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Cerebral Cortex, 2019;00: 1–16

doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhz266
Advance Access Publication Date:
Original Article

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Emotional Interference in Early Adolescence: Positive

Reinforcement Modulates the Behavioral and Neural
Effects of Negative Emotional Distracters
Neil P. Jones1 , Michael Schlund1,2 , Rebecca Kerestes1 and Cecile D.
1 Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA and
2 Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302, USA
Address correspondence to Neil P. Jones, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, 3811 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.

Limited research has examined functioning within fronto-limbic systems subserving the resistance to emotional
interference in adolescence despite evidence indicating that alterations in these systems are implicated in the
developmental trajectories of affective disorders. This study examined the functioning of fronto-limbic systems subserving
emotional interference in early adolescence and whether positive reinforcement could modulate these systems to promote
resistance to emotional distraction. Fifty healthy early adolescents (10–13 years old) completed an emotional delayed
working memory (WM) paradigm in which no distractors (fixation crosshair) and emotional distracters (neutral and
negative images) were presented with and without positive reinforcement for correct responses. WM accuracy decreased
with negative distracters relative to neutral distracters and no distracters, and activation increased in amygdala and
prefrontal cortical (PFC) regions (ventrolateral, dorsomedial, ventromedial, and subgenual anterior cingulate) with negative
distracters compared with those with no distracters. Reinforcement improved performance and reduced activation in the
amygdala, dorsomedial PFC, and ventrolateral PFC. Decreases in amygdala activation to negative distracters due to
reinforcement mediated observed decreases in reaction times. These findings demonstrate that healthy adolescents recruit
similar fronto-limbic systems subserving emotional interference as adults and that positive reinforcement can modulate
fronto-limbic systems to promote resistance to emotional distraction.

Key words: adolescence, cognitive control, emotion, motivation, working memory

Introduction adolescence (cf., Vetter et al. 2015; Ladouceur et al. 2018). As

such, it is unclear whether findings from the adult literature
The ability to sustain attention on goal-directed behavior while
resisting interference from distracting emotional information extend to adolescents. Replication with adolescents could have
(e.g., focusing on one’s teacher and ignoring an angry class- important clinical implications in light of evidence suggesting
mate) is critical for adaptive behavior. In adults, the ability that the altered functioning of fronto-limbic systems may con-
to successfully prevent emotional interference appears to rely tribute to the developmental trajectories of risk for affective
on complex interactions between frontal and limbic systems disorders (Joormann et al. 2007; Ladouceur et al. 2009, 2013;
(e.g., Dolcos et al. 2006; Dolcos and McCarthy 2006). However, Ladouceur 2012). Furthermore, given that emotional interfer-
limited research has examined functioning within fronto-limbic ence is a disruptive characteristic of affective disorders in adults
systems subserving the resistance to emotional interference in (Jones et al. 2015, 2016) and adolescents (Colich et al. 2017),

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
2 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

identifying variables or procedures that can be used to buffer The majority of research into the functioning of fronto-limbic
against interference-related declines in goal-directed behavior systems subserving resisting emotional interference has been
is an important yet largely unexplored area of research (cf., conducted in adults. Investigating the functioning of these sys-

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Ladouceur et al. 2018). tems with different age groups is an important step needed to
According to some theories, emotional information is prior- firmly establish the generality of emotional interference effects
itized over concurrent goal-directed activity (Mogg et al. 2000; and presumed brain mechanisms. Given evidence that pre-
Armony and Dolan 2002), because emotion information contains frontal cortical (PFC) regions and their connectivity to subcor-
signals closely linked to survival (LeDoux 2000). Thus, emo- tical regions, such as the amygdala, undergo important mat-
tion information is highly motivationally salient and captures urational changes during adolescence (Gee et al. 2013; Casey
attention (Anderson and Phelps 2001; Piech et al. 2011). Some et al. 2019), while subcortical regions implicated in emotional
models posit that emotional information can cause interference processing are particularly active compared with younger chil-
with ongoing goal-directed activity because it competes for dren and adults (Guyer et al. 2016), it is possible that ado-
resources at both perceptual and executive levels of processing lescents could show greater emotional interference associated
(i.e., the dual competition model; Pessoa 2009). This competition with less activation in PFC regions than adults. Limited evi-
for limited resources arises because emotional information is dence is emerging which supports the generality of emotional
integrated with cognitive control processes through complex interference effects and the presumed brain mechanism in ado-
interactions between subcortical and prefrontal regions (Pessoa lescents. Vetter et al. (2015) used a perceptual discrimination
2015). Using cognitive tasks modified to include task irrele- task to examine emotional interference. Preventing emotional
vant emotional distracters, numerous studies have provided interference was operationalized as the ability to correctly com-
evidence that emotional stimuli tend to “hijack” attention more pare two shredded images to determine their equality while
easily than nonemotional stimuli resulting in disrupted goal ignoring emotional stimuli. Preventing emotional interference
pursuit and less optimal task performance (e.g., slower reaction was contrasted against attending to emotional stimuli, oper-
times and reduced accuracy; Dolcos and McCarthy 2006; Antice- ationalized as determining the equality of intact emotional
vic et al. 2010; Denkova et al. 2010). The magnitude of the inter- stimuli while ignoring shredded emotional stimuli. Attending
ference effect varies as a function of how arousing the emotional to emotional stimuli relative to resisting emotional interference
information is and its task relevance such that highly arous- was associated with increased activation in the ventral visual
ing, task-irrelevant emotional information results in a greater stream, amygdala (to negative stimuli only), and VLPFC, and with
diversion of executive resources and stronger negative impact reduced activation in the DLPFC and inferior parietal lobe. Simi-
on performance, particularly in the context of mental illness larly, in our preliminary study conducted in a separate small and
(Schweizer et al. 2019). under-powered sample, we have demonstrated that processing
One task that has been used to examine the functioning of emotional distracters is associated with greater activation in the
fronto-limbic systems underlying attentional control in the con- amygdala, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) extending
text of emotional distracters is the emotional delayed working into the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC), and the VLPFC
memory (EDWM) task. The EDWM task is a modified version of during the delay period of the EDWM task adapted for use
a visual delayed match-to-sample task that includes a visual with adolescents (Ladouceur et al. 2018). Taken together, these
probe held in working memory (WM) during a delay period and studies begin to demonstrate that the same pattern of fronto-
typically involves the presentation of no distracter, a neutral dis- limbic interactions observed in the adult literature is replicat-
tracter, or an emotional distracter (e.g., negatively valenced pic- ing in adolescence. While illustrative, neither study examined
tures). In adults, recent meta-analyses of emotional interference brain-behavior associations. Specifically, no identified research
(Hung et al. 2018; Schweizer et al. 2019) have found that process- in adolescence has examined associations between amygdala
ing negative emotional distracting information is consistently functioning and WM performance despite evidence from the
associated with increased activation in the temporo-occipital adult literature indicating such an association exists (Anticevic
lobe, including the fusiform gyrus (i.e., the ventral visual stream), et al. 2010; Dolcos et al. 2013). Thus, the first goal of the current
the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), orbital frontal cor- investigation is to replicate and extend findings in young ado-
tex (OFC), and the amygdala, and decreased activation in the lescents by examining the functioning of fronto-limbic systems
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). This pattern of activa- underlying resistance to emotional interference and examining
tion is typically interpreted as an indication that the resources brain-behavior associations to elucidate potential brain mecha-
allocated to the DLPFC—implicated in active maintenance of nisms underlying resistance to emotional interference.
task-relevant information—is momentarily commandeered due Given that susceptibility to emotional interference is a
to the salience and biological relevance of the visual affective deficit present in both adults (Jones et al. 2015, 2016) and
stimuli, as processed by the amygdala and OFC (Dolcos et al. adolescence (Colich et al. 2017) diagnosed with affective
2008). Consistent with this assertion, studies demonstrate that disorders, identifying variables or procedures that can be
greater activation within the amygdala (Anticevic et al. 2010; used to prevent interference and associated declines in goal-
Dolcos et al. 2013) and decreased activation in the DLPFC during directed behavior are an important yet largely unexplored
the delay period (Dolcos and McCarthy 2006; Dolcos et al. 2008) area of research. In particular, research indicates that affective
are associated with poorer WM accuracy. Furthermore, evidence disorders are associated with biased processing of emotional
consistently points to activation with the VLPFC serving a key stimuli (Ladouceur et al. 2005; Monk et al. 2008; Phillips et al.
role in coping with emotional interference. Increased VLPFC 2008; Britton et al. 2013) and abnormal recruitment of top-down
activation is associated with decreased subjective ratings of cognitive control, particularly in the presence of interfering
distractibility and the emotionality of negative affective stimuli emotional stimuli (e.g., fearful images, Colich et al. 2017) and
(Dolcos and McCarthy 2006), as well as increased WM accuracy internal emotional states (e.g., anxious arousal, Jones et al.
(Dolcos et al. 2006, 2013; Dolcos and McCarthy 2006; Anticevic 2015, 2016), which are associated with deficits in goal-directed
et al. 2010; Iordan and Dolcos 2017). behavior. Hence, there is a need to identify ways of promoting
Emotional Interference in Adolescence Jones etal. 3

attentional control of emotion. As reviewed, evidence suggests claustrophobia), or taking oral steroids. Parental informed
that emotional responses and emotional interference can be consent was provided and adolescent assent was obtained
mitigated by increased recruitment of top-down cognitive prior to scanning. The study was approved by the University

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control regions (Dolcos et al. 2006, 2013; Dolcos and McCarthy of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board. Participants received
2006; Anticevic et al. 2010). A number of animal and human performance-based earnings in addition to compensation for
neuroimaging studies have shown that positive reinforcement their participation.
(i.e., receipt of a reward following a specific response) boosts
behavioral performance on cognitive control tasks such as
Screening Measures
WM (Watanabe 1996; Pochon et al. 2002; Beck et al. 2010;
Jimura et al. 2010; Bahlmann et al. 2015; Iordan and Dolcos The Columbia Diagnostic Interview for Children (Shaffer et al.
2017; Bruening et al. 2018) and that such improvement in 2000) a computerized structured interview used with adoles-
performance is associated with increased neural activation cents and their parent about their child, was used to screen
in dorsal and lateral PFC regions. Such findings suggest that participants for the presence of psychiatric diagnosis based
positive reinforcement for correct responding on the EDWM on criteria from the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association
task could boost behavioral performance by counteracting 1994).
the effects of emotional interference. There are a number of
potential routes through which positive reinforcement may
Pretask Practice
exert influence. These include reduced activation in brain
regions supporting the processing and coping with emotional Immediately prior to the scanning session, participants read
distracters (e.g., amygdala, vmPFC and VLPFC), which was instructions and completed a shortened version of the task
observed in our preliminary study (Ladouceur et al. 2018), in a mock scanner to familiarize them with the EDWM task.
increased activation in attentional control regions (lateral The practice session also included training participants to map
prefrontal cortex), or both. As such, it is likely that reduced numbers 1–2 to corresponding buttons on the response glove as
activation in emotional processing regions and/or increased well as exposing participants to the sounds of the scanner and
activation in prefrontal cognitive regions occurring as a function teaching them how to remain still during the scan.
of reward could mediate changes in behavior performance.
Accordingly, the second goal of this study was to test the
fMRI EDWM Paradigm
extent to which providing positive reinforcement (i.e., monetary
rewards for correct responses) would improve task performance Participants completed two fMRI paradigms during a 90-min
and modulate activation in PFC and subcortical regions involved MRI scan at the Magnetic Resonance Research Center, University
in emotional interference in a larger sample of adolescents. of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System, USA. The focus of
We hypothesized that: 1) we would replicate in adolescents the current investigation was their performance on an adapted
the patterns of activation associated with emotional interfer- version of the EDWM task (Anticevic et al. 2011). The EDWM
ence observed in adults; 2) positive reinforcement would be task included 80 trials of a version of a delayed match-to-
associated with reduced activation in limbic and ventral neural sample task (Sternberg 1969) with two geometric shapes and
regions (i.e., amygdala and VLPFC); 3) greater amygdala activa- two potential distracter types presented during the delay or the
tion during negative emotional distracters would be associated maintenance period of the task: emotionally negative images
with poorer accuracy and slower reaction times; and 4) the and visually complex neutral images (see Fig. 1). Trials began
magnitude of the decrease in amygdala activation, in response with the presentation of the memoranda (3 s) followed by a
to emotional distracters, due to positive reinforcement would fixation cross (1 s), a delay period (fixation cross (10 s) or dis-
mediate changes in task performance. tracter (3 s) and fixation cross (7 s)), the probe (2.5 s), inter-
trial stimulus (in blocks without positive reinforcement: fixation
cross (7 s); in blocks with positive reinforcement, feedback (0.5 s):
Materials and Methods “Correct: win $1” written in green following correct responses or
“Wrong: no money” written in red following incorrect responses
or “No response” written in white following omissions and fix-
One hundred and one healthy youths (52% girls) aged between ation cross (6.5 s). A PC running E-prime software (psychology
10 and 13 years old and with no history of psychiatric or neu- software tools (PST)) controlled stimulus display. A color high-
rological disorders participated in the study. Participants were resolution LCD projector projected visual stimuli onto a rear
recruited from the community through advertisements and fly- screen at the head of the scanner bore, viewable via a mirror
ers. They were recruited to be within a narrow age-range due to attached to the head coil. Responses were recorded using a PST
the aims of the larger longitudinal project in which participants glove.
were enrolled. Thirty-eight participants were excluded for hav- The 80 trials of the EDWM task were divided according to
ing excessive motion (i.e., >25% of scans with motion >5 mm distracter type: 30 negative distracter trials, 30 neutral distracter
and/or 3 standard deviation [SD] intensity shifts) as determined trials, and 20 no distracter trials, which were blank trials with
by ArtRepair (Mazaika et al. 2005); 13 were excluded for poor a fixation cross used to estimate distracter-free maintenance
behavioral performance (<65% accuracy). Analyses were con- activity. The trials were grouped into eight blocks of 10 trials
ducted on the remaining 50 participants (mean age: 12.00 years; each. The first two blocks included trials with no distracters
SD = 1.06, range: 10.11–13.91 years, 58% female, 72% Caucasian, (block 1 without positive reinforcement and block 2 with posi-
18% African American, and 5% unknown). tive reinforcement). The following six blocks included 30 neu-
Exclusion criteria included the presence of psychiatric tral and 30 negative trials presented in a fixed random order
disorder, visual disturbance (<20/40 Snellen visual acuity), within each block. Three blocks were presented without positive
being pregnant, MRI contraindications (e.g., metal in the body, reinforcement (blocks 3, 5, and 7), and three blocks included
4 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

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Figure 1. Illustration of the adapted version of the EDWM task with and without positive reinforcement for correct responding on trials with no, neutral or negative
distracters. ITI: interstimulus interval.

positive reinforcement (blocks 4, 6, and 8). The even-numbered They were also informed that at some point during the task,
blocks included the same trials and timing as the odd-number graphic images would be presented. In order to examine the
blocks but with the added instructions and feedback pertain- influence of positive reinforcement on the performance of the
ing to reinforcement. Each trial lasted 24 s with each block EDWM task, each block was repeated, but the distracters (neutral
lasting 4.3 min. As in Anticevic et al. (2010), the memory sets and negative) within the blocks were randomized, and blocks
were constructed from complex geometric shapes (Attneave 2, 4, 6, and 8 included instructions at the beginning of the
and Arnoult 1956) created using a MATLAB algorithm designed block indicating to the participants that they would receive a
to generate geometric shapes that were not easily described monetary reward ($1) for each correct response.
and encoded verbally (Collin and McMullen 2002). The negative
and neutral distracters were a subset of digitized slides from
the international affective picture system (IAPS) stimulus set
Manipulation Check: Postscan Valence and Arousal
(Lang et al. 2008) selected for use with children and adolescents Rating Task
(McManis et al. 2001). All distracters were presented at the center In order to account for the possibility that the emotional dis-
of the screen, with a visual angle of 8.5◦ . At the end of the scan, tracters were not perceived as emotionally salient, participants
participants were informed that the monetary reward received performed a computerized valence and arousal rating task
was to be added to their participant payment card. immediately following exiting the scanner. The task consisted of
Prior to the start of the experiment, each participant was viewing a series of 80 IAPS pictures (38 negative and 42 neutral)
presented with instructions explaining the task and completed that were presented in a random order and included pictures
a practice session. They were instructed to try to remember used as emotional distracters in the EDWM task (36%) and
two shapes presented on the screen and to keep their eyes pictures that were randomly selected from the IAPS series (64%).
looking at the center of the screen and to not respond once Participants were asked to use the Self-Assessment Manikin
the shapes disappeared. They were also told that a single shape (Bradley and Lang 1994; Lang et al. 1999) rating scale which is a
would then be presented for a brief time and to press a button nonverbal pictorial assessment technique, to rate their affective
with their index finger (yes) if this shape matched one of the reactions to the pictures in terms of valence (1 = positive to
shapes previously presented and to press a button with their 9 = negative) and arousal (1 = excited and 9 = calm). Only ratings
middle finger (no) if this shape did not match any of the shapes. of images used in the EDWM task were analyzed.
Emotional Interference in Adolescence Jones etal. 5

MRI Data Acquisition Only trials with correct responses were used in analyses (With-
out reinforcement: no distracter Mdn = 9, range: 4–10; neutral
Scanning was performed on a 3 T Siemens Biograph mMR scan-
Mdn = 12, range: 7–15; negative Mdn = 11, range: 6–14. With rein-
ner. Functional T2∗ weighted images were acquired using an

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forcement: no distracter Mdn = 9, range: 6–10; neutral Mdn = 13,
echo-planar imaging sequence (repetition time (TR): 2000 ms;
range: 9–15; negative Mdn = 12, range: 8–15). An FIR approach was
echo time (TE): 26 ms; flip angle: 90◦ ; FOV: 205 × 205 mm; acquisi-
used because multiple psychological processes are unfolding in
tion matrix: 64 × 64; slice thickness: 3.1 mm; number of slices: 38
succession and the main process of interest, that is, emotional
slices). Field map images were also acquired during the scanning
interference, is hypothesized to have a sustained effect whereby
session (TR: 40 ms; TE: 4.92 ms; TE2: 7.38 ms; flip angle: 35◦ ; field
emotional processing continues into another cognitive phase of
of view (FOV): 256 × 256 mm; acquisition matrix: 128 × 128; slice
the task. Furthermore, modeling only the delay period would
thickness: 3.1 mm; number of slices: 38). Both the functional
have made it difficult to interpret relative “deactivations” in the
T2∗ weighted and field mapping images were acquired as axial
BOLD response.
slices aligned with the anterior commissure–posterior commis-
Second-level voxel-wise analyses testing Hypothesis 1 and
sure (AC–PC) line at midline. Due to a change in parameters
Hypothesis 2, described below, were restricted to regions-of-
used for the field map acquisition that occurred after study
interest based on the reviewed literature. An anatomically based
recruitment had commenced, field maps were not collected for
region-of-interest region of interest (ROI) mask of the prefrontal
12 participants. A high-resolution, T1-weighted magnetization-
cortex was created with the automated anatomic labeling atlas
prepared rapid-acquisition gradient echo anatomical scan was
(Tzourio-Mazoyer et al. 2002) of the WFU Pickatlas toolbox (Mald-
acquired in the axial plane for each participant at the beginning
jian et al. 2003). A single mask encompassing the ventromedial
of the functional scanning session (slice thickness-1 mm, voxel
(BA 10 and 11), ventrolateral (BA 45 and 47) and the dorsolateral
size = 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 , 160 slices, TR = 2300 ms, TE = 2.47 ms, flip
(BA 9 and 46), regions of the prefrontal cortex was created.
angle = 9o , matrix = 256 × 256, FOV = 256 mm).
Broadman areas were dilated prior to inclusion in the mask.
Due to our a priori interest in using the amygdala in subse-
Data Analyses quent mediation analyses and to prevent concerns related to
“double dipping,” we extracted averaged activation across all
Behavioral Data
voxels located within an anatomically defined amygdala ROI, for
Accuracy (% hits + % correct rejections/2) and reaction times
each combination of distracter type and reinforcement condi-
(correct trials only) were computed for each condition for each
tion for each TR (12), for each hemisphere, and for each subject.
participant. Data were analyzed using a repeated measures
The amygdala was anatomically defined using an anatomical
analysis of variance in SAS V.9.4 with emotional distracter type
mask created using the WFU Pickatlas toolbox (Maldjian et al.
(no distracter, neutral or negative) and reinforcement condition
2003). Amygdala activation was winsorized prior to conducting
(with or without) as within-subject factors and an alpha crite-
brain behavior associations. To our knowledge, there are no
rion set at P < 0.05. Post hoc comparisons were performed using
established models proposing dynamic shifts in left and right
false discovery rate (FDR) corrections (Benjamini and Hochberg
amygdala functions across development. Nevertheless, several
meta-analytic reviews of emotional information processing in
adults indicate that the left amygdala is more frequently acti-
fMRI Data vated than the right amygdala, to negative stimuli (Wager et al.
Image preprocessing was performed with Statistical Paramet- 2003; Baas et al. 2004; Fusar-Poli et al. 2009). Thus, given evi-
ric Mapping software (SPM8; Wellcome Trust Centre for Neu- dence that the amygdala and its connectivity to PFC regions are
roimaging). These steps included correction for differences in still developing during childhood and adolescence (Gee et al.
acquisition time between slices, correction for motion (realign- 2013; Casey et al. 2019), it is possible that neurodevelopmental
ment using six-parameter rigid body), and unwarping using a changes during adolescence may result in differential program-
field map, coregistration of the unwarped image to the partic- ming, which we wanted to capture by testing left and right
ipant’s structural image. For the 12 participants’ missing filed amygdala independently.
maps, the unwarping preprocessing step was not conducted; the In supplementary analyses, we also conducted whole-brain
realigned, motion corrected images were coregistered to the par- analyses that were not restricted these masks (see Supplemen-
ticipant’s structural image. Images were normalized using the tal Tables S1 and S2).
“unified segmentation” approach, including the segmentation
of the structural image and registration into MNI space (ICBM
Hypothesis Analysis Strategy
template), and then the registration of functional images to MNI
space was performed based on the parameters of the structural Hypothesis 1
registration. Finally, normalized images were smoothed using a To address our first hypothesis pertaining to the effects
6-mm FWHM Gaussian kernel. of emotional distracters on fronto-limbic activation, a full
For the first-level analysis, individual effects were estimated factorial GLM focusing on distracter type (no distracters, neutral
using the general linear model (GLM) approach implemented distracters and negative distracters—without reinforcement)
in SPM8. We used a finite impulse response (FIR) approach by time (12 TRs) interaction was performed using GLM Flex
to analyze task-related blood oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) Fast2 (
responses. This allows the statistical model to determine the Flex_Fast2). The Type I error rate was controlled using AFNI’s
shape of the hemodynamic response function across each 24 s 3dClustSim using the autocorrelation function (-ACF) option
trial. The FIR model was specified with a 2 s sampling rate (Cox et al. 2016). Smoothness was estimated from the level 2
resulting in an HRF amplitude being estimated for each TR (i.e., residuals, and a voxel-wise threshold of P < 1 × 10−7 was used
12 timepoints). We modeled the onsets of each distracter type for cluster forming to increase the spatial/anatomical specificity
with and without positive reinforcement (i.e., six conditions). of the resulting clusters in accordance with recommendations
6 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

made by Woo et al. (2014). These methods also address issues Hypothesis 4
raised by Eklund et al. (2016). Results indicated that an extent Mediational analyses were conducted using the MEMORE macro
threshold of 1 voxel corresponded to a cluster-wise family-wise for SAS developed by Montoya and Hayes (2017) to determine

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error rate of P < 0.05. The small extent threshold is a result of whether changes in amygdala activation during negative dis-
the very stringent cluster forming threshold given that the ROI tracter trials due to reinforcement would mediate changes in
mask’s total volume (total volume = 16 068 voxels) well exceeds task performance. This macro was used to estimate the total,
the minimum cluster size for 3dClustSim (128 voxels). Averaged direct, and indirect effects of X (reinforcement: with reinforce-
voxel parameter estimates over time were extracted (based on ment vs. without reinforcement) on Y (performance: change in
the significant clusters from the interaction maps) for each reaction time, change in accuracy) through the mediator M (i.e.,
subject for all conditions. change in left/right amygdala activation due to reinforcement)
Using SAS software version 9.4, we examined the significant in a path-analytic form using ordinary least squares regression.
distracter by time interaction for each of these significant clus- This macro implements the method described by Judd et al.
ters using mixed effects analyses where condition and time were (2001) to test mediation in within-subject designs. Inferences
modeled as repeated factors with residuals modeled as uncon- about the statistical significance of the indirect effect were
ditional for condition and autoregressive (AR[1]) for time. The based on confidence intervals generated using bootstrapping
only purpose for computing these models was to conduct simple approaches (10 000 samples).
contrasts using the appropriate degrees of freedom from the To correct for multiple comparisons for tests of Hypothe-
mixed models; we do not report statistics related to the overall ses 1 and 2, the significance level was corrected using FDR
interaction effects because these estimates for the voxel-wise q < 0.05. FDR correction was calculated using SAS’s multitest
analyses limited to the prefrontal cortex would be inflated due procedure which uses the raw P-values from simple contrasts
to “double dipping.” A priori simple contrasts (negative > neutral to determine the FDR using the linear step-up method of Ben-
and negative > baseline distracters) of average activation in the jamini and Hochberg (1995). To correct for the four mediations
delay period (8–16 s post-trial onset) were conducted on least tests conducted in Hypothesis 4, all tests of indirect effects
square mean estimates. Parallel mixed effects analyses were were conducted using a 97.6% confidence interval which corre-
conducted for the anatomically defined left and right amygdala sponds to an FDR q < 0.05 (Benjamini and Yekutieli 2001; Narum
clusters. 2006).

Hypothesis 2 Delay Timing Sensitivity Analyses

To evaluate the effects of positive reinforcement on fronto- Previous studies have varied in the window used to define the
limbic activation during the negative distracter trials, a full delay period (Dolcos and McCarthy 2006; Anticevic et al. 2010;
factorial GLM focusing on negative distracters with and without Ladouceur et al. 2018). The inconsistency in the timing of the
positive reinforcement by time (12 TRs) interaction was per- delay period calls into question, when during the delay period
formed using GLM Flex Fast2. The Type I error rate was con- are emotional interference effects most likely to be observed. In
trolled using the same method as Hypothesis 1. Smoothness was previous studies examining emotional interference on cognitive
estimated from the level 2 residuals and a voxel-wise threshold control regions, the DLPFC and lateral frontopolar cortex (LFPC)
of P < 0.001 was used for cluster forming (see Supplemental demonstrate maximum deactivations between 4.4 s (Anticevic
Methods for the rationale supporting varying cluster-forming et al. 2010) and ∼4.5 s (Dolcos and McCarthy 2006) postdistracter
thresholds). Results indicated that an extent threshold of 75 onset based on the graphs of the time-series in both papers.
voxels corresponded to a cluster-wise family-wise error rate of We conducted sensitivity analyses to determine if differential
P < 0.05. Averaged voxel parameter estimates over time were distracter impact on prefrontal cognitive control regions are
extracted (based on the significant clusters from the interaction more apparent early within the delay period (4-s postdistracter
maps) for each subject for all conditions. Using SAS V9.4, we onset = 8-s postmemoranda onset), which should correspond to
examined the significant condition × time interaction for each the peak window of difference among conditions, relative to
of these significant clusters using a mixed effects analysis where later during the delay period (6–10 s postdistracter onset = 10–
condition and time were modeled as repeated factors with resid- 14 s postmemoranda onset). Given evidence that individual
uals modeled as unconditional for condition and autoregres- differences in sustained processing of emotional information
sive (AR[1]) for time. A priori simple contrasts (without > with in the amygdala exist, particularly among those with affective
reinforcement) of average activation in the delay period (8–16 s) disorders (Siegle et al. 2002), we also examined whether changes
were conducted on least square mean estimates. Parallel mixed in amygdala activation due to reinforcement during the time
effects analyses were conducted for the anatomically defined frame most indicative of sustained processing of the negative
left and right amygdala clusters. distracters prior to probe onset (10–14 s postmemoranda onset)
would be a stronger mediator of changes in task performance
than the entire delay and probe period (8–16 s postmemoranda
Hypothesis 3 onset).
To evaluate associations between amygdala activation during
the delay period and performance (accuracy and reaction times)
during negative distracters, two mixed effects analyses were Results
conducted in SAS V9.4 with predicting performance from amyg-
Distracter Ratings
dala activation (8–16 s). We allowed for differences in the asso-
ciation to vary as a function of reinforcement condition by Our manipulation check of distracter type indicated that
including an amygdala x condition interaction. Residuals were participants rated negative distracters as more negatively
modeled as unconditional for condition. valenced, t(48) = 14.12, P < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 2.38, and arousing
Emotional Interference in Adolescence Jones etal. 7

Reaction Time
Figure 2B shows mean reaction times for each distracter
type with and without positive reinforcement. Results from

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the repeated measures ANOVA indicated a significant main
effect of reinforcement, F(1247) = 52.65, P < 0.001, on reaction
time, and distracter F(2247) = 3.84, P = 0.032. Main effects
were not qualified by a reinforcement × distracter interaction
F(2245) = 0.18, P = 0.833. Relative to trials without reinforcement,
M (SE) = 1456 (28.2), trials with reinforcement, M (SE) = 1330 (28.2),
was associated with faster reaction times, t = 7.26 P < 0.001,
Cohen’s d = 1.03. Furthermore, participants demonstrated longer
reaction times in the face of negative distracters, M (SE) = 1408
(29.5) t = 2.24, P = 0.026, Cohen’s d = 0.32; and neutral distracters
M (SE) = 1410 (29.5) t = 2.33, P = 0.021, Cohen’s d = 0.33, relative to
when no distracters were present M (SE) = 1360(29.5). Equivalent
reaction times were observed for negative distracters and
neutral distracters, t = 0.09, P = 0.927, Cohen’s d = 0.01.

Examination of Brain Regions Responsive to Differences Between No
Distracter, Neutral Distracter, and Negative Distracter Conditions
Without Reinforcement
Table 1 and Supplemental Table S3 list the brain regions
demonstrating significant distracter type (no distracter, neutral
distracter and negative distracter) × time (12 TRs) interaction
from the region-of-interest analysis, and Figure 3 shows their
anatomical locations. Probing the interaction indicated that the
right amygdala, left subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC)
(BA 25), left vmPFC (BA 10), bilateral dmPFC (BA 9), left VLPFC
(BA 45/47), and right VLPFC (BA 47) were more active during
the delay period in the negative distracter condition relative
to the no distracter condition (see Fig. 3, FDR < 0.05). Across all
regions-of-interest, activation during the delay period, in the
negative distracter condition, did not statistically differ from
Figure 2. Bar charts of (A) mean percent accuracy and (B) mean reaction times on
activation during the neutral condition when controlling for
the EDWM task depicting the main effects of distracter type and reinforcement.
Bars with differing letters within an effect are significantly different from one
multiple comparisons. However, as shown in Supplemental
another. W/R.: with reinforcement; W/O R.: without reinforcement. Table S4, when a less conservative testing approach was taken—
analyzing the time points of the delay period showing the
highest statistical significance for the contrasts of interest
t(48) = −9.02, P < 0.001, Cohen’s d = −1.66 than neutral distracters as in Dolcos and McCarthy (2006)—activation in the negative
(valence: M (SD)negative = 7.0 (1.1) vs. M (SD)neutral = 4.6(0.9); condition differed from activation in the neutral condition for
arousal: M (SD)negative = 5.1 (2.2) vs. M (SD)neutral = 8.0 (1.1)). the bilateral amygdala, left sgACC, left VMPFC, and bilateral
dmPFC. Other cognitive control regions in the dorsal and
lateral prefrontal cortex did not differ between conditions
Task Performance during the delay period (FDR q > 0.05). However, sensitivity
Accuracy analyses indicated that, early during the early delay period
Figure 2A shows mean percent accuracy for each distracter (8-s postmemoranda onset), bilateral DLPFC and bilateral
type with and without positive reinforcement. Results from LFPC were significantly deactivated in the negative distracter
the repeated measures ANOVA indicated significant main versus no distracter trials. Moreover, activation in right LFPC
effects of reinforcement, F(1247) = 28.98, P < 0.001, and dis- showed significant differences between negative and neutral
tracter F(2247) = 32.94, P < 0.001, which were not qualified by distracter conditions. During the later delay period (10–14 s
a reinforcement × distracter interaction F(2245) = 0.01, P = 0.987. postmemoranda onset) there were no significant distracter
Participants were more accurate on trials with reinforcement, type-related differences (see Supplementary Table S5).
M (SE) = 83.6 (1.27), relative to those without reinforcement,
M (SE) = 80 (1.27), t = P < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.76. Furthermore, Examination of Brain Regions Responsive to Positive Reinforcement
participants were less accurate in the face of negative dis- During the Presentation of Negative Distracters
tracters, M (SE) = 75.4 (1.38), relative to neutral distracters, M Table 2 lists the brain regions demonstrating significant rein-
(SE) = 81.2 (1.38), t = 4.52, P < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.64, and were forcement (negative distracters without reinforcement, nega-
more accurate when no distracters were present, M (SE) = 85.8 tive distracters with reinforcement) × time (12 TRs) interaction
(1.38), relative to neutral distracters, t = 3.58, P < 0.001, Cohen’s during negative distracters, and Figure 4 shows their anatom-
d = 0.51, and negative distracters, t = 8.10, P < 0.001, Cohen’s ical locations. Probing brain regions demonstrating a signifi-
d = 1.14. cant reinforcement × time interaction indicated that the right
8 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

Table 1 Brain regions demonstrating a distracter type × time interaction effect from the region-of-interest analysis

Region BA x y z Cluster Peak F-value Simple contrasts between conditions for the delay period

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Neg > No Neg > Neu Neu > No
Cohen’s d Cohen’s d Cohen’s d

Amyg (A) −23 −5 −15 365 2.33 0.25 0.29∗ —

Amyg (A) 23 −5 −15 358 2.68 0.43∗∗ 0.24 —
sgACC 25 −2 13 −9 17 5.52 0.44∗∗ 0.29∗ —
vmPFC 10/11 2 48 −9 29 5.23 0.31∗ 0.11 —
vmPFC 11 −4 50 −11 72 6.05 0.38∗∗ 0.19 —
dmPFC 9/10 −8 60 34 1164 10.31 0.54∗∗ 0.28 —
VLPFC 45/47 −42 23 −15 527 6.16 0.41∗∗ 0.08 0.34∗∗
VLPFC 47 38 32 −12 54 5.02 0.37∗∗ 0.02 0.38∗∗
VLPFC 45 55 37 11 172 6.43 0.25 0.05 0.22
LFPC 10 32 59 10 263 5.4 −0.08 −0.18 —
LFPC 10 −36 51 7 70 4.42 0.03 −0.13 —
DLPFC 8/9 44 20 47 273 5.11 −0.17 −0.17 —
DLPFC 9 −42 25 38 268 6.97 0.09 −0.08 —

∗ P < 0.05 uncorrected.

∗∗ P < 0.05 FDR corrected.
Note: A = anatomically defined region; Neg = negative; Neut = neutral; No = no distracter; Amyg - amygdala; sgACC - subgenual anterior cingulate cortex; vmPFC -
ventromedial prefrontal cortex; dmPFC - dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; VLPFC - ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; LFPC - lateral frontopolar cortex; DLPFC - dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex; BA - Brodmann area.

amygdala, right dmPFC, left dmPFC, left VLPFC (BA 45), and left The association between left amygdala activation and reaction
VLPFC (BA 47) were less active during trials with reinforcement time varied as a function of condition, F(1,62) = 6.81, P = 0.011. As
relative to trials without reinforcement (see Fig. 4, FDR < 0.05). shown in Figure 5, increased left amygdala activation was asso-
DLPFC activation did not differ with reinforcement relative to tri- ciated with slower reaction times in the positive reinforcement
als without reinforcement during the delay period (FDR > 0.05). condition, β = 0.33, SE = 0.09, t(48) = 3.41, P = 0.001, whereas left
However, sensitivity analyses did indicate that early in the delay amygdala activation was not associated with reaction times
period (8-s postmemoranda onset), the DLPFC was significantly in the without reinforcement condition, β = −0.02, SE = 0.09,
deactivated during trials without reinforcement, relative to tri- t(48) = −0.22, P = 0.827 (condition F(1,48) = 32.22, P < 0.001; left
als with reinforcement (i.e., relatively greater activation with amygdala F(1,63) = 5.01, P = 0.029).
reinforcement relative to without reinforcement). During the
later delay period (10–14 s postmemoranda onset), there were no Examination to Determine If Changes in Right Amygdala Activation
significant differences during trials with reinforcement versus Resulting from Positive Reinforcement Mediate Changes in Accuracy
trials without reinforcement (P > 0.10). Secondary analyses indi- Resulting From Positive Reinforcement
cated similar differences between reinforcement conditions for Controlling for the effect of reinforcement and average right
the neutral distracters with the exception of the amygdala and amygdala activation, decreases in right amygdala activation as
relatively few differences for no distracters (see Supplemental a function of reinforcement were not associated with improve-
Fig. S1). ments in accuracy occurring due to reinforcement (see Table 3).
Consistently, tests of the indirect effect indicated that changes in
right amygdala activation as a function of reinforcement did not
Brain-Behavior Associations
mediate changes in behavioral accuracy due to reinforcement
Examination of Accuracy/Amygdala Associations During Negative (indirect effect = −0.13, Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) = 0.83,
Distracters 97.6% Monte Carlo Confidence Interval (MCCI) [−2.18, 1.91]).
As show in Figure 5, increased right amygdala activation As shown in Table 3, time sensitivity analyses did not indicate
during correct trials predicted worse behavioral accuracy across that sustained right amygdala activation (10–14 s postmem-
reinforcement conditions, β = −0.22, SE = 0.10, F(1,90) = 5.05, oranda onset) was a stronger mediator than right amygdala
P = 0.027, (reinforcement condition, F(1,51) = 4.51, P = 0.039; activation 8–16 s postmemoranda onset (indirect effect = −0.73,
reinforcement condition × right amygdala interaction, P > 0.10). MCSE = 1.34, 97.6% MCCI [−4.05, 2.30]).
The left amygdala was not associated with behavioral accu-
racy, β = −0.11, SE = 0.10, F(1,85) = 1.35, P = 0.248 (reinforcement Examination to Determine If Changes in Right Amygdala Activation
condition, F(1,49) = 6.48, P = 0.014; reinforcement condition × left Resulting from Positive Reinforcement Mediate Changes in Accuracy
amygdala interaction P > 0.10). Resulting from Positive Reinforcement
Controlling for the effect of reinforcement and average right
Examination of Reaction Time/Amygdala Associations During amygdala activation, decreases in right amygdala activation as
Negative Distracters a function of reinforcement were not associated with improve-
Activation in the right amygdala to correct trials was not ments in accuracy occurring due to reinforcement (see Table 3).
associated with reaction time, β = 0.06, SE = 0.08, F(1,76) = 0.48, Consistently, tests of the indirect effect indicated that changes in
P = 0.492 (reinforcement condition, F(1,51) = 31.64, P < 0.001; right amygdala activation as a function of reinforcement did not
reinforcement condition × right amygdala interaction P > 0.10). mediate changes in behavioral accuracy due to reinforcement
Emotional Interference in Adolescence Jones etal. 9

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Figure 3. Task-evoked time courses of anatomically extracted amygdala and PFC regions on correct trials. Event-related time courses for prefrontal regions are shown
based on the distracter type (no distracter, neutral distracter and negative distracter) × time (12 TRs) interaction region-of-interest analysis. Activation maps highlight
significant interactions (voxel-wise threshold of P < 1 × 10−7 , and an extent threshold of 15 voxels) overlaid on the skull stripped Colin brain (ch2better.nii). Plots show
changes in mean parameter estimates for average activation for the baseline/no distracter (black), neutral distracter (blue), and negative distracter (red) conditions.
Bar graphs ref lect mean parameter estimates during the delay period (8–16 s postmemoranda onset) for each distracter type. Bars with different letters differ at
FDR q < 0.05. Bars with a †differ at P < 0.05 uncorrected for multiple comparisons. The gray rectangular boxes above the x-axis indicate the onset and duration of the
memoranda, distracters, postdistracter fixation, and probe. dmPFC - dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; sgACC - subgenual anterior cingulate cortex; vmPFC - ventromedial
prefrontal cortex; LFPC - lateral frontopolar cortex; VLPFC - ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; DLPFC - dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; BA - Brodmann area; a.u. - arbitrary
units; L. - left; R. - Right.

(indirect effect = −0.13, MCSE = 0.83, 97.6% MCCI [−2.18, 1.91]). As due to reinforcement (indirect effect = 11.19, MCSE = 8.84, 97.6%
shown in Table 3, time sensitivity analyses did not indicate that MCCI [−3.92, 36.11]). As shown in Table 3, timing sensitivity
sustained right amygdala activation (10–14 s postmemoranda analyses indicated that change in amygdala activation due
onset) was a stronger mediator than right amygdala acti- to reinforcement in the 10–14 s window mediated change
vation 8–16 s postmemoranda onset (indirect effect = −0.73, in reaction time due to reinforcement (indirect effect = 22.69,
MCSE = 1.34, 97.6% MCCI [−4.05, 2.30]). MCSE = 12.49, 97.6% MCCI [0.77, 56.38]). As shown in Figure 6B,
participants who experienced a decrease in left amygdala
activation as a function of reinforcement demonstrated faster
Examination to Determine If Changes in Left Amygdala Activation reaction times in the with reinforcement compared with
Resulting from Positive Reinforcement Mediate Changes in Reaction without reinforcement conditions.
Times Resulting from Positive Reinforcement
Controlling for the effect of reinforcement condition and average
left amygdala activation, participants who exhibited a decrease
in left amygdala activation as a function of reinforcement
demonstrated marginally faster reaction times in the with rein- The goals of the current study were to 1) determine whether
forcement compared with without reinforcement conditions patterns of fronto-limbic activation occurring in the context of
(see Table 3 and Fig. 6A). However, tests of the indirect effects resisting emotional interference seen in adults are present in
indicated that changes in left amygdala activation as a function young adolescents and 2) test the extent to which providing
of reinforcement did not mediate changes in reaction times positive reinforcement would modulate fronto-limbic systems
10 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

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Figure 4. Task-evoked time courses of anatomically extracted amygdala and PFC regions on correct trials. Event-related time courses for prefrontal regions are shown
based on the negative distracters condition (with and without positive reinforcement) by time (12 TRs) interaction region-of-interest analysis. Activation maps highlight
significant interactions (voxel-wise threshold of P < 1 × 10−3 , and an extent threshold of 75 voxels) overlaid on the skull stripped Colin brain (ch2better.nii). Plots show
changes in mean parameter estimates for average activation for the with reinforcement (green) and without reinforcement (red) conditions. Bar graphs ref lect mean
parameter estimates during the delay period (8—16 s postmemoranda onset) for each reinforcement condition. Bars with different letters differ at FDR q < 0.05. Bars with
a †differ at P < 0.05 uncorrected for multiple comparisons. The gray rectangular boxes above the x-axis indicate the onset and duration of the memoranda, distracters,
postdistracter fixation, probe, and feedback. dmPFC - dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; DLPFC - dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; VLPFC - ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; BA
- Brodmann area; a.u. = arbitrary units; L - left; R - right; W/R.: with reinforcement; W/O R.: without reinforcement.

Table 2 Comparisons of BOLD signal during correct trials of the EDWM task: effect of reinforcement × time interaction for negative distracter

Region BA x y z Cluster Maximum Simple contrasts between conditions

F-value for the delay period W/R. < W/O R.

Amygdala (A) −23 −5 −15 365 1.26 0.28∗

Amygdala (A) 23 −5 −15 358 1.39 0.41∗∗
dmPFC 9 −2 52 31 373 5.65 0.70∗∗
dmPFC 10 2 53 14 114 4.42 0.51∗∗
VLPFC 47 −46 23 −13 209 5.37 0.49∗∗
VLPFC 45 −59 22 16 110 4.46 0.58∗∗
DLPFC 8 −44 27 43 142 4.5 0.13NS

∗ P < 0.05 uncorrected.

∗∗ P < 0.05 FDR corrected.
Note: A = anatomically defined region; W/R. = with reinforcement; W/O R. = without reinforcement; L = left; R = right. dmPFC - dorsomedial prefrontal cortex;
VLPFC - ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; DLPFC - dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; BA - Broadman Area.

to reduce emotional interference and associated declines emotional interference. In particular, we found that: 1) WM
in goal-directed behavior. Main findings from the first goal was more impaired by emotional distracters relative to neutral
suggest that typically developing youth exhibit largely similar and no distracters; 2) emotional distracters were associated
patterns of behavioral performance, neural activity, and brain- with increased activation in the amygdala, and VLPFC, and
behavior associations as those documented in adults during decreased DLPFC activation relative to no distracters; and 3)
Emotional Interference in Adolescence Jones etal. 11

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Figure 5. Individual differences in WM performance as a function of average amygdala activation 8–16 s postmemoranda onset. (A) The main effect of right amygdala
activation on WM accuracy (percent correct) across reinforcement conditions. (B) The simple slopes depicting the nature of the significant amygdala × reinforcement
condition interaction on WM reaction times. W/R. - with reinforcement; W/O R. - without reinforcement.

Table 3 Change in amygdala activation due to reinforcement as a mediator of performance for different windows within the delay period

DV Predictor(s) Delay period (8–16 s) Delay period (10–14 s)

B 97.6% CI B 97.6% CI

Eq. 1 Accuracy Condition −5.47∗ (−9.76, −1.17) −5.47∗ (−9.76, −1.17)

Eq. 2 Right Amyg Condition 0.03∗ (0.00, 0.05) 0.04∗ (0.02, 0.06)
Eq. 3 Accuracy Condition −5.34∗ (−10.09, −0.58) −4.73∗ (−10.08, 0.60)
 Right Amyg −5.23 (−78.13, 67.67) −17.99 (−93.77, 58.00)
x Right Amyg 7.74 (−98.38, 113.86) −7.78 (−107.70, 92.14)
Eq. 3 R2 0.04 0.01
Eq. 3 F 0.03 0.18

Eq. 1 Reaction Time Condition 140∗ (88.3, 192.0) 140∗ (88.3, 192.0)
Eq. 2 L. Amyg Condition 0.02∗ (0.00, 0.05) 0.04∗ (0.01, 0.07)
Eq. 3 Reaction Time Condition 129∗ (76.5, 181.4) 117∗ (63.6, 171.3)
 Left Amyg 496∗ (−179.7, 1172.6) 628∗ (50.0, 1206.0)
x Left Amyg −1037 (−2344.2, 270.7) −479 (−1623.6, 665.9)
Eq. 3 R2 0.10 0.12
Eq. 3 F 2.70∗ 3.30∗

Note: ∗ P < 0.050. Amyg = Amygdala. Eq. = equation. Condition = without reinforcement—with reinforcement.

individual differences in the degree of WM impairment due to WM accuracy (right amygdala) across reinforcement conditions,
emotional distracters were associated with increased amygdala and slower reaction times for trials with reinforcement (left
activation. Findings from our second goal suggest that positive amygdala); and 4) decreases in sustained left amygdala
reinforcement can improve WM performance and can modulate activation (10–14 s postmemoranda onset) mediated observed
fronto-limbic systems involved in emotional interference. decreases in reaction times. These findings are discussed in
Specifically, we found that: 1) positive reinforcement for correct further detail below.
responding was associated with both higher accuracy and
faster reaction times across all distracter types; 2) positive
reinforcement was associated with decreased activation in the
Neural Networks Underlying Emotional Interference
right amygdala, left VLPFC and bilateral dmPFC, and increased Our results are supportive of our primary goal to replicate and
DLPFC activation (8-s postmemoranda onset) relative to further clarify the neural networks underlying resistance to
non-reinforced responding during the presentation of negative emotional interference in adolescents. Consistent with the
distracters; 3) amygdala activation was associated with lower extant literature in adults and a recent study in adolescence,
12 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

et al. 2017) posits that the medial frontopolar cortex tracks

the value of the stimulus, which enables the ability to disen-
gage cognitive control from the current task and to redistribute

Downloaded from by Brunel University London user on 09 December 2019

resources to processing other goals of greater value. The grad-
uated activation pattern in the vmPFC following the onset of
negative distracters (i.e., alternate goals) suggests that nega-
tive distracters were being monitored as motivationally salient
events that warranted exploration (Dolcos et al. 2004). According
to the theory, these goals would have competed for primacy in
WM, where the LFPC is hypothesized to enable the monitoring of
several competing goals in order to facilitate the re-engagement
of one as a replacement of the current goal if indicated, whereas
the DLPFC is thought to recruit and implement cognitive con-
trol to optimize the performance of the current goal (Mansouri
et al. 2017). As such, decreased LFPC and DLFC activation may
reflect the “hijacking” of attentional resources by motivationally
salient emotional stimulus (i.e., a competing goal). Interest-
ingly, the time-course of activation indicates that the deacti-
vation observed at 8-s postmemoranda onset was followed by
a subsequent BOLD response, potentially reflecting processing
of the distracter in WM, which was followed by another BOLD
response corresponding to the onset of the probe (see Fig. 3).
Figure 6. Within participant mediation model testing whether changes in left This pattern of deactivation then reactivation is consistent with
amygdala activation is a mediator of positive reinforcement induced changes the neurocomputational model of LFPC neuronal functioning
in WM reaction times. (A) Changes in average amygdala activation 8–16 s post- when cognitive branching, i.e., perform tasks related to one goal,
memoranda onset as the potential mediator. (B) Changes in sustained amygdala while keeping in WM information related to a secondary goal
(10–14 s postmemoranda onset) as the potential mediator. c, total effect; c ,
that needs to completed (Koechlin and Hyafil 2007). During the
direct effect; IE, indirect effect. W/R. - with reinforcement; W/O R. - without
branching processes, it is possible that memoranda could be lost
resulting in decreased WM accuracy (Anticevic et al. 2010). These
findings replicate previous results in both adults (Anticevic et al.
2010; Iordan et al. 2013; Vetter et al. 2015; Hung et al. 2018;
we observed that emotional interference is associated with Schweizer et al. 2019) and adolescents (Vetter et al. 2015).
increased activation in the ventral visual stream (see Supple- We also observed increased activation in the VLPFC to dis-
mental Table S1 and Fig. S2), and the amygdala (Iordan et al. tracters (neutral and negative) relative to no distracter trials,
2013; Vetter et al. 2015; Hung et al. 2018; Schweizer et al. 2019). which is consistent with this region’s hypothesized role in the
In this context, increased ventral visual stream and amygdala top-down inhibition of emotional interference as indicated by
activation to negative distracters likely reflects the bottom-up its negative associations with subjective distractibility and emo-
detection of highly salient emotional information. In addition, tionality of negative affective stimuli (Dolcos and McCarthy
we also observed increased sgACC activation to negative 2006; Iordan et al. 2013). Consistent with this interpretation,
distracters, which might reflect the conscious processing of reaction times were slower and WM accuracy was lower when
negative emotional stimuli (Laxton et al. 2013; Huebl et al. neutral distracters and negative distracters were presented ver-
2016). The motivational salience of the IAPS images was likely sus no distracters (Anticevic et al. 2010; Ladouceur et al. 2018).
determined by the dmPFC, whose activity has been shown Thus, overall our findings are consistent with the emerg-
to support the representation, evaluation, and extraction of ing literature on emotional interference in adolescents which
emotional information from affective stimuli (Taylor et al. 2003; indicate that adults and young adolescents activate compara-
Kober et al. 2008; Peelen et al. 2010; Etkin et al. 2011; Skerry and ble networks underlying resistance to emotional interference.
Saxe 2014). Based on the graduated pattern of activation in the Future work is needed to determine the temporal sequencing
dmPFC, it can be inferred that negative distracters were coded of activation within identified regions to further elucidate the
as more motivationally salient than neutral or no distracters, functional network underlying emotional interference.
and hence, are likely to cause interference. Consistent with this
interpretation, negative distracters were associated with greater
The Impact of Positive Reinforcement on Emotional
impairment in WM accuracy than neutral and no distracters and
slowed reaction times more than the no distracter condition.
Furthermore, individuals with greater right amygdala activation Our results also provided strong support for a second goal to
in response to negative distracters demonstrated lower WM evaluate the extent to which providing positive reinforcement
accuracy. Thus, individuals for whom negative distracters would modulate fronto-limbic systems to reduce emotional
were affectively salient were more susceptible to emotional interference and associated declines in goal-directed behavior.
interference. Our behavioral results indicated that positive reinforcement
We observed evidence that the aforementioned bottom-up increased accuracy and decreased reaction times across all
processes were concurrently associated with the modulation of distracter types, which indicates that it nonspecifically reduced
brain regions supporting the top-down management of com- interference from all distracters. These results are consistent
peting goals, specifically in the LFPC and DLPFC. A recently with neuropsychological studies showing that WM performance
articulated framework of frontopolar cortex function (Mansouri is faster and more accurate when it is rewarded than when
Emotional Interference in Adolescence Jones etal. 13

positive reinforcement is absent or low. At the neural level, Of note, unlike previous investigations (e.g., Padmala and
we observed that positive reinforcement of correct responding Pessoa 2011; Padmala et al. 2017) examining the impact of rein-
resulted in reduced activation in the right amygdala, left forcement on cognitive control, we did not observe increases

Downloaded from by Brunel University London user on 09 December 2019

VLPFC, and bilateral dmPFC. As previously described, these in the ventral striatum or other reward-related regions during
aforementioned regions were specifically elevated during the task. This may have occurred because of differences in task
processing of emotional relative to no distracter trials. Decreases design. Specifically, participants were told prior to a block of
in these regions are consistent with decreased processing of trials whether or not the upcoming block was a reward block
the negative emotional stimuli such that they were no longer or a nonreward block. The blocked design is likely to instantiate
salient and did not require the recruitment of inhibitory control, the slow tonic release of dopamine likely to facilitate sustained
or appraisal. These findings are consistent with our preliminary attention processing (Schultz 2016). In contrast, studies that
study (Ladouceur et al. 2018), but contrary to the results of a have employed a cue to indicate reward versus nonreward trials
recent meta-analytic study (Parro et al. 2017), which observed within a block and where there is increased uncertainty whether
increased activation in the fronto-parietal cognitive control or not the reward would be received (i.e., greater uncertainty
network regions under conditions of positive reinforcement. about whether or not the participant is likely to get the trial
Of note, most of the previous studies examined the impact correct) more reliably demonstrate activation within the ven-
of reward on cognitive control in the absence of negative tral striatum (e.g., Padmala and Pessoa 2011; Padmala et al.
emotional images and most were conducted in adults. Few 2017). These types of designs with trial-specific cues may more
studies have examined the impact of reward on negative strongly instantiate the phasic release of dopamine resulting
distracter processing in youth (Kaltwasser et al. 2013; Wei and in a better ability to detect BOLD activation within dopamine
Kang 2014; Padmala et al. 2017; Ladouceur et al. 2018). The producing brain regions using fMRI (Schultz 2016). Importantly,
only other neuroimaging study to date reported decreased the only other identified study employing this blocked approach
activation in the lateral occipital cortex, anterior insula, and only detected changes in reward-related regions when individ-
dorsal anterior cingulate during cued reward trials, which was ual differences in sensitivity to reward were examined (Locke
interpreted to reflect that reward decreased the processing and Braver 2008). Future studies are needed to examine the
of negative emotional distracter images (Padmala et al. 2017). impact of task design differences and individual differences
However, in Padmala et al. (2017), amygdala functioning was not in sensitivity to reward on cognitive control in the context of
modulated by reward. In contrast, in the current investigation, preventing emotional interference (cf., Beck et al. 2010).
not only was amygdala activation modulated by reward, but We also observed differential associations between WM per-
also the magnitude of the decrease in left amygdala activation formance and activation in the left versus right amygdala. There
observed as a function of reinforcement mediated the observed is no settled understanding of hemispheric specialization within
speeding up of decision response times to the WM probe. the amygdala. Some evidence suggests that the left amygdala is
These findings are consistent with data demonstrating an more involved in processing threat, emotional arousal, salience,
attenuation of amygdala activation and improved WM accuracy and sustained emotional processing (Phelps et al. 2001; Baas
when attention is directed toward nonemotional details of et al. 2004; Costanzo et al. 2015). Whereas the right amygdala
negative internal distracters (i.e., negative memories) relative has been implicated in processing animal stimuli, emotional
to the emotional aspects of negative memories in the context ambiguity and unconscious emotional information (Baas et al.
of an EDWM task (Iordan et al. 2019). Similarly, attenuation 2004;Mormann et al. 2011 ; Wang et al. 2017). It is possible that
of the amygdala response to negative images has also been left amygdala activation was associated with slower reaction
observed when visual attention is consumed elsewhere, even times because anxiety is more likely to interfere with processing
when the control of visual attention does not require large efficiency (i.e., reaction times) rather than accuracy (Eysenck
shifts in the visual field (Pessoa et al. 2002). Thus, positive et al. 2007). In contrast, greater right amygdala activation may
reinforcement appears to have altered the impact of negative indicate that individuals who were more effected by the neg-
emotional distracters through attentional filtering (Vuilleumier ative IAPS images pertaining to animals experienced greater
2005; Iordan et al. 2019). Consistent with this interpretation, emotional interference causing participants to respond incor-
we observed that positive reinforcement was associated with rectly (Mormann et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2017). These supposi-
decreased activation in the lateral occipital cortex during the tions should be taken with caution, especially in light of recent
delay period (see Supplementary Fig. S3). However, we did research demonstrating that the choice of motion correction and
not observe increased activation in fronto-parietal regions smoothing parameters can also have a strong impact of whether
implicated in top-down attentional modulation under reinforce- bilateral, or hemispheric specific activation is found (Murphy
ment; this may have been due to type II error resulting from et al., 2019).
conservative statistical thresholding. Alternatively, attending
to a nonemotional portion of the negative images may have
required the same level of attentional control as processing the
negative images resulting in no differences in fronto-parietal The findings of the current study should be interpreted in light
activation as a function of condition. Unfortunately, we did of the following limitations. First, there was a significant loss of
not collect eye-tracking during the task, which would have fMRI data (∼50%) due to excessive movement and poor behav-
clarified where participants were focusing their attention during ioral accuracy. This data loss likely occurred due to the age
the positive reinforcement condition. It is also possible that of participants combined with relatively long duration of the
increased dopamine resulting from reinforcement resulted task (30 min). This attrition may limit the generalizability of the
in enhanced spatial tuning for the memoranda and the findings to youth with the capacity to stay still for longer periods
suppression of processing negative images (Vijayraghavan et al. of time. Second, we were unable to include sufficient trials to
2007). However, this cannot be verified given that we did not be able to model both correct and incorrect responding given
alter or directly assess dopaminergic functioning. the constraints of time, thus limiting our ability to examine
14 Cerebral Cortex, 2019, Vol. 00, No. 00

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