03 INDEX of MAP CE_2024

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Practical INDEX

Microprocessor Architecture and Programming [Sub code: CE 502-N]

ENRL No. __________________________ BATCH: ____________
5th semester Computer Engineering Division:____ A.Y. 2024-25

Sr. Grade/ Initial of

Title DATE
No Marks faculty
1. Architecture of 8085 microprocessor (Emu 8085).

2. Architecture of 8086 microprocessor (Emu 8086).

Perform Arithmetic Operations (Addition, Subtraction,

Multiplication, Division, Inc, Dec) Operations.
To store , retrieve and memory transfer operations
4. (Perform Date Transfer Operations)
[RR, MR, RM] MM?
5. Perform 1’s Complement and 2’s complement.
Perform Logical and Shift/Rotate Micro Operations
(AND, OR, NOT, XOR ) (SHL, SHR, ROL, ROR etc…).

7. Write ALP for Square and Cube of given number.

Write ALP to Copy array numbers from source to
destination (Block Transfer).
9. Write ALP to Average of three numbers (8-bit).
10. Write ALP to Average of N numbers (8-bit).
Write ALP to find Largest and Smallest no. from array of
data [11(a)-Largest, 11(b)-Smallest].
12. Write ALP to sort given elements in Ascending Order.

13. Write ALP to find Factorial of given no.

14. Write ALP to print Fibonacci series (e.g. 10 elements).
15. Write ALP to Search a number from given data array.
16. Write ALP to Display Array elements on screen.
17. Write ALP to find whether the number is Odd or Even.
18. Write ALP to Perform Addition of two Arrays.


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