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Palntbox Yams Cotton DK (100% eotton, 50g, small safety eyes 0f black beads
125m/ 137yds) in eol.oors: a pipe cleanff or wire
blush f or ehttks
f>•a,,l,~ toy stuffing
whlte (403 Champagne Whlte)
yellow (424 Mustard Yellow) SIZE
8 cm / 3 In tall when neck is curved
"'4AArf4b:tb- 11made using the suggested yam
• grey (404 Misty Grey)
yellow (424 Mustard YeUow) CONSTRUCTION
Worked in one piece wllh feathers added on top.

SC3TOG: se decrease OYer 3 stltches

HFAD Afl'D or
Make In e
whlte or grey. '

RND 1, start 6 se In a magle rlng [6]
RND 2, (lne, lse) repeat 3 times (9]
RND 5: (lnc. 2sc) repeat 3 times (12]
RND -4: (inc. 3sc) repeat 3 times (15]
RND 5 -7: ·se In all 15 st • 3 rooods
RND I : 5sc. dee 3 times. 4sc (12)
RND 9: 2se. sklp 8 st. ch4. 4sc (10] (1mg 1-2)
RND 10: 2·sc. wor1< 4se over lhe chaln. 4se (10]
RND 11 se In ali 10 st
RND 12, ese. deo 2 tlmes (81 (1mg 3}
RND 13-22: se In ali 8 st • 10 rounds (1mg 4)
RND 25 llsc. 3sc In next st. 6se (10)
RND 2-4: 2se. 3se In next sL 7se (12]
RND 25. 3sc. 3sc In next st. 8sc (14)
RND 26: 4sc, 3se In next sL 9sc (16]
RND 27: Sse. 3se In next st. lOse (18]
RND 21, 6sc. 3se in next st. llsc (20]
RND 29 7se. 3se In next st.12se (22] (img 5)
RND 50: se in ali 22 st neck. add stuffing to the body (1mg 6-7).
RND 51, 7sc. se.3tog. 12se (20) RND 5-4· (dec., lse) repeat 5 times (10)
RND 52, se In ali 20 st RND 55 dec 5 times (5)
RHD 33, (dec, 2scl reprat 5 times (15] Fa.sten off. pk:k up ali the front loops and pull tight
Add a little bit of stuffing and pipe cleaner to the to close.


Add safety eyes lhrou\tl the gap al the starl of the
neck (or sew on beads at the end {1mg 12)), add
'º "
stufflng to the head. Fold the head down over the
neck and stitch In place with same colour yarn (img
tt •

Make In yellow.
RND 1, start 5 se In a maglc ring [5] • • •• ... •
. \

RND 2, se In ali 5 st ......
• • 11, \
RND 3: 3sc, sklp 2st
Fasten off, leave a tall for sewlng [1mg 10).
Sew the beak to the tip of the head [img 11).
\ ..... 1

Add black beads if you are not using safety eyes
(img 12).

Make In whlte or grey. e
Atlach yarn to the body around round 31 (1mg 13),
approxlmalely 5 stitches along from the increase.
., , 20

Worll through lhe surface of the body.

ROW 1: (ch4, sl st in next st) repeat ll times [1mg
Fasten off, weave In the ends (img 15).
Worll addltional rows ol feathers for a more frilly

Make in yellow. Ch8.
RND 1: sl st in first ch to make a rlng (1mg 16),
ohl, (lsc, ch2, sl st in second ch. lsc) repeat 4 times
(4 polnts]
Fasten off, merge lasl stitch wilh lhe first one
invlslbly and weave in the ends (1mg 17).
Sew the crown to the top of the head (1mg 18).

Add a bil of plnk blush to the cheeks to finish (1mg


1h, croc:hc-t 0a\t('rn 1\, partof thc Amleurv ml Adwnt 20lt by AlraUde .. on .ind Irene S1:rang1
ln s. p<lf , \.tr clly lo, ~'\On.el non ·commc,c,.al u~• Copy d, ,t, butiono, comm('t tldl U3'4' ol 1h 1s 11-o'fl or n o, .lny or ,t, p~rts illt' not .aillowoo
fo, any ntorm.tllO" tont.K.t .em qutum acf,..rnt~ gmo11l com

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