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12th English EASY CENTUM


Vocabulary & Grammar
Time: 3.00 Hours Marks: 90
Part - I (20 Marks)

Question No : 1 to 3 Synonyms 1 MARK

Prose - 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Choose the most appropriate synonym of the underlined word. (Examination Pattern)
1. Here is a story about love, devotion sacrifice. Ans : a


a) involvement b) attachment c) loyalty d) insincerity
2. Displayed by two little boys in their actions to save the life of their sister. Ans : d

a) noted b) noticed c) caused d) showed / revealed
3. ….. who suffers from tuberculosis of the spine. Ans : a

a) backbone b) hip c) joint d) ankle
4. Two small boys stopped us on the outskirts of Verona. Ans : b

a) heart of the city b) outer part of the city c) city limit d) inner part of the city
5. “Don’t buy,” warned Luigi, our cautious driver. Ans : d

a) careless b) sluggish c) tough d) careful

6. He shrugged his shoulders to convey his disapproval of their shabby appearance …… Ans : b

a) indicated b) shook up and down c) gestured d) pulled
7. …..shoulders to convey his disapproval of their shabby appearance. Ans : b

a) tidy b) untidy c) unclean d) illogic
8. The other, a shortened army tunic gathered in loose folds about his skinny frame. Ans : a


a) loose outer garment b) worn out garment c) torn garment d) tightened garment
9. We bought their biggest basket, and then set off toward town. Ans : b

a) ended b) started / began / commenced c) finished d) completed

10. We saw our friends bent over shoe shine boxes beside the fountain in the public square. Ans : d

a) far b) away c) near d) by the side of
11. We watched for a few moments; then as trade slackened we went over. [PTA-1, PTA-6, Sep-2020] Ans : b

a) developed b) improved / reduced c) developed d) toughened
12. He glanced at us hopefully. Ans : c

a) saw b) looked c) observed d) ignored

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12th English EASY CENTUM

13. My interest was again provoked by their remarkable demeanor. Ans : b

a) good spirit b) devilish look c) monstrous d) evil laughter
14. They were childish enough, and in many ways quite artless. Ans : a

a) sufficient b) insufficient c) scarce d) abundant
15. During these summer days under the hot sun, they shined shoes, sold fruit, hawked newspapers, conducted
tourists round the town, and ran errands. Ans : a

a) sold by shouting b) sold by canvassing c) sold by campaigning d) sold by crying
16. One night we came upon them in the windy and deserted square. Ans : b

a) inhabited b) uninhabited c) habituated d) dwelt

17. resting on the stone pavement beneath the lights. Ans : c

a) above b) over c) under d) shelter
18. “you must be saving up to emigrate to America,” Ans : a

a) moving from native to foreign b) moving from one country to another country
c) moving from foreign to native d) settling in another country permanently
19. He smiled uncomfortably. Ans : b

a) with ease b) without ease c) naturally d) artificially
20. Usually we hire bicycles. Ans : a

a) take for rent b) purchased c) sold d) bought
21. I answered, “I’II drive you out myself. Ans : c

a) questioned b) enquired c) responded d) regarded
22. I imagined that our destinations would be some humble dwellings. Ans : b

a) public places b) living places c) shopping malls d) private hotels
23. I could not bear to intrude upon this happy family party. Ans : c

a) interviewed b) interlude c) intervene d) interim
24. She was eager to do so. Ans : d
a) indifferent b) different c) disinterested d) curious / interested
25. Their father a widower, a well-known singer. Ans : a

a) popular / famous b) innocent c) ignorant d) unpopular / infamous
26. ………… singer had been killed in the early part of the war. Ans : b

a) rescued b) murdered c) assassinated d) stabbed
27. with their own hands amidst the rubble. Ans : b

a) hollow blocks b) broken bricks c) cemented d) postured
28. When the resistance movement began secretly to form they were among the first to join. Ans : a

a) organization b) formation c) board d) moving from one place to another place

29. She paused took a quick breath. Ans : d

a) continued b) stopped forever c) discontinued d) stopped for a while
30. They brought her here, persuaded us to take her into the hospital. Ans : d

a) discouraged b) dissuaded c) desperate d) motivated/ Induced/ encouraged
31. They would prefer to feel that they had safely kept their secret. Ans : a

a) choose / opt b) diction c) develop d) supper

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12th English EASY CENTUM

32. Their selfless action brought a new nobility to human life. Ans : b

a) selfish b) unselfish c) sacrifice d) severity
33. Their selfless action brought a new nobility to human life. Ans : a

a) virtue / dignity b) vice c) ignobility d) ignorance
34. Yet, gazing at the two little figures, with their brown skins, tangled hair and earnest eyes, we felt ourselves
strangely attracted. Ans : b

a) Small b) serious c) bright d) gloomy

35. ____________ we saw our friends bent over shoe shine boxes besides the fountain in the public square, doing
brisk business. Ans : b

a) quick b) active c) lazy d) Lethargic

36. My internet was again provoked by their remarkable demeanor. Ans : b

a) Excited b) either a or b c) pulled d) neither nor b
37. Nicola’s smile was steady and engaging. Ans : c


a) Forming b) weak c) firm d) ugly
38. Nicola’s smile was steady and engaging. Ans : c

a) Forming b) weak c) attractive d) ugly

39. Nicola’s and Jacopo could be relied upon to satisfy our needs. Ans : c

a) Relevant b) believed c) depended d) understood
40. Nicola was glaring at his younger brother in vexation. Ans : c

a) happiness b) pleasure c) annoyance d) sadness
41. He bit his lip, then in a rather put out tone he said “Very well.” Ans : c

a) Selfish b) interested c) uninterested d) disinterested
42. But directed by Jacopo, we drew up at a large re-roofed villa. Ans : a

a) Painted b) stopped c) waved d) signed
43. I could scarcely believe my years. Ans : c

a) Always b) hardly c) quickly d) ever

44. I found a grilled side-entrance and determinedly rang the bell. Ans : a

a) Resolutely/ firmly b) quickly c) gladly d) fearlessly
45. ______ with a smile bade me look through the glass partition. Ans : c

a) Pushed b) touched c) asked d) pulled
46. The two boys were seated at the beside of a girl of about twenty who propped up on pillows. Ans : d

a) Showed b) smiled c) gathered d) supported

47. _______ wearing a pretty lace jacket, was listening to their chatter, her eyes soft and tender. Ans : c

a) Shouting b) face c) laughter d) talk
48. For months they had barely kept themselves alive in a shelter of shelter they built with their own hands
amidst the rubble. Ans : d

a) Stay b) canopy c) depot d) roof
49. For months they had barely kept themselves alive in a sort of shelter they built with their own hands amidst
the rubble. Ans : d

a) Short b) small c) classification d) Kind/type
50. As we made the rounds, my interest was again provoked by their remarkable demeanour. [PTA-4] Ans : d

a) sloth b) awareness c) Rudeness d) appearance and behaviour

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Prose - 2 A Nice Cup of Tea

Choose the correct synonyms of the word underlined below: (Examination Pattern)
1. But because the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes. Ans : c

a) agreements b) applauses c) conflicts d) discussions
2. ____________ tea is one of the main stays of civilization in the country. Ans : a


a) a society in an advanced state of social development b) a society that has slow progress
c) a society in an average state of social-development d) a society that has no progress
3. ____________ under the spout to catch the stray leaves. Ans : b


a) fresh b) loose c) gathered d) harmful
4. One is liable to put in too much milk, ______________. [PTA-3] Ans : a

a) likely b) certain c) eager d) responsible

5. ____________ you will probably find that it is unmentioned. Ans : b

a) certainly b) may be c) surely d) promisingly
6. a few lines of sketchy instructions. Ans : a

a) hints b) advices c) points d) notes

a) significant b) unimportant

7. ____________ which give no ruling on several of the most important points.
c) insignificant d) vital

8. This is curious, not only because tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this country.
Ans : b

Ans : d

a) disinteresting b) uninteresting c) indifferent d) interesting
9. It is the subject of violent disputes. Ans : a

a) conflicts b) issues c) debates d) moderates
10. ____________ at least four others are acutely controversial. Ans : d

a) agreements b) contradictions c) similarities d) disputable
11. China tea has virtues. Ans : b

a) vices b) good qualities c) humane d) ferociousness

12. Which are not to be despised nowadays. Ans : c

a) liked / loved b) abhorred c) hated d) admired
13. There is not much stimulation in it. [PTA-2] Ans : d

a) energy b) acceptance c) respect d) encouragement/Excitement
14. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it. Ans : d

a) pessimistic b) positive aptitude c) indifferent d) positive

15. While army tea, made in a cauldron, taste of grease and white wash. Ans : b

a) cooker b) boiler c) cup d) vessel
16. If you are going to fill it merely to the brim six heaped teaspoons would be about right. Ans : a

a) edge b) tip c) full d) fill

17. In a time of rationing, this is not an idea that can be realized on every day of the week. Ans : b

a) unlimited b) limited c) organized d) disorganized
18. A fact which is recognized in the extra ration issued to old-age pensioners. Ans : b

a) refused b) identified c) denied d) admitted
19. In some countries teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets. [PTA-5] Ans : d

a) Colouring b) brimming c) twisting d) hanging freely

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12th English EASY CENTUM

20. it is not to be done with the usual method of swilling it with hot water. Ans : c

a) chirping b) cutting c) rinsing d) drenching
21. Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill effect. Ans : a

a) less / small b) great c) huge d) plenty
22. No strainers, muslin bags or other devices to imprison the tea. Ans : c

a) release b) acquit c) detain d) discharge
23. They only drink it in order to be warmed and stimulated and they need sugar to take the taste away. Ans : b

a) ignored b) kindled c) swindling d) encouraged
24. you will ever want to ruin your tea by sweetening it again. Ans : a

a) spoil b) create c) novelty d) strain

25. There is also the mysterious …….. Ans : a

a) puzzler b) frank c) fact d) truth
26. A social etiquette surrounding the teapot. Ans : c


a) vices b) evils c) socially accepted behaviour d) goods and services
27. The subsidiary uses of tea leaves, such as telling fortunes. Ans : a

a) supplementary b) crucial c) vital d) major

28. The subsidiary uses of tea leaves, such as telling fortunes. Ans : a

a) wisdom b) luck c) good sign d) evil sign
29. Predicting the arrival of visitors, feeding rabbits, healing burns and sweeping the carpet. Ans : d

a) declaring b) declining c) cautioning d) foretelling / guessing rightly
30. You could make a drink by dissolving sugar in hot water. Ans : c

a) filter b) segregating c) making a solution d) straining
31. Be quite sure of wringing out of one’s ration the twenty good strong cups of tea. Ans : c

a) making out b) breathing out c) squeezing out d) smothering
32. Shallow type cup doesn’t hold much. Ans : d
a) deep b) profound c) unhealthy d) of little depth

33. One should stir it well. Ans : d

a) soak completely b) drain fully c) dried fully d) mix completely
34. Here are my eleven rules, every one of which I regard as golden. Ans : c

a) Suggest b) reject c) consider d) reflect
35. ______ at most you will find a few lines of sketchy instructions. Ans : d

a) Bright b) vague c) unclear d) clear

36. ______ the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes. Ans : b

a) Carelessness b) ferocious c) playful d) calm
37. ______ but at least four others are acutely controversial. Ans : c

a) Highly b) lowly c) severely d) humble

38. Here are my eleven rules, every one of which I regard as golden. Ans : d

a) Internal b) many c) few d) important
39. Anyone who has used that comforting phase ‘a nice cup of tea’ invariable means Indian. Ans : d

a) Seldom b) weakly c) feebly d) constantly
40. If the tea not loose in the pot it never infuses properly. Ans : b

a) Kicks b) clears c) opens d) fills

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12th English EASY CENTUM

41. The water should be actually boiling at the moment of impact. Ans : d

a) Glory b) honor c) insult d) effect
42. One can exactly regulate the amount of milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if one does it
other way round. Ans : d

a) tolerate b) free c) introduce d) control
43. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it. Ans : d

a) sterner b) foolish c) meaner d) more intelligent / cleverer

44. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it. Ans : a

a) More coward b) wiser c) meaner d) bolder
45. One can exactly regulate the amount of milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if one does it other

way round. Ans : d

a) Likely b) greatly c) simply d) intern
46. There is also mysterious social etiquette surroundings the teapot. Ans : d

a) Need b) involvement c) character d) decorum

47. I know very well that I am in a minority here. Ans : a

a) less in number b) A little c) a few d) more in number
48. ____________ that they only drink it in order to be warmed and stimulated. [March-2020] Ans : b


a) admired b) motivated c) comforted d) welcomed
49. These are not the only controversial points to arise in connection with tea drinking. [PTA-6] Ans : c

a) acceptable b) peaceful c) arguable d) agreeable
Prose - 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Choose the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word (Examination Pattern)
1. My thoughts have turned to the consideration of why people should suffer. Ans : d
a) failure b) regard c) disregard d) careful thought

2. ……suffering seems so cruelly prevalent in the world today. [PTA-5] Ans : c


a) Rare b) abnormal c) common d) irregular

3. Of the rest, many will end up as mental or physical cripples. Ans : a
a) psyche b) of body c) of mind d) of soul
4. Suffering ennobles you- makes you a better person. Ans : d
a) higher b) weakens c) ignoble d) dignifies / morally noble

5. I see nothing noble in a patient’s thrashing around in a sweat-soaked bed. Ans : c

a) move slowly b) move quickly c) move restlessly d) move suddenly
6. Of the rest, many will end up as mental or physical cripples. Ans : b

a) abled people b) differently abled people c) capable d) reliable

7. Mind clouded in agony. Ans : c
a) pleasure b) ecstasy c) pain/suffering d) panic
8. In those days, they didn’t have sophisticated heart surgery. Ans : d
a) mild b) strong c) complicated d) refined

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12th English EASY CENTUM

9. I have always found the suffering of children particularly heartbreaking- especially because of their total
trust in doctor and nurse. Ans : b
a) generally b) notably c) specially d) commonly
10. They go through mutilating surgery, and afterwards they don’t complain. Ans : c
a) transplantation of organs b) removal of organs c) removal of tissue d) none of these
11. In my all thinking about suffering - something basic that was full of solace for me. [PTA-6] Ans : a

a) comfort b) distress c) anguish d) boredom
12. Very soon this trolley was commandeered by an intrepid crew of two - a driver and a mechanic. Ans : c

a) ordered b) pleaded c) hijacked d) released
13. The trolley was commandeered by an intrepid crew of two [PTA-3] Ans : a
a) gallant b) timid c) happy d) Sad

14. There was a grand finale of scattered plates. Ans : a
a) final b) show c) noise d) exposure
15. With a disfigured face and long flap of akin hanging from the side of his neck to his body. Ans : d

a) beautified b) spoiled c) marred d) both b and c
16. A malignant tumour of the bone. Ans : c

a) alive b) lively c) deadly d) marvelous
17. A malignant tumour of the bone. Ans : b
a) false news b) diseased growth c) neither a nor b c) only a
18. A few days before the race, his shoulder and arm were amputated. Ans : c
a) joined b) included c) cut off d) wriggled off
19 A profound lesson in getting on with the business of living. Ans : b
a) high b) great c) both a and b d) neither a nor b

20. We can’t appreciate light if we haven’t known darkness. Ans : a

a) admire b) criticize c) blame d) scold
21. I had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lung. Ans : d
a) swollen b) enlarged c) aspirated d) damaged with holes
22. My gloomy thoughts probably stem from an accident. Ans : b

a) cheerful b) sorrowful c) happily d) merrily

23. ________ near the end of my career as a heart surgeon. Ans : a
a) profession b) insight c) place d) carrier

24. I was crossing the street with my wife after lovely meal. Ans : b
a) cheap b) good c) expensive d) long
25. If you can’t they accept their fate. Ans : d
a) strength b) wisdom c) weakness d) destiny
26. His lower jaw became gripped in a mass of fibrous tissue. Ans : a
a) held tightly b) held loosely c) held upward d) held sideways

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12th English EASY CENTUM

27. These children showed me that it’s not what you’ve lost that’s important. Ans : d
a) mature b) strong c) weak d) significant
28. My gloomy thoughts probably stem from an accident I had a few years ago. Ans : c
a) internal b) set up c) develop d) look at
29. I see nothing noble in a patient’s thrashing around on a sweat-soaked bed, mind clouded. Ans : d
a) setting b) happy c) insulted d) worried

30. Nor can I see nobility in the crying of a lonely child in a ward at night. Ans : d
a) happiness b) laughter c) meaning d) decency

31. My thinking about suffering-something basic that was full of solace for me. Ans : d

a) hope b) attraction c) pain d) comfort
32. The mechanic provided motor power by galloping along the trolley with his head down. Ans : c

a) laughing b) running c) jumping d) singing
33. The driver steered by scraping his foot on the floor. Ans : a
a) drove b) talking c) jumped d) touched

a) smiling b) asking

34. The driver steered by scraping his foot on the floor.
c) rubbing d) walking
35. Judging by the laughter and shouts of encouragement from the rest of the patients _____.
Ans : c

Ans : b
a) attack b) motivation c) strange d) comfort
36. I experienced not only agony and fear but also anger. [PTA-1] Ans : a
a) suffering b) frustration c) confusion d) Pride
Prose - 4 The Summit

Choose the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word (Examination Pattern)
1. Sir Edmund Hillary’s own words, tells how the summit of the Everest was reach Ans : a

a) top b) base c) centre d) cellar
2. The others, heavily laden, climbed that day to a height of 27,900 feet. Ans : c

a) carried b) unloaded c) loaded d) took

3. As the sun set, Hillary and Tenzing crawled into the tent, put on all their warm clothing. Ans : c

a) moved fast b) moved quickly c) moved slowly d) moved suddenly
4. Wriggled into their sleeping bags. Next morning at 4 a.m. on May 29. Ans : a


a) moved with twist or turn b) moved without an aim

c) moved with aim d) moved intentionally
5. Tenzing kicked steps in a long traverse back towards the ridge. Ans : a

a) cross horizontally b) cross vertically c) cross upwardly d) cross downwardly
6. My weight but often gave way suddenly, Ans : b

a) gradually b) immediately c) slowly d) swiftly

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12th English EASY CENTUM

7. After several hundred feet, we came to a tiny hollow, Ans : a

a) small b) huge c) big d) great
8. There the two oxygen bottles left on the earlier attempt by Evans and Bourdillon. Ans : c

a) take part b) participate c) effort d) unkempt
9. We persisted in our efforts to beat a trail up it. Ans : b

a) stopped b) continued c) began d) stopped

10. We made frequent changes of lead. Ans : a

a) regular b) rare c) common d) uncommon
11. Finished with his familiar phrase “Just as you wish”. Ans : c


a) strange b) unfamiliar c) well known d) unknown
12. I decided to go on; and we finally reached firmer snow higher up. Ans : d

a) firstly b) lastly c) ultimately d) both b and c

13. As our first party-full bottle of oxygen was exhausted. Ans : b

a) filled b) worn out c) tired d) refreshed
14. The snow was crystalline and firm. Ans : c

a) soft b) tender c) hard d) solid
15. Tenzing belaying me while I worked. Ans : a

a) secure a climber b) delaying c) compiling d) insecure a climber
16. In a number of places the overhanging ice cornices were very large indeed. Ans : a

a) overhanging mass of snow or ice b) bulging mass of snow or ice
c) melting of snow or ice d) disappearing snow
17. The tiny tents of Camp 4 in the Western Cwm. Ans : b

a) an easy chair shaped hollow b) an enclosed arm chair shaped hollow
c) a pyramid shaped hollow d) unshaped hollow
18. Scrambling on the rocks and cutting handholds on the snow. Ans : c

a) climbing slowly b) climbing suddenly c) climbing hurriedly d) climbing swiftly
19. My progress although slow was steady. [PTA-4] Ans : c

a) weak b) bad c) firm d) worse
20. Tenzing wriggled his way op the crack, and finally collapsed at the top like a giant fish. Ans : a

a) fallen b) took off c) raised d) swollen
21. It has just been hauled from the sea after a terrible struggle. Ans : c

a) dragged b) pulled c) both a and b d) neither a nor b
22. Our original zest had now quite gone. Ans : a

a) enthusiasm b) interest c) different d) indifferent

23. No more humps to tantalize us with hopes of success. [Sep-2020] Ans : c

a) attract b) disappoint c) taunt d) encourage
24. We cramponed along our tracks, spurred by the urgency of diminishing oxygen. Ans : b

a) walking on the mountain b) climbing on ice c) climbing on the cliff d) walking on ice
25. The tents flapped and shook under the perpetual South Col gate. Ans : b

a) crushed b) crashed c) collapsed d) glimpse

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12th English EASY CENTUM

26. The adventure was over. Ans : b

a) feet b) feat c) normalcy d) abnormal
27. The story of the ascent of Everest. Ans : a

a) climbing up b) climbing down c) getting up d) getting down
28. One of comradeship and teamwork, formed Ans : a

a) team work b) friendship c) enmity d) foe

29. They watched their three companions go down the ridge back towards the South Col. Ans : c

a) trench b) basin c) higher edge d) foundation
30. As I heaved hard on the rope, Tenzing wriggled his way up the crack. Ans : d

a) threw b) pushed c) dropped d) pulled
31. We donned our wind proof as our down clothing. Ans : b

a) put off b) put on c) put out d) put down

32. I scraped the ice off the gauges. Ans : c

a) loaded b) collected c) scratched d) removed
33. I decided to go on and we finally reached firmer snow higher up. Ans : c

a) wavering b) softer c) stronger d) weaker
34. I continued making the trail on up the ridge.

A [PTA-2] Ans : c

a) sound b) signal c) way / track d) design
35. It was a great thrill to look straight down this enormous rock face. [March-2020] Ans : a

(a) huge (b) rough (c) steep (d) lofty
36. SoI cooked them over the fierce flame of primus. Ans : b

a) Simple b) ferocious c) frank d) mild
37. Over our down clothing we donned our windproof. Ans : a

a) Wore b) threw away c) removed d) showed

38. We reached its crest where it forms a great snow bump. Ans : b

a) Beside b) top c) bottom d) near
39. Our first partly-full bottle of oxygen was now exhausted. Ans : b

a) Thrown b) drained c) strong d) filled
40. _______ there was no disguising his grin of delight as he looked around him. Ans : b

a) Damage b) happiness c) sadness d) shock
41. We cramponed along our tracks, spurred by the urgency of diminishing oxygen. Ans : a

a) Prompted b) requested c) arrested d) talked
42. We set ourselves to task of safely descending the ridge to the south col. Ans : b

a) Ascending b) coming down c) going up d) running away

43. We crawled out of the tent into the snow, hoisted our 30 Ib. of oxygen gear. Ans : b

a) Only b) raised c) hole d) equipment
44. I scraped the ice off the gauges. Ans : c

a) Kicked b) kept c) removed d) attached
45. They still contained several litres of oxygen – enough to get down to the south Col if used sparingly. Ans : d

a) Happily b) in plenty c) carelessly d) in small quantities

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12th English EASY CENTUM

46. We persisted in our efforts to beat a trail up it. Ans : d

a) Gave b) released c) suppressed d) continued
47. ______ then we chipped steps up the last steep slopes. Ans : a

a) Cut b) opened c) spoilt d) closed
48. Scrambling on the rocks and cutting hand holes on the snow, we were able to shuffle past these difficult
portions. Ans : b

a) Walk quickly b) climbing c) walk sideways d) walk slowly

49. I sank the spikes of my crampons deep into the frozen snow behind me and levered myself off the ground.
a) Sent b) lifted c) used d) walked Ans : b

50. Talking advantages of all the forces of knee, Shoulder and arm I could muster. Ans : b

a) Push b) gather c) give d) ask
51. First time I really felt the fierce determination that nothing now could stop an reaching the top. Ans : a

a) Willpower b) quickness c) anger d) happiness

52. I took a firm stancce on the ledger. Ans : c

a) Determination b) eagerness c) position d) decision
53. As I heaved hard on the rope, Tenzing wriggled his way up the crack. Ans : b
a) Skipped b) crawled
54. It was turning into grim struggle.
c) jumped

A d) leaped

Ans : b

a) Slight b) terrible c) happy d) mild
55. We crawled out that tent into the snow, hoisted our 30 Ib. of oxygen gear. Ans : b

a) Only b) equipment c) hole d) leak
56. We were able to shuffle past these difficult portions. Ans : a

a) Walk slowly b) walk silently c) walk sideways d) walk quickly

Prose - 5 The Chair


Choose the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word (Examination Pattern)
1. Just as we thought our chuckles had subsided. Ans : a

a) diminished b) increased c) completed d) submerged
2. Our father rejected it, saying it wouldn’t be sturdy. Ans : b

a) weak b) strong c) tall d) good

3. Anna would say with an impudent smile. Ans : c

a) innocent b) fake c) disrespectful d) decent
4. A silver tumbler of buttermilk seasoned with asafoetida. Ans : a

a) mixed b) garnished c) filled d) loosened
5. A few people from the house of bereavement stood outside. Ans : c

a) rejoice b) celebration c) grief d)war
6. The sub – judge too was a little portly. Ans : a

a) Sticky b) stocky c) struck d) portable

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7. ……..just as we were about caution the sub judge Ans : a

a) Warn b) danger c) forewarn d) pay money as deposit
8. ……….he fell down with a thud and rolled over. Ans : c

a) Stud b) weird c) a loud noise d) a mild noise
9. Our father rejected it, saying it wouldn’t be sturdy. Ans : d

a) Weak b) week c) thin d) strong

10. Athai, our aunt said that there was a skilled carpenter in the neighbouring village. Ans : b

a) Trained b) talented c) both a and b d) neither a nor b

11. My father called a worker, despatched him to the carpenter’s village. Ans : d

a) Departed b) arrived c) left d) sent
12. For a while, the whole house spluttered into piggles before things settled down. Ans : d

a) Cackled b) giggled c) uttered d) articulated
13. The aroma of the buttermilk and the asafotedia ……………. Ans : c

a) Taste b) smell c) flavor d) none of these
14. Amma would pretend to chide us. Ans : d

a) Blame b) scold c) rebuke d) all of these
15. Mamanaar showed interest in the debate about the chair. Ans : c

a) Committee b) council c) argument d) discussion
16. We thought that our uncle was the stingiest person in the village. Ans : c

a) Noblest b) strongest c) meanest d) worst

17. When he expounded on the neem tree, Appa looked at him with round-eyed astonishment. Ans : d


a) Defined b) elucidated c) evaluated d) explained

18. People - children and adults – arrived in hordes to see the chair. Ans : d

a) Herds b) masses c) crowd d) both b and c
19. …………he commended the carpenter. Ans : a

a) Praised b) blamed c) criticized d) demoralized

20. Pedanna, who was sleeping in the inner pial, opened the door. Ans : c

a) Porch b) verandah c) both a and b d) none of these
21. Since the deceased was also known to us, we too attended the funeral. Ans : d

a) Sick b) ill c) recovered d) dead
22. _________ that they had propped up the eminent person. Ans : d

a) Respected b) distinguished c) famous d) all of these
23. Fortuitously, a guest visited our house one day. Ans : a

a) Fortunately b) misfortune c) unfortunately d) unluckily

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24. He would retort instantly. Ans : a

a) Immediately b) gradually c) slowly d) widely
25. He would reverently take out his paraphernalia. Ans : c

a) Things b) stuffs c) both a and b d) neither a nor c

Prose - 6 On the Rule of the Road

Choose the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word (Examination Pattern)

1. A stout old lady was walking with her basket. Ans : d

a) lean b) blind c) short d) fat
2. The great confusion of the traffic. Ans : d


a) orderly b) chaos c) disorderly d) both b and c
3. No small peril to herself. Ans : a

a) danger b) safe c) serenity d) quietness
4. The place for pedestrians, but the replied.

A Ans : c

a) runners b) hawkers c) walkers d) servers
5. Individual liberty would have become social anarchy. [PTA-4] Ans : d

a) lawlessness b) order c) control d) lawfulness
6. The liberties of all may be preserved. Ans : b

a) severed b) maintained c) destroyed d) safeguarded
7. The liberties of everybody must be curtailed. Ans : d

a) reduced b) restricted c) increased d) both a and b

8. The symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty. Ans : c

a) slavery b) bondage c) freedom d) dynasty
9. Seeing your car pulled up by his insolence of office. [PTA-1, Sep-2020] Ans : b

a) easiness b) rudeness c) softness d) suppleness
10. That your liberty has been outraged. Ans : a

a) infuriated b) pacified c) calmed d) quietened
11. How dare this fellow interfere with your free use of the public highway. Ans : b


a) free b) hinder c) interviewed d) intervene

12. The symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty. Ans : c

a) democracy b) republican c) autocracy d) aristocracy
13. Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract. Ans : d

a) agreement b) disagreement c) acceptance d) commitment

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14. It is an accommodation of interests. Ans : a

a) compromise b) refusal c) disagreement d) denial
15. I have liberty to be indifferent to you. [PTA-2, PTA-5] Ans : d

a) disinterested b) interested / concerned c) uninterested / unconcerned d) different
16. I have a fancy for dyeing my hair or waxing my moustache. Ans : a

a) desire b) hate c) abhor d) dislike

17. Ella Wheeler Wilcox to Wordsworth, or champagne to shandy. Ans : c

a) orange juice b) syrup c) lemonade d) wine

18. We may choose to be wise or ridiculous. Ans : a

a) funny b) earnest c) critical d) serious
19. We have a whole kingdom in which we can be conventional or odd. Ans : c


a) abnormal b) strange c) normal d) usual
20. I have to accommodate my liberty to their liberties. 
Ans : a
a) fit in with b) unfit c) unreliable d) unsuited
21. Liberties of all may be preserved.

A Ans : a

a) maintained b) severed c) pointed d) excluded
22. We have a whole kingdom in which we can be conventional or odd. Ans : c

a) usual b) strange c) popular d) common
23. A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings for the others is the foundation of social conduct. Ans : a
a) rejection b) argument c) thoughtfulness d) confrontation
24. If I play trombone in my bedroom, my family will object. Ans : a

a) oppose b) approve c) admit d) accept

25. .........the end of such liberty would be universal chaos. [March 2020] 
Ans : c
a) mystery b) destruction c) confusion d) harmony
26. It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for pedestrians. Ans : a

a) Sidewalk/platform b) roadside c) note d) payment
27. It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for the pedestrians. Ans : d


a) Corrected b) am ended c) tamed d) indicated

28. Liberty is not a personal affairs only, but social contract. Ans : a

a) Private b) public c) common d) individual

29. _________ you may prefer Ella wheeler Wilcox to words worth, or champagne to Shandi. Ans : a

a) choose b) prepare c) manufacture d) prepare
30. We have a whole kingdom in which we rule alone, can do what we choose, be wise or ridiculous ____. Ans : c
a) Escape b) serious c) laughable/serious d) clever
31. A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation ________. Ans : d

a) Zenith b) topmost c) pinnacle d) basic

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Question No : 4 to 6 Antonyms 1 MARK

Prose - 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Choose the most appropriate antonyms of the underlined word. (Examination Pattern)

1. How their actions give a new hope for humanity. Ans : c

a) hopeful b) unhope c) desperate d) hopeless

2. Warned Luigi, our cautious driver. Ans : a

a) careless b) careful c) alert d) temperament
3. His shoulders to convey his disapproval of their shabby appearance. Ans : b


a) neglect b) approval c) unapproval d) rejected
4. We bought their biggest basket. Ans : d

a) lowest b) huge c) least d) lowest
5. He glanced at us hopefully.

A Ans : a

a) desperately b) confidently c) assuredly d) certainly
6. He smiled uncomfortably. Ans : c

a) rested b) perched c) comfortably d) relaxedly
7. Usually we hire bicycle. Ans : d

a) regularly b) always c) ever d) seldom
8. I answered, “I’ II drive you out myself”. Ans : a

a) questioned b) responded c) replied d) enquired
9. They disappeared beyond the corner of the wall. Ans : c

a) vanished b) varnished c) appeared d) wearied
10. A pleasant-looking woman with steel-rimmed spectacles appeared. Ans : d

a) rose b) emerged c) existed d) vanished / disappeared
11. I drew up and begged her to tell me all she knew about these boys. Ans : d

a) pleaded b) requested c) asked d) commanded / ordered

12. A well-known singer, had been killed in the early part of the war. Ans : c

a) popular b) famous c) infamous d) ill known
13. They bought her here, persuaded us to take her in to the hospital. Ans : c

a) continued b) persisted c) dissuaded d) motivated
14. Their selfless action brought a new nobility to human life, Ans : a

a) selfish b) unselfish c) common d) public
15 Their selfless action brought a new nobility to human life, Ans : a

a) ignobility / meanness b) demeanor c) greater d) higher

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16. They had tangled hair. Ans : b

a) twisted b) organized c) mangled d) matted
17. The driver disapproved their shabby appearance. Ans : a

a) smart b) untidy c) tidy d) unkempt
18, There was a pause. Ans : a

a) Resumption b) pass c) stop d) end

19. The children were artless. Ans : c

a) natural b) artificial c) pretentious d) innocent

20. They were doing brisk business in the public square. Ans : b

a) active b) sluggish c) lazy d) busy
21. We came upon them in the windy and deserted square. [PTA-1, PTA-2] Ans : b


a) deprived b) inhabited c) lonely d) despised
22. Her eyes were soft and tender. Ans : a

a) unsympathetic b) kind c) noble d) caring
23. We waited until trade slackened.

A Ans : a

a) intensified b) began c) slowed down d) quickened
24. We drove to a tiny village. Ans : a

a) huge b) small c) little d) hamlet
25. Their earnestness provoked me. Ans : b

a) prompted b) deterred c) teased d) aroused
26. Their earnestness provoked me. Ans : d

a) seriousness b) sincerity c) insincerity d) normalcy

27. I expected to see some humble dwellings. [PTA-3] Ans : c

a) meek b) soft c) proud d) gentle
28. I rang the bell determinedly. Ans : a

a) irresolutely b) resolutely c) unhesitatingly d) decidedly
29. He saw a pleasant looking nurse. Ans : d

a) kind b) gleeful c) meekness d) unpleasant

30. I expected to see some humble dwellings. Ans : a

a) unexpected b) anticipated c) valued d) kindled
[march 2020]

31. One night, we came upon them in the windy and deserted square. Ans : a

a) crowded (b) secured (c) fertile (d) desolate
32. One boy had on a worn jersey and cut-off khaki pants. Ans : a

a) clean/neat b) shabby c) dirty d) old
33. ______ the other a shortened army tunic gathered in loose fold about his skinny frame. Ans : a

a) tight b) slack c) free d) unfastened

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34. _____________ with their brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes, we felt ourselves strangely attracted.
a) frivolous b) solemn c) serious d) grave Ans : b

35. ___________ with their brown skin, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes, we felt ourselves strangely attracted.
a) happily b) commonly c) peculiarly d) oddly Ans : b

36. Nicola answered seriously. Ans : c

a) extremely b) utterly c) casually/normally d) cunningly

37. Jacopo was lively as squirrel. 
Ans : a
a) dull b) sparkling c) bright d) active

38. One day we came upon them in windy and deserted square. Ans : c

a) confused b) breezy c) calm/quiet d) breezy
39. I could scarcely believe my eyes. Ans : c

a) narrowly b) hardly c) sufficiently d) barely
40. _________ who propped up on pillows and wearing a pretty lace jacket? Ans : a

a) ugly b) smart c) cute d) beautiful

41. Shortly afterwards a bomb has destroyed their home. Ans : a

a) created b) demolished c) preserved d) ruined
42. They had suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter. Ans : b

a) strongly b) mildly c) greeted d) greatly
43. They had suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter. Ans : d

a) expression b) hunger c) suffering d) concealment
44. They were selling wild strawberries. Ans : b

a) local b) domestic c) strong d) strange

45. Nicola’s smile was steady and engaging. Ans : c


a) attracting b) appealing c) unappealing d) alluring
46. I imagined that our destinations would be some humble dwelling. Ans : d

a) thought b) guessed c) perceived d) unimagined
47. Their devotion had touched me deeply. [PTA-2, PTA-4] Ans : d

a) gentleness b) loyalty c) sincerely d) disloyalty/insincerely

48. They sat beside me, not speaking. Ans : a

a) very far away b) on right side c) on the left side d) by the side of
49. We saw them frequently for they proved extremely useful to us. Ans : a


a) moderately b) prevalently c) adequately d) exceptionally

50. One day we came upon them in the windy and deserted square. Ans : c

a) breezy b) confused c) calm/ quiet d) stormy
51. I could scarcely believe my eyes. Ans : b

a) narrowly b) sufficiently c) barely d) hardly

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52. shortly after words a bomb had destroyed their home. Ans : a

a) created b) demolished c) preserved d) ruined
53. __________ who propped upon pillows and wearing a pretty lace jacket? Ans : c

a) cute b) smart c) ugly d) beautiful
54. They had suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter. Ans : d

a) greeted b) greatly c) strongly d) mildly

55. They had suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter. Ans : b

a) suffering b) concealment c) expression d) hunger
56. Nicola’s smile was steady and engaging. Ans : a


a) unappealing b) alluring c) attracting d) appealing
57. They were selling wild strawberries. Ans : c

a) strong b) local c) domestic d) strange

58. I imagined that our destination would be some humble dwelling. Ans : a

a) unimagined b) perceived c) thought d) guessed
59. Their devotion had touched me deeply. Ans : b


a) sincerity b) disloyalty / insincerity c) gentleness d) loyalty
60. They sat beside me, not speaking. Ans : a

a) very far away b) on right side c) by the side of d) on left side
61. She was a very frail girl. [Sep-2020] Ans : a

a) strong b) brilliant c) wealthy d) modern

Prose - 2 A Nice Cup of Tea


Choose the correct antonyms of the word underlined below. (Examination Pattern)

1. ____________ which are not to be despised. [PTA-3] Ans : b

a) hated b) liked c) respected d) defeated
2. One does not feel wise, braver or more optimistic. [Sep-2020] Ans : d

a) opportunistic b) cheerful c) realistic d) pessimistic
3. Not the flat, shallow type ____________ . Ans : c

a) narrow b) wide c) deep d) direct

4. Predicting the arrival of visitors ____________ . Ans : b

a) journey b) departure c) migration d) perusal

5. ____________ but they are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become. Ans : c

a) enough b) suffocative c) scarce d) submissive
6. The best manner of making tea is the subject of violent disputes. [PTA-5] Ans : b

a. rough b. gentle c. severe d. harsh
7. There would be pretty general agreement, but at least four others are acutely controversial. Ans : b

a) similarities b) controversial c) gentleness d) kindness

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8. Which are not to be despised now-a-days. Ans : a

a) loved b) hated c) abhorred d) criticized
9. It is economical, and one can drink without milk. Ans : b

a) cheap b) expensive / costly c) affordable d) less in price
10. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it. Ans : c

a) positive b) negative c) pessimistic d) realistic

11. Silver or Britannia ware teapots produce inferior tea and enamel pots are worse. Ans : c

a) low quality b) high quality c) superior d) junior

12. Though curiously enough a pewter teapot is not so bad. Ans : b

a) interestingly b) indifferently c) differently d) eagerly
13. The pot should be warmed beforehand. Ans : a


a) heated b) cooled c) boiled d) melted
14. This is better done by placing it on the hob than by the usual method of swilling it out with hot water. Ans : b
a) good b) worse c) best d) well

a) sizeable b) significant

15. One can swallow considerable quantities without ill-effects.
c) paltry
16. This is not an idea that can be realized on every day of the

d) large
Ans : c

Ans : c

a) recognized b) identified c) unidentified d) relieved
17. Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill effect. Ans : c

a) vomit b) digest c) chew d) gulp
18. The cylindrical type of cup, not the flat, shallow type. Ans : a
a) deep / profound b) hollow c) of little depth d) in depth

19. The other kind one’s tea is always half cold before one has well started on it. Ans : a

a) ended b) began c) commenced d) set off
20. I find no fewer than eleven outstanding points. Ans : d

a) excusive b) excellent c) exceptional d) mediocre
21. Milk that is too creamy always gives tea a sickly taste. Ans : d

a) ever b) regular c) usual d) never

22. This is one of the most controversial points of all. Ans : a

a) agreeable b) contentious c) disagreeable d) disputable
23. The milk-first school can bring forward some fairly strong arguments. Ans : d

a) Onward b) progressive c) toward d) backward
24, I maintain that my own argument is unanswerable. Ans : b

a) questionable b) answerable c) responsible d) irresponsible
25. I am in a minority here. Ans : a

a) majority b) less c) more d) at least

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26. You will ever want to ruin your tea by sweetening it again. Ans : d

a) adding sugar b) adding salt c) adding milk d) bittering
27. They are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become. Ans : d

a) enough b) adequate c) few d) scarce / insufficient / inadequate
28. The subsidiary uses of tea leaves, such as telling fortunes. Ans : c

a) bad luck b) misfortunes c) good luck d) unfortune

29. That two ounces, properly handled ought to represent. Ans : b

a) perfectly b) improperly c) imperfectly d) impersonation

30. They give no ruling in several of the most important points. Ans : c

a) abundant b) many c) a few d) plenty
31. Stray leaves are supposed to be harmful. Ans : d

a) damaging b) safe c) harmless d) both b and c
35. This is curious because tea is one of the main stays of civilization. Ans : d

a) important b) strong c) intention d) indifferent

33. The best manner of making it is subject of violet disputes. Ans : c

a) fight b) brawl c) agreement d) conflict
34. China tea has virtues which are not to be despised now a days. Ans : a
a) vices b) merits c) qualities d) internals
35. Curiously enough a pewter teapot (a rarity now a days) is not so bad. Ans : c

a) unknown b) unique c) common d) unequal
36. The best of making the tea is the subject of violent disputes. Ans : b

a) harsh b) gentle c) severe d) rough
37. Anyone who has used that comforting phrase ‘anice cup of tea invariable means Indian tea. Ans : a

a) never b) sometimes c) always d) ever
38. It is worth paying no attention to such details. Ans : b

a) unworthy b) worthless c) useful d) valuable
39. It would be equally reasonable to put in pepper or salt. Ans : d

a) illegal b) logical c) legal d) unreasonable/illogical

40. You will ever want to ruin your tea by sweetening it again. Ans : d

a) damage b) spoil c) destroy d) create
41. They are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become_______. Ans : d

a) developed b) purified c) refined d) unrefined
42. They are sufficient to show how subtilized the whole business has become________. Ans : c

a) absolute b) complete c) part d) entire
43. The milk first school can bring forward some fairly strong arguments. Ans : a

a) weak b) fat c) fragile d) sturdy

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Prose - 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Choose the most appropriate antonym for the underlined word. (Examination Pattern)
1. Suffering seems so cruelly prevalent in the world today. Ans : d

a) common b) rare c) uncommon d) both b and c

2. Mind clouded in agony. Ans : a

a) pleasure / happiness b) ecstasy c) pain/suffering d) panic
3. The rest many will end up as mental or physical cripples. Ans : a


a) disabled b) abled c) capable d) soluble
4. My gloomy thoughts probably stem from an accident. Ans : b

a) cheerful b) sorrowful c) happily d) merrily

5. My gloomy thoughts probably stem from an accident. Ans : b

a) mostly b) improbably c) both a and b d) neither a nor b
6. I had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lung. Ans : a


a) intact b) in fact c) actually d) originally
7. Suffering ennobles you, makes you a better person. [PTA-5] Ans : b

a. flatters b. humiliates c) honours d) exalts
8. In those days they didn’t have sophisticated heart surgery. Ans : b

a) well advanced b) primitive c) modern d) civilized
9. I have always found the suffering of children particularly. Ans : a

a) generally b) notably c) specially d) specifically
10. Heartbreaking- especially because of their total trust in doctors and nurse. Ans : a

a) generally b) notably c) specially d) specifically

11. I was missing in all my thinking about suffering - something basic that was full of solace for me. Ans : d

a) comfort b) distress c) worry d) both b and c
12. The laughter and shouts of encouragement from the rest of the patients. Ans : a

a) discouragement b) motivating c) inducing d) distressing
13. The nurse and ward sister caught up with them scolded them and put them back to bed. Ans : b

a) blamed b) praised c) either a or b d) only a

14. The trolley’s driver knew better A few years earlier. Ans : b

a) before b) later c) after d) latter

15. We can’t appreciate light if ……….. Ans : d

a) admire b) blame c) scold d) criticize
16. We haven’t known darkness. Ans : a

a) brightness b) gloominess c) slackness d) sluggishness
17. These children showed me that it’s not what you’ve lost that’s important. Ans : a

a) regained b) gained c) found b) missed

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18. He suffered severe third degree burns on the upper part of his body. Ans : a

a) mild b) serious c) harsh d) strict
19. He had full confidence in the mechanic. [PTA-4, PTA-5] Ans : c

a) faith b) trust c) diffidence d) reliance
20. The business of living is the celebration of being alone. Ans : c

a) success b) jubilant c) failure d) victory

21. You don’t become a better person because you are suffering. Ans : c

a) tormenting b) anguishing c) enjoying d) crying

22. He had a malignant tumour of bone. [PTA-6, sep-2020] Ans : d

a) harmful b) deadly c) destructive d) harmless / benign
23. Suffering ennobles you, makes you a better person. Ans : c

a) dignified b) morally noble c) humiliates d) exalts
24. What is important is what you have left. Ans : d

a) significant b) insignificant c) vital d) unwanted

25. Suffering seems so cruelly prevalent in the world today, [March - 2020] Ans : d

a) unbelievable b) unavoidable c) unfair d) uncommon
26. It opened my eyes to the fact that I was missing something ______. 
Ans : d
a) true b) spot c) reality d) fiction
27. _________ especially because of their total truest in doctors and nurses. Ans : a

a) disbelief b) faith c) belief d) understanding
28. A few days before the race, his shoulder and arm were amputated. Ans : b

a) treated b) jointed c) touched d) removed

29. Nor can I see any nobility in the crying of a lonely child in a ward at night. Ans : d

a) happiness b) laughter c) decency d) dishonour
30. Suffering seems to be cruelly prevalent in the world today. Ans : d

a) widespread b) common c) presence d) rare
31. I experienced not only agony and fear but also anger. Ans : d

a) insult b) fortitude c) pain d) ecstasy

32. I see nothing noble in a patient’s thrashing around on a sweat- soaked bed, mind clouded in agony. Ans : b
a) setting b) calm c) insulted d) worried
33. In those days they didn’t have sophisticated heart surgery. Ans : c


a) complicated b) primitive c) mild d) strong

34. I have always found the suffering of children particularly heart breaking. Ans : b

a) recently b) commonly c) specifically d) immediately
35. And very soon this trolly was commandeered by an intrepid crew of two______ Ans : a

a) fearless b) known c) fearful d) strange

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36. There was little hope of his recovery. Ans : c

a) faith b) trust c) diffidence d) trust
37. Because the business of living is joy in the real sense of the word not just something for pleasure, amusement,
recreation. Ans : c

a) wish b) happiness c) boredom d) choice
38. He suffered severe third – degree burns on the upper part of the body. Ans : d

a) pinnacle b) zenith c) topmost d) lower
39. You don’t become a better person because you are suffering. Ans : d

a) tormenting b) crying c) anguishing d) enjoying

40. What is important is what you have left. Ans : d

a) vital b) significant c) essential d) unimportant / insignificant
41. We can’t appreciate light, if we haven’t known darkness. Ans : a


a) darkness/gloominess b) polishing c) shining d) brightness
42. The business of living is the celebration of being alive. Ans : a

a) dead b) living c) deadly d) lively

Prose - 4
A The Summit
Choose the most appropriate antonym for the underlined word. (Examination Pattern)
1. We started up our cooker and drank large quantities of lemon juice and sugar. Ans : b

a) huge b) small c) big d) great
2. I dragged our oxygen sets into the tent. Ans : b

a) pulled b) pushed c) forced d) stimulated
3, Cleared the ice off them, and rechecked and tested them. Ans : d

a) washed b) wailed c) removed d) added
4. I had removed my boots. Ans : b

a) took off b) added on c) took up d) took in
5. Which had wet the day before and they were now frozen solid. Ans : a

a) dry b) drain c) drench d) trench

6. Hoisted our 30 lb. of oxygen gear on to our backs connected up our masks. Ans : c

a) linked b) joined c) disconnected d) deviated
7. The ridge narrow to a knife-edge and, as my…now warm. Ans : b

a) heat b) cold c) hot d) humid
8. The soft snow made a route on top. Ans : d

a) tender b) mild c) crude d) hard
9. The ridge both difficult and dangerous. Ans : c

a) hard b) tough c) easy d) simple

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10. The ridge both difficult and dangerous. Ans : a

a) safe b) harmful c) cruel d) threaten
10. Which sometimes held y weight but often gave way suddenly. Ans : b

a) frequently b) seldom c) ever d) always
11. After several hundred feet, we came to a tiny hollow. Ans : a

a) huge b) small c) little d) large

12. There are two oxygen bottles left on the earlier attempt by Evans and Bourdillon. Ans : b

a) sooner b) later c) latter d) after

13. We made frequent changes of lead. 
Ans : a
a) rare b) ever c) often d) always
14. Although admitting that he felt unhappy about the snow condition. Ans : d

a) accepting b) admiring c) offering d) refusing
15. With his familiar pharse “Just as you wish”. Ans : a

a) strange / unknown b) well known c) famous d) popular

16. I decided to go on; and we finally reached. Ans : b

a) lastly b) initially c) ultimately d) lately
17 Firmer snow higher up and then chipped steps up the last steep slopes. Ans : b

a) slower b) lower c) nobler d) meaner
18. For our over-size high Altitude boots and a firm thrust. Ans : a

a) low b) great c) top d) summit
19. I would sink my shaft and put a few loops of the rope around it. Ans : c

a) swim b) immerse c) float d) fleet
20. The snow, we were able to shuffle past these difficult portion . Ans : d

a) tough b) hard c) simple d) easy
21. Forty feet of the step was a narrow crack between the cornice and the rock. Ans : a

a) wide b) breadth c) high d) deep
22. Taking advantage of every little rock hold and all the force of knee shoulder. Ans : c

a) demerit b) disadvantage c) either a or b d) neither a nor b

23. The cornice would remain attached to the rock. Ans : c

a) joined b) linked c) detached d) deviated

24. My progress although slow was steady. Ans : a

a) quick b) sudden c) leisure d) relaxed
25. The ridge continued as before; giant cornices on the right. Ans : c

a) hauled b) proceeded c) discontinued d) disturbed
26. Our original zest had now quit gone. Ans : d

a) real b) fake c) duplicate d) both b and c

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27. The ridge ahead away instead of rising, now dropped sharply away. Ans : a

a) bluntly b) keenly c) severely d) merely
28. No more humps to tantalize us with hopes f success. Ans : a

a) failure b) won c) victory d) triumph
29. Set ourselves to the task of safely descending the ridge to the South Col. Ans : c

a) climbing up b) ascending c) both a and b d) neither a nor b

30. The ridge ahead away instead of rising, now dropped sharply away. Ans : c

a) top b) foundation c) base d) mean

31. The achievement, that was brilliantly concluded by Tenzing and Hillary. Ans : b

a) excellently b) ordinarily c) normally d) none of these
32. The story of the ascent of Everest is one of comradeship and teamwork. Ans : c

a) assent b) dissent c) descent d) all of these
33. Given the selflessness and resolve which enabled men to climb Everest. Ans : b

a) unselfishness b) selfishness c) toughness d) kindness
34. Their happiness and pride showed.

A Ans : b

a) gratification b) humility c) egoism d) egotism
35. I felt a sense of freedom. Ans : c

a) liberty b) fraternity c) slavery / bondage d) equality
36. With effort I could muster my arms and shoulder. Ans : b

a) give b) lose c) collect d) gather
37. We cramponed along our tracks spurred by the urgency of diminishing oxygen. Ans : c

a) animated b) propelled c) calmed d) aroused

38. We scrambled cautiously. Ans : b

a) carefully b) carelessly c) sparingly d) meticulously
39. Makalu was unexplored. Ans : a

a) explored b) expelled c) explained d) experienced
40. They wear over-sized high altitude boots. Ans : d

a) height b) width c) broad d) depth

41. ______ they were now frozen solid. Ans : a

a) warm b) fresh c) iced d) cold
42. After several hundred feet, we came to a hollow. Ans : b

a) hole b) raised c) fertile d) barren
43. ______ finally we reached firmer snow higher snow. Ans : b

a) place b) softer c) stronger d) based
44. ________ it was turning more into grim struggle. Ans : c

a) fertile b) barren c) cheerful d) terrible

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45. _________ we championed along our track, spurred by the urgency of diminishing oxygen. Ans : a

a) ordinary b) sure c) immediately d) quickly
46. We crawled out of that tent into the snow, hoisted our 30 Ib. of oxygen gear. Ans : a

a) lowered b) kept away c) raised d) threw
47. From here the ridge narrowed to a knife edge. Ans : a

a) broadened b) moved c) towards d) entered

48. We persisted in our efforts to at a trail up it. Ans : d

a) sustained b) persisted c) continued d) slackened
49. _____ our partly- full bottle of oxygen was now exhausted. Ans : a


a) replenish b) existed c) stopped d) lost
50. _____ all encrusted with all icicles – that concealed his face, there was not disguising his grin of delight.
a) hit b) opened c) surrounded d) covered Ans : b

51. _____ all encrusted with all icicles – that concealed his face, there was not disguising his grin of delight.
a) real b) covered c) surrounded d) appeared Ans : a

52. _____ all encrusted with all icicles – that concealed his face, there was not disguising his grin of delight.
a) prudently b) smile

c) watchfully d) carefully
53. _______ we set ourselves to the task of safely descending the ridge to the south Col.

Ans : b
Ans : a

a) sinking b) ascending c) coming down d) plunging
54. ______ the tents flapped and shook under the perpetual South Col gate. 
Ans : d
a) doubtfully b) permanent c) surely d) temporary
55. As the sun set, Hillary and Tenzing crawled into the tent. Ans : a

a) raced b) dragged c) crept d) pushed
56. Tensing collapsed at the top like giant fish. [PTA-6] Ans : b

a) failed completely b) refreshed c) fell down d) wearied

57. Some are close at hand, other are far away in distant lands. Ans : d

a) separate b) far c) beside d) near
58. The achievement, that was brilliantly concluded by tensing and Hillary. Ans : d

a) set off b) introduced c) stopped d) commenced
59. For a few moments, I lay regaining my breath. Ans : a


a) losing b) strengthening c) attaining d) reaching

60. Far away across the clouds, the great bulk Kanchenjunga loomed on the horizon. [PTA-2] Ans : d

a) emerge b) appeared c) arose d) vanished/disappeared

61. Tenzing collapsed at the top like a giant fish. Ans : b

a) magnanimous b) dwarf c) marvelous d) magnificent
62. we scrambled cautiously over the rock reverse. Ans : a

a) carelessly b) prudently c) watchfully d) carefully
63. They still contained several litres of oxygen – enough to get down to the south Col if used sparingly. Ans : d

a) daily b) cautiously c) carefully d) carelessly

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Prose - 5 The Chair

choose the most appropriate antonym for the underlined word. (Examination Pattern)
1. Our father rejected it, saying it wouldn’t be sturdy. Ans : a

a) Weak b) week c) thin d) strong
2. Athai, our aunt said that there was a skilled carpenter in the neighbouring village. Ans : d


a) Trained b) talented c) both a and b d) neither a or b
3. Amma would pretend to chide us. Ans : d

a) Blame b) scold c) rebuke d) praise
4. …………he commended the carpenter. 
Ans : c
a) Praised b) blamed c) criticized d) demoralized

5. He would retort instantly. Ans : b

a) Immediately b) gradually c) slowly d) widely
6. Teak is the best. Ans : d

a) Fine b) good c) well d) worst
7. Our laughter only lengthened. Ans : b

a) Elongated b) shortened c) extended d) expounded
8. And the governor himself had praised him. Ans : a

a) Blamed b) appreciated c) admired d) all of these
9. …………….the stout guest was not to be seen. Ans : b

a) Visitor b) host c) hoist d) resist
10. Anna would say with an impudent smile. Ans : d
a) respectful b) disrespectful c) revengeful d) everlasting

11. ………….even if he was thrifty with them. Ans : b

a) Generous b) stingy c) abundant d) avenging
12. Appa had been talking to a farmhand about cutting an ancient, diamond – hard neem tree in our cattle
pasture…………. Ans : d

a) Olden b) current c) contemporary d) modern
13. People - children and adults – arrived in hordes to see the chair. Ans : d

a) Herds b) masses c) crowd d) single
14. …………he commended the carpenter. Ans : d

a) Praised b) blamed c) criticized d) both b and c

15. All because the chair was ordered at an inauspicious time. Ans : a

a) Auspicious b) holy c) both a and b d) neither a nor b
16. The whole family persuaded him to sit on the chair. Ans : c

a) Forced b) compelled c) dissuaded d) none of these
17. A few people from a house of bereavement stood outside for the chair. Ans : d

a) Grief b) mourning c) sorrowfulness d) cheerfulness

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18. …………….as if placing down gently a mud pot brimming with water. Ans : d

a) Calmly b) quietly c) kindly d) rudely
19. He greeted me with his usual smile and banter. Ans : d

a) normal b) regular c) strange d) irregular
20. At an ungodly hour in the night, there was a knock on the door. Ans : d

a) Godly b) abnormal c) strange d) usual

Prose - 6 On the Rule of the Road

choose the most appropriate antonym for the underlined word. (Examination Pattern)
1. A stout old lady was walking with her basket in the middle of a street. [PTA-4] Ans : a

a) lean / thin b) blind c) short d) fat
2. The end of such liberty would be universal chaos. [PTA-1] Ans : b

a) Confusion b) orderliness c) disorder d) Commotion
3. The symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty.

A Ans : d

a) slavery b) bondage c) freedom d) both a and b
4. I have liberty to be indifferent to you. Ans : a

a) interested/concerned b) uninterested / unconcerned c) different d) disinterested
5. I have a fancy for dyeing my hair or waxing my moustache. Ans : d

a) desire b) hate c) abhor d) dislike
6. We have a whole kingdom in which we can be conventional or odd. Ans : a

a) abnormal b) strange c) normal d) usual
7. We step out of that kingdom our personal liberty. Ans : b

a) private b) public c) only a d) neither a nor b
8. Our personal liberty of action becomes qualified by other. Ans : c

a) capable b) incapable c) disqualified d) suited
9. We are all liberty to forget this. Ans : a

a) remember b) forgive c) reminder d) renewal

10. The imperfections of others in this respect than of our own. Ans : c

a) properness b) punctual c) perfections d) all of these
11. The great moments of heroism and sacrifice are rare. Ans : b

a) individual b) common c) distinctive d) clear
12. It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for pedestrians. Ans : b

a) Noticed b) ignored c) notified d) recommended
13. You may, being in a hurry, and seeing your car pulled up by. Ans : b

a) quick b) relaxed c) swift d) gradual

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14. Individual liberty would have become social anarchy. Ans : a

a) Lawfulness b) legally c) lawlessness / rebellion d) peace
15. …………………the liberties of everybody must be curtailed. Ans : a

a) Increased b) soared c) reduced / decreased d) improved
16. You may, being in a hurry, and seeing your car pulled up by his insolence of office. Ans : c

a) Softness b) kindness c) rudeness d) politeness

17. We have a whole kingdom in which we rule alone……. Ans : a

a) republican b) monarchy c) autocracy d) bureaucracy
18. A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation . Ans : d

a) Basic b) zenith c)topmost d) both b and c
19. ………………… may prefer Ella Wheeler Wilcox to Wordsworth, or champagne to shandy. Ans : b

a) Opt b) ignore c) manufacture d) prepared

20. If you are a reasonable person, you would understand liberty. Ans : c

a)Logical b) illogical c) unreasonable d) fair
21. It seemed vital to her that they do so......... [March 2020] Ans : c

a) jovial b) social c) trivial d) partial
22. Walking with her basket down the middle of a street in Petrograd to the great confusion of the traffic. Ans : d
a) Cess b) mass c) mess d) clarity
23. _____ to the great confusing to the traffic and with no small peril to herself. Ans : d

a) danger/risk b) measure c) pearl d) safety
24. It means that in order that the liberties of all may be preserved. Ans : b

a) preferred b) destructible c) conserved d) maintained
25. _____ steps into the middle of the road and puts out his hand, he is the symbol not of tyranny. Ans : d

a) autocracy b) republic c) kingdom d) democracy
26. “How dare fellow interfere with your free use of the public highway? Ans : b

a) hinder b) free c) recover d) obstacles
27. Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract. Ans : d

a) private b) public c) individual d) commission
28. We have a whole kingdom in which we rule alone, can do what we choose, be wise or ridiculous. Ans : c

a) demon b) insane c) fool d) clever
29. We have a whole kingdom in which we rule alone, can do what we choose, be wise or ridiculous. [PTA-3]

a) Comical b) senseless c) Sensible d) Absurd Ans : c

30. ________ can do what we choose be wise or ridiculous, harsh or easy, conventional or odd. Ans : c

a) orderly b) stately c) usual d) strange

31. There are a lot of people in the world, and I have to accommodate my liberty______ Ans : d

a) irrelevant b) fit in c) un suit d) unfit
32. A reasonable consideration or the rights or feeling of others is the foundation________. Ans : c

a) disregard b) regard c) ignore d) scrutiny
33. I shall not inquire of you whether I may eat mustard with my mutton. [PTA-6] Ans : a

a) respond b) ask c) investigate d) interrogate

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Question : 5 a
Compound Words
(Noun + Verb ) (Noun + Adjective)

Introduction :
Compound words are a unit consisting of two or more words. Here in this topic we discuss how they are formed

by combining words of different parts of speech. But try to know the meaning of the words given. These words
may also be asked in question 19 expecting you to write a sentence.

a. Noun and Verb compounds : Sound sleep; manhunt
b. Noun and Gerund compounds : soul-searching; spell-binding; zebra-crossing; air-conditioning
c. Gerund and Noun compounds : working capital; working group

d. Noun and Noun compounds : work book; work shop; word power
e. Noun and Adjective : world famous; man-made;
f. Preposition and Noun : withdrawal; indoors; inland;
g. Phrase compounds : state-of-art; know-it-all

1. School girl
1. Sunrise
A Noun+Adjective
1. Duty-free
1. Air-conditioning
2. School boy 2. Headache 2. Home-sick 2. Eve-teasing
3. Head Master 3. Heart attack 3. Lifelong 3. Bird-watching
4. Police station 4. Powerplay 4. Navy blue 4. Book binding
5. Ice cream 5. Babysit 5. World famous 5. Sightseeing
6. Kitchen garden 6. Bus stand 6. Skin deep 6. House keeping
7. Radio station 7. Sunset 7. Milk sweet 7. Mud-slinging
8. Book worm 8. Haircut 8. Worldwide 8. Nerve-racking

9. Honey moon 9. Earthquake 9. Marchfast 9. Watch-making

10. Room service 10. Milkshake 10. Praiseworthy 10. Home-coming

Gerund+Noun Verb+Noun Verb+Gerund Preposition+Noun

1. Washing machine 1. Showroom 1. Call-waiting 1. Uphill

2. Dancing bird 2. Call taxi 2. Care-taking 2. Upstream

3. Swimming pool 3. Dare devil 3. Note-making 3. Downhill
4. Walking stick 4. Watchman 4. Note-taking 4. Downstream

5. Dining table 5. Cease-fire 5. Type-setting 5. Overcoat

6. Working day 6. Throw ball 6. Get-going 6. Undertake
7. Browsing centre 7. Suitcase 7. Wash-drawing 7. Overpower
8. Booking clerk 8. Bathroom 8. Sleep-walking 8. Outdoor
9. Visiting card 9. Playground 9. Snow-jumping 9. Inbox
10. Fishing rod 10. Work load 10. Match-making 10. Backfire

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Gerund+Noun Preposition+Verb Adjective+Verb Adjective+Gerund

1. Outlying 1. Outplay 1. Whitewash 1. Hard-working
2. Underlying 2. Outcry 2. Freekick 2. Hard-wearing
3. Outsourcing 3. Out score 3. Dryclean 3. Good-looking
4. Outgoing 4. Input 4. Freehit 4. Easy-going
5. Incoming 5. Output 5. Safeguard 5. Hot selling

6. Overwhelming 6. Out post 6. Hardcover 6. Free-living
7. Upcoming 7. Outlook 7. Bigbang 7. Hard-hitting
8. Backpacking 8. Intake 8. White hope 8. Dry washing

9. Outstanding 9. Over throw 9. White lie 9. Small-saving
10. Undertaking 10. Under play 10. Black mark 10. White wedding

Adjective+Noun Phrase Compounds
1. Hot water 1. Good-for-nothing 6. Son- in-law
2. Blackboard adj + pre + noun noun+pre+noun
3. Sweetheart
4. Free bird
5. Hot seat
2. One-to-one
3. Down-to-earth
A 7. Well-to-do
adj; +pre+ verb
8. Food - for - thought
6. Freehand adj + pre + noun noun +pre+ noun
7. Greenhouse 4. Day-to-day 9. Stand - at - ease
8. White collar noun+pre+noun verb + pre + noun
9. Blue bottle 5. Happy-go-lucky 10. Open - and - shut
10. Fast food adj + verb + adj verb + conj + verb

Text Book Exercise


i) Here are some compound words chosen from the text. Textbook Page No : 118

ice-fall knife-edge wind-proof sleeping-bags

half-way never-ending partly-full ice- axe

P Ex Q M :
1. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘clear cut’. [MQP-19] Ans : d

a) Adjective + noun b) Gerund + noun c) Noun + Noun d) Noun + verb

2. Choose the correct compound word that can be placed after/ before the word ‘fast’ [PTA-1] Ans : c
a) run b) walk c) break d) sit
3. Choose the correct compound word that can be placed before the word ‘power’ [PTA-2,4] Ans : c
a) house b) head c) horse d) dog

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4. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the given word ‘pop’ to form a compound word. [PTA-3] Ans : b
a) blast b) corn c) turn d) head
5. Which word can be placed before ‘word’ to form a compound word? [PTA-5] Ans : a
a) cross b) good c) bad d) mute
6. Choose the correct compound word that can be placed after the word ‘soft’ [PTA-6] Ans : c
a) run b) walk c) ware d) pillow

7. Choose the word that cannot be added after ‘over’ to form a compound word, [Sep-2020] Ans : a
a) piece b) board c) flow d) coat


1. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘ Ice cream’ Ans : b


a) Noun+Adjective b) Noun+Noun c) Preposition+Noun d) Gerund+Noun
2. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘ Bathroom’ Ans : c

a) Noun+Verb b) Verb+Gerund c) Verb+Noun d) Adjective+Verb
3. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘ Lifelong’ Ans : a
a) Noun+Adjective b) Adjective+Verb c) Adjective+Noun d) Verb+Gerund
4. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘ Outdoor’ Ans : c
a) Verb+Noun b) Noun+Gerund c) Preposition+Noun d) Noun+Adjective
5. Choose the correct combination for the compound word ‘ Room service’ Ans : b
a) Verb+Gerund b) Noun+Noun c) Adjective+Noun d) Noun+Gerund

Question : 5 to b Appropriate Compound Words 1 MARK


Examples Combination Other examples

dream-world, bed-time, postman
rabbit-hole, chessmen Noun + Noun motorcycle
cork-screw, sun-dial, wonderland honeybee

knee-deep Noun + Adjective (participle) homesick, henpecked

craftsman Noun in Possessive case + Noun sportsman, childsplay
insight Adverb + Noun out-patient, postscript

looking-glass Verbal noun in ‘-ing’ + Noun washing machine

curious-looking good-looking
Adjective + ‘-ing’ participle
shabby-looking easy-going
dreamy-eyed Adjective + ‘-ed’ participle long-awaited
daydream Adverbial + deverbal Noun boat-ride

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Examples of other combinations:

Examples Combination

push-button, treadmill Verb + Object

safeguard, whitewash Adjective + Verb

overthrow, upset Adverb + Verb

telephone operator, science teacher Object + Agential ; Noun with ‘er’/ ‘or’

air-conditioning, sightseeing Object + verbal Noun with ‘-ing’

blackboard, blue print Adjective + Noun

lifelong, jet black Noun + Adjective

popcorn, crybaby Noun + Verb

Let us learn a few more with their meaning.

Text Book Exercise

Textbook Page No : 118

ice-berg - an extremely large mass of ice floating in the sea

a layer of ice permanently covering parts of the earth, especially around North and South
ice-cap -
ice-floe - a large area of ice floating in the sea

ice-sheet - a layer of ice that covers a large area of land for a long period of time

ice-rink - specially prepared flat surface of ice, where you can ice-skate;

1. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination ‘Adverb+Verb’ Ans: a
a) overthrow b) blueprint c) popcorn d) indoor

2. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination ‘Noun+Adjective’ Ans: b
a) icecream b) milksweet c) outdoor d) blackmark
3. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination ‘Verb+Noun’ Ans: a

a) playground b) uphill c) schoolgirl d) dryclean

4. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination ‘Gerund+Noun’ Ans: d
a) radio station b) output c) call taxi d) visiting card
5. Choose the appropriate compound word for the combination ‘Adjective+Verb’ Ans: a
a) dryclean b) overcoat c) sunset d) undertake

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Question No : 6 Prefix & Suffix 1 MARK

A prefix is a word such on a, dis, fore, etc., put at the beginning of a word to change or modify its
meaning and get a new word.

Examples : a + wake = awake; dis+ respect; = disrespect; fore+ hand= forehand;

mis+behaviour = misbehaviour; in +active= inactive.

A Suffix is a word like able, ish, ness etc., added to the end of a word to change its meaning and get
new word.
Examples: child+ ish= childish: boy+hood= boyhood; king+dom=kingdom;
kind+ness; love+able= lovable.


Exercise: using given Prefixes and Suffixes from new words from the words listed below:
(a prefix or suffix can be used only once)


Prefix â¡ð¶ ªè£´‚èŠð†´œ÷ õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° º¡ù£™ Cô ⿈¶‚èœ «ê˜Šð¶ prefix Ý°‹.
eg: Unkind.Some Prefixes: un, in, dis, il, a, en, mis, im, pre....

Suffix ªè£´‚èŠð†ì õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° H¡ù£™ Cô ⿈¶ «ê˜Šð¶ Suffix Ý°‹.

eg: development.

Some suffixes: able, ous, ing, or, er, ment, ive. Üšõ£Á «ê˜Šðî¡ Íô‹ ¹Fò õ£˜ˆ¬îè¬÷ à¼õ£‚è
«õ‡´‹. W«ö ªè£´‚èŠð†´œ÷ Prefix & Suffix ܆ìõ¬í¬ò ï¡ø£è 𮈶‚ ªè£‡ì£™ ªð£¶ˆ «î˜M™ º¿
ñFŠªð‡èœ ªðøô£‹.
d) Read the list of words formed by adding suffixes. Textbook Page No : 7

Word Answer Word Answer

frequently frequent comfortable comfort

satisfaction satisfy resemblance resemble

willingness willing nobility noble


e) Form two derivatives from each of the following words by adding prefixes and suffixes. Textbook Page No : 7

Word Prefix Suffix Word Prefix Suffix


patient Impatient Patiently fertile Infertile Fertility

honour Dishonour Honouring different Indifferent differently
respect Disrespect Respectful friend Be Friend frienship
manage Mismanage Management obey Disobey obeyed

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‘EASY’ Guid nc

Prefix Root Word New word Prefix Root Word New word Prefix Root Word New word

a- wake, round awake, around ir - responsible irresponsible self - ish selfish

bi - cycle bicycle mis - take mistake hand - some handsome

co - education coeducation post - meridian postmeridian enter - ance entrance

de - port deport pro - noun pronoun beauty - ful beautiful

dis - honest dishonest pre - position preposition child - hood childhood

en - sure ensure Un - kind Unkind care - less careless

ex - change exchange with - draw withdraw thick - ness thickness

fore - cast forecast active - ate activate book - let booklet

im - possible impossible act - ion action danger - ous dangerous

in - door indoor port - able portable Co-operate - ive Co-operative

inter - national international able - ity ability tall - est tallest

slow - ly slowly tour - ism tourism punish - ment punishment

P Ex Q M :

1. Form a derivative by adding the right prefix to the word “argue”. [MQP - 19] Ans : b

a) Contra b) Counter c) pi d) pre

2. Form a new word by adding suitable prefix to the root word “lucky”. [PTA-1,6] Ans : d
a) on b) in c) dis d) un
3. Form a new word by adding suitable suffix to the root word “familiar”. [PTA-2] Ans : b
a)-ing b) -ise c) -let d)-ed
4. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word “tour” [PTA-3] Ans : b

a) non b) de c) co d) mis
5. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word “dominate [PTA-4] Ans : c
a) il b) re c) pre d) dis

6. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the root word “cease”. [PTA-5] Ans : b
a) age b) less c) hood d) ness
7. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the underlined word:
It is rather an expensive compliment. [March-2020] Ans : c

a) non- b) un- c) in- d) dis-

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1. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the root word hero..... Ans: b
a) ….ity b) …..ism c) ....ish d) …..ic
2. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word ....polite Ans: c
a) un..... b) dis..... c) im..... d) mis.....

3. Form a new word by adding a suitable suffix to the root word associate.... Ans: c
a) b) ....ness c) ....ion d) ....or
4. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word ....obey Ans: c

a) un.... b) mis.... c) dis.... d) in....
5. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word ....placed Ans: c
a) dis.... b) un.... c) mis.... d) en....

6. Form a derivative by adding a suitable prefix to the rootword ‘belief’. [Sep-2020] Ans: b
a) mis_____ b) dis_____ c) non_____ d) un_____

Question : 7 to a

Introduction :
Abbreviations 1 MARK
Abbreviation â¡ð¶ õ£˜ˆ¬îèO¡ ºî™ ⿈¶‚è¬÷‚ ªè£‡ì ²¼‚è‹.
àî£óí‹: (SBI- State Bank of India)
An abbreviation is the short form of a word or phrase. It can be formed by using only the first letters of the
group of words.
A.M. - Ante Meridian (forenoon) DNA - Deoxyribonucleic Acid
AAI - Airports Authority of India DVD - Digital Video Disc

AD - Anno Domini EC - Election Commission

AICC - All India Congress Committee EEG - Electro Echo Graph
B.D.S. - Bachelor of Dental Surgery FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation
B.Ed. - Bachelor of Education FD - Fixed Deposit
B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science GB - Giga Bytes
BA - Bachelor of Arts GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation GPO - General Post Office

BCCI - Board of Cricket Control in India GSLV - Geostationary Launch Vehicle

BPO - Business Process and Outsourcing HMT - Hindustan Machine Tools
BSNL - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited HSS - Higher Secondary School

C.B.I. - Central Bureau of Investigation IAF - Indian Air Force

CCTV - Closed Circuit Television IBM - International Business Machine
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency ICC - International Cricket Club
of America IG - Inspector of General

CMO - Chief Medical Officer IOB - Indian Overseas Bank
CPU - Central Processing Unit ISI - Indian Standard Institution
DC - Deputy Commissioner IQ - Intelligent Quotient

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IIT - Indian Institute of Technology BC - Before Christ

JRC - Junior Red Cross BDO - Block Development Officer
KPO - Knowledge Process Outsourcing B.E. - Bachelor of Engineering
LED - Light Emitting Diode B.L. - Bachelor of Law
M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration BPT - Bachelor of Physiotherapy
M.C.A. - Master of Computer Application BSF - Border security Force

M.L.A. - Member of Legislative Assembly C.A. - Chartered Accountant
M.P. - Member of Parliament CBSE - Central Board of Secondary
NCC - National Cadet Corps Education

NCERT - National Council for Education ; CD - Compact Disc
Research and Training CID - Crime Investigation Department

NLC - Neyveli Lignite Corporation CM - Chief Minister
OD - On Duty / Over Draft/Over due DA - Dearness Allowance

PCO - Public call office DIG - Deputy Inspector of General
P.M. - post meridian (afternoon) DTP - Desk Top Publishing
PSU - Public Sector Undertaking/Unit EB - Electricity Board

PTI - Press Trust of India ECG - Electrocardiogram
PWD - Public Works Department EPF - Employed Provident Fund
RD - Recurring Deposit FCI - Food Corporation of India
ROM - Read Only Memory FM - Frequency Modulation,
RTO - Rotation Transport Officer GH - Government Hospital
SBI - State Bank of India G.O - Government Order
S.S.L.C. - Secondary School Leaving G.S.T. - Goods and Service Tax
Certificate HIV - Human Immune Virus

TA - Travelling Allowance HRD - Human Resources Development
ONGC - Oil and Natural Gas Commission IAS - Indian Administrative Service
PM - Prime Minister ICBM - Inter Continental Ballistic Missile.

PSLV - Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle ICS - Indian Civil Service

PIN - Postal Index code IPS - Indian Police Service
PTO - Please Turn Over ISD - International Subscriber Dialling
RBI - Reserve Bank of India IOC - Indian Oil Corporation
R.M.S. - Railway Mail Service IT - Income Tax
RPM - Revolution Per Minute ITI - Industrial Technical Institute
STD - Subscriber’s Trunk Dialling KG/Kg - Kinder Garten / Kilogram

SSC - Staff Selection Commission LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

SMS - Short Message Servicing L.P.G. - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
T.C. - Transfer Certificate M.B.B.S. - Bachelor of Medicine and

AC - Alternative current Bachelor of Surgery

AI - Air India M.D.* - Doctor of Medicine ;
AITUC - All India trade union congress Managing Director

ATM - Automated Teller Machine M.O. - Money Order
BBA - Bachelor of Business M.S. - Master of Surgeon
Administration NGO - Non Governmental Organisation

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P Ex Q M :

1. Choose the correct expansion of GDP [MQP - 19] Ans : a
a) Gross domestic product b) Gross domestic purchase
c) Great demand for purchase d) Great domestic purchase

2. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation OPEC. [PTA-1,6] Ans : b
a) Organisation of Proper Education Committee
b) Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries

c) Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries
d) Oil, Petrol and Ethanol Committee
3. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation UAE. [PTA-2] Ans : a

a) United Arab Emirates b) United American Establishment
c) Unity and Equivalent d) United Australian Emirates
4. Choose the right expansion of NOC. [PTA-3] Ans : c
a) National Optical Company

c) No objection Certificate d) Nation Oriented Company
b) Name of the Company

5. Choose the correct expansion for the abbreviation CRPF. Ans : d
a) Central Railway Protection Force b) Central Reserve Proper Force
c) Common Reserve police Force d) Central Reserve Police Force

1. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation BBC Ans: d
a) British Butter Chicken b) British Better Chicken

c) Boreland Broadcasting Corporation d) British Broadcasting Corporation

2. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation NRI Ans: a
a) Non-Resident Indian b) North Indian Recognition
c) Name Register in India d) National Information Resource
3. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation IT Ans: a
a) Income Tax b) Information Tax c) Interest Tax d) Invest Tax

4. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation WTO Ans: c

a) World Tourism Organisation b) Washington Time Operation
c) World Trade Organisation d) World Traditional Opinion

5. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation RBI Ans: c

a) Royal Bureau of Investigation b) Rural Bank of India
c) Reserve Bank of India d) Rapid Booking on the Internet.

Further exercise refer our practice book

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Question : 7 to b Acronyms 1 MARK

P Ex Q M :

1. Choose the correct expansion for the acronym INSAT. [PTA-5] Ans : c

a) International Satellite b) Independent Satellite Track
c) Indian National Satellite d) Inter National Space and Technology

2. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym TOEFL. Ans : d
a) Testing of Energy, Fuel and Liquid. b) Test of Engineering for Fundamental Learners,
c) Testing of Education for Foreign Learners, d) Test of English as a Foreign Language.

3. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym PAN [Sep-2020] Ans: b
a) Permanent Amount Number b) Permanent Account Number
c) Permanent Application Number d) Permanent Admin Number

1. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym NASA

Ans: a

a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
b) National Acrobatics and Sports Administration
c) National Aerospace and Special Administration
d) National Agriculture and Support Administration
2. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym AIR Ans: c
a) All India Region b) All India Railways c) All India Radio d) All India Report

3. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym LAN Ans: c

a) Lignite Area Network b) Limited Area Network

c) Local Area Network d) Local Area News
4. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym WHO Ans: b

a) World Help Organization b) World Health Organization
c) World Human Organization d) World Home Organization

5. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation PIN Ans: b

a) Population Index Number b) Postal Index Number
c) Poor Identification Notice d) Physics Internal Note

6. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation ISRO Ans: a

a) Indian Space Research Organisation b) India Scienic Research Organization
c) International Securities Regulatory Organization d) Iranian Society of Radiation Oncology

Further exercise refer our practice book

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Question : 7 to c Clipped Words 1 MARK

Introduction :
There are words shortened or clipped by common use. This is well known in the study of languages.
A portion of the original word is removed and the remaining part of it is used as a word.

E Guid nc

Original word Clipped word Original word Clipped word Original word Clipped word
Advertisement ad., influenza flu laboratory lab
agriculture agri., foreign exchange forex., microphone mike

bicycle bike gentleman gent perambulator pram
chimpanzee chimp bridegroom groom preliminary prelim
cinematography cinema gymnasium gym. professor prof
correspondence (course)
A hippo
examination exam identify ID. vegetarian veg.,
kilo kilogram viva voce viva

P Ex Q M :

1. Choose the clipped word for “pianoforte”. [MQP -19] Ans : c


a) Port b) Pite c) Piano d) piaforte

2. Choose the clipped form of the word “Influenza”. [PTA-1] Ans : d
a) influ b) influence c ) fluenza d) flu
3. Choose the clipped form of the word “public house”. [PTA-2,5] Ans : c
a) Public b) house c) pub d) Pubse

4. Choose the clipped form of the word ‘demonstration’ [PTA-3] Ans : b

a) Demon b) demo c) station d) Demons
5. Choose the clipped form of the word “newscast”. [PTA-4] Ans : d

a) Cast c) casts b) new d) news

6. Choose the unclipped form of “teen”. [PTA-6] Ans : b
c) teeny b) teenager a) teendom d) teenhood
7. Choose the clipped form of “Perambulator”. [March-2020] Ans : a
a) Pram b) Peram c) ramtor d) rambul

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1. Choose the clipped word for 'microphone'.
a) micro b) mice c) phone d) mike Ans: a
2. Choose the clipped word for 'helicopter '.
a) copter b) topper c) sorcerer d) scorer Ans: a

3. Choose the clipped word for 'refrigerator '.
a) bridge b) operator c) corporate d) fridge Ans: d
4. Choose the clipped word for 'kilogram '.

a) gram b) kilo c) Kg d) granny Ans: b
5. Choose the clipped word for 'suitcase'.
a) case b) suit c) suitable d) care Ans: a

Further exercise refer our practice book

Question : 7 to d

Blended Words 1 MARK
Introduction : Some words in English are formed by joining elements of two other words.
Many new words are joined by blending the existing words.
1. Two words are joined together to make a new word. This is called Blending.
Example : (breakfast + lunch = brunch)

E Guid nc

Word-1 + Word-2 = Blended word Word-1 + Word-2 = Blended word

bat + mash = bash global + English = Globish
biography + picture = biopic helicopter + airport = heliport
breath + analyzer = Breathalyzer information + entertainment = infotainment
clap + crash = clash Information + technology = infotech

documentary + drama = docudrama information + system = infosys

education + entertainment = edutainment motor + pedal = moped
education + satellite = edusat pulse + quasar = pulsar
electricity + execute = electrocute situation + comedy = sitcom

electro + execute = electrocute sports + broadcast = sportscast

emotion + icon = emoticon stay + vacation = staycation
fan + magazine = fanzine television + photogenic = telegenic
fantastic + fabulous = fantabulous travel + catalogue = travelogue
friend + enemy = frenemy work + alcoholic = workaholic

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P Ex Q M :

Choose the right combination for the blended word
1. Choose the right combination for the blended word “diplonomics”. [MQP - 19] Ans : d

a) Diplo + economics b) Diplomacy + economy c) Diplo + economy d) Diplomacy + economics
2. Choose the right combination for the blended word “modem”. [PTA-3] Ans : d
a) mo + dem b) module + demo c) Modulator + demo d) modulator + demodulator

3. Choose the blended form of “motel”. [PTA-4] Ans : c
a) motor car + hotel b) motor + hotel c) motorway + hotel d) motorist + hotel

4. Choose the blended form of “biopic”. [PTA-5] Ans : d
a) Biography + pic b) biograph + picture c) bio + pic d) biographical + picture
5. Choose the blended form of “Breathalyzer”. [PTA-6] Ans : a

a) breath + analyzer b) breadth + analyze c) bread + analyzer d) breathing + analyze

1. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘Beautility’. Ans: c

a) Beautiful + utility b) Beau + utility c) Beauty + utility d) Beautiful + utility
2. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘fantabulous’. Ans: a

a) fantastic + fabulous b)fanta + fabulous c)fantasy + fabulous d) funta + fabulous
3. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘hitech’. Ans: a

a) high + technology b)higher + technology c) highest + technology d) high + techno craft
4. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘infosys’. Ans: a

a) information + system b) inform + system c) inform + systematic d) information + systematic
5. Choose the right combination for the blended word ‘internet’. Ans: a

a) international + network b) international + net c)internal + network d) interview + network
6. Choose the right combination for the blended word “telex”. Ans : a

a) Teleprinter + Exchange b) Telephone + Exchange c) Telecaller + Exchange d) Television + Exchange

7. Choose the right combination for the blended word “Smash”. Ans : b

a) Smack + smash b) Smack + mash c) Smack + mashin d) Smack + mashup
8. Choose the right combination for the blended word “Chexting”. Ans : d


a) Cheat + Texting b) Cheap + Texting c) Chapter + Texting d) Cheating + Texting

9. Choose the right combination for the blended word “intercom”. Ans : c

a) inter + communication b) international + communication
c) internal + communication d) internal + communicate
10. Choose the right combination for the blended word “Interpol”. Ans : c

a) Inter + police b) Information + police c) International + police d) Internal + police

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Question No : 8 Definition of the Term 1 MARK

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Word Definition mariticide - killing or killer of one’s husband

aborticide - killing of a fetus; abortion matricide - killing of one’s mother

acaricide - killer of mites and ticks menticide - reduction of mind by
algicide - killer of algae psychological pressure

amicicide - murder of a friend microbicide - killing or killer of microbes
aphicide - killer of aphids miticide - agent which kills mites
aphidicide - killer of aphids
molluscicide - killing of mollusks
avicide - killing of birds

muscicide - substance for killing flies
bacillicide - killer of bacteria
neonaticide - killing or killer of a newborn infant
bactericide - killer of bacteria
ovicide - killing insect eggs
biocide - killing living material
ovicide - sheep-killing

bovicide - slaughter of cattle;
parasiticide - killing of parasites
one who kills cattle
parasuicide - harmful act appearing to be an

ceticide - killing of whales and other cetaceans
attempt at suicide
cimicide - substance used to kill bed-bugs

parenticide - killing or killer of one’s parents
deicide - destruction or killing of a god
parricide - killing of parents or a
ecocide - destruction of the environment
parent-like close relative
episcopicide - killing of bishops

patricide - killing of one’s father
famicide - one who destroys another's
reputation; slanderer perdricide - killer of partridges

felicide - killing of a cat pesticide - killing of pests

femicide - killing of a woman prolicide - killing of the human race

feticide - killing of a fetus pulicide - flea-killer
filicide - killing of one's own child raticide - substance or person who kills rats
floricide - killing or killer of flowers regicide - killing of a monarch
foeticide - killing a fetus rodenticide - killing of rodents
formicide - substance that kills ants senicide - killing of old men

fratricide - killing of one’s brother serpenticide - killing or killer of a snake

fungicide - killing of fungus siblicide - killing or killer of a sibling
genocide - killing of a race or ethnic group
silvicide - substance that kills trees
germicide - substance that kills germs

sororicide - killing of one’s own sister

infanticide - killing of an infant
speciocide - destruction of an entire species
insecticide - killing of insects
spermicide - killing of sperm
larvicide - killing of larvae
sporicide - killing of spores
liberticide - destruction of liberty
suicide - killing of oneself
lupicide - killing of a wolf

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taeniacide - killing of tapeworms uxoricide - killing of one’s own wife

tauricide - killing or killer of a bull vaticide - killing or killer of a prophet
trypanocide - killing of trypanosomes verbicide - destroying the meaning of a word
tyrannicide - killing or killer of a tyrant vermicide - killing of worms
urbicide - destruction of a city vespacide - substance or person who kills wasps
ursicide - killing or killer of a bear viricide - killing of viruses; killing of men

utricide - one who stabs an inflated skin vessel virucide - killing of viruses
instead of killing someone vulpicide - killing of a fox

List of Phobias
A- Series Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors

Achluophobia - Fear of darkness Chionophobia - Fear of snow
Acrophobia - Fear of heights Chromophobia - Fear of colors
Aerophobia - Fear of flying Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks
Algophobia - Fear of pain Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces

Agoraphobia - Fear of crowds Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns
Aichmophobia - Fear of needles (or) Cyberphobia - Fear of computers
pointed objects Cynophobia - Fear of dogs

Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car D- Series
Androphobia - Fear of men Dendrophobia - Fear of trees
Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking Dentophobia - Fear of dentists
Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers Domatophobia - Fear of houses
Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents
Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched E- Series
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders Ecophobia - Fear of the home
Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers Elurophobia - Fear of cats

Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning Entomophobia - Fear of insects

Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers
Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection Equinophobia - Fear of horses
Atychiphobia - Fear of failure G- Series
Autophobia - Fear of being alone Gamophobia - Fear of marriage
B- Series Genuphobia - Fear of knees

Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public

Barophobia - Fear of gravity Gynophobia - Fear of women
Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep slopes H- Series
Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians Heliophobia - Fear of the sun

Belonephobia - Fear of pins and needles Hemophobia - Fear of blood

Bibliophobia - Fear of books Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles
Botanophobia - Fear of plants Hydrophobia - Fear of water
C- Series Hypochonria - Fear of illness

Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness I- Series
Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed Iatrophobia - Fear of doctors

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Insectophobia - Fear of insects Philophobia - Fear of love

K- Series Phobophobia - Fear of phobias
Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms Podophobia - Fear of feet
L- Series Porphyrophobia - Fear of the colour purple
Leukophobia - Fear of the colour white Pteridophobia - Fear of ferns
Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying
hurricanes Pyrophobia - Fear of fire


Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth S- Series
M- Series Samhainophobia - Fear of Halloween
Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking Scolionophobia - Fear of school

Megalophobia - Fear of large things Selenophobia - Fear of the moon
Melanophobia - Fear of the colour black Sociophobia - Fear of social evaluation
Microphobia - Fear of small things Somniphobia - Fear of sleep
Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs T- Series

N- Series Tachophobia - Fear of speed
Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead Technophobia - Fear of technology
things Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder


Noctiphobia - Fear of the night Trypanophobia - Fear of needles / injections
Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals V-Series
Nyctophobia - Fear of the dark Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women
O- Series Verminophobia - Fear of germs
Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight W- Series
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8 Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches and
Ombrophobia - Fear of rain witchcraft

Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes - Series
Ornithophobia - Fear of birds Xenophobia - Fear of strangers or for
P- Series eigners

Papyrophobia - Fear of paper Z- Serial

Pathophobia - Fear of disease Zoophobia - Fear of animals

Pedophobia - Fear of children

P Ex Q M :
1. One who represents the government of his country in a foreign country is a/an ..... [March-2020] Ans : c

a) envoy b) martyr c) ambassador d) patriot

2. ‘Study of codes’ is called ....... [MQP-19] Ans : b
a) Cynology b) Cryptology c) Criminology d) Cytology

3. Numismatics is the study of .... [PTA-1,6] Ans : b

a) numbers b) money and coin c) speech sounds d) lunatics
4. Linguistics is the study of ...... [PTA-2] Ans : c
a) liquor b) lizards c) languages d) lunatics
5. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘theophobia’ [PTA-3] Ans : b
a) Fear of light b) Fear of god c) Fear of devil d) Fear of rain

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6. .......... is one who studies atmosphere, weather and climate. [PTA-4] Ans : a
a) Meteorologist b) Geologist c) Archaeologist d) Seismologist
7. ......... is one who treats kidney diseases. [PTA-5] Ans : c
a) Neonatologist b) Neurologist c) Nephrologist d) Pulmonologist
8. The study of principles of beauty is_________________. [Sep-2020] Ans: b
a) Numismatics b) Aesthetics c) Phonetics d) Linguistics

9. A person who is unable to pay his debts is a_________________. [Sep-2020] Ans : b
a) traitor b) bankrupt c) tyrant d) convict


1. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Anglophobia’ Ans: c


a) Fear of meeting strangers b) Fear of drinking alcohol
c) Fear of using English d) Fear of playing outdoor
2. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Pyromania’ Ans: b

a) being negative attitude b) one who desires fire to things
c) killing of oneself d) fear of strangers

3. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Hydrophobia’ Ans: a

a) fear of water b) craze for books

c) one who sets fire to things d) unwilling to give or share with others
4. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘acrophobia’ Ans: c

a) Fear of brights b) Fear of nights c) Fear of heights d) Fear of sights
5. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Claustrophobia’ Ans: b

a) fear of open spaces b) fear of confined places


c) fear of stings d) fear of clowns

6. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Dyslexia’ Ans: a

a) writing disability b) speaking disorder c) recalling disability d) vision impairment

7. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Homicide’ Ans: d

a) killing of people b) killing of brother

c) killing of oneself d) killing of another person
8. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘Insecticide’ Ans: a

a) killing of insects b) killing a member c) killing of a brother d) killing of an infant

9. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘ornithologist’ Ans: a

a) scientist who studies birds d) scientist who studies insects
a) scientist who studies animals b) scientist who studies diseases

10. Choose the right definition for the given term ‘palaeontologist’ Ans: a

a) one who studies the fossils b) one who studies clocks
c) one who studies society d) one who studies electricity

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Question : 9 to a Phrasal Verb into a Single Word 1 MARK

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Phrasal Verb Meaning தமிழ் அர்த ம் Sentence

அதை ைத்துச் The medicine only ACTS ON infected
Act on Take action on

செயலாற்று tissue.
நடி ல் My computer’s ACTING UP;

Act up Behave badly or strangely.

(நடிக்கிறான் அ ன்) I think I might have a virus.

The bomb BLEW UP without any
Blow up Explode. டி ல்

Some Christians broke away from
Leave an organisation, ஒரு அ ைப்பிலிருந்து
Break away ம
Catholic faith and started Protestant
usually to form a new one பிரி ல்

My car’s BROKEN DOWN, so I came by

Break down Stop working. செயல்இழ ல்
I’m sorry to BREAK IN on your
Break in Interrupt something. ஒன்றில்குறுக்கிடு ல்
conversation, but there’s a problem.

Break off Leave from something பிரிந்து விடு ல் He broke off from his group of friends

The prisoners broke out of the jail
Break out Escape ப்பி ல்
when the guards were not looking

She BROKE UP their engagement when
Break up End a relationship. உற ை முறி ல்
she found out that he’d been unfaithful.

Succeed with something No one thought she’d manage to do it,
Bring off ற்றிகர ாக முடி ல்
difficult. but she BROUGHT it OFF in the end.

Bring on Encourage ஊக்குவி ல் Encourage some one to perform better.
ளர ல்
Bring up Raise a child. My parents BROUGHT me UP strictly.

(குழ )
ஒரு நம
I must CALL her BACK when we get to
Call back Return a phone call. அ ற்கு அ
the office.
பதிலுக்கு அ ல்

( ளி ையாகக்)
Call for require I’ll CALL FOR a cab right away.
க ட ல், அ ல்

We had to CALL IN a plumber because
Get someone to come and ஒரு

Call in the sink was leaking and I had no idea

do a job. ர ல்லு ல்
how to fix it.


The concert had to be CALLED OFF due
Call off Cancel. இரத்து செய ல்
heavy rains
சென்று பார ல் As we were in the area, we CALLED ON
Call on Visit.
(ஒரு ) my son-in-law.
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To summon somebody to He CALLED them OUT over awarding

Call out அ ை இடு ல்
be present. contracts to family members.


ர ல் (செ யு
CARRY ON quietly with your work until

Carry on Continue. பணி, படிப்பு
the substitute teacher arrives.

The government is CARRYING OUT
அளி பணி
Carry out Perform a task. test on growing genetically modified

செ துமுடி ல்

நி ானத்திற்கு It took me ages to COOL DOWN after
Cool down Become calm.

the argument.

(அ ைதிக்கு) ரு ல்

Cut down reduce அள ைக் கு ல் We must CUT DOWN the expenses

அ ல் We were having a conversation when he
Cut in Interrupt.
குறுக்கிடு ல் came up and CUT IN.


The telephone’s been CUT OFF because
Cut off Disconnect. துண்டி ல்
we didn’t pay the bill.
Fall down Fall on the ground. கீ விழு ல் I slipped on the ice and FELL DOWN.


ன்னு ைய இ த்தில்
Fall in To take one’s place He took his place in the queue.

நி ல்
Somebody was GIVING leaflets OUT in
Give out Distribute. பலருக்குக் டு ல்
front of the underground station.
Go for Decide on, choose தீர னி ர டு ‘sounds like a good idea - go for it!’
The top three teams GO FORWARD to
Go forward Progress. மு றிச் செல்
the next round.
Could you HOLD ON for a minute; she’ll
Hold on Wait for a short time. சிறிது ர காத்திரு
be free in a moment.
When the enemy attacked, they HELD

Hold out Resist. எதி த்து நில்

OUT for six weeks.
He KEPT ON trying and succeeded in
Keep on Continue. ந்து செ
the end.
விதிக The rules of the sport were LAID
Establish rules (or)
Lay down நிர யி ல், DOWN early in the nineteenth century,
ர ை ல் the enemy army laid down their arms.


I read everything I could lay my hands
Lay on Find (or) get something யில் பட
They LAID ON a buffet lunch at the

Lay out Organize, supply. ஒழுங க, சீராக ை


க ன ாக பா த்துக் Their auntie LOOKED AFTER them
Look after Take care.

ள் while their mother was in hospital.
I’ve been LOOKING FOR all their
Look for Try to find. டி hidden files, but I can’t find them

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Look in Make a quick visit. ஒரு சிறிய ரு I’ll LOOK IN on my way home.

Look out Be careful. எ றி யாக இரு LOOK OUT; you’re going to drop that!

பார யிடு, ஆ வு They came to LOOK the house OVER
Look over Inspect.

செ with a view to buying it.

மு ,
Look up Improve. The economy is LOOKING UP.

ம டுத்து ல்


Sadly, Georgia’s uncle PASSED AWAY
Pass away Die. இற ல்
yesterday after a short illness.

ாண்டிச் செல்லு ல், The chance for promotion PASSED me

Pass by Miss an opportunity.

ற விடு ல் BY.


ஏற்று க
Be accepted as something, You’d be surprised at what PASSES FOR

Pass for முடியா தை
usually when not. good cooking in many restaurants.

ஒப்பு க ள்ளு ல்

Give a message to ந்து ச ல், I’ll PASS the message ON when she gets
Pass on
someone. பிறருக்குத் ரிவி here.
‘he consumed enough alcohol to make

Pass out Become unconscious நி விழ ல்
him pass out’
ந்து ாசி ல்

Play on Continue playing music. (இ ருவி The band PLAYED ON for another hour.
Progress, often till it
Play out க ைசி முயலு ல் Let’s see how things PLAY OUT.


ந்து அ ை ல்

( ல ,
Set in Change season noticeably. Winter has SET IN; it’s started snowing.
பனி ல
ஒரு பய க்
Set off Begin a journey. they set off together in the small car’
து கு ல்

People TAKE DOWN their Christmas
Take down Remove. அகற்று ல்
decorations twelve days after Christmas.

ஒரு பற ை அ து
When a plane departs or The flight for Dublin TOOK OFF on

Take off வி ான காற்றில் ஏறி
leaves the ground. time.


பற த் து கு ல்

று ற்றுக் He took it on himself the care of that
Take on To take responsibility
ள்ளு ல் child

End or close because of a குறி The program TIMED OUT before I

முடிவு ர
Time out
time limit. ந்துவிட து could reply.

நிறுத்து ல்( ஷின்,
Turn off Stop a machine. I TURNED the TV OFF and went to bed.

விளக்கு ை)
ஓ விடு ல் ( ஷின், I TURNED the radio ON to get the
Turn on Start a machine.

விளக்கு ை) weather forecast.
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Text Book Exercise

i) Given below are the phrasal verbs with their meanings. Use the given phrasal verbs in sentences of your own.
Textbook Page No : 118

Phrasal Verb meaning Answer

turn on to open 1. My manager turned on a new account with the bank.

took over take lead 2. The son took over the company from his father.

set off start a journey 3. During our last summer we set off to Ooty

put off postpone 4. The match was put off due to rain.

Give the meanings of the following phrasal verbs and frame sentences using them. Textbook Page No : 7

Phrasal Verbs Answer

cut-off An act of stopping – They cut off electricity last week.
come upon Find by chance – We turned a corner and came upon an old church.
put out To make something stop – Tara put light out and went to sleep.
draw up Come to halt – A taxi drew up outside the hotel.
pass out Distribute – The hall was silent as the exam papers were passed out.
take off Depart hastily – The plane has to take off on time.
turn away To refuse – People turn away if we ask help.

stand by Readiness for duty – passengers were obliged on stand by.


bank on Rely – The prime minister cannot bank on their support.


1. The narrow bridge was blown up by some terrorists. Ans: a

a) exploded b) slipped c) explored d) missed

2. An epidemic broke out in my village. Ans: c

a) ongoing b) constant c) started suddenly d) rapidly
3. I call upon you to help me. Ans: c

a) invite b) visit c) request d) order
4. War broke out on 15th September. [PTA-5] Ans : a

a) started suddenly b) spread all over c) ended suddenly d) damaged entirely
5. On hearing the shocking news, the woman passed out. [Sep-2020] Ans: d

a) trembled b) wailed c) perspired d) fainted

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Question : 9 to b Appropriate Phrasal Verb 1 MARK

Introduction : Phrasal Verbs are “units consisting of a verb and one or more adverbs or prepositions, often
having idiomatic special) meaning”.

E Guid nc

Definitions and
Phrasal verbs Example uses

Add up James added up the number of affirmative responses. calculate
Buy out The large company bought out the smaller.

someone’s assets)
Buy up The business’s assets were bought up in the auction.
all of something)
Call off The order was to call off the strike immediately. cancel
Carry on

Carry out
The meeting will carry on in your absence.

Sam carried out the research because Jimmy couldn’t find the time.

Because the subsection was not directly relevant to the rest of the
Cut out excise
paper, Randal had to cut it out.
The purpose of the literature review is find out what has been said
Find out discover
on the topic.
Get it (over with Is a and the other participants were happy to get the laborious
must be split) questionnaire over with.

Lars’s paper has too many grammatical mistakes, meaning he

Get across communicate
couldn’t get his message across.
Give up The outnumbered forces would not give up. surrender
When deadlines approach, a student cannot let anything hold up the
Hold up delay
completion of an assignment.
Leave out The witness left out a number of important details. omit

We asked participants to make up a scenario in which they would be

Make up fabricate
Make out In the darkness he could not make out the size of the camp. see
Pass up We could not pass up this opportunity to collaborate. forgo

Pass on The common flu can be passed on through saliva. transmit

Our research assistants passed out four-hundred surveys to a random
Pass out distribute
sample of shoppers.
Pick up This study picks Dekker’s research up where he left it. resume
Point out Hendriks points out that such a study might be useful. explain

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Set up The equipment’s sensitivity meant we had to set it up with utmost care. arrange
Turn down Regretfully, the board must turn down a number of applicants every year. reject
Use up The campers were thirsty after they used up the last of the water. exhaust


Definitions and
Phrasal verbs Example uses

Back out of Several subjects backed out of their treatment. abandon

Bear on Foucault writings still bear on contemporary thought about prison. influence

Catch up with It will take some time for our newer coal mines to catch up with our older ones. equal

Call on I call on the work of other contemporary thinkers. utilize

Call for The act of aggression called for immediate response. necessitate

The question is, should a citizen be able to count on its government to
Count on rely on
preserve free access to clean water?

Cut down on Practiced writers cut down on unnecessary adverbs and adjectives. reduce
Come up with Hannah had to come up with a way to isolate the variable. invent

Fall apart The board of directors fell apart. disintegrate

Get away Several of them sought to get away from the cold winter night. escape
They commonly exaggerated the degree to which the indigenous tribes
Get along with be friendly with
would not get along with one another.

Give in After a long pause for thought, he gave in to the demands. yield

Go on Bakker went on to win a prestigious award. continue

Hold on to Sven tried everything, but could not hold on to his youth. keep

Hold out Bram would hold out until morning when the supplies arrived. wait

Hold out on Napoleon would not tolerate his generals holding out on him. hide something)
We have a hypothesis, but we must look into other possible
Look into research
explanations for the phenomenon.

Among 50 respondents who regularly walk home from work in the safeguard
Look out for
middle of the night, 45 indicated looking out for criminals. against
To print the name of interviewee, an author must make sure of the
Make sure of ensure
interviewee’s consent.

Pick up on The data show various relationships that we had not picked up on. notice

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Put up with The country will put up with a certain number of economic sanctions. tolerate

See to The custodian would see to the security of the building. arrange

Take after This new state takes after its regional neighbours. resemble

At the beginning of his speech, Finn found it necessary to touch on the

Touch on mention
circumstances of the event.

Text Book Exercise

ii) Given below are some Phrasal Verbs which are frequently used in connection with travelling. Guess the meaning
and match. Textbook Page No : 118

see off start off / to begin a journey
stop over to go to station or airport to say good bye to someone
set off
get in

to stay at a place for a short period of time when traveling to another destination
leave a bus, train etc.,
get off to go away from home for a vacation
get on arrive inside train, bus etc.
get away enter a bus, train, plane.
check in pay the bill when leaving a hotel
check out arrive and register at airport or hotel

ii) Given below are some Phrasal Verbs which are frequently used in connection with travelling. Guess the meaning
and match. Textbook Page No : 118

see off start off / to begin a journey

stop over to go to station or airport to say good bye to someone
set off to stay at a place for a short period of time when traveling to another destination

get in leave a bus, train etc.,

get off to go away from home for a vacation

get on arrive inside train, bus etc.

get away enter a bus, train, plane.
check in pay the bill when leaving a hotel
check out arrive and register at airport or hotel

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12th English EASY CENTUM

P Ex Q M :

Replace the underlined word with the appropriate phrasal verb
1. Fill in the blank with a suitable phrasal verb [MQP - 19] Ans : c
Prajeeth is___________ a placement in Australia.

a) longing on b) longing to c) longing for d) c) longing of
2. He will not yield to pressure. [PTA-3] Ans : c

a) give out b) give away c) give in d) give off
3. Ram’s request was rejected by his manager. [PTA-4] Ans : b
a) turned off b ) turned down c) turned in d) turned away

4. Can you understand what she is talking about? [PTA-6] Ans : c
a) make for b) make in c) make out d) longing of d) make up
5. The fire was extinguished by the fire brigade. [March-2020] Ans : c

a) put off b) put on c) put out d) put in

Replace the underlined word with the appropriate phrasal verb
1. The monsoon rain will soon begin Ans: b

a) set in b) set off c) set out d) set back
2. Sam is cut out for the post of professor Ans: b
a) in eligible b) suitable c) responsible d) isolated

3. Let’s eat in a restaurant tonight. Ans: c

a) eat down b) eat off c) eat out d) eat up
4. The police guarded the area until the bomb was defused Ans: b

a) controlled off b) cordoned off c) caught hold d) held with
5. I continue my work with joy. Ans: c

a) carry out b) carry in c) carry on c) carry off

6. Do not move with no aim here. Ans: a

a) hang around b) move around c) go around d) see around
7. Nobody could oppose your conclusion Ans: c

a) hang around b) tear up c) quarrel with d) push forward

8. Anitha’s sucide opposed the NEET. Ans: b

a) went for b) went against c) put on d) put up with

Further exercise refer our practice book

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Question No : 10 Common Idioms 1 MARK

Introduction : Idioms: Idiom is an expression peculiar to a language. They have special meaning in a
sentence. They play a vital part in all languages.

Text Book Exercise

Now match the idioms under column A with their meanings in column B: Textbook Page No : 109


to protect oneself from
a) save one's skin i) a sudden unexpected event or news
difficulty [iv]
manage one's expenses within
b) make both ends meet ii) to be the most powerful

one's income [v]
a sudden unexpected event or
c) a bolt out of a clear sky iii) viewed with suspicion and distrust
news [i]
d) go to grave iv) to protect oneself from difficulty to exit the world [vi]
d) have the whip hand v) manage one's expenses within one's income to be the most powerful [ii]
viewed with suspicion and
e) under a cloud vi) to exit the world
distrust [iii]
i) Given below are some idiomatic expressions with their meanings. Understand the meaning. Textbook Page No : 117

a) wait for the dust to settle to wait for a situation to become clear or certain

b) get/have all your ducks in a row to have made all the preparations needed to do something / to be well organized

c) fetch and carry (for somebody) to do a lot of little jobs for somebody as if you were their servant

to think carefully about something before doing it, so that you know all
d) do the math
the relevant facts or figures

e) round the corner very near

E Guid

Idioms Meaning தமிழ் அர்த ம்
a period of difficulty or
1. a bad patch ஒரு சுரு ான கஷ ான கால
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2. a bed of roses a state of luxury or of no difficulty சுக ான ாழ்வு, ர ,

3. a big hit very popular ற்றிகர

general view able to have an உயரத்திலிருந்து ந கத் ரியு
4. a bird’s eye view

uninterrupted view கா சி

5. a bitter pill to swallow something unpleasant to accept ஒப்பு க கஷ ானது, விரு இ து

6. a close shave a narrow escape யிரி யில் ப்பு ல்


7. a feather in one’s cap an asset / something to be proud of லு ஒரு ரு ை க்கு சிறப்பு


8. a hard and fast rule a rule without exception கண்டி ன விதிவில (ஆ ை)


9. a laughing stock to be the butt of ridicule க லிக்குரிய ருளாக (ஆகிவிட ன்)

10. a part and parcel an integral part of பிரி முடியா ஒரு பகுதி

D க்க

ர யான, கண்ணிய ான (ஒரு திற
11. an open book straightforward and honest


பு க , இரகசியங ள் அ )

12. apple of one’s eye the most treasured possession (நான்) மிகவு சிக்கு (நப )

13. as steady as a rock reliable மிகவு உறுதியான (நப ,எ , செயல்)

14. at loggerheads with disagreeing (or) disputing தீவிர கருத்து முர டு, ரவு

மிகவு குழ பிய நி , சி த்
15. at one’s wit’s end in a state of utter perplexity
16. at the outset in the beginning ஆரம த்தி
மு மி , து நி
17. back to square one back to where one started
திரும ரு ல்

18. bad blood angry and vindictive feelings பழி ா கு ன ,தீய எ


19. bag and baggage completely; leaving nothing behind மூட முடிச்சு ன் கிள பி

20. be in two minds be undecided னதில் நி ய , குழ பிய நி

21. blood-bath Massacre ன்று குவி ல், படு
22. blue blood aristocratic (or) royal in origin இராஜகுல இர

எவ ழியிலா து ( ர யாக
23. by hook or by crook any method, fair or unfair

அ து க ன ாக )

24. by leaps and bounds very quickly வி , ரிய (மு )

25. by word of mouth spoken form ா ழியாக (ஊ கங ள )


26. child’s play an easy task மிகச் சுலப , குழ வி யா டுப் ல
27. dead on time Punctual குறி ரத்தில் ( ரு ல்)

28. die in harness to die while doing one’s job பணிபுரியு இ த்தி ரி ல்


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29. dirt cheap very cheap மிகவு லி ான


30. do away with to abolish நிர ர ரத்து

31. do the trick serve the purpose இ டிச் செய ல் தீ வு ரு


32. drive home to make a point effectively ந க புரியும டி ச ல்

33. drop a line write an informal letter சுரு ாக ா து கடி டு


34. easy on the eye pleasant to look at பார க்கு கிழ்ச்சியான


35. every nook and corner every possible place மூ முடு ( டி ன், பரவியது)

36. fair and square honest; just நியாய ாக, நி ய ாக


செவி ன் காதில் கு ஊதியது ல,
37. fall on deaf ears be ignored

ச தைக் க ட

D �ொல்வ

38. far and wide in all directions எ தி களிலு பரவி

39. fight shy to avoid; to keep away from வி டு விலகு, ள்ளி ப , வி



40. fish in troubled waters try to win advantages for குழ த்தில் ஆ ாய டு


41. for a song very cheap மிகவு லி ாக, சுலப ாக


42. get wind of hear a rum our of ந்தியாக க ள்வி டு ல்


silly; weak in mind; without any
43. half baked அ டு ன
prior preparation
44. hand in glove very intimate அ ரங க் கூ டு (தீய செய ளில்)
45. have a thick skin insensitive to criticism சுர ைய , எ னாலு பாதி ா



ன்னு ைய அபிப்பிராயத்துக்கு
46. have one’s say state one’s opinion


முக்கியத்து று ல்

47. have the face be bold (or) impudent enough தைரியத்து ன் எதிர க ள்

48. have what it takes possess necessary qualities ையான மு , ஆ ார இருக்கி து

49. head over heels deeply (or) completely கண்மூடி ன ான (ஆ ரவு, அன்பு)

50. high and dry ignored, abandoned வி டு ல் (எ ஆ ரவுமின்றி)


51. ifs and buts Excuses ாக்கு க்கு ச ல்

52. in a soup in trouble யில் விழு ல்


53. in full swing at the height of activity முழு வீச்சு ன்

54. in high spirits lively, cheerful mood; cheerful ன எழுச்சி, மி கிழ்வு நி


55. in one’s good books in one’s favour ஒரு ரு ைய ந த்தில் இரு து

56. in the long run finally; at last கால ப க்கில், டுநாட ளில்

57. in the nick of time just in time ை டு அ க த்தில்

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58. kick the bucket Die இறந்துவி ல்

59. kith and kin blood relations ச ப ங ள்

60. laughing stock an object of ridicule க லிக்கு இ ாகு ல்


அ யு த்து (அ ர ன்
61. lock, stock and barrel everything/every item


ச ர )

62. make fun of to ridicule க லி செ , யாண்டி செ

63. make up one’s mind decide இறுதியாகத் தீர னி ல்

64. on the eve of the time just before an event (பண்டி க்கு) முன் நாள் ா , ற்று மு ல்



65. worlds apart very different சிறிது ஒவ அளவு, முற்றிலு ாறுபட


66. once in a blue moon very rarely மிகவு அரி ாக, எ ப ழு ா து நிகழு

D ம்


அ ா க்கு இன்றிய ையா து
67. one’s bread and butter form of livelihood (or) occupation



( ழில் மு லியன)


68. put one’s foot down assert oneself

உறுதியாக இரு ல், எடு முடிவில் நி ய

69. put up with Tolerate றுத்து க ள்ளு ல் (பிடி விட லு )


70. rack one’s brain think very hard க் கு ைந்து சி ல்

71. rain cats and dogs rain very heavily அ ை ட
, வி ா ல் ழியு


72. safe and sound Unharmed நல ாகவு , ஆ க்கிய ாகவு


முழு து ாக ஒத்து க ள் ( ற ரு ரு ன்)
73. see eye to eye agree entirely



ஒ க்கு (இரு ருக்கு )

74. slip one’s mind to forget நி றிவிடு ல், க ர றதி



75. speak volumes for show strong evidence for செய அ ற்றி ரு ளவு கூறுகி து

76. spic and span clean and tidy மிகவு சு ாக, த்தியாக
77. spice of life anything that adds to liveliness ா யின் சு ையூட


78. spread like wild fire to spread rapidly (or) quickly கா டுது தீ ப ல பரவியது

79. with a grain of salt without any reservation சிறிது அதிருப்தியு ன் ஏற்று க ள்


80. take advantage of to derive benefit from ா க ாக்கி க ள்ளு ல்


81. take for mistake one for another ஒன்றுக்கு ல் று

82. take to one’s heels run away ஆப எதிர ந ல் ஓடிவிடு ல்



83. the lion’s share the largest and best part ரிய பங எடுத்து க ள்ளு ல்

84. the red carpet special welcome or attention சிற ன ர ற்பு

85. throw a party organist a party விருந்து அளி ல்
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86. throw out of gear to upset everything ஒழு குமு ப் புற ணி ல்

87. to and fro back and forth கவு ரவு


88. to avail oneself of to take advantage of இரு தை பய டுத்தி க ல்

89. to bait a trap to tempt with a bad idea ஆ கா டி றான ழி ச ல்லு ல்



90. to be all ears to be very attentive; to listen carefully க னித்துக் க ட ல்

91. to be stung to the quick to feel pained சீக்கிரத்தில் உ ச்சி ய டு ல்


92. to bridge the gulf to patch the differences வித்தியா ங ரிசெய ல்,


இரு விஷயங இ ை ல்


93. to bring home to make a point very clear புரியும டி விளக்கு ல்


94. to clip the wings to remove the power சிற டி ல், சு ந்திர ப் பறி ல்

D க�ொ

95. to hang in balance still not settled நி ய நி யில் இரு ல்

96. tooth and nail vigorously; fiercely; கடு ையாக, முழு கத்து ன் எதி ப்பு


with a great effort
97. turn one’s back

refuse help when needed புறங

டு ல், உ

ா ல் நழுவு ல்


98. under the very nose of almost in the presence of ஒரு ரின் பார யி அ

அறியா ல் செய து

99. weather the storm survive a crisis ரு பிரச்சி ற்றிகர ாக ாளி

P Ex Q M :
Choose the suitable meaning or the idiom found in the following sentence

1. When asked to reconsider his decision, he put his foot down. [MQP - 19] Ans : a

a) accepted b) refused c) felt happy d) grew angry
2. Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom “in deep waters”. [PTA-1] Ans : c
a) Under the water b) under the ocean c) in trouble d) wealthy condition
3. His name is “under cloud” for the theft case. [PTA-2] Ans : a
a) on suspicion b) convicted c) acquitted d) not in the list

4. Mano is a down-to-earth man. [PTA-3] Ans : b

a) difficult b) practical c) rare d) useful
5. At present, the performance of the State’s Kabbadi team is “at a low ebb”. [PTA-4] Ans : d

a) At the peak b) outstanding c) up to the expectation d) on the decline

6. The judgment of the lower court was declared “null and void” by the high court. [PTA-5] Ans : a
a) invalid b) relevant c) valid d) correct
7. I told him flat that I did not like him. [PTA-6] Ans : a
a) Expressed opinion directly b) Expressed opinion indirectly
c) Expressed to confuse d) Expressed in his apartment

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8. Eleventh hour preparation will not help the students. [March-2020] Ans : b
a) till 11 p.m. b) at the last moment c) much in advance d) late at night
9. Choose the right meaning of the idiom ‘a bolt out of a clear sky’ from the options given. [March-2020] Ans : d
a) a much-awaited information b) a deafening noise of bomb blast
c) a flash of bright lightning d) a sudden unexpected event
10. The medical shop is round the corner . [Sep-2020] Ans: c

a) in the farthest end b) near the junction
c) at a short distance d) around the traffic circle

1. Due to yoga practice, I am always in the pink. Ans : d

a) Sound mind b) Economically good c) In modest terms d) In good health

2. The take off of the plane was delayed due to bad weather. Ans : c

a) Getting up b) Getting down

c) Rising from the surface d) Raising from the surface

3. The shocking news of his death came like a bolt from the blue. 
Ans : b
a) Surprise event b) Sudden and shocking news

c) Locking the door d) Wandering along the blue sky

4. Ever since he won a prize for his story he has been putting on airs like a great writer. Ans : d

a) Behaving naturally b) Flying in the air

c) Imagining greatly d) Behaving unnaturally or artificially

5. I am honour bound to support my parents. Ans : c

a) Feel humble b) Feel humiliated c) Feel proud d) Feel haughtily

6. He is on cloud nine after winning the award. Ans : d

a) Imagining to a greater level b) Extremely happy
c) Extremely sad d) Considerably happy

7. My uncle visits India from U.S. once in a blue moon. Ans : d

a) Frequently b) Often c) Seldom d) rarely

8. Gandhiji did not have power to sweep out superstition out of India. Ans : c

a) Include b) Exclude c) Abolish d) remove
9. There attempt to get back the stolen necklace become a wild goose chase Ans : b

a) Timely action b) Useless search c) Delayed action d) Wise decision

10. His limited monthly income is a drop in the ocean Ans : b

a) extreme b) meagre c) large d) plenty

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Question : 11 a
Confusables / Confusibles 1 MARK
Type - 1

You have already learnt that homophones are words that sound alike but are different in spelling and
meaning. E.g. feet - feat / face - phase / sort - sought / hair - heir / breath - breadth

What are confusables?
Confusables /confusibles are words that are commonly confused with one another in meaning or usage
because of slight similarities in spelling, pronunciation or meaning, e.g. moment - movement / except -

expect / human - humane / discover - invent.

(i) Given below is a list of common confusables. Distinguish the meaning of each pair of words by framing your own
sentences. Textbook Page No : 6

a. Emigrate - Many now emigrate, when occasion offers, to America

b. Immigrate – Does illegal immigration take jobs from citizens




Besides, I like coming home to a quiet house every evening.

The boy who sat beside him was his son.

e. Judicial - Each province has also its own judicial system.

f. Judicious - When it comes to choosing friends,be judicious and choose wisely

g. Eligible - All electors are eligible to the assembly.


h. Illegible – Students don’t get marks because of their illegible handwriting.


i. Conscience - He did the task for the sake of his conscience

j. Conscious - I am conscious of what is happening around me.

k. Industrial - Many people work in industrial towns

l. Industrious - He said she was very industrious and happy


m. Eminent - Everyone was looking forward to taking the class with such an eminent professor

n. Imminent - The birth of her child was imminent, if not past due.

o. Illicit - She slipped outside for an illicit cigarette.

p. Elicit - I could elicit no response from him

q. Prescribed - Books must be kept according to a prescribed form.

r. Proscribed - In some cultures surgery is proscribed.

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s. Affect - Your opinion will not affect my decision.

t. Effect - The letter is to the effect that he will soon arrive.

u. Aural - The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight.

v. Oral - We're having an oral test this week.

w. Born - We are not born for ourselves

x. Borne - This theory is not borne out by the facts


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate action.

1. We can see ............................... glass. Ans : a
a) through b) threw c) throw d) though

2. He let out a ............................... Ans : b
a) grown b) groan c) gown d) shown
3. When two ............................... lines meet we get an angle. Ans : b
a) strait b) straight c) street d) greet
4. Archimedes discovered a new ............................... Ans : b
a) principal b) principle c) policy d) police
5. He is sick and ............................... special care and attention. Ans : a

a) needs b) kneads c) knees d) kneels

6. Horses like to ............................... on their back. Ans : a


a) roll b) role c) rolling d) ruler
7. In the cricket match Team India ............................... Team Australia. Ans : a

a) beat b) won c) defeat d) victory
8. We will have to hire a ............................... if we have so many guests. Ans : a

a) cook b) cooker c) steward d) chef
9. There is a huge mango tree ............................... my house. Ans : a

a) in front of b) before c) front d) friend
10. The number of students who wanted to ................ the lab was in ................ of three hundred. Ans : a

a) access, excess b) excess, access c) accessible excessive d) accede excede

11. She was displaying ............................... feelings. Ans : b

a) ambiguous b) ambivalent c) ambidextrous d) ambitious
12. The astronomers recently ............................... a new planet in our solar system. [Sep-2020] Ans : b

a) invented b) discovered c) diagnosed d) investigated

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Question : 11 b
Homophones 1 MARK
Type - 2

Introduction: Homo = same; phone : sound

In English some words have the same spelling with different meanings. If these words have the
same pronunciation, we call them Homophones.

Use in a sentence the homophones to bring out the difference between them.

Spelling with Different Meanings
Words Meanings Words Meanings

adapt  change adopt  follow, care taking a child

affect  spoil effect  result



a raised platform in the church

another possibility

A alter



one after another

anonymous  unknown names unanimous  agreed by all, without opposition

ascent  going up assert  strongly said

asset  property arise  appear

rise  increase bait  a worm to trap the fish


bare  without bite  cutting with a teeth


berth  reserved seat for sleeping birth  process of being born

beside  near by berth  bed in the train or) ship

birth  being born besides  in addition to

bye  bidding farewell buy  obtain something by paying


cannon  big gun canon  law

canvas  rough cloth canvass  to go after others for vote

cast  make caste  community


cite  refer to site  plot for a building

collision  destroy collusion  secret agreement

confidant  trusted close friend) confident  sure, hopeful

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corporal  physical punishment corporeal  body not spirit

coup  capture of Government by force coupe  vehicle with sloping back

censer  container for burning incense. censor  who examines & controls film

coarse  rough course  programme connected with education

chord  music from a string cord  rope

cell  a small room or element sell  give something for money

device  instrument noun) devise  make, create or invent

diary  a book of record dairy  milk products

differ  vary defer  postpone

die  not living dye  apply colour

descent  coming downwards dissent  disagree

disease  affected physically decease  dead person

diverse  turn differently divorce  legal ending of a marriage

disperse  spread in different directions disburse  payment

elder  older of the two emigrant  a person who goes out from native country

immigrant  person who settles in foreign country fair  beautiful

fare  fees/charges flair  ability

flare  naked fire flower  a rose flower

flour  fine powder of grain gilt  cover with gold

guilt  crime hail  special description, appreciate

hale  healthy heal  cure

heel  back part of the foot heard  what we know through ear

herd  group of sheep hair  grows over head

heir  successor idle  lazy; unoccupied

idol  statue illegible  not able to read


eligible  qualify Imminent  coming danger

eminent  famous/popular last  end

lost  miss loan  lending money

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lone  being single medal  the prize gold medal)

meddle  to interfere meet  get together

meat  flesh of animal used as food minor  who is under 18 years

miner  mine workers moment  particular time

movement  act of moving moral  advice

Text Book Exercise

Fill in the blanks with suitable Homophones or Confusables. Textbook Page No : 45

word Answer word Answer word Answer
wallet valet hoard whored grown groun

fairy faery desert dessert might mite

medal meddle night height earn urn

wait weight sweet eat quite quiet

yoke yolk plain plane

P Ex Q M :

Complete the sentence choosing appropriate word from the options given:

1. The ____________ ate the ____________ of the coconut (kernel / colonel) [PTA-1] Ans: Colonel ; kernel
2. The most ____________ scientist in the world has been warning about the ____________ danger of nuclear war
(imminent / eminent) [PTA-2] Ans: eminent ; imminent
3. The bugle is __________ in our school __________. (band / banned) [March-2020] Ans: banned; band
4. The children remained ____________ for ___________ sometime, (quite/quiet) [Sep-2020] Ans: quiet ; quite


1. We _________ different types of _________ phones in our shop. (cell/sell) Ans : sell / cell
2. They had dates for _________ in the _________ (dessert/desert) Ans : dessert / desert

3. In Japan even _________ stores are not _________ for they float on boats. (stationary/stationery)
Ans : stationery / stationary
4. Our _________ is a person of _________ . (principal/principle) Ans : principal / principle

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Question No : 12 Foreign Words 1 MARK

E Guid nc

No. Foreign Word Meaning

1. ad hoc for this situation for a special purpose
2. ad interim temporarily

3. ad valorem according to the value
4. adieu! Goodbye
5. alias otherwise known as

6. alibi accused claiming his presence elsewhere at the time of crime
7. ante meridiem before noon

8. bon homie good-natured friendliness
9. bon voyage saying good bye and wishing good luck
10. bonafide genuine
11. de facto actual, real
the feeling that you have previously experienced something which is actually
12. deja vu
happening to you just now •
13. elite the best of a group / high class persons
14. en masse all together / as a whole group

15. en route on the way to

16, ex gratia a payment made as a favour
17. ex parte on one side
18. fait accompli something already done and beyond alteration
19. faux pas a false step, a mistake

20. in camera in private, without the public, newspaper reporters, etc. being there
21. in cognito in disguise
22. in memoriam in memory of

23. in toto Totally

24. liaison coordination of activities
25. lingua franca a common language
26. locus standi a place or standing

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27. mala fide with bad faith

28. melee confused scuffle
29. modus operandi plan of working, mode of operation
30. mon ami my friend
31. nouveau riche person who has recently become rich / acquired wealth

32. par excellence eminently
33. pari pasu with equal pace

34. post-mortem medical examination of a dead body
35. prima facie based on the first impression
36. proforma for the sake of form

37. protege dependant who is helped and taught by an expert
38. rapport a close relationship in which people understand each other very well
sine die
a summary

without a date being fixed
42. status quo the situation or state of affairs as it is now
43. sub judice under judicial consideration
44. tete a tete an intimate private conversation between two
45. verbatim using exactly the same words / word for word
46. versus against

47. via media by way of, by means of

48. vice versa the terms being exchanged
49. vide with reference to
50. viva voce a spoken examination

P Ex Q M :
1. English is the Lingua Franca of many countries. [MQP -19] Ans : d

a) Mother tongue b) Foreign language c) Unknown language d) Common language

2. Choose the meaning of the foreign word “faux pas”. [PTA-1] Ans : b
a) wonderful incident b) social behavior c) good decision d) false pass
3. Benson always tried to maintain the status quo with the company’s policy. [PTA-2] Ans : a
a) existing condition b) interest c) strength d) Instruction

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4. The project was rejected in toto. [PTA-3] Ans : a

a) totally b) partially c) slightly d) partly
5. Its time to bid adieu to all of you gathered here. [PTA-5] Ans : c
a) salute b) welcome c) good bye d) ovation
6. Choose the meaning of the foreign word “en route”. [PTA-6] Ans : b
a) returning b) on the way to c) on the short cut road d) on the wrong route


1. Due to the strike of the workers, the factory has been closed sine die. Ans: d

a) doing injustice things b) dying due to sickness
c) dying the hair d) postpone something without assignment of date

2. Krishnamoorthy alias Kittu is wanted by the police in connection with many crimes. Ans: a

a) Also known as b) As soon as possible c) At the instant d) Of late
3. We have arranged a party to bid adieu to a friend who was going abroad. Ans: d

a) auction sale b) best wishes c) blessings d) send off or say good bye
4. The menu was displayed so that people could choose whatever they like. Ans: d

a) confusion b) misplacing c) amendments d) list of items
5. We selected that particular hotel because it’s chef was famous for his cooking. Ans: d

a) chief manager b) bearer c) cashier d) chief cook or head cook
6. But some items turned to be sans taste. Ans: c

a) With b) Within c) Without d) withhold
7. They entered India via Rameshwaram. Ans: b
a) thorough b) through c) crossing d) passing

8. Some extremists came incognito as refugees. Ans: b

a) in their originality b) under disguise or false name or unidentified

c) without any secret d) authourised
9. In the hotel where I stayed, the rooms were comfortable and the cuisine excellent. Ans: d

a) infrastructure b) basic amenities c) curious d) national or regional food
10. Kanaga Subburathinam wrote under the pseudonym Bharathidasan. Ans: b

a) philosophical name b) pen name c) pet name d) nick name
11. I visit the play ground, class rooms, lab and etcetera to recollect the experiences of my school days. Ans: d

a) Additional b) Remaining c) Reminder d) And the rest

12. The collector lives in a big bungalow. Ans: a

a) a large detached house with more than one storey b) a small house
c) a hut d) a thatched roof

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Question No : 13
Substitute Words / Phrases
with Polite Alternatives
A euphemism is a polite expression used in place of words or phrases that might
otherwise be considered harsh or unpleasant. These phrases are used regularly, and

there are many examples of euphemisms in everyday language.

Examples of Euphemisms

Euphemisms have many different uses. They can help you avoid being overly blunt and remain in a tone of
politeness. People will generally understand the euphemism meaning, even though you’re not “coming right out
with it.” With that in mind, let’s take a look at a few different categories of euphemisms.

Death and Dying

Does anyone really deal with death well? It’s such a delicate - and final - state that many of us like to dance
around the truth. Here are some delicate ways to discuss death and dying.

Passed away
Ethnic cleansing
of died
of genocide
A Dearly departed
Negative patient outcome
Collateral damage of accidental deaths Put to sleep euthanize
Pregnancy termination of abortion Bite the big one die
Bought the farm died Wearing cement shoes killed
Bit the dust died Croaked died

Kick the bucket die Whacked killed


Various States of Employment

Although it’s far less delicate than death, being unemployed is also difficult to discuss. It’s a direct blow to the
ego, so many people like to approach this subject with a gentle touch, too.

Letting someone go firing someone On the streets homeless


Correctional facility jail Between jobs unemployed

Relocation center prison camp Economical cheap


Negative cash flow broke Taking an early retirement got fired

Urban outdoorsman homeless Embarking on a journey of self-discovery jobless

Bodily Functions and Getting Old

There are some women out there who will never let a man know they experience any type of bodily function.
Heaven forbid! Some women (and men) also like to avoid the truth about their age. Let’s see if any of these skirts

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around the truth will soften the proverbial “blow.”

Powder your nose go to the toilet Break wind pass gas or fart
Blow chunks vomit Making a deposit in the porcelain bank going to the bathroom
Fired a shot flatulence Backed up worse than the Hoover Dam constipated
Over the hill and picking really old

up speed

Physical and Mental Attributes

Let’s face it. People can sometimes be mean. Even though our mothers taught us, “If you don’t have anything
nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” perhaps one of these can relay a not-so-kind truth.

Big-boned fat or overweight Portly heavy or overweight

Vertically-challenged short Moon landing bald
Differently-abled handicapped or disabled Bad rug toupee

Not the sharpest pencil in
One sandwich short of a picnic not smart not smart
the box
His elevator doesn’t reach the Chronologically-
not smart late
top floor challenged
Economical with the truth liar Retarded - mentally challenged
Blind - Visually challenged Crippled - Differently abled
Bald - follicular challenged Poor - economically marginalized
Fat - gravitationally challenged, Overweight Lazy - motivationally deficient
beggar - panhandler, homeless person coffin - casket

old age - golden age, golden years criminal (adj) - illegal

confinement - detention lawyer - attorney
toilet - john, WC, men’s room, restroom, bathroom,
sick - indisposed, ill, under the weather
washroom, lavatory

P Ex Q M :
Substitute the underlined word with the appropriate polite alternative.

1. She is a fat woman. [MQP -19] Ans : c

a) Bulky b) Obese c) Full - figured d) Heavy weight
2. The man in the grey suit is a barber. [PTA-3] Ans : c
a) Hair splitter b ) hair remover c) hair dresser d) hair designer
3. “This watch is very cheap”. [PTA-4] Ans : d
a) Low b) inferior c) depreciate d) economical

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4. “This is a school for blind”. [PTA-5] Ans : d

a) mentally challenged b) handicapped c) unseeing d) visually impaired


Substitute the underlined word with the appropriate polite alternative.

1. The new girl is fat. Ans : c


a) Plumb b) blonde c) full-figured d) beautiful
2. The poor boy is taken care of by his neighbours. Ans : a

a) in the low income level b) in the low finance level
c) in the low money matters d) below poverty line
3. The leader died after a brief period of illness. Ans : d

a) passed by b) passed off c) passed around d) passed away

4. Beating the students with a cane is prohibited in schools. Ans : b

a) corporeal punishment b) corporal punishment

c) corrective punishment d) collective punishment
5. This is a school for the students who are deaf.

A Ans : d

a) hearing impaired b) hearing problems c) audible problem d) audibly challenged
6. Welfare schemes are implemented with taxes from the public. Ans : c
a) user fees b) revenue c) public money d) indirect wealth
7. These articles are cheap. Ans : b

a) economic b) economical c) dear d) inexpensive
8. The undertaker notes down the date of burial. Ans : d

a) surgeon b) doctor c) nurse d) mortician
9. The world was shocked at the genocide in Germany during World War II. Ans : d

a) ethnic cleansing b) mass homicide c) mass murder d) massive killing
10. The server welcomes the customers smilingly. Ans : d

a) barber b) owner c) servant d) bearer
11. The barber is busy in the saloon. Ans : a

a) hair designer b) beautician c) technician d) shop owner

12. He is short and slim. Ans : a

a) vertically challenged b) height challenged c) horizontally challenged d) physically challenged
13. This is the school for the blind. Ans : b

a) virtually challenged b) visually challenged c) eye challenged d) vision challenged

14. I want to powder my nose. Ans : d

a) go to restroom b) go to jewellery shop c) go to make-up room d) go to cosmetics room

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Question : 14 a Modals and Semi Modals 1 MARK

Type - 1 / Quasi-Modals

Read the following sentences carefully. Textbook Page No : 12

(i) He can drive a car. (‘can’ shows ability)
(ii) The rich should help the poor, (‘should’ shows moral obligation)
(iii) It may rain today, (‘may’ shows possibility)

In the above sentences, ‘drive’, ‘help’ and ‘rain’ are Main Verbs whereas ‘Can’.
‘Should’ and ‘May’ are Helping Verbs that denote particular moods, expressions or conceptions of the mind.
Here ‘can’ ‘should’ and ‘may’ express ‘ability’, ‘moral obligation’ and ‘possibility’ respectively.

Since these auxiliaries denote some particular moods or expressions, they are called Modal Auxiliaries.

Modal Auxiliary is a special auxiliary which is used to denote a particular mood

or expression of the subject.

There are 13 Modal Auxiliaries (four of which are quasi-modals/ marginals) :
will would
shall should
can could
may must
might used to

ought to dare

The following table would help you understand better.


Modal Auxiliaries Chart

ability I can speak English, permission Gan I go to the library?
request Can you wait a moment, please? offer I can lend you my pen .

ability ( past) I could speak English.

polite request Could you wait a moment, please?
may possibility It may rain today, permission May I go to the cinema
might possibility (less possible than may) It might rain today.
force, necessity I must go to the supermarket today.
recommendation You must read the new novel by Bhagat.

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shall suggestion Shall I carry your bag?

advice You should drive carefully on the highway.
obligation You should switch off the lights when you leave the class room
wish, request, demand, order Will you please shut the door?
will prediction, assumption I think it will rain on Friday.
spontaneous decision Can somebody take me to the hospital? -I will.

wish, request Would you shut the door, please?
habits in the past Sometimes he would bring me some flowers.
duty You ought to submit your assignment on time.

ought to Moral obligation We ought to help the needy.
Necessity We ought to hire some furniture for the party.
used to habits in the past My grandfather used to walk for long hours when he was young.

Necessity I need to buy a packet of milk.
need to Moral obligation We need to keep our environment clean.
Necessity We ought to hire some furniture for the party.
boldness I dare not go out in the dark.

dare to
challenge How dare you enter my room?

P Ex Q M :
1. All citizens obey the laws of the land. [Use a Modal verb]. [PTA-1] Ans : c
a) might b) could c) must d) would
2. I drink coffee when I was young. [Use a Semi Modal verb) [PTA-2] Ans : d
a) Can b) could c) must d) would / Used to


Complete the sentence choosing the correct modal verb:

1. We go to the beach this weekend but we’re not sure yet. Ans : b
a) Could, b) Must c) Might d) Should

2. You remember to take your passport tomorrow. Ans : b

a) Could b) Must c) Would d) May

3. Do you think I apply for that job? Ans : a


a) Should b) May c) Must d) Will

4. He has been living in Japan for ten years but he still ______ speak any Japanese. Ans : d
a) Shouldn’t, b) Mustn’t c) Might not d) Can’t

5. I understand her on the phone yesterday. Ans : a

a) Couldn’t b) Can’t c) Wouldn’t d) Shouldn’t

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Question : 14 b
Semi Modal / Quasi Modal 1 MARK
Type - 2

Question 1 : You ......... not read every chapter. (Fill in the blank with a semi-modal verb)
Answer : You need not read every chapter.

Question 2 : I used to play cricket when I was in Delhi.
In this sentence ‘used to’ is a.......verb.(Write the type of modal verb)
Answer : Semi-modal (or) Quasi-modal.

Dare’, ‘need’, ‘ought to’, and ‘used to’ are known as quasi-modals/ semi-modals because they do not share the
properties of the other modal verbs. ‘Dare’ and ‘need’ can be used both as main and auxiliary verbs.
Look at the following table:

Quasi / Meanings/Functions
ought to moral obligation, probability, certainty, advice, necessity, duty, fitness
used to
discontinued habit

necessity, obligation (used in negatives and questions)
defiance, challenge, boldness (used in negatives and interrogatives)
Model Exercise

Write the type of semi (or) quasi-modal modal verb.

1. “They dare not speak any lies”. In this sentence ‘dare’ is a quasi/ semi-modal verb.

Fill in the blanks with a semi modal:


1. You not read every chapter. Ans : need

2. I to buy a carton of milk. Ans : ought

3. How you oppose the leader? Ans : dare

4. I swim in the river everyday when I was young. Ans : used to

5. Students submit the record note books on time. Ans : ought to

6. He/My father play football in his college days. Ans : used to


7. He read many books during his school days. Ans : used to

8. You be ashamed of his conduct. Ans : need not

9. I wake up at 5 o’ clock in the morning when I was a young boy. Ans : used to

10. If he plays well, he (become) the district champion. Ans : will become

11. Children take care of their parents during their old age. Ans : ought to

12. My grandmother tell me bed-time stories when I was young Ans : used to

13. How you call me names? Ans : dare

14. My sister dance so well, when she was in school [March-2020] Ans : used to

15. I not violate the traffic rules at any cost [Sep-2020] Ans : dare

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Question No : 15 Preposition 1 MARK

Prepositions are words that specify place, direction, and time. There are three types of prepositions.
Place Propositions - Place prepositions clarify the place someone or somebody.

Examples: - In - On -At
Direction Prepositions - Direction prepositions are used to clarify the direction of someone or something.
Examples: - under, over, right, left etc.

Time Prepositions - Time prepositions define time.
Examples: - In - At - On For - During - While


The park near / behind / beside the bus-stand is a great attraction to everyone who visits the area. beside/
in front of the park is a famous restaurant and near it is a movie hall. So the place is crowded for ever.
Prepositions – Time

 days of the week
 months / seasons

A  on Monday

 in August / in winter
 time of day ;  year  in the morning ;  in 2006
 after a certain period of time (when?)  in an hour
at  for night;  for weekend;  at night ;  at the weekend
 a certain point of time (when?)  at half past nine
since  from a certain point of time (past till now)  since 1980
for  over a certain period of time (past till now)  for 2 years
ago  a certain time in the past  2 years ago

before  earlier than a certain point of time  before 2004

to  telling the time  ten to six (5:50)
past  telling the time  ten past six (6:10)
to / till / until  marking the beginning and end of a period of time  from Monday to/till Friday
till / until  in the sense of how long something is going to last  He is on holiday until Friday.

by  in the sense of at the latest  I will be back by 6 o’clock.

 up to a certain time  By 11 o’clock, I had read five pages.

Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)


English Usage Example

 room, building, street, town, country  in the kitchen, in London
 book, paper etc.  in the book
 car, taxi  in the car, in a taxi
 picture, world  in the picture, in the world

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 meaning next to, by an object

 at the door, at the station
 for table
 at the table
at  for events
 at a concert, at the party
 place where you are to do something typical (watch a film,
 at the cinema, at school, at work
study, work)

English Usage Example

 attached  the picture on the wall
 for a place with a river  London lies on the Thames.
 being on a surface  on the table

on  for a certain side (left, right)  on the left
 for a floor in a house  on the first floor
 for public transport  on the bus, on a plane
 for television, radio  on TV, on the radio

by, next to,  Jane is standing by / next to /
 left or right of somebody or something
beside beside the car.

under  on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else  the bag is under the table


 covered by something else

 meaning more than A
 lower than something else but above ground  the fish are below the surface

 put a jacket over your shirt

 over 16 years of age
 getting to the other side (also across)  walk over the bridge
 overcoming an obstacle  climb over the wall
above  higher than something else, but not directly over it  a path above the lake
 getting to the other side (also over)  walk across the bridge
 getting to the other side  swim across the lake

through  something with limits on top, bottom and the sides  drive through the tunnel

 movement to person or building  go to the cinema

to  movement to a place or country  go to London / Ireland
 for bed  go to bed
into  enter a room / a building  go into the kitchen / the house
towards  movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it)  go 5 steps towards the house
onto  movement to the top of something  jump onto the table

from  in the sense of where from  a flower from the garden

Other important Prepositions

English Usage Example

from  who gave it  a present from Jane

 who/what does it belong to  a page of the book

 what does it show  the picture of a palace

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by  who made it  a book by Mark Twain

 walking or riding on horseback  on foot, on horseback

 entering a public transport vehicle  get on the bus

in  entering a car / Taxi  get in the car

off  leaving a public transport vehicle  get off the train

out of  leaving a car / Taxi  get out of the taxi

 rise or fall of something  prices have risen by 10 percent
 travelling (other than walking or horse riding)  by car, by bus

at  for age  she learned Russian at 45

about  for topics, meaning what about  we were talking about you

Text Book Exercise

Recall your learning of basic prepositions and complete the sentences using the prepositions given in brackets.
(with, since, over, under, on, between, among, near/beside, into, in front of)

a) The boy jumped _________________ a narrow stream. Ans : into

b) My brother will meet me _________________ Friday morning. Ans : on

c) A temple is _________________ a bank. Ans : near/beside


d) My friend _________________ his brother will meet me tomorrow. Ans : with

e) There is usually a garden _________________ of a bungalow. Ans : in front of
f) Yuvashree has been studying well _________________ childhood. Ans : since
g) A trekker climbed _________________ a mountain meticulously. Ans : over
h) There was a skirmish _________________ my brother and sister. Ans : between
i) The laudable thoughts were apparent _________________ many scholars in a conference. Ans : among

j) It is easy to work _________________ the aegis of visionary leader. Ans : under

Complete the following passages using prepositions given in brackets.


(among, for, at, to, in,)

i) When Lakshmi was (1) at school, she was keen (2) to learn music and languages. She involved herself
(3) in the school orchestra. She was responsible (4) for conducting many programmes. She was very
popular (5) among her schoolmates, as she was good friendly and helpful.

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(after, with, on, before, of, in, for)

ii) (1) before the interview started, Riaz was confident (2) of getting the job. He knew that he was qualified
(3) for the job. He was interested (4) in discharging his duty perfectly. The interview panel was impressed
(5) with his attitude and skills. So (6) after the interview , he was (7) on cloud nine.

P Ex Q M :
1. Here is the watch that you asked _____________ [MQP -19] Ans : c

a) of b) from c) for d) at
2. The shop is open _____________ midnight. [PTA-4] Ans : b
a) above b) until c) with d) of

3. The prayer session will be held _____________ Fridays. [PTA-5] Ans : b
a) at b) on c) with d) of
4. The tea should be put straight _____________ the pot. [March-2020] Ans : c
a) over b) on c) into

d) in
Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with appropriate prepositions:
1. The people stood ________________ the road to watch the procession go by. Ans : a

a) across b) along c) on d) under
2. I am worried ________________ health. Ans : b

a) with b) about c) for d) of

3. He built his hut ________________ the side of the lake. Ans : b

a) on b) by c) at d) near
4. I agree ________________ your proposal. Ans : b

a) to b) with c) for d) against
5. He congratulated me ________________my success. Ans : a

a) on b) for c) at d) of

6. The sun faded_________________ a stir of mist. [Sep-2020] Ans : b

a) upon b) behind c) among d) during

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with appropriate prepositions:


1. I slept __________ nine o’clock. Ans : till / until

2. I commenced work __________ 1st May. Ans : form

3. We walked __________ the end of the street. Ans : to

4. The child has been missing __________ yesterday. Ans : since

5. He traveled seventy miles __________ two hours. Ans : in

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Question No : 16 Question Tags 1 MARK

A question used after a statement when seeking or expecting confirmation of that statement, as wasn’t he in
He was here, wasn’t he?
The basic Structure is :

+ Positive statement, - negative tag?
Snow is white, isn’t it?

- Negative statement, + positive tag?
You don’t like me, do you?

Look at these examples with positive statements:

Positive statement [+] Negative tag? [-] Notes
personal pronoun

subject auxiliary main verb auxiliary not
(same as subject)

You are coming are n’t you

we have finished, have n’t we?

You do like coffee, do n’t you?

you like coffee, do n’t you? You (do) like...

They will help, wo n’t they? won’t=will not


I can come, can ‘t I?


We must go, must n’t we?

He should try harder, should n’t he?

no auxillary for main

You are English, are n’t you?
verb be present & past
John was there, was n’t he?

Look at these examples with negative statements:

negative statement [-] positive tag [-]


personal pronoun
subject auxiliary main verb auxiliary
(same as subject)

It is n’t raining is it?

we have never seen that, have we?

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You do n’t like coffee, do you?

They will not help, will they?

They wo n’t report us, will they?

I can never do it right, can I?

We must n’t tell her, must we?

He should n’t drive so fast, should he?

You are n’t English, are you?

John was not there, was he?

Some special cases:

I am right, aren’t I? aren’t I (not amn’t I)
You have to go, don’t you? you (do) have to go...
I have been answering, haven’t I?
Nothing came in the post, did it?

A use first auxiliary

treat statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative statements
Let’s go, shall we? let’s = let us
He’d better do it, hadn’t he? he had better (no auxiliary)

Here are some mixed examples:

* But you don’t really love her, do you? * This will work, won’t it?
* Well, I couldn’t help it, could I? * But you’ll tell me if she calls, won’t you?

* We’d never have known, would we? * The weather’s bad, isn’t it?

* You won’t be late, will you? * Nobody knows, do they?

Question tags with imperatives
Use won’t for invitations.
Use can, can’t, will, would for orders.

imperative + question tag notes:

invitation Take a seat, won’t you? polite

order Help me, can you? quite friendly


Help me, can’t you? quite friendly (some irritation?)

Close the door, would you? quite polite

Do it now, will you? less polite

Don’t forget, will you? with negative imperatives only will is possible

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1. He’s read this book, hasn’t he? 2. He read this book, didn’t he? 3. He’s reading this book, isn’t he?
4. He reads a lot of books, doesn’t he? 5. He’ll read this book, won’t he? 6. He can read this book, can’t he?
7. He should read this book, shouldn’t he?

Text Book Exercise

Interrogations or Questions
Add suitable question tags to the following sentences and punctuate properly. Textbook Page No : 81

sentences punctuate properly
1. The children are very happy today. The children are very happy today, aren't they?

2. You have not returned my books yet. You have not returned my books yet, have you?

3. We enjoyed the trip very much. We enjoyed the trip very much, didn't we?

4. Let’s clean the shelves this weekend.

5. My mother rarely travels by bus.

A Let's clean the shelves this weekend, shall we?

My mother rarely travels by bus, does she?

6. Somebody must bell the cat. Somebody must bell the cat, mustn't they?

7. Anita never comes late to office. Anita never comes late to office, does she?

8. I am always the winner. I am always the winner, aren't I?

9. Don’t commit this mistake again. Don't commit this mistake again, will you?

10. There is a pharmacy near that bus stand. There is a pharmacy near that bus stand, isn't there?

11. Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather condition,
conditions. can they?
12. I am not as smart as you are. I am not as smart as you are, am I?
13. The boys broke the window pane last evening. The boys broke the window pane last evening, didn't they?
14. Leaves wither during autumn. Leaves wither during autumn, don't they?

15. You should add a little salt to the buttermilk. You should add a little salt to the buttermilk, shouldn't you?

Correct the error found in the question tag in each of the following. Textbook Page No : 81

1. The evil doers cannot cross the path of truth, can’t they? Ans : can’t they?
2. The vegetables in the fridge are still fresh, aren’t it? Ans : aren’t it?
3. The village head understood the intention of the politician, doesn’t he? Ans : didn’t he?
4. I claim to be a person of faith and prayer, aren’t I? Ans : don’t I?
5. The employees are seldom allowed to meet their boss, aren’t they? Ans : are they?

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6. Let’s organize a trip to Goa, can we? Ans : shall we?

7. The landlady will charge me for the damage, shan’t she? Ans : shalln’t she?
8. Both the sisters have left for Canada, aren’t they? Ans : haven’t they?
9. That’s definitely not the right thing to do in this situation, isn’t that? Ans : is it?
10. We needn’t apply for a bank loan, do we? Ans : need we?
11. The Chief Guest spoke a few words, did he? Ans : didn’t he?

12. The rhinoceros has a horn made of keratin, haven’t they? Ans : doesn’t it?

P Ex Q M :

Choose the correct question tag for the following statement:

1. Let’s go to the beach _________________? [MQP - 19] Ans : c
a) don’t we b) do we c) shall we d) didn’t we
2. Sakthi was in a great dilemma at that time _________________? [PTA-1] Ans : c
a) didn’t she b) did she? c) wasn’t she? d) isn’t she?
3. She completed her work _________________?
a) didn’t she? b) did she?
4. Everybody welcomed the project
c) doesn’t she? d) does she?

Ans : a

Ans : c
a) do they? b) don’t they? c) didn’t they? d) did they?
5. I haven’t answered your questions, _________________? [PTA-4] Ans : d
a) haven’t I b) don’t I c) did I d) have I
6. This chapter is quite interesting, _________________? [PTA-5] Ans : a
a) isn’t it b) aren’t they c) are they d) is it....

7. I am a teacher _________________? [PTA-6] Ans : b

a) am not I b) aren’t I c) don’t I d) am I

8. The story tries to relate history to science,_________________? [March-2020] Ans : d

a) is it b) isn’t it c) does it d) doesn’t it


Choose the correct question tag for the following statement:


1. Let us start working, ___________? Ans : c

a) will we b) must we c) shall we d) should we
2. We need not come tomorrow, ___________? Ans : b

a) should we b) need we c) needn’t we d) wont’ we
3. It has been raining heavily, ___________? Ans : b

a) has it b) hasn’t it c) doesn’t it d) didnot it
4. He never fails in his duty, ___________? Ans : b

a) doesn’t he b) does he c) won’t he d) will he
5. Let’s go for a movie, __________? Ans : a

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a) shall we b) can we c) will we d) do we

Question : 17 a Syllabification
Type - 1 (Mono, Di, Tri, Tetra, Pentasyllabic word)

What is a Syllable?

A syllable is a unit of a word. It can also be called as a unit of pronunciation. Each syllable should contain a
single vowel sound. The number of vowel letters is immaterial.

English words cannot be formed without a vowel sound. Even one letter words like A & I are syllables. The
number of vowel sounds present in a word are connected to syllabification.
åšõª¼ õ£˜ˆ¬î¬ò»‹ à„êK‚°‹ êˆîˆ¬î ¬õˆ¶ CÁ CÁ ð°Fè÷£è HK‚èô£‹. Üšõ£Á HK‚èŠð´‹

ð°Fèœ Syllabification âù ܬö‚èŠð´‹.
Example: i) In - tel - li - gent. ii) cor - res - pon - dance.

ªè£´‚èŠð†´œ÷ ªê£ŸèO™ å¡P¬ù õ£˜ˆ¬îè¬÷ HK‚辋. HK‚èŠð†ì 嚪õ£¼ õ£˜ˆ¬îJ½‹
ÜõCò‹ å¼ àJ˜ åL Vowel Sound) Þ¼‚è «õ‡´‹.

Foreceps = fore-ceps = 2 syllables ordinary = or - di -nary = 3 syllables

capture = cap-ture; = 2 syllables dictionary = dic - tio - nary = 3 syllables

a e i o u â¡ø vowel àJ˜ ⿈¶‚èœ) å¼ õ£˜ˆ¬îJ™ îQˆîQò£è âˆî¬ù º¬ø õ‰¶œ÷«î£
Ü¬î‚ ªè£‡´ âˆî¬ù Syllableèœ â¡ð¬î 致H®‚èô£‹.
å¼ õ£˜ˆ¬îJ™ Þó‡´ vowel ⿈¶‚èœ «ê˜‰¶ õ‰î£™ ܬî å¼ Syllable âù‚ ªè£œ÷¾‹.
y â¡ø vowel è¬ìCJ™ º®‰F¼‰î£™ ܬî å¼ Syllable âù‚ ªè£œ÷¾‹.
e â¡ø vowel è¬ìCJ™ º®‰F¼‰î£™ ܬî å¼ Syllable âù â´ˆ¶‚ ªè£œ÷‚Ã죶.

Ex: ball - ball 1 syllabic) - Monosyllabic Word

remark - re - mark 2 syllables) - Disyllabic Word

exactly - ex - act - ly 3 syllables) - Trisyllabic Word

academic - a-ca-de-mic 4 syllables) - Tetrasyllabic Word

aeronautical - ae-ro-nau-ti-cal 5 syllables) - Pentasyllabic Word


I. Monosyllabic Words: a word element meaning one; single; (æ˜ Ü¬ê)

act book base cat slew cause crown vile
oft mourn worse fear head riot sword tongue

plot steel wish one school break rhythm make

see all at ball bat bet sweep life
II. Disyllabic Word: meaning twice; (Þ¼ ܬê)
be-side dic- tate wo- men cri- tic in- stead de-l ay
a-gain edu- cate van- quish pro- gramme de- bate dor- mant

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out-break mo- ral di- rect co- ward care- ful de- vil
dia-mond co- ward sus- pect deep- est pur- pose
III. Trisyllabic Word: meaning thrice; (Í¡Á ܬê)
beau-ti-ful to-mor-row po-pu-lar in-ten-tion le-ga-cy tes-ta-ment
be-lo-ved me-mo-ry un-kind-ly tes-ta-ment o-ra-tion coun-try-men
be-ne-fit as-sem-bly con-si-der e-le-ment tra-di-tion im-pli-cit

per-mi-ssion e-ffec-tive
IV. Tetrasyllabic Word: meaning fours; ° ܬê)
a-bi-li-ty ac-com-pa-ny ad-ver-tise-ment al-ter-na-tive an-ti-ci-pate

cal-cu-la-tion cer-ti-fi-cate com-bi-na-tion com-pe-ti-tion com-pen-sa-tion
dec-la-ra-tion def-i-ni-tion de-mo-cra-cy dic-tio-nar-y e-li-mi-nate
V. Pentasyllabic Word: meaning fives; 䉶 ܬê)

rep-re-sen-ta-tive ne-go-ti-a-tion ma-nu-fac-tu-rer pos-si-bi-li-ty
in-ter-pre-ta-tion ca-pa-bil-i-ty e-val-u-a-tion dis-cri-mi-na-tion
e-lec-tri-ci-ty spe-ci-fi-ca-tion in-ves-ti-ga-tion per-so-na-li-ty

1. a) enormity b) bus
Choose the Mono syllabic word
c) visitor d) accompanied b) bus
2. a) bestial b) painter c) red d) advantageous c) red
3. a) heritage b) raid c) rejoice d) alliteration b) raid
4. a) publicity b) Moon c) censure d) appreciation b) Moon
5. a) crease b) university c) plot d) celebration c) plot
6. a) carnatic b) soul c) morning d) electricity b) soul

Choose the Disyllabic word Answer

1. a) mutiny b) base c) plastic d) military c) plas-tic
2. a) cat b) censure c) memorable d) Africa b) cen-sure
3. a) make b) million c) billion d) excited c) bil-lion
4. a) especially b) dedicate c) outside d) school c) out-side

5. a) ornamental b) luxury c) patient d) interested c) pa-tient

6. a) delicately b) heritage c) fissure d) sweep c) fis-sure

Choose the Trisyllabic word Answer


1. a) unleash b) sword c) mutiny d) locality c) mu-ti-ny

2. a) tongue b) Africa c) fortune d) enormity b) Af-ri-ca
3. a) cause b) wrong c) excited d) security c) ex-ci-ted
4. a) censure b) another c) military d) spoke b) a-no-ther

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5. a) morality b) school c) visitor d) against c) vi-si-tor

6. a) capital b) ancient c) blame d) efficacy a) ca-pi-tal
Choose the Tetra-syllabic Word Answer
1. a) military b) vision c) in stead d) plastic a) mi-li-ta-ry
2. a) cucumber b) unleash c) efficacy d) censure c) ef-fi-ca-cy

3. a) bestial b) scarcely c) occupation d) meaning c) oc-cu-pa-tion
4. a) experience b) heritage c) rejoice d) carnatic a) ex-pe-ri-ence
5. a) again b) interested c) censure d) acquire b) in-te-res-ted

6. a) profile b) dee est c) rhythm d) capacities d) ca-pa-ci-ties

Choose the Pentasyllabic Word Answer

1. a) classification b) casualties c) delicately d) associates a) clas-si-fi-ca-tion
2. a) interested b) Africa c) examination d) treasury c) ex-a-mi-na-tion

3. a) sensitivity b) million c) memorable d) especially a) sen-si-ti-vi-ty
4. a) personal b) imagination c) metropolis d) acquire b) im-a-gi-na-tion
5. a) associates b) disability c) publicity d) capacities b) dis-a-bi-li-ty
6. a) sociology b) ornamental c) capacities d) interested a) so-ci-ol-o-gy

P Ex Q M :
1. Choose the tri syllabic word. [PTA-1]

Ans : c
a) initial b) command c) property d) enthusiastic

2. Choose the mono syllabic word. [PTA-2] Ans : b

a) busy b) flight c) again d) lucky
3. Choose the tetra syllabic word from the given option. [PTA-4] Ans : b

a) expression b) energetic c) merchant d) father
4. Choose the disyllabic word from the given option. [PTA-5] Ans : d

a) count b) house c) economy d) bizarre
5. Choose the mono syllabic word. [PTA-6] Ans : a

a) weight b) command c) biscuit d) able

6. Choose the disyllabic word. [March-2020] Ans : b

a) benefit b) again c) weight d) strength

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Question : 17 b
Syllabification 1 MARK
Type - 2

What is a Syllable?

A syllable is a unit of a word. It can also be called as a unit of pronunciation. Each syllable should contain a
single vowel sound. The number of vowel letters is immaterial.

English words cannot be formed without a vowel sound. Even one letter words like A & I are vowels. The
number of vowel sounds present in a word are connected to syllabification.
How to syllabify words?

1. Write the correct SPELLING in Tamil.
Comprehension = காம்ப்ரிஹென்ச
2. Know how many syllables there are in Tamil. Com-pre-hen-sion) காம்-ப்ரி-ஹெ -

3. The given word has that many syllables in English try this method)
4. If there are two “II” “pp” or “tt” separate them.
Example : in -tel - li - gent cor - res -pon - dence
Don’t put : for separating the syllabus.
Separate the syllable with “—”

1. administrator Ans: a

a) ad-mi-ni-stra-tor b) a-dm-in-ist-ra-tor c) admin-is-tra-tor d) admin-is-trator

2. Electrically Ans: b

a) Elec-tri-call-y b) E-lec-tri-cal-ly c) El-ec-tri-ca-lly d) Electri-cal-ly
3. Canteen Ans: b

a) Ca-n-te-en b) Can-teen c) Can-te-en d) Cante-en
4. Magazine Ans: d

a) Mag-a-zi-ne b) Ma-ga-zi-ne c) Maga-zine d) Ma-ga-zine

5. Liberation Ans: c

a) Lib-era-tion b) Li-ber-a-tion c) Li-be-ra-tion d) Liber-ation

6. tes-ta-ment Ans: a

a) tes-ta-ment b) test-ament c) te-sta-ment d) te-st-am-ent

7. or-na-men-tal Ans: d

a) orna-men-tal b) or-na-mental c) orn-amen-tal d) or-na-men-tal

8. ca-pa-ci-ties Ans: c

a) capa-cities b) capa-ci-ties c) ca-pa-ci-ties d) ca-paci-ties

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Question No : 18 American English & British English 1 MARK

American words although convey the same meaning as British words, they have a different word and some times
have a small modification in their spelling.

ஆ கில சு து , எழுது து இ கிலாந்திலு , அ ரி விலு றுபடுகி ன. இ இரண்டிற்கு உ


றுபாடுக கீ டு டு அட ையில் குறிப்பி டு ள . இதை ந க படி ல் துத்
வில் முழு தி ண் றலா . உ ார : Flat - Apartment


The most noticeable difference between American and British English is in the vocabulary usage. There are
hundreds of everyday words that are different. Textbook Page No : 182 
For example, British call the front of a car the Bonnet, while Americans call it the Hood.

c. Some British English words are given in column ‘A’. Write their corresponding American English word is Column ‘B’.

British American British American

pavement side walk indicator signal
pull over pull away timetable schedule
waistcoat vest post mail
chips potato chips holiday vacation
flat apartment autumn fall
ground floor first floor lift elevator
underground subway happy pleased
queue line fully completely
wind screen windshield loo toilet

sweets candy, candies bin container

d. Similarly there is a difference in the spelling of certain words between American and British English. In Column A’
words are spelled in American. Write down the corresponding British English spelling for those words in column ‘B’.
(The first one is done for you)

odor odour theater theatre
program programme gray grey

parlor parlour behavior behaviour

apologize apologise humor humour
color colour labor labour
check cheque Center Centre

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British word - American word British word - American word British word - American word
antenna - aerial pal - friend eraser - rubber
airplane - aeroplane yard - garden elastic band - rubber band
fall - autumn first floor - ground floor skilful - skilful
anaemia - anemia freight train - goods train peel - skin
Cookies - biscuit gym - health club wrench - spanner

bookstore - bookshop instalment plan - hire purchase spelt - spelled
stoplight - break light principal - head teacher public school - state school
visiting card - calling card vacation - holiday shorthand - stenography

automobile - car honor - honour story - storey
mobile phone - cell phone sick - ill underground - subway
president - chairman blinker - indicator candy - sweet

druggist - chemist jelly - jam cab - taxi
movie - cinema jewellery - jewellery depot, bus stop - terminus
stove - cooker doghouse - kennel neck tie - tie
- colour
- cheque
- chips
mail box

A - letter box
elevator / escalator - lift
liter - litre
tie tag
- tie break
- tie pin
- time table
hallway - corridor sitting room - living room rest room - toilet
crib - cot license - licence candy - toffee
casket - coffin truck - lorry ton - tonne
intersection - crossroads baggage - luggage street car - tram
closet - cupboard corn - maize cart - trolley
bill - currency note director - manager pants - trousers

drapes - curtain game - match elevator - escalator

cunning - cute baby tooth - milk tooth note book - exercise book
janitor - caretaker soda - mineral veteran - ex-service man
disk - disc diaper - nappy movie - film
data book - diary bulletin board - notice board fire truck - fire engine
figure - digit voting booth - polling booth private hospital - nursing home

tea-towel - dish towel mail - post kerosene - paraffin

dresser - dressing table zip code - postcode side walk - pavement
trash bin - dust bin blow out - puncture gasoline - petrol
motor - engine program - programme drain - plug hole

apartment - flat stroller - push chair tire - tyre

cord - flex line - queue undershirt - vest
soccer - football rail road - railway telephone - wire
wagon - freight car outer road - ring road zipper - zip
refrigerator - fridge curriculum vitae - resume

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P Ex Q M :

1. Write the American English word for the underlined word in the following:
“He is a beggar.” [PTA-1,6]
Ans: pauper

2. Write the American English word for the underlined word in the following:
“Please stand in queue.” [PTA-2]
Ans: line

3. Replace the British English word with American English word:
‘We bought two sets of spanner.’ [PTA-3]
Ans: wrench

4. Choose the American English word for “wash basin”. [PTA-4] Ans : c

a) washer b) basin c) sink d) sinker
5. Choose the correct American English word for ‘queue’ [March-2020] Ans : c


a) straight b) level c) line d) order

In the following American English words Replace the British English words

1. Choose the American English word for “ football”. Ans: b

a) handball b) soccer c) volley ball d) basket ball
2. Choose the American English word for “Goods train” Ans: c

a) things rail b) goods rail c) freight train d) passenger train

3. Choose the American English word for “Aeroplane”. Ans: a

a) airplane b) flight c) plane d) plain
4. Choose the American English word for “Luggage”. Ans : d

a) things b) goods c) suitcase d) baggage
5. Choose the American English word for “Underground”. Ans : b

a) underway b) subway c) tram way d) railway

6. Choose the American English word for “Dustbin”. Ans : d

a) trash bin b) garbage bin c) dust can d) trashcan / garbage can

7. Choose the correct American English word for ‘pavement’ [Sep-2020] Ans : d

a) pedestal b) scaffold c) pavilion d) sidewalk

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Question No : 19 Singular and Plural 1 MARK

Students are requested attention to the difference in the pronunciation also.
ªè£´‚èŠð†´œ÷ 弬ñJ™ (Singular) àœ÷ õ£˜ˆ¬îè¬÷ ð¡¬ñò£è (Plural) ñ£ŸÁõ

W«ö ªè£´‚èŠð†´œ÷ ܆ìõ¬í¬ò ï¡ø£è 𮈶‚ªè£œ÷¾‹.

º‚Aò °PŠ¹

1. is™ º®»‹ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è es âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: analysis - analyses
2. um™ º®»‹ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è a âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: quantum - quanta
3. a™ º®»‹ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è ae âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: alga - algae
4. us™ º®»‹ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è i âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: fungus - fungi

5. oo™ õ‰î£™ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è ee âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: foot - feet
6. x™ º®»‹ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è ces âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: Index - indices
7. fe™ º®»‹ Singular õ£˜ˆ¬î‚° ðFô£è ves âù ñ£ŸP â¿î «õ‡´‹. Ex: knife - knives

ªð£¶õ£è plural Ýè ñ£ŸÁ‹ «ð£¶ noun-àì¡ ‘s,es’ «ê˜‚è «õ‡´‹)

1. Write a Plural forms (is - es) 2. Write a Plural forms (um - a) 3. Write a Plural forms (a - ae)
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
analysis - analyses aquarium - aquaria alga - algae
axis - axes bacterium - bacteria antenna - antennae
basis - bases curriculum - curricula formula - formulae
crisis - crises datum - data larva - larvae
diagnosis - diagnoses medium - media nebula - nebulae

4. Write a Plural forms (us - i) 5.Write a Plural forms (oo - ee) 6. Write a Plural forms (x - ces)
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
alumnus - alumni tooth - teeth apex - apices
bacillus - bacilli foot - feet appendix - appendices
focus - foci goose - geese index - indices
radius - radii matrix - matrices

syllabus - syllabi

7. Write a Plural forms (fe - ves) Write a Plural forms (Add -s) Write a Plural forms (Add -es)

Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

knife knives boy - boys box - boxes
wife wives book - books class - classes
life lives cake - cakes dish - dishes
tree - trees mango - mangoes
worker - workers tax - taxes

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Irregular Plurals
Singular Plural Singular Plural
child children man men
leaf leaves woman women
ox oxen

The following nouns have no singular: Material nouns are always singular.
eg : scissors; oats; tongs; dregs; trousers; bellows; eg : sugar; coffee; cotton; gold; silver; wheat; corn;
snuffers; cattle; shears; measles; mumps; molasses; copper.

victuals; tweezers; vespers

sheep, deer, species, aircraft, crops, swine ஆகிய ற்றுக்கு singular, plural ஒ


cattle, spectacles, means, premises க்கு plural கி ையாது

man - men , woman - women, child - children

P Ex Q M :

1. Choose the correct singular form of “Bacteria” [March-2020] Ans : d

a) Bacterian b) Bacteri c) Bacteriae d) Bacterium
2. Choose the correct plural form of “calf”. [PTA-1] Ans : c

a) calfs b) calve c) calves d) calf
3. Choose the correct plural form of “Curriculum”. [PTA-2] Ans : c

a) Curriculum b) Curriculums c) Curricula d) Curriculae
4. Choose the correct plural form of “analysis”. [PTA-6] Ans : b

a) analysises b) analyses c) analysis d) analysi

5. Choose the right plural form of the word ‘ apparatus’. [Sep-2020] 

Ans : a
a) apparatuses b) apparati c) apparatusis d) apparaties


Choose the plural form of the given word:


1. What is the plural form of goose Ans : a

a) geese b) gooses c) geeses d) goosess
2. What is the plural form of buffalo Ans : b

a) buffalo b) buffaloes c) buffalos d) buffaloae

3. What is the plural form of piece of furniture Ans : a

a) pieces furniture b) pieces of furnitures c) piece of furnitures d) piece of furnitureses
4. What is the plural form of species Ans : c

a) specie b) specy c) species d) spicy
5. What is the plural form of son – in – law Ans : b

a) son-in-laws b) sons –in- law c) sons –in-laws d) sons – ins - laws

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Choose the singular forms for the following plural nouns:

1. What is the singular form of strata Ans : b

a) stratums b) stratum c) strata d) stratumes
2. What is the singular form of alumnae (masculine) Ans : a

a) alumni b) aluminas c) alumna d) aluminium
3. What is the singular form of alumni (feminine) Ans : b


a) alumnaee b) alumnus c) aluminas d) aluminium
4. What is the singular form of media Ans : c

a) mediums b) medias c) medium d) mediumes

5. What is the singular form of spoonsful Ans : b

a) spoonfuls b) spoonful c) spoonfules d) spoonsfullest

Sentence Patterns

Question : 20 a 1 MARK


ஒரு ாக்கிய அ ைக்கு து அதில் உ

Every sentence in English can be split into smaller units. They are Subject (S), Verb (V), Compliment (C),
Object (O) and Adjunct (A). Let us see what they are.
subject, verb, object, complement, adjunct மு லிய ை



எ கு அ ைந்து து எ தை அறிந்து அ ாக்கிய அ ை கண்டுபிடி ண்டு .


Subject: (எழு ா ) It is a word or a phrase about which something Maran is a doctor

Doer of the action is said in the sentence. My pen is missing
Verb: (பயனி ) It is a word or a phrase that says the action, The cat runs.
Action word occurrence or the existence in the sentence. It rains continuously.
Object: It is a word or phrase to which the action is
I received the award
(செய டும ப ருள்) directed.

i) Direct Object I presented him the watch.
what? or whom? = direct object.
(எதை) Watch is the direct object (DO)
I presented him the watch.
ii) Indirect Object To whom did I present the watch?
to whom? = indirect object
(யாருக்கு) To him. Hence him is the indirect
object (IO)
Usually a complement completes a sentence.
My sister is a homemaker

It is used after ‘ be’ form verbs such as am, is,

The boys are active.
are, was, were,
Complement: The Chief Minister is in Chennai.
or after the verbs like become/get/look,
My shoes got wet.
seem/ appear/ remain/ grow/ turn .
He grow tired

A complement can be a noun or an adjective

she turned pale
or an adverb (place)

An adjunct is optional in a sentence. The The girls are playing in the playground.
removal of adjunct does not harm the sense I met him yesterday.
of a sentence. Generally, it answers to the Children go to school by car.
(எ டி? - எங )
question Where? When? How? Why? Mani brought a hundred rupee to pay his
and also phrased are called Adjuncts. fees.

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P Ex Q M :

Identify the correct sentence pattern of the following:
1. The Headmaster sent the latecomer out. [MQP-19] Ans : b


2. “Manu taught me English”. [PTA-1] Ans : c

3. “Judges sentenced him guilty” [PTA-2] Ans : d

4. We are meeting on Sunday. [PTA-3] Ans : b

a) SVO b) SVC c) SVA d) SVOC

5. Kailash gave Vidhya a rose. [PTA-4] Ans : d

6. My sister keeps the house clean. [PTA-5] Ans : c

7. “Meenu is a doctor in London”.

A [PTA-6] Ans : a

8. The birds are flying gracefully in the sky. [March-2020] Ans : b

9. The child hid his toy car under the cot. [Sep-2020] Ans: a



1. They named the child Prem / Ria Ans : b

a) S V A C b) S V O C c) S V C A d) SVIODO

2. We completed the work on time. Ans: c

a) S V O C b) S V A C c) S V O A d) all these
3. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks. Ans: a

a) S V A b) S V C c) S V O d) either a or b
4. He sang me a song melodiously. Ans: b

a) S V IO DO A b) S V DO IO A c) S V O C A d) S V O A A

5. Reading makes him a complete man. Ans: c

a) S V IO DO b) S V O A c) S V O C d) either b or c
6. His father gave him his school bag. Ans: b

a) S V O C b) S V IO DO c) S V O A d) SVAA
7. Eve-Teasers must be punished severely. Ans: a

a) S V A b) S V C c) S V O d) ASV

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Question : 20 b Relative Pronouns (or)

Type - 1 Relative Clause
Relative Pronouns

Whom Which What Where How
Who Whose When Why That

Use Example

who subject or object pronoun for people I told you about the woman who lives next door.
subject or object pronoun for animals and
which Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof?
which referring to a whole sentence He couldn’t read which surprised me.

possession for people animals and things
object pronoun for people, especially in
non-defining relative clauses in defining
A Do you know the boy whose mother is a nurse?

I was invited by the professor whom I met at the

relative clauses we colloquially prefer who)
No one knows when then extra in to Chennai will come.
When denotes'time
I don't know When 1 am going to finish this work.

What denotes explanation His father cannot understand what his son is doing.
Where denotes place People do not know where the saviour will come from.

How denotes manner, method) He explained thoroughly how he stood first in the exam.

subject or object pronoun for people,

that animals and things in defining relative I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen.
clauses who or which are also possible)

P Ex Q M :
Fill in the blanks with the Relative Pronouns or the Relative adverbs:

1. Ram ______________ house we live in, is an engineer. [March-2020] Ans : d

a) whom b) which c) who d) whose
2. He ______________ hesitates is lost. [MQP - 19] Ans : c
a) whose b) whom c) who d) that
3. This is the town ______________ I spent my childhood. [PTA-3] Ans : b
a) which b) where c) whom d) who

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Fill in the blanks with the Relative Pronouns or the Relative adverbs:

Relative Pronouns : (who, that, which, whose, whom, what)

Relative Adverbs : (when, where)

1. I haven’t decided ………………… to study further. Ans : c

a) which b) who c) what d) whom

2. I am looking for a room ………….I can sleep comfortably. Ans : b

a) which b) where c) whose d) whom
3. He has not written to us about the time…………… he would visit us. Ans : d

a) which b) who c) whose d) when
4. This is the guy …………………won the championship this year. Ans : b

a) which b) who c) whose d) whom
5. This is the girl

……………………..parents were dead in the tsunami devastation. Ans : c

a) which b) who c) whose d) whom
Question No. : 30 Relative Pronouns (or)
Type - 2 Relative Clause
Combine the sentence using a relative pronoun:
1. A young lady sold me this gold chain. I want to meet her. (Combine using ‘who’). [Sep-2020]

Ans : I want to meet the young lady who sold me this gold chain.

2. I have book. It is written by Rabindranath Tagore. (Combine using ‘which’).

Ans : I have book which is written by Rabindranath Tagore.
3. Kavita is my teacher. She teaches us English. (Combine using ‘which’).
Ans : Kavita is my teacher which she teaches us English.
4. This is Varun. His father is an architect. (Combine using ‘whose’).

Ans : This is Varun whose father is an architect.

5. She invited most of her friends. They attended the party. (Combine using ‘who’).
Ans : She invited most of her friends who attended the party.
6. Give me a pen to write a letter. It was gifted to you on your birthday. (Combine using ‘which’).

Ans : Give me a pen to write a letter which was gifted to you on your birthday.
7. I have sold the house. It was located at the bank of a river. (Combine using ‘which’).
Ans : I have sold the house which was located at the bank of a river.
8.Here is your watch. It has been found in the garden. (Combine using ‘that’).
Ans : Here is your watch that has been found in the garden.

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Question : 20 c
Link Words / Connectors /


 Linkers are employed to link or join or connect words, sentences and phrases .
 They are mainly the conjunctions such as and, but, still, yet, so, since, because, if, unless, until etc.
 Relative pronouns are also acting as linkers. They are that, which, where, when, who, whose etc.

 Words like firstly, secondly, finally afterwards, lastly for example, and likewise are also acting as linkers.
Note : Though these linking words have the same meaning they are used differently.
Try to understand the difference between them when they are used.

1. a) Though he is poor. (he is honest) 2. a) Though it was raining, the children were playing happily.
b) He is poor; still (yet) he is honest. b) It was raining, still the children were playing happily.
c) Despite his poverty, he is honest. c) Despite the rain, the children were......

3. a) Unless you work hard, you cannot get

good marks.
b) You must work hard, otherwise / else
4. a) Unless you hurry up (..... conditional clause)
b) Until you come (.....time)

The linkers can be classified into the following categories in accordance with their function:

1 Co-ordinating Linkers and, but, for, or, nor, also, still, either...or, neither.....nor

both....and, not only.....but also, either....or, neither.....nor


2 Correlating Linkers
[These words (pairs) are placed immediately before the words to be connected]

3 Sentence Linkers also, besides, hence to, however, otherwise, so, still, then, though
although, though, as, because, before, after, just as, so that, in order that, while,
4 Sub-ordinating Linkers
whether, as far as, as long as, if, since, that than, till, unless.

Subordinate conjunctions :

Link word Function Example

To express related ideas,

As, since, because reasons, consequent and As he is sick, he cannot attend classes.
subsequent results
Though, Although, Even To express contrasting / Though he worked hard, he was not
though opposite ideas and concession selected
after, before, as, till, until, After he had finished his work, he went
To refer to time
when, while, as soon as home.

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Unless you work hard you cannot

if, whether, unless To express a condition succeed, (or) If you go fast, you can catch
the train

Co-ordinate conjunctions :

Link word Function Example

To express related ideas, reasons,
so, and so He is sick and so he cannot attend classes.
consequent and subsequent results

To express contrasting / opposite
but, yet, still He worked hard yet he was not selected.
ideas and concession
and then, and at once, He had finished his work and then he went
To refer to time

immediately home.
or, else, or else, otherwise To express a condition Work hard or else you cannot succeed.

Text Book Exercise

Choose the appropriate linker from within the brackets and complete the sentences. Textbook Page No : 47
a) I could not complete my paper in the examination ____________ (because, but) I was slow in answering the
questions. Ans : because
b) It started raining, ____________ (yet, so) we could not play. Ans : so
c) ____________ (as, if) I got up early, I managed to reach school on time. Ans : As

d) ____________ (though / whereas) he committed a mistake, he apologised ____________ (and /since ) promised that

he would not repeat it. Ans : Though / and

e) This is ____________ (how/what) it must be done. Ans : how
f) The vendor saw the train moving slowly from the platform, ____________ (therefore / until) he got in.
Ans : therefore
g) I was not well, ____________ ( but / so) I did not attend the class Ans : so

h) (When/ If) ____________ the ball hit the glass window, the owner of the house warned the children. Ans : When

i) (If / Unless) ___________ you register your name, you cannot participate in the competitions. Ans : Unless

j) (As soon as / Besides ) ____________ my father arrived home, I narrated the incident. Ans : As soon as

k) Be quick to hear ____________ (then / and ) slow to speak. Ans : and

1) I am ____________ (neither/either) an ascetic in theory _(nor/or) in practice. Ans : neither

m) We fail to harness the rain water; ____________ (consequently, nevertheless) we suffer. Ans : consequently

n) My brother will certainly clear GRE; ____________ (yet, for) he works very hard. Ans : for

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate correlative conjunctions. Textbook Page No : 48

a) She is ____________ an understanding person ____________ everybody likes to be with her. Ans : such / that

b) Suraj owns ____________ a typewriter ____________ a computer. Ans : both / and

c) Vani is ____________ a good singer ____________ a good dancer. Ans : not ony / but also

d) Amit did not know ____________ his father met his class teacher ____________ not. Ans : whether / or


e) I would ____________ starve ____________ beg. Ans : rather / than

TYPE - 1

Choose the appropriate links from the following sentence.

1. ________________ he is ninety years old, he is in the pink of health. Ans : c

a) When b) Since c) Even though d) Yet
2. ________________ I looked up, I saw Mr. Hamel sitting motionless. Ans : a

a) When b) But c) How d) Whenever
3. ________________ did Muthu solve the problem? Ans : b

a) When b) But c) How d) Whenever
4. ________________ you work hard, you cannot secure good marks. Ans : c

a) When b) But c) Unless d) Whenever
5. _________________my father arrived home, I narrated the incident. [Sep-2020] Ans : a

a) As soon as b) Besides c) If d) Although

TYPE - 2

Use a suitable link word.

1. _________ the cat is away, the mice are at play Ans : when

2. I’ll help you _________ I’ m very tired Ans : though


3. _________ he had my phone numbers, he did not contact me Ans : Though

4. I reached on time _________ I missed my train Ans : but

5. _________ he is rich, he is humble Ans : Though


6. _________ Venkat had only one sandwich, he shared it with his friend Ans : Though

7. Man proposes _________ God disposes Ans : but

8. The family can move into the flat _________ the walls are not painted Ans : though

9. _________ we started early, we reached the destination late Ans : though

10. _________ you have an entry pass, you can get in Ans : If

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Question No : 20 d Articles and Determiners 1 MARK

A determiner is used to modify a noun. It indicates reference to something specific or something of a particular
type. This function is usually performed by articles, demonstratives, possessive determiners or quantifiers.

Determiners Vs Pronouns
Determiners are followed by a noun.
• The man

• This book
• Some people
Subject pronouns ( I , you , he , etc.) and possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, etc.) cannot be determiners
because they can never be followed by a noun.

Types of Determiners:
The definite and indefinite articles are all determiners.
• Definite article - the

• Indefinite article - a or an (a is used before a consonant sound; an is used before a vowel sound.)
Close the door, please.
I’ve got a friend in Canada.
There are four demonstrative determiners in English and they are: this, that, these and those
Note that demonstrative determiners can also be used as demonstrative pronouns. When they are used as
determiners they are followed by the nouns they modify. Compare:
This is my camera. (Demonstrative used as a pronoun, subject of the verb is)

This camera is mine. (Demonstrative used as a determiner modifying the noun camera) Possessive Adjectives:
my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their - modify the noun following it in order to show possession.
Possessive determiners are different from possessive pronouns. They are mine, his, hers, yours, ours, their.
• Possessive pronouns can stand alone and are not followed by nouns.
• Possessive determiners, on the other hand, are followed by nouns.

This is my house. (my is a possessive determiner. It is followed by the noun house which it modifies)
Is that car yours? (yours is a possessive pronoun. It is not followed by a noun.

Quantifiers are followed by nouns which they modify. Examples of quantifiers include:
some, any, few, little, more, much, many, each, every, both, all, enough, half, little, whole, less etc.
Quantifiers are commonly used before either countable or uncountable nouns.
He knows more people than his wife.
Little knowledge is a dangerous thing .

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Complete the following sentences using appropriate determiners. Textbook Page No : 157
1. Only ________________ people can afford to buy a flat in Chennai. Ans : some
2. She earns so ________________ that she could not make a decent living. Ans : much
3. ________________ information that she gave proved false. Ans : The
4. How ________________ sugar do you want? Ans : much
5. I am very tired today, as I had ________________ guests today. Ans : some / many

6. ________________ of my students have become doctors. Ans : one
7. ________________ do I know about his personal life. Ans : much

8. How ________________ pages did you read? Ans : many
9. ________________ fertilizer used these days spoils the soil. Ans : The
10. During my student life I used to give ________________ trouble to my teachers. Ans : some


Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiners :

1. Does your cow give ________________ milk?

A Ans : a

a) much b) many c) any d) nothing
2. Ramesh bought ________________ ice-cream for the family, Ans : a

a) some b) many c) any d) no
3. Good manners are needed ________________ where. Ans : a

a) every b) each c) someone d) no one
4. The calves were grazing in the field with ________________ mothers for many years, 
Ans : b
a) that b) their c) them d) this
5. ________________ answer is correct. Ans : a

a) Neither b) Either c) any of d) much

6. I am_________________eldest in the family. [Sep-2020] Ans : b

a) an b) the c) a d) none of the above

Further exercise refer our practice book

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Part - II
Poem Appreciation Question &

Transformation of sentence
SECTION-1 (8 Marks)

Question No : 21 - 26 Poem Appreciation Question 2 MARK

Poem - 1 The Castle

1. All through the summer at ease we lay, A

Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow.
[PTA-2, PTA-4]

And daily from the turret wall
We watched the mowers in the hay [Sep-2020]

a) Who does ‘we’ refer to? [Sep-2020]

‘We’ refer to the ‘soldiers’.
b) What work do the mowers do ? [Sep-2020]

The mowers level the lawns

c) How did the soldiers spend the summer days?

The soldiers spend the summer days as totally stress-free and relaxed.
d) What could they watch from the turret wall?
They could watch the people who trim grass and level the lawns.
2. Our gates were strong, our walls were thick, [PTA-1, PTA-3]

So smooth and high, no man could win.
a) How safe was the castle?
The gates of the castle were strong and walls of the castle were thick, smooth and tall.

b) What was the firm belief of the soldiers?

The firm belief of the soldiers is that none on earth could win it.
3. A foothold there, no clever trick
Could take us dead or quick,
Only a bird could have got in.

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a) What was challenging?

The challenging task was to get up to soldiers killed in the fight.
b) Which aspect of the castle’s strength is conveyed by the above line?
Thy physical aspect of the castle’s strength is conveyed by the above lines.
4. Oh then our maze of tunneled stone
Grew thin and treacherous as air.

The castle was lost without a groan,
The famous citadel overthrown,
a) Bring out the contrast in the first two lines.

The citadel had been known for its intricate path in the first line. In the second line the strong castle
became weak and thin because of the greedy, disloyal warder.
b) What happened to the castle?

The castle was captured by the enemy soldiers.
5. We could do nothing, being sold.
a) Why couldn’t they do anything? [PTA-5]


They couldn’t do anything because they were captured by the enemies.
b) Why did they feel helpless?
They felt helpless because their weapons and food were seized by the enemies.
6. “Our gates were strong, our walls were thick, [March - 2020]

So smooth and high, no man could win.”
a) How safe was the castle ?
The gates of the castle were strong and walls of the castle were thick.
b) What was the firm belief of the soldiers ?
None can enter the castle.

Addition l Appreci tion Questions

1. And the enemy half a mile away
They seemed no threat to us all
a) Were the soldiers scared of the enemy?

No, the soldiers were not scared of the enemy.

b) How many miles were the enemies away from the castle?
The enemies were half a mile away from the castle.

2. With our arms and provender, load on load,

our towering battlements, tier on tier,
a) What do you mean by ‘tier’?
‘Tier’ means one above the other.
b) What were there with them?

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There were arms and food with them.

c) What could they offer us for bait?
They could offer us weapons and food for bait.
d) What do you mean by “Provender”?
It means food.
3. What could they offer us for bait?

Our captains was brave and we were true
a) What does ‘bait’ refer to?

‘Bait’ refers to a thing intended to entice someone to do something.
b) Were the soldiers loyal to the captain?
Yes, the soldiers were loyal to the captain.

4. There was a little private gate, [PTA-6]

A little wicked wicket gate
The wizened warder let them through.

a) What do you mean by a ‘wicked wicket gate’?
He is old and left with a few more days of life.
b) What is the figure of speech employed in the second line?
c) Who let the enemies in?
The warder of the castle gate let the enemies in.
d) Which word in these lines. means ‘an aged or old guard’
The word ‘wizened’ means an aged or old guard.

5. And all its secret galleries bare


a) What happened to the secret galleries?

The secret galleries were looted by the enemies
b) Who had looted the secret galleries?
The enemies had looted the secret galleries.
6. Our only enemy was gold,
And we had no arms to fight it with.

a) What character is revealed in the first line here?

The greediness of human beings is revealed here.
b) What happened to the arms the soldiers had?

The arms were seized by the enemies while capturing the castle.



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1. A little wicked wicket gate Personification

2. Oh, then our maze of tunneled stone Metaphor
3. Grew thin and treacherous as air Simile/ Personification
4. How can this shameful tale be told? Rhetoric question
5. Our only enemy was gold, Personification

1. With our arms and provender, load on load arms -and
2. A little wicked wicket gate wicked – wicket

3. The wizened warder let them through wizened- warder; them-through
4. Our towering battlements, tier on tier towering -tier

5. How can this shameful tale be told tale - told
All through that summer at ease we lay,

And daily from the turret wall Rhyming words: lay – hay – away
We watched the mowers in the hay Rhyme scheme: abaa
And the enemy half a mile away
Oh then our maze of tunneled stone Rhyming words:
Grew thin and treacherous as air.
stone – groan – overthrown
The cause was lost without a groan,
The famous citadel overthrown, Rhyme scheme: abaa

Poem - 2 Our Casuarina Tree


Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow.

1) A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound- [PTA-1, PTA-3, PTA-5]

No other tree could live.
a) Which tree is referred to in the above lines?
The casuriana tree is referred to in the above lines.
b) How does the tree survive the tight hold of the creeper?

The grip of the creeper on the tree is so strong that any other tree than the Casuarina would not have
survived its grip. It shows that the Casuarina tree is very strong and powerful.
c) Why does Toru Dutt use the expression ‘A Creeper Climbs’?

Toru Dutt uses the expression ‘ a creeper climbs’ to compare it with a python.
d) What quality of tree in highlighted here?
Casuarina Tree
2) The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung [PTA-2, Sep-2020]

In crimson clusters all the bough among—

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12th English EASY CENTUM

a) Who is the giant here? [Sep-2020]

The casuariana tree is the giant here.
b) Why is the scarf colourful?
The scarf is colourful because bright red flowers bloom on the branches of the casuarina tree.
c) Mention the figure of speech used in this line. [Sep-2020]


3) Fear, trembling Hope, and Death, the skeleton,
And Time the shadow, “and though weak the verse
That would thy beauty farm, oh, fain rehearse,

May Love defend tree from oblivions curse
a) What does the poet mean by the expression ‘May love defend thee from oblivion’s curse?’
The poet means that her love for Casuarina tree that will protect it from being forgotten.

b) What does the expression ‘fain’ convey?
The expression ‘fain’ conveys gladness.
c) What does the poet convey through the expression ‘Fear, trembling hope’?

4. “A gray baboon sits statue - like alone”

Under the distressing branches of those trees, fear, hope and death had lingered.
[PTA-6, March 2020]

Watching the sunrise”
a) Where did the baboon sit ?
The baboon sat on the branches of the tree.
b) Mention the figure of speech employed here

Addition l Appreci tion Questions


1. Like a huge python, winding round and round

The rugged trunk, indented deep with scars
a) What is python?
Python is a large snake.
b) How does a python kill its prey?

A python kills its prey by twisting itself around it and crushing it to death.
c) What is compared to python?
A huge creeper is compared to python.

d) Why is a huge creeper compared to python?

A huge creeper is compared to python in order to suggest that the creeper has tightly embraced the tree.
e) What is the figure of speech employed in the first line?
It is a Simile.
f) What do the scars on the trunk reveal?

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The scars on the trunk reveal that the trunk is rough and tough.
2. Up to its very summit near the stars,
A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound
No other tree could live. But gallantly
The giant wears the scarf, …………….
a) What do you mean by the summit on the stars?

The summit on the stars means that the trunk of the Casuarina Tree seems to touch the sky.
b) What tells you about the strength and power of the Causarina tree?
The grip of the creeper on the tree is so strong that any other tree than the casuarina would not have

survived its grip. It shows that the Causarina tree is very strong and powerful.
c) What is the meaning of the word ‘gallantly’?
The word ‘gallantly’ means bravely or heroically or sportingly.

3. ……………………………..and flowers are hung
In crimson clusters all the boughs among,
Whereon all day are gathered bird and bee;

a) What attracts birds and bees?
Bright red flowers that bloom on the branches of the tree attract birds and bees.
b) What does the poet describe in the above lines?
The poet describes the bright red flowers which bloom on the branches of the tree.
c) Where do the birds and bees play?
The birds and bees play among the rich foliage of the tree and produce musical sounds.
d) What kind of imagery is used in the second line?
Visual imagery

4. And oft at nights the garden overflows


With one sweet song that seems to have no close

Sung darkling from our tree, while men repose.
a) What happens at night?
At night the music of the trees and birds makes the whole garden come alive.
b) What kind of imagery used in the first line?
Auditory image is used in the first line.

c) Comment on the poet’s love for detail.

The poet describes each scene in minute details. She describes the flowers, the birds and their songs, the
bees and their buzzing very minutely. It shows that she is keen to describe every detail.

5. When first my casement is wide open thrown

At dawn, my eyes delighted on it rest;
a) What does the poet see first in the morning?
The poet sees the Casuarina Tree first in the morning.
b) Whom does ‘it’’ refer to?
‘It’ refers to the Casuarina Tree.

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c) How has the tree been earlier described?

The Casuarina Tree is stately and beautiful. Bright red flowers bloom on the branches of the tree.
d) What is ‘casement’?
‘Casement’ is a type of window that is fixed on one side and opens like a door.
6. Sometimes, and most in winter, - on its crest
A gray baboon sits statue-like alone

a) What does the poet notice mostly in winter?
The poet notices gray baboons mostly in winter.
b) How and where does baboon sit?

Baboon sits motionless on the branch of the tree.
c) What is ‘baboon’?
‘Baboon’ is a type of large monkey found in Africa and Asia.

d) Mention the figure of speech used in the second line.
Simile is used in the second line.
e) How does the poet compare the baboon?

The poet compares the baboon with a statue.
f) Explain the significance of the comparison.
The baboon looks as motionless and quiet as a statue.
7. Watching the sunrise; while on lower boughs
His puny offspring leap about and play;
a) Who is watching the sunrise?
The baboon is watching the sunrise.
b) Who lives on lower boughs of the trees?

The baby baboons live on the lower boughs of the trees.


c) What does the baby baboons do?

The baby baboons play merrily.
8. And far and near kokilas hail the day;
And to their pastures wend our sleepy cows;
a) What is ‘kokila’?
‘Kokila” is a type of bird similar to cuckoo.

b) How do kokilas welcome the day?

Kokilas welcome the day by singing a song.
c) Where are the cows led?

The cows are led to green pastures.

d) Why are the cows led?
The cows are led to feed.
e) What do you mean by ‘wend’?
It means stroll.
9. And in the shadow, on the broad tank cast

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By that hoar tree, so beautiful and vast,

The water-lilies spring, like snow enmassed.
a) Where do the water lilies grow?
Water lilies grow in the broad bank beside the huge tree.
b) Mention the figure of speech used in the last line?
Simile is used in the last line.

c) Explain ‘hoar’.
‘Hoar’ is white frost.
d) Where is hoar deposited?

Hoar is deposited on the tree,
e) Bring out the meaning of the word ‘enmassed’.
It means amassed.

10. But not because of its magnificence
Dear is the Casuarina to my soul:
Beneath it we have played; though years may roll,

a) What is the ‘magnificence’ of Casuariana?
Casuariana tree is stately, beautiful, huge and majestic.
b) Why is the Casuariana tree dear to the poet? (OR)
Give two reasons for which the Casuariana tree is dear to the poet.
The Casuariana tree is dear to the poet for two reasons. The first is that it is stately and beautiful. The
second reason is that the tree brings to her mind the memories of a time when she played under it with
her brother and sister.
c) Whom does ‘we’ refer to?
‘We’ refers to the poet, her brother and sister.
11. O sweet companions, loved with love intense,

For your sakes, shall the tree be ever dear

a) Who are called ‘sweet companions’?
The poet’s brother and sister are called sweet companions.
b) What connection do they have with the poet and the tree?
The poet used to play with them under the tree.
c) Where are the sweet companions now?

The sweet companions are dead.

12. Blent with your images, it shall arise
In memory, till the hot tears blind mine eyes!

What is that dirge-like murmur that I hear

a) What type of sound did the poet hear?
The poet heard a dirge-like sound.
b) Who heard the sound?
The poet heard the sound.

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c) How is the sound?

The sound is like waves crushing on the pebbles of a beach.
d) How did the poet feel on hearing the sound?
The poet felt that the sound was the tree’s lament.
e) What would make her eyes ‘blind’ with tears?
Each memory of her brother and sister would blind her eyes with tears.

f) Explain the significance of the sound.
The sound was a strange communication that might reach the unknown land where her siblings now lived.
13. Like the sea breaking on a shingle-beach?

It is the tree’s lament, an eerie speech,
That haply to the unknown land may reach.
a) What is the figure of speech employed in the first line?

Simile is employed in the first line.
b) Explain the comparison.
The poet hears a dirge like sound which sounds like waves crashing on the pebbles of a beach.

c) What is the meaning of ‘shingle’?
It means rocky.
d) Can a tree lament?
Yes, a tree can lament.
e) Why does the poet refer to the tree’s lament?
The poet feels that the sound is the tree’s lament. Hence she refers so.
f) What does the poet imagine?
The poet imagines that it is a strange communication that may reach the unknown land where her siblings live.

14. Unknown, yet well-known to the eye of faith!


Ah, I have heard that wail far, far away

a) What is well-known?
The poet hears a dirge-like sound. She feels that the sound is the tree’s lament. She imagines that it is a
strange communication that reaches the unknown world where her siblings live. She feels that this
phenomenon is well known.
b) To whom is it well–known?

It is well-known to those who have faith in the supernatural.

c) When did the poet hear the wail?
When the entire earth laid silently as if in a trance, the poet heard the wail.
d) Whose wail is it?

It is the wail of the tree.

15. In distant lands, by many a sheltered bay,
When slumbered in his cave the water-wraith
And the waves gently kissed the classic shore
Of France or Italy, beneath the moon,

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a) Explain “distant lands”.

The poet refers to France and Italy where she had gone for studies. She says that she herself heard the
strange music of the tree from far away countries.
b) Who was water-wraith?
Water-wraith was a sea monster.
16. Therefore I fain would consecrate a lay [PTA-4]

Unto thy honor, Tree, beloved of those
Who now in blessed sleep for aye repose, -
Dearer than life to me, alas, were they!

a) Which tree is referred to in the above lines?
Casuariana tree
b) What does the expression “fain” convey here?

“fain” Means willingness, eagerness and joy.
c) What is a lay?
A lay is a poem written to be sung.

d) Why does the poet devote the lay to a tree?
The poet devotes it to the tree as the tree was not only loved by her but also loved by her dead brother and
e) Why is the tree special for her?
The tree brings memories of her childhood days. So the tree is special for her.
f) Whose beloved was the tree?
The tree was the beloved of the poet’s brother and sister.
g) Where are they?
They are dead.
h) Why does the poet personify the tree?

The poet personifies the Casuarina tree to suggest that the Casuarina tree is not a mere tree. It was her
companion during her childhood days.
i) What does the poet hope about the Casuarina tree in the content?
She hopes that the tree may never be forgotten.
17.Mayst thou be numbered when my days are done
With deathless trees - like those in Borrowdale,

Under whose awful branches lingered pale

“Fear, trembling Hope, and Death, the skeleton,
And Time the shadow;” and though weak the verse

That would thy beauty fain, oh, fain rehearse,

May Love defend thee from oblivion’s curse.
a) What is the significance of the trees in Borrowdale?
The trees in Borrowdale are significant because they are sanctified by Wordsworth in his poetry.
b) What is the figure of speech used in the second line?
Simile is used in the second line.

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c) Why does the poet refer to the yew trees?

The poet thinks that the Casuarina tree will become immortal. In the same way as are the yew trees of
Borrowdale, sanctified by Wordsworth in his poetry. Hence the poet refers to the yew trees.
d) What is the poet aware of ?
The poet is aware of her limitations as a poet.
e) Whose love will keep Casuarina tree away from the curse of forgetfulness?

The poet’s passionate love for Casuarina tree will protect it from being forgetfulness.



1. Unknown yet well-known to the wye of faith! Personification

2. Thy form, O Tree as in my happy prime Personification

3. LIKE a huge Python, winding round and round Simile/zoomorphism

4. A gray baboon sits statue-like alone Simile

5. What is that dirge- like murmur that I hear Personification

6. A creeper climbs, in whose embrace bound Personification

7. The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung... Simile

8. The water-lilies spring, like snow enmassed Simile

9. Like the sea breaking on a shingle-beach? Simile

10. It is the trees’ lament, an eerie speech Personification

11. And the waves gently kissed the classic shore Personification
12. When earth lay tranced in a dreamless swoon Personification
13. Who now in blessed sleep Euphemism
Literary Allusion – Allusion is from “Yew- Trees”
14. With deathless trees- like those in Borrowdale by William Wordsworth.

1. Like a Python, winding round and round round – round

2. A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound creeper - climbs

3. In crimson cluster all the boughs among crimson - cluster

4. With one sweet song that seems to have no close sweet – song

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12th English EASY CENTUM

LIKE a huge python, winding round and round

The rugged trunk, indented deep with scares, Rhyming words: Round-bound, scars-stars
Up to its very summit near the stars, Rhyming scheme: abba
A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound
When first my casement is wide open thrown
At dawn, my eyes delighted on its rest; Rhyming word: thrown-alone, rest-crest
Sometimes, and most in winter, - on its creast Rhyming scheme: abba

A gray baboon sits statue-like alone

Poem - 3 All the World’s a Stage

Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail [PTA-1, PTA-4, Sep-2020]

Unwillingly to school.
a. Which stage of life is being referred to here by the poet?
The second stage, the school boy is being referred to here by the poet.
b. What are the characteristics of this stage?
In this stage the boy goes to school with his bag.
c. How does the boy go to school?
The boy goes to school with his bag unwillingly. He moves towards the school as slowly as a snail.
d. Which figure of speech has been employed in the second line?
Simile is employed in the second line.

e. What is a ‘satchel’? [Sep-2020]

Satchel is a school bag.
f. Identify the figure of of speech used here? [Sep-2020]


2. Then a soldier, [PTA-2]

full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon’s mouth.

a. What is the soldier ready to do?

The soldier is ready to quarrel. Here ‘quarrel’ means argument.
b. Which stage of life is being referred to here by the poet?
Fourth Stage / Soldier
c. Explain ‘bubble reputation’.

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‘Bubble reputation’ refers to glory that is short lived like a bubble.

d. What are the distinguishing features of this stage?
In this stage the soldier is full of promises. He has a beard like a leopard. He tries to gain honour
and he is quick to take up any argument. Even at the risk of his life he tries to achieve reputation
which is as short lived as bubble.

3. And then the justice,

In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;

a. Whom does justice refer to?
Justice refers to man in his fifth stage.

b. Describe his appearance.
He has a fair belly and he has become fat from eating chicken. He has a serious look and a formal beard.
c. How does he behave with the people around him?

He behaves with the people around him as a learned man.
d. What does he do to show his wisdom?
To show his wisdom he quotes many proverbs and modern instances.
4. ‘All the world’s a stage [PTA-6, March 2020]

And all the men and women merely players.”
a. Mention the poet and poem name
William Shakespeare
b. Pick out the words in alliteration

Men, Merely

c. What is the world compared to ?

The world is compared to a stage.
d. Identify the figure of speech employed in the first line

Addition l Appreci tion Questions

Read the given lines and answer the questions that follow.

1) “All the world’s a stage, [PTA-3, PTA-5]


And all men and women are merely players
They have their exits and their entrances”;
a. What does the poet mean by the terms exits and entrances
“Exits” means death and “entrance” means birth
b. Which figure of speech has been used in the second line

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c. How does free imagination help the world?
Free imagination helps to bring changes into the world.
d. What is the world compared to?
The world is compared to a stage.
e. According to the poet what are men and women?

According to the poet men and women are players on the stage.

2) “With spectacles on nose and pouch on sides;

His youthful hose, well sav’d a world too wide”
a. Which stage of man is referred to here?
The sixth stage of man is referred to here.

b. Describe his appearance.
He has spectacles to see and he keeps a pouch to carry money.
c. What happens to his younger days’ dress?

and his shanks have shrunk.

3) “Is second childishness and mere oblivion;

His younger days’ dress which has been well maintained is too big for him because he has become very lean
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything”.
a. Which stage of man is referred to here?
The last and the seventh stage is referred to here.
b. What is the significance of this stage?
In this stage man reaches his second childhood and he forgets everything about the past. He is losing his
teeth, sight and taste one by one and finally his life too.



1. All the world’s a stage Metaphor
2. And all the men and women merely Players Metaphor

3. And shining morning face, creeping like snail Simile

4. Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, Simile

5. Seeking the bubble reputation Metaphor

6. His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide Metaphor
7. and his big manly voice, turning again toward Childish treble Metaphor
8. Shining like furnace .. Simile

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9. Full of stage oath, and bearded like the pard, Simile

10. Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice, Personification
11. With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Imagery
12. And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Assonance
13. With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; Imagery

14. For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Consonance
15. Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.” Repetition

16. They have their exits and their entrances Antithesis
POETIC LINE Alliteration
1. and all the men and women merely players men-merely

2. And one man in his time plays many parts play-parts
3. Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel quick-quarrel

With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide Rhyming word: side-wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Rhyming scheme: aabc
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes

Poem - 4 Ulysses

Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow.

1) ... I mete and dole [PTA-5]

Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and
know not me.
a) What does Ulysses do?
Ulysses is making laws for people who don't even know him.
b) Ulysses is not happy to perform his duties as a king. Why?

Ulysses does not want to be an idle king who would meet the people to talk to them about the laws. He
knows that he cannot retire from travel.
c) Did he enjoy what he was doing? Give reasons.

He did not enjoy what he was doing. His main goal was to travel for adventure. He called his people a savage race.
2) Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose
margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
a) What is experience compared to?

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Experience is compared to an arch through which one can see the unknown world.
b) How do the lines convey that the experience is endless?
When we see through the arch, the end fades away and immediately a new sight emerges. So the experience
is endless.
3) Little remains: but every hour is saved [PTA-2]

From that eternal silence, something more,

A bringer of new things; and vile it were
a) How is every hour important to Ulysses?
Ulysses wants to utilise whatever time is left with him. So every hour is important to him.

b) What does the term ‘Little remains’ convey?
The term ‘Little remains’ conveys that only little time is left with Ulysses because he is already old.
c) What does the term “little remains” convey?

He is old and left with a few more days of life
d) Mention the figure of speech employed in the above lines

4) This is my son, mine own Telemachus, [PTA-3]

To whom I leave the sceptre and the isle
Well-loved of me,
a) Who does Ulysses entrust his kingdom to, in his absence?
In his absence, Ulysses entrusts his kingdom to his son Telemachus.
b) Bring out the significance of the ‘sceptre’.
Sceptre is the decorated staff carried by kings. It is a symbol of kingly power.
5) That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
a) What do ‘thunder’ and ‘sunshine’ refer to?

‘Thunder’ and ‘sunshine’ refer to the easy and difficult situations they meet when they travel.
b) What do we infer about the attitude of the sailors?
Sailors are ready to accept any situation on the way. They have positive attitude.
6) Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.

a) The above lines convey the undying spirit of Ulysses. Explain.

Ulysses has a strong and determined mind to travel. He will not be frightened of any difficult situation on
the way.

b) Pick out the words in alliteration in the above lines.

noble – note.
7) .....................for my purpose holds [PTA-1, PTA-4, PTA-6]

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.

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a) What was Ulysses’ purpose in life? (or) What does Ulysses yearn for?
Ulysses’ purpose in life was to travel to unknown lands.
b) What does the word “baths” mean here?
The “baths” means outer ocean or river that the Greeks believed to surround the flat earth.
c) How long would his venture last?
His venture would last till his death.

8) One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

a) Though made weak by time and fate, the hearts are heroic. Explain.
Ulysses and the sailors may be weak due to the age and their fate but they all have a very strong will.
b) Pick out the words in alliteration in the above lines.

heroic – hearts; weak – will; strive – seek.
9) “This is my son, mine own Telemachus [March 2020]

To whom I leave the sceptre and the isle
Well loved of me.”

a) Who does Ulysses entrust his kingdom to, in his absence ?
Ulysses entrust his kingdom to his son Telemachus in his absence.
b) Bring out the significance of the sceptre.
The sceptre kingly power.
10) For some three suns to store and hoard myself, [Sep-2020]

And this gray spirit yearning in desire.”
a) Explain “three suns”. [Sep-2020]

Three suns refer to three long years.

b) Who speaks these words? [Sep-2020]

Ulysses speaks these words.

Addition l Appreci tion Questions

Read the sets of lines from the poem and answer the questions that follow.

a) “I will drink
Life to the lees; All times have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffer’d greatly both with those”

i) How does Ulysses want to live?

He wants to live his life to the fullest.
ii) Describe the experiences of Ulysses.
Ulysses has enjoyed greatly and suffered also greatly.
b) “For always roaming with a hungry heart

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Much have I seen and known; cities men

And manners, climates, councils, governments”
i) How did Ulysses go around?
He always went around with a hungry heart. He wanted to explore new places.
ii) What did Ulysses come to know out of his vast travel?
Ulysses came to know different cities, their men, manners, climate and the types of governments.

c) “Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfil
This labour, by slow prudence to make mild
A rugged people, and thro’ soft degrees”

i) Who is well-loved of Ulysses?
Telemachus, his son is well-loved of Ulysses.
ii) What is the labour mentioned here?

The labour mentioned here is ruling the people.


1. Thro’ scudding drifts Vext the dim seathe…
2. For always roaming with a hungry heart Metaphor
3. And drunk delight of battle with my peers; Metaphor
4. …..the deep moans round with many voices. Personification
5. To follow knowledge like a sinking satar. Simile

6. There lies the port the vessel puffs her sail Personification

7. That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. Metaphor
8. Life to the less: all time I have enjoyed Metaphor
9. Yet all experience is an arch where through Metaphor
10. Gleams that untraveled world, whose margin fades Metaphor
11. For some three suns to store and hoard myself, Metaphor

12. A rugged people, and through soft degrees subdue


We may touch the happy isles and see the great

Allusion is from the Greek Mythology
Achilles whom we knew
1. Greatly, have suffer’d greatly, both with those greatly-greatly

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2. Much have I seen and known cities of men much-men

3. And drunk delight of battle with my peers drunk-delight
4. And manners, climates, councils, governments climates-councils
5. For ever and forever when I move for-forever

Were all too little, and of one to me
Little remains: but every hour is saved Rhyming words: more-were
From the eternal silence, something more, Rhyming scheme: abcc

A bringer of new things; and vile it were

Poem - 5 A Father to his Son

Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow.
1) “Life is hard; be steel; be a rock” [PTA-1, PTA-4]

a) How should one face life?
He tells his son about his failures and successes and also the mantra behind all this. Being aware of the fact
that “Life is hard”, he motivates his son to “be steel”.
b) Identify the figure of speech in the above line.
2) “Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy” [PTA-3, PTA-6, Sep-2020]

And this too might serve him.
a) Why does the poet suggest to take life easy?
Life is like a fertile soil. We can take life as it comes.
b) Identify the figure of speech in the above line.

c) Explain the comparison made here. [Sep-2020]

Life is like a fertile soil. We can take life as it comes.
d) Pick out the words in alliteration. [Sep-2020]

Life, Loam ; Gentle - Go
3) Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong

and the final decisions are made in silent rooms.

a) Can being in solitude help a strong human being? How?
In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. The monotony and solitude of a quiet

life stimulates the creative mind.

b) Identify the figure of speech in the above line.
4) Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted. [PTA-2]

Tell him to be a fool every so often
a) What does the term “little remains” convey?

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He is old and left with a few more days of life

b) Mention the figure of speech employed in the above lines
c) Why does the poet suggest that time can be wasted?
Time for leisure is not a waste .The time spent for introspection is a process for progress.
d) Identify the figure of speech in the above line.

5) Tell him to be a fool ever so often
and to have no shame over having been a fool

yet learning something out of every folly
hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies
a) Is it a shame to be a fool at times?

No,It is not a shame to be a fool .Follies are incidental but no chance for reappearance in the life.
b)) What does one learn from every folly?
Avoidance of rehappening of mistakes.

6) -----------------------Free imaginations [PTA-5, March 2020]

Bringing changes into a world resenting change.
a) How does free imagination help the world?
Free imaginations helps to bring changes.
b) Identify the figure of speech in the above line
Transferred epithet / personification.
7) Pick out the alliterated words from the poem and write.
And this might stand him for the storms
Stand - Storms

Addition l Appreci tion Questions

1) A father sees his son nearing manhood.
What shall he tell that son?
a) What might be the age of his son?

The son is moving from boyhood to manhood .

b) Is poet the father here?
No,The poet is the observer here.

2) and guide him among sudden betrayals

and tighten him for slack moments
a) Who is referred as “him” here?
The son is referred as him here.
b) What are the situations the father tries to help his son?

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The father tries to help him in sudden betrayals and slack moments.

3) Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted.

Tell him to be a fool every so often
and to have no shame over having been a fool
a) Which can be wasted ? and why?
Time can be wasted. It is worthy enough to waste for introspection.

b) Which status of a man is not a shame according to the poet ?
Being a fool is not a shame according to the poet.

4) thus arriving at intimate understanding
of a world numbering many fools.9
a) With whom the expects the son to have “intimate understanding”?

The son is expected to have intimate understanding with the world of fools.
b) What is the form of this poem?

It is a free verse.

5) Tell him to be different from other people

if it comes natural and easy being different.
a) What does the poet want the father to suggest his son ?
The poet asks the father to suggest his son to be different.
b) How does the “being different” should be?
It is expected to be natural and easy.



1. Life is hard; be steel; be a rock Metaphor
2. Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy Metaphor
3. Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong Personification

4. Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted

Anaphora/ Repition
Tell him to be a fool every so often
5. Bringing charges into a world resenting change Transferred Epithet

6. Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper Motives Transferred Epithet
7. Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper motives Anaphora
Let him seek deep for where he is born natural
8. And the final decision are made in silent rooms Transferred Epithet

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9. The growth of a frail flower in a path up has

sometimes Shattered and split a rock
10. Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed Antithesis
11. And left them dead years before burial Transferred Epithet

1. What shall he tell the son? Shall-Son
2. Life is hard; be steel; be a rock? Be-be
3. And this might stand him for the storms stand-storms

4. The growth of a frail flower in a path up frail-flower
5. Has sometimes shattered and split a rock sometimes-split

Tell him too much money has killed men
And left them dead years before burial: Rhyming words: men-men

the quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs Rhyming scheme: abca
has twisted good enough men
Poem - 6 Incident of the French Camp
Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow.
1) Legs wide, arms locked behind, [PTA-1, March 2020]

As if to balance the prone brow
Oppressive with its mind.
a. Whose action is described here?

The action of Napoleon is described here.

b. What is meant by ‘prone brow’?
‘Prone brow’ means inclining of Napoleon’s forehead due to his oppressive mind.
c) Pick out the words in alliteration.
Legs - Locked; Balance - Brow
d) What is his state of mind?

His mind was deeply oppressive due to his concern over the outcome of his (French) army’s attack on
2) ‘You’re wounded!’ ‘Nay’, his soldier’s pride [PTA-3]

Touched to the quick, he said:
a. Why did the boy contradict Napoleon’s words?
He felt that his words ‘You’re wounded’ underrated his valour and true soldiership. So he contradicted
Napoleon’s words.
b. Why was his pride touched?
His pride was touched because Napoleon asked him if he was wounded.

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3) A film the mother-eagle’s eye [PTA-2]

When her bruised eaglet breathes
a. Who is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines?
Emperor Napoleon is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines.
b. Explain the comparison.
On seeing his boy soldier fatally wounded, the glittering eyes of Napoleon immediately softened as if a
mother eagle’s eye looked miserable seeing its bruised eaglet.

4) “The Marshal’s in the market-place [Sep-2020]

And you’ll be there anon.”

(a) Where does the soldier ask Napoleon to go ? [Sep-2020]

The soldier asks Napolean to go to the marketplace.
(b) Why does he want the emperor to go there ? [Sep-2020]

He wants the emperor to meet the Marshal there.

Addition l Appreci tion Questions

1) You know, we French stormed Ratisbon: [PTA-6]

A mile or so away,
On a little mound, Napoleon
Stood on our storming-day;
a) Where is Ratisbon?
City in Austria (German Regensburg)
b) Who took the city of Ratisbon?
Napoleon / French Army
a) Whom does the word “we” refer to?
The word “we” refers to the poet who assumes himself as one of the soldiers of French.

c) How for was Napoleon away from Ratisbon?

Napoleon was a mile or so away from Ratisbon.
d) Where was Napoleon standing?
Napoleon was standing on a little mound.
e) Why does the poet refer the day as storming-day?

In order to refer the fierce battle between French and Ratisbon on that day, the poet refers the day as
storming day.
f) What is the figure of speech used in the fourth line?
The figure of speech used in the fourth line is exaggeration.

2) Out ’twixt the battery-smokes there flew

A rider, bound on bound
Full-galloping: nor bridle drew
Until he reached the mound.
a) What does the word ‘twixt mean?

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The word ‘twixt means between.

b) Explain the phrase ‘full-galloping’.
The phrase full-galloping refers to top-speed.
c) How does the poet narrate the arrival of the rider?
The rider rode his horse at full speed without a stop until he reached the mound where Napoleon was

3) And you’ll be there anon,
To see your flag-bird flap his vans
Where I, to heart’s desire,

Perched him!’ The Chief ’s eye flashed; his plans
Soared up again like fire.
a) What does the word anon mean?

The word anon means ‘soon’.
b) ‘To see your flag-bird flap his vans’ – refer the figure of speech used in this line.
The figure of speech used is personification.

c) ‘...his plans soared up again like a fire’ - refer the figure of speech used in this line.
The figure of speech used is simile.

1. You know, we French stormed Ratisbon. Synecdoche
2. Soared up again like fire. Simile



1. Stood on our storming day stood-storming

2. Legs wide, arms locked behind legs-locked
3. Just as perhaps he muses, ‘My plans mused-My
4. Let once my army-leader lannes Let-leader
5. A rider, bound on bound bound-bound


Just as perhaps he musted, ‘My plans
That soar, to earth may fall, Rhyming words: plans - Lannes, fall-wall

Let once my army-leader lannes Rhyming scheme: abab

Waver at younger wall’

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Part - II
Transformation of Sentences
SECTION-2 (6 Marks)

Question No : 27 Active & Passive Voice 2 MARK

A verb is known to be in passive voice when it shows that something is done to the person or thing
denoted by the subject.
Ex. Alan kills a snake. (the doer is important in the passive voice)

Snake is killed by Alan. (the object is important in the active voice)


Active Anand killed a Tiger


A Tiger
A(verb) (object)

is killed by Anand
(the object is made (verb is made (subject becomes
subject) passive) the agent)

1. You have answered the question correctly so I will give you a gift.

Ans : The question has been answered by you correctly so a gift will be given to you by me.

2. My watch has been stolen and it hasn’t been recovered yet.

Ans: Somebody has stolen my watch and I haven’t recovered yet.
3. A gift was given to me. It was received with joy.
Ans: They(He) gave a gift to me. I received it with joy.
4. Children like cartoon serials very much and they eat snacks while watching television.
Ans: Cartoon serials are liked very much by the children and snacks are eaten by them while watching

5. Santa Claus gave sweets to all the children and they thanked him profusely.
Ans: Sweets were given to all the children by Santa Claus and he was thanked profusely by them.

6. My uncle will visit me on my birthday. He will give me a watch.

Ans: I will be visited by my uncle on my birthday. A watch will be given to me by him.
7. He was awarded a prize by the government.
Ans: The government awarded him a prize.
8. I shall have completed my project next week. [March-2020]

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Ans: My Project will have been completed by me next week

9. Vivek is taking the kids on a picnic today. [Sep-2020]
Ans: The kids are being taken on a picnic today by Vivek.

Question No : 28 a Direct & Indirect Speech 2 MARK

Introduction :

Words of a speaker are reported in two ways. If we quote one’s actual words, it is called direct speech. If we
report what he said without quoting his actual words, it is called indirect speech.
ஒரு கூறு தை அ ச ல்லு து ல திருப்பிச் ச ல் அது Direct Speech கூற்று. அ


கூறு தை ாற்றி நா கூறு து ல் கூறினால் அது Indirect Speech அயற்கூற்று



வினா ளில் கூற்று (Direct) டுத்து அயற்கூ க Indirect ா அ து அயற்கூற்று Indirect டுத்து

ற்கூ க (Direct) ா க டிரு ர ள்.


(A) Changes in Verb Tense :
1. If the reporting verb is in present or future tense, the tense of the verb in the reported statement is not changed.
Direct Indirect
He says, “I am living in Ooty now” He says that he is living in Ooty now.
He will say, “I want to go to Delhi” He will say that he wants to go to Delhi.

2. If the reporting verb is in Past Tense:


a) A simple present in the direct speech becomes a simple past in the indirect speech.

She said, “I am happy” She said that she was happy.

Note : If the reported statement is true for all time, the tense of the verb is not changed.

a) The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun." The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun
b) The present continuous becomes past continuous:
He said, “I am writing a letter”. He said that he was writing a letter.

c) Present perfect becomes past perfect

I said to Ram, “You have done it well”. I told Ram that he had done it well.
d) The simple past is changed to past perfect:

She said, “I met Gopu several times”. She said that she had met Gopu several times.
e) A past continuous is changed to past perfect continuous
She said, “I was going home”. She said that she had been going home.

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f) The ‘shall’ and ‘will’ of the future tense are changed to ‘should’ and ‘would’. Should is used with I or We. In
other cases would is used.
He said, “I will go home”. He said that he would go home.
I said, “I shall go home”. I said that I should go home.
g) ‘Can’ becomes ‘could,’ must becomes must ‘had to’ and ‘may’ becomes ‘might.’

He said, “I can do it”. He said that he could do it.
She said,*”I must go there”. She said that she must go there.
Raju said, “I may start early”. Raju said that he might start early.

h) Could, might, should, ought etc., remain unchaged:
She said, “I could sing well”. She said that she could sing well.

(B) Changes in Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives.
The pronouns I, we and you alone in Direct Speech are changed. The other pronouns remain unchanged.

Note : “I and we” in Direct Speech refer to the speakers. ‘You’ refers to the person spoken to.

He said, “I am very happy”. He said that he was very happy.

She said, “My pen is lost”. She said that her pen was lost.
I said to them, “I need your advice” I told them that I needed their advice.
They said to me, “We like you”. They told me that they liked me very much.

Note : In example 3, the speaker is first person. So, in the Indirect Speech ‘I’ is not changed.
Note : Words expressing nearness in time and place-are generally changed into words expressing distance.

He said, “I am busy now”. He said that he was busy then.


They said to her, “We shall come tomorrow”. They told to her that they would come the next day.

Note the following changes carefully:

Now becomes then
Here becomes there

Today becomes that day

Tomorrow becomes the next day (or) the following day

Note the following changes carefully:


Yesterday becomes the day before (or) the previous day

ago becomes before
last week becomes the previous week
next month becomes the following month.

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II. Questions in Direct Speech

Example (A)
Direct Indirect
I said, “Where do you live?” I asked where he lived.
“How old are you?” said the teacher. The teacher asked how old I/he/she was.
He said, “Who are you, little boy? He asked the little boy, who he was.

The policeman said to the stranger, “Where are
The policeman enquired the stranger where he was going.
you going?”
He asked, “Why have you done this?” He asked why he had done that.

It may be noticed that all the questions begin with question words like who, what, when, where, etc. They are
retained in the reported speech.
Note : The reporting verb is changed to “ask, enquire etc.” 2. The question is changed into a statement and the
verb is put after the subject. A full stop is put at the end of the sentence. 3. The tense of the verbs and the

adverbs, adjectives and pronouns are changed suitably.
Direct Indirect
She said to me, “Are you ill?” She asked if me I was ill.
They said to her, “Do you like tea?”
I said to him, “Can I help you now?”
I said, “Balu, don’t you know me?”
A They asked her if she liked tea.
I asked him if I could help him then.
I asked Balu if I he did not know me.
Note : If the question can be answered by “yes or no” use if or whether after the reporting verb asked.
Don’t use ‘that’. The tense of verb, adverbial, adjectives and pronouns are changed suitably.

III. Commands and Request in Direct Speech

Direct Indirect
The teacher said, “Stand up, boys.” The teacher told the boys to stand up.
The captain said to the soldiers “Shoot as soon as The captain ordered the soldiers to shoot as soon

you see the enemy”. as they saw the enemy.

He said to me, “Go home.” He told/asked me to go home.

Direct Indirect

The boy said to the teacher, “Please explain this poem”. The boy requested the teacher to explain that poem.

Ram said, “O God! have mercy on me”. Ram prayed to God to have mercy on him.
She said to me, “Don’t waste your money” She advised me not to waste my money.
Note : 1. The reporting verb is changed into tell, ask, request, pray, order command, advise etc.

2. The verb in the reported statement is changed into an infinitive with ‘to’
3. ‘Corresponding changes are made in pronouns and adverbial.


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Direct Indirect
He said, “What a stupid fellow I am!”. He exclaimed that he was a very stupid fellow.
She said to Ramu, “How naughty you are!”. She told Ramu angrily that he was very naughty.
They said, “Alas! our master is dead”. They exclaimed sorrowfully that their master was dead.
They said, “Hurrah! we have won”. They exclaimed joyfully that they had won.

He said to her, “May God bless you!” He wished that God might bless her.


A. Statements
Indirect Speech Direct Speech

He said that he was very happy He said, “I am very happy.”
He told me that he would do it at once He said to me, “I shall do it at once”.
We said that we had seen it. We said, “We have seen it”, (or) We said, “We saw it”.

He says that two and two make four

She said that she had bought the book the day before. She said, “I bought the book yesterday”
He says, “Two and two makes four’
They say that they will be going there soon. They say, “We shall be going here soon”.

Note : “I have bought the book yesterday” is wrong. For yesterday cannot be used with a present perfect verb.
It can be used only with a past tense verb. We should say “I bought the book. yesterday”.
The following changes are made when the Indirect Speech is changed into Direct Speech:

1) The connecting word ‘that’ should be removed 2) ‘Said’ is used in place of’ told’.

3) The tense of the verb is changed or retained 4) Adverbials, adjectives and pronouns are changed
according to the tense of the reporting verb. as follows:-

Indirect Direct Indirect Direct

That This The next day Tomorrow

The day before
The previous day
} Yesterday

There Here The following month Next month


So Thus The night before Last night

Before Ago The previous week Last week
That day Today The previous year Last year.

B. Questions

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a) Examples with question-words why, how, when, what, who, whom, etc.

Indirect Direct

He asked her where she was going He said to her, “Where are you going?”

Rama enquired how much money I had. Rama said, “How much money do you have?”

She asked Rama what he wanted. She said, “Rama, What do you want”?

Note : When a reported statement is changed into a question in the direct speech:
a) The actual words of the speaker are put within quotation marks;
b) The question-word is retained;

c) The statement is put in the question form with a question mark at the end.
d) A comma is placed before the direct speech;
e) The tenses, adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns are changed suitably;
f) ‘Asked, or ‘enquired’ is changed into ‘said’.
B) Examples:

Indirect A Direct
I asked him if he was not well. I said to him, “Are you not well?”

She enquired if he knew the way to the post office. She said to him, “Do you know the way to the post office?”

They asked the boy whether he had gone to Madras They said to the boy, “Did you go to Madras last week?
the previous week. (or) "Have you gone to madras last week?

He asked the stranger whether he would continue

He said to the stranger, “Will you continue your journey
his journey or whether he would get down at that
or get down at this station?”
I said to Giri, “Does your brother walk all the way to
I asked Giri if his brother walked all the way to school.
The teacher asked Babu if he was going home. The teacher said to Babu, "Are you going home?”

Note: In the above examples, the reported statements are changed into questions requiring ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as the
answer. In this type, the following changes are made.
1. ‘If or whether’ is taken away.

2. ‘Asked’ or ‘requested’ is changed into ‘said’

3. The tense of the verbs and adverbs and pronouns are changed suitably.

Commands and Requests

C) Examples:

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Indirect Direct
He told them to stop there. He said to them, “Stop here”.
I requested my friend to help me. I said to my friend, ‘Please help me”.
They shouted to me to let them go. They shouted to me, “Let us go”.
He ordered the soldiers to march on till he told He said to the soldiers, “March on till I tell you to

them to stop stop”.
They suggested that they should move on. They said,”Let us move on.”
He told them not to go there. He said to them, “Don’t go there”

Note: While changing from Indirect Speech to Direct Speech:
1. The infinitive is changed into a finite verb (‘to stop’ becomes stop”)

2. The verbs told, ordered, requested, advised, etc, are changed to said;
3. The actual words of the speaker are put within quotation marks;
4. Corresponding changes are made in tense adverbial, and pronouns.

Text Book Exercise

Reported Speech is the way we represent / report the speech of other people or what we ourselves say.
Textbook Page No : 14

Direct speech is a representation of the actual words Indirect speech does not give the exact words uttered
someone said. but focuses on the content of what someone said.
Repeating the words as exactly as spoken by the speaker. Reporting the words spoken by the speaker.

e.g.The teacher said to the students, “I shall take you to

the museum tomorrow.” Indirect speech does not give e.g.The teacher informed the students that he would
the exact words uttered but focuses on the content of take them to the museum the next day.
what someone said.

Refer page no: 148 of Class I text for the rules governing transformation of sentences from
direct to reported speech.

Read what these people say and rewrite as sentences. Textbook Page No : 15

No sentences Answer

1. I am very busy. Raja said that he was very busy.

2. I have completed my work. Satya said that she had completed her work.
3. I don’t like to go out. Tohnson said that he didn’t like to go out.
4. I have just come back from Chennai. Rehana stated that she had just come back from Chennai.

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5. I am learning English. Jayan said that he was learning English.

6. I bought a pen yesterday. Madhu said that she had bought a pen the day before.
7. We will go for shopping tomorrow. Toseph and Mary said that they would go shopping the next
day /the following day.
8. We can’t attend the party. Afsar and Ayesha said that they couldn’t attend the party.

9. How are you? Satish asked me how I was.
10. I am fine. Thank you. Victor replied that he was fine and thanked him.


Rewrite this sentence in Direct / Indirect speech:

1. The Manager said to his clerk, “Did you check the pending files?
Ans: The Manager asked his clerk if he had checked the pending files.

2. Rangan said to Ashok, “I have completed this exercise. Now I can submit it without fail tomorrow.
Ans: Rangan told Ashok that he had completed that exercise and that he could submit without fail the
next day.
3. I exclaimed with regret that I had forgotten to bring my pen.
Ans: I said, “ Oh! Sorry, I have forgotten to bring my pen”.
4. Mohan said to his friend, “Have you ever been to the beach? Shall we go there this evening?”
Ans: Mohan asked his friend if he had ever been to the beach and also asked if they could go there that evening.
5. Balan told his mother that he was preparing for his exam and so he could not go with her to the movie

Ans: Balan said to his mother, “I am preparing for my exam and so I cannot come with you to the movie”.

6. Vidhya said to Kanya, “Would you like to come to the party with us tomorrow ?” [March-2020]
Ans: Vidhya asked Kanya if she would like to come to the party with them the next day
7. The curator of the museum said to the visitors, “Don’t touch these paintings, please.” [Sep-2020]
Ans: The curator of the museum requested the visitors not to touch those paintings.

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Question : 28
Report The Dialogue
b 2 MARK
(Direct and Indirect)

Here you have to convert the direct speech into indirect speech. It is not necessary to convert each and every

word. The content can alone be transformed.
Transform the following sentences as instructed .

Report the dialogue:
Woman : Excuse me. Can you please direct me to the Canara Bank?

Man : Why not? Turn right and go straight. It’s right behind the police station.
Woman : Thank you.
The woman requested the man to direct her to the Canara Bank. The man readily told her to turn right and

to go straight. He said that (the bank) was right behind the police station. The woman thanked him.

Chart - 1: Change of Tenses in the Reported Speech :

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
1. Simple present Simple past
2. Present continuous Past continuous
3. Present perfect Past perfect

4. Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous


5. Simple past Past perfect

Chart - 2 Changes in the ‘verb’: The main change will be in the verb.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

He said Tense He told me that Tense
1. “I write” Present He wrote Past

2. “I am writing” Present continuous He was writing Past continuous

3. “I have written” Present Perfect He had written Past Perfect

4. “I have been writing” Present Perfect Cont. He had been writing Past Perfect continuous
5. “I wrote” Past He had written Past Perfect
6. “I was writing” Past continuous He had been writing Past Perfect continuous.

7. “I will write” Future He would write Past form of ‘will’

Note: Past Perfect and Perfect Continuous tenses remain unchanged

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Chart - 3 Use of conjunction and change of the reporting verb

Changes in the 'adverb'

Direct Indirect
now then
here there

this that
these those

today that day
tomorrow the next day / the day after
yesterday the previous day / the day before

last week / month / year the previous week / month / year
next week / month / year the following week / month / year

Chart - 4 Use of conjunction and change of the reporting verb

Reporting verb Conjunction

Assertive says / said
(statement) tells / told
asked / enquired if / whether
i) Yes / No’ type
ii) ‘Wh’ type asked / enquired same ‘wh’ word

Imperative : i) Commands ordered / warned / advised /commanded to (for don’t - not to)

ii) Requests (please) requested / begged

exclaimed sadly / exclaimed with sorrow
Exclamatory that
exclaimed happily / exclaimed with joy


Chart - 5 Changes in pronouns


Pronouns in Dialogue Reporting Pronouns To be chaged

I Speaker Male / Female He / She
my Speaker Male / Female His / Her
me speaker male / Female Him / Her
you (Sub) Listener male / Female He / She

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Chart - 5 Changes in pronouns

Pronouns in Dialogue Reporting Pronouns To be chaged
your Listener male / Female His / Her

your (Obj) Listener male / Female Him / Her

We -> They Our -> their ; us -> Them

He, she it -> No need to change

ot thi point

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Teacher : Don’t waste your time, Suresh. The teacher advised Suresh not to waste his time.
Raja : What are you doing?
Raja asked Aran what he was doing.
Aran : -----------------
Mala : Leela, please wait for me.
Ponce man : ------------
Stranger : Thank you, Sir.
A Mala requested Leela to wait for her.

The stranger thanked the police man.

Vimal : Could I meet the Manager? Vimal asked the receptionist whether he could meet the
Manager. The receptionist requested him to wait for a
Receptionist : just a moment please. moment.
Kamala asked Vimala what they would do next.
Kamala : What shall we do next?
Vimalasuggested that they would go to the park. (or)
Vimala : Let us go to the park.
Vimala proposed Kamala that they would go to the park.

The teacher told the student that had to learn spoken

Teacher : You must learn spoken English.

English. The student asked why he had to learn it. The

Student : Why must I-learn it?
teacher replied that he had to learn R because he had to
Teacher : Because you have to speak only in English.
speak only in English.
Suresh asked the shop keeper whether he had a Thesaurus.
Suresh : Do you have a Thesaurus?
The shop keeper regretted and said that they ran out of
Shop Keeper : I am afraid, we run out of stock.

Ravi : May I help you? Ravi asked,Somu whether he might help him.
Somu : Yes, please. Somu accepted the of fer politely.

Raja called upon Heaven and resolved that he would nev-

Raja : Help me, Heaven! I will never do this again

er do that again

(As shown in the above example, the verb of the reported speech
can be retained as it is or changed into the past perfect tense)
Guide : The sea here is very always. The guide said that the sea .there is very violent forever.
(In the above example, the verb in the reported speech
remain sunchanged as a general truth is reported)

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Naveen Naresh Naveen Naresh Naveen Naresh Naveen Naresh

Naveen : Do you have a dictionary? Naveen : Do you have a dictionary?
Naresh : Yes, I have Naresh : Yes, I have
Naveen : Do you have a thesaurus? Naveen : Do you have a thesaurus?
Naresh : No, I don’t have Naresh : No, I don’t have
Note: It is better to avoid the phrases “replied in the positive” and “replied in the negative”
because theyare considered “ugly phrases”

Text Book Exercise

Read the following dialogue andcomplete the report in the space provided. Textbook Page No 15
a) Priya : Where are you going?
Vijay : I am going to the Railway station.

Priya : Why are you going there?
Vijay : I want to receive my uncle who is coming from Bangalore.
Priya asked Vijay : a) where he was going.
Vijay replied : b) that he was going to the railway station.

b) Teacher
Priya further inquired : c) the reason for going to the railway station (or) why he was going there.
Vijay stated that : d) he wanted to receive his uncle who is coming from Banglaore.
: Why are you late?
Divya : I missed the bus.
Teacher : You should have reached the bus stop on time.
Divya : My grandmother is ill. So, I had to take her to the doctor.
Teacher : I am sorry. What ails her?
Divya : She has high fever.

The teacher asked Divya why she was late. Divya replied that (a) she had missed the bus. The teacher told

her that (b) she should have reached the bus stop on time . Divya said that her grandmother was ill. so
she had to take her to the doctor. The teacher felt sorry and further asked her (c) what ailed her. Divya
explained that she (d) had high fever.

Model Exercises

1) Tourist : Hi, I ‘m John and I am from the U.S. I’d like to have some information about Mahabalipuram.

Tourist Guide: Certainly, Mr. John. Mahabalipuram is 45 kilo metres from Chennai. It was developed by the
Pallava kings.

Answer : The tourist introduced himself as Mr. John from the United States and told the guide that he would like to
have some information about Mahabalipuram. The guide told the tourist/Mr.John that Mahabalipuram,

which had been developed by the Pallava kings, eas 45 kilometres from Chennai.

2. Woman : Excuse me. Can you please direct me to the ATM?

Man : Why not? Turn left and go straight. It’s left behind the railway station.
Woman : Thank you.
Answer : Woman asked man if he would please direct her to the ATM. Man guided her to turn left and go straight
and it was just behind the railway station.

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3. Rajana : Srija, Where do you work?

Srija : I work in the State Bank.
Rajana : It is nice t meet you.
Answer : Rajana asked Srija where she worked. Srija replied that she worked in the State Bank. Rajana replied
that it was nice to meet her.
4. Inspector : Have you found out the culprit?
Constable : No , I have not found out the culprit so far. Will you give me clues?

Inspector : Yes, I shall give you some clues. He is hiding himself in a workshop.
Answer : Inspector asked the constable if he had found out the culprit. Constable replied negatively and told him
that he had not found the culprit so far and asked if he would give him some clues. Inspector replied

positively and that he would give him some clues and he was hiding himself in a workshop.
5. Bearer : What would you like to have, Sir?
Man : Could you please bring ‘me a couple of idlis, without vadai. Later I would like to have a cup

coffee without sugar.

Bearer : Okay, Sir
Answer: Bearer asked man what he would like to have. Man asked him if he could please bring him a couple of

idlis without vadai and later he would like to have a cup of coffee without sugar. Bearer agreed.

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Question : 29 Transformation of Sentences 2 MARK

(Simple, Compound & Complex)

Introduction: The following table will help you to TRANSFORMATION OF SENTENCES

No Simple Complex Compound
V + ing.“ Because of + Due to /Owing to

1 As / Since / Because ... and ..... /.... and so......
/ Noun On account of / I

2a In case of, In the event of, So long as If, Supposing that ..... and ....

Unless, If you do not, If he ...or......../-......
2b In the case of not + V + ing
does not otherwise....../-..... else....../-
Though ....however......./-

3 Despite + V + ing Although ....nevertheless...../-
Even though ....all the same....../
When/ and ....then/
4 On + V + ing While ....and....
As soon as ....and at once....

that he will / may / can so

Infinitive (to + verb) ...and so..... ...
5 as to, so that
in order to .......and so.
in order that

So ..... that he can /


so....that he may /
very ..........
6 so that he should and so.....
and so.
that he could/
so.... that he might
Besides + ing
7 ....................... ....... not only..but also.....
in addition to / as well as

1. As there was heavy rain, the match was delayed. (Rewrite as a compound sentence)

Ans: There was heavy rain and so the match was delayed.
2. Malar had one pen only. She helped Manian. (Combine the sentence using “Though”)
Ans: Though Malar had only one pen, she helped Manian.
3. As my uncle was not willing to help me. I had to apply for a loan from the bank. (Rewrite as a compound
Ans: My uncle was not willing to help me and so I had to apply for a loan from the bank.

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4. I stand for justice and fair play. The whole world knows about it. (combine the sentence using ‘that’)
Ans: The whole world knows that I stand for justice and fair play.
5. It is really surprising that he has not been arrested by the police. (change into a compound sentence)
Ans: He has not been arrested by the police and it is really surprising.
6. Smitha carried out the survey and presented her report. (Rewrite as a simple sentence). [March-2020]
Ans: Carrying out the survey, Smitha presented her report (or)

After carrying out the survey, Smitha presented her report (or)
Having carried out the survey, Smitha presented her report
7. You should sleep well, otherwise you will ruin your health. (Change into complex using ‘unless’) [Sep-2020]

Ans: Unless you sleep well, you will ruin your wealth.


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Question : 30 a Conditional Clauses 2 MARK

Type - 1 (Combining the Sentences)

The If clauses in Type II and III with verbs were, had, should can be re-written as follows: If you practise like

this your English will sound (look!) better.

If I were a teacher .... Were I a teacher.

If you should come earlier ... Should you come earlier
If I had enough money .... Had I enough money ...
If he had worked hard ... Had he worked hard ...

Cause and effect - Type Zero Clause - If you heat ice, it melts.
1) If you heat ice, it melts.
2) If the plants get no water, they die.
3) If there is power failure, there is darkness.

Simple Present Tense in both clauses used for universal truths and general statements.
Three types of If - Clauses
1) Open condition
a) If you help me now, I will be ever grateful to you.
b) If you hurry up now, you can catch the train.

2) Hypothetical / unreal (imaginary) condition.


a) If I were a bird, I would fly.

b) If she worked hard, she would get first rank.
c) If I had money, I would give.
You can use this condition when you are talking about a condition that is not going to take place.
If you placed a mountain on my head, I would lift it.

Note the change of tense in the sentences in the I type & the II type. (Both are in the past forms)

3) Condition - not fulfilled in the past.


If they had tried better, they would have won the match.
If they had been careful, they could have averted.
The above are the well known types of ‘If clauses. We can stick to the above rules. But there are several
possible combinations of the tenses in the main and conditional clauses. It is good to learn them.

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1. If he comes late, how is he going to manage ?
2. You may go if you have finished the exercise-
3. You need rest, if you have been working throughtout the night.
4. If he has completed his work, he will return tonight.
5. If you saw him last night, you will see him again tonight.

Text Book Exercise

Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks. Textbook Page No : 109
a. If I were (be) a spider, I (weave) would weave webs.

b. If Raj were (be) a sculptor, he would make (make) beautiful idols.
Or If Raj is a sculptor he will make beautiful idols.
c. If Mary had an umbrella, she would lend (lend) it to me.
d. Rex would have played with me, if he had had (has) time.
e. If I were you, I would accept (accept) this offer.

f. We will select (select) story books for kids, if we allot time for storytelling.
g. The Education Minister will visit (visit) our school tomorrow, if he goes by this way.
h. You will be rewarded by the wise, if you stand (stand) for truth.
i. If my mother knows (know) of my poor performance in the exam, she will not allow me to watch a movie.
j . If I had won the lottery, I would have donated (donate) relief materials for the flood victims.

Rewrite the following sentences using ‘If without changing the meaning. Textbook Page No : 109

e.g. Unless you go for a walk regularly, you cannot reduce your weight. (Use ‘If’)
If you do not go for a walk regularly, you cannot reduce your weight.

a) Sindhu would not have won the world championship, unless she had had single minded devotion.
Sindhu would not have won the world championship, if she had not had single-minded devotion.
b) You will not reach your goal, unless you chase your dream.
You will not reach your goal, if you do not chase your dream.
c) Unless we plant more trees, we cannot save our planet.

If we do not plant more trees, we cannot save our planet.

d) The rescue team would not have saved the victims unless they had received the call in time.
The rescue team would not have saved the victims if they had not received the call in time.

e) The palace cannot be kept clean, unless we appoint more people.

The palace cannot be kept clean, if we do not appoint more people.
f) The portraits would not have been so natural unless the artist had given his best.
The portraits would not have been so natural if the artist had not given his best.
g) The manager would not have selected Nithiksha unless she exhibited good accounting skill.
The manager would not have selected Nithiksha if she had not exhibited good accounting skill.

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h) The policeman would not have arrested the man unless he had violated the rules.
The policeman would not have arrested the man if he had not violated the rules.
i) Mr Kunaal would not sponsor my higher education unless I studied well.
Mr Kunaal would sponsor my higher education if I studied.
j) Kavin will not stop flying kites unless he understands the risk involved in it.
Kavin will not stop flying kites if he does not understand the risk involved in it.

k) Tanya would not know the answer unless she referred to the answer key.
Tanya would know the answer if she referred to the answer key.
l) My village cannot achieve 100 % literacy rate, unless the elders of the village cooperate with the

education department.
My village cannot achieve 100 % literacy rate, if the elders of the village do not cooperate with the education


Rewrite the sentence making an inversion in the conditional clause.

1. Muthu did not perform well. He was not selected.

Ans : If Muthu had performed well, he would have been selected.
2. I forgot the answer. I lost marks.
Ans : If I had not forgot the answer, I would not have lost marks.
3. Preethi did not start early She was late to school.
Ans : If Preethi had started early, she would have been late to school.
4. CBI takes up the case. A lot of facts will be revealed.

Ans : If CBI takes up the case, a lot of facts will be revealed.


5. The weather improves. We will drive down to Rameshwaram.

Ans : If the weather improves, we him drive down to Rameshwaram.

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Question : 30 b Conditional Clauses 2 MARK

Type - 2 (Rephrasing the Sentences)

Highlights: Note:
The “If clauses” in Type II and III with verbs were, had, should can be re-written as follows: If you practise

like this your English will sound (look!) better.
If I were a teacher .... Were I a teacher.

If you should come earlier ... Should you come earlier

If I had enough money .... Had I enough money ...
If he had worked hard ... Had he worked hard ...

‘EASY’ Guid nc

'If clauses can be rephrased with 'had', 'should' and 'were' in the beginning of a Sentence
(Eg.) I. If I had run, I would have got the bus. (had)
Ans: Had I run, I would have got the bus.
2. If I were a bird, I would fly. (were)
Ans: Were I a bird, I would fly.
3. If I should meet her, I'll advise her. (should)
Ans: Should I meet her, I'll advise her.

Text Book Exercise


Rewrite the sentence making an inversion in the conditional clause as in the example.

1. If the management were to go back on its promise, there would be a strike. (begin with “Were”)
` Were the management to go back on its promise, there would be a strike.
2. If I had known you were ill, I would have called on you. (begin with “Had”)
Had I known you were ill, I would have called on you.
3. If you should be late once again, you will lose your job. (begin with “Should”)
Should you be late once again, you will lose your job.

4. If you should need to meet me, you can call this number. (begin with “Should”)
Should you need to meet me, you can call this number.
5. If it were not for the expenses involved, I would go by air. (begin with “were”)

Were it not for the expenses involved, I would go by air.


1. If an angel were to tell me such a thing of her I would not believe it. (Begin with ‘Were’)
Ans: Were an angel to tell me such a thing of her I would not believe it

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12th English EASY CENTUM

2. If I had known you were ill, I would have called on you, (Begin with ‘Had’)
Ans: Had I known you were ill, I would have called on you.
3. If it were not for the expenses involved I would go by air.(Begin with ‘Were’)
Ans: Were it not for the expenses involved I would go by air.
4. If you should need to meet me, you can call this number. (Begin with ‘Should’)
Ans: Should you need to meet me, you can call this number.
5. If he had told them the truth, he would not have been punished. (Begin with ‘Had’)

Ans: Had he told them the truth, he would not have been punished.
6. If I were a monkey, I would hop from tree to tree. (Begin with ‘Were’)
Ans: Were I a monkey, I would hop from tree to tree.

7. If you should be late once again, you will lose your job. (Begin with ‘Should’)
Ans: Should you be late once again, you will lose your job.
8. If you should need my help again, just give me a call/ring. (Begin the sentence with ‘should’)
Ans: Should you need my help again, just give me a call.

9. If I were a bird, I would fly. (Begin with ‘Were’)
Ans: Were I a bird, I would fly.
10. If it were not for the expenses involved, I would go by air. (Begin the sentence with ‘Were’)

Ans: Were it not for the expenses involved, I would go by air
11. If he had known the impending danger he would have stayed at home. (Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
Ans: Had he known the impending danger he would have stayed at home.
12. If it had not rained, we would have gone to the theatre.(Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
Ans : Had it not rained, we would have gone to the theatre
13. If he had explained the problem, I would have helped him.(Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
Ans : Had he explained the problem, I would have helped him.
14. If I had enough money I would donate it to your school. (Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
Ans: Had I enough money, I would donate it to your school.
15. If he had run fast he would have won the race. (Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
Ans: Had he run fast, he would have won the race.

16. If he had told them the truth, he would not have been punished. (Begin the sentence with Had’)
Ans : Had he told them the truth, he would not have been punished.
17. He did not lock the cycle. It was stolen. (Rewrite using ‘if’ clause.)
Ans : If he had locked the cycle it would not have been stolen.
18. If he had worked hard, he would have passed. (Begin the sentence with Had’)
Ans : Had he worked hard, he would have passed.

19. If I had known you were here, I would have come to meet you. (Begin the sentence with ‘Had’)
Ans : Had I known you were here, I would have come to meet you.
20. If you are late once again, you will lose your job. (Begin the sentence with' Should')
Ans : Should you be late once again you will lose your job.

21. If you should need to meet, you can call this number (Begin with 'Should')
Ans : should you need to meet me you can call this number
22. If the trees had not been cut, the garden would have been shady (Begin with 'Should')
Ans : Had the trees not been cut, the garden would have been shady.
22. If he were a scientist he would do research (Begin the sentence with 'were')
Ans : Were he a scientist, he would do research.

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23. If the shopkeeper had locked the door, precious articles would not have been stolen. (Begin with 'Had')
Ans : Had the shopkeeper locked the door precious articles would not have been stolen.
24. If I had come earlier, I would have attended the interview. (Begin with 'Had') [March-2020]
Ans: Had i come earlier, I would have attended the interview

Self Evaluation - Exercise

Do as directed:

Rewrite the sentences making an inversion in the conditional clause.
1. 1. If I were a princess, I would marry you. (begin with “Were”)

Ans : Were I a princess, I would marry you.
2. If you had been careful, you would not have done the mistake. (begin with “Had”)
Ans : Had you been careful, you would hot have done the mistake.

3. If I were a boy, I would ride the bike easily, (begin with ‘were’)
Ans : Were I a boy, I would ride the bike easily.
4. If you should change your plan, please inform us. (begin with “Should”)

Ans : Should you change your plan, please inform us.
5. If I had known Hindi, I would have translated the movie. (begin with ‘had’)
Ans : Had I known Hindi, I would have translated the movie.
6. If you were a liar, we would punish you. (begin with “Were”)
Ans : Were I a liar, we would punish you.
7. If I had invested, I would have got more profit. (begin with ‘had’)
Ans : Had I invested, I would have got more profit.
8. If I were a doctor, I would give you medical treatment. (begin with “Were”)

Ans : Were I a doctor, I would give you medical treatment.


9. If we should walk fast, we can reach the station in time. (begin with “Should”)
Ans : Should we walk fast, we can reach the station in time.
10. If you had sung well, you would have won a prize. (begin with “Had”)
Ans : Had you sung well, you would have won a prize.
11. If I were to lead the strike, I would not do it. (begin with ‘were’)
Ans : Were I to lead the strike, I would not do it.

12. If I should drive a car, I need a licence. (begin with ‘should’)

Ans : Should I drive a car, I need a licence.
13. If I had found the right buyer, I would have sold my car. (begin with “Had”)

Ans : Had I found the right buyer, I would have sold my car.
14. If he were a king, he would introduce several reforms. (begin with “Were”)
Ans : Were he a king, he would introduce several reforms.
15. If I had known you were ill, I would have called on you. (Begin with ‘Had’)
Ans : Had I known you were ill, I would have called on you.

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Part - III
Poetry - ERC & Prose Short Questions

SECTION - 1 - 3

Total Marks : 21

Question No : 31 - 33

A Poetry - ERC 3 MARK

Poem - 1 The Castle

Common ERC
Explain the following with reference to the context in about 50-60 words each.

Key Points for Late Bloomers


Key words:
Turret wall, treacherous, bait, citadel, foothold, maze, mowers, wicked, wicket gate, galleries, towering tunnel,
provender, tier.
Content: -

Poet : Edwin Muir

Explanation: -
“The Castle” is an allegorical poem. The poet narrates the downfall of a strong castle due to insincerity and

faithlessness. The soldiers were very loyal. They can’t be suspected for such a great fall. The wicked guard let
the enemies for gold.
Greediness is the worst vice.

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Explanation with Reference to the Context

1) They seemed no threat to us at all. [PTA-1]
Context :
These lines are taken from the poem” The Castle” written by the poet “ Edwin Muir”.

Explanation :
The Castle was strong enough to face all the challenges from the enemies. The enemies were half a mile away.
At any time they could access and attack it. But, the gates of the castle were strong, walls thick, smooth and

high none could win them. Only birds could enter it.
Comment :
So the soldiers believed that the enemies were no threat to the soldiers.

2) How can this shameful tale be told?
Context :
These lines are taken from the poem” The Castle” written by the poet “ Edwin Muir”.
Explanation :

The strong, high, smooth and mighty castle fell as a prey to the enemies. It became a story of shamefulness to
all the soldiers who safeguarded it. It included the narrator too.
Comment :
The narrator felt that he could not tell that story to others till his death.
3) I will maintain until my death [PTA-2]
Context :
These lines are taken from the poem” The Castle” written by the poet “ Edwin Muir”.
Explanation :

The strong, high, smooth and mighty castle fell as a prey to the enemies. It became a story of shamefulness to
all the soldiers who safeguarded it. It included the narrator too.
Comment :
The narrator felt that he could not tell that story to others till his death.
4) Our only enemy was gold
Context :

These lines are taken from the poem” The Castle” written by the poet “ Edwin Muir”.
Explanation :
The mighty castle had fallen as a prey to the greedy enemy soldiers. The castle was strong, high and smooth.
That became the strength to the castle. But, Gold was the weakness of the castle.

Comment :
Gold led to a fall.
Explanation with Reference to the Context
Additional E.R.C

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1. The cause was lost without a groan.

Context : These lines are taken from the poem” The Castle” written by the poet “ Edwin Muir”.
Explanation :
When the mighty castle fell as a prey to the enemies, none stood against the enemies as they were powerful.
There was no cry or lament or groan over the capture of the castle. None could express a strong protest against it.
Comment : The soldiers were very passive in their surrender.

2. A little wicked wicket gate [PTA-1]
The wizened warder let them through
Context : These lines are taken from the poem” The Castle” written by the poet “ Edwin Muir”.

Explanation :
These lines stand with a twist to this poem. An aged or old guard guarding the gates of the castle let the
enemies in. He was disloyal to the captain of such a mighty castle. It had been an evil act and it was morally

wrong too.

Comment : The whole pride of the castle had been lost. He had done it out of greediness.

Poem - 2 Our Casuarina Tree

Common ERC
Key Points for Late Bloomers
Key words:
Gallantly, repose,casement, python, baboo, kokilas, wned, hoar, enmassed, shingle, wraith, tranced, sublime,
fain, conscreate, lay, rehearse, oblivion
Content: -


Poet : Toru Dutt
Explanation: -
The poetess remembers a Casuariana tree under which she and her siblings used to play happily during her
childhood days. But her brother and sister were not these. Hence she laments.

Finally the tree remains as a symbol of happiness, innocence and affection in her mind.

Explanation with Reference to the Context


1) Dear is the Casuarina to my soul; [PTA-4]
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : The poet expresses her love to the Casuarina tree in this line. It is not only because of its

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significance that she loves the tree but also because of her memories connected with it. She
loves the tree because it reminded of her childhood days.
Comment : The poet has vivid memories of the days.

2) It is the tree’s lament, an eerie speech,...

Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : In a nostalgic mood the poet says that the memories of the tree bring tears in her eyes. She

feels that the tree is lamenting over the deaths of her brother and sister.
Comment : The message of the tree may reach the unknown land inhabited by her siblings.

3) Unto thy honor, Tree beloved of those
Who now in blessed sleep for aye repose,....
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.

Explanation : The poet now dedicates a verse in honour to the Casuarina tree because it was not only loved
by her but also by her dead brother and sister.
Comment : The message of the tree may reach the unknown land inhabited by her siblings.

Explanation with Reference to the Context
Additional E.R.C
1) LIKE a huge Python, winding round and round [PTA-2, March - 2020]
The rugged trunk, indented deep with scars,
Up to its very summit near the stars,
A creeper climbs, in whose embraces bound
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.

Explanation : The trunk of Casuarina tree is deeply marked with scars all the way up to the top which seems

to touch the sky. A huge creeper, like a Python, winds round the rough and tough trunk of the
tree. The creeper had so tightly embraced the tree that no other tree than the Casuariana tree
would have survived.
Comment : The poet uses simile here.

2) ………………………….But gallantly
The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung

In crimson clusters all the boughs among,

Whereon all day are gathered bird and bee;
And oft at nights the garden overflows

Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” witten by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : The Casuarina, however, does not complain about the creeper’s hold. It sportingly wears it.
Bright red flowers blossom on the branches of the tree which attract all kinds of birds and bees.
These bees and birds play among the rich foliage of the tree.
Comment : Often at night the sweet melody of the birds make the whole garden come alive.

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3) When first my casement is wide open thrown

At dawn, my eyes delighted on it rest;
Sometimes, and most in winter, - on its crest
A gray baboon sits statue-like alone
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” witten by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : When the poet opens her windows early in the morning, the first thing she sees is the Casuarina
tree. Sometimes in the winter months she sees a baboon sitting motionless and quiet on the

highest branches of the tree.
Comment : A baboon is a type of monkey.

4) Watching the sunrise; while on lower boughs
His puny offspring leap about and play;
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”

Explanation: During the winter the poet sees a baboon sitting motionless and quiet on the highest branches
of the tree. It looks as if it is enjoying the sunrise. On the lower branches of the tree, she finds
the baby baboon jumping and playing about.

Comment : Toru Dutt recollects her childhood memories through this poem.

5) And far and near kokilas hail the day;

And to their pastures wend our sleepy cows;
And in the shadow, on the broad tank cast
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : Kokilas i.e. cuckoo birds welcome the sunrise from near and far. The still drowsy cows begin
their journey to feed in the green pastures. In the broad tank beside the huge grey tree, white
water lilies sprout in clusters.
Comment : it looks as if the white snowflakes are sticking together,

6) Unknown, yet well-known to the eye of faith!

Ah, I have heard that wail far, far away
In distant lands, by many a sheltered bay,
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : The poet hears a dirge like sound. She feels that the sound is the lament of the tree. She
imagines that it is a strange communication that reaches the unknown world where her siblings

Comment : She feels that this phenomenon is well known to those who have faith in the supernatural.
7) In distant lands, by many a sheltered bay,

When slumbered in his cave the water-wraith

Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : The poet refers to France and Italy where she had gone for studies. She says that she herself
heard the strange music of the tree from the far away countries.
Comment : Here France and Italy are the countries mentioned here.

8) Therefore I fain would consecrate a lay

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Unto thy honor, Tree, beloved of those

Who now in blessed sleep for aye repose,
Context : These lines are taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”.
Explanation : The poet now dedicates a verse in honour to the Casuarina tree because it was not only loved
by her but also by her dead brother and sister where she had loved more than life itself.
Comment : The poet hopes that this tree may never be forgotten.

9) “Fear, trembling Hope, and Death, the skeleton,
And Time the shadow;” and though weak the verse
That would thy beauty fain, oh, fain rehearse,

May Love defend thee from oblivion’s curse. [PTA-5]
Context : These lines are from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”
Explanation : under the distressing branches of those trees, fear, hope and Death had lingered. She accepts

her limitations as a poet.
Comment : She remarks that her verses may be weak but her passionate love for the tree will protect it from
being forgotten.
10) “O sweet companions, loved with love intense,
For your sakes, shall the tree be ever dear.”

Context : The given line is from the poem “Our Casuariana Tree” written by “Toru Dutt
Explanation : Toru Dutt says that it is not because of the majestic appearance of the Casuarina Tree that it is
dear to her heart and soul, but also that she along with her siblings spent happy moments
under it. Toru Dutt has brought out the theme of nature as something that shares feeling with
humans, that lightens the burden on the heart. The poet continues with a description of how
strong the image of the tree is, even when in lands far away.
Comment : The poet continues with a description of how strong the image of the tree is, even when in lands
far away.

11) “What is that dirge-like murmur that I hear” [PTA-6]

Context : The given line is from the poem “Our Casuariana Tree” written by “Toru Dutt”
Explanation : The final emphasis of the poem is not on an afterlife in heaven but rather is on the afterlife of
the real, physical tree and, even more significantly, on the afterlife of the present poem that
celebrates that tree.

Comment : Here dirge could refer to the Elegy.

Poem - 3 All the World’s a Stage


Common ERC

Key Points for Late Bloomers

Key words:

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Exit, entrance, stage, players, whining, mewling, puking, satchel, woeful, mistress, eyebrows, soldier, wise,
saws, oaths, Pard, second childishness.
Content: -
Poem : ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE (from As You Like It)
Poet : William Shakespeare
Explanation: -

Shakespeare compares the world to a stage. Men and women are merely actors. The poet divides the life of
human being into seven stages They are
1. Infant 2. School boy 3. Lover 4. Soldier 5.Justice 6. Old age 7 Second Childishness.

A sad and pessimistic nature of human life is depicted by the poet.

Explanation with Reference to the Context

1) “They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts,”
Explain the following lines briefly with reference to the context.
Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from William Shakespeare’s
‘As You Like It’.
Explanation : In this extract Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man enters this stage through his
birth and he leaves the stage through death.
Comment : In between birth and death he plays – seven roles.

2) “Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, [PTA-1, PTA-6]


Seeking the bubble reputation”.

Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘As You
Like It’
Explanation : In this extract Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man plays many roles on the stage.
These lines explain the fourth stage ie. of a soldier. In this stage he takes great care of honour
and reputation. He is quick to get into any argument.

Comment : He tries to get reputation which is as short lived as a bubble.

3) “Is second childishness and mere oblivion;


Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”

Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘As You
Like It’.
Explanation : In this extract Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man plays many roles on the stage.
These lines explain the last stage of man. In this stage he becomes like a child and it is his
second childishness. It is the stage of oblivion. He forgets everything about the past.

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Comment : During this stage, he loses his teeth, sight, taste and everything and finally his life too.

Explanation with Reference to the Context

Additional E.R.C
1) “At first the infant
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms”;

Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘As You
Like It’.
Explanation : In this extract Shakespeare says that the world is a stage. Man plays many roles on the stage.

The first stage is that of an infant. As an infant he makes slight noise as a cat does. He vomits
in the arms of the nurse. :
Comment : He is totally dependent on others.

2) “Then the whining school boy, with a satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail.
Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘As You

Like It’
Explanation : School boy is the second stage of man. He has shining face in the morning but when he gets
ready to go to school with his bag his attitude changes.
Comment : He moves slowly to school like a snail.
3) “And then the lover
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad”.
Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘As You
Like It’.
Explanation : Lover is the third stage. He always sighs like a furnace.

Comment : He creates songs in praise of his lady love.

4) “The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloons,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side”:
Context : These lines are taken from ‘All the World’s a Stage’ which is an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘As You
Like It’

Explanation : The sixth stage brings him to lean pantaloons. He has spectacles and develops pouch.
Comment : His youthful dress becomes too big for him.

Poem - 4 Ulysses

Common ERC

Key Points for Late Bloomers

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Key words:
Drink life to the lees, scudding, Hyades, vext, to rust unburnish’d, three suns, Telemachus, subdue, smite,
furrow, baths, Happy Isles, Achilles.
Content: -
Poet : Alfred Tennyson

Explanation: -
This poem is a dramatic monologue. Tennyson has depicted Ulysses as a hero Ulysses was a great Greek
warrior and the king of Ithaca. He had become a part and parcel of all new lands, new people and new climates.

The king Ulysses was determined to strive.

Explanation with Reference to the Context

1) I cannot rest from travel: I will drink
Life to the lees:
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.
Explanation : The ‘Ulysses’ describes his intention to travel to unknown places to gain knowledge and
experience. Though he is a king he does not show any interest to rule the kingdom. He wants
to live life to the fullest.
Comment : He gets the fullest satisfaction only from travel.
2) I am become a name; [PTA-6, March - 2020]
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.

Explanation : ‘Ulysses’ describes his intention to travel to unknown places to gain knowledge and experience.
His ship may drift from one place to another because of strong wind. He has earned a name for
himself as a constant traveller.
Comment : Hungry heart stands for his strong desire to travel to unknown places.
3) How dull it is to pause, to make an end,

To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!

Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.
Explanation : ‘Ulysses’ describes his intention to travel to unknown places to gain knowledge and experience.
He does not want to stop his travel to unknown places. It will be boring for him to give a short

gap between travels. He wants to travel continuously.

Comment : In the same way his life will shine only when he travels.
4) To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.

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Explanation : ‘Ulysses’ describes his intention to travel to unknown places to gain knowledge and experience.
His quest for knowledge goes beyond ordinary people. He wants to follow knowledge like a
sinking star.
Comment : He wants to gain knowledge which may be beyond the human thoughts.
5) He works his work, I mine. [PTA-3, PTA-5, Sep - 2020]
Context : This line is taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.

Explanation : ‘Ulysses’ describes his intention to travel to unknown places to gain knowledge and experience.
He has decided to pass the responsibility of ruling the people to his son, Telemachus.
Comment : Telemachus will do his work as a king and Ulysses will carry on his work as a traveller.

6) and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.

Explanation : In the last part of the poem Ulysses addresses his fellow sailors. They faced the easy and
difficult situation alike. In their old age they still maintain honour and they have the strength
to work hard.

Comment : This shows the determination of Ulysses and his men
7) The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices.
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.
Explanation : In the last part of the poem Ulysses addresses his fellow sailors. Light fades, and the day wanes.
Ulysses calls out that it is not too late to discover a “newer world.”
Comment : The sea is waiting for them to take another venture.
8) It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.

Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.
Explanation : In the last part of the poem Ulysses addresses his fellow sailors.They can leave this shore and
sail beyond the sunset, exploring until he dies. Perhaps they even will reach the Happy Isles
and may meet Achilles. Although they are weak in age, much vigor remains; they still have
“heroic hearts”.
Comment : Happy Isles means Greek Paradise. Achilles was the greatest Greek warrior.

9) We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven;
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.

Explanation : In the last part of the poem Ulysses addresses his fellow sailors. He accepts that they have
become old and they lost their strength. Once they had the strength to move heaven and earth
which means they were strong enough to do any physical work.
Comment : They still have “heroic hearts” which are “strong in will”.
10) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. [PTA-4]
Context : This line is taken from the poem ‘Ulysses’ written by Alfred Tennyson.

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Explanation : In the last part of the poem Ulysses addresses his fellow sailors. He accepts that they have
become old and they lost their strength. Once they had the strength to move heaven and earth
which means they were strong enough to do any physical work.
Comment : Their will-power will be with them to work hard to find something new.

Poem - 5 A Father to his Son

Common ERC

Key Points for Late Bloomers
Key words:

Humdrum monotony, soft loam, lashes, quest of lucre, thwarted, white lies, resenting, solitude, motives.
Content: -

Poet : Carl August Sandburg
Explanation: -
This poem is the form of an advice of a father to his son to have courage and strength. The son should be steel
as the wife is hard like a rock. He also warm him that there is nothing wrong in earning money. .
The Poet says finally if his son really follows his advice, he will be alone.

Explanation with Reference to the Context



Explain the following lines with reference to the context.

1) and guide him among sudden betrayals
and tighten him for slack moments.
Context : A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg
Explanation : In this poem a set of guidelines and values helps him to steer uncertainties and complexities

and satisfying existence. The father uses many images to give the clear understanding of world
and life.
Comment : He asks his son not to be too hard that he might be a poor recipient of any values.

2) Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. [PTA-3, Sep-2020]

Context : A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg
Explanation : The poem is a kind of vignette of worldly wisdom given by a father to a son. Here, a father who
has earned experience from the life wishes that his son should lead a life where he could have
enough energy and stamina to grapple with the hurdles that come in the pathway of life.
Comment : It’s a time when nearly each and every father becomes protective and cautious.

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c) Yet learning something out of every folly

hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies
Context : A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg
Explanation : The poet uses the image of a flower for its frailty and gentleness. Even the delicate flower has the
ability to split a rock .Gentleness can also be a powerful weapon .So A tough thought can decide
the destination.

Comment : The qualities and benefits on being hard and soft are presented by a vigilant father .

d) He will be lonely enough [PTA-2]

to have time for the work

Context : A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg
Explanation : Time for leisure is not a waste .The poet suggests the father to tell him not to be ashamed for
being a fool. Experience helps to take right decisions but experience is an outcome of mistakes.

Comment : But repetition of the same mistakes should be avoided.

d) "Tell him too much money had killed him" [PTA-4]

Context : A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg
Explanation : While the father advises as an observer the poet asks him to add that the want of money may
transform him as greed. He would be blinded by greed. Too much Want of money made some
people as dead worms.
Comment : He tries to show his son many images of what possible outcome of life would be.

d) "Let him have lazy days sekking his deepers motives" [PTA-5]
Context : A Father To His Son by Carl Sandburg
Explanation : The son may need lazy days to find his work abilities, to seek what he is born for .He will then

know how free imaginations bring changes to the world, which resents change.

Comment : During such resentment, ,let him know that it is time for him to be on his own and inherent to
achieve like Shakespeare ,the Wright brothers, Pasteur ,Pavlov and Michael Faraday.

Poem - 6 Incident of the French Camp

Common ERC

Key Points for Late Bloomers


Key words
Ratisbon, mound, out thrust, prone, oppressive , mused, Lannes, yonder, bridle, compressed, perched, sheathes,
Context :
This line is taken from

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Poet : Robert Browning

The poet describes the scene of the French attack on the German city of Ratisbon. Napolean, the French
Emperor stood on the hillock was in pensive mood. The incident brings out the character of both Napolean
and the boy who is very brave, dutiful with strong will power.
Duty is first; others are rest.

Explanation with Reference to the Context

Explain the following lines with reference to the context.
1) Then off there flung in smiling joy, [PTA-1]

And held himself erect
Context : These lines are taken from the poem. ‘Incident of the French Camp’ written by Robert Browning.
Explanation : The young French soldier galloped at full speed to reach the mound. He jumped off the horse

and stood straight holding his horse’s mane. Having fatally wounded, he could not even stand
and so he held tight the mane of his horse.
Comment : The poet attributes the young soldier’s devotion to duty and love and loyalty to his emperor.
2) “I’m killed, Sire!” And, his Chief beside, [March - 2020]
Smiling, the boy fell dead.
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Incident of the French Camp’ written by Robert Browning.
Explanation : Hearing the news of French victory from the young soldier, Napoleon’s eyes flashed with
happiness and his thoughts soared high. On seeing his boy soldier fatally wounded, the
glittering eyes of Napoleon immediately softened.

Comment : The poet proclaims splendidly the pride of the young rider as a true soldier.

3) To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart’s desire, Perched him!’
Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘Incident of the French Camp’ written by Robert Browning.
Explanation : The young soldier exclaimed to Napoleon about the peerless victory of French over Ratisbon.
He also told that his army leader was in the marketplace and his earlier arrival was eagerly
awaited by the soldiers to see his flag-bird flying in the market place.
Comment : The poet’s use of personification is praiseworthy. He personifies the flutter of the French flag as
if an eagle flapping its wings.

4) “Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed”. [Sep - 2020]

Context : These lines are taken from the poem ‘A Father to his son’ written by Carl Sandburg

Explanation : The poem is a kind of vignette of worldly wisdom given by a father to a son. Here, a father who
has earned experience from the life wishes that his son should lead a life where he could have
enough energy and stamina to grapple with the hurdles that come in the pathway of life. The
father suggests his son to tighten his heart in sack moments. It’s a time when nearly each and
every father becomes protective and cautious.
Comment : It’s a time when nearly each and every father becomes protective and cautious.

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Question No : 34 - 36 Prose - Short Answer 3 MARK

Prose - 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each based on your understanding of of the story.

1) Who did the narrator meet at the outskirts of Verona?
The narrator had met two small boys named Nicola and Jacopo on the outskirts of Verona.
2) Why did the driver not approve of the narrator buying fruits from the boys?

The narrator’s driver did not approve because he was sure that the narrator could get much better strawberries
in Verona. Moreover, he was not happy with e appearance of the boys.
3) The boys did not spend much on clothes and food. Why?
The boys did not spend much on clothes and food probably because they wanted to save money for their
sister’s treatment.

4) Were the boys saving money to go the States? How do you know?
The boys were not saving money to go to America because they wanted to save money to pay to the Hospital
for treating their sister who was suffering from tuberculosis.
5) Why did the author avoid going to Lucia’s room
The narrator felt that he should not intrude when the family of a sister and her two brothers were having a
happy family union.
6) What was Lucia ailing from?
Lucia was ailing from tuberculosis of the spine.

7) What made the boys to join the resistance movement against the Germans? [PTA-3]
They joined the resistance movement against the Germans because, their father was killed by the Germans
during their invasion of Verona in the early part of the war and subsequently their house was also bombed by
the Germans and they were driven to the streets.
8) What made the boys work so hard?
The fact that their sister was ailing from tuberculosis and they had to pay for her treatment, made them work

very hard.
9) Why didn’t the boys disclose their problem to the author?
They felt that they would rather keep the secret with themselves and did not want to embarrass the visitors.

2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each.

1) Describe the appearance of Nicola and Jacopo. [PTA-1, PTA-6, Sep - 2020]
Both the boys were shabby in appearance. Nicola was wearing worn jersey and cut-off khaki pants and Jacopo
was wearing a shortened army tunic gathered in loose folds about his skinny frame.

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2) What were the various jobs undertaken by the little boys? (or)

What were the various jobs undertaken by Nicola and Jacopo ? [March - 2020]
Nicola and Jacopo picked and sold fruits, shined shoes, showed the visitors round the town, hawked newspapers
and ran errands.
3) How did the narrator help the boys on Sunday?
The narrator drove those boys himself in his car to their country City, Poleta, 30 kilometres from Verona and
drove them back to the city too.

4) Who took the author to the cubicle?
A pleasant looking woman with steel-rimmed spectacles in the white uniform of a nurse took the author to

the cubicle.
5) Describe the girl with whom the boys were talking to in the cubicle.
The girl they were taking to in the cubicle was their sister Lucia. She was about twenty years of age. She was

sitting on the bed propped up on pillows and she was wearing a pretty lace jacket. Her eyes were soft and
tender. On a glace anyone could see her to her brothers.
6) Recount the untold sufferings undergone by the siblings after they were rendered homeless.

After their house was destroyed by the bomb thrown by the Germans, they were left in the street. Moreover,
they had suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold winter. They built a shelter with their
own hands and barely kept themselves alive.
7) The narrator did not utter a word and preferred to keep the secret to himself. Why? Substantiate the
statement with reference to the story.
The narrator did not want to humiliate the boys by letting them know that he knew ther secret . He felt that
they would prefer to feel that they had safely kept their secret.

Prose - 2 A Nice Cup of Tea


Based on the understanding of the text, answer each of the following questions in one or two sentences.

1) What seems ‘curious’ to the author?

That tea is one of main stays of civilisation and there is no proper mentioning of its preparation method is
found in cookery books.
2) Why does the author say that it is important to include a tea recipe in cookery books?
Because in many books it is unmentioned (or) there are only few lines of sketchy instructions found in cook books.

3) Mention the countries in which tea is a part of civilization.

Tea is a part of Civilization in India, Australia , New Zealand.
4) Which tea does the author prefer-China tea or Indian tea?

Author prefers Indian tea.

5) According to the author, what does the phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’ refer to?
Indian Tea.
6) What is the second golden rule in the preparation of tea?
Tea should always be made in small quantity.

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7) How does Army tea taste?

Army tea tastes of grease and whitewash.
8) Do tea lovers generally like strong tea or weak tea?
Tea lovers like strong tea.
9) Why should tea be directly added to the pot?
As one pours tea in first, one can exactly regulate the amount of milk.

10) Why does the author prefer the cylindrical cup to a flat cup?
Cylindrical cup holds more.

11) What should be poured into the cup first- tea or milk?
Tea should be poured into the cup.
12) Why does the author advise removing cream from the milk?

Cream should be removed because it gives a sickly taste.
13) Does the author like drinking tea with sugar? Give reasons. [PTA-4]
No, author does not like drinking tea with sugar. According to the author, adding sugar to tea will spoil the

flavour of the tea. It is equivalent to adding pepper or salt to the tea.
14) Why does the author refer to himself being in ‘a minority’?
The author feels that people drinking tea without adding sugar are very few like him. So he belongs to the minority.
15) Whom does the author call ‘misguided’ people’? What is his advice to them?
Misguided people are those who ask for sugar in their tea. He advises them to drink tea without sugar for a
fortnight, after that they would certainly not add sugar to their tea.

Based on the understanding of the text, answer each of the following questions in four or five sentences.
1) What are the author’s views on China tea? [PTA-2]
Author’s view on China tea : Chinese tea has virtues which are not to be despised now a days- it is economical,

and one can drink it without milk- but there is not much stimulation in it. One does not feel wiser, braver or
optimistic after drinking it.
2) How does adding sugar affect the taste of tea?
Author says adding sugar destroys the flavour of tea. He says that it is like adding pepper or salt. If we sweeten
it, it means we are no longer tasting the tea, we would be tasting the sugar . It is like dissolving sugar in plain
hot- water and drinking.

3) Elucidate the author’s ideas about tea pots.

Author says that tea should be made in a tea pot. Tea out of urn is tasteless. The teapot should be made of
china or earthenware. Silver or Britannia ware teapots produce inferior tea and enamel pots are worse.

Prose - 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

1. What thoughts, troubled Dr. Christiaan Barnard as he neared the end of his career as a heart surgeon?
As Dr. Christiaan Barnard neared the end of his career as a heart surgeon, his thoughts had turned to the
consideration of why people should suffer.
2. What were Dr. Barnard’s feelings when he was hospitalized after an accident?

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Dr. Christiaan Barnard could not make out why he and his wife had to suffer a lot when he was hospitalized
after an accident.
3. When and where did the accident occur?
The accident had happened a few years ago. After a lovely meal together, when he was crossing a street with
his wife, a car hit him and knocked him into his wife. She was thrown into the other lane and struck by a car
coming from the opposite direction.
4. How did the hospitalization of Dr. Barnard and his wife affect their routine?

Dr. Barnard could not do the scheduled surgery. He and his wife could not look after their young baby.
5. How was Dr. Barnard’s attitude to suffering different from that of his father’s?

Dr. Barnard got angry at his suffering whereas his father would take it as God’s test on a person. He thought
that such an incident would improve a person to become better.
6. How was the unattended trolley put to use?

Two little boys, one blind and another crippled, pushed the unattended trolley for fun. They drove it happily.
7. What roles did the duo take up?
The two boys took the roles of a driver and a mechanic. The blind boy was the mechanic and the boy with one

arm was the driver.
8. Why did the choice of roles prove to be easy for them?
The mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. Hence the choice of roles was easy.
9. Who encouraged them and how?
The other patients encouraged them by laughing and appreciating the two boys.
10. What does Dr. Barnard compare this entertainment to?
Dr. Barnard compares the entertainment to the Grand Prix of Indianapolis 500 car race.
11. What happened in the grand finale? [PTA-1, PTA-3, PTA-5]

In the grand finale the silverware and plates were scattered and the nurse was angry with the boys who were

responsible for that.

12. How does Dr. Barnard know the boy who played the trolley’s driver?
The trolley driver had a hole in his heart and it was closed by Dr. Barnard. The boy came back to the hospital with
a malignant tumour of the bone. A few days before the trolley incident, his shoulder and arm were amputated.
13. What was the profound lesson that Dr. Barnard learnt from the boys?
Dr. Barnard learned from the boys that the business of living is joy in the real sense of the word, not just

something for pleasure, amusement and recreation. The business of living is the celebration of being alive.

Answer the following questions in three or four sentences.

1. Detail the statistics Dr. Barnard has provided in his speech.

To prove that suffering is prevalent in this world Dr. Barnard gives the following statistics. Out of 125 million
children born this year, 12 million are unlikely to reach the age of one and another six million will die before
the age of five.
2. What happened when the doctor couple were crossing the street?
While the doctor couple were crossing the street after a lovely meal together, a car hit him and knocked him
into his wife. She was thrown into the other lane and struck by a car coming from the opposite direction.

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3. What injuries did the Barnard couple sustain in the accident? [Sep-2020]
Barnard had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lung. His wife had a badly fractured shoulder.
4. Dr. Barnard couldn’t find any nobility in suffering. Why?
As a doctor Dr. Barnard saw every day the patients’ suffering as they were moving about in sweat soaked bed.
He could not find any nobility in the crying of a lonely child in a ward at night.
5. Why does Dr. Barnard find suffering of children heartbreaking?

Dr. Barnard has always found the suffering of children particularly heartbreaking because of their total trust
in doctors and nurses. They believe they will be helped by them. If they are not cured they accept their fate.
They do not make any complaint.

6. Why does Dr. Barnard describe the blind boy as a ‘walking horror’?
Because of the boy’s mother’s mistake, the boy became blind. He was a walking horror because he was walking
with a disfigured face and long flap of skin hanging from the side of his neck to his body.

7. What were the problems the trolley driver suffered from?
The trolley driver had a hole in his heart and it was closed by Dr. Barnard. The boy came back to the hospital with
a malignant tumour of the bone. A few days before the trolley incident, his shoulder and arm were amputated.

8. How did the boy who played the mechanic lose his eyesight ? [March - 2020]
If broke over the child’s head and shoulders. He suffered severe third degree burns on the upper part. If his
body and lost both his eyes.
Prose - 4 The Summit

Based on your reading of the text, answer the following questions in one or two sentences each.
1. What did Hillary do with his wet boots? [PTA-3, PTA-6]
Hillary warmed the boots on the stove to remove the frozen ice from them

2. Name an equipment and a tool carried by the climbers during their expedition.

Oxygen cylinder and ice-axe are carried by the climbers during their expedition.
3. Why did Hillary become clumsy-fingered and slow-moving? [Sep-2020]
The oxygen was running out so he became clumsy-fingered and slow-moving
4. What did Hillary find in a tiny hollow?
Hillary found two oxygen cylinders left by the previous climbers.

5. When did Hillary feel a sense of freedom and well-being?

When Hillary removed the oxygen cylinder he felt a sense of freedom and well-being.
6. What did Hillary mean by saying “We had had enough to do the job, but by no means too much”?

When they reached their tent they had to do a lot of work but because of the sense of success the work did not
seem to be much.

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.

1. How did the mountaineers belay?
The mountaineers tied a rope around all the mountaineers and the other end of the rope was attached to a

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2. Why was the original zest fading away?

The time was passing and the ridge seemed never ending. They were a little tired. So the original zest was
fading away.
3. What did Edmund Hillary do to escape the large overhanging ice cornices?
To escape the large overhanging cornices Hillary cut a line of steps down to where the snow met the rocks on
the west.

4. What did Tenzing and Edmund Hillary gift to the God of lofty Summit? How did they do it? [PTA-5]
Tenzing gifted to Gods a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits and a handful of lollies. Edmund Hillary gifted
to God the crucifix given by Colonel Hunt.

5. What did the photograph portray?
The photograph portrayed the North ridge, showing the North Col and the old route which had been made
famous by the struggles of those great climbers of the 1920’s and 1930’s.

6. The soft snow was difficult and dangerous. Why? [PTA-2]
The soft snow was not firm to get foot-hold. It might slip or it might give way under the foot. So the soft snow
was difficult and dangerous.

7. How did the firm snow at the higher regions fill them with hope?
The firm snow gave them good foot-hold. They could cut steps up the last steep slopes and they could walk
with the crampon shoes to the South Peak. It filled them with hope.
Prose - 5 The Chair

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each.

1. What was put on the family agenda?
The narrator’s family had no chair. The members of the family felt very bad about not possessing a chair. So

buying a chair was put on the family agenda.


2. Who visited the family?

A family friend had paid a visit. He was a sub – judge.
3. Describe the stool that the narrator’s family had.
The stool has three legs. It measured a mere three-fourth foot. It was used mainly to churn curd by the
narrator’s grandmother.
4. What was Pedanna’s suggestion to their father?

Pedanna suggested that they could buy a chair from the town.
5. What was offered to Mammanar by their mother?
A silver tumbler of butter milk seasoned with asafoetidia was offered to Mammanar by their mother.

6. Why were the chairs compared to Rama – Lakshmana?

Two chairs were made by a carpenter in the village. They looked similar or alike. Hence they were compared
to Rama – Lakshmana.
7. When did the children shy away from the chair?
One day Sugnathi came from the neighbouringstreet and put her baby brother on the chair. After this incident,

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the children shy away from the chair.

8. How did Maamanaar handle the chair at home?
Maamanaar didn’t allow anybody to sit on the chair. As soon as he got up every morning, he would wipe the
chair. If he wanted to shift the chair he himself carried it and put it down carefully as if placing down gently
a mud pot brimming with water.

Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each:

1. What happened to the visitor when he sat on the stool?
One day sub - judge cum family friend visited the house of the narrator. He was made to sit on a stool because
there was no other furniture. If one didn’t place the weight exactly above the legs, it would topple over. Just as the

members of the narrator’s family were about to caution the sub-judge he fell down with a thud and rolled over.
2. Why did the family find it difficult to make a chair?
The practical difficulty in getting a chair made was that there wasn’t a single chair in the village to show as a

model. Besides, there wasn’t a single carpenter either who knew how to make one.
3. What was grandmother’s suggestion of wood? Why?
Grandmother suggested that the chair should be made of teak wood because it would be light to lift and carry

around and would be sturdy at the same time.
4. How was the chair made and how did the villagers react to it?
The chair was made in black wood with a mirror like gleam, with perfectly shaped front legs and curved back
legs, yawning languorously to match the recline of the chair-flashed before eyes. The villagers arrived in
hordes to see the chair as soon as the news of the arrival of chair. A few people stroked the chair. An old man
lifted the chair and found heavy and sturdy.
5. When did the children get over the fear of sitting on the chair?
One day Sugnathi came from the neighbouring street and put her baby brother on the chair. After this incident,
the children got over the fear of sitting on the chair.
6. Why did Maamanaar hand over the chair to the villagers to retain it?

Often the chair had gone to the houses where death occurred. Maamanaar could not avoid it. He felt that for
the purpose of placing corpses, a chair is needed by the villagers anyway. So, with a service mind he gave away
the chair to the villagers.

Prose - 6 On the Rule of the Road

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each.


1. Why did the lady think she was entitled to walk down the middle of the road?
She thought that liberty was only a personal affair and a right. And she could use it as she wished. So she
thought she was entitled to walk down the middle of the road.

2. What would be the consequences of the old lady’s action?

She would have got into a perilous accident. Moreover the end of such liberty would be universal chaos
3. What does the ‘rule of the road’ mean? [PTA-3, PTA-6]
The “Rule of the Road” means that in order to preserve the liberties of all, the liberties of everybody must be curtailed.

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4. Why should individual liberty be curtailed?

In order to preserve the liberties of all, the individual liberty should be curtailed.
5. How would a reasonable person react when his actions affect other person’s liberty?
A reasonable person will curtail his liberty and enjoy his freedom without affecting others’ liberty.
6. Define ‘Liberty’ as perceived by the author. [PTA-2]
Liberty is not a personal affair only, but it is also a social contract.

7. According to the author, what are we more conscious of?
We are more conscious of the imperfections of others than our own.

8. What is the foundation of social conduct?
A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct.
9. How can we sweeten our life’s journey?

By cultivating the little habits of common place intercourse, we can sweeten our life’s journey.
10. What does the traffic policeman symbolize?
The traffic policeman symbolizes the Liberty.

Answer the following questions in three or four sentences each.
1. What is ‘liberty’ according to the old lady? [PTA-1, PTA-4]
According to the old lady, liberty is only a personal affair and a basic right. She also believes that it could be
exercised as per her wish.
2. How would ‘liberty’ cause universal chaos? [March - 2020]
There should be boundaries to the liberty of an individual. If it crosses the limitations like the pedestrian who
feels entitled to walk down the middle of the road, it would cause universal chaos.
3. Why is there a danger of the world getting ‘liberty drunk’?
According to the author liberty is not a personal affair but it is a social contract. But the people nowadays fail

to understand the real meaning of liberty. They try to exploit it throughout their life according to their whims
and fancies. So there is a danger of the world getting ‘liberty drunk’.
4. ‘Curtailment of private liberty is done to establish social order’ - Do you agree? [PTA-2]
Yes, I agree the thought provoking statement of A.G. Gardiner. The author emphasizes this with a note that he
has to climb the Everest to fulfil his wish of playing the trombone from midnight till three in the morning. His
family will object him to do it in his bedroom. If he did it out in the streets, the neighbours will remind him

that his liberty to play the trombone must not interfere their liberty to sleep in quiet. So the author insists that
‘Curtailment of private liberty is done to establish social order’.

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Part - III


Total Marks : 9

Question No : 37 a Inference of the Data 3 MARK

Text Book Exercise

Look at the following non-verbal representation. Based on your understanding and inference, write a paragraph on
career trends in the next decade. Textbook Page No : 11

Non-verbal Representations.
Presenting information using tables,
graphs and charts is a common practice
in scientific and technical writing. This
is because through graphs and charts,

scientific data can be presented in a

clear and precise manner. Bar charts,
graphs, tree-diagrams, organizational
charts, flow charts and pie charts are
the frequently used pictorial or non-
verbal representations. The table is
the simplest and the most common
direct graphic form used for presenting


Let us together scale the summit. Here is a drawing of the Everest showing the way to the summit, and the position

of the camps with their heights. Trace the trekking trail to reach the summit with the given details and write an
interesting paragraph in about 100 words. Textbook Page No : 126

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The Summit of Mount Everest

Khumbu Glacier was the base camp. It is at the height of
17500 feet. We had a short stop at 19400 feet and then
proceeded to 20200. On the way we had ice fall and it gave
some trouble to us. We continued our trekking and reached
Western CWM which is at the height of 21200. This was our

4th stop. Then we took right turn and reached 22000. This
led to our 6th place which is at the height of 23000 feet. To
reach the 7th place we crossed Lhotse face. The 7th stop
was 24000 feet high. We proceeded further and crossed

Geneva Spur and reached the 8th spot at the height of
26000 feet. Then we further moved and reached the spot at
the height of 27500 feet. With great difficulty we reached South Summit which is at the height of 28700. Now

we were closer to their goal. Then we reached the top which is above 29035 feet high. We were successful in
our mission.

Model Exercise - 1

Heads of Expenses The Sridharans A

Study the following table pertaining to the monthly expenditure of two families and write three sentences
on your inference about the data:

The Hariharans Answer:

The table shows the monthly expenditure
Food 35% 30%
of The Sridharans and the Hariharans family.
Transport 10% 5% The Sridharans are spendthrift as they save just
Education 25% 20% 10% while the Hariharans save up to 25%. But
the Sridharans should reduced the expenses
Recreation 15% 10% for recreation. The Sridharans spend more

Savings 10% 25% on education which is good. In a nutshell

both should be calculative in certain areas of

Miscellaneous 5% 10% expenses.

Model Exercise - 2
Study the following pertaining to the water temperatures at various depths and write three sentences on
your inference about the data :

Water Depth (meters) Temperature (°C)


50 18°C
This is about the water temperatures at
75 15°C
various depth. The highest depth is 200
100 12°C meters at 4oc. The lowest is 50 meters
150 5°C with 18oc

200 4°C

Model Exercise - 3
Study the following table pertaining to the percentage of marks obtained in various subjects in the +2
Govt. Examinations by two school and write three sentences on your inference about the data :

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Subject AB School SB School

Maths 100% 98%
This is the comparative analysis of AB
Physics 98% 96% School and SB School. AB School students
Chemistry 99% 100% achieved 100% in Maths where as SB
Botany 95% 94% School achieved in Chemistry. Both have
almost equal level.
Zoology 93% 95%

Model Exercise - 4
Study the following table pertaining to the monthly expenditure of two families an write three sentences

on your inference about the data :

Heads of Expenses The Gopis The Gokuls

Food 30% 25%
This is about the expenses of two families viz

Education 35% 25%
Gopis and Gokuls. The Gokuls are very calculative as
Medicine 5% 10% they save 25% Gopis spend more on food. The Gokuls
Savings 20% 25% like entertainment more.
Recreation 10% 15%

Model Exercise - 5

Study the following table and write three sentences on your inference about the data :
Features Vijay Park Taj Inn Answer:
Guest Rooms 150 180 This is the comparison of in the
stucture two hotels. People prefer
Suites 10 15 Taj Inn as it is near railway station.
Conference Hall 8000 sq.feet 1200 sq.feet
Vijay Park is the most expensive
whereas Taj Inn is not.
Location Heart of City Near Railway Station

Facilities Free wi-fi Free laundry

Model Exercise - 6
Study the following table, and write three sentences on your inference about the data.
Average Annual rainfall in the Southern States of India in the year 2012 [March-2020]

Sl. States of India Average rainfall in mm Answer:

1. Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry 1996 This table is about average rainfall in
different states of India. Karnataka
2. Andhra Pradesh 3580 stood first with 5160mm followed

by Andhra Pradesh and Kerala with

3. Karnataka 5160 3580mm, 3055mm respectively.
Tamilnadu and Pondicherry has got
4. Kerala 3055
the least rainfall of 1996 mm

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Question No : 37 b Non - verbal comprehension 3 MARK

b) Read the following information given in the table below and answer the questions. Textbook Page No : 154

A nice choice from chennai to the National capital


Shortest Route between Chennai and Hazrat Nizamuddin

8 Halts & 324 intermediate stations in between
Station Name Departs Day Speed

Chennai Central 06.05 1 75

Vijayawada 11.55 1 76
Warangal 14.40 1 77

Bhopal 02.10 2 89
Jhansi 05.31 2 99
Gwalior 06.32 2 85
Agra Cantt 07.57 2 76
Hazrat Nizamudin 10.25 2 -

a) The number of stations between Chennai Central and Hazrat Nizamudin is ___________________. Ans : iii
i) five ii) ten iii) eight iv) eleven
b) The train is expected to reach ___________________ around 8.45 PM Ans : iv

i) Warangal ii) Vijayawada iii) Bhopal iv) Nagpur
c) Between ___________________ the train runs at it’s maximum speed. Ans : i

i) Bhopal and Gwalior ii) Bhopal and Jhansi

iii) Bhopal and Hazarat Nizamudin iv) Bhopal and Agra

d) Almost ___________________,the train reaches Vijayawada. Ans : ii

i) the day after ii) around early morning iii) late night iv) around noon

e) People prefer the Rajadhani express to travel from Chennai to reach the capital because _____. Ans : iv
i) it reaches the destination on the same day. ii) The charge is reasonable.
iii) the train halts at Ten stations. iv) it is the shortest route from Chennai to New Delhi.
f) The destination of Rajadhani express is ___________________. Ans : i

i) Hazarat Nizamudin ii) New Delhi junction. iii) Old Delhi. iv) Rajkot.

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Model Exercise - 1
Study the graph given below and answer the questions.

Gold Production of the World Question and Answer:

a. What does the pie-chart stand for?
All others
The pie chart stands for the gold production
ica in the continents of the world.

. Am % Australia 1.5% b. Which countries in Asia produce gold?
N 8
Asia 2% (India, Philippines) In Asia, India and the Philippines produce

S. America 1% gold.

Africa 60% c. What is the gold production of all the

other continents except Africa?

Model Exercise - 2
Scan the given data and answer the questions.

Nizamuddin -
A Question & Answer:
a. In which route does the Rajdhani Express No.
2430 run?
Days of service Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat.
Rajdhani Express No. 2430 runs from Nizamuddin
Nizamuddin (Dep) 20.50 to Bangalore.
Bhopal (Dep) 04.50 b. What is the duration of the journey?

Nagpur (Dep) 10.27 The journey takes 34 hours and 5 minutes.

c. What is the Departure Time from Nizamuddin?
Secunderabad (Dep) 19.10
The train leaves Nizamuddin at 8.50 p.m.

Bangalore (Arr) 06.55

Model Exercise - 3
Scan the given data and answer the questions.

Nizamuddin - Question & Answer:


Bangalore a. In which route does the Rajdhani Express No.

Days of service Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat. 2430 run?
Rajdhani Express No. 2430 runs from Nizamuddin
Nizamuddin (Dep) 20.50
to Bangalore.

Bhopal (Dep) 04.50 b. What is the duration of the journey?

Nagpur (Dep) 10.27 The journey takes 34 hours and 5 minutes.
Secunderabad (Dep) 19.10 c. What is the Departure Time from Nizamuddin?
Bangalore (Arr) 06.55 The train leaves Nizamuddin at 8.50 p.m.

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Model Exercise - 4
Scan the given data and answer the questions.
Favorite Type of Movie
Question & Answer:

Commedy a) What are the two types of movies liked by equal percentage of

4 (20%) people?
Comedy and science fiction are the two types of movies liked by
Drama equal percentage of people.
1 (5%)

Action 5 (25%) b) Which type of movie is preferred by most number of people?
Romance Romance is preferred by most number of people.
6 (30%)
c) Which type is least enjoyed and favoured by people?

Drama is least enjoyed and favoured by people.

Model Exercise - 5
Scan the given data and answer the questions.

2430 A
Nizamuddin -
Question & Answer:
Bangalore a. In which route does the Rajdhani Express No.
2430 run?
Days of service Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat.
Rajdhani Express No. 2430 runs from Nizamuddin
Nizamuddin (Dep) 20.50
to Bangalore.
Bhopal (Dep) 04.50
b. What is the duration of the journey?
Nagpur (Dep) 10.27
The journey takes 34 hours and 5 minutes.
Secunderabad (Dep) 19.10
c. What is the Departure Time from Nizamuddin?

Bangalore (Arr) 06.55

The train leaves Nizamuddin at 8.50 p.m.

Further exercise refer our practice book


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Question No : 37 c E-mail Writing 3 MARK

Introduction :
Short for electronic mail, e-mail or email is information stored on a computer that is exchanged between two
users over telecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain text, files, images, or other

attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.
Example greetings: Dear + name; Hi + name; Hi; Hello + name;
Hello; To whom this may concern

Example opening sentences: Following our recent telephonic
conversation, I’m attaching ...
Please find attached the documents you

With regard to ...
As we agreed at our meeting ...
In response/reply to ...

Example closing sentences: I look forward to hearing from you
Please don’t hesitate to contact me
Thank you in advance
I await receipt of
Finish with: Sincerely,
Best Regards/Regards
Best wishes

ய்முறை:  டு ட வினாவிற்கு மி ஞ ல் யா செய ண்டு .


 மு லில் 4 அ து 5 ரி யில் உ கட ய ண்டு .


 முதல் வரி யில்,
To: என எழுதி வினாவில் டு ட e-mail முக ரி எழு வு .



முக ரி ரவி எனில் ரியான முக ரி நா குறிப்பி ண்டு .



 அலுவலக மின்னஞ்சல் எனில் அடு வரி யில்,
Cc: என எழுதி அ டி த்தின் நக (Carbon copy) நா யாருக்கு அனு நி க்கி அ ர ளது



மி ஞ ல் முக ரி எழு வு .


 அடு வரி யில்,
A த்த
Subject: என எழுதி வினாவில் எ வி யத்திற்கு கடி எழு ச் ச ல்லி இருக்கிறார ள் எ தை புரிந்து



ண்டு அ சுரு ான ச ற் ராக எழு வு .

 அதற்கு அடு வரி யில் அலுவக கடிதம் எனில்,

Dear Sir / Madam எனவு ,

 தனி நப கடிதம் எனில்,
Dear Father, Dear Uncle, Dear Ravi என்று யாருக்கு கடி எழு ச் ச ல்லி இருக்கிறார அ ர ள்



ய எழுதி கடி த்தின் ையக் கரு எழு வு .


 இறுதியாக க ைசி வரி யில்

வினாவில் டு டு ாறு கடி எழுதுப ய அ து ழு எழு வு . (அலு லக



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கடி எனில் ப வி யு குறிப்பி வு ).



1. Draft an e-mail to Mr. Smith about the job vacancy.

Thank you – Assistant Account Executive Interview

Dear Ms.Smith,
It was very enjoyable to speak with you today about the assistant account executive position at the
Smith Agency.

The job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests The creative approach to account
management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.
In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness. and
the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.

forward to hearing from you regarding this position.

Jane Jones A
I appreciate the time you took to interview me I am very interested in working for you and look
2. You are Johnson. You seek a job draft an e-mail to customer service centre.

Jobseeker’s Resume / Customer Service Opening/Job ID #12345

Dear Sir
Please consider the attached resume for the position of Customer Service Representative (Job ID

#12345) as advertised in the Chicago Tribune on June 19th.

My most recent experience includes over six years as a Call Centre Representative for XYZ
Corporation where I developed a strong collaborative service approach and expertise in dealing with
difficult customers. My work has been described as impressive, innovative, and professional.

I would look forward to discussing this opportunity with you in a personal interview. Please contact
me at your earliest convenience. I can be reached anytime at 847-555-1234.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

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Question No : 37 d Expansion of Headlines 3 MARK

Expand the following news headlines:

Exercise 1:

a) 40% of seats in private engineering colleges vacant
As usual this academic year forty percent of engineering seats are unfilled in private engineering colleges in

b) Fire breaks out at ATM kiosk, none hurt
Last night near the bus station fire broke out suddenly at an ATM kiosk but luckily none was hurt.
c) Hero injured while performing stunt sequence

At Kodambakkam the ever favourite hero got injured while he was performing stunt sequence. He was hospitalized.

Exercise 2:
a) Schools closed due to heavy rains

closed for the next two days.

b) Storage reduced at reservoir for repair
Due to heavy downpour (rain) the schools in Kancheepuram, Thanjavur, Villupuram districts will remain
The Nagarjuna reservoir is under repair and so the water storage will be reduced for a couple days
c) PM to attend UNO meet.
Mr. Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister is leaving for Geneva to attend the United Nations Organization
Annual Meet on 28th of April.
Exercise 3:
a) Earthquake in Turkey – over 250 dead

Earthquake in Turkey. The death toll as of now is 250 in number and many more casualties are feared. Rescue
squad is in full attendance to prevent further casualties.
b) India wins Test series against Australia
The Indian team has once again proved its talent. In a tough game against Australia, India has won the Test Series.
c) Diabetic day celebrated with Free check up
India being in the top of the list of diabetic patients, awareness is created among people, by celebrating

diabetic day with a free - check up camp.

Exercise 4:
a) Tamil Nadu State Board Examination Results Declared

Tamilnadu Government declared the State Board Examination Results today, pass percentage has increased.
Total pass percentage is 82%.
b) Prime Minister to inaugurate National Games
National Games which is to be held next month will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister. Various VIPs from
different nations will be attending the inauguration function.
c) Passengers injured in accident.

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In a tragic rail accident that happened yesterday at 2 p.m. many passengers were injured. The train derailed
near Kadappa junction.
Exercise 5:
a) Prime Minister to inaugurate National Games
Our Prime Minister inaugurates 18th National Games to be held for five days in Pune.
b) Business campaign launched in China
The Ministry for Commerce has launched a week-long business campaign in China to attract foreign investment

c) Mobile phones banned in schools
The Director of School Education has announced that mobile phones are banned in schools.

Exercise 6:
a) Mobile phones banned in schools
Mobile phones will be banned in all educational institutions from the first of July 13.
b) 108 service welcomed by the poor

The introduction of Ambulance 108 service by the Government of Tamil nadu has been welcomed by the poor people.
c) Tata Motors hikes vehicle prices
The Tata Motors has hiked its vehicle prices by 10%.
Exercise 7:
a) Jewels stolen from House in Mylapore

15 sovereigns of gold ornaments have been stolen from a house in Mylapore last night.
b) Smart cards to be distributed on Dec. 19.
Nearly 100 students of Class XI in Tirunelveli District will be distributed smart card on Dec. 19, 2020.
c) Parents arrested for child abuse
Both father and mother of a 12 year old baby were arrested for child abuse by Tuticorin Police.

Extending the Dialogue

Question No : 38 a 3 MARK

A passage with four blanks is given. While answering the passage, we must keep the following points in our
Generally, there are two types of questions in English. They are yes/no type questions and vwh’ questions.
Questions beginning with auxiliary verbs are called yes/no type questions.
(eg.) Are you going to market?

The answers of the questions should begin either with vyes’ or vno’
Yes, I am going to market (or)
No, I am not going to market.
If a sentence contains an auxiliary verb, the same auxiliary verb can be used for framing questions. (Auxiliary

verbs are is, anu are. was, were. will, shqll, should, can, could, may, might etc..)
(e.g) 1. She is a teacher Is she a teacher?

2. They are running fast Are they running fast?
Questions beginning with vwh’ (what, when, which, where, why, who, whom, whose, how, how much, how
many, how far, how long, at what time etc..) are information questions.
structure of ‘wh’ questions

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Wh + Av + S + (M.V.) ?
(eg.) 1. What is your name? My name is Ramesh

2. Where are you going? I am going to market
3. Why is the child crying? The child is crying because it wants milk

3. If the given sentence does not have an auxiliary verb, according to the tense of the sentence, the verb can
be split using ‘do. does, did’

Simple Present (use do)

Example: 1. Yes, I go to market

Do you go to market?
2. Yes, they play cricket
For We do
Do they play cricket?

you, They
3. No, I don’t know the secret
Do you know the secret?

Simple Present (use does)
Yes, he goes to office
go = do + go
For does Does he go to office?
comes = does + come
Kala Yes, Kala drinks coffee
Does Kala drink coffee?

Simple Past (use only ‘did’)



went = did + go 1. Yes, he wrote a letter.

ran = did + run Did he write a letter?
wrote = did + write
2. Yes, She ran fast.
Did she run fast?

Some more examples with Yes/ No and ‘Wh’ types


1. Are you happy? Yes, I am happy. / No, I am not happy.

2. Can you help me? Yes, I can / No, I can’t

3. WChere does your father work? My father works in a bank.

4. When do you go to the library? I go to the library in the evening.

5. How did you write your examination? I wrote my examination well.
6. How many brothers do you have ? I have two brothers

Text Book Exercise

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c) Extend the conversation with two more relevant exchanges. Textbook Page No : 75
1. Receptionist : Good evening, sir. Welcome to Chennai.
Traveller : I would like to book a deluxe room in your hotel for 3 days.
Receptionist : Oh Thanks sir. Do you need Ac room?
Traveller : Yes I need AC room .

Receptionist : Alright. You can occupy 301.
Traveller : Thank you Mam.

2. Student : Good morning, sir. May I come in?

Teacher : Good morning, why are you late today?
Student : My mother is ill. I took her to the hospital.

Teacher : Oh I see. How is she now?
Student : She is a little bit improvement.
Teacher : OK. Take care of her.

Extend the conversation with two more exchanges:

Exercise 1:
Radha : Pushpa, I have brought my family photo album to show you.
Pushpa : Have you ? Let me see it. Oh ! Is this you ? You must have been about five years old when
this was taken.

Ans: Radha : Yes, you are right.
Pushpa : And who is this ? Is it your father?

Radha : Yes, that’s my father. We took this photo when we visited Ooty.
Pushpa : What a wonderful album.
Exercise 2:
Customer : Good Morning, sir!
Shop keeper : What do you want?

Ans: Customer : I want to exchange this cell phone.

Shop keeper : What is the problem?
Customer : It doesn’t work.
Shop keeper : Can I repair it for you?

Customer : No. I want to exchange it.

Exercise 3:
Employer : How old are you ?
Candidate : I am 25 Years old.
Ans: Employer : What is your qualification?

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Candidate : I am a Post-graduate in Physics.

Employer : When can you join duty if you are appointed ?
Candidate : I can you join duty, if I am appointed.
Exercise 4:
Bookseller : Hello Sir! May I help you, Sir?
Customer : Sir, would you allow me to exchange this book with another book ?

Ans: Bookseller : Is there any defect in the book?
Customer : A few pages are missing in this book

Bookseller : Do you have the bill?
Customer : Here is the bill. Please exchange the book.
Exercise 5:

Ganesh : Hi Dinesh! You seem to be very busy of late.
Dinesh : Oh, yes Ganesh! My uncle has come from Chennai
Ans: Ganesh : How long will he be staying here ?

Dinesh : He has come here for a medical check-up. So he will be here for a couple of weeks.
Ganesh : That’s quite a long time. You have to assist him during his stay here.
Dinesh : Yes, Luckily I have my holidays now, so I can spare my time for him.
Further exercise refer our practice book

Question No : 38 b Completion of Dialogue 3 MARK



Complete the following dialogues :

1. Passenger and the Conductor
Conductor : sir, Where are you going?
Passenger : I am going to Madurai
Conductor : The fare is Rs. 35.

Passenger : How long will it take to reach Madurai?

Conductor : It will take three hours to reach Madurai
Passenger : Will it stop anywhere in the way?

Conductor : No, it will not stop anywhere

2. Consumer and Salesman
Salesman : Good morning, Madam. what do you want?
Consumer : Good morning. I’d like to buy a washing machine
Salesman : Do you want a fully automatic machine?

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Consumer : No, I don’t want a fully automatic machine. A semi-automatic is enough.

Salesman : Machines of all companies and all models are available here.
Consumer : I like this model (pointing to the one close to her) How much does it cost?
Salesman : It costs Rs. 7000/-. We give 5% special discount also
Consumer : Do you accept credit card?
Salesman : Yes, we accept all credit cards. Thank you very much.

3. Teacher and his student
Teacher : Have you visited the zoo in Chennai?
Student : Yes, sir. I’ve visited it.

Teacher : When did you visit it?
Student : I visited it in April last.
Teacher : With whom did you visit it?

Student : I visited it with my uncle.
Teacher : Did you see the Ostrich there?
Student : Yes, I saw the Ostrich there.

4. T.T.E. and a Passenger
T.T.E. : Can you show me your ticket?
Passenger : It is here.
T.T.E. : Where are you going?
Passenger : I am going to Chennai.
Passenger : When will it reach?
T.T.E. : It will reach at 7.00 a.m.
Passenger : can I get the town bus?

T.T.E. : Yes, you can get the town bus to G.H.


5. Employer and Applicant

Employer : How old are you now?
Applicant : I am now twenty two.
Employer : Where did you study?
Applicant : I studied in St. Xavier’s College, Trichy.
Employer : Are you a post graduate in chemistry.

Applicant : I am a post graduate in chemistry.

Employer : Are you employed at present anywhere?
Applicant : No, sir.

Employer : Can you join at anytime?

Applicant : Yes sir, I con join duty even today.

P Ex Q M :
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1. Build a dialogue between a beggar and a social reformer with a minimum of 3 exchanges. [March-2020]
Social Reformer : Excuse me. why do you beg?
Beggar : I am an orphan. so i beg.
Social Reformer : But, you able bodied.
Beggar : Men none are ready give me a job.
Social Reformer : if anyone is ready, are you willing to do?

Beggar : Yes by all means.
2. A tenant is facing an acute water scarcity. He meets the landlord to explain the situation and request
him to address the problem. Frame a dialogue between the tenant and the landlord discussing the

issue. [Sep-2020]
Tenant : Greetings sir
Landlord : Greetings sir! What do you want?

Tenant : The water problem is acute in our house sir. Kindly do the needful.
Landlord : Oh is it. I think it need reboring.
Tenant : I too think so. Please do it atonce.

Landlord : Alright sir. I will do the needful.
Tenant : Thank you sir.

Describing a Process
Question No : 38 c 3 MARK

While describing a process we can use one of the three styles of Describing.
1. Personal Description:
We use the first person pronoun I as subject and the verb will be in the future tense.
Example: I will take four tea-spoons of coffee powder in a filter.

2. Imperative Description:
We use imperative sentence as if giving instructions.
Example: Take four tea-spoons of coffee powder in a filter.
3. The Impersonal Description or The Objective Description:
Here we use only the present tense Passive voice form.
Example : Four tea spoons of coffee powder is taken in a filter.

Generally we use style 3 for all logical reporting.

We use style 1 to describe personal activities.
Model : How will you prepare coffee?

Style 1 : I will take four tea-spoons of coffee powder in a filter. I will boil a cup of water. I will gently pour the
water over the coffee powder. I will collect the coffee essence. I will now boil milk. I will add a little
coffee essence to a cup of milk. I will add sugar to taste. Coffee is made.
Style 2 : Take four spoons of coffee powder in a filter. Boil a cup of water. Gently pour the water over the coffee
powder. Collect the essence. Boil milk. Add a little coffee essence to a cup of milk. Add sugar to taste. Coffee is made.
Style 3 : Four spoons of coffee powder is taken in a filter. A cup of water is boiled. Water is gently poured over

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the coffee powder. Coffee essence is collected. Milk is boiled. A little of coffee essence is added to a cup
of milk. Sugar is added to taste. Coffee is made.

Text Book Exercise

Describing a process
When we describe a process, we use a series of instructions to describe how we make or produce something or

to elaborate how something is done.
When instructions are given as to how to make a particular dish, or to operate a machine or to perform an
experiment, we use the imperative. The process can also be described using the passive voice.

Linkers are essential to join the different instructions together. Terms such as first, then, next, and then finally,
are all used in the narration / descriptive process.

Study the sample paragraph describing the process of cleaning a flask. Textbook Page No : 188

Take a pinch of non-abrasive washing powder or washing soda and put it inside the flask. You could even use a
mild cleaning liquid. In that case, pour a few drops of the cleaning liquid into the flask. Next, take a mug of hot
water. Pour it into the flask, close it and shake well. Then clean the inner surface of the flask with a gentle brush.

Also clean the cap of the flask. Rinse well three or four times. Then allow the flask to dry. If there is an unpleasant
odour, a pinch of sugar can be put into the flask and the flask could be cleaned properly with hot water.

Pre Juice
aration of le
You plan to delight your parents and sister, serving them chilled apple juice. Here is the process: (Complete the
sentences with the right form of the verbs)
Four or five apples are taken (take) and washed (wash) well. They are wiped (wipe) dry and cut into pieces
of medium size. The seeds are removed (remove). Then the apples are put (put) into the mixer. Some milk
is added (add). The apples are crushed (crush) and a fine liquid is obtained (obtain). This liquid is filtered

(filter) and the juice is stored (store) in the refrigerator. It is taken (take) out whenever needed, and after
adding sugar, it is served (serve) in cups.

nstalling a com uter

The description of installing a computer in your study room is given in the form of jumbled sentences. Rearrange the

sentences in the right order and form a coherent paragraph.

1. Once you connect the CPU, connect the keyboard and mouse.
2. Before turning on the power, check that all parts are connected to the CPU.

3. First open the box and take out the computer parts.
4. Plug both the computer and the monitor with a power cord.
5. Set the computer on a table or flat surface.
6. Finally turn on the power.


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First open the box and take out the computer parts. Set the computer on a table or flat surface. Once you
connect the CPU, connect the keyboard and mouse. Plug both the computer and the monitor with a power
cord. Before turning on the power, check that all parts are connected to the CPU. Finally turn on the power.

Attempt a description of the following processes, in about 100 words each, either using the imperative or the passive.
1. Preparing your favourite dish
Process of Preparing Sooji Halwa.

First the needed ingredients must be gathered as follows
• 1 1/2 cups sooji (semolina)

• 1/2 cup ghee
• 3/4 cup mixture of cashews (coarsely chopped) and whole raisins/sultanas
• 3 cups hot water

• 1/2 cup whole milk
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 5 pods green cardamom split open

• Coarsely chopped dried fruits or nuts for garnish
Heat a deep pan over medium heat and when it is hot, add the ghee. When the ghee melts, add the sooji and
stir to mix well. Roast the sooji stirring frequently until it begins to turn a very light golden color and gives off
a faint aroma. The roasted sooji will have the grainy consistency of wet sand at the beach. Add the cashews
and raisins to the sooji and mix well. While you are roasting the sooji, in a separate pot over medium heat,
bring the water, milk, sugar, and cardamom to a rolling boil, stirring often. This next step involves much
bubbling and splashing so be prepared and careful! When the sooji is roasted, gently add the water-milk
mixture, stirring all the while to prevent lumps from forming. Sometimes it helps to have a cooking partner
who will pour while you stir. If any lumps do form, make sure to break them with the back of the stirring spoon
so you get a smooth paste-like consistency. Cook the mixture until it is thick and begins to come away from
the sides of the pan. Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool to lukewarm. Serve in individual bowls,

garnished with coarsely chopped dried fruit or nuts if desired. Now serve disk and enjoy it.
2. Organising a birthday party in your house
First I will plan with my parents how I wish to celebrate my special day. We will choose the venue for the
cele¬bration. Then we will purchase invitation cards and things needed to make homemade cards. Then we
will list out our guests and start inviting them through cards and also using multimedia like mobile, whatsapp
and facebook. We will gather things for the decoration of the venue. We will plan for the arrangements of food

and beverage. We will also plan for different recreations and gifts to the guests. We will also plan for the safe
parking of the vehicles of the guests. We will make extensive arrangements for perfect sanitation and
environment. We will also ensure that the electric fittings and also other machineries are in much secured

Model Exercise
1. How will you remove grease stains on a dress? Describe the process briefly.
 Apply petrol on the spot;
 Brush gently
 Soak it in water and dry it for half-an-hour

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2. How will you prepare a greeting card for your friend’s birthday? Describe the process briefly.
First of all select the colour of the card which you are going to design.
 cut the card according to the size you require.
 Design with suitable colours. cut the corners and bring it to a proper shape.
 colour it and draw some picture.
 Select suitable words to praise your friend.

 Atlast wrap it and gift it to your friend.
3. Describe the process of cleaning the salt-stained and slippery floor tiles in your washroom. Sweep the
surface of the washroom with water at first. [Sep-2020]

 Pour the bleaching powder all over the surface of the washroom.
 Once again sweep well and spread the bleaching powder all over the wash room.

 Dry it for 5 hours.

Exercise - I

1. How will you arrange for a birthday party?
I will give order for a birthday-cake and candles. I will send invitations to relatives and friends. The hall is
cleaned and the table is laid. The hall is decorated with color papers and balloons. Arrangement for a party is
made. Everything is ready for the birthday party.
2. How would you locate a particular book in a library?
Books are arranged in a library according to subjects. By referring to the catalogue the call number of the book
is noted. The name of the book and the number are written on a piece of paper. It is given to the library clerk.
The clerk will locate and get the book for us.
3. Describe the method of giving First Aid to a person who has received an electric shock.

The main is switched off. Make sure that power supply has been cut-off. The person is removed to an open

place. He is laid on the table. If he is unconscious, he is revived and given some hot drink. Arrangements are
made to take him to hospital.
4. How will you prepare a pot for plant?
The pot suitable to the size of the plant is taken. It is first soaked in water for an hour. Fine soil and manures
are mixed in right proportion. The pot is half-filled. A layer of gravel is evenly spread. The rest of the mixture
is now added. The soil is properly watered. The pot is ready.

5. Describe how you prepared yourself for your class tour last year.
A list of students who wanted to take part was taken: The form for concession booking was got from the
railway station. The form was filled and the signature of the headmaster was got. Seats were booked.
Lodgings were booked. All the students were asked to come to school two hours earlier. A list of things to

be brought was given to all the students. The presence of the students was verified. Now everything was
ready for the departure.
6. What will you do if you smell leakage of gas in the kitchen?
I will switch-off the stove. Then I will close the cylinder valve. I will open all the windows to allow the leaked
gas to go out. Then I will test the rubber tube for leak with the help of soap water. If the tube is bad, I will
change the tube. If there is any other defect, I will call for the mechanic.

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7. How will you refix a broken glass with the help of an adhesive?
The two pieces of broken glass are taken. The broken edges are cleaned. The adhesive paste is applied to the
edges. It is allowed to dry for a few minutes. Then the edges are placed tightly together. If needed, an adhesive
tape is pasted behind for some time.
8. How do you deposit money in a bank on your account?
I will fill the pay-in slip correctly. I will go to the deposit counter. I will give the filled challan and the money
to the clerk. After he makes the necessary entries I will collect the stamped counterfoil from him. The money

is deposited.
9. How do you maintain discipline in your class, as a class leader, in the absence of the teacher?

The students are asked to sit in their seats. They are requested to maintain silence. They are not allowed to
move about in the class. They may be allowed to go out with permission if there is any personal need. A record
of offenders is kept to be handed over to the teacher when he comes in.
10. Describe the process of cleaning your school campus.

Forty students are selected to take part in the cleaning operation. They are divided into four groups with a
leader for each group. The first group is asked to clean the playground off paper-bits, broken pieces and other
rubbish. The second group is given the task of cleaning the classrooms and dusting the cob-webs. The third is

asked to collect the dry and fallen leaves and other rubbish in the garden. The fourth group shall dust the
furniture. The leader of each group shall report to me when the work is completed.

Question No : Correcting and Editing 3

38 d MARK

Prose - 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona

1. As we drove threw the foothills of the Alps two small boy stopped us on the outskirts of Verona. They were
solding wild strawberries. “Don’t buy,” warning Luigi, our caution driver. “You will get more better fruit in
Verona. Beside, these boys.....”

Ans: As we drove through the foothills of the Alps two small boys stopped us on the outskirts of Verona. They
were selling wild strawberries. “Don’t buy,” warned Luigi, our cautious driver. “You will get much better
fruit in Verona. Besides, these boys.....”
2. One knight, we came upon them in the windy and desserted square, rested on the stone pavement beneath the
lights. Nicola sit upright, tired. A bundle of unsold newspaper lay at his feet. Jacopo, his head resting upon his
brother’s shoulder was asleep. It was merely midnight.

Ans: One night, we came upon them in the windy and deserted square, resting on the stone pavement beneath
the lights. Nicola sit upright, tired. A bundle of unsold newspapers lay at his feet. Jacopo, his head resting
upon his brother’s shoulder was asleep. It was nearly midnight.

3. “I thinked you picked fruit for a life,” I said.” We do more things, sir,” Nicola answered seriously. He glanced at
us hopeful. “Often we show visitor through the town ... to Juliet’s tomb ... and other places in interest.”
Ans: “I thought you picked fruit for a living,” I said.” We do many things, sir,” Nicola answered seriously. He glanced
at us hopefully. “Often we show visitors through the town ... to Juliet’s tomb ... and other places of interest.”

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4. But next morning, when I gone over to the fountain to had my shoes shined, I said, “Nicola, the way you and
Jacopo works, you must earn quiet a bit. You spend nothing on clothes. You eat light enough --- when I see you
have a meal it’s usually black bred and figs. Tell me, what do you do with your money?”
Ans: But next morning, when I went over to the fountain to have my shoes shined, I said, “Nicola, the way you
and Jacopo work, you must earn quite a bit. You spend nothing on clothes. You eat little enough --- when I
see you have a meal it’s usually black bread and figs. Tell me, what do you do with your money?”

Prose - 2 A Nice Cup of Tea

5. Third, the pot should be warmed handbefore. This is best done by playing it on the hob then by the usual
method of swilling it out with heat water.

Ans: Thirdly, the pot should be warmed beforehand. This is best done by placing it on the hob than by the usual
method of swilling it out with hot water.
6. When I look threw my own recipe for the perfection cup of tea, I find no little than eleven outstanding point. On

perhaps two of their there would be pretty general agreement, but at last four others are acutely controversy.
Ans: When I look through my own recipe for the perfect cup of tea, I find no little than eleven outstanding points.
On perhaps two of them there would be pretty general agreement, but at least four others are acutely

7. Some people would answered that they doesn’t like tea in itself, that they only drink it in order to be warned
and stimulated, and they need sugar to take the taste away. To those misguiding people I would say: Try
drinking tea without sugar for, say, a fortnightly and it is very unlikeable that you will ever want to ruin your
tea by sweetening it again.
Ans: Some people would answer that they don’t like tea in itself, that they only drink it in order to be warmed
and stimulated, and they need sugar to take the taste away. To those misguided people I would say: Try
drinking tea without sugar for, say, a fortnight and it is very unlikely that you will ever want to ruin your tea
by sweetening it again.

Prose - 3 In Celebration of Being Alive


8. My father, had he still be alively, would have said: “My sun, it’s God’s vile. That’s the way God test you. Suffering
ennobling you – makes you a bitter person.”
Ans: My father, had he still been alive, would have said: “My son, it’s God’s vile. That’s the way God tested you.
Suffering ennobles you – makes you a better person.”
9. Let me told you about this two. The mechanic was all of seven year old. One night, when his mother and father
was drunk, his mother through a lantern at his father, missed and the lantern broke up the child’s head and

Ans: Let me tell you about these two. The mechanic was all of seven years old. One night, when his mother and
father were drunk, his mother threw a lantern at his father, missed and the lantern broke over the child’s

head and shoulders.

10. There was little hopeful of his recovery. After the Grant Prix, he proud informed me that the trolley’s wheels
are not properly oiled, but he were a good driver, and he and he had fully confidence in the mechanic.
Ans: There was little hope of his recover. After the Grand Prix, he proud informed me that the trolley’s wheels
were not properly oiled, but he was a good driver, and he and he had full confidence in the mechanic.

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Prose - 4 The Summit

11. We started on our cook and drank large quantity of lemon juice and sugar, and followed this with our lost tin
of sardines on biscuits. I dragged our oxygen sets into the tent, cleaned the ice of them, and then rechecked
and test them.
Ans: We started of our cooker and drank large quantities of lemon juice and sugar, and followed this with our
last tin of sardines on biscuits. I dragged our oxygen sets into the tent, cleaned the ice off them, and then

rechecked and tested them.
12. I continued to made the trail on up the ridge, leding up for the last 400 feet to the south summit. The snow on
this phase was dangerous, but we persisted of our efforts to beat a trailer up it.

Ans: I continued to make the trail on up the ridge, leading up for the last 400 feet to the southern summit. The
snow on this face was dangerous, but we persisted in our efforts to beat a trail up it.
13. I decided to go by; and we lastly reached firmer snow high up, and then chirupped steps up the last step slopes

and cramponed by to the South Peak. It was now 9 a.m.
Ans: I decided to go on; and we finally reached firmer snow higher up, and then chipped steps up the last step
slopes and cramponed on to the South Peak. It was now 9 a.m.

Prose - 5 The Chair

14. The day before, a family friend had pay us a visit. He was a under judge. Couldn’t he has come like one of we,
in a veshti and shirt? No, he arrived in “suiteboot’ and all. There was only three legged stool in our house.
It measured a mere three – fourth foot, to churn card.
Ans: The day before, a family friend had paid us a visit. He was a sub judge. Couldn’t he have come like one of us,
in a veshti and shirt? No, he arrived in “suitboot’ and all. There was only three legged stool in our house.
It measured a mere three – fourth foot, to churn curd.

15. “Teek is the better. That’s why will be light to lift and carried around and be sturdy at the same time”, said

our grandmother, pressed her stretched feet. (Our Patti was extremely fond of her legs. She was forever
stroking them.)

Ans: “Teak is the best. That’s what will be light to lift and carry around and be sturdy at the same time”, said
our grandmother, pressing her stretched legs. (Our Patti was extremely fond of her legs. She was forever
stroking them.)

16. We were irritated that our sleeping was being thus disturbed. Akka remarked one day, “God knowwhy these

wretched people has to go and die at such unearthly ours!”. Anna say exasperatedly. “Good chair we make
for the corpses of our village to sit on, Tchai!”

Ans: We were irritated that our sleep was being thus disturbed. Akka remarked one day, “God knows why these
wretched people have to go and die at such unearthly hours!”. Anna said exasperatedly. “Good chair we

made for the corpses of our village to sit on, Tchai!”

Prose - 6 On the Rule of the Road

17. There is a dangerous of the world get liberty-drunk in these day like the old lady with the basket, and it is jest
as well to remaind ourselves of what the rule of the road mean.

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Ans: There is a danger of the world getting liberty-drunk in these days like the old lady with the basket, and it is
just as well to remind ourselves of what the rule of the road means.
18. When the policemen, say, at Piccadilly Circus, step into the middle of the road and puts out his hand, he is the
symbol not of tyrant, but of liberty. You may not think so. You may, being in a hurry, and saw your car pulled
up by his insolente of office, feeling that your liberty has been outraged.
Ans: When the policeman, say, at Piccadilly Circus, stepping into the middle of the road and puts out his hand,
he is the symbol not of tyranny, but of liberty. You may not think so. You may, being in a hurry, and see your

car pulled up by his insolence of office, feel that your liberty has been outraged.
19. Liberty is not a private affair only, but a social contact. It is an accommodation with interests. In matters
which does not touch anybody else’s liberty, of coarse, I may be as freely as I like.

Ans: Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract. It is an accommodation of interests. In matters
which do not touch anybody else’s liberty, of course, I may be as free as I like.


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Question No : 39 a Slogans 3 MARK

Introduction :
A slogan is a brief, attention-drawing phrase used in advertising. These slogans are used to popularize the
products. In this section, you will be asked to match the slogans with their relevant products.

1. Box of matches Make fire in a rare way.

2. Air-conditioner Bring Switzerland into your room.
3. Digital camera [Room / Keeps] cool say cheese and freeze.
4. Lipstick Paint the town red.

A comfortable sole in a cozy hole. Put your best foot forward.
5. Shoes
Majestic and manly look.

6. Glass Handle with care.

7. Mobile phones / Cellphones

Immediate contact.
Anywhere connectivity. Talk more and pay less.
Brings people within your palm.
8. Detergent Cleans well and fine.
Don’t need to press our dress.
9. Dress Modest and a smart look.
For dashing and smart looks.
10. Shampoo Leaves your hair smooth and silky.

11. Ointment For external use.


Clean with a glee.

Use for a while and get a sparkling smile.
12. Tooth Paste
Pearls in your mouth.
Fresh breath.
13. Ball-point pen Flawless writing flows from this pen.
14. Eraser Erases everything but the past.

15. Lens Gives clear vision.

Doorstep to knowledge.
Information at the doorstep.
16. Computer
Technology at your doorstep.

The world is in your room.

17. Music system Hear more, enjoy more.
Fine snaps. The world at a click.
18. Camera Say cheese and freeze.
Freeze the finest moment.
19. Tea The cup that cheers most Indians.

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Micro-tip pen/
20. Flawless writing flows from this pen.
Ball point pen
21. Motor bike For extra mile and smile.

No more summer, chiller is here

22. Ice-cream
Children’s delight.

23. Gum Fixes everything except broken hearts.

Sharp time for sharp people.
24. Watch
Fits your wrist like an ornament.

25. Newspaper World news for a rupee.
26. All Out Have a peaceful sleep.

Quench your thirst without bacteria.
27. Mineral water Fresh from Himalayan springs.
Safe and bacteria free.

28. Dictionary Increase your word power.
29. Scooter For smooth driving.
30. Mixer grinder Kitchen-mate.
31. Credit Card Buy now, pay later.
32. Boost Secret of my energy.
33. Radio Enjoy the news and songs.
34. Car Makes the travel easier.

35. Calendar Point out the passing of days.


36. Shaving cream A neat face in two seconds.

37. Fan Keeps you cool.
38. Coffee Rejuvenates you.
39. Washing powder Removes the most adamant dirt.

40. Whirlpool Soft on clothes and hard on dirt.

41. Lock It guarantees great safety.
42. Furniture Carved with love and care.

43. Basmati Rice Proven to ensure your health.

44. Five star Hotel Live on the lap of luxury.
45. Nokia Connects people world over.
46. Perfume Let there be fragrance around you.

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47. Pen It glides on the paper.

48. Looking glass Made for perfect reflection
49. Floor tiles Tread on style
Let not frequent power cut worry you.
50. Inverter
Power cut? Don’t worry
51. Camera Helps you freeze memorable moments

Consumes less, lasts longer
52. Tube light
Less Power, More light
53. Paper cups Non-pollutants and cheap

54. Burglar alarm Lock and travel in peace.
55. Books Gateway to knowledge
56. Diary plan your day

57. T-shirt A good casual wear
58. Mouse The world at a click

59. Skoda - the Luxury car Well-built steel, in-built style
For sweet celebration
60. Dairy Milk Chocolate
Forget yourself with its milky taste
61. Home needs Products for better living
62. Employment News Jobs at your doorstep
63. Reynolds pen Writes smooth and fine
64. Mouth wash Talk freely without any hesitation
65. Mouse Brings information to your doorstep

66. Greeting cards Wishes that bring people closer


67. wi- fi Net connection Superfast wireless broad band

68. Mysore silk Exquisite sarees on ramp
69. Helmet Head gear, no fear
70. Alarm clock Wakes up with warmth
71. Lap top carry your data every where

72. Library A palace of books

73. Lubricative oil Gives the machine a long-life
74. Solar heaters Save electricity

75. to advertise a fairness cream For whiter and brighter skin. [Sep-2020]
to create awareness on the
76. Girls are future. Let them grow and be educated. [Sep-2020]
importance of educating Girl Child
77. to advertise a baby food product A power that grows your child. [Sep-2020]

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Question No : 39 b Awareness 3 MARK

1. To highlight the risk of (Obesity) Be on diet Keep on fit

2. Rainwater harvesting save water! to preserve water
3. AIDS Be disciplined and be free from dreadful diseases

4. Save planet earth Environmental awarness
5. Campaign against Child labour Don't be wild on little child

6. Telescope The naked eye to espy sky.
Children are God’s work
7. Campaign against child labour
Don’t make them work.
8. Rain water harvesting Save rain water to utilize in famine or drought

Count your blessings not your trouble
9. Optimistic in life
Look the people below you not above you.
Health is not about the weight you lose
10. Public of health

But about the life you gain
Send the kids to school and make them cool
11. Public of education
Don’t pressurize them to work and make them fool
12 Traffic rules and awareness Think your family is waiting for you while driving
13. Road safety week Follow the rules; Allow everyone to be free from worries
14. Using mobile phones use mobile in a limited way to live for unlimited days with vision
15. AIDS Awareness be disciplined and live happily AID others but don’t give AIDS
16 Dengue fever Be off mosquitoes; be away from Dengue
17. To high light the risks of using tobacco Keep the tobacco away; keep the cancer away too
18. Public of keeping the surroundings clean keep clean your environment; live healthily

19. Opening of a circulating library Calling all bookworms!

20. Internet Banking 'Why be in line, when you can be on-line'
21. my teeth 'Stronger than the strongest'
22. bike riding 'Speed thrills but kills.'
23. swadesi movement 'Be Indian, Buy Indian.'

24. Family planning 'One family, One child.'

25. Running Race 'You reach before you start.'
26. Women Education Educate a Woman, Educate a Generation
27. Literacy Awareness Read with Passion, Lead the Nation

28. Junk food Pizza, Burger are threat to life; Home made foods save your life
29. Plastics Protest Plastics, Protect Nature
30. Cleanliness Clean World, Green World
31. Deforestation Plant a Sapling, Before you cut a tree
32. Afforestation Grow more trees, Feel more breeze

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Question No : 40 a Completion of Proverbs 3 MARK


Type -I

Exercises - 1
a. is the mother of invention. Ans : Necessity
b. The pen is mightier than the . Ans : sword

c. Fortune favours the . Ans : bold
[ sword / necessity / bold]
Exercises - 2

a. Never look a gifted in the mouth. Ans : horse
b. speak louder than words. Ans : flower
c. One makes no garland. Ans : Actions

[ flower / horse / actions]
Exercises - 3
a. not want not. Ans : Waste
b. Pen is mightier than the . Ans : human
c. To err is . Ans : word
[human / waste / word]
Exercises - 4
a. makes waste. Ans : Haste
b. United we stand, we fall. Ans : divided

c. is worship. Ans : work


[work / haste / divided]

Exercises - 5
a. alone triumphs. Ans : Truth
b. is thicker than water. Ans : Blood
c. Covet all, all. Ans : lose
[truth / lose / blood]
Exercises - 6

a. All that glitters is not . Ans : gold

b. As you sow so you . Ans : reap
c. Look you leap. Ans : before

[before / reap / gold]

Type -II
PTA Model Question
a. ____________ is the best policy. (Punctuality / Honesty / Sincerity) Ans : Honesty
b. __________ makes a man. (Money / Power / Manners) Ans : Manners

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c. ________ was not built in a day (India / Rome / Italy) Ans : Rome

Complete the proverbs with the right options.

11. The squeaky wheel gets the___________. [Sep-2020] Ans : c
a) diesel b) resin c) grease d) water
12. People who live in glass houses should not throw____________. [Sep-2020] Ans : b

a) pellets b) stones c) garbage d) marbles
13. The____________ is always greener on the other side. [Sep-2020] Ans : a
a) brook b) parrot c) moss d) grass


1. Better late than __________. Ans : b

a) Ever b) never c) always d) seldom
2. __________ was not built in a day. Ans : d
a) Chennai b) Mumbai c) Delhi d) Paris

3. Face is the index of the __________. Ans : c
a) Hand b) head c) mind d) eye
4. Add fuel to __________. Ans : c
a) Water b) oil c) fire d) air
5. All that glitters is not __________. Ans : b
a) Silver b) gold c) aluminum d) iron
6. __________ is the mother of invention. Ans : c
a) Need b) necessary c) necessity d) needy
7. __________ makes a man perfect. Ans : a
a) Practice b) practise c) exercise d) wealth

8. __________ is wealth. Ans : c

a) Money b) power c) health d) beauty
9. __________ favours the brave. Ans : b
a) Luck b) fortune c) strength d) time
10. Easy come __________ go. Ans : b
a) Difficult b) easy c) never d) daily

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Question No : 40 b Proverbs & Meanings 3 MARK

Introduction :
A proverb is a short saying stating a general truth or piece of advice. We have already learnt a lot of proverbs
in the lower classes. Let us learn how to use them in suitable situations. Here are some examples to guide you.

E Guid nc

1. One flower makes no garland A single person cannot be powerful
Do not be over-ambitious Be happy with what you have
2. Covet all, lose all

Greed will spoil a person Over-desire is dangerous.
Hurry makes you worry. .A steady growth leads to
3. Haste makes waste
progress / Tension leads to imperfection

Even great men can make mistakes
4. Even Homer nods
Even perfect people fail sometimes / No man is perfect
Make use of the chances / Make use of every opportunity
5. Make hay while the sun shines
Act in the right time.
Do not waste, be frugal Reckless spending lands us in
6. Waste not, want not
Most appearances are deceptive / Do not be misguided by
7. All that glitters is not gold
appearances / Appearances are deceptive
8. Seeing is believing Do not believe in rumors.
One should think well before one acts. / Think well before

9. Look before you leap

taking any action. / Think well before you do anything.
Strong will power is needed to achieve anything.
10. Where there is a will there is a way
Strong will-power paves the way.
Nothing can be achieved at once. / A steady growth leads
11. Rome was not built in a day to progress. / One cannot achieve everything at once.
Be steady to achieve

12. As you sow so you reap Accept the result of your action.
Make use of every opportunity / Make hay while the sun
13. Strike while the iron is hot

People who talk more will achieve nothing. / People

14. Empty vessels make much noise
without knowledge speak much.
15. Pen is mightier than the sword Words can be more powerful than wars
16. Honesty is the best policy Always speak the truth

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17. To err is human No one is completely perfect.

Like-minded people make good friends. / Like minded
18. Birds of same feather flock together
persons always help one another.
19. Union is strength United we stand divided we fall.
20. Too many cooks Spoil the broth Be co-operative A work should not be entrusted to many people.

Family bond is always closer. / Your relatives are more /
21. Blood is thicker than water
Interested in you. / Favoring one’s close relatives.
22. Work is worship Be conscious of your duty.

23. Many a drop makes an ocean Small savings make one rich together.
24. Reading makes a perfect man Try to read as much as possible / Take care of your health.

25. Health is wealth Good mind and good body is productive
26. Truth alone triumphs Always speak the truth
27. Manners make the a man You should learn good manners
Borrowed garments never fit well
Better Late than never
No pain no gain
Don’t imitate others
Even if delayed attend the meeting.
One cannot succeed without hard work
31. Brevity is the soul of wit Be short while speaking and writing
Even an unfortunate person has his times of glory.
32. Every dog has its day
No one is always unlucky.
Talkative people will not achieve anything. / No one is
33. Barking dogs seldom bite
always unlucky

Give attention to little details, we will save ourselves time

34. A stitch in time saves nine
and wealth.
35. Man Proposes God disposes Divine help is essential to make efforts fruitful
36. Beggars cannot be choosers One should know his limitations
37. Call a spade a spade Say the truth
38. As you sow, so you reap What you do to others, you will have in turn

39. Misfortune never comes single Bad luck follows on in succession

40 Speech is silver, silence is gold Silence is better than speech

41. Fortune favours the brave Courage leads to success

42. No man is an island Prefer to live in groups
43. Practice what you preach Example is better than precept
44. Enough is as good as a feast Be contented and moderate.

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45. Practice is better than precept Action speaks louder than words.
46. Cut your coat according to the cloth Live according to your means.
47. Stow and steady wins the race j ma tic schemed work pays

48. Still water runs deep Patience is powerful

49. Rolling stone gathers no moss Wise people don’t boast

50. The child is the father of the Man Child is wiser than man.

51. It is no use crying over spilt milk Don’t worry about the past

52. When one door shuts, another opens Life offers many chances

53. When in Rome do as Romans do Be adjustable to all

54. Borrowed garments never fit well Don’t imitate others

55. Out of debt, out of danger Borrowing is dangerous


Don’t put the cart before the horse

Life is not a bed of roses

A Do not do things in a wrong way

Life is full of struggles

58. A soft answer turns away wrath Politeness is a powerful weapon

59. Well begun is half done A good beginning paves way for a perfect finish.

60 Don’t make a mountain of a mole hill Do not exaggerate things.

61 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket Do not risk your entire time and resources in one plan.

62 Rob Peter to pay Paul Taking from one to give another.


63 The early bird catches the worm First come, first served.

64. Rob Peter to pay paul Taking from one to give another

65 Where there is a will there is a way Strong will power paves the way


Exercise 1
Proverb Meanings


1. One flower makes no garland a) Hurry makes you worry.

2. Covet all, lose all b) A single person cannot be powerful

3. Haste makes waste c) Do not be over-ambitious.

Ans: 1) A single person cannot be powerful 2) Do not be over-ambitious 3) Hurry makes you worry
Exercise 2

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Proverb Meanings

1. Waste not want not a) Do not believe in rumours.

2. All that glitters is not gold b) Do not waste, be frugal
3. Seeing is believing c) Most appearances are deceptive

Ans: 1) Do not waste, be frugal 2) Most appearances are deceptive 3) Do not believe in rumours

Exercise 3

Proverb Meanings

1. Rome was not built in a day a) People who talk more will achieve nothing.

2. As you sow so you reap. b) Make use of every opportunity.
3. Strike while the iron is hot c) Nothing can be achieved at once.

Ans: 1) Nothing can be achieved at once 2) People who talk more will achieve nothing

3) Make use of every opportunity

Exercise 4
Proverb Meanings


1. Pen is mightier than the sword a) Think well before taking any action.
2. Look before you leap b) Always speak the truth

3. Honesty is the best policy c) Words can be more powerful than wars

Ans: 1) Words can be more powerful than wars 2) Think well before taking any action
3) Always speak the truth

Exercise 5
Proverb Meanings

1. To err is human a) Grasp the opportunity


2. Make hay while the sun shines b) People without knowledge speak much.
3. Empty vessels make much noise c) No one is perfect.

Ans: 1) No one is perfect 2) Grasp the opportunity 3) People without knowledge speak much

Further exercise refer our practice book


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Question : 40 c Rearranging Words 3 MARK

(Word Order)

Reshuffle the jumbled parts and frame meaningful sentences: (Retain the first)
A completed action is the centre of a sentence. Therefore the 'verb' is the nucleus of a sentence. In

arranging words and phrases in a meaningful order we must first identify the verb.
a) The verb itself may be a single word (I ran to the shop.) or a group of words. (The child is crying. He
has been waiting for you.) Once the verb is identified we must next identify the 'doer' of the action or

the subject by asking the question 'who' or 'what'.
/with a gun / the hunter /with a gun / killed / the man-eater/

1. The verb is 'killed'.
2. 'Who' killed? _____________ The hunter' - subject.
So the rearranged words / phrases must begin with The hunter killed __________ ____________
Once this is done correctly the other words / phrases can be easily arranged.

come after the verb, [in that order]

If the jumbled words contain the object (whom, what) or the complement (what) or both, they must

The adverb usually comes after the verb. But adverbs like 'often', 'always'.... etc. come before the
verb or at the beginning of a sentence.
d) If the jumbled words contain two objects, the general order is IO first and DO next. But if 'to' comes
with the IO it must come after the DO.
(to whom - Indirect Object; what - Direct Object) Ex: SVIODO

P Ex Q M :

Rearrange the following jumbled proverbs correctly.

1. a road / never / a turning / without / there is [March-2020]

There is a road without never a turning
2. the last straw / broke the / it was / that / camel’s back [March-2020]
It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back

3. the child / and / spare / spoil / the rod [March-2020]

Spare the rod and spoil the child

Model Exercise

Reshuffle the jumbled parts and frame meaningful sentences: (Retain the first)

1. the children / make / in the garden / a lot of / noise /.

The children make a lot of noise in the garden.

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2. the company / to all its workers / offers / a huge salary.

The company offers a huge salary to all its workers.
3. the girl /every evening / goes / to the music class / without fail.
The girl goes to the music class every evening without fail.
4. a group of young men /are waiting / to meet / outside the hall /the Principal.
A group of young men are waiting outside the hall to meet the Principal.

5. we / eight days / spent / in Kodaikanal.
We spent eight days in Kodaikanal.

Question No : 40 c Expansion of Proverbs 3 MARK

proverb is a short saying popularly known and repeated, usually expressing simply
and concretely a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind

Text Book Exercise

Given below are a few proverbs. Prepare a short speech of two minutes on one of the proverbs.
Textbook Page No : 119
a)Nothing is impossible.
Ans: The word ‘impossible’ itself spells, ‘I’m possible’. Napoleon Bonaparte once remarked, “The word ‘impossible’
is found only in the dictionary of fools”. In this world, everything is possible on the basis of will power,
dogged determination and sacrifice. To accomplish the most difficult tasks, you need to put in a lot of hard
work, extra perseverance and concentration on a single objective. You should have patience and faith in
yourself. You should have determination, dedication and devotion to attain success. Never bother about the

results. Keep on going even if the pace is slow. Just ensure it remains steady. You are bound to face obstacles
en route to success, but with courage and perseverance, you can master them. Your positive attitude and
clear frame of mind determine your future. In this world, there is no such thing as CHANGE, With your own
ideas, will and ability, you can create a number of chances, circumstances and desired atmosphere to achieve
the toughest goal.
b) Where there is a will there is a way.
Ans: ‘Where there is a will there is a way.’ This means if we are determine to do a thing, we will somehow find

a way to do it. When we do a thing without really a strong desire, we cannot do it at all. We will only meet
failure. The same will be the result when there is no strong determination on our part. For, we will not then
be able to overcome the difficulties in our way. Only when we struggle against obstacles with determination
we can achieve success. In fact, nothing can be ‘impossible’ if we do it with a strong will and determination.

c) Together we can achieve more.

Ans: “Together we can achieve more”... This adage holds true to any organization. You might say it is a
simple phrase, but there is so much more to it. Let me tell you how we achieve success. A team with good
communication skill, commitment, and excellent teamwork will certainly succeed. There is no doubt.
First, we have to envision our goals and make each member of the team understand the common goal.
Communication is vital in every step. We should collaborate with others. Every member will be delegated a

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task. In delegating tasks, we should focus on individual strengths and expertise, Each person puts his heart
in his tasks and creates and builds good working relationships along the way. As long as we have the 4 C’s
- Communication, Commitment, Collaboration and Compassion, we will continue to succeed and deliver
quality service.
Ans: It is our common experience to hear politicians make tall promise before elections, and to conveniently
forget them after they are elected. Their actions do not match their words. That is why we do not trust them.

Words sound good. But actions prove the genuineness of our intentions. In olden times a man’s word was
a matter of honour, even unto the point of death. In modern times, people make all kinds of big promises
which they have little intention of keeping. People like to say nice things to give a good impression of
themselves. But once they have left the place they think nothing of what they claim to do. We can only call

such person a cheater or a liar. A person who says one thing and does something to the contrary is a highly
irresponsible person, and ought not to be trusted. We too should develop the habit of matching our actions
with words at all times.

Ans: Most of the time, we do not realize the talent that is within us. Certain situations help to bring out these
special qualities to the fore. Just as a drowning man tries to hold on to anything that comes his way to save
his life, we too come up with remedies beyond our imagination in desperate situations. We find the courage

to do extraordinary things when we are in despair. Even a coward can be turned into a brave warrior in a
life-threatening situation. When thesituation demands even a coward can turn into a courageous person.
Most of the time, we do not realize the talent that is within us. Certain situations help to bring out these
special qualities to the fore. Just as a drowning man tries to hold on to anything that comes his way to save
his life, we too come up with remedies beyond our imagination in desperate situations. We find the courage
to do extraordinary things when we are in despair. Even a coward can be turned into a brave warrior in a life-
threatening situation.
Explain the meaning of the proverb in about 30 words.
Ans: The truth of this proverb is well illustrated by the fable of the hare and the tortoise, the two animals ran
a race. After running fast for a while the hare fell asleep. But when it woke up, the tortoise had already

reached the goal. The tortoise had plodded steadily without stopping anywhere on the way. This story
points to a great truth. Even brilliant persons are failures in life for want of steady work and perseverance.
But men of average abilities achieve success in life by slow and steady work. This explains sometimes
average pupils too winning big prizes in schools and colleges.


Ans: Truth always wins. This is the core of all moral and religious preaching every where. The lives of all great
men on this earth show that truth may be kept hidden for a time but it cannot be suppressed for all time.

It triumphs in the end in all glory after initial trials and difficulties. We must always speak the truth and be
true to our fellowmen in all our dealings. This must be impressed properly on the minds of our children
when they are very young. We should set an example to them in this respect by right behaviour.


Ans: Procrastination means delaying action or postponing things. Lazy persons never do anything at the right
time. They go on putting off things to tomorrow, next week or next month. They think they have , plenty
of time to do their work. But at last they find it very difficult to finish all the accumulated work. Everyone
of us must realize that time is precious. Time wasted in laziness is stolen away by procrastination. So
procrastination is a thief of time. We should know that time once lost can never be got back.

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Ans: The pen is the weapon of the writer and the sword is the weapon of a soldier. Both are very, mighty. The sword
helps one to kill or enslave people. Thus it can do no good. But it is not so with the pen. A great writer can do
both good and harm to mankind. His powerful writings may be used to propagate good ideals and ideas among
the people. He can conquer even the whole world by his pen. He also induces people through his writings to
rise in revolt against anything or anyone disliked by him. Thus the pen is more powerful than the sword.

Ex. 5: All that glitters is not gold

Ans: A jewel which is very bright and shining may not be real gold. It may be of some gold-coated base metal. This
shows that we cannot know the value of things from their outward appearance. In the same way, all persons
are to be judged only by their inner qualities. Their outward appearance may not give us a true picture of

them. Only if we bear this in mind, we will not be deceived by them and come to grief. Many bad people pose
as good persons. They easily cheat people. We should beware of them.
Ex. 6: Make hay while the sun shines
Ans: We can dry the green grass only in the hot sun. Nobody can make hay in seasons when the sun does not shine

well. If farmers fail to make hay in summer, their cattle will suffer in winter. A trader who does not stock
the goods in the proper season will not have a good business. Likewise, a student who does not work hard
while in school or college cannot learn anything, He will suffer a Jot in his later life. This only shows that one
should make the earliest use of one’s opportunitcs. If opportunists are missed or wasted, no one can succeed
in life.
Ex. 7: Necessity is the mother of invention

Ans: In olden days, people went from one place to another only by carts. Something was badly needed to help
people travel quickly. That led to the invention of the steam engine. Even then people needed quicker
means of transport. So motor cars and aeroplanes came to be invented. Similarly, under other circumstances,
the sewing machine, the telephone, etc, have all been invented. Nowadays electronic calculators have been
devised for quick calculations. Thus necessity leads to the invention of many useful things.
Ans: We cannot control the tides of the sea which wait upon no man’s convenience. Time also will not stand and
wait until we make up our minds to do something. Time is ever flowing on. No one can get back the lost

moments. We have “to catch time by the forelock”. We have to seize and use an opportunity when it comes.
We cannot get it back when we let it slip. A boy who wastes his time at school misses the golden opportunity
of a sound education. We must be alert in availing ourselves of the good opportunities in life.

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Part - IV

Question No : 41 - 47

Total Marks : 35

Question No : 41 Prose Paragraph 5 MARK

Prose - 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona


A r gr ph Question
Answer the following in a paragraph of 100-150 words each.

a) What was the driving force that made the boys do various jobs?

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A.J. Cronin

Genre : Narration

Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

The young boys’ boundless and selfless love for their sick sister was the driving force which made them do
various odd jobs to earn money and pay for her treatment. She was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine
and they admitted her in a hospital. So, in order to pay for her treatment they worked day and night, did all
jobs like selling strawberries at the foothills of Alps, polishing shoes, and selling newspapers in the city. They
even acted as tourist guides to earn additional money.

b) How was the family affected by the war?

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A.J. Cronin

Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and sacrifice

The family was devastated by the war. First they lost their father, then their house was destroyed by a bomb
and they were thrown in the streets orphaned. They suffered horribly from starvation and exposure to the cold
winter. For months they had to live in a shelter built by themselves amidst the rubble of their destroyed house.

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c) Write a character sketch of Nicola and Jacopo. [PTA-3]

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A.J. Cronin
Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

Nicola was the elder brother. He was 13 years old. He was wearing a worn jersey and cut-off khaki pants. At

such a young age he had shouldered the responsibilities of looking after his family after losing his father in
the war. He did various menial jobs such as selling fruits, newspapers, shoe-shining, running errands, as
guides, etc. to pay the medical expenses for their sister undergoing 1 treatment for the tuberculosis of her

spine. He was very secretive by nature; he did not want anyone to know about their troubles. He also did not
like to have anyone’s help of any sort. Jacopo, the younger one, barely came up to the door handle of a car, was
nearly 12. He was wearing a shortened army tunic gathered in loose folds about his skinny frame. He was as
responsible as his elder brother and always lent a helping hand in all the jobs he did. Being younger, he was

bubblier. He was not much cautious in keeping his secret from others. When the author expressed his desire
to help them, he readily asked him to drive him and his brother to Poleta. Nicola did not like it.

d) What message is conveyed through the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’?


: Two Gentlemen of Verona
Author : A.J. Cronin
Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

The moral of the story a) Hard work is the key to success and nothing in the world is impossible. Dedication
and hard work are needed to achieve goals. b)”Where there is a will, there is a way” this proverb is proved/
portrayed by these two boys. c) Family is the true demonstration of love, affection and faith. This love for their
sister that made these two boys to work so hard and not spending money for their own need. c) Hardship had
not taken away their feelings. The hard times and circumstances like loss of their father, house etc. made them

to take wrong and shorter path d) Nature is the biggest teacher in the world. Situations and circumstances
enrich one with responsibility and sincerity e) these two boys belong to well to do family, even then they never
hesitated to do odd jobs. This shows that no job is small or big and work is worship.

e) Justify the title of the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’. [PTA-2]

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A.J. Cronin

Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

The title ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ is justified because we can’t judge the boys on their shabby appearance
just like a book which can’t be judged by its cover. The boys were dedicated, devoted and compassionate to
their work. They had a very mature approach to everything they did. They did all kinds of jobs in order to pay
for the treatment of their ailing sister Lucia who was admitted in the hospital. This showed their selfless love
and they can become a great hope for the human society. Just like a gentleman, they never complained about
their jobs and did all the work with full sincerity. Just like a gentleman, never expressed their problems to
others because they didn’t want any help from anybody and wanted to help her sister on their own.

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f) Adversity brings out the best as well as the worst in people. Elucidate this statement with reference
to the story.

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A.J. Cronin
Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

A life full of struggle and adversity is no humiliation if it is lived with the positive attitude. Struggle in adversity
don’t mean wails and tears. One can keep a cheerful face even through the days of adverse struggles. A cheerful
face and a positive attitude add to our inner strength. That way we can overcome our adversities with speed

and dignity. It is proved true in the case of ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’. The ‘gentlemen’ just in their teens,
show courage, dignity and determination of a great fighter. They fought against the adversity with a cheerful
face. After the war they were left orphans and homeless. And then they had an ailing sister to look after. Yet
they were not dispirited. They braved all their difficulties heroically. They worked hard, earned all they can,

but hardly spent a penny for themselves. They saved all the money for the treatment of their sister. And they
always had a cheerful face. Thus they justify the statement that ‘a life full of struggle and adversity’ can bring
out the best in people. On the other hand, because of adversity faced in life, some people take to stealing,

robbing, cheating etc, thus bringing out the worst in them.

g) Which character do you like the most in the story and why?

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona

Author : A.J. Cronin
Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

The character of the narrator in the story is the most likeable. The narrator is the man of keen observation.
Sensitive to the world around him, he tries to see beyond the apparent and identify others’ joys and sorrows.
Though inquisitive, he doesn’t have a prying nature. His helping attitude and friendly nature brings him

closer to the two boys and he admires the gentlemanly qualities of these shabbily dressed
boys. Considerate and kind hearted, he drives them all the way to Poleta, 30 km from Verona. A thorough
gentleman that he is, he does not want to intrude in the privacy of Nicola and Jacopo; hence even after learning
about their tuberculosis-afflicted sister’s story, he doesn’t utter a word and gives them the pleasure that they
had succeeded in keeping their secret.

ey oints For te Bloomers

Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona
Author : A.J. Cronin

Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

 The narrator and his companion drive through the foothills of the Alps.
 On the outskirts of Verona, they meet two shabby looking brothers Nicola and Jacopo
 They sell wild strawberries.

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 Author and his companion buy a big basket of fruits in spite of the warning of their driver.
 The boys are found doing some odd jobs
 The author wanted to do something for them
 so, he asked them if they wanted anything.
 Jacopo requests the narrator to drop them at Poleta their village.
 The boys are dropped at a villa which is a hospital.

 The author comes to know about Lucia the sister of the boys.
 She suffered from tuberculosis.

 They work hard to meet out the expenses of the hospital.
 He was wonderstruck on the self-sacrifice of the two boys.
 These two boys are a great hope to this war prone world.

t nd rd r gr ph
Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona
Author : A.J. Cronin
Genre : Narration
Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

The story “Two Gentlemen of Verona” promises hope for the society. The two boys named Nicola and Jacopo
were devoted and sincere towards for the cause of their sister’s ailment. They were self-sacrificing in spite of
the hardness faced by them. Their approach towards life shows positivity and nobility. Despite all the negativity
in the world like war, hatred, jealousy, rivalry and selfishness, the boys’ attitude points out that goodness still
persisted in some of the souls. It also indicates that there is scope in this modern world. It has become a better
place to live in for all of us.

Appearances are often deceptive

At the first glance the boys looked childish, natural and simple. They were just like any other boys. They
seemed to be doing pretty jobs so as to enable them earn their livelihood. When the author interacts with
them, he sees the seriousness in their look. This serious is in contrast to their otherwise childish behaviour.
None can make out the true purpose of their sincerity towards their work. It is only when the narrator visits
the hospital and meets the nurse, he came to know that their sister was suffering from tuberculosis. That is

why the two boys worked hard and did odd jobs in order to cure the ailment of their sister. The author was
wonderstruck on seeing the true sacrifice of the two boys.

“Even if my country remains in war with yours………remember………I am not your enemy”


igh evel r gr ph
Topic : Two Gentlemen of Verona
Author : A.J. Cronin
Genre : Narration

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Theme : Hard work and self sacrifice

A.J. Cronin has very well carved the idea of ‘selfless help ‘and explained the importance of dedication towards
relationships in the story Two Gentlemen of Verona. The story revolves around the two boys named Nicola
and Jacopo who do numerous things to earn money only to pay for their sister ‘s treatment who suffers from
tuberculosis of the spine.

Self Sacrificing Brothers
‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ is all about the two teenage brothers who prove that they are more than their age
in gentlemanliness and humanism. Despite their boyish nature they act like adults and brave the struggles of

life. How they look after their sister is just rare. It shows great human values. The narrator’s meeting the two
brothers the narrator says that as they drove through the foothills of the Alps two boys stopped them on the
outskirts of Verona (Italy). They were selling wild strawberries. The narrator’s driver warned him not to buy

Values Given Out By Nicola And Jacopo:
Nicola and Jacopo give out many values to us to learn. First of all, it is hard work and dignity of labour. No work
is mean and of low quality. Both the brothers do not hesitate in doing even the lowest work like shoe polish.

In a way, they have a goal, that is, to earn money through honest means and hard work to pay the medical bills
of their sister. Thus, they have a definite aim. Then it is just selfless. It is a point of greatness that they work
exclusively for their sister and it is a great selfless service. They are not ashamed of doing anything that is
through honest means and hard work. Their work speaks of nobility of human life and a great hope for human
society. Thus, both the brothers give out great lessons of human endeavour to make life a noble cause.
Values Required For Family Members:
Values of every kind are very important in man’s life. These values make life a happy journey. We must know
that we live on two planes-One physicals, the other emotional. Remaining in good health on both the plains
is very necessary. At physical level, we need support in work. So, to remain happy we need the cultivation of

mutual help in cooperation, labour and other various physical activities. Lending a physical hand to the
members of family must be seen at a great human level. It makes life a sweet experience. Then when we need

moral and emotional support, we expect this not only from our family members but from relatives as well. We
face and experience both comedy and tragedy and it is also an integral part of human life. We need both
physical and moral support in adverse times and happy times also. Doing so will increase the values among
the family members.
Tough Days Never Last But Tough People Do:
It is a fact that tough days never last but tough people last. Change is life. Everything on this earth changes,

some things change swiftly, some slowly. Time also is never stagnant. It changes always. If it stops, there is
death. “Tough days” here are times/ days of difficulty. If we face difficulty today, it will be over the next day
astime passes. Life is binary, good-bad, day-night, hot-cool, slow-fast etc. Thus, periods of difficulties vanish
and come in periods of no difficulty. Today Nicola and Jacopo labour very hard. This makes them brave and

tough. Tomorrow, that is, in youth, they will remain brave and shall face life with boldness. Their being tough
will weaken the difficulties and they will tide over them. So tough people are never afraid of adversities because
their being tough make difficulties vanish. They remain tough till their last breath and tide over times of

“Even if my country remains in war with yours………remember………I am not your enemy”

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Prose - 2 A Nice Cup of Tea

extBook r gr ph Question

Answer the following in a paragraph of 100-150 words each.

a) Summarise George Orwell’s distinctive ideas in “A Nice Cup of Tea”. [PTA-1,PTA-3,PTA-5,PTA-6,March-2020]
Enumerate the eleven golden rules to be followed to prepare a perfect cup of tea, as suggested by

George Orwell. [Sep-2020]

Topic : A Nice cup of Tea

Author : Geroge Orwell

Genre : Article
Theme : Preparation of tea

George Orwell suggested the eleven golden rules to prepare a perfect cup of tea as follows
 Firstly, he prefers Indian tea or Ceylonese tea rather than China tea.
 Secondly, he wants to pour tea in small quantities in a tea pot.
 Thirdly, the pot should be warmed beforehand.
 Fourthly, the tea should be prepared strongly.
 Fifthly, golden rule, the tea should be put straight into the pot.
 Sixthly, the teapot should be taken to the kettle. Water should be boiled before pouring tea in it.
 Seventhly, After mixing the tea powder with the water, it should be stirred well.
 Eighthly, use cylindrical cup.

 Ninethly, remove the cream from the milk. If it is not done, one will get a sickly taste.
 Tenthly, tea should be poured in to the cup before adding milk.
 Finally tea should be drunk without sugar because adding sugar will taste only like sugar water and
the real flavour of tea will be lost.
These are the eleven golden rules described by George Orwell to make “A Nice Cup of tea”

b) Discuss how the essay reveals the factual points and the author’s personal opinions on preparation
of tea.

Topic : A Nice cup of Tea


Author : Geroge Orwell

Genre : Article
Theme : Preparation of tea

Eric Arthur Blair was better known by his pen name George Orwell. He was an English novelist, essayist,
journalist and critic. In this article he narrates the process of making tea. He formed eleven golden rules to
make tea. During the process of making tea he advises the readers to boil water first and then the tea should

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be added. He prefers Indian tea. He also recommends us to use china or earthenware pots. He prefers strong
tea. According to him one strong tea is better than twenty weak cups. He also advises to drink tea in the
cylindrical cup rather than a flat or shallow cup. Finally he prefers sugarless tea to get the real flavour of tea.
These are the factual points and the author’s personal opinions on the preparation of tea.

c) What are the aspects that contribute to humour in the essay?

Topic : A Nice cup of Tea

Author : Geroge Orwell
Genre : Article
Theme : Preparation of tea

Eric Arthur Blair was better known by his pen name George Orwell. He was an English novelist, essayist,
journalist and critic. In this article he narrates the process of making tea. He formed eleven golden rules to
make tea. Orwell wrote that “tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this country and causes violent

disputes over how it should be made”, and his rules cover such matters as the best shape for a teacup, the
advisability of using water that is still boiling, and his preference for very strong tea. He also considers what
he calls “one of the most controversial points of all” – whether to put tea in the cup first and add the milk after,
or the other way around, acknowledging, “Indeed in every family in Britain there are probably two schools of

thought on the subject”. Orwell says tea should be poured first because “one can exactly regulate the amount
of milk whereas one is liable to put in too much milk if one does it the other way round” “I maintain that my
own argument is unanswerable”, he writes.
ey oints For te Bloomers
Topic : A Nice cup of Tea
Author : Geroge Orwell
Genre : Article
Theme : Preparation of tea

 George Orwell discusses the art of making tea.

 He gives eleven golden rules to prepare a nice cup of tea.
 He prefers Indian tea.
 Tea should be made in small quantities in China or earthenware.
 The pot should be warmed beforehand.

 Tea should be always strong .

 It should be put straight into the teapot.
 We should take the teapot to the kettle and after making tea, one has to stir it well.

 Tea should be drunk out of a cylindrical type of cup since it holds more quantity of tea.
 The cream of the milk should be removed in order to avoid a sickly taste.
 Then one should pour tea into the cup first.

t nd rd r gr ph
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Topic : A Nice cup of Tea

Author : Geroge Orwell
Genre : Article
Theme : Preparation of tea

This article of George Orwell is a discussion of the craft of making a cup of tea. The author gives eleven golden
rules to prepare a nice cup of tea. He insists on using Indian or Ceylonese tea, to feel wiser, braver and more

optimistic. According to Orwell a nice cup of tea refers to Indian tea. Tea should be made in small quantities
in China or earthenware. The pot should be warmed beforehand. Tea should be always strong and it should be
put straight into the teapot. We should take the teapot to the kettle and after making tea, one has to stir it

well. Tea should be drunk out of a cylindrical type of cup since it holds more quantity of tea. The cream of the
milk should be removed in order to avoid a sickly taste. Then one should pour tea into the cup first. Finally the
author says that we should drink tea without sugar to enjoy a real flavor of tea.

“The best book – are those that tell you what you know already”

igh evel r gr ph

: A Nice cup of Tea
Author : Geroge Orwell
Genre : Article
Theme : Preparation of tea

Eric Arthur Blair was better known by his name George Orwell. He was an English novelist, essayist, journalist
and critic. In this article he narrates the process of making tea. He formed eleven golden rules to make tea. At
first he prefers Indian tea or Ceylonese tea rather than China tea. He refers to the Indian tea by using the
phrase ‘a nice cup of tea’. One can feel braver or wiser after drinking it. Secondly he wants to pour tea in small
quantities in a tea pot. He recommends us to use china or earthenware pots to silver or Britannica teapots
which are used by British people. Thirdly the pot should be warmed beforehand. Fourthly the tea should be

prepared strongly. As a fifth golden rule, the tea should be put straightly into the pot rather than using
strainers, muslin bags or any other devices. Sixthly, the teapot should be taken to the kettle. Water should be
boiled before pouring tea in it. After mixing the tea powder with the water, it should be stirred well. Eighthly
use cylindrical cup. Then as a ninth step, remove the cream from the milk. If it is not done, one will get a sickly
taste. Tenthly tea should be poured in to the cup before adding milk. Finally tea should be drunk without sugar
because adding sugar will taste only the sugar not the real flavor of tea.

The Significance of Tea

Tea has been an important beverage for thousands of years. It is consumed by two-thirds of the world’s
population. India is the second largest tea producer in the world after China, although over 70 percent of its
tea is consumed within India. Tea has been proved to offer numerous health benefits. Scientists and researchers

have found that drinking tea could reduce the risk of heart diseases. The antioxidants in tea might prevent
Regular tea drinking might help one in lowering blood sugar and blood pressure. Tea might be an effective
agent in the prevention and treatment of neurological disorders. The consumption of tea results in the
strengthening of one’s teeth, bones and immune system. However, drinking too much tea may prove to be
harmful to one’s health. So, drinking tea moderately could make one healthier. Researchers have confirmed

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the significant overall health benefits of drinking tea.

“The best book – are those that tell you what you know already”

Prose - 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

extBook r gr ph Question

Answer the following in a paragraph of 100-150 words each.

a. Give an account of the medical problems for which the two boys were hospitalized.

Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive
Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard

Genre : Speech
Theme : God tests human beings

Dr. Christian Barnard, a South African surgeon, designed artificial heart valves, and wrote extensively on the

subject. In this prose piece, Dr. Barnard ruminates on why people suffer. One day Dr. Barnard had witnessed
what he called a “Grand Prix”. Two boys - a driver and a mechanic drove the hospital’s breakfast trolley. The
blind mechanic provided the motor power, and the driver steered with one arm. The other patients joined the
fun and frolic till the plates were scattered. The mechanic was a seven-year-old boy. His mother flung a lantern
at his drunken father. The lantern missed its mark and broke on the boy’s head, resulting in the third-degree
burns, and loss of eyesight. At that time of Grand Prix, he was a sight to look at. The driver had only one arm.
He had been earlier operated upon by Dr. Barnard for a hole in his heart. He was in hospital now, for a malignant
tumor of the bone. His shoulder and arm had been amputated. There was little hope of his recovery.

b. “These two children had given me a profound lesson ...” Elucidate.


Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive


Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard

Genre : Speech
Theme : God tests human beings

Dr. Christiaan Barnard, a South African surgeon, designed artificial heart valves, and wrote extensively on the
subject. In this essay Dr. Barnard ruminates on why people suffer. Dr. Barnard had a distorted view of suffering.
But the two children taught a profound lesson to Dr. Barnard. In spite of being disabled, they provided a lot of

entertainment to the patients of the hospital. He learnt that suffering is necessary, and being alive is important.
He also learnt that the business of living is the celebration of being alive. Dr. Barnard came to understand that
the experience of suffering makes a person a better one. One can’t appreciate light if he has not known
darkness. Similarly, warmth can be appreciated if one has experienced biting cold. The two children have

shown Dr. Barnard that what you have been left with is more important than what you have lost.

c. Describe the ‘Grand Prix’ at Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital.

Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive

Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard
Genre : Speech

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Theme : God tests human beings

Dr. Christiaan Barnard, a South African surgeon, designed artificial heart valves, and wrote extensively on the
subject. In this essay Dr. Barnard ruminates on why people suffer. One morning a nurse had left a breakfast
trolley unattended. And very soon this trolley was seized by two fearless boys – a driver and a mechanic.
Themechanic provided motor power by galloping along behind the trolley with his head down, while the
driver, seated on the mower deck, held on with one hand and steered by rubbing his foot on the floor. The
choice of roles was easy because the mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. They put on

quite a show that day. Judging by the laughter and shouts of encouragement from the rest of the patients, it
was a much better entertainment than anything anyone puts on at the Indianapolis 500 car race. There was a
grand finale of scattered plates and silverware before the nurse and the ward sister caught up with them,

scolded them and put them back to bed.

d. How did a casual incident in a hospital help Dr. Barnard perceive a new dimension of life?

Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive

Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard
Genre : Speech
Theme : God tests human beings

Dr. Christian Barnard, a South African surgeon, designed artificial heart valves, and wrote extensively on the
subject. In this essay Dr. Barnard ruminates on why people suffer. The two boys – one blind and another one
with one arm – played with an unattended trolley. It was a casual incident in any hospital. But it changed Dr.
Barnard’s view on life. It taught him a new dimension of life. Dr. Barnard had a distorted view of suffering. In
spite of being disabled, the boys provided a lot of entertainment to the patients of the hospital. He learnt that
suffering is necessary, and being alive is important. He also learnt that the business of living is the celebration
of being alive. Dr. Barnard came to understand that the experience of suffering makes a person a better one.
One can’t appreciate light if he has not known darkness. Similarly, warmth can be appreciated if one has
experienced biting cold. The two children have shown Dr. Barnard that what you have been with left is more

important than what you have lost.


e. Life is unjust and cruel to certain people. Do they all resign themselves to their fate? Can you think
of some who have fought their disabilities heroically and remained a stellar example for others?
(fore. g. the astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, a paraplegic). Give an account of one such person and
his/her struggle to live a fruitful life.

Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive

Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard

Genre : Speech
Theme : God tests human beings

Stephen William Hawking was born on 8th January 1942 (exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo) in

Oxford, England. His parents’ house was in North London but during the Second World War Oxford was
considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St. Albans, a town about 20
miles north of London. At the age of eleven, Stephen went to St. Albans School and then on to University
College, Oxford (1952) Stephen William Hawking (1942 - 2018) was the former Lucasian Professor of
Mathematics at the University of Cambridge and author of A Brief History of Time which is an international
bestseller. He was the Dennis Stanton Avery and Sally Tsui Wong-Avery Director of Research at the Department
of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Founder of the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at

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Cambridge. His other books for the general reader include A Brief History of Time, the essay collection Black
Holes and Baby Universe and The Universe in a Nutshell. In 1963, Hawking contracted motor neurone disease
and was given two years to live. Yet he went on to Cambridge to become a brilliant researcher and Professorial
Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. From 1979 to 2009 he held the post of Lucasian Professor at Cambridge,
the chair held by Isaac Newton in 1663. Professor Hawking received over a dozen honorary degrees and was
awarded the CBE in 1982. He was a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the US National Academy of
Science. Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Einstein.

ey oints For te Bloomers
Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive
Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard
Genre : Speech

Theme : God tests human beings

 This is an extract from Dr. Barnard’s speech

 Dr. Barnard’s concern over the sufferings of people is reflected in his essay.

 Sad thoughts stem from an accident when his wife and he were knocked down by a speeding car.
 The doctor and his wife are bedridden.
 He has to take care of the patients .
 His wife has to take care of the baby.
 God tests people to make them ennoble.
 Dr. Bernard described the incident which he had witnessed in a children’s hospital at Cape Town.
 The two children took over a breakfast trolley that was left unattended in a ward.

 They pushed it all over the way.


 One boy was blind and the other one was without arms.
 The blind boy was driver and the boy without arms was the mechanic.
 Both the boys enjoyed the game.
 This incident made him realize that he was looking at suffering from the wrong end.
 Dr. Barnard realized the true meaning of his father’s words.

 Hence don’t cry over what you have lost but be happy with what you leave.

t nd rd r gr ph

Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive

Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard
Genre : Speech
Theme : God tests human beings

Dr. Bernard and his wife had got severe injuries in a road accident. It was since then he started thinking more

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seriously about suffering. His father believed firmly that suffering was God’s way of testing people to make
one ennoble. But Dr. Bernard did not agree to it. He found the suffering of children heartbreaking, because of
their total trust in doctor and nurses. Dr.Bernard described the incident which he had witnessed in a children’s
hospital at Cape Town. The two children took over a breakfast trolley that was left unattended in a ward. They
pushed it all over the way. One boy was blind and the other one was without arms. The blind boy was driver
and the boy without arms was the mechanic. Both the boys enjoyed the game. Bernard said that this incident
made him realize that he was looking at suffering from the wrong end. Dr. Bernard realized the true meaning

of his father’s words. Hence don’t cry over what you have lost but be happy with what you leave.

“I don’t believe medical discoveries are doing much to advance human life.
As fact as we create ways to extend it we are inventing ways to shorten it.”


igh evel r gr ph
Topic : In Celebration of Being Alive
Author : Dr. Christiaan Barnard
Genre : Speech

Theme : God tests human beings
About The Authour:
Christiaan Neethling Barnard was born in rural South Africa in 1922 to poor parents as their fourth child.
He evinced great interest in his academics and was determined to pursue medicine, after the loss of his brother
to a cardiac ailment. He won many scholarships and pursued his higher studies specializing in cardiac surgery.
As a cardiac surgeon, Barnard focussed on congenital and complicated cardiac conditions for which there was
no cure at that time. After experimenting with heart transplantation on animals, he performed the world’s

first human-to-human heart transplant in the year 1967. He gained worldwide recognition and went on to
develop many surgery techniques, which are being adopted till date. Barnard has penned fourteen books and

235 scientific articles that have been published in reputed journals. Some of his books are, ‘One Life’, ‘50 Ways
to a Healthy Heart’, ‘The Best Medicine’ and ‘The Faith’. A pioneer in cardiac surgery, he obtained a Doctorate
in Medicine from the University of Cape Town. Thiswas followed by 11 honorary doctorates, bestowed upon
him by universities all over the world. He has also received 36 International Awards. In his late years, he
established the Christiaan Barnard Foundation to serve and promote the cause of underprivileged children
throughout the world and died at the age of 78 in the year 2001.

Influential experiences
Doctor Christian Bernard narrated some of the most influencing experiences of his life. The story goes like
this... The doctor and his wife met with an accident, he had his ribs broken, bed ridden and his wife was also
hospitalized. There were many child patients in the hospital, few of them had their legs amputated, few had a

tumor and had to undergo painful surgeries, therapies and so on. One day, a blind child and his friend who
have lost one of his legs were playing a push-cart game. The disabled boy was sitting on the cart and steering
it, while the blind boy was pushing it. Doctor Bernard, who was observing these children while recuperating
from his bed, was surprised to see that both of them were very happy and playful, forgetting about their
Doctor acknowledged that the kids had taught him that the business of living is joy, in the real sense of

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the word. Not simply pleasure, amusement, recreation...but more a Celebration of being alive”

“We cannot appreciate light unless we have seen darkness nor can we appreciate warmth unless we have
experienced cold!”
The lesson ends with the conclusion that suffering is a part of life and suffering makes an individual
stronger and stronger.

Prose - 4 The Summit

extBook Question

r gr ph
Answer the following in a paragraph of 100-150 words each.

a) How did Hillary and Tenzing prepare themselves before they set off to the summit? [March-2020]

Title : The Summit

Author : Edmund Hillary

: Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953, from the high camp to reach the summit
of Mount Everest. After a pair of climbers failed to reach the top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it
early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the summit. Hillary and Tenzing drank lemon juice
and got ready for the journey. They tested the oxygen cylinders. Hillary’s boots were frozen with cold. He kept
them over the fire to soften them. They put on three pairs of gloves on their hands – silk, woollen and windproof
over their body. At 6.30 they moved out of the tent with their oxygen cylinders on them. They kept the cylinders
on their back, connected the mask and turned the valves. They took a few good deep breaths and were ready
for the expedition.

b) Give an account of the journey to the South Col from 28,000 feet.

Title : The Summit

Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953. After a pair of climbers failed to reach the
top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the
summit. Tenzing paved steps towards the ridge and they reached the top of the ridge which was about 28000

feet. The snow was soft over the ridge and it made their route dangerous. After several hundred feet they came
to a hollow. There they found two oxygen cylinders which had been left by Evens and Bourdillon on their
previous attempt. Hillary was happy to find that the cylinders had hundreds of litres of oxygen which theycould
use for the downward journey. They continued their journey though the snow was little dangerous. With some
difficulties they reached firmer snow higher up. They cut steps on the last steep slopes and walked on with
their spike shoes to the South Peak. It was then 9 a.m.

c) Describe the feelings of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing as they reached the top of the Summit. [PTA-5]

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Title : The Summit

Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953, After a pair of climbers failed to reach the
top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the

summit. The ridge seemed to be never ending. They had to cut hump after hump to move forward. Their
original enthusiasm gave place to some great struggle. They saw a narrow snow ridge going up to the top. They
made few more beating of the ice axe and they reached the top. They felt relieved from the troublesome

journey. They shook hands and embraced each other. It was 11.30. They saw some unclimbed peaks like
Makalu, Kanchenjunga and some more peaks in Nepal.

d) The ridge had taken us two and half hours, but it seemed like lifetime. Why?

Title : The Summit
Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration

Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953, After a pair of climbers failed to reach the
top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the
summit. To their east side there was a large cornice and a crack was between the cornice and the rock. Tenzing
was holding Hillary with a rope and Hillary entered the crack and lifted his body off the ground. Using the
power of his whole body Hillary moved backward up the crack. He moved slowly but steadily. Tenzing was
leaving the rope and Hillary was moving inch by inch to reach the top of the rock. Then slowly he came out of
the crack and reached a wide ledge. Now he felt that nothing would stop him from reaching the top. He stood
on the ledge and signalled Tenzing to come up. Tenzing somehow came through the crack and reached the
ledge. The ridge seemed to be never ending.

e) Describe the view from the top. What was the most important photograph?

Title : The Summit

Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953, After a pair of climbersfailed to reach the
top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the
summit. The most important photograph showed the North ridge, showing the North Col and the old route
which had been made famous by the struggles of those great climbers of the 1920’s and 1930’s.

f) ‘There is no height, no depth that the spirit of man, guided by higher Spirit cannot attain’. Discuss
the above statement in the context of the achievement of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing. [PTA-2]

Title : The Summit

Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration

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Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953, By late morning they were standing on the
summit. From 1920 onwards many famous climbers tried to climb Mount Everest. They went closer to the goal
but they did not achieve this. But Hillary and Tenzing reached Everest summit. At 11:30 a.m. on May 29, 1953,
Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa of Nepal, became the first explorers to reach
the summit of Mount Everest, which at 29,035 feet above sea level is the highest point on earth. They too had
same difficulty and danger faced by the previous climbers. Hillary and Tenzing with full hope moved forward

facing all the hardships. In some places they had soft snow and they might give way under their foot. But they
proceeded further and reached the top. This shows that if man has high spirit he can achieve anything in this

ey oints For te Bloomers
Title : The Summit

Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

 John Hunt led the expedition to Mt. Everest.

 It was an unforgettable day for him.
 They had climbed to the top.
 There were shouts of joy, handshakes and hugs.
 Their happiness and pride showed how these men had shared their feats.
 The adventure was concluded by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.
 The feat is one of comradeship and team work.

t nd rd r gr ph
Title : The Summit
Author : Edmund Hillary
Genre : Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953. After a pair of climbers failed to reach the
top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the
summit. Tenzing paved steps towards the ridge and they reached the top of the ridge which was about 28000
feet. The snow was soft over the ridge and it made their route dangerous. After several hundred feet they came

to a hollow. There they found two oxygen cylinders which had been left by Evans and Bourdillon on their
previous attempt. Hillary was happy to find that the cylinders had hundreds of liters of oxygen which they
could use for the downward journey. They continued their journey though the snow was little dangerous. With
some difficulties they reached firmer snow higher up. They cut steps on the last steep slopes and walked on
with their spike shoes to the South Peak. It was then 9 a.m.

“When you go to the mountains, you see them and admire them. In a sense, they give you challenge, and

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you try to express that by climbing them”.

igh evel r gr ph

Title : The Summit
Author : Edmund Hillary

Genre : Narration
Theme : Adventures are always full of thrills and frills

“The Summit” is a narration of the achievement of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. They achieved success
in climbing to the summit of the Mount Everest. John Hunt led the expedition on 29th May 1953 along with
six men began the expedition. The six members were : Edmund Hillary, Tenzing Norgay, George Lowe, Alfred

Gregory and the Sherpas, Pemba and Ang Nyima. Since Pemba was so ill that she could not climb, others
climbed that day to a height of 27,900 feet.
Beginning of the journey:

At 4 in the morning, they started to get ready for the climb. Hillary dragged their oxygen sets into the tent,
cleared the ice off them. He rechecked them and tested them. They pulled three pairs of gloves on to their
hands. At 6.30 a.m. they hoisted 30 lb. of oxygen gear on to their backs, connected their masks and turned on
the valves to bring life into their lungs. They traversed back towards the ridge. Struggle:
The soft snow made a route on top of the ridge which was difficult and dangerous. As one person was belaying,
the other person would continue cutting. Both of them had to escape the large overhanging cornices by cutting
a line of steps down to where the snow met the rocks on the west. The time was passing and the ridge seemed
never ending. Edmund Hillary looked upwards to see a narrow snow ridge running up to a snowy summit with
a few more whacks of the ice around them. They shook heads and thumped each other on the hack until they

were breathless. It was 11.30 a.m. when Tenzing Norgay made a little hole in the snow. He placed various tiny
articles of food in it. Hillary also made another small hole in the snow and placed in it a crucifix that was given

to him by John Hunt. They scrambled carefully over the rock traverse, moved one at a time over shaky snow
sections and finally cramponed up their steps and back on to the South Peak. They reached their tent at 2 in
the afternoon. They turned downwards then safely climbed down the ridge towards the South Col.
It was an unforgettable day for them. They had climbed to the top. There were shouts of joy, handshakes and
hugs for the two heroes. The adventure was over.

“When you go to the mountains, you see them and admire them. In a sense, they give you challenge, and
you try to express that by climbing them”.

Prose - 5 The Chair

ey oints For te Bloomers

Topic : The Chair

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Author : Ki. Raja Narayanan

Genre : Humorous short story
Theme : Significance of the chair
Literature : Tamil Literature
 There was no chair in the narrator’s house.
 They wanted to buy one.

 They decided to make a chair with the help of a carpenter of a neighboring village.
 Mammanaar also was given a chair.

 After a few days the chair was lent for the purpose of placing dead bodies on it, as requested by the
 This was repeated many times by the villagers.

 Thanks to the trick of Pedanna, Mamanaar’s chair was sent to keep the corpses.
 Finally Mamanaar gave away the chair to the villagers to place corpses as an act of charity.
 Thus the humorous story came to an end.

t nd rd

A r gr ph
Topic : The Chair
Author : Ki. Raja Narayanan
Genre : Humorous short story
Theme : Significance of the chair
Literature : Tamil Literature
In the narrator’s house there was no chair. The members of the narrator’s family feltvery bad about this.
Sothey decided to make a chair. But Pedanna suggested that they could buy a chair from the town but ultimately

it was decided to made with the help of a carpenter. Grandmother preferred teak wood whereas Mamanaar
suggested of neem tree. Pedanna preferred poovarasu tree. The elder sister chose the colour of sugarcane or
dark like sesame oilcake.
After the chairs were made and arrived, one for them and one for their uncle, the whole family sat in turns on
the chair. People in hordes arrived and a few stroked it. After a few days the chair was requested by the villagers
to keep a dead body of an eminent person in the village. From then onwards the chair was used for the same

purpose often. Thereafter nobody in the family would like to sit on the chair. Children were frightened to sit.
Onlyafter a neighbor,Suganthi, put her baby brother on that chair the children of the house sat on it withoutfear.

igh evel r gr ph
a) Narrate the humorous incidents that happened in the author’s home before and after the arrival of
the chair.
Topic : The Chair
Author : Ki. Raja Narayanan

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Genre : Humorous short story

Theme : Significance of the chair
Literature : Tamil Literature
Humorous incidents before the arrival of the chair:
In the narrator’s house there was no chair. They had only a three legged stool which measured only three-
fourth of a foot. This was used by grandma for churning curd. The problem with this stool was that if you don’t

put your weight directly on top of its legs, it would topple. One day a family friend, a Sub-judge visited them
suited and booted. He was a heavy man. When they offered him this stool to sit, he put one hand on its edge
and made to sit. Poor man, due to his weight the stool toppled and he fell on the floor with a thud and rolled

over. Me, my little brother and sister could not control our laughter and we ran to the garden. Our laughter
grew when we saw our parents too could not control laughter and suppressed their giggle.
Humorous incidents after the arrival of the chair:
When the two chairs arrived, it was very difficult for them to identify the better one because both looked akin.

The whole family sat in turns on the chair. People in hordes arrived and a few stroked it. After a few days the
chair was asked to keep a dead body of an eminent person in the village. From then onwards the chair was used
for the same. Thereafter nobody would like to sit on the chair. Children were frightened to sit. One day

Suganthi, a neighbouring girl put her baby brother on the chair. Then only the children of the house sat on the
chair without any fear.
b) Write character sketches of Mamanaar and Pedanna:
Topic : The Chair
Author : Ki. Raja Narayanan
Genre : Humorous short story
Theme : Significance of the chair
Literature : Tamil Literature

Character sketch of Mamanaar:


Mamanaar was the brother of the narrator’s mother. He often visited the narrator’s house for he was sure that
his sister would give him buttermilk seasoned with asafoetida, which he liked very much.Their father used to
make fun of this. He was a very stingy man and never gave anything to anybody. But he had good intentions
as well, and he gave away his chair to the villagers for putting the corpses on it. He was also a very meticulous
man and cleaned his chair everday.
Character sketch of Pedanna:
The elder brotherPedanna was a sort of person who mocked others. Whenever his maternal uncle would come

he would bring the stool. He wore an impudent smile. He very cleverly devised a plan to divert the villagers
who asked for their chair for the dead body towards Mamanaar’s house. He is very jovial when he talked. To
cite an example, when a local elder dropped in their house and chose to sit on the chair on his own,Pedanna

commented that he’s rehearsing on the chair now itself.

Prose - 6 On the Rule of the Road

extBook r gr ph Question
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Answer the following in a paragraph of 100-150 words each.

a. What do you infer from Gardiner’s essay ‘On the rule of the Road’? [PTA-3, PTA-4]

Topic : On the Rule of Road

Author : A.G. Gardiner
Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty

A.G. Gardiner in his essay ‘On the Rule of Road’ talks about the relation between individual liberty and social
liberty and points out that the balance between the two is necessary for a good living. He says that if liberty is
misused like the stout lady, then the end of such liberty would be universal chaos. So the individual liberty

would turn to be social anarchy if it crosses the limit. He points out that the insolent act of the policeman is
not tyranny but a symbol of liberty. He emphasizes that to enjoy social order, everyone should be prepared to
curtail their private liberty willingly. He says that liberty is not a personal affair but it is a social contract. The
consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct. According to Gardiner the

great moments of heroism and sacrifice are very rare now. But the little acts of understating the feelings of
others will sweeten our life and make the journey our life very happy.
b. Explain in your own words, “What freedom means?” [PTA-1, PTA-6] (or)

How does A.G. Gardiner distinguish between individual liberty and social freedom through his essay
‘On the Rule of the Road’ ? [Sep-2020]

Topic : On the Rule of Road

Author : A.G. Gardiner
Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty

Freedom stands not only for the right to act but also stands for securing to everyone an equal opportunity for
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Freedom of an individual that one is pleased to does includes
the freedom of ‘Thinking’, ‘Believing’, ‘Speaking’, ‘Writing’, ‘Worshipping’, ‘Dressing’ and so on. These activities
ensure one the expected momentum until his or her choices start to infringe the freedom of another person
and the society in general. Hence one’s crossing the boundary would certainly result in social anarchy and

spoil the true meaning of freedom. In this regard A.G. Gardiner insists that to preserve the liberty of all, the
liberties of everybody must be curtailed. Besides the basic rights the freedom should ensure peacetime life for
all with the basic needs, equality of opportunity, justice and security.
c. “My right to swing my fist ends, where your nose begins.” Elucidate with reference to, ‘On the Rule
of the Road’.

Topic : On the Rule of Road


Author : A.G. Gardiner

Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty

A.G. Gardiner’s thought provoking statement “My right to swing my fist ends, where your nose begins” points
out a deep philosophical problem. It gives a clear physical image to the challenging question of where one
person’s rights to action infringe on another person’s right to safety. Here the author makes it clear that why
the issue of rights in society is so important. People innately have a feeling of fairness about how they are
treated and what they should be free to do. If society does not manage this, or manages it poorly, individuals
will take action. When that happens, people take things into their own hands, and the rule of law is weakened
or lost. The author refers to the stout lady’s liberty to walk in the middle of the road. Although her liberty

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might please her, her act might cause a big peril not only to others but also to herself as well. He also points
out that if the duty of the policeman is taken to be insolence and tyranny, Piccadilly Circus would be maelstrom
and none could cross it all. He also reinforces his statement with a note that his wish to blow the trombone in
the streets will interfere the neighbours’ liberty to sleep in quiet.
d. Civilization can only exist when the public collectively accepts constraints on its freedom of action
- Explain.

Topic : On the Rule of Road

Author : A.G. Gardiner
Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty

According to A.G. Gardiner ‘Liberty should help us experience and enjoy the real freedom in democracy”. So
he stresses that individual liberty must be curtailed in order to save and enjoy the social order. He reiterates
that liberty means the right or power to do things as one pleases. But it does not mean that our liberty should

interfere with the liberty of others. There are lots of people in this world and we have to accommodate our
liberty to their liberties, as liberty is not a personal affair only but a social contract. People simply forget about
their self introspection of their weaknesses but are very conscious of the faults of others. Here the author
stresses that a reasonable consideration for the rights of feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct.

Thus A.G. Gardiner exposes the lackadaisical nature of the individuals and also emphasizes that ‘Civilization
can only exist when the public collectively accepts constraints on its freedom of action’.

ey oints For te Bloomers

Topic : On the Rule of Road
Author : A.G. Gardiner
Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty
 In “On the Rule of the Road,” Gardiner emphasizes the necessity of certain constraints on individual liberty
if society is to function in a truly civilized manner.

 Liberty is not a personal affair only, but a social contract.

 A reasonable consideration for the rights or feelings of others is the foundation of social conduct.
 The liberties of all may be preserved.
 The liberties of everybody must be curtailed.
 Freedom, in other words, cannot exist in a vacuum.

 It must conform to some degree to a set of principles

 It exists to ensure that one’s liberties do not infringe on other’s.
 We enjoy the freedom to speak our mind.

 Freedom of speech runs afoul of the public good.

t nd rd r gr ph
Topic : On the Rule of Road
Author : A.G. Gardiner

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Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty

Freedom stands not only for the right to act but also stands for securing to everyone an equal oppor¬tunity for
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Freedom of an individual that one is pleased to does includes
the freedom of ‘Thinking’, ‘Believing’, ‘Speaking’, ‘Writing’, ‘Worshipping’, ‘Dressing’ and so on. These activities
ensure one the expected momentum until his or her choices start to infringe the freedom of another person
and the society in general. Hence one’s crossing the boundary would certainly result in social anarchy and
spoil the true meaning of freedom. In this regard A.G. Gardiner insists that to preserve the liberty of all, the

liberties of everybody must be curtailed. Besides the basic rights the freedom should ensure peacetime life for
all with the basic needs, equality of opportunity, justice and security.

“To do good things the world, first you must know who you are and what gives meaning to your life”.

igh evel r gr ph
Topic : On the Rule of Road
Author : A.G. Gardiner
Theme : Individual Liberty Vs Social Liberty

Introduction :

“A.G. Gardiner” in his thought provoking essay “On the Rule of the Road” not only stresses the rules of
the road but also defines the meaning of the liberty and the relation between individual liberty and social
liberty which are the main bases for a good living.
Personal Liberty :
To the great confusion of the traffic in Petrograd, a stout old lady was walking in the middle of the road with
no peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that as a pedestrian she had to use the pavement. The lady replied
that having got the liberty then, she was going to walk where she liked. The lady did not realize if liberty

entitled the pedestrian to walk down the middle of the road, then the end of such liberty would be universal

chaos (confusion).
Non Interference:
Everybody would be getting into other’s way and nobody would get anywhere. The individual liberty would
have also become social anarchy. There is a danger of the world getting liberty drunk like the old lady with the
basket. So it is good to remind us of the real meaning of the road rules. The author points out that to preserve
the liberty of all, the liberties of everybody must be curtailed. When the policeman steps into the middle of the
road of Piccadilly Circus to control the traffic, he is a symbol of liberty but not tyranny. You, being in hurry,

feel your liberty has been outraged when the policeman pulls up (stops) your car. Being reasonable you will
realize that if he did not interfere with you, he would not interfere with any one and as a result Piccadilly
Circus would be a maelstrom and you would never cross it. You must agree to curtail your private liberty in
order to enjoy a social order which makes your liberty a reality.

Social Commitment:
Liberty is not a personal affair only but it is also a Social contract and an accommodation of interests. I may
be as free as I like until I don’t touch (disturb) anybody’s liberty. None can object my going down the road
dressing gown. You have the liberty to laugh at me but I have the liberty to be indifferent to you. I don’t need
anyone’s permission to follow my fancy like dyeing my hair or waxing my moustache or wearing an overcoat
and sandals or going to bed late or getting up early. I won’t ask you if I may eat mustard with my mutton and

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you won’t ask me for your following any religion or preferring Ella Wheeler Wilcox or Wordsworth, or
champagne to shandy. You and I please ourselves in thousands of details without the consent of others.
Private Liberty:
We have a whole kingdom, in which we rule alone, can do what we choose, be wise or ridiculous, harsh or easy,
conventional or odd. On our stepping out of it, our liberty becomes qualified by other people’s liberty. If I went
onto the top of Everest, I might play the trombone from midnight till three in the morning. My family will
object me to do it in my bedroom. If I do it out in the streets, the neighbours will remind me that my liberty to

play the trombone must not interfere their liberty to sleep in quiet.

I have to accommodate my liberty to the liberties of a lot of people in the world. We are much more conscious
of the imperfection of others than ours. A reasonable consideration for the rights of others is the foundation
of social conduct. Our small matters of conduct and our observance of the rules of the road declare that we are
civilized or uncivilized. Chances for our great heroic act and sacrifice are rare. The little habits of commonplace

intercourse make up the great sum of our life and also make our life journey sweet or bitter.

“To do good things the world, first you must know who you are and what gives meaning to your life”.

Question No : 42

Poem - 1 A
Prose Paragraph
The Castle
extBook r gr ph Question
Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words
a) How safe was the castle? How was it conquered? (or) Describe the capture of the Castle? [PTA-5]

Poem : The Castle


Poet : Edwin Muir

Theme : Greediness of a wicked soldier

The gates of the castle were strong. The walls of the castle were thick and smooth. It had more towers for
battlements. None could enter easily. Only a bird could enter it. The captain of the castle was very confident
and brave. He was true to his stand. Such a mighty castle fell as a prey to the enemy soldiers due to an aged or

old guard who let the enemy soldiers in. They captured it without any opposition, without any cry or lamentation.
b) Bring out the contrasting picture of the castle as depicted in stanza III and V.

Poem : The Castle


Poet : Edwin Muir

Theme : Greediness of a wicked soldier

In the third stanza the castle is depicted as the gates of the castle being strong and the walls being thick,
smooth and high. None could conquer the castle. The castle itself stands as a foothold from where anyone could
easily brave the enemies. No one’s plan would kill any Soldier. Only a bird could enter it. It was such a mighty
castle. In the fifth stanza the castle takes an ironical tone. The mighty castle fell as a prey to the enemy Soldiers.

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The stronghold and its winding, intricate and confusing path became a weaker area where any enemy soldier
could get in safeguarding the castle with a strong fight could not be seen there. It was captured and looted by
the enemies. No brave soldier stood against the invaders. Thus both in the 3rd and 5th stanzas we could get the
depiction of a contrasting role of the castle.
c) Human greed led to the mighty fall of the Castle. Explain. [PTA-2, PTA-6, March-2020]

Poem : The Castle

Poet : Edwin Muir
Theme : Greediness of a wicked soldier

‘The castle’ by Edwin Muir is a moving poem on the capture of a well guarded castle. The soldiers of the castle

were totally stress-free and relaxed. They were confident of their castle’s physical strength. Through the turrets,
they were able to watch the mowers and no enemy was found up to the distance of half-a-kilometre and so
there seemed no threat to the castle. They had plenty of weapons to protect them and a large quantity of ration

in stock to take care of the well-being of the soldiers inside the castle. The soldiers stood one above the other
on the tower watching to shoot the enemy at sight. They believed that the castle was absolutely safe because
their captain was brave and the soldiers were loyal. Even by trick no one but the birds could enter. Such a castle
was captured because of the greediness of a human being who was none other than the wizened warder. He let

the enemies in to loot all the riches and capture it. The enemies too had the sense of greediness over wealth
and possession. Hence, human greediness led to the mighty fall of the citadel.

For Bloomers
ey oints te
Poem : The Castle
Poet : Edwin Muir
Theme : Greediness of a wicked soldier

 This poem details a past event where a soldier narrates a castle being overtaken.

 It is an unspecified battle.
 The soldier lives in the castle where none could enter.
 Though the army is strong and there is plenty of food and weapons, they are defeated.
 The enemy bribes the warder.
 The wicked soldier lets the enemy through the wicket gate.
 Army which can’t be bribed is the strongest.

t nd rd r gr ph

Poem : The Castle

Poet : Edwin Muir
Theme : Greediness of a wicked soldier

Edwin Muir details a past event of a castle’s overtaking through the account of a soldier in his poem. The
soldier witnessed the castle’s fall first hand. It tells the story of an unspecified battle. The speaker is one of
several men lodged in a seemingly impenetrable castle. They have a lot of arms and food. Their allies are

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nearby. The gates of the castle are strong. The walls of the castle are high, thick and smooth. The enemy bribes
one of their own soldiers, their warder, who lets the enemy through a wicket gate by a wicked soldier.

“Betrayal is secret and subtle and that an army is only strong, if its men can’t be bribed.”

igh evel r gr ph

Poem : The Castle
Poet : Edwin Muir

Theme : Greediness of a wicked soldier

About the Author

Edwin Muir (1887-1959) was renowned Scottish poet, novelist, translator and critic. He was remembered for his

vivid poetry. He began writing poetry at a relatively old age, and over the course of several years worked out an
individual, philosophical style for which he gained recognition later in his life. First Poems and Chorus of the
Newly Dead contain Muir’s initial attempts. Muir’s later collections include Variations on a Time Theme, The
Narrow Place, The Voyage and Other Poems, The Labyrinth, and One Foot in Eden.

Substance of the Poem:

‘The Castle’ by Edwin Muir is a moving poem on the capture of a well-guarded castle. The Soldiers of the castle
were totally stress-free and relaxed. They were confident of their castle’s physical strength.
“For what we, we thought, had we to fear”
Through the turrets they were able to watch the mowers and no enemy was found up to the distance of half-a-
kilometre and so they seemed no threat to the castle. They had plenty of weapons to protect them and a large
quantity of ration in stock to take care of the well-being of the soldiers inside the other on the towering

watching to shoot the enemy at sight.


“On every leafy summer road”

They believed that the castle was absolutely safe because their captain was brave and the soldiers were loyal.
Even by a trick no one but the birds could enter. The enemy could not use a weapon for their entry inside the
“Only a bird could have got in”
But there was a wicket gate guarded by a wicked guard. He let in the enemies inside the famous citadel that had

been known for its secret gallery and intricate path. The strong castle became weak and thin because of the
greedy disloyal warder. The citadel was captured by the enemies for gold. The narrator lamented over the
disloyalty of the useless warder and also decided not to disclose this shameful story to anyone. He was helpless
and wondered how he would keep this truth to himself. He regretted not finding any enemy to fight with the

bait called ‘gold’

“Betrayal is secret and subtle and that an army is only strong, if its men can’t be bribed.”

Poem - 2 Our Casuarina Tree

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extBook r gr ph Question

Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words
a) Bring out the reminiscences of the poet, when she sees the Casuarina tree. [PTA-3]
Poem : Our Casuarina Tree

Poet : Toru Dutt
Genre : Autobiographical Poem
Theme : Glories of the tree

Literature : Indian writing in English.

Toru Dutt was a Benglai poetess. She wrote in English as well as in French. This poem is one of the well known
poems of Toru Dutt. In this poem the poetess speaks about a huge Casuarina tree which associates her

reminiscences of childhood. The poetess remembers the tree which she and her brother and sister used to play
happily during her childhood days. There is a large vine plant winding around the tree like a python. The
crimson flowers are the red flowers cluster on the boughs of the tree. The tree has its own beauty. The tree
apparently attracts birds and bees. Even at night the tree is full of sounds of birds and insects rather than being
simply an inert object.
b) How does nature communicate with the poet?
: Our Casuarina Tree
Poet : Toru Dutt
Genre : Autobiographical Poem
Theme : Glories of the tree
Literature : Indian writing in English.
Toru Dutt was a Benglai poetess. She wrote in English as well as in French. This poem is one of the well known
poems of Toru Dutt. In this poem the poetess speaks about a huge Casuarina tree which associates her

reminiscences of childhood The poetess is a keen observer of nature. She describes the morning scene vividly
and realistically. The hailing of the day by Kokilas, the sleepy cows going to pastures, the springing of water
lilies in the pond are beautiful scenes of nature. All of them are portrayed through concrete imagery.
c) The poet immortalizes the tree. Elucidate.
Poem : Our Casuarina Tree
Poet : Toru Dutt

Genre : Autobiographical Poem

Theme : Glories of the tree
Literature : Indian writing in English.

Toru Dutt was a Benglai poetess. She wrote in English as well as in French. This poem is one of the well known
poems of Toru Dutt. In this poem the poetess speaks about a huge Casuarina tree which associates her
reminiscences of childhood “Our Casuarina Tree” is remarkable for its imagery, sincerity of experience, vividness
and mastery of phrase and rhythm. The poetess conveys her thought in a logical manner. She sings glories of
the Casuarina tree. The poetess adds personal touch while describing the Casuarina tree. She describes the
memories of her childhood days connected with the tree. The tree provides her a context to remember the

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period of childhood spent in the company of her brother and sister who are already dead. Thus the poetess
immortalizes the tree.

ey oints For te Bloomers

Poem : Our Casuarina Tree

Poet : Toru Dutt
Genre : Autobiographical Poem
Theme : Glories of the tree

Literature : Indian writing in English.

 This poem details a past event where a soldier narrates a castle being overtaken.
 It is an unspecified battle.

 The soldier lives in the castle where none could enter.
 Though the army is strong and there is plenty of food and weapons, they are defeated.
 The enemy bribes the warder.
 The wicked soldier lets the enemy through the wicket gate.
 Army which can’t be bribed is the strongest.

t nd rd r gr ph
Poem : Our Casuarina Tree
Poet : Toru Dutt
Genre : Autobiographical Poem

Theme : Glories of the tree


Literature : Indian writing in English.

Edwin Muir details a past event of a castle’s overtaking through the account of a soldier in his poem. The
soldier witnessed the castle’s fall first hand. It tells the story of an unspecified battle. The speaker is one of
several men lodged in a seemingly impenetrable castle. They have a lot of arms and food. Their allies are
nearby. The gates of the castle are strong. The walls of the castle are high, thick and smooth. The enemy bribes
one of their own soldiers, their warder, who lets the enemy through a wicket gate by a wicked soldier.

“A waif on this earth, sick, ugly and small, curled blindly in impenetrable sorrow. And then the thought
confounds us with strangeness.”

igh evel r gr ph
Poem : Our Casuarina Tree
Poet : Toru Dutt
Genre : Autobiographical Poem

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Theme : Glories of the tree

Literature : Indian writing in English.

Introduction :
Our Casuarina Tree is an autobiographical poem. While living abroad, she is pining for the scenes of her native
land and reliving the memories of childhood. In the first part of the poem the poet depicts the Casuarina Tree

trailed by a creeper vine like a huge python, winding round and round with the rough trunk, sunken deep with
“LIKE a huge python, winding round and round”

It reached to the height touching the very summit of stars. The Casuarina Tree stood alone unaccompanied in
the compound. It was wearing the scarf of the creeper hung with crimson cluster of flowers among the boughs
accompanied by the bird and hives of bees humming around the tree. The tree is dear to the poet because it is

the solo bond between the poets past and present.
“Dear is the Casuarina to my soul”
When she recalls it a chain of pleasant and poignant memories to her mind and again she tastes the flavour of
her childhood. In her imagination she is again transported to the golden age and hears the same cries, laughter

itself (Casuarina Tree).

and noise of her sweet departed playmates, this tree reminds of her siblings who used to play with her under

“I saw thee in my own loved native clime”

In this poem, Toru Dutt sings glories of the Casuarina tree and describes it in detail. On the surface of it, it
appears that it is all about the Casuarina tree, but actually the tree is just a medium to link the poet’s past with
the present. The poet remembers the tree because of the many happy memories of childhood days that are
linked to it which are a source of comfort and consolation to her in another country. The poem, therefore,
underlines the importance of memories in human life.
“Fear, trembling Hope and deat, the skeleton”
“And Time the shadow”

The tree brings to her mind the memories of time when she used to play under it in the company of her brother
and sister, both of whom are already dead. She was very close to her dead brother and sister named Abju and
Aru respectively who loved the Casuarina tree greatly. So she loves the tree greatly. But lost in the memories of
her siblings who are now dead, she is looking forward to death as an acceptable thing. The memories of her
brother and sister bring tears into her eyes. She hopes that the tree will be remembered for ever as the yew trees
of Borrowdale immortalized by Wordsworth are still remembered. She immortalizes the tree for the sake of her

loved ones by writing a poem for it

“A waif on this earth, sick, ugly and small, curled blindly in impenetrable sorrow. And then the thought
confounds us with strangeness.”

Poem - 3 All the World’s a Stage

extBook r gr ph Question
Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words

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12th English EASY CENTUM

a) Describe the various stages of a man’s life as picturized in the poem “All the World’s a stage.”
[PTA-1, PTA-4]
How does Shakespeare describe the seven different roles played by man during his life-time ? [Sep-2020]

Poem : All the World’s a Stage

Poet : William Shakespeare

Theme : Man plays seven roles in the drama of life

Shakespeare considers the whole world a stage where men and women are only actors. They enter the stage
when they are born and exit when they die. Every man, during his life time, plays seven roles based on age. In

the first stage, as an infant, he is wholly dependent on the mother or a nurse. Later, emerging as a school child,
he slings his bag over his shoulder and creeps most reluctantly to school. His third stage is that of a lover, busy
composing sad ballads for his beloved and yearns for her attention. In the fourth stage, he is aggressive and

ambitious and seeks reputation in all that he does. He promises solemnly to guard his country and becomes a
soldier. As he grows older, with maturity and wisdom, he becomes a fair judge. During this stage, he is firm and
serious. In the sixth stage, he is seen with loose pantaloons and spectacles. His manly voice changes into a
childish treble. The last scene of all is his second childhood. Slowly, he loses his faculties of sight, hearing, smell

and taste and exits the world.
b) Shakespeare has skilfully brought out the parallels between the life of man and actors on stage.
Elaborate this statement with reference to the poem.
Poem : All the World’s a Stage
Poet : William Shakespeare
Theme : Man plays seven roles in the drama of life

In the beginning of the poem Shakespeare brings out the imagery of a drama stage and he compares the world
to the stage. As needed for a drama stage he introduces exits and entrances. In a drama an actor has particular
time to enter and exit. In the same way man enters this world through his birth and exits from this world

through his death. In a drama, different actors play different roles on the stage. But in the world a single man
plays different roles at different periods of time of his life. The poet introduces him as an infant and takes him
through different roles leading to the final stage of death. As the actors on the stage have their own script to
act, man has a separate script to act in his different stages. As an infant he has a particular script and as an old
man he has another script. Shakespeare divides the whole life of man into seven stages and he has given seven
roles to him to play in the drama of life.

ey oints For te Bloomers

Poem : All the World’s a Stage

Poet : William Shakespeare

Theme : Man plays seven roles in the drama of life

 The world is a stage.

 Men and women are players.
 Seven stages of life is described here.

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 Infant – vomits on the nurse

 School boy – unwillingness with satchel
 Lover – Hot and woeful
 Soldier – jealous in honour and gets anger suddenly
 Judge – full of wisdom
 Old age – breatheless due to age

 Second childishness – without teeth, without vision and without everything.

t nd rd r gr ph
Poem : All the World’s a Stage
Poet : William Shakespeare

Theme : Man plays seven roles in the drama of life

In the poem, Seven Ages of Man Shakespeare compares the entire world to a theatrical stage, where all the
human beings perform their allotted role given by the God.

Every individual has to go through seven acts that are seven stages of man’s life.
The first stage, in this phase of his life man, appears as a child in the world. As a child, he is a helpless creature,
he depends on others for all his personal needs.
The next phase of his life man appears as a child in the world. He marches to the school unwillingly.
In the third stage of his life, a man plays the part of a lover. He falls in love and suffers.
In the fourth stage of his life man becomes a foul-mouthed soldier. He hankers after temporary and bubble
In the fifth stage of his life, he becomes mature and experienced in his thoughts. He is wealthy, eats a lot,
becomes sloppy.

Then, in the sixth stage of his life, man grows old and becomes unstable and starts to wither, in the final stage,
the man turns into a child once again. He is ready to leave this world.

“We know what we are, but know what we may be”

igh evel r gr ph

Poem : All the World’s a Stage

Poet : William Shakespeare

Theme : Man plays seven roles in the drama of life

Shakespeare compares the world to a stage and all the men and women are actors and actresses in it. He divides
the life into seven stages.
Stage 1
The first stage is the infant. A nurse carries the infant and he vomits in her arms all the time.

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“Mewling and puking in the Nurse’s arms”

Stage 2
School boy is the second stage. He is unwilling to go to school with his satchel.
”Creeping like snail”
Stage 3
The third stage is that of a lover who is lost in thoughts of love. He composes a poem on the eyebrow of his

“Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad”

Stage 4
In the fourth stage, man grows older. He becomes the soldier. He is physically strong and become short
“Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel”

Stage 5
The fifth stage shows the man full of wisdom as a fair judge. He has an authoritative look and advises others

Stage 6
“Full of wise saws and modern instances”
The sixth stage is about the grown old. He is seen in a pantaloon and spectacles. His voice trembles while he
is talking.
“Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon”
Stage 7
Second childishness is the last stage of man’s life. During this stage he is without teeth, without vision and
without everything. Man’s part in the play ends with this stage.
“Life is a drama”

Poem - 4 Ulysses

extBook r gr ph Question
Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words

a) What makes Ulysses seek newer adventures?

Poem : Ulysses

Poet : Alfred Tennyson

Theme : Quest for travel and knowledge

The poem ‘Ulysses’ has been written by Alfred Tennyson. Ulysses complains that he is idle as a king, stays with
his elderly wife and keeps passing enlightened laws to his people. He does not want to stop his travels. He
suffered and experienced pleasure both with others and alone and both at sea and on the shore. He is a famous
name; he has seen the world and has been honoured everywhere. He also has enjoyed battling at Troy with his

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fellow warriors. He is a part of all that he has met, but this is not the end, for his experience is an archway to
new experiences, with the horizon always beyond reach. It is boring to stop and wither away and remain useless
in his old age because simply breathing is not life. When he is alive there is time for something more. It would
be a shame to do nothing for even three days. He does not want to store himself away. His spirit” yearns to
attain knowledge and follow it like a sinking star.
b) List the roles and responsibilities Ulysses assigns to his son Telemachus, while he is away.

Poem : Ulysses

Poet : Alfred Tennyson
Theme : Quest for travel and knowledge

The poem ‘Ulysses’ has been written by Alfred Tennyson. In the poem he describes his intention to travel to
unknown places to gain knowledge and experience. In contrast, his son Telemachus, who will succeed him as
king, seems content to stay in the kingdom and simply rule the people. Ulysses loves him and knows that he will
use his prudence to govern wisely, turning the rough people mild, and he is blameless and decent in his common

duties. He honours the family’s gods. Yet, Telemachus does not have his father’s energy. He will do his work well
leaving Ulysses to do his work as a traveller.
c) What is Ulysses’ clarion call to his sailors? How does he inspire them?


: Ulysses
: Alfred Tennyson
Theme : Quest for travel and knowledge
The poem ‘Ulysses’ has been written by Alfred Tennyson. In the poem he describes his intention to travel to
unknown places to gain knowledge and experience. In the last part of the poem Ulysses addresses his fellow
sailors. Ulysses beckons his sailors together at the port where the ship is ready to sail. His companions who
have faced both thunder and sunshine with a smile, are united by their undying spirit of adventure. Though
death would end everything, Ulysses urges his companions to join him and sail beyond the sunset and seek a
newer world, regardless of consequences. These brave hearts who had once moved heaven and earth, may have
grown old and weak physically but their spirit is young and undaunted. His call is an inspiration for all those

who seek true knowledge and strive to lead meaningful lives.

ey oints For te Bloomers

Poem : Ulysses
Poet : Alfred Tennyson

Theme : Quest for travel and knowledge

 John Hunt led the expedition to Mt. Everest.


 It was an unforgettable day for him.

 They had climbed to the top.
 There were shouts of joy, handshakes and hugs.
 Their happiness and pride showed how these men had shared their feats.
 The adventure was concluded by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.

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 The feat is one of comradeship and team work.

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Poem : Ulysses
Poet : Alfred Tennyson
Theme : Quest for travel and knowledge

The well-organized expedition was launched in the spring of 1953. After a pair of climbers failed to reach the
top on May 27, Hillary and Tenzing set out for it early on May 29. By late morning they were standing on the

summit. Tenzing paved steps towards the ridge and they reached the top of the ridge which was about 28000
feet. The snow was soft over the ridge and it made their route dangerous. After several hundred feet they came
to a hollow. There they found two oxygen cylinders which had been left by Evans and Bourdillon on their
previous attempt. Hillary was happy to find that the cylinders had hundreds of liters of oxygen which they could

use for the downward journey. They continued their journey though the snow was little dangerous. With some
difficulties they reached firmer snow higher up. They cut steps on the last steep slopes and walked on with their
spike shoes to the South Peak. It was then 9 a.m.

“For men may come and men may go, but I (The Brook) go on forever”.

igh evel r gr ph
Poem : Ulysses
Poet : Alfred Tennyson
Theme : Quest for travel and knowledge
“Ulysses” was published in 1842 in the collection of poetry that secured Tennyson’s literary fame. It had been

written nine years earlier, when he was 24 years old, following the death of his closest friend, Arthur Henry
Hallam. This poem is written as a dramatic monologue: the entire poem is spoken by a single character, whose
identity is revealed by his own words.
Critical Analysis:
Ulysses complains that he is “idle” as a king, being at home with his elderly wife and getting stuck passing
enlightened laws for a “savage race” that sleeps and eats but does not know him. He does not want to cease his

travels. He has made the most of his life, having suffered and experienced pleasure both with others and alone
and both at sea and on the shore.
“I cannot rest from travel: I will drink”
“Life to the lees”:…

He has seen the world and has been honoured everywhere. He also has enjoyed battling at Troy with his fellow
warriors. He is “a part of all that I have met,” but this is not the end, for his experience is an archway to new
experiences, with the horizon always beyond reach. It is boring to stop and wither away and remain useless in
his old age; simply breathing is not life. Multiple lives would be too little to get the most out of existence, and
little of his one life but at least he is alive and there is time for “something more.” It would be a shame to do
nothing for even three days; he does not want to store himself away. His “gray spirit” yearns to attain knowledge

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and follow it “like a sinking star.”

“And his grey spirit yearning in desire”.
Father Vs Son:
In contrast, his son Telemachus, who will succeed him as king, seems content to stay put and simply rule the
people. Ulysses loves him and knows that he will use his prudence to govern wisely, turning the “rugged” people
“mild”. He is “blameless” and “decent” in his “common duties.” He honors the family’s gods. Yet, Telemachus

does not have his father’s energy. “He works his work, I mine.” Ulysses looks at the port and the sea beyond,
calling to him. He recalls “the thunder and the sunshine” of his mariners’ exciting travels together, their “free
hearts” and free minds, and understands that he and they are old. Yet, they still can do something noble suited
to their greatness, especially as they are men who once fought with gods. Light fades, and the day wanes.

“This is my son, mine own Telemachus”.
Clarion Call :
Ulysses calls out that it is not too late to discover a “newer world.” They can leave this shore and sail beyond

the sunset, exploring until he dies. Perhaps they even will reach the Happy Isles and meet Achilles. Although
they are weak in age, much vigor remains; they still have “heroic hearts” which are “strong in will” and want to
persevere, to explore and discover and never give up.

“To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”.
“For men may come and men may go, but I (The Brook) go on forever”.
Poem - 5 A Father to his Son

extBook r gr ph Question
Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words
a) Explain how the poet guides his son who is at the threshold of manhood, to face the challenges of
life. [PTA-2, PTA-4]

Poem : A Father to his son

Poet : Carl August Sandburg
Theme : Advice

This poem is about a father who is debating about what life truly is and how to explain it to his son to prepare
him for it. The theme for this poem is to take life as it is, to not worry about the future or the past but live in the

present. That one will experience many things in life and we should not rush or force these experiences but let
them happen naturally. Experience and appreciate every aspect of life. The poem is a kind of vignette of worldly
wisdom given by a father to a son. Here, a father who has earned experience from the life wishes that his son
should lead a life where he could have enough energy and stamina to grapple with the hurdles that come in the

pathway of life. A father’s tension increases when he looks at his son standing at the threshold of “manhood”.
It’s a time when nearly each and every father becomes protective and cautious.
b) How according to the poet is it possible for his son to bring changes into a world that resents change?

Poem : A Father to his son

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Poet : Carl August Sandburg

Theme : Advice

Making introspection often, and not hesitating to accept his shortcomings, avoid white lies to protect self
against other people. Solitude helps to be creative and final decisions are taken into silent rooms. Instead of
being one among many, be different must be his nature. The son may need lazy days to find his work abilities,
to seek what he is born for .He will then know how free imaginations bring changes to the world, which resents
change .During such resentment, let him know that it is time for him to be on his own, and inherent to achieve

like Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Michael Faraday.

For Bloomers

ey oints te
Poem : A Father to his son
Poet : Carl August Sandburg

Theme : Advice

 According to the father free imaginations bring changes to the world.

 He advises his son not to hesitate to admit his shortcomings.
 The son should avoid lies to protect himself against people.
 Loneliness helps to be creative.
 The final decisions are taken in silent rooms.
 He advises his son to be different from others and he must be unique.
 This is the ideal time for him to be on his own
 Work hard to achieve success like great men.

t nd rd r gr ph

Poem : A Father to his son

Poet : Carl August Sandburg
Theme : Advice

The poem is a kind of vignette of worldly wisdom given by a father to a son. Here, a father who has earned
experience from the life wishes that his son should lead a life where he could have enough energy and stamina

to grapple with the hurdles that come in the pathway of life. A father's tension increases when he looks at the
his son standing at the threshold of “manhood”. It's a time when nearly each and every father becomes protective
and cautious. A vigilant father is always wary of the career concerns, future settlements and familial
responsibility towards his son. He wants that his son should achieve whatever he could not achieve in his

lifetime. He tells his son about his failures and successes and also the mantra behind all this. Being aware of the
fact that “Life is hard”, he motivates his son to “be steel”. An enlightened father also tells his son that “too
much money has killed men /and left them dead years before burial”.

“Time is only coin of your life. Be careful lest you let other people spent it for you.”

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Poem : A Father to his son
Poet : Carl August Sandburg
Theme : Advice

About the Poet
Sandburg was born in Galesburg ,Illinois ,to parents of Swedish ancestry .Carl August Sandburg (January

6,1878 –July 22,1967)was an American poet, writer and editor.He won three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry
and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln .During his lifetime ,Sandburg was widely regarded as “a major
figure in contemporary literature” ,especially for volumes of his collected verse ,including ,Chicago Poems
(1916),Corn¬huskers(1918),and Smoke and steel(1920).He enjoyed unrivalled appeal as a poet inn his day

,perhaps because the breadth of his experiences connected him with so many strands of American life ,and at
his deathin 1967,President Lyndon B Johnson observed that “Carl Sandburg was more than the poet of its
strength and genius . He was America.”
“Poetry is the opening and closing of a door ,leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen
during a moment.”

Stanza wise Summary

A -Carl Sandburg
A father’s tension increases when he looks at the his son standing at the threshold of “manhood”.The son
is moving from boyhood to manhood .The father wants to impart his son what he learnt over the years and his
mistakes .So that He will not make the same ones. He tells his son about his failures and successes and also the
mantra behind all this. Being aware of the fact that “Life is hard”, he motivates his son to “be steel”. The father

suggests his son to be a steel or rock, but the hardness might lead to monotony. It could help him to stand in
storms, but he would get bored soon.

“Life is hard; be steel; be a rock”.

In this poem a set of guidelines and values helps him to steer uncertainties and complexities and satisfying
existence. The father uses many images to give the clear understanding of world and life. In contrary to the
above stanza , He compares the life to a soft loam .He asks his son not to be too hard that he might be a poor
recipient of any values. Even brutes would change gentle where punishments failed. He should take time to

happen not to rush.

“Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy”.

The poet uses the image of a flower for its frailty and gentleness. Even the delicate flower has the ability
to split a rock .Gentleness can also be a powerful weapon .So A tough thought can decide the destination. The
desire of becoming rich is not a guilt . Wanting money and economic strength are essential. Desires will add
flavours to life. He tries to show his son many images of what possible outcome of life would be.The qualities
and benefits on being hard and soft are presented by a vigilant father .
“A tough will counts. So does desire”.

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An enlightened father also tells his son that “too much money has killed men /and left them dead years
before burial”. While the father advises as an observer the poet asks him to add that the want of money may
transform him as greed. He would be blinded by greed. Too much Want of money made some people as dead
“Tell him too much of money as killed man”.

Time for leisure is not a waste .The poet suggests the father to tell him not to be ashamed for being a fool.
Experience helps to take right decisions but experience is an outcome of mistakes. But repetition of the same

mistakes should be avoided.
“Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted”.

The father presents as an Intimate letter to his son. He encourages his son to explore and to take risks in
Life .It talks Life in general and maturation process. It’s a time when nearly each and every father becomes
protective and cautious. A vigilant father is always wary of the career concerns, future settlements and familial
responsibility towards his son. He asks his son to do introspect often ,and do not hesitate to accept his

shortcomings ,avoid white lies to protect self against other people. Keeping himself alone shoud be self
“Tell him to get alone often and get at himself”.
He wants that his son should achieve whatever he could not achieve in his lifetime. In solitude the mind
gains strength and learns to lean upon itself. The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative
mind. Final decisions are made in silent rooms. The inner strength and courage should make him different. Be
independent to make decisions so comfortable . Life should have both the work and entertainment. It must be
an natural outcome .He encourages his son to pursue his own interest and to be independent.
“Tell him to be different from other people”.

The son may need lazy days to find his work abilities, to seek what he is born for .He will then know how
free imaginations bring changes to the world, which resents change. During such resentment, ,let him know
that it is time for him to be on his own ,and inherent to achieve like Shakespeare ,the Wright brothers, Pasteur
,Pavlov and Michael Faraday.
“And the final decisions are made in silent rooms”.

With the inner strength and courage, he wants his son to pursue, not to give up. And in a man’s capacity
to create a society in which inequalities would be erased and dreams reached. He wants his son to realise the

Life is short. The poet wrote this poem with the special intention of conveying Life is hard.
“Bring Changes in the life and fates of the people”.
“Time is only coin of your life. Be careful lest you let other people spent it for you.”

Poem - 6 Incident of the French Camp

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extBook r gr ph Question

Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words
a. The young soldier matched his emperor in courage and patriotism. Elucidate your answer.
[PTA-1, PTA-5, PTA-6, Mar-2020]
(or) Bring out the qualities of the young French soldier as portrayed by the poet in “Incident of the

French Camp”. [Sep-2020]
Poem : Incident of the French Camp

Poet : Robert Browning
Theme : Courage and Patriotism

The poet describes the heroic action of a wounded soldier. His heroic devotion to duty and his pride in it is

greatly inspiring. It is worthy of admiration. During the attack of French army on Ratisbon, Napoleon was much
worried about the result. His future plans depended upon the result. He was standing on a mound near the
battlefield. He was watching the war from there. Suddenly a rider appeared from the closed smoke and dust. He
galloped fast and approached Napoleon. As he came near, Napoleon noticed that he was a young boy seriously

wounded and not far from his death. He came closer and gave the happy news of victory to Napoleon. He
exclaimed with joy that the French had conquered Ratisbon. He himself had hoisted the flag of France in the
city. With a little touch of pride, he gave the information to Napoleon that he has played a very important role
in the victory at the risk of his life. Thus he matched his emperor in courage and patriotism.
b. What is the role of the young soldier in the victory of the French at Ratisbon?
Poem : Incident of the French Camp
Poet : Robert Browning
Theme : Courage and Patriotism

The actions of the young soldier in the poem can be considered heroic. He ignores his own mortal wound to

deliver the news of victory to Napoleon. In doing so he shows his own belief that he has served his emperor,
nation and God worthily. Even though he is only a boy, he served in the army. He took part in a dangerous
battle. He was mortally wounded in the battle. Even then, he rode his horse at a fast gallop to inform the
emperor about their victory. He was very happy and pride of his victory. He did not bother about his death. He
informed the French emperor that he had hoisted the French flag over Ratisbon. He is very proud of his service
to the nation. He did not express any regrets about his death. He seemed happier about the outcome of the
battle. He was not concerned about his wounds. There was a smile of pride and satisfaction on the young

soldier’s lips as he fell dead near the feet of his emperor.

c. Napoleon was a great source of inspiration to his army. Justify.
Poem : Incident of the French Camp

Poet : Robert Browning

Theme : Courage and Patriotism

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power is one of the greatest stories of European history. From his life we can learn
principles that are applicable to anyone. He was always learning initially. He was diligent to improve himself
always. He was a great general and an efficient organizer. One essential feature of Napoleon’s attitude was his
brilliance. Not only was he smart, but he could also handle many topics at once. He had an immense memory

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for details. When he came to power in France, he fixed many of the problems of the nation. He ensured that the
contractors and troops get paid on time. He was a master of propaganda and popular manipulation. All these
qualities made him an inspiring source to his army.

ey oints For te Bloomers

Poem : Incident of the French Camp

Poet : Robert Browning
Theme : Courage and Patriotism

 Napolean ‘s rise to power is one of the greatest stories of European history.
 During his life time we can learn principles that are applicable to anyone.
 He was always learning initially.

 He was diligent to improve himself always.
 He was a great general and an efficient organizer
 One essential feature of Napolean’s attitude was his brilliance.
 He was a master of propaganda and popular manipulation.
 All these qualities made him an inspiring source to his army.

t nd rd r gr ph
Poem : Incident of the French Camp
Poet : Robert Browning
Theme : Courage and Patriotism

The poet describes the heroic action of a wounded soldier. His heroic devotion to duty and his pride in it is

greatly inspiring. It is worthy of admiration. During the attack of French army on Ratisbon, Napolean was
much worried about the result. His future plans depended upon the result. He was standing on a mound near
the battlefield. He was watching the war from there. Suddenly a rider appeared from the closed smoke and
dust. He galloped fast and approached Napolean. As he came near, Napolean noticed that he was a young boy
seriously wounded and not far from his death. He came closer and gave the happy news of victory to Napolean.
He exclaimed with joy that the French had conquered Ratisbon. He himself had hoisted the flag of France in
the city. With a little touch of pride, he gave the information to Napolean that he has played a very important

role in the victory at the risk of his life. Thus he matched his emperor in courage and patriotism.

“To do good thing in the world, first you must know you are and what gives meaning to your life.”

igh evel r gr ph
Poem : Incident of the French Camp
Poet : Robert Browning
Theme : Courage and Patriotism

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The poet Robert Browning in his ever commendable poem “Incident of the French Camp” assumes himself one
of the French soldiers and narrates dramatically the incident at the French in the war of 1809 between France
and Austria. The French army attacked Ratisbon of Austria. On the storming day, the French emperor Napoleon
stood on a hillock just a mile away from the battlefield. He was passionately observing the onslaught with his
neck sticking out, his legs being wide apart and his arms clasped behind as if to balance his inclining head due
to his turbulently oppressive mind.

“You know, we French stormed Ratisbon”.
Expecting victory:

Napoleon was deeply thinking himself that all his soaring ambitious future plans would be shattered (fall on to
earth) if his army leader Marshal Lannes failed to capture Ratisbon. Out of the battle smoke, a rider found
galloping at great speed and did not slow down his horse until he reached the mound where Napoleon stood.
“As if to balance the prone brow”.

Arrival of the young soldier:
The soldier in immense joy flung off the horse and stood erect holding his horse’s mane. He had tightly
compressed (kept) his mouth lest his blood should come through. So none could suspect that he had been

fatally wounded.
“Full galloping; nor bridle drew”.
He exclaimed to Napoleon with pride and brimming joy that by the grace of God, the French had conquered
Ratisbon and Marshal Lannes was eagerly awaiting his arrival very soon at the marketplace. He also told
Napoleon that he could see his flag-bird flapping his vans which he himself had perched. Hearing that
Napoleon’s eyes sparkled with joy and satisfaction and his plans soared high like fire.
“‘Well’ cried e, ‘Emperor, by God’s grace”.

On seeing his boy soldier fatally wounded, the glittering eyes of Napoleon immediately softened as if a mother
eagle’s eye looked miserable seeing its bruised eaglet. Surging with maternal affection, he asked the young
soldier if he was wounded. Hearing it, the young soldier felt hurt of true soldier ship. He stated proudly that he
was not wounded but killed and fell dead smiling beside his emperor.
“‘I’m kills Sire!’ And his chief beside,”.
“To do good thing in the world, first you must know you are and what gives meaning to your life”.

Question No : 42 Supplementary Paragraph 5 MARK


1. God sees the Truth, But Waits

Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the given hints.
Aksionov - young merchant of Vladimir - lives with family - goes to Nizhny fair -meets a merchant friend -
during travel - stays in an inn - leaves inn before daybreak - gets arrested - innocent prisoner - accused of
murder - spends 26 years in prison - meets Makar - Aksionov saves Makar - Makar feels guilty -confesses

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his crime - Aksionov forgives criminal - dies peacefully. [Sep-2020]

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Topic : God sees the Truth, But Waits
Author : Leo Tolstoy
Theme : Forgive The truth in Aksionov’s life

Characters : Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov A merchant; His wife; MakarSemyonich
 Ivan Dmitritch Aksionov lives at Vladimir in Russia.

 One day he starts to fair.
 But his wife forbids him from going to the fair since she had bad dreams.
 But he ignores her and set off.

 On the way he met another merchant and they stayed in an inn together.
 They have some tea and then they retire to bed.
 The next morning Ivan started early.

 He is imprisoned in Siberia.
 After many years there comes a few criminals.
 Within a few minutes, he is arrested by the police for murdering the merchant.
 One among them is MakarSemiyonach.
 He confesses that he has killed the merchant.
 Before the process of release finishes, Ivan died in prison.
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Topic : God sees the Truth, But Waits

Author : Leo Tolstoy
Theme : Forgive The truth in Aksionov’s life
Characters : Ivan DmitrichAksionov A merchant; His wife; MakarSemyonich
A young merchant, DimitrichAksionov lived with his wife and children in a town, Vladimir. He lived a care free

like until he got married. He had been a drunkard before marriage. But after marriage, he lived peacefully with
his family. One day he planned to take a trip to go to Nizhny fair. But, his wife warned him not to go as she had
dreamt a bad dream of his trip. He didn’t care about the dream and started his jour¬ney. On the way he met a
merchant and spent the night with him in an inn. Next day early morning, he woke up and continued his

journey. On his way he was stopped by two soldiers and accused him of having murdered the merchant with
whom he had stayed the previous night. As there was no evidence to prove his innocence, Ivan was imprisoned.
His wife also suspected that her husband was guilty. He spent the next twenty six years in prison made Ivan a
God-fearing man. He became ‘Grandma’ and ‘the Saint’ to his fellow prisoners.
One day a new prisoner, MakarSemyonich arrived. From the talk between the two, Aksionov under¬stand that
makar was the real murderer of the merchant. But, he did not speak to him about it. In the meanwhile, makar

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secretly dug a tunnel in the prison cell to escape. Aksionov knew about it but did not reveal the truth even to
the Governor when he was questioned closely. Knowing the character of Aksionov, makar felt deeply for him
and approached him to seek for forgiveness. That night makar confessed that it was he who had killed the
merchant and asked for his forgiveness. He forgave him. When the Governor came to know of his innocence,
he ordered for his release. But, by that time, Aksionov was already no more.

“Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.”

igh evel r gr ph

In Russia during the nineteenth century, a young, attractive businessman named Ivan DmitrichAksionov lived
with his wife and children. Although he had been a bit wild in his youth, he had now settled down and lived a

responsible, productive life. One day he decided to make a trip to a fair where he could sell some of his
merchandise. Although his wife had had a bad dream about this trip, Aksionov decided to proceed. On the way,
he stopped at an inn, where he met another merchant, a person he knew. They decided to stay at the inn in
rooms next to one another. The next morning, he proceeded on his way. After traveling twenty-five miles,

however, he was stopped by a local police officer, who questioned him closely about the time he had spent at
the inn. It turned out that the other merchant had been found with his throat slit open, and Aksionov seemed
a likely suspect since he knew the man and since their rooms had been adjacent. Aksionov vehemently denied
any involvement in the murder. However, when his bags were checked, a bloody knife was found.
Innocent caught:
Although Aksionov protested his innocence, he was arrested and charged with the murder. Even his wife
wondered if he might have been involved, since the circumstantial evidence was so striking. A petition to the
Czar for mercy was turned down. Aksionov bade his wife and young children farewell, reflecting that only God
can know the truth, and that only God can provide true clemency. Aksionov continued to petition the Czar, but
eventually he despaired of any earthly mercy, focusing his thoughts instead on God. After being severely
flogged, he was sent to work in the mines in Siberia. During his twenty-six years of imprisonment there, his

hair turned white, his happy-go-lucky personality disappeared, and his body began to weaken; he never
showed any signs of happiness and he frequently prayed to God.
Life in prison:
While imprisoned, he became a boot-maker, thus earning enough money to buy a book called The Lives of the
Saints. He read this book whenever possible. On Sundays he took a prominent role in the religious services,
and he sang in the choir of the prison church. The wardens and guards appreciated his humility, and the other

prisoners regarded him with respect, calling him “Grandfather” and “The Saint.” He became their representative
when they needed to deal with the authorities, and they trusted him so much that they treated him as a kind
of judge, who could settle disputes and disagreements amongst them. Meanwhile, he had no information
about his family nor any contact with them. They might all be dead, for all he knew.

Makar’s Arrival:
When a new shipment of prisoners arrived one day, Aksionov eventually realized that one of the men, Makar,
was from his own home town. In response to Aksionov’s questions, Makar informed the old man that Aksionov’s
family was prosperous. Makar seemed to know Aksionov somehow, leading the latter to wonder if Makar knew
anything about the murder of the merchant. Makar’s reply led Aksionov to begin to suspect that it was Makar
who had in fact committed the crime. Tormented by painful memories and by a sense of all the years he had

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lost, he eventually accused Makar, privately, of having murdered the merchant. Makar ignored the accusation
even though Aksionov had caught Makar trying to dig a tunnel to escape the prison. Aksionov could easily
have reported this deed to the authorities, but he chose to keep quiet, even after Makar threatened him. When
the tunnel was eventually discovered, no one would identify Makar as the culprit who had been doing the
digging. Even Aksionov, who was closely questioned by the Governor of the prison because the Governor knew
that his testimony would be honest, denied knowing who had been digging. He did not want to see Makar
harshly punished and even began to wonder if he had wrongly suspected Makar of murdering the merchant.

Later that night, Makar came to Aksionov’s bed and begged the old man for forgiveness. He confessed that he
had indeed killed the merchant and had hidden the bloody knife in Aksionov’s belongings. He offered to

confess to this crime so that Aksionov could be released from prison and go back to his home and family.
Makar continued to beg Aksionov for forgiveness, especially since Aksionov had not revealed what he knew
about Makar and the tunnel. Both men were soon weeping, and Aksionov said “God will forgive you! . . . Maybe
I am a hundred times worse than you.” Having said this, he suddenly felt unburdened and no longer cared

about leaving prison. He only desired death. Makar did eventually confess to having killed the merchant, but
by the time Aksionov’s pardon arrived, he was already deceased.

“Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.”

2. Life of Pi
Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the given hints.
Pi – from Pudhucherry – stranded in life boat – left with a leopard – hyena – very thirsty – look for water
– close to tiger - overpowers – finds water cans – comes to life after drinking water – elixir of life – learnt
– tiger who scared him brought peace – wholeness – after 227 days – Pi reunites with family.
ey oints For te Bloomers

Topic : Life of Pi
Author : Yann Marte;
Genre : Real Incident
Theme : Surviving over a harrowing ship wreck

 At the beginning Pi was stranded of the presence of Richard Parker.


 Seeing this Pi lost all his hope of surviving.

 But the great beast was not behaving as great beast.
 Richard Parker’s passivity for three long days was not natural.

 It may be due to sedation and sea sickness.

 Pi’s thirst for water overpowered his fear of Richard Parker.
 He went about for exploring fresh water.
 At last Pi realized that Parker who scared him earlier brought him peace, purpose and wholeness.

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Topic : Life of Pi
Author : Yann Marte;
Genre : Real Incident

Theme : Surviving over a harrowing ship wreck

At the beginning Pi was scared of the presence of the Bengal tiger Richard Parker. He didn’t notice for two and
a half days, 450 pound Bengal tiger in a lifeboat. From the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, the tiger took

up over a third of the length of the ship. On seeing this Pi lost all hope of surviving. But the great beast was
not behaving like a great beast to such an extent that the hyena had taken liberties. Richard Parker passivity
for three long days was not natural. It may be on account of sedation and seasickness. Pi’s father used to
sedate a number of the animals to lessen their stress. He had also sedated Richard Parker shortly before the

sinking of the ship. Pi’s thirst for water overpowered his feat of Richard Parker and he went about exploring
for fresh water. His search for water took him dangerously close to Richard Parker. Nothing could stop him. He
succeeded in the search. Pi returned to life. Later he understood that it was Richard Parker who helped him
survive for 227days. He realized that Parker who scared him earlier brought him peace, purpose and wholeness.

“It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same
afterwards, even unto our names.”
igh evel r gr ph
Topic : Life of Pi
Author : Yann Marte;
Genre : Real Incident

Theme : Surviving over a harrowing ship wreck

Introduction :
Life of Pi tells the fantastical story of Pi Patel, a sixteen-year-old South Indian boy who survives at sea with a
tiger for 227 days. Pi, born Piscine Molitor Patel, grows up in the South Indian city of Pondicherry, where his
father runs the zoo. A precocious and intelligent boy, by the age of fifteen Pi—Hindu from an early age—has
also adopted Christianity and Islam, and considers himself a pious devotee to all three religions.

Migration :
Thanks to government upheaval that has long been distressing Pi’s father, the Patels decide to close the
Pondicherry Zoo and move to Canada when Pi is sixteen. Pi, his mother, father, and brother Ravi all board the
Tsimtsum along with the zoo’s animal inhabitants (who are on their way to be sold around the world).

Sinking ship :
An unexplained event causes the Tsimtsum to sink, and Pi is the only human to make it onto the lifeboat and
survive. Along with Pi, the lifeboat contains a hyena, a zebra, Orange Juice the orangutan, and Richard Parker
the tiger. The hyena kills and devours both the zebra and Orange Juice, before Richard Parker kills the hyena.
Pi is left alone on a lifeboat with an adult male tiger.

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Pi was stranded :
There is no land in sight and the ocean is shark-infested, so Pi builds a raft which he attaches to the lifeboat,
to keep himself at a safer distance from Richard Parker. Eventually, however, life on the raft proves too
exhausting, and Pi realizes that if Richard Parker gets hungry enough, he will swim to it and kill Pi. So Pi
decides that he must tame Richard Parker. Using a whistle, seasickness, and a turtle-shell shield, Pi manages
to assert his authority over Richard Parker and delineate his own territory on the lifeboat, where he is
comparatively safe from the tiger.

Challenges faced by Pi Patel :
While at sea, Pi and Richard Parker face many challenges, traumas, tragedies, and miraculous occurrences.
They never have sufficient food and fresh water, and the constant exposure is highly painful. A severe storm,

which they miraculously survive, destroys the raft. Pi manages to capture and kill a bird. They are almost
crushed by an oil tanker, which then passes by without seeing them.

During an especially severe period of starvation, Pi and Richard Parker both go blind. While blind, Pi hears a
voice, and realizes that they have drawn near another lifeboat that contains a similarly starving and blind
Frenchman. Pi and this man converse for a while, and bring their boats together. The Frenchman climbs onto
Pi’s boat, and immediately attacks him, planning to kill and eat him. He doesn’t realize that there is a tiger on

the boat, however, and accidentally steps into Richard Parker’s territory. The tiger immediately attacks and
kills him. Pi, saved at the cost of his attacker’s life, describes this as the beginning of his true moral suffering.
Reaching a strange place:
Pi and Richard Parker come upon a weird island that is made of algae with trees protruding from it, teeming
with meerkats but no other life. Pi and Richard Parker stay on the island for weeks, eating the algae and the
meerkats, growing stronger, and bathing in and drinking from the fresh water ponds. They never stay on the
island at night, however, Pi because he feels safer from the tiger in his delineated territory, and Richard Parker
for a reason unknown to Pi. Pi eventually starts to sleep on the island, and while doing so realizes that the
island is carnivorous—it emits acid at night that dissolves anything on its surface. Greatly disturbed by this,
Pi takes Richard Parker, and they leave the island.

Treatment given to Pi:

Pi and Richard Parker eventually land on the Mexican beach. Richard Parker immediately runs off into the
jungle without acknowledging Pi, which Pi finds deeply hurtful. Pi is found, fed, bathed, and taken to a hospital.
There, two Japanese men come to question Pi about what caused the Tsimtsum to sink. He tells his story,
which they do not believe, so he offers them a more plausible version, with the animal characters replaced by
other humans, which casts doubt on the original story.

Throughout the novel, the story is interrupted by the author’s notes on Pi as he is now, telling this story to the
author. After recovering in Mexico he went to Canada, where he spent a year finishing high school and then
studied Religion and Zoology at the University of Toronto. At some point, he got married, and he now has two

children. He still thinks of Richard Parker, and is still hurt by his final desertion.

“It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same
afterwards, even unto our names.”

3. The Hour Of Truth (PLAY)

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the given hints.
Baldwin – honest – loyal to boss – Gresham arrested – for fraud in Bank – Baldwin advises – to return
money – Gresham refuses – he offers 100 thousand dollars – to tell three words – I don’t remember –
Baldwin refuses – family members ask him to accept bribe – Baldwin – refuses – awarded in the end – new
bank job – Gresham confesses his fault
Robert Baldwin an honest man - fraud in a bank - Gresham arrested - pressurised Baldwin - to falsely

declare - offered huge bribe - Baldwin refused - family members tempted - ashamed of greed - stood for
justice - Gresham confessed - Baldwin rewarded. [March 2020]

ey oints For te Bloomers
Topic : The Hour of Truth
Author : Percival Wilde

Theme : Tendency to be corrupted by the power of money
 Robert Baldwin was an honest man.

 Gresham misappropriated funds.
 He requested Baldwin to say “I don’t remember” during the trail.
 For that he offered money.
 But Baldwin did not agree.
 His family members persuaded him to accept the offer.
 Finally Baldwin was rewarded with a job by Mr. Marshall.

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Topic : The Hour of Truth

Author : Percival Wilde

Theme : Tendency to be corrupted by the power of money
Percival Wilde’s novel The Hour of Truth is indeed an intense psychological study of the corrupting influence
of money on people. The reason for this is that the plot explores greed from a myriad of different points of
view and, although all individuals are tempted by greed at one point or another in life, this particular story
shows how easily people forget their morals and upbringings when money is close by. This story is positive in

that the bad get punished, and the good get rewarded. However, the battle between self and society are
intensified in the character of Mr. Robert Baldwin, the secretary of a powerful bank president, Mr. John
Gresham. Mr. Baldwin represents an everyday American man who works for a living and whose salary may
not be as good as he wished to support his family. His family, in turn, also represents the typical American

family with its views on morality, and a hope for the American Dream. Everything changes when we find out
that Mr. Gresham, Robert’s boss, is accused of appropriating the bank’s money, which in turn, hurts the clients
of the bank. As Mr. Gresham is arrested we immediately lose confidence in his character. Mr. Gresham was a
good boss to Mr. Baldwin, and seems to have been the type of person nobody would suspect. To see him as a
thief leaves a bad taste in the reader’s rapport with him, making the reader realize how badly money can
influence people. As a result of the arrest, Gresham begs Mr. Baldwin to simply say three words during his

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examination on trial regarding Mr. Gresham’s transactions “I don’t remember”. As a reward, he offered him
one hundred thousand dollars: An amazing amount of money at the time of the story. Once again, money
changed everything, only not with Mr. Baldwin. It is his family who suddenly changes from being virtuous,
respectable, and incapable to allow Robert to tell a lie. When they hear about the bribe (which Gresham calls
a payment), they insist that maybe Robert should consider saying “just those three words”. This is another
instance where we may find it shocking how money can overturn family values. Yet, it is Robert what brings
the hope back into the story. He simply cannot accept a bribe but, most importantly, he cannot bear telling a

lie. For this reason, he respectfully rejects the offer. This action left Mr. Gresham ashamed of himself, which
led him to confess his own crime. The end of the story is positive because Robert Baldwin’s honesty and
integrity landed him a job in another bank. His reputation as a decent and dignified man was spread out by Mr.
Gresham, who realizes what a good man Robert is. However, with the exception of Baldwin, we do not find any

other positive dynamics in the story. Money only brings with it isolation, punishment, deception, frustration,
and the possibility of endless shame.

“My father used to say, “Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.”

igh evel r gr ph

: The Hour of Truth
Author : Percival Wilde
Theme : Tendency to be corrupted by the power of money
Percival Wilde’s novel The Hour of Truth is indeed an intense psychological study of the corrupting influence
of money on people. The reason for this is that the plot explores greed from a myriad of different points of
view and, although all individuals are tempted by greed at one point or another in life, this particular story
shows how easily people forget their morals and upbringings when money is close by.

Reward Vs Punishment :

This story is positive in that the bad get punished, and the good get rewarded. However, the battle between self
and society are intensified in the character of Mr. Robert Baldwin, the secretary of a powerful bank president,
Mr. John Gresham.
Truth revealed:
Mr. Baldwin represents an everyday American man who works for a living and whose salary may not be
as good as he wished to support his family. His family, in turn, also represents the typical American family

with its views on morality, and a hope for the American Dream. Everything changes when we find out that Mr.
Gresham, Robert’s boss, is accused of appropriating the bank’s money, which in turn, hurts the clients of the
bank. As Mr. Gresham is arrested we immediately lose confidence in his character. Mr. Gresham was a good
boss to Mr. Baldwin, and seems to have been the type of person nobody would suspect. To see him as a thief

leaves a bad taste in the reader’s rapport with him, making the reader realize how badly money can influence
Gresham’s offer:
As a result of the arrest, Gresham begs Mr. Baldwin to simply say three words during his examination on
trial regarding Mr. Gresham’s transactions “I don’t remember”. As a reward, he offered him one hundred
thousand dollars: An amazing amount of money at the time of the story. Once again, money changed

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everything, only not with Mr. Baldwin. It is his family who suddenly changes from being virtuous, respectable,
and incapable to allow Robert to tell a lie. When they hear about the bribe (which Gresham calls a payment),
they insist that maybe Robert should consider saying “just those three words”. This is another instance where
we may find it shocking how money can overturn family values.
Change in family members’ attitude:
Yet, it is Robert what brings the hope back into the story. He simply cannot accept a bribe but, most
importantly, he cannot bear telling a lie. For this reason, he respectfully rejects the offer. This action left Mr.

Gresham ashamed of himself, which led him to confess his own crime.

The end of the story is positive because Robert Baldwin’s honesty and integrity landed him a job in another
bank. His reputation as a decent and dignified man was spread out by Mr. Gresham, who realizes what a good
man Robert is. However, with the exception of Baldwin, we do not find any other positive dynamics in the
story. Money only brings with it isolation, punishment, deception, frustration, and the possibility of endless


“My father used to say, “Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.”

4. The Midnight Visitor

Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the given hints.
Ausable – spy – never looked like – fat – sloppy – Fowler – writer – enter room – Max – gun trotting
– documents – Fowler thrilled – Ausable spins story – about balcony – Max believes there is balcony –
knock on door – Ausable says – it is police – Max panicked – jumped out – dies – presence of mind.

Ausable - secret agent - in his room - criminal enters - holds a pistol - Ausable turns anxious - wants to

save - important documents - spins a clever story - uses presence of mind - makes Max believe - presence
of balcony - someone knocks door - Ausable says - called police to safeguard papers - Max gets terrified -

jumps out - gets killed. [Sep-2020]

ey oints For te Bloomers

Title : The Midnight Visitor
Author : Robert Arthur

Theme : Intelligence outsmarts deception

 Max, was a criminal.
 He had hatched an evil plan to take the confidential report concerning a new missile from Ausable.

 Ausablewas a secret agent.

 Seeing that the criminal had been determined getting the report, Ausable was shocked.
 But his presence of mind was more powerful than the shock.
 He pretended to be unaffected by this.
 He cooked up a story that balcony that never existed.

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 His presence of mind made him get rid of the criminal Max.

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Title : The Midnight Visitor
Author : Robert Arthur
Theme : Intelligence outsmarts deception

Ausable was a spy. Fowler a young writer came to visit Ausable. Ausable did not look likea spy. He was very fat
and he talked with American mixed accent. He was different from other spieswho would walk around at night
with pistols. But he was very intelligent. When Ausable entered hisroom with Fowler he was little alarmed to

see Max inside his room with an automatic pistol in hishand. He threatened Ausable to hand over the
documents to him as soon as they arrived at his roomlater that night. In order to escape from Max Ausable
created a detailed description of how his officewas part of a bigger apartment and how the next room had

direct connection with the balcony. Hisstatement that somebody else also broke into his office through that
balcony made it a convincingstory. As soon as Max leaped outside the window he yelled out of horror as he
crashed to the roadbelow. There was no balcony at all and no police man was there. It was the waiter who had
knockedat the door. So it is very clear that Ausable was an intelligent spy.

“Why shouldn’t they change with the times and be modern too?”
igh evel r gr ph
Title : The Midnight Visitor
Author : Robert Arthur
Theme : Intelligence outsmarts deception
The story revolves around three characters, two rival spies named Ausable and Max and one mystery writer
Fowler. Ausable is a chubby, lethargic, messy and clumsy man while Max is slender and rugged. The story is a

short but intriguing insight into the life of a spy which may not be as glamorous as in the movies but still full
of danger and suspense. Ausable meets Fowler, a writer fascinated by spies and secrets. Ausable was expecting
a sensitive document to arrive that night and so asks Fowler to follow him through the night. Though Fowler
is disappointed at Ausable’s appearance and mannerisms, he agrees to do the same. Suddenly, Ausable gets a
phone call regarding someone who has entered his hotel room. Alarmed but not too much worried he beckons
Fowler to follow him to his room. The room is on the 6th floor. As they enter the room, they are startled by a
pistol-toting individual staring at them. It is Max, the rival spy of Ausable. He asks them to enter and lock the

room. He threatens Ausable and warns him to hand over the documents to him as soon as they arrive at his
room later that night. Playing rather composed Ausable sits down and complains about the balcony window
that he thought Max used to break into his room. Max claims that he used the master key to get inside and had
he known about the balcony he would have used that instead. Ausable reiterates that he has complained to the

management about the balcony window several times and has had previous break-ins. Fowler is listening to
the conversation intently. Suddenly there is a loud clamor at the door. Ausable suggests that it must be the
police that he has arranged to give extra protection to the documents. Max gets anxious and asks Ausable to
turn them away while he hides in the balcony. He threatens to shoot if he smells any trickery. As soon as Max
leaps outside the window he yells out of horror as he crashes to the road below. The room has no balcony after
all. Next, the door opens and Fowler sees a waiter holding Ausable’s drinks. There is no policeman. Fowler is

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relieved and impressed by Ausable’s presence of mind. He realizes that looks can truly be deceiving.

“Why shouldn’t they change with the times and be modern too?”

5. All Summer In A Day

Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the given hints.

Venus – children – wait for sun – after 7 years – continuous rain – saw sun – when 2 years old - 7 years
ago – Margot – thin pale girl – Ohio – USA – saw sun when 4 year old – describes sun – others – jealous

– lock her up – sun comes out – only for two hours – rain again batters – children reformed – open the
lock – release Margot.
Life on Venus - other planet - raining for seven years - school children - nine years old - forgotten the sun

- appeared once in 7 years - Margot from Earth - came five years before - children hated her - locked her
in a room - sun came - only for two hours - rained again - unlocked the door - let Margot out - missed the
chance. [March 2020]

ey oints

For te Bloomers
Topic : All Summer in a Day
Author : Ray Bradbury
Genre : Sci Fi
Theme : Venus Vs Earth

 The theme of the story is life on venus.

 In Venus it had been raining continuously for seven years.
 The children saw the sun seven years ago.

 Margot described the sun which made the other children irritate.
 So they locked her.
 After some time the sun came out.
 The children enjoyed the warmth of the sun.
 Suddenly they remembered that Margot was locked.

 They unlocked her.

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Topic : All Summer in a Day
Author : Ray Bradbury
Genre : Sci Fi
Theme : Venus Vs Earth

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The power of the sun over the children living on Venus is notable. They are pale and colorless, not just
physically but also emotionally. The lack of sun has not washed away the color on their skin but also their
compassion and empathy for the people. They do not gain this until they have spent time under the sun’s rays.
The sun is life giving for the landscape as well as the inhabitants of Venus. The young girl Margot struggles to
fit her with Venus everyday. She enjoyed the sunshine on the Earth. But her classmates resent her past
experiences with the sun. And now they feel angry and jealous of her. Another reason for their hatred is she
has the opportunity to travel back to Earth. They did not understand her depression. It is not until they spend

time outside, basking in the sunlight, they begin to understand how much Margot sacrificed, when she moved
from his to Venus. Now they have experienced the sun and their ignorance his lifted. The sun symbolizes
‘rebirth’. It symbolizes emotion, colour, life, hope and promise of tomorrow. Bradbury brings out a true
principle of the human condition with this story. Thus the sun has brought about a positive change in the

attitude of the children, by feeling ashamed of what they have done.

“While our art cannot, as we wish it could, save us from wars, privatization, envy, greed, old age or death,
can revitalize us amidst it all”.

igh evel r gr ph

: All Summer in a Day
Author : Ray Bradbury
Genre : Sci Fi
Theme : Venus Vs Earth

Earth to Venus
This story is set on the planet Venus, where the sun shines for only two hours once every seven years. It opens
on the day that the sun is due to make its appearance once again. Margot and the other children in her school
on Venus are nine years old. Margot came from Earth to Venus five years ago. Therefore she accurately recalls
the sun and the way it looked and felt as it shone on her when she was back in Ohio. However, this is not the

case with the other children. They were far too young to remember what the sun was like when last it shone
upon them. Imagination of the children:
They can only imagine the warmness of that sun upon their arms and legs. Margot tells the others that the sun
is round like a penny and hot like a fire in the stove. The other children accuse her of lying, and they show their
resentment of her seeming superiority by locking her in a closet. When the Venus rains finally stop and the
sun comes out, it sends a flaming bronze color throughout the jungle growth. The children soak up the life-
giving sunshine until the rains start to fall again. The children now know that Margot was telling the truth

about the sun.

Releasing Margot:
Then and only then do they remember that Margot is still locked in the closet. Prior to the sun's appearance,

the children are described as being so pale that they are almost colorless. The rain has washed the yellow from
their hair, the blue from their eyes, and the red from their lips. The good qualities in their personalities have
also seemingly been washed away because the children are quick-tempered and spiteful. That they are cruel
by locking Margot in a closet never occurs to them.
The sun, however, depicts a restoration for the children. It gives color to their washed-out appearance, and it

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also enables them to possess new encouragement, strength, and wholeness in their lives. Finally the children
remember Margot, but for her, it is too late — she must wait seven years to see the sun again.

“While our art cannot, as we wish it could, save us from wars, privatization, envy, greed, old age or death,
can revitalize us amidst it all”.

6. Remember Caesar (Play)

Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the given hints.
Lord Weston – judge – coward – finds paper – Remember Caesar – thinks – a threat to his life – steps to

save – close doors – drenches a parcel – thinking it a bomb – his wife ridicules – hear a knock at the door
– it was gardener Caesar – paper written by Weston – to remind – humorous end.

For Bloomers

ey oints te
Topic : Remember Caesar
Author : Gordon Daviot

Theme : Absent mindedness
 The play “Remember Caesar” abounds with nonstop humorous elements.
 The title refers to Julius Caesar, a brilliant, valiant and ferocious military general and great Roman monarch.
 Lord Weston is a strict and impartial judge.
 But he becomes panic stricken after receiving the threat note.
 His wife remains unaffected and unperturbed at the threat.
 She even sarcastically reminds him of his panic last time for eating a game pie.

 When Weston abuses her that she gives more importance to pepper than his life, she just corrects

 Roger carries out all the foolish instruc¬tions of his master without any objection.
 The cook is referred to say that she is a respectable woman
 She has never been behind bars in her life
 She isn’t going to begin at her age.
 She asserts that she is quite capable of dealing with anyone who dares to enter through the kitchen door.

t nd rd r gr ph
Topic : Remember Caesar
Author : Gordon Daviot

Theme : Absent mindedness

A prominent judge, Lord Weston discovers a piece of paper with a message written on it – “Remember Caesar!”
Being too pompous and self-important, Weston takes this message for a warning for him, by someone who was
planning to assassinate/murder him. The day being the 15th of March (the day Julius Caesar was assassinated),
and he being a judge with so many enemies, Weston’s suspicions strengthen and he orders his assistant Roger
to close all the doors. What followed was chaos. He and Roger take such precautions that they almost ruined

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the floors, shut all the entries, drowned some newly bought velvet cloak (dress) along with some precious
books, ruined her beautiful daffodils and even drew the pistol out to attack the intruders. At the end of the
play, the real Caesar enters. It was Mr. Caesar, a gardener who had agreed to visit Weston’s garden that
morning. The message was hand-written by Weston himself, as a reminder but the entire havoc was created
because he was absent minded!

“I write my own stories for fun, the way other people play golf or do tatting and forget about them in
between times”.

igh evel r gr ph

Topic : Remember Caesar
Author : Gordon Daviot
Theme : Absent mindedness

About the Author
Gordon Daviot (1896 – 1952) is the pen name of Miss.Elizabeth McKintosh, a Scottish born novelist and
play-wright. She served educational institutions in England and Scotland as a physical education instructor

and soon took to writing novels under another pseudonym Josephine Tey. Her play “Remember Caesar” is very
hilarious. It centres round the efforts made by a panic-stricken judge to secure himself from a life thread. This
play is an outstanding ev¬idence to author’s keen insight into the minds of common human beings at all
The Background of the Story:
Here is the play that revolves around the ides of March ( i.e 15th of March the day Julius Caesar was
assassi¬nated). The play “Remember Caesar” is about a pompous and proud judge who fears a life threat after
he discovers a message ‘Remember Caesar’ scribbled on a piece of paper in his pocket. He exhorts his assistant
Roger to remain alert to foil the possible attempt of the assassins. He is panic-stricken and makes his assistant
engage in elaborate precautionary measures. Let us read the play to know whether Lord Weston and Roger
thwart the attempt or not.

Lord Weston – a judge, Roger Chetwynd – Weston’s assistant, Lady Weston – Weston’s wife
Humorous Elements:
 His misconception of a note written himself to be his life threat.
 Lady Weston’s remark that Weston was eating game pie when he was in a danger last time

 Lady Weston’s remark that through plot of the murderer, Weston’s wish to be a great man was fulfilled.
 The cook’s words that she had never been be hind bars in her life and she wasn’t going to being at her age,
and she was capable of dealing with anyone.

 Weston’s attempt to immerse the new cloak parcel.

“I write my own stories for fun, the way other people play golf or do tatting and forget about them in
between times”.

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Question No : 44 a Note making / Summarizing 5 MARK

Text Book Exercise

Read the passage given below and make notes.

To match the best cities across the world, the Government of India initiated ‘smart cities’ to drive
economic growth and improve quality of life of people. The agenda under smart city promises to resolve

urban sustainability problems. Urban forests provide a range of important ecosystem services that are critical
for the sustainability of cities. Urban forestry, which is defined more as ‘Management of Trees’ contributes to
physiological, sociological and economic well-being of the society.

Mangroves, lakes, grasslands, and forests in and around our cities, act as sponges that absorb the air and
noise pollution and they present themselves as our cultural and recreational hotspots. However, these spots
are rapidly being reclaimed and replaced in the name of development. Presence of urban green has shown to
increase the economic value of the place.

Urban forests contribute to reduce the cost of building the storm water drain systems for municipalities and
neutralizing urban heat island effect. Plants not only provide shade but also help in regulating micro-climate.
They help regulate energy budgets, improve air quality, and curtail noise pollution. Trees, herbs, shrubs and
grasses arrest sedimentation and other pollutants from entering our water systems. This will give a chance for
our urban lakes and rivers to recover and help improve on aquatic ecosystems. Biodiversity also gets a boost
through the urban forests and helps create corridors connecting the forest areas. High biodiversity areas can
also help to build resilient ecosystems. Availability of forests within our urban areas gives an opportunity for
children to connect to natural environment and learn about native species.
Answer :
Note Making :


Drive economic growth
Improve the quality of people


Resolve urban sustainability problems

Urban forestry:

Management of trees
Economical well being of the society
Reduce the cost of building storm water drain

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Improving air quality
Curtailing 'noise pollution’
Improving aquatic ecosystems

Children :

Connecting to the natural environment
Learning about native species
Rough copy:

The main purpose of smart cities is to drive economic growth and to improve the quality of people. The agenda
of smart cities is to resolve urban sustainability problems. Urban Forestry contribute in management of trees,
physiological, sociological and economical well being of society. It reduces the cost of building. Through urban
forest high biodiversity areas can help to build resilient ecosystems. Children get an opportunity to connect to

the natural environment. They also learn native species.
Fair copy:
The main purpose of smart cities is to drive economic growth and to improve the quality of people. The agenda

of smart cities is to resolve urban sustainability problems. Urban Forestry contribute in management of trees,
physiological, sociological and economical well being of society. It reduces the cost of building. Through urban
forest high biodiversity areas can help to build resilient ecosystems. Children get an opportunity to connect to
the natural environment. They also learn native species.
odel xercise
Read the following passage and make notes (or) write a summary:
Ants are among a few kinds of animals that divide up their work. Ants are of innumerable kinds. They are

scattered wide over the world. Ants are called social insects because of the way they live. They live in groups

or colonies. An ant colony is mostly made up of worker ants. The workers are female ants but they do not lay
eggs. Only queen ants lay eggs. The young queens and the male ants have wings. Some of the worker ants of
a colony gather food. Some do the house keeping and take care of the queen and baby ants. Some guard the
nest. The workers that guard the nest may be bigger and have stronger jaws than the other workers. So they
are called soldiers. Army ants march from place to place and they even build bridges and rope ways with their
bodies by holding on one another. These ants are very fierce. Even elephants will try to get out of the way of
an ant army. An ant colony is often marked by an anthill. To make rooms underground to line in, the workers

carry sand up to the surface and dump it. But not all ants live underground. Carpenter ants live in dead wood.
Some ants live inside people’s houses. All ants have four stages in their life history. First, they are eggs, then
tiny worm like larvae, next pupae and finally full grown ants.

Note making:

Dividing the work
innumerable Kinds of Ants
Also known as social insects

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Kinds of Ants:
• Worker Ants Or Female Ants - don’t lay eggs
• Queen ants - lay eggs
• worker ants – gathering food, house keeping and taking care of queen ants and the young ones
• Army ants - building bridges
• Carpenter ants - live in woods
Four stages:

• Eggs • Tiny worm like Larvae • Pupae • Full grown ants

First draft:

Topic: Ants and their life
No. of words to be used in the precis: : 93
Rough copy:

Ants are very strange in the insects’ group as they divide the work. They are also known as social insects the
way in which they live. There are innumerable kinds of ants. Among them the worker ants or female ants
don’t lay eggs. Only the queen ants lay eggs. The worker ants gather food and keep the house and take care
of queen and the young ones. Army ants build bridges. Carpenter ants live in dead woods. The four states of

Fair copy:

the life of ants’ are eggs, larvae, pupae and full grown ants.

Ants are very strange in the insects’ group as they divide the work. They are also known as social insects the
way in which they live. There are innumerable kinds of ants. Among them the worker ants or female ants
don’t lay eggs. Only the queen ants lay eggs. The worker ants gather food and keep the house and take care
of queen and the young ones. Army ants build bridges. Carpenter ants live in dead woods. The four states of
the life of ants’ are eggs, larvae, pupae and full grown ants.

Exercise 1:
A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps for there is a
companionship of books as well as of men; one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books

or of men. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will
never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of
adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth and
comforting and consoling us in age. Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they
have for a book - just as two persons, sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for
the third. There is an old proverb “Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this: “Love me, love
my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel and sympathise with each other

through their favourite author. They live in him together and he in them.
Topic Sentence: A good book may be the best of friends.

Note making:
1. Human company-
(a) books - best company
(b) good book - best friend
2. Patient -
(a) cheerful and truthful

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(b) mutual love for books - love me love my book

3. Book -
- truer bond
- live in writer
- the writer in readers.
First draft:
Topic: The best company.

No. of words given in the passage: 204
No. of words to be used in the precis: 68 ,
Rough copy:

A man is known by his books and his friends. So, his choice of books and friends should be good. A good
book is a friend. Books are useful to humans. A good book, amuses and teaches us in youth and comforts and
consoles us in old age. At times men find their best friends through their mutual love for a book. Book is a true
bond of men. Like-mind friends communicate through their favourite author’s books.

Fair copy:
A man is known by his books and his friends. So, his choice of books and friends should be good. A good book

is a friend. Books are useful to humans. A good book, amuses and teaches us in youth and comforts and consoles
us in old age. At times men find their best friends through their mutual love for a book. Book is a true bond of men.
Like-mind friends communicate through their favourite author’s books.
Exercise 2:
Reading or the enjoyment of books has always been regarded among the charms of a cultured life and is
respected and envied by those who rarely give themselves that privilege. This is easy to understand when we
compare the difference between the life of a man who does no reading and that of a man who does. The man
who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world in respect to time and space. His life
falls into a set routine; he is limited to contact and conversation with a few friends and acquaintances and
he sees only what ha’ppens in his immediate neighbourhood. From this prison there is no escape. But the

moment he takes up a book, he immediately enters a different world, and if it is a good book, he is immediately
put in touch with one of the best talkers of the world. This talker leads him on and carries him into a different
age or unburdens to him some of his personal regrets, or discusses with him some special line or aspect of life
that the reader knows nothing about. An ancient author puts him in communication with a dead spirit of long
ago, and as he reads along, he begins to imagine what that ancient author looked like and what type of person
he was. Now to be able to live two hours out of twelve in a different world and take one’s thoughts off the
claims of the immediate present is, of course, a privilege to be em ied by people shut up in their bodily prison.

Such a change of environment is similar to travel in its psychological effect.

Topic sentence: Books regarded as a rare privilege.

Note making
1. Reading
Part - V: OIL competency : Paper - II
(a) cultured life
(b) man without reading habit.
2. Routine monotonous life

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(a) lonely
(b) reading helps to know privillege.
(c) takes to a different world
(d) provides travel to distant places a psychological effect.
First draft:
Title: Benefits of reading books
No. of words given in the passage: 281 No. of words to be used in the pieces: 98


Rough copy
Reading books is a rare privilege. The life of a man without reading habit is a routine one with a little

time and space restricted to a few friends. If he reads a good book it takes him to a different age, unburdens
his personal regrets and reveal’s strange aspects of life. An ancient author takes him to the past. The reader
can imagines about author and his time. Reading helps to live two hours in a different world away from the
present, a rare privilege to the one used to reading books. It gives like travel change of environment, in its

psychological effect. Fair draft:
Fair copy
Reading books is a rare privilege. The life of a man without reading habit is a routine one with a little time

and space, restricted to a few friends. If he reads a book i; takes him to a different age, unburdens his personal
regrets and reveals strange aspects of life. An ancient author takes him to the past. The reader can imagine
about the author and his time. Reading helps to live in a different world away from the present, a rare privilege
to the one used to reading. It gives a change of environment like travel.
No. of words used in the precis: 98.

Exercise 3:
One of our most difficult problems is what we call discipline and it is really complex. You see, society feels
that it must control or discipline the citizen, shape his mind according to certain religious, social, moral and
economic patterns. Now, is discipline necessary to all? Please listen carefully, don’t immediately say, ‘Yes’
or ‘No’. Most of us feel, especially while we are young, thr* there should be no discipline, that we should be

allowed to do whatever we like, and we think that it is ‘freedom’. But merely to say that we should be free and
so on, has very little meaning without understanding the whole problem of discipline. Thekeen athlete is
disciplining himself the whole time, isn’t he? His joy in playing games and the very necessity to keep fit makes
him go to bed early, restrict from smoking, eat the right food and generally observe the rules of good health.
Topic sentence: Athlete observes the rules of good health

Note - making:
1. Discipline -
1. Difficult problem
2. It is complex

3. It control or discipline the citizen.

4. Shape his mind according to religious, social patterns.
2. Athlete -
1. Disciplines himself the whole time.
2. Go to bed early.
3. Restrict from smoking.

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4. Eat the right food.

5. Observes the rules of good health.
First draft:
Title: The uses of Discipline No. of words in the passage: 143 No. of words required: 47
Rough copy:
One of our most difficult problems is what we call discipline and it is : complex. Society feels that it must
control or discipline the citizen, mind according to certain religious, social, moral and economic parte keen

athlete is disciplining himself the whole time. He goes to bed earth from smoking and observes the rules of
good health.
Fair copy


The most difficult problems is what we call discipline. Society feels that control or discipline the citizen
shape his mind according to certain religious social and moral patterns. The keen athlete is disciplining himself

the whole time. He goes to bed early restrict himself from smoking and observes the rules of good health.
No. of words in precis: 47

Exercise 4:

India is chiefly an agricultural country. The cultivation of crops depends on a proper supply of water
throughout the year. From olden times, large parts of our country have suffered from periods of too much of
rain, alternating with periods of drought. People have known that if the excess waters of the flood seasons can
be stored up for use in the fields during the dry seasons, the problem would be solved. Unfortunately, they
have neither the knowledge nor the means to do much in this matter. What little they knew they had tried to
put into practice. They have dug canals to carry away water from the great perennial rivers. This was a heavy
and expensive one practicable over only a small area. Large tanks were excavated, small bunds or dams have
been built to hold water or hold back floods.

Topic sentence: India is chiefly an agricultural country.


Topic : India an Agricultural Country.

1. The cultivation of crops depends on a proper supply of water through out the year.
2. Large part suffered either excess rain or severe drought.
3. No knowledge of preserving water.

4. With little knowledge of conservation excavated tanks, constructed small bunds or dams to hold water.
Rough copy:
India is an agricultural country and the cultivation of crops depends on rain. Sometimes large parts of

country gets excess rain but sometimes suffers severe drought. People are ignorant about the ways and means
of conserving water. With little knowledge they dug canals. But later excavated tanks, small bunds or dams to
hold water.
Fair draft:

India is an agricultural country and the cultivation depends on rain. Large parts of the country gets excess

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rain sometimes but suffers severe drought. People are ignorant about the means of conserving water. With
little knowledge, they later learnt to excavate tanks and dams to hold water.
No. of words in the passage: 143

No. of words required: 48

No. of words in fair draft: 46

Exercise 5:
Trees are useful to man in three ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him
shade; and they help to prevent drought and flood. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not

realised that the third of these services is the most important. In this eagerness to draw in large numbers only
to find that with them he has lost the best friends he had. Even where a government realises the importance
of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villagers to see this. The villagers want wood
to cook their food with and can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsmen. They are

usually too lazy or careless to plant and look after new trees. So, unless the government has a good system
of control, or can educate the people the forests slowly disappear. This does not mean the villager’s sons and
grandsons have fewer trees. The results are even more serious; for where there are trees their roots break the
soil allowing the rain to sink in and also bind the soil thus preventing its being washed away easily; but where
it is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

Topic sentence: Trees are useful to man in three ways.
Topic: The usefulness of Trees (or) Three important uses of trees.

Note making
1. Tree are useful in 3 ways.
(a) provide wood and other products.
(b) Give shade.
(c) Prevent dought and flood.

2. Third service is very important.

(a) roots break the soil allows water to sink in and prevent rain water.
3. Villagers are ignorant.
(a) About the usefulness of trees.
(b) Cut and sell to townsmen.

(c) lazy and careless to plant new trees.

4. Government’s inability:
(a) To persuade the villagers not to cut trees.

(b) must have a good system to educate and control defore

Rough copy:
Trees are useful to man in three ways: They provide wood and o give him shade; prevent drought and flood.
The third use is not realised by men Government finds it difficult to persuade the villagers to understand, cut
trees and sell it to townsmen. Government should control it by I good system. The trees roots break the soil
and allows water to sin preventing drought and floods.

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Fair copy:
The usefulness of Trees (or) Three important uses of trees.
Trees are useful in three ways: They provide wood and other produt shade; prevent drought and flood. The
third use is very important but not arrange of it inspite of government’s instructions, there sell woods and cut
trees. So government should bringout a good system to ^ont trees.
Total no. of words in the passage: 207
No. of words to be precised: 103 No. of words in fair draft: 56


Exercise 6 [March-2020]
Soybeans belong to the legume family. The beans are the seeds of the leguminous soybean plant. They can be
grown on a variety of soil and in a wide range of climates. Soybeans are versatile as they can be used as whole

beans, soy sprouts or processed as a variety of food items, such as soy milk, tofu, soy sauce, soy oil and soy
dairy alternatives. They are also used for making candles and bio-diesel.
Soy is an excellent source of high quality protein; is low in saturated fats and is cholesterol-free. It is also rich

in vitamins, especially Vitamin B complex, minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and copper.
In recent times it has been highly recommended because of its ability to lower the levels of Low Density
Lipoprotein (LDL), a bad cholesterol.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that foods containing soy protein are likely to reduce
the risk of coronary heart disease.

An easy way to take soy is as soymilk now available with added flavour. Soymilk does not contain lactose (milk
sugar) and can be drunk by those who are allergic to normal milk. To get soymilk, soybeans are soaked in
water, ground and then strained. If you don’t mind the trouble, you can also make it at home.
Note Making
Soy Beans
• belong to the legume family
• seeds of the leguminous soybean plant

Variety of food items • soy milk


• tofu
• soy sauce
• soy oil
• soy dairy
• Making candles

• Bio-Diesel
• High Quality Protiens

• Low Insaturated Fats

• Cholestrol free
• Rich in Vitamins
Soybeans which belong to legume family are the seeds of legimunous soybean plants. soy milk, tofu, soy

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souce, soy oil and soy dairy are the variety of food items. It has high quality protiens, very low in fats and
cholestrol free. it is also rich in vitamins. it is likely to reduce the risk of heart disease. soy milk does not have
lactos. Anyone can drink it.
Rough Copy :
Soybeans which belong to legume family are the seeds of legimunous soybean plants. soy milk, tofu, soy
souce, soy oil and soy dairy are the variety of food items. It has high quality protiens, very low in fats and
cholestrol free. it is also rich in vitamins. it is likely to reduce the risk of heart disease. soy milk does not have

lactos. Anyone can drink it.
Fair Copy :
Soybeans which belong to legume family are the seeds of legimunous soybean plants. soy milk, tofu, soy

souce, soy oil and soy dairy are the variety of food items. It has high quality protiens, very low in fats and
cholestrol free. it is also rich in vitamins. it is likely to reduce the risk of heart disease. soy milk does not have
lactos. Anyone can drink it.

Exercise 7 [Sep-2020]
The three fundamental essentials for existence of man in this planet are food, clothing and shelter. In pre-

historic times, human beings dwelt in caves to protect and shield themselves from wild animals and harsh
weather conditions. In the course of evolution, man developed the ability to build his own shelters in
convenient locations using the materials available locally. The concept of fabricated permanent shelters thus
came into being. The term ‘shelter’ as a basic necessity is perceived differently by different people. People
house themselves in different types of shelters based on the preferred geographical locations, climate,
affordability, job or business based compulsions and availability of desired faculties and infrastructure. In
remote Northern Polar Regions, people live in shelters made of ice blocks called ‘igloos’. In deep jungles, the
tribes live in stilted houses constructed out of materials available in the forest. In plains, people live in villages,
suburbs and cities, where a multitude variety of need-based shelters are constructed. Most of the people in
villages live in individual houses that are self-containing. In suburbs, people live in bungalow type houses in

areas connected by roads and provided with basic amenities. In cities, we find people residing in individual
houses as well as multi-storeyed buildings. The individual units in the multi-storeyed buildings are known as

apartments. Here people share all common amenities and utilities. Gated communities are also formed,
wherein a big cluster of individual houses are enclosed in an exclusive area with access control. People at
times temporarily stay in farm houses for rest and relaxation. They stay there to manage cultivation and
farming activities as well. Some people reside in ranch houses in order to monitor and take care of vast
stretches of private lands that are usually not fenced. Man has thus learnt not only to put a roof over his head
but also in a way that suits all his needs.

Note Making
Existence Of Man

Three fundamental essentials:

 food
 clothing
 shelther
Pre historic time
 men dwelt in caves

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 protect himself from wild animals and harsh weather conditions

shelter :
 based on geographical locations
 affordablity
 job or business based compulsions
 avaliability of desired facilities and infrastructure

 Northern polar regions – igloos
 Individual houses in villages
 Bungalow type houses in suburbs

 Individual as well as multi storeyed buildings in cities
 Gated communities
 Farm houses

 Ranch house
Summary Writing
Rough Copy:

Food, clothing and shelter are the three fundamental essentials for a human being. In pre historic times
men lived in caves and protect themselves from wild animals and harsh weather conditions. In course of
evolution men started to design the dwelling places based on geographical locations, affordability and job
or business based compulsions and also with the availability of desired facilities and infrastructure. In the
Northern Polar regions people lived in ‘igloos’ types of houses. People lived in individual houses and
bungalow type houses in suburbans. In cities people live in individual houses as well as multi storeyed
buildings. Later farm houses were developed. Some people live in ranch houses to monitor the unfenced
vast stretched private lands.
Fair Copy:
Food, clothing and shelter are the three fundamental essentials for a human being. In pre historic times
men lived in caves and protect themselves from wild animals and harsh weather conditions. In course of

evolution men started to design the dwelling places based on geographical locations, affordability and job
or business based compulsions and also with the availability of desired facilities and infrastructure. In the
Northern Polar regions people lived in ‘igloos’ types of houses. People lived in individual houses and
bungalow type houses in suburbans. In cities people live in individual houses as well as multi storeyed
buildings. Later farm houses were developed. Some people live in ranch houses to monitor the unfenced
vast stretched private lands.
Topic : Existence Of Men

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Question No : 44 b General Paragraph 5 MARK

Topics of Personal Preferences In Life


I don’t have any thrilling experience in my life. My age doesn’t witness such an exciting experience. But
few days back I read an incident. It was very thrilling to me. Every one will be excited if they read this real
incident. It happened in a school in Florida, USA. An ex-student of this school shot in a series and killed

17 students. At that moment an Indo American settled teacher has rescued the students very tactfully.
She is getting more admiration from all over the world. Recently in Stone-man Douglas High school the
ex student of the same institution shot vehemently and as a result of this 17 students were dead. Warning
bell was rung. An Indian origin Maths teacher named Santhi Viswanathan acted very rapidly on hearing

the alarm. She shut the windows and doors immediately. Then she instructed the students not to reveal
themselves to the cunning ex-student. Immediately the police rushed in and asked the teacher to open the
door. But she suspected and refused to open the door. Then one of the policemen broke in the window and
took the students along with the teacher out safely. Due to the dauntless act of Shanthi all her class students

were rescued. The parents, relatives, friends and school management board members admired her for her
dauntless act. This is really a thrilling experience which I have gained through reading though I am not the
witness or victim of it.
Belonging to the new generation I dream of the new century as an era of peace and tranquillity. The period of
cold war is over. But the age of terrorism and small wars has just begun. Materialism is at its peak and has bewildered
the people. India can play an important role by blending materialism with spiritualism and morality. I dream of the
acceptance of the ancient old culture of the land throughout the world. But no one accepts the ideology of the
weak. I dream of ascendance of India in trade, technology and martial power. My country will be a force to reckon
with in the whole world. I dream of India becoming Jagatguru again in the 21st century.

Pleasure from reading may be considered a super pleasure. The person enjoys a book all by himself. The faces of
little children bloom with joy when they go through the comics the Spider Man or Mandrake the Magician. A little
older the boy or girl is lost in the fancies of the heroes or heroines of novels sometimes bad too. The boys and girls
in their teens search for the books of their choice in the school or college library. Their faces beam with joy when

an author satisfies their craze for innovative ideas. A young man or an elderly gentleman is lost in the columns
of the newspaper or magazine of his taste. The pleasure he derives is more than that he derives from breakfast
that he may forego.



Punctuality means doing things at the right time. It is badly needed for persons in all walks of life. In schools and
colleges, pupils have to attend their classes or examinations very punctually. Parents feel very happy when their
children take to this habit. It is very necessary for success in trade or business. Businessmen can prosper
only when they buy and stock goods at the proper time and deliver them punctually to their customers. It is
desirable that we are punctual in all things like going to bed, taking food, etc. It is the secret of success and
good health.

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I am now in XII standard and I shall be leaving school shortly. I have every hope of passing the Public

Examination with credit. I have been a hard-working pupil at school. I have scored high marks in all examinations.
I am very eager to go to college .and continue my studies there. Being a light pupil, I am sure to get some good
scholarships. Science is my favourite subject. I wish to get a Master’s Degree in physics or chemistry and become

a lecturer in some college. The teaching profession is a very noble one. It is the most useful one also. Teachers
are the true builders of a nation. Our country needs good teachers now. I like teaching very much. It is my
ambition in life to become a professor. Lecturers in colleges get a good salary now-a-days. So I shall be able to
live a happy and comfortable life. I shall be doing a great service to the country also. I pray to God that my wish

may be granted.


A book that I recently read and enjoyed is Gulliver’s Travels. It is written by an Englishman of the eighteenth

century called Jonathan Swift. It tells the story of Captain Lemuel Gulliver who happens to land in strange places.
One island that he visits, called Lilliput, is populated by six-inch-tall people. Another island, called Brobdingnag has
sixty-foot-tall people. The short people are even more dangerous than the normal human beings. The story is
extremely amusing but it is more than that. It makes us think about humanity and its weaknesses.
Discipline means obedience to rules. We can be good and useful citizens only when we learn discipline. It
is very essential for our well-being and progress. With this end in view, parents and teachers train children
well. They are taught how to behave and how to form good habits. Without discipline no school or college can
function properly. In an. army, discipline is the most important thing. In games too, we see how discipline plays

an important part. All the players have to obey the rule of the game strictly. Thus we find that discipline is of

great value in life.

Personal hygiene is generally defined as cleanliness of the body and proper maintenance of personal
appearance. Practicing good body hygiene also helps us to feel good about our self, which is also important for
our mental health. Bath helps keeping us clean, fresh and odor free. To prevent from the spread of bacteria and
viruses. We must wash our hands Regularly. Wash our hands thoroughly with clean soap and water before and
after eat, after using washroom, sneezing or coughing, after handling garbage and touching an animal. Keep

finger and toe nails trimmed. Brush twice a day to keep our mouth clean & prevent us from harmful bacteria
and generating infections. It will also help to prevent bad breath. Washing our hair at least every alternate day
is important to keeping our hair and scalp healthy and in good shape. Get a haircut frequently for a healthy hair.
Wear a fresh set of clothes as often as possible. Clean our ears and eyes with clean water regularly.

Topics of Science and Technology

Industrialisation has made our lives easier and more comfortable. With the invention of wheel, transportation

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has become faster and easier. Steam or petroleum energy and the principle of the wheel have together made
travel a pleasure. In agriculture man, the gatherer of food, has become the producer of food. Agriculture too has
become an industry and we are able to produce more food. All our needs are produced on a large scale and so we
get them freely in the market and at a cheaper price too. However, industrialisation is not an unmixed blessing.
It presents its problems too.


Enter a metropolis at about 10.00 a. m. You find everyone rushing to one direction or the other. It seems
the whole city is on fire. Buses, scooters, three-wheelers, cars, jeeps vying with each other in speed. Good God!
aeroplanes breaking the sound barrier. The sky is free of course for any movement. Isn’t it hazardous for a train gaining
a speed of 250 kms. an hour. It may be. But they do run at that speed in Japan. Images on the television screen travel

thousands of kms. in a few moments. The speed of telecommunication satellites can hardly be gauged by
human eyes. For sometime to come nothing may excel the speed of Super computer that devours thousands of images
within a minute. Let’s see what’s next.

SPACE EXPLORATION (Space Technology)
Man is now able to travel far into space. The invention of rockets has made this possible. The space age
began in 1957. In October ‘ that year Russia sent the first man-made satellite into space. After this, both the U.S.A.

and Russia carried out a number of flights to the moon, in 1969, man first set foot on the moon. Two Americans
landed there. They brought back to earth samples of lunar rock. Special spacecrafts are needed for such journeys.
Millions of dollars are needed for building them. Rockets carry them into space. They are controlled by electronic
devices. Special training is given to the astronauts before the journeys. They are to wear special space suits
during their flights. They take with them dried food. Some spacecrafts are sent to planets like Mars, Jupiter or
Venus without men. They land there and send photographs to the earth. Skylabs and satellites are now sent into
space for making important studies. They give us new information regarding outer space, the sun and the earth’s
atmosphere and the weather conditions. They also help in television and communications. Very soon man may
be able to travel to a planet he likes.



The computer is an electronic wonder. It can do a variety of jobs. It is difficult to list all the uses of a computer.
Big companies and offices today use computers to calculate the salaries of their employees. The pay-cheques are
also prepared by computers. In banks computers record the amounts deposited and withdrawn by people. Cheques
presented for payment are also checked by computers. The Federal Bureau of Investigation uses a special computer
to store finger prints of different criminals. This process helps in crime investigation. Computers are of great help
in times of war. They analyse the radar signals and warn the soldiers in advance of the approaching enemy planes.
Today satellites are used to study the atmosphere. The cameras in them are all computer-aided. In big hospitals

computers store the case-histories of patients. Doctors refer to them for diagnosis and treatment. Reservation of
rail-journey seats are now made by computers. So people need not stand for long in queues before the reservation
counters. Although a computer is wonderful, it cannot think on its own. It is only a silent partner to man.


Cell phones are the best invention of mankind. Being less than the size of our palm, it does wonders. Connecting
people from the most developed cities to the most remote villages in the world,it does a great job.Apart from connecting
people, the amount of entertainment it provides us through music and videos and internet is impeccable. On the other
side,it is these mobile phones that have destroyed various lives.Researchers say looking into cell phones for long hours
has a bad impact on retina. People tend to become more addicted to cell phones. Talking and driving leads to more

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accidents. People also get connected with wrong people at times. For students, this has very bad impact on studies.
So, it is up to us take the best out of it and utilize it the best possible way. Cell phones occupy a greater place in
day to day life for the human beings. Though it has many merits it has some demerits too. It is in the hands of
human beings to use it to certain level. Children must be cautious to use this gadget. Parents must watch them
keenly. In a nutshell we, the human beings, have to be very calculative and careful in using this advanced gadget.

Topics of Social awareness

The child of today will guide the fate of the nation tomorrow. He would run the administration, develop industries

and compete with other nations in trade and communication. He is the real wealth of the nation. It is the right of
the children and our duty that the innocent lead a proper life. They should enjoy all the facilities of games, food and
education-whatever caste or community they belong to. It is rather shameful that near about fifty per cent of the

children in our country have to work tortuously in roadside restaurants, matchstick factories, the rug industry
besides working on fields. Let us save the nation’s wealth for in its blooming lies the blossoming of the motherland.


Social service is the help - we can give to our fellow beings. Students can serve the community in many ways. A
large number of our people cannot read or write. Students can teach them in their leisure time. Students may visit
slums during holidays and do service to the people. The poor people may be taught how to keep themselves and their
surroundings clean. During festivals and fairs, students can be of great service. They can help the police to regulate
large crowds. Missing children may be traced and handed over to their parents. First aid may be given to the
injured. Students may visit hospitals now and then. They may help poor sick men with money or useful gifts and
speak comforting words to them. There are many other forms of social service like laying roads, building schools
and cleaning tanks. Students must take an active part in them. They can learn many practical lessons for life.

GREEN REVOLUTION (How to grow more food)


I For many years after we got our dependence food production went on increasing steadily. This was mainly

because of drought and floods, and neglect of agriculture during the first three Five-Year plan periods. Population
also increased at a high rate. A great improvement was made in agriculture in 1967-68. It is popular known as
the Green Revolution. The fanners now follow new methods of farming. One such is the Japanese method of
cultivation. New high-yielding varieties of rice, wheat and other grains have been developed in our research
Institutes. These new grains need more water and more fertilizers than the old ones. So, large irrigation facilities
have been made. New dams have been built and canals dug. Pump sets have been erected by the farmers for
irrigation. Fertilizers are produced in factories in large quantities. Tractors, harvesters and thrashers are also

used. All this has greatly increased food produce Hon in our country. We no longer need to import food grain from
foreign countries.


National integration means bringing together all the people of our country to make a single whole. All
differences that keep our people divided into various sections or groups have to be done with. We all belong to
one nation. All of us must be proud of the common heritage which binds us together. We may belong to various
religions or regions. We may speak different languages. Our habits and customs also vary. But jwe all belong
to the same country namely India. This fact should never be forgotten and all obstacles to the the unity of the
nation should be removed.

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‘AIDS, AIDS ‘ The very name sends shivers throughout the world. It has descended on humanity as a curse
from God. The expansion for AIDS is, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Our body is protected from all
kinds of diseases because of a built-in-sys¬tem of resistance. But a situation arises when this resistance power is
completely lost. That is due to the infiltration of HIV. (Human Immune Virus) into our blood. Then our physical
system shows Immune Deficiency Symptoms.
How to detect this: When an ordinary fever or cold cannot be cured for a long time by the drugs in use, we have

the symptoms of immune deficiency. Better our blood is tested for H.I.V. But the’ pity is, so far, to kill this virus
no drug has been discovered. So, the victim is left to face a slow and painful death.
How the H.I.V. enters into our body

H.I.V. enters into the body through blood. People who indulge in unnatural sex acts or go ‘to the prostitutes
are the primary victims of H.I.V. They pass the infection onto others through their contacts. So even innocent
persons and babes in the womb get this virus—infection.
History of AIDS The presence of AIDS came to light in the late 80s. It was first detected, among|’ the Africans.

But now the AIDS has spread fast all over the world including our country
Preventive measures: Propagandaonalargescale is being carried on the world over pointingout that there is no
cure for AIDS. Preventive measures suggested are

i) Testing of blood before transfusion to a patient and
ii) Righteous healthsex-life.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. And resulted in an ongoing
pandemic. So far more than 3.3 crore cases have been reported across 188 countries including india and more
than 10 Lakh deaths; more than 2.3 crore people have recovered.
The disease spreads most often when people are physically close. It spreads very easily through the air, via
small droplets. Its Spreads by close contact with an infected person when breathes, coughs, sneezes. People

remain infectious for seven to twelve days in moderate cases and up to two weeks in severe cases.

There are no proven vaccines or specific treatments for COVID-19 yet, though several are in development.
India is doing a fantastic job in fighting the corona virus and we are successful in checking its spread. India’s
Bharat Biotech laboratory has trial vaccine for Covid-19, named COVAXIN.

Topics on Environm n al
Advantages of rainwater harvesting

Water is basis of all life. Without water no life in the earth can survive. C.V. Raman says that water is elixir
of life. Great civilisations flourished on the river banks. Water played vital role for their growth. Such is the
indispensable significance of water. Monsoons are the main source of water to the earth. Due to consecutive

failures of monsoon the water has become scarce. So a scheme of rainwater harvesting is formulated by the
Tamil Nadu Government and popularised. According to it if rainfalls occur, we should store rainwater in pits and
sumps. During the lean months of summer we can use the water to relieve scarcity. The rainwater will increase
the groundwater level. When water is available throughout the year the trees and plants around us will be always
green. It will also lessen the harshness of summer.

How to save our planet Earth?

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Pollution is a nagging problem pestering our minds. Pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by
industrial chemical and natural wastes. The buses and cars make our travelling comfortable and smooth. But
gases emitted by them is harmful to our health. In quarries, and cement factories, pollution by dust particle
is very high. This pollution causes lung problems. The smoke emitted by industrial complexes cause nervous
disorders. Water pollution is another danger to us. The domestic and organic wastes are dumped on the banks
of the rivers. This pollutes the water. So water is too contaminated to drink. In order to save the planet strict
pollution control measures should be implemented to make the earth an excellent place for living.

Many kinds of trees are found in the world. Most of them are very useful to man. Man needs fire to cook his food.
Trees give him firewood in plenty. Trees attract rain-bearing clouds and cause rain. Forests also protect underground

springs. We need timber for building houses. Wood is also required for making furniture. Forest trees yield many
valuable things like turpentine, rubber and resin. Trees also give us rich fruits like the orange, the mango and the
apple. Tamarind and coconut are used in our food. The leaves of some trees serve as herbs. The nuts and barks of
such trees are also used as medicines. Birds build their nests in trees and live in them. Thus we see that trees are

very useful to man, bird and beast.
Pollution is one of the greatest problems we face today. There are water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution

and food pollution Wherever there are rivers, canals or tanks, people use them for all purposes like bathing,
swimming, washing clothes, etc. There is another way also in which water is polluted. In big cities and towns
sewage is let out into the rivers, Also, industrial units dump their effluents into the rivers The river water thus
polluted goes into the sea and the sea is thereby gradually polluted. People using polluted water are affected . by
serious diseases. The fish got from the polluted sea is also harmful to our health. Like water, air also is getting
polluted fast. The fumes emitted by cars, lorries and other vehicles on the road make the air very impure and
unfit for breathing. The huge clouds of smoke coming out of some factories also do the same thing. Radio active
fall-out from atomic explosions also pollute air. We find big heaps of garbage here and there by the roadside in
big cities. The surrounding air gets polluted. The last but not the least is noise pollution. In big cities and towns,
there is always the great noise produced by auto-horns, loudspeakers, lorries etc. This noise also affects men in
the long run. It is time we took steps to minimise these dangers.


The rivers play a vital role in the lives of the Indian people. Proper management of river water is in need of
the hour. Indian agriculture largely depends upon monsoon which is uncertain in nature. Interlinking of the
major rivers in India involving inter basin water transfer has canals, tunnels or water lifts, for water to flow
from one river basin to another. This present paper examines whether the proposed inter-basin water transfer
project provides the best mechanism to address this question in terms of environmental sustainability, regional

equity and economical feasibility. In the total absence of technical data and feasibility studies from the Public
domain, the paper, after examining the available ideas and information on the interlinking project, takes the
position that supply of domestic water needs could be better assured with the help of much less costly water
harvesting and consumption projects at local levels. On this basis, our government has to stress the need for a

totally transparent techno-economic and environmental feasibility study of the project and comparison with
other possible solutions, before the interlinking project is approved.

The paragraph deals with effects of the deforestation and the Public of the of forestation. Nature has given
us an abundant wealth in the form of forests and mountains. Forests contribute to the welfare of the humanity

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enormously. Forests are the natural habitat of wild animals. But due to the industrialisation and ever growing
population this bounty of Nature is fast decreasing. Loss of forests leads to many harmful effects. Too much of
carbon di oxide remains unassimilated by the trees. This C02 and other poisonous gases go up only to deplete the
oxygen. We get less rain. There is global warming. The wildlife loses its natural habit. Taking serious note of the
effects on the destruction of the forests, afforestation has been taken up by the Governments. Many acres of land
have been brought under ‘social forestry’. ‘Pasumai Thayagam’ is a programme which aims to bring about a green
revolution of another kind. The growth of the tree could be symbolic of growing of the family! Thus tree planting

and growth of forest could become successful if they become the people’s movement. People must be educated
about afforestation. “Tree plantation”, “Giving a sapling as a gift” could be a compulsory part of all social and
religious and domestic functions. Only then afforestation could be successful.


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Question : 44
Identifying The Fields
c 5 MARK

Introduction :
Vocabulary of the students can be increased by many ways. Identifying words belonging to

different semantic networks in speech or writing is one such way.

Text Book Exercise

Words belonging to different semantic fields.

i) Match the following with their right field, choosing appropriately from the box given. Textbook Page No : 119

Machinery Sports Transportation Geography Weather Travel

Answer Answer



A snow-storm


snow-chains machinery snow-belt geography

Model Exercise
1. Ram, at his fluent best, put Ranjith in his place with three boundaries in one over. Ans : Sports
2. The improvements in our margins and profitability has been achieved overcoming the challenge of record

high crude oil prices. Ans : Commerce

3. The deadlock over the agenda for the peace talks continued with no agreement between the two leaders.
Ans : Politics
4. The Centre was directed to file an affidavit within two days giving details of the constitutional process it had
followed. Ans : Law

5. A hybrid derivative of the cross between CO5 and N331, the improved fodder cowpea is semi-spreading, erect
in early stages of growth and later on creeping. Ans : Agriculture

(agriculture, sports, politics, law, commerce)


Exercise - 1
1. The flight was cancelled owing to fog.

2. Cloning has proved that it is possible to replicate human beings.
3. An Indian is invited to referee the French Open.
4. The world will have to live with high oil prices and their negative impact on economic growth.

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5. The committee discussed development of ideal teacher training curriculum.

(weather, commerce, science, education, sports)
Answers: 1. Weather 2. Science 3. Sports 4. Commerce 5. Education

Exercise - 2
1. Walt Disney’s land of fun and fantasy, the vision that gives pleasure to kids and adults alike, turns fifty this


2. Maruti Udyog improved its operating margins by 2.4 per cent in 2004-05.
3. People use the binary system, which is able to represent any number using only two digits 0 and 1.
4. Every plant organ has a definite form and structure and also performs certain specific functions.

5. An Indian woman was honoured for her leadership in starting a bank for poor women.
(Social Service, Tourism, Business, Botany, Computer)
Answers: 1. Tourism, 2. Business, 3. Computer, 4. Botany, 5. Social Service

Exercise - 3
1. Spicy food can cause acidity in the stomach.

2. On our way to Ooty we stayed in a hotel for a night.
3. The Agricultural College and Research Institute in Coimbatore, has studied the effect of planting system on
yield, quality and economics of banana.
4. Life skills should be realised through curriculum objectives.
5. Halley’s comet has an orbital period of about 76 years.
(Agriculture, Education, Nutrition and Dietetics, Space Science, Travel)
Answers: 1. Nutrition and Dietetics 2. Travel 3. Agriculture 4. Education 5. Space Science

Exercise - 4
1. The board had decided to give the shareholders a dividend of 25 per cent.
2. A salaried employee in the highest slab pays income tax at 33.66 per cent. (Including surcharge and education)

3. For programming, people use the binary system.

4. Every plant organ has a definite form and structure and performs certain specific functions.
5. “My goal is winning a Grand Slam,” says Sania Mirza.
(Botany, Sports, Taxation, Business, Computer)
Answers: 1. Business 2. Taxation, 3. Computer, 4. Botany, 5. Sports

Exercise - 5
1. My friend received an e-mail from his brother who is in the States.
2. The quality of tea produced in the experimental automated factory is encouraging.

3. Every physician knows that even a negative report contributes a diagnosis.

4. In this competitive world, one should have good communication skills to get a job.
5. He was hit for a huge six in the very first over of the match.
(Sports, Medicine, Computer, Industry, Education)
Answers: 1. Computer, 2. Industry, 3. Medicine, 4. Education, 5. Sports

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Question No : 45 a Letter Writing (Formal & Informal) 5 MARK

Letter writing is an important skill to develop. Written communication in both the formal and personal matters
is crucial and so it is necessary to develop a skill for letter writing. Here we will focus on how to effectively

write informal letters, and tips to improve our efforts.
Informal letters are written to close acquaintances of the writer, their friends, family, relatives etc. Since they
are written to close relations the letters have an informal and personal tone. Casual language is used while

writing informal letters. And sometimes the letters may even have an emotional undertone.
Informal letters are mainly used for personal communication. So they do not have to follow any specific
pattern, format or conventions. They can be written as per the writer’s wishes and the requirement of the
situation. So the letter is written in a personal fashion in casual unassuming language.

Text Book Exercise

a) Read the following letter carefully,discuss with your partner and answer the questions.

I request you to publish the following letter in your daily to address an important issue which needs
immediate redressal.
During week-ends motorcyclists are seen racing on the East Coast road and the Old Mahabalipuram
road of Chennai. The amateur racers are risking their own lives and of the public as well. They are fearless
and irresponsible, not knowing the price of human lives. Risking others and their lives for their pleasure
is highly condemnable.
Even school students indulge in such activities and cause fatal accidents. The racers have started
occupying the lanes and streets of busy localities . As such, the violation of traffic rules results most of

the time in loss of young lives. Such reckless riders who violate traffic rules should be punished severely.
As a responsible citizen of the society, I request the concerned authorities to take appropriate measures
to put an end to this menace.
Yours truly,

a) Who is the sender of the letter?

Srivatsav is the sender of the letter.
b) Who is the receiver?

Editor of a newspaper is the receiver.

c) What is the issue?
Rash driving is the issue.
d) What is the request of the sender?
The request of the sender is to take action on the harsh riders in order to put an end to this menace.

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e) Who will take steps after reading it?

The authorities concerned will take steps after reading it.

b) You have chosen Computer Science in the Higher Secondary Course. Write a letter to your
friend giving reasons for your choice. Read the clues given in brackets to complete the letter.
Dear friend, (Greeting),
Hope this will find you are in better health and spirits (enquire about his well being). I would like to

tell you something about my choice of course in Higher secondary level Firstly computers have
a significant role in modern society (reason for your choice of group). I wish to become a computer

engineer (state your ambition). We come to hear a lot of menace to children especially female babies
(discuss recent unhealthy happenings in social media and the society). These have made me choose this
course (demand or need of this profession). I have plans to pursue my higher studies in computer

science...and want to reach the zenith (higher studies or specialization).
All the best for your CA preparation. Convey my regards to your parents.
Yours lovingly,

(your Name)

c) You had been to your Grandmas house during summer holidays. You enjoyed your stay in her company. Write a
letter to your Grandma stating how much you miss her after returning to your place.
15th June 2019
Dear grandma,
Well and wish to hear the same from you. I recollected my vacation with you. Every moment is
thrilling. I enjoyed a lot at the village and excited the love and affection showered by you on me. I miss
you a lot. I miss your delicious dishes too. I heard a lot of moral stories from you. Those moments cannot
be forgotten by me. I miss you a lot.
Take care of your health. I am looking forward the next summer vacation.

Yours lovingly,
Address on the envelope:
Mrs. Valliammal,
5, Dr. MGR Street,

Valliyoor, Thirunelveli District.

d) You are the Head of the English department in a renowned institution. You are invited to preside over
the inauguration of English Literary club in your alma mater. Respond to the letter you have received
either accepting the invitation or expressing your inability to attend the function.

Head of the Department,
Department of English,
Meenakshi Women’s College,

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The Headmistress,
OCPM (G) HSS, Madurai.

Respected Madam,
I got your letter of invitation for presiding over the inauguration of the English Literary Club in your
esteemed institution. I feel very proud to be the chief guest in the school where I studied. Because of

this prestigious institution I have a very high social status. I am really thankful for the teachers of the
school who have brought me to such a position. I am eager to come to the function and talk before my
teachers and the beloved students. I shall come definitely and will deliver a lecture on improving the

communication skills in students.
Once again I thank a ton to you for giving me this golden opportunity.
I thank you,
Faithfully Yours,

I am,
(HOD, Dept of Englsih)
Address on the envelope:
The Headmistress,
OCPM (G) HSS, Madurai.
e) Write a letter tc the Headmaster of a school requesting him to help you obtain a duplicate mark sheet
of class, which you had lost while travelling. (You had completed standard II)

5, Avvai Street,
Mylapore, Chennai.


The Headmaster,
Mylapore, Chennai.

Sir, Sub : Requisition to issue duplicate Mark sheet - Reg.

When I came back from my native town my bag was missing. I kept my XII std mark sheet in that
bag. The number of marksheet is AXV 128940. I lodged a complaint with the police. Kindly issue me a

duplicate mark sheet so as to enable me to pursue my higher studies.

I thank you,
Yours faithfully,

Address on the envelope:
The Headmaster,
Mylapore, Chennai.

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f) Write a letter to AZ Company requesting them to replace the defective juicer that you bought recently.
Include the following details: the problem, date of purchase, receipt number, model and warranty.

7, Rams Apartments,
TVS Nagar, Trichy.

Ananda & Ananda Agency,

Sub : Requisition to return the juicer – reg.

Ref : Bill No 198012034 of Muthaiah


I bought a juicer from your shop last Wednesday. The model number is A893. When I took the juicer
to home, it was not working. The indicator light is not at all blowing. Hence I request you to change the
juicer at the earliest.
I enclose herewith the receipt for your kind consideration.

Faithfully Yours,
A I thank you,
g) You wish to become a pilot. Write a letter to the college enquiring details of a Pilot training course
offered by the college. Include the following details in your enquiry: duration of the course, fee
structure, scholarships, hostel facilities and placement details.

SriRam Prasath, 8th May 2019
Mambazha Salai, Trichy.

The Principal,
Kings Aero College, Bengalaru.

I am Sriramprasath from Trichy. I have completed my XII std this March. Since my childhood it is my dream

to become a pilot. I scored 99 in Biology, 99 in Physics and 97 in chemistry. Kindly send me your prospectus
which should include the details of duration of the course, fee structure, scholarship, hostel facilities and
placement details to the above mentioned address. I am eager to join your esteemed institution.
Thank you,

Yours faithfully,
Address on the envelope: Sri Ram Prasath.

The Principal,
Kings Aero College,

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h) Write a letter to the manager of Waves Furniture Company ordering furniture for a coaching centre.
Include the following details: description of the furniture, number of pieces, mode of payment, time
and delivery options.

From 5th Sep 2019

Sai IAS Coaching Centre,
7, Workshop Road,
West Veli Street, Nagecoil.

Swasika Furniture Mart,

434, Tallakulam Main Road,
Chinna Chokkikulam, Madurai.


Sub : Ordering for furniture – Reg

We, Sai Coaching Centre, wish to order you the following furniture items.
1. Steel writing Desks - 50 Nos
2. Steel sitting Benches – 50 Nos
3. Steel Table – 10 Nos
4. S type chair – 10 Nos
5. Rolling chairs – 4 Nos
6. Plastic stools – 10 Nos
We will make the payment through cheque as soon as we receive your invoice. We need the furniture within a
week through road service. We hope that you will provide at our satisfaction.
We thank you,
Yours sincerely,

(Manager, Sai IAS coaching center)

i) Write an application for the post of Personal Secretary to the Managing Director of a company. Include
the following details: Educational qualification, experience, various other qualifications required for
the post.

From 19th Sep 2019.

Sheela Nair,
7, Vadakku Vasal,

Thrissoor, Kerala.
The Managing Director,

India Mart (P) Ltd.,

Guruvayoor, Kerala.
Sub : Application for the post of Secretary – Reg.
Ref : Your Advt in “The New Indian Express” Dt 18th Sep 2019.

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With reference to the above, I wish to apply myself for the same post. My detailed resume is enclosed
herewith for your kind perusal. If I am given a chance by you to work in your esteemed institution, I shall
prove myself my efficiency and sincerity in the task assigned to me.
With positive attitude, I thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Sheela Nair
Encl : a.a.

Name : Sheela Nair

Father’s Name : P. Menon
Address for communication : 7, Vadakku Vasal, Thrissoor, Kerala.
Educational Qualification : A post graduate degree in English Literature

Professional Qualification : Diploma in Company Secretaryship
Previous Experience : 2 years in similar position
Expected Salary : As per your norms
Joining Time
Languages known
: 3 moths

: Tamil, English, Hindi
The above given information are true and correct to my knowledge.
Place : Thirsoor
Date : 19.09.19 (signature)
j) Write a letter the Editor of a newspaper about the nuisance created by the roadside vendors blocking
the pavements and occupying the parking zone.

R.R. Raganjana,
36, Sundar Street,
T. Nagar, Chennai 600 017.
The Editor,

The Hindu, Chennai.

Kindly publish the following article in your esteemed daily under “Letters to Editor” column.

I am residing at T.Nagar. in North Usman road, many vendors occupy the pavements and block the
path. It is a great hindrance to the pedestrians. Old aged people could not walk freely. I request the
authorities concerned to take necessary measures for the old aged people to walk freely.
Thank You,
Yours faithfully,

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k) Write a letter to your relative or friend who is admitted in hospital for treatment of jaundice. Advise
him/ her not to worry about the illness and be positive. Assure him/her of your psychological and
financial help during the crisis.
20th July 2019.
Dear Prem,
I am very much shocked when I heard that you were hospitalized due to Jaundice. I am in a fix of how

you getting this. Since you are care taker of your health I can’t believe it. Any way I hope you will recover
soon. Take the pills prescribed by the physicians. Avoid hot items. Take bath twice. Keep your body cool.
Have more fruits and tender coconut and juices. At the same time avoid chemical drinks.

I pray the Almighty for your speedy recovery.
Take care of your health.
With love,

Address on the envelope:
5, Kovilpadhagai Main Road,
Kochadai, Madurai.

l) Write a letter to the Headmistress of your school, requesting her to grant you a fee concession. Give
reasons to support your application. [Sep-2020]
The Headmaster,
ABC Hr Sec. School,

XYZ City.
Respected Sir,
Sub : Requisation of fee concession - Reg.
I am XXX studying in class 12 in your esteemed insititution. Due to COVID 19 situation my father was
jobless and could not earn any money. So I am unable to pay the school fee in time. Moreover I am nit in
a position to pay the full fee. Hence I hereby request you to give me fee concession and let me continue

online classes.
Thank you,
Yours obediently,

Address on the envelope :
The Headmaster,
ABC Hr Sec. School,
XYZ City.

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m) Write a letter to your friend, whose mother is admitted in hospital for a heart surgery. [Sep-2020]

3rd October 2020

ABC Street,
YZ Town.
Dear Shyam,

Hope this you are in better health and spirits. I heard of your mother’s ailment. I also heard that she
underwent open heart surgery. She has been under a lot of pressures. Don’t worry. She will recover soon
and will lead a normal life. I pray God sincerely for your mom’s complete and speedy recovery. I will come

soon and see your mother at hospital. If any help is needed, don’t hesitate me to ask. Convey my regards
to your father. Take care of his as well as your health. Keep a servant for domestic work.
Yours affectionate friend,

Address on the envelope:

Mr. G. Shyam,
2, Arvind Avenue,
Greenways Road,
n) Recently, you ordered for a watch through online shopping, and when it arrived, it was damaged.
Write a Letter to the company that sold you the watch, [March-2020]
- give details about the order you made,
- explain what was wrong with the watch,
- tell the company, what do you want them to do about it.
25th November 2020.


The Manager,
Sales Division, Amazon,

Respected Sir / Madam,
Sub: Intimating about the damaged watch – Reg
Ref : Order No. 9340 dt 5th Nov 2020.
I made an order for the TIMEX watch with your firm on 5th Nov 2020. I paid the necessary amount

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through the debit card on the same day. When I received the parcel on 24th Nov 2020, I found the watch
was damaged. The dial was completely scratched. I could not see the time properly. Moreover the watch
didn’t work at all. Kindly let me know what to do further to replace the good one.
Expecting your favourable reply,
I thank you,
Faithfully Yours,

Address on the envelope:
The Manager,

Sales Division, Amazon,

(o) Write a letter to your friend sharing your travel experience to Delhi.

ABC Street,

YZ Town.
12th Jan 2021.

Mr. Premnath,
3, Dr. MGR Salai,
New Perungalathur,
Chennai 600 063.
Dear Prem,

Well and wish to hear the same from you. During half yearly holidays I went to Delhi with my parents.

The climate was very nice and the winter was bearable. I enjoyed both the climate and trip very much. We
visited many tourist spots including Red Fort, Jandar Mandir, Karol Bagh, Taj Mahal, Matura Krishnan
Temple etc. Many areas are still in the clutches of recent virus and people in those areas are slowly regaining
their health and economic status.
I wish you too will visit Delhi, the capital of our nation when chance arises.
Convey my regards to your parents.
With Love, Yours ever,


Address on the envelope:


Mr. Premnath,
3, Dr. MGR Salai,
New Perungalathur,
Chennai 600 063.

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Question No : 45 b Responding to the Advertisement 5 MARK

Introduction :
Students Note :
1) Take a fresh page while writing the letter and write the biodata in another fresh page.

Letter Bio-data

2) Your answer must have
1) Covering Letter


2) Bio Data

3) Address on the Envelope.

a) Respond to the following ad considering yourself fulfilling the conditions specified.

Example :


System Analyst : Young dynamic B.E. graduates . Candidates should know
rich English and Hindi. Apply with neatly written bio-data and
passport size photo to


Bangalore, Chennai and Pune. Email: infosys-technology @


From 31st March 15


M/s. Mass Info systems Ltd.,

G.S.T. Road,
Bangalore - 24

Sirs, Sub : Application for the post of System Analyst. - Reg.

Ref : Your advertisement in The Hindu, dated 1.04.2020.

With reference to your advertisement in The Hindu, dated 01.04.20 calling applications for the post of
SYSTEM ANALYST in your company, I wish to offer my services as a computer-personnel.
I have enclosed my bio-data for your perusal and consideration.

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If I am appointed, I assure you, Sir, that I will do my duties to the entire satisfaction of my superiors and put
in hard work for the development of the company.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully.

Encl: Bio data & Certificates - 4


2. Date of Birth : 5.5.1995

3. Address for : XXXXXXX
Communication YYYYYYYYY



4. Educational Qualification : B.E (ECE) I class. - Fresher 2019
Thiagarajar College, Madurai.

5. Special is at ion : JAVA, J2EE, C, C++, .net, Sap IBM Main Frame, Multimedia
6. Experience : One year (Still working)
7. Languages known : Tamil, English, Hindi
8. Salary expected : Rs. 50,000 /- p.m
9. Joining Time : Can join immediately

A leading Textile Export Group near Rajapalayam requires
having worked in a computerized environment, fluent in English, with 7 to

10 years experience can apply to

Post Box No. 1143, C/o The Hindu, Chennai-2


M/s.Vasanth Pvt.Ltd.,
BMTC Building, Bangalore - 24

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Sub : Application for the post of ACCOUNTS PERSONNEL - Reg.

Ref : Your advertisement in “The Hindu’, date 1.05.20
With reference to your advertisement in The Hindu, dated 01.05.14 calling applications for the post of
Accounts Personnel in your company, I wish to offer my services for the above post.
I have enclosed my bio-data for your perusal and consideration.
If 1 am appointed, I assure you, Sir, that I will perform to the entire satisfaction of my superiors and put in hard

work for the development of the company.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,



Encl: Blo-data & Certificates - 3

1. Name : XXXXX


2. Date of Birth : xxxxxx

3. Address for Communication : XXXXXX

4. Education Qualification : M. Com,, I class, Thiagarajar College, Madurai,
and Chartered Accountant (C.A.)

5. Specialization : Tally, Auditing Accounts

6, Experience : One year (Still working)

7, Languages known : Tamil, English, Hindi, Fluent
8. Salary expected : Rs. 35,000/- p.m.

9. Joining Time : Can join immediately

Note :

1) Letter 8 Marks. Bio-Data 2 Marks.


Students should make necessary changes in qualification, experience., Salary expected etc.
2) a) If the clear address is not given the address should be
The Advertiser,

Post Box No. 143

C/o The Hindu, Chennai - 2.
b) If the address is given the address should be
‘ M/s. Kayees PVT Ltd.
01, Thambu Street, Chennai -1-

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c)’ For M/s. (Messrs), - Dear Sirs

d) For The Administrative Officer, Dear Sirs
e) Use only “yours faithfully”. Don’t use yours sincerely
f) It is “yours” not (your’s)
Important Point:

3) In the examination, students should not write their original name and address.
Instead write XXX for name and YYY for address.


Post Graduate English Teacher to handle higher secondary classes in a reputed
Matriculation School, situated in Chennai. Salary negotiable. Candidates should
have at least 5 years experience in handling Hr. Sec. Classes. Apply with Bio-data to :

The Correspondent,
ABC Matric Hr.Sec. School,
North Usman Road, Chennai- 17.

The Correspondent,
ABC Matri. Hr. Sec. School,
North Usman Road,
Chennai - 17.
Sub : Application for the post of Post Graduate English Teacher - Reg. ‘

Ref : Your advertisement-in “THE HINDU”, dated 06.03.2020.

With reference to your advertisement in “THE HINDU” dated 06.03.2020,1 wish to offer my service as the

Post Graduate English Teacher in your esteemed Institution. I am a young and dynamic Post Graduate in English
with a flair for knowledge and wisdom. I have a creative and pleasing personality. Moreover I am well-versed in
communicative skills and computer knowledge.
If I am given an opportunity, I will render my service to make the school the most advanced and highly
disciplined in every aspect and make the children achieve State rank time and again.

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Please find enclosed my Curriculum Vitae for your perusal and consideration.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Date : 09.04.2016

Place: YYY


1. Name : XXX

2. Father’s Name : Mr.ZZZ
3. Postal address : 317, ABC colony, YYY

4. Nationality : Indian.
5. Age and Date of Birth : 31years, 01.07.1978
6. Sex : Female
7. Educational Qualification :

Name of the Course

Name of the college / University Year of passing % of marks
B.A., (English Literature) M.G. Arts and Science College, Trichy. 1997 62%
M.A., (English Literature) Anna University, Chennai. 1999 75%
B.Ed., Madura College of Education, Madurai. 2000 84%
M.Ed., Madura College of Education, Madurai. 2001 79%
M.Phil., Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. 2003 68%

Designation Name of the Institution Period of service

UG in English Kongu Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Trichy. 5 years(2004 - 2008)

PG in English K.H. Matriculation school, Chennai. 5 years (2008 - 2013)


HOD of English Dep., M.A.M Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Madurai. 6 years (2013 -till date)

9. Languages known : Tamil, English, Hindi and French


10. Prizes and awards : State first twice in writing essay competition.
First prize in Inter - College writing competition.

Best Teacher Award from the District Collector.

11. Salary expected : Rs. 55,000 /- a month
12. Reference : My previous employer.

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I hereby solemnly declare that the information furnished is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date : 18.04.2020 XXX

Station : YYY (Signature)

‘EASY’ Guid nc




Sub : Application for the post of..........................- regarding.
Ref : Your advertisement in”.,....................” dated...............
With reference to your advertisement in “....................” dated................, I wish to offer my service as a

A your company. I have given below my Bio-Data. If I am appointed, I assure you, Sir, that
I will discharge my duties to the entire satisfaction of my superiors.

Thanking you, 2 marks

Yours faithfully,
Date : ........... 1 mark
Place : YYY

Name : XXXXX

Father’s Name : .........................

Postal address : XXXXXXX

: xxxxxxx


Age and Date of Birth : XXXXXX


Educational Qualification : ........................

Experience : Working as a __________________ in ____________________ for __________________ Year.

Salary expected : Rs. ____________________ a month

Reference : My Previous employer


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I hereby declare that the above details are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date : XXX Signature
Place: YYY
Address on the Envelope:

Question No : 45 c Article Writing 5 MARK

opics o erson l re erences n i e
1. Write an article about your dream of the 21st century


Belonging to the new generation I dream of the new century as an era of peace and tranquility. The period of
cold war is over. But the age of terrorism and small wars has just begun. Materialism is at its peak and has
bewildered the people. India can play an important role by blending materialism with spiritualism and
morality. I dream of the acceptance of the ancient old culture of the land throughout the world. But no one
accepts the ideology of the weak. I dream of ascendance of India in trade, technology and martial power. My
country will be a force to reckon in the whole world. I dream of India becoming Jagatguru again in the 21st
2. Write an article about the importance of reading and the impact of reading in our daily life


Pleasure from reading may be considered a super pleasure. The person enjoys a book all by himself. The faces

of little children bloom with joy when they go through the comics-the Spider Man or Mandrake the Magician.
A little older-the boy or girl is lost in the fancies of the heroes or heroines of novels-sometimes bad too. The
boys and girls in their teens search for the books of their choice in the school or college library. Their faces
beam with joy when an author satisfies their craze for innovative ideas. A young man or an elderly gentleman
is lost in the columns of the newspaper or magazine of his taste. The pleasure he derives is more than that he
derives from breakfast that he may forego.

opics o cience nd echnology

3. information boom has been the buzz word for the present era. Write an article in about 150 words

about the salient features of the information era..

Enter a metropolis at about 10.00 a. m. You find everyone rushing to one direction or the other. It seems the
whole city is on fire. Buses, scooters, three-wheelers, cars, jeeps vying with each other in speed. Good God!
aeroplanes breaking the sound barrier. The sky is free of course for any movement. Isn’t it Hazardous for a

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train gaining a speed of 250 kms. an hour. It may be. But they do run at that speed in Japan. Images on the
television screen travel thousands of kms. in a few moments. The speed of telecommunication satellites can
hardly be gauged by human eyes. For sometime to come nothing may excel the speed of Super computer that
devours thousands of images within a minute. Let’s see what’s next.
4. Mobiles phone have modernised the way we communicate. Write an article about the influence of the
cell phone
Impact of cell phones

Cell phones are the best invention of mankind. Being less than the size of our palm,, it does wonders.
Connecting people from the most developed cities to the most remote villages in the world, it does a great job.
Apart from connecting people, the amount of entertainment it provides us through music & videos and

internet is impeccable. On the other side, it is these mobile phones that have destroyed various lives.
Researchers say looking into cell phones for long hours has a bad impact on retina. People tend to become
more addicted to cell phones. Talking a driving leads to more accidents. People also get connected with wrong

people at times. For students this has very bad impact on studies. So, it is up to us take the best out of it and
utilize it the best possible way. Cell phones occupy a greater place in day to day life for the human beings.
Though it has many merits it has some demerits too. It is in the hands of human beings to use it to certain
level. Children must be cautious to use this gadget. Parents must watch them keenly. In a nutshell we, the

human beings, have to be very calculative and careful in using this advanced gadget.
5. The use of computers is becoming very popular in every sphere of life in India. Write an article in
about 100 words emphasising the use of computers in everyday life.
Use of Computers in Life
The computer is an electronic wonder. It can do a variety of jobs. It is difficult to list all the uses of a computer.
Big companies and offices today use computers to calculate the salaries of their employees. The pay-cheques
are also prepared by computers. In banks computers record the amounts deposited and withdrawn by people.
Cheques presented for payment are also checked by computers. The Federal Bureau of Investigation uses a
special computer to store finger prints of different criminals. This process helps in crime investigation.
Computers are of great help in times of war. They analyse the radar signals and warn the soldiers in advance

of the approaching enemy planes. Today satellites are used to study the atmosphere. The cameras in them are
all computer-aided. In big hospitals computers store the case-histories of patients. Doctors refer to them for
diagnosis and treatment. Reservation of rail-journey seats are now made by computers. So people need not
stand for long in queues before the reservation counters. Although a computer is wonderful, it cannot think
on its own. It is only a silent partner to man.


opics o oci l reness

6. Write an article on the importance of participating in games and sports highlighting the dictum a
healthy mind in a healthy body. (Word limit: 100 words)

Importance of Games and Sports

We all are familiar with the saying ‘Health is Wealth’. Academics serve the purpose of nourishing the mind. But
we must remember that ‘a healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. One can develop and maintain a healthy
body by actively participating in games and sports. Importance of games and sports can’t be minimised. They
keep our body alert, active, youthful and energetic. They increase the circulation of blood. They also boost

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metabolism. Games and sports burn excessive and unnecessary calories. They also improve our respiratory
and digestive systems. When we play games various exercises are performed automatically. Athletics, cycling,
skipping, swimming and other games tone up the body. Mild exercises invigorate our minds and bodies and
keep us physically fit and strong. Outdoor games include cricket, hockey, basketball, football and lawn tennis.
Unfortunately, we give so much importance to academics in schools and colleges that we hardly get any
opportunity to do any physical work. There is a famous dictum that “all work and no play make Jack a dull
boy”. This proverb only highlights the importance of games and sports.

7. Recently your school celebrated the Children’s day. Write an article about the future generation of our


The child of topay will guide the fate of the nation tomorrow. He would run the administraiion, develop
industries and compete with other nations in trade and communication. He is the real wealth of the nation. It
is the right of the children and our duty that the innocent lead a proper life. They should enjoy all the facilities

of games, food and education-whatever caste or community they belong to. It is rather shameful that nearabout
fifty per cent of the children in our country have to work tortuously in roadside restaurants, matchstick
factories, the rug industry besides working on fields. Let us save the nation’s wealth for in its blooming lies the
blossoming of the motherland.

aspects of social service

8. Social service helps the students to cope up with the challenges in life. Write an article about myriad


Social service is the help - we can give to our fellow beings. Students can serve the community in many ways.
A large number of our people cannot read or write. Students can teach them in their leisure time. Students
may visit slums during holidays and do service to the people. The poor people may be taught how to keep
themselves and their surroundings clean. During festivals and fairs, students can be of great service. They can
help the police to regulate large crowds. Missing children may be traced and handed over to their parents. First
aid may be given to the injured. Students may visit hospitals now and then. They may help poor sick men with

money or useful gifts and speak comforting words to them. There are many other forms of social service like
laying roads, building schools and cleaning tanks. Students must take an active part in them. They can learn
many practical lessons for life.
9. Self –sufficiency in food product is the key to success. Write an article about the salient features of
green revolution

GREEN REVOLUTION (How to grow more food)


For many years after we got our independence food production went on decreasing steadily. This
was mainly because of drought and floods, and neglect of agriculture during the first three Five-Year plan
periods. Population also increased at a high rate. A great improvement was made in agriculture in 1967-

68. It is popular known as the Green Revolution. The farmers now follow new methods of farming. One such is
the Japanese method of cultivation. New high-yielding varieties of rice, wheat and other grains have been
developed in our research Institutes. These new grains need more water and more fertilizers than the old
ones. So, large irrigation facilities have been made. New dams have been built and canals dug. Pump sets have
been erected by the farmers for irrigation. Fertilizers are produced in factories in large quantities. Tractors,
harvesters and thrashers are also used. All this has greatly increased food produce Hon in our country. We no
longer need to import food grain from foreign countries.

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10.Bond and togetherness among people are integral to any democracy. Write an article on the unity you
see in this country

National integration means bringing together all the people of our country to make a single whole. All
differences that keep our people divided into various sections or groups have to be done with. We all belong
to one nation. All of us must be proud of the common heritage which binds us together. We may belong to

various religions or regions. We may speak different languages. Our habits and customs also vary. But we
all belong to the same country namely India. This fact should never be forgotten and all obstacles to the
the unity of the nation should be removed.

11.You are the school head girl and you want to create awareness about AIDS. Write an article in your
school magazine about the causes and prevention of AIDS

Aids - Awareness programmes

Aids (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV).It is deadly because humans infected with this virus are sure to die sooner or later. How this deadly virus
works is, once it gets into our blood stream, in multiplies and kills the white blood cells in the blood which is

our warrior against infections. Once blood loses white cells we lose our immunity and succumb to all infections.
HIV enters the human system in three ways;
1. Free and unprotected sex.
2. Blood transfusion.
3. Re using of syringes and needles for injections which were used in an HIV infected person.
So it is of utmost importance that everyone is made aware of the above facts so that they can avoid them and
live sensibly with good health.
12.You are the school head girl and you want to create awareness about COVID-19. Write an article in
your school magazine about the causes and prevention of COVID-19.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. And resulted in an
ongoing pandemic. So far more than 3.3 crore cases have been reported across 188 countries including india
and more than 10 Lakh deaths; more than 2.3 crore people have recovered.
Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties, and loss of

smell and taste. This virus spreads rapidly through personal contact between people by touch, by sneezing or
coughing from the infected person. It affects the respiratory system causing severe illness, including the death
of the person affected, sometimes. In order to safeguard ourselves from this deadly virus, we must wash our
hands with soap and water whenever we return from outside, we must follow social distancing strictly.

Whenever we go outside we must make a habit of wearing the protective face mask and should not shake
hands with anybody.
India is doing a fantastic job in fighting the corona virus and we are successful in checking its spread. India’s
Bharat Biotech laboratory has trial vaccine for Covid-19, named COVAXIN.

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opics on nvironment l

13.Water is the most precious resource in the world. Write an article about rain water harvesting and
water conservation.

Advantages of rainwater harvesting

Water is basis of all life. Without water no life in the earth can survive. C.V. Raman says that water is elixir of
life. Great civilisations flourished on the river banks. Water played vital role for their growth. Such is the
indispensable significance of water. Monsoons are the main source of water to the earth. Due to consecutive

failures of monsoons the water has become scarce. So a scheme of rainwater harvesting is formulated by the
Tamil Nadu Government and popularised. According to it if rainfalls occur, we should store rainwater in pits
and sumps. During the lean months of summer we can use the water to relieve scarcity. The rainwater will
increase the groundwater level. When water is available throughout the year the trees and plants around us

will be always green. It will also lessen the harshness of summer.
14.Pollution has contaminated the natural environment. Write an article about the ill-effects of pollution

Save the Planet Earth

Pollution is a nagging problem pestering our minds. Pollution is the contamination of the atmosphere by
industrial chemical and natural wastes. The buses and cars make our travelling comfortable and smooth. But
gases emitted by them is harmful to our health. In quarries, and cement factories, pollution by dust particle is
very high. This pollution causes lung problems. The smoke emitted by industrial complexes cause nervous
disorders. Water pollution is another danger to us. The domestic and organic wastes are dumped on the banks
of the rivers. This pollutes the water. So water is too contaminated to drink. In order to save the planet strict
pollution control measures should be implemented to make the earth an excellent place for living.
15. Trees are the lifeline to human existence. Write an article in about 100 words about the importance
of trees in our lives

Many kinds of trees are found in the world. Most of them are very useful to man. Man needs fire to cook his
food. Trees give him firewood in plenty. Trees attract rain-bearing clouds and cause rain. Forests also protect
underground springs. We need timber for building houses. Wood is also required for making furniture. Forest
trees yield many valuable things like turpentine, rubber and resin. Trees also give us rich fruits like the orange,
the mango and the apple. Tamarind and coconut are used in our food. The leaves of some trees serve as herbs.

The nuts and barks of such trees are also used as medicines. Birds build their nests in trees and live in them.
Thus we see that trees are very useful to man, bird and beast..
16. Write about The vital role of Value – Based education

Value-Based Education
There is no doubt that education has been made compulsory upto the secondary level in India. However,
value-based education to all still remains a distant dream. Education has been practically reduced to the job
of providing degrees. These degrees do help them in getting jobs in the market. However, our education system
doesn’t help young men and ladies to build up their characters and morals. The result is disastrous.
Our schools, colleges and universities are producing a huge army of irresponsible and uncivilised young

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brutes. Crimes among the educated young men have been rising at an alarming rate. Robberies, chain-
snatching, eve-teasing and thefts haven’t remained the monopoly of professional uneducated criminals
anymore. Many educated young men have joined their ranks.
The need of the hour is for value-based education. Moral education should be made a compulsory subject in
all schools. Nationalism, patriotism, devotion and dedication to our country and its people, should be the
guiding principles of our education system. Only a comprehensive and value-based education can help in the
character-building, moral and spiritual upliftment of the educated folk. It will certainly bring down the crime

rate in them.
17. Write an article on ‘Environmental Pollution—A Global Problem’ in about 100 words.

Environmental Pollution—A Global Problem
Degradation of the environment continues unabated. The need of the hour is to protect and preserve the
environment and the ecological balance. Pollution is increasing day by day and is posing a great threat to the

environment and mankind. Pollution can be fought against only by creating awareness and sensitivity among
the people regarding the protection of the environment. The main reason of environment degradation in
India is due to rapid deforestation in the last decades.
The price of progress has been rather heavy. The depletion of the ozone layer is a danger signal. It will lead to

global warming and melting of the polar glaciers. Deforestation on a large scale led to disastrous results.
Famines, floods, landslides and land erosions have disturbed the ecological balance. Trees bring rain and keep
the upper soil intact. Our rivers and lakes have become dumping grounds for industrial wastes, garbage and
Our cities are becoming dirtier every year. The emission of smoke from the chimneys of the factories and the
guzzlers of the road has converted our cities into big gas chambers. Only a concerted effort on the part of the
government, the voluntary organisations and the people in general, can help in maintaining the ecological
balance. Only then this vast country will become a pleasant and clean place to live in.

Writing Biographical sketch


Question : 45 d 5 MARK
from the given information
Biographical sketch
A biographical sketch is a brief summary of a person’s life and his achievements. It should include a description
of the person’s physical appearance, education,work, achievements and other salient personal traits. The main

focus of a biographical sketch is to portray the person in an admirable way.

Here are the steps to write a bio-sketch.
1. Write in the third person.

2. Write down personal details like name, age, physical appearance etc.
3. Highlight his/her education and work.
4. Mention his/her special contribution.
5. Make a list of achievements.

a. Given below are hints about a renowned British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke. Write a biographical sketch

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on the author in not more than 80-100 words based on the information given below.

Name Arthur C. Clarke

Pen names Charles Willis, E.G.O’Brien

Birth 16 Dec 1917, England

Career Novelist, Television host, inventor and film screen writer.

Genre Science Fiction,Television series, film screen play

1961, Kalinga Prize - an award given by UNESCO for popularising science
Hugo and Nebula Awards
Awards and Honours
Chairman of the Interplanetary Society
Highest Civil Honour of Sri Lanka – ‘Sri Lankabhimanya 2005’

Clarke, Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov – ‘Big Three’ of Science Fiction
‘The Prophet of the Space Age’

Famous Works Childhood’s End, 2001: A Space Odyssey Rendezvous with Rana


Arthur C. Clarke was born on December 16, 1917 in England. He established himself as a science fiction writer.
He worked as a television host and film screen play writer. He wrote the novels Childhood’s End and 2001: A
Space Odyssey. In 1961, he was awarded the Kalinga Prize, given by UNESCO for popularizing science among the
reading circle. He won his first Hugo award in 1956 for his short story “The Star”. He won both the Nebula and
Hugo awards for his novel “Rendezvous with Rama” in 1973. During the last decade of his life he was knighted
by the British High Commissioner. In Sri Lanka he was granted the highest civil honour “the Sri Lankabhimnya
2005”. Clarke along with Robert Heinlein and Issac Asimov was known as the “Big Three” of science fiction. He
was the chairman of the British Interplanetary Society from 1946 -47 and in 1951-53.

Use the information given below and complete the biography in about 80 to 100 words. P. T. Usha

1964: Born on may 20th at Keothali in Kerala

1973: Discovered by a dedicated physical education teacher


Badly injured while practising for sub-junior district level athletics. Participated in 100 meters,
200 meters, long jump, high jump-first in all four events

1982: Two silver medals in New Delhi Asian Games


1984: Fourth place in 400 in at Los Angeles Olympics

1985: Best female Athlete in Jakarta Asian Meet

1986: Four gold and one silver medal at Seoul Asian games

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P. T. Usha was born in Keothali, Kerala on 20th May 1964. In 1973 she was discovered by a dedicated physical
education teacher. In 1975, she was badly injured while practising for Sub-junior district athletics. She
participated in 100m, 200m, long jump and high jump. She bagged the first position in all the four events. In
1982, she got two silver medals in New Delhi Asian Games. In 1984, she came fourth in 400 m at the Los Angles
Olympics. In 1985, she won the award for the best female athlete in Jakarta Asian Meet. In 1986, she was
awarded four gold and one silver medal at Seoul Asian Games.

Given below is a profile of Kiran Bedi, the super cop of India. Write a short bio—sketch of Kiran Bedi taking the help

of the clues given below

Aged Around 65 years, robust physique. Pleasing and dynamic personality

Family: Second of four daughters, born into an extraordinary family with visionary parents

Bachelors Degree in English from Amritsar (1968). Masters in Political Science. LLB from

Delhi University and a PhD degree from IIT Delhi (1993)

Hobbies: Great tennis player, noted author, social worker

The first woman officer in the elite Indian Police Service (1972),: The Inspector General of
Asia’s biggest Jail — the Tihar Jail in 1993. Introduced many classes and programmes for the
inmates including those on basic education, meditation, yoga besides functions like Kavi
Sammelans, dramas and games
Award Why distinct from Has won President’s Gallantry Award (1979), Asia Region Award for others

Drug Prevention and Control (1991), Ramon Magsaysay Award (1994), Bharat Gaurav Award
(1999) and many other prestigious awards. The first Indian to be appointed to the prestigious
post of United Nations Civilian Police Adviser. Set up India vision Foundation to work in the
field of Prison reforms crime prevention, rural development sports promotion, etc


Dr Kiran Bedi is a powerful cop, with robust physique, pleasing and dynamic personality. Born into an
extraordinary family with visionary parents 65-year-old Kiran Bedi is the second of four daughters. She has
got a Masters in Political Science, LLB from Delhi University and a PhD degree from IIT Delhi. She was also a
great tennis player. She is also a noted author. Kiran Bedi became the first woman officer in the elite Indian

Police Service and the most memorable moment of her career came when she served as the Inspector General
of Asia’s biggest-Jail -the Tihar Jail in 1993. She introduced many classes and programmes for the inmates of
the Jail on the basis of education, meditation, Yoga, dramas and games. Kiran Bedi has won many awards - the
Presidents Gallantry Award (1979). Asia Region Award for DrugPrevention and Control (1991), Ramon
Magsaysay Award (1994), Bharat Gaurav Award (1999) and shewas the first Indian to be appointed to the
prestigious post of United Nations Civilian Police Advisor.Kiran Bedi has also been very active in community
service and she set up India Vision Foundation.

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Question No : 45 e Notice Writing 5 MARK

Notice Writing
Instructions to the writer of notice.

• Language of notice is to be very informative. It shouldn’t be personal.
• Given Information must be in full.
• Presentation should be precise and short. The objective of the notice should also be precise.

• To an extent don’t use ‘I’ and ‘You’.
• Inclusion of date is very important.
• Information of name and place is very important and is to be included.
• The signature and designation of the person issuing the notice is very important.

• World limit is to be strictly followed.

1. Notice About Something Found 2. Notice About a Tour
You have found a purse lying in one of the lawns of Your school is organising a tour to Delhi and
your school. Write a notice asking the owner of the Agra. You are the secretary of Tour Organising
purse to contact you. Committee. Draft a notice inviting the participants
to give you their names.

March 7, 2020 NOTICE

This is to inform all the students that a purse March 8, 2020

Our school is organising a historical tour to

has been found lying in one of the school

Delhi and Agra. The duration of the tour is six
lawns. It is a black leather purse containing
days starting on March 12. Those interested
some money. The owner should contact the should give their names to the undersigned
undersigned. latest by March 10.
RajKumar Mohan
Roll No. 10, XI - A (Secretary Tour Organising Committee)

3. Notice About Paper

Reading Contest

You are the incharge of Junior March 9, 2020

Humanities Forum of your The Junior Humanities Forum of the school is organising a
school. The Forum is organising Paper Reading Contest on March 16 in the school hall. Students
of class X to XII are eligible to participate. Those interested
a Paper Reading Contest. Draft a
should give their names to the undersigned before March 12.
notice inviting the participants
Raman, Secretary (Junior Humanities Forum)
to give you their names.

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4. Notice lor returning Library Books 5. Notice for a Lost Item

You are the librarian of your school. Write a notice You are Kulbir Singh of Class VIII. You have lost
asking the students to return borrowed books before your new water bottle. Write the notice that you
(In- school closes down for the summer vacation. would like to put up on the school notice-board.


ATTENTION ! 12 March, 2020
May 10, 2020 A new water bottle has been lost somewhere
The school breaks up for the summer in the school garden. The bottle is of Eagle

vacation next week. All .students who have make with blue colour. The finder is requested
borrowed any book from the library must return to return it to the undersigned or deposit it with
it before the school breaks up for the vacation. the school office.
Raman, Sundar

Librarian Roll No. 2

Question No : 45


Report Writing 5 MARK
Reporting of an event or incident needs a great communication skill. Correspond of all leading newspapers
form a vast network whose job is only to send reports important events or incidents to the news agencies.
Written reports are permanent records of events. The students will be asked to write a report of some
happening or event in about 150-200 words for the school magazine or a local newspaper.

1. First hand information about the incident, occurrence or event.

2. Narration of the event that actually took place in the immediate past forms the main part of the report.
3. Sometimes the background leading to that happening, occurrence or event forms an integral part of that
event. The event can’t be explained without describing its background. In such a case a brief background
of the event becomes necessary. For example, while writing a report on some communal riot that broke
out in your area, you are also supposed to give the background or the cause of that riot.

4. Reporting requires a simple, spontaneous, graphic and factual description.

5. Reporting can include almost everything under the sun. News events, experiences, messages, experiments,
interviews, business activities and many more things can come in the purview of reporting.

1. A /
1. You are Harini/Harsh of trichy studying in xyz higher secondary. You witnessed the Kumbakonam fire
accident. Write a report on the same in not more than 120 words.

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Trichy : 10th May, 2014. (Harsh). Fire accidents are the worst disasters. I had the misfortune of witnessing
one of the most horrible fire accidents of recent times, the Kumbakonam fire accident. It caused an
unprecedented loss of human lives and property. It was a beautiful morning. The whole town woke up to
the sounds of drums and pipes. After all, it was a special day—the day of ‘Abhishek’ ceremony in the
temple-town. Thousands of people had gathered there from different parts of Tamil Nadu and other

states. Suddenly, an electric spark produced by a short circuit caused a fire in one corner of the huge
‘pandal’. More than 200 people died in the accident.

2. You are Mandakini I Madan, a staff reporter of ‘The Times of India’. You have been asked to cover the

incident of a daylight robbery when the inmates were present in a house in the outskirts of chennai.
Write a report in about 150-200 words.

Chennai: 20th March, 2014. (Mandakini). The Times of India News Service. Chennai is no more a safe city
once it used to be. Yesterday, a daring daylight robbery was committed in Katangulathur, on the outskirts of
the city. It was 11.30 am. The robbers broke open a side door and entered the house. They asked for the keys
of the cupboards and boxes. They had revolvers and daggers in their hands. Women and children became

dumb with fear. Their hands were tied and mouths were gagged. The robbers finished their jobs within minutes.
They decamped with all the jewellery and about fifty thousand rupees in cash. Before running away, they
locked the inmates in a room. The police were late to the spot.
3. You are Manish/Manisha from st.mary’s hr. sec. school, Thanjavur. You have visited the gaja cyclone
affected areas of Nagapattinam recently which have been inundated by the unprecedented flood of
Bay of Bengal in November 2018. You were sent there as the team leader of the group of students of
NSS from your school. Write a report in not more than 150-200 words on the situation and suffering,
relief work and other facts about Gaja cyclone.

Nagapattinam: 22 November 2018. It was on the 16th November 2019that the Gaja caused a disaster in
Tamil Nadu. The worst affected districts include Nagappattinam, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Pudukottai, Karaikal,
Cuddalore, Trichy and Ramanathapuram. It was the worst cyclone in the area in 50 years. The Chief Minister
of Tamilnadu rushed to the Prime Minister in New Delhi to seek his help in dealing with the ‘GAJA’. Thereafter,
The P.M. had an aerial survey of the cyclone-affected areas and declared it a ‘national calamity on 16th
November. The government earmarked Rs. 735 million in aid for the region. The Indian army and non-govt.
organizations operated one of the biggest flood rescue operations in India. Death toll rose to more than 150.

Villagers ate raw rice and flour mixed with polluted water amid hunger and diseases. Nagapattinam district
was the worst-hit.

2. F

1. ‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was
the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and the prizes were
distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member
of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.


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This is the report of the “Educational Development Day” organized by Government High school, Rajakur on
July 15, 2018. This event was organized to create an understanding about the benefits of learning and education
in the lives of children and literacy in general. Students and parents from the village attended the programme.
The event began with the invocation song by the students of Class IX. Then the Head Master welcomed the
gathering and spoke about the importance of education. The chief guest of the day delivered the key-note
address and highlighted the importance of education and the need for life skills. A book was released by the
Head Master about the need for education in the current scenario. The meeting came to an end with the vote

of thanks by Malar of Class IX..

2. You are the Coordinator of the Science Forum of your school. An event had been organized on account
of National Science Day for the members of the forum. Now, write a report on the observation of

“National Science Day” at your school.


In order to create interest in science, National Science Day was celebrated in our school. A famous scientist,
Mr.Annadurai, from IISER presided over the function. He inaugurated the function and spoke about the
importance of scientific temper among the students. There was interaction among the students and they
asked a few questions to the chief guest. It was followed by a demonstration of few science experiments.

Students were able to understand a few concepts in science through the experiments. The Head Master
compliment the chief guest with a memento. The science teacher of the school proposed the vote of thanks.
The programme came to an end with the national anthem by the students of Class VIII.
3. Your school has recently celebrated its Golden Jubilee, organizing a number of inter-school
competitions and awarded the prizes in a gala function. As the Secretary of the Cultural Club of your
school, write a report in 150-200 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. You are
Kodaikanal: 26th March, 2015. (Sunil). St.Hira’s Sr. Secondary School, Kodaikanal, celebrated its Golden
Jubilee on 20th March, 2015. The prestigious institution has completed fifty years of its glorious contribution

in the field of education. A number of inter-school competitions were the major attractions of the week-long
celebrations. On-the-spot Essay and Painting Competitions drew maximum entries. The Education Minister
was the Chief Guest on the concluding day. Competitions were held for the students. Prizes were distributed
to the winners.

4. You are the Student-Editor of your school magazine. Using the information given below in the input,
write a report for your magazine on the visit of the Chief Minister, Tamilnadu, to your school in about
150-200 words.


The Annual Day celebration of our school drew a special attention of everyone this year because of the visit of

the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. The school has distinguished itself as one of the leading institutes
in academics as well as sports. Preparations started a week before. The whole campus was given a new look.
The Principal and the staff received the chief guest at the gate on her arrival. She was garlanded and introduced
to the members of the staff by the Principal. The Principal read out the annual report highlighting the
achievements of the school in academics and sports. The chief guest gave away the prizes to the meritorious
students and distinguished sportsmen. Group songs and folk songs presented by the students kept everyone
spellbound. He gave a short but inspiring speech urging the students to work hard and rise high in life. The

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Principal thanked the Chief Minister for his visit. The function ended with the singing of the national anthem.

5. You are Amrapli/Avinash of Michael john higher secondary school, Rameshwaram. Recently you had
the honor of having participated as a contingent leader of your school team in the Republic Day
parade in Delhi, in which your school was adjudged the best participating team. Write a report in not
more than 150-200 words about this memorable event for publication in your school magazine.


27th Jan., Delhi 2019. The Republic Day parade in Delhi generally attracts the attention and curiosity of the
whole nation. On this day India became a democratic republic. It had its own Constitution. As usual, about fifty
schools from different parts of India participated in the Republic Day parade on 26th January, 2019. I had the

honor of participating as a contingent leader of our school team in the parade in Delhi. Our contingent marched
past the President of India, Mr. Ramnathkovind , at 9.30 a.m. It was the most glorious moment of my life.
Thousands of people on both the sides of the Raj Path had assembled to watch the colourful parade. The
colourful parade ended with the acrobatics of the IAF planes in the sky. Rigorous training and hard labour were

more than compensated. Michael John higher secondary contingent was adjudged the best participating team.


1. Write a report in about 150-200 words on a One Day Cricket Match played by your school (i.e. alpha
wisdom vidhyashram,trichy) against srirangam boys higher secondary school. (Invent details)
Amethi, 20th December, 2018. The One Day Cricket Match between Alpha Wisdom Vidhyashram and
Srirangam boys higher secondary school, drew a big enthusiastic crowd. Any match between the arch-rivals
has always been a major event in the town. The match was held at Saranathan college of engineering . Students
of both the schools had assembled an hour before the match began. Our Captain Jagan won the toss and was
elected to bat. Our opening was disastrous. We lost three wickets and the scoreboard showed only twenty runs.
A century partnership between Jagan and chavinth helped us to end with a respectable score of 230 runs.

Srirangam boys opened the innings with a bang. Their openers made one hundred ten runs before they lost
their first wicket. After that came their sudden collapse. Our spinners clicked. On a turning wicket their
batsman couldn’t stay at the pitch for a long time. The whole team was sent to the pavilion on a modest total
of 190 runs. We won a convincing victory. We won by forty runs.

4. B / FA / A

1. You are Sahil/Shruti of Government Senior Secondary School,Kanyakumari. Recently you got training
in ‘FIRST AID’ by a local branch of the ‘International FIRST AID Organisation’ as a part of Universal
Health Programme. Eminent doctors from the prestigious hospitals provided practical training to
Class I students. Free ‘FIRST AID KIT was also given to your school. Write a report on the training
received by you in 150-200 words.


Erode, 15th January, 2019. (Kanyakumari) First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is
usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel on a sick or injured person. The training camp was
organised by ‘International First Aid Organisation’ at the school campus proved to be a grand success. I was

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one of the fifty students who received training in first aid. Dr. V.K. Rao headed the training camp. Every member
was provided with a first aid box. First of all, the nurses gave us a comprehensive training in washing, cleaning
and bandaging wounds, cuts or the affected parts. The “ABC of first aid, airway, breathing and circulation are
critical life-saving intervention. It was a very useful training programme.

5. / A

1. You are the School Pupil Leader. You have been asked to write a report on the Inaugural Ceremony of
English Literary Association of your school which was held recently. Write a report on the same in not
more than 120 words.

Inauguration of English Literary Association
- Tamil Selvan
28th August 2019

Government High School, Poondi, organized the inauguration of the English literary association on 27th
August 2019. Prof. Raja presided over the function. Speech, elocution and various other competitions were
held to develop the language proficiency of the children. The Head Master and the teachers guided the

students. The office-bearers were selected for the academic year. The vote of thanks was proposed by Harini,
the secretary of the association.

6. A - A
1. The ‘Environment Club’ of your school organised a cleanliness drive to keep the school campus and the
locality clean. The students cleaned the classrooms, corridors, playground etc. and also organized a
rally to create awareness among the masses about the importance of cleanliness. Write a report to be
published in the school magazine about the drive in about 150-200 words describing the efforts made
by the students to make it a success. You are Anjani/Ankita of Class I, Ajanta Public School, Delhi.

Chennai, 20th May 2014. (Anjani). The ‘Environment Club’ of Naikar Sr. Secondary School, Mount Road,
Chennai, launched ‘Cleanliness Week’ in a unique manner. The campus, classrooms, lawns, the library and the
labs were to be whitewashed, cleaned and dusted. The aim of the ‘Cleanliness Week’ was to create awareness
and understanding among students and masses to maintain personal and the environmental cleanliness. The
Club organised a number of inter-house competitions. Poster-competition aroused the interest of all, including
the guests. The participants made colourful posters on health and hygiene. Inter-house ‘cleanliness

competition’ was the main attraction of the day. Vivekananda House was judged the best House for maintaining
the highest standards of cleanliness. The Principal gave away the prizes to the winners. Rammana was judged
as ‘Mr. Clean’ of the school and Vivekananda House, ‘The Cleanest House’.

2. Recently you attended a seminar on ‘Pollution Control’ arranged by your school. In the seminar the
participants presented papers on ‘How to Control Pollution’, which was followed by a discussion
session. Prepare a brief report in 150-200 words suitable to be published in your school magazine. You
are Pramod/Prita, Head Boy/Head Girl of National Academy,Coimbatore.


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Coimbatore, 20th March, 2019. (Pramod). National Academy, Coimbatore created ripples once again in the
city. The school arranged a seminar in its auditorium. The theme of the seminar was ‘How to Control Pollution’.
The teaching staff and students of class XI and XII had already done a lot of spadework to make the seminar a
grand success. Participants read their respective papers. The seminar was followed by a discussion session.
The participants felt concerned at the growing pollution in the city. The growing number of vehicles were
accepted to be the main cause of pollution. The smoke and toxic gases emitted by chemical industries add to
pollution. Many participants expressed doubts that ‘The Taj Mahal’ would lose its natural shine and beauty in

near future. Even the Yamuna in Agra has been reduced to a dirty drain. In discussion session the participants
suggested various ways and means to control the menace of pollution, and to make Agra a pleasant place to
live in.

3. Your school has celebrated the World Environment Day on 5th June. Write a report in 150-200 words
to be published in your school magazine. You are Laxmi/Laxman of IIth class.


Gandhi Nagar, 10th June, 2018. Sethupathy higher secondary school was in the news again. It celebrated the
World Environment Day on 5th June, 2018. The main function was organised in the school auditorium. A lot
of spadework had been done to make the function a grand success. All the noted educationists and distinguished

environmentalists of the city were invited in the function. Mr.Swaminathan, the noted environmentalist, was
the chief guest. He read a paper on ‘Our Beautiful Planet’. He highlighted the dangers that our environment
faces today. The Principal praised the commendable work done by N.S.S. volunteers of the school. The star
attraction of the day was an exhibition arranged on the theme ‘Keep the Environment Clean’. The chief guest
was impressed by the work done by the volunteers. He acknowledged their efforts and encouraged them to
keep the environment clean. He gave them a cheque of five thousand rupees as an appreciation of their good

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Question No : 46 a Spot the Errors 5 MARK

Introduction :
This question aims to test your knowledge of good and grammatically correct English your English
Sentences become faulty because of the wrong use of :

1) Prepositions. 2) Conjunctions
3) Tense forms 4) Numbers (Singular, Plural)
5) Articles 6) Sentence Pattern

7) Concord (agreement of verb with subject) 8) Using wrong forms of adjectives
9) Nouns 10) Pronouns
நீங ள் ரியான ாக்கிய முழு ையாக எழு ண்டு . றுக டு சு டி டி அதை


ாற்று ாற்றிவிட ல் ாது.



Prepositions (Errors in the use of prepositions)

Incorrect Correct

Hema prefers coffee than tea. - Hema prefers coffee to tea.

Rama is junior than me. - Rama is junior to me.

Vidhya is senior than her friend - Vidhya is senior to her friend.

Despite of his riches, he is unhappy. - Despite his riches, he is unhappy.

Don’t discuss about politics in public - Don’t discuss politics in public.


Conjunctions (Errors in the use of Conjunctions )


Incorrect Correct

- Though his is weak, he works hard

Though he is weak, but he works hard
- He is weak, but he works hard

- He came late, so he missed the bus

As he came late, so he missed the bus
- As he came late, he missed the bus.

You can neither earn or learn. - You can neither earn nor learn.

She has only two, three friends. - She has only two or three friends.

I require one thousand thirty two rupees - I require one thousand and thirty-two rupees.

Tense (Errors in the use of Tenses)

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Incorrect Correct

I am working here since 2000. - I have been working here since 2000.
He is studying in this school for 5 years - He has been studying in this school for 5 years.
- If you had invited me, I would have come
If you invited me, I would have come
- If you invited me, I would come.

If he works hard, he would pass. - If he works hard, he will pass.
He told me I can come. - He told me I could come.

He hoped that he will pass. - He hoped that he would pass.

Singular & Plural (Errors in the use of Singular & Plural)

Incorrect Correct
One of the boy is very tall - One of the boys is very tall.

One of the boys are smart - One of the boys is smart.
The cat drink milk - The cat drinks milk.
The child are playing - The children are playing.
It is a woman’s college - It is a women’s college.

Articles (Errors in the use of Articles)

Incorrect Correct
Our Professor is an European - Our Professor is a European.
He gave me an one-rupee coin - He gave me a one-rupee coin.

The workers started an union - The workers started a union.

Poor should be helped - The poor should be helped.
He drove away all beggars - He drove away all the beggars.

Sentence Pattern (Errors in the use of Sentence Pattern)


Incorrect Correct
In spite of he is hard working he failed - In spite of his hard work he failed

When she received the letter and she become very happy - When she received the letter, she become very happy
No sooner the teacher entered - No sooner than the teacher entered
when the noise stopped - than the noise stopped.
He is called as Mr. Clean - He is called Mr. Glean.

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On saw the father the child smiled - On seeing the father the child smiled.

Concord (Errors in the use of Concord)

Incorrect Correct
What are the latest TV News? - What is the latest TV News?.

He don’t know but 1 do - He does not know but I do.
Neither 1 nor she write the Exam - Neither I nor she writes the exam.

Three and three make six - Three and three makes six.
Balaji as well as Kanaka play the cricket - Balaji as well as Kannan plays the cricket.

Adjectives (Errors in the use of Adjectives)
Incorrect Correct
Have you some sums to do? - Have you any sums to do?
Can I get farther information?
I found one book in the class

Can I get further information?
I found a book in the class.
I have any advice for you - I have some advice for you.
I want few books - I want a few books.

Nouns (Errors in the use of Nouns)

Incorrect Correct

He gave me some advices. - He gave me some advice.


His hairs are block. - His hair is block.

Can you give me any informations? - Can you give me any information?
They are true to their words. - They are true to their word.
Furnitures is now-a-days made of steel - Furniture is now-a-days made of steel

Pronouns (Errors in the use of pronouns)

Incorrect Correct

Avtar and Kripal are fond of one another. - Avtar and Kripal are fond of each other
I insisted on him coming to my place. - I insisted on his coming to my place.
I beg to take your leave. - I beg to take leave of you.
Which is greater - Ashoka or napoleon? - Who is greater - Ashoka or Napoleon?

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I received your’s yesterday. - I received your letter yesterday.

Text Book Exercise

II. Identify the errors in each of the following sentences and rewrite them Correctly. Textbook Page No : 188

1. Either Shyam or Ram have to pay the fine.
Either Shyam or Ram has to pay the fine.
2. Abdul as well as Karim deserve praise.

Abdul as well as Karim deserves praise.
3. Ten thousand rupees a month are an insufficient income.
Ten thousand rupees a month is an insufficient income.

4. Many a student were awarded at the function.
Many a students was awarded at the function.
5. Neither Veena nor her sisters has been informed of the accident.

6. Mithra as well as her daughters enjoy singing.

Mithra as well her daughters enjoys singing.
Neither Veena nor her sisters have been informed of the accident.
7. You, who is my friend, should help me.
You, who are my friend, should help me.
8. My scissors is missing.
My scissors are missing.
9. A variety of pleasing objects charm the eye.
A variety of pleasing objects charms the eye.

10. Sixty miles are a long distance.

Sixty miles is a long distance.

P Ex Q M :

Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them.
1. It will be a waste throwing the food away [March-2020]
It will be a waste to throw the food away

2. Kailash never does any work behind 10 p.m. [March-2020]

Kailash never does any work after10 p.m.
3. Neither Suresh nor Kamalesh are intelligent. [March-2020]
Neither Suresh nor Kamalesh is intelligent.
4. Nithya has taken half day leave. [March-2020]

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Nithya has taken half a day leave.

5. One of my uncle lives in Canada. [March-2020]
One of my uncles lives in Canada.

Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them.
1. No sooner did the actor enter the stage, when the audience shouted in excitement. [Sep-2020]

Ans : No sooner did the actor on the stage than the audience shouted in excitement.
2. Let’s change the curtains today, can we ? [Sep-2020]
Ans : Let’s change the curtains today, shall we?

3. Everyone know that smoking is injurious to health. [Sep-2020]
Ans : Everyone knows that smoking is injurious to health.
4. We have decided to follow an uniform system of appraisal. [Sep-2020]

Ans : We have decided to follow a uniform system of appraisal.
5. The sparrow is one of the most smallest birds I have seen. [Sep-2020]
Ans : The sparrow is one of the smallest birds I have seen.

Correct the errors in the following sentences: A

Model Exercise
Exercise - 01 Answer
a) Children prefer TV games than story books. Children prefer TV games to story books.
b) Kala is tallest girl in the class. Kala is the tallest girl in the class.
c) He told to me a story. He told me a story.
d) Ramu is a honest man. Ramu is an honest man.

e) He gave me an one-rupee note. He gave me a one-rupee note.

Exercise - 02 Answer
a) Though he is rich but he is unhappy. Though he is rich, he is unhappy.
b) One of these cycles is defective One of these cycles is defective.
c) A kind teacher always makes us to learn better A kind teacher always makes us learn better.

d) I have great confidence on you. I have great confidence in you.

e) Though she is weak but she is active. Though she is weak, she is active.

Exercise - 03 Answer
a) Do you know which is world’s tallest building ? Do you know which is the world’s tallest building?
b) My uncle is richest man in the village. My uncle is the richest man in the village.
c) Time and tide waits for no man. Time and tide wait for no man.
d) The dog fell along the river. The dog fell into the river.

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e) She kept the book in the table. She kept the book on the table.

Exercise - 04 Answer
a) A American lives near my house. An American lives near my house.
b) He left this place a hour ago. He left this place an hour ago.
c) Each of the cycles are damaged. Each of the cycles is damaged.

d) The elephant is largest living animal on land. The elephant is the largest living animal on land.
e). None of you know the answer. None of you knows the answer.

Exercise - 05 Answer
a) Neither Senthil nor Sree are available. Neither Senthil nor Sree is available.
b) Though he is ill but he is present. Though he is ill, he is present.

c) I prefer milk than tea. I prefer milk to tea.
d) Stephen drive as rashly as Rafi. Stephen drives as rashly as Rafi.
e) We speak the English. We speak English.


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Question No : 46 b Tenses 1 MARK

Introduction :
Tense form - 1) Present Tense 2) Past Tense 3) Future Tense. Usage and Key words.

Present Past Future
once, yesterday, long ago, tomorrow, day after
Key words

usually, generally, regularly, previous day, the day tomorrow coming / the next
daily, always, now a days, before, last month / week day / week / month /year, the
today, everyday. / day / year during -------- following week, after some
--- period week.

He I I, we-will/shall + go
Usage / format

She goes He
It She You
It went He
I We She will + go

We go You It
You They They
now, at present, by this time, by this time, next month /

when, while, in the past

at this moment week/year, when

I - am + going I I, we - will / shall + be + going

Usage / format

He He was + going
She is+going She You
It It They
He will + be + going
You you She
We are+going We were + going It
They They

by the end of, this week/


just now, yet, already, so far already, yet month / year, by this time,
next year/week/day
Usage / format

You have + gone You I, we - will /shall + have + gone

We (have+past participle) We had+gone You
They They (had+past They
participle) He will + have + gone

He He She
She has+gone She It
It (has+past participle) It
since 1995, an action began in the an action in progress that will
Perfect Continuous

past and continues up to


for the past 10 years that time end in future

He I I, We - will / shall + have
Usage / format

She has+been+going He +been + going

It (verb+ing) She had
It +been You
I They
You have+been+going You +going He will+have+
We (verb+ing) We (verb+ing) She been+going
They They It

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Text Book Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets. Textbook Page No : 11
a) Everyone ____________ when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep) Ans : was sleeping
b) Evangelene ____________ her job a couple of years ago. (quit) Ans : quit

c) Where ____________ your last holidays? (you spend) Ans : did you spend
d) I think Suresh ____________ for Tiruvallur next morning. (leave) Ans : will be leaving or will leave
e) I was angry that I ____________ such a mistake. (make) Ans : had made

f) My mother was tired yesterday because she ____________ well the night before. (not sleep) Ans : did not sleep
g) Her parents ____________ in Coimbatore for two weeks from today. (be) Ans : had been
h) Nothing much ____________ when I got to the meeting. (happen) Ans : happened

i) Scientists predict that by 2050, man ____________ on Mars. (land) Ans : will land or lands
j) Sh! Someone ____________ to our conversation. (listen)! Ans : is listening
k) The plane ____________ off in a few minutes. (take) Ans : will take or takes off

l) They ____________ about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk) Ans : were talking or had talked
m) Justin and his parents ____________ in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap house. (live)
Ans : are living
n) Rajini Prems family ____________ in Chengalpet now. (be) Ans : is
o) Yusuf ____________ to the movies once in a while. (go) Ans : goes
p) This ____________ an easy quiz so far. (be) Ans : has been
q) Our team ____________ any games last year. (not win) Ans : did not win
r) We ____________ a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see) Ans : saw
s) Hurry up! The movie ____________. (already, begin) Ans : had already begun

Use the given verb in suitable form.
1. Water ___________ (boil) at 1000 centigrade. Ans : boils
2. I ___________ (give) them money if I had more. Ans : would give
3. One never knows what the future ___________ (bring). Ans : will bring

4. One thousand Internet connections ________ (give) in Pollachi by the end of next year. Ans : will have been given
5. The children ___________ (burst) into peals of laughter. Ans : burst
6. I ___________ (call) on you if I had known you were ill. Ans : would have called

7. Teach me to fish, I ___________ (live) for a life time. Ans : will live
8. Water ___________ (collect) in the tank. Ans : is collected
9. Usha __________ (buy) a laptop recently. She _________ (use) it at the moment, [March-2020] Ans : Bought, is using
10. My parents ____________ never ____________ (beat) me so far. (use the correct tense form of the verb) [Sep-2020]
Ans : have, beaten

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Question No : 46 c Prepositional Phrase 1 MARK

Introduction :
A preposition is a word used before a noun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in
regard to something else.

Kinds of Prepositions :
1. Simple Prepositions:

by, at, for, from, of, in, off, up, on, out, through, to, till, with.
2. Compound Prepositions:
above, about, across, among, along, amidst, behind, before, beneath, beside, between, inside, beyond, outside,

within, underneath, without.
3. Prepositional phrases :
In spite of, due to, in case of, on the other hand, etc.

Important Points

Phrase Prepositions Meaning

1 according to as stated / expressed by
2 because of/due to/owing to /on account of giving reason for something happened
3 by way of/by means of from the source of (or) with the help of
4 on the other hand /on the contrary opposite to something /contradicting to
5 instead of / in place of as a replacement or alternative
6 in the event of / in case of on a condition for something to happen
7 in order to for a purpose or intention

8 in spite of / despite / notwithstanding without being affected

Example: In the sentences given below, the underlined words can be called as phrases.
1. He argued in favour of his friend.
2. I applied for the post of a clerk in response to the advertisement.
3. This bangle is made of platinum.

4. He beat the boy in a fit of anger.

5. Krishnan at the top will get the scholarship.

Phrase prepositions
1. Rohini has a number of virtues. On the top of everything, is her modesty.
2. Ambanis became millioners by dint of hard work.
3. According to the weather report there will be no rain.
4. Don’t make fun of poor people.

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Text Book Exercise Task-1

Underline the prepositional phrases. The first two examples have been done for you.
a) With reference to your advertisement in a local news paper, I am applying for the post of a salesman.
With reference to your advertisement in a local newspaper, I am applying for the post of a salesman.

b) The assignment will be completed in a few weeks.
Ans: The assignment will be completed in a few weeks.
c) Ravi was appreciated by his teachers.

Ans: Ravi was appreciated by his teachers.
d) We feel sorry for our mistakes.
Ans: We feel sorry for our mistakes.

e) The boy studied well in spite of many obstacles.
Ans: The boy studied well in spite of many obstacles.

f) Our nation is famous for its glorious culture.
Ans: Our nation is famous for its glorious culture.
g) We are proud of our children.
Ans: We are proud of our children.
h) My brother will return home in the evening.
Ans: My brother will return home in the evening.


Fill in the blanks with the suitable phrase prepositions given in brackets.

( in favour of , in case of, according to, on the whole, on account of, on behalf of,
in spite of, instead of)

a) __________________ Kiran, Rajesh may attend a programme. Ans : In stead of

b) Many tourists visited Ooty __________________ heavy rains. Ans : In spite of

c) Expressing gratitude __________________ others is common in vote of thanks. Ans : On behalf of

d) __________________, I had a happy childhood. Ans : On the whole
e) Our teacher always acts __________________ her students. Ans : In favour of

f) __________________ his laziness, the boy remained passive for a long time. Ans : On account of
g) __________________ Gandhiji, ahimsa means infinite love. Ans : According to
h) __________________ rain, take an umbrella. Ans : In case of

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Model Exercise

Fill in the blanks with suitable Phrase prepositions :

1. They continued the match in spite of the rain.

2. I’ve gone through all the shelves in the library, but I can’t find a Thesaurus.

3. The match continued in spite of the rain./ They continued the match in spite of the rain.
4. He continued to bowl in spite of his shoulder injury.

5. She was happy despite her poverty.
6 . In spite of his being rich, he is humble.
7. The people did not leave their village despite the heavy floods.

8. You must not go against the advice of your parents.
9. He came to school in spite of his illness.

10. In spite of the warning he made a mistake.
11. He failed in his examination in spite of/ despite his hard work.
12. Anne was happy in spite of her poverty.
13. In spite of/ despite his illness, he went to school.
14. We reached there in spite of/ despite the rain.
15. Tolerance is a virtue for a woman according to Gandhiji.
16. He wrote the exam in spite of/ despite his illness.
17. They continued their journey in spite of/ despite the earthquake.

18. The manager attended the conference on behalf of the chairman.

19. The Manager congratulated the team members on behalf of the Management, [Sep-2020]

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Question No : 46 d Concord 1 MARK


Concord (subject verb agreement) is the comprehensive of a verb with its subject in person and number. The
basic rule states that a singular subject has a singular verb whereas a plural subject has plural verb.

Always plural
• After people, police, cattle, a number of , a group of

• When subject has two nouns joined by ‘and’
• Few, many, several, both, all, some
• Scissors, tweezers, trousers, shorts, jeans, glasses

Always singular
• After one of, a kind of, a type of

• Units of measurement and mathematical expressions
• When the subject has two singular nouns joined by ‘or’
• Nouns connected with each of, each one, either of, neither of, someone, something, anybody, anything, no
one, nothing, everybody, everything
• Names of subjects such as mathematics, politics, civics, economics, physics, statistics, etc

Text Book Exercise


I. Choose the correct option and complete the sentences. Textbook Page No : 187

1. Manoj ______________ (was, were) present along with his parents. Ans : was
2. Each of these boys ______________ (has, have) passed. Ans : has
3. Neither Lekha nor Leela ______________ (has, have) been selected. Ans : has
4. Every man, woman and child ______________ (was, were) happy. Ans : was
5. One of the machines ______________ (is, are) defective. Ans : is

6. A number of books ______________ (is, are) missing. Ans : are?

7. Seker or his brothers ______________ (has, have) done it. Ans : have
8. To make a promise and then not to keep it ______________ (is, are) dishonesty. Ans : are?

9. One or the other of those men ______________ (has, have) lodged a complaint. Ans : has
10. Each leaf and each flower ______________ (was, were) stripped off the tree Ans : was


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12th English EASY CENTUM

1. Fill in the blanks with correct verb from the following sentences:
1. The girl and her sisters ………………(watch /watches)television every day. Ans : watch
2. Ravi ……………….(don’t /doesn’t )like sports. Ans : doesn’t
3. My classmates …………..(study / studies)before a test. Ans : studies
4. One of the cookies ………..(is / are) missing. Ans : is

5. A lady with ten cats ……………(live / lives) in that big house. Ans : lives
6. Measles ………………….(is / are) very serious. Ans : is
7. The committee …………………..(decides / decide) when to adjourn. Ans : decides

8. Our team …………………(is / are)the best. Ans : is
9. Everybody …………………..(enjoy / enjoys) a good song. Ans : enjoys
10. Either of these ……………(is / are) suitable. Ans : is

11. The quality of the mangoes …….(is / are) not good. Ans : is
12. Ram and Shyam …………(work / works)hard. Ans : works
13. His knowledge of Indian vernaculars ……(is /are) beyond the common. Ans : is

A Further exercise refer our practice book


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Question No : 47 a Developing Hints into a Story 5 MARK

Example : 1
King Midas - very rich but greedy - wants more and more gold - One day sitting in room -counting gold coins

- a fairy appears - says she will grant him a boon - Midas asks - the golden touch -boon granted - Midas touches
many things - turn to gold - very happy - gets hungry-tries to eat bread, meat, fruit - all become gold at his touch
- Midas starving - prays to fairy - take back boon of golden touch.

1. டு ட குறிப்பு ஒவ யு பய டுத்தி ஓ முழு ாக்கிய றவு . இ ை Key Sentences என டு .


2. டு ட து ஒ கதை அ து க கால நிகழ்ச்சியாக இருப்பின் வி ள் Present Tense-ல்

Past Tenseக்கு ா வு .

3. க டுகளில் Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Article, Preposition, Conjunction க ச் ர சிறு சிறு
ார க நிரப்பு ன் மூலமு சில முக்கிய ாக்கியங ப் றலா .


I) King Midas-very rich, but greedy.
முழு ாக்கிய :- King Midas was very rich but greedy,


II) wants more and more gold,
முழு ாக்கிய :- He wanted more and more gold,

‘wants எ Present Tense Verb ‘wanted’ என்று Past Penseக்கு ா டு து.

4. சில இ ங ளில் ‘Continuous Tense’ பய டு ண்டியிருக்கு .

Ex. One day sitting in roomrcounting gold Coins.
முழு ாக்கிய :- One day he was sitting in his room and ounting his gold coins.

நா புகுத்திய ச ள் க டி டுக் காட டு ன.
5. Key Sentence-ஐ அ ை வு ன் ை ட ல் ஒரிரு பு படுத்து ாக்கியங ர வு .




Connecting Sentences.
6. ப்பு எழுதி, மு யில் யாரி ட 3 அ து 4 பத்திகளாக எழு வு .


Full Story (Answer) The Golden Touch or Greed Punished
King Midas was very rich but very greedy. He wanted more and more gold. One day he was sitting in his room
and counting gold coins. At that time a fairy appeared. She said she would grant him a boon. Midas said that
anything he touched should change into gold. He asked for the golden touch. The boon was granted by the fairy.

Midas touched many things. They all turned to gold. He was very happy. Then he got hungry. He tried to eat
bread, meat, fruit and drink water, But they all became gold at his touch. So Midas was starving.
He prayed to the fairy to take back the boon of golden touch for he could not eat anything.

1. டு ட குறிப்புக (Hints) அவ ைத்துக் ண்டு முன்னு யில் குறிப்பிட ழிமு டி


எவ று முழு தை யாராகியு து எ தை கூ ந்து க னி வு .


2. ை ட இ ங ளில் செய ட ா ங உங ளுக்கு சு டி டு க க ைசி Paraல் டு



சில ச ள் அடி க டி டுக் காட டு ன. அ ற்றி ன hints உ ன் ஒப்பு க்குக.



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for he could not eat anything பு கருத்து (connecting idea)

Example: 2
Paper - widely used as writing material - an essential article - some 2000 years ago Egyptians used leaves of
papyrus tree - name paper derived from this word ‘papyrus’- paper made from wood pulp - soft wood cut into
pieces - crushed with some chemicals and acids by machines - get a pasty thing called pulp - another machine
shapes pulp into sheets - sheets dried by a process.

Answer: History of Paper or How Paper is made

Paper is widely used as writing material. It is an essential article now-a-days. Some 2000 years ago, Egyptians

used the leaves of a tree called papyrus for writing. The name paper is derived from the word ‘papyrus’. Paper
is made from wood pulp. Soft wood is cut into tiny pieces. These pieces are crushed with some chemicals and
acids by machines. We get a pasty thing called pulp. This pulp is fed into a machine. It shapes the pulp into

sheets. These sheets are dried by another process. Thus we get our sheets of paper.
Note :
1. எவ று Hintsஐ பிரிக்கு க டுகள் blank க டுகள் ல் கரு டு ஒரு முழு ாக்கிய உரு ா டுகிறது



எ தை க னி வு .

Eg. Paper - widely used as writing material.
Full Sentence: - Paper is widely used as writing material.
2. சில வி ல் உரு ங ள் முழு ையா டுகி ன.


Eg. Paper made from wooden pulp.
Full Sentence : Paper is made from wooden pulp.
‘made’ is written in full form ‘is made’.

3. க டு யின் க டு க ப்பி க ஒரிரு புது ாக்கியங ள் ர டு .




Eg. க டு முடிக்கு யில் உரு ா ட ாக்கிய ‘‘Thus we get our sheets of paper”.


Model Exercise

Exercise - 1
An old man had five sons - always quarrelling - father to teach them a lesson - put a bundle of sticks before
them - asked them to break it - they could not - the father untied the bundle - each stick easily broken - now the

father taught them - “If united, you will be strong”.

Answer : The old man and his sons


There was an old man who had five sons. They were always quarrelling with one another. The father wanted to
teach them a lesson. He put a bundle of sticks before them. He asked them to break it. They tried, but could not.
The father-untied the bundle. He took a stick and broke it easily. His sons followed his example. Thus each one of
the sticks was easily broken. The father taught them the lesson. ‘If you are united, you will be strong.

Exercise - 2
Mary - a little girl - left alone in her house - her mother - gone to post a letter - the girl tired of playing - walked

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about the house - looking for something to eat - a bottle full of something like green sweets - pills for sick people
- ate many of them - stomach upset - suffered from great pain - mother returned - found Mary ill.

Answer: Mischievous Mary

Mary was a little girl. She was left alone in her house. Her mother had gone out to post a letter. The girl was
tired of playing. She walked about the house looking for something to eat. There was a bottle full of something,
like green sweets. They were really pills for sick people. But she ate many of them. So her stomach was upset. She

suffered from great pain. Soon her mother returned. She found Mary very ill. She took her to a doctor.

Exercise - 3
Once a donkey walking through forest - saw a wolf coming - very frightened - but clever - thought of a trick to

save himself - began to limp badly - the wolf said - “Why do you limp?”- the donkey replied - “have got a big thorn
in my hind foot - please pull it out” - the foolish wolf came near the donkey’s leg - the donkey kicked the wolf in
the mouth - escaped.

Answer: The Donkey and the Wolf (The Clever Donkey)
Once a donkey was walking through a forest. He saw a wolf coming towards him. He was very frightened. But he
was clever. He thought of a trick to save himself. He began to limp badly. The wolf asked him why he was limping.

The donkey replied that he had got a big thorn in his hind foot. He asked the wolf to pull it out. The foolish wolf came
near the donkey’s hind leg. He wanted to kill and eat it. At once the donkey kicked the wolf in the mouth and escaped.

Exercise - 4
Every morning - an elephant - passed the shop of a tailor - the tailor gave a banana - one day gave nothing -
pricked elephant’s trunk with needle - animal very angry - went to the river - drew up a lot of muddy water in the
trunk -quickly walked back - threw the muddy water on the tailor’s clothes - the clothes soiled.

Answer : The Elephant and the Tailor

Every morning a mahout took his elephant for bathing in a river. On the way it passed the shop of a tailor. The
tailor gave it a banana daily. The elephant was happy. But one day the tailor gave it nothing. He pricked its trunk

with a needle. The animal got very angry. It wanted to teach a lesson to the tailor. It went to the river and drew up
a lot of muddy water into its trunk. Then it quickly walked back. It came to the tailor’s shop and threw the muddy
water on the tailor’s clothes. All the clothes were soiled.

Exercise - 5
A king - found his subjects lazy - king wanted to teach a lesson - brought a huge rock - put it in the middle of
the road - left a purse of gold under it - people went round - did not remove the rock - the king came - his men

removed rock - took the gold - people ashamed of laziness - learn to be active.

Answer: The King and his lazy subjects

Once there ruled a king. He found his subjects lazy. He wanted to-teach them a lesson. On his orders his men

brought a huge rock and put it in the middle of the road. Then the king himself secretly left a purse of gold coins
under it. Many people passed that way. But they only went round the rock. They did not remove it . At last the king
came to that spot. His men removed the rock. They found the purse under it. They took the gold gladly. People
were ashamed of their laziness and learnt to be active.

Exercise - 6
Bruce - King of Scotland - enemies took his country - the king fought with them six times - was defeated - was

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very sad - hid himself in a cave - saw a spider - it tried to throw its thread from one side of the cave to the other -
failed six times -tried again - now succeeded - the king learnt a lesson - fought with his enemies again - won the
battle this time.

Answer : King Bruce and the spider

Bruce was the King of Scotland. Once his enemies took his country. To get back his country he fought with
them six times. But each time he was defeated. He was very sad. He hid himself in a cave. There he saw a spider.

It tried to throw its thread from one side of the cave to the other. But each time it failed. Thus, it failed six times.
But it did not give up its efforts. For the Seventh time it tried again. Now it succeeded. The king was watching this.
He learnt a lesson. He gathered an army and fought with his enemies. He won the battle this time.

Exercise - 7 [March-2020]
Once a bee - fell into a pond - pigeon flew past - dropped a leaf - bee climbed on leaf - escaped - a hunter -
aimed at pigeon - the bee stung - lost his aim - pigeon escaped.

Answer : A Bee And A Pigeon
Once upon a time a bee was looking for food. Unfortunately it fell into a pond. As his wings got wet, he was not
able to fly and come out of the pond. A pigeon that was flying past saw it. The pigeon wanted to help it. So she

plucked and dropped a large leaf in the pond. The bee climbed on the leaf and escaped. Few days later, the bee
saw a hunter with a gun aimed at the pigeon. The bee tried to alert the pigeon. But the pigeon was out of reach.
Immediately the bee moved towards the hunter and stung him so hardly. That made the hunter lose his aim. On
seeing it, the pigeon become alert and flew away, thanking the bee. Finally the pigeon escaped from the hunter.
Exercise - 8 [Sep-2020]
An unhappy King - subjects very lazy - wants to teach - lesson - places a big stone - middle of a busy road -
people pass - no one removes stone - stays there - one whole week - curse the King and Government - King orders
soldiers - roll the stone aside - front of public - people find box - full of gold coins - a note reads -”gift to the
one who removes stone” - people hang heads down - feel ashamed -King blames people - laziness and sense of

Answer : Don’t be lazy

Once there lived a king. He was unhappy because his subjects were very lazy. He wanted to teach them a
lesson. One day he placed a big stone in the middle of a busy road. All the people passed through that way but
none removed the stone. The stone remained there for a week. All cursed the king and the Government. The king
ordered his soldiers to remove the stone. They rolled the stone aside in front of the public. After the stone being
removed, people found a box full of gold coins. There is also note which read “gift to the one who removes stone”.

All the people hung their heads down. They felt ashamed. The king blamed people for their laziness and sense of

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Question No : 47 b Prose Comprehension 5 MARK

Introduction: A comprehension is an exercise to test the understanding and writing skill of the students.
Unseen passages will be given. Students have to answer the Questions given.

1. Read the following passage and answer in your own words the Questions given below:

Exercise: 1

I have always been attracted by people of unusual habits. By this, I do not imply hippies and
drop–outs or anyone of that band of unhappy people for whom modern society is too sick and uncivilized to bear.
No, I mean those quiet, orderly people, living apparently blameless lives, who enrich their humdrum existence
by adopting odd quirks and passions, unlikely routines or harmless manias for useless objects. Like the secretary

I had, who collected earwigs, though what she did with them I never knew. I believe that she loved them because
they were small and thin like herself and had a way of scuttling about in very much the same way she did. Life, I
am sure, would be very much poorer without such people in it. Sometimes, I feel I am lacking in personality, since
I have none of these strange habits, unless you count the fact that I never eat eggs unless they are boiled in milk.
1. What attracted the author?
People of unusual habits attracted the author.
2. According to the author, who are the people who have unusualhabits?
According to the author, quiet and orderly people, living apparently blameless lives, are the people who
have unusual habits.
3. What did the author’s secretary collect?
The autor’s secretary collected earwigs.
4. Why did she love them, according to the author?

According to the author, she loved them because they were small and thin like her.
5. Do you think that the author has any strange habit? If so, what is it?
Yes, the author has a strange habit. It is eating eggs boiled in milk.

Exercise: 2
A lot of things are going to happen in the next fifty years as the population of the world increases rapidly. It

is enormously important to increase the yield of grain plants. A great deal has happened through the work of
the geneticists who are specialists in genetics in the last five years. For instance, there has been an enormous
worldwide increase in the production of what Americans call corn (maize to us), due to the development of new
strains. Throughout agriculture geneticists are improving plants to get higher yields.

1. Why is it important to increase the yeild of grain plants?
It is important to increases the yield of grain plants because in the next fifty years the population of the
world will increase rapidly.
2. Who could increase the yield of grain plants?
The geneticists could increase the yield of grain plants.

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3. Who are geneticists?

Geneticists are specialists in genetics.
4. Why is there an enormous increase in the production of corn?
There is an enormous increase in the production of corn due to the development of new strains.
5 What is meant by new strains? / What are the agriculture geneticists improving?
New strains means new variety of seeds. / The agriculture geneticists are improving plants to get higher

Exercise: 3
Cagou, the national emblem of New Caledonia, is an entertaining bird. Though it cannot fly, its strong legs

enable it to run quickly. And when it feels threatened it squats and spreads its wings into a fan shape over its
head. It sports a spiky hairstyle similar to those of rock stars.

1. Which country uses Cagou as the National Emblem?
New Caledonia uses Cagou as the national emblem.
2. How is it different from other birds?

Cagou cannot fly like other birds.
3. How do the legs help the bird?
Its strong legs enable it to run quickly.
4. State how the bird defends itself.
It squats and spreads its wings into a fan shape head.
5. What is the similarity between the bird and the rock stars?
It sports a spiky hairstyle similar to those of rock stars.

Exercise: 4

Most penguins build their nests on the ground. They carry pebbles and plants from the beach and use them

to build their nests. Often they steal pebbles from each other if they get the chance. Penguins usually lay two
eggs and both parents crouch over the eggs to keep them warm. Emperor penguins lay their eggs in the middle of
winter. This is so that the chicks will arrive early in the spring. An Emperor penguin lays only one egg. A father
penguin takes this in front of his body and rests it on his feet. The chick sits against his warm body until it is old
enough to stand the cold. Even so, many chicks die of cold before the spring comes. Penguins are good parents;
while one is looking after the chicks, the other brings food. It brings back fish and other small animals and when
it has chewed them a little, the chick pushes its head into the parent’s mouth to reach for the food. Later when
the chicks are older, all the parents come out to feed together. All the chicks stay together in one place where they

keep themselves warm and safe from other animals. Big birds will attack small penguins, but they do not often
attack them if they are in groups. United, they are strong.

1. Where do penguins build their nests?

Penguins build their nests on the ground.
2. How do penguins perform their parental duty?
Penguins are good parents while one is looking after the chicks, the other brings food. Both the parents
crouch over the eggs to keep them warm.
3. What is the difference between Penguins and Emperor penguins in laying eggs?

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Penguins usually lay two eggs while an Emperor Penguin lays only one egg.
4. How are the penguin chicks fed?
Penguin brings back fish and other small animals and when it has chewed them a little, the chick pushes
its head into the parent’s mouth to reach for the food.
5. By whom are the small penguins attacked?
The small penguins are attacked by big birds.

Exercise: 5
Charles Dickens is one of the most famous of all English writers. He was born on February 7, 1812, in a shabby
little house in Port sea, on the South Coast of England. His father was an underpaid civilian clerk in the Navy,

and the family was always poor, always in debt. Charles was taken out of school when he was 11 since there was
no money to pay the fees. When his father went to prison for not repaying debts, the 12 year old boy had to work
in a factory. Working 12 hours a day, Charles Dickens earned a pound a week. The miseries and hardships of his

childhood are described in his novel David Copper field, whose early chapters are largely his own story.
1. When was Charles Dickens born?
Charles Dickens was born on February 7,1812.
2. Why did he discontinue his studies?

He discontinue his studies since there was no money to pay the fees.
3. How old was Dickens when he went to work in a factory?
Dickens was 12 when he went to work in a factory.
4. How much did he earn a week?
Charles Dickens earned a pound a week.
5. Which novel the reflection of Dickens’ childhood?

David Copper field is a reflection of Dickens’ Childhood.


Exercise: 6 [March-2020]
“The Little Tramp”, the unforgettable character Charlie Chaplin invented, was born purely by accident in
1915. While rushing to a film shoot in California, he grabbed clothes what other people had left behind in the
changing room. And when he emerged, he found, he had created a personality everybody loved a little guy in
a bowler hat, a close-fitting jacket, a cane, a pair of outsized shoes and a brush-like, moustache.
Before long, Chaplin found himself a star. That puzzled him, for he saw himself essentially as a shy British
Music Hall Comedian. The U.S., acknowledged him as its king of silent film comedy. Soon, so did crowds all

over the world.

But life wasn’t always a laugh for Charles Spencer Chaplin. Both his parents were Music Hall artists, who
separated when Charlie was very young. His childhood was very sad, for his mother never earned enough to

look after her children. Sometimes, Chaplin had to sleep on the streets.
Charlie took his first bow on the stage, when his mother made her last appearance. It happened when her voice
broke during a song. Her son stepped on stage and sang a popular song. That’s when a star was born.
Questions :
(a) Which unforgettable character did Charlie Chaplin invent ?
Charlie Chaplin invented “The Little Tramp”, the unforgettable character

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(b) Describe the personality created by Charlie, whom everybody loved.

Charlie had created a personality everybody loved a little guy in a bowler hat, a close-fitting jacket, a
cane, a pair of outsized shoes and a brush-like, moustache.
(c) What did Charlie see himself as ?
Charlie saw himself essentially as a shy British Music Hall Comedian.
(d) Give one reason to show that Charlie’s early life was very sad.

His childhood was very sad, for his mother never earned enough to look after her children. Sometimes,
Chaplin had to sleep on the streets.
(e) Find the word in the passage that is opposite in meaning to

(i) “bold” and (ii) “tragedy”

(i) Shy (ii) Comedy

Question No : 47 c Poem Comprehension 5 MARK

Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:

Exercise 1:
Power of kindness is great and grand,
Makes dumb speak and deaf hear,
And the blind see things quite clear,
Through the rays of the light of heart.
If kindness lives in words alone.
Seldom will it serve at all,
Turn they should as deeds of love,
To find a place in the hearts of war.

World has shrunk from what ‘t was,

For war to meet across the globe,
Is not a kindness a golden girdle,
To bring all mankind into the fold?
Questions & Answer:
a) Where does the light of kindness come from?

The light of kindness comes from the heart.

b) When will kindness be rendered useless?
When kindness lives in words alone it will be rendered useless.

c) How can one find a place in other’s heart?

One can find a place in other’s heart through kindness.
d) Why is kindness called a golden girdle?
Since the world has shrunken for war kindness is called a golden girdle.
e) Give a suitable title to the poem.

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Exercise 2:
A plump little girl and a thin little bird
Were out in the meadows together.
How cold that poor little bird must be
Without any clothes like mine, said she,

Although it is sunshiny weather
A nice little girl is that, said he,
But, oh how cold she must be, for see !

She hasn’t a single feather!
So each shivered to think of the other poor thing,
Although it was sunshiny weather.

Questions & Answer:
a. Who were out in the meadow?
A plump little girl and a thin little bird went out in the meadow.

b. What were the girl’s feelings about the bird?
The little girl’s feeling about the bird was one of pity.
c. Did the bird really feel as cold as the girl thought he did?
No. The bird did not really feel as cold as the girl thought he did.
d. How did the bird feel about the girl?
The bird thought that the girl should feel very cold without a single feather.
e. Was she as cold as the bird imagined?
No. She was not as cold as the bird imagined.

Exercise 3:

Boy, in a faded blue pull over,

Poor boy, thin smiling boy,
Ran down the door shouting,
Singing, flinging his arm wide,
I stood in the way and stopped him.
“What’s up?” I said. “Why are you happy?”

He showed me the shining five rupee.

“I found it on the road,” he said.
And he held it to the light,
That he might see it shining bright.

“And how will you spend it,

Small boy in a blue pull over?”
“I’ll buy - I’ll buy -
I’ll buy a buckle for my belt:
“ Slim boy, smart boy,
Would buy a buckle for his belt

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Coin clutched in his hot hand,

He ran off laughing, bright.
The coin I’d lost an hour ago:
But better his that might. - Ruskin Bond
Questions & Answer:
a. Why was the boy happy?

The boy was happy because he found a five rupee note on the road.
b. How did he plan to spend it?
He wanted to buy a buckle for his belt.

c. How does the author identify the boy?
The author identifies the boy as slim and-smart and a boy in a faded blue pull over.
d. Whom did the coin belong to?

The coin belonged to Ruskin Bond (the poet).
e. What are the adjectives used by the poet to describe the boy?

The adjectives are - blue, thin, poor, smart and slim.

Exercise 4:
Lies beauty in doing duty
Right in time indeed !
The best of prayers ever it’s
For you and I and all
It eases head and pleases heart
And keeps off restless life on earth.

Earn it will a place in heaven


When time comes, life beyond

Less of duty or devoid of it
Is just to kill our conscience alone
Where is right for as to claim
If duty is not discharged at all?
Questions & Answer:

a. Where does our beauty lie?

Our beauty lies in doing our duty at right time.
b. How does doing duty help us all?

Doing duty helps us to relax, gives joy to us and keeps off worries from our life and earns a place in heaven.
c. What does doing duty keep off?
Doing duty keeps off our worries and restlessness.
d. What are the ills of not doing one’s duty?
Not doing our duty kills our conscience and makes us lead a restless life.

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e. What can’t be claimed, if we don’t do our duty?

We have no right to claim for heaven if we don’t do our duty.

Exercise 5:
I wanted to be Shakespeare,
But was poor at writing plays,
I wanted to be Jane Austen,

But didn’t know to spin stories
I wanted to be Ramanujam
But Maths gave me a headache,

I wanted to be Columbus,
But did not like to travel
I wanted to be Tennyson,

But didn’t know to write poetry,
I wanted to be Archimedes,
But was weak in Physics.
I wanted to be Gandhiji,
But didn’t have the patience
I wanted to be Bismarck,
But I felt I was too weak
I finally wanted to be myself
and I’m so good at it.
Questions & Answer:
a. Why could not the author become a Shakespeare?
The author could not become a Shakespeare because he was poor at writing plays.

b. Did the writer know to write stories? What did he want to become?

No the writer did not know to write stories. He wanted to become Jane Austen.
c. What should one have to become like Gandhi?
One should have patience to become like Gandhi.
d. What is the greatness of Bismarck?
Bismarck was strong and that was his greatness.
e. When can a person become good?

When a person is not imitating others and if one has originality and wanted to be himself he becomes

Exercise 6: [Sep-2020]

Gods are happy in their heaven,

When women are honoured upon the earth,
Not it is a favour for them,
But to respect their merit alone.

Their hopes do live in dreams at night,

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To make them true in broad day-light,

They don’t have any sign in sight,
This is in fact their miserable plight.

Women are holy by their birth,

Sacred are their ways of life,
In pious ways they spare their time,

Serving God through serving all.

If women are fearless, frank and free,

And lead a simple and humble life,
And treated with a sense of love,
This world will turn a heaven indeed !

Questions & Answer:
a. When, according to the poet, do Gods in heaven feel happy ?
According to the poet, Gods are happy in heaven when women are honoured upon the earth.

b. What is considered as the miserable plight of women ?
Unfulfilled hopes / aims/ targets /dreams / ambitions are considered as the miserable plight of women.
c. Why does the poet call the life of women sacred ?
The poet calls the life of women sacred for women’s living / their way of life.
d. How can this world be transformed into a heaven ?
If women are fearless / frank and free / leading a simple and humble life / treated with a sense of love, this
world can be transformed into heaven.
e. Suggest a suitable title to the poem.
God and Women

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Question No : 47 d Construction of Dialogues 5 MARK

Text Book Exercise

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons in a narrative style. It is widely used to communicate

ideas. It requires at least a listener and a speaker. Asking a question and offering a reply is common in dialogue.
We usually start the dialogue with a greeting, and complete it with a proper ending. A dialogue may be formal or
informal. Informal dialogue is used in personal (non-official) contexts. A dialogue between friends or members of

family is an example of informal dialogue. Formal dialogue is common in official contexts. A dialogue between a
student and a teacher is an example of formal dialogue.

Here is a conversation between a student who wishes to open an account and a bank clerk. Textbook Page No : 74

Student : Good morning, madam.
Bank Clerk : Good morning, what can I do for you?
Student : I would like to open an account in your bank.

Bank Clerk : Are you a student of a school or a college?
Student : I am a student of Govt. Hr.- Sec. School, Asoka puram.
Bank Clerk : Why do you want to open an account?
Student : My class teacher advised me to open an account to receive the monetary benefits from
government schemes.

Bank Clerk : Here is an application form to open an account in our bank. Fill it up with all necessary

Student : Should I enclose any document with the form?
Bank Clerk : Yes. You should enclose a valid identity proof and an address proof that are approved by
the government.

Student : Madam, can I submit the form and documents tomorrow?
Bank Clerk : Okay. You need to make an initial deposit of Rs. 500/- to open an account.’
Student : Sure Madam, Thank you.
Bank Clerk : You are welcome.
a) Pair work: Practise the dialogue with another student. Then write a similar dialogue between a student
and the class teacher regarding an educational trip.

Class teacher : Sundar, I am planning to take our class students on an educational trip.
Student : Oh! Wonderful! Where madam?
Class teacher : That’s what I am thinking about. Do you have any suggestion?

Student : I have one or two places in my mind. It depends on the duration of the trip.
Class teacher : Maximum we can spend two days. I got permission from the principal only for tw days.
Student : I think we can go to Madurai and Kodaikanal.
Class teacher : Why these two places?
Student : Madam, in Madurai we can see many historical places including the famous Meenaks Amman
Temple. The next day we can go to Kodaikanal and get lot of informatio about garden.

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Class teacher : Where can we stay?

Student : Surely in Kodaikanal.
Class teacher : Then I will inform other students. Let us wait and see how they receive this idea,
b) Build a conversation for the following situations with a minimum of five exchanges.
1. A passenger and a railway staff regarding the cancellation of the reserved tickets.
Passenger : Sir, what should I do to cancel my reserved tickets?

Railway staff : When do you want to travel? Where?
Passenger : Tomorrow to Chennai.
Railway staff : You will lose 30% of the fare.

Passenger : Ok sir, how to cancel that?
Railway staff : Did you book online or did you get the ticket from the counter
Passenger : I got it from the counter.

Railway staff : Then ok. Fill the form and give it to me.
Passenger : Is this the form I should fill in?
Railway staff : Yes, fill it and give it to me.

2.Two friends about the NSS camp which they are going to attend.
Sukanya : Yes, fill it and give it to me.
Ramya : Yesterday only I got permission from my father,
Sukanya : I too had some problem to get permission but somehow, I got it.
Ramya : As it is a 10-day programme, our mother was a little anxious.
Sukanya : Ok. Let us talk about our preparation.
Ramya : First day we are working near the temple It will be very interesting.
Sukanya : Third day I will be in charge of food.

Ramya : I will also join you.


Sukanya : Thank you. It will be very interesting.

Ramya : I have to complete my packing. See you tomorrow.
3. A salesman and a customer at an electronic shop.
Salesman : Yes sir, what can I do for you?
Customer : The CD player in my lap has some problem.
Salesman : Do you have your lap with you now?

Customer : Yes, I have. Here it is.

Salesman : Let me check it. We can’t use it.
Customer : Do you have new one?

Salesman : Yes, I have

Customer : Shall I see that
Salesman : Do you want to keep it inside or do you want one to fix outside?
Customer : I want to have it inside.
Salesman : You can select it.

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4. A father and his daughter about the advantages of the habit of reading newspaper.
Father : My dear, get today’s news paper from the portico.
Daughter : Why does your day start with the newspaper?
Father : Yes dear, this is a way to know what is happening around us.
Daughter : TV news can also give it to us.
Father : Newspaper will give the news and the views of many people like activists, scientists and

the reporters.

Daughter : Does it make any difference dad?
Father : Yes of course. Editor’s column gives the view of that newspaper. Many columnists write

articles on economy, education, science and so on.

Daughter : Oh, it is very informative to talk to you.
Father : If you are interested to read the newspaper there are items for your age group.

Daughter : Surely I will read them father.

TextBook Grammar Exercise

Unit - 1
UNIT-1 Tenses
Correct the errors in the underlined words. A
Taking a career aptitude test. There is dozens of career aptitude tests online that asks a series of questions.
These is formulated to find out what kind of work would suits you the best. These tests analyzes your
strengths, weaknesses, interests, and personality to help you narrow down your career choice. You can also
does an Internet search for “career aptitude tests” and takes several stops so you can compare the results.

Once you have an idea of what field you want to work in, consider all the options within that field. For

instance, if you would wants to work in healthcare, you could be a nurse or a doctor, you can also considers
paramedical careers in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and micro-biology.
Taking a career aptitude test.
There are dozens of career aptitude tests online that ask a series of questions. These are formulated to find

out what kind of work would suit you the best. These tests analyze your strengths, weaknesses, interests,
and personality to help you narrow down your career choice. You can also do an Internet search for “career
aptitude tests” and take several so you can compare the results. Once you have an idea of what field you

want to work in, consider all the options within that field. For instance, if you want to work in healthcare,
you could be a nurse or a doctor, you can also consider paramedical careers in physiotherapy, occupational
therapy and micro-biology.

UNIT-1 Modal Auxiliaries

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Complete the following news item choosing the best phrases given below:

can’t be can’t have could take may get may not have

might be must be may be may not be ought not

As a result of the flooding, as many as 5,000 families (a) might be homeless, although the figure is only

an estimate. ‘The emergency services are working hard, but I’m sure they (b) can’t have more than 20
helicopters for rescue operation. It (c) could take days to reach everyone and take them to safety,’ said an
aid worker in the area. ‘Conditions for those families still waiting to be rescued (d) must be dreadful. There

(e) can’t be any clean water to drink. Worryingly, more rain is forecast, so the floods (f) may be worse in
the next few days. The emergency services (g) may not have time to reach everyone before the waters rise

UNIT-1 Reported Speech
Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

a) The pilot said to the passengers, “The plane will land in Delhi at 9 p.m.”
The pilot told the passengers that the plane would land in Delhi at 9 p.m.
b) The Principal said, “Young students must think about the ways to control the use of plastic band in
the school campus.”
The Principal said that young students must think about the ways to control the use of plastic band in the
school campus.

c) Gowtham said to me, “I was very ill last week, but I am better now.”

Gowtham told me that he had been ill last week, but he was better then.

d) Priya said, “I want to give my sister a present.”

Priya said that she wanted to give her sister a present.

e) Madhu said to me, “I am so happy you have completed your project.”

Madhu told me that he was happy I had completed my project.

f) The manager said, “I will speak to you on Friday.”


The manager said that he would speak to me on Friday.

g) Mani said to his coach, “I shall improve, if you guide me.”


Mani told his coach that he would improve if he guided him.

h) My mother said to me, “You can go swimming tomorrow.”

My mother told me that I could go swimming the next day.

i) Sandeep said to John, “Would you like to watch a movie with me?”

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Sandeep asked John whether he would like to watch a movie with him.

j) Geetha asked Angel, “Will you help me to pack my bag?”

Geetha asked Angel whether she would help her to pack her bag.

k) The librarian said to the students, “You are not allowed to scribble anything on the library books.”
The librarian told the students that they were not allowed to scribble anything on the library books.

1) The motorist said to me, “Can you direct me to the post office?”
The motorist asked me whether I could direct him to the post office.

m) Umar said to his mother, “Could you make me a cup of coffee?”
Umar asked his mother whether she could make her a cup of coffee,

n) The little boy said to me, “Alas! My dog is dead.”

The little boy exclaimed sorrowfully that his dog was dead.

o) Grandmother said to her grandson, “May God bless you.”

Grandmother prayed that God might bless her grandson.

Unit - 2
UNIT-2 Preposition

Edit the following passage by circling the incorrect prepositions and writing the correct preposition against each line.

Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest between the sea creatures. 1. among

There have been several stories of dolphins helping drowning sailors. 2. about

The more we learn on dolphins, the more we realise how 3. about

amazing they are. They care off the sick, protect the weakest 4. for

at danger. They communicate very well with each other. 5. in

UNIT-2 Conjunctions

Text Book Exercise


A conjunction is a word that joins together words, phrases, clauses or sentences. There are two
types of conjunctions, namely coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions are used in compound sentences. They help in joining sentences and

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independent clauses of equal rank.

Cumulative conjunctions and, also, as well as

Choice conjunctions or, or else, otherwise

Contrast conjunctions yet, but, still, nevertheless, whereas, while

Consequence conjunctions so, and so, therefore, consequently, for


Subordinating conjunctions are words that join two clauses, one being sub-ordinate to the other. They
are used in the joining of complex sentences.

Subordinating conjunctions express:

time before, after, when while, till

place where, wherever, whether, whither


Aas, as if, as though

as, than
cause / reason because, since, for

result / consequence that / so that

purpose so ... that / in order ... that

condition / concession if, unless, provided, even if

contrast though, even though, although

Words used to join sentences and are always used in pairs are called correlative conjunctions.
both.....and, either.....or, neither.....nor, whether.....or, not only.....but also,, such...that,
scarcely...when, no sooner...than,,,, so...that, rather than.


Connectives are words that join or link ideas, in a sentence. They can also be used to connect ideas
together in separate sentences and to link ideas between the paragraphs.
Connectives help in facilitating the flow of language in construction of proper structures while writing

or speaking. They help to connect ideas so as to smoothly link one point or a paragraph to the next to make
our writing or speaking more powerful.

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Adding connectives Sequencing connectives

Conditional connectives
as well as, moreover, too, first, second, third, after,
also, besides, furthermore, in eventually, finally, meanwhile, if, unless
addition etc. now, subsequently, next etc.

Comparing connectives Contrast in connectives
Cause & effect connectives
similarly, likewise, like, unlike, instead of, otherwise,
consequently, therefore, thus,
whereas, equally, in the whereas, on the other hand,

because, due to, as a result of
same way etc. nevertheless, in spite of, despite,
notwithstanding etc.

Qualifying connectives Illustrating connectives Place connectives

but, however, unless, such as, for example, for beneath, near, beyond, below
although, if, except instance, in the case of

Temporal connectives Emphasizing

during, earlier, later, meanwhile, whenever especially, in particular

Choose the appropriate linker from within the brackets and complete the sentences. Textbook Page No : 47

a) I could not complete my paper in the examination ____________ (because, but) I was slow in answering the
questions. Ans : because

b) It started raining, ____________ (yet, so) we could not play. Ans : so
c) ____________ (as, if) I got up early, I managed to reach school on time. Ans : As
d) ____________ (though / whereas) he committed a mistake, he apologised ____________ (and /since ) promised that
he would not repeat it. Ans : Though / and

e) This is ____________ (how/what) it must be done. Ans : how

f) The vendor saw the train moving slowly from the platform, ____________ (therefore / until) he got in.
Ans : therefore

g) I was not well, ____________ ( but / so) I did not attend the class Ans : so
h) (When/ If) ____________ the ball hit the glass window, the owner of the house warned the children. Ans : When
i) (If / Unless) ___________ you register your name, you cannot participate in the competitions. Ans : Unless
j) (As soon as / Besides ) ____________ my father arrived home, I narrated the incident. Ans : As soon as
k) Be quick to hear ____________ (then / and ) slow to speak. Ans : and

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1) I am ____________ (neither/either) an ascetic in theory _(nor/or) in practice. Ans : neither

m) We fail to harness the rain water; ____________ (consequently, nevertheless) we suffer. Ans : consequently
n) My brother will certainly clear GRE; ____________ (yet, for) he works very hard. Ans : for

Fill in the blanks with appropriate correlative conjunctions.

a) She is ____________ an understanding person ____________ everybody likes to be with her. Ans : such / that

b) Suraj owns ____________ a typewriter ____________ a computer. Ans : both / and
c) Vani is ____________ a good singer ____________ a good dancer. Ans : not ony / but also
d) Amit did not know ____________ his father met his class teacher ____________ not. Ans : whether / or

e) I would ____________ starve ____________ beg. Ans : rather / than

Spot the errors in the following sentences. Correct and rewrite them.

a) Neither Ramya is a singer nor a dancer.
Ramay is neither a singer nor a dancer.
b) Scarcely had the workers stepped out, than the building collapsed.

Scarcely had the workers stepped out when the building collapsed.
c) No sooner did the power resume, when the children screamed in joy.
No sooner did the power resume than the children screamed in joy.
d) My friend can type so fast as I.
My friend can type as fast as I
e) Sitha had no other assignment, but that of collecting the data.
Sitha had no other assignment than that of collecting the data.
f) Rekha cooks like her mother does.
Rekha cooks as her mother does.

g) Professor Usha is not only a writer but an orator.

Professor Usha is not only a writer but also an orator
h) Your neighbours are not so wicked like you think.
Your neighbours are not so wicked as you think.
i) The girl both won an award and a scholarship.

The girl won both an award and a scholarship.

j) Three years have passed when my cousin resigned his job.
Three years have passed since my cousin resigned his job.

Unit - 3
UNIT-3 Active and Passive Voice
Change the voice of the following sentences.

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1. Gayathri gave a set of pens to Mani. (Active Voice)

A set of pens was given to Mani by Gayathri
2. By whom will the new stadium be built? (Passive Voice)
Who will build the new stadium?
3. Where will the holidays be spent by your family? (Passive Voice)
Where will your family spend the holidays?

4. They offered the job to Sundari. (Active Voice)
The job was offered to Sundari by them.

5. Could some money be lent to me by your father? (Passive Voice)
Could your father lend some money to me?
6. Let the door not be opened. (Passive Voice)

Don’t open the door.
7. Sophia sold her old car to Selvi. (Active Voice)
Sophia’s old car was sold to Selvi by her.

8. Don’t touch the electric wire with bare hands. (Active Voice)
Let the electric wire not be touched with bare hands.
9. I cannot agree to your proposal. (Active Voice)
Your proposal cannot be agreed to by me.
10. Kindly complete the assignment in time. (Active Voice)
Let the assignment be completed in time.
You are requested to complete the assignment in time.
11. Raman is known to me since childhood. (Passive Vice)

I know Raman since childhood.


12. Don’t insult the poor and weak. (Active Voice)

Let the poor and weak not be insulted.
13. Who has broken the chair? (Active Voice)
By whom has the chair been broken?
14. His shoulder was hurt in an accident. (Passive Voice)

He hurt his shoulder in an accident.

15. It is time for the bell to be rung. (Passive Voice)
It is time to ring the bell.

16. We wish you forget this episode. (Active Voice)

It is wished by us that this episode is forgotten by you.
17. They would not have done this shameful act. (Active Voice)
This shameful act would not have been done by them.
18. How do you know my uncle? (Active Voice)
How is my uncle known to you?

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19. It is believed that he is an honest man. (Passive Voice)

People believe that he is an honest man.
20. My request was acceded to by the authorities. (Passive Voice)
The authorities acceded to my request.

UNIT-3 Question Tags

Find out if the question tag used in each of the following sentences is right. If it is correct, put a tick () or if it is incorrect,
replace it with the correct tag question in the box provided against each sentence.

1. These children look very weak and tired, aren’t they? Ans : don’t they?
2. Nobody can resolve this issue, can they? Ans : 

3. We seldom speak to our neighbours, do we? Ans : 
4. The old woman sells dolls made of sea-shells, doesn’t she? Ans : 
5. I have captured some beautiful moments in my camera, aren’t I? Ans : haven’t

7. Arun was in a great dilemma at that time, didn’t he?

8. I am an expert in cooking, amn’t I?
6. Pragathi put the bunch of flowers in the vase, doesn’t she? Ans : didn’t she
Ans : wasn’t he?
Ans : aren’t i
9. Let’s take this matter to court, can we? Ans : shall we?
10. Don’t forget to hand over this file to my manager, do you? Ans : will you?
11. The pair of shoes near the door is not yours, are they? Ans : is it?
12. They have a resort in Yercaud, isn’t it? Ans : haven’t they?

13. Our dog scarcely sleeps at night, doesn’t it? Ans : does it?

14. You do a lot of social service, don’t you? Ans : 

15. There is a stadium near your office, isn’t it? Ans : isn’t there?

Unit - 4
UNIT-4 Kinds of sentences-Simple, Complex and Compound

Text Book Exercise


Kinds of sentences
Sentences are of three kinds - Simple, Complex and Compound. They have been discussed in Class XI. Let
us recall the basic structure of the three kinds of sentences:
a) Simple sentence

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12th English EASY CENTUM

Look at the following sentences:

i. There is a solution to every problem.
ii. Work with dedication, to achieve success.
iii. The path to success is highly complicated.
iv. A golden key can open any door.
v. In the event of your missing the bus, take a taxi.

vi. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
vii. The Chief Guest arrived in great haste.
 A simple sentence has only one finite verb.

 Simple sentences are used to depict universal truths, facts and descriptions.
 A simple sentence has just one independent clause - it has only one subject and one predicate.
 A simple sentence may have subject complements, object complements, adverbial phrases and non-finite


Pick out the finite verbs in the following sentences:

a) You can solve this problem in different ways. Ans: can solve
b) The professor has been working on the last chapter of the book since March. Ans: has been working
c) Despite being a celebrity, Ravi mingles easily with everyone. Ans: mingles
d) You must speak clearly to make yourself understood. Ans: must speak
e) The chairman being away, the clerk is unable to approve the proposal. Ans: is
f) Getting down from the car, the Chief Guest walked towards the dais amidst applause. Ans: walked
g) The old man struggled to walk without support. Ans: struggled
h) In case of emergency, please contact this number. Ans: contact
i) The sun having set, the temperature fell rapidly. Ans: fell

j) But for your help, I could not have completed the assignment. Ans: could not have completed

Read the following passage and identify the simple sentences.

Sunflowers turn according to the position of the sun. In other words, they ‘ chase the light’. Have you ever
wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds? If you think the
sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground, you are completely mistaken. Do you know what happens?
Sunflowers turn to each other to share their energy. Learning from Nature, we too should support and empower

each other.
Sunflowers turn according to the position of the sun. In other words, they ‘chase the light’. Have
you ever wondered what happens on cloudy, rainy days when the sun is completely covered by clouds? If

you think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground, you are completely mistaken. Do you
know what happens? Sunflowers turn to each other to share their energy. Learning from Nature, we
too should support and empower each other.

B. Complex sentence
Look at the following complex sentences. Circle the Main clauses and underline the Subordinate clauses.

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a) Nobody knows when the power supply will resume.

Ans : Nobody knows when the power supply will resume.
b) Please tell me what the time is.
Ans : Please tell me what the time is.
c) The man who directed the film was my schoolmate.
Ans : The man who directed the film was my schoolmate.

d) I believe that all men are basically good.
Ans : I believe that all men are basically good.

e) No one knows when he will return.
Ans : No one knows when he will return.

Pick out the complex sentences in the following passage.

A man saw a lion in the bush, as he was walking through the forest. He did not know what to do. He was
helpless. He was too scared to turn around and run. He just knelt down as if he were getting ready to pray. He
closed his eyes, thinking that the lion would pounce on him anytime. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the lion
on its knees too. Shocked, he asked the lion what it was doing. The lion replied that he was praying before he

started his meal.
Complex sentences:
A man saw a lion in the bush, as he was walking through the forest.
He did not know what to do.
He just knelt down as if he were getting ready to pray.
He closed his eyes, thinking that the lion would pounce on him anytime.
Shocked, he asked the lion what it was doing.
The lion replied that he was praying before he started his meal.

C. Compound sentence

Identify the two Main clauses and conjunction in each of the following sentences.
a) It started raining suddenly and people ran for shelter.
• It started raining suddenly

• people ran for shelter

conjunction – and
b) Understand the concept well, otherwise you cannot solve the problem.

• understand the concept well

• you cannot solve the problem
conjunction – otherwise
c) Fifty candidates appeared for the interview, but only five were selected.

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• Fifty candidates appeared for the interview

• only five were selected
conjunction – but
d) Ramesh did not know Spanish, so he wanted a translator.
• Ramesh did not know Spanish
• he wanted a translator

conjunction – so
e) He is a good actor, still he is not popular.

• He is a good actor
• he is not popular
conjunction – still

Do as directed
a) Besides being a singer, she is also a dancer. (Rewrite as a compound sentence)
She is not only a singer but also a dancer.

b) Praveen ran into the field so that he might congratulate the winners, (Rewrite as a simple sentence)
Praveen ran into the field to congratulate the winners.
c) The mountain was steep but he was able to climb it. (Rewrite as a complex sentence)
Though the mountain was steep he was able to climb it.

d) Smita carried out the survey and presented her report. (Rewrite as a simple sentence)
Having carried out the survey, Smita presented her report.

e) Unless you have a valid passport you cannot leave the country. (Rewrite as a compound sentence)

Have a valid passport or you cannot leave the country.


f) This is not the way to answer. (Rewrite as a complex sentence)

This is not the way one should answer.

Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence.

a) I met a man at the party. He is the Chairman of a computer firm.
I met the Chairman of a computer firm at the party. (Simple Sentence)

I met a man who is the Chairman of a computer firm at the party. (Complex sentence)
I met a man at the party and he is the chairman of a computer firm. (Compound Sentence)

b) Mahatma Gandhi stood for Ahimsa. The whole world knows it.
The whole world knows that Mahatma Gandhi stood for Ahimsa. (Complex Sentence)
Mahatma Gandhi stood for Ahimsa and the whole world knows it. (Compound Sentence)

c) Concentrate on your strengths. You will reap success in your life,

Concentrate on your strength to reap success in your life. (Simple Sentence)
If you concentrate on your strength you will reap success in your life. (Complex Sentence)

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Concentrate on your strength and then you will reap success in your life. (Compound Sentence)
d) Consider all the facts once again. Then make your decision.
Make your decision after considering all the facts once again. (Simple Sentence)
Consider all the facts once again and then make your decision. (Compound Sentence)
e) A number of books are missing from the library. Measures should be taken to retrieve them.
As a number of books are missing from the library measures should be taken to retrieve them.

(Complex Sentence)
A number of books are missing from the library and so measures should be taken to retrieve them.
(Compound Sentence)

Measures should be taken to retrieve a number of books missing from the library. (Simple Sentence)

Unit - 5

UNIT-5 Non- finite verbs Text Book Exercise

Use the gerundial form of the verb in the brackets and fill in the blanks. Textbook Page No : 155
1. ____________ (exercise) is good for health.
2. ____________ (fly) a kite is fun.
A Ans : Exercising
Ans : Flying
3. ____________ (shop) is my favourite hobby. Ans : Shopping
4. My friend waited for the ____________ (meet). Ans : Meeting
5. Huckleberry Finn was responsible for ____________ (signal). Ans : Signaling

Fill in the blanks with the correct infinitives. Textbook Page No : 155
1. Deva forgot ____________ the letter. Ans : To post

2. The doctor advised the patient ____________ his medicines without fail. Ans : To have or to consume or to take
3. Rajesh went to the airport ____________ his friend. Ans : To receive / to send off / to drop / to meet
4. The bear climbed up the tree ____________ the honey. Ans : To drink / to have / to consume / to take
5. The boys went to the forest ____________ birds. Ans : To see / to hunt
6. I tried hard ____________ both ends meet. Ans : To make

7. The archaeologists are trying ____________ the ruins of Keelady. Ans : To examine / to research
8. Solar energy is used ____________ electricity. Ans : To generate / to produce
9. ____________ concession, you have to apply well in advance. Ans : To get / to obtain

10. We have plans ____________ to London during summer vacation. Ans : To go

Fill in the blanks using suitable gerunds.

1. My friend is good at ________ the saxophone. Ans : playing

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2. They don’t like ________ on Saturdays. Ans : working

3. They started late, so they were afraid of ________ the train. Ans : missing

4. She enjoys ________ horror movies. Ans : watching

5. ________ on the wall can prove dangerous. Ans : Walking

6. ________ a two wheeler without a helmet may prove fatal. Ans : Driving

7. ________ uniform to school is compulsory. Ans : Wearing

8. ________ trees is a must, to prevent soil erosion. Ans : Growing

9. Seema apologized for ________ late. Ans : coming

10. ________ an event successfully is a challenge. Ans : Completing

Unscramble the sentences.
1. rupees / lunch / to buy / it / twenty/ costs
It costs twenty rupees to buy lunch.
2. become/ my/ is/ a doctor / dream/ to
My dream is to become a doctor.
3. eight years/ to win/ it/ took/ the World Cup
It took eight years to win the World Cup.
4. as / a/1 / want/ collector/ to see /you
As a collector I want to see you.
5. divine/is/to forgive
To forgive is divine.

Complete the conversation with the words from the box.

Man : Could you show the way to the hospital?

Woman : Sure. I will guide you (1) to reach the hospital. In about 15 minutes you will get there. Start by
taking the GST Road for about 10 minutes. Remember, (2) to drive carefully. The road is usually
very busy. After 10 minutes you will reach a grey wall. From there you have (3) to turn right

and go straight. As you drive along you will notice a bank. It is also important for you (4) to pay
attention to the road as there is a school nearby. Once you cross the school, you will get (5) to
know the whereabouts of the hospital.

to reach to drive to pay to know to turn

Rewrite changing the gerund in each of the following sentences to infinitives without changing the meaning.
1. Teach me swimming.
Teach me to swim.

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2. Giving is better than receiving.

To give is better than to receive.
3. Seeing is believing.
To see is to believe.
4. I like reading.
I like to read.

5. He managed reaching there in time.
He managed to reach there in time.

6. Walking in the sun is harmful to the eyes.
To walk in the sun is harmful to the eyes.
7. Stealing is a crime.

To steal is a crime.
8. What I hate most is running across traffic.
What I hate most is to run across traffic.

9. Sitting here is wasting time.
To sit here is to waste time.
10. Exercising is good for health.
To exercise is good for health.

Spot the errors, if any.

1. She wants to continuing her studies abroad.
She wants to continue her studies abroad.
2. It was a shame breaking up.
It was a shame to break up.

3. It will be a waste throwing the food away.

It will be a waste to throw the food away.
4. She made me to cry.
She made me cry.
5. My company has delayed to give pay rise due to economic problems.

My company has delayed giving pay rise due to economic problem.

6. There’s someone to talk on the phone, but they cannot hear me.
There’s someone talking on the phone, but they cannot hear me.

7. My friends and I were sitting in a cafe and to talk.

My friends and I were sitting in a cafe talking.
8. To carry a heavy pile of books, she tripped and fell.
Carrying a heavy pile of books, she tripped and fell.

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12th English EASY CENTUM

UNIT-5 Articles and Determiners

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles or determiners.
1. We met ________________ Americans at the restaurant. Ans : some / few / many

2. Monisha has ________________ films in her hands. Ans : some / few / many

3. I am ________________ eldest in my family. Ans : the


4. There are only ________________ chocolates left for you. Ans : few

5. Can you get me ________________ butter? Ans : some


6. They haven’t got ________________ roses in their garden. Ans : many

7. Samuel hasn’t got ________________ homework today, so he is playing cricket. Ans : any

8. Please give me ________________ hammer and ________________ nail. Ans : a / the, a / the


9. My mother is ________________ honest woman. Ans : an

10. She bought ________________ useful gadget. Ans : a

11. Please give me ________________ ice cube. Ans : an

12. We need ________________ light in the room. Ans : some

13. Why are you reading ________________ book? Ans : this

14. My boss wanted ________________ draft of the report in a day. Ans : the

15. ________________ hand-out is available online. Ans : The

UNIT-5 Degrees of Comparison Text Book Exercise

Transform each of the following sentences using the comparative degree without changing the meaning.

Textbook Page No : 252

1. Very few Indian languages are as ancient as Tamil.
Very few Indian languages are an ancient as Tamil.
2. Hurricanes are as dangerous as tornadoes.
Hurricanes are as dangerous as tornadoes.

3. This is the most challenging task I have ever undertaken.

This is the most challenging task I have ever undertaken.
4. E-mail is the fastest means of communication.
E-mail is the fastest means of communication.

5. Compulsive gambling is the worst habit a man can develop.

Compulsive gambling is the worst habit a man can develop.
Rewrite each of the following sentences using the superlative degree retaining the meaning. Textbook Page No : 252
1. Shakespeare is greater than many other dramatists of the world.
Shakespeare is greater than many other dramatists of the world.

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2. Some people think that nothing is as important as money in life.

Some people think that nothing is as important as money in life.
3. The peacock is more colourful than any other bird found in India.
The peacock is more colourful than any other bird found in India.
4. Very few people in this town are as generous as Mr. Mohan.
Very few people in this town are as generous as Mr. Mohan.

5. No other planet in our solar system is as cold as Neptune.
No other planet is our solar system is as cold as Neptune.
6. I cannot do anything better for you than this.

I cannot do anything better for you than this.
Replace the comparative adjectives in the following sentences with their positive forms.
1. Rural life is certainly more peaceful than urban life.

Ans : Rural life is certainly more peaceful than urban life.
2. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Ans : The pen is mightier than the sword.

3. Train journey is more comfortable than bus journey.
Ans : Train Journey is more comfortable than bus journey.
4. My mother can speak more sweetly than anyone else.
Ans : Train Journey is more comfortable than bus journey.
5. Gold is not more useful than iron.
Ans : Gold is not more useful than iron.
Identify the error in each of the following sentences and correct them appropriately.
1. Oxygen is more heavier than hydrogen.

Oxygen is heavier than hydrogen.


2. Very few indoor games are more interesting than chess.

Very few indoor games are as interesting as chess.
3. Henry is the most strongest of all the players in the team.
Henry is the strongest of all the players in the team.
4. Faster you run, sooner you get tired.
The faster you run, the sooner you get tired.

5. Diamond is more precious than any gem.

Diamond is more precious than any other gem.
6. Mr. Sridhar is wiser than all men in our family.

Mr. Sridhar is wiser than all other men in our family.

7. The Biology lab in our school is spacious than the Chemistry lab.
The Biology lab in our school is more spacious than the Chemistry lab.
8. This is one of the busier streets in our town.
This is one of the busiest streets in our town.

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9. The sparrow is the most unique bird.

The sparrow is a unique bird.
10. Beema is stronger among the five Pandava brothers.
Beema is the strongest among the five Pandava brothers.
11. An ounce is lesser than a gallon.
An ounce is less than a gallon.

12. Let me introduce my oldest daughter to you all.
Let me introduce my eldest daughter to you all.
13. Of the two sisters, Helen is the prettiest.

Of the two sisters, Helen is the prettier.
14. This is the most least mark I have ever scored.
This is the least mark I have ever scored.


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Language - Part II
CLASS: II ENGLISH Year : March 2020
Time allowed: 15 min+3.00 hours Maximum Marks: 90

Instructions :
1. Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness inform the hall

supervisor immediately.
2. Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline

Answer all the questions. 20x1=20

Choose the most appropriate answer from the given four alternatives and write the option code
and the corresponding answer.
Choose the most appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. .........that they only drink it in order to be warmed and stimulated,
(a) admired (b) motivated (c) comforted (d) welcomed
2. It was a great thrill to look straight down this enormous rock face.
(a) huge (b) rough (c) steep (d) lofty
3. .........the end of such liberty would be universal chaos.
(a) mystery (b) destruction (c) confusion (d) harmony

Choose the most appropriate antonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.
4. One night, we came upon them in the windy and deserted square.
(a) crowded (b) secured (c) fertile (d) desolate
5. Suffering seems so cruelly prevalent in the world today,
(a) unbelievable (b) unavoidable (c) unfair (d) uncommon

6. It seemed vital to her that they do so.........

(a) jovial (b) social (c) trivial (d) partial
7. Choose the correct singular form of “Bacteria”.

(a) Bacterian (b) Bacteri (c) Bacteriae (d) Bacterium

8. Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom found in the following sentence.
Eleventh hour preparation will not help the students.
(a) till 11 p.m. (b) at the last moment (c) much in advance (d) late at night

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9. Fill in the blank with the most suitable Preposition.

The tea should be put straight _____________ the pot.
(a) over (b) on (c) into (d) in
10. Choose the correct American English word for ‘queue’.
(a) straight (b) level (c)line (d) order
11. Choose the correct expansion of the acronym TOEFL.

(a) Testing of Energy, Fuel and Liquid. (b) Test of Engineering for Fundamental Learners.
(c) Testing of Education for Foreign Learners. (d) Test of English as a Foreign Language.

12.Choose the correct question tag for the following statement.
The story tries to relate history to science,_?
(a) is it (b) Isn’t it (c) does it (d) doesn’t it

13.Identify the Sentence Pattern of the following sentence.
The birds are flying gracefully in the sky.
(a) SVOA (b) --SYAA (c) SVOC (d) SVCA

(a) whom (b) which

14.Fill in the blank with a suitable Relative Pronoun for the following sentence.
Ram ___________ house we live in, is an engineer.
(c) who (d) whose
15.Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the underlined word.
It is rather an expensive compliment.
(a) non- (b) un- c) in- d) dis-
16. Choose the disyllabic word.
(a) benefit (b) again (c) weight (d) strength

17. Choose the clipped form of ‘‘Perambulator’’.

(a) Pram (b) Peram (c) ramtor (d) rambul
18. Choose the right meaning of the idiom ‘a bolt out of a clear sky’ from the options given.
(a) a much-awaited information (b) a deafening noise of bomb blast
(c) a flash of bright lightning (d) sudden unexpected event
19. One who represents the government of his country in a foreign country is a/an

(a) envoy (b) martyr (c) ambassador (d) patriot

20. Replace the underlined word with a suitable phrasal verb.

The fire was extinguished by the fire brigade.

(a) put off (b) put on (c) put out (d) put in

Read the following sets of Poetic lines and answer any four sets. 4x2=8

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21. “A gray baboon sits statue - like alone”

(a) Where did the baboon sit ?
(b) Mention the figure of speech employed here
22. “....... Free imaginations
Bringing changes into a world resenting change.”
(a) How does free imagination help the world ?

(b) Identify the figure of speech.
23. “Our gates were strong, our walls were thick,
So smooth and high, no man could win.”

(a) How safe was the castle ?
(b) What was the firm belief of the soldiers ?
24. “Legs wide, arms locked behind,

As if no balance the prone brow
Oppressive with its mind.
(a) What is meant by ‘prone brow’ ?
(b) Pick out the words in alliteration.
25. “This is my son, mine own Telemachus
To whom I leave the sceptre and the isle
Well loved of me.”
(a) Who does Ulysses entrust his kingdom to, in his absence ?
(b) Bring out the significance of the sceptre.
26. ‘ All the world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely players.”
(a) What is the world compared to ?

(b) Identify the figure of speech employed in the first line

Answer any three Questions. 3x2=6

27. Change the direct speech into Reported form.
Vidhya said to Kanya, “Would you like to come to the party with us tomorrow ?”

28. Change into other voice form.

I shall have completed my project next week.
29. If I had come earlier, I would have attended the interview. (Begin with ‘Had’).

30. Smitha carried out the survey and presented her report. (Rewrite as a simple sentence).

Explain any two of the following with reference to the context. 2x3=6

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31.“LIKE a huge Python, winding round and round

The rugged trunk, indented deep with scars.”
32. “... I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart.”
33. “I’m Killed, Sire” And, his chief beside,
Smiling, the boy fell dead.

Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words. 2x3=6

34. What were the various jobs undertaken by Nicola and Jacopo ?
35. How did the boy who played the mechanic lose his eyesight ?
36. How would liberty cause universal chaos ?

Answer any three of the following. 3x3=9

37. Study the following table, and write three sentences on your inference about the data.
Average Annual rainfall in the Southern States of India in the year 2012

S.No. States of India Average rainfall in mm

1. Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry 1996
2. Andhra Pradesh 3580
3. Karnataka 5160
4. Kerala 3055

38. Write any three precautions to be taken at home, before a cyclone hit.

39. Build a dialogue between a beggar and a social reformer with a minimum of 3 exchanges.
40. Rearrange the following jumbled proverbs correctly.
(a) a road / never / a turning / without / there is
(b) the last straw / broke the / it was / that / camel’s back
(c) the child / and / spare / spoil / the rod

Answer the following. 7x5
41.Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.

(a) Summarise George Orwell’s distinctive ideas in “A Nice Cup of Tea.”

(b) How did Hillary and Tenzing prepare themselves before they set off to the summit ?
42.Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.
(a) ‘Human greed led to the mighty fall of the citadel.’ - Explain.

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(b) The young soldier matched Napoleon in courage and patriotism. Elucidate your answer.
43.Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words, by developing the hints.
(a) Robert Baldwin an honest man - fraud in a bank - Gresham arrested - pressurised Baldwin - to falsely declare
- offered huge bribe - Baldwin refused - family members tempted - ashamed of greed - stood for justice -
Gresham confessed - Baldwin rewarded.

(b) Life on Venus - other planet - raining for seven years - school children - nine years old - forgotten the sun -
appeared once in 7 years - Margot from Earth - came five years before - children hated her - locked her in a
room - sun came - only for two hours - rained again - unlocked the door - let Margot out - missed the chance.

44.(a) Either Make Notes or Summarize the following passage.
Soybeans belong to the legume family. The beans are the seeds of the leguminous soybean plant. They can be
grown on a variety of soil and in a wide range of climates. Soybeans are versatile as they can be used as whole

beans, soy sprouts or processed as a variety of food items, such as soy milk, tofu, soy sauce, soy oil and soy
dairy alternatives. They are also used for making candles and bio-diesel.
Soy is an excellent source of high quality protein; is low in saturated fats and is cholesterol-free. It is also rich

in vitamins, especially Vitamin B complex, minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and copper.
In recent times it has been highly recommended because of its ability to lower the levels of Low Density
Lipoprotein (LDL), a bad cholesterol.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that foods containing soy protein are likely to reduce
the risk of coronary heart disease.
An easy way to take soy is as soymilk now available with added flavour. Soymilk does not contain lactose (milk
sugar) and can be drunk by those who are allergic to normal milk. To get soymilk, soybeans are soaked in
water, ground and then strained. If you don’t mind the trouble, you can also make it at home.

(b) Write a paragraph of about 150 words on the hazards of using mobile phone.

45. (a) Recently, you ordered for a watch through online shopping, and when it arrived, it was damaged.
Write a Letter to the company that sold you the watch,
- give details about the order you made,
- explain what was wrong with the watch,
- tell the company, what do you want them to do about it.

(b) Write a letter to your friend sharing your travel experience to Delhi.
46.(a) Read the following sentences, spot the errors and correct them.
(i) It will be a waste thuowing the food away,

(ii) Kailash never does any work behind 10 p.m.

(iii) Neither Suresh nor Kamalesh are intelligent.
(iv) Nithya has taken half day leave.
(v) One of my uncle lives in Canada.
(b) Fill in the blanks appropriately.

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(i) Usha __________ (buy) a laptop recently. She _________ (use) it at the moment,
(use the verb in the correct form)
(ii) My sister __________ dance so well, when she was in school, (use a semi-modal verb)
(iii) The bugle is __________ in our school __________. (band / banned)
47. (a) Develop the hints into a story of 150 words.
Once a bee - fell into a pond - pigeon flew past - dropped a leaf - bee climbed on leaf - escaped - a hunter -
aimed at pigeon - the bee stung - lost his aim - pigeon escaped.

(b) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

“The Little Tramp”, the unforgettable character Charlie Chaplin invented, was born purely by accident in
1915. While rushing to a film shoot in California, he grabbed clothes what other people had left behind in the
changing room. And when he emerged, he found, he had created a personality everybody loved a little guy in
a bowler hat, a close-fitting jacket, a cane, a pair of outsized shoes and a brush-like, moustache.

Before long, Chaplin found himself a star. That puzzled him, for he saw himself essentially as a shy British
Music Hall Comedian. The U.S., acknowledged him as its king of silent film comedy. Soon, so did crowds all
over the world.

But life wasn’t always a laugh for Charles Spencer Chaplin. Both his parents were Music Hall artists, who
separated when Charlie was very young. His childhood was very sad, for his mother never earned enough to
look after her children. Sometimes, Chaplin had to sleep on the streets.
Charlie took his first bow on the stage, when his mother made her last appearance. It happened when her voice
broke during a song. Her son stepped on stage and sang a popular song. That’s when a star was born.
Questions :
(a) Which unforgettable character did Charlie Chaplin invent ?
(b) Describe the personality created by Charlie, whom everybody loved.
(c) What did Charlie see himself as ?
(d) Give one reason to show that Charlie’s early life was very sad.

(e) Find the word in the passage that is opposite in meaning to

(i) “bold” and (ii) “tragedy”

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Language - Part II
CLASS: II ENGLISH Year : September 2020
Time allowed: 3.00 hours Maximum Marks: 90

Instructions :
1. Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness inform the

hall supervisor immediately.
2. Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline and pencil to draw diagrams.


Answer all the questions. 20x1=20

Choose the most suitable answers from the given four alternatives and write the answers along

with the corresponding option codes.
Choose the most appropriate synonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. .......... then as trade slackened we went over.
a) commenced b) improved c) continued d) reduced
2. .......... and no more humps to tantalize us with hopes of success.
a) attract b) disappoint c) taunt d) encourage
3. You may .......... seeing your car pulled up by his insolence of office, feel that your liberty has been outraged.
a) rudeness b) greediness c) laziness d) sloppiness

Choose the most appropriate antonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences.
4. One does not feel wise, brave or more optimistic
a) realistic b) pessimistic c) pragmatic d) naturalistic
5. He had a malignant tumour of the bone.
a) harmful b) moderate c) benign d) terminal

6. She was a very frail girl.

a) strong b) brilliant c) wealthy d) modern
7. Choose the correct American English word for ‘pavement’

a) pedestal b) scaffold c) pavilion d) sidewalk

8. Form a derivative by adding a suitable prefix to the rootword ‘belief’.
a) mis_____ b) dis_____ c) non_____ d) un_____
9. Choose the word that cannot be added after ‘ over’ to form a compound word,
a) piece b) board c) flow d) coat

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10. The study of principles of beauty is_________________.

a) Numismatics b) Aesthetics c) Phonetics d) Linguistics
11. A person who is unable to pay his debts is a_________________.
a) traitor b) bankrupt c) tyrant d) convict
12. Choose the right word to replace the phrasal verb in the following sentence. On hearing the shocking news,
the woman passed out.

a) trembled b) wailed c) perspired d) fainted
13. Choose the suitable meaning of the idiom in the following sentence.
The medical shop is round the corner .

a) in the farthest end b) near the junction
c) at a short distance d) around the traffic circle
14. Choose the most appropriate word from the given confusables and fill in the blank.

The astronomers recently _________________ a new planet in our solar system.
a) invented b) discovered c) diagnosed d) investigated
15. Choose the right plural form of the word ‘ apparatus’.
a) apparatuses b) apparati

16. Choose the appropriate expansion of the acronym ‘ PAN’.
a) Personal Aggregate Number b) Private Authentic Number
c) apparatusis d) apparaties
c) Postal Assurance Number d) Permanent Account Number
17. Choose the appropriate links from the following sentence.
_________________my father arrived home, I narrated the incident.
a) As soon as b) Besides c) If d) Although
18. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article.
I am_________________eldest in the family.

a) an b) the c) a d) none of the above

19. Identify the pattern of the following sentence.
The child hid his toy car under the cot.
20. Fill in the blank with the most suitable preposition.

The sun faded_________________ a stir of mist.

a) upon b) behind c) among d) during

Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer the questions that follow. Choose any 4 sets. 4x2=8
21. “We watched the mowers in the hay.”
(a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?
(b) What work do the mowers do ?

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22. “The giant wears the scarf, and flowers are hung.”
(a) Who is the giant here ?
(b) Mention the figure of speech used in this line.
23. “The Marshal’s in the market-place
And you’ll be there anon.”
(a) Where does the soldier ask Napoleon to go ?

(b) Why does he want the emperor to go there ?
24. “Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like snail.”
(a) What is a ‘satchel’ ?
(b) Identify the figure of speech used here.

25. “Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy.”
(a) Explain the comparison made here.
(b) Pick out the words in alliteration.

26. For some three suns to store and hoard myself,
And this gray spirit yearning in desire.”
(a) Explain “three suns”.
(b) Who speaks these words ?

Do as directed. 3x2=6

Answer any three Questions.


27. Vivek is taking the kids on a picnic today. (Change the voice)

28. The curator of the museum said to the visitors, “Don’t touch these paintings, please.”
(Change into indirect speech)
29. You should sleep well, otherwise you will ruin your health. (Change into complex using ‘unless’)
30. A young lady sold me this gold chain. I want to meet her. (Combine using the relative pronoun ‘who’)


Explain any two of the following with reference to the context. 2x3=6

31. “He works his work, I mine.’’

32. “O sweet companions, loved with love intense,
For your sakes, shall the tree be ever dear.”
33. “Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed.


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Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 30 words. 2x3=6
34. Describe the appearance of Nicola and Jacopo.
35. What injuries did the Barnard couple sustain in the accident ?
36. Why did Hillary become clumsy-fingered and slow-moving ?


Answer any three of the following. 3x3=9
37. Describe the process of cleaning the salt-stained and slippery floor tiles in your washroom.
38. A tenant is facing an acute water scarcity. He meets the landlord to explain the situation and request him to

address the problem. Frame a dialogue between the tenant and the landlord discussing the issue.
39. Write a slogan for each of the following.
(a) to advertise a fairness cream.

(b) to create awareness on the importance of educating girl child.
(c) to advertise a baby food product.
40. Complete the proverbs with the right options.
(a) The squeaky wheel gets the___________.
(i) diesel (ii) resin (iii) grease

A (iv) water

(b) People who live in glass houses should not throw____________.
(i) pellets (ii) stones (iii) garbage (iv) marbles

(c) The____________ is always greener on the other side.
(i) brook (ii) parrot (iii) moss (iv) grass


Answer the following. 7x5


41. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.

(a) Enumerate the eleven golden rules to be followed to prepare a perfect cup of tea, as suggested by George
(b) How does A.G. Gardiner distinguish between individual liberty and social freedom through his essay ‘On the
Rule of the Road’ ?

42. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.

(a) How does Shakespeare describe the seven different roles played by man during his life-time ?

(b) Bring out the qualities of the young French soldier as portrayed by the poet in “Incident of the French Camp”.
43. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words, by developing the hints.
(a) Aksionov - young merchant of Vladimir - lives with family - goes to Nizhny fair -meets a merchant friend -
during travel - stays in an inn - leaves inn before daybreak - gets arrested - innocent prisoner - accused of
murder - spends 26 years in prison - meets Makar - Aksionov saves Makar - Makar feels guilty -confesses his
crime - Aksionov forgives criminal - dies peacefully.

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(b) Ausable - secret agent - in his room - criminal enters - holds a pistol - Ausable turns anxious - wants to save -
important documents - spins a clever story - uses presence of mind - makes Max believe - presence of balcony
- someone knocks door - Ausable says - called police to safeguard papers - Max gets terrified - jumps out - gets
44.(a) Summarize the following passage in about 100 words.
The three fundamental essentials for existence of man in this planet are food, clothing and shelter. In pre-

historic times, human beings dwelt in caves to protect and shield themselves from wild animals and harsh
weather conditions. In the course of evolution, man developed the ability to build his own shelters in
convenient locations using the materials available locally. The concept of fabricated permanent shelters thus

came into being. The term ‘shelter’ as a basic necessity is perceived differently by different people. People
house themselves in different types of shelters based on the preferred geographical locations, climate,
affordability, job or business based compulsions and availability of desired faculties and infrastructure. In
remote Northern Polar Regions, people live in shelters made of ice blocks called ‘igloos’. In deep jungles, the

tribes live in stilted houses constructed out of materials available in the forest. In plains, people live in villages,
suburbs and cities, where a multitude variety of need-based shelters are constructed. Most of the people in
villages live in individual houses that are self-containing. In suburbs, people live in bungalow type houses in
areas connected by roads and provided with basic amenities. In cities, we find people residing in individual

houses as well as multi-storeyed buildings. The individual units in the multi-storeyed buildings are known as
apartments. Here people share all common amenities and utilities. Gated communities are also formed,
wherein a big cluster of individual houses are enclosed in an exclusive area with access control. People at
times temporarily stay in farm houses for rest and relaxation. They stay there to manage cultivation and
farming activities as well. Some people reside in ranch houses in order to monitor and take care of vast
stretches of private lands that are usually not fenced. Man has thus learnt not only to put a roof over his head
but also in a way that suits all his needs.
(b) Write a paragraph of about 150 words on the topic ‘The Importance of Personal Hygiene.’
45. (a) Write a letter to the Headmistress of your school, requesting her to grant you a fee concession. Give

reasons to support your application.

(b) Write a letter to your friend, whose mother is admitted in hospital for a heart surgery.
46. (a) Read the following poem and answer the questions given below.
Gods are happy in their heaven,

When women are honoured upon the earth,

Not it is a favour for them,
But to respect their merit alone.

Their hopes do live in dreams at night,

To make them true in broad day-light,
They don’t have any sign in sight,
This is in fact their miserable plight.

Women are holy by their birth,

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Sacred are their ways of life,

In pious ways they spare their time,
Serving God through serving all.

If women are fearless, frank and free,

And lead a simple and humble life,
And treated with a sense of love,

This world will turn a heaven indeed !
Questions :

(i) When, according to the poet, do Gods in heaven feel happy ?
(ii) What is considered as the miserable plight of women ?
(iii) Why does the poet call the life of women sacred ?

(iv) How can this world be transformed into a heaven ?
(v) Suggest a suitable title to the poem.

(b) Develop the hints into a story of about 150 words.
An unhappy King - subjects very lazy - wants to teach - lesson - places a big stone - middle of a busy road -
people pass - no one removes stone - stays there - one whole week - curse the King and Government - King
orders soldiers - roll the stone aside - front of public - people find box - full of gold coins - a note reads -”gift
to the one who removes stone” - people hang heads down - feel ashamed -King blames people - laziness and
sense of irresponsibility.
47. (a) Spot the errors in the following sentences and correct them suitably.
(i) No sooner did the actor enter the stage, when the audience shouted in excitement.
(ii) Let’s change the curtains today, can we ?
(iii) Everyone know that smoking is injurious to health.

(iv) We have decided to follow an uniform system of appraisal.

(v) The sparrow is one of the most smallest birds I have seen.
(b) Fill in the blanks appropriately.
(i) The children remained ____________ for ___________ sometime. (quite/quiet)
(ii) My parents ____________ never ____________ (beat) me so far. (use the correct tense form of the verb)

(iii) I ____________ not violate the traffic rules at any cost, (use a semi-modal verb)
(iv) The Manager congratulated the team members ____________ the Management, (use a suitable prepositional

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12th English EASY CENTUM


EDITION - 2020- 21 362

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கீழே ககொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள நீல நிற எழுத்துக்களள கதொட்டு அந்த

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✓ TN State Board 1th – 12th Standard Text Books 2020-21 New Edition


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Question Papers :
➢ 10th Standard Full Portion Question Papers MEGA Collection 2020

➢ 10th Standard PUBLIC EXAM Original Question Paper 2020

➢ 11th Standard PUBLIC Exam Original Question Paper & Answer key 2020
➢ 12th Standard PUBLIC Exam Original Question Paper & Answer key 2020

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