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About the Poet

 Adrienne Rich was an American poet, scholar and feminist. She was one
of the most widely read feminist poets in the second half of the twentieth
century. She had won various awards and wrote mostly about the
challenges faced by women.

Poem in Detail
Stanza – 1
The trees inside are moving out into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these days
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these nights
will be full of trees by morning.
• The poet gives us a picture of trees moving from inside her house to the
forest outside.
• The trees had moved inside which had left the forest empty.
• She says that the birds, insects and other animals will finally be able to
find shelter.
• She is using trees as a metaphor for women enslaved by the patriarchal
• Women were busy with household chores all this time, but finally they are
stepping out into the world.
Stanza – 2
All night the roots work
to disengage themselves from the cracks
in the veranda floor.
The leaves strain toward the glass
small twigs stiff with exertion
long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof
like newly discharged patients
half-dazed, moving
to the clinic doors.

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• The roots of the trees are slowly disengaging themselves from the cracks
in the verandah floor.
• The leaves press against the window pane and small twigs are stiff with
• The cramped boughs that are trapped under the roof are trying to escape.
• She compares the slow, laboured movement of the trees to ‘newly-
discharged patients’ who are still dizzy from their stay in the hospital.
• These images are metaphors for how women too are slowly trying to
liberate themselves from the clutches of a patriarchal society.
Example 1. Identify and explain the poetic device in the line “like newly
discharged patients.” (Remember)
Evaluation Points
(As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Recognize the poetic device used in the given line.
ü Content: Write what poetic device is used by the poet in the line.
2 (1m)
ü Expression: Use words like in terms of, as, etc. (1m)
Ans. The poetic device in the given line is 'simile'. The poet has compared the
branches of the trees to newly discharged patients in terms of weakness
and exhaustion using the word 'like'.

The Trees 3
Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Bury to embed or cover hide, conceal reveal, show
Disengage to detach disassociate attract, connect

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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Inthe poem ‘The Trees’, why was the moon “broken like a mirror” in
‘The Trees’?
(a) Because the twigs had broken it
(b) Because the poet threw a stone on it
(c) Because the twigs just made the moon appear broken into pieces
(d) Because of lightening in the sky
Ans.(c) Because the twigs just made the moon appear broken into pieces
Explanation: The moon appears broken like a mirror because the branches
of the tree block the poet from having a clear view of the moon. Hence
(c) is the right answer.

EXTRACT Based Questions

[ 5 marks ]
2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
The trees inside are moving out
into the forest,
the forest that was empty all these
where no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun bury its feet in shadow
the forest that was empty all these
will be full of trees by morning.
(A)Complete the sentence appropriately.
It is clear that Personification is the poetic device used for ‘No sun
bury its feet….’ because ............... .
(B)The poet has used a poetic device in the given lines. What effect
does she wish to create by its use?
…no bird could sit
no insect hide
no sun…

The Trees 5
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(a) emphasis (b) Comparison
(c) Rhyme (d) humour
(C)State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE:
The extract uses trees as a symbol for conservative people.
(D)Select the appropriate option to complete the sentence, according
to the extract.
The idea of a forest that has been ‘empty all these days’ is ...............
(a) Unnatural (b) Scary
(c) Magical (d) legendary
(E)How does the use of enjambment impact this extract?
(a) It forces frequent pauses.
(b) It simplifies the meaning.
(c) It builds momentum.
(d) It makes the lines lyrical. [CBSE SQP 2022]
Ans.(A) ...the sun, which is non-human, is attributed the human feature of
having feet.
(Accept any synonyms giving the similar/ correct meaning)
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: The sun is referred to as having feet like human beings
and other living things.
(B) (a)emphasis
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: The poet has used the poetic device of repetition here.
She wants to create emphasis by repeating the word ‘no’ thrice. Hence
(a) is the right answer.
(C) False
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
The given statement is false because the poet has used trees as a
symbol for women.
Explanation: The statement is false because the poem tries to
differentiate the features of tigers from those of leopards.
(D) (a)Unnatural
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: The idea that the forest has been empty all these days
is unnatural because it is hard to imagine a forest as ‘empty’. It is more
relevant than the other options. Hence (a) is the right answer.
(E)(c)It builds momentum
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]

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Explanation: Enjambment is a poetic device where no punctuations
are used between lines. It helps to build momentum when reading the
poem because there are no pauses. Hence (c) is the right answer.

SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)

[ 3 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
3.What is the central idea of the poem ‘The Trees’? [Delhi Gov. QB 2022]
Ans. The central idea of the poem is conflict between man and nature. A
plant is brought inside the house as a sapling but as it grows into a tree,
it gets suffocated in the limited space available. The tree gets desperate
to move out and be free. So the trees in this poem are moving out to
occupy the empty space in the forest made by man’s indiscriminate
felling of trees. Humans must understand the negative impact of their
actions on nature and mend their ways before it is too late.
4.In the poem “The Trees”, the poet compares the trees to “newly
discharged patients”. Highlight any two reasons for the same.
Ans. In the poem, the poet compares the ‘trees’ to ‘newly discharged patients’.
Firstly, the trees were enslaved inside the house like patients in the
hospital. Secondly, the trees were exhausted like patients, due to their
effort that they had to put in order to be freed from the house.

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 6 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 100-120 words:
5.‘The Tree’ presents a conflict between man and nature. Elaborate.
Ans. ‘The Trees’ poem is based on the universal and age-long theme of conflict
between man and nature. Nature is endowed with innumerous blessing
but due to the greed, arrogance and foolishness of man, nature has been
devoid of its peaceful nature. It can’t bear any more and it revolts and
causes havoc in the form of storms, droughts and floods. Man’s greed led
to deforestation which is a curse for birds and insects. Man’s attempts
to subdue and control nature has led to utter failure. Uprooting trees
from their original habitat and confining them to artificial glasshouses
will end in failure. The trees rise against the onslaughts of men and
wage a long and hard struggle to liberate themselves from the bondage
of menfolk.

The Trees 7
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