11 Commerce Stream UPDATED NEW

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f) Workers employed, method of wage payment, training

programmes and facilities available.

g) Social responsibilities discharged towards workers ,
investors, society, environment and government.
h) Levels of management.
i) Code of conduct for employers and employees.
HINDI:- j) Capital structure employed - Borrowed v/s Owned.
k) Quality control , recycling of defective goods.
1-“भारत में जनसंचार माध्यमों का विकास” विषय पर विकास क्रम के
l) Subsidies available/ Availed.
अनुसार सवचत्र लेख तैयार करें । m) Safety measures employed.
2-वनम्नवलवखत विषय पर एक रचनात्मक लेख वलवखए। n) Working condition for labour in observation of labour
लोकतंत्र में मीविया की भूवमका laws.
3- पहली बार पुरस्कार वमलने के अनुभि को िायरी लेखन में वलखो। o) Storage of raw material and finished goods.
p) Transport management for employees, raw material and
4-आप वचककत्सक हैं राजकीय अस्पताल में वचककत्सक के पद हेतु आिेदन
finished goods.
के वलए एक स्ििृत तैयार कीवजए। q) Functioning of various departments and coordination
5- महारानी अवहल्याबाई होलकर के जीिन िृत पर एक सवचत्र लेख तैयार among them (Production human resource finance and
करें , वजसमें उनके जनकल्याण कायय भी सवममवलत हों। marketing).
r) Waste management . (s) Any other observation.
1. The increasing amount of time spent playing indoor games has been a COMPUTER SCIENCE
major cause of decreasing the outdoor appearance of children. With this Q1. Read the chapter Societal Impact(last chapter) also Write the various
concern, write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly in 150- type of Cyber attacks.
200 words. You are Parag/Pragati. Q2. What do you mean by Digital Right Management? Describe in Detail.
2. You are Ankit/Ankita. You have to deliver a speech on the topic PHYSICAL EDUCATION
“Education Gives One Power”. You have jotted down the following notes: Make a project file of Field and Equipment of any one IOA
Education trains mind—sharpens skill and abilities—Education: a source of Recognized Sports/Games of Choice.
power— improve self—be independent—earn money—ignorance to
knowledge—removes superstition—develops a free spirit—important for ACCOUNTS
women: gives them freedom from social ills—independent—responsible. Q1. Explain internal users of accounting information and their
Write your speech in 150-200 words. needs.
3. Practice MCQs of the chapters/poems given for PA-I . Q2. Explain the Liabilities. What are the Non- Current and Current
ECONOMICS:- Q3. Develop an Accounting Equation from the following
1. Problem of choice is unavoidable in the ordinary business of life. transaction:
How? 1., Mohan commenced business with cash 50,000
2. Explain the how the following impact the Production Possibility 2. Purchased goods for cash 30,000
Curve (use diagram):
3. Purchased goods on credit 20,000
(a) Massive unemployment in India
4. Sold goods(costing Rs. 10,000) for 12,000
(b) widespread flood in Kashmir
5. Bought furniture on credit 2,000
(c) implementing ‘Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan’ and ‘Skill India
6. Paid cash to a creditor 15,000
(d) implementing ‘Make in India Campaign’. 7. salary paid 1,000
3. How will you determine the consumer’s equilibrium, if MUX = Q4. A commenced his cloth business on 1st April,2020 with a
MUY occurs at more than one point. Use numerical example. capital of Rs. 30,000. On 31st ,March 2021 , his assets were
4. The government and policy makers use statistical data to worth Rs. 50,000 and liabilities of Rs. 10,000. Find out his
formulate suitable policies of economic development’. Illustrate costing capital and profit earned during the year.
with two examples. Q5. Give an example for each of the following type of
Hints: 1.For making employment policy. transaction :
2.To implement 'Poverty Alleviation Programme’. 1. Increase in one asset, decrease in another asset.
5. Market economies promote disparities in income distribution 2. Decrease in asset , Decrease in liability.
even when resources are optimally utilised. Substantiate this 3. Decrease in liabilities,increase in owner’s capital.
observation. 4. Increase in one liability,decrease in another liability.
Statistical methods are no substitute for common sense. Comment. 5. Increase in liabilities, decrease in owner’s capital.
Students have to find out the observation on the following
Visit to an industry
a) Nature of the business organisation.
b) Determinants for location of business unit
c) Form of business enterprises: Sole proprietorship ,
partnership, undivided Hindu family business, joint stock
d) Different stages of production.
e) Auxiliaries involved in the process.

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