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BEC Private High School ,Hmawbi

Entrance Test for G 11 Students

Time allowed:1 hr
I .Read the passage.
These are some advantages and disadvantages of living in a city. Of course, life in
a city has many
disadvantages. First, the cost of living is much higher with expensive market
prices, bus fares and
the high cost of buying or renting accommodation. In addition, the city is dirty:
there are often
piles of refuse on street corners and we can never be sure that our water is clean.
Perhaps the
worst thing about the city is the noise and the crowds. Sometimes, you can't walk
down the
street, there are so many people and then there are police sirens, cars hooting,
street vendors
shouting. All of these can be very stressful and mean that it is difficult for
people to relax.
On the other hand, there are very good reasons why people come to the city. If you
are willing to
work hard and if you have ability, you can earn far more than in the city than in
the countryside
.All the top jobs are in the city: in the government, business, hospitals,
education and so on. The
countryside doesn't offer nearly the same opportunities for young ambitious people.
One final
point is that life is never dull in the city as there are cinemas, shops, cafes,
stadiums and many
other things to entertain us and where we can make new friends. In a village, there
is a little to
do and you most only come across people you known since you were born. In
conclusion, while
cities can be expensive, dirty and stressful many people like to live in a city as
there are many
strengths and advantages of living in a city.
A. Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.(5 marks)
1. In a city, the ………… the market prices, the higher the cost of living.
2. Piles of refuse make a city …………. .
3. Living in a city is not peaceful and quiet as it is …………… and crowded.
4. If you want to ………… more money, you have to work harder and need ability.
5. Young ambitious people can have better ………… in a city than in the countryside.
B. Answer each question in one sentence. (5 marks)
6. Why is the cost of living in a city high?
7. What is the worst thing about the city?
8. What make people in the city difficult to relax?
9. Why can a city offer more opportunities for young ambitious people than the
10. Where do you want to live -in the city or in the countryside and why?

II. Rewrite the sentences and make them passive. (10 marks)
1. People say that the strike will end soon.
2. How did you make this delicious meal?
3. They are repairing the church bells at the moment.
4. They haven’t seen him since last week.
5. Someone has already paid the workers
6. The referee will stop the match if the weather gets worse.
7. After they had shut the doors, nobody could get in.
8. Pupils must not step on the freshly cut lawn.
9. The organizers of the event welcomed the president.
10. Farmers have grown wheat in this part of the country for decades.
III. Fill in the correct form: Gerund or infinitive (with or without “to”) (10
1. I don’t think it’s a good idea ………… ………… him about his responsibilities.( keep,
2. Why not ……….. to my place and have a drink or two. (come )
3. Maria felt it was her duty ……….. the argument. (end)
4. I won’t make David ……….. to the club if he doesn’t want to. (come)
5. There is not much sense in ………… through all the aspects of the treaty again.
6. My sister never misses a chance ……….. me how brave she is.(show)
7. You’re supposed ……….. your homework and not hang around in your room ………… to
(do, listen)
8. I am getting into a habit of ………. to myself when I am anxious. (talk)
9. The president seemed ………. carefully to what his advisors were telling him .
(listen )
10. Maggie was not surprised ………. that her uncle had lost all his money . ( hear,
11. You may ……… us if you want to.( join)
12. He would sooner ………. than ………… his friends. ( die, betray)
13. There was always the possibility of ……… into an old acquaintance, so I had to
be careful.
14. I don’t remember……….. you anything about his girlfriend. (tell)
15. The weather appears ……….. ………… better today,so we’ll reschedule the game for
afternoon. (be,get)
16. We plan ……….. to Europe by the end of the month. (return)
17. Dad let me ........... my own room. (decorate)
18. She ought ……… asked my advice before ……….. such a complex journey. (have ,
19. He always enjoys the chance of ……….. off to his friends. (show)
20. It was thoughtful of him …........ the tickets in advance. (book)

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10
1. …………. a famous person in his life? (Paul ever meet)
2. The teacher ………. something on the whiteboard when suddenly the headmaster ………..
the classroom. (write,burst)
3. My mum ………… at the office lately. She had got a cold. (not be)
4. The speaker ………. writing a letter to the chairman .Here it is. (just finish)
5. After they ……….. the top of the hill,they ……… a break. (reach , take)
6. The Romans ……….. roads some of which still exist today. (build)
7. I ………. to the disco for ages . Let’s go tomorrow. (not go )
8. ……….. your holidays in Greece? It’s a wonderful county.( you ever spend)
9. I ……….. my son to swimming practice every week. (drive)
10. We ………. a fantastic film on TV last night , but I ………... it’s name. (see, not
11. He told us that he ……… on a cruise trip before. ( never be)
12. Most of the world’s elephants ………. in Africa and Asia. (live)
13. The boss ………. to the mayor at the moment. You can’t interrupt him. (talk)
14. While Frank ………. the newspaper, Jill ……… breakfast. (read, prepare)
15. You ………. Tea , don’t you? (normally drink)
16. I ………. him in the past two weeks. Where ………. all the time? (not see , he be)
17. The headmaster punished the pupils because they ………. trouble a few weeks before
18. .I ………. in the garden the whole day yesterday. (work)
19. I ………. to call you last night , but you ……….. up the phone. ( try ,not pick)
20. I ……… for three hours now. There is still no sight for him. (wait)

V. Match the words in the left column with their synonyms. (10 marks)
Eg. 1. (f)
Column A. Column B
1. Boast. a. Clear
2. Examine b. Even
3. Distinct c. Handicapped
4. Forbid. d. Shiver
5. Pursue. e. Furious
6. Smooth. f. Brag
7. Gifted. g. Talented
8. Disabled h. Investigate
9. Angry. i. Observant
10. Shake. j. Prohibit
11. Attentive. k. Follow
VI. Write an essay (at least 300 words) on one of the following . (10 marks)
1. How I spent my summer holidays
2. Pros and cons of mobile phone
3. Health is wealth

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