G12 Eng 2

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There are as many kinds of careers as there are various kinds of people They are greatly in the type of
work involved and in the ways they influence a person's life The kind of career you have can affect your
life in many ways. For example, it can determine where you live and the friends you make. It can
reflect/how much education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn Your career
can also affect the way you feel about yourself and the way other people act toward you. By making
wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you want. To make wise
career decisions and plans, you need as much information as possible. The more you know about
yourself and career opportunities, the better you will be able to choose a satisfying career. It is learned
that people differ in what they want from a career. Many people desire a high income. Some hope for
fame. Others want adventure. Still others want to serve people and make the world a better place.

Before you begin to explore career fields, you should determine your values; your interests; and your
aptitudes or abilities. Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their values interests, and aptitudes. Each
person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some
people - that is, wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their
thoughts, behaviour, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devotion
to religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others. People should understand their
values prior to making a career decision. You can develop an understanding of your values by asking
yourself what is most important to you and by examining your beliefs.

A. Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.(5 marks)

1. Where you live and the friends you make can ------------ by the kind of career you have.

2. Your career can influence your ---- about yourself and the way other people act toward you.

3. You need to --------- wide decisions concerning your career to help yourself build the life you want.

4. Much information --------- to make wise career decisions and plans.

5. People working in jobs that fit their values, interests, and aptitudes are ------than those who cannot.

B. Answer each question in one sentence.(5 marks)

6. What can affect your life in various ways?

7. What can the kind of career you have reflect and determine?

8. When will you be able to choose a satisfying career well?

9. What should you do before you begin to explore career fields?

10. How can you understand your values?

Rewrite the sentences and make them passive.(10 marks)

1. They are serving breakfast in the dining room.

2. They play rugby in all the Commonwealth countries.

3. You must clean your suit for the ceremony.

4. The authorities are opening the town health centre next week.

5. Nobody can beat Liverpool.

6. After John had repaired the car, he sold it.

7. Steven King wrote the book.

8. You should send the email today.

9. The doctor must examine you again.

10.The company has produced cars since the beginning of the century.

Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO") (5 marks)

1. I saw him..........on the bus yesterday afternoon (GET).

2. My sister had trouble..........her way around in the university halls. (FIND)

3. Students can't expect for things..........easy all the time. (BE)

4. Bill refused..........the youth club because he didn't like the young people there.(JOIN)

5. They were in the process of..........their afternoon tea when the investigators arrived. (HAVE)

6. Jake was wise enough..........back home after the weather had become worse. (GO)

7. The coast guard vessel passed by and saved him from..........(DROWN)

8.I didn't have the courage..........her after such a long time. (FACE)

9. The chairman claims..........an expert on the subject. (BE)

10. Mom helped Susan..........her belongings. (FIND)

Fill in the correct form of the verb given. (5 marks)

1. After Maria..........her studies, she plans to work in her father's firm (FINISH).
2. By the time I go to bed I..........the work for the day. (COMPLETE)

3. When Jane saw the snake at her feet she..........(SCREAM)

4. I.........to the library four times this month, but I..........a single book. (BE, NOT BORROW)

5. While I..........in class yesterday I got the hiccups. (SIT)

6. Before I started the car, all passengers..........their seatbelts. (FASTEN)

7. After they..........the race they started to celebrate. (WIN)

8. A small stone struck the window while we..........down the road. (DRIVE)

9. I..........all the questions since the officers started their interrogation. (ANSWER)

10. My grandfather..........in such an airplane before. (NEVER FLY)

Match the words in the left column with their synonyms. (10 marks)

1.precision A.viewpoint

2.mistake B.accuracy

3.advantage C.labour

4.attitude D.benefit

5.custom E.approval

6.work F.habit

7.quarrel G.harbour

8.information H.argue

9.confirmation I.error

10.port J.data

VI. Write an essay (at least 200 words) on one of the following. (10 Marks)

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