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Learning Objectives

 Students will be learning about nature as a perennial source of joy

and that nothing in nature is inauspicious or ugly.
 Students will be learning symbolism in the narratives with the help
of the crow and hemlock tree.

About the Poet

 Robert Frost was an American poet who wrote simply yet insightfully
about his ordinary experiences. Nature had been a common theme
in his poems, and he used images and lessons to talk about human
life. He had won a record four Pulitzer prizes.

Poem in Detail
Stanza – 1
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
• The poet tells us how a crow shook down snowflakes from the
branch of a hemlock tree.
• It fell on the poet who was having a bad day.
• The insignificant event had a profound effect on the poet’s mood.
• The ‘hemlock tree’ and ‘crow’ are seen negatively by human beings.
• But these things have nothing inherently bad or evil about them.

Character's Mood
 Sad; disheartened; despondant
Example 1. Extract Based:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

2 English Language & Literature Class X

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(A) Choose the option that is NOT related to the extract:
(a) The crow shook the branch of the tree.
(b) The snowflakes fell on the poet.
(c) The leaves of the tree shed down on the poet.
(d) It was a hemlock tree. (Analyse)
(B) Pick the term that is NOT similar to shook.
(a) Steady (b) Shake
(c) Tremble (d) Shiver (Understand)
(C) The hemlock tree is related to:
(a) happiness (b) negativity
(c) spring season (d) barren land (Understand)
(D) ‘Dust of snow’ is referred to .................... . (Understand)
(E) The rhyme scheme of the stanza is .................. . (Remember)
Ans. (A) (c) The leaves of the tree shed down on the poet.
Explanation: It is clear from the extract that options (a), (b)
and (d) are true while (c) the leaves of the tree shed down on
the poet is not true as it is nowhere mentioned in the poem.
Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(B) (a) Steady
Explanation: The term ‘shook’ means to shake. Here, options
(b), (c) and (d) are all similar to ‘shook’ while (a) steady means
still. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
(C) (b) negativity
Explanation: The hemlock tree is often considered as negative
by people. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
(D) snowflakes
Explanation: ‘Dust of snow’ refers to the snowflakes that fell
on the poet.
(E) abab
Explanation: The rhyming words in the stanza are ‘crow-
snow’ and ‘me-tree’.

Dust of Snow 3
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Stanza – 2
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
• He credits the snowflake, crow and hemlock tree with changing his
mood for the better.
• The poet was having a bad day, and this incident changed his
perspective on things.
• Nature saved a part of his day from getting ruined.
• He was filled with despair till the moment the snowflakes fell on
• Robert Frost wants to highlight the transformative power that
nature has.

Character's Mood
 Happy; positive; optimistic

4 English Language & Literature Class X

OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 marks ]
1. And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
Based on the above lines, select the word that describes the
poet's feelings at the end of the day.
(a) Disappointed (b) Contented
(c) Ambitious (d) Regretful
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. (b) Contented

Explanation: The poet is satisfied at the fact that he finally saved
some part of the day which was ruined before the snow fell on
him. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)

[ 3 marks ]
2. The dusting of snow on account of the crow helped make
the poet’s day better. How do you think the crow might have
impacted the poet? [CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. The poet was gloomy when he was passing by the tree. His mind
was filled with negative thoughts. When the crow shook the dust
of snow on him, he felt a sudden change in his mood. His mind
was then filled with happiness and positive thoughts.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 6 marks ]
3. As a crow you feel highly insulted by the incorrect perception
humans have about your species. Imagine yourself to be a crow
and write your opinion about this prejudice. Make an appeal
for breaking stereotypes. [CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. The word ‘crow’ is often related to ‘bad omens’ and
‘inauspiciousness’. This stereotype towards our species is
heartbreaking. I feel hopeless that without even having any valid
evidence to it, people refer to us as being ‘ominous’. Perhaps

Dust of Snow 5
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because we are ‘black’, people consider us inauspicious and doves
are considered ‘good omen’ maybe because they are ‘white’.
This ruthless prejudice hurts me emotionally. I want to break this
stereotype for all my fellow crows too in the same way my friend
did by changing a person’s mood and making him happy. I hope
that one day, judgmental humans will realize that what they think
of us is completely wrong.

6 English Language & Literature Class X

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