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Running head: E-LEARNING 1






Nature of Online Learning

Online learning is one of the treading teaching platforms in the world. The introduction

of online writing is mainly brought about by the inability to access the study areas. The ongoing

pandemic has encouraged most of the students across the world to shift to the online class.

Besides, having several advantages, online class teaching has got a big impact on the life of the

students. The student has got several difficulties in attending their online classes due to several

reasons internationally. The online class needs a lot of demands as far as technology is concerned

(Shcherbakova, 2020). The financial ability of the students is different internationally. Some of

the students are not in the position to access the learning equipment like computers, laptops, and

smartphones, making online learning to be a problem.

Technology is also poor in several parts of the world. The issue of technology makes it

very difficult for the student to have their classes due to poor connectivity. The interaction

between the parties involves will also be a problem since there is no direct contact between the

teacher and the students. The article will bring out the reasons why online learning is

discouraged by many students. Besides, many of the students are boycotting the online class

because of different reasons.

Experience from the group members

Even though online learning has made us continue with our class, but most of my group

members do not like it. My group members claim that online class are meant for the students in a

different caliber. Most of the claims that they can not attend the classes due to several reasons

and as affected their performance in one way or another.


Most of the group member claims that he cannot attend online class because they lack the

apparatus for the online classes. They come from humble families were accessing the laptops and

computes for the online class is a big problem. Besides, online classes require one to access the

internet every time they cannot afford it. The families spend one dollar in a day that makes it

difficult to buy the required apparatus for the online class. The pandemic has also lowered their

income rate since most guardians and students have lost their job.

Students claim that due to pandemic, they have relocated to the upcountry where the

connectivity rate is low. The low connectivity brings a big problem to the students when they are

attending the classes. Some students cannot even log in on time just because of the low

connectivity rate. Besides, the problem has made them lose marks in class since their response is

very poor. The situations make the whole e-learning environment to be very unsuitable for the

educations (Valero et al., 2019).

The highest percentage of the group member supports that in online learning, there is no

making of a friend, yet it is one way of learning easily. Making friends with classmate become

very difficult in online learning.

The similarities and difference among the group members

All the group members view online learning as a huge problem which should be dealt

with most efficiently. Every group member has got a problem concerning the issue. The larger

percentage claims that they lack the apparatus, which will aid them in exercising the online

classes. The lack of the apparatus is mainly due to financial issues in their families. Online

classes require one to have the money to buy bundles or have a point of Wi-Fi, which is a

problem. The online research makes online learning to be expensive for the students.

Some of the group members claim that the environment is not favoring their studies.

Mostly during the pandemic, the class is mainly done at home where there is a lot of

destructions, most so from younger sibling and house chores. The destructions make the

executing of the duties becomes a problem and leads to delay in submission of the classwork. All

the group members agree that online learning discourages interaction between classmates.

Making friends is also difficult among students who carry out the online class.

The difference among the group members comes in that; few members can be able to

access the apparatus. Still, they have a low connectivity rate leading to difficulty in accessing the

e-learning resources. Some have got a perfect connectivity rate, but accessing the apparatus is a

problem. Only a few of the group member is in the position to access the perfect internet and

quality apparatus at the same time. In conclusion, only a few of the group members can be able

to conduct online learning most efficiently and effectively.

Reasons for the difference in the group members experience

Most of the students have got different experiences since they differ in the reasons. For

instance, the student who lacks the apparatus for online learning is unable to access online

learning. The financial instability is the main Couse of online learning to be challenged by

several students internationally (The University of Tasmania, 2017).). Students who have got the

connectivity problem is due to the poor network within the area (Poveda et al., 2019) Due to the

poor connectivity in the various area makes e-learning environment to be unfavorable for

learning purposes.

Scale and significance of online learning.


The report by Edison University showed that most of the students depend on the high

education board money for most of their equipment. The money the student gets is not enough to

purchase additional items like laptops and computers for online studies. The financial condition

of the students is wanting and discourages the use of the online class. The statistic shows that

30% of international students do not get access to money for surplus items.

A survey report by The University of Melbourne indicated that most university Students

in Australia depend on national higher education loans. Also, the report showed that

approximately 30% of the students earned less money than their personal. International students

are leading in number with 50%. Most of them cannot budget for their surplus needs; for

example, laptops for them to access online learning.

A survey done by California University showed that most of the student internationally

come from areas where e-learning environment is unsupportive. Even though most of the

program is done online, but several challenges have proved 40% of the international students are

not in a position to access a condusive e-learning environment. 20% of the students cannot

access the daily bundles needed for the online learning program.

Reason for online learning

The online learning is a major boost to the educational sector, mostly during the

pandemic. Online learning has enabled international learning to continue in various parts of the

world. Online learning promotes disciplinary and commitment among the students. Online

classes have no mandatory timetable hence a student can plan him/herself to fit in their daily

activities without failure. These are qualities which are required in the current job market giving

the learners an added advantage. The flexibility of online learning has enabled teachers and the

students to set their own pace within their schedule (Sadeghi, 2019). The slow learner can

achieve their goal by graduating after the completion of their studies. On the other hand, the first

leaners can graduate after the completion of their studies. Online classes enable the student to

pursue other interests while enrolled in a full-time study. A student can do online business and

other supplementary courses at the same time. The working class are also considered when it

comes to online learning. They can go to work and learn at the same time to support their

families and pay their studies too (Welser et al., 2019). Several learning resources are also

available online. A student can access past papers, journals easily and cheaply.

Online learning is cost-effective for several people across the globe. When online writing

is introduced, several cost will be reduced for the students. For example, a student will not incur

the transport cost since the learning is done online. The accommodation fees for the students who

study in far places will be reduced since they will be studying from home. The money saved

from such expenses can be used in other fields. Under normal circumstances, the cost of online

learning is lower as compared to that of physical learning. The cost reduction makes it easy for

the learner to enroll and engage in the learning activity.

Online learning is a plus for both students and the institution. The institution is the

position to offer several programs at the same time (Sadeghi, 2019). Furthermore, the student is

in the position of pausing a wide range of the program. An online class can be easily accessed by

the students from any part of the world. Easy accessibility makes the studies to become more

convenient to the student. The online class can hold several students at the same time. Unlike

physical leaning, where once the maximum class is attained, then you cannot enroll for the

program (Teel et al., 2019). When the students register for a program, they will be able to get

assistance at the same time, saving on time and money. During this pandemic, the students can

register for the online cases and study from home to avoid contraction of the Covid-19 virus.

Conclusively, if all the concerned educational departments do their job effectively in respect to

online learning, then it can be the most effective method of learning for all.


Sadeghi, M., 2019. A shift from classroom to distance learning: advantages and

limitations. International Journal of Research in English Education, 4(1), pp.80-88.

Valero H., A., Noroozi, O., Biemans, H.J., and Mulder, M., 2019. The effects of an online

learning environment with worked examples and peer feedback on students’

argumentative essay writing and domain-specific knowledge acquisition in the field of

biotechnology. Journal of Biological Education, 53(4), pp.390-398.

Poveda, J.I., Benosman, M., and Teel, A.R., 2019. Hybrid online learning control in networked

multiagent systems: A survey. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal

Processing, 33(2), pp.228-261.

Welser, H.T., Khan, M.L., and Dickard, M., 2019. Digital remediation: social support and online

learning communities can help offset rural digital inequality: Information,

Communication & Society, 22(5), pp.717-723.

The University of Tasmania. (2017). Financial problems - International students from

Different Countries who are studying at the University of Tasmania. Retrieved 15 April

2020, from

Shcherbakova, D., 2020. Дистанционное обучение в период кризиса: возможности и

недостатки online-технологий (Distance Learning during the Crisis: Opportunities and

Disadvantages of Online Technologies). Available at SSRN 3584481.

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