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Publishing Date || 01 JUNE 2023 AGROBIOS NEWSLETTER

Factors/practices that degrade soil carbon of soil quality

level Water soluble carbon
 Changes in land cover  Easily degraded by microorganisms
 Deforestation  Significance of transport of nutrients
 Increased tillage  Plays key role in soil formation
 Unsustainable agriculture practices  Bio-geochemistry & redistribution with soil
Factors/practices that improve soil carbon depth
level Microbial biomass carbon
 Cover crops/green manure crops  Living portion of the soil organic matter
 Crop rotation  Comprises approximately 2% of the total organic
 Perennial forage crops matter
 Zero or reduced tillage  Easily dismissed as of minor importance in the
 Agroforestry soil
 Organic manures Permanganate oxidizable carbon
Soil organic carbon fractions  Reactive Carbon
 Particulate organic carbon  Readily degradable by microorganisms
 Water soluble carbon  Significantly related to particulate organic carbon,
soil microbial biomass carbon
 Permanganate oxidizable carbon
 More sensitive to management changes affecting
 Microbial biomass carbon soil C
 Humic substances  Used as an indicator of change produced by
Particulate organic carbon cropping and soil management practices that
manipulates SOM content.
 Coarse fraction of soil organic matter, Humic substances: Humic substances are
dominated with less than 53mm fraction relatively stable, high molecular weight, brown to
 More stable carbon pool black coloured substances formed by secondary
 Intermediate between fresh plant litter & synthesis reactions. These includes humic acid,
humified fulvic acid and humin.
 Important pool of available carbon, indicator


16. Soil Nutrient Mining

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The term “Nutrient Mining” is used when the confronting, ever since monocropping is replaced
quantity of soil nutrients removed by a crop from by multiple cropping. in the past, number of tools
an agricultural field exceeds the amount of the have been suggested to compute the magnitude
nutrient that is recycled back and/ or replenished of nutrient mining in both, spatial as well as
to the field. temporal domains. but, no universal method of
Mining of nutrients from soil is observed as assessing nutrient mining is so far followed, and
most pivotal factor towards factor productivity above all, such efforts are neither crop-based nor
of agriculture, proactively threatening the long- soil based. I have the following set of questions,
term sustainability. This is the issue, perhaps my dear friends to respond at your end. I am
both developing and developed countries are sure, your valuable inputs will unravel some
astonishing facts about nutrient mining.

 39 || VOL. NO. XXII, ISSUE NO. 01

AGROBIOS NEWSLETTER Publishing Date || 01 JUNE 2023

Intensive cropping systems remove other hand, could be considered as “regular

substantial quantities of plant nutrients from soil deposit” that is immediately available for use by
during continued agricultural production round the plants.
the year. The basic principle of maintaining the Maintenance of soil fertility requires that we
fertility status of a soil under high intensity crop use the “regular” deposits for crop production
production systems is to annually replenish those without significantly depleting the “fixed”
nutrients that are removed from the field. deposits. The largest minus in the nutrient
Indeed, this becomes more relevant in balance equation is the crop uptake and removal.
the absence of the measures for adequate Crop uptake and removal becomes synonymous
replenishment of the depleted nutrient pools when crop residues are largely removed from
through the removal of crop residues from the fields along with the harvest of the economic
agricultural fields (Sanyal 2014). products.
Nutrient mining causes a decline in the This is particularly true for most field crops
native soil fertility and may seriously jeopardize grown in India as there are a large number of
future food security of the country. Unfortunately, competitive uses of crop residues. Based on the
the concern for nutrient mining in Indian soils is achieved yields, crops remove nutrients from
largely limited to the scientific community and the soil and that constitutes the largest depleting
has not been integrated adequately with the factor of soil nutrients. Besides crop removal,
crop production practices. there are other avenues of losses of nutrients
The nutrient mining issues concern the from the soil such as volatilization, leaching,
nutrients that are less mobile in soils and erosion, run-off, etc.
have higher potential of staying in the soil. For These losses could contribute significantly
example, nitrogen (N) is highly mobile in the soil to the negative side of the nutrient balance
and has the highest probability, among the major equation under specific crop growing
nutrients, to be lost from the soil system through conditions. Volatilization of surface applied urea
volatilization and leaching, among others. in calcareous soils or leaching of K in coarse
The Indian soils, being in the sub-tropical textured soils are examples of typical growing
region coupled with the preponderance of tillage environment-induced losses of nutrients from
practices, are rarely sufficient in N. Nitrogen is soil that could be easily rectified by modifying
generally applied in adequate quantities to the the management decisions.
crops, and “nitrogen mining” is not frequently Such nutrient input-output information could
discussed as crop production relies more on be used to develop nutrient balance information
adequate external application through fertilizer/ at local, regional or national scale. This may help
manure sources rather than on the native in fertilizer application decision at the field scale
soil reserve of N. The input-output balance to fertilizer import and distribution policies at the
calculations for N, at the regional or the national regional or the national scale.
scale, generally show positive balance in soils Nutrient depletion in soils adversely
(Katyal 2001). affects soil quality and reduces crop yield and
consequently poses a potential threat to global
Nutrient Mining – Balancing “Additions” and food security and agricultural sustainability.
“Removals” With an emphasis on human-induced nutrient
depletion, this paper described the causality
The biggest entry on the plus side of the nutrient
among soil nutrient depletion, soil quality,
balance equation is the native soil reserve of a
crop production, socio-economic variables,
nutrient at any given point of time. The nutrients
and environmental condition. Then, global soil
may come from several sources including parent
nutrient budgets of nitrogen (N), phosphorus
material, irrigation water, crop residues, or as
(P), and potassium (K) were estimated for wheat
by-products of natural events. The other two
(Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa), maize
significant entries on the plus side are external
(Zea mays L.), and barley (Hordeum vulgare)
application of manures and fertilizer.
production for the year 2000. As a result, there
Although all the additions are dynamic were unbalanced fertilization with surplus N
in nature, the proportion of nutrient addition in some developing countries and insufficient
through irrigation water, crop residue, etc., to the inputs in many developing and all least developed
total reserve of a nutrient in a soil is low. This is countries. Globally, soil nutrient deficits were
particularly true for nutrients like K. In common estimated at an average rate (kg ha1 yr1) of 18.7
banking parlance, this could be considered N, 5.1 P, and 38.8 K, covering 59%, 85%, and 90%
as a “fixed deposit” that is saved for posterity. of harvested area in the year 2000, respectively,
Manures and fertilizer application to soil, on the and annual total nutrient deficit was 5.5 Tg (1 Tg

40 || VOL. NO. XXII, ISSUE NO. 01 

Publishing Date || 01 JUNE 2023 AGROBIOS NEWSLETTER
= 1012 g) N, 2.3 Tg P, and 12.2 Tg K, coupled with words, the degree of soil vulnerability varies
a total potential global production loss of 1,136 (Sanyal 2014).
Tg yr1. Besides socio-economic factors, the soil Multiple cropping systems and management
nutrient depletion can be attributed to insufficient practices adopted by farmers on numerous
fertilizer use, unbalanced fertilization, and soil types in the country further complicate
nutrient depletion-induced soil fertility problems. the nutrient mining scenario. Therefore, the
Soil fertility problems associated with human- allowable range of nutrient mining under variable
induced nutrient depletion are widespread climate-soil-crop-management domain needs to
worldwide. be assessed, at least at the regional scale.
Nutrient mining in agriculture cannot be A national effort to address the nutrient
avoided altogether. Indeed, different soils, mining may go a long way to maintain the quality
under similar cropping systems and comparable of our soils for the posterity and to ensure the
management practices, will differ considerably food security of the future generations.
in their inherent buffer powers to withstand the
stress arising from “nutrient mining”. In other


17. Biological Sickness of Agricultural

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Introduction properties is known as biological sickness of soil.

Monoculture over a long period of time reduces Biological Problems in Agricultural Soils
growth, yield and quality of many field crops. It
also builds up soil borne pathogen and parasite 1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial
populations coupled with a shift in composition population: The main source of energy
of soil microbial community. Soil microorganisms for soil microorganisms and a trigger for
are the key components of natural and agricultural nutrient availability through mineralization
ecosystems, which contribute to chemical and is SOC. Humus participates in aggregate
biological processes including break-down of stability, nutrient and water holding capacity.
organic matter, carbon and nitrogen cycles, Organic acids are commonly released from
stabilization of soil aggregates and degradation decomposing organic residues and manures
of environmental pollutants. The composition which prevents phosphorus fixation by clay
and abundance of soil microbes are controlled minerals and improve its plant availability,
by soil properties (Soil temperature, moisture, especially in soils of tropical and subtropical
aeration and pH), but also by higher plants region.
through rhizo deposition and accumulation of The reduced microbial biomass activity and
leaf and root debris. In this way, plants promote nutrient mineralization is due to shortage of
the development of beneficial microbes such as energy sources which is mainly due to the
nitrogen fixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. direct effect of poor SOC. Reduced aggregate
On the contrary, it also favours the spread of stability, drainage, airflow and infiltration in
soil-borne pathogens, plant parasitic nematodes non-calcareous soils. Low SOC results in
and deleterious rhizobacteria. The assumption less diversity in soil biota with a risk of the
that soil sickness is due to the accumulation of food chain equilibrium being disrupted,
pathogens in the soil which was proposed after which can cause disturbance in the soil
the observation that soil sterilization restores environment (Pest attack, disease spread
crop productivity in soil. Basically, soil sickness and accumulation of toxic substances).
caused by any microorganisms in the soil to 2. Earthworms: Earthworms play a key role in
deteriorate its physical, chemical and biological

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