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Second written examination in English for 7th grade students

Name and surname______________________________ class _______

1. Translate the words in English
музеј __________________ библиотека __________________ хотел _______________
супермаркет ___________________ болница ________________ банка_____________
аеродром _________________ железничка станица _____________________________
полициска станица ______________________________ пошта _____________________
пекара_________________ ресторант ____________________ месара ______________
____/13 points
2. Fill in the gaps with an adequate transportation preposition
1. Last summer we went to Russia ________the ferry. It was wonderful.
2. I saw your parents ________ a taxi yesterday morning.
3. My sister always comes to work _________ her car.
4. My parents met each other _________ a plane during their flight to England.
5. I didn't go there by car. I went ________ foot. It's better for my health. ____/5points

3. Fill in the gaps with an adequate indefinite pronoun

1. I'm hungry. I want ____________________ to eat.
2. I don't know ____________________ about her.
3. Has ___________________ got a pencil? 4. My dog follows me __________________.
5. My name is Michael but __________________ calls me Mike.
6. My sister is in bed because she has _____________________ to do.
7. The ball is __________________ in the garden.
8. He's bored. There's ____________________ to go this evening. ____/8 points

4. Write the forms of the verbs in brackets in Past Simple Tense

1. Last year I ____________________ (spend) my holiday in Ireland.
2. I even ______________________(learn) a lot of Irish dances.
3. I _____________(travel) with two friends and we (visit) ____________ interesting places.
4. It ______________________(not / snow) a lot last winter.
5. _________ Susan _______________ (go) to England by plane? Yes, she _________.
6. The children __________________ (not / be) at home last weekend. ____/10points

5. Write the questions in Past Simple Tense using Wh-question words

1. ___________ old _________ (be) you last year? I was twenty-three.
2. ___________ did you _________ (have) lunch? We had lunch at noon.
3. ___________ did he __________ (see) a doctor? He hurt his hand.
4. ___________ did she _________ (say)? She said ‘’ I’m sorry’’.
5. ___________ did you _________ (talk) to on the phone? To Steven. ____/10points

6. Translate the sentences in Macedonian language

1. The ‘’Pilgrim fathers’’ were the founders of a colony in North America.
2. People eat roast turkey with cranberry sauce, potatoes and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.
____/15 points
Total points : _____ / 61
0-19 points 20-29 points 30-40 points 41-50 points 51-61 points
Not Sufficient (1) Sufficient (2) Average (3) Very Good (4) Excellent (5)
Teacher: Sasha Micevska Parent ________________________

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