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The total marks for this assignment is 10 Marks (5 Marks for presentation and 5Marks for

You are required to work in groups (maximum 5 students) to model and design a system for the
following mini projects. In the end you are required to produce an SRS Document by following
the right format. Here’s what your outline might look like:

1. Introduction

1.1 Problem statement and system Purpose

1.2 Intended Audience

1.3 Intended Use

1.4 Scope

1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

2. Overall Description

2.1 What is the software development methodology your are goinfg to adopt? Why?

2.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

3. System Features and Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

3.3 System Features

3.4 |How will you obtain data for your system? Mention and elaborate data sources for
your system

4. Modelling(Analysis)

4.1 Use structured system analysis and design approach:Include context, Level0 dfd, ERD and
three logic diagram

4.2 Apply Use case diagram from OOSAD, Class diagram, sequence diagram and any other two
logic diagram
5. Design(make sure to write the name of the software you use during the design process)

5.1Make the appropriate architecture of your system

5.2 Make appropriate designs (incuding physical design) based on your modelling

Overall structure of your SRS

Arrange all of your work in chapaters

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Overall Description

1.3 System Features and Requirement

1.4 Planning

 Perform cost-benefit analysis of your choosen work

Calculate NPV, ROI BEP

 Highlights the workbreakdown structure of your work

Draw a Ghannt chat, Pert chart and estinamte the critical path

Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4

Design and implementation strategy

The following are the Titles for the mini project

For SE students

1. Automated Data Extraction: AI algorithms can assist in the automated extraction and
processing of digital evidence from various sources, such as computers, mobile devices,
and cloud storage. These algorithms can identify and categorize relevant data, including
files, messages, images, and metadata, saving time and improving efficiency in the forensic
investigation process.

2. Image and Video Analysis: AI-powered image and video analysis techniques can be used
to analyze and enhance visual evidence. AI algorithms can detect and recognize objects,
faces, text, and other relevant elements within images and videos. This can aid in
identifying individuals, detecting tampering or forgery, and extracting critical information
from multimedia files.

3. Text and Speech Analysis: AI can be employed to analyze text and speech data. Natural
language processing (NLP) algorithms can extract information from text documents,
including emails, chat logs, and social media posts. Speech recognition algorithms can
transcribe and analyze recorded conversations, voicemails, and other audio evidence,
providing valuable insights for investigations.

4. Anomaly Detection: AI algorithms can detect anomalies and patterns in large volumes of
data, helping to identify suspicious activities or behaviors. For example, AI can analyze
network traffic logs to detect signs of unauthorized access or data exfiltration. It can also
identify unusual patterns in financial transactions or user behavior, aiding in the detection
of fraud or cybercrimes.

5. Machine Learning for Classification and Prediction: Machine learning techniques can be
applied to classify and predict various aspects of digital forensic investigations. AI
algorithms can learn from historical data to classify digital evidence, categorize files, or
identify potential indicators of criminal activities. They can also assist in predicting the
likelihood of certain events or behaviors based on patterns and trends in the data.

6. Data Linkage and Network Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze relationships and
connections between different entities and pieces of digital evidence. This includes
analyzing communication networks, social media connections, and financial transactions
to uncover hidden relationships and identify key individuals or groups involved in criminal

7. Data Visualization: AI-powered data visualization tools can help in presenting complex
forensic findings in a clear and comprehensible manner. These tools can generate visual
representations of data relationships, timelines, and other relevant information, aiding
investigators and legal professionals in understanding and presenting evidence effectively.

8. Data Integrity and Tampering Detection: AI algorithms can assist in detecting data
tampering or alterations by analyzing file metadata, checksums, and digital signatures.
They can help ensure the integrity of digital evidence and identify any potential
modifications made to files or data during the investigation process.

For HIS students

1. AI based solutions for medical imaging and diagnosis

AI system for personalize medicine and treatment planning

2. AI-based systems for drug discovery and development

3. AI based system for clinical decision support

4. AI based system for remote patient monitoring

5. AI in HER

6. AI for health monitoring and predictive analytics

7. AI for virtual assistance and chatbox

For CS students

1. An Artificial intelligence based system for identifying fake news

2. AI System for identifying face voice calls

3. AI-based system face recognition

4. AI based solution for tracking animal health

5. AI based system for Personalized Shopping, These recommendations are made in

accordance with their browsing history, preference, and interest

6. AI for project management

For IS students

1. AI-based solutions for classifying crops diseases in agriculture

2. AI based solution for opening Lab doors:Face recognition system

3. AI based systems for predicting future products to be sold together

4. AI based system for transforming the the existing supply chain systems

5. AI based system for tracking fake reviews: Many customers prefer to buy a product or
service based on customer reviews. AI can help identify and handle fake reviews.

6. AI based solutions for identifying similar users on intagram, recommending people you
can follow

For CE

1. AI based system for recommending similar friend products eg. In amazon

2. AI based system for monitoring shop inventory

3. AI based system for predicting the amount of energy use on smartgrid

4. Artificial Intelligence system for identifying defects and nutrient deficiencies in the soil.

5. AI based gaming system: AI can be used to create smart, human-like game to interact with
the players.

6. AI based system for detecting software bug and cyber-attacks


1. Automated Data Extraction:.

2. Image and Video Analysis:

3. Text and Speech Analysis

4. Anomaly Detection:

5. Machine Learning for Classification and Prediction: Machine learning techniques

can be applied to classify and predict various aspects of digital forensic
investigations. AI algorithms can learn from historical data to classify digital
evidence, categorize files, or identify potential indicators of criminal activities.
They can also assist in predicting the likelihood of certain events or behaviors based
on patterns and trends in the data.
6. Data Linkage and Network Analysis: AI algorithms can analyze relationships and
connections between different entities and pieces of digital evidence. This includes
analyzing communication networks, social media connections, and financial
transactions to uncover hidden relationships and identify key individuals or groups
involved in criminal activities.

7. Data Visualization: AI-powered data visualization tools can help in presenting

complex forensic findings in a clear and comprehensible manner. These tools can
generate visual representations of data relationships, timelines, and other relevant
information, aiding investigators and legal professionals in understanding and
presenting evidence effectively.

8. Data Integrity and Tampering Detection: AI algorithms can assist in detecting data
tampering or alterations by analyzing file metadata, checksums, and digital
signatures. They can help ensure the integrity of digital evidence and identify any
potential modifications made to files or data during the investigation process.


1. AI based systems for threat detection and prediction

2. AI-based for anomaly detction

3. AI based system for Malware detection

4. AI based system for user identification and biometric

5. AI solutions for security analytics

6. Security operations and incidence response

7. AI for threat intelligency and information sharing

8. AI for privacy and data protection

9. AI system for the security in IOTs

10. AI based system for intrution detection and prevention

11. AI based system for network behavior analysis

12. AI based system for network traffic analysis

13. AI-based system for classifying spams text

14. AI based systems for threat intelligency and threat hunting

15. AI based system for security analytics

16. AI for network access control

17. AI for threat mitigation and response

18. AI for vulnerability management



1. AI for Adaptive Learning

2. AI for Intelligent Tutoring Systems

3. AI for Content Generation

4. AI for Natural Language Processing

5. AI for Learning Analytics

6. AI for Virtual Reality and Simulations:

7. AI for Gamification

8. AI for Accessibility and Inclusion


1. AI based system for image and video recognition

2. AI solutions for content generation

3. AI systems for speech and audio processing

4. AI based system for video analytics

5. AI for content recomendation

6. AI based system for content generation

7. AI for augument reality and virtual reality

8. AI for video editing and enhancement

9. AI for multimedia trnsilation

For BIS/Bcom-IM

1. AI based system for supply chain management

2. AI based system for inventory management

3. AI based system for data analytics and insights

4. AI based system for customer services and support

5. AI based solution sales and marketing

6. AI based solution fraud detection and rist management

7. AI based system for process automation

8. AI for predicting equipment failures in business

9. AI as decision support systems


1. AI based for frequency utilization

2. Content Analysis and Recommendation

3. Automated Transcription and Closed Captioning

4. Video and Image Processing

5. Virtual and Augmented Reality

6. Automated Production and Editing

7. AI for Audience Analysis and Engagement

8. AI for Quality Control

9. AI for Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

Each work should be unique, and stick to the appropriate degree program. No similar work will
be accepted. Upon submission , if there is any copying between groups, the groups will receive
zero(0) marks
Deadline for the activity is on 5/2/2024 presentation will start on the same date.

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