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Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO")

1. I don't think it's a good idea ______________ _____________ him about his responsibilities.


2. Why not ________________ to my place and have a drink or two. (COME)

3. Maria felt it was her duty ________________ the argument. (END)

4. I won't make David ________________ to the club if he doesnt want to . (COME)

5. There is not much sense in ______________ through all the aspects of the treaty again. (GO)

6. My sister never misses a chance ________________ me how brave she is. (SHOW)

7. You're supposed ________________ your homework and not hang around in your room

________________ to music. (DO, LISTEN)

8. I am getting into the habit of ________________ to myself when I'm anxious. (TALK)

9. The President seemed ________________ carefully to what his advisors were telling him.


10. Maggie was not surprised ________________ that her uncle had lost all his money

________________. (HEAR, GAMBLE)

11. You may ________________ us if you want to. (JOIN)

12. He would sooner ________________ than ________________ his friends. (DIE, BETRAY)

13. There was always the possibility of ________________ into an old acquaintance, so I had to

be careful. (RUN)

14. I don't remember ________________ you anything about his girlfriend. (TELL)

15. The weather appears ____________ ___________ better today, so we'll reschedule the game

for this afternoon. (BE, GET)

16. We plan ________________ to Europe by the end of the month. (RETURN)

17. Dad let me ________________ my own room. (DECORATE)

18. She ought ________________ asked my advice before ________________ such a complex

journey. (HAVE, PLAN)

19. He always enjoys the chance of ________________ off to his friends. (SHOW)

20. It was thoughtful of him ________________ the tickets in advance. (BOOK)

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms

A precision D viewpoint
B mistake A accuracy

C advantage F labour

D attitude C benefit

E custom B error

F work I approval

G quarrel E habit

H information G argue

I confirmation J harbour

J port H data

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. ________________________ a famous person in his life? (PAUL EVER MEET)

2. The teacher ____________________ something on the blackboard when suddenly the

headmaster ____________________ into the classroom. (WRITE, BURST)

3. My mum ____________________ at the office lately. She has got a cold. (NOT BE)
4. The speaker ____________________ writing a letter to the chairman. Here it is. (JUST


5. After they ____________________ the top of the hill, they ____________________ a break.


6. The Romans ____________________ roads some of which still exist today. (BUILD)

7. I ____________________ to the disco for ages. - Let’s go tomorrow. (NOT GO)

8. ____________________ your holidays in Greece? It’s a wonderful country. (YOU EVER


9. I ____________________ my son to swimming practice every week. (DRIVE)

10.We ____________________ a fantastic film on TV last night, but I ____________________ its


11.He told us that he ____________________ on a cruise trip before. (NEVER BE)

12.Most of the world’s elephants ____________________ in Africa and Asia. (LIVE)

13.The boss ____________________ to the mayor at the moment. You can’t interrupt him.


14.While Frank ____________________ the newspaper, Jill ____________________ breakfast


15.You ____________________ tea, don’t you? (NORMALLY DRINK)

16.I ____________________ him in the past two weeks. Where ____________________ all the

time? (NOT SEE, HE BE)

17.The headmaster punished the pupils because they ____________________ trouble a few

weeks before. (CAUSE)

18.I ____________________ in the garden the whole day yesterday. (WORK)

19.I ____________________ to call you last night, but you ____________________ up the phone.


20.I ____________________ for three hours now. There is still no sight of him. (WAIT)

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