4. Structure of a technical Report

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5 Structure of Technical documents

( Reports and thesis)

1.5.1 Reports
1.5.2 Thesis
1.5.1 Reports

* Report?

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Experimental report
* What is an experimental report?
Definition and traits Main outline
Experimental reports (also known as
"lab reports") are reports of empirical
• What is the story you would like to tell?
research conducted by their authors.
• What literature do you use to tell that
You should think of an experimental
report as a "story" of your research in
• How do your results tell the story?
which you lead your readers through
• How can you discuss the story in broad
your experiment. As you are telling this
story, you are crafting an argument
about both the validity and reliability of
your research, what your results mean,
and how they fit into other previous
4/4/2024 https://owl.purdue.edu/
Experimental report
* An example
of a short

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Experimental report
* An example of a long experimental report

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Experimental report
* An example of an experimental report

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Experimental report
* An example of an experimental report

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Experimental report
* An example of an experimental report

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Experimental report
* An example of an experimental report

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Experimental report
* An example of an experimental report

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Internship report
* What is an internship report?

➢ An internship report is a summary of your

internship experience that many employers
require to complete your time at their

➢ It is important because it informs your educator

of the lessons and skills you learned and the
opportunities you had to apply those skills.

➢ Your internship report includes relevant

details about your intern experience: your
position with the organization, the tasks you
completed and the skills you learned, etc.

Internship report
* How to create an internship report?
Use the following steps to create your internship report:
Step Contents and Useful Notes
1 Draft a title page Name, class, date and the name of the organization,..
2 Create a table of contents to navigate to the parts of the report
Include background The date it was founded, the business’s purpose or
3 information on the mission statement, the types of tasks the company
organization completes daily and any other relevant details.
Include your position give your reader a more complete overview of your
4 and responsibilities in internship and allow you to discuss your accomplishments
the internship in the role.
Discuss what you describe the specific things you learned and the skills you
5 learned and the skills cultivated. Relate these skills back to your educational
you developed experiences → Contribute to your development.
Conclude with ongoing be useful to consider the skills or experiences that you
considerations would still like to develop.
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Internship report
* Template of an internship report?
Title page

[Name] Assignment
Task: Practically write an
[Internship dates] internship report for ……..
[Internship organization] Due time:

Table of contents
1. Company information
2. Internship description
3. Overview of internship experience
4. Ongoing consideration
5. Conclusion

Company information
[Company Name] was founded in [year] with the intention of [details]. The
company’s mission statement is to [mission statement]. [Company Name]
plays a vital role in the community with [details]. I chose this organization
because I find their mission to be important and relevant to my career goals.
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Internship report
* Template of an internship report?
Internship description

My role at [Company Name] was to [details]. I worked directly with [team] in

[internship responsibilities].

Overview of internship experience

During my internship experience with [Company Name], I was able to develop

my [skills]. I particularly found [experiences] to be useful in improving my
[skill]. Although I found [experience] to be challenging, I found it to be
valuable in developing my [skill].

Ongoing consideration

While I had many useful experiences at [Company Name], I feel that I still
need to develop my confidence levels with [task]. I would have enjoyed more
time completing [task].

Conclusion, [details].

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1.5.2 Thesis
* General structure 1) Hard cover
2) Paperback cover
3) List of tasks
4) Comments of supervisor, reviewer
5) Table of contents
6) List of Tables
7) List of Figures
8) Preface or acknowledgment
9) Main contents: Abstract, Chapters, Headings, sub-
headings, etc., Conclusions.
10) References
11) Appendix
12) Others: Evidences of a published paper,…

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* General structure

E.g., Time new Roman, size 13

4/4/2024 17
* General structure

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* General structure

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* General structure

4/4/2024 20
* General structure

Example of
Cover page:

4/4/2024 21
* General structure

Example of
Cover page:

4/4/2024 22
* General structure
Example of
Dedication and

4/4/2024 23
* General structure
Example of Table
of contents:

4/4/2024 24
* General structure
Example of List of
Tables and

4/4/2024 25
* General structure
Example of

4/4/2024 26
* General structure
Example of a

4/4/2024 27
* General structure
Example of a

Center-alignment, Spacing (Before/ after, line), font

4/4/2024 28
* General structure
Example of a

4/4/2024 29
* General structure
Example of a

4/4/2024 30
* General structure
Main contents:

Characteristics of this shape:

1. Abstract needs to have independent
validity; Symmetric
2. It is symmetrical;
3. It narrows towards the central report
section and widens after it.

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* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:

Note: Many more people will read the title

than the Abstract, and many more will read the
Abstract than the whole paper → it needs to
have independent validity

1) How do I start the Abstract? What type of

sentence should I begin with?
2) What type of information should be in the
Abstract, and in what order?

3) How do I end this section?

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* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:
+ Definition: An abstract is a short summary of a longer work (such as a dissertation or
research paper). The abstract concisely reports the aims and outcomes of your research
so that readers know exactly what the dissertation/paper is about.

+ In a dissertation or thesis, include the abstract on a separate page, after the title page
and acknowledgements but before the table of contents.

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* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:
+ 5 basic components:

Model 2

Model 1
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* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:
+ An example
of Model 1:


Aim + Method




4/4/2024 35
* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:
+ An example
of Model 2:

What the paper does +

Method + Aim
Method in detail +

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* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:

The use of VERB TENSE is very

important in the Abstract.

Grammar and writing skills:
1) The gap/problem is normally in the Present Simple tense:
The main problem, however, is…
Although it is known theoretically that…

2) When you are referring to what the paper itself does or what is actual
in the paper itself → use the Present Simple tense:
This paper presents a new methodology for…
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* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:
Grammar and writing skills:
3) When you are referring to your methodology, it is common to use the Past Simple
tense. However, Present Simple tense can be used, especially when you are referring to
calculations or equations which can be found in the paper itself.
The effect of pH was investigated by means of…
Several models are created using…

4) Results can be expressed in either Present Simple tense or, more commonly, in Past
tense, for example:
We show that this theory also applies to…
This finding correlated with…

5) Put the finding/result itself or the implication of the result in the Present Simple tense
if you believe it is strong enough to be considered as a fact or truth:
4/4/2024 38
* How to write each component?
i) Abstract:
+ Length of an abstract:
- Most are between 80–150 words, Even longer Abstracts (150–250 words)
- A single paragraph (paper), possibly more than one in Thesis.
- Guide: For your first draft, don’t worry too much about the word limit →
Gradually remove words, phrases and even sentences that are not essential.
+ Language:
- Make sure that exact words or phrases appear in your Abstract
- The acronym, abbreviation or technical term can be used in the Abstract but
you should first say what it means or stands for.
+ To figure out what the writer is doing → Look at Grammar and
vocabulary clues
- What is the tense of the main verb?
- What is that tense normally used for?
- Is it the same tense as in the previous sentence?
- If not, why has the writer changed the tense?
- What words has the writer chosen to use?
4/4/2024 39
* How to write each component?

ii) Introduction

iii) Method/Setup
Refer to Section 1.6: Structure of a
iv) Results scientific paper

v) Conclusions

But, how to write a good paragraph?

4/4/2024 40
* How to write each component?
➢ PARAGRAPHING: 2) Why is paragraphing important?

1) Two common errors:

- Short or single sentence paragraphs, Visual aid to effective reading and writing
- Paragraphs are too long. Skimming (a few minutes)
Find out quickly what it is about and where the
various pieces of information are located so that
3) Instructor for creating a paragraph
you can read it faster and more confidently.
Write down each idea/concept


Checking that they are in a logical OF EACH PARAGRAPH: Topic sentence
order which give the main idea of the paragraph

Listing what you want to say about Conventional/safe way of

each using bullet points writing paragraph
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* How to write each component?

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* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
a) Table of contents:
+ Definition: The table of contents is where you list the chapters and
major sections of your dissertation, along with their page numbers.
+ Purpose: A clear and well-formatted contents page is essential as it
indicates a quality paper is to follow.
+ Position: It should be placed before List of Tables/Figures
+ Maximum length: Should be 2 pages, up to third heading level
+ The key features of a contents page are:
✓ A page title
✓ Clear headings and subheadings
✓ Page numbers that indicate where in the dissertation each
section can be found
Check with your university or other educational institution to see if
there are any specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.

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* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content

4/4/2024 44
* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
b) Table:
+ Definition: A table is an arrangement of information or data, typically in
rows and columns, or possibly in a more complex structure
→ Check with your university or other educational institution to see if there
are any specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.

Table 1.1 List of Purchased Equipment in 2006

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* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
c) Figure:
+ Definition: A figure in writing is any text, table or graphic separate from the main text.
→ Check with your university or other educational institution to see if there are any
specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.

How Quality of
figure is? → >
300 DPI for
standard print

Figure 1. (a) Only osmosis flow. (b) Osmosis and pressure-driven flows.

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* How to deal with reference, figure, table, table of content
d) Reference:
+ Definition: is a relationship between objects in which one object designates
or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object.
+ Why reference? You need to tell your readers where your evidence comes

+ Citations are the ‘hooks’ in the body of the document that are a shortcut to
the full publication details in the References list;
→ Check with your university or other educational institution to see if there
are any specific formatting requirements you must adhere to.
E.g. of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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