2019 revisao NF e Cancer

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ICTXXX10.1177/1534735419832361Integrative Cancer TherapiesHetkamp et al

Review Article
Integrative Cancer Therapies

A Systematic Review of the Effect of

Volume 18(1): 1­–13
© The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
Neurofeedback in Cancer Patients sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/1534735419832361

Madeleine Hetkamp, PhD1 , Jasmin Bender, PhD1, Nadine Rheindorf, PhD1,

Axel Kowalski, PhD2, Marion Lindner, MD1, Sarah Knispel, MD3,
Mingo Beckmann, PhD1, Sefik Tagay, PhD1, and Martin Teufel, MD1

Introduction: Neurofeedback (NF) or electroencephalogram (EEG)-Biofeedback is a drug-free form of brain training
to directly alter the underlying neural mechanisms of cognition and behavior. It is a technique that measures a subject’s
EEG signal, processes it in real time, with the goal to enable a behavioral modification by modulating brain activity. The
most common application of the NF technology is in epilepsies, migraine, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism
spectrum disorder, affective disorders, and psychotic disorders. Few studies have investigated the use of NF in context of
psychosomatic illnesses. Little is known about the use in cancer patients or postcancer survivors despite the high number
of this patient group. Objectives: We here provide a systematic review of the use and effect of NF on symptoms and
burden in cancer patients and long-term cancer survivors. Methods: In conducting this systematic review, we followed
the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) Statement. Results:
Our search resulted in only 3 experimental studies, 1 observational study, and 2 case reports. Given the heterogeneity of
the intervention systems and protocols, no meta-analysis was conducted. Conclusion: Altogether, there is initial evidence
that NF is a complementary, drug-free, and noninvasive therapy that has the potential to ameliorate symptoms in this
patient group, such as pain, fatigue, depression, and sleep. Further studies are highly needed.

cancer patients, postcancer survivors, neurofeedback, EEG biofeedback, psycho-oncology

Submitted August 28, 2018; revised January 27, 2019; accepted January 28, 2019

Introduction disorders.1 Neurofeedback is an innovative complementary

and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy that is scientifi-
According to Micoulaud-Franchi et al, the technique of cally based.4 It allows the brain to learn and relearn self-
electroencephalographic neurofeedback (EEG NF) emerged regulation skills,5 which have clinical relevance, because
in the 1970s and it measures a subject’s EEG signal, pro- brain wave modulation leads to symptomatic changes.4
cesses it in real time, extracts a parameter of interest, and Biofeedback, by which NF is included, works as a psycho-
presents this information in visual or auditory form. The physiological intervention through the mediation of cogni-
goal is to enable a behavioral modification by modulating tive changes,6 such as the improvement of self-efficacy7 and
brain activity using concept of “voluntary control.”1(p. 423)
Previous studies in the 1960s confirmed that alpha-blocking
could indeed be conditioned2,3 and that EEG synchroniza- 1
Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, LVR Hospital
tion as well as behavior could be modulated through oper- Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
ant conditioning.1 Neurofit Academy for Therapy and Training, Krefeld, Germany
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Essen, University of
Neurofeedback (NF) or EEG-biofeedback is a “noninva- Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
sive, drug-free form of brain training.”4(p. 318) The most com-
mon application of the NF technology is in stroke, epilepsies, Corresponding Author:
Madeleine Hetkamp, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, migraine, chronic Psychotherapy, LVR Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen,
insomnia, autism spectrum disorder, major depressive disor- Virchowstraße 174, Essen 45147, Germany.
der, anxiety disorders, addictive disorders, and psychotic Email: Madeleine.Hetkamp@uni-due.de

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further
permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Integrative Cancer Therapies

coping skills. A recent systematic review4 summarized the susceptibility toward negative emotions and is suggested as
NF training aimed to change the electroencephalographic marker of risk for major depressive disorder.26 In general
amplitude by the principles of operant and classical condi- terms, anxiety disorder is related to an increase in arousal.27
tioning. Othmer and Othmer observed that the brain often Emotional valence targets are relevant for major depressive
responded to the training much too quickly, for example, in disorder, which is characterized by emotional negative
rapid and unexpected state shifts and symptom relief, to rea- bias.28
sonably associate it with an operant conditioning reaction. According to Luctkar-Flude and Groll,4 NF also has “the
They assumed that the brain derived more information from potential to alleviate multiple long-term symptoms reported
the signal than induced from the operant conditioning alone. by cancer survivors and improve their quality of life.”4(p. 319)
They concluded that the brain in its executive function uses Global Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence
all given information for better regulation.8 For NF interven- (GLOBOCAN) 2012 reported there were 14.1 million new
tions, there are diverse approaches and protocols that can be cancer cases, 8.2 million cancer deaths, and 32.6 million
used. cancer survivors (within 5 years of diagnosis) in 2012 world-
Few studies have investigated the use of NF in the con- wide.29 In the United States, cancer death rates have declined
text of psychosomatic illnesses, for example, to alter the 20% from their peak in 1991 (215.1 per 100 000 population)
perception of pain. Gannon and Sternbach9 found increased to 2009 (173.1 per 100 000 population).30 This decline in
alpha activity (8-12 Hz) after training in a headache patient cancer mortality has contributed to an increased life expec-
case study related to decreased intensity and duration of the tancy. The numbers of cancer survivors and long-term can-
headaches. Studies examining the effects of NF on chronic cer survivors have increased even more than those of new
pain conditions such as fibromyalgia,10,11 trigeminal neural- cases in well-developed regions. For Europe only, there
gia,12 and complex regional pain syndrome type 113 reported were an estimated 3.45 million new cases of cancer and 1.75
reductions in pain intensity, fatigue, depression, and anxi- million cancer deaths in 2012.31 As a consequence, there are
ety. Several reviews and studies reported alleviation of probably approximately 32 million people worldwide (2012)
fatigue4,14 and cognition4 by biofeedback. who have had cancer in their lives.32 According to de Moor
There are many trials of efficacy of EEG NF in the fields et al,33 approximately 13.7 million cancer survivors were
of neurology and psychiatry, but many studies have signifi- living in the United States. Sixty-four percent of this popula-
cant methodological weaknesses.15 According to tion have survived 5 years or more; 40% have survived 10
Micoulaud-Franchi et al, the following criteria are manda- years or more; and 15% have survived 20 years or more after
tory: (1) “a study design with controlled, randomized, and diagnosis. The authors suggest that, over the next decade,
open or blind protocol,” (2) “a primary endpoint related to the number of people who have lived 5 years or more after
the disorder treated and assessed with standardized mea- cancer diagnosis will increase approximately 37%.33
surement tools,” and (3) “an identifiable EEG neurophysi- However, the usage of NF as integrative (psycho-onco-
ological target, under-pinned by pathophysiological logical) treatment in cancer or postcancer therapy is rare.
relevance.”1(p. 425) Luctkar-Flude and Groll describe that common physical
It is assumed that oscillatory activity of neural popula- and psychological symptoms experienced by cancer patients
tions represents a major communication mechanism of the and cancer survivors are fatigue, cognitive impairment,
brain16 and is related to cognitive functions.17 Abnormal pain, anxiety, and depression. The review investigation by
oscillatory activity has been associated with psychiatric and Luctkar-Flude and Groll on fatigue and/or cognitive impair-
psychological disorders. According to Micoulaud-Franchi ment shows the retrieval of only one single completed
et al,1 neurophysiological targets can be generally classified study, which investigated effectiveness of NF in the field of
into 3 categories according to 3 general mechanisms: (1) cancer survivors.4 This demonstrates that the oncology field
arousal,18 (2) emotional valence,19 and (3) sleep.20 The par- has not yet evaluated this therapy. This review addressed
ticular clinical context can be used to determine the neuro- nonspecific cancer-related symptoms but general fatigue
physiological target selected for use with NF. On this and cognition. However, it has been shown that NF is effec-
occasion, arousal level can be related to the EEG power in tive in these symptoms. A transfer into practice is missing
certain spectral bands.18,21 For example, Haenschel et al so far. Though NF has the potential to improve symptoms in
could show that an increase in central frontal beta band (13- cancer patients and cancer survivors, there is still a lack of
30 Hz) can be related to an increase in arousal.22 An increase NF investigations in this patient group.
in central frontal theta (4-8 Hz) band is related to a decrease Cancer patients suffer symptoms like pain, fatigue,
in arousal with subjective sleepiness23 and an increase in cognitive impairment, anxiety, and depression.4 Falquez
occipital alpha (8-12 Hz) can be related to a relaxed state.24 et al could show in a brain imaging investigation with
Emotional valence has been related to EEG power asym- brain tumor patients compared to healthy controls address-
metry in frontal lobes.25 An increase in alpha power in the ing emotional reappraisal of arousal and valence that sev-
left compared to the right frontal cortex has been related to eral cerebral regions (right superior frontal gyrus, right
Hetkamp et al 3

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and the anterior cingulate We additionally performed a hand search through poten-
cortex) were associated with cancer patient’s impaired tially relevant articles cross-cited in search results and
downregulation of arousal.34 The ability to reappraise the inspected the reference list of a recently published review in
emotional impact of events is related to long-term mental the field of NF therapy.4 A study was eligible for inclusion
health. According to the authors, the development of evi- in this review if it (1) reported on cancer patients or cancer
dence-based NF training would be of prime importance in survivors or patients with malignant tumors; (2) reported
patients suffering from depression, emotional dysregula- results of randomized controlled trials, nonrandomized con-
tion, and other types of postcancer impairments.34 Prinsloo trolled trials, controlled before and after studies, cohort,
et al also see NF as a noninvasive tool in the treatment of case control, or descriptive studies that assessed effective-
cancer patients. The authors argued that in cancer patients, ness of EEG biofeedback or NF therapy; and (3) was writ-
pain may be caused by numerous reasons such as tumor ten in English. We excluded editorials, study protocols,
progression, invasive treatments, infections, and general- reviews, expert opinion papers, and studies published as
ized fatigue. These include various inflammatory, neuro- abstracts only.
pathic, ischemic, as well as compression mechanisms. In This article’s first and second authors independently
addition, cancer pain may be an important predictor of assessed study eligibility following standardized eligibility
survival, which can enable the progression of metastatic criteria (see flowchart in Figure 1). The first author screened
disease. They conclude that NF is a potentially effective, all search results by scanning article titles and abstracts.
noninvasive, and economical tool in order to manage can- Afterwards, the 2 authors assessed and judged the full texts
cer impairments through modulating neural pathways.35 of potentially relevant studies with respect to eligibility.
The purpose of this review will be to explore the effect Interrater reliability was very good with κ = .97. Duplicate
of NF on various impairments and long-term symptoms publications or overlapping reports were excluded from fur-
commonly experienced by cancer survivors. So far, there ther analysis. The primary reviewer extracted data from the
is no such review that deals with various cancer impair- 6 included studies using an a priori developed data extrac-
ments. The present systematic review seeks to summarize tion form. Extracted data were transferred to synopsis tables
electroencephalographic NF evidence in cancer and can- to synthesize relevant data. The results were presented in
cer survivors. We will address the following main research separate tables by study design, experimental versus obser-
questions: vational studies and case reports. The extracted data
included the following specific details of significance to the
1. Is EEG NF an intervention to alleviate cancer and review questions and objectives: reference, study design,
postcancer impairments? patient population/sample, NF intervention (systems, proto-
2. Does EEG NF modify cancer-related symptoms by cols, number of sessions), outcome measures, results, con-
modulating brain activity in cancer or postcancer clusions, and limitations. Given the heterogeneity of the
patients? intervention systems and protocols, no meta-analysis was
3. Finally, which NF systems, approaches, and/or pro- conducted.
tocols have demonstrated effectiveness for manage-
ment of cancer or postcancer impairments?
Method Findings
Data collection, reporting, and discussion were conducted Our search resulted in 37 eligible records. We eliminated 4
according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic duplicate records and excluded 24 records from further
Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement.36,37 analysis during the screening process. From the remaining
9 studies, we excluded 3 studies, because they did not fulfil
eligibility criteria (see Figure 1). Finally, we included 6
Information Sources and Search studies in this systematic review. Distribution of NF studies
In conducting this systematic review, we followed the examining cancer patients is also presented in Figure 1.
guidelines of the PRISMA statement.36,37 The research team Three experimental studies (see Table 1), 1 observational
had experience in review methodologies. Inclusion criteria study (see Table 2), and 2 case reports (see Table 3) were
were defined a priori. A comprehensive systematic search synthesized in this review.
of 4 databases was conducted: PubMed, PsycINFO,
PSYNDEX, and EBSCOhost. The search terms used were
neurofeedback or biofeedback or EEG biofeedback, and
Characteristics of the Included Studies
cancer or cancer patients or post-cancer patients or cancer The 6 included studies were published in English between
survivor or cancer impairments or tumor. 2013 and 2018 in 2 countries. Five of the studies were
4 Integrative Cancer Therapies

Figure 1. PRISMA search decision flow chart.

conducted in the United States38-42 and one in the comparative analysis and associated with report of symp-
Netherlands.43 The study by Prinsloo et al (2018) represents toms. They argued that treating one brain region with NF
the follow-up analysis of the study published in 2017.40 All should lead to changes in other brain regions due to the
experimental studies were randomized controlled trials large amount of connectivity between brain regions. Albeit
(RCTs).40,41,43 The observational studies consisted of 1 pre- not of the same magnitude of the change in the target region,
post study38 and 2 case reports.39,42 NF would lead to improvements in areas such as general
Three studies reported on results of patients with breast health, fatigue, and sleep, even if these regions were not
cancer,38,39,42 2 studies on populations with heterogeneous directly targeted.41 They also expected a greater effect of
diverse cancer epidemiology, but more than 71% breast NF by targeting different regions that may be more directly
cancer survivors.40,41 One study was conducted with pediat- associated with symptoms such as fatigue or sleep distur-
ric brain tumor survivors.43 Sample sizes ranged from 71 to bances.41 Two of the included studies used better replicable
82 for the experimental studies and from 1 to 23 for the protocols with fixed sensor placements without qEEG
observational studies. Participant ages ranged from 8 to 80 (Flexyx Neurotherapy System and NeurOptimal Nonlinear
years. There was heterogeneity of primary outcome, for dynamic approach).38,39 One case report employed a system
example, pain, quality of life (QOL), fatigue, and cognitive that involves a NF intervention supplemented by minutely
impairments. pulsed electromagnetic stimulation.39 Interventions ranged
from 10 to 100 NF sessions 1 to 2 times per week, with most
studies reporting 20 sessions twice per week.
Neurofeedback Interventions Used in the
Included Studies
Effect on Cancer-Related Pain/Symptoms/
A variety of NF systems and technologies were used in the
included studies. The investigators of the University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center used a 19-electrode All the included studies except the pediatric record reported
EEG cap with individual sensor placement for training by positive results for cancer-related symptoms, such as pain,
Table 1. Data Extraction Experimental Studies.
Author/Date/ Patient Population/
No. Country Study Design Sample Neurofeedback Intervention Outcome Measures Results Conclusions Limitations

1 Prinsloo et al RCT with wait- n = 71 cancer •• EEGer software (EEG Self-reports: •• The NF group •• NF appears to •• Diverse cancers
(2017),40 list control survivors with Education and Research) •• Brief Pain Inventory demonstrated greater result in long- epidemiology (73% breast
USA period (after 4 CIPN (87% based on a qEEG (BPI) improvement than the term reduction cancer)
months) female) •• Sensor placement •• Pain Quality controls on the BPI in CIPN •• No cancer-related
n = 30 exp. individual for each Assessment Scale worst-pain item (primary symptoms. symptoms
n = 32 WLC participant by (PQAS) outcome). •• Lack of a placebo control
41-80 years comparative analysis and •• Clinically important group
associated with report of change •• No analysis of current use
symptoms EEG neuroimaging for of medications
•• LORETA sensor placement •• Not easy to replicate
•• minimum 2×/week due to individual sensor
•• 20 sessions placement
2 Prinsloo et al RCT with wait- n = 71 cancer •• EEGer software based Self-reports: •• Linear mixed model •• NF appears •• Fluctuating sample size;
(2018),41 list control survivors with on a qEEG •• Brief Pain Inventory analysis revealed to result in at the 1-month time
USA period with CIPN (87% •• Sensor placement (BPI) significant group × time long-term point, only 60% of the
1-month and female) individual for each •• Pain Quality interaction for pain reduction in NF group and 41% of the
4-month n = 30 exp. participant by Assessment Scale severity. multiple CIPN WLC group completed
follow-up n = 32 WLC comparative analysis and (PQAS) •• A general linear model symptoms and assessments; at 4-month
41-80 years associated with report of •• Clinically important determined that the improved post- time point, 77% of the
symptoms change NF group had greater chemotherapy NF group and 88% of the
•• LORETA •• Cancer-related improvements in worst QOL, fatigue, WLC group completed
•• minimum 2×/week symptoms using pain (primary outcome) and symptom assessments
•• 20 sessions the MD Anderson and other symptoms such interference. •• Diverse cancers
Symptom Inventory as numbness, cancer- epidemiology (77% breast
(MDASI) related symptom severity, cancer)
•• Medical Outcomes symptom interference, •• Lack of a placebo control
Study 36-Item Short physical functioning, group
Form Survey (SF-36) general health, and •• No analysis of current use
•• Brief Fatigue Inventory fatigue compared to of medications
(BFI) the WLC group at the •• Not easy to replicate
•• Pittsburgh Sleep end of treatment and due to individual sensor
Quality Index (PSQI) after 4 months (all P < placement
EEG neuroimaging for .05). Effect sizes were
sensor placement moderate or large for
most measures.


Table 1. (continued)

Author/Date/ Patient Population/

No. Country Study Design Sample Neurofeedback Intervention Outcome Measures Results Conclusions Limitations

3 de Ruiter et al Double-blind n = 82 PBTS with •• Portable Brainquiry Neuropsychological •• The results of this trial •• The results •• Patients were selected
(2016),43 the randomized neurocognitive NF with BioExplorer assessment reveal no positive effects indicated based on parent-reported
Netherlands placebo- complaints, software Self-/parent- and/or for NF over placebo no specific complaints, not based on
controlled trial >2 years •• At home or school teacher-reports: feedback on any of the treatment- objective measures
with 6-months posttreatment •• Sensor: Cz •• KIDSCREEN-27 primary and secondary effects •• The results of the
follow-up n = 34 exp. •• Selection of most quality of life measure outcomes. of NF on objective neurocognitive
n = 37 PC favorable training (Beta for children and •• In both groups, PBTS neurocognitive tests suggest that
8-18 years 1 up/SMR up/Sindles adolescents improved over time on functioning of participants may have
down) based on qEEG •• Dutch version the majority of primary PBTS. been at greater risk for
•• 2×/week of the Strengths and some secondary neurocognitive late effects
30 sessions and Difficulties outcome measures, with than nonparticipants
Questionnaire (SDQ) small to medium effects. •• Lack of transfer sessions
for social-emotional to enhance generalization
functioning from the training setting
•• Manual of the Self into daily life
Perception (CBSK, •• Sessions at home or
CBSA) school
•• Behavior rating
inventory of executive
•• Fatigue, attention in
daily life. and sleep

Abbreviations: NF, neurofeedback; RCT, randomized controlled trial; CIPN, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; exp., experimental group; WLC, wait-list control group; PC, placebo control; EEG,
electroencephalogram; qEEG, quantitative electroencephalogram; LORETA, low-resolution electromagnetic tomography; PBTS, pediatric brain tumor survivors; SMR, sensorimotor rhythm; QOL, quality of life.
Table 2. Data Extraction Observational Study.

Author/Date/ Population/ Neurofeedback
No. Country Study Design Sample Intervention Outcome Measures Results Conclusions Limitations
1 Alvarez et al Pre-post with Breast cancer •• NeurOptimal Self-reports: •• Initially the sample showed •• Breast cancer •• Sample was
(2013),38 wait-list survivors Nonlinear •• Functional serious dysfunction on all survivors showed small, exclusively
USA control n = 23 dynamic (NDL) Assessment of measures compared to significant baseline Caucasian, and
period 43-70 years approach Cancer Therapy population norms. impairments in self- female
•• Sensors: C3,C4 (FACT-Cog) •• At posttest, the sample no reported cognitive •• Serial
•• 2×/week •• Functional longer differed significantly function and fatigue neuropsychological
•• 20 sessions Assessment of from the normative as compared with a testing and
Chronic Illness populations on 3 of 4 normal population. functional
Therapy–Fatigue FACT-Cog measures and •• After 20 sessions neuroimaging were
(FACIT-Fatigue) also the FACIT-Fatigue, of NF, their not performed
•• Pittsburgh Sleep and the psychological scales performance had
Quality Index as well as on 3 of 8 sleep improved to levels
(PSQI) scales. indistinguishable
•• Brief Symptom •• Repeated-measures from population
Inventory (BSI-18) ANOVAs revealed strongly norms.
significant improvements (P •• There were no
< .001) on all 4 cognitive dropouts from the
measures and the fatigue study.

Abbreviations: NF, neurofeedback; ANOVA, analysis of variance; EEG, electroencephalogram; qEEG, quantitative electroencephalogram.

Table 3. Data Extraction Case Reports.

Author/Date/ Population/ Neurofeedback Outcome
No. Country Study Design Sample Intervention Measures Results Conclusions Limitations
1 Nelson et al Case report A breast •• Flexyx Neurotherapy Self-reports: •• Alleviation of fatigue •• The woman showed •• Serial
(2016),39 cancer System (FNS), •• Revised Piper and other potentially alleviation of fatigue neuropsychological
USA survivor involves Fatigue Scale interrelated symptoms and symptoms like testing and
(female) minutely pulsed (RPFS) (cognitive clouding, cognitive clouding, sleep functional
45 years electromagnetic •• Center for sleep disturbance, pain, disturbance, pain, and neuroimaging were
stimulation (max 30 Epidemiologic and negative mood/ negative mood, and not performed
Hz) Studies– emotions) and overall overall greater activity •• No standardized
•• 19 scalp electrode Depression greater activity level was level. self-reported
sites Scale (CES-D) sustained at 6-month measure of
•• 1×/week •• Individual follow-up. symptoms or cancer
•• 10 sessions Symptom impairments
•• 11th session 1 month and Overall
afterwards Activity
Rating Scales
2 Prinsloo et al Case report A breast •• EEGer software Self-reports: •• Alleviation of neuropathy •• CIPN seems to respond •• Serial
(2014),42 cancer (EEG Education and •• Neuropathic was reported since NF. well to NF; however, neuropsychological
USA survivor Research) based on symptoms •• The training resulted visual changes secondary testing
with CIPN a qEEG on a numeric in a transient visual to chemotherapy •• No standardized
(female) •• Sensor placement by rating scale improvement. are seemingly not as self-reported of
60 years comparative analysis (NRS) •• From baseline to post- responsive as neuropathic symptoms or cancer
and associated with Pre and post EEG 20 session training, symptoms in other impairments
report of symptoms neuroimaging the authors were able regions of the body. •• Not easy to
(initial P3, P4; 9th (qEEG) to achieve an increase •• This case suggests replicate due to
session: F8, F4; final in alpha, which they that alpha increase individual sensor
protocol: T3, T4) hypothesized contributed after NF training did placement
•• LORETA to the client’s reported in fact correlate with
•• min. 2×/week improvement of CIPN. improvement in visual
•• 20 sessions symptom report.

Abbreviations: NF, neurofeedback; CIPN, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; EEG, electroencephalogram; qEEG, quantitative electroencephalogram; LORETA, low-resolution
electromagnetic tomography.
Hetkamp et al 9

QOL, fatigue, and cognitive impairments, measured by a Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Cognitive (FACT-Cog) and
variety of self-rating questionnaires. In addition, one study, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy–
a case report in a breast cancer survivor, achieved an Fatigue (FACIT-Fatigue) scales. Subjects demonstrated sig-
increase in the quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) nificant improvements on all cognitive measures (perceived
alpha bandwidth associated with improvement of symptom cognitive impairment, comments from others, perceived
report. cognitive abilities, and impact on QOL), the fatigue scale
In the pilot study and analysis by Prinsloo et al (2017) and the psychological scales (somatization, depression,
and Prinsloo (2018),40,41 applying NF protocols resulted in anxiety, and global severity index), as well as on 6 of 8
improvement in pain measured by the worst-pain item of sleep scales. According to the authors, improvements were
the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) as the primary outcome. All generally linear across the course of training with 20 ses-
of the participants starting the NF program completed it. A sions and were maintained at the follow-up testing.
linear mixed model analysis revealed significant group × The NF protocol in Nelson and Esty’s39 case report in a
time interaction for pain severity. The NF group benefited 45-year-old female breast cancer survivor resulted in alle-
significantly over time, at the end of the treatment and even viation of cancer-related fatigue and symptoms like cogni-
after 1 month, compared to control. Furthermore, a general tive clouding, sleep disturbance, pain, and negative mood,
linear model determined that the NF group had greater and an overall greater activity level was sustained at
improvements in reducing worst pain and other symptoms 6-month follow-up. The investigators used a variant of elec-
such as numbness, cancer-related symptom severity, symp- troencephalograph NF that involves minutely pulsed elec-
tom interference, physical functioning, general health, and tromagnetic (EM) stimulation of brain wave functioning,
fatigue compared to the wait-list control group at the end of which was administered in 10 weekly sessions.
treatment and after 4 months (all P < .05). The authors The other case report in a 60-year-old female breast can-
found moderate or large effect sizes for most measures. cer survivor was submitted by the authors (Prinsloo et al42).
Neurofeedback appears to result in long-term reduction in Alleviation of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropa-
multiple chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy thy was reported since NF. The training resulted in a tran-
(CIPN) symptoms and improved post-chemotherapy QOL sient visual improvement. The results indicated that
and fatigue. chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy seems to
The single pediatric double-blind randomized placebo- respond to NF; however, visual changes secondary to che-
controlled trial43 showed no effectiveness of the NF inter- motherapy are seemingly not as responsive as neuropathic
vention used on neurocognitive functioning in pediatric symptoms in other regions of the body. Furthermore, from
brain tumor survivors (PBTS). The investigators used a por- baseline to post-20 session training, the authors were able to
table NF system at home or school as well as selection of achieve an increase in alpha, which they hypothesized con-
most favorable training based on qEEG and had a neuropsy- tributed to the client’s reported improvement of CIPN. This
chological assessment. Patients were selected based on case study suggests that alpha increase after NF training
parent-reported complaints. The results of this trial reveal could correlate with improvement in visual symptom report.
no positive effects for NF over placebo neurofeedback (the
treatment modules were not based on the desired brain
waves from the patients but on random generated signals) Discussion
on any of the primary and secondary outcomes. Similar
Summary and Interpretation of Results
improvements were found over time for the 2 treatment
groups, NF training and placebo training, on the primary This is the first systematic review assessing the effects of
neurocognitive outcomes (all P > .15). In both groups, NF on various impairments and long-term symptoms that
PBTS improved over time on the majority of primary and are common in cancer patients.
some secondary outcome measures (eg, QOL), with small The aim of this review was (1) to investigate whether
to medium effects. These results indicated no specific treat- EEG NF is an intervention that can alleviate cancer and
ment-effects of NF on neurocognitive functioning in this postcancer impairments, (2) to describe the effect of NF
trial. modifying cancer-related symptoms by modulating brain
A nonlinear dynamical training was reported in a pre- activity in cancer or postcancer patients, and (3) to describe
post study with a wait-list control by Alvarez et al.38 The NF systems, approaches, and/or protocols that have demon-
authors demonstrated significant improvements in cogni- strated effectiveness for management of cancer or postcan-
tion and fatigue in a sample of breast cancer survivors expe- cer impairments.
riencing serious cognitive impairment and fatigue Despite several limitations, we can conclude that all the
(self-reports) following cancer treatment. At posttest, the included studies, except one record in pediatric cancer sur-
sample no longer differed significantly from the normative vivors, reported positive results of NF therapy for cancer-
population on 3 of 4 cognitive measures on the Functional related symptoms. In addition, a case report achieved a
10 Integrative Cancer Therapies

modulation of brain activity by an increase in qEEG alpha weaknesses. So far, few RCTs have been published. Beyond
bandwidth associated with improvement of symptom the 3 experimental records, we found one study protocol in
report. Regarding the third aim of this review, we found our research, in which analyses are still pending.45 The
various inconsistent NF systems, approaches, and proto- authors investigate postoperative pain reduction in lung
cols. Interestingly, all included studies are reported in the cancer patients in a randomized controlled trial design,
last 5 years. intervention versus usual care, and they use for example the
The most common use of NF training as a noninvasive, international EORTC QLQ-C30 for quality of life. Our
drug-free therapy is in the neurology, psychology, and psy- review also makes clear that there is little international
chiatric fields. Evidence of the effectiveness of this tech- research so far and there is little unity in the use of self-
nique is available in many areas, for example, major report instruments. In the reported studies, various inconsis-
depressive disorder and anxiety disorders. NF has clinical tent questionnaires and outcome parameters were used.
relevance in various explored fields. As a scientifically Common symptoms, such as pain and fatigue, appear to be
based complementary and alternative medicine therapy alleviated by NF, although not uniformly or standardized
based on classical and operant conditioning, we should use measured.
these results and extend them to other areas. NF allows the Cancer patients typically suffer symptoms like pain,
brain to learn self-regulation skills and has influence on fatigue, cognitive impairment, anxiety, and depression. This
self-efficacy. Windthorst et al conclude that NF is easily and review generally indicates that these symptoms can be alle-
efficiently feasible within a circumscribed number of ses- viated despite inconsistent measurements and methodologi-
sions. Patients report high acceptance and the procedure is cal weaknesses. NF builds a drug-free task with few side
very symptom-specific and easy to learn.44 According to the effects to alleviate common impairments in this patient
authors, biofeedback therapy provides a motivating group. It is important to note that in clinical practice many
approach especially for predominantly somatic or body- cancer patients, especially patients with CIPN, cannot exert
oriented patients. Self-effective behavior and treatment suc- any physical activity to improve their symptoms.
cesses are quickly visible and can increase the commitment Consequently, NF could be a resource-saving alternative
and the adhesion for the general cancer treatment. therapy.
Furthermore, the increasing development and availability Only one case report analyzed the pre and post qEEG
of portable biofeedback devices significantly improve the data as primary outcome measure for associations or inter-
applicability and generalization capabilities beyond thera- vention effects potentially associated with the
peutic institutions. The results of this review demonstrate NF-intervention and reported an increase of the alpha band-
some evidence that EEG NF has the potential to ameliorate width. The authors were able to achieve an increase in
symptoms in cancer patients and cancer survivors, even if alpha, which they hypothesized is associated with the
data are very rare in this area. So, we can confirm the first improvement. It is known that anxiety disorders are related
research question of this review. Due to the increase of the to an increase of arousal and emotional valence targets are
absolute number of new cases of cancer during the last relevant for depressive disorder. It can be assumed that
decades, as well as the numbers of cancer survivors and changes in cancer-related depression and anxiety involve
long-term cancer survivors, there would be a benefit of a similar changes in qEEG. Pre/post qEEG changes are a
drug-free intervention with minimal side effects. Cancer valid and reliable measure and would contribute to stan-
patients experience various symptoms as long-term and late dardization. To delineate the mechanisms behind the effect
effects of the cancer and its treatment, especially chemo- of NF in cancer or postcancer patients, more research is
therapy. This review provides evidence that symptoms like needed.
pain, fatigue, low QOL, cognitive impairments, sleep dis- Unfortunately, no comparisons to other drug-free inter-
turbances, and psychological strain can be modulated by ventions were found, though, for example, mindfulness-
NF therapy in cancer patients. However, the potential has based stress reduction programs have been applied in the
not yet been exhausted in this patient cohort. It is important treatment of a number of conditions, including cancer.
to translate the findings from other areas, such as neurology Besides the reduction of cancer symptoms, such as fatigue
and psychiatry, into research and practice with symptoms of or pain, mindfulness exercises also effect an increase of the
cancer patients and survivors. The number of cancer patients alpha band. According to several authors, NF trials should
is high, so this technique should be used to a greater extent. also be compared with other approaches that promote
The next step would be to apply NF to different tumor healthy brain self-regulation, such as physical activity and
entities. Most of the reviewed studies included breast can- mindfulness-based stress reduction.4,46
cer patients. The only one which did not was the pediatric Furthermore, we could not find uniform NF systems,
study. The results are difficult to compare because of the approaches, and protocols that have demonstrated effec-
selection of outcome measures and samples. Study designs tiveness for management of cancer or postcancer impair-
vary widely and we have found several methodological ments. One reason is certainly the rare use of this therapy in
Hetkamp et al 11

this field. Despite these limitations, the results of the studies forward. Study limitations should be addressed in future
in this review show the potential of NF as complementary research by using randomization and double-blinding, larger
and alternative medicine therapy in cancer patients and sample sizes to increase the quality of individual studies, as
survivors. well as uniform, international, and standardized measure-
ment instruments.
Limitations This review shows that further NF research in the field of
cancer therapy is needed to assess the efficacy and to
A limitation of this review is the small number of records. uncover the underlying mechanisms. In the long term, the
We found only 6 records. Methodological quality of the goal should be to alleviate the usual symptoms of this
majority of the studies was only moderate, with only one patient population and increase the quality of life. The
blinded RCT included. Two records were based on the same results will be important for noninvasive, drug-free symp-
study (one follow-up of the same cohort); 2 records were tom management in cancer survivors.
case reports. Confounding factors such as concurrent medi-
cation use or chemotherapies often were not described. Use Declaration of Conflicting Interests
of different outcome measurement tools as well as use of
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
few standardized, international questionnaires and a lack of
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
qEEG (pre/post) as outcome measure limit the ability to article.
make comparisons between different NF protocols and
approaches. Besides, the diversity of NF approaches and Funding
systems makes it difficult to categorize and explain the
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
overall positive results.
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: We
acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Fund of the
Conclusion and Future Directions for University of Duisburg-Essen.
Research and Therapy
Despite several limitations, the overall positive findings sug-
Madeleine Hetkamp https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1028-0064
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