Grade 6 Lesson Plan Guide

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Lesson Plan Guide

March 2020

Daw Kay Thi Nwe

Rosemary Pritchett-Montavon
Table of Contents


AUTHORS’ NOTE ...........................................................1

UNIT 1........................................................................2
Lesson 1.......................................................................................................... 2
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................... 8
Lesson 3........................................................................................................ 12
Lesson 4........................................................................................................ 16

UNIT 2...................................................................... 21
Lesson 1........................................................................................................ 21
Lesson 2........................................................................................................ 26
Lesson 3........................................................................................................ 31
Lesson 4........................................................................................................ 36

UNIT 3...................................................................... 40
Lesson 1........................................................................................................ 40
Lesson 2........................................................................................................ 45
Lesson 3........................................................................................................ 50
Lesson 4........................................................................................................ 54

UNITS 1-3 ................................................................. 60

Project 1 ........................................................................................................ 60
Poem 1 .......................................................................................................... 62
Table of Contents

UNIT 4...................................................................... 64
Lesson 1........................................................................................................ 64
Lesson 2........................................................................................................ 69
Lesson 3........................................................................................................ 75
Lesson 4........................................................................................................ 78

UNIT 5...................................................................... 82
Lesson 1........................................................................................................ 82
Lesson 2........................................................................................................ 87
Lesson 3........................................................................................................ 91
Lesson 4........................................................................................................ 97

UNIT 6.................................................................... 102

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................102
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................107
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................114
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................123

UNITS 4-6 ............................................................... 129

Project 2 .......................................................................................................129
Poem 2 .........................................................................................................131

UNIT 7.................................................................... 133

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................133
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................142
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................148
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................156
Table of Contents

UNIT 8.................................................................... 163

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................163
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................169
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................176
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................185

UNIT 9.................................................................... 191

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................191
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................194
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................197
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................204

UNITS 7-9 ............................................................... 208

Project 3 .......................................................................................................208
Poem 3 .........................................................................................................210

UNIT 10 .................................................................. 212

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................212
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................215
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................221
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................226

UNIT 11 .................................................................. 231

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................231
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................236
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................240
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................242
Table of Contents

UNIT 12 .................................................................. 247

Lesson 1.......................................................................................................247
Lesson 2.......................................................................................................251
Lesson 3.......................................................................................................256
Lesson 4.......................................................................................................261

UNITS 10-12 ............................................................ 266

Project 4 .......................................................................................................266
Poem 4 .........................................................................................................268
March 2020

To the teachers of Myanmar:

Thank you for your dedication to your students. As teachers, our ultimate goal is for
students to be able to use the English language to solve problems, answer questions,
and have more opportunities in the future. All of the time you spend preparing lessons
and teaching aids is so important for your students’ learning and development. Thank
you for working so hard to open the minds of your students as they learn English.

How to use this book:

Every group of students is different. Read these lesson plans, and think about how
you could use similar activities or approaches in your classroom. Remember there is
always more than one way to teach the material in a student-centered way. You can
replicate these activities, or you could use these ideas to create your own plans!
Creating student-centered lessons is a process. Sometimes the activities will work
very well; sometimes you will need to adjust the activities to make them work better
for your students. Be patient with yourself & with your students. You are learning

Note on spelling & vocabulary:

English has many dialects, and in different countries, you may find different spelling
and vocabulary. In the Myanmar Grade 6 English textbook, you will find British English
spelling and vocabulary. Throughout this guide, you will find both American and British
English, and we have included notes within the lesson plans to explain the differences.

For example, in American English, we drop the “u” in words like color and favorite. The
pronunciation is the same, and both British and American spellings are correct. In
British English, we ask “Have you got a pen?” In American English, we ask “Do you
have a pen?” The meaning is the same, and both phrasings are correct.

Abbreviations you’ll see in this book:

• T = Teacher
• Ss = Students
• Ex = Exercise
• SWBAT = Students will be able to
• CCQs = Comprehension Checking Questions
• Q&A = Question and Answer; Q = Question; A = Answer
Unit 1

Period 1
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Listening Exercises 1-3

• SWBAT answer basic introductory questions about their name, grade, and town.
• SWBAT use familiar English to talk about the pictures.
• SWBAT practice the dialogue with correct pronunciation.

• Small pieces of papers with 3 introductory questions (one for each student)
• Pictures of people doing different activities (one for each group)
• Papers for picture answers (1/4 of an A4 paper for each group)
• Small papers with “A” or “S”

1. Introductions
2. Exercise 1
3. Exercise 2
4. Exercise 3
5. Practice the Dialogue

• Teacher introduces herself/himself to the class
• T asks the class 3 questions:
o 1. What’s your name?
§ My name is ___.
o 2. What grade are you in?
§ I’m in Grade 6.
o 3. Where do you live?
§ I live in ___. (name of city or town)
• Demonstrate the activity.
o T demonstrates 2 students asking the questions and answering the
o Ask your friend the 3 questions. Your friend will answer. Then your friend
asks you 3 questions, and you give your answers.
• One student, one small paper.
o On the paper are the 3 questions:
§ What’s your name? What grade are you in? Where do you live?
§ Note: If you do not have paper, you can write these questions on the
o Each student asks & answers questions with two different students.

Unit 1

Practice (Ex 1):

• After the speaking activity, T calls attention and gives instructions for the next
activity. T will give each group one picture. Groups will answer questions about their

• One group, one big picture.

• T asks the Ss two questions.
• Ss write their answers on a group paper (1/4 of an A4 paper)

1. What do you see in the picture? (List of nouns)

2. What are the children doing? (List of Verb ‘-ing’ words)

• After Ss look at the picture and write answers, T takes the pictures and papers away.

• T says: “Now, let’s look at the picture for Exercise 1 on page 8.”
• Teacher asks 3 questions about the picture in the textbook. Ss call out answers.
o What do you see in the picture?
o What are the children doing?
o Where do you think they are going?

Practice (Ex 2):

• T gives instructions for Ex 2 in Myanmar.
• Students listen and complete the exercise. Play the recording at least 2 times.
• Review the answers.
o T asks: “Did you hear ‘__’?”
o Ss answer: Yes / No
o Repeat for all words in Ex 2
§ Example: Did you hear ‘Aung Aung’? Yes! Did you hear ‘Hello’? No!

Practice (Ex 3):

• Split class into two big groups to practice the dialogue.
o One group is Aung Aung, and one group is Su Hlaing.
• T reads the dialogue, and Ss repeat.
• Change roles of big groups.
• Give each student one small paper, either S or A.
o T explains the instructions.
o Ss stand up and find a partner. If you are an “S” student, find an “A” student.
o One S and one A meet and practice the dialogue.
o Then they exchange papers and repeat with new friend.
• Ss should practice the dialogue with 3 different students and then sit down quietly.

• T calls two students to act out the dialogue in front of the room.
• Repeat (call two more students to come to the front) until time is up.
• Remember:
o Call an equal number of girls and boys to the front.
o Encourage all students to listen when other students are presenting.

Unit 1

Period 2
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Listening Exercises 4-6

• SWBAT use familiar English to talk about the pictures.
• SWBAT practice the dialogue with correct pronunciation.

• Pictures of people doing different activities (one for each group)
• Papers for picture answers (1/4 of an A4 paper for each group)
• Small papers with “N” or “M”

1. How are you?
2. Exercise 4
3. Exercise 5
4. Exercise 6
5. Practice the Dialogue

• Ask the Ss: 'How are you?'
• Teach new responses to “How are you?” (T uses hand motions with each response.)
o I’m good.
o I’m great!
o I’m not so good.
§ Culture note: In English-speaking countries, it is very rare to say “I’m
fine, thanks. And you?” We might say, “I’m good. What about you?”
§ You can teach: “What about you?” = “And you?”
• Ask the Ss some questions. (One group, one question.)
o Where do you live?
o What grade are you in?
o What do you see at school? (students / teachers / desks / clock / etc.)
o Where are you now? (in my classroom / at school / in Myanmar / etc.)
o What are you doing? (Sitting / Listening / learning English / speaking English )

Practice (Ex 4):

• One group, one big picture
o Make sure that each group gets a different picture from the one they used in
Period 1.
• Ask the Ss:
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. What are they doing?
• Students write short answers on group paper.
o 1. List of nouns
o 2. List of Verb ‘-ing’ words
• Take away the big pictures and papers.
• “Ss, please look at the picture in the textbook.”
o T asks three questions about the picture to the class.

Unit 1

Practice (Ex 5):

• Give instructions in Myanmar.
• Students listen and complete the exercise. Play the recording at least 2 times.
• Review the answers.
o T asks: “Did you hear ‘__’?”
o Ss answer: Yes / No
o Repeat for all words in Ex 5.

Practice (Ex 6):

• Split class into two big groups to practice.
o One group is May Thu, and one group is Nyi Lay.
• T reads the dialogue and Ss repeat.
• Change roles of big groups.
• Give each student one small paper, either M or N.
o One M and one N meet and practice the dialogue.
o Then they exchange papers and repeat with new friend.
• Students should practice the dialogue with 3 different students, and then sit down

• T calls two students to act out the dialogue in front of the room.
• Repeat (call two more students to come to the front) until time is up.
• Remember:
o Call an equal number of girls and boys to the front.
o Encourage all students to listen when other students are speaking in the

Period 3
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Period 3 – Speaking Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT greet other people, introduce themselves, and say goodbye.
• SWBAT listen and match greetings and their responses.

1. Question Practice
2. Useful Language
3. Ex 1 pg. 9
4. Ex 2 pg. 9
5. Review

• T asks basic introductory questions. One group, one question.
o How are you?
o Where are you from?
o Where do you live?
o What’s your name? (let each student in the group say their name)
o What grade are you in?
• “Today, we will practice more greetings and introductions”

Unit 1

• Explain to the students:
o The left column shows expressions for greeting people, introducing
ourselves, and saying goodbye.
o The right column shows the responses to these expressions.

• “Listen and match the expressions in the left column with the responses in the right
column. We will listen 2 times.”
• Play the recording 2 or 3 times.
• Review the answers: One group reads one answer (For example: #1 Hi! Hello!)

• Explain the table of useful language.
o Note: “How do you do?” should be in the “Greeting People” column.
o Leave-taking = Saying Goodbye
• Discuss useful language. Ask students:
o What other ways can we introduce ourselves?
§ What’s your name? My name is ___.
§ Where are you from? I’m from ___.
§ Where do you live? I live in ___.
§ What grade are in you in? I’m in Grade 6.
o Explain that these are introductory questions.

• Students go around the class and “meet” 3 students.
o Ss should use a greeting expression.
o Ss should ask: “What’s your name?”
o Ss should use a leave-taking expression.
• Ss should write the names of the 3 students they meet.
• Example Conversation:
o S1: Hello! What’s your name?
o S2: Hi, I’m Aung Aung. What’s your name?
o S1: I’m Su Su. Goodbye!
o S2: See you.
• As students walk around the room greeting each other, T monitors and gives
feedback on pronunciation.
• After all finish, T can ask different students:
o Q: Who did you meet?
o A: I met ____, ____, and ____.
§ Ss says the 3 names of the students they met.

• Practice Greetings & responses in Speaking Ex 1.
• T splits class into two big groups. One group gives the left column greeting; the other
group responds with the right column response.
o Example:
§ Group 1: “Hi,”
§ Group 2: “Hello”
• Repeat for 1-7 in Speaking Ex 1

Unit 1

Period 4
Unit 1 Lesson 1 Period 4 – Speaking Exercise 3

• SWBAT introduce themselves as another person using basic sentences.
• SWBAT answer simple questions about a person’s name, age, and hometown after
hearing their introduction.

1. Greetings
2. Speaking Cards
3. Ex 3
4. Review & Discuss Lesson 1

• “Yesterday we learned greetings and responses. Do you remember? Let’s practice.”
• T reads one greeting from Speaking Ex 1. Ss give the response
o T: How do you do?
o Ss: How do you do?
• Repeat for all 7 in Ex 1.

• Organize class into groups of 3. Give each group a set of speaking cards.
o If no materials to make cards, T can write the card on the board.
• The speaking card might look like this:
Hello! My name is ________.
I’m from __________. I’m __
years old. Nice to meet you!

• T says: “Today you will introduce yourself by using the speaking cards.”
• T asks: “What information do we put in the blanks?”
o My name is ___ = name
o I’m from ___ = place
o I’m __ years old = age/number
• Help your students with the next activity by writing on the board & reviewing:
o 11 = eleven
o 12 = twelve

• Teacher assigns groups to one box in Ex 3.
o For example: Group 1 & 2 – Khin Khin; Groups 3 & 4 – Nu Nu
• Two groups stand and read the speaking card as their person.
o For example: Hello! My name is Khin Khin. I’m from Pathein. I’m 11 years old.
• Repeat for all 3 boxes.

• Change the group assignments

o For example: Group 1 & 2 – Bo Bo; Groups 3 & 4 – Khin Khin
• Groups stand and read the speaking card as their person.
o For example: Hello! My name is Bo Bo. I’m from Pyay. I’m 12 years old.
• After the groups read for one person, T asks the other groups questions:

Unit 1

o What is his/her name?

o Where is he/she from?
o How old is he/she?
• Repeat for all 3 boxes again.

• Discuss in Myanmar:
o What did we learn in Lesson 1?
o What activities in Lesson 1 were the most interesting?
o When would you introduce yourself and others?
o Why are greetings useful? Why should we learn them?

Period 1
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Exercise 1

• SWBAT name the 8 pictures.
• SWBAT match names with the 8 pictures.

1. Holiday questions
2. Pictures
3. Matching
4. Group Practice
5. Review

• What do you usually do on holiday? Do you travel to other places?
• Where do you go?
• What do you see? What do you do?
• If you stay at home, what do you do at home? What do you see?

• Look at the pictures.
• Where can you find these things? What cities/places?
• T shows pictures & gives Vocabulary word. Ss repeat.
o Practice pronunciation.
o Show each group one picture and have them give the name. Repeat 3-4

• Match words with pictures in Ex 1.
• On the board (each group one word)
• In the book

• One group one picture, group holds up the picture.

Unit 1

• Other groups say the word.

• Repeat for all words.

• T shows pictures to class, and Ss say the words

Period 2
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercise 2a-2b

• SWBAT identify the parts of a postcard.
• SWBAT identify where the postcards are from and the holiday greetings.

1. Postcards
2. Read the postcard
a. Read + Vocabulary
b. Translate
c. Questions
d. Ex 2a & 2b
3. Review

• T hold up post card, have you seen this before?
• What is this?
• Explain format of a postcard/parts of a postcard
o Picture
o Address – where do you want to send it?
o Letter
• Show Ss example postcards.
• “Ss, point to the ___”

1. Ss read silently. Ss underline words they don’t know.
o T hang up Vocabulary poster & say each word. Ss repeat. Ss write new
words in their exercise books/textbooks.
2. Read & repeat, then translate.
3. T asks:
o Where is the postcard from?
o Do you see a holiday greeting?
4. Circle the holiday greeting
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each postcard.

• Where is postcard 1 from?
• Where is postcard 2 from?
• Where is postcard 3 from?
• Which postcard has a holiday greeting?

Unit 1

Period 3
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Period 3 – Exercise 3

• SWBAT answer the 4 questions about the postcards.
• SWBAT complete the table with information from the postcards.

1. Review Vocabulary
2. Review Ex 2a & 2b
3. 4 questions
4. Chart Activity
5. Ex 3
6. Review

• Review Ex 1 vocabulary

• Finish Period 2 activity (reading any postcards not finished in Period 2)
• Review Ex 2a & 2b
o Where is Postcard __ from?
o Which postcard has a holiday greeting?

• Read Postcard 1 again (T read. Ss repeat)
• Introduce 4 questions about each postcard. Write these questions on the board:
1. Who is the postcard from?
2. Who is the postcard to?
3. What food and drink do they have?
4. What is the weather like?
• Ask and answer questions 1-4 for Postcard 1.
• Repeat reading & questions for Postcards 2 and 3.

• One group, one chart. Complete the table with short answers.

• One group, 12 answers.
• T asks the questions. Ss hold up the correct answers.
• T puts the correct answer in the chart on the board.

Practice (Ex 3):

• Ss complete the chart in their books individually.
• T explains in the difference between the practice chart and the book chart.

• Ask 4 questions about each postcard. Ask each group one question.
o Who is Postcard _(1/2/3)_ from?
o Who is Postcard ___ to?

Unit 1

o What food and drink do they have in Postcard __?

o What is the weather like in Postcard __?
• Ss give the answers.

Period 4
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Period 4 – Exercise 4

• SWBAT answer the comprehension questions about the three postcards using short
and complete answers.
• SWBAT understand the difference between a short answer and a complete answer.
• SWBAT match a question with its complete answer.

1. Ex 3 review
2. Short & Complete Answers
3. Short Answer Practice
4. Complete Answer Matching
5. Write the Complete Answers
6. Review

• Review 4 questions from Period 3 about each postcard.
• T asks each group 1 question about the chart.

• “Today we will practice short and complete answers with Exercise 4.”
• Example 1: What is the weather like in Ngapali?
o Short answer: fine
o Complete answer: The weather in Ngapali is fine.
• T explains the difference between a short answer and a complete answer.
• Example 2: What food do they have in Pyin Oo Lwin?
o Short answer: strawberries
o Complete answer: They have strawberries in Pyin Oo Lwin.

• One group, one paper. Ask question 1.
• Ss write short answer on their paper and hold it up.
o Ss should write big enough so T can see.
• Repeat for questions 2-5.

• One group, 5 complete answer, 5 numbers.
• Ss match Question # with the complete answer.
• When they finish, Ss write complete answers in their exercise books.

• T asks each group one question. Each group reads the correct complete answer.

Unit 1

Period 1
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Exercises 1-3

• SWBAT say greetings for special events
• SWBAT describe weather using adjectives
• SWBAT use affirmative and negative sentences to talk about the weather

1. Questions
2. Greetings / Ex 1
3. Weather / Ex 2
4. Ex 3
5. Review

• T asks questions related to the vocabulary.
o Where do you go on holiday?
o When is your birthday?
o What month is Christmas?
o What month is New Year’s?

• T gives Myanmar translation for each greeting: Happy New Year, Merry Christmas,
Happy Holiday, Happy Birthday, Get Well Soon
o Note: Get Well Soon = we say this when someone is sick/ill
• When T give translation, T puts a picture on the board for that greeting.
o Repeat for all greetings. When finished, all 6 pictures are hanging on the
• T gives each group one greeting (written on a paper). Group comes to the board and
matches the greeting with the picture.
• After all pictures & greetings are matched on the board, Ss complete Ex 1 in their

• T asks some questions:
o How are you?
o How’s the weather today? / What’s the weather like today?
o Do you know weather adjectives? (T asks each group for one weather
• T shows the pictures for each weather adjective. T says the English adjective and Ss
repeat. T puts the pictures on the board.
• T writes on the board (on the side):
o Snowy
o Windy
o Cloudy
o Rainy

Unit 1

o Sunny
• T gives translation of these adjectives.

Practice (Ex 2):

• “I will give 5 adjectives to each group. When I point to the picture, hold up the
o T gives each group five papers (one adjective on each paper).
o T points to a picture on the board.
o Ss hold up the correct adjective. Repeat for all 5 pictures. Repeat 2 times.
• After group practice, each S completes Ex 2 in their book.

Practice (Ex 3):

• “Now, look at Exercise 3 on page 13.”
• T translates each sentence. T does not translate or give the answer. T asks Ss:
“What is the answer? What do you think?”
o Ss call out the answer. T confirms the correct answer.
o T writes correct answer on the board. Ss write answer in their textbooks.

• “Let’s review the vocabulary we learned today.”
• “Please say the greeting for the picture.”
o T holds up each picture from Ex 1. Ss say the correct greeting.
• “Please say the adjective for the picture.”
o T holds up each picture from Ex 2. Ss say the correct adjective.

Period 2
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Exercises 4-5

• SWBAT answer questions about the weather using negative & affirmative sentences.
• SWBAT identify adjectives in sentences about places.

1. Weather Adjectives
2. Questions
3. Ex 4
4. Adjective Practice
5. Ex 5
6. Review

• “Let’s review the weather adjectives we learned.”
• T holds up pictures from Ex 3, and Ss say the correct adjective for each picture.

• T puts one picture on the board. (For example, a picture of the sun.)
• T writes the question: “Is it cloudy?” T writes the answer: “No, it’s not cloudy. It’s
• T explains the answer and the negative/affirmative sentences.
o Negative: No, it’s not _(adj)_. Affirmative: It’s _(adj)_.

Unit 1

Practice (Ex 4):

• One group, one picture, one question.
• T gives each group one picture from Ex 4.
o For example: Group 1, picture 2; group 2, picture 3
• The group stands up and asks question #2.
o “Is it sunny?”
• The other groups give the answer with two sentences.
o “No, it’s not sunny. It’s windy.”
• Repeat for #3-5.
• After all #2-5 are finished, Ss write the answers in their textbooks.
o “Now, write the answers in your textbook. When you finish, raise your hand
o T walks around the room and checks student work as they finish.

• T calls attention and introduces the next activity.
o “Students, what are adjectives?” (Ss give answer in Myanmar)
o “Now we will practice finding adjectives.”
• One group, one question paper.
o On the paper, there are 5 sentences:
1. My house is small.
2. Mawlamyine is a beautiful town in Mon State.
3. My school is clean and beautiful.
4. Shwedagon Pagoda is big and famous.
5. We are clever and intelligent.
• Before groups start working, T reads the sentences, and Ss translate aloud. T
confirms correct translation.
• T gives instructions: “Look for the adjectives. Underline the adjectives you see. When
you finish, raise your hand silently.”
o Ss work together in groups.
• When Ss finish, T reviews the answers with the class.
o “Group 1, what adjectives do you see in Sentence 1?”
o Repeat for all 5 sentences.

Practice (Ex 5):

• “Now you will do Exercise 5 in your textbook. Look at Exercise 5 on page 13.
Underline the adjectives in the sentences. When you finish, raise your hand silently.”
• Before Ss begin, T asks the Ss to help translate the sentences.
o T reads sentence. Ss give translation. T confirms correct translation.
o Then, Ss complete the activity in their textbooks.
• While Ss are working, T walks around the room, and T checks work when Ss finish.
• T reviews answers with the class.
o “Group 1, what adjectives do you see in Sentence 1?”
o Repeat for all 5 sentences.

• T reviews Ex 4. T holds up picture and asks question.
• For example, T holds up “sunny” picture and asks “Is it rainy?”
o Ss answer: No, it’s not rainy. It’s sunny.
o Repeat for all 5 weather adjectives.
• T reviews Ex 5 adjectives. T asks Ss: “What adjectives did we find in Exercise 5?”
o Ss call out adjectives. T asks Ss to give the Myanmar meanings.

Unit 1

Period 3
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Period 3 – Exercise 6

• SWBAT match nouns and adjectives based on their meanings.

1. Adjectives
2. Activity
3. Vocabulary
4. Ex 6
5. Review

• Today we will practice matching adjectives and nouns.
• T writes “Adjectives” on the board. T asks: “Can you tell me some adjectives?”
• Each group gives one or two adjectives. T makes a list on the board.
o Groups can look at Ex 4-5 for ideas.
o Examples: big, clean, beautiful, small, quiet, busy, noisy, sunny, windy,
stormy, cloudy, snowy

• T writes “Noun” and “Adjective” on the board. T asks Ss, “what is a noun?” “what is
an adjective?”
• Ss give answer and T confirms the correct answer.
o Nouns = person, place, thing, or idea
o Adjectives = words used to describe a noun / give information about a noun
• T writes a list of nouns on the board:
o Winter
o Sky
o Flower
o Weather
o Summer
• T writes a list of adjectives on the board:
o Snowy
o Pleasant
o Sunny
o Blue
o Beautiful
• Note: these lists should be side-by-side (like Ex 6 in the textbook).
• T asks Ss about each word. “What does ___ mean?” Ss give Myanmar meaning.
• T gives each group 5 papers (each paper has one adjective)
• T says a noun. Ss hold up the adjective.
o T says “sky.” Ss hold up “sky” paper.
o Repeat for all 5 nouns.

• T gives each group a bag. In the bag, there are 5 nouns and 5 adjectives.
o Nouns: Hanlin, prawns, summer, strawberries, Chaung Thar
o Adjectives: fresh, fine, delicious, sandy, ancient

Unit 1

• Ss work in groups to match the nouns and the adjectives.

o Hanlin / ancient
o Prawns / delicious OR fresh
o Strawberries / delicious OR fresh
o Summer / pleasant
o Chaung Thar / sandy
• When they finish, they raise their hands silently. T checks each groups work.
• When all groups finish, T reviews answers. Each group reads one pair. For example,
“Group 1, please read one pair.” Group 1 reads: “Hanlin is ancient.”
o (noun) is/are (adjective).

• Ss complete Ex 6 in their textbook by drawing lines.
• Note that seafood can be fresh/delicious. Fruit can be fresh/delicious. Both answers
are correct.
• Ss who finish quickly can write these 5 as sentences in their exercise books:
o (Noun) is (adjective).

• T asks and Ss answer.
o What is a noun? Give me 3 examples. (beach, fruit, weather, etc.)
o What is an adjective? Give me 3 examples. (fresh, fine, delicious, etc.)
o Tell me some weather adjectives. (sunny, rainy, stormy, etc.)
o Tell me some place adjectives. (big, busy, noisy, clean, etc.)

Period 1
Unit 1 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT write sentences about different nouns using verb “to be” + adjective.
• SWBAT match nouns, verb “to be,” and adjectives to make meaningful and correct

1. Adjective Review
2. Sentence Writing
3. Ex 1
4. Ex 2 – Group Work
5. Review

• T shows a postcard. T asks: “What is this?”
• T tells the Ss: “In Lesson 4, we will practice writing a postcard.”
• T: “Let’s review some adjectives. Tell me some adjectives you know.”
o Each group shares one or two adjectives.
o T writes a list of adjectives on the board.

Unit 1

• T explains how to write sentences with (Noun + Verb To Be + Adjective).
• “To write a sentence, we will use:”
o T writes on the board: __(noun)__ __(to be)__ __(adj)__.
• Remember: nouns are people, places, things, and ideas
• T explains and shows one example on the board.
o “Look at Exercise 6 on page 13.”
o For example: Bagan ___ ancient.
o To write a sentence, we will add verb “to be”
o Bagan = it à so we use “is” as our verb “to be”
o Bagan is ancient.
• “Let’s try #2.” (T writes on the board and asks Ss to give the correct verb.)
o Seafood __ fresh. à Seafood is fresh.
o Seafood __ delicious. à Seafood is delicious.

Practice (Ex 1):

• “Now look at Lesson 4 Exercise 1 on page 14.”
• CCQs:
o In column A, do you see nouns or adjectives? (nouns)
o In column B, what do you see? (verb to be + adjective)
• “Let’s learn these adjectives.”
o Colorful; happy; scenic; fine; lovely
o T writes on the board with Myanmar meanings. Students write the Myanmar
meanings in their textbooks.
• “Students, please do Exercise 1 in your textbooks. Draw a line from the noun to the
verb to be + adjective to make a sentence. Let’s do #1 together.”
o 1. Pyin Oo Lwin à is scenic.
§ (singular = is)
o (T demonstrates the line drawing & explains the answer on the board.)
• “Now, do number 2 through number 5 by yourself. When you finish, raise your hand
• T monitors Ss’ work. When all finish, T asks each group to read one sentence aloud
to check the class’ answers.

Practice (Ex 2):

• Look at Lesson 4 Exercise 2. Let’s label the boxes:
o Above the 3 boxes write: Noun / to be / adjective
• One group, one bag, 3 sentence charts.
• “Work together to make 3 sentences with the words in your bag.”
o Remember your sentence has 3 parts: a noun, verb “to be,” and an adjective.
o You can also add “not” after the verb “to be” – is not/are not/am not
• “Make 3 sentences. When you finish, raise your hands silently.”
• CCQs:
o What 3 parts will your sentence have? (noun, verb ‘to be’, adjective)
o How many sentences will you make? (3)
o When you finish, what do you do? (raise my hand silently)
• When a group finishes 3 sentences, T checks their work. Ss write correct answers in
their exercise books, and then they can create 3 more sentences.
• Ss continue creating sentences and writing them in their exercise book until there are
a few minutes left of class.

Unit 1

• T calls attention and asks each group to read two sentences aloud.
• “Group 1, please read 2 sentences that you made.”
• Repeat for all groups.

Period 2
Unit 1 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 3-4

• SWBAT complete the postcard with the words and pictures correctly.
• SWBAT identify the 5 parts of a postcard letter by matching words/phrases with each

1. Parts of Postcard
2. Ex 3
3. Ex 4
4. Review

• Show students a postcard
• Ask Ss, what are the 3 parts of a postcard?
o a picture
o a letter
o an address
• Tell Ss: “Today we will practice letter writing for postcards.”

Teach (Ex 3):

• On the board, T writes a-e on the board:
o It is sunny.
o See you on Monday
o Hi Myat Mon
o a wonderful holiday
o swimming
• T writes f-j in Myanmar on the board.

• T leads Ss in matching English with Myanmar

o T: Ss, A is the same as ...?
o S: (give answer)
o T: draws the line on the board

• CCQs:
o Tell me one "greeting" in Ex 3
§ Hi Myat Mon
o Give me some examples of "leave taking.”
§ Bye, See you soon

• One group, one paper and 5 phrases/words students complete the activity in groups.
T walks around and monitor the class.

Unit 1

• Ss write answers to Ex 3 in their textbooks

• When all are finished, T leads class in completing the Exercise on the board (large
version on chart paper for class to see)
• T explains how to complete the exercise in the following order (Start with what you
o greeting
o leave taking
o activity (swimming)
o full sentence
o noun (wonderful holiday)
• Remember, LOOK for what you know first!
• When all Ss finish, read postcard out loud as a class.

Teach (Ex 4):

• T asks class to look at postcard in Ex 3.
• T explains there are 5 parts of postcard writing
• T leads students in identifying:
o Greeting – Hi Myat Mon
o Feeling – I love it here!
o Weather – It is sunny.
o Leave Taking – See you soon Mon
o Signature – Kay Kay
• In Ex 3, Ss circle the parts. Then, students write Myanmar translations of part names
in Ex 4 boxes.

• Complete Exercise 4 in your book with your group
o Teacher’s Note: Tell students to work backward: from signature to feelings
• Teacher reviews answers with class, asking each group to read one answer.

Period 3
Unit 1 Lesson 4 Period 3 – Exercise 5

• SWBAT use familiar vocabulary from Unit 1 Lessons 1-3 to write a postcard

• T introduces the lesson goal. "Today we will write a postcard."
• “First, let’s review some vocabulary.”
o Weather adjectives: Teacher shows pictures for weather and writes on the
o Plural nouns: Teacher shows pictures from Lesson 2 and writes the plurals on
the board
o V1 activities: Teacher asks Ss "What can you do at the beach?"
§ T writes V1 phrases on the board that students say. For example:
• swim in the water
• play football
• read a book
• eat seafood
• pick up seashells

Unit 1

• T asks Ss to take out their exercise books.
o “Please take out your exercise books.”
o "I will ask questions. You will write short answers in your notebook."
• This is the information for the postcard:
1. What is the name of your friend? (Who will you write to?)
2. What is the name of the beach? (Ngapali, Setse, Maung Magan, etc.)
3. What is the weather like? (2 weather adjectives: sunny and hot)
4. What can you see at the beach? (2 plural nouns: horses and restaurants)
5. What can you do at the beach? (2 v1 phrases: ride bicycles and swim)
6. How do you feel about the beach? (I ____ it! – love/like/hate/dislike)
7. What is your name? (signature)

• Show students the postcard and demonstrate filling in answers.
• Explain to Ss the 4 steps:
1. Fill in postcard with your information
2. Raise your hand. The T will check your work.
3. Write the postcard in your notebook.
4. Draw a picture of the beach on the backside of postcard.

• At the end of the class time, some students can read their postcards to the class.
• For homework, Ss can finish drawing and coloring the pictures on the back of their

Unit 2

Period 1
Unit 2 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Ex 1-4

• SWBAT state their hobbies and ambitions.
• SWBAT ask for and give personal information.

• What is hobby?
o An activity that you do for FUN in your free time
• T: translation (hobby, hobbies, interest)
• T: For Example, my hobbies are ____ and ____. (Ving)
• T tells students about one of their hobbies.
• T asks Ss, “What is your hobby?”

• T shows the picture.
• Asks Ss: What is he/she doing?
o T writes the hobby on the board
o T says the hobby and Ss repeat after the teacher
o T gives translation in Myanmar
• When finished with all hobbies, there should be a list of hobbies on the board.

• T reads one hobby from a paper and shows the words/paper to the students.
o Ss: Hold up the correct picture and repeat the hobby

Practice (Ex 1):

• “Look at Lesson 1, page 16, exercise 1.”
o “Match the pictures with the hobbies in the box.”
o “Ss, please write in your textbook by yourself.”
o “When you finish, raise your hand silently.”
• CCQs:
o How many hobbies in the box? 10
o How many pictures? 10
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand silently

Practice (Ex 2):

• T read the hobbies from Ex 1 (1-10).
• Ss listen and check their answers.

Unit 2

Teach (Ex 3):

• T ask: What is ambition?
o Something that you want to do or achieve
o Example: My daughter’s ambition is to be/become a teacher.
• Translation:
o to be → one day you want to have this job
o to become → you want to work to achieve this goal
• T asks Ss: What is your ambition?
o Ss: My ambition is to be _______.
o Ss: My ambition is to become _________.

• T shows the picture of each occupation from Ex 3 on the board.

o Q: What is he/she?
o T says the job title
o Ss repeat after the teacher.
o T can then play the Ex 4 recording; Ss listen and repeat.

Practice (Ex 3):

• Each group has pictures of different occupations.
• T read an occupation and show the word.
o Ss listen, and hold up the picture that matches the occupation.
• “Now, look at Exercise 3”
o Match the picture with occupations in the box
o CCQs:
§ How many occupations in the box? 10
§ How many pictures? 10
• Ss write in their textbook by themselves.
o “When you finish, raise your hand silently”
• Teacher check your answer

Practice (Ex 4):

• Play the recording 1 time / T reads the occupations (Ex 3, 1-10).
o Students check answers.

• Let’s review the hobbies and ambitions we learned today.
• For hobbies, we often use Ving.
o “Each group, please tell me one hobby.”
• For ambitions, we talk about future jobs with ‘to be’ or ‘to become.’
o “Each group, please tell me one ambition.”

Period 2
Unit 2 Lesson1 Period 2 – Exercises 5a-5b; Speaking 1-2

• SWBAT listen and answer T/F questions about a boy’s hobbies/ambitions.
• SWBAT match questions and answers about personal information.

• Show pictures from Ex 1 (Page 16).

Unit 2

o T asks: “What’s their hobby?”

o Ss say the correct hobby word for each picture.
• Show pictures from Ex 3 (page 16).
o T asks: “What’s their occupation?”
o Ss say correct occupation for each picture.
§ Remember that your ambition could be an occupation. Occupation =
job / work / career

• “Today we will learn about Aung Aung.”
• “Open your textbook to page 17. Students, look at Exercise 5a. Please read #1-8
silently. Underline the words you don’t know.”
o After students finish reading, T reviews meaning of each sentence (Ex 5a, 1-
8). T can read each one and ask “what is the meaning of this sentence?” Ss
can give Myanmar translation.

Practice (Ex 5a-5b):

• “Now, I will play the recording. Listen to Aung Aung and circle True or False for each
sentence. Listen carefully, and then circle T or F in your book.”
o T plays recording 3 times (or more). While listening, Ss circle T for true or F
for false. (One circle per sentence)
• When finished, check answers as a class.
o T calls on each group to read one sentence and say “true” or “false.”
• Play the recording again and Ss can check their answers.

Practice (Speaking Ex 1):

• T writes on the board:

Column A Column B
1. What’s your name? a) to be a singer
2. Where do you live? b) dancing
3. What’s your hobby? c) Su Lay
4. What’s your ambition? d) mohinga
5. What’s your favorite food? e) in Mandalay

• “Now look at the board. We will match Column A and Column B.”
• T reads each question from Column A and asks Ss, “what does this question mean?”
Ss offer translations and T confirm correct translation.
• T reads each answer from Column B and asks Ss, “what does this question mean?”
Ss offer translations and T confirm correct translation.
o Remember: for hobbies, we usually use Verb -ing, and for ambitions, we use
to be/become.
• Ss in the their groups work together and match the questions and answers. Then, Ss
write complete sentence answers in their exercise books.

Practice (Speaking Ex 1):

• Students complete Ex 1 in their textbook (individually).
• When Ss finish, they can check their answers with their friend.

Practice (Speaking Ex 2):

• T splits each group into two: A and B. A students ask the questions, B students give
the answers. Then they change roles.

Unit 2

• When they finish practicing 2 times, students write questions and complete answers
in their exercise books.

• T asks each group one question from Speaking Ex 1 Column A.
• Group gives answer from Speaking Ex 1 Column B.

Period 3
Unit 2 Lesson 1 Period 3 – Speaking Exercises 3-4

• SWBAT state their hobby and ambition.
• SWBAT answer personal information questions with complete sentences.
• SWBAT ask questions to get personal information about their classmates.

• “In Lesson 1, we’ve listened to hobbies and occupations. What hobbies do you
remember? What occupations do you remember?”
• “Now, let’s practice some questions. I will ask the question. You will give your
• T asks different Ss or groups:
o What’s your name?
o Where do you live?
o What’s your hobby?
o What’s your ambition?
o What’s your favorite food?
• Students give answers, and then T writes the short answer they give on the board.
(In the same style as Ex 3 on page 17)

Teach/Practice (Ex 3):

• T explains the 5 questions (Useful Language box on page 17)
o Students write their personal information in Ex 3 in the textbook.
• Then, T demonstrates how to write each line as a complete sentence. (Useful
Language box on page 17)
o Students write their personal information as 5 complete sentences in their
exercise books.
• To check answers, T asks different students the questions. Ss read their complete
answers aloud.

Practice (Ex 4):

• 1 student, 1 paper. On the paper is a card like Exercise 3.
• Two students will work together.
o One student (A) asks the question, one student (B) gives the answer.
o Student A will write B’s answer on the card. Repeat for all 5 questions.
o Then, change roles.
• When pair work is finished, all students should have their paper completed with
answers from their partner. (Remind students to keep the paper!)
o Students write information in their textbook for Ex 4.

• T asks different students the 5 questions. Ss read their complete answers aloud.

Unit 2

Period 4
Unit 2 Lesson 1 Period 4 – Speaking Exercise 5

• SWBAT give personal information about their friends in complete sentences.
• SWBAT answer 5 questions about their friends with short and complete answers.

• “Yesterday, we got information from our friends for Exercise 4. Please show me the
information card.”
o Students hold up their information cards.
• “What questions did we ask?”
o Students call out the 5 questions.

• When we give our friend’s information to other people, we will use he/she + Verb -s
• T explains the sentences in Ex 5 on page 17.
o Boy à he/his
o Girl à she/her
• Students fill in the information from the card (Ex 4) into Ex 5.
• Students write complete sentences about their friend in their exercise book. (Write
the sentences from Ex 5 again.)

• In groups, Ss take turns reading out their friends information with the sentences in
Exercise 5.
o For example, one student reads 5 sentences about their friend. The other
students listen.
o Then the next student reads 5 sentences.
o Repeat until all students in the group have read 5 sentences.
• Note: Students are NOT reading to the entire class. They are reading to their small
group. T can walk around and listen to each group.

Practice (Extra time):

• Students can interview another friend with the 5 questions.
o Each student chooses a new friend.
o Students ask each other questions and write down the short answers.
o Students write complete sentences about their friends in their exercise books.
• Note: This extra practice is repeating Ex 4-5.

• T asks different students one of the 5 questions about their friends.
• With extra time, review vocabulary from Period 1.
o T asks: “What hobbies do you remember?” “What occupations do you

Unit 2

Period 1
Unit 2 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Reading Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT match personal information questions with correct answers.
• SWBAT ask and answer 6 questions about their personal information.

• “Last class, we spoke about your personal information and how to get personal
information about your friend. What questions do you remember?”
o Students call out questions from Lesson 1.
• “Let me ask you some questions:” (T asks different students some personal
information questions.)
o What’s your name? o What’s your favorite food?
o How old are you? o Where do you live?
o What’s your hobby?

• T asks each group one question:
o How many students are there in your class?
o How many teachers are there in Grade 6?
o Who are they?

• T shows a family picture. “Students, pretend that THIS family is YOUR family.”
• T writes 3 questions on the board and translates:
o How many brothers and sister do you have?
o How many people are there in your family?
o Who are they? (mother, father, sister, brother, me)
• T explains the 3 questions and the answers (based on the picture).

• One group, one family picture, one paper.
• Students work together in groups to write the answers to the questions.
o 1. ___ brothers and ___ sisters
o 2. ___ people
o 3. ____, _____, ___, and ____
• When they finish, Ss should raise their hands silently. T checks answers with each

• “Ss, open your book to page 18. Look at Exercise 1. Match the questions with the
answers. To match, draw a line. When you finish, raise your hand silently.”
• T walks around the classroom to check answers and help.

• One group asks one question (#1) and one group gives the answer. Repeat for all 6
questions in Exercise 1. Change the groups each time.

Unit 2

Period 2 & 3
Unit 2 Lesson 2 Period 2 & 3 – Reading Exercises 3

Note: This was taught across two 45-minute periods, or 90 minutes total.

• SWBAT read the passage and answer questions about information in the passage
• SWBAT ask questions to complete the blanks in the passage
• SWBAT give some information about Moe Moe

• Review hobby and ambition vocabulary with the class.
• Review questions from Exercise 1

• “Today we will read about a student.”
o 3 groups are Student A
o 3 groups are Student B

• Group A: Read only on page 18, read silently.

• Group B: Read only on page 19, read silently.
o ** Do not worry about the information you don’t have**
• When you finish reading, work in a group or a pair to answer 5 questions.
o Write short answers:

Group A Answers Group B Answers

What is her name? How old is she?
How many brothers and sisters does she have? When does her school start?
What is her hobby? What is her favorite food?
How many people are there in her family? What is her ambition?
Who does she live with? Where does she live?

• When a group finishes, they can practice asking and answering the questions with
each other. (For example, the Ss in Group A ask each other “What is her name?” /
“What is her hobby?” / other Group A questions.)
o Students can also write questions and answers in their notebooks
• Teacher should circulate and ask students if they need any words defined or

• T asks: “who is group A?” and “who is group B?”
• T asks: “Students, how many pieces of information are missing?” 5!
• “Today, A will ask B questions to get the new information.”
• T can move students so that each table has half/half Group A and Group B students.
The groups will work together in the next activity. For example, each group has 3
group A students and 3 group B students.

Unit 2

Group A’s questions:

• A asks the questions.
• B gives the answers.

• T: “Group A, let’s practice the questions in your book. Repeat after me. ‘How old is
o The answer to this question #1 will be what you write in (1)____.
• Repeat practice and explanation for 2-5.
• T explains what each group will do:
o Group A students are asking the questions, listening, and writing the answer.
o Group B students are only answering by speaking.
• CCQs:
o A students, what are you doing?
§ asking, listening, writing
o B students, what are you doing?
§ answering, speaking

• When you finish, raise your hand.

• After all are finished, T asks questions (pg. 18); all students answer.

Group B’s questions:

• Repeat process for group B
• T: “Group B, let’s practice your questions (on page 19)”
• T explains what each group will do:
o B’s are asking, listening, and writing
o A’s are answering by speaking
• Ss work together to ask and answer the questions. When they finish, they raise their

• T reads passage out loud and students repeat.
• Then, T asks questions about Moe Moe, and students answer.
• T can also say “Tell me about Moe Moe” and draw chart on the board and review.
The chart may look like this (see below) and T can ask Ss for information about Moe
Moe and write in the ideas at the end of each line.

Moe Moe

Unit 2

Period 4
Unit 2 Lesson 2 Period 4 – Reading Exercise 4

• SWBAT read the passage and true or false about Mie Mie personal details in the
• SWBAT give some information about Mie Mie

• “Today we will read about a student”
• T shows the picture of Mie Mie.
o “Let’s make some guesses about her.”
• T asks a few questions, and Ss make some guesses / give their ideas.
o How old is Mie Mie?
o How does Mie Mie go to school?
o What’s her favorite food?/ music?/ song?
o What’s her hobby?
o When was she born?

• T: “Now open your text book to page 19, Ex. 4”

• “Students, read the passage silently, underline the words you don’t know.”
• After Students read, T gives the vocabulary and translations.

• Write the 13 boxes on the board (From Ex 4).

• T reviews the meaning of each box by asking “What does it mean?” and Ss give their
ideas, and T confirms the correct answers.
o Ss look for in the passage the same 13 words and CIRCLE what they can
find in the text.
• T asks about each box: “Is it true for Mie Mie?”
o For example, is May 2006 true for Mie Mie?
- Do you see the sentence ‘I was born in May 2006’?
- Yes, so May 2006 is true for Mie Mie.

• “Students, read the paragraph about Mie Mie and her family. If it is not true for Mie
Mie, cross out the ones in the boxes.”

Unit 2

• “Tell me what you know about Mie Mie. What is her hobby? How old is she?”
• Each group gives the T one fact about Mie Mie. T can ask more questions for Ss to
answer about Mie Mie.

Unit 2

Period 1
Unit 2 Lesson 3, Period 1 – Grammar Exercises 1-4

• SWBAT to use simple present tense in basic sentences (S+V+O).

• In Myanmar, T asks the class what they remember about “present simple tense” from
Grade 5. T can ask questions in Myamar, such as “Give me an example of present
simple” or “when do we use present simple?”


• T explains that we use present simple to discuss habits and routines –

things/activities we do regularly.

• Students open your textbook page 20, Grammar Exercise.
o Read the passage about your best friend, silently.
o Look for ‘Verb’ and underline the verbs in the present simple
o When you finish, raise your hand silently
• T: Tell the class to check their answer
• Read the answers in the text
• T: You find the negative sentence in the text
• Ss: To find the negative sentence (does not like)

• T shows the present simple form on the board

• T tells the students “affirmative and negative sentences” in the simple present
• How do we form the present simple?
o Explain that it is important to make subject + verb agreement in the sentence
o So, it is necessary to add ’s’ to the main verb for the subject singular except
subject ‘I’ and ‘You’ in affirmative sentences

For example, Ko Ko drinks water. (+)

I drink water. (+)
Change the negative,
Ko Ko does not drink water. (-)
I do not drink water. (-)

• T shows present simple chart on the board

Unit 2

• Students complete Ex. 2 in text.
• When you finish raise your hand and teacher will check your answers.
• Review answers with the class:
o Change the negative sentences
§ Subject ‘I, We, You, They’ à do not + V (infinitive)
§ Subject ‘He, She, It’ à does not + V (infinitive)

• T translates Ex.4 each verb in the box mean and sentences 1-10

• Ss complete the sentences with the correct form of each verb in the box. Use the
present simple.
• T reviews answers and give corrections if necessary.

• We use the present simple to talk about
o A) Things that we do regularly (that are true in general)
o B) Something that happens regularly (that happen sometimes or all the time)
o C) Things that are true and do not change

• T explains the present simple use with examples:

o My aunt cooks delicious meals for us. (A)
o Birds build nests to lay their eggs. (B)
o Water boils at 100C. (C)

• The students choose one reason why the present simple is used. Then they write the
letter for the reason next to the sentence. (Exercise 4, page 20)

Review (Ex 4):

• Each group tells their answer (A/B/C) for one sentence and explains why in

Period 2
Unit 2 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Ex. 5a-5b

• SWBAT write sentences in affirmative and negative forms by changing the infinitive
and adding do/does not.

• Finish activity from Period 1 (ex. 4) as a class
• Ask the Ss: What is an affirmative sentence
• What is a negative sentence?
• Review Ex.2 with chart on the board

• Today we will practice writing affirmative an negative sentences.
• Let’s look at some examples

Unit 2

Example #1:
The teacher (drink) water.
The teacher (drink) Sponsor.
(Teacher demonstrates drinking water).

Ask the students:

Q: Which one is true?
A: The teacher (drinks) water.

T: Yes, correct. This is the affirmative sentence (write A next to water)

Q: Which one is NOT true?

A: Teacher (drink) Sponsor.

T: Yes, correct. This is the negative sentence. (write N next to sponsor)

• Explain to Ss how to change the A sentence

1. Look at subject
2. Decide if you add ’s’ or not
• Explain to Ss how to change the N sentence
1. Look at subject
2. Decide if you add does or do not ( except verb to be)

• Then, write new sentences on the board.

Example #2:
DKT (wear) a hat. (N)
DKT (wear) glasses. (A).

Example #3:
The teachers (be) happy. (A)
The teachers (be) sad. (N).
*** Explainthat for (be)
A: decide if you will change to am/is/are
N: decide if you will change to am/is/are not (NO do or does with (be))

Example #4:
Our school (have) a garden. (A)
Our school (have) a computer room. (N).

• CCQs:
o When you have an affirmative sentence, do you use not? NO
o When you have a negative sentence, do you use not? YES

• T: Students look at #1 on page 21. Let’s read the two ideas.
• Which one is true? Write an A
è She (live) in a big house.
• Which one is not true? Write an N

• Students, read #2-8 and write A or N for each sentence.

Unit 2

• One question, one A and one N.

• After students finish, the teacher reads each idea and the students reply “Affirmative”
or “Negative”

• T: “Let’s write 2 sentences for #1 together.”

• Teacher leads class to write one A and one N sentence.
• T: “Now, students in your notebook write 2 sentences for #2-8. One question, one A
and one N”

• When class ends, have each group read 2 sentences
• Group 1-#2
• Group 2-#3 and so on…

Period 3
Unit 2 Lesson 3 Period 3 – Exercises 6a-6c

• SWBAT use their friends answers to ten questions to write ten sentences about their
• SWBAT complete 10 questions with verbs to be, to live, to do, to have, to get, and to

• T review Exercise 5a by asking 8 questions. Students give the affirmative sentence
as the answer.
• T says: “Students, today I will ask 7 questions about Exercise 5. Please answer with
the affirmative sentence.”

1. Where does she live, in a flat or a house?

2. Does she have a brother or a sister?
3. When does he go to school?
4. What does her Mom do?
5. What does her Dad do?
6. Does he have a bike or a motorcycle?
7. What does his Dad teach?

• T: “Students, please look at Exercise 6a. Let’s read the first question. Repeat after
me: How old ____ you?”
è Q: Students, what does this mean?
è A: (students give Myanmar meaning)
• Repeat for each question 2-10. If the Ss may not remember, they can write the
Myanmar meaning next to the question in the book.

Practice (Ex 6a)

• T: Now, we will have 6 groups. One group, one paper and 10 verbs
• Finish questions 1-10 with the correct verb. When you finish raise your hand silently.
• For example, what ____ your name?

Unit 2

• Q: Students, what is the correct verb?

• A: is
è T: very good. What __is__ your name?

• CCQs:
o Student in one group, how many verbs? 10
o Students, what will you do with the verbs? Finish the questions.
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand silently.

• Students complete the activity in groups. When a group finish, the teacher checks
the answers. If all are correct, Ss write answer in their textbook.

• When the whole class is finished, the T reads each questions and students repeat.
Note some answers to the questions on the board as examples.

• T: Now, you will ask your friend questions and write their answers.
o One student, one paper, ten questions
o T organizes class into pairs. One student is A and one student is B.
• T explains first, A asks the questions and B answers. A writes answers on their

• CCQ:
o A, What are you doing?
§ Asking, listening, writing
o B, what are you doing?
§ Answering, speaking

• After A finishes, the students change roles.

• T: Now, B asks questions and A answers. B writes the answers on their paper.

• CCQs:
o A, What are you doing?
§ answering, speaking
o B, what are you doing?
§ asking, listening, writing

• After B finishes, T explains Exercise 6c.

Practice (Ex 6c):

• “Students, now you will use the answers to write 10 sentences about your friend”
• T demonstrates:
o How old are you? à 10 à My friend is 10 years old.

• T reminds students if their friend is a girl, use she.

• If their friend is a boy, use he. (his father or her father)

• T explain that students should use the infinitive in the question and change it to
simple present to write a sentence.

• Except ‘do’:
o What does your father do? à farmer à Her father is a farmer.

Unit 2

o What do you do after school? à help my mother à She helps her mother
after school.

• In their exercise books. After teacher provides corrections, they can rewrite as a

• T asks some students to each read one or two sentences about their friends.

Period 1
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1a-1b

• SWBAT identify and name their daily activities.
• SWBAT categorize their daily activities into time of day: morning, afternoon, or

• T ask: “What do you usually do every day?”
• Give one group, one paper. Students will write as many ideas as they can to answer
the questions. Give the students about 5 minutes.
• After 5 min, ask each group for one answer.
o T writes the answers as a list on the board.

• T: “Open your textbook to page 22. Look at Exercise 1a.”
o “You can see 20 daily activities. Read the activities silently. Underline the
ones you don’t know.”
• After a few minutes, T calls attention and reads each activity. After reading T asks
the students, “What does it mean?”
o Students can write the Myanmar meaning in their book so they remember.
• T reads and Ss repeat all 20 again to review pronunciation. T also asks for the
meaning again.

• T: Now we know all 20 activities. Students, read the activities again silently. You can
circle the activities you do every day.
o If you do not do the activity, cross it out.

• Give students about 3 minutes to circle and cross out the things they do/don’t do.

• T: Now, let’s think about when we do these activities.

• In Exercise 1B, we have 3 times.
o Morning: what is morning? (when we wake up,- until 12 noon / 12 p.m.)
o Afternoon: what is afternoon? (from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.)
o Evening: what is evening? (from 5 until we sleep)

Unit 2

• “Think about one activity. For example, ‘homework.’ Students, what time do we do
homework, morning, afternoon, or evening?”
o “If your answer is, ‘evening,’ write ‘do homework’ in the evening box.”

• Teacher note: Remember, answers for every student can be different.

• If you do the activity 2 times or 3 times, you can write it in 2 or 3 boxes. (T give
another example)

• CCQs:
o Students, if I sweep the floor in the morning and the evening, where do I write
‘sweep the floor’?
§ morning and evening boxes
o Students, if I do not watch TV, do I write ‘watch TV’?
§ No
• T gives students time to complete the activity.

• T asks different groups questions.
o What do you do in the morning?
o What do you do in the afternoon?
o What do you do in the evening?
• Answer: In the _(time of day)_, I (simple present tense).

Period 2
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 2-3

• SWBAT write a paragraph about their ‘Daily Routine.’
• SWBAT put Aung Aung’s daily activities in order.

• Ask the Ss:
o What do you do in the morning?
o What do you do in the afternoon?
o What do you do in the evening?
• One group, 3 answers.

• After all groups give answers, T says: Open your textbook to page 22. Look at
Exercise 2. You can see Aung Aung’s daily routine.
o T asks: “How many sentences does Aung Aung’s daily routine?” (13)
• “Students, please read the 13 sentences silently, underline the ones you don’t
• After silent reading time, T explains Aung Aung’s daily routine (A à L) but not in the
correct time order.

Practice (Ex 2):

• Group work (6 groups): One group, one bag à order 1-10 and 13 sentences
• Match order Numbers 1 to 10 with the sentences.
Group work finish, raise your hand silently.
• T walks around the class to check their answers.

Unit 2

• After group work finishes, Ss write answers in their textbook.

Teach (Ex 3):

• “Now we will write a paragraph on “My Daily Routine””
o Teacher explains how to write the essay with 3 sentences for each time of
• “First, what do you do in the morning?”
o Write 3 sentences
o For example:
§ In the morning, I…
Then, I…
After that, I….
• And then, what do you do in the afternoon?
o 3 sentences
• What do you do in the evening?
o 3 sentences

Practice (Ex 3):

• 1 student, 1 paper, numbers #1-9; write your 9 sentences for the day – 3 for morning,
3 for afternoon, 3 evening.
• Then, Ss write a paragraph (9 sentences all together) in your notebook with the title
“My Daily Routine”

• Some Ss read aloud what they have written. Listen to each other carefully.

Period 3
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Period 3 – Exercises 4-5

• SWBAT use their friends answers to 10 questions cowrite ’10’ sentences about their
friend’s daily routine

• T: “Students, today I will ask ‘6’ questions.” (Ss give answers)

1. When do you get up in the morning?

2. What do you have for breakfast?
3. How do you go to school?
4. What do you do after school?
5. What do you do after dinner?
6. When do you go to bed?

• “Students, please look at Exercise 4 on page 23. Read each question and students
o How many questions? 10
• T translates “Wh” questions à When, What, How
• After translation is finished, T asks 10 questions in group and Ss give short answers
o T writes the short answers. on the board

Unit 2

• “Now, you will ask your friends daily life questions and write their answers.”
o T organizes class into pairs. One student is A and one student is B. Student A
asks questions and B answers.
• A write short answer in textbook.
• CCQs:
o Student A, what are you doing?
§ Asking, listening, and writing
o B, What are you doing?
§ answering and speaking
• After student A finishes, the students change roles.
• Write complete sentences about your friend’s Daily Life in the textbook.

• For example, when do you get up in the morning?

o (at 7:00) He/She gets up at 7:00 o’clock in the morning

• What do you do at school?

o (listen to teachers) He/She listens to his/her teachers at school.

• Students do #1-10 by yourself. When you finish raise your hand silently. Teacher
goes around and check answers

• After all students finish, T says, “now you will write a paragraph on “My Friend’s Daily
Life” in your exercise book.”
o First, you will write your friend’s name. And then complete sentences (10) in a
o For example: My friend’s name is ___. He/She gets up at ___.

• Some students read their paragraph and other students are listening.
• Teacher can also ask different students the questions 1-10 from Exercise 4.

Unit 3

Period 1
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Exercises 1a-1b

• SWBAT name places in a city or town and know how to spell those place names

• T asks:
o Where do you live? In a city, town, or village?
o What places are there in a city?
§ T writes a list of student ideas on the board (airport, hospital,
restaurant, park…)

• T writes ‘restaurant’ and ‘park’ on the board, and asks some questions.
o What is a restaurant?
o What can people do in a restaurant?
o What is a park?
o What can people do in a park?
• “What other places do you know in a city?”
o Ss think of other places they can see in a city
• T shows students the 6 pictures
o Ask: What is this? Ss say the name in Myanmar (or English, if they know)
o Ask question for each of the 6 pictures
o T gives the English name and writes it on the board

• One group, 6 place names
• T show 1 picture; Ss show place name and say the place name aloud
• Repeat 2-3 times until all names are practiced

• Open your textbook to page 24. Look at Exercise 1.
• T read name places aloud, and Ss repeat and spell.
• CCQs:
o How many words in the box? (6)
o How many pictures? (6)

Unit 3

• Students match the pictures with the words in the box; Ss write the matches in
textbook for Ex 1b.
• When you finish, raise your hand silently. T goes around class to check answers.

• One student shows pictures and other students say the name of the pictures.
• Then, T shows a picture and all Ss spell the name.

Period 2
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Vocabulary Ex 2, Listening Ex 1

• SWBAT name places in a city.
• SWBAT match the places with the activities you can do there.

• Show students the 6 pictures from Period 1 and ask “What is this place called?”
o Airport o Restaurant
o Playground o Park
o Gym o Supermarket

• Show students 3 new pictures (bank, hotel, museum) and ask “What is this place
• Write the English words on the board with translations.

• One group, 9 pictures and 9 words
• Ss match the picture with the correct place name
• When they finish, they raise their hands and T checks their work

Teach (Ex 2):

• Now look at Exercise 2 on page 24
• Ss read a-i silently and underline new words/words they don’t know
• T writes new vocabulary (see below) on the board & reviews with students
• Ss write in their notebooks (English & Myanmar)

• Vocabulary à “You can…”

Nouns Verbs
• Physical exercise • Buy
• Household items • Arrive
• meal/meals • Leave
• plane/planes • Save money
• Objects of articstic, cultural, or • Borrow money
historical interest • relax
• etc.

• T reads each description (a-i) and checks student understanding.

Unit 3

o Read and ask “What does this mean?” Ss give Myanmar translation, and T
confirms correct meaning.

• One group: 9 pictures, 9 words, and 9 descriptions
o Note: The same pictures as the practice earlier in the class
• Ss match the descriptions with the correct places. For example,
o gym→ do physical exercise there

Practice (Ex 2):

• Students match places with description in their textbook by drawing lines.
• T walks around and checks student answers

• T asks each group a question to practice the answers. (Write the question on the
o Q→ What can you do at a _(place)________?
o A→ (students read answer from textbook)

Teach (Listening Ex 1):

• Show new photos for 6 new places in Ex. 1 (page 25)
• Practice pronunciation
o Cafe o Hospital
o Library o Police station
o Post office o Railway station

• T shows pictures from Vocabulary Ex 1b & Listening Ex 1. Ss call out names of
places for each picture.

Period 3
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Period 3 – Listening & Speaking Exercises 2-3

• SWBAT identify place names by listening
• SWBAT match place pictures and names to create a map

T reviews place name vocabulary from Period 2 by showing pictures and asking “What is
this place called?”
• Airport - hospital - park - railway station
• Bank - hotel - playground - restaurant
• Cafe - library - police station - school
• Gym - museum - post office - supermarket

• T reviews pronunciation of place names in Exercise 1
• T says: “Students, please listen and check the words you hear in Exercise 1”
• CCQs:

Unit 3

o Students, if you hear ‘hotel,’ what will you do?

§ A: Check hotel in Exercise 1
o Students, if you don’t hear supermarket will you check supermarket?
§ A: No! No check next to supermarket

• T plays recording.
o Students listen and check: bank, hotel, museum, post office, gym, library,
park, restaurant

• When the recording ends, T asks, “What did you hear?

o Q→ Did you hear ______?
o A→ Ss answer yes/no

• Teacher says: Students, now listen and circle what you hear
o Q: If you hear hotel, what will you do?
o A: Circle hotel

• Teacher reads and Ss listen and circles: railway station, airport, police station,
playground, library, school

• When the recording ends, T asks, “What did you hear?

o Q→ Did you hear ______?
o A→ Ss answer yes/no

• Teacher reads and Ss listen and star*

o T says students, now listen and star* what you hear: supermarket, hospital,
cafe, park, library, airport

Practice (Ex 3):

• T says: “Students, now look at Exercise 3, the map. What do you see in the picture?”
o Ss read off the places they see in the map

• T says: “Now we will do an activity in groups. One group, one bag.”

o In the bag, there are 13 pictures
o One group will also get one map
o Look at the map in the book. Make the same map with the pictures in your
o For example, if you see bank in the book, find the bank picture and put in the
same place on your map
• CCQs:
o One group, how many pictures?
o One group, how many maps?
o If you see ‘hotel,’ what picture will you find?
o Where will you put it?
• As students finish, T walks around and checks their work.

• T show pictures for vocabulary in Listening Ex 1 and ask the students, “What is this
place called?”

Unit 3

Period 4
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Period 4 – Listening & Speaking Ex 4a-4b

• SWBAT complete the dialogue using place names from the map
• SWBAT identify and understand ‘next to, between, and opposite” when reading
questions and answers

• T shows pictures and students say the place names

• T writes examples on the board and explains in English and Myanmar


• between→ B is between A and C
• next to→ A is next to B
• opposite→ A is opposite D

• Write practice sentences on the board. Students complete in their notebooks

1. B is next to __.
2. E is between __ and __.
3. C is opposite __.

• T checks by asking questions:

1. Where is B?
2. Where is E?
3. Where is C?
• Ss give answers and T write on the board

• T writes Map examples on the board

1. The supermarket is between the ______ and the________.
2. The supermarket is opposite the _________.
3. The police station is next to the ________.
• T leads students through the examples above:
o Look at subject → What is the subject?
o Look at the preposition→ What is the preposition?
• T leads students through 4a #1. Then students complete 2 to 5 individually.
o After they finish, T is A, Ss are B.
o T read questions, Ss answers.

• Practice Ex 4b by asking and answering the questions in 4a as a class.
• Ss in two groups. A→ questions. B→ answers. (and then switch)

Unit 3

Period 1
Unit 3 Lesson 2 Period 1 – At the Market

• Talk about shops in the market
• Things can buy at the market and going shopping

• T asks the students “What is in the market?” (shops, things people)
• What can you see in the market?
• Ss say their answers

• T draw a mind map of “market” on the board



• T asks: “Who does the shopping at home?”

o Ss say answers, T write on the board
• T asks: “Who do you see at the market?”
o Ss say their answers, T write down on the board.
• “What can you buy at a market?”
• “What shops are in a market?
o Ss say their answers, T write on the board

• Now we will work in 6 groups
o 1 group→ 1 map and 15 words
o fishmongers, flower shop, green grocer’s, grocer’s, butcher’s, toy shop,
prawns, rose, beans, fish and prawns, dolls and toys, food and household
items, meat, fruit and vegetables, sellers, my Uncle and Aunt, my mom and I,
buyers(15 words)
• Shop names: put under ‘shops’ on the map
• Thing names: put under ‘things’ on the map
• People names: put under ‘people’ on the map
• When you finish, raise your hand silently. T goes around the class and checks their
answers and read their answers group by group

• One group, one piece of paper. On the paper, they write other shop names, things,
and people, and then each group reads a few ideas to the class.

Unit 3

Period 2
Unit 3 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT name shops in the market and match the shops with the activities you can
do there

• T asks: What shops in a market? Who does the shopping at home? Have you ever
been to a market?
• Ss answers in groups or individually.

• Open your textbook to page 26, Exercise 1
• T says “Students, look at the words in the box. How many words in the box? (6)
• T says: “What are they?”
• Ss say the meanings of the words in the box

• T reads the shop names and students repeat; focus on pronunciation.
• Repeat 3 times.

• T: Show students the pictures. Ask: “What do you see in the picture?”
o Ss: answer “green grocer’s”
• T: Very good! Students, what does she/he sell?
o Ss give answers (cabbages, carrots, beans, eggplant..)
o T write these answers on the board
• T: Show students 2,3,4,5,6 and then ask Q
o What do you see in the picture?
o What does he/she sell?
o T write Ss’ answers on the board

• T: “Now we will do an activity in pairs”
o T organizes class into pairs. Half of the students are A, the other half are B.
• A show picture and B read the name of the picture and spell (use the textbook)
o When they finish, switch the roles.
• Then, match the pictures with the shops given in the box (Ss do by themselves)
• “When you finish, raise your hand silently”
o Teacher goes around the class to check answers.

• T shows words for different things. For example:
Chicken prawns Water cress onions dolls rose

meat crabs cabbage potatoes toys sunflowers

pork fish pineapple peppers Lego dahlia

Stuffed animal seashells pumpkin rice dolls jasmine

Unit 3

• What is this?
• What shop can you buy these things at?
o T shows one by one the picture words and ask the questions
o Ss answer with thing names and shop names

• Now we will work in 6 groups
• 1 group, 1 bag (5 things and 5 shops)
o T: translation, choose the thing and match the shop
• CCQs:
o Thing and thing match→ NO
o Shop and shop match→ NO
o Thing and shop match→ YES

• When you are finished, raise your hand silently

o Teacher checks answers around class.
• Then, Ss match the things in column A with the shops in column B in their textbooks
by drawing lines.

• Ss read their answers group by group for Ex 2.

Period 3
Unit 3 Lesson 2 Period 3 – Exercise 3

• SWBAT read the paragraph and understand new vocabulary about the market
• SWBAT answers questions about the paragraph with short answers
• SWBAT match the questions and the complete answers

• T asks Ss questions
o Where can you buy meat?
o Where can you buy pineapples? Dolls? Flowers?

• T says: We are going to read the paragraph about going to the market
• Open your book to page 27. Do you see a paragraph?

• Ss read paragraph silently and underline the words they don’t know.
o (T can ask students to do this the night before the lesson)
• T writes new vocabulary in English and Myanmar on the board (or hangs up a
vocabulary poster)
• T reviews vocabulary, students repeat pronunciation after the T

Unit 3

Nouns Adjectives Phrases
• trishaw(s) • Noisy • At the corner
• shopper(s) • Located • Have a bite
• seller(s) • Wide to= eat
• fritter(s) something
• Steamed Verbs • Makes me
sticky rice • Attract feel happy
• Roadside (Vs=attracts) • A busy place
shop(s) • Enjoy • On a wide
• Taxi rank(s) street
• Car park(s)=
place for cars
to park

• T reads paragraph and Ss repeat.

• T reads one sentence and then asks, “What does this mean in Myanmar?”
o Ss gives translation idea
o If correct, T says “yes, correct, good job” and repeats the correct translation
o If incorrect, T says “Good try” and gives correct translation

• After reading, T reviews question words

o Who
o What
o When
o Where
o Why
o How
o Which

• T reads questions 1-10 in Ex 3, one by one.
• T asks “What is the question word?” (circle the question word and underline the phrase)
o For example: 1. How does Nyo Nyo go to the market?
• After identifying words and phrases, Ss look for and write short answers in their books.
• Ss work by themselves, not as a group.

Short answers
1. On Sundays
2. Walks
3. On a wide street
4. At the corner of the market street
5. Roadside shops
6. Fritters and coconut noodles
7. Clothes and shops and grocers
8. Fish
9. The butcher’s
10. Can eat food she likes

• T reviews short answers and writes correct answers on the board.

• T tells students to correct their own work.

Unit 3

Group Practice:
• One group, one bag. 10 questions and 10 complete answers, Ss work together in
groups to match questions with complete answers. When they are finished, groups raise
their hands silently.
• CCQs:
o What is in your bag? (questions and answers)
o What will you do with the questions and answers? (MATCH)
o When you finish, what will you do? (raise my hand silently)

• We will have 2 big groups. Half the Class A and Half the Class B
o A→ questions
o B→ give answers for 1-10

• Use short answers in your book to write complete answers in your notebook. Write
questions and complete answers

Period 4
Unit 3 Lesson 2 Period 4 – Exercises 4a-4b

• SWBAT list things they can buy at a market
• SWBAT ask and answer questions about where they can buy things

• One group, one paper (6 groups)
• Make a list of what you can buy at the market (5 things).
o Students spend 5 minutes making their lists.
• When all groups finish, T asks each group for 2 ideas
o T writes list on the board (12 ideas)
• Ask Ss for each things “Where can I buy this?” → Write shop answer on the board

• “Look at page 27. Let’s read the left side. Repeat after me.”
• After reading each question, ask students: “What does it mean?”
o Ss give ideas and T gives correct meaning
o Ss write meaning in Myanmar in their textbook
• Repeat for the right side
• It → singular/uncountable
• Them → plural

• Shopping list Q&A is written on the board as a dialogue (Ex 4b)

o T write in 4 things for the questions and answers
• T act as A and B and students listen
• T act as A and students act as B

• Ss act as A and T acts as B

• A: Where can I get __a doll__?
• B: You can get it at the __toy shop__.

Unit 3

• A: I need to buy __rice__.

• B: You can buy it at the __grocer’s__.
• A: What about __vegetables__?
• B: At the __greengrocer’s__.
• A; Where can I buy a __rose__?
• B: You can get it at the __flower shop__.

• 2 students, one paper
1. Make a shopping list→ all singular +a
2. Write things in the questions
3. Write the shops in the answers
4. Practice with your friend (A+B, then change)
5. Raise your hand when you finish.
• CCQ:
• What is #1?
• What do you write in the questions? In the answers?
• After writing, what do you do?
• After practicing, what do you do?

• When Ss finish, T gives pairs a new paper to repeat the activity.

• Read “Useful Language” and students repeat. T asks each group “What does it
mean?” for the phrases

Note: Remember you can mix up the questions and the answers in many ways and that is
OK for the dialogue!

Period 1
Unit 3 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Grammar Exercise 1

• SWBAT identify, understand, and use prepositions of place to describe basic pictures

• T: Before this lesson, do you remember 3 prepositions?
o T does hand motions to help students remember between, next to, and
• “In English, there are many prepositions. Today, we will practice prepositions of place.”
o What is place?
o We use place prepositions when we ask ‘Where’
• Ask Ss questions about their seats at tables.
o Where is __(name)_?
o Next to___.
o Opposite___.
o Between___ and ____.

Unit 3

• A preposition is the relationship between a noun and another word in the sentence.
o For example, My phone is on the table. (In English, we use the preposition +
noun, In Myanmar it is opposite)

• T shows big pictures of box and ball.

• T says the preposition and Ss repeat
• Give Myanmar explanations as needed
o On = must be touching
• T hold up same pictures of box and ball
• Ss find correct sentence in Ex. 1 and read aloud.
o For example, T shows the picture of ‘in.’
o Ss read: The ball is in the box.

• Next, T use stuffed rabbit and a box in front of the class
• T moves rabbits and asks one group, “Where is the rabbit?”
• Repeat 2x for each group and 2x with whole class to practice all 8 prepositions

Practice (small groups):

• One group, one paper with pictures and prepositions
• Students will work together to write the prepositions under the pictures
• When Ss finish, they will write sentences about the pictures using the prepositions
• ____noun 1/pronoun__ is __prep__ the __place__
• In their notebooks students with extra time can add drawings for each sentence in their

• T asks students questions about the classroom
1. Where is the whiteboard?
2. Where are the Grade 6 students?
3. Where is the teacher?
4. Where is my phone?
5. Where is my pen?
6. Where is the map?

Period 2
Unit 3 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Exercises 2-3

• SWBAT understand prepositions of place and choose the correct preposition to
describe Ex. 2 picture

• T reviews prepositions by showing the picture of ball and box
• T asks Ss questions about the classroom
1. Where is the whiteboard?
2. Where is the blackboard?
3. Where is the water bottle?
4. Where is your textbook?

Unit 3

• T shows the big pictures (from the bag) on the board
• T asks: What do you see?
• T introduces new vocabulary in English and Myanmar
o sofa/sofas
o shelf/shelves
o cabinet/cabinets
o cushion/cushions
• T asks Ss to label their picture in the book by drawing a line and writing the English

Practice (Pair work):

• 1 picture, 2 students. Look at Page 28, Exercise 3
o One student is A, One student is B
o A asks the questions
o B gives the answers. When you give the answer, choose 1 preposition.
o Underline the correct preposition
• When you finish, switch A+B and repeat.
o After repeating, close your book and raise your hand
o When you finish, close your books.

Practice (Pair work):

• Look at 5 new questions on the board.
o A: ask questions
o B: answer
• Then change switch roles A+B, look at the picture to answer the questions
1. Where is the table?
2. Where is the chair?
3. Where is the shelf?
4. Where is the cabinet?
5. Where is the sofa?

• Ask book questions and board questions to different groups. Groups give answers using
prepositional phrases.

Period 3
Unit 3 Lesson 3 Period 3 – Exercises 4-5

• SWBAT Use imperatives (go along, turn left, turn right) and prepositions to give

• T demonstrates by moving around the classroom:
o Go along/go straight
o Turn left
o Turn right
• T asks students

Unit 3

o Raise your right hand!

o Raise your left hand!
o Where is your right hand?
o Where is your left hand?
• Ss practice moving when T calls directions; Go Along, Turn Right, Turn Left, etc.

• T gives each group 3 or 4 maps. The map is the same as the book
• T says: “Look at the map. What words do you not know?”
• Vocabulary
o T shows pictures of 6 new places
o T says name of place and students repeat
o Ss write Myanmar meaning in their textbook
§ Coach station
§ Internet cafe
§ Petrol station
§ Cinema
§ Clinic
§ Chemist’s
• T gives Myanmar meaning for direction imperatives
o Ss write meaning in their textbooks next to the box in Exercise 5
• T says “Close your textbook”
• T writes examples on the board:

1. Where is the cinema? Go along Thapyay Rd. Turn left on Taw Win St.

2. How do I get to the clinic? Go ____ Padauk St. It is on your ___.

3. I’d like to go to the hotel. Go ____ Padauk St. Turn ___ on Hninzi Rd. It is on your

• For example 2+3, leave direction words blank.

• T translates Example #1 with the map together with the students
• T asks students, “How do you go? Is that left or right?
o For example 2+3, T leads class through examples by asking questions in
English and Myanmar. When the students give the answer, T writes in the
blanks on the board.

All Class Practice:

• Group 1-3, Student A
• Group 4-6, Student B.
• Read the dialogue on the board toether. Then, change the groups (1-3 B, 4-6 A)

Group Practice:
• 1 group, 1 paper, 1 bag
• Use the imperatives in the bag to give directions
• Put the imperatives on the paper to finish the answers
• T translates the questions, Ss repeat the question in English+Myanmar
1. Find the place in the question. Find it on the map
2. Read the answer and use the imperatives to answer the questions.

Unit 3

• When you’re finished, raise your hand silently.

• T goes around to help students.

• Class practices dialogue as two large groups
• Students write answers in their textbook Ex. 5, page 29

Additional Instruction Note

When teaching examples 1-3, explain the sentence structure

__(Imperative__ ___(preposition)___ __(road name)___.

Turn right AT Padauk Street.

Turn left AT Padauk Street
Go straight ON Padauk Street,
Go along Padauk Street. ____ (no preposition)

Group Practice- for advanced students

When a group finishes very quickly, hand them a paper with 3 new questions. Ask them to
write directions using the sentence structures above.
1. How do I get to the coach station
2. How do I get to the petrol station?
3. How do I get to the supermarket?

Period 1
Unit 3 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Reading Exercises 1-3

• SWBAT match kitchen items with correct English names

(First 45-minutes)

• T asks Ss:
o Where do you cook meals? (kitchen)
o Where do you watch TV? (living room)
o Where do you sleep? (bedroom)

• T shows 7 pictures: cabinet, rack, sink, kitchen counter, stove, tiles, waste bin
o Ss says English or Myanmar
o T says the English, Ss repeat in English
• T says: “Look at the picture on page 30. What do you see?”
o Ss call out answers

• T hangs 3 vocabulary charts on the board

Unit 3

• T says “Repeat after me.”

• T reads English and Myanmar, Ss repeat
• T says “Read the paragraph silently. Underline the words you don’t know”
• Ss read silently “For the words you don’t know, look at the vocabulary chart.”
• If you don’t see the word on the chart, raise your hand and I will help you.
• T reads paragraph and Ss repeat.

• Group Activity: Exercise 1
• T reviews 7 pictures with Ss
• T holds up picture, Ss say English

• One group, one bag
• One paper with 7 numbers and 7 words
• Use the picture in exercise 1
• Match the picture with the word
• Then put the word next to the same number as the picture
• When you finish, raise your hand
• CCQs: (T asks/S answer)
1. How many numbers? 7
2. How many words? 7
3. With the numbers and words, what do you do? MATCH
4. What will you use to match? PICTURE
• When group finishes, T checks their work and then Ss write in the textbook.

• Review vocabulary by holding up pictures and Ss saying the words.

Period 2
Unit 3 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Reading Exercises 2-4

• SWBAT sort kitchen items into 2 categories furniture and utensils

• “Let’s learn some kitchen utensils!”
• T shows pictures of spoon, fork, knife, plate, saucer, bowl, cup, cooking pot, frying
pan, ladle, stove, stool
• T says English for each picture and students repeat

• Ss write new vocabulary in notebooks
• T asks Do you know ‘furniture’?
• T translates titles “Furniture” and “Kitchen Utensils”

• Exercise 3: One group, one bag
• In the bag, there are kitchen utensils and furniture

Unit 3

o Put utensils in one group

o Put furniture in another group
o (Note: Show a T chart while explaining)

• CCQs:
o Are spoons furniture or utensils? U
o Are chairs furniture or utensils? F
o What will you do when you finish? Raise hand silently
o When group finishes, T check answers and Ss write in their textbook
o When all students are finished, T calls attention

Practice (Exercise 4):

• Ss read paragraph silently
• Circle adjectives about the kitchen
• CCQs:
o Students, what are adjectives? (Ss answer in Myanmar)
o If you see ‘spoon’ will you circle it? NO
o If you see ‘big’ will you circle it? YES

• While Ss are reading T checks their work group by group

• When students finish reading reading, T calls on one group to give one adjective

• Ss should have circled: big, airy, light, clean

• Ss write these under Ex 4

• T shows vocab pictures again for 1.1 and 1.2 and Ss says English

• Ss make a list of what they have in their kitchen at home

Period 3
Unit 3 Lesson 4 Period 3 – Writing Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT sort furniture into bedroom and living room using a Venn diagram
• SWBAT answer questions about their bedroom by completing sentences

• Ask Ss: “What rooms do you have in your house?’
• T makes a list on the board of Ss answers
o Bedroom o TV room
o Kitchen o Bathroom
o Dining room o Family room
o Living room o Play room
• Tell Ss: Today we will talk about furniture in the house

Teach (Ex 1):

• T reads furniture name. Ss repeat
• T asks: In which rooms can you find an armchair?
• Ss call out answers, Repeat 1-3 for all 8 furniture pieces in Ex. 1

Unit 3

Practice (Ex 1)
• T says: Now Ss, think about your bedroom and your living room.
• One group, one paper, 10 words
• You will put the words in the circles (Venn Diagram)
o In the middle section, this is where you put items you find in BOTH the living
room AND the bedroom
o One side is ONLY living room. One side is ONLY bedroom.
• When you finish, raise your hand silently.
• Show Ss the circle paper on the board when giving instructions
o Explain in English and Myanmar

Teacher’s Note: All of these items could be found in both rooms, so there are no
wrong answers. Ask the students to think about their home to decide. Every
home is different.

• CCQs:
o One group, how many words? 10
o If a piece of furniture is in the living room and bedroom, where do you put it
o If you see bed, where do you put it? Bedroom
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise your hand silently

• When students finish, they will write the room names for each item in Exercise 1
• T moves around and monitors Ss work.
• When a group finishes, T will explain to the students to finish Ex. 1

Teach and Practice (Writing Exercise 1 – #1-5)

• “Ss, please take out your exercise books.”
• “I will ask a question from Exercise 2. You will write your answer in your exercise
book. Pease do not copy.”
• “Do not write the question. Only write your answer.”

• CCQ:
o Will you write the question? NO
o Will you copy? NO
o Will you write the answers? YES

• T asks questions #1 Do you have your own…?

• T writes fill in the blank answer on the board or answer choices; ask students for
ideas and list on the board

1. I have my own bedroom. OR I share my bedroom with________ .(who? My sister,

my brother, my family, my parents)
2. My bedroom is next to the ______. (what room?)
3. My bedroom is _______. (big, small, medium)
4. The walls are_____. (what color?)
5. It gets fresh air. OR It does not get fresh air.

• After each question, T moves around the room to check student work and give

Unit 3

• Ask each group: Tell me 1 piece of furniture in a bedroom.
• Ask each group: Tell me one piece of furniture in a living room

• Make a list of furniture in your bedroom. If you don’t know the English name, draw a

Period 4
Unit 3 Lesson 4 Period 4 – Exercise 2-4

• SWBAT combine 10 answers to write a paragraph
• SWAT read their paragraph to their partner

• T asks “What furniture do you have in your bedroom?”
• One group, one answer

Teach (Ex 2):

• “Students take out your exercise book”
• “We will continue writing answers for Ex. 2”
• “Remember no copying. Only write your answers.”

• T asks questions.
• T writes fill in the blank or choices on board
• T asks Ss for answer ideas and lists on the board
• Ss write on answer in their notebook

6. It has ____ window(s). From the window, I can see _____ and______.
7. It gets lots of sunlight. OR It does not get lots of sunlight.
8. In my room, I have ______, _______, and _______. (3 pieces of furniture)
9. In my room, I usually _______ and _____. (verbs in present simple)
10. I like my room because I can ___________.
I can relax there.
I can play and sleep.
It is beautiful
It gets lots of fresh air from the windows
It gets lots of sunlight
It makes me feel happy
I don’t like my room because _______.
It is very small
It is dark
It does not get lots of sunlight
I share it with many people
I don’t like sleeping

Practice (Ex 3):

• Ss use all 10 answers to write a paragraph
• Ss put all 10 sentences together and write a paragraph. The title is MY BEDROOM

Unit 3

• CCQs:
o Ss will you write the questions?
o Will you write the sentences apart or together? (together)
o What is the title? My bedroom

• “Students, start your paragraph like this:”

My Bedroom
My name is ________. I live in a/an ______________.

• T writes this on the board.

Practice (Ex 4):

• When Ss finish, they can practice reading their paragraph to themselves with quiet
• When all Ss finish, T pairs up students and Ss read their paragraphs to their partners

• T asks 2 girls and 2 boys. “Do you like your bedroom? Why?”

Units 1-3

• SWBAT fill in the blanks to write a postcard using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

1. Lists
2. Postcard Blanks
3. Write your postcard

• T asks Ss: “Where do you want to go on holiday?”
• Ss give town, city and country names.
o T writes ideas on the board with the title: Place Names.
• T asks Ss for adjectives to describe the places. Ss say adjectives.
o T writes ideas & more adjectives on the board with the title: Place Adjectives.
• T asks Ss: “How is the weather in these places?”
o Ss say weather adjectives and T writes ideas on the board with the title:
Weather Adjectives.
• When the Intro is finished, T should have 3 lists on the board: Place Names, Place
Adjectives, and Weather Adjectives.

• T puts Ss in groups of 3-4.
• One group, one postcard paper.
• T explains the meaning of each blank:
o Date: what day is today?
o Friend’s name: who are you writing to?
o Greeting: Good morning! / Happy Holiday! / Hello, how are you?
o Place name: use the same place (city/town/country) for all “Place name”
o Weather adjective: choose 2 different weather adjectives; one for each blank
o Place adjective: choose 2 different place adjectives; one for each blank
o Plural nouns: think about what you can SEE in the place – for example,
museums, pagodas, restaurants, beaches
o Infinitive (v1): think about what you can DO in the place – eat seafood, go to
the park, ride horses, swim in the water
o Like/love/dislike/hate: choose 1 feeling about the place
o Noun: what present will you bring your friend?
o Leave-taking: see you soon / love / yours / write back soon
o Signatures: all group members write their names
• On the back of the postcard, draw a picture of the place.

Units 1-3

• Ss work on writing the postcard. T walks around the room to help/monitor.
• Ss can ask T for ideas / more words to complete the blanks.
• When groups finish, T checks their work, and then all group members can copy the
postcard into their exercise books.

• At the end of the class, T can choose a few groups to read their postcards aloud.

Homework / Follow-up:
• Ss should finish drawing & coloring their postcard for homework. T can hang up the
postcards around the classroom after the Ss finish their drawings.

Units 1-3

• SWBAT read the poem with motions and clapping
• SWBAT identify rhyming words
• SWBAT understand new vocabulary from the poem

1. Pre-reading questions
2. Read
3. Vocabulary & Motions
4. Read & Questions
5. Rhymes
6. Review

• “Students, open your book to page 35. What is this animal called?”
• T asks pre-reading questions. Ss give answers, T writes short answer on the board,
and Ss write short answers in the textbook.
o 1. At night
o 2. In trees / in the forest / outside
o 3. Insects / bugs / spiders / birds / mice

• Ss read the poem silently. Ss underline words they don’t know.
• T gives new vocabulary on the board. (T hangs up vocabulary poster.)
• T demonstrates the vocabulary with motions, which Ss repeat.
o Nouns: owl, oak
o Adjectives: wise, old
o Verbs (simple present / simple past): sit / sat; see / saw; speak / spoke; hear /

• Read the poem:
o T reads the poem with motions. Ss repeat motions and words.
o T asks Ss in Myanmar, “What does this poem mean?” Ss give ideas and T
explains the poem.
o Repeat the poem & motions in English.
• Ask the students 5 questions from the book.
o Ss write short answers in their notebooks.
o For #5, Ss read the poem and CIRCLE the adjectives.

• One group, one bag, 12 words
• Match the words that rhyme
o T explains: “rhyme” is when the sounds at the ends of two words are the
same. Like “cat” and “bat.”
• One blue word and one orange together. When you finish, raise your hand silently.
• Remember to listen to the ending sound of the words.
• CCQs:
o One group, how many words? 12
o What will you do with the words? Match the rhymes

Units 1-3

o Oak & bird together, is that ok? No

o Oak, and what? Spoke!
o When you’re finished, what will you do? Raise my hand silently.

• Recite the poem as a class again with motions.

Unit 4

Period 1
Unit 4 Lesson 1 Period 1 - Exercise 1

• SWBAT associate activities with the verbs go, do and play & identify hobbies in
infinitive (go/do/play + noun)

Pre-class preparation:
• Create a vocabulary poster with the 12 hobbies
• Cut out 12 small pieces of paper and write one hobby on each paper. Fold the
papers and put them in a cup/bowl/bag.

1. Hobbies
2. Ex 1 (p. 36)
3. Vocabulary Practice
4. Game
5. Review

• T asks: “What do you like to do in your free time? What are your hobbies?”
• Ss call out answers. T writes the answers on the board.
• Examples: singing, reading, dancing, walking, playing games, riding my bicycle

• T shows the new vocabulary for hobbies on the board
o See page 36 Exercise 1 for the words
• T says each vocabulary word in English and Myanmar
• T tells the students: now listen, watch, and repeat
o T says each vocabulary word + does a motion for the hobby
o Ss repeat the word and the motion
o Repeat each word/motion 2-3 times

• T says: Now I will play the recording. Listen to the words, and repeat. When you say
the word, do the motion.
• T plays the recording two times. Ss listen and repeat with speaking + moving.

Unit 4

• After the recording, T says: I am moving, and the students are speaking. When I do a
motion, say the correct hobby.
• T shows Ss an example. T motions “play basketball” and asks the Ss: what hobby is
• T repeats for all 12 vocabulary words in Exercise 1.

Practice (Class Game):

• Separate the class into 3 groups.
• T says: we will have 3 groups. One student from each group will come to the front of
the room. They will choose ONE activity from the bowl. The three students will do the
motion together. In your group, if you know the answer, raise your hands silently. I
will choose the fastest group to answer. The first correct group gets one point.
o As the T explains, T should use hand motions and demonstrations to show
the meaning of their words.
• T demonstrates coming to the front and acting as a student. T demonstrates knowing
the answer and raising their hand silently.
• CCQs:
o How many students will come to the front? 3
o How many papers will they choose? 1
o What will the 3 students do? Do the motion for the hobby (act out the hobby)
o If you know the answer, what will you do? Raise your hand silently
o Can you scream or shout the answer? No!
• During the game, make sure that the three students are girls and boys, not only 3
boys or 3 girls
• Play until all 12 hobbies are finished or until there is 5 min left of class

• Organize class into two groups, A and B
• A group is moving and B group is saying the hobbies
• T shows group A a photo of the hobby on a phone screen
• A does the motion and B calls out the hobbies

Period 2
Unit 4 Lesson 1 Period 2 - Exercises 2-3

• SWBAT match hobby nouns with the correct verb (go/do/play)
• SWBAT understand when to use go/do/play, and match hobby verb phrases with
correct photos
• SWBAT to use motions to recall vocabulary from Exercises 1-3

1. Hobbies
2. Vocabulary
3. Go / Do / Play
4. Ex 2
5. Ex 3
6. Review

Unit 4

• T says: let’s review the hobbies we learned in Exercise 1. I will do the motions, and
you will say the hobby.
• T does the motions for each of the vocabulary words in Exercise 1. Ss call out the
correct hobby for each motion.

Teach (Vocabulary):
• T introduces new vocabulary from Exercises 2 in English and Myanmar
o Aerobics, piano, skating, swimming, gymnastics, tennis
• T reads the vocabulary and does a motion for the word
• Ss repeat words and motion (repeat 3 times)

Teach (go/do/play):
• T explains the use cases for go, do, and play:
o We use “go” for sports that end in “ing” — usually this means we leave our
house and go to another place to do the activity. For example, “go skating”
means you go to a park or another place to skate, not around your house. We
usually do not say “go painting” or “go drawing” for example.
o We use “play” for sports that need a ball or other objects, like “play games”
“play football” but we do not say “play bicycle”
o We also use “play” for making music with instruments, “play the guitar” “play
the drums”
o We use “do” for activities focused on physical activities with our bodies, like
yoga and judo, but we do not say “do dancing”
• CCQs:
o If the sport ends in “ing”, do we use go, do or play? GO
o If the activity is only using our body, do we use go, do or play? DO
o If we need a ball for the sport, do we use go, do or play? PLAY
o If you’re using an instrument, do we use go, do or play? PLAY

Practice (Exercise 2):

• Each group gets one bag.
• In the bag, there are 6 nouns and a go/do/play chart (the same as the one in the
• Work together in groups to put the words in the correct box.
• When you finish, raise your hands silently.
• CCQs:
o In the bag, how many words? 6
o What are the verbs in the chart? Go, do, play
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise your hand silently
• T passes out the bags and tells students to begin. T goes around the room to help
and check answers.
• When a group finishes correctly, T tells the group to write the answers in their
textbook on page 36.

Practice (Exercise 3):

• T says: Now we are finished with Exercise 2. Please look at Exercise 3. How many
pictures do you see? (Ss answer: 8)
• T says: Now we will match the pictures with hobbies from Exercises 1 and 2.
• Activity instructions:
o Each group gets one bag. In the bag, there is a list of numbers 1-8, and 8
word papers.

Unit 4

o Look at the pictures in the textbook for Exercise 3. Match the number of the
picture with the correct hobby.
• CCQs:
o For “go fishing”, I will put it as number 6. Is that ok? NO
o Why? Number 6 is go climbing; go fishing is number 1.
o When you finish what do you do? Raise your hand silently
• When a group finishes, T checks their answers and tells Ss to write the answers in
their textbook.

• T does motions for hobbies in Exercise 1+2
• Ss call out the correct hobby with go, do or play.
o For example, T pretends to swim. Ss say “go swimming.”

Period 3
Unit 4 Lesson 1 Period 3 - Exercises 4-5

• SWBAT use listening skills to determine which speaker matches with which hobbies
and family members
• SWBAT to match the hobbies with the correct speaker and identify the hobbies of
each speaker by answering “what is __(name)__’s hobby?” / whose hobby is

1. Hobby?
2. Verb “ing”
3. Ex 4
4. Ex 5
5. Review

• T asks: Ss, what does “hobby” mean?
• Ss can answer with Myanmar meaning. A hobby is an activity you do in your free
time, usually for fun/enjoyment.

• When we talk about hobbies, we can use Verb -ing. For example, “my hobby is
dancing. My hobby is fishing. My hobby is singing.”
o Teacher note: Verb -ing used to talk about hobbies is a verb form that works
as a noun (called a gerund).
• T can give these examples by writing and speaking, and T should write the format on
the board: My hobby is _____(Ving)____.
• T asks a few Ss: what is your hobby?
• T writes the answers on the board and thanks the students.

• T says: Let’s look at the hobbies in Exercise 4. Open your book to page 36. Please
read the boxes silently.

Unit 4

• Then T asks: which ones are the hobbies? Ss call out the hobbies in each box
(volleyball, shopping, music, climbing, play the flute, diving, badminton, guitar and
piano, basketball and football, swimming)
• T asks: what jobs do you see? (Engineer, farmers, doctors, teacher) what family
members do you see? (Two girls, two brothers, father, mother)

Practice (Exercise 4):

• T gives activity instructions:
o Now one group will get one paper with the 3 boxes, 3 names, and the same
information from the book.
o I will play the recording. Listen to Bannyar, Haymah, Thiha and Thazin talking
about themselves. Then, you will match the box with the correct speaker.
(Give definition of “speaker” = the person speaking)
o You can see in the book, on page 36, the first box is information about
o The three names in the bag are Haymah, Thiha and Bannyar.
• CCQs:
o When I play the recording, what will you do? Listen and match the names
with the information
o How many speaker names will you match? 3
• T plays recording 2 times, and moves around the classroom to check answers.
• When everyone finishes, T asks the class, who is the speaker for box 1? Box 2? Box
• Ss write speaker names in their textbook for Exercise 4.

Practice (Exercise 5):

• T says: now look at Exercise 5. Read the hobbies silently, then close your book.
• T gives definition of traveling if Ss don’t know
• T gives activity instructions:
o 1 group gets 1 bag and 1 paper
o On the paper, you see the same chart as the textbook
o There are 4 hobbies on the chart and 4 names in the bag
o Listen to the recording again and match the speaker names with the correct
• CCQs:
o 1 group, how many papers? 1
o 1 group, how many names? 4
o What will you do with the names? Match the name with the correct hobby
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise your hand silently
• After listening to the recording one time and students finish the chart, T asks each
group for one answer. Students answer with the speaker’s name. T should write
question & answer format on the board
o Q: whose hobby is _(hobby)_?
o A: _(Hobby)_ is _(name)’s_ hobby.
• T asks:
o Whose hobby is playing basketball?
o Whose hobby is traveling?
o Whose hobby is playing the guitar?
o Whose hobby is listening to K-Pop Music?

• Let’s review what we learned about each person.

Unit 4

• T asks:
o Who are the four speakers?
o What is Thazin’s hobby?
o What is Bannyar’s hobby?
o What is Thiha’s hobby?
o What is Haymah’s hobby?
• Additional questions:
o Whose parents are farmers? Whose parents are both doctors?
o Who has two brothers?
o Who likes basketball and football?
o Who plays the guitar and the piano? Who plays the flute?

Period 1
Unit 4 Lesson 2 Period 1 — Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT to use love, like, dislike, and hate to write sentences about their likes and
dislikes for food items.

1. Foods you like
2. Love / like / dislike / hate
3. Ex 1
4. Vocabulary & Ex 2
5. Ex 3
6. Review

• T says: “Today we will talk about food. What foods do you like?”
• Ss call out answers and T can write down their food ideas on the board.

• T hangs up emotion poster on the board and points at each emoji and says the verb
(love, like, dislike, hate)
• T repeats each verb with an action, and student repeat
o Heart ❤ = love
o Thumbs up = like
o Thumbs down = dislike
o ❌= hate
• Books closed. T writes on the board
o Indian food ❤
o Snakes ❌
o Flying (thumbs up)
o Ice cream (thumbs down)
• Teacher demonstrates:
o Indian food ❤ = I love Indian food.
• Teacher explains: Use the emoji to choose the verb.

Unit 4

• Teacher asks: do you like snakes?

• Ss answer: no, I hate snakes.
• Repeat for flying and ice cream.
o Do you like ___?
o Yes/no, I ___ flying/ice cream.

Practice (Ex 1):

• Open your books to page 38. Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and write in the
correct verb, either love/like/dislike/hate.
• Ss work silently. T goes around the room to help.
• When Ss finish, T has each group read one sentence. For example, “groups 1 and 2,
please read #1.”

Teach (Vocabulary Ex 2):

• Now look at Exercise 2.
• T reads the food items and Ss repeat the names. T gives Myanmar explanation of
the food if necessary.
• If possible, T can show larger pictures of the foods to the class.

Practice (Ex 2):

• Think about if you love, like, dislike or hate each food or drink.
• Every student will be different.
• When you decide, draw an emoji under the picture and write the verb. You can draw
the faces or the other emojis (heart, thumbs up/down, X) — it’s your choice.
• CCQs
o If you love something, what will you draw? A heart / in love face
o If you draw a thumbs up, what verb will you write? Like
o If you draw an X, what verb will you write? Hate
o How many food and drinks are there? 10
• When Ss finish, tell them to take out their Exercise books and wait.
• When all are finished, T asks each group one question:
o What foods and drinks do you like?
o What foods and drinks do you love?
o What foods and drinks do you dislike?
o What foods and drinks do you hate?
• Students reply with their answers that include the verb in the question. For example:
o Q: what foods and drinks do you like?
o A: I like dumplings

Teach (Ex 3):

• Teacher demonstrates on the board that students should look at each picture and
each verb they wrote. Then the students should write one sentence for each picture
with I + verb + food/drink name.
• For example, coffee ❌ = I hate coffee
• Teacher demonstrates two or three more examples on the board.
o Juice (thumbs up) = I like juice
o Mohinga ❤ = I love mohinga

Practice (Ex 3):

• Students write ten sentences based on Exercise 2 in their Exercise books. If there is
limited class time, this can be Ss’ homework.

Unit 4

• Teacher does the actions for like, love, dislike, and hate. Students repeat the motion
and say the correct verb.
• T asks: What foods do you love? / What foods do you hate?
• Ss answer: I love ___. / I hate ___.

Period 2
Unit 4 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercise 4

• SWBAT read the passage and identify the 5 family members and their likes and

• Review Ex 3
o T shows a picture from Ex 2
o T asks: “Do you like ___?”
o Ss answer with a hand motion & a sentence (with love, like, dislike or hate)
o T chooses one student to say the full sentence, for example, “I love mohinga.”

• “Students, open your books to page 38. Please read the passage silently. Underline
the words you don’t know.”
• After Ss finish reading, T teaches new vocabulary on the board. Ss can write
Myanmar meanings in their exercise books.
• After teaching the vocabulary, T says:
o “Students, please read the FIRST paragraph and CIRCLE the names of the
people in the family. When you finish, raise your hand silently.”
• After Ss read, T asks:
o How many people are in the family? 5
o What are their names?
o Who is Daw Khin Ma Ma? Mother
o Who is U Kyaw Win? Father
o Who is Kyaw Swa? Younger brother
o Who is Daw Mya Mya? Grandmother

• One group, one reading chart (one paper)
• On the paper, there are 5 lists. One list for each family member.
• Read “Sports,” “Entertainment,” and “Food” with your group.
• Look for “like,” “dislike,” “love,” “doesn’t like,” and “hate”
• Write the answers for each person on the correct line.
o Remember: heart = love, thumbs up = like, thumbs down = dislike/doesn’t
like, X = hate
• For advanced students, when they finish, they can write sentences in their exercise
books for each like/dislike on the chart. For example, “Thura loves fish.”

• T asks:
o “What does __(name)__ love?”
o “What does __(name)__ like?”

Unit 4

o “What does __(name)__ dislike?”

o “What does __(name)__ hate?”
• Ss give answers from their chart.
• For example:
o What does Thura love?
o Thura loves fish.

Period 3
Unit 4 Lesson 2 Period 3 – Exercises 4a-4b

• SWBAT complete the table with each person’s likes and dislikes.
• SWBAT answer the questions about the people in Thura’s family.

• Review Ex 4 passage.
• T asks Ss questions about each family member’s likes and dislikes. (See “Review”
from Period 2.)

• Students work in groups to complete the table with the correct information on the

• When the group finishes, they raise their hands. T checks their work, and if correct,
Ss write the information into the chart in their textbook.
o With extra time, Ss can write sentences about each family member. For
example, “Thura likes football.”

• Each group gets one paper. The group works together to write short answers for
questions 1-5.
• When all groups finish, T calls attention and asks Ss for the short answers to each
o 1. 5
o 2. Doctor
o 3. Football and basketball

Unit 4

o 4. Pop music
o 5. Vegetables
• T shows how to write the complete answers for each question.
o 1. There are 5 people in Thura’s family.
o 2. Thura’s father is a doctor.
o 3. The hobbies of the two boys are football and basketball.
o 4. Thura listens to pop music.
o 5. They all like vegetables.
• When finished, Ss write the complete answers in their exercise books.

• T asks each group different questions about the table.
o “What __(topic)__ does _(name)_ like?”
o “What __(topic)__ does _(name)_ dislikes?”
o For example:
§ What food does Daw Mya Mya like?
§ What food does Daw Mya Mya dislike?

Period 4
Unit 4 Lesson 2 Period 4 — Exercises 5-6

• SWBAT write sentences about their and their family members’ likes and dislikes.
• SWBAT read their sentence aloud to fellow students, and use their sentences to
answer the question “what food do you like?/what food do your family members like?

1. Questions
2. Ex 5
3. More sentences
4. Ex 6
5. Review

• Ask the Ss:
o “How many people are in your family?”
o “What do they like to eat? What do they like to drink?”
• T tells Ss: “Today we will write sentences about what our family members like and

• “Open your books to page 39. Look at Exercise 5.”
• “Let’s read the food items together.”
o (T and Ss read food items together)
• “Now, draw a new box at the bottom. Write one more food or drink. You can choose
one from Exercise 2.”
• “Now circle “I” and choose two things you like. Draw one line to each thing.”
• “Now read the family members. Circle TWO family members.”
• “For one family member, choose two things they like and draw two lines.”
• “Now do the same for the next family member.”
• “When you finish you will have six lines, 2 for I and 2 for each family member.”

Unit 4

• “When you finish, raise your hand silently and take out your exercise book.”

Practice (Ex 5):

• “In your exercise book, you will write two sentences about each person.”
• For example, I —> doughnuts = I like doughnuts.
• For example, my mother —> mohinga = My mother likes mohinga.
• Remember for our family members, we need to add S to like.
• CCQs:
o If you have I —> pancakes, what will you write? I like pancakes.
o My sister LIKE mohinga. Is the sentence ok? No!
o Why isn’t it ok? With my sister, you need to add S. My sister LIKES mohinga.
o How many sentences will you write for I? 2
o How many sentences will you write for one family member? 2
o How many family members will you write about? 2
o How many sentences will you write? 6
• When you finish, raise your hand silently.

Practice (Ex 5 extension):

• As the students are writing, T writes on the board the instructions (in English and
Myanmar) for the next practice activity:
o When you finish the 6 “like” sentences, write 6 new sentences using dislike.
Write 2 sentences for each person. Do not use the same food items as your
“like” sentences. (With extra time you could instruct the students to also write
sentences using love and hate)
o With the time, we had our students write 24 sentences:
§ 6 like sentences
§ 6 dislike sentences
§ 6 love sentences
§ 6 hate sentences
• When Ss finish Practice 1 and raise their hand, T will check their answers and tell the
Ss to read the board for more instructions
• Ss then write the rest of the sentences silently

Practice (Ex 6):

• T pair up students into groups of 2 or 3.
• One student will read two sentences to their group in rotation. For example, student 1
reads 2 sentences, student 2 reads 2 sentences, student 3 reads 2 sentences, and
then the group repeats beginning with Student 1 again.

• T asks students to raise their hand silently to answer. T chooses two students to
answer each question.
o What food do you like?
o What food does your father like?
o What food does your mother like?
o What food does your brother like?
o What food does your sister like?

Unit 4

Period 1
Unit 4 Lesson 3 Period 1 — Exercises 1-2

• SWBAT understand and remember new vocabulary for sports using motions.
• SWBAT identify which vocabulary word doesn’t fit in a group of 4 and explain why it
doesn’t fit.

1. Lesson 1 Review
2. Vocabulary
3. Ex 1
4. Game
5. Ex 2
6. Review

• “Ss, let’s remember the activities we learned in Lesson 1. Tell me what activity I’m
• T does motions for activities in Lesson 1 Exercises 1+2 and Ss call out the English

• Read each vocabulary word in the box three times. T does a motion for each word at
the same time as reading. Ss repeat the words and motions after the teacher.
• T does motions, S call out words. Then T calls out words and Ss do the motions.

Practice (Ex 1):

• Then, T asks students to look at Exercise 1 and think about the motions. Match the
pictures with the right word; use the motions to help you match. When you finish,
raise your hand silently.
• When Ss finish, T asks each group for one answer. T can also provide Myanmar
explanation for each word when reviewing the answers. (yachting is spending time
on a nice boat and relaxing)

Practice (Game):
• Separate the class into 3 groups.
o Materials: T has a bowl of papers in the front. Each paper has one sport.
• T says:
o “We will have 3 groups. One student from each group will come to the front of
the room. They will choose ONE activity from the bowl. The three students
will do the motion together. In your group, if you know the answer, raise your
hands silently. I will choose the fastest group to answer. The first correct
group gets one point.”
o As the T explains, T should use hand motions and demonstrations to show
the meaning of their words.
• T demonstrates coming to the front and acting as a student. T demonstrates knowing
the answer and raising their hand silently.

Unit 4

• CCQs:
o How many students will come to the front? 3
o How many papers will they choose? 1
o What will the 3 students do? Do the motion for the sport (act out the sport)
o If you know the answer, what will you do? Raise your hand silently
o Can you scream or shout the answer? No!
• During the game, make sure that the three students are girls and boys, not only 3
boys or 3 girls. Each time, there should be new students in the front. This game
allows 24 students to do the motions in the front.
• Play until all 8 sports are finished.

Teach/Practice (Exercise 2):

• T explains the task for Exercise 2, referencing the Review 1 activity.
o Note: this explanation is done in Myanmar.
• T has students look at #1 together and asks the students: why is the answer golf?
• Ss answer that golf is not a sport involving water.
• Now, Ss will work together in their small groups to finish 2-5. For each answer, they
should think about why that’s the answer. When they finish, they should raise their
• T reviews answers with the class by asking each group for one answer, and then
asking why they chose that answer
• Explanations:
o 1. Golf is a sport without water
o 2. Weightlifting is a sport without balls
o 3. A potato is not a fruit
o 4. Chicken is not seafood
o 5. A pancake is not a drink

• T says: “Let’s review the new sports we learned today. I will say a number from
Exercise 1. Look in your book for that number, then say the sport and do the motion.
For example, if you hear number one, you will say WEIGHTLIFTING and do the
motion.” (T demonstrates)
• Teacher calls out the numbers from Ex 1 in a random order: 2, 5, 7, 1, 3, 6, 4

Period 2
Unit 4 Lesson 3 Period 2 — Ex 3 + Grammar Ex 1-2

• SWBAT talk about likes and dislikes using me too/me neither
• SWBAT identify and understand adverbs of frequency (always, usually, generally,
often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, hardly, never) and write sentences using usually
and never

1. Ex 3
2. Useful Language
3. Practice
4. Adverbs
5. Ex 1
6. Review & Homework

Unit 4

Intro (Ex 3):

• Ss, please open your book to page 40. Look at Exercise 3. Let’s read the sports and
hobbies together. (T reads and does motions for each word. T gives Myanmar
definition of traveling)
• Now Ss please think about each activity. Do you love, like, dislike, or hate it? Put a
tick in the box for your feeling about each activity. When you finish, raise your hand.

Teach (Useful Language):

• T writes on the board this script (or hangs poster)
o A: I like/love/dislike/hate _(activity)_. What about you?
o B (if they have the same opinion as A): Me too / So do I
o B (if they have a different opinion): I _(verb)_ _(activity A said)_.
o A: I don’t like_(activity)_. What about you?
o B (if they have the same opinion as A): Me neither / Neither do I
o B (if they have a different opinion): I _(verb)_ _(activity A said)_.
• T explains the phrases:
o What about you = asking a person to give their answer to the same
o Me too = So do I = it is the same for me (can be used when first speaker’s
statement is affirmative OR negative)
o Me neither = neither do I = it is the same for me (ONLY when first speaker’s
statement is NEGATIVE)

Practice (Useful Language):

• Students choose one thing they like and one thing they don’t like.
• One row is A and one row is B
• A and B practice the conversation with the two things A chose
• Then the students change roles. B becomes A and the students practice the
conversation with the two things B chose

Teach (Grammar: Adverbs of Frequency):

• T has students use their rulers to create a box around the grammar section and add
lines in between each example. When they finish the students should have created 6
rows in the box.
• T then uses English and Myanmar to explain the Myanmar equivalent of each
English adverb. Students can add Myanmar meanings to their textbook. T highlights
that remembering the percentages for each word is important for the next activity.
• Teacher can call out percentages in English and students respond with the correct
o For example: T says “100% of the time” and S respond “always”
• Then T reviews the sentence structure.
o Depending on the verbs in the sentence, the frequency adverbs can be in
different places. This is where you usually find them:
§ After subject, before the main verb (I always go to school.)
§ After the verb to be (I am never late to school.)
§ After the auxiliary verb, before the action verb (I can usually finish my
homework quickly.)

Unit 4

Practice (Grammar Ex 1):

• Students, work in your groups to complete exercise 1. Use the percentages and
choose one adverb that matches the percentage to put in the sentence. When you
finish, practice reading the sentences as group quietly

• Each group reads one sentence from Exercise 1.
• T explains homework.

Homework (Grammer Ex 2):

• Write two sentences with usually and two sentences with never.
• You will write about the foods you eat and the activities you do.
o I usually (verb) (activity)
§ I usually eat (food)
§ I never (verb) (activity)
§ I never eat (food)

Period 1
Unit 4 Lesson 4 Period 1 Ex 1-4

• SWBAT state their likes and dislikes about activities.
• SWBAT write sentences using frequency adverbs to state how often they do the

Intro/Practice (Ex 1):

• “Today we will write sentences about activities using adverbs of frequency. First let’s
write sentences about our activity likes and dislikes.”
• T does motions for love like dislike hate, Ss say the correct verb
• T says: Ss, think about how you feel about each activity. Then draw a heart/thumbs
up/thumbs down/cross for each activity.

Practice (Ex 2):

• T writes on the board:
o Q: how do you feel about _____?
o A: I ____ it. What about you?
• T will ask the question. The Ss will give their answers one by one in their group.
When each student in the group has finished saying their answer, the group raises
their hands silently.
• T should demonstrate what each student should say. T can demonstrate by
pretending to be the students in a group. T can demonstrate with *fishing*
• When all groups are finished, T asks the next question.
• Do this activity four times:
o How do you feel about…
§ Playing basketball
§ Swimming
§ Cycling
§ Dancing

Unit 4

• CCQs:
o Who will ask the question? The teacher
o Will you give your answer to the class? No
o Who will you give you answer to? My group
o In your group, how do you answer? My mother that ok? No
o Why? Use I as the subject. Talk about your feeling.
o After each student in your group finishes speaking, what do you do? Raise
your hands silently and wait

Teach/Practice (Ex 3):

• Before students answer the last question for Ex 2, T tells students: when you finish
answering this question. Write 3 sentences about your activity feelings in Ex 3
Column A.
• You can use any activity from Ex 1. Remember to use I + verb + activity.

Teach (Ex 3):

• Look at Ex 1. Let’s decide: go/do/play.
• T asks students for each answer, group by group. T writes on the board. Ss will need
these verb phrases for Exercise 3 Column B
o 1. Go fishing
o 2. Play basketball
o 3. Play the piano
o 4. Go swimming
o 5. Play the flute
o 6. Go cycling
o 7. Do weightlifting
o 8. Dance (Teacher note: you can use “go dancing” if you are going to a
• T explains sentence structure for column B. Ss write structure under Column B.
o Subject + frequency adverb + main verb + activity/object
o Examples: I never dance. I usually go swimming. I rarely play the piano. I
sometimes play the flute.
o Write each example on the board and CCQ the students about the parts of
the sentence:
§ What is the subject
§ What is the adverb
§ What is the activity
§ What is the main verb
o Reminder: you cannot use Ving after the frequency adverb without a main
verb (NOT OK: I sometimes playing the flute.)

Practice (Ex 3):

• Change your sentences in column A to sentences in column B
• In column B, use the same activities
• Use the new sentence structure with frequency adverbs and main verb + activity. We
will use action verbs, not feeling verbs.
• When you finish, raise your hand
• CCQs:
o For column B, what activities will you write about? Same as column A
o In column B, what sentence structure do you use? Subject + frequency
adverb + main verb + activity/object
o I always playing football. Is that ok? No

Unit 4

o Why? Main verb is play. I always play football.

Practice (Ex 4):

• In your group, one student reads column A #1 and column B #1. Then the next
student does the same. When all finish #1, then start with #2.
• When students in the group finish reading all 3 pairs, they should write the 6
sentences in their Exercise books. If they don’t finish writing, they can finish writing
the sentences in their Exercise books for homework.

• T can ask each group to read one sentence from column B together.
• T writes one sentence on the board (I sometimes go swimming) and asks students
about the papers of the sentence:
o What is the subject?
o What is the adverb?
o What is the activity?
o What is the main verb?

Period 2
Unit 4 Lesson 4 Period 2 — Exercises 5-6

• SWBAT write sentences about their family members’ likes and dislikes using “but”.
• SWBAT write a paragraph about themselves, their family, their hobbies, and their

• “Today you will write a paragraph about yourself, your family, and your likes and
• “First let’s look at page 43. Look at Exercise 5. Let’s read the food and drink names.”
o T reads, Ss repeat
• T asks: “Which of these do you like?” / “Which ones do you like?”
• Each group gives one answer: “I like ____.”

Teach (Brainstorm):
• T asks students for family member ideas: “Name some family members.”
• T writes list on the board:
o My mother o My brother
o My father o My cousin
o My aunt o My grandmother
o My uncle o My grandfather
o My sister

Teach (Ex 5):

• Write examples on the board from Exercise 5
• Explain sentence structure to students
• Subject + verb + object (with two, use and) BUT subject pronoun + verb + object
• Verbs must be different & opposite emotions (love/hate, like/dislike, love/don’t like,
hate/like). Objects must be differentl
• T repeats that with he/she, we must use Verb S (likes, hates, loves, doesn’t

Unit 4

• T explains in Myanmar: We use BUT to separate two different ideas in one


Practice (Ex 5):

• Students choose 5 family members and write 5 sentences about their family’s likes
and dislikes using the food in Ex 5
• One family member, one sentence
• Use this structure:
o My (family member) likes _____ and _____, but (he/she) doesn’t like _____.
o Teacher note:“_____” = blank
• Write your five sentences in your exercise book. When you finish, look at Ex 6 and
answer the first 4 questions in your exercise book
o What is your name?
o How old are you?
o Where do you live?
o What grade are you in?
• CCQs:
o How many family members will you write about? 5
o One family member, how many sentences? 1
o What sentence structure will you use? My (family member) likes _____ and
_____, but (he/she) doesn’t like _____.
o What will you write in the blanks (on the lines)? Food from Exercise 5
o When you finish 5 sentences, what will you do? Answer 4 questions in
Exercise 6

Teach (Ex 6):

• Students write #1-9 next to the dots in Ex 6
• #5: T tells students to cross out “who are your parents?”
• Write the new question: who do you live with?
o Teacher note: we change this question because we know there are many
students who do not have parents at home.
• Answer with two family members.
o Example: I live with my aunt and uncle.
o I live with my brother and sister.
• #6: T reads the question and explains the answer. Give the occupations/jobs for
each person, for example. My aunt is a teacher and my uncle is a taxi driver.
(Students can write brother and sister and write for example: my sister is a student,
and my brother is a student.)
• #7: T reads the question and explains.
• #8: T reads the question and explains the answer. Ss can write the three sentences
from Ex 3 column A (pg 42)
• #9: T reads question (cross out parents, and change to “family”) and explains answer
o Students write one sentence with BUT using “I”
§ I like _____ and _____, but I don’t like _____.
o Students write one sentence with BUT for the two family members in #5.
§ My aunt likes _____ and _____, but she doesn’t like _____.
§ My uncle likes _____ and _____, but he doesn’t like _____.

• Each group reads aloud one sentence using BUT with “I”
• I like _____ and _____, but I don’t like _____.

Unit 5

Period 1
Unit 5 Lesson 1 Period 1 — Exercises 1-3

• SWBAT listen to conversations and complete the sentences with the words they
• SWBAT practice the conversations with correct pronunciation and understand the
meaning of useful language for making plans.

1. Making plans
2. Conversation 1
3. Conversation 2
4. Conversation 3
5. Conversation Practice
6. Review

• T gives examples in Myanmar about making plans
o Inviting students to your house for your birthday
o Deciding to meet your friend after school
o Next summer you will go to Yangon with your family
o Making plans: Talking about doing something before you do it;
choosing the time, place, people, and activities before the meeting/event
• T says: today we will practice three conversations about making plans.

Conversation 1:
1. Teach words in the box (Practice English listening, do not teach Myanmar meaning
a. Come, free, join, meet, plan
b. T writes the English words on the board
c. T says words and Ss repeat
2. Do a dictation exercise.
a. T says the word, Ss write the word in their exercise books
b. Teacher note: Do NOT erase the words on the board
c. “Ss close your books and open your Exercise books. I will say one of the 5
words. Write down what word you hear.”
d. For example teacher says “number 1, meet” — students write “1. Meet” in
their exercise book (T can demonstrate writing on the board)
e. T should say all 5 words but in a different order than on the board. Students
write what they hear.

Unit 5

1. Meet
2. Come
3. Plan
4. Join
5. Free
3. T reviews answers. T asks: Ss what is #1? What is #2? Etc.
4. Listen to the conversation (two times) with recording and Ss write in the words they
a. T reviews the answers. What is #1? #2? ...etc.
5. T explains the conversation. T asks Ss to circle the useful language in the
conversation. T gives Myanmar meaning for the useful language.
a. Would you like to come with us?
b. Where shall we meet?
c. I’ll join you.

Conversation 2:
1. Teach words in the box (Practice English listening, do not teach Myanmar meaning)
a. 10 o’clock, meet, see, Sunday, time
b. T writes words in English on the board
c. T says words and Ss repeat
2. Do a dictation exercise.
a. T says the word, Ss write the word in their exercise books
b. Teacher note: Do NOT erase the words on the board
c. “Ss close your books and open your Exercise books. I will say one of the 5
words. Write down what word you hear.”
d. Same as conversation 1 exercise; T should say all 5 words but in a different
order than on the board. Students write what they hear.
1. See
2. Sunday
3. 10 o’clock
4. Meet
5. Time
3. T reviews answers. T asks: Ss what is #1? What is #2? Etc.
4. Listen to the conversation (two times) with recording and Ss write in the words they
a. T reviews the answers. What is #1? #2? ...etc.
5. T explains the conversation. T asks Ss to circle the useful language in the
conversation. T gives Myanmar meaning for the useful language.
a. What time?
b. Where are we going to meet? = where shall we meet?
c. I’ll come.

Conversation 3:
1. Teach words in the box (Practice English listening, do not teach Myanmar meaning)
a. 1:00 (one OR one o’clock), badminton, badminton court, school, Wednesday
(pronounced: winz-day)
b. T writes words in English on the board
c. T says words and Ss repeat
2. Do a dictation exercise. T says the word, Ss write the word in their exercise books
a. Teacher note: Do NOT erase the words on the board
b. Ss close your books and open your Exercise books. I will say one of the 5
words. Write down what word you hear.

Unit 5

c. Same as Conversations 1 and 2; T should say all 5 words but in a different

order than on the board. Students write what they hear.
1. Badminton
2. Badminton court
3. 1:00
4. Wednesday
5. School
3. T reviews answers. T asks: Ss what is #1? What is #2? Etc.
4. Listen to the conversation (two times) with recording and Ss write in the words they
a. T reviews the answers. What is #1? #2? ...etc.
5. T explains the conversation. T asks Ss to circle the useful language in the
conversation. T gives Myanmar meaning for the useful language.
a. When shall we meet? = what time?
b. See you then

Conversation practice:
• T separates class into 2 groups at their tables. Half the table is A. Half the table is B
• T reads conversation 1 and students repeat.
• Then A and B practice two times. A is Mon Mon and B is Sandar. When they finish, A
and B change roles.
• T reads conversation 2and students repeat.
• Then A and B practice two times. A is Nadar and B is Thandar. When they finish, A
and B change roles.
• T reads conversation 3 and students repeat.
• Then A and B practice two times. A is Min Khant and B is Zaw Zaw. When they
finish, A and B change roles.

• Out loud dictation: T says a vocabulary word from one of the conversations. One
group spells the word out loud together. T asks each group to spell one word.
o Meet
o See
o Sunday
o Plans
o Wednesday
o Free
• After the group spells the word correctly, T thanks the group, and writes the word on
the board so all students can see the spelling again.

Period 2
Unit 5 Lesson 1 Period 2 - Exercises 4-6

• SWBAT identify country names and their matching nationalities
• SWBAT ask and answer “where are you from” using nationalities and country names.

1. Page 45
2. Country Names & Nationalities
3. Ex 4

Unit 5

4. Ex 5a & 5b
5. Ex 6
6. Review

• Today we will practice country names and nationalities
• Ss, open your book to page 45
• Look at the pictures at the bottom. Please listen and repeat. I will say two sentences
about each person.
• T makes a chart on the board (Country / Nationality chart, like Ex 4)
• T writes on the board
o (Name) is from (country).
o (Name) is (nationality).
• T says two sentences for each picture, students repeat.
• T adds to the chart on the board after reading each picture

Country Nationality

Korea Korean

Japan Japanese

Malaysia Malaysian

Thailand Thai

China Chinese

• T explains
o Korea is the country. Korean is the nationality.
o Thailand is the country. Thai is the nationality.
o Nationality is used to refer to people from that country.
o Nationality is similar to country, but usually not 100% the same.
• T asks each group to identify the difference between the country & nationality word
for each country
o T asks: What is the difference between Korea and Korean? (Korean has an
o What is the difference between Japan and Japanese? (-ese)
o What is the difference between Malaysia and Malaysian? (-n)
o What is the difference between Thailand and Thai? (no “land” for nationality)
o What is the difference between China and Chinese? (-ese)
• For every country, the nationality word is different, so we need to practice them
• T should erase the chart on the board for the next activity

Practice (Ex 4):

• One group, one bag
• In the bag, there are 12 small papers and 1 chart
• For the 12 papers, there are 6 countries and 6 nationalities
• For the chart, there are two columns: country and nationalitty
• Match the country with the nationality, and put them in the chart.

Unit 5

• Put the country name in the country column. Put the nationality next to the country in
the nationality column.

• CCQs:
• One group, how many papers? 12 papers
• On the chart, how many columns? 2 columns
• What are the 2 columns? Country and nationality
• What do you do with the 12 papers? Match the country and nationality. Put them in
the chart
• Can you put “Malaysia --- Japanese” together? NO
• What country would you put with Japanese? JAPAN
• What is Malaysia -- country or nationality? Country
• Where do you put Malaysia -- in the country column or the nationality column?

• Students, when you finish, raise your hand silently.

• When a group finishes, T goes to the table and checks their work. Then students
write the answers in their textbooks
• When all groups finish, T has each group read one answer (country & nationality).

Practice (Ex 5a+5b):

• Pre-listening Activity:
o Now we will practice 4 conversations about countries and nationalities
o Let’s read conversation 1.
o T reads and students repeat. T does NOT read the answer.
o T asks students, “do you see a country or a nationality in the conversation?”
§ S answer: nationality -- Japanese!
§ T: very good. So we have a nationality in this conversation. Underline
Japanese. Now we know, when we listen to the conversation, we
should listen for a COUNTRY to fill in the blank.
o Repeat for Conversations 2-4
§ Conversation 2: We see a country. We will listen for a nationality.
§ Conversation 3: We see a nationality. We will listen for a country.
§ Conversation 4: We see a country. We will listen for a nationality.
• Listening Activity:
o Ss, now we will listen to 4 conversations. We will listen 3 times. Please write
the country or nationality you hear. Remember for #1, we are listening for a
§ What are we listening for in #2? #3? #4?
o T plays recording 3 times. Ss write what they hear.
o After three times, T asks each group for one answer:
§ What did you hear in Conversation 1? Japan
§ What did you hear in Conversation 2? Korean
§ What did you hear in Conversation 3? India
§ What did you hear in Conversation 4? Malaysian
• Post-listening Activity
o Half of the class is A. Half of the class is B.
o T leads the class in practicing each conversation.
o A asks the questions. B gives the answers.
o Then change roles and practice all 4 conversations again. B asks the
questions. A gives the answers.

Unit 5

Practice (Ex 6):

• T writes on the board:
A: Where are you from, _______?
B: From ____(country)___. I’m ___(Nationality)___.
• Now, we will practice the conversations using the names, countries, and places in Ex
• T reads names and students repeat. T asks, what country is (name) from? What is
(name)’s nationality)?
• T demonstrates conversation using the example in the book (Mei Lin).
• T splits up each table. Half of the students at the table are A. Half are B.
• First, A asks the questions and B answers. Students should practice 5
o A asks the question, B answers, A asks the next question, B answers, etc.
• Then, B asks the questions and A answers. Students practice the same 5
conversations again.
• CCQs:
o Group A, raise your hand. Thank you. Now, Group B, raise your hand.
o Group A, what will you do? Ask the questions
o Group B, what will you do? Give the answers
o How many conversations will you practice? 5
o When you finish, what will you do? Change roles
o The second time, who asks the questions? B
o The second time, who gives the answers? A

• T says: now I will say a country. Ss, please say the nationality
• T calls out each country from Ex 4. Ss respond with nationality.

Period 1
Unit 5 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Ex 1

• SWBAT read the three paragraphs and understand new vocabulary phrases
• SWBAT match information from the paragraphs with the correct person
• SWBAT identify which person likes which activity in Exercise 1

1. Hobbies
2. Read
3. Vocabulary
4. Group Practice
5. Ex 1 Chart
6. Review

• T asks students about their hobbies.
• What do you like to do? What are your hobbies?

Unit 5

• T tells students: Today we will read 3 paragraphs about 3 students. We will read
about their hobbies and their ambitions.

• Ss, open your books to page 46.
• Read the three paragraphs silently. Underline the words you don’t know.
• T hangs poster/writes vocabulary on the board with English + Myanmar:
o Noun phrases:
§ Pop song
§ TV programme
§ Singing contest
§ Travelling
§ Wildlife
§ History
§ Culture
§ Footballer = person who plays football
o Adjectives:
§ Famous
o Verbs:
§ Enjoy = like = (be) fond of
§ Take part in
§ Grow up = become an adult
§ Plan to be
§ (be) interested in
• T reviews vocabulary (pronunciation + meaning) with the students
• Ss can write the vocabulary in their notebooks after the class
• T leaves vocabulary on the board

Group Practice:
• T says: Ss, in your groups, NUMBER ONE: read the paragraphs again.
• Then, when you finish reading, raise your hand.
• One group will get one bag. In the bag, there is a chart with 3 columns.
• The columns are Yadana, Nady, and Thaw Zin.
• There are also 15 small papers. On the papers, there is information about the
people. Read the papers, and think! Who is this paper about?
• Put the papers under the correct person’s name.
• When you finish, raise your hand again.
• CCQs:
o What will you do first (number 1)? Read again
o What is inside the bag? One chart and 15 papers
o What columns are on the chart? Yadana, Nady and Thaw Zin
o What will you do with the papers? Read and put them in the chart for the
correct person
o If I read “likes playing football,” is that Yadana? No!
o Who likes playing football? Thaw Zin
o Yes, put likes playing football under Thaw Zin
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise your hand
• Ss, please read the paragraphs again in your groups. When you’re ready, raise your
hand and I will bring your bag.

• When all students finish, T asks each group to read one or two sentences about
each person. They can use the name in the column + one of the papers.

Unit 5

o For example: Yadana likes singing contests

Individual Practice (Ex 1 Chart):

• Now Ss, please look at page 46. And look at the chart.
• In the chart, you see 8 activities. Let’s read them.
o T reads activities and Ss repeat
• Now, add numbers 1-8 next to the activities.
• Read activity #1, and look in the paragraphs for the words “listening to pop music”. If
you see these words, circle them.
• T asks the Ss: Where do you see them? Which paragraph?
o Yadana
• Yes, this activity is something that Yadana likes. So we put a check in Yadana’s box.
• Now look at #2, travelling. And look at the three paragraphs. When you find
travelling, circle it. Where do you see it?
o Nady
• Yes, this activity is something that Nady likes. So we put a check in Nady’s box
• Ss, please finish 3-8 individually.
1) read the activity
2) look for the activity in the paragraphs
3) circle the activity in the paragraphs
4) put a check in the box
• CCQs:
o What’s #1? Read the activity
o Then what do you do? Look in the paragraphs
o When you find the activity, what do you do? circle the activity
o What do you do after you circle? Put a check in the box
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• T can write on the board for next instructions:
o In your exercise book, write one sentence for each activity. Use this structure:
(Name) likes (activity).
o For example #1: 1. Yadana likes listening to pop music.
• When students finish, tell them to look at the board to do the next activity.
• Ss write 8 sentences in their exercise books.

• Each group answers questions about one person. Students should listen for the
person’s name and read one sentence about the person from Ex 1 chart activity. T
can write structure on the board.
o (Name) likes (Ving activity).
• For example:
o T asks: What does Yadana like doing?
§ Ss answer: Yadana likes listening to pop music.
§ Ss answer: Yadana likes singing.

Period 2
Unit 5 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercises 2-3c

• SWBAT read the short notes and finish the sentences
• SWBAT complete the short letter with the correct words and answer questions about
the letter

Unit 5

1. Page 47
2. Read
3. Vocabulary
4. Ex 2
5. Ex 3a
6. Ex 3c
7. Review

• T asks Ss to look at page 47
• T asks Ss what the 2 boxes remind them of.
• These are letters, which are like the postcards we read in Unit 1
• Today we will practice reading letters and answer questions about them.

• Ss read the two notes in Ex 2 silently and underline the words they don’t understand
• T reviews new vocabulary (English + Myanmar) on the board when Ss finish reading.
• Vocabulary:
o Nouns:
§ A piece of good news
§ Weekend
§ Grandma = grandmother
o Verb phrases:
§ Come along
§ Plan to try
§ Will be back
o Other phrases:
§ Too much = a lot of
§ Also

Practice (Ex 2):

• One group, one paper
• Read the letters again. If you don’t understand something, raise your hand and ask
the teacher.
• Then on the group paper, write the answers for Exercise 2, Sentences 1-5
• Only write the short answer, do not write the complete sentences.
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• CCQs:
o What do you do first? Read the letters again
o After you read, what do you do? Answer 1-5
o Do you write complete answers or short answers? Short answers
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise your hand silently.
• When a group finishes, T checks their work. Then, Ss write complete answers in their
exercise books.
• Short answers
o 1. new Korean restaurant
o 2. this weekend
o 3. homework
o 4. Saturday
o 5. Sunday

Unit 5

• When all groups finish writing, T asks each group to read one complete sentence

Practice (Ex 3a):

• T asks class to look at page 47, Exercise 3a.
• T guides students through the 5 words and explains Myanmar meaning of each word
• T reads and Ss repeat the letter in the box (without the answers!)
• T explains the letter and other words (cannot, slight fever, be able to)
• T gives activity instructions:
o One group, one bag
o In the bag, there is the letter and the 5 words from the box.
o Complete the letter in your group
o When you finish, raise your hand
o CCQs:
§ How many words are in the bag? 5
§ What will you do with the words? Finish the letter
§ When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand silently
• When a group finishes, T checks their work, and Ss write words into their textbook
for Ex 3a. When all groups finish, the class reads the letter aloud together.

Teach/Practice (Ex 3c):

• T writes questions on the board
• T guides students through each question and the class works together to decide the
answers; Ss write the answers in their exercise books

1. The note is for Thura’s teacher.

2. Thura wrote the note because he cannot come to school.
3. Thura can’t come to school because he is running a fever.
4. Thura would be able to come to school tomorrow.

• T asks each group a different question from Exercise 2 or Exercise 3c.
o Exercise 2: When is Su Su free?
o Exercise 2: Why isn’t Su Su free on Saturday?
o Exercise 2: When will Su Su and Sandy meet?
o Exercise 3c: Who is the note for?
o Exercise 3c: Why did Thura write this note?
o Exercise 3c: Why can’t Thura come to school?

Period 1
Unit 5 Lesson 3 Period 1 - Exercises 1a+1b

• SWBAT identify ASEAN countries, their capitals, and their nationalities
• SWBAT answer questions about ASAN countries, capitals and nationalities using the
chart on page 48
• SWBAT recreate the ASAN country/capital/nationality chart from memory by
matching each country with its capital and nationality

Unit 5

• T reviews countries and nationalities from Unit 5 Lesson 1 Ex 4
• T says a country, Ss say nationality
• T says a nationality, Ss say country

Teach (Ex 1a):

• T teaches pronunciation of country names, nationalities, and capitals for the ASEAN
countries. Ss listen to pronunciation and repeat.
o Country names:
o Country capitals:
o To learn pronunciation, search Google/Youtube for the word + pronunciation.
Then you will find a pronunciation video. For example: “Brunein
• Note: ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations
• T can say country name. Ss respond with nationality + capital

Class Practice (Ex 1a):

• T hangs chart on the board. Chart is the same as pg 48, but some information is
• T gives each group a paper. One paper has one piece of information missing from
the chart
• Group by group, the students come up and put their paper in the correct space to
finish the chart

Class Practice (Ex 1b):

• Now we will practice answering questions about the chart.
• T reads question 1 and students repeat. T demonstrates how to find the information
in the chart using the question.
• Question 1 has “Capital” and “Vietnam” so we look for Vietnam, and then we look in
the capital column. The answer is Hanoi.
• T guides class through #2-5, demonstrating for each question how to use the chart
o #2 Where is Kuala Lumpur? We find Kuala Lumpur on the chart, and we
know it’s the capital of Malaysia, which means it is in Malaysia.
o #3 A citizen = we use nationality to refer to a citizen. We look for Brunei
Darussalam and nationality → Bruneian
o #4 we need to think about geography -- not the chart! What country is next to
Myanmar? Let’s look at the answers.
o #5 look at the pictures of the flags and find the triangle

Individual Practice (Ex 1b extension)

• T hangs poster on the board (or writes) -- 10 new questions for Ss to answer. In their
exercise book, Ss write the new questions, find the answers in the chart, and then
write the SHORT answer (i.e. country name/capital/nationality)

1. What is the capital of Myanmar? Nay Pyi Taw

2. Where is Bangkok? Thailand
3. What is a citizen of Malaysia called? Malaysian
4. What is the capital of Indonesia? Jakarta
5. Where is Manila? The Philippines
6. What is a citizen of Cambodia called? Cambodian
7. What is the capital of Brunei Darussalam? Bandar Seri Begawan
8. Where is Vietiane? Lao PDR

Unit 5

9. What is a citizen of Singapore called? Singaporean

10. Where is Hanoi? Vietnam

Group Practice/Game (1a extension) - Memory

• One group, one bag. In the bag there are 10 countries, 10 capitals, and 10
• Countries are red, capitals are green, and nationalities are blue.
• In your group, put all of the country cards and all of the capital cards (red & green) on
the table. Color side up! Do not read the cards.
• One by one, one student turns over one red and one green card, and shows
everyone in the group the two cards.
• Use the book chart to decide, do the red & green card match?
o If the country & the capital are matching (Example: Bangkok, Thailand), the
student keeps the cards.
o If the country & capital are not matching (Example: Bangkok, Myanmar), the
student puts the cards back down on the table, turned over (color side up).
o Students go one by one, trying to make matches. The game ends when all
the matches are made.
• Students can play a second time with Red + Blue (Countries + Nationalities)
• Students can play a third time with Blue + Green (Nationalities + Capitals)

• Close your books.
• In your group, use your red/green/blue cards to make the chart on your table.
• One column - countries (red), one column - nationalities (blue), and one column -
capitals (green)
• When you finish, raise your hands

Period 2
Unit 5 Lesson 3 Period 2 - Grammar Ex. 1-2

• SWBAT match sentences with the uses of present simple
• SWBAT complete sentences and questions with am/is/are

• Today we will practice verb to be in the simple present
• Write the chart on the board. Ask each group for one answer.
• Teacher note: We call this the conjugation of the verb to be. Conjugation is changing
the verb based on the subject.
Subject verb to be





Unit 5

Teach (Ex 1)
• Teacher explains the first box on page 49
• T gives Myanmar meaning for a) and b) and writes the meaning on the board
• T should also give examples of each meaning
o A is someone’s/something’s current situation, facts about something or
someone, their job/age/nationality
o B is an activity, a schedule, when something will happen during an activity
that is happening / routine activities

Group Practice (Ex 1):

• T writes a sentence on the board.
• Each group gets big A and B card.
• After the T writes the sentence, each group holds up the card they think matches
with the present simple use in the sentence.
• The T can ask one group to explain their answer.
• Then T gives the class the correct answer, and writes a new sentence on the board.

1. Kuala Lumpur is in Malaysia. A

2. Rosemary comes from the United States. A
3. We all leave school at 4 p.m. B
4. Daw Kay Thi has black hair. A
5. The students eat breakfast at 8 a.m. B
6. The train leaves Mawlamyine at 12 p.m. B
7. Our school has 700 students. A

Individual practice (Ex 1):

• Students complete Ex 1 in their textbook.
• When they finish, they copy #1-7 from the board into their Exercise books with the
• T can check answers by asking each group for one answer.

Teach (Ex 2):

• T explains the second box on page 49
o T reviews Verb to be from the Introduction
o Today we will practice verb “to be”
o Have students add “Am I” to interrogative
• T gives sentence structure for each type. Ss write in the chart on pg 49
o Affirmative = S + V
o Negative = S + V + not
o Interrogative = QUESTION = V + S
• T shows students how to read the chart by adding lines and reading the sentences
out loud
o I am from Japan
o You are from Japan
o We are from Japan
o They are from Japan
o He is from Japan
o She is from Japan
o It is from Japan
o REPEAT: Read sentences from negative and interrogative and have students
o / = ora

Unit 5

• Explain compound subjects

o ___ and I = we —-> my friend and I are from Myanmar.
o He and she / she and she / he and he = they —> my mother and my aunt are

Group Practice (Ex 2):

• T writes a sentence with blank subject on the board.
• Each group gets big cards: am, is, are, not
• After the T writes the sentence, each group holds up the card with the correct form of
“to be” for the sentence.
• The T can ask one group to explain their answer.
• Then T gives the class the correct answer, and writes a new sentence on the board.

1. The dog and the cat _____ in the garden. are

2. My name _____ Su Su. is
3. The children _____ at school. are
4. My parents and I _____ from Hpa An. are
5. I _____ a driver. (Negative) am not
6. _____ you a teacher? Are
7. Dog food _____ delicious. (Negative) is not

Individual practice (Ex 1):

• Students complete Ex 2 in their textbook.
• When they finish, they copy #1-7 from the board into their Exercise books with the

• Ask the students about each of the practice sentences in Ex 2
• Are they A or B (situation or activity)?
• Each group reads one sentence from Ex 2 and says if it’s A or B.
• All are A, describing current situations/facts.

Period 3
Unit 5 Lesson 3 Period 3 - Grammar Exercises 3+4

• SWBAT identify the correct simple present verb form
• SWBAT put words in the correct order to form questions
• SWBAT give short answers to yes/no questions with to be and to do

• T reviews affirmative, negative and interrogative from Period 2
• T asks students about verb to be for each subject (verb to be conjugation)
• Today, we will practice simple present with verb to do

Teach (Ex 3):

• T explains the different forms in the present simple (verb to do) box on page 49. T
shows sentence structure for each form.
• T gives examples of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences on the board.
T reviews the use of +s/+es when the subject is she/he/it
o Affirmative —> Su Su ____ (like) reading books.

Unit 5

o Negative —->
o Interrogative —->
• T asks: what is the correct form for the affirmative sentence?
o Likes, because the subject is Su Su (she)
• T explains negative form:
o Look at the subject
o If the subject is she/he/it we use doesn’t + infinitive for negative
o If the subject is I/you/we/they, we use don’t + infinitive for negative
o Remember: doesn’t = does not. Don’t = do not
• T writes the negative sentence on the board
o Su Su doesn’t like reading books.
• T explains interrogative form:
o Do/does + Subject + V + etc. + ?
o Students, look at the subject. What is the pronoun for Su Su? She, so we will
use… do or does? We will use Does
o Now follow the sentence structure: Do/does + Subject + V + etc. + ?
o T writes on the board: Does Su Su like reading books?

Practice (Ex 3)
• T writes 5 sentences on the board. One group, one paper. On the paper, the
students write the affirmative sentence, the negative sentence, and the interrogative
sentence using the same subject and main verb.
• Students work together to write the sentences in their groups.

1. We ____ (go) to the cinema very often.

2. The children ___ (play) outside after school.
3. You ___ (play) Mobile Legends every day.
4. The bus ___ (arrive) at 4 p.m.
5. I ___ (eat) mohinga for breakfast.

• When a group finishes, they complete Exercise 3 in their book on page 49. They
underline the correct answer for #1-5.

Teach (Ex 4)
• T explains the sentence order (syntax) for questions
• To be: am/is/are + subject + etc + ?
• To do: do/does + subject + main verb + etc + ?

Unit 5

• T gives example on the board:

o you / a football player / are / ?
o T explains example and asks students to help make the question
• T then explains short answers.
o Look at the chart. We use different short answers for verb to be and verb to
do. Let’s answer this question.
o T asks students, are you a football player?
o Ss will answer either “Yes, I am” OR “no, I’m not”

Practice (Ex 4)
• One group, one bag. In the bag there are 4 colors for 4 different questions. Use the
words to make 4 sentences. One sentence is only one color. You will have one red,
one green, one blue, and one purple sentence when you finish. When you finish,
write the four questions in your exercise book. Then answer each question with a
short answer.
• CCQs:
o How many colors? 4
o How many questions? 4
o One question, two colors? Three colors? No, one color
o What will you do with the words? Make four questions
o When you finish what will you do? Write the questions and short answers in
my exercise book

• Exercise 3 activity review: each group stands up and reads three sentences
(affirmative, negative and interrogative) from their group paper.
• For example, group 2, please read the sentences for #3:
o You play Mobile Legends every day.
o You don’t play Mobile Legends every day.
o Do you play Mobile Legends every day?

Period 1
Unit 5 Lesson 4 Period 1 - Exercises 1a-1c

• SWBAT fill out a form of basic information after reading a paragraph
• SWBAT match questions and answers about the paragraph’s basic information
• SWBAT ask and answer the given questions about the paragraph

• “Students, today we will practice filling out a form.”
• T writes “Form” on the top of the board.
• “First, I will draw a form on the board. Then, I will give you some information. After
you listen to the information, we will fill out the form.”
• T draws form on the board:

Unit 5


• T gives information by speaking (T includes their personal information…

name/age/etc. T can also use a different person’s information.)
o For example: “My name is Daw Su Su. I live in Dawei. I am Myanmar. I was
born on the 2nd of March, 1967. I am 52 years old. I am a teacher. I live at
No. 35 Padauk Street. I like reading books and watching TV. I have one
daughter and one son. My daughter is an engineer and my son is a taxi
o T repeats this information 2x.
o T tells the students to take notes when they listen.
• After the T gives the information 2x, the T asks each group for an answer.
o What is the person’s name? Age? Birthday? Nationality? address?
o What city do they live in?
o What family members does the person have? What are their occupations?
• T writes the group answers to fill out the form on the board.

• T gives more explanation in Myanmar about the form. We use forms when we
register for school, apply for jobs, go to the doctor, or stay at a hotel. When you get
older, you will fill out forms for many different reasons.
• T shows how the answers are very short; just the most important information, not
• “Students, read the paragraphs silently and underline the words you don’t know”
• After Ss finish reading, T reviews new vocabulary on the board. Ss can write the
Myanmar meaning in their textbooks.
• Vocabulary to teach:
o Nouns:
§ Housewife
§ Kindergarten = KG
§ Science
§ Mathematics
§ Mark / marks
§ Subject / subjects
§ Test / tests = exam / exams
§ Contact number = phone number
§ Occupation = job
§ Date of birth = birthday
o Verb phrases:
§ (was/were) born
§ Build bridges
o Adjectives:
§ Elder = older
§ younger

Unit 5

Practice (Ex 1a):

• One group, one form (write the form fields from Ex 1a on an A4 paper)
• Work together to read the paragraph again, and complete the form as a group.
Everyone must write. One student, one answer.
• Number 1: read again. Number 2: complete the form
• When you finish, write the answers in your textbook
• CCQs:
o One group, how many forms?
o What will you do first? Read the paragraph again
o What will you do second? Complete the form
o Will only one student write? No! One student, one answer.
o When you finish, what will you do? Write the answers in your textbook
• T reviews the answers by asking each group for one answer. Group stands and says
the answer together.

Practice (Ex 1b):

• One group, one bag
• In the bag, there are 6 questions and 6 answers.
• Match the questions with the correct answers.
• When you finish, draw the lines in your textbook & raise your hands silently.
• CCQs:
o One bag, how many questions? 6
o How many answers? 6
o What will you do with the questions and the answers? Match them
o When you finish, what will you do? Draw the lines and then raise our hands
• T reviews answers by asking the question and students give the answer.
• T can explain “what’s his father?” = “what does his father do?” = “what is his father’s
o In American English, you usually do not ask “what’s his father?”
o You would use do: “What does his father do?”
o Or: “What is his father’s job?” / “What is his father’s occupation?”

Class Practice (Ex 1c):

• Half of the class is A, half of the class is B.
• Group A asks the questions, and group B gives the answers. Practice 1-5.
• Then change roles. Group B asks the questions, and group A gives the answers.

Group/Pair Practice (Ex 1c):

• In one group, half of the students are A, half of the students are B. (Teacher can also
put the students in pairs; a pair = group of 2)
• In groups/pairs, the students practice asking & answering the questions

• T asks the class questions about the form. Ss give answers
• T can ask the questions in a different order from the form to keep students listening
to the questions
• Questions about the form:
o What is his name?
o What is his nationality?
o What is his birthday?
o How old is he?

Unit 5

o What is his nationality?

o What grade is he in? What section is he in?
o What is his father’s name?
o What is his father’s occupation?
o What is his address?
o What is his contact number?

Period 2
Unit 5 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 2a+2b

• SWBAT fill in a form with their personal information
• SWBAT write a paragraph using their personal information in the form

• Hello, students, Today, you will fill in a form about yourself.
• Let’s review the form on page 50.
• T asks each group questions about Nyein Chan.
o When is his birthday? 15 October
o What is his nationality? Myanmar
o Etc.

• Now, look at page 51. Let’s review the fields in the form.
• T asks each group to give the Myanmar meaning of each field.
o What does ____ mean?
o What does date of birth mean?
o What does age mean?
o What does father’s name mean?
o (Ask for all 12 fields.)
• T explains to students what information should be in each field.
o Date of Birth: (day) (month) (year)
o Father and mother: Students can choose different family members, if they
don’t want to write about father/mother. For example, aunt + mother, uncle +
grandmother, etc.
o Address: No. (house number), (street name), (city)
o Phone number: 09 (9 more numbers)
§ Ss can create a phone number; it doesn’t have to be correct

Practice (Ex 2a):

• Students, now fill out the form in your textbook silently
• Use YOUR information. Do not copy your friend.
• Write only the short answer, do not write sentences
• When you finish, take out your exercise book and look at the board to see the next
• CCQs
o What will you do now? Fill out the form
o How will we work? loudly? No, we will work silently
o Is it ok to copy your friend? No
o Do you write sentences? No
o What do you write? Short answers

Unit 5

o When you finish, what do you do? Take out Exercise books and look at the

Practice (Ex 2b Preparation):

• T write fill-in-the-blank sentences on the board
o Name: My name is ____.
o Date of birth: I was born on ______.
o Age: I am __ years old.
o Nationality: I am ____.
o Father’s name: My father’s name is ___.
o Father’s occupation: He is a/an ____.
o Mother’s name: My mother’s name is ____.
o Mother’s occupation: She is a/an ____.
o Grade: I am in Grade 6.
o Section: I am in Section __.
o Address: I live at No. __, ___ Street in __(city)__.
o Contact/Phone number: My phone number is _____.
• When Ss finish their form, they look at the board and see the instructions:
o Write complete sentences using the information from the form in your
exercise books. You should write 12 sentences.
o (T can write board instructions in English and Myanmar.)

Practice (Ex 2b) Writing a paragraph:

• When Ss finish writing the sentences in their exercise books, they write their
sentences as a paragraph in their textbooks.

• T pairs up Ss and they read their paragraphs to their friends.
• Homework: read your paragraph to two people at home

Unit 6

Period 1
Unit 6 Lesson 1 Period 1+2 — Exercises 1-2e

• SWBAT talk about where they eat out, what they eat there, and why they like/don’t
like the restaurant.
• SWBAT complete a conversation with correct food items and drinks by listening to a
• SWBAT read and understand the foods and drinks on the menu on p. 52.
• SWBAT to practice the dialogue with correct pronunciation.

Intro (Ex 2a):

• T tells students to take out their books, open to page 52, and complete exercise 2a in
~3 minutes. T can write instructions for the activity (one name from the box for each
picture) on the board.
• T walks around the room to monitor as the students work.
• After Ss finish, T calls each group to give one answer. T writes each answer on the

Teach/Practice (Ex 1):

• Now we will practice asking and answering questions.
• T writes Question 1 on the board with the fill-in-the-blank answer.
o Where do you usually eat out?
o I usually eat out at ____.
• T explains “eat out” means leaving your house to buy and eat food. T asks students
for examples of local restaurants and food stalls. T writes ideas on the board.
• GROUP PRACTICE: Ss practice in groups. In a group, one student gives one
answer and then asks the next student “what about you?” When all students in the
group have given an answer, Ss raise their hands silently. T walks around and listens
to Student answers and offers corrections kindly.

• T writes Question 2 on the board with the fill-in-the-blank answer.

o What do you usually have there?
o I usually have ____ and ___.
• T explains “have” is the same as eat and drink. “There” is the restaurant answer you
gave to question 1. T asks students for examples of foods and drinks Students have
at restaurants. T writes ideas on the board.
• Repeat group practice (see question 1)

• T writes Question 3 on the board with the fill-in-the-blank answer.

Unit 6

o Do you like the place? Why?

o Yes, I like (place name) because… OR No, I don’t like(place name) because

§ it is (adjective)
• Beautiful
• Clean
• Dirty
• Delicious
• Big
• Small
§ it has (noun)
• Air conditioning
• WiFi
• My favorite foods
• Delicious foods
• Delicious drinks
• The best chicken
• T explains “The place” is the restaurant answer you gave to question 1. T asks
students for reasons why students like or don’t like the restaurant they eat at. T
writes ideas on the board.
• Repeat group practice (see question 1)

The whiteboard may look like this at the end of this Teach/Practice section:

Teach (Ex 2b):

• Now look at the menu on page 52
• T reads menu in English, Ss repeat. Then T asks students if they know each food
item in Myanmar. If Ss know, they give the translation. If they don’t know, T gives the
class the Myanmar translation for the food items.
• T writes the Myanmar words on the board. Ss write the Myanmar words in the menu
on pg 52.
• T asks the students: what would you like to have at Moonlight?
• Ss can reply with the foods they want to eat. “I want chicken curry” etc.

Unit 6

Pre-Listening Teach (Ex 2c):

• Now we will practice the conversation. This is a listening activity.
• T asks:
o How many people are talking? 3
o Who are they? Waiter, woman, girl (T writes these on the board)
• T reads each line of the conversation WITH NO ANSWERS, and then gives the
translation. T does NOT read the conversation with the answers.

Listening Practice (Ex 2c):

• Now we will listen 3 times. Write the food and drinks you hear in the blanks.
• After playing the recording three times, T asks each group for answers. T writes the
correct answers on the board. Ss correct their answers in the books.
• T plays recording again.

Speaking Practice (Ex 2c):

• Split class into 3 groups. One group is the waiter, one is the woman and one is the
• The first time, T can read for each person, and Ss repeat by group. Ss only repeat for
the person their group was assigned.
• The second time, T can change the groups… now a different group is the waiter, a
different group is the woman, a different group is the girl.
• Then the students read the dialogue without Teacher leading.

Review (Ex 2b):

• “Let’s look at the menu again.”
• T writes on the board:
o What can you have at Moonlight Restaurant?
o You can have ___ and ___.
• Each group answers the question together with one food and one drink.

Period 2
Unit 6 Lesson 1 Period 3+4 — Exercises 3-5c

• SWBAT use the menu and script to have a restaurant dialogue between a customer
and a water
• SWBAT talk about prices of food on the menu by asking and answering “how much
is ___?”

• T writes numbers on the board from Ex 3 (out of order)
o 800
o 3700
o 8500
o 1300
o 2000
• For each number, T asks the students “how many Kyats?” Or “how do you say this
price” or “how do you say this number?
• Ss answer by saying the number in English, and T writes the correct answer on the
board and repeats for all to hear
• T erases the board

Unit 6

Practice (Ex 3):

• Now we will listen to the activity 3 times. Listen and write the prices you hear.
• After listening three times, T asks each group for one answer. T writes correct
answers on the board.

Practice (Ex 4):

Teacher à Student Practice
• T writes on the board:
o Customer: How much is the ____?
o Waiter: It’s ___ Kyats.
• T explains that the students will use the menu to answer the Teacher’s questions.
For example, the teacher will ask group 1, how much is the rice? Group 1 looks at
the menu for rice and finds the price. Then group 1 answers: it’s 200 Kyats.
• The teacher will ask each group one question.

Student à Student Practice

• After teacher asks each group one question, then the teacher chooses one group as
the customer and one group as the waiter. The customer group asks the waiter
group one question. The waiter group answers.
• Then teacher chooses a new group as the waiter and a new group as the customer.

Teacher à Student Practice:

• T writes on the board:
o Customer: Can I have ____ and ____?
o Waiter: That’ll be ____ Kyats.
• T explains the question and the answer. To have means to eat or to drink, we use
have for eating and drinking. This question is different from how much because the
customer wants to eat/drink these things.
• T is the customer. Ss are the waiter. T asks each group a question with two items. Ss
group answers with the total price (adding the prices of two things). T demonstrates
two examples.
• For example:
o T asks: can I have lime juice and fried cauliflower?
o Ss answer: That’ll be 1,100 Kyats.
• T asks each group one question.

Student à Student Practice

• After teacher asks each group one question, then the teacher chooses one group as
the customer and one group as the waiter. The customer group asks the waiter
group one question (with two food/drink items). The waiter group answers.
• Then teacher chooses a new group as the waiter and a new group as the customer.

Practice (Ex 5a):

• T gives instructions for activity. One group, one bag. In the bag there is one paper
with 10 sentences, and ten numbers. The sentences (1-10) are the words the
customer and waiter are saying — their conversation.
• When you listen, put the numbers next to the sentences in the order that you hear
then. Please put the #1 paper next to sentence #5.
• We will listen 3 times.
• CCQs:
o How many sentences? 10

Unit 6

o How many numbers? 10

o Who is speaking? Waiter and customer
o Ask in Myanmar: what do you do? Listen to the speakers, and put the
numbers next to the sentences we hear in order.
o How many times will we listen? 3
• Play recording 2 times without stopping.
• The third time, stop the recording after 1-3, then again after 4-6, again after 7-8 and
again after 9-10.
• If, after 3 times, groups still aren’t finished, play recording again and stop after #3,
#6, #8, and #10 again.

Practice (Ex 5b):

• T checks the answers by asking each group to read the sentences in order. For
example, group #2 please read (1), group #4 please read (2), etc.
• T asks students, why is it 1,000 Kyats?
• If Ss don’t know, Tcan ask, what food and drinks will the customer have?
• T then tells the students to look for those three things on the menu and add the
• Then T asks again, why is it 1,000 Kyats?
• Ss answer: rice is 200, fried vegetables is 500, coffee is 300. 200+500+300=1,000

Teach (Ex 5c):

• T shows the poster and explains the blanks.

• Ss can change the information to practice different restaurant conversations.

o Time: morning, afternoon, or evening
o ma’am or sir: ma’am for women, sir for men
o Food items: ___ and ___ OR __ with ___

Unit 6

o Drinks: coffee / tea / lime juice / etc.

o Price: food and drink prices added together

Group Practice (Ex 5c):

• Half the class is Customer. Half the class is Waiter.
• T writes information on the board
o Morning
o Ma’am
o Rice and fried vegetables
o Coffee
o 1,000
• Class practices dialogue as a big group
• If time remaining, T can change information and Ss can practice dialogue again in
their groups

• T is the customer, Ss are the waiter. Class practices the dialogue one more time. Ss
listen for the teacher’s answers to calculate the price.

• Note: Ss should copy the poster into their notebooks to be able to practice later.

Period 1
Unit 6 Lesson 2 Period 1 — Exercises 1-2b

• SWBAT connect food items (from the paragraphs) with their health benefits.

Intro (Ex 1):

• T writes the question on the board and asks: where do you usually have your
• Students give answers, and T writes short answers on the board
o At home, at the market, at a tea shop, at a food stall
• T writes question 2 on the board and asks: what do you usually have for breakfast at
• Students give answers, and T writes short answers on the board
o Tea, bread, mohinga, fried rice, fried chicken, coconut noodles
• Students practice in pairs: T puts students in groups of 2. Students ask and answer
two questions in groups of 2. Ss answer with short answers

Teach (Ex 2a):

• Students read the paragraphs silently. Students underline the words they don’t know.
• After students read, T teaches new words in English and Myanmar

Unit 6

• Vocabulary poster:

• T reads the vocabulary and students repeat.

• T translates the paragraphs and shows students the
pictures to explain calcium, carbohydrates, omega 3 fatty
acids, and protein.

• T explains health benefits of energy foods, body building

foods, and healthy foods.
o Carbohydrates: energy foods (rice)
o Protein: body building foods (meat)
o Vitamins: healthy foods (fruits)
o Note: these are the three groups they’ll use in
Project 2

Practice (2a):
• Students read the paragraphs again and complete 2a. Draw the lines between the
name and the food/drink they had for breakfast.

• When students finish, T checks students’ understanding with comprehension


Unit 6

• T asks & writes questions + answers on the board

o Who had a glass of milk for breakfast?
o Who had sardine sandwiches for breakfast?
o Who had fried rice with peas for breakfast?
o Who had a fried egg for breakfast?

o Where did Kaythi have her breakfast? (At the school canteen)
o Where did Zaw Naing have his breakfast? (At home)

o What are the health benefits of milk?

§ Make our teeth and bones stronger
o What are the health benefits of sardines?
§ Improve your skin and brain / make your skin and brain better
o What are the health benefits of rice?
§ Build body muscles
o What are the health benefits of eggs?
§ Build body muscles

o Give 2 examples = Tell me 2 ____:

§ Tell me 2 foods that have protein. (Tell me 2 foods that build muscles)
§ Tell me 2 foods that have carbohydrates. (Tell me 2 foods that give us
§ Tell me 2 foods that have calcium (Tell me 2 foods that make our
bones and teeth stronger)

Practice (Ex 2b):

• One group, one bag
• In the bag, there are people’s names from the paragraphs.
o What names are in the bag? (Kaythi & Zaw Naing)
• In the bag, there are people’s names, food, and health benefits.
• Correct the names, food, and health benefits: 1 name, 1 food, 1 health benefit.

• CCQs:
o What do you do with the names, food and health benefits?
§ Match them!
o How do you match them?
§ One name, one food, one health benefit
o When you finish, what do you do?

Unit 6

§ Raise your hand silently

• As the students work, T walks around the class to help.
• When a group finishes, T checks the answers and Ss write the answers in their
exercise books.

• Separate class into 2 big groups (A & B)
• A reads the food items from Ex 2b
• B reads the health benefits from Ex 2b

Period 2
Unit 6 Lesson 2 Period 2 -- Exercises 3+3a

• SWBAT answer the questions about the two paragraphs with complete sentences by
matching the questions with the answers.
• SWBAT identify the foods that Kaythi and Zaw Naing had for lunch

• T starts class by asking students questions about the previous lesson.
o “Yesterday, we read about two people. Who did we read about?” Zaw Naing
& Kay Thi
o “What did Zaw Naing have for breakfast?” fried egg, fried rice, peas
o “What did Kaythi have for breakfast?” a glass of milk, sardine sandwiches
o “What are the health benefits of Zaw Naing’s breakfast?” good for building our
o “What are the health benefits of Kaythi’s breakfast?” good for bones and
teeth, good for our skin and brain
• Today, we will read about Kaythi and Zaw Naing again. Yesterday, we read about
their lunch. Today, we will read about their lunch.

Teach (Ex 3):

• Students read the paragraphs on pg 55 silently and
underline words they don’t know
• When Ss finish reading, T teaches the new
vocabulary on the board; T reads & Ss repeat. T can
also give examples of the words in sentences.
• T should show students where to find the word in the
paragraph. T can point to the place in the paragraph
and show the class. Ss can write the Myanmar
meanings in their textbook.
• Additional vocabulary
• Verbs:
o Contain = have
o Be able to = can
• Conjunctions:
o Besides = also
• T translates the two paragraphs for the students
• T asks students questions to check comprehension:

Unit 6

o What did Kaythi eat? What did Zaw Naing eat?

o What foods have protein?
o What foods have carbohydrates?

Group Practice (Ex 3a):

• One group, one bag
• In the bag, there is a list of 1-10, and 20 papers.
• In the book, there are 10 questions.
• First, read the question. Second, think about the answer, and third, match the papers
to make the answer. For the activity, one answer has 2 parts.
• For example, T draws on the board
No. Part 1 Part 2
1. ________________________________ __________________________.

• T can show students:

o If the paper has a full stop (.) then it must be part 2
o If the paper does not have a full stop, it must be part 1
• When you finish, raise your hand silently
• CCQs:
o One bag, how many papers? 20
o One answer, how many parts? 2
o What will you do first? Read the question
o What will you do second? Think about the
o What will you do third? Match the papers to
make the answer
o If the paper has a full stop, can it be part 1 of
an answer? No
o If the paper has a full stop, which part is it?
Part 2
• When a group finishes, T can check their answers and
then Ss write the questions + answers in their exercise

Each group gives one answer. T asks the questions in a different order so Ss are listening to
the question asked. Ss read their answer together as a group.

For example:
Group 1, who had fruit after lunch?
Group 2, who had noodles for lunch?
Group 3, which food is good for eyesight? … etc.

Period 3
Unit 6 Lesson 2 Period 4 -- Exercises 3b+3c

• SWBAT list the foods that Kaythi & Zaw Naing ate by reading the paragraphs
• SWBAT identify if the foods are “meat and fish,” “vegetables and fruit,” or “others
• SWBAT make a chart of the foods they ate yesterday using the three categories

Unit 6

• T asks each group a different question:
o T writes this format on the board: What did ________ have for _______?
o What did Kaythi have for breakfast?
o What did Kaythi have for lunch?
o What did Zaw Naing have for breakfast?
o What did Zaw Naing have for lunch?
• T writes answers as a list on the board

Practice (Ex 3b):

• Students, please close your books.
• One group, one bag, ten words. In the bag there are 5 green words and 5 orange
words. Match 1 green with 1 orange. The words should have the same meaning.
• For example, when we use “have” when we talk about a meal, (T points to question
from Intro on the board) we can also use
“eat” → have = eat, so you will match eat
(green) with have (orange)
• When you finish, raise your hand silently
• CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? 10 words
o What colors are the words? Green
and orange
o How many green words? 5
o How many orange words? 5
o What will you do with the words?
Match them
o Can you match “eat” with “rice”? No
o Why? Because the meaning is not the same

• When a group finishes, T checks their work, and Ss write in answers in 3b. They
should look at the question & the first letter of the answer, and then write the correct
• When all groups are finished, T reviews each answer and explains in Myanmar. Ss
write Myanmar meaning in their textbooks.
o Bread has carbohydrates. = Bread contains carbohydrates.
o I always have bread for breakfast. = I always eat bread for breakfast.
• Note: when preparing the cards, T can write the Myanmar meaning of the green
words on the back to help students complete the activity

Practice (3c preparation):

• One group, one T chart. (T shows the chart to
the class)
• “On the T chart, what do you see?” → “Kaythi
and Zaw Naing”
• “What do you think you will write?” → Ss call
out “eat” / “food” Yes, correct!
• On the chart, write all of the food + drinks
Kaythi and Zaw Naing had for breakfast and
• When you finish, raise your hand and look at
the board.

Unit 6

• As students work, T writes on the board:

o Circle the meat and fish.
o Underline the vegetables and fruit.
o Star the other foods.
• When a group finishes, T checks to see if they wrote all the foods, and then directs
the Ss to read the board. T reviews the instructions quickly with the students.
• When Ss finish the circle/underline/star activity, their chart should look like this:

• When groups finish, the T asks the Ss to write the answers into the chart for 3c on
page 55.

• T draws the chart on the board and asks each group a different question about the
chart. T writes the Ss’ answers in the chart.
o What meat and fish did Kaythi have?
o What meat and fish did Zaw Naing have?
o What vegetables and fruit did Kaythi have?
o What vegetables and fruit did Zaw Naing have?
o What other things did Kaythi have?
o What other things did Zaw Naing have?

• Ss draw a chart in their exercise book. They write what foods and drinks they had
• The chart should look like this:

Student Name Meat & fish Vegetables & fruit Other foods & drinks

Note: for groups that finish the 3c activities very quickly in class, they can do the homework
after they finish writing the answers in their textbook.

Unit 6

Period 1
Unit 6 Lesson 3 Period 1 — Exercise 1

• SWBAT recognize different countable and uncountable nouns

• T shows pencils, books, and rulers to demonstrate countable nouns.
o T holds up one pencil: how many pencils?
o Ss answer: 1!
o T holds up 3 pencils: how many pencils?
o Ss answer: 3!
• T can repeat with books & rulers.
• T explains: pencils, books, and rulers are countable nouns.

• T write on the board Myanmar meaning for countable and uncountable.
• T can show water/coffee or another liquid as an example of uncountable.
• T gives explanation in Myanmar.

Class Practice (Ex 1):

• Students, look at Ex 1
• Let’s read the food items and decide, countable or uncountable
o If you think the word is countable, hold up your hand like a C
o If you think the word is uncountable, hold up your hand like a U
• T reads each word and Ss hold up hands to show C or U
• Then T gives the correct answer, and asks the students “why?”
• Ss can give explanation for countable or uncountable

Unit 6

Countable (C) Uncountable (U)

• Banana • Beef
• Bar • Broccoli
• Body • Butter
• Bone • Chicken
• Burger • Meat
• Calorie • Milk
• Egg • Oil
• Noodle (note: we always use the plural “noodles”) • Protein
• Omelette • Rice
• Orange • Skin
• Sandwich • Sugar
• Vegetable • Vitamin K (any specific
• Vitamin vitamin is uncountable)

Note: The teachers’ guide is not correct. Protein is

uncountable when we use it to talk about food. In For example,
chemistry, it is countable. Vegetables have a lot of
vitamins. (C)
Note: Vitamin is countable, unless we are talking about a Broccoli has a lot of vitamin K.
specific vitamin. For example, “vitamin K” is uncountable. (U)

• Teacher Note: some nouns can be countable AND

uncountable, such as chocolate/chocolates,

Group Practice:
• 1 uncountable/countable worksheet, 3-4 students
• T explains how to do the first 3 sections on the
o T can provide Myanmar meanings for words
Ss don’t know
o T can write each section on the board and
Ss can complete the activities in their
notebooks if printing isn’t possible
o Ss do NOT complete the last activity
• When students finish, they raise their hands silently
and T checks their work.

• T asks each group to give an answer for part of the
o Group 1, what are the countable nouns?
o Group 2, what are the uncountable noun?
o Group 3, what countable noun did you circle in box 1?
o Group 4, what countable noun did you circle in box 2?
o Group 5, what countable noun did you circle in box 3?
o Group 6, what countable noun did you circle in box 4?
o Group 1, what uncountable noun did you circle in box 1?
o Group 2, what uncountable noun did you circle in box 2?
o Group 3, what uncountable noun did you circle in box 3?

Unit 6

o Group 4, what uncountable noun did you circle in box 4?

• Do NOT complete the last section of the worksheet

Period 2
Unit 6 Lesson 3 Period 2 — Exercise 2

• SWBAT add a/an in sentences where there is a singular countable noun

• T asks in Myanmar, what are countable nouns? What are uncountable nouns? Ss
give meaning in Myanmar
• T asks students to think of countable and uncountable nouns
• T asks each group for one countable noun and one uncountable noun
• T writes two lists on the board

Teach (Ex 2):

• Today we will practice countable and uncountable nouns in sentences
• Let’s look at an example.
o T writes example on the board: Win Ko had boiled egg for lunch.
o Ss, what is the food you see in the sentence? Egg!
§ Great, boiled is the adjective, so together the food is “boiled egg”
o Is boiled egg countable or uncountable? Countable!
o Is boiled egg singular or plural? Singular!
• Grammar Rules:
o When you see a SINGULAR COUNTABLE noun in a sentence, you must put
a/an/the before the word. In this exercise, we will practice a/an
§ We use “an” before words that start with vowel sounds (egg, omelette,
oil, etc.)
§ We use “a” before words that start with consonant sounds
o When you see an UNCOUNTABLE noun in a sentence, you CANNOT put
a/an before the word.
§ If you see a/an before an uncountable noun, take it out of the
§ Ex: I had a fish curry for lunch.
• Let’s look at the sentence again… boiled egg is Countable or Uncountable? Boiled
egg is singular or plural?
• It’s singular and countable, so what will we add?
o We will add “a” before boiled
o Why not “an”? Because boiled started with a B sound
• T writes correct sentence on the board
o Win Ko had a boiled egg for lunch.

Class Practice (Ex 2):

• T works through 1-5 with the class, asking students:
o What nouns do you see in the sentence?
o Is it countable or uncountable?
§ If uncountable, no change!
o If countable, is it singular?
o If countable + singular, do we add a or an?

Unit 6

• T should write one sentence on the board. Then ask the questions above. Ss
answer, and T then writes the correct sentence on the board.
• Ss should write the answers in their notebook.

1. Sandwich is countable and singular, so “a sandwich”

2. Banana is countable and singular, so “a banana”; lunch is uncountable, so no
3. Omega 3 fatty acids are countable and plural, so no change; skin is uncountable, so
no change
4. Chicken curry is uncountable, so no change
5. Water is uncountable, so no change

• Note: T should explain the idea of compound foods (two food words together = one
food) — for example, chicken curry

Group Practice (Ex 2):

• In groups, students complete 6-10 with these steps:
1. Find the nouns
2. Decide if nouns are countable or uncountable
3. If countable & singular, add a or an
4. If countable & plural, no change
5. If uncountable, no change

• When students finish, they can complete the last section of the worksheet from
Period 1. For the worksheet, if they see an uncountable noun with a/an, they should
take out a/an.
• T can write the 5 sentences on the board for students to correct in their notebooks
1. I had apple and banana for breakfast.
2. My sister never eats a chicken curry or a fish soup.
3. My dad made me fried egg with a bread.
4. We bought a sugar and rice at the shop.
5. I like to eat coconut noodles.


• After students finish, T can ask students to share their answers and explain why.

Book Explanations (pg. 56, Ex 2, 6-10)

6. Fried rice is uncountable, so no change. Banana is countable and singular so “a banana”

Unit 6

7. Chicken burger is countable and singular, so “a chicken burger.” Milk is uncountable, so

no change. Lunch is uncountable so no change.
8. Fish is uncountable, so no change
9. Omelette is countable and singular, so “an omelette”; breakfast is uncountable so no
10. Broccoli is uncountable so no change. Vitamin K is uncountable so no change.

Worksheet Explanations
1. Apple is singular and countable, so “an apple.” Banana is singular and countable, so
“a banana”
2. Chicken curry and fish soup are both uncountable, so no “a”
3. Fried egg is singular and countable so “a fried egg.” Bread is uncountable, so no “a”
4. Sugar is uncountable, so no “a.” Rice is uncountable, so no change.
5. Coconut noodles is countable and plural, so no change.

• T asks students in Myanmar what they learned today about uncountable and
countable nouns in sentences
• When we see a singular countable noun in a sentence, it needs to have a/an (or the).
When we see an uncountable noun in a sentence, it cannot have a/an before it.

Period 3
Unit 6 Lesson 3 Period 3 — Exercise 3

• SWBAT decide if they should use the singular or plural form of the noun in a

• Students, help me fix some sentences!
• T writes 3 sentences on the board:
o I love rice with a chicken.
o I had sandwich for breakfast.
o My sister eats banana with a milk every day.
• T asks students how to change each sentence and why.
o I love rice with a chicken. Chicken is uncountable so no “a.”
o I had a sandwich for breakfast. Sandwich is countable + singular so we need
o My sister eats a banana with a milk every day. Banana is countable and
singular so we need an “a.” Milk is uncountable so no “a”

Teach (Ex 3):

• Now we will practice using the singular or plural form of nouns in different

Unit 6

• For example,
o We sometimes have our _____ at a
restaurant. (breakfast / breakfasts)
o Do we use breakfast or breakfasts?
• Let’s learn how to decide.
• T draws a diagram on the board. Ss copy into their
notebooks and T explains.

• If the noun is uncountable, we always use the

singular form. Uncountable nouns do NOT have
plural forms.
• If the noun is countable, we need to look at the
o If you see a/an/one, use singular
o If you see a number greater than 1
(Example: I have two cats), use plural
o If you see nothing before the noun
(Example: I like dumplings), use plural
o If you see the before the noun, think about
the meaning of the sentence.
• Use this chart to help you answer our practice questions today. The first thing you
should do is look at the noun and decide, countable or uncountable.
o Back to our example: is breakfast countable or uncountable?
o Uncountable! So will we use singular or plural?
o The chart says uncountable —> singular, so our sentence will be: we
sometimes have our breakfast at a restaurant.
• Let’s try another example:
o Eating carrots is good for the ____. (eye / eyes)
§ Is eye countable or uncountable? Countable
• Do we see a/an/one? No
• Do we see a number? No
• Do we see nothing? No
• Do we see the? Yes
o Let’s think about the meaning. Do you think this
sentence is referring to only one eye? No, it’s referring
to both eyes, so will we use singular or plural? Plural
o Eating carrots is good for the eyes.

Group Practice (Ex 3):

• One group, one paper (Or T can write 10 sentences on the board)
• First, look at the nouns on the right side, and decide countable or uncountable
o If uncountable, will you use singular or plural? SINGULAR! You write the
singular form in each sentence.
o If countable, what will you do? Look at the sentence and decide singular or
plural from what you see in the sentence. Use the chart! Then write the
correct form in the sentence.

Unit 6

• When you finish, work on Exercise 3 in your textbook.

o Circle the correct form of the word.
• When you finish the paper and Exercise 3, raise your hand

• T moves around the classroom to offer help. When all groups finish the paper, T can
call attention and review answers. T should ask each group for the answer and then
ask their reason.
1. Milk - uncountable > singular
2. Dessert - countable, “a” so singular
3. Menu - countable, “a” so singular
4. Drinks - countable, nothing before the blank so plural
5. Butter - uncountable > singular
6. Sugar - uncountable > singular
7. Water - uncountable > singular
8. Salt - uncountable > singular
9. Rice - uncountable > singular
10. Coffee - uncountable > singular

• Then, as a class, T can work through Ex 3 by asking two questions for each #.
o Is the noun countable or uncountable?
o What do we see before the noun?

Explanations + Answers:
1. Benefit is countable + nothing before, so plural = benefits
2. Bone is countable + “the” means we need to think about the sentence. It’s referring to
all of our bones in our body, so plural = bones
3. Carbohydrate is countable + nothing before, so plural = carbohydrates
4. Dessert is countable + “the” means we need to think about the sentence. It’s referring
to more than one dessert on a menu, so plural = desserts
5. Coconut noodle is countable + nothing before, so plural = coconut noodles
6. Nutrient is countable + nothing before, so plural = nutrients

Unit 6

7. Rice is uncountable, so singular = rice

8. Sandwich is countable and singular, so we need “a” = a sandwich
9. Coffee is uncountable, so singular = coffee
10. Bread is uncountable, so singular = bread

• T writes 3 sentences on the board.
• Now let’s fix 3 sentences again:
o I love _____ with chicken. Rice / rices
o I had a ______ for breakfast. Sandwich / sandwiches
o My sister eats ______ every day. Banana / bananas
• T asks students for the answers and the reasoning by using the chart.
o Rice > uncountable > singular (rice)
o Sandwich > countable > a ___ > singular (sandwich)
o Banana > countable > nothing > plural (bananas)

Period 4
Unit 6 Lesson 3 Period 4 — Exercises 4a+b

• SWBAT use measure words to count uncountable nouns
• SWBAT match measure phrases with pictures of food items

• Do you remember countable and uncountable nouns?
o Ss give definition in Myanmar
• Tell me some examples of countable nouns.
o Bananas, apples, carrots
• Can we use the plural (s/es) with countable nouns? Yes
o Yes, we can use singular if it’s only one, or plural if it’s more than one.
• Tell me some examples of uncountable nouns.
o Rice, water, oil, bread
• Can we use the plural with uncountable nouns? No
o No, we only use singular with uncountable nouns.
• So today we will learn how we can count uncountable nouns. We will learn measure

Teach (Ex 4):

• T writes chart below on the board to explain measure words.
• T explains the different groups in Myanmar.

Unit 6

• For rice/noodles/porridge/curry:
o Bowl / bowls
o Plate / plates
o Serving / Servings

• T explains that when using the measures, we use this format:

o (Number) (measure) of (noun)
o Examples:
§ 2 bottles of oil
§ 1 hand of bananas
§ 2 bowls of rice

Group Practice (worksheet):

• One group, one paper
• 12 food items, and 12 measure phrases
• Draw a line to match the measure with the picture
• CCQs:
o How many measures? 12
o How many food items? 12
o What will you do? Match the measures and
the food items
o How will you match them? Draw lines
• When you finish raise your hand.

Practice (Ex 4a+b):

• While students complete the worksheet, T can write
instructions in Myanmar on the board. Then T walks
around to each group and tells them to complete 4a +
b when they finish the worksheet.
o When you finish the worksheet, read column A and column B in Ex 4a
§ Then, draw lines to match column A and column B.

Unit 6

o You can look at the pictures in Ex 4b to help

o When you finish, write the measure phrase
under each picture in Ex 4b

Extra Practice for Fast Workers:

• When students finish Ex 4a+b, they can write the 12
phrases from the worksheet in their notebooks and
draw small pictures next to the phrase.

• Each group reads one answer from Ex 4b.
• For example, “group 5, please read number 1,”
“group 2, please read number 2,” etc.

Period 1
Unit 6 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Vocabulary Exercise 1; Writing Exercises 1-2b

• SWBAT write a shopping list using countable and uncountable nouns and the
quantity of each they want to buy.
• SWBAT use words for weight/quantity of uncountable nouns, such as
viss/tical/gram/kilogram for solids and liter/milliliter/bottles/cups for liquids.

Intro (Writing, Ex 1):

• Students, today we will write a shopping list. Do you remember when we wrote a
shopping list before? In Unit 3 we made a shopping list, and asked where we can
buy the things. Now we will make a shopping list again, but with the amount of what
we want to buy. (amount = how much or how many)
• T writes on the board the 4 words from Writing Ex 1: meal, shopping, lunch, old
• T asks each group, “what does ___ mean?” (Example: what does old mean?)
• Ss can answer with Myanmar translation. T provides help if students don’t know.
• Teacher notes:
o Old: we use old as in “the book is very old.” Or to talk about age as in “I am
10 years old.”
o Meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner (one of the main times we eat each day,
usually when it’s more than a small snack)
o T should ask the students if the nouns are countable/uncountable
§ Meal: countable
§ Lunch: uncountable or countable (depends on context)

• Now, Ss, work in groups to complete Writing Exercise 1 with the words on the
board/in the box in the textbook
• When you finish, raise your hand silently
• T should move around the room, helping students and monitoring their work
• When Ss finish, T asks each group to read one sentence. Remind students that a
sentence ends with a full stop.
o I am Thawdar Lin.

Unit 6

o I will be twelve years old tomorrow.

o Mum is planning to cook a delicious meal for my birthday party.
§ Note: this sentence has to use meal because meal cannot be used
correctly in the other blanks.
o I have invited five friends to my house for lunch.
§ Note: in English, meal is countable, so we cannot use meal by itself
after “for” — there is no “a” or “the”; lunch can be countable and
uncountable, so we can use lunch after “for” with no a/the/one
o Mum asked me to make a shopping list of the items we need.

Teach (Vocab Ex 1): ~Discuss weight in Myanmar & give English vocabulary~
• Ss, when you go to the market, how do you say how much chicken you want to buy?
Can you say “I want to buy 5 chickens”? No!
• T explains in Myanmar the way we use weight systems to talk about uncountable
and countable nouns when we buy things. We use different measures for solids and
o Solids: small shops in local markets — tical (kyattha), viss (peitha); big shops
in local markets and supermarkets — grams, kilograms
§ T can ask students: what do we measure in ticals? What do we
measure in viss?
• 50 ticals of potatos
• 2 viss of chicken
§ What do we measure in grams? Spices, powders
§ What do we measure in kilograms? Chicken, meat, fish
o Liquids: milliliters, liters; we also use words like bottle/jug to buy oil, water,
• T gives some examples of items on the board. T asks students what amount +
measurement we can give to the items. Each groups gives an answer for one item
(examples below)
o Peanut oil (2 liters) or (1 bottle)
o Sugar (1 packet) or (250 grams)
o Tomatoes (50 ticals) or (10 tomatoes)
o Fish (2 viss)

Practice (Writing Ex 2a):

• Ss, look at Exercise 2a on page 58.
• T asks students about each number (1. Meat and fish, can you give me some
examples?) Ss call out examples:
o Meat & fish: beef, chicken, pork, mutton, salmon, sardines
o Vegetables: string beans, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots
o Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries

Unit 6

o Groceries: sugar, oil, butter, salt, chili powder, ginger,

• Now in your groups, you will get one paper.
• On the paper, you will write a shopping list.
• Write 3 items for each category (3 items for meat and fish, 3 items for fruit, etc.)
• Remember: item = thing
• After you write the items, write how much or how many you will buy…
o For example: apples / 4, oil / 2 bottles, pork / 2 viss
o Remember: if the noun is uncountable, you cannot write “water / 3” we need a
measurement word. For example: “Water / 2 liters” or “water / 4 bottles”
o Remember if the noun is countable, you can use a number “bananas / 5
bananas” or a measure word “bananas / 2 hands”
• When you finish, raise your hand silently
• CCQs
o What will you do with your paper? Write a shopping list
o For each category, how many items will you write? 3
o After you write the items, what will you write? How much/how many for each
o If I want to buy milk, can I write “1 milk”? No
o Why? Milk is uncountable
o What can I write for milk? 2 liters, 1 bottle, etc.
o If I want to buy apples, can I write 5 apples? Yes
o Why? Apples is countable
o Can I write 2 kilograms of apples? Yes
o Why? For countable nouns, you can use numbers OR measure words; both
are ok
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand silently
• When students finish, T checks the group’s work, and then each student chooses
one item from each category to write in the textbook. for Ex 2a

Practice (Ex 2b):

• When students finish filling in their textbook for 2a, they can write the full phrases in
their Exercise books, for example:
o One viss of chicken
o 50 ticals of potatoes
o 2 apples
o 1 sack of rice

Unit 6

• After they write out the phrases, students practice reading the phrases to their group

• T asks each group to share 2 things they will buy with the amount, for example: 2
viss of chicken and 5 apples
• Students in the group should speak together when they answer
• If you have many groups in your class, each group can share one thing

Period 2
Unit 6 Lesson 4 Period 2 — Exercises 3+4

• SWBAT use How much/How many to ask questions about food items.
• SWBAT decide if they should use how much or how many based on if the noun is
uncountable (how much) or countable (how many)

• Today we will practice asking questions about food items when we go shopping.
• Each group, please think of two food items, one countable and one uncountable.
• T draws a T chart on the board. T writes numbers based on the number of groups. In
this class, we had 6 groups.
• T calls on each group to say the food items.
o “Group 1, what is your countable food? What is your uncountable food?”
• T fills in the items.

• T explains that with countable nouns we use the
question “how many” and with uncountable nouns
we use the question “how much”
• T write this information on the board next to C/U
• To answer “how many,” we only need a number +
o How many apples do you want?
o 5 apples
• To answer “how much,” we need a number
+measure + of + item
o How much oil do you want?
o 2 liters of oil
• T shows the question “how (much/many) ____ do
you want?”

• The board should have the following information à

Class Practice:
• T explains that the T is the shopkeeper and the groups are the customers
• T will ask each group how much/how many of their items they want to buy
• Groups need to give their answer together
• When groups answer, T writes their answers on the board and gives corrections as

Unit 6

o Group 1, how many apples do you want?

§ 10 apples
o Group 1, how much rice do you want?
§ 3 bags of rice
• When finished, the board should be filled in with the answers from each group.

Individual Practice (Ex 3+4):

• Now look at Exercise 3 on page 59.
• Let’s read the food items together.
• Now circle the uncountable items: mutton, chicken, fish, rice, peanut oil
• For these foods, what question will you use? How much or how many?
o How much?
• For other foods, like cabbages, carrots, and pumpkins, what will you use?
o How many?
• T gives students 3 activities to work on. T can write these 3 activities on the board.
• T can explain that #1 & #2 should be done silently. #3 is the only activity with

1. Write the questions and answers for 1-10 (Ex 3)

2. Write questions and answers for 2a
o Do not copy Ex 3. Use your answers in 2a to write 4 new questions and
o T can write #1 as an example on the board
3. Practice the dialogue in Ex 3 with a friend
o Both you & your friend must be finished with 1&2 to practice the dialogue

• The board may look like this:

• Remind the students that to determine if they should use how much/how many, they
must look at the item in the question...not the answer.
• You can answer “how many” questions with a measure:
o How many apples do you want? 2 kilograms of apples

• Students work on Ex 3, 2a questions & answers, and dialogue practice
• T moves around the room to help and answer questions

• Half the class is the shopkeeper, half the class is the customer
• Class practices the dialogue as a large group
• Then, change the groups

Units 4-6

! SWBAT put food items in three groups: foods with carbohydrates, foods with protein,
and foods with vitamins
! SWBAT create a poster that shows 3 groups and foods in each group

Intro (Ex 1):

! Today we will review food items and make a poster about 3 main groups of foods
! T draws three columns on the board
! T asks the students some comprehension questions:
○ What are carbohydrates? Can you give me some examples?
■ Substance in food that gives us energy
■ Rice, bread, noodles
○ What is protein? What foods have protein?
■ Substance in food that makes us strong
■ Meat, fish, eggs
○ What are vitamins?
■ Substance in food that keeps us healthy
■ Substances in food that protects our body (eyesight, hair, skin, health,
○ Now, we will put food items in the different category (category = group)

Foods with carbohydrates Foods with protein Foods with vitamins

! T gives each group a few cards. Each card has a food item on it.
! T calls one group to the board to place their cards in the right category
○ Note: before the class, T can prepare small pieces of tape to put the cards on
the board when the students come to the front
! T checks answers and moves cards to the correct category if necessary
! After all groups place their cards, T reviews each category
○ T reads the foods and Ss repeat

Units 4-6

! The board may look like this:

! Students write answers in their textbooks for Ex 1

Practice (Ex 2):

! One small group (3 students) gets one A4 paper
! T explains that students will make a poster with
the 3 food groups
○ Poster must have 3 groups in the design
○ You can choose any design
○ Write the names of the food groups
(Carbohydrates, protein, vitamins)
○ One food group, 5 food items (more than
5 is ok too!)
○ Draw the food items and write the food
! Students work on their posters for the remainder
of the class. Students can use coloring materials
to decorate their posters.

! At the end of the class time, T can choose a few
groups to come to the front and share their
posters. Students read off the foods they chose for each group.
! T can hang posters on the classroom wall after the class ends

Units 4-6

• SWBAT understand the meaning of the poem
• SWBAT match the English vocabulary with the Myanmar meanings

• Today we will read a poem. Open your books to page 63.
• T writes two questions on the board in Myanmar:
o Why is sleeping at night important?
o What do you think this poem is about?
• Each group gets one small paper. Students talk about the two questions in Myanmar
and then write the answers in Myanmar on their group paper.
• When all groups finish, T asks each group to share their answers. All answers are
• Some possible answers for #1:
o Sleeping at night is important because our bodies need sleep to be healthy.
o If I don’t sleep, I’m tired at school, and then, learning is difficult.
o If I don’t sleep, I feel tired and angry, and then, I am not kind to my family.
• Some possible answers for #2:
o This poem is about a farm.
o This poem is about a chicken.
o This poem is about waking up in the morning,

• T asks the other three pre-reading questions in English and asks for the Ss answers.
o Who wrote this poem? (look at the bottom of the poem, this is where the
poet’s name is — Benjamin Franklin)
o What time do you usually go to bed?
o Are you an early riser? = Do you wake up early?

• Ss read the poem silently and underline words they don’t know
• T teaches new English vocabulary on the board with Myanmar meanings and some
• Students should note the new words down in their textbook
o For example, if they underlined crow, they should write the Myanmar meaning
for crow in their textbook

Practice (Ex 1: Read the Poem):

• T reads the poem with motions and Ss repeat
• After the T reads the poem once, T reads the poem again line by line
o T reads one line
o T asks students to translate the line
o Ss give translation ideas
o T repeats the correct answer for the line
o T encourages Ss to write the translations into their textbook if they didn’t
know the meaning

Small Group Practice (Vocabulary Practice):

• One group, one bag
• In the bag, there are 14 words, 7 purple English words and 7 black Myanmar words.
Match the English with the Myanmar word. They should have the same meaning.
• When you finish, raise your hand.

• CCQs:
o How many words are in the bag? 14
o How many English words? 7
o How many Myanmar words? 7
o What will you do with the words? Match them
o Can you match words with different meanings? No! The same meaning
o (You can use Myanmar here to give an example of a match with the same
• When groups finish, T checks their work. Then the group should look at Ex 2 and try
to answer the questions with short answers.
o Note: the questions in Ex 2 are difficult, so T should not expect students to be
able to finish Ex 2 without guidance

Class Practice (Ex 2):

• When all groups finish the Vocabulary Practice (see above), T calls attention and
asks Ss, “please look at Exercise 2 on page 63”
• T asks the questions and asks students, what does this question mean?
o See if the students can translate the question into Myanmar. If they cannot,
then T can provide the Myanmar translation
• T asks one group for an answer. T writes short answer on the board. Ss write short
answers in their textbooks.
Short answers:
1. The cock
2. 8
3. 2
4. Wise
5. Go to bed early and wake up early

• T asks the students for their opinions in Myanmar:
o Do you agree with this poem? Is going to bed early and waking up early the
only way to be healthy/wealthy/wise?
• Ss share their opinions in Myanmar
• Extra time: practice the poem with motions again

Unit 7

Period 1
Unit 7 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Exercises 1 & 2

• SWBAT sort adjectives about describing people into 3 categories: height, build, and
• SWBAT match sets of adjectives about describing into with its category: face, hair,
nose, eyes, or complexion.
• SWBAT write sentences to describe a person’s face, hair, nose, eyes, and

Intro (Special Class Rules):

• In Unit 7, we will practice describing people.
• For this unit, we will have some special rules to remember:
• All bodies are beautiful.
• All skin colors are beautiful.
• We will be kind to our classmates.
• In the unit, we will talk about how to describe different bodies and appearances. It is
very important that we treat our classmates with respect and kindness.

Teach (Ex 1):

• T Says:
• Students, open your book to page 64. Please take out your pencil.
• Let’s look at the words in Exercise 1.
• I will read the words in English, and give the meanings in Myanmar. Please
write the Myanmar meanings for each word in your textbook.
• T reads and writes the English word on the board. T writes the Myanmar meaning
next to the English word.
• Ss write the Myanmar meanings in their textbooks next to the English words.

Practice (Ex 1):

• Now, one group, one bag.
• In the bag there are 12 words, and one chart. The chart has 3 columns: height, build,
and complexion. (T can give Myanmar meaning for height, build, and looks on the

Unit 7

• In your group, you will work together, and match the words with the correct column.
One column, 4

• When you finish, raise your hand.
• CCQs:
• One bag, how many words? 12
• On the chart, how many columns? 3
• What are the column titles? Height, build, looks
• What is height? (Ss answer in Myanmar)
• What is build? (Ss answer in Myanmar)
• What is looks? (Ss answer in Myanmar)
• Where would I put “tall”? height!
• Where would I put “beautiful”? Looks
• Where would I put “slim”? build
• One column, how many words? 4
• When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand
• When groups finish, T checks their work.
• Then Ss will write the words into Ex 1 in their textbooks.
• When all groups finish Ex 1 in their textbooks, T can call attention for Ex 2.

Teach (Ex 2):

• T says:
• Ss, now look at Exercise 2. Let’s read the words in Column A.
• T reads the words in Column A. Ss repeat. T does NOT give the Myanmar meaning.
• T says:
• Ss, now let’s read the words in Column B. Write the Myanmar meanings in
your textbook.
• T reads the words in Column B. Ss repeat. T writes English + Myanmar for Column B
on the board. Ss write Myanmar meanings in their textbook.

Unit 7

Practice (Ex 2):

• Each number in Column A matches one
of the ideas in Column B.
• One group, one bag.
• In the bag, there are 5 words from
Column B (face, nose, hair, complexion,
• There are also 5 pictures. Match the
words with the pictures.
• When you finish, draw the lines in your
textbook in Ex 2 and then raise your
• CCQs:
• What’s in the bag? Words and
• In one bag, how many words? 5
• What are the 5 words? Face,
nose, hair, complexion, eyes
• How many pictures in the bag? 5
• What will you do? Match the
words and pictures
• What will you do when you finish?
Draw the lines in my textbook and
raise my hand

Practice (Ex 2 Extension):

• While Ss are working, T writes 5
sentences on the board:
• 1. She/He has _____ hair.
• 2. She/He has _____ eyes.
• 3. She/He has a _____ face.
• 4. She/He has a _____
• 5. She/He has a _____ nose.
• When a group finishes, T checks their
work, and then gives the students a
paper with 3 faces.
• T tells the Ss, “Now you will write 5
sentences about each person. Use the
sentences on the board, and the
information in your book.” Write 15
sentences in your notebook.”

• T draws a picture on the board of a head with:
• A round face
• A small nose
• Wavy hair
• Blue eyes
• Ask each group to say one sentence about the face. Some examples:
• She has a round face.
• She has a small nose.

Unit 7

• She has wavy hair.

• She has blue eyes.

Period 2
Unit 7 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Exercise 3

• SWBAT name 10 different parts of the face/head
• SWBAT draw and label 10 different parts of the face/head

• T points to different parts of their head and asks “what is this called?”
• T points to: eye, nose, ear, mouth, hair
• Ss call out answers if they know
• Today, we will learn 10 parts of our head.

Teach (Ex 3):

• T draws a face on the board and labels the different parts in English (no Myanmar).
Ss repeat the pronunciation of each part in English.
• Ss, please open your books to page 64.
• Now, write the names of the parts in your book.
• Ss look at their textbook and label the face in the book.
• T erases the writing on the board after Ss finish Ex 3 in their books.

Practice Activities:
1. Face + word match
2. Draw + label face on new paper
3. Draw + label face in notebook

Unit 7

Practice 1:
• Ss, please close your books
• One group, one bag.
• In the bag, there is one face and 10 words.
• Put the words on the correct part of the face.
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• CCQs:
• What’s in the bag? One face and 10 words
• What will you do with the words? Put the words on the correct parts of the
• When you finish, what do you do?

Practice 2:
• When Ss are working, T writes the 10 parts on the board in a list.
• Eyebrow
• Forehead
• Hair
• Eyelash
• Eye
• Cheek
• Ear
• Mouth
• Chin
• Nose
• When Ss finish Practice 2, T checks their work.
• Then, Ss put the face and words back in the bag. Ss give bag to the T.
• T gives the group a new paper.
• Ss draw a face and label it with the 10 words on the board.

Practice 3:
• When they finish drawing + labeling the face as a group, Ss should draw the face
and label it in their notebooks.

Practice 4:
• One group chooses a part of the face. They point to that part of their face. The other
groups say the name of that part.
• For example, group 1 points to their eyes. Group 2-6 call out “eye.”
• Repeat until all 10 body parts have been practiced.
• T can write down which body parts have been said on the board.

Review 1:
• T draws a face on the board.
• T points at different parts of the face, and T asks each group “what is this called?”
• T asks “what is this called?” for all 10 parts.

Review 2:
• T writes a part name on the board, for example “eye.”
• Ss point to their eyes.
• Repeat for all 10 parts.

Unit 7

Period 3
Unit 7 Lesson 1 Period 3 – Listening Exercises 1 & 2

• SWBAT listen and match descriptions of people with their names and pictures.
• SWBAT write basic sentences to describe pictures of people.

• Ss, let’s review Vocabulary Exercises 1 & 2
• T writes English words on the board and asks Ss for the Myanmar meaning:
• Well-built
• Slim
• Wavy hair
• Short hair
• Square face
• Oval face
• Fair complexion
• Dark complexion
• Ss give Myanmar meaning, and T writes on the board next to the English words.

• Now, let’s learn some new words:
• Adjectives:
• Thick (Example: thick eyebrows)
• Youngest (Example: the youngest students at our school are in KG.)
• Nouns:
• Moustache (Example: My grandpa has a moustache)
• Plait = braid (Example: You can wear long hair in a plait)*
• In American English, we do not use “plait.” We use “braid” if
the hair is twisted/interlaced with 3+ strands.
• T gives English & Myanmar with examples.
• We will hear these words in our listening activity.

Practice 1 (Ex 1):

• Please close your books.
• Now we will listen to descriptions of 5 different people: U Aung, U Ba, Daw Hla, Ma
Yupar, and Ma Thida
• One group, one bag.
• In the bag there are 5 papers and one chart. On the chart, there are 5 names: U
Aung, U Ba, Daw Hla, Ma Yupar, and Ma Thida
o On the papers, there are 3 facts about each person. One person, one paper.
• You will listen to the recording 3 times.
o When you hear the information, match the paper with the correct person.
o For example, if you have a paper with “moustache” and in the recording, you
hear that U Aung has a moustache, you will put the paper under U Aung. One
person, one paper.
• CCQs:
• What’s in the bag? One chart and 5 papers
• What is on the chart? 5 names
• What is on the papers? 3 facts about each person
• What will you do with the paper? Match one paper to one person

Unit 7

• How many times will we listen? 3 times

• T plays the recording 3 times. Ss match the papers with the person.
• T asks the Ss:
• Tell me 3 things about ____.
• Ss read the paper for the person.

U Aung U Ba Daw Hla Ma Yupar Ma Thida
• Fair • Old • Big eyes • Slim • Youngest
complexion • Square • Fairly tall • Average height • Oval face
• Short hair face • Hair in a • Long straight • Wavy
• Thick eyebrows • Moustache plait hair hair

Practice 2 (Ex 1):

• Ss, open your books and look at page 65.
• Now we will listen two more times.
• This time, match the name with the picture. For example, U Aung is #3, so under #3
please write “U Aung.”
• When finished, T can ask the question:
• Who is #1? Ma Yupar
• Who is #2? Ma Thida
• Who is #3? U Aung
• Who is #4? U Ba
• Who is #5? Daw Hla

Practice 3 (Ex 2):

• T writes 6 words in a box on the board.
o Complexion
o Short
o Well-built
o Thick
o Tall
o Twenties
• Now, we will listen again to the description of U Aung. We will listen 3 times.
• T can also read instead of playing the recording.
• Look at Ex 2 on page 65.
• How many blanks do you see? 6
• How many words are in the box? 6
• One blank, one word. Listen again and write the correct words in the blanks.
• After the activity, T can ask students, “what did you write in the first blank? the
second blank? The third blank? The fourth blank? The fifth blank? The sixth blank?”

**Vocabulary Note** Twenties = you are 20-29 years old.

Practice 4 (Ex 1 Extension/Homework):

• In groups, Ss work together to write 2 sentences about each person in Ex 1. Ss write
sentences in their notebooks
• For example:
• Ma Yupar is tall. Ma Ypar has long hair.
• Ma Thida is short. Ma Thida has wavy hair.
• U Aung is tall. U Aung has short hair.

Unit 7

• U Ba is tall. U Ba is slim.
• Daw Hla has a fair complexion. Daw Hla has a small nose.

**Grammar Note**
• With nouns, we use the verb to have (has/have).
• He has blue eyes. She has long hair.
• With an adjective, we use the verb to be (am/is/are).
• He is short. She is tall. All bodies are beautiful.

• T asks each group to give one idea/description of one person.
• For example: Group 1, tell me something about Daw Hla.
• Daw Hla has long hair.
• Group 2, tell me something about U Aung.
• U Aung is tall.
• Group 3, tell me something about Ma Thida.
• Ma Thida is short.

Period 4
Unit 7 Lesson 1 Period 4 – Speaking Exercise 1

• SWBAT use adjectives and nouns in sentences to describe pictures of people

• T reviews the vocabulary from Vocabulary Ex 1 and 2.
• T can say the Myanmar words and Ss say the English words; T can read the English
words and Ss say the Myanmar words
• T explains:
• In Vocabulary Exercise 1, we learned adjectives
• In Vocabulary Exercise 2, we learned adjectives + nouns

• T explains that to use these words when we are speaking, we need to make
sentences with “to be” and “to have”
• With only adjectives, we use “to be”
• With nouns, we use “to have”
• For the adjectives we learned in Ex 1, you can make a sentence to describe
someone by using (subject) + (to be) + (adjective)
• For the adjectives & nouns we learned in Ex 2, you can make a sentence to describe
someone by using (subject) + (to have) + (adjective) + (noun)
• Remember: for countable singular nouns (face, nose, complexion) we need
“a/an” before the adjective + noun
• We do not put “a/an” before hair/eyes.

Unit 7

• T can draw the following chart on the board, and have students copy it into their

Adjectives Adjective + noun

(sub + to be + adjective) (sub + to have + adjective + noun)
I am __. I have (a) __ ___.
You/We/They are __. You/We/They have (a) __ ___.
She/He/It is __. She/He/it has (a) __ ___.
• Attractive ___ hair (uncountable)
• Beautiful • Curly, wavy, long, short
• Average height ___ eyes
• Good-looking • Dark, brown, blue
• Plump A __ face
• Slim • Round, oval, square
• Short A __ nose
• Tall • Small, big, flat, long
• Medium height A __ complexion
• Well-built • Dark, brown, fair
• Handsome
• Overweight

Practice 1:
• One group (3-4 students), one picture.
• You will write a description of one person in the picture.
• Students should work together to write 6 sentences about one person they see in the
• T writes the 6 sentences on the board:
1. She/He has a/an ____ face.
2. She/He has a ____ complexion.
3. She/He has a ___ nose.
4. She/He has ____ hair.
5. She/He has ____ eyes.
6. She/He is ___(adj)___ and ___(adj)____.
• When groups finish, T can choose some groups to stand, show their picture, and
read their description.

Practice 2:
• T hangs 8 pictures on the board and writes a number next to each picture.
• T gives each group one small paper with a number on it. (Each group gets a different
number.) T tells the groups that their number is a secret.
• In their group, Ss think of 2 sentences (a 2-sentence description) of their person.
• T calls on one group to give their description.
• Group stands and says 2 sentences.
• The other groups guess which person (which number) they described.
• Repeat until all groups have described a picture.
• To play again, T can take back the number papers & give each group a new secret

Unit 7

At the end of the class, your board may look like this:

• T asks class to look at the pictures in Listening Exercise 1.
• T asks each group to share one thing about a person. For example:
• Group 1, tell me one thing about Daw Hla.
• She is tall.
• Group 2, tell me one thing about U Aung.
• He has short hair.
• Continue until T has asked all groups about the different people in Listening
Ex 1.

Period 1
Unit 7 Lesson 2 Period 1 — Vocabulary Exercise 1

• SWBAT name 16 different types of clothing and footwear

• T brings clothes and shoes from home to show students.

• T holds up different clothing items, and asks students:
o What is this called? (for singular items: shirt, cap, blouse, etc.)
o What are these called? (for plural items: trousers, shoes, boots, etc.)
• Ss give answers based on what they already know.

Unit 7

• Ss, open your books to page 66.
• T reads English words and Ss repeat.
• T gives Myanmar meaning for each word.
o Two changes:
§ Sport shirt = polo shirt
§ Shirt = dress shirt
• Ss write Myanmar meaning in their textbooks.

Practice 1:
• One group, one paper.
• On the paper, there are 16 numbers. Look at the clothing items in your book. Work
together with your group, and write the names of the clothing items.
• When you finish, raise your hand silently.
• CCQs:
o One group, how many papers? One paper
o What is on the paper? 16 numbers (numbers 1 through 16)
o What will you do with the paper? Write the clothing items from the book
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand silently
• When a group finishes, T checks their work, and Ss write clothing names in their
• When all groups finish, T asks each group to read one answer. T offers pronunciation
correction if necessary.

Practice 2:
• One group, one bag
• In the bag, there is one paper, and 5 pictures. In your group, work together, and write
down the names of the 5 clothing items on your paper.
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• When the groups finish, they will change pictures with another group.
• When the group finish again, they will change pictures, a second time but with a
different group.
• When the activity is over, you will have written down 16 clothing items.

• Repeat intro activity.
• T holds up different clothing items and asks students:
o What is this called?/What are these called?
• Students should be able to name the clothing items/footwear

Period 2
Unit 7 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Reading Exercise 1

• SWBAT read the paragraphs and match the pictures of the people with descriptions
of their clothes.

• Show pictures from Vocabulary Exercise 1 to review clothing items
• Show the picture and ask students “what is this called?/what are these called?”

Unit 7

• Ss read the 4 boxes on page 67 and underline words that they don’t know
• After Ss finish reading, T introduces new vocabulary. T reads the English words and
Ss repeat for pronunciation practice. T gives the Myanmar meanings.
• Adjective phrases:
• Light yellow
• Rather plump
• Long straight
• Nouns:
• Bunches
• Phrases:
• I’m wearing… / She’s/He’s wearing…
• I’ve got… = I have… (I’ve got curly hair. = I have curly hair.)
• Ss write the Myanmar meanings into their textbook.

• 1 group (3-4 students), 1 paper
• On the paper, there are 4 columns for the 4 people: Thida, Bo Bo, Zaw Zaw, Tin Tin
• Ss read the 4 boxes again in their groups.
• In each column, Ss will write about the person’s HAIR and CLOTHES.
• Make sure you write the clothes + the colors! (Ex: red skirt, yellow T-shirt)
• Ss will write short notes (not sentences).
• After they finish writing them on their paper, they should raise their hands.

• Answers:
Thida Zaw Zaw Bo Bo Tin Tin
• Bunches • Short hair • Curly hair • Long straight hair
• Cap • White T-shirt • Blue jeans • Blue skirt
• Yellow T-shirt • Blue jeans • Green T-shirt • Blue T-shirt
• Red skirt • Shoes • Shoes • Flip-flops
• Light yellow shoes

• After T checks their work, Ss will write the column information in their exercise
• Then they can complete Reading Ex 1, by writing the names of the people under the
pictures on page 66.
• CCQs:
o What is on the paper? 4 columns
o What will you write in the columns? Hair and clothing
o For clothing, what else do you write? Color!
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand
o After your answers are correct, what will you do? Write the information in my
exercise book, and then match the names with the pictures
• T writes all 4 names on the board
• T passes out sentences to each group on pieces of paper. The sentences are about
the 4 people in Reading Exercise 1. For 6 groups, 3 sentences for each group.
• T calls one group up to the board, and the group puts their sentences under the
correct person.

Unit 7

• Answers:
Thida Bo Bo Tin Tin Zaw Zaw
She is wearing a red He has curly hair. She has long He has short hair.
skirt. straight hair.
He is wearing a He is wearing a
She is wearing a yellow green T-shirt. She is wearing a white T-shirt.
T-shirt. blue skirt.
He is wearing blue He is wearing blue
She is wearing a cap. jeans. She is wearing a jeans.
blue T-shirt.
She is wearing yellow He is wearing He is wearing
shoes. shoes. She is wearing flip- shoes.
She is wearing her hair He is plump.
in bunches.

Period 3
Unit 7 Lesson 2 Period 3 – Reading Exercises 2-3b

• SWBAT read the passage and match different facts with the correct person
• SWBAT draw a picture of each person based on the information in the passage

• T reviews words that Ss already know. T can write them on the board and ask Ss for
the Myanmar meaning:
o Twins
o Slim
o Oval face
o Square face
o Beautiful big eyes
o Long straight hair
o Short wavy hair
o Bunches
o Well-built
o White eingyi
o Green htamein

• Before Ss read, please have them CROSS OUT (cross out) this sentence:
o She is much prettier than me. > She is much prettier than me.
o This sentence tells students that being slim and not wearing glasses is more
beautiful than being plump and wearing glasses. This is not true! Everyone
is beautiful in their own way!
• Ss read the passage silently and underline words they don’t know
• When Ss finish reading, T introduces new vocabulary.
• Vocabulary:
o Verbs:
§ Look alike = look the same

Unit 7

§ Smile
o Nouns:
§ Foot / Feet
§ Inch / Inches (12 inches = 1 foot)
§ Bob hair
§ School uniform
§ Glasses
o Adjectives:
§ Light
§ Heavy
§ Cute
§ Tallest

Class Practice (Ex 2):

• T and Ss do this activity together.
• T says: “Let’s read the headings: Hobbies, Siblings, Clothes, Appearance”
o Ss repeat the headings for pronunciation.
o T asks Ss for Myanmar meanings of each word.
§ Hobbies = activities in your free time
§ Siblings = brothers and sisters
§ Clothes = what you wear
§ Appearance = looks
• T says: “Let’s read the first paragraph silently. When you finish, think about the 4
headings and decide which one is best for this part.”
o Ss read the first paragraph again silently.
o When Ss finish reading, Ss choose one heading for the paragraph
o T asks the students: “which heading would you give the first paragraph?”
o Answer: Siblings
o T asks: “why?” Because the paragraph is about her brother and sister.
• T says: “Let’s read the second paragraph silently. When you finish, think about the 3
headings and decide which one is best for this part.”
o Ss read the first paragraph again silently.
o When Ss finish reading, Ss choose one heading for the paragraph
o T asks the students: “which heading would you give this paragraph?”
o Answer: Appearance
o T asks: “why?” Because the paragraph is about their looks
• T says: “Let’s read the third paragraph silently. When you finish, think about the 2
headings left (hobbies and clothes) and decide which one is best for this part.”
o Ss read the first paragraph again silently.
o When Ss finish reading, Ss choose one heading for the paragraph
o T asks the students: “which heading would you give this paragraph?”
o Answer: Clothes
o T asks: “why?” Because the paragraph is about what clothes they wear to

Group Practice (Ex 3a):

• Now, each group will get one bag.
• In the bag, there is 1 chart and 15 papers.
• On the chart, there are 3 columns: Su Su, Pu Pu, and Ko Ko.
• On the 15 papers, there is information about each person.
• In your group, match the papers with the correct person.
o 1 column/person, 5 papers.

Unit 7

• When you finish, raise your hand silently.

• CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? 1 chart and 15 papers
o What’s on the chart? 3 columns
o What are the 3 columns for? Su Su, Pu Pu, and Ko Ko
o What do you do with the 15 papers? Match the papers with the person
o For one column, how many papers? 5 papers
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand silently
• When groups finish, T can check their work, and then T tells Ss to write the answers
into the chart on Ex 3a. (Ss should read the headings of the chart before they begin
writing in the answers.)

Group Practice (Ex 3b):

• When all groups finish writing in the chart, T calls attention.
• One group, 3 small papers. In your group, you will draw 3 pictures.
• One picture of Su Su, one picture of Pu Pu, and one picture of Ko Ko
• Use the information in the passage to help you draw them.

• Now, let’s review what we learned about Su Su, Pu Pu, and Ko Ko.
• T draws the chart from 3a on the board, and asks each group for a different answer.
o Age: How old is (name)?
o Height: How tall is (name)?
o Build: What kind of build does (name) have?
o Face: What kind of face does (name) have?
o Hair: What kind of hair does (name) have?
• At the end of the review, the 3a chart on the board should be completed.

Sr No. Name Age Height Build Face Hair

1 Ko Ko 18 Six feet Well-built Square Short wavy
2 Pu Pu 11 Five feet three inches Light, slim oval Long straight

3 Su Su 11 Five feet heavy oval bob

Unit 7

Period 1
Unit 7 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Exercises 1 (All), 2+3 (COMPARATIVE ONLY)

Note: This lesson was taught across two periods, 90 minutes total.

• SWBAT understand why we use the comparative forms of adjectives.
• SWBAT form the comparative from an adjective and use it in a sentence with “than.”

Intro (Ex 1):

• T gives some examples based on classroom objects & geography:
o I am taller than my students.
o This ruler is longer than my pen.
o The water bottle is bigger than my cup.
o Dancing is more fun than studying.
o China is bigger than Thailand.
o Yangon is more populous than Mandalay. (=Yangon has more people than
• T explains: These are examples of comparatives: taller, longer, bigger, bigger
• Today we will practice comparatives. Ss, open your books to page 68.
o How many people are in the picture? 3
o Let’s read number 1: Su Su is shorter than Ko Toe.
§ T writes on the board “shorter than” and explains in Myanmar.
§ T asks students: Is this true or false? True!
o Let’s read number 2: Thura is the tallest of the three.
§ T writes on the board “the tallest” and explains in Myanmar; do you
remember tallest from Lesson 2? Tallest is a superlative.
§ T asks the students: is this true or false? False!
§ Who is the tallest? Ko Toe
o Let’s read number 3: Ko Toe is fatter than Thura.
§ T writes on the board “fatter than” and explains in Myanmar.
§ T asks students: is this true of false? True!

• T explains in Myanmar when and how we use comparative adjectives:
o We use comparative adjectives to compare two people or two things.
o We use comparative adjectives with “than”.
• For example, Min Min and Aung Aung on page 68.
o Aung Aung is saying, “I’m taller than Min Min.”
• T explains in Myanmar how we form the comparative adjective:
o T can write the chart and the rules on the board
o T should explain “syllable” -- the number of vowel sounds in a word
o Ss should write the types & rules in their notebook

Unit 7

No. Type Rules Comparative Comparative

Examples Adjectives

1 Adjectives with 1 syllable add “-er” or “- small smaller

r” smart smarter
young younger
cold colder
nice nicer

2 Some adjectives with 2 add “-er” or “- clever cleverer

syllables* r” quiet quieter
(not ending in -y)

3 Adjectives with 2 syllables change “-y” to easy easier

ending in -y “i” friendly friendlier
noisy noisier
add “-er”

4 Adjectives with 3+ syllables add “more” beautiful more beautiful

interesting more interesting
Most adjectives with 2+ expensive more expensive
syllables* more famous
famous more modern

5 Adjectives that end with a double the final big bigger

single vowel & single letter & thin thinner
consonant add “-er” hot hotter

6 Irregular adjectives No rules! good better

Memorize bad worse
these! far farther

*Note: Some adjectives with 2 syllables take “more” (any two-syllable adjective ending in -
ed, -ing, -ous, -ex). For example, boring > “more boring,” and stressed > “more stressed,”
and “modern” > “more modern,” “famous” > “more famous”

Class Practice (Ex 3):

• Now that we’ve learned the rules, we can complete the “comparative” column of
Exercise 3. Ss, please write the answers in the chart.
• Students, please look at Exercise 3. The first category is “one syllable adjectives.”
Which rule is this? #1 or #5
o big → #5, add -g & -er, so bigger
o small → #1, add -er, so smaller
o smart → #1, add -er, so smarter
o thin → #5, add -n & -er, so thinner
o young → #1, add -er, younger
• T walks students through each category and helps them identify with rule to use:
o two-syllable adjectives → #2
o adjectives of 3 or more syllables → #4

Unit 7

o adjectives ending in “-y” → #3

o irregular adjectives → #6
• Ss call out the answers, and T writes on the board.

Class Practice (Ex 2, #3 and #5):

• Now let’s practice some questions in Exercise 2 with comparative adjectives
o To answer the questions, we will use the comparative adjective + than
o Example: Who is taller, you or your friend? I am taller than my friend.
• #3: Who is more careful, you or your sister?
o I am more careful than my sister. OR My sister is more careful than me.
• #5: Who is quieter, you or your brother?
o I am quieter than my brother. OR My brother is quieter than me.

(First 45 min ends/Second 45 min begins)

Group Practice (Worksheet):

• Now in your groups, you will complete a worksheet about comparatives.
• T can discuss and show examples on the board for each section.
• Section 1: Write the comparative adjective
o Bad — worse
o Difficult — more difficult
• Section 2: Write the comparative adjective
o My school is (small) ___ than yours. — smaller
o I can run (fast) ___ than my brother. — faster
• Section 3: Find the adjective in the sentence and write the comparative
o Our school cat is very cute, but my cat is ____. — cuter
o Moana is a good movie, but Frozen is ____. — better
• Section 4: Write new sentences by adding a comparative adjective
o My teacher is ___ than the students. (taller, older, etc.)

Worksheet Source:

Individual Practice:
• T writes 6 sentences on the board for students to complete after they finish the
worksheet or after class as homework.
• Instructions: Change the adjectives to comparative adjectives and add “than.”

1. Ko Ko is (quiet) ____________ his brother.

2. A rose is (beautiful) ___________ a sunflower.
3. My cooking is (good) _________ my sister’s.
4. I think Sponsor tastes (bad) ______ Coca Cola.
5. I can run (far) _______ my friends.
6. April is (hot) ________ January.

• T can review the worksheet answers by asking each group to give the comparative
adjective from Section 1:
o new > newer
o long > longer
o nice > nicer
o big > bigger

Unit 7

o good > better

o fat > fatter
o modern > more modern
o friendly > friendlier
o famous > more famous

Period 2
Unit 7 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Exercises 2+3 (SUPERLATIVES ONLY)

• SWBAT understand why we use the superlative forms of adjectives.
• SWBAT form the superlative from an adjective and use it in a sentence with “the.”

• Today we will practice superlatives! Here are some examples:
• My ruler is the longest thing. (T holds up a pencil, correction pen, and a ruler.)
• This book is the biggest. (T holds up Teachers guide, textbook, and
• The Irrawaddy River is the longest river in Myanmar.
• Russia is the biggest country in the world.
• Yangon is the biggest city in Myanmar.
• T explains: These are examples of superlatives: longest, biggest

Note: you can refer to words like best/worst/greatest/etc. as “superlative adjectives” or


• T explains in Myanmar when and how we use superlative adjectives:
o We use superlatives to compare someone/something with the whole group
that he/she/it is in
o We use the superlative form with “the”.
• For example, the daughter on page 68.
o The daughter is saying, “I’m the youngest in my family.”
• T explains in Myanmar how we form the superlative adjective:
o T can write the chart and the rules on the board
o T should explain “syllable” -- the number of vowel sounds in a word
o Ss should write the types & rules in their notebook

No. Type Rules Superlative Superlative

Examples Adjectives

1 Adjectives with 1 syllable add “-est” or “- small smallest

st” smart smartest
young youngest
cold coldest
nice nicest

2 Some Adjectives with 2 add “-est” or “- clever cleverest

syllables (not ending in -y)* st” quiet quietest

Unit 7

3 Adjectives ending in -y change “-y” to easy easiest

“i” friendly friendliest
add “-est” noisy noisiest

4 Adjectives with 3+ syllables add “most” beautiful most beautiful

interesting most interesting
Some adjectives with 2+ expensive most expensive
famous most famous
modern most modern

5 Adjectives that end with a double the final big biggest

single vowel & single letter & thin thinnest
consonant add “-est” hot hottest

6 Irregular adjectives No rules! good best

Memorize bad worst
these! far farthest

*Note: Some adjectives with 2 syllables take “most.” For example, boring > “most boring,”
and stressed > “most stressed,” and “modern” > “most modern,” “famous” > “most famous”

Class Practice (Ex 3):

• Now that we’ve learned the rules, we can complete the “superlative” column of
Exercise 3. Ss, please write the answers in your books.
• Students, please look at Exercise 3. The first category is “one syllable adjectives.”
Which rule is this? #1 or #5
o big → #5, add -g & -est, so biggest
o small → #1, add -est, so smallest
o smart → #1, add -est, so smartest
o thin → #5, add -n & -est, so thinnest
o young → #1, add -est, youngest
• T walks students through each category and helps them identify with rule to use:
o two-syllable adjectives → #2
o adjectives of 3 or more syllables → #4
o adjectives ending in “-y” → #3
o irregular adjectives → #6
• Ss call out the answers, and T writes on the board.

Class Practice (Ex 2, #2 and #4):

• Now let’s practice some questions in Exercise 2 with superlative adjectives.
o To answer the questions, we will use the + superlative adjective
• #2: Who is the tallest in your class?
o ____ is the tallest in my class.
• #4: Who is the cleverest student in your class?
o ____ is the cleverest student in my class.

Group Practice (Worksheet):

• Now you will work together in your groups to practice superlatives.
• For all of the sentences, you will write:

Unit 7

o (to be) + the + superlative

o #4 & #11: NO verb to be, only the + superlative


Individual Practice:
• T writes 6 sentences on the board for students to complete after they finish the
worksheet or after class as homework.
• Instructions: Change the adjectives to superlative adjectives and add “the” before
the superlative.

1. My sister makes (good) _______ chicken curry.

2. I think strawberries are (delicious) _______ fruit.
3. I am (fast) ______ runner in my class.
4. I think coffee is (bad) ______ drink.
5. The Nile River is (long) _____ river in the world.

• T can review the worksheet answers by asking each group to read one sentence.
• Answers:

Unit 7

Period 3
Unit 7 Lesson 3 Period 3 – Exercises 4+5

• SWBAT write sentences using comparative and superlative adjectives.
• SWBAT decide if they should use the comparative form or the superlative form in the

• Review: What does “comparative” mean? What does “superlative” mean?
• Comparative = comparing 2 things to each other (usually)
• Superlative = comparing one thing to a group
• When we write a sentence with comparatives, what do we use? Than
• When we write a sentence with superlatives, what do we use? The

Teach (Ex 4):

• Look at the four people on page 69. Let me tell you the ages of the people.
• Su Su is 8. Ko Toe is 13. Thura is 7. Thuzar is 12.
• Write their ages in your book. (T writes the ages on the board.)
• Instructions:
• We will look at the sentences and the adjectives.
• If we see only one person, we will write a sentence with a superlative. What
will we do to write a sentence with a superlative? (the + superlative form -
• If we see two people, we will write a sentence with a comparative. What will
we do to write a sentence with a comparative? (comparative form -er/more +
• T leads Ss through each number, asking the student: How many people are in the
sentence? Should we use comparative or superlative? What is the answer?
• #1, only one person, so superlative → the oldest
• #2, only one person, so superlative → the youngest
• #3, two people, so comparative → thinner than
• #4, two people, so comparative → shorter than
• #5, only one person, so superlative → the tallest
• #6, two people, so comparative → older than
• Ss write the answers in their book.

Group Practice (Worksheet):

• Now in your groups, you will practice writing sentences with comparatives and
superlatives. For all of the sentences, you will use the verb “to be”
• If you see two nouns in the box & an adjective, use comparative with the adjective.
• If you see one noun & one adjective+noun, use superlative with the noun
• Comparative example:
• A ruler
• A pen
• Long
• (change to comparative)
• Answer: A ruler is longer than a pen.
• Superlative example:
• Daw Kay Thi
• Good teacher

Unit 7

• (change good to superlative)

• Answer: Day Kay Thi is the best teacher.
• Students work in groups to complete the worksheet. T should move around the room
to help students as they work.
• When all groups finish, T calls attention for Ex 5.

Worksheet correction: It should be the “rhino” not hippo.

Individual Practice (Ex 5):

• Students, please read the paragraph silently. Underline “THAN” and “THE”
• Don’t worry if you don’t understand. What is important is finding “than” and “the”
• When Ss finish, T gives instructions for Exercise 5:
• You will read the paragraph again. In the paragraph, you will see adjectives in
the brackets “()”. Change the adjectives to comparative or superlative.
• If you see “than” in the sentence, use comparative.
• If you see “the” before the adjective, use superlative.
• First, write the answers in your textbook. Then, write the paragraph again in your
exercise book with the answers.

Unit 7

• Let’s read our answers to the worksheet. One group, one sentence.
• T calls on each group to read one sentence from the worksheet.

Teacher Note:
• I run faster than my sister. = comparative adverb
• I am the faster runner. = comparative adjective

• I am the best student. = superlative adjective

• I study best after I eat dinner. = superlative adverb

• We use the names “comparatives” and “superlatives” to refer to these words

• Comparative adverbs/adjectives = comparatives
• Superlative adverbs/adjectives = superlatives

Period 1
Unit 7 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1+2

• Students will be able to match appearance descriptions with each inventor.
• Students will be able to complete the paragraphs about the inventors’ appearances.

• Look at the three pictures on page 70.
• T points to each picture and asks the students, “Who is this?”
• T explains: Today we will practice describing the appearances of these inventors.

Practice (Exercise 1):

• Look at the box in Exercise 1.
• T gives the Myanmar meanings for telephone, electric light bulb, and the universal
law of gravitation.
• T explains:
o Now search in the 3 boxes in Exercise 2 for “Telephone.” When you find it,
circle telephone.
o When the Ss find “telephone,” T asks the Ss, “What name do you see in that
§ Alexander Graham Bell – He is famous for inventing the telephone.
o Repeat the search for “electric light bulb” and “the law of universal gravitation”
and ask the students which name matches each invention.
§ Thomas Edison is famous for inventing the electric light bulb.
§ Sir Isaac Newton is famous for the law of universal gravitation.
o Ss write the invention under each inventor’s name above Exercise 1. Ss can
also draw lines from Ex 1 to the correct inventor’s picture.

Unit 7

• T says: “Now that we know what each person is famous for, we will practice
describing their appearance.”
• T writes 10 words from Exercise 2 box on the board and gives Myanmar meaning.
For certain words, T gives examples of their use:
o Nouns:
§ Beard
o Adjectives:
§ Broad > broad forehead
§ Fair > fair complexion
§ Grey > grey hair
§ Long > long nose
§ Oval > oval face
§ Pointed > pointed nose, pointed chin
§ Short > short hair
§ Thick > thick eyebrows
§ Wavy > shoulder-length wavy hair

Practice (Description matching):

• Post three simple pictures of the inventors on the board, and give instructions for the
activity. Each group gets one bag. In the bag, there are 16 descriptions. Match the
description with the correct inventor.
• When you finish, draw each inventor in your notebook and write the descriptions.
• CCQs:
o How many descriptions are in the bag? 16
o What do you do with the descriptions? Match with the inventor
o When you finish, what do you do? Draw and write in my notebook
• When all groups finish, T asks each group to share some descriptions of each
inventor. T writes the answers on the board. T does NOT erase – Ss can use this
information for Exercise 2.

Unit 7

Practice (Exercise 2):

• Now, look at Exercise 2 on page 70.
• T explains:
o Work together in your group to fill in the blanks in the paragraphs. Write the
answers in your textbook.
o Remember, one box is about one person. You can look at the descriptions on
the board (and in your notebook) from the activity to help you. Use the words
from the box; use each word only one time.
o When you finish, raise your hand silently.
• CCQs:
o What will you do in the boxes? Fill in the blanks
o Can you use a word two times? No, each word only one time
o What can you look at to help? The descriptions on the board
o Where will you write the answers? In my textbook
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand silently

• T asks each group for one answer. Group 1, what is #1? Group 3, what is #2? Etc.
until all 10 questions are answered.
o T writes correct answers on the board.
• T reviews the ten vocabulary words again (beard, broad, fair, grey, long, oval,
pointed, short, thick, wavy). T says the Myanmar meaning; Ss give the English

Unit 7

Period 2
Unit 7 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 3+4

• SWBAT complete sentences with “is” or “has got” by identifying if the appearance
description is a noun phrase (use “has got”) or an adjective (use “is”).
• SWBAT write sentences to describe the people in the pictures using “is” with
adjectives and “has got” with nouns.

• Students, let’s look back at Unit 7 Lesson 1 on page 64.
• In Exercise 1, we learned some adjectives for descriptions. (T can review the
meaning of these adjectives by saying the English and students giving the Myanmar
• In Exercise 2, we learned noun phrases, where we used adjective + noun for
descriptions (T can review meaning of these adjectives by saying the English and
students giving the Myanmar meaning. For example, T says “curly hair” and Ss
respond with Myanmar meaning.)

• Let’s go back to Lesson 4 on page 71.
• Students, look at Exercise 3 and circle the adjectives: tall,
short, slim, fat.
o T explains: we use “is” with adjectives when we
describe appearances. We are using “is” because
the subject is he/she.
• Now, look at Exercise 3 and underline nouns: nose,
dimple, mole, moustache, face, complexion.
o T explains: we use “has got” with nouns (body
parts) when we describe appearances. We are
using “has got” instead of “have got” because the
subject is he/she.
• Do you see #3, #9, and #10?
o These all have adjective + noun (small nose, oval
face, dark complexion).
o Because the phrase ends in a noun (and the
adjective describes the body part, not the subject), we will use “has got” as
the verb.

Note: Has/have = has got/have got.

Has/have is more common in American English.
Has/have got is more common in British English.

Practice (Exercise 3):

• Students, please work together to complete #1-10 in Exercise 3.

• Now, we will write our own sentences to describe the pictures.
• We will use two kinds of sentences:
o He/She is…
§ We can write adjectives (He is handsome)

Unit 7

We can write about clothing (He is wearing a black shirt)

o He/She has got…
§ We can write about body parts. (He has got short hair. She has got
long hair.)
• T should offer more examples on the board to show when to use a/an:
o Examples (He/She + has got + adjective + noun)
§ He has got a big nose.
§ She has got a long nose. (use “a” or “an” with countable singular
§ He has got big ears.
§ She has got long hair. (no “a” with uncountable / plural)
o Examples (He/She + is wearing + adjective + noun)
§ She is wearing a red shirt.
§ He is wearing a green cap.
§ She is wearing blue jeans.
§ He is wearing yellow shoes.

Practice (Exercise 4):

• One small group, one paper. Look at the pictures
in Exercise 4, and write about what you see.
• On the paper, you will write:
o 6 sentences about the man: 3 with “is” and
3 with “has got”
o 6 sentences about the woman: 3 with “is”
and 3 with “has got”

• When you finish, you will combine your 6

sentences for the man into 3 sentences:
o He has got ___, ___, and ___.
o He is wearing ___ and ___.
o He is ___.
• You will also combine your 6 sentences for the
woman into 3 sentences:
o She has got ___, ___, and ___.
o She is wearing ___ and ___.
o She is __.
• Remember: we use “and” before the last thing in
a list.
• You will write these sentences into your textbook
for Exercise 4.

• T asks different groups to read about the pictures.
o For example: “Group 1, please read one sentence about the man.” “Group 2,
please read one sentence about the woman.”

Unit 7

Period 3
Unit 7 Lesson 4 Period 3 – Exercise 5a & 5b

• SWBAT write descriptions of people including appearance adjectives, body parts,
and clothing items.
• SWBAT brainstorm ideas for their descriptions before writing sentences.

Materials: For this lesson, you will need pictures of different people. You can take these
photos from magazines/newspapers or have students bring in their family photos.

• T reviews Lesson 4 Exercises 3 and 4. T discusses when we use “is”, “has got”, and
“is wearing”
o Is + adjective
o Has got + adjective + noun (body part)
o Is wearing + adjective + clothing item

• T explains brainstorming process with an example picture:
o Today, we will write descriptions of people in pictures. To write these
descriptions, we will take two steps. Number 1: Brainstorm, Number 2: Write.
o To brainstorm, we will draw 3 circles: adjectives, body parts, clothing.
o Let’s look at a picture together.
o What adjectives would you use for this person?
§ Ss call out answers; T writes 3 or 4 connected to the adjective circle
o What body parts would you write about for this person?
§ Ss call out answers; T writes 3 or 4 connected to the body parts
§ Remember to include adjective + body part – such as: thick eyebrows,
blue eyes, wavy hair
o What are they wearing?
§ Ss call out answers about clothing; T writes 3 or 4 connected to the
clothing circle
• T examples writing process with the brainstorming example:
o For the adjectives, how would we write a sentence?
§ He/She is ___, ___, and ___. (Remember to always put “and” before
the last item in your list.)
o For the body parts, how would we write a sentence?
§ He/She has got ___, ___, and ___.
o How the clothing, how would we write a sentence?
§ He/She is wearing __, __, and __.
o Remember, if you only have two ideas, you can write:
§ He/She is __ and __.
§ He/She has got __ and __.
§ He/She is wearing __ and ___.

• After giving the examples, your board may look like this:

• T gives the activity instructions. T can write them on the board.
o 1. Brainstorm about your picture in your exercise book.
o 2. Write your sentences in your textbook (Exercise 5a).
o 3. Change your picture for a new one.
o 4. Brainstorm & write again in your exercise book.
• Students work on brainstorming and writing about their first picture. T should move
around the room offering help.
• When Ss finish with their first picture, they can change for a new picture with another
group. T can also offer more pictures at the front of the class.

• T asks each group to read their description of their first picture.
• T holds up two pictures and ask the class, “did they describe picture 1 or 2?”
• Repeat for each group.

Unit 8

Period 1
Unit 8 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Exercises 1-3

• SWBAT correctly read numbers (1,000-999,999) aloud.
• SWBAT accurately write down numbers that they hear.

• T gives each group a few cards with numbers 1-19. (For example, one card says “1”
another card says “2,” and so on, with a total of 19 cards.)
• T calls out numbers and students hold up the number they hear.

• Today we will practice numbers. We’ve already practiced 1-19.
• T writes “20” on the board, and asks “what is this number?” Ss call out the answer. T
write the spelling on the board (“twenty”)
• T repeats with 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.
• T explains that we always read the tens and ones place together. For example: 41 is
not “four one” – it’s “forty one”
• T writes a few numbers on the board and Ss read them:
• 25 – twenty five
• 38 – thirty eight
• 85 – eighty five
• 99 – ninety nine
• T writes 100 on the board. What is this number? Ss call out, “one hundred”
• T explains that when we have a number here, we say the number (1-9) and then
“hundred” – if there is anything AFTER hundred, then we add “and”
• 101 = one hundred AND one
• 200 = two hundred
• 330 = three hundred and thirty
• 999 = nine hundred and ninety nine
• T writes 1,000 on the board. This is “one thousand”
• We always say this number 1-9 and then say “thousand”
• 2,000 = two thousand
• 3,500 = three thousand five hundred
• 4,670 = four thousand six hundred and seventy
• T writes 10,000 on the board. This is “ten thousand”
• We always read these two numbers before the comma together 1-99 and
then say “thousand”
• 15,000 = fifteen thousand

Unit 8

• 12,010 = twelve thousand and ten

• 18,103 = eighteen thousand one hundred and three
• 65,000 = sixty five thousand
• T write 100,000 on the board. This is “one hundred thousand”
• We read the hundreds number by itself (1-9), then we read the two numbers
before the comma (1-99) together, and then we say “thousand”
• 230,000 = two hundred thirty thousand
• 345,000 = three hundred forty five thousand
• 789,100 = seven hundred eighty nine thousand one hundred

Teach (Ex 1):

• “Students, open your books to page 72. Look at Exercise 1. Repeat after me.”
• T reads each number and Ss repeat.
• T can explain that “a thousand” = “one thousand” / “a hundred” = “one hundred”

Practice (Ex 1 Extension):

• Each group gets one A4 paper and a marker.
• The teacher will say a number, and Ss will write the number on their A4 paper. After
they write the number, Ss hold up the paper to show the teacher.
• Ss should write big enough so the teacher can see it from the board.
• Tip: Ss can fold the paper into thirds, so they can write 3 numbers on one
side, and 3 numbers on the other side.
• T gives each group a point (one mark) when they hold up the correct number. T can
write the correct answers and the groups’ marks on the board.
• Numbers for the activity:
• 1. Two hundred and three > 203
• 2. Five hundred and ninety five > 595
• 3. One thousand and four hundred > 1,400
• 4. Eighteen thousand > 18,000
• 5. One hundred thirty thousand > 130,000
• 6. Seven hundred eighty thousand > 780,000

Practice (Ex 2+3):

• “Students, please look at Exercise 2 on page 72. Each group, please read one
number. Group 1, read the first number.”
• Group reads the number, and T repeats the correct answer. Then all Ss repeat the
correct answer. Repeat for all 8 numbers in Exercise 2.
• Then, T can play the Ex 3 recording for Ss to listen and practice again.

• T writes a new number on the board & asks one group to read the number aloud.
• “Group 1, please read this number.”
• After the group reads the number, T tells the group “thank you,” and T
repeats the correct answer for the class to hear.
• Numbers for review activity:
• 1. 500,000 > five hundred thousand
• 2. 1,345 > one thousand three hundred and forty five
• 3. 40,500 > forty thousand five hundred
• 4. 344 > three hundred forty four
• 5. 140,500 > one hundred forty thousand five hundred
• 6. 13,990 > thirteen thousand nine hundred and ninety

Unit 8

Period 2
Unit 8 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Exercises 4a

• SWBAT sort shopping expressions into who the speaker is: Shop Assistant or

• “Let’s review the numbers we practiced in Exercise 2.”
• T writes the numbers from Exercise 2 on the board.
• Each group reads one number aloud.

• “Please look at Exercise 4a. When we read the expressions, think about who would
say these expressions – a shop assistant or a customer. Let’s read each expression,
please repeat after me.”
• After reading one expression, T asks the Ss, “what does this mean?” Ss call out
• T gives the correct Myanmar meaning. Ss write the Myanmar meaning in their
• After giving the meaning, T asks the Ss, “who would say this? A shop assistant or a
customer?” Ss call out meaning. T gives the correct answer.

• One group, one bag. In the bag, there
are 10 expressions from Exercise 4a
and 1 chart.
• The chart has two columns: Shop
Assistant and Customer. What is a
shop assistant? (Ss call out meaning)
What is a customer? (Ss call out
• Think about what a shop assistant
would say and what a customer would
say. Work together and put the expressions in the correct column.
• When you finish, raise your hand silently.
• CCQs:
• What’s in the bag? 10 expressions and 1 chart
• What are the chart columns? Shop assistant and customer
• What do you do with the expressions? Put them in the correct column
• When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand silently
• When a group finishes, T checks the groups work, and then Ss write the answers
into their textbook in Ex 4a.

Practice (extension):
• While Ss are writing the answers in their textbooks, T can write this conversation on
the board:

SA: Hello, can I help you?

C: I’m looking for crayons.
SA: Sorry. We haven’t got any at the moment.

Unit 8

(a few minutes later)

C: Do you sell T-shirts?
SA: Yes, we do. What size do you want?
C: Large, please. How much is it?
SA: That’s 5,000 kyats.
C: I’ll take it please.
SA: Here’s your change.
C: Thanks! Bye!

• When Ss finish writing the answers for Ex 4a, T splits class into 2 big groups: Shop
Assistant and Customer. T reads and Ss repeat the conversation in their groups.
• Then, have the groups change roles and practice again.
• With extra time, T can ask students to translate the conversation and/or practice the
conversation in small groups.

• Let’s read the expressions we learned again.
• For example: “Group 1, please read one Shop Assistant expression.”
• Each group reads one expression from the chart in 4a. After they read each
expression, T asks the students, “what does it mean?”

Period 3
Unit 8 Lesson 1 Period 3 – Exercises 5a-7

• SWBAT ask and answer questions about prices of items.
• SWBAT role play a customer and a shop assistant asking and answering questions
about items in a shop.

Intro (Review Ex 4):

• T gives each group one or two phrases from Ex 4.
• T draws a T chart on the board (the same chart as Ex 4)
• “Students, read your phrases. Think about who says this phrase. Is it the
customer or the shop assistant?”
• T calls up the groups one by one to put their phrase(s) in the correct column.
• When finished, the board should look like this:

Unit 8

Practice (Listening Ex 5a):

• “Please open your textbooks to page 73. Look at Exercise 5a. We will listen to the
conversation 3 times. Please write what you hear in the blanks.”
• After listening 3 times, T asks each group for one answer. Example: “Group 1, what
is #1?” T writes correct answers on the board.

Practice (Speaking Ex 5b):

• T splits calls into two groups: Shop Assistant and Zaw Zaw.
• T reads each part again, and each group repeats.
• Then, groups change roles, and the class reads the conversation again.
• If there’s enough time, groups can read the conversation without the teacher. T
listens and correct pronunciation after each line.

Teach (Ex 6a):

• T writes questions and answers from Ex 6a on the board
• Singular:
• Q: How much is a/an ___?
• A: That’s ____ kyats.
• Plural:
• Q: How much are these ___?
• A: They’re ___ kyats.
• Note: there/they’re/their
have the same
pronunciation but different

• “Today we will practice questions for “how much” for singular and plural. Let’s look at
the pictures and names in Ex 6a.”
• T asks students about each item: “what is the price of the __?” “is __ singular or
• What is the price of the T-Shirt? Six thousand kyats
• Is T-shirt singular or plural? Singular
• Which question do I use, “how much is a” or “how much are these”? How
much is a T-shirt
• (Repeat these three questions for all 5 items)
• Note: T-shirt, backpack, watch, umbrella are all singular. Trainers is plural.
• “Let’s practice answering the questions.”
• T asks each group one question:
• How much is a T-shirt?
• How much is a backpack?
• How much is a watch?
• How much is an umbrella?
• How much are these trainers?
• Each group gives the correct answer using the answer format.
• That’s six thousand kyats.
• That’s twelve thousand kyats.
• That’s eighty thousand kyats.
• That’s six thousand kyats.
• They’re six thousand kyats.

Practice (Speaking Ex 6b):

• “Now let’s practice the dialogue in 6b.”

Unit 8

• T splits class into 2 groups: Customer and Shop Assistant.

• T reads each part and groups repeat. T can stop to explain the dialogue in Myanmar
if necessary.
• Then, groups change roles and practice again.

Practice (Speaking Ex 7):

• T writes conversation on the board:

• C: I want a ____ please.
• SA: ____ or ____? Note: this could be colors or sizes (red
or blue? large or small?)
• C: How much is the ___ one? Note: this should be color/size
• SA: ___ kyats
• C: I’ll take it, please.
• SA: Here you go.
• C: Thanks! Bye
• Ss copy conversation into their notebooks.
• Ss in small groups (2 or 3 students) practice the conversation 4 times, one time for
each singular noun in Ex 6a: T-shirt, backpack, watch, umbrella
• If Ss are more advanced, encourage time to think of more ideas of things they could
buy at a store.

• One group asks the question: “How much is a/an ___?” And one group gives the
answer: “That’s ___ kyats.”
• T chooses one group to ask the question, and one group to answer. T tells the group
which item to ask about.
• Example: “Group 1, ask the question about the T-shirt. Group 2, give the answer
about the T-shirt.”
• Repeat until all groups have participated.

Unit 8

Period 1
Unit 8 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Exercises 1 & 2a

• SWBAT answer questions about items in a shop.

Intro (Ex 1):

• T draws a chart on the board with 6 columns: bookshop, chemist’s, clothes shop,
flower shop, toy shop, and stationery shop
• T asks each student about each shop. “what can you buy at the ___?” Ss call out

Class Practice (Ex 1):

• “Students, open your book to page 74. Let’s read each item, and decide which shop
it goes in.”
• T reads the item, and then asks one group for which shop.
o Example:
§ Q: “group 1, where can I get a Teddy Bear?”
§ A: “the toy shop!”
• T writes the item under the shop column on the board. Ss write the shop name in
their textbook next to the item.

Teach (Ex 2a):

• T draws a picture of one item from Ex 2a on the board, and asks the students “what
is this?” (Ss give answer; T writes the name of the item on the board.)
• T writes the price under the picture. Then, T asks, “how much does it cost?” (Ss give
answer; T repeats correct pronunciation of the number)
• Repeat for all 6 items
• T writes the 5 questions from 2a on the board, and T can explain each question.

Group Practice (Ex 2a):

• T writes the 5 questions from 2a on the board, and T explains each question.
• Ss work together in groups to write the short answers in their exercise books. When
Ss finish, T asks group by group for one short answer.
• Short answers:
o 1. Clothes shop
o 2. Grey, blue, and white
o 3. Long-sleeved shirt
o 4. 5,400 kyats
o 5. 4,500 kyats
• Then, T demonstrates how to use the question to write the complete answers. (If
demonstration isn’t necessary, T can simply ask the students to, “now write the
complete answers in your exercise books.”)
o 1. It is a clothes shop.
o 2. There are grey, blue, and white T-shirts.
o 3. A long-sleeved shirt is more expensive.
o 4. A sweater costs 5,400 kyats.
o 5. A cap is 4,500 kyats.

Unit 8

Independent Practice (Ex 2a extension):

• T writes 5 new questions on the board. Ss work independently (only one!) to write the
complete answers in their exercise books.

1. What color is the blouse?
2. Which is cheaper, a sweater or a cap?
3. Which is more expensive, a T-shirt or sweater?
4. How much does a blouse cost?
5. How much does a short-sleeved shirt cost?
6. How much is a long-sleeved shirt?

• As Ss finish, they can raise their hand silently and T can check their answers.

1. The blouse is black.
2. A cap is cheaper.
3. A T-shirt is more expensive.
4. A blouse costs 7,650 kyats.
5. A long-sleeved shirt is 5,250 kyats.

• T asks each group a question about the items in 2a. T can use questions from the
book or the new questions above.
• For example:
o Group 1, what color is the blouse?
o Group 2, how much is a cap?

Period 2
Unit 8 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercise 2b & Myeik Reading

• SWBAT match important information with the correct paragraph in the reading.
• SWBAT give small pieces of information about Myeik in English after reading the

Intro (Mind Map about Myeik):

• T draws a circle on the board. Inside the circle, T writes “Myeik.”
• T asks students (in English or Myanmar) what they know about Myeik.
o What do you know about Myeik?
o What can you do there? What can you see there?
• T writes Ss’ ideas in English on lines coming from the circle.
• When finished, the mind map may look like this:

Unit 8

• After some ideas, T will explain: “Today we will learn more about Myeik by reading.
Open your textbooks to page 75.”

Teach (Vocabulary):
• “Students, please read the information in the box silently. Underline the words you
don’t know. I will hang the vocabulary posters on the board. If you don’t know a word,
look at the board to find the meaning.”
• CCQs:
o What are you doing now? Writing? Talking? No, reading!
o What will you underline? Words I don’t know
o If you don’t know a word, where can you look? At the board
• When Ss are reading, T hangs vocabulary posters on the board.

• After ~5 minutes of reading time, T calls attention and reviews the vocabulary with
the students in English and Myanmar.
o Note: location (noun); located (adjective)

Unit 8

• At this time, T can also explain the glossary and how the glossary gives us more
information about new words/ideas in the passage.

Teach (Reading):
• T plays the recording of the passage and stops after each paragraph (or T reads
each paragraph). Ss listen and do not repeat.
• After each paragraph, T explains the paragraph information in Myanmar. T can refer
to the new vocabulary on the board.

Practice (Ex 2b):

• “Now, everyone look at Exercise 2b. How many paragraphs are there in the
passage?” 7
• “For this exercise, we will read the topic and then we will decide what paragraph (1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7) we can find this information.”
o T can lead this activity in Myanmar, referring to the vocabulary on the board.
• For each number, T reads the topic, and then T asks, “what does it mean?” T can
refer to the vocabulary on the board to help Ss know the meaning of the topic.
• Then, T asks, “what paragraph is this information in?”
• After the Ss give an answer, T asks “Why?” Ss can say what they see in the
paragraph that is about that topic.
o For example, (a) the weather in Myeik:
§ “what paragraph is this information in?” #6
§ “why?” hot, temperature, rain, rainy, partly cloudy
• T can write each answer (paragraph number) on the board as the class gives the
answers. Ss should write the answers in their textbooks.

Practice (Ex 2b extension):

• One group, one bag, and one paper
• In the bag, there is information about
• On the paper, there are the topics of
the paragraphs.
• Work together in your group to match
the topics with the information. If you
don’t know, look at the number on the
paper and read the paragraph again.
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• CCQs:
o What will you do with the
information in the bag? Match
with paragraphs
o If you don’t know, what will
you do? Read the paragraph
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand
• When a group finishes, T checks their work, and Ss copy the topics & information
into their exercise books.

• Take down the vocabulary posters and show the Myeik mind map from the Intro.
• Ask each group: “Please give me one new idea about Myeik. What did you learn
from reading?”

Unit 8

• Each group shares one or two ideas, and T writes the ideas connected to the mind
• When finished, the board may look like this:

Period 3
Unit 8 Lesson 2 Period 3 – Exercises 2c-3

• SWBAT answer questions about the Myeik passage.
• SWBAT make lists of activities to do in different places in Myanmar.

• “Let’s review what we learned about Myeik.”
• T draws a circle on the board with “Myeik” in the middle, and asks each group for 2
ideas about Myeik.

Practice (Ex 2c):

• “Now we will answer some questions about Myeik.”
• T reads each question and asks the Ss, “what does this question mean?”
• T can also direct students to look at the passage AND at the information from the
activity they wrote in their notebooks to help them answer the questions.
• One group, one small paper (~1/2 of an A4 paper).
• In groups, Ss work together and write the short answers to each question.
• After they finish the short answers as a group, Ss write complete answers in their
exercise books.
• T checks answers as groups finish. T can write fill-in-the-blank sentences on the
board to help Ss write the complete answers in their books.

Unit 8

o 1. Myeik is located in Tanintharyi Region.

o 2. The two products of Myeik are pearls and birds’ nests.
o 3. There are over 800 islands in the Myeik Archipelago.
o 4. Their chief livelihood is fishing.
o 5. Visitors can enjoy hiking, fishing, snorkeling, or rowing.
o 6. The good months to visit Myeik are December, January, and February.
o 7. You can get to Myeik by plane, bus, or ship.
• When students finish, T asks each group one question. Groups stand and read the
answer together.

Teach (Ex 3):

• “Now, we will do Exercise 3. First, we will make a list of places in Myanmar. Each
group, please tell me one place in Myanmar you want to visit.”
• Each group gives one place, and T makes a list on the board.
• Examples:
o Ngapali
o Pyin Oo Lwin
o Dawei
o Mandalay
o Bagan
o Inle Lake
o Hpa An
o Shwe Bo
o Pyay
o Etc.
• T chooses Inle Lake as an example.
• “Now for Inle Lake, what are two activities you can do there?” (Ss give answers)
• T writes the answers using the infinitive (Verb 1) on the board
• T can choose one more place to show another example.

Unit 8

Practice (Ex 3):

• In your group, you will choose 2 more places in Myanmar. For one place, please
write 2 or 3 things you can do there, using the INFINITIVE (Verb 1)
o Try to think of more details, more than the verb… For example:
§ “swim” > swim where? “swim in the ocean”
§ “pagodas” > go to pagodas or visit pagodas
§ “eat” > eat what? “eat seafood”
• Write your ideas on your group paper.
• When you finish 2 places, please raise your hands silently.
• CCQs:
o In your group, how many places will you choose? 2
o For one place, how many activities will you write? 2 or 3
o How will you write the activities, Verb 1 or Verb ing? Verb 1
o Where do you write? On the paper
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand silently

• When all groups finish, T asks each group to share about one place.
• “Group 1, please tell us about one place.”
• T writes format on the board:
o “In ___(place name)__, visitors can _________ and ___________.”

Unit 8

Period 1
Unit 8 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Exercise 1 + Quantifiers

• SWBAT put different uncountable nouns into groups: Liquids, Particles/Grains,
Abstract Ideas, Gases, Groups of Similar Items
• SWBAT decide if they should use many/much, some/any, a little/a few before a noun
in a sentence.

• T holds up pens, and asks the Ss, “how many pens are there?”
• T repeats for pencils, rulers, etc. Ss give answers. T asks the Ss, “what do we call
these kinds of nouns?”
• T reminds the students about countable nouns.
• T holds up a water bottle, and asks, “how much water is there? Can we count
• T reminds students about uncountable nouns.
• “Today we will learn more uncountable nouns.”

• “Students, please open your textbook to page 76. Let’s look at the examples.”
• T discusses the information in the textbook using English and Myanmar. T explains
the meaning of the 5 different groups; T can draw pictures on the board to represent
each group.
• T gives Myanmar meanings for each word in the Exercise 1 box.

Practice (Ex 1):

• “Now, in your group, work together to put these words in Exercise 1 into the 5
different groups. When you finish, raise your hand.”
• T can give these instructions in Myanmar.
• T can ask in Myanmar, “What will you do?” to check comprehension of
• While Ss work, T draws the Ex 1 chart on the board with pictures above each
category. T writes numbers 1-5 under the categories.
• When all groups finish, T reads one word from the box, and Ss hold up fingers for the
group number it goes in.
• For example, T reads “Smoke” and Ss hold up (silently) 4 fingers for group 2
(gases). T writes the word in the correct column.
• Repeat for all words in the Ex 1 box.

Unit 8

• When finished, the board may look like this:

Teach (Quantifiers)
• “Students, let’s look at the next section on page 76 about quantifiers.”
• T explains what quantifiers are and defines the quantifiers listed: a lot, many, much,
some, any, a few, a little
• T draws a chart on the board. Ss copy chart into their notebooks.

• T reads and explains the first box about “a lot.”

• T reads and explains the second box about “much” and “many.”
• We use “much” with uncountable nouns, and we use “many” with countable
• Now, let’s try 2 examples. (T writes examples on the board, and asks if the
noun is countable/uncountable, and if we should use many/much in the
• 1. I have ___ toys at home. (many/much)
• 2. My sister didn’t eat ____ soup. (many/much)
• T reads and explains the third box about “some” and “any.”
• We use “some” in affirmative sentences, and we use “any” in negative
• Now let’s try 2 examples. (T writes examples on the board, and asks if the
sentence is affirmative/negative, and if we should use some/any in the

Unit 8

• 3. Today, I didn’t drink ____ coffee. (some/any)

• 4. Yesterday, I ate ____ cake. (some/any)
• T reads and explains the fourth box about “a little” and “a few.”
• We use “a little” with uncountable nouns, and we use “a few” with countable
• Now, let’s try 2 examples. (T writes examples on the board, and asks if the
noun is countable/uncountable, and if we should use a little/a few in the
• 5. I put ___ milk in my tea. (a little/a few)
• 6. I have ____ cats at home. (a little/a few)
• When finished, the board may look like this:

• With extra time, Ss can copy the 6 examples into their notebooks.

• Let’s review the new uncountable nouns and quantifiers we learned.
• T can read the nouns from Ex 1 in English and have Ss give the Myanmar
• T can ask students: “What did we learn today about quantifiers?” “What do we use
quantifiers for?” – to give an amount of something
• Review the meanings of quantifiers by T reading the quantifier in English and
Ss giving the Myanmar meaning.

Period 2
Unit 8 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Exercises 2+3a

• SWBAT change the quantifier in a sentence based on the noun
(countable/uncountable) and the verb (affirmative/negative).
• SWBAT decide if they should use “how much” or “how many” to ask a question.

• T writes words on the board:
• One group, one paper (1/2 of an A4 paper)
• Ss draw a T chart on their paper.
• Ss work in groups to put the words into the countable and uncountable columns.

Unit 8

• When all groups finish, T asks each group to answer if a word is

countable/uncountable. For example, “group 1, rice, countable or uncountable?”
• T writes the correct answers in a chart on the side of the board.

• T draws the Quantifiers chart on the board and reviews the quantifiers with the
• T adds draws 2 boxes for quantifiers with the same meaning (one box around a
lot/much/many & one box around some/any)
o If a sentence uses “many” but it is affirmative, we change to “a lot” not “some”
because many/a lot have the same meaning.
o If a sentence uses “any” but it is affirmative, we change to “some” because
any/some have approximately the same meaning.
• T adds a third column, “Affirmative or Negative”
o Teacher Note: these are basic rules used to complete this activity, but are not
always true when speaking/using English naturally

• T explains: “Today, we will look at the nouns (countable or uncountable) and the
sentence (affirmative or negative) to use the correct quantifier in a sentence”

Class Practice (Ex 2):

• T writes #1-5 from Ex 2 on the board. T has students open their books to page 77
and look at Ex 2.
o T can write #1, do the example with the class, ask students to note the
answer in their books, and then write #2, and so on.
o Writing all 5 on the board at the same time is a lot of “dead time” where no
teaching or learning is happening.

Unit 8

• Note: Change #3 to: She is eating only a few rice because she is not hungry.

• T explains there are 4 steps:

o 1. Circle the quantifier
o 2. Noun: Countable or Uncountable?
o 3. Sentence: Affirmative or Negative?
o 4. Use the chart to change the quantifier!
• T asks each question for #1-5 & marks the sentence:
o What is the quantifier?
o What is the noun? Countable or uncountable?
o Is the sentence affirmative or negative?
o How do we change the quantifier?
§ T demonstrates how to use the chart; quantifier needs to match U/C
column + A/N column + have the same meaning as the first quantifier
§ For example, a lot/much/many cannot be change to some/any
§ Some/any cannot be changed to a lot/much/many
o When all examples are finished, the board may look like this:

Unit 8

• Students should make the markings & changes in their textbook while the T is
teaching. When the T finishes all 5 from Ex 2, Ss write the 5 NEW sentences in their
exercise books (Do not write the old sentence; only write the new sentence.)

Group Practice (Ex 2 extension):

• While Ss are working, T writes 6 new sentences on the board with incorrect
o 1. I have a little chickens at home.
o 2. My mom doesn’t drink many coffee.
o 3. My sister didn’t eat some rice.
o 4. There is many smoke in the air.
o 5. In my house, we have any furniture.
o 6. I drink much milk every day.
• When Ss finish writing Ex 2 sentences, T calls attention.
• T reviews the 4 steps:
o 1. Circle the quantifier
o 2. Noun: Countable or Uncountable?
o 3. Sentence: Affirmative or Negative?
o 4. Use the chart to change the quantifier!
• “Students, please work in groups to write these sentences and then change the
quantifier. Please do #2 through #6.”
• Ss use the back of the paper they used for the intro activity.
• T does #1 as an example on the board by asking the students questions.
o What is the quantifier? A little
o What is the noun? Chickens Countable or uncountable? Countable
o Is the sentence affirmative or negative? affirmative
o How do we change the quantifier? A few

• CCQs:
o On your paper, what will you write? Sentences #2-6
o What do you do first? What’s #1? Circle the quantifier
o What do you do second? Look at the noun! Countable or uncountable

Unit 8

o What do you do third? Look at the sentence! Affirmative or negative

o What do you do last? Change the quantifier
o Will you write #1? No!
• When all groups finish, T asks each group to read one sentence. For example,
“group 1, please read number 2.” T then asks “why?” for their answer.
• T writes correct answers on the board.
• When the review is finished, the board may look like this:

Individual Practice (Ex 3a):

• T reviews that with uncountable nouns, we ask “how much” and with countable
nouns we ask “how many.”
• T writes on the board:
o Uncountable > how much…?
o Countable > how many…?
• “Now, look at the Ex 3a. For each question, write “how much” or “how many.” If you
aren’t sure if the noun is countable or uncountable, look at the chart you made on
your paper.” (the U/C chart from the Intro activity)

• When all Ss are finished, each group reads one question.
• T writes the answers (“how much”/“how many”) on the board.
• Ss should also copy the new information for the Quantifiers chart into their

Period 3
Unit 8 Lesson 3 Period 3 – Exercises 3b-4

• SWBAT give short answers to “how much” and “how many” questions
• SWBAT write complete answers to “how much” and “how many” questions

Unit 8

• SWBAT ask and answer “how much” and “how many” questions about their lives and

• T write “countable” and “uncountable” on the board, and asks “when we want to ask
about the amount, what do we use for countable?” How many! “what do we use for
uncountable?” how much!
• T reviews how much/how many questions by giving examples:
• How many students are there in our class?
• How many markers do I have?
• How much water is in the jug?
• How much tea did you drink this morning?

Teach (Ex 3b/c, Short Answers):

• “Today we will practice giving answers for how much/how many questions”
• T explains short answers:
• How much > short answer: none / a little / a lot
• How many > short answer: (a number, for example: 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Class Practice (Ex 3b/c):

• T reads each question in 3a out loud and ask students, “what does it mean?”
• Ss give Myanmar translation, and T asks one group for a short answer: none/a little/a
• Optional: T can ask Ss to practice these questions (asking & answering) in their
groups with a partner.

Teach (Ex 3b, Complete Answers):

• T explains complete answers:
• How much? complete answer:
• None: Negative sentence + any (noun)
• A little: Affirmative sentence + a little (noun)
• A lot: Affirmative sentence + a lot of (noun)
• Example: How much tea did you drink this morning?
• I didn’t drink any tea.
• I drank a little tea.
• I drank a lot of tea.
• How many? complete answer:
• 0: Negative sentence + any (noun, plural)
• 1+: Affirmative sentence + number (noun)
• Example: How many cookies did you eat?
• I didn’t eat any cookies.
• I ate 1 cookie.
• I ate 10 cookies.

Optional Group/Individual Practice (3b, Complete Answers):

• Students write complete answers to the questions in Ex 3a.
• T can decide if Ss will practice as a group (on one paper) or individually (in their

Teach (Ex 4, Question Writing):

Unit 8

• When all Ss finish writing complete answers to 1-8, T calls attention and introduces
how to write questions.
• How much/many (noun) (verb) (subject) (more information)?
• Number of tables:
• How many tables are there in our class?
• Amount of coffee in the cup:
• How much water is there in the cup?
• Number of people in your school:
• How many people are there in our school?
• Amount of juice you drink a day:
• How much juice do you drink a day?
• T gives these examples and explains to students how to form these questions.

Practice (Ex 4, Writing & Speaking):

• T writes on the board 9 questions the Ss will write:
• 1. Number of students in our class
• 2. Number of desks in our class
• 3. Number of chairs in our class
• 4. Amount of water in the water jug
• 5. Number of people in your family
• 6. Amount of water you drink a day
• 7. Amount of milk you drink a day
• 8. Amount of coffee you drink a day
• 9. Amount of tea you drink a day
• Ss write the 9 questions in their exercise books.
• When Ss finish writing the questions, each student should ask a friend the
• The friend gives short answers, and Ss write the short answers in their exercise
• T can remind students how to give short answers:
• How much > short answer: none / a little / a lot
• How many > short answer: (a number, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Review (Ex 4):

• T asks each group one of the 9 questions, and the group gives a short answer.
• 1. How many students are there in our class?
• 2. How many desks are there in our class?
• 3. How many chairs are there in our class?
• 4. How much water is there in the water jug?
• 5. How many people are there in your family?
• 6. How much water do you drink a day?
• 7. How much milk do you drink a day?
• 8. How much coffee do you drink a day?
• 9. How much tea do you drink a day?

Unit 8

Period 1
Unit 8 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercise 1a

• SWBAT match Thuzar’s friends with their gift ideas
• SWBAT answer questions about the children who are shopping.

• “Have you been to a supermarket? What can you buy there?” Ss call out ideas, or
one group each gives one idea.
• Then, each group gets one small paper. Students work together in groups to make a
list of things they can buy at a supermarket.
• “Students, please make a list of what you can buy at a supermarket.”
• Will you write sentences? No
• What will you write? A list
• A list of what? Animals? No, a list of things at a supermarket
• After ~4-5 minutes, T calls attention and asks each group to give 2 ideas. T makes a
list of the Ss’ ideas on the board.

• “Today, we will read about children who are shopping at a supermarket. Students,
please open your books to page 78. Read the passage silently. Underline the words
you don’t know.”
• While the Ss are reading, T hangs a vocabulary poster on the board.
• When Ss finish reading silently, T calls attention and reviews the vocabulary in
English and Myanmar.
• Ss write the Myanmar meanings next to the English words in the passage, or
at the bottom of the page.
• T can point out where each word is in the passage + explain its meaning in
• T reads the passage out loud (or plays the recording of the passage) for Ss to listen.
Ss do not repeat.
• T shows visual aids (a stuffed animal, fruit, flowers, a storybook, and
stationery) while reading about each friend.

Unit 8

Group Practice:
• How many children are at the supermarket? 5! These are Thuzar’s 5 friends.
• One group, one bag of ten papers.
• 5 papers are friends’ names, 5 papers are their gift ideas.
• Work with your group. Match each friend with each gift idea. 1 friend, 1 gift.
• Remember, there is no Thuzar because it is her birthday!
• When you finish matching, draw a chart in your
textbook (a T chart with 2 columns: friends and
gifts) and write the friends & the gifts in your
• CCQs:
• What’s in the bag? 10 papers
• What are the 10 papers? 5 friends, 5 gifts
• What do you do with the papers? Match
friends and gifts
• When you finish, what do you do? Draw a
chart and write the information
• Where do you draw the chart? In my
• As Ss work, T goes around the room to check
their answers. As Ss are writing the chart in their
textbook, T can write the 9 practice questions (for
the next activity on the board)
• When all Ss finish drawing the chart, T asks each group for 1 friend and their gift.
• For example: “Group 1, please tell me 1 friend and 1 gift.”
• T can write the answers on the side of the board.

Individual Practice:
• T calls students’ attention to the nine practice questions on the board.
• 1. What are the children doing?
• 2. Whose birthday is it?
• 3. What does Kyaw Zin want to buy?

Unit 8

• 4. What does Mie Mie want to buy?

• 5. What does Kyi Thar want to buy?
• 6. What does Lwin Lwin want to buy?
• 7. What does Ko Khant want to buy?
• 8. How much money does each friend have?
• 9. How much money do they have total?
• “Now, in your exercise books, you will answer these nine questions. Do not write the
question. Only write the answer. Let’s do number 1 together.”
• T reads the first question and asks what Ss think. Then, T writes correct answer on
the board.
• Note: #1 has multiple correct answers. Some examples include: The children
are shopping. The children are planning a birthday party. The children are
thinking about what gifts to buy for Thuzar.
• Students begin working on questions, and T can address difficulties along the way by
calling attention and offering help.
• #2: you need to use “It is ___’s birthday.” because of “whose” in the question
• #3-7: these can be short complete answers
• Singular: “__ wants to buy a ___.”
• Plural: “__ wants to buy __.”
• #9: Put “total” at the end of the answer or you can use “They have a total of
• With a few minutes left of class, T can ask each group to answer one question. For
example, “group 1, whose birthday is it?”
• T should write the correct answers on the board next to the questions.

Period 2
Unit 8 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 1b-2

• SWBAT make a list of things they want to buy and calculate the total cost.
• SWBAT make different lists based on their role (buying for Thuzar, for their school or
for themselves)

Unit 8

• T says, “Today we will go shopping at the supermarket, like Thuzar’s friends.”
• T asks the Ss, “what things do Thuzar’s friends want to buy?”
• Each group gives an answer. T writes the ideas on the board.
• Examples: books, flowers, stationery, fresh fruit, stuffed animal toys

Teach (Ex 1b):

• T asks the Ss questions about the cost of each item. As T asks these questions, T
can give Myanmar meaning of the different items. Ss can write the Myanmar
meaning in their textbooks.
• “How much does ____ cost?”
• The Princess Academy book
• The House on Mango Street
• A bunch of lilies
• A bunch of orchids
• A bunch of pink roses
• A pencil case
• A packet of Coloring pens
• A packet of Crayons
• A notebook
• 10 mangoes
• 6 apples
• A hand of bananas
• A brown teddy bear
• A pink teddy bear
• A white teddy bear

Practice (Ex 1c):

• T explains the instructions for Ex 1c on page 79.
• “Ss, you are Thuzar’s friend. Think about the things you want to buy her. In your
group, choose 3 things to buy for Thuzar. You only have 15,000 kyats. You cannot
spend more than 15,000 kyats.”
• T can give an example by writing the chart on the board:
• Princess Academy 3,500 ks
• Pencil case 3,000 ks
• Brown teddy bear 8,000 ks
• Total: 14,500 ks
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• CCQs:
• Who are you buying things for? Thuzar
• How many things will you buy? 3
• How much money do you have? 15,000
• Can you spend 16,000? NO
• Can you spend only 9,000? Yes!
• When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand
• When all groups finish, T asks 4 groups to say the 3 things they will buy and the total
• For example: We will buy the Princess Academy book, a pencil case, and a
brown teddy bear. The total cost is 14,500 kyats.
• We will buy ___, ___, and ___. The total cost is ___ kyats.

Unit 8

• At this point in the class, your board may look like this:

Practice (Ex 2):

• T says, “Now, Students, you will buy things for our school. You have 30,000 kyats.
Choose 3 things you want to buy for our school, and write them in Ex 3.”
• Purchase order = form for buying things
• Address = the school’s address
• Date = today
• T explains in Myanmar the 4 columns:
• Item = thing
• Quantity = how many
• Unit Price = the price of one
• Total = Quantity * Unit Price
• T can give an example:
• Item: Pencil case, Quantity: 2, Unit Price: 3,000, Total: 6,000

Practice (Ex 2 extension):

• “When you finish, draw the chart in your exercise book with 5 columns (Item number,
items, quantity, unit price, total)”
• “Now you will go shopping for yourself. You have unlimited money (as much money
as you want). You can buy as many things as you want. Write them in your chart with
the quantity, unit price, and total.”
• CCQs:
• In your group, what will you buy in Exercise 2? Things for school
• In Ex 2, how much money do you have? 30,000 kyats
• What is “quantity”? How many
• What is “unit price”? Price of 1 thing
• What is total? Quantity multiplied by Unit price
• When you finish, what do you do? Draw the chart in my exercise book
• What will you buy in your exercise book? Anything I want
• How much money do you have? All of the money I want

• T asks 4 groups to say what they will buy for the school and how much it will cost.
• “We will buy (quantity) (item), (quantity) (item), and (quantity) (item). The total
cost is ___.
• Example: “We will buy 3 pencil cases, 2 notebooks, and 3 packets of coloring
pens. The total cost is 28,000 kyats.”

Unit 9

Period 1
Unit 9 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Exercises 1+2

● SWBAT name different school materials when asked “what is this called?”
● SWBAT listen and complete the dialogues with information about school materials.

● T writes on the board “School Materials” and gives Myanmar meaning for this
● T asks students, “what school materials do you know?” Each group gives one or two
answers. T writes ideas on the board in a list.
● T tells students, “Today we will learn the names of 10 school materials.”

Teach (Ex 1):

● T has a box of 10 school materials. T holds up one item
and asks the students “what is this called?” After Ss
give an answer, T gives the correct answer.
○ T can draw a picture on the board and write the
name of the item below it.
● T repeats for all 10 items.
○ When all 10 items have been shown, T puts
them all back in the box.
● T shows each item again, and asks Ss, “what is this
○ Ss give answer and T repeats the correct

Practice (Ex 1):

● Students work individually to match the pictures with
the school materials in the box.
● “Students, now you will do Exercise 1. Write the name
of the school item below its picture. When you finish,
raise your hand.”

Practice (Ex 1 extension):

● T puts all 10 items in the box.
● T writes the question on the board: “What is this called?”
● One student comes to the front and takes out one item. The student holds up the
item and asks the class “what is this called?”

Unit 9

○ The class gives the answer. T repeats the correct answer. T says “Thank
you” to the student, and T chooses a new student to come to the front.
● Repeat for all 10 items.
○ You can also put 3 markers, 3 pencils, etc. in the box, so you can have more
than 10 students ask the question.
○ Continue the activity until items are out of the box.

Teach (Ex 2):

● “Students, please look at Ex 2 on page 80. Let’s read the words in the first box.”
● T reads the words, and Ss repeat.
○ T can ask the Ss, “what do these words mean?”
● “Now we will listen to the dialogue 2 times. Write the words you hear in the blanks.”
● After listening to the dialogue 2 times, T calls on different groups to give answers to
#1, #2, and #3.
○ T writes correct answers on the board.
● Repeat for Dialogue 2 and Dialogue 3.

Practice (Ex 2):

● When all dialogues are complete, T reads and Ss repeat.
○ T can also explain each dialogue in Myanmar.
● Ss then practice the dialogues either as a large class (2 groups in one class) or as
small groups at their tables.
○ Note: If you have time, you can practice as a large class, and then in small

● T holds up different items from the box and asks each group “What is this called?”
○ For example, “Group 1, what is this called?” etc.
● T repeats until all 10 items are reviewed.

Period 2
Unit 9 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Exercises 3a-3d

● SWBAT listen to information about school materials and match the materials with
their uses.
● SWBAT listen to dialogues and identify the school materials the people are talking

● T brings the box of school materials from Ex 1 and 3 new items: scissors, color
pencils, and a sharpener.
o Note: In American & British English, we call them “colored pencils”
o Note: British spelling is “colour”/“coloured”; American spelling omits the “u”
● T holds up different items and asks students “What is this called?”
● When T holds up the new items (scissors, colour pencils, sharpener), T makes sure
to repeat the correct answer, write the name & draw a picture on the board.

Teach & Practice (Ex 3a):

● “Students, please look at Exercise 3a on page 81. Let’s read column B.”

Unit 9

o T reads Column B and students repeat. T can explain meaning in Myanmar.

● “Now we will listen to the recording. Listen and match the items with their uses.”
● “You will hear the following sentences: We use ____ to ____.”
o T writes on the board “We use ___ to ___.”
o T explains that the Ss will hear #1 “We use scissors to cut papers.”
o Ss should listen to #2-#6 and draw lines to match the item with their uses.
● “We will listen 3 times.”
● CCQs:
o How many times will we listen? 3
o What will you do? Match the items with their uses
● After 3 times, T will ask each group to read one answer in this format:
o “We use __ to __.”
o For example, #2 “We use an eraser to erase pencil marks.”
o Note: If the item is singular, we add a/an. If the item is plural, no a/an.

Teach (Ex 3b):

● “Now, let’s look at Exercise 3b. What do you see in the pictures?”
● T asks each group “what is this called” for a different picture.
● Ss write the names of the items in their textbooks below the pictures.

Practice (3b):
● “Now we will listen to 3 dialogues. We will listen 3 times. Tick the items that Zar Zar
borrows from Tin Ko. If he does not borrow the item, do not tick the item.”
o Borrow = Tin Ko will give Zar Zar the item. Zar Zar will use the item and then
give it back to Tin Ko.
● T plays the recording 3 times.
● After listening 3 times, T asks the Ss, “what items did you tick?”
● Ss give answers, and T says, “Ok, let’s see if we are correct.”

Teach (3c):
● “Let’s read the conversations. Please repeat after me.”
● T reads Dialogue 1. Ss repeat.
o T asks, “What did Zar Zar borrow this time?”
o Ss answer, “colour pencils”
o T responds, “Yes! Zar Zar borrowed colour pencils. Did you tick colour pencils
in Ex 3b? Now let’s read Dialogue 2”
● T reads Dialogue 2. Ss repeat.
o T asks, “Did Zar Zar borrow a ruler?”
o Ss answer, “no”
o T responds, “why?”
o Ss answer, “Because Tin Ko doesn’t have a ruler”
o T responds, “Yes! Zar Zar did NOT borrow a ruler. Do not tick ruler in Ex 3b.
Now let’s read Dialogue 3.”
● T reads Dialogue 3. Ss repeat.
o T asks, “what did Zar Zar borrow this time?”
o Ss answer, “an eraser”
o T responds, “Yes! Zar Zar borrowed an eraser. Did you tick eraser in Ex 3b?”
● T asks:
o “Ss, how many items did you tick in Ex 3b?” 2
o “What items did you tick?” colour pencils and eraser

Unit 9

Practice (Ex 3d):

● T pairs students (2 students working together).
o T encourages the Ss to use colour pencils and an eraser to act out the
● Students practice the dialogues in pairs.
● T can choose a few pairs to present the dialogues to the class.

● T puts all school materials: paper clips, pencil case, eraser, notebook, marker, ruler,
stapler, pen, pencil, sharpener, scissors, colour pencils, highlighter
● T holds up each item and asks “what is this called?” Ss give answers.

Period 1
Unit 9 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Exercises 1+2

● SWBAT complete the chart after reading the paragraphs.
● SWBAT name things they have in their pencil case or bag.

Intro (Ex 2):

● T asks, “What things do you have in your pencil case or your bag?”
● 1 group, 2 ideas (Each group gives 2 ideas)
● T writes the ideas on the board
● Ss write 4 answers in their textbook for Ex 2

Teach (Ex 1):

● Ss read the three paragraphs silently and UNDERLINE words they don’t know.
● After they finish reading, Ss CIRCLE the stationery items in the paragraphs.
● After all students finish circling the stationery items, T calls attention.
● T reads the paragraphs and Ss listen. Ss do not repeat. T gives translation while

Practice (Ex 1 group activity):

● T explains/translates the chart. T gives one example for each category:
○ Things they like to take to school: school bag
○ Size: big
○ Color: blue
○ Things they carry: books, ruler, etc.
○ How much they like them: never forgets his backpack
● CCQs:
○ How many columns? 5
○ How many people? 4
○ How many groups/categories? 5
● One group, one chart. In the bag, there are 20 papers. These papers are the
answers to the chart.
● Look at the book, read the paragraphs, and complete the chart as a group.
● When you finish, write the answers in your textbook.
● CCQs:

Unit 9

○ How many papers in the bag? 20

○ What are the 20 papers? The answers to the chart
○ What do you do with the papers? Complete the chart
○ When you finish, what do you do? Write the answers in your textbook

● When all groups finish, T asks each group questions about the chart:
○ What does __(name)__ like to take to school? Answer: (school item)
○ What size is _(name)_’s _(school item)_?
○ What color is _(name)_’s _(school item)_?
○ What things does _(name)_ carry in his/her _(school item)_?
○ How much does _(name)_ like his/her _(school item)_?

● With extra time, Ss can write in their notebooks:

○ “In my _(school item)_, I have…” and make a list of all of the things they carry
in their backpack/bag/pencil case.
○ In my backpack, I have:
■ pens ■ notebooks
■ pencils ■ erasers
■ markers ■ a ruler
■ textbooks ■ a correction pen

Period 2
Unit 9 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercises 3-4c

● SWBAT name and label different classroom objects.
● SWBAT read the passage and identify a picture of the classroom described.

● T asks: “What do you see in the classroom?”
● One group, two ideas. (Each group gives two answers.)
● Ss give answers, and T writes a list on the board.

Teach (Ex 3):

Unit 9

● T reads each word in Ex 3. Students repeat.

● T can give the Myanmar meaning & draw a picture on the board (or point out the
object in the classroom).
● Ss write the Myanmar meanings next to the words in their textbooks.
● Note: A chair is for one person; a bench is for multiple people.

Practice (Ex 3) – Label things in the classroom:

● T passes out papers with the words (labels)
from Ex 3. One group, 2 words.
○ If you have many students, you can
include additional words: wall, window,
door, prayer shelf, etc.
● Students stand up and place the labels on the
correct objects around the classroom.
● When Ss finish, they sit down. When all labels
are placed, T goes around the room and
reviews the words.

Practice (4a):
● T says: “Look at the pictures next to the box.
Let’s write the names of the things under the
● T gives Ss one minute to write the words under the pictures. Then, T asks each
group for one answer.

Teach/Practice (Ex 4a):

● “Read the passage silently. Underline the words you don’t know.”
○ T can explain that it’s most important to find the things in her classroom.
Circle the classroom things in the passage.
○ When Ss are reading, T can put a vocabulary poster on the board for some
new words (three-seater desk = 3 students can sit; journals; newspapers;
rubbish = trash)
● “When you finish, look at the two pictures in 4b. Which classroom is Soe Soe’s?
Circle the one that you think is Soe Soe’s classroom.”
● “When you finish, raise your hand.”
● When all Ss finish, T asks the class, “which picture is Soe Soe’s classroom? A or B?”
○ Ss give an answer, and T asks, “why?”
○ Ss can explain their answer by saying things from the passage: blackboard,
three-seater desks with benches

Group Practice (Ex 4c):

● In your group, read the passage again and look at Picture B. Then, make a list of the
things in Soe Soe’s classroom.
● One group, one paper. (1/2 of an A4 paper)
● When you finish, raise your hands silently.

● T asks: “What things are in Soe Soe’s classroom?”
● One group, two answers
● T makes a list of students’ answers on the board.
○ Three-seater desks ○ Blackboard
○ Benches ○ Dustbin

Unit 9

○ Dustpan ○ Bookshelf
○ Duster ○ Clock
○ World map ○ Chair
○ Broom ○ Teacher’s desk
○ Chalk-box

Period 1
Unit 9 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Exercises 1+2

● SWBAT complete sentences using the correct possessive adjective or possessive
● SWBAT to decide if they should complete the sentence with a possessive adjective
or possessive pronoun.

● T says, “I have a book. This book belongs to me. It is my book. It is mine.”
● “Students, hold up your pencil. Repeat after me. I have a pencil. This pencil belongs
to me. It is my pencil. It is mine.”
● T can repeat with different objects. T can also write on the board:
o I have a ___. This ___ belongs to me. It is my ___. It is mine.

● T explains the Grammar section on page 84 in Myanmar.
o T explains each column in Myanmar: Subject pronoun, object pronoun,
possessive adjective, and possessive pronouns.
o With possessive adjectives, we always follow it with a noun. (Ex: my book,
your phone, his ruler)
o With possessive pronouns, we do not use a noun after.
● T gives an example for each pronoun, using the same sentence. T draws the
following chart on the board as they explain:
Subject Subject Pronoun Object pronoun Possessive Possessive
Pronoun Example Adjective Pronoun
(PA + Noun) (No noun after!)
I I have a phone That phone belongs to That is my phone. That is mine.
You You have a phone. That phone belongs to That is your phone. That is yours.
We We have a phone. That phone belongs to That is our phone. That is ours.
They They have a phone. That phone belongs to That is their phone. That is theirs.
He He has a phone. That phone belongs to That is his phone. That is his.
She She has a phone. That phone belongs to That is her phone. That is hers.
It It has a phone. That phone belongs to That is its phone. That is its.

Unit 9

The board may look like this:

Teach/Class Practice (Ex 1):

● “Now look at Exercise 1 on page 84.”
o Note: Exercise 1 #1-6 should be completed together as a class for teacher-
led practice.
● For each question, T asks students, “whose is this/these?” / “who owns this/these?”
and T asks, “what is the subject pronoun?”
o 2. you
o 3. Po Po and I = we
o 4. Bo Bo = he
o 5. The teacher = she or he
o 6. My friend = she or he
● After the Ss name the subject pronoun/who owns the item, then T can explain:
o If we see a sentence with “___ + noun” we use the possessive adjective plus
the noun (For example, #1 “It is my pencil case”)
o If we see a sentence with “____.” And no noun after, we will use the
possessive pronoun and no noun. (For example, #1 “It is mine.”)
● T calls on each group to answer one question. T writes answers on the board and
explains the answers (or asks the students, “why is this the answer?” to hear student

Unit 9

Group Practice (Ex 1 Extension Worksheet):

● “One group, one paper. There is a chart with 3
columns: subject pronouns, possessive adjectives,
and possessive pronouns. First, finish the chart.
Second, finish the sentences for #1-7 with possessive
adjectives and possessive pronouns. Third, finish
Exercise 2 in your textbook. When you finish, raise
your hand.”
● CCQs:
o How many columns are in the chart? 3
o What are the columns? Subject pronouns,
possessive adjectives, and possessive
o What do you do first? Finish the chart
o What do you do second? Finish #1-7
o What do you do third? Exercise 2
o When you’re finished, what do you do? Raise
my hand
● T walks around the room to monitor Students’ work
and offer worksheet corrections

Individual Practice (Ex 2):

● Students complete Exercise 2 individually in their
textbooks after they finish the group worksheet. (See
instructions above)
o T explains that they should read the first sentence, and then circle the correct
pronoun in the second sentence.

Review (Ex 2):

● After all Ss finish, T calls on each group to answer one question. T writes answers on
the board & asks the group for explanations (“Why is this the answer?”).
o 1. His (Ko Ko is he)
o 2. His (Dad is he)
o 3. My (Subject is I)
o 4. Our (subject is we)
o 5. Theirs (possessive adjective is their)
o 6. Ours (Muyar and I = we)
o 7. Her (mum = she)
o 8. Hers (Ma Ma = she)

Period 2
Unit 9 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Exercises 3+4

● SWBAT to determine if a question with can/could is a request or an offer.
● SWBAT to match situations with requests/offers.

● T uses different can/could questions to request things from students. T goes around
the room and asks different students:
○ Could you clean the board? (T hands them the duster)

Unit 9

○ Can I borrow your pencil?

○ Could you give me your book?
○ Could you close the window? (T points to window)
● “These are all requests. Today we will practice questions for requests and offers.”

● T explains Modals section at the top of page 85.
○ Can/Could have the same meaning here, but could is more polite.
● T explains the difference between a request (ask for help) and an offer (give help) in
● T explains how to decide if a question is a request or an offer in English.
○ Requests:
■ subject is you and indirect object is me (Example: Can you help me?)
■ subject is I and prepositional phrase “to me”/“for me” (Example: Can
you give it to me?)
■ subject is you (Example: Can you close the door?)
■ subject is I without “you”/other personal object (Example: Can I have
some water?)
○ Offers:
■ subject is I and direct object is you (Example: Can I help you?)
■ subject is I and indirect object is you (Example: Can I get you some
■ subject is I and prepositional phrase “to you”/“for you” (Example: Can I
carry your books for you?)
■ You could also make offers for a third person (Example: Could I carry
her books for her?)

Teach/Practice (Ex 3):

● T goes through each question and asks Ss for the translation of the question. Ss give
translation, and T helps as necessary.
○ T helps students note the subject & the object.
■ 1. Subject: I, object: glass of water (request)
■ 2. Subject: I, object: you (offer)
■ 3. Subject: I, object: you (offer)
■ 4: Subject: I, object: you (offer)
■ 5. Subject: you, object: me (request)
● T asks, “Is this a request or an offer?”
○ Ss can hold up an “O” with their fingers for offer or two fingers crossed for
● Repeat for #1-5. Ss mark answers in their books and T writes answers on the board.

Unit 9

Practice (Ex 3 extension worksheet):

● T gives translation on the board of a few new words/phrases:
○ Borrow
○ Carry
○ Bottle
○ Some cake
○ Explain
○ Clean
○ Some water
● Ss in their small groups work
together to complete the 10
questions, marking request or
● When all groups finish, T asks
each group for one answer. T can
also ask, “Why?” to hear students
explanations of their answers.
○ T writes correct answers
on the board.

Teach/Practice (Ex 4):

● T explains Exercise 4. Column A is different situations, Column B is requests/offers
made because of the situation. The speaker is the same person for Column A and
Column B. This is not a question and answer.
● T reads all of Column A with students and gives translation for new words/phrases:
○ Knock on the door
○ Dark
○ Can’t see well
○ Broken
○ Can’t carry
● T reads all of Column B with students and give translation for new words/phrases
○ Switch on the lights
○ Borrow (defined for Ex 3 extension)
○ Explain (defined for Ex 3 extension)
● Then, T reads #1 again, and asks students, “which question matches this situation?”
○ Ss call out answers. T writes correct answer on the board. Ss write correct
answer in their textbooks.
● Repeat for #2-5.

Practice (Ex 4 extension activity):

● One group, one bag. In the bag there are 10
situations and 10 questions. Match the situation
with the question. When you finish, write the
matches in your exercise book.
● CCQs:
○ What’s in the bag? 10 situations, 10
○ What do you do with the situations and
questions? Match
○ When you finish, what do you do? Write in
my exercise book

Unit 9

● T can give some definitions for new words on the board:

○ Thirsty
○ Correction
○ Meaning
○ Switch on/switch off
● Ss work together in their groups to match the 10 situations and the 10 questions.
○ When groups finish, they should write the situations and the questions in their
exercise books.

Review (Ex 4 extension):

● When all Ss finish, T calls each group to read one situation and one question.

Period 3
Unit 9 Lesson 3 Period 3 – Exercises 5+6

● SWBAT write sentences using “can” or “can’t” to express ability to do things.
● SWBAT use could or couldn’t to express ability to do things in the past.

1. Examples
2. Exercise 5: Can/Can’t
3. Sentences
4. Exercise 6: Could/Couldn’t
5. Group Sentences
6. Review

Note: Students may find it very helpful to follow along with the lesson by seeing the agenda
(or the day’s plan) on the board in simple words. It also helps the teacher know what comes
next. The teacher can cross out each activity as it is completed in class.

● T talks about her/himself using “can”
○ Examples: I can sing. I can dance. I can’t swim. I can’t drive a car.
● T asks Ss questions about themselves:
○ Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you swim?
● “Today we will practice using ‘can’ & ‘could’ to talk about our abilities.”

Teach (Ex 5):

● T explains can & could. We use can for present tense; we use could for past tense. T
asks Ss to look at the chart for Exercise 5.
○ Can’t = cannot; couldn’t = could not
○ Checkmark = can, cross = can’t
○ & = and
● T and Ss read #1 together, and then look at the chart, where they find Zin Zin and
Dance. T asks, “what does the chart say? Can or can’t”
○ Ss answer, “can,” so #1 is False because the sentence says “can’t”
● Repeat for #2-5 as a class. T writes the answers on the board after each question is

Unit 9

Practice (Ex 5 extension):

● For each person, write 4 sentences. For example:
○ 1. Zin Zin can sing.
○ 2. Zin Zin can dance.
○ 3. Zin Zin can’t play sports.
○ 4. Zin Zin can’t draw and paint.
● When Ss finish, they can write 4 sentences about themselves with the same 4
activities. For example:
○ 1. I can’t sing.
○ 2. I can dance.
○ 3. I can play sports.
○ 4. I can draw and paint.

Teach (Ex 6):

● We use “could” or “couldn’t” for past tense of “can.”
● T explains Exercise 6. T and Ss read the chart together.
● T reads number #1 and has students underline “could.”
● T reads #2 and asks the students to look at the chart for 7 years old. “do we use
could or couldn’t?”
● Repeat for #3-5

Practice (Ex 6 extension):

● T draws a new chart on the board:
Age What Thuzar could do
1 year old walk
5 years old sing the alphabet
7 years old read storybooks
12 years old cook breakfast
20 years old drive a car

● Ss work in groups to write 4 sentences. Ss write 2 sentences with “couldn’t” and 2

sentences with “could” using these sentence structures:
○ When she was __ years old, Thuzar couldn’t ___.
○ When she was __ years old, Thuzar could ___.
○ (T should write these sentence structures on the board.)
● For example:
○ When she was 1 year old, Thuzar couldn’t drive a car.
○ When she was 7 years old, Thuzar couldn’t cook breakfast.
○ When she was 12 years old, Thuzar could read storybooks.
○ When she was 5 years old, Thuzar could sing the alphabet.

Unit 9

! The board may look like this:

● T asks each group to read one sentence about Thuzar to the class.
● T can ask Ss, “When do we use can/can’t? When do we use could/couldn’t?”
○ For requests & offers, we use can and could for present/future tense.
○ For abilities, we use can for present and could for past.

Period 1
Unit 9 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1a+1b

● SWBAT write affirmative sentences with subject-verb agreement for the verb “to
● SWBAT write negative sentences with subject-verb agreement for the verb “to have.”

1. Subject pronouns
2. Affirmative: Have/has
3. Practice
4. Negative: Don’t/doesn’t + have
5. Practice
6. Review

● “Yesterday, we reviewed the subject pronouns. What are the subject pronouns?”
● Ss call out subject pronouns (I, you, we they, he, she, it) and T writes on the board.
● “Today, we will practice the verb ‘have’ with different subjects.”

Unit 9

Teach (Affirmative):
● T draws affirmative chart on the board for “have.” T explains that for some subject
pronouns we use “have” and for others we use “has.”

They a ruler.
She has

● T writes 9 subjects on the board. T asks Ss for each subject, “what is the subject
pronoun?” Then we can look at the chart and know if we should use have or has.
○ I >I
○ My mom and I > We
○ Elsa > She
○ Aung Aung > He
○ Min Khant > He
○ Elsa and Anna > They
○ The children > They
○ Kyaw Kyaw and I > We
○ You > You
● Note: Do not erase! Leave this information on the board for the entire class period.

Practice (Affirmative):
● Ss write 9 sentences (one for each subject above – not the subject pronoun) in their
exercise books.
● Ss can use any object they want (a pen/a ruler/colour pencils/etc.) The object is not
● When Ss finish, T asks each group what verb they used for each subject.
○ I have
○ My mom and I have
○ Elsa has
○ Aung Aung has
○ Min Khant has
○ Elsa and Anna have
○ The children have
○ Kyaw Kyaw and I have
○ You have
● T writes these answers on the board after Ss give them.

Practice (Ex 1a):

● Ss complete Ex 1a in their textbook.
● When Ss finish, T asks each group for one answer. T writes answers on the board
after Ss give them.

Teach (Negative):
● T draws negative chart on the board for “doesn’t/don’t have.” T explains that for
some subject pronouns we use “don’t” and for others we use “doesn’t.”

Unit 9

have a
She doesn’t

Practice (Negative):
● Ss use the 9 subjects from Affirmative part (see first Teach section) to write 9
sentences using the negative form. Ss write these sentences in their exercise books.
Again, the object is not important.
● When Ss finish, T asks each group what verb they used for each subject. T writes
these answers on the board after Ss give them.
○ I don’t have
○ My mom and I don’t have
○ Elsa doesn’t have
○ Aung Aung doesn’t have
○ Min Khant doesn’t have
○ Elsa and Anna don’t have
○ The children don’t have
○ Kyaw Kyaw and I don’t have
○ You don’t have

Practice (Ex 1b):

● Ss complete Ex 1b in their textbook.
● When Ss finish, T asks each group for one answer. T writes answers on the board
after Ss give them.

● T asks Ss questions about the use of have/has/don’t/doesn’t
● “When do we use ‘have’?” affirmative for I, you, they, we
● “When do we use ‘has’?” affirmative for he, she, it
● “When do we use ‘don’t have’?” negative for I, you, they, we
● “When do we use ‘doesn’t have’?” negative for he, she, it

Period 2
Unit 9 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 2a+2b

● SWBAT write sentences with affirmative and negative forms of have.
● SWBAT ask and answer questions about what they have or don’t have in their group.
● SWBAT fill in a paragraph with affirmative and negative forms of have.

1. Have: Affirmative & Negative Review
2. Exercise 2a
3. Questions & Answers
4. Exercise 2b
5. Review

● Review charts on pg. 86.
● T draws blank charts on the board. T asks Ss to help fill in the charts on the board.
● What subject pronouns do you remember?
● Affirmative: When we use ‘I’ what is the correct verb form for ‘have’? Repeat for each
subject pronoun. Then repeat for negative forms.

● T explains the pictures in Exercise 2a:
○ Tick = affirmative (have/has)
○ Cross = negative (don’t/doesn’t have)
● T explains the conjunction “but” and how we use it to connect two ideas:
○ Affirmative BUT negative
○ Negative BUT affirmative

Class/Group Practice (Ex 2a):

● Students look at the picture and complete the sentences in Ex 2a
● Teacher leads the class through #1 and #2.
● Students complete #3-5 with their group.
● After all groups are finished, T asks each group for one answer.

Teach/Practice (Questions & Answers):

● 1 group, 3 questions:
○ Do you have ____?
● 1 group asks the question, 1 group gives the answers
○ “Yes, we do.” OR “No, we don’t.”

Teach/Practice (Ex 2b):

● T explains use of “but” again:
○ Affirmative BUT Negative (Example: I have a pencil, but he doesn’t.)
○ Negative BUT Affirmative (Example: I don’t have a pen, but she does.)
● If there’s no object after, do not use “have.”
○ Example: I don’t have an eraser, but she does.
○ Example: I have a pen, but they don’t.
● If there’s an object after, we need “have.”
○ Example: I don’t have a pencil, he has one.
○ Example: I have a pencil, but she doesn’t have one.
● Ss work on Ex 2b individually in their textbooks.
● T writes numbers on the board. T asks each group for one answer for Ex 2b and
writes the answers on the board after Ss give them.

● T asks each group one question: “Do you have a ___?”
● Groups answer either “Yes, we do” or “No, we don’t.”

Units 7-9

● SWBAT create a poster for a school funfair, including six items and their prices, and
the date and time.

1. List
2. Instructions – Project 3
3. Work
4. Share

● T writes “school materials” on the board and explains that the class will make a list of
school materials on the board.
● Each group gives two ideas for school materials (i.e. pen, pencil, eraser, etc.).
● T writes the ideas on the board.

! The board may look like this:

Units 7-9

● T gives instructions for Project 3.
● Students will work in small groups to make a poster for the school funfair. The poster
should include:
○ 6 items (with picture, name, and price)
■ Note: Price can include the “original price” and the “promotion price”
as in the textbook
○ Class name (Example: Grade 6A)
○ School address
○ Date & time of the funfair (Example: 18-20 December, 9 am – 4 pm)
● Each group of 3 students gets ½ of an A4 paper for their poster.

● Students are given work time to make
the poster.
● Teacher encourages Students to use
creative designs and add color to their
poster when they finish drawing and
● During the work time, T reminds Ss how
much time they have left. “You have 20
more minutes,” “you have 10 more
minutes,” etc.

● With a few minutes of class remaining,
T calls attention and asks each group to
say one thing from their funfair and the
○ T can ask: What is one thing for sale at your funfair? What is the original
price? What is the promotion price?

Units 7-9

• SWBAT identify colors of the rainbow.
• SWBAT read The Rainbow poem and understand the poem’s main ideas.
• SWBAT write their own “My Rainbow” poem.

1. Pre-Reading
2. Read
3. Vocabulary
4. Read & Translate
5. Brainstorm
6. Poem Writing
7. Review

Intro (Pre-Reading):
• T asks Pre-Reading questions #1-3. T asks each group for 1 answer for #1 and #3.
• Then, T reviews the colors of the rainbow. T shows colored paper (or colored items)
and asks students, “What color is this?”
o T shows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple (also called

Teach/Practice (Read the poem + Vocabulary):

• Students read the poem silently and underline words they don’t understand.
• T reviews new vocabulary on the board, including English and Myanmar.
o Note: in the poem, “bridges” is used as a noun and as a verb. As a verb,
“bridges” means to connect.
o Note: prettier = more beautiful
• T reads poem and Ss repeat.
• T explains poem in Myanmar.
• T writes two main ideas on the board in English, and reviews the main ideas in
o Clouds are more beautiful than ships and boats.
o Rainbows are more beautiful than bridges.

Class Practice (Questions):

• T asks the class the questions, giving Myanmar translation when necessary. T can
ask one group for an answer for each question. Ss write short answers in their
• T writes short answers on the board for #1-4.
• For Questions #5, this answer is each student’s opinion.
o T asks students to choose one answer (clouds, bridges, or rainbows)
o “Students, raise your hand:
§ If you think clouds are the most beautiful
§ If you think bridges are the most beautiful
§ If you think rainbows are the most beautiful
o T then tells Ss to write their personal answer in their textbook.
• When Ss finish writing the short answers in their textbook, T asks students, “please
close your textbooks”

Teach/Practice (Brainstorm):
• Today, you will write a poem about colors of the rainbow.
• Before you write, we will think of ideas of different things for each color.
• T draws a chart on the board with two columns (Colors and Things) and seven rows
below (colors of the rainbow)
• T asks each group for one idea for each color. For example:
o Group 1, tell me one thing that is red. (repeat for all groups)
o Group 1, tell me one thing that is orange. (repeat for all groups)
o Continue until all colors have been discussed.

Practice (Poem Writing):

• Now you will write your own poem. One student, one paper.
• On the paper, there are 7 lines. One line for each color.
• #1: Write your poem.
o For one color, please write two things. For example, “Red like apples and
o Please use “and” between your two things. For example: oranges and
papayas, the sky and water.
• #2: Write your name at the bottom.
• #3: Draw small pictures of the things you wrote about.
• CCQs:
o What do you first? / What’s #1? Write my poem
o One color, how many things? 2
o What do you do second? / What’s #2? Write my name
o What do you do third? / What’s #2? Draw small pictures
• Teacher gives Ss their poem papers and time to write and draw.

• At the end of the class, T asks two Ss (one boy and one girl) to read their poems.
• T shows the color papers again and asks the students, “what color is this?” to review
the colors of the rainbow.

Unit 10

Period 1
Unit 10 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Exercises 1a-3b

● SWBAT to name several different sports and comprehend the names of these sports
when used in a dialogue.
● SWBAT to ask and answer what sports others do and what sports others like to do.

1. Sports
2. Ex 1a
3. Ex 1b
4. Ex 2a & Practice
5. Ex 3a & Practice
6. Review

● T asks students, “What sports do you know?”
● T asks each group for one answer and writes the answers on the board.
● Students may say sports such as: football, volleyball, basketball, chinlone, etc.

Teach/Practice (Ex 1a):

● T asks Ss, “please look at the box for Exercise 1a”
● T reads each sport and does a motion for the sport.
o For example, T says “badminton” and pretends to use a racquet to hit a
birdie. Ss repeat the sport and the motion.
● After T gives a motion for each sport, T can do the motion silently and have the Ss
call out the sport. T can call out the sport name and have the Ss do the motion.
● After practicing the 5 sports, T asks Ss to complete Ex 1a by writing the names of the
sports under the pictures. When they finish, Ss should raise their hands.
o “Now match the sports with the pictures in Exercise 1a. When you finish,
raise your hand.”

Teach/Practice (Ex 1b):

● T plays recording three times. Students listen and repeat after the recording. T can
give translation of the different sports as needed.
● After listening to the recording three times, T reminds the students that for each
sport, we use either go, do, or play. “Students, read the sports and think: do we use
go, do, or play?”

Unit 10

● T asks each group for one answer. For example, “football: go, do, or play?” Ss
answer: “play”
● Ss write G/D/P next to each sport. When they finish, their textbook should look like
P football P basketball P tennis G cycling D judo P sepak takraw
P volleyball P table tennis P golf P badminton D karate G skateboarding
D gymnastics D archery G diving P chinlone G swimming G rock climbing

Teach/Practice (Ex 2a+2b):

● “Now we will listen to Dialogue 1. We will listen 3 times. Write down the words you
hear in the blanks.”
● T plays the recording 3 times.
● T asks each group for one answer for the blanks. T writes the correct answers on the
● T splits class into two groups: Tun Tun and Su Su. T reads the dialogue and Ss

Practice (2a extension):

● T writes on the board:
o Question: “What sports do you do?”
o Answer: “We _(go/do/play)_ __(sport)_.”
● T writes on the board the groups and one sport per group. For example:
o Group 1: basketball
o Group 2: sepak takraw
● One group gives the answer, the rest of the groups ask the question. For example,
Group 1 gives the answer. Groups 2-6 ask the question.
● Groups should answer using go/do/play and the sport given by the teacher. For
o Group 2-6: “What sports do you do?”
o Group 1: “We play basketball.”
● Repeat until all groups have given an answer.

Teach/Practice (Ex 3a+3b):

● “Now we will listen to Dialogue 2. We will listen 3 times. Write down the words you
hear in the blanks.”
● T plays the recording 3 times.
● T asks each group for one answer for the blanks. T writes the correct answers on the
● T splits class into two groups: Toe Maw and Kyaw Swa. T reads the dialogue and Ss

Practice (3a extension):

● T writes on the board:
o Question: “What kinds of sports do you like to play?”
o Answer: “We like __(sport)__, and we love __(sport)__.”
● T writes on the board the groups and two sports per group (different sports than 2a
extension activity). For example:
o Group 1: table tennis, swimming
o Group 2: tennis, gold

Unit 10

● One group gives the answer, the rest of the groups ask the question. For example,
Group 1 gives the answer. Groups 2-6 ask the question.
● Groups should answer using go/do/play and the sport given by the teacher. For
o Group 2-6: “What kinds of sports do you like to play?”
o Group 1: “We like table tennis, and we love swimming.
● Repeat until all groups have given an answer.

● Students write questions and answers in their exercise books with their own
answers, but the answers should use “I” not “we.” For example:
o 1. Question: What sports do you do?
o 1. Answer: I ____ ____.
o 2. Question: What kinds of sports do you like to play?
o 2. Answer: I love ____, and I like ____.
● With remaining time, T can ask a few individual students to share their answers.

Period 2
Unit 10 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Exercises 4a-4d

● SWBAT identify different body parts: elbow, knee, back, hand, ankle, arm, toe
● SWBAT read and understand conversations about seeing a health professional for a
sports injury.

1. Body parts
2. Dialogue 3 Listen
3. Dialogue 3 Practice
4. Dialogue 4 Listen
5. Dialogue 4 Practice
6. Review

● T tells the class, “Today we will practice conversations about injuries to our bodies.”
o If saying this in English, T should demonstrate “injury” by acting.
● T points to different parts of her/his body and asks the students, “What is this?”
● T points to: elbow, knee, back, hand, ankle, toe, arm
● After Ss give the answer, T should write answers on the board by drawing a person
and labeling the person with the answers.

Practice (Ex 4a / Dialogue 3 Listen):

● “Now we will listen to Dialogue 3. We will listen 2 times. Please write down the word
you hear in the blank.”
● After listening to the recording 2 times, T asks students what they heard. T writes the
answer on the board.

Practice (Ex 4b / Dialogue 3 Practice):

● “Now we will practice Dialogue 3 with different body parts.”
● T writes Groups on the board and a body part for each group. For example:

Unit 10

o Group 1: elbow
o Group 2: knee
● One group is Student B. The rest of the groups are Student A. For example:
o Group 2-6: What’s the matter?
o Group 1: I hurt my elbow while I was playing tennis.
o Group 2-6: That’s too bad.
● Practice the dialogue until all groups have been Student B once.

Practice (Ex 4c / Dialogue 4 Listen):

● “Now look at the box in Exercise 4c. What does serious mean? What does basketball
mean? What does toe mean?”
o T asks Ss for the meaning of each word. T provide Myanmar meanings on
the board for “serious.”
● “Now we will listen to Dialogue 4. We will listen 3 times. Please write down the words
you hear in the blanks.”
● After listening 3 times, T asks students what they heard. T writes answers on the
o Then, T can give the Myanmar translation of the dialogue to help Ss

Practice (Ex 4d / Dialogue 4 Practice):

● “Now we will practice Dialogue 4 with different body parts.”
● T writes Groups on the board and a body part for each group (different body parts
than Dialogue 3 for each group). For example:
o Group 1: ankle
o Group 2: arm
● One group is the Student. The rest of the groups are the Nurse.
● Practice the dialogue until all groups have been the Student once.

● T chooses two students to demonstrate Dialogue 3 at the front of the classroom.
● T chooses two students to demonstrate Dialogue 4 at the front of the classroom.
o Remember: Boys can be nurses! Girls can play basketball! Choose one boy
and one girl to present each dialogue.
● After the dialogue demonstrations, T points at different body parts again and asks
students “what is this?” to review ankle, elbow, knee, back, hand, toe, and arm.

Period 1
Unit 10 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Exercise 1a

● SWBAT make an outline for the passage based on the years mentioned.

1. Pre-reading questions
2. Read + Vocabulary
3. Read + Outline
4. Review

Unit 10

● “Students, please open your book to page 94 and look at questions 1 to 3.”
● T asks question 1 in English and Myanmar. Ss write short answers in their textbooks.
T asks Ss to share their answers.
● T asks question 2. T asks Ss to share their ideas. T makes a list on the board of
sports stars & their sports. Ss can write one or two of these answers in their
o Examples: Messi – football
● T asks question 3. Ss write short answers in their textbooks, and T asks Ss to share
their answers.

Teach (Read + Vocabulary):

● Ss read one section silently and underline words they don’t know.
● Then T reads section aloud (or plays the recording). Ss listen.
● T provides translation and vocabulary for the section. Ss make notes of Myanmar
meanings in their textbooks.
● Complete the reading, section by section.

Teach (Read + Outline):

● “Now we will make an outline of important information about Aung Ngeain.”
● “In your exercise books, write the 5 headings (Early Life and Childhood, First Interest
in Archery, etc.) with 5 blank lines after each one.”
o T writes these headings on the board also.
● “Now read the first paragraph. What year do you see?”
o 1985
o Ss and T write 1985 under the first heading in their outline
● “Now read the second paragraph. What year do you see?”
o 2002
o Ss and T write 2002 under the second heading in their outline.
● “Now read the third paragraph. What years do you see?”
o 2004, 2008, 2011, 2017
o Ss and T write these years, each on one line under the third heading.
● “Now read the fourth paragraph. What years do you see?”
o 2005, 2006, 2012, 2014, 2017
o Ss and T write these years, each one on one line under the fourth heading.
● “Now read the fifth paragraph. What years do you see?”
o 2008
o 2011
o 2013
o Ss and T write these years, each one on one line under the fifth heading.
● “Now let’s read paragraph 1 again, and write some information about the year 1985.”
o Ss can offer ideas for what to write for 1985. T writes short note for 1985 on
the board after hearing Ss’ ideas. Ss write in their textbook.
● Repeat for all the paragraphs. T demonstrates how to read and find information for
each year, and then write a short note about each year.
o For “International Competitions,” T can ask students 2 questions: Where was
the competition in (year)? How many medals did she win?
o For “Achievements,” T can ask students: What award did she win in (year)?

Unit 10

● When finished, T and Ss should have an outline written like this:

Early Life and Childhood

- 1985: born in Mindat, Chin State
First Interest in Archery
- 2002: attended basic archery training course in Mindat
International Competitions
- 2004: in Vietnam, 2 silver medals
- 2008: in the Philippines, 2 gold medals and 2 silver medals
- 2011: in Indonesia, 3 gold medals
- 2017: in Malaysia, 1 silver medal
Education and Career
- 2005: BA (English) from Yangon University of Distance Education
- 2006: sports officer at the Ministry of Sports
- 2012: assistant director
- 2014: archery coach
- 2017: deputy director
- 2008: Sportswoman of the Year Award
- 2011: Sportswoman of the Year Award
- 2013: President’s Excellence Award for Sport

● T asks each group some questions about Aung Ngeain using the outline. Ss can look
at the outline to find the answer. Ss will give the short answer.
o When did she get her BA (English) degree? 2005
o When did she attend the basic archery training course? 2002
o When was she born? 1985
o Where was she born? Mindat, Chin State
o What award did she receive in 2008? Sportswoman of the Year Award
o Where did she go in 2017? Malaysia
o What year was her first competition? 2004

Period 2
Unit 10 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercise 1b

● SWBAT answer questions about the passage using short answers.
● SWBAT match complete answers with the questions about the passage.

1. Aung Ngeain Review
2. Questions
3. Practice 1
4. Practice 2
5. Review

● T asks Ss questions about Aung Ngeain:
o What do you remember about Aung Ngeain?

Unit 10

o What sport does she do?

o Where is she from?
o How many medals does she have?

● T reviews questions 1-8 with the class.
● T reads question 1 and asks students, “What does it mean?” Ss offer translation
ideas. T provides a correct translation of the question.
● Repeat for questions 2-8.

Practice (Short answers):

● Each group gets one half of an A4 paper. Groups will work together to write the short
answers for questions 1-8.
o “In your group, work together and write the short answers for questions 1-8.”
● After Ss finish writing the short answers for 1-8 in their groups, T asks each group for
one short answer. T writes short answers on the board after Ss give them.
● 1. Mindat, 1985
● 2. Teacher
● 3. State High School No. 1, Mindat
● 4. Mindat
● 5. Yangon University of Distance Education
● 6. 2006
● 7. 57
● 8. President’s Excellence Award for Sport

Practice (Complete answers):

● “One group, one bag. In the bag, there is a
paper with numbers 1-8 and the 8 complete
answers. Match the question number with the
correct answers.”
● “When you finish, raise your hands. Then, write
the questions and the answers in your exercise
● CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? Number paper and
o What do you do with the papers? Match the numbers with the answers
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand
o What do you write in your exercise book? Questions and Answers

Practice (Question 9):

● While students are writing the answers for 1-8, T writes #9 on the board with possible
● T calls attention and asks students to stop writing.
● T asks the students to raise their hand if they want to be a famous archer. T asks
students to raise their hand if they DO NOT want to be a famous archer.
● T explains the question and possible answers.
o For their answer, students can write any idea they have (or choose one idea
from the board).

Unit 10

● Information to write on the board:

9. Do you want to be a famous archer? Why or why not?

Yes, because ________.

- archery is fun
- archery is interesting
- I like archery
- I want to win medals

No, because ________.

- Archery is not fun
- Archery is boring
- I don’t like archery
- I want to be a famous __(footballer/singer/dancer/writer/doctor/etc.)__ instead.

● Students continue writing questions & answers for 1-9.

● With a few minutes of class remaining, T asks each group one question from
questions 1-8. Groups read the complete answer. For example:
o Group 1, where did she go to school?
o Group 2, what is the name of the award she received in 2013?

Period 3
Unit 10 Lesson 2 Period 3 – Exercises 1c+d

● SWBAT find and share how many medals Aung Ngeain won at each competition.
● SWBAT write true and false statements about Aung Ngeain.
● SWBAT decide if a statement about Aung Ngeain is true or false.

1. Ex 1b review
2. Ex 1c
3. True or False?
4. Ex 1d
5. Review

● T reviews Questions 1-8 from Exercise 1b.
● T asks each group one question and the group reads the complete answer aloud

Teach/Practice (Ex 1c):

● T explains 1c instructions in Myanmar.
o Look in the passage for information about Aung Ngeain’s medals. In the
chart, how many competitions are there? You will look for the competition
name and place, and the number of gold, silver, and bronze medals she won

Unit 10

at each competition. If there is no information about the medals, then you can
write zero (0).
● Ss work together in groups for about 5 minutes to complete the chart.
● When Ss finish completing the chart, T calls attention and draws the chart on the
● T reviews the answers by asking each group to share the information.
o In Vietnam, how many gold medals did she win?
o In Vietnam, how many silver medals did she win?
o In Vietnam, how many bronze medals did she win?
● T repeats these 3 questions for the competitions in the Philippines, Indonesia, and
o In the Philippines, …?
o In Indonesia, …?
o In Malaysia, …?
o Note: it is easier to name the competitions by place than by their name.
● T writes the answers in the chart on the board after Ss give them.

Teach (True/False):
● T writes 2 examples on the board:
o 1. Aung Ngeain was born in 1987.
o 2. Aung Ngeain is an archery coach.
● T reads #1 and asks the students, “true or false?” > False!
● T reads #2 and asks the students, “true or false?” > True!
● T explains “true or false” questions in Myanmar. In a false statement, there is
something in the sentence that is not correct/not true.

Group Practice (True/False):

● One group, one small paper. (1/3 of an A4 paper)
● In your group, you will write two statements about Aung Ngeain. One true statement
and one false statement.
● T can give more explanation in Myanmar about how to create a false statement:
o Search in the passage for a sentence that gives information or use an answer
from questions 1-8.
o If you want to make it false, change one small piece of information.
o For example, “she is an archery coach”:
▪ Adding “not” > “She is NOT an archery coach.”
▪ Changing the sport > “She is a football coach.”

Class Practice (True/False):

● When all groups finish writing the two statements, T chooses one group. That group
reads their FIRST statement aloud for the class to hear.
o The class listens. Then, T asks, “Class, true or false?”
o The class answers, and the T confirms the correct answer.
● Then, the group reads their SECOND statement for the class.
o The class listens. Then, T asks, “Class, true or false?”
o The class answers, and the T confirms the correct answer.
● Then, T chooses a new group to read a statement.
● Repeat until all groups have read at least one statement.

Unit 10

Group Practice (Ex 1d):

● “Students, please look at Exercise 1d on page 95. Now you will work in your groups
to finish 1d. Read the statements and decide if they’re true or false. If it’s true, put a
tick in the true column. If it’s false, put a tick in the false column.”
● Ss work together to complete Exercise 1d in their textbooks. When a group finishes,
they should raise their hands.

● T asks one group to read a statement from Ex 1d.
o T asks the students, “True or False?”
o The class answers and T confirms the correct answer.
● Repeat for all 5 statements in Ex 1d.
● T should write the answers on the board as the Ss give the answers.

Period 1
Unit 10 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Grammar

● SWBAT ask and answer “what are they doing?” about different sports.
● SWBAT write sentences in present continuous tense about different pictures, using
Subject + “to be” + present continuous verb

1. Intro
2. Present continuous tense
3. Vocabulary
4. What are they doing?
5. Sentence writing
6. Review

● T writes on the board:
○ Q: What am I doing?
○ A: You are ____ Ving ____.
● “I will ask the question. Students, you will give the answer.”
● T pretends to sleep. T asks “What am I doing?” Ss answer, “You are sleeping.”
● T repeats 5 more times with: dancing, climbing, sitting, writing.

Teach (Grammar):
● “Today we will practice present continuous
● T draws two charts on the board for the
present continuous tense.
○ T explains present continuous tense
in Myanmar, including the basic
sentence structure: Subject + verb to
be + verb ing

Unit 10

○ T explains how to change affirmative to negative (using the chart)

○ T explains how to ask questions using the present continuous.

● T asks Ss some questions using the present continuous tense. T leads Ss through
the answers using the charts.
○ Students, are you sleeping?
■ No, I am not sleeping.
○ Students, are you eating?
■ No, I am not eating.
○ Students, are you listening.
■ Yes, I am listening.

Teach (Vocabulary):
● Teach 8 sports with actions.
● T says “basketball” and does an action. Ss repeat the word and action.
● Repeat for all 8 sports: playing basketball, climbing, cycling, running, fishing, playing
golf, playing football, swimming
○ Write each sport on the board as you teach/act.
● “The teacher is moving, and the Ss are speaking.”
○ T does each action without speaking. Ss call out the word.
● “The teacher is speaking, and the Ss are moving.”
○ T says each sport without the actions. Ss do the actions without speaking.

● T changes the Q&A on the board:
○ Q: What are they doing?
○ A: They are _________.
● One group, one small paper.
○ Each small paper has a sport written on it
● A group looks at their paper (as a secret).
● Repeat these steps so each group does their action
1 time.
○ 2 groups ask the question: What are they
○ 1 group does their action (no speaking).
○ 3 groups give the answer: They are ____.

● Students write 8 sentences in their exercise books for the
pictures on page 96.
● One picture, one sentence.
● For example:
○ 1. Zaw Zaw is playing basketball.

● As students finish their sentences, T explains the next practice
● Students complete the activity in the box on page 96.
● Complete each sentence with Verb to be + Verb ing (from the sport in the brackets).

Unit 10

● After a group finishes the book
activities, T asks them to:
○ Write 3 affirmative sentences
with the present continuous
○ Write 3 negative sentences with
the present continuous tense.
● One group, 6 sentences: 3 affirmative
and 3 negative. All with present
continuous tense.
● Encourage the students to write about
what is happening at the moment in the
classroom. For example: The teacher
is standing. The students are writing.

● “Now, let’s read our sentences. Group 1, please read 1 affirmative sentence and 1
negative sentence.”
● Repeat for each group. Based on time, each group reads one or two sentences to

Period 2
Unit 10 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Vocabulary Exercises 1-3

● SWBAT name sports equipment that they need for different sports.
● SWBAT answer the question, “What do you need for __?” regarding different sports.

1. Sports Equipment
2. Exercise 1
3. Vocabulary
4. Exercise 2
5. Exercise 3
6. Review

● T writes the question & answer on the board:
○ Q: What do you need for __(Sport)__?
○ A: For _(Sport)_, I need __.
● T explains the question and asks (in Myanmar) about chinlone, swimming, and
● Students give answers in English or Myanmar.
● T can lead them through some basic examples in English:
○ For chinlone, I need a cane ball.
○ For football, I need a ball.
○ For swimming, I need a pool.

Unit 10

● T review sports in Ex 1. T reads sport name and asks Ss, “what is this?”
● Ss give the Myanmar name for the sport.
T confirms the correct answer.
● T draws a chart on the board with 2
columns: individual and team
● T explains “individual” and “team” sports
in Myanmar
○ Individual: only one person
playing, even if it’s one against
○ Team: a group of people playing
together, especially against another group

● Students work in groups to put each sport into “individual” or “team” column
● When all groups finish, T reviews with the class. One group, one sport. T calls out
the sport, and Ss say “team” or “individual”
● After the chart is completed, T explains that some sports can be BOTH team &
individual sports such as diving, chinlone, rock climbing, and archery
● T adds the “both” column to the board with these answers. Ss write them in their

● T writes sports from Exercise 2 on the board in English & Myanmar.
● T writes sports equipment from Exercise 2 on the board in English & Myanmar.
○ Add small drawings, if possible.
● T explains each vocabulary word as they write it on the board.

Unit 10

● One group, one paper with
pictures, one bag with 20 papers.
● 10 papers are sports, 10 papers
are pieces of sports equipment.
● Match sport + equipment with
picture and then write in textbook.

Practice (Ex 3):

● When groups finish writing Ex 2 in
their books, they can complete Ex
3 in their books.
● Find the sports word in the
sentence. Underline it.
○ For example, in #1, underline “swimmer”
● Then write the equipment for that sport (from Ex 2) in the blank.

● T asks each group one question about one sport. Group gives one answer using the
equipment in Exercise 2.
● Use the same question from the intro:
○ Q: What do you need for __?
○ A: For __, I need ___.
● For example: What do you need for badminton? For badminton, I need a shuttlecock.

Unit 10

Period 1
Unit 10 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1a-1b

Teachers’ Note: We prefer to teach this lesson as Unit 10 Lesson 4 Period 2.

We included two articles here, and the teacher can choose which one
to use for this lesson.

• SWBAT read a paragraph and answer questions about a sports star.

1. Sports Stars?
2. Question Translation
3. Reading
4. Questions
5. Review & Paragraph Writing

• T asks: What sports stars do you know?
• Each group gives one sports star they know.

• T writes the English questions on the board. (These questions are slightly different
than the textbook’s questions. Differences are underlined below.)

1. Who is he/she?
2. What sport is he/she good at?
3. Where does he/she live?
4. How old is he/she?
5. How hard does he/she train or practice?
6. Who is his/her coach? (trainer = coach)
7. When did he/she become famous?
8. Has he/she won any prizes?
9. What medals has he/she won?
10. Where did he/she travel for international sports competitions?

• T asks Ss to help with translation. Translate the 10 questions as a class.

• T write the Myanmar translations on the board next to the English questions.
• Ss write the Myanmar translations into their textbook.

Unit 10

• Pass out one article about a sports star.
• Download these articles on our Google Drive!
• T reads and Ss listen (or play recording and Ss listen).
• Then Ss read again silently with their group.
• Students work together to answer the 10 questions.
• Ss write complete answers in their exercise books.

Answers for Aries:

1. She is Aries Susanti Rahayu.
2. She is good at climbing.
3. She lives in Jakarta.
4. She is 24 years old.
5. She trains very hard.
6. Her coach is Hendra Basir.
7. She became famous in 2017.
8. She has won many prizes.
9. She has won 4 gold medals, 2 silver
medals, and 1 bronze medal.
10. She traveled to China, Iran, and Japan for
international competitions.

Answers for Sann Sat Naing:

1. He is Sann Sat Naing.
2. He is good at football.
3. He lives in Yangon.
4. He is 22 years old.
5. He practices all the time.
6. His coach is Tin Maung Tun.
7. He became famous in 2017.
8. He has won a few prizes.
9. He has won a bronze medal.
10. He traveled to the Philippines for an
international competition.

Unit 10

• T asks each group one question about the sports star.
• T writes complete answers on the board.
• Ss write all 10 answers as a paragraph about the sport star in their textbook (as
homework or after the review)

Period 2
Unit 10 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 2a-2c

Teachers’ Note: We taught this lesson as Unit 10 Lesson 4 Period 1.

● SWBAT read a passage and answer questions about Zaw Zaw’s favorite sports.
● SWBAT write a paragraph about their favorite sport by completing sentences with
their ideas/opinions.

1. Sports?
2. Vocabulary
3. Read
4. Questions
5. Sentences
6. Write a paragraph
7. Review

● T asks: What sports do you know?
● Each group shares one sport they know.
● Make a list on board. T can add more sports as Ss call them out.

● Ss read the paragraph silently. Ss underline words they don’t know.
● While Ss read, T writes vocabulary on the board.
○ Nouns:
■ Member
■ Elbow and knee pads
■ MP3 = music/songs
○ Adverbs:
■ Single file
■ Abreast
■ Twice a week
○ Verb phrases
■ Protect ourselves
■ Distract our attention
● T reads again/play recording and Ss listen.

● Ss work in groups to answer the 5 questions in Exercise 2b.
● Ss write the short answers in their textbooks.
● T reviews with class. One group gives one short answer. T writes short answers on
the board.

Unit 10

● Ss take out their exercise books. Ss write “My Favorite Sport” at the top of a new
● T writes on the board fill-in-the-blank sentences, explaining sentence-by-sentence
what Ss should write in the blanks.
● T should write one sentence, explain, and then let Ss write their answers. Then move
on to the next sentence.

1. My favorite sport is ______.

2. It is __(a team / an individual)__ sport.
3. For __(sport in #1)__, I need ______ and _______.
(2 pieces of sports equipment)
4. I __________ ___________.
once a week / twice a week / every day / every weekend

#4 Examples:
- I play football once a week. - I go swimming every
- I dance every day. weekend.
- I go boxing every day.

5. I also want to try ______ and ______.

(2 different sports, different from answer #1)
6. I wish to be a _(sport)_ star because _________.
it would be really fun.
I want to be famous.
I want to travel for competitions.
I want to inspire others.
I want to make a lot of money.

● Ss write their 6 sentences again as a paragraph in their textbook (Exercise 2c).

● T asks several Ss:
○ “what is your favorite sport?”
○ “what sports do you want to try?”
● Ss give answers (see sentences #1 and #5 above)

Unit 11

Period 1
Unit 11 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Listening Exercises 1-2

● SWBAT answer multiple choice questions after listening to a girl talk about her
● SWBAT write sentences about their school and read them with correct pronunciation.

1. Questions
2. Listening (Ex 1)
3. Change the sentences
4. Sentence writing
5. Practice with a Partner
6. Review

● “Students, please take out your exercise books. We will answer questions 1-3 on
page 100.”
● T writes fill-in-the-blank sentences on the board. These are the answers to Questions
1-3 on page 100.

1. I go to ___________. (For example: I go to Basic Education High School #1, Lashio.)

2. It is on ______ Road. It is in ___(city/town/village name)__.
3. I go to school _____. (on foot / by motorbike / by school bus / by car / by bicycle)

Unit 11

● Students write their answers in their textbook.

● T asks each group one question.
○ Which school do you go to?
○ Where is your school?
○ How do you go to school?
● For Question #3, in the group, each student can share their individual short answer.

● Teacher plays the listening activity 3 times.
● Students listen and circle the correct answers.
● Then, each group reads one sentence.

● “Now we will change the sentences to be about yourself.”
● T asks Ss how they could change “The name of the girl is __” to be about
● Repeat for all 9 sentences. T writes sentences on the board as Ss help with
changing the sentence.
● At this time, students are NOT writing.

1. My name is __.
2. I am in ___.
3. My school is on ___.
4. I always go to school ___.
5. The students can play football in ___.
a. (the same sentence, but for your school, the answer may be different!)
6. The principal’s office is on____.
7. The number of students in my school is about ___.
8. My classroom is on ___.
9. In my class, there are __.

● T asks Ss about the answers. For example: How many students are in our class?
● Ss do not copy the answers from Ex 1!
● Ss fill in the sentences with the correct answers about their lives.

Unit 11

● Students write “My School” at the top of a new page in their exercise books.
● Students write the 9 sentences with answers in their exercise books.

● T demonstrates partner practice. One student reads #1. Then the other student
reads #1. Repeat for #1-9.
● T assigns partners (two students working together).
● Then students practice reading the sentences to their partners.
● T walks around the class listening and giving pronunciation help.

● T asks each group one question about their school.
● Question examples:
○ Where is our class?
○ How do you go to school?
○ Where can students play football?
○ Where is the principal’s office?
○ How many students are in your school?
○ How many students are in your class?
○ Where is your classroom?

Period 2
Unit 11 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Vocabulary Exercises 1-3

• SWBAT match two parts of sentences to create 10 classroom rules.
• SWBAT understand the meaning of must and mustn’t when reading classroom rules.

1. Classroom rules?
2. Vocabulary (Verbs & Phrases)
3. Matching
4. Exercise 2
5. Exercise 3
6. Review

• In Myanmar, T asks students about classroom rules. What rules do we have in our
classroom? T can have this discussion in Myanmar with the students.
• One group gives one school/classroom rule that they know. (In Myanmar or English)
• T says, “In Unit 11 we will practice classroom rules in English.”

• T writes must and mustn’t on the board and provides the translation.
• T writes other verbs on the board and gives the Myanmar translation.
o Listen, quarrel, chatter, help, keep, drop, bring, damage
o These are the verbs in Vocabulary Exercise 1 Column A

Unit 11

• T reads the Column B phrases (a-j in Vocabulary Exercise 1) and discusses (with
student input) how to translate each phrase.
• Ss write the translations in their textbooks.

Practice (Ex 1 + 2):

• One group, one bag of Column A + 10 papers (Column B phrases)
• In your group, work together and match the phrases with Column A.
• When you finish, raise your hand.
• Then, the teacher will check your answers. If your answers are correct, then you will
write the 10 sentences in your exercise book.
• CCQs:
o What’s in the bag?
o What do you do with the papers?
o When you finish what do you do?
o What will you write?
• T should walk around and monitor the activity, helping students think about the
answers. If a group raises their hand, T goes and checks the answers. T moves the
incorrect matches to the side, and asks Ss to try again.
• When a group has all correct answers, Ss write the ten rules in their exercise books.

Practice (Ex 3):

• Look at the pictures in Exercise 3.
• Match picture with one of the 10 rules.
• If it’s a X = You mustn’t, if it’s a tick = You must.
• Write picture number + correct matching sentence in your exercise book.
• For example:
o 1. You mustn’t bring your mobile phone to school.
o 2. You mustn’t drop litter on the floor.

• Groups read out the rules for each picture in Exercise 3.
• With extra time, T can ask each group to read one more classroom rule from Ex 1.

Period 3
Unit 11 Lesson 1 Period 3 – Listening & Speaking Exercises 1-2c

● SWBAT name three classroom rules for their class.
● SWBAT complete sentences about rules using given verbs after listening to a girl talk
about her classroom rules.

1. Vocabulary Ex 1 Review
2. Listening Activity (Ex 1, pg 101)
3. Rules we break
4. Classroom & School Rules
5. Writing
6. Practice with a Partner
7. Review

Unit 11

● “Let’s review the classroom rules we learned in the last class.”
● Each group read one classroom rule from Vocabulary Ex 1.

● T writes these verbs on the board:
○ Bring, do, keep, late, listen, respect
● T asks Ss for the Myanmar meaning and confirms the correct translations.
● T reviews pronunciation of the verbs.

● Now, we will listen to Sandar talking about her classroom rules. We will listen 3
times. When you’re listening, write the answers in the blanks.
● Play the recording three times.
● T asks each group to read one answer (read the full sentence).
● T writes correct answers on the board.

● T explains “break the rule” / Exercise 2a.
● Each group gets a small paper.
● In your group, choose 2 rules that most students break & write then on the paper.
● After sufficient work time, each group shares one rule that students break.

● On the other side of the small paper, each group write one classroom rule and one
school rule for their classroom/school.
○ The rules could be the same as the textbook or different!
● T draws a T-chart on the board.
● T asks each group to share one school rule. T writes each rule on the board.
● T asks each group to share one classroom rule. T writes each rule on the board.

Unit 11

● T writes on the board:
○ Hello, my name is ____. I’m a Grade 6 student. My school is ___. My class is
_(Example: Daw Aye’s class OR Grade 6A)__. Three of our rules are:
■ We must ____.
■ We must ____.
■ We mustn’t ____.
● In their exercise books, each student writes the short paragraph with 3 classroom
rules, 2 with must and 1 with mustn’t.
● When Ss finish writing, they practice reading their paragraph to a partner (another

● T asks two students (one girl and one boy) to read their writing to the class.
● With extra time, T can ask each group to share one classroom rule again.

Critical Thinking Extension:

● Teachers can engage students in a discussion about the quality and importance of
the rules they’re practicing.
● Teachers can ask questions in Myanmar and English and encourage students to
think of additional rules (in English) that are not mentioned in the textbook.
● Some questions to ask your students:
○ What school rules are most important? Why?
○ What rules should we have?
○ What rules would you change?
○ How are our rules different from the rules in the book?
○ If we have a “no litter” rule, why is there trash in the school yard? What rule
could change that? How do we make sure students follow the rule?

Period 1
Unit 11 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Exercises 1-2c

● SWBAT identify if different school rules are true or false based on reading a
● SWBAT answer questions about a list of school rules after reading and discussing

1. Exercise 1
2. Read Ex 2a
3. School Rules
4. True or False (Ex 2b)
5. Answer the Questions (Ex 2c)
6. Review

Intro (Ex 1):

● “Group 1, tell me one thing we MUST do at school.”

Unit 11

○ Repeat for half of the groups. (such as groups 1-3)

● “Group 4, tell me one thing we MUSTN’T do at school.”
○ Repeat for second half of the groups (such as groups 4-6)
● “Group 1, tell me one reason why you like your school.”
○ Repeat for all groups. Students can share their reasons in English or

● Ss read Exercise 2a (“Common School Rules”) silently. As they read, Ss underline
words they don’t know.
● After Ss finish reading, T calls attention. T asks Ss to number the school rules 1-10
(put a number next to each bullet).
● T explains each rule one-by-one, giving the Myanmar meaning.
○ Mustn’t = not allowed/not permitted
○ A large sum of money = a lot of money
● After explaining all rules, T asks:
○ Which rules are things we MUST do? Which numbers?
■ #1, 2, 8, 10
○ Which rules are things we MUSTN’T do? Which numbers?
■ #3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Class Practice (Ex 2b):

● As a class, complete Ex 2b.
● T reads the statement and asks Ss to translate.
● T asks one group: True or False?
● Repeat for each statement. T writes answers on the board. Ss write answers in their

Group Practice (Ex 2c):

● T and Ss translate the questions as a class.
● Ss work together in their groups. Ss write short answers in their textbook.

Unit 11

● Review short answers. T asks each group one question. Group gives short answer. T
writes short answers on the board.
● T teaches complete answer form for each question.
● Ss write complete answers in their exercise books.

1. Drugs, cigarettes, lighters, knives or anything that can be used as a weapon cannot
be brought to school.
2. Students can use their mobile phones in class as learning devices.
3. One thing that may be used as a weapon is a knife.
4. No, a student cannot have a tattoo on his or her arm.
5. This is an opinion question, and each student’s answer will be different. Here are
some examples:

Yes, a student should bring a large sum of money to school because ____.
- they can buy snacks for everyone.
- the money is not safe at home.
- they might need the money.

No, a student should not bring a large sum of money to school because ___.
- the money could be lost or stolen at school.
- the money is safer at home.
- they do not need the money at school.

● One group, one answer.
● T asks each group one question from Ex 2c.
● Each group reads the complete answer.

Period 2
Unit 11 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercises 3a-3c

● SWBAT identify if different school rules are true or false based on reading a
● SWBAT answer questions about a list of school rules after reading and discussing

1. Classroom rules?
2. Read “Library Rules”
3. Must/Mustn’t Chart
4. True or False (Ex 3b)
5. Answer the Questions (Ex 3c)
6. Review

Intro (Ex 1):

● T asks, “What school rules do you remember?”
● Each group gives one school rule (These rules can be from Lesson 2 Ex 2a or
Lesson 1)
● “Today we will read about library rules.”

Unit 11

○ If you have a school library, you can ask the students what your school’s
library rules are. (Discuss in Myanmar or English.)

● Ss read Exercise 2a (“Library Rules”) silently.
○ As they read, Ss underline words they don’t know.
● After Ss finish reading, T calls attention.
○ T asks Ss to number the library rules 1-9 (put a number next to each bullet).
● T explains each rule one-by-one, giving the Myanmar meaning.

Group Practice (Must/Mustn’t):

● Each group gets one piece of paper.
● On the paper, make a T chart. One column is “must” and one column is “mustn’t.”
● Ss work in groups to complete the chart for the Library rules.
○ For each column, ask Ss to find 3 things. Here’s the complete chart:

Class Practice (Ex 3b):

● As a class, complete Ex 3b.
● T reads the statement and asks Ss to translate.
○ T confirms correct translation
● T asks one group: True or False?
● Repeat for each statement. T writes answers on the board. Ss write answers in their

Group Practice (Ex 3c):

● T and Ss translate the questions as a class.
● Ss work together in their groups. Ss write short answers in their textbook.
● Review short answers. T asks each group one question. Group gives short answer. T
writes short answers on the board.
● T teaches complete answer form for each question.
● Ss write complete answers in their exercise books.

1. Students mustn’t shout or run around in the library.

2. Students may ask the librarian for help.
3. Students can keep books for seven days.
4. Students must inform the librarian if they damage a book.
5. A borrower must pay a fine if they return a book after the due date.

Unit 11

● One group, one answer.
● T asks each group one question from Ex 2c.
● Each group reads one complete answer.

Period 1
Unit 11 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Exercises 1-2

! SWBAT understand the use of can/may in asking for and granting permission.
! SWBAT identify sentences’ function: asking for permission or granting permission.

1. May I borrow __?
2. Can & May
3. Exercise 1: A or B?
4. Exercise 2: Matching
5. Review

● T asks the students: Do you remember “must”? Do you remember “can”?
● T says: Now I will ask you questions with “may” or “can” (T can explain may/can.)
○ Q: May I borrow your _(school item)_?
○ A:
■ Yes, you may.
■ No, you may not.
● Students practice the question and answer.
○ Half of the class asks the question. (T chooses an item.)
○ Half of the class answers the question. (Ss choose an answer)
○ Example: May I borrow your textbook? No, you may not.

● T explains in Myanmar “can” & “may” and how we use these verbs in English.
● T explains asking for permission and granting (giving) permission.
○ Example: May I please go out?
● T can refer students to page 85 for a similar idea of request/response.

Practice (Ex 1):

● T gives some translation for Ex 1.
○ T can decide what to translate based on their students’ knowledge.
● Group work:
○ Students work in groups to decide if the sentence is asking for permission (A)
or granting permission
● Review as a class:
○ Each group gives one answer.
○ T asks why they chose that answer, and Ss give explanation.

Unit 11

● T writes on the board:
○ Can / Can’t
○ Must / Mustn’t
○ May not = not allowed to = not permitted to
● T explains each verb/phrase in Myanmar
● T asks Ss for translations of verbs in Ex 2: obey, keep, bring, wear, be, draw
○ Ss give translations, and T confirms the
correct answers

Practice (Ex 2):

● Each group receives one bag. Each bag has one
paper with the sentence beginnings and 6 small
● Ss match the six small papers with the sentence
● When they finish, Ss raise their hands & draw
lines in their textbook.
● Then, Ss write the complete sentences in their
exercise books.
● T walks around the class while Ss do the activity
to check answers and give assistance.

● T says: “Now, let’s review the sentences we made in Exercise 2.”
● Each group reads one sentence from Ex 2 aloud.
● After a group reads one sentence, T says “thank you” and calls on the next group.

Period 2
Unit 11 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Exercises 3-4

! SWBAT determine if they should use may/must/can in a sentence about permission.
! SWBAT identify the sentence that correctly asks for/grants/denies permission.

● “Let’s review the school rules we matched yesterday.”
● Each group reads one sentence from Ex 2 (pg. 104) aloud.

● T writes on the board:
o can / can’t
o must / mustn’t
o may / may not
● T reviews the meaning of each word.
● T gives some translations of the words in Ex 3.
o Chew gum
o Photograph
o Lovely cat
o Stay right there!
o Leave

Unit 11

Practice (Ex 3):

● In groups, Ss work together and complete Ex 3.
● When groups finish, T calls attention.
● T reviews the answers by asking each group to give one answer.
o After the group reads the sentence, T asks “why did you choose that
o Groups give reason why they chose their answer.
o T writes correct answers on the board.

Practice (Ex 4):

● T asks Ss to look at Exercise.
● T reads each statement aloud. For example:
o T: “Number 1, you want to use your father’s phone.”
o T: “What is the Myanmar translation?”
o Ss provide Myanmar translation, and T confirms the correct translation.
o T explains instructions in Myanmar.
● In groups, Ss work together and complete Ex 4.
● T reviews the answers by asking each group to give one answer.
o After the group reads the sentence, T asks “why did you choose that
o Groups give reason why they chose their answer.
o T writes correct answers on the board.
● Then, Ss write the answers in their exercise books. For each number, Ss write two
sentences. For example:
o 1. You want to use your father’s phone.
▪ Dad, can I use your phone for a while?
o 2. You give someone permission to use your compass.
▪ You can use my compass if you wish.

● T: “Let’s review our answers for Exercise 4.”
● Each group reads two sentences (the statement & the answer) for one number.

Period 1
Unit 11 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1-2b

● SWBAT identify and label 4 parts of a letter.

1. Questions 1-3
2. Parts of a Letter
3. Ex 2a
4. Reading
5. Ex 2b
6. Labels
7. Review

Unit 11

● “Today we will talk about short notes.”
● T asks and discusses Questions 1-3 with the Ss in Myanmar & English
o What kind of phone message have you sent? Facebook Messenger? Viber?
o Note: #3 Got = received

● “Do you remember writing a postcard in Unit 1? What do you remember?”
● T reviews 4 parts of a postcard/letter using page 15
● “Look at page 15, and let’s review parts of a letter.”
1. Greeting = salutation
2. Information = Message
3. Leave-taking
4. Signature
● T writes the 4 parts on the board during the review.

Practice (Ex 2a):

● “Now, look at Ex 2. What do you see?” (A note/letter!)
● “Let’s write the names for each part. Work together in your group. Write the names of
each part in your textbook. When you finish, raise your hand.”
● Ss work in their groups to complete Ex 2a.
● When Ss finish, T reviews the answer by asking each group for one answer.

● “Now, let’s read Thet Tun’s message.”
● T reads the message and asks the Ss to help with translation/understanding the
● T asks:
o “Ss, when did Thet Tun write the note?” Monday morning
o “What is he asking to borrow?” shoes
o “Why does he need shoes?” to play football / for a football match

● “Now, let’s look at Ex 2b. Look at the words in the box.”
● T asks each group to give the meaning of each word.
o Note: got > I’ve got = I have
● T can write words & translation of each word on the board.

Unit 11

Practice (Ex 2b):

● “One group, one bag, 8 phrases, and 2
● “Now, in groups, work together to put the phrases
in the messages. Remember to READ and
THINK about the messages! When you finish,
raise your hand.”
● CCQs:
o One bag, how many phrases? 8
o What will you do with the messages? Put
the phrases in the messages
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise
my hand
● When a group finishes, T checks their answers,
and then Ss write answers in their textbooks for
Ex 2b.

Practice (Ex 2b extension):

● “Look at the 2 letters in Ex 2b. Now, we will write the names of each part of the
● “How many parts are there in 1 letter?” 4
● “What are the 4 parts?” Salutation, message, leave-taking, signature
● “Now write these 4 parts (the same as in 2a) for each of the messages in 2b. When
you finish, raise your hand.”
● Ss work independently to write the names of each part of the letter on the sides of
the boxes in their textbooks.

● “What are the parts of a letter?” salutation, message, leave-taking, signature
● “Now, I will read a part of a letter. Please tell me the name of the part.”
o T reads different parts of Ex 2b. Ss answer with letter part.
● For example:
o “Dear Kyaw Swa” = salutation o “Yours,” = leave-taking
o “Thanks a lot” = leave-taking o “Dear Thuzar” = salutation
o “I’m sorry to…” = message o “I can’t come to our English
o “Tun Tun” = signature class” = message
o “Nilar” = signature

Period 2
Unit 11 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Exercises 2c-4

• SWBAT construct a letter by putting the sentences in order.
• SWBAT construct sentences for a letter by matching halves of sentences.
• SWBAT write a short note using phrases from other notes in the lesson.

Unit 11

1. Parts of a letter
2. Parts of a message
3. Ex 2c
4. Ex 3
5. Ex 4
6. Review

• “What are the parts of a letter?”
• T asks each group to name one part of a letter.

• “Let’s look at Nilar’s letter in Ex 2b.”
• In Myanmar, T reviews Nilar’s letter to Thuzar. T discusses the order of sentences.
o 1. He gives the main idea (He can’t come to school.)
o 2. Then, he gives the reason. (He has a toothache and is going to the doctor.)
o 3. Then, he says when he think he’ll return to school.
• T asks in Myanmar: If you want to make a request (can I borrow your exercise
book?) when would you ask? At the beginning, middle, or end of the letter?
o You would probably ask at the middle/end of the letter, after giving the main
idea and the reason why (i.e. not coming to school because ___)
o T can write on the board the parts of the message:
§ 1. Main idea
§ 2. Reason
§ 3. Request
§ 4. Closing (for example: when you’ll come back to school)

• “Now let’s look at Ex 2c. Let’s read each sentence and translate them.”
• T reads one sentence and chooses a group to translate.
o Group offers translation, T confirms correct translation for the class.
o T tells Ss to write the translation into their books to help them remember.
• “One group, one bag, 7 papers. Put the papers in order to make a short note. When
you finish, raise your hand.”
• CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? 7 papers
o What will you do with the papers? Put the papers in order
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand
• T passes out bags, and Ss begin working. When a group finishes, T checks their
answers. If correct, Ss write the note in their textbook for Ex 2c.
• Note:
o (a) & (b) are interchangeable
o (d) & (g) are interchangeable
o Here are the 4 possible orders:
§ Answer: e, a, b, g, d, c, f
§ Answer: e, a, b, d, g, c, f
§ Answer: e, b, a, g, d, c, f
§ Answer: e, b, a, d, g, c, f

• T calls attention for the next activity.

• “Let’s look at Ex 3. We will read column B and review the meanings.”
• T reads each letter in Column B and gives the meaning.
• “One group, one bag, one column A, 6 papers for column B. Match column B with
column A. When you finish, raise your hand.”
• CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? Column A and 6 papers
o What will you do? Match column A and Column B
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand
• T passes out bags, and Ss begin working. When a group finishes, T checks their
answers. If correct, Ss draw lines in their textbook for Ex 3.
o Fast finishers can also write these 6 statements as full sentences in their
exercise books.

Class Practice:
• “Now we will practice writing a short note. Look at Ex 4.”
• T gives translation of titles of chart and write them on the board.
• T asks questions:
o “Cherry, greeting or signature?” Signature
o “Nay Nay, greeting or signature?” Greeting
• “For the message, we will write 3 sentences.”
• T can write these 3 sentences with fill-in-the-blank on the board.
o If students are more advanced, T can ask (for each bullet in the Message
box) “What would you write for this idea?”
• Short note sentences:
1. I can’t come to school today because __(Student’s idea)__.
§ I’ve got a headache.
§ I must go to the doctor.
§ I’ve got a stomachache.
§ I must go to the dentist.
2. May I _______?
§ Borrow your notes
§ Borrow your exercise books
3. I think I can come ________.
§ to school again on Monday
§ back to school on Monday
• Leave-taking (Ask Ss for examples and then write on the board!!)
o Love / Thanks a lot / See you soon / Yours

Dear Nay Nay,

• The letter will look like this: I can’t come to school today because
_____________. May I __________?
I think I can come _________.

• Ss write the letter in their textbooks. T walks around the class to help.

• T asks each group to read one answer from Ex 3.
• “Finally, let’s review our answers for Ex 3.”
o “Group 1, please read #1.” (Repeat for 1-6.)

Unit 12

Period 1
Unit 12 Lesson 1 Period 1 – Exercises 1a-1b

● SWBAT name 12 different shapes by looking at them.
● SWBAT draw 12 different shapes after hearing their names.

1. Shapes?
2. 12 shapes (Ex 1a)
3. Listen & Repeat
4. Ex 1b
5. Drawing Practice
6. Review

● T asks: “What shapes do you know?”
● To prompt students, T draws a circle on the board, and asks “what is this called?”
Repeat with triangle, square, and other shapes the Ss may already know.
● T: “Today we will learn 12 shapes.”

Teach (1a):
● T draws a picture / hangs up a
picture on the board for each shape,
o T gives names for each
shape. Ss repeat the shape
o T writes the name of the
shape next to the picture
● Ss write in the shape names in their
textbook for Ex 1a.

Unit 12

● T plays the audio recording.
● Ss listen and repeat the shape names.

● T holds up a picture of each shape and chooses a
● “Group 1, what is this shape?”
● Group says the shape name.
● Repeat until all 12 shapes have been shown.

Practice (1b):
● One group, one number.
● T writes on the board:
o Q: “What is the shape of Picture _?”
o A: “It’s a ___”
● T goes to one group, and holds out 12 papers. Each paper has a number (1-12).
o The group chooses one number paper. The group asks the question using
that number.
o *Note: T should demonstrate taking a number & asking the question,
pretending to be the students! Fold the papers to make this activity more
● The group asks the question: “What is the shape of Picture _?”
o 5 groups answer with a shape name.
● For example:
o Group 1 chooses “7”
o Group 1: “What is the shape of picture 7?”
o Groups 2-6: “It’s a pentagon.”
● Repeat for all groups until all 12 shapes are covered.

● “Now, I am speaking, and you are drawing in your exercise books. I will tell you one
shape to draw. Please listen and draw in your exercise books.”
o T: “Draw a _____.”
o Ss draw the shape in their exercise books.
● Repeat for all 12 shapes in Ex 1.
o Note: Use a different order than the textbook, so Ss must listen before they
● After all 12 are named, ask each group to name the shape. “Group 1, what is #1?”
Repeat question for all 12.

● One group, one shape. Let’s look at Exercise 1a on page 108. Each shape has a
o One group will ask the question about their shape. All of the other groups will
▪ Q: “What number is the ___?”
▪ A: “Number __”
o T gives each group a shape (pass out the papers used for Teach section).
o For example: Group 1, ask the question. Groups 2-6, give the answer.
o If group 1 has the semicircle picture, they will ask “What number is the
semicircle?” Groups 2-6 answer, “Number 8!”

Unit 12

Period 2
Unit 12 Lesson 1 Period 2 – Exercises 2a-3

● SWBAT listen and complete sentences with the correct shapes.
● SWBAT draw pictures after reading instructions including shapes and location

1. Shapes
2. Ex 2a
3. Ex 2b
4. Ex 3 listening
5. Ex 3 drawing
6. Group writing & drawing
7. Review

● Let’s review the shapes we learned last class.
● T holds up the 12 pictures one-by-one and asks the class to
name the shape.
● “What is this called?”
● Repeat for all 12 shapes.

Practice (2a):
● “We will listen to Dialogue 1 and Dialogue 2. Write the words
you hear in the blanks. The words are SHAPES we learned in Exercise 1.”
● T plays the recording 2 or 3 times. Ss write what they hear.
● T reviews answers by asking each group for one answer.

Practice (2b):
● Class practices the dialogue.
● First, T is A and Ss are B. Then, switch roles, where T is B and Ss are A.
● Then, T has Ss practice the dialogue in pairs, where 1 student is A and 1 student is
B. T walks around the room pairing up students, so they know who to practice with.
● T monitors Ss’ practice and offers pronunciation feedback.
● Once Ss finish practicing both dialogues, T calls attention for Ex 3 activity.

Practice (Ex 3 listening):

● “We will listen to Ex 3. Fill in the blanks with the shape names you hear. We will
listen 2 times.”
● T plays recording 2 times. Ss write what they hear.
● T reviews answers by asking each group for one answer.

Practice (Ex 3 drawing):

● “Now, let’s read each step and draw the picture.”
● T reads each step and leads Ss through translation. T demonstrates drawing each
step on the board. Ss follow along and complete the drawing at the bottom of page

Unit 12

Practice (Group writing & drawing):

● “Now you will write your own instructions for drawing. Each
group will write 4 instructions with 4 different shapes.”
● T writes on the board.

1. First, draw a big _(1)_.

2. Then, draw a __(2)__ inside the _(1)__.
3. Next, draw a _(3)___ below the __(1)__.
4. Finally, put a small __(4)__ inside the __(3)__.

● Each group receives half of an A4 paper. In their group, they

write 4 steps using 4 shapes.
● When the groups finish, T has groups change papers.

● “Now you will change papers with another group. You will read their instructions, and
then you will draw the picture.”
● Once the groups have changed papers, they read the instructions and draw the
picture on the instruction paper.

● T reviews location prepositions. T asks the Ss for the Myanmar meaning.
o Inside
o Below
o Above
● T reviews shape names. T shows the 12 pictures again and asks for the shape

● T fills in the 4 sentences on the board with shapes, writing new instructions.

1. First, draw a big _circle_.

2. Then, draw a __trapezium__ inside the _circle__.
3. Next, draw a _cylinder__ below the _circle___.
4. Finally, put a small __diamond__ inside the __cylinder__.

● Ss copy the instructions into their exercise books and draw the shapes at home.

Unit 12

Period 1
Unit 12 Lesson 2 Period 1 – Exercises 1-1a

● SWBAT translate the basic story of the Tin Man.
● SWBAT fill in sentences about the story with the correct words.

1. Movie?
2. Read & Translate
3. Students Translate
4. Summary
5. Ex 1a
6. Review

● T shows pictures of “The Wizard of Oz” movie.
● T asks Ss:
o “Have you seen this movie before? Raise
your hand if you have seen this movie.”
o “What do you know about the Tin Man?”
● T can also point out the 4 main characters: The
Scarecrow, the Tin Man, Dorothy, and the Lion.
● T says: “Today, we will read about the Tin Man.”

● “Now, let’s read the story of the Tin Man. The first time, I will read and translate. Ss
will listen and write the Myanmar meanings. The second time, Ss will translate.”
● T plays recording or reads 2-3 sentences in English. T stops recording/stops reading,
and gives Myanmar translation.
● With every 2-3 sentences, T writes key English vocabulary on the board with
Myanmar meanings.

Unit 12

● Vocabulary:
o Woodcutter o Wizard
o Selfish o Emerald City
o Cruel o Yellow brick road
o Chopped down trees o Walk on = keep walking
o Forest o Travelers
o For a living = for his job o Directions
o Magical powers = magic o Instructions
o Kind o Lost girl
o Helpful o Courage
o Fairy o Journey = trip

● T plays recording or reads 2-3 sentences in English. T chooses one group to
● After the group translates, T repeats the correct translation.
o T tells the group: “Thank you, please sit down.”
● Repeat for the entire story.

● T writes 7 summary parts on the board.
o Summary = short version of a story
1. Woodcutter in the forest
2. Cruel & ugly
3. Became the Tin Man
4. ☹ No heart
5. Met a fairy
6. Went to see the Wizard
7. Met other travelers
● T reads and explains each part of the summary in English and Myanmar.
● Ss copy the summary parts into their textbooks or exercise books.

● T writes Word Bank on the board with 10 words for Ex 1a.
● Work Bank:
o Any wood
o Brain
o Courage
o Fairy
o Heart
o Kind
o Name
o Made
o Travelers
o Village
● T asks the Ss for the
meaning in Myanmar for
each word.

Unit 12

● One group, one paper, 10 sentences. One
bag, 10 words. (Same words as the word
bank on the board)
● Finish the sentences with the words in the
bag. Remember to READ the sentences
and THINK! When you finish, raise your
● CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? 10 words.
o What’s on the paper? 10 sentences.
o What do you do with the words and sentences? Finish the sentences with the
words (Match the words with the sentences)
o When you’re working, what do you need to do? (T signal for the answer by
demonstrating reading & thinking, without speaking) Read and think
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise your hand
● T passes out papers and bags. Ss start working.
● When a group finishes, T checks their answers. If their answers are correct, Ss write
words into Ex 1a in their textbooks.

● “Let’s review the story of the Tin Man.”
● T points to the first part of the summary.
● T asks one group to explain the part in Myanmar.
o For example: “woodcutter in the forest. Group 1, what does this mean?”
● Repeat for all 7 parts of the summary.

Period 2
Unit 12 Lesson 2 Period 2 – Exercises 1b-1f

● SWBAT put the events of the Tin Man story in order.
● SWBAT distinguish between directions and instructions in the Tin Man story.
● SWBAT match opposites (adjectives, verbs, and nouns) found in the story.

1. Summary
2. 1d
3. 1e
4. 1b-1c
5. 1f
6. Review

● T draws 7 summary boxes on the board and numbers them 1-7.
● T asks each group for one box (in English) and then for an explanation in Myanmar.
● For example:
o “Group 1, what is box 1?” Woodcutter in a forest
o “What does that mean?” (Ss give Myanmar explanation)
● Repeat for all 7 boxes.

Unit 12

Practice (1d):
● One group, one bag, one number paper, 6
o #1: Read the sentences
o #2: Think about the story. Look at the
book and the board.
o #3: Put the sentences in order, 1-7 /
Match sentences with numbers.
o #4: Raise your hand
● CCQs:
o How many sentences? 6
o What do you do first? Read
o What do you do second? Think! Look at the book!
o What do you do third? Match the sentences with the numbers
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise my hand
● T passes out bags. Ss start working. When a group finishes, T checks their work. If
correct, Ss write in numbers for each sentence in Ex 1d.
● When all groups finish, T asks each group to say the number for each letter.
o “What number is a?” “What number is b?” etc.
o T writes answers on the board (in the same style as the textbook).

Unit 12

Practice (1e):
● One group, one bag, 10 words. Match the opposites.
● CCQs:
o How many words? 10
o What will you do? Match the opposites
o When you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand
● T passes out bags. Ss start working. When a group
finishes, T checks their word. If correct, Ss write answers in
the box in their textbook (Ex 1e).
● When all groups finish, T asks each group for one pair of
opposites. T fills in a chart drawn on the board.

Practice (1b & 1c):

● T says: “In the story, the fairy gives the Tin Man instructions and directions.”
● T draws a T-chart on the board. One
side is “Instructions,” and one side is
● T explains the difference between
instructions and directions for this
o Instructions = steps to
accomplish a task / how to do
o Directions = steps to get
somewhere / how to go
o T gives Myanmar meaning for “instructions” and “directions”
● One group, one bag. One T-chart and 6 papers. 3 directions, 3 instructions. Read.
Then, put them in the correct column.
o Put the 3 directions in the direction column. Put the 3 instructions in the
instruction column.
o When you finish, raise your hand. Then, draw and write the chart in your
exercise book.
● CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? 1 chart and 6 papers
o How many directions? 3
o How many instructions? 3
o What do you do? Put them in the columns
o When you finish, what do you do? Raise my
o And then, what do you do? Draw and write
in my exercise book
● T passes out bags. Ss begin working.
● When Ss finish, T checks their answers.
● Then, Ss draw and write the chart in their exercise books.

● T says: “Now we will do Exercise 1f.”
o “What is the Tin Man made of?” shapes!
o “What shapes in the Tin Man made of?” circles, triangles, cylinders,

Unit 12

● T draws an example Tin Man on the board / shows an example drawing on paper.
● “You will draw a picture of the Tin Man
using different shapes. Then you will write
the names of the shapes.”
o #1: draw the Tin Man in your
exercise book
o #2: write the shape names
● CCQs:
o What will you do first? Draw the
Tin Man
o What will you do second? Write
the shape names
● Ss can start this activity in class and finish as homework.

● “Before our class ends, let’s review the story.”
● T asks a few questions about the story.
o “How did the Tin Man feel at the beginning? Why?”
▪ Sad because he didn’t have a heart
o “Who did the Tin Man meet? Who gave him directions?”
▪ The fairy
o “Where did he go? Who did he want to meet?”
▪ To the Emerald City
▪ The Wizard!
o “Who did he meet on the way to the city?”
▪ 3 travelers: Dorothy, the Lion, and the Scarecrow

Period 1
Unit 12 Lesson 3 Period 1 – Vocabulary Ex 1 & Grammar Ex 1

● SWBAT name and differentiate 2D and 3D shapes.
● SWBAT write simple sentences describing objects with shape adjectives.

1. Shapes
2. Vocabulary (Shapes)
3. Vocabulary Ex 1
4. Grammar (Adjectives)
5. Grammar Ex 1
6. New Sentences
7. Review

● T shows pictures for each shape from Unit 12 Lesson 1.
● T shows a shape and asks one group, “What is this?”
● Repeat for all 12 shapes.

Unit 12

● “Please open your textbook to page 112. Look at the
Vocabulary section.”
● T plays recording and Ss follow along in their textbook.
o Note: On the Google Drive, you can download
the mp3 file to listen to a native speaker read the
“What is the difference?” box on page 112.
● T explains 2D and 3D in Myanmar.
● T reviews the shapes in Ex 1:
o T shows visual aids of 2D shapes (pictures from
U12 L1) and 3D shapes (different objects from
the classroom).
o Ss draw small pictures of each shape next to its name.

Practice (Vocab Ex 1):

● In groups, Ss write the shapes in the correct columns for Ex 1. Ss work together and
then write their answers in their textbooks.
● When they finish, Ss raise their hands.
● When all groups finish, T asks each group about one shape.
o “Group 1, is the circle 2D or 3D?”
o “Group _, is the ____ 2D or 3D?” – Repeat for all 10 shapes in Ex 1.
● T writes answers on the board in a chart like Ex 1.

● “What is a noun? What is an adjective?”
● T and Ss discuss the difference between noun (person, place, things, ideas) and
adjectives (words used to describe).
● T reviews the examples on pg. 112. (Note: The roof is rectangular. = The roof is
rectangular in shape.”)
● “Now, we will practice the adjective form for these shape nouns.”
● T reviews the meaning of nouns by showing/drawing pictures.
● T plays recording of pronunciation. Ss listen and repeat the nouns and adjectives.
o Note: On the Google Drive, you can download the mp3 file to listen to a
native speaker read the noun & adjective charts on page 112.

Practice (Grammar Ex 1):

● “Now you will complete Exercise 1 on page 113.”
● “Look at the NOUN in the parenthesis () and then, find the ADJECTIVE in the chart.
Write the ADJECTIVE in the blank. When you finish, raise your hand.”
● CCQs:
o What is in the parenthesis ()? Noun or adjective? NOUN
o What do you write in the blank? ADJECTIVE
● When all Ss finish, T has each group read one answer.
o After the answer is read, T reviews the meaning of the sentence.
o T asks: “Students, what does this sentence mean?”
o T demonstrates meaning by drawing pictures of the nouns on the board.

Unit 12

● “Now, in your group, you will write 3 sentences about things you see in the
● T writes on the board:
o The _(noun)_ is _(shape adjective)_.
● “In your sentence, you need a NOUN and an ADJECTIVE.” For example:
o The lunch box is cylindrical.
o The desk is rectangular.
● CCQs:
o How many sentences? 3
o What do you need in your sentence? Noun & adjective
o Will you work by yourself (only one)? No
o Who will you work with? My group!
● As groups finish 3 sentences, T asks them to write 3 more. Ss should try to write as
many sentences as they can about different objects in their classroom.

● With a few minutes left of class, T calls attention.
● Each group will read one sentence they wrote.
● T: “Group 1, please read one sentence you wrote.”
● After they read, T: “Thank you! Group 2, please read one sentence.”
● Repeat for all groups.

Period 2
Unit 12 Lesson 3 Period 2 – Grammar Ex 2a-2b

● SWBAT write 8 imperative statements about what you should do before/after school.
● SWBAT use sequence words (first, then, next, after that, finally) when writing
imperative statements.

1. Intro (Ex 3, p. 109)
2. Imperatives
3. Ex 2a & 2b
4. Brainstorm
5. Group Writing
6. Review

Unit 12

● “Students, open your books to page 109 and look at Ex 3.”
● “Do you remember what we did in this exercise?”
o We read the directions and drew a picture. Look at how these instructions are
written, with the verb first. This is the IMPERATIVE form of the verb.
o We use imperatives when we are giving directions or instructions.

● “Now, look on page 113. Let’s talk about the imperative examples.”
● T reads and explains the imperative examples.
o Ss circle the imperative verb in the examples (draw).
o In an imperative statement, the verb is first (there is no written subject!).
● T explains the sequence words: first, then, next, after that, finally
o Ss underline the sequence words (first, then, next, after that, finally).
● “Today, we will practice writing imperative statements with sequence words.”

● “Now, we will do Exercise 2a and 2b”
● T reads each statement (a-d) and asks for groups to translate.
● T gives activity instructions:
o “In your group, read the statements again and decide, which is #1, #2, #3,
and #4. Write the correct number next to each step.”
o “When you finish, raise your hand.”
● After Ss finish, T checks their work, and then Ss write in each step in Ex 2b. #1 in
Step 1, #2 in Step 2, and so on.
● When all groups finish, T has one group read each step.
o “Group 1 and Group 2, please read Step 1.”
o Repeat for all steps.

Unit 12

● T draws a T-chart on the board. One column is “before school” and one column is
“after school.”
● T says:
o “Now we will brainstorm what we do
before and after school.”
o “Group 1, what is something you do
▪ T writes answers on the board.
▪ Repeat for all groups.
o “Group 1, what is something you do
▪ T writes answers on the board.
▪ Repeat for all groups.
o Note: when you write on the board, use
the imperative form and use you/your (not I/me/my) if necessary

Practice (Imperative extension):

● One group, one paper. Work together to write 8 instructions.
● On your paper, write 4 steps for before school, and 4 steps for after school.
o What should a student do before school and after school?
● Helpful information to give your students:
o Write the steps in order.
▪ For example: “First, eat breakfast. Then, wake up.” is not ok!
o Use the IMPERATIVE form
o Use you/your because the imperative form is giving another person
o For each statement, use a sequence
▪ Step 1: First,
▪ Step 2: Then,
▪ Step 3: Next,
▪ Step 4: Finally,
● T passes out papers, and Ss work together to
write 8 instructions. When Ss finish, T check
their work, and Ss can write the 8 instructions
again in their exercise books (if they finish

● T chooses one group to read their 4 steps for Before School.
● T chooses one group to read their 4 steps for After School.

Alternative Activity:
● Look at the story of the Tin Man as a class.
● Ss work together in groups to identify imperative statements in the story.
● Ss make a list of imperative statements in the Tin Man.
o First, walk out of the forest…
o Then, turn left and walk on.
o Help them, be kind and protect them.

Unit 12

Period 1
Unit 12 Lesson 4 Period 1 – Exercises 1-2

● SWBAT match questions and answers about items and their shapes/sizes.
● SWBAT write sentences describing the shape of different items.

1. Shape adjectives
2. Ex 1
3. Question practice
4. Ex 2
5. Sentence writing
6. Review

● “Let’s review the shape adjectives we learned in Lesson 3. I will say the noun. Ss,
please say the adjective.”
● T reads a shape noun and Ss reply with the shape adjective.
● For example:
o T: “Cone”
o Ss: “Conical”
● Repeat for all nouns/adjectives in Lesson 3.

Teach/Practice (Ex 1):

● “Now let’s look at Exercise 1 on page 114.”
● T gives some vocabulary on the board:
o Size
o Sides
o Corners
● One group, one bag. In the bag, there are the column A questions and the 5
responses from Column B. Match the responses with the column A questions. When
you finish, raise your hand.
● Students work together in groups to match Column A and Column B.
● When they finish, T checks their work, and then Ss draw the lines in their textbooks.
With extra time, Ss can also write the questions and responses in their exercise

Practice (Ex 1 extension/question practice):

● After all groups finish, T calls attention. T asks the same 5 questions about different
objects in the room.
o For example: The Teacher’s phone. T holds up their phone. T asks:
▪ What’s this? A phone
▪ What shape is it? Rectangular
▪ What size is it? About 5 inches
▪ How many sides does it have? 4
▪ How many corners does it have? 4
o For example: the classroom clock

Unit 12

▪ What’s that? A clock

▪ What shape is it? Circular
▪ What size is it? About 12 inches (measure with a ruler!)
▪ How many sides does it have? Zero
▪ How many corners does it have? Zero

Practice (Ex 2):

● “Now, look at the pictures in Exercise 2. For each picture you will write 3 sentences.”
● For example, #1:
o Picture 1 is a starfish. It is star-shaped. It is orange in color.
● T writes these 3 sentences on the board:
o Picture __ is a _(name of thing)_.
o It is __(shape adjective)_.
o It is __(color)_ in color.
● “Work together in your groups to write the 5 sentences. Write your sentences in your
textbook for Exercise 2. When you finish, raise your hand.”
o Alternative: Give each group one ½ piece of A4 paper. Ss write the sentences
on the paper. When they finish, T checks the paper, and then Ss write in their
● When a group finishes, T checks their work, and T explains the next activity to the
group. (T can write the format for the next activity on the board while Ss work on Ex
2. Then T can tell students about the activity and ask them to follow the directions on
the board.)

Practice (Ex 2 extension/sentence writing):

● “In your group, write about 4 things you see in the classroom.”
● T writes the format on the board.
1. In our classroom, we see a ______.
2. It is _(shape adjective)_.
3. It is __(color)__.
● Ss write these sentences in their exercise books. One group, 4 things, 12 sentences

● Each group reads about one thing in the classroom.
● For example: “Group 1, please read about 1 thing you see in the classroom.”
o Group 1: In our classroom, we see a lunchbox. It is cylindrical. It is grey.
o T: Thank you very much. Group 2, please read.
● Repeat until all groups read about one thing.

Period 2
Unit 12 Lesson 4 Period 2 – Ex 3-4

• SWBAT listen to instructions and draw a picture, understanding location phrases
such as “bottom left hand corner,” “in the center,” and “top right hand corner.”
• SWBAT match sentence halves to create instructions based on shapes and their
locations in a picture.

Unit 12

• SWBAT write four instructions, using location phrases, to draw a picture with 4

• “Let’s review the shapes we learned in Lesson 1.”
• T holds up each shape picture from Lesson 1. T asks each group, “What is this?”
• For example,
o T: “Group 1, what is this?”
o Ss: “Square!”
o T: “Correct, thank you!”
• Repeat for all 12 shapes, asking each group about 1 or 2 shapes.

• “Today, we will practice phrases for location.”
• “Open your books to page 115 and look at the useful language boxes.”
• T reviews:
o Inside the __
o Above the __
o Below the __
• To review these, T draws pictures on the board and labels with the prepositional
• T will teach:
o “right hand side” and “left hand side”
o “on top of the ___”
o “in the top/bottom left/right hand corner”
o “in the center of (your paper/the __)”
• To teach these, T draws pictures on the board and labels with the phrases
o T asks Ss to draw the pictures and labels in their notebook and/or write the
Myanmar translations into their textbook to help them remember

Practice (Ex 3):

• “Now we will do Exercise 3 on page 115. Please take out your exercise books.”
• T reads each step and Ss draw in their exercise books. T also asks the students to
look at the steps in their book to follow along. “Please follow along while I read.”
o Note: Ss may not understand when it’s only read aloud; it may be helpful for
Ss to also read the steps to themselves.
• After reading Step 1, students draw.
• Repeat for Steps 2-4.
• After Ss finish drawing, then T has the class read each step aloud.
o “Now the Ss are reading, and the T is drawing.”
o “Group 1 and 2, please read step 1.”
o After groups read step 1, T draws on the board.
o Repeat for Steps 2-4.
• After the T finishes drawing, compare the pictures.
o “Students, are my drawing and your drawing the SAME or DIFFERENT?”
o T asks Ss to hold up their notebooks and show their drawings.
o T reviews each instruction using their picture on the board.

Practice (Ex 4 – Diagram 1):

• “Now we will practice writing instructions for Exercise 4 Diagram 1.”
• “How many shapes do you see?” 5

Unit 12

• “There will be 5 steps. One group, one bag. 5 steps. 5 locations. Match each step
with the correct location phrase.”
o 1. Read all of the steps AND the locations.
o 2. Look at Diagram 1 and THINK!
o 3. Match the steps and locations.
o 4. When you finish, raise your hand silently. The teacher will check your
answers. Then you will write the steps in your exercise book.
• CCQs:
o What’s in the bag? 5 steps, 5 locations
o What do you do first? / What’s #1? Read!!
o What do you do second? Look at Diagram 1
o What do you do third? Match steps and locations
o When do you finish, what will you do? Raise my hand silently.
o If your answers are correct, what will you do? Write in my exercise book.
• Pass out the bags, and tell Ss to start working.
• When a group finishes, T checks their answers, and Ss write the correct answers in
their exercise books.
• When all groups finish, T calls attention for the next activity.

Practice (Ex 4 – Diagram 2):

• “Now you will write instructions for Diagram 2.”
• “How many shapes do you see?” 4
• “There will be 4 steps. One group, one paper, 4 shapes and 4 locations.”
• For example:
o 1. Draw a __(shape)__ ___(location phrase)__.
o 2. Draw a __(shape)__ ___(location phrase)__.
o 3. Draw a __(shape)__ ___(location phrase)__.
o 4. Draw a __(shape)__ ___(location phrase)__.
• “What location phrases do you remember?”
• Ss call out answers. T writes phrases on the board.
o Above the ___
o Below the ___
o Inside the ___
o In the middle of the ___
• After you write 4 steps for Diagram 2, raise your hand. If you are correct, you will
write the instructions in your textbook.
• CCQs:
o One group, how many steps will you write? 4
o In your sentence, what do you need? Shape & location
o When you finish what will you do? Raise my hand
• T gives each group 1 paper to write their directions, and Ss start writing.
• When a group finishes, T checks their answers and gives feedback. Ss write
instructions in their textbook.

• “Let’s review the location phrases we learned today.
• T asks each group a question about Diagram 1 or Diagram 2.
• For example:
o Where is the star?
§ Inside the circle
o Where is the circle?
§ On top of the trapezium / above the trapezium

o Where is the trapezium?
§ Below the circle
o Where is the heart?
§ Inside the trapezium / in the top left hand corner of the trapezium
o Where is the diamond?
§ Inside the trapezium / in the bottom right hand corner of the trapezium
o Where is the pentagon?
§ On top of the rectangle / above the rectangle
o Where is the semicircle?
§ Inside the pentagon
o Where is the oval?
§ Inside the rectangle
o Where is the rectangle?
§ Below the pentagon

Units 10-12

UNITS 10-12
• SWBAT answer questions about a sport of their choosing.
• SWBAT use the information to write a paragraph about the sport.

1. Sports
2. Benefits
3. Worksheet
4. Project 4
5. Writing
6. Presentation

Intro (Sports):
• Make a list on the board of sports Ss know.
• Each group gives one or two sports. T writes sports on the board.

Teach (Benefits):
• T writes “Benefits” on the board. T explains “benefits” in Myanmar.
• Make a list of benefits of sports on the board.
o Each group gives one benefit of playing sports.
o Ss say the benefits in Myanmar; T writes the ideas in English & Myanmar.
• T gives explanation of benefits in Myanmar.
• Examples of benefits of sports:
o Better sleep
o Strong bones
o Strong muscles
o More happiness
o Less stress
o New friends
o Teamwork
o Leadership
o Confidence
o Good for your brain
o Hand-eye coordination

Teach (Worksheet):
• T explains worksheet.
• T shows the worksheet to class and explain each section step-by-step.
o Choose one sport.
o Team or Individual?
§ If it’s a team sport – how many players on a team?

Units 10-12

o What equipment do you need?

§ Look at page 97!
o Where can you play?
§ T explains possible answers: inside / outside / on a pitch / on a court /
in the schoolyard / at the gym / in the street / in your house
o Draw a picture of the sport.
o Choose 4 benefits of the sport.
• T says: “When you finish, raise your hand. I will check your worksheet. Then you will
write a paragraph about the sport.”

Practice (Project 4):

• Ss work on their group worksheet.
• T moves around the classroom and gives information/help.
• When a group finishes, T checks their worksheet, and then Ss write the paragraph in
their exercise book (see below).

Practice (Writing):
• When Ss finish the worksheet, they write a paragraph about the sport in their
exercise books. T writes format of paragraph on the board.

Today, I want to tell you about __(sport)__. It is a/an __(team/individual)__ sport. There are
_(number)_ people on a team. For __(sport)__, you need ____ and ____. You can
(do/go/play) __(sport)__ ____(where)___. Some benefits of __(sport)__ are: _____, _____,
and _____.

1. Today I want to tell you about dancing. It is an individual sport. For dancing, you
need music and a speaker. You can dance in your house. Some benefits of
dancing are: a strong heart, better sleep, and confidence.

2. Today I want to tell you about boxing. It is an individual sport. For boxing, you
need a mat and gloves. You can box at the gym. Some benefits of boxing are:
hand-eye coordination, strong muscles, and less stress.

3. Today I want to tell you about basketball. It is a team sport. There are 5 people
on a team. For basketball, you need a hoop and a basketball. You can play
basketball on a court. Some benefits of basketball are: teamwork, new friends,
and leadership.

• If a group finishes very quickly, T asks them to write a SECOND paragraph about a
DIFFERENT sport. When they finish, they should have 2 paragraphs (each about a
different sport.)

Review (Presentation):
• T asks four different groups to stand and read their paragraphs.
o After a group finishes reading, T says “Great job! Thank you very much, you
may sit down.”
• Notes:
o Choose equal numbers of girls and boys to read aloud.
o All other students must listen (not speak/whisper) during their classmates’

• SWBAT understand the poem and answer questions about it.
• SWBAT define different words in the poem with equivalent English words.

1. Pre-reading
2. Vocabulary
3. Read & Translate
4. Group Questions
5. Draw a Butterfly
6. Review

• T gives vocabulary in English to English format. (Ss should be familiar with these
English equivalent words.)
• T writes Vocabulary on the board.
• Ss find the words in the poem and write in their textbooks.
• Vocabulary
o Behold (v) = look at
o Hour by hour (adv) = always
o Enjoy (v) = like = feel happy
o Beauty (n) = beautiful (adj)
o Flutter by (v) = fly
• T points out the Glossary.
o A glossary gives us new words and some explanation.
o What words do you see in the glossary?
§ Hour by hour = always
§ Flutter by = fly

• T reads (or plays recording of) the poem once.
• T reads again slowly and Ss repeat.
• T asks Ss to translate the poem; one group, one line. (English to Myanmar)

• English to English:
o The butterfly is a thing to behold = the butterfly is a beautiful thing to look at
o With colors more beautiful than gold = the butterfly has many beautiful colors
o Flying hour by hour = always flying
o Going from flower to flower = visits each flower
o Oh, how I enjoy your beauty, butterfly = I like the butterfly’s beauty
o As I sit and watch you flutter by = I am sitting and watching the butterfly fly

• “Let’s read the questions in Exercise 2.”
o T reads a question and asks Ss for the Myanmar translation of the question.
o Question #4: change “often” to “like to” > What does the poet like to do?
o T discusses question meaning. T does NOT give the answer.
• One group, one small paper.

• Groups work together to answer questions 1-6. Groups write the short answers to the
questions on their paper.
• When a group finishes, they raise their hands and T checks their answers.
• When all groups finish, T calls attention and asks each group for one short answer. T
writes short answers on the board.

1. Behold
2. Enjoy
3. The butterfly flies / The butterfly flutters by (2 possible answers)
4. Sit and watch the butterfly
5. Behold > gold; hour > flower; butterfly > flutter by
6. Because it is beautiful / because it has many colors (2 possible answers)

• After the question review, T asks Ss to take out their exercise books.
o “Take out your exercise books.”
o “Now you will draw a picture of a butterfly. Inside the wings, use different
shapes. Remember both wings have THE SAME SHAPES (like a mirror).”
o “After you draw the shapes, write the shape names (like the Tin Man
• T gives Ss times to draw their butterflies and write the shape names.

• Read the poem again & Ss repeat.
• T can ask questions about the vocabulary:
o What does “behold” mean? Look at
o What does “hour by hour” mean? Always / every hour
o What does “enjoy” mean? Like / feel happy
o What does “flutter by” mean? fly
o What is the noun form of “beautiful”? beauty


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