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INTRODUCTION: The bar ABCD in the figure consists of three cylindrical steel segments with di¤erent lengths and
The three fundamental areas of engineering mechanics are statics, dynamics, and mechanics of cross-sectional areas. Axial loads are applied as shown. Calculate the normal stress in each
materials. Statics and dynamics are devoted primarily to the study of the external effects upon segment.
rigid bodies—that is, bodies for which the change in shape (deformation) can be neglected. In
contrast, mechanics of materials deals with the internal effects and deformations that are caused
by the applied loads.

The differences between rigid-body mechanics and mechanics of materials can be appreciated if
we consider the bar shown in Fig.1.

In mechanics of materials, the statics solution is extended to include an analysis of the forces
acting inside the bar to be certain that the bar will neither break nor deform excessively.


The equilibrium analysis of a rigid body is concerned primarily with the calculation of external For the truss shown, calculate the normal stresses in (1) member AC; and (2) member BD. The
reactions (forces that act external to a body) and internal reactions (forces that act at internal cross-sectional area of each member is 900 mm2.
connections). In mechanics of materials, we must extend this analysis to determine internal
forces—that is, forces that act on cross sections that are internal to the body itself. In addition,
we must investigate the manner in which these internal forces are distributed within the body.
Only after these computations have been made can the design engineer select the proper
dimensions for a member and select the material from which the member should be fabricated.


A normal stress is a stress that occurs when a member is loaded by
an axial force. The value of the normal force for any prismatic section
is simply the force divided by the cross sectional area.

where A is the area of the cross section.

Knowing that link DE is 1/8 in. thick and 1 in. wide, Shear stress is tangent to the plane on which it acts. Shear stress arises whenever the applied
determine the normal stress in the central portion of loads cause one section of a body to slide past its adjacent section.
that link when (a)  = 0, (b)  = 90.

Examples of direct shear: (a) single shear in a rivet; (b) double shear in a bolt; and (c) shear in a
metal sheet produced by a punch.


The bell crank, which is in equilibrium under
the forces shown in the figure, is supported
by a 20-mm-diameter pin at D that is in
double shear. Determine (a) the required
diameter of the connecting rod AB, given
that its tensile working stress is 100 MPa;
and (b) the shear stress in the pin.
What force is required to punch a 20-mm-diameter hole in a plate that is 25 mm thick? The shear If two bodies are pressed against each other, compressive forces are developed on the area of
strength of the plate is 350 MN/m2. contact. The pressure caused by these surface loads is called bearing stress.


Two wooden members of uniform rectangular cross section are joined by the simple glued scarf
splice shown. Knowing that P = 11 kN, determine the normal and shearing stresses in the glued
Example of bearing stress: (a) a rivet in a lap joint; (b) bearing stress caused by the bearing force
Pb is assumed to be uniform on projected area td.


The lap joint shown is fastened by four rivets of 3/4-in.
diameter. Find the maximum load P that can be applied if
the working stresses are 14 ksi for shear in the rivet and 18
ksi for bearing in the plate. Assume that the applied load is
distributed evenly among the four rivets, and neglect friction
between the plates.
The cylindrical steel column has an outer diameter of 4 in. 1) Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC
and inner diameter of 3.5 in. The column is separated from are welded together at B and loaded as
the concrete foundation by a square bearing plate. The shown. Determine the magnitude of the
working compressive stress is 26 000 psi for the column, and force P for which the tensile stress in rod
the working bearing stress is 1200 psi for concrete. Find the AB has the same magnitude as the
largest force P that can be applied to the column. compressive stress in rod BC.

2) The frame shown consists of four wooden

members, ABC, DEF, BE, and CF. Knowing
that each member has a 3 x 6-in.
rectangular cross section and that each pin
has a 3/4 -in. diameter, determine the
maximum value of the average normal
stress (a) in member BE, (b) in member CF.

3) A load P is applied to a steel rod supported as shown

by an aluminum plate into which a 0.6-in.-diameter hole
has been drilled. Knowing that the shearing stress must
not exceed 20 ksi in the steel rod and 12 ksi in the
aluminum plate, determine the largest load P that can be
applied to the rod.

4) When the force P reached 8 kN, the wooden

specimen shown failed in shear along the surface
indicated by the dashed line. Determine the average
shearing stress along that surface at the time of failure.

5) For the joint shown in the figure, calculate (a)

the largest bearing stress between the pin and
the members; (b) the average shear stress in the
pin; and (c) the largest average normal stress in
the members.

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