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Day-to-day television watching has a considerable social impact on the lives of teens. The average
twelve to seventeen year-old watches about 23 hours of TV per week. You may know that TV has both
good and bad effects. However, it is not always clear how to consume TV in a positive, creative way and
how to protect yourself from its negative effects. On the one hand, age-appropriate TV can encourage
good behaviours by stimulating the mind. It allows you to think about your own life choices. and to
develop good habits for the future. Thus, TV teaches you how to develop and use your imagination. It
also teaches you about family values and pushes you to appreciate the role of your own family more.
Moreover, young people can become aware of positive adult roles and imitate them by watching their
behaviours on TV. On the other hand, TV is not selective in what it teaches. Along with positive effects, it
can give unhealthy, false or negative messages. TV is sometimes used to tune out or to escape from the
real world. This can cause you to miss out on real-world experiences. Furthermore, TV promotes
inactivity, which provokes an increased risk of obesity. It also causes unhealthy behaviours such as
taking risks, and eating junk food. Besides, too much viewing leaves you with little time for other
activities and experiences. Therefore, you should watch TV wisely and meaningfully.

A. Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence. (5 marks)

1. Watching television ---------- has a noticeable social impact of the adolescents.

2. According to the passage, the average twelve to seventeen year-old watches about

------of TV a day.

3. Good behaviours can be encouraged by age-appropriate TV as it can -------- the mind.

4. Sometimes, you are ----------- how to develop and use your imagination by TV.

5.-------promotes inactivity and causes unhealthy behaviours such as taking risks and eating junk food.

B. Answer each question in one sentence. (5 marks)

6. What can age-appropriate TV do and how?

7. What does TV teach and push you?

8. How can young people become aware of positive adult roles and imitate them?

9. Despite the advantages, what can TV do to us?

10. What are the unhealthy behaviours caused by TV?

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.(10 marks)

1. Families in poor countries often force their children to work.

2. They have offered him a good job.

3. They should have redecorated the house before Christmas.

4. They will repair my car by next week.

5. People say that he is a good surfer.

6. They have treated the prisoners badly for years.

7. You haven't answered to my question yet.

8. We had to call the ambulance.

9. In Asia children do a lot of the work.

10. You cannot reach this village by train.

Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO") (5 marks)

1. I don't think it's a good idea..........reminding him about his responsibilities. (KEEP)

2. Why my place and have a drink or two. (COME)

3. Maria felt it was her duty..........the argument. (END)

4. I won't make the club if he doesn't want to. (COME)

5. There is not much sense in..........through all the aspects of the treaty again. (GO)

6. My sister never misses a how brave she is. (SHOW)

7. You're supposed..........your homework and not hang around in your room

listening to music. (DO)

8. I am getting into the habit myself when I'm anxious. (TALK)

9. The President seemed..........carefully to what his advisors were telling him.(LISTEN)

10. Maggie was not surprised..........that her uncle had lost all his money gambling.(HEAR)

Fill in the correct form of the verb given. (5 marks)

1. Most police officers..........uniforms to work. Only detectives in higher positions..........their street

clothes. (WEAR, WEAR)
2. His Singapore when he was three, then they..........back again when he started high
school. (MOVE, MOVE)

3. Your car is fine now. There was a problem with the gears, but

4. After Claire..........for half an hour, she check her watch. (RUN, STOP)

5. I..........smoking three years ago. Before that, I..........for over a decade. (STOP, SMOKE)

6. Look, Mary..........the windows. Nobody..........them for over a month. (CLEAN, CLEAN))

7. Tina..........her emails for the last two hours. (CHECK)

8. Living in a foreign country was strange at first, but we..........used to it.(GET)

9.I..........I want any dessert. I..........too much to eat already.(NOT THINK, HAVE)

10. Wendy..........her boyfriend every afternoon. (PHONE)

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms. (10 marks)

1 awful. A. attractive

2 dull. B. crazy

3 frightened. C. boring

4 good-looking D.glad

5 happy. E.silent

6 keen. F.terrible

7 mad. G. impolite

8 polite. H.well-mannered

9 quiet. I. peculiar

10 rude. J. eager

VI. Write an essay (at least 200 words) on one of the following. (10 Marks)

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