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INDIAN OIL SCIENCE QUIZ 2024 - Practice Quiz 2

S No Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer

What denotes organic matter which supplies small
1 Manure Water Air Sand 1
quantities of nutrients to the soil?
What name is given to commercially produced plant
2 Fertilizers Sand Soil Humus 1
Which among these best denotes farming for eggs and
3 Cattle Farming Fish Farming Poultry Farming Vegetable Farming 3
Which among these products can be produced in
4 Milk Honey Fruits Eggs 2
Which among these is measured in terms of its
5 Energy Volume Mass Gravity 1
capacity of doing work?
6 What is the unit of energy? Watt Kg Joule Meter 3
When plants of the same kind are cultivated at one
7 Farms Trees Crops Specimens 3
place on a large scale, what are they called?
8 What kind of crops are sown in the rainy season? Rabi Kharif Zaid Grishma 2
What kind of crops are grown in the winter season,
9 Rabi Kharif Zaid Sharad 1
between October to March?
What is the process of loosening and turning of the soil
10 Converting Changing Tilling Turning 3
Which among these tools is used for removing weeds
11 Sickle Hoe Cultivator Tractor 2
and for loosening soil?
12 In 1798, who invented the vaccine for smallpox? Alexander Fleming Isaac Newton Edward Jenner Robert Koch 3
Which of these means to supply water to crops at
13 Irrigation Cultivation Afforestation Deforestation 1
regular intervals?
When a disease-carrying microbe enters our body,
14 Penicillin Anti-biotics Anti-bodies Pro-biotics 3
what does the body produce to fight the invader?
What is the process of conversion of sugar into alcohol
15 Pasteurization Fertilization Fermentation Deforestation 3
known as?
16 Which is the first step before growing a crop? Sowing Storage Harvesting Preparation of soil 4
17 What is the separation of grain and chaff known as? Irrigation Winnowing Ploughing Harvesting 2
With which scientist is the preparation of penicillin
18 Alexander Fleming Robert Koch Isaac Newton Marie Curie 1
Which device can be used to best observe
19 Binoculars Microscope Kaleidoscope Telescope 2

20 Who discovered the bacterium which causes anthrax? Edward Jenner Robert Koch Albert Einstein Marie Curie 2

INDIAN OIL SCIENCE QUIZ 2024 - Practice Quiz 3

Fertile land sometimes gets converted into arid land.
1 Desertification Tharification Saharafication Fortification 1
What is this process called?
Which among these denotes areas where animals are
2 protected from any disturbance to them and their Biosphere Reserve Exclusive Economic Zone Wildlife Sanctuary Zoo 3
What denotes those species of plants and animals
3 Endemic Extinct Endangered Original 1
which are found exclusively in a particular area?
What is the colour of the data book which keeps a
4 Green Blue Red Black 3
record of all the endangered animals and plants?
What name is given to the chemical process in which a
5 Ignition Diversion Propulsion Combustion 4
substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat?
6 Under which of these groups do mushrooms fall? Homo sapiens Fauna Fungi Flora 3
Migratory birds fly to far away areas every year during a
7 Reproductory Wind Climatic Chemical 3
particular time because of ______ changes
Which term is used to denote animals whose numbers
8 are diminishing to a level that they might face Endemic Endangered Extinct Lost 2
9 What are female gametes called? Ova Tail Cell Nucleus 1
10 What kind of animals live mostly in trees? Terrestrial Arboreal Aquatic Underground 2
What are animals which give birth to live young ones
11 Viviparous Oviparous Egg-laying mammals Marsupials 1
What type of animal was Dolly, the first animal to be
12 Dog Cat Sheep Horse 3
A tadpole develops into an adult frog by the process of
13 Fertilisation Metamorphosis Moulting Budding 2
14 Which of these is an insect-eating plant? Sundew Honeydew Mildew Mountain dew 1

15 Which among these is another term for the voice box? Larynx Helix Pharynx Drum 1

16 What are animals which lay eggs called? Viviparous Oviparous Mammals Marsupials 1
Which among these denotes areas of protected land
17 for conservation of wild life, plant and animal Biosphere Reserve National Park Wildlife Sanctuary None of these 1
What is the study of organisms such as fungi and
18 Immunology Mycology Virology Zoology 2
19 Which set of foods provides roughage for the body? Bread, rice and pasta Lentils and pulses Eggs and fish Fruits and vegetables 4
From which part of the body that the Adam's Apple,
20 Throat Fingers Torso Tailbone 1
seen in boys and men, protrude?

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