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CHAPTER 2: STRAIN the yield point there is an appreciable elongation, or yielding, of the material without a

corresponding increase in load.

INTRODUCTION: Ultimate Stress The ultimate stress or ultimate strength, as it is often called, is the highest stress
In general terms, strain is a geometric quantity that measures the deformation of a body. on the stress-strain curve.
Stress and strain are two fundamental concepts of mechanics of materials. Rupture Stress The rupture stress or rupture strength is the stress at which failure occurs.
Although our emphasis in this chapter will be on axially loaded bars, the principles and
methods developed here apply equally well to more complex cases of loading discussed later. AXIALLY LOADED BARS
We will learn how to use force-deformation relationships in conjunction with equilibrium analysis The figure shows a bar of length L and
to solve statically indeterminate problems. constant cross-sectional area A that is loaded by an
axial tensile force P. We assume that the stress
NORMAL (AXIAL) STRAIN caused by P is below the proportional limit, so that
The normal strain Є (lowercase Greek epsilon) is defined as the elongation per unit Hooke’s law  = EЄ is applicable.
length. Therefore, the normal strain in the bar in the axial direction, also known as the axial strain, Because the bar deforms uniformly, the axial
is strain is Є = /L, which upon substitution into Hooke’s
law yields  = E(/L). Therefore, the elongation of the
bar is

As seen in the figure, the stress-strain SAMPLE PROBLEM #1:

diagram is a straight line from the origin O The steel propeller shaft ABCD carries the axial loads shown in Fig. (a). Determine the change
to a point called the proportional limit. This
in the length of the shaft caused by these loads. Use E = 29 x 10 6 psi for steel.
plot is a manifestation of Hooke’s law:
Stress is proportional to strain; that is,

where E is a material property known as

the modulus of elasticity or Young’s

Elastic Limit A material is said to be elastic if, after being loaded, the material returns to its
original shape when the load is removed. The elastic limit is, as its name implies, the stress
beyond which the material is no longer elastic. The permanent deformation that remains after the
removal of the load is called the permanent set.
Yield Point The point where the stress-strain diagram becomes almost horizontal is called the
yield point, and the corresponding stress is known as the yield stress or yield strength. Beyond
Each of the links AB and CD is made of aluminum The length of the 3/32-in.-diameter steel wire CD has
(E = 10.9 x 106 psi) and has a cross-sectional area been adjusted so that with no load applied, a gap of 1/16
of 0.2 in2. Knowing that they support the rigid in. exists between the end B of the rigid beam ACB and
member BC, determine the deflection of point E. a contact point E. Knowing that E = 29 x 106 psi,
determine where a 50-lb block should be placed on the
beam in order to cause contact between B and E.
If the number of unknown forces exceeds the number of independent equilibrium Two cylindrical rods, one of steel and the other of brass, are joined at C and restrained by rigid
equations, the problem is said to be statically indeterminate. supports at A and E. For the loading shown and knowing that Es = 200 GPa and Eb = 105 GPa,
determine (a) the reactions at A and E, (b) the deflection of point C.
The rigid beam of negligible weight is supported by a pin at O and two vertical rods. Find the
vertical displacement of the 50-kip weight.
The 1/2 -in.-diameter rod CE and the 3/4 -in.- It is well known that changes in temperature cause dimensional changes in a body: An
diameter rod DF are attached to the rigid bar increase in temperature results in expansion, whereas a temperature decrease produces
ABCD as shown. Knowing that the rods are made contraction.
of aluminum and using E = 10.6 x 106 psi, The associated strain, called thermal strain, is
determine (a) the force in each rod caused by the
loading shown, (b) the corresponding deflection of where the constant  is a material property known as the coefficient of thermal expansion, and
point A. T is the temperature change. If the temperature change is uniform throughout the body, the
thermal strain is also uniform. Consequently, the change in any dimension L of the body is given


The horizontal steel rod, 2.5 m long and 1200 mm2 in cross-sectional area, is secured between
two walls as shown in the figure. If the rod is stress-free at 20C, compute the stress when the
temperature has dropped to -20C. Assume that (1) the walls do not move and (2) the walls move
together a distance  = 0.5 mm. Use  = 11.7 x 10-6/C and E = 200 GPa.
The rigid bar of negligible weight is supported as The rigid bar AOB is pinned at O and connected to aluminum and steel rods. If the bar is horizontal
shown in the figure. If W = 80 kN, compute the at a given temperature, determine the ratio of the areas of the two rods so that the bar will be
temperature change of the assembly that will cause horizontal at any temperature. Neglect the mass of the bar.
a tensile stress of 50 MPa in the steel rod. Use the
following data:

1) A steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 0.75 in.2 is stretched between two fixed points. The
tensile force in the rod at 80F is 1200 lb. (a) What will be the stress at 0F? (b) At what
temperature will the stress be zero? Use  = 6.5 x 10-6/F and E = 29 x 106 psi.

2) The bronze bar 3 m long with a cross-

sectional area of 400 mm2 is placed between
two rigid walls. At a temperature of 30C,
there is a gap  = 3 mm, as shown in the
figure. Find the temperature at which the
compressive stress in the bar will be 40 MPa.
Use  = 18.0 x 10-6/C and E = 80 GPa.

3) A polystyrene rod consisting of two cylindrical portions AB

and BC is restrained at both ends and supports two 6-kip loads
as shown. Knowing that E = 0.45 x 106 psi, determine (a) the
reactions at A and C, (b) the normal stress in each portion of
the rod.

4) Links BC and DE are both made of steel (E = 29 x 106 psi) and are 1 in. wide and 1/2 in. thick.
Determine (a) the force in each link when a 500-lb force P is applied to the rigid member AF
shown, (b) the corresponding deflection of point A.

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