speaking part 1

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Part 1:

1) Study / work
1.Do you work or are you a student?

I am currently a senior student. I’m studying the regular full time at TN

University. In fact, I am very lucky to have the chance of studying while I
work as a tutor because I get the best of both worlds, but it does mean a lot
of pressure, and I have to burn the candle at both ends.

• to have/ get the best of both worlds : ngh ĩa là bạn

là người có thể trung hòa, có thể tận hưởng và kết
hợp được hai thứ đối lập ở cùng một thời điểm. Đây
là một cách nói rất hay mà người bản xứ hay dùng.
• to burn the candle at both ends : g ặp nhiều áp lực
vì sống một cuộc sống bận rộn.
2. What do you study?

My major is E Pedagogy. It means I study English skills

including speaking, listening, writing, reading. Apart
from capable language, I also learn pedagogical skills
that is related to teaching and supporting others to
gain new knowledges and skills.

3. Why did you choose to study that major?

The reason why I decided on pursuing this major is

that I am really into learning foreign language, and I al-
ways believe that I was born for teaching, and my
dream is to be a teacher of English one day. The big-
gest reason is that my father is a successful teacher,
and I plan to follow in his footsteps after graduation.
4. How do you like your major/job?

It is well acknowledged that English is a universal lan-

guage, so I believe that an increasing number of peo-
ple will invest in learning this language. Therefore, It
will create a great job market for me. That means af-
ter my graduation, there will be a guarantee for my fu-
ture job-hunting, which means I may get a well-paid

5. Is there anything you dislike about your major/job?

Honestly, the worst I have to say about my major is

that it’s really hard for me since I’m a slow learner
that the reason why I tend to dedicate most of my
time practicing language skills or learning sth by
heart. In fact, I am a little bored with sitting in front of
a computer screen all day long. Definitely, studying
with a high intense schedule can result in stress and

2) Hometown
1. Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Buon Ma Thuot city, which is in the Central
Highlands of Vietnam. I grew up and studied there until now. Buon
Ma Thuot is famous as the regional “capital of coffee”, because its
soil makes the area an ideal place for growing coffee. Therefore,
coffee is a big part of the city’s culture and we are proud of our
high-quality brews.

2. Is it a big city or a small town?

My hometown is a medium city with well-developed facilities. This

place is one of the greenest cities in Vietnam. Its abundant green
space as well as the friendliness of the people here makes Buon
Ma Thuot a pleasant city to live in and a popular tourist destination.
Therefore, the city is the economic center of the whole area.
3. What is the best thing of living in your hometown?

From my point of view, the best thing of living in BMT city is its habi-
tat . It's vibrant and full of life, with something new to discover
around every corner. The bustling streets, diverse culture, and deli-
cious cuisine make it an exciting place to live. Plus, there's a sense
of opportunity and energy here that's hard to find elsewhere.

4. Is it suitable for young people to live in?

Definitely yes, my hometown is a perfect place for young people to

live in simply because the facilities are well-developed including
gyms, schools, hospitals, public transport and even Leisure activi-
ties. moreover, young people have all sorts of choices in my city;
they can go shopping, enjoy fantastic delicacies, watch films and
so on. in addition, opportunities in my city are various from educa-
tion to job hunting, from making friends to watching a show, you
name it. especially my hometown is less competitive and stressful
than big cities so young people may live comfy and cozy life in such
an environment. By and large, everything is good for their develop-
1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time, I have a fancy for catching up on gossip with my best
friends simply because it can help me release my stress. The coffee shop is
an ideal place for us to share stories about daily life with each other. In ad-
dition, we tend to drink your favorite drinks like fruit tea or milk tea and
take beautiful photos. Apparently, I have been pretty stressful about my
examination and my future, so I need a way out.
2. How do you spend your holidays or weekends?
On weekends, I usually take the opportunity to relax and unwind. I enjoy
spending time with my friends and family, whether it's going out for a
meal, watching a movie together, or simply having quality conversations.
I also make sure to engage in activities that I find personally fulfilling,
such as listening to music, watching reality show, or going for a refreshing
walk in nature.
watching reality show, or going for a refreshing walk in nature.
What is your favourite way of relaxation
I’m really into traveling around the country with my family when we have
free time. It plays a crucial role in boosting family concord this is due to
the fact that normally we are so busy with work or study. Therefore, trav-
elling is a good opportunity for my family members to get to know each
other. In addition, travelling help us temporarily forget all our pressure
from our daily life that the reason why we can blow off some steam after
studying or working with a high intense schedule

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