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Learning Objectives

 Students will learn the symbolic significance of 'Fire' and 'Ice' in

destroying the world.
 Students will learn that the poem is a warning to mankind to stay
alert and aware of the danger of letting lose negative emotions–be
it desire or hatred.

About the Poet

 Robert Frost was an American poet who wrote simply yet insightfully
about his ordinary experiences. Nature had been a common theme
in his poems, and he used images and lessons to talk about human
life. He had won a record four Pulitzer prizes.

Poem in Detail
Stanza – 1
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
• According to the poet, people say the world can come to an end
either through ‘fire’ or ‘ice’.
• He draws a parallel between ‘fire’ and the emotion of ‘desire’.
• He implies that desire and greed can only bring destruction to
• He uses ‘fire’ as a metaphor for these emotions that destroy
everything in their path.
Example 2. Briefly state the cause of destruction of world according
to Robert Frost. (Remember)
Evaluation Points
(As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Describe the causes of world's end as per the poet.
ü Content: Write how Frost thinks the world will end by either 'Fire'
2 or 'Ice'. (1m)
üExpression: Use words like believed, both, etc. (1m)

2 English Language & Literature Class X

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Ans. In the poem, the poet believed that world will be destroyed by
both 'fire' and 'ice', which symbolically stand for 'desire' and
'hatred' in humans.
Stanza – 2
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
• The poet says that ‘ice’ is as good as ‘fire’ to cause destruction.
• He uses ‘ice’ as a metaphor for the emotion of hatred, indifference,
lack of feeling, etc.
• Hatred is described as a ‘cold’ emotion while desire is its opposite.
• Still, they are equally capable of causing pain and destruction.

Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Desire wanting something badly wish, longing satisfaction, content
Perish expire die, spoil survive, grow

Fire and Ice 3

OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 marks ]
1. Which option correctly replaces the underlined phrase in the
given line from Fire and Ice? I hold with those who favour fire.
(a) Am as experienced as
(b) Strongly disagree with
(c) Have the same opinion as
(d) Habitually avoid [CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (c) Have the same opinion as.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]

Explanation: The phrase ‘hold with’ means to have a strong
agreement with or hold a similar opinion as someone else. Hence,
(c) is the right answer.

SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)

[ 3 marks ]
2. To say that for destruction, ice is also great for the poet, what
does ice stand for? How is it sufficient to bring destruction?
[CBSE 2014]
Ans. Ice stands for the cold feelings of the humans such as indifference,
hatred, greed, jealousy, apathy, lack of love, cold-heartedness, etc.
Although the poet states that he believes fire would bring an end
to the world, he also states that if the world has to end twice,
then ice or the cold feelings of people are also enough to end the

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 6 marks ]
3. Most of your classmates, like Frost, feel that man’s greed and
rage or hate, would lead the world to its destruction. You feel
that the ‘Fire and Ice’ in Mankind can be addressed to create
a harmonious world. Write a speech, for your classmates,
expressing your beliefs with respect to the poem.
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]

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Ans. ‘The Speech for Ice and Fire’
I would like to share my thoughts on Robert Frost’s poem ‘Ice and
Fire’. It is true that the poem is a powerful warning given to us by
the poet about letting our emotions out of control. He equates
‘fire’ with desire and greed, and goes on to say that these two
emotions are enough to end the world. On the other hand, he
symbolises our hatred and indifference towards each other as ‘ice’.
He says that this is also enough to end the world a second time.
But I feel that if we reduce the intensity of our emotions and keep
them in check, the ‘fire and ice’ within us can be productive forces
and would not lead to destruction of the world

Fire and Ice 5

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