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Third written examination in English for 7th grade students

Name and surname______________________________ class _______

1. Translate the words in English or Macedonian (professions, education, technology)
assignment _________________ електричар ________________ веб-страна __________
есеј _______________________ plumber ___________________ пребарувач _________
дипломира _________________ engineer __________________ headphones __________
лекција ____________________ lawyer ____________________ полнач _____________
qualifications ________________ заболекар _________________steering wheel ________
____/15 points
2. Fill in the gaps with an adequate phrasal verb with ‘’Get’’
(get away, get along, get on, get off, get together, get through, get up)
1. Tomorrow I have to __________ at 6 am because I need to be at work earlier than usual.
2. Emily and her brother don't ___________________. They always argue about something.
3. Every morning I _________________ the same bus which takes me to school.
4. To reach the city center, take bus number 6 and ______________ at the third stop.
5. My whole family usually ________________ at Thanksgiving. Even aunt Chloe arrives.
6. Oliver tried to call Rachel but couldn't ________________________.
7. The police let him ____________________ with only a $10 ticket. ____/ 7points

3. Choose and circle the adjective or adverb in each sentence

1. He is a terrible / terribly cook. 2. The music was beautiful / beautifully.
3. That was a clever / cleverly answer. 4. She plays the piano beautiful / beautifully.
5. She answered clever / cleverly. 6. Your flat seems tidy / tidily today.
7. He put the dishes away tidy / tidily. 8. She is a very honest / honestly person.
____/ 8 points
4. Make adverbs of manner out of the given adjectives and fill in the gaps
1. She did _____________ (good) in her tennis match last week. She won.
2. I found his house ________________ (easy) so I didn’t have to use the map.
3. I arrived home to find Adam sleeping ____________________ (peaceful) on the sofa.
4. I was trying ____________________ (hard) to stay awake but my eyes kept closing.
5. Hanna reacted ______________________ (dramatic) and made the situation worse.
____/5 points
5. Complete the sentences with the adequate future form of the verb in brackets
1. He looks very pale and exhausted. He ___________________________________ faint.
2. Somebody is at the door. I ___________________________________ (check) who it is.
3. A: I'll never pass the exam! B: Don't worry, I _________________(help) you prepare it.
4. I ___________________________________ (buy) a new car as soon as I get a pay rise.
5. Sorry, I can’t come. I ___________________________ (meet) my friends this afternoon.
6. Translate the sentences in Macedonian language
1. The general purpose of most electronic gadgets is to make life easier, more fun or more
2. The availability of electronic gadgets has multiplied over the years, and the technology of
these devices has only improved.______________________________________________
____/15 points
Total points : _____ / 60
0-19 points 20-29 points 30-40 points 41-50 points 51-60 points
Not Sufficient (1) Sufficient (2) Average (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5)
Teacher: Sasha Micevska Parent ________________________

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