Ms. Payal Malhotra Lesson Plan 2022-23

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Lesson Plan

Subject: E.V.S
Class- 3
Time : 40 Minutes
Dates: Test-3 (OCTOBER)

Learning Aim: The students will be able to –

● Identify the parts of a bird.
● Understand the factors that help a bird to fly.
● Define the two types of movements i.e. upstroke and downstroke.
● Differentiate between down feathers and flight feathers.

Prerequisite Knowledge (Pre-Concepts/Previous Knowledge, Recall)

➔ Students are aware that birds are the only animals that have feathers.
➔ Students have basic knowledge about how the birds fly.

Specific objective Sub topic Teaching Learning Strategies

To enable the Parts of a bird

students to The teacher will give basic introduction
identify the parts of the topic by using interactive
of a bird. method. She will make the students
identify the parts of a bird with the help
of a toy bird.
The teacher will even explain them,
why birds need to eat a lot.

To enable the How do birds fly? The teacher will then explain about the
students to various factors that help birds to fly.
understand the She will use a PPT and a video to explain
factors which help the same.
the birds to fly.
The teacher will explain about the
To enable the Movement of the movement of the wings i.e. upstroke
students to define wings and downstroke.
the movement of
the wings.

To enable the Down feathers and She will even explain the students
students to flight feathers about the difference between the two
differentiate types of feathers i.e., down feathers
between down and flight feathers. The teacher will
feathers and flight show the sample of the feathers.
Art Integration Prepare a bird feeder using waste materials.

Teaching/Instructional Aids Please mention (URL of) videos, graphics,

ppt etc that you plan to use in your lesson.

Keywords/ Value Points/ New Values Incorporated:

1. Upstroke Birds are an important part of our
2. Downstroke environment. We must protect them. Use
3. Down feathers bird feeder to feed birds. Save nature.
4. Flight feathers

Motivational Strategy: Achiever of the Day, Diagram guru

‘Performer of the week’ – A child who performs well in the class, his/her photograph
will be pinned in the star. (Star kid of the week)

Assessment Techniques: 1. Quiz

2. Oral test
Homework / Class work: Please attach the assessments/ assignments to be given.
Reading of the lesson (till types of feathers).
Define the following:
a) Downstroke: When the wings move downward and forward.
b) Upstroke: When the wings move upward and backward.

A class test will be conducted at the end of the lesson.

Teacher’s Name: Ms. Payal Malhotra Date: 30th June 2022

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