis, and retrospective studies of thrombotic states in dogs
lying disease of PLN (LOE 4, Good).5 This was compared to 16% of in which a subset of dogs had underlying pancreatitis.
dogs with PLN in the Van Winkle study of 36 dogs with ATE.24 Several Three studies suggest that canine pancreatitis is associated with
large retrospective studies of dogs with PLN also support a significant a hypercoagulable state. Kim et al (LOE 5, Poor) identified reduced
development of thrombosis in this population. When Shar-Pei dogs thrombomodulin expression (and hence increased risk of thrombosis)
were compared to non Shar-Pei dogs in a study of 91 dogs with renal in liver, lung, and spleen of dogs with systemic inflammation secondary
amyloidosis, thromboembolism was detected postmortem in 13/62 to septic peritonitis or acute pancreatitis.65 Similarly, Kuzi et al retro-
dogs (21%), most being non Shar-Pei dogs. PTE was most frequently spectively evaluated 149 dogs in which antithrombin was measured
documented followed by aortic thrombosis (LOE 5, Fair).56 Another and found that 13/15 dogs with pancreatitis had reduced antithrom-

bin activity placing them at risk for thrombosis (LOE 5, Poor).66 A final b. Treatment with corticosteroids may be associated with the
study using a TEG assay modified with tissue plasminogen activator development of thrombosis in dogs, in particular those with
found decreased fibrinolysis in diseased dogs, with dogs experiencing other risk factors for thrombosis.
systemic inflammation among those experiencing the greatest resis- c. We suggest that antithrombotic therapy be considered for
tance to fibrinolysis (LOE 2, Poor).67 None of these studies included dogs receiving corticosteroids where other risk factors for
dogs with clinical evidence of thrombosis. thrombosis exist.
A study of 70 dogs with fatal acute pancreatitis identified infarcts
d. There is insufficient evidence to define an association between
or thrombi on necropsy in 38.5% of dogs compared to 11.5% of con-
corticosteroid administration and development of thrombosis
trol dogs admitted for trauma (LOE 4, Good).68 Another prospective
in cats.
study of 10 dogs with suspected pancreatitis undergoing CT angiogra-
phy documented portal vein thrombosis in 3 dogs that were not visual-
ized using ultrasonography (LOE 3, Good).69 However, a fairly large ret- Evidence summary
rospective study of 80 dogs with pancreatitis did not include any dogs
with thrombotic complications (LOE 5, Poor).70 Dogs
Retrospective studies of thrombotic states listed pancreatitis as the No studies directly investigating the relationship between glucocor-
underlying disease in 2 studies of splenic vein thrombosis (14/80 and ticoids and the increased risk of thrombosis in dogs were identified.
1/16 dogs),22,55 2 studies of ATE (4/36 and 1/9 dogs),24,71 and in 3 The guideline recommendations are derived from studies in healthy
studies of portal vein thrombosis (1/33, 1/4, and 4/11 dogs).19,20,63 dogs investigating hemostatic changes in dogs following therapy with
In 4 of these studies, acute pancreatic necrosis was the histopatho- oral prednisone,13,74–76 and retrospective studies of thrombotic states
logic diagnosis, a potentially relevant finding given that this is also the where concurrent or recent therapy with glucocorticoids featured
type of pancreatitis associated with thrombotic complications in peo- prominently in dogs experiencing thrombosis.15,16,19,20,22–24,55
ple. An additional handful of case reports of dogs experiencing pancre- Four studies (LOE 3, Fair) prospectively evaluated the impact of
atitis and thrombosis support an association between pancreatitis and oral prednisone on hemostasis in healthy dogs. Findings including
thrombosis in dogs (LOE 5, Fair).72,73 increased coagulation factors, platelet aggregation, fibrinogen concen-
Comorbidities were commonly identified in dogs with pancreati- tration, clot strength, and thrombin generation along with reduced
tis, complicating the assessment of the association between pancre- antithrombin and clot lysis times support a transition to hypercoagula-
atitis and thrombosis. In 1 retrospective study of 80 dogs with splenic ble state with prednisone therapy.13,75–77 The actual risk of thrombo-
vein thrombosis, all 14 dogs with underlying pancreatitis had at least sis is unknown, and the relevance of these changes to those that might
1 other concurrent disease process including immune-mediated dis- occur in a diseased state has not been determined.
ease, neoplasia, diabetes mellitus, or renal disease.22 The contribution While not directly investigating the association between corticos-
of these additional disease processes to the risk assessment for throm- teroid therapy and the risk of thrombosis, treatment with glucocorti-
bosis in pancreatitis is unknown. coids is listed as a potential predisposing cause in most studies of dogs
experiencing thrombosis (LOE 5, Good).19,20,22,23,78 The study with the
highest LOE did not directly address the question, but prospectively
Knowledge gaps
evaluated hemostatic changes in dogs experiencing thrombosis com-
Despite identifying acute pancreatic necrosis as the most com- pared to 56 healthy controls and identified 1 dog out of the 7 that was
mon histopathologic diagnosis in dogs with pancreatitis experiencing receiving prednisolone at the time of diagnosis (LOE 2, Fair).79 The only
thrombosis, the lack of histopathology in practice with this disease other prospective study investigated the use of a specific assay to dif-
along with the frequent presence of comorbidities complicates the ferentiate dogs with thrombosis from normal dogs and reported that 2
ability to make a strong anticoagulation recommendation. out of 10 dogs were receiving glucocorticoids (LOE 2, Fair).80
The time frame of glucocorticoid use is not consistent among
studies, ranging from the time of presentation to within a month of
PECO QUESTION: Glucocorticoid experiencing thrombosis. In the largest retrospective study of dogs
administration experiencing thrombosis, 34 out of 80 dogs (43%) received treat-
ment with steroids prior to the development of splenic vein throm-
In dogs and cats (P), is glucocorticoid administration (E) as opposed to bosis. Of these, 15 dogs also had neoplasia, 12 had immune-mediated
remaining drug free (C) associated with the development of thrombosis disease, and 8 had pancreatitis.22 Treatment with glucocorticoids
(O)? also featured prominently in 2 studies of portal vein thrombosis,
with 10 out 11 dogs in the Van Winkle study and 14 of 33 dogs
in the Respess study receiving glucocorticoids for underlying condi-
tions that also impact hemostasis (immune-mediated disease, neopla-
1.4 Glucocorticoid administration (dogs) sia, and pancreatitis).19,20 One retrospective study comparing TEG to
a. Corticosteroid administration favors a hypercoagulable state histopathologic evidence of thrombosis in dogs also noted systemic
in dogs. glucocorticoid therapy in a significant number of enrolled cases (13 of

39 dogs); however, this was the only study that attempted correlate dogs with HAC (n = 91) necropsied during the study period.16 Winter
corticosteroid use and necropsy evidence of thrombosis, and no sta- et al included a control group to evaluate the odds of a dog having
tistically significant association was found (LOE 5, Fair).81 aortic thrombosis according to its sex, age, body weight, and breed,
It is not possible to determine the exact role of corticosteroids on but not according to underlying condition such as HAC.5 Considering
the development of thrombosis. However, glucocorticoid use is associ- the 7 retrospective studies with >10 dogs (16–291 dogs/study for
ated with thrombosis especially in conjunction with other prothrom- a total of 532 dogs), HAC is reported in 4–17% of dogs diagnosed
botic disease states. The portal system seems particularly prone to with some form of thrombotic event, with an overall mean of 6.2%
glucocorticoid-related thrombosis. When choosing to administer corti- (33/532).5,15,16,19,22,24,55 Because of the retrospective nature of
costeroids, their effect on the hemostatic system should be considered these studies, the role of comorbidities in the generation of throm-
particularly when other prothrombotic states are present. bosis in dogs with hypercortisolemia is difficult to ascertain. Aortic
thrombosis5,24,82,84 and PTE15,16,83 seem most commonly reported in
Cats dogs with hypercortisolemia, but thrombosis in the portal vein,19,20
Studies investigating hemostatic changes secondary to glucocorticoids caudal vena cava,84 and splenic vein,22 as well as splenic infarction55
are lacking in cats. Three studies were found that characterized throm- have also been documented.
botic states other than cardiac related ATE in cats. In 1 study of 6 cats Without making a direct association with the development of
with portal vein thrombosis and in another study of 29 cats with PTE, thrombosis, 3 additional studies (LOE 2, Fair) have documented a
glucocorticoid therapy at the time of diagnosis was noted in 2 and 8 hypercoagulable state in dogs with HAC.85–87 However, the shift in the
cats, respectively (LOE 5, Good).17,21 Glucocorticoid use was not iden- balance of the hemostatic system in dogs with HAC is not a consistent
tified in the third study of 17 cats experiencing thromboembolism.18 finding as 2 additional studies (LOE 2, Good; LOE 5, Fair) were not able
to document a hypercoagulable state in dogs with HAC.88,89

Knowledge gaps
Knowledge gaps
Few studies have the primary purpose of investigating the influence of
corticosteroids on development of thrombosis in sick dogs. Although The role of comorbidities in the association between HAC and throm-
glucocorticoids use has consistently been identified in dogs with bosis is not known, but carefully designed epidemiologic studies could
thrombosis, the time frame of corticosteroid use varies sufficiently clarify the degree of association between HAC and thrombosis. A
to prevent a strong and direct association with development of hypercoagulable state is not consistently reported across studies and
thrombosis. additional investigation of the coagulation disturbances in patients
with hypercortisolemia is warranted.

PECO QUESTION: Hyperadrenocorticism

In dogs (P), is the development of hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) (E) as

opposed to remaining disease free (C) associated with the develop-
In dogs (P), is the development of cancer (E) as opposed to remaining
ment of thrombosis (O)?
disease free (C) associated with the development of thrombosis (O)?

1.5 Hyperadrenocorticism
1.6 Cancer (dogs only)
a. Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is associated with thrombosis in
a small subset of dogs only. a. Cancer in dogs, in particular (adeno)carcinomas, is associated
with the development of thrombosis in a small subset of dogs
b. We suggest HAC should be investigated in dogs presented
with thrombosis.
b. There is insufficient evidence to support routine anticoagula-
c. A diagnosis of HAC alone does not warrant antithrombotic
tion of dogs with cancer.
therapy unless other risk factors and/or comorbidities exist.
c. We suggest that antithrombotic therapy be considered for
dogs with cancer where hypercoagulability is demonstrated, or
Evidence summary
where other risk factors for thrombosis exist.
Out of 22 papers reviewed, 10 papers (2 LOE 4, 8 LOE 5)
suggest that HAC is associated with the development of
Evidence summary
thrombosis.5,15,16,19,22,55,64,82–84 However, all are retrospective
studies or case series and most do not have a control group, with the Neoplasia is one of the most common underlying disease processes
exception of 2 studies. Johnson et al reported that 6.9% (2/29) of dogs identified in retrospective studies of canine thrombosis (LOE 5, Poor-
with necropsy-confirmed PTE had HAC, which represented 2.7% of all Good).15,19,22,24,63,81 In a large retrospective study of dogs with splenic

vein thrombosis, neoplasia was the most common underlying disease (external iliac venous thrombosis), and renal tubular cell carcinoma
identified, affecting over half of the 80 dogs enrolled (54%).22 In that (caudal vena cava thrombosis).
study, round cell neoplasia was most common, affecting 20/80 dogs
(25%), whereas in other populations, carcinoma is most commonly
identified. Recent or concurrent glucocorticoid administration compli- Knowledge gaps
cates the direct assessment of risk in this patient population, affect- Despite an association between neoplasia and thrombosis, partic-
ing 9 of 20 dogs with splenic vein thrombosis in 1 study.22 Thrombosis ular risk factors for thrombosis formation are not clear, and are
was documented in 6/52 dogs (11.5%) with adrenal gland tumors,90 in complicated by comorbidities and concurrent therapies. Additional
4 of 41 dogs that died in a large retrospective study of dogs undergo- epidemiologic studies evaluating the incidence of thrombosis in small
ing splenectomy for splenic masses.11 In a prospective study evaluating animal cancer patients are needed and further delineation of risk
the use of CT scanning to identify PTE, 3/6 dogs with PTE had underly- factors would aid identification of patients that might benefit from
ing neoplasia.4 thromboprophylaxis.
Viscoelastic testing has been used to characterize the hemostatic
dysfunction in dogs with neoplasia. Two prospective studies used
viscoelastic testing in addition to plasma-based assays to charac-
terize hemostatic changes in dogs with neoplasia. The first study PECO QUESTION: Sepsis
of 71 dogs with malignant neoplasia identified hypercoagulability
in 47/71 dogs (66%), with nonmammary gland carcinomas being In dogs (P), is the development of sepsis (E) as opposed to remaining
associated with increased clot strength and fibrinogen compared to disease free (C) associated with the development of thrombosis (O)?
other forms of cancer (LOE 3, Poor).91 The second study documented
hypercoagulable changes using TEG in 18/36 (50%) of dogs with
malignant neoplasia, and in 4/13 (31%) dogs with benign neoplasia.
Carcinomas were most commonly diagnosed in dogs with hypercoag- 1.7 Sepsis (dogs only)
ulable changes, followed by sarcomas and lymphoma (LOE 3, Poor).92
a. Sepsis is associated with the development of thrombosis in a
Interestingly, significantly prolonged aPTT accompanied indicators
small subset of dogs only.
of hypercoagulability in both studies. Hypercoagulable changes were
b. There is insufficient evidence to support routine anticoagula-
also observed using TEG in a prospective controlled study of 27
tion of dogs with sepsis.
dogs with lymphoma (22/27 dogs, 81%; LOE 2),93 and in 15/32 dogs
with carcinoma (46%; LOE 2, Poor).94 In the lymphoma study, serial c. We suggest that antithrombotic therapy be considered for
evaluation indicated that hypercoagulability persisted throughout dogs with sepsis where hypercoagulability is demonstrated, or
treatment. where other risk factors for thrombosis exist.
Several studies using immunohistochemical staining identified tis-
sue factor and fibrin/fibrinogen deposits in all 24 canine glioma biop-
Evidence summary
sies, and increased D-dimers in 17/24 cases (LOE 5, Good).95 In a sim-
ilar study of dogs with meningioma, TF expression was documented Sepsis is consistently listed as an underlying cause of thrombosis in ret-
in 26/29 biopsy samples and both D-dimers and fibrinogen/fibrin rospective studies of thrombotic conditions in dogs, but most studies
were found in all samples.96 Interestingly, microvascular intravascular lack controls (LOE 5, Good).15,19,23,24,55,63 Bacterial endocarditis, sep-
thrombosis was documented in both of these studies (15/24 dogs with tic peritonitis, and aspiration pneumonia are commonly identified24,82 ;
gliomas and in 19/29 specimens from dogs with meningiomas). Similar however, the direct association between sepsis and thrombosis is com-
methodology identified fibrin deposits and thrombus formation in dogs plicated by the frequent presence of concurrent disease processes that
with mammary gland neoplasia.97 also potentially affect hemostasis including immune-mediated disease
The mechanism of hypercoagulability in dogs with neoplasia and neoplasia.4 Despite this, hemostatic alterations consistent with
has been investigated and includes overexpression of circulating hypercoagulability have been identified in dogs similar to those seen
tissue factor,92,98 thrombocytosis,94 platelet hyper-reactivity,99 in people including reduced endogenous anticoagulants (protein C104
hyperfibrinogenemia,94 and reduced antithrombin activity.66 Three and antithrombin66,104 ) increased fibrinogen, increased thrombin acti-
dogs with neoplasia were included in a prospective controlled study vatable fibrinolysis inhibitor,105 thrombomodulin downregulation,65
of 20 dogs investigating endogenous fibrinolytic potential in dogs and platelet hyperreactivity.106,107
with diseases predisposing to thrombosis where resistance to tissue A prospective case-control study of 23 dogs with fungal sepsis (blas-
plasminogen activator induced fibrinolysis was documented in this tomycosis) documented hyperfibrinogenemia, increased thrombin–
group compared to healthy controls (LOE 2, Poor).65 antithrombin complex concentration, and hypercoagulable changes
Case reports highlight novel diagnostic or therapeutic approaches on thromboelastometry compared to 23 case-matched controls,
to dogs with neoplasia-associated thrombosis (LOE 5, Fair).100–103 supporting a hypercoagulable state in this patient population (LOE 2,
All 4 involved carcinomas and included mammary gland carcinoma Poor).108 Isolated case reports (LOE 5, Fair) describe a dog with endo-
(ATE), islet cell carcinoma (tumor thrombus), adrenocortical carcinoma carditis experiencing thrombosis,109 and thrombosis associated with

bartonella infection.110 Reports of hemostatic alterations or thrombo- there is insufficient evidence to support a direct association between
sis in dogs with infections in the absence of sepsis are lacking, however. cerebrovascular disease and thrombosis.

Knowledge gaps Knowledge gaps

Despite physiologic changes supporting a hypercoagulable state in There is insufficient evidence to support an association between
dogs with sepsis and evidence of thrombosis in some affected dogs, it cerebrovascular disease and thrombosis. Additional investigations
remains unclear which septic patients are at risk for thrombosis. The of patients with documented cerebrovascular disease for potential
contribution of clinically silent thrombosis or microvascular thrombo- thrombosis and thrombotic risk factors are warranted.
sis to morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis is suspected,111
but is unknown.

PECO QUESTION: Cardiac disease in cats

PECO QUESTION: Cerebrovascular disease In cats (P), is the development of cardiac disease (E) as opposed
to remaining disease free (C) associated with the development of
In dogs (P), is the development of cerebrovascular disease (E) as thrombosis (O)?
opposed to remaining disease free (C) associated with the develop-
ment of thrombosis (O)?
1.9 Cardiac disease (cats only)
a. Feline cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [HCM],
1.8 Cerebrovascular disease restrictive cardiomyopathy [RCM], unclassified cardiomyopa-
a. Cerebrovascular disease is more likely to result from a throm- thy [UCM], and dilated cardiomyopathy [DCM] is strongly
botic event rather than be the cause of one. associated with risk of ATE.

b. We suggest that antithrombotic therapy be considered when b. Cats with a history of ATE, left atrial (LA) dilation, spontaneous
an ischemic stroke is identified and a concurrent medical con- echocontrast, or reduced LA appendage flow velocity may be
dition associated with a risk for thrombosis is present. at particular risk.

c. We recommend antithrombotic therapy for cats with car-

diomyopathy, particularly in those with the above risk factors.
Evidence summary
Cerebrovascular disease defines a brain abnormality caused by a
Evidence summary
pathologic interruption of its blood supply. The clinical manifestation of
cerebrovascular disease is termed stroke or cerebrovascular accident, Three studies strongly support the association of feline cardiac dis-
and can be ischemic or hemorrhagic in origin. Ischemic strokes occur eases with arterial thromboembolic phenomena. In particular, the link
secondary to a local vascular obstruction (a thrombus), or a vascular is strongest for HCM and ATE, but it is likely that other feline car-
obstruction originating from a distant site (thromboembolism).112 In a diomyopathies and other cardiac diseases such as inherited valvular
retrospective study of 33 dogs with brain infarction, a concurrent dis- malformations increase the risk of ATE. The best evidence comes with
ease was identified in 18 dogs, with chronic kidney disease (8/33) and a recent study quantifying the cumulative risk of ATE in 1,730 cats
HAC (6/33) being most commonly identified. No concurrent disease over 10 years. In this study, the cumulative risk of ATE at 1, 5, and
was noted in 15 dogs. Five of the 10 dogs that underwent postmortem 10 years was 3.5%, 9.5%, and 11.3%, respectively, in cats with HCM
examination had evidence of cerebrovascular thrombosis. Of these or hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy compared to 0.0%, 0.4%,
dogs, 2 had no underlying disease identified, while the 3 others had and 0.7%, respectively, in apparently healthy cats (LOE 2, Good).116
PLN, HAC, or hemangiosarcoma identified (LOE 5, Fair).113 In another Another study of 309 cats with renal infarcts found that these cats
study of 8 dogs with brain infarction identified via CT, 6 of 8 dogs had were 8 times more likely to experience distal ATE compared to time
concurrent diseases including hypothyroidism, chronic renal disease, matched controls, and as well as a positive association between renal
pyometra, and HAC (LOE 5, Fair).114 A third study of 22 dogs included infarcts, HCM and ATE. These findings support feline HCM as a risk
4 dogs with concurrent medical diseases that could have predisposed factor for thrombosis (LOE 4, Good).117 In a third prospective case-
to ischemic stroke. These included cardiovascular disease, HAC, and controlled study, cats with spontaneous echocontrast or atrial thrombi
neoplasia (LOE 5, Fair).115 These studies suggest that ischemic strokes met the laboratory criteria for hypercoagulability, further supporting a
are the result of the hypercoagulable conditions rather than a risk fac- hypercoagulable state in cats with cardiac disease (LOE 2, Good).118
tor for thrombosis themselves. None of the dogs included in retro- Several studies were overall classified as neutral to the PECO
spective studies of PTE, ATE, portal vein, or splenic vein thrombosis question (1 LOE 2, Good; 3 LOE 4, Fair; 1 LOE 4, Good) but do provide
had cerebrovascular disease.5,15,16,19,20,22,24,55,82,83 For these reasons, potential intermediary links between feline cardiac disease and ATE.

Specifically, these studies suggest that feline cardiac disease accompa- translates into a thrombotic risk. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels may
nied by spontaneous echocontrast, LA dilation, reduced LA function, be predisposed to vascular anomalies or vascular injuries that might
and low flow velocities may portend ATE or death.25,119–122 be prothrombotic, but a clear link to cardiac disease in these dogs
Numerous additional studies were considered neutral to the PECO has not been demonstrated. As such, there is not sufficient evidence
question, primarily because they lack a control population; however, to suggest that dogs with cardiomyopathy or with valvular disease
the collective weight of these studies strongly suggests that feline car- warrant thromboprophylaxis. It would be reasonable for clinicians to
diac disease and ATE are linked. There was very limited evidence that consider thromboprophylaxis in individual dogs with cardiac disease
feline cardiac disease is a risk factor for venous thrombosis, however. that demonstrate particular propensity for clot formation, appear
No studies were identified that suggested evidence contrary to the hypercoagulable based on coagulation profiling, or have concurrent
presence of an association between cardiac disease and thromboem- risk factors.
bolism in cats.

Knowledge gaps
Knowledge gaps
While some dogs with CHF may have a hypercoagulable state, the
The veterinary literature suggests a high risk of ATE in cats with car- degree to which this translates to a risk of thrombosis is not clear.
diomyopathy, although there is much less evidence to support or refute
an association between ATE and other types of feline cardiac disease.
Additional guidelines
The degree of association between feline cardiac disease and venous
thromboembolism (VTE) is unknown. These 2 additional sets of guidelines were not constructed in response
to a single PECO question, but represent an attempt to integrate all
of the available information discussed above to provide overall assess-
ments of thrombotic risk. The panel recognized that guidelines on over-
PECO QUESTION: Cardiac disease in dogs
all risk stratification might aid clinical practice and were necessary for
structuring the advice on periprocedural withdrawal and discontinu-
In dogs (P), is the development of cardiac disease (E) as opposed to
ation of antithrombotics (see also Domain 5). These additional guide-
remaining disease free (C) associated with the development of throm-
lines were subjected to the Delphi survey process and represent the
bosis (O)?
consensus of the panel.

1.11 We define high risk for thrombosis as
1.10 Cardiac disease (dogs only) a. Dogs with IMHA or PLN.
a. Canine cardiac diseases are not associated with a high risk of b. Cats with cardiomyopathy and associated risk factors (see (1)
development of thrombosis. of Section 10.1).
b. We suggest that antithrombotic therapy be considered in c. Dogs or cats with >1 disease/risk factor for thrombosis (eg,
individual dogs where other risk factors for thrombosis exist. pancreatitis with sepsis).
1.12 We define low/moderate risk for thrombosis as
Evidence summary
a. Dogs or cats with a single risk factor/disease.
There is very limited evidence linking cardiac disease in dogs to the b. Dogs or cats with known risk factor conditions that, with
development of venous or arterial thrombosis. Only 1 study was iden- treatment, are likely to resolve in days to weeks.
tified linking cardiac disease in dogs to the development of thrombosis
(LOE 4, Fair).78 Most studies were poorly designed, small, and offered
Evidence summary
limited evidence in either direction and hence were considered neutral
to the PECO question.15,23,71,82,123–125 There was a similar LOE refut- When considering initiation of antithrombotic therapy, an assessment
ing a link between thrombosis and cardiac disease in dogs as suggesting of individual risk for thrombosis or thromboembolism is necessary.
it.5,14,55 There were numerous case series and several case reports in Individual risk should account for the underlying condition, the inflam-
individual dogs, but in the context of the substantial numbers of dogs matory state of the animal, and the likelihood the underlying condition
with cardiac disease worldwide, the number of reports of thrombosis can be resolved. Specific diseases, as documented above, are strongly
was very small comparatively. associated with an increased risk for thrombosis (including IMHA and
Overall ATE appears to be very uncommon in dogs and is most PLN in dogs, and cardiomyopathy in the cat). The risk for thrombosis
frequently associated with PLN, neoplasia, and HAC. Cardiac disease associated with other diseases is less clear, and reference to human
has been identified in some dogs with ATE, but is absent in other com- guidelines provides a rational approach until further prospective stud-
parable populations. As such, the degree of association is very weak. ies can be completed. A reasonable assessment of risk must balance
Some evidence suggests that dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) the perceived danger of thrombosis, with the possible harm (ie, hem-
may have a hypercoagulable state, but it is not clear if or how this orrhage) that may result from specific antithrombotic therapies. In

human medical patients, the Padua prediction score considers risk fac- 5. Winter RL, Budke CM. Multicenter evaluation of signalment and
tors such as active neoplasia, prior VTE, conditions known to cause a comorbid conditions associated with aortic thrombotic disease in
dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2017;251:438-442.
hypercoagulable state, reduced mobility, recent trauma, elderly age,
6. Jacinto AML, Ridyard AE, Aroch I, et al. Thromboembolism in dogs
acute myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke, heart or respiratory
with protein-losing enteropathy with non-neoplastic chronic small
failure, acute infection or rheumatologic disorder, obesity, and ongoing intestinal disease. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2017;53:185-192.
hormonal therapy.123 Each of the first 4 categories is worth 3 points, 7. Williams TP, Shaw S, Porter A, Berkwitt L. Aortic thrombosis in dogs.
recent trauma or surgery is worth 2 points, and the remainders are J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2017;27:9-22.
worth 1 point. Patients with scores above 4 are considered to be at 8. McLaughlin CM, Marks SL, Dorman DC, et al. Thromboelastographic
high risk for VTE. Recent models have also integrated the concentra- monitoring of the effect of unfractionated heparin in healthy dogs. J
tion of circulating D-dimer into risk scoring.124 Both patient and pro- Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2017;27:71-81.

cedure specific risks for postoperative thromboembolism have been 9. Yang VK, Cunningham SM, Rush JE, de Laforcade A. The use of
rivaroxaban for the treatment of thrombotic complications in four
documented in human patients undergoing nonorthopedic surgery,125
dogs. J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2016;26:729-736.
but these data have not been compiled for veterinary patients. Some
10. Panek CM, Nakamura RK, Bianco D. Use of enoxaparin in dogs with
retrospective reports of adrenalectomy in dogs (LOE 2, Poor) have primary immune-mediated hemolytic anemia: 21 cases. J Vet Emerg
reported postoperative thrombosis, particularly in dogs that already Crit Care. 2015;25:273-277.
had evidence of tumor invasion into the vena cava,90,126 but this has 11. Wendelburg KM, O'Toole TE, McCobb E, et al. Risk factors for peri-
not been documented in other studies with similar populations.127 In operative death in dogs undergoing splenectomy for splenic masses:
addition, the procoagulant influence of inflammation in diseases asso- 539 cases (2001-2012). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2014;245:1382-1390.

ciated with systemic illness (eg, sepsis, pancreatitis, and severe trauma) 12. Lynch AM, deLaforcade AM, Sharp CR. Clinical experience of anti-Xa
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and the presence of other factors (eg, central venous catheters)23 may
Care. 2014;24:421-428.
also help to characterize levels of risk in veterinary patients, although
13. Romao FG, Campos EF, Mattoso CR, Takahira RK. Hemostatic profile
this is difficult to quantify given the available evidence. and thromboembolic risk in healthy dogs treated with prednisone: a
randomized controlled trial. BMC Vet Res. 2013;9:268.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST 14. Winter RL, Sedacca CD, Adams A, Orton EC. Aortic thrombosis in
dogs: presentation, therapy, and outcome in 26 cases. J Vet Cardiol.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. 2012;14:333-342.
15. LaRue MJ, Murtaugh RJ. Pulmonary thromboembolism in dogs: 47
cases (1986-1987). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1990;197:1368-1372.
16. Johnson LR, Lappin MR, Baker DC. Pulmonary thromboembolism in
Lenore Bacek DVM, MS, DACVECC 29 dogs: 1985–1995. J Vet Intern Med. 1999;13:338-345.
17. Norris CR, Griffey SM, Samii VF. Pulmonary thromboembolism in
Marie-Claude Blais DVM, DACVIM cats: 29 cases (1987-1997). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1999;215:1650- 1654.
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Alex Lynch BVSc (Hons), DACVECC 19. Respess M, O'Toole TE, Taeymans O, et al. Portal vein thrombosis in
33 dogs: 1998–2011. J Vet Intern Med. 2012;26:230-237.
20. Van Winkle TJ, Bruce E. Thrombosis of the portal vein in eleven dogs.
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21. Rogers CL, O'Toole TE, Keating JH, et al. Portal vein thrombosis in
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22. Laurenson MP, Hopper K, Herrera MA, Johnson EG. Concurrent dis-
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