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5. A conducting sphere of radius R and charge Q is surrounded by a medium of resistivity ‘’ at t = 0. Due to the medium the charge
starts decreasing from it. At t = t1 the charge on the sphere is found then the value of t1 is [Absolute permitivity of the vacuum is
 0 ln2  0 ln2
(A) (B)
2 4
(C) 40ln2 (D) 20ln2

5. D
Q 1
5. Total flux coming out of the sphere is and conductivity at that point,  =
0 
The relation current density, J = E
dQ    
rate of change of charge,   J.A  E  A = [Total flux]
dQ Q Q
  . 
dt 0 0
Q/ 4 t
dQ 1 dt t
Hence,     n4  1  t1 = 0 n4  2 0  n2 
Q 0
0  0
16. All the finite rod and circular arc are insulated with each other and lie in the same plane as shown in the figure (2 and 5 are rod and 1, 3,
4 and 6 are circular arc, and  (and  ) denote charge per unit length). Then


+ +
  
 O
 R/2 (3/2)R
R R  4
1 6

(A) Magnitude of electric field due to arc 1 at O is same as arc 6.

(B) Magnitude of electric field due to rod 2 at O is same as arc 3.
(C) Magnitude of electric field due to arc 4 at O is same as rod 5.
(D) Net field at O is zero
16. A, B, C, D
4. A conductor having uniform linear charge density  is placed in circular form in 3 quadrants with different polarities as shown in the
figure. Let E0 be the electric field at O. Then the angle made E0 with the line along y-axis.
+ R
+ x
– O –
– –
– –
– –
– –
–– –
– – –

 1
(A) tan1   (B) tan1 1
 1
(C) tan1   (D) None
4. C
II and IV quadrant field will be added.

4. Two identical thin rods of length 2a carry equal charges Q uniformly distributed along their lengths. The rods lie along the x-axis with
their centers separated by a distance b (> 2a). The electric force between the two will be
Q2  b  Q2  b 
(A) n   (B) .n  
16 0 a2  2a  16 0b2  2a 
Q2  b2  Q2  b2 
(C) n  2 2 
(D) n  2 2 
40b 
2  2  
 b  4a  16 0a  b  4a 

Sol. D
E due to a rod at a point on the axis at a distance r from its centre
1  Q   a dx 1 Q
40  2a  a  r  x 2 40 r 2  a 2
E  .
 
Now force on the second rod due to first rod
(b  a)
1 Q Q
F    dr
40 (b  a) r 2
a 2
  2a 

Q 2  b  2
 n  2 2 
160 a 2 
 b  4a 
 
5. A charged particle having charge q and mass m is projected into a region of uniform electric field of strength E0 , with velocity V0

perpendicular to E0 . Throughout the motion apart from electric force particle also experiences a dissipative force of constant

magnitude q E0 and directed opposite to its velocity. If | V0 |  6 m/s, then its speed when it has turned through an angle of 90°, is equal
(A) 3 m/s (B) 5 m/s
(C) 4 m/s (D) 2 m/s

Sol. A
Consider the situation when particle has turned through an angle of 

v0 v


qE0 


dv qE
  0 1  sin  
dt m
dv x qE0
 1  sin 
dt m
dv dv
  x
dt dt
 v = vX + C
 v = v0  vX = v0 – v sin 
v0 6
 v   3 m/s
1  sin  1  1
7. A non-conducting wire is bent into a semi-circle of radius R and a charge + Q is uniformly distributed over it as shown in the figure.
V 
Find the ratio  A  of the potential (VA) to the magnitude of the electric field (EA), both evaluated at the other end A of diameter AB
 EA 
that bisects the wire (as shown in the figure)
+ +
+Q +
+ +

(A) R (B) 2R
(C) R ln (1+ 2 ) (D) 2R ln (1+ 2 )
Sol. B
1 dq 1 dq
E cos , V   , where r = 2R cos 
40 r 2 40 r

+ +
dq +
+ r
O  A

3. In the figure, OA and OB are two uniformly charged wires, placed along x and y axis respectively. The unit vector in the direction of
field at point (0, 0, 3L) is

L 4Q 

 A
O +++++++ x

1iˆ  4ˆj  3 3kˆ 1iˆ  4ˆj  3 3kˆ

(A) (B)
44 44
ˆ ˆ
1i  4 j ˆ ˆ
1i  1k
(C) (D)
17 2
Sol. A
 E E 3ˆ 1iˆ  4ˆj  3 3kˆ
E   ˆi  k  2E 3kˆ  2Ejˆ  Ê 
2 2 44





5. A insulating cylindrical rod of diameter d and length  (  >>d) has a uniform surface charge density such that the electric field just
outside the curved surface of the cylinder at point M is E0. Find the electric field due to charge distribution at point P (r>>  ).

d d
(A) E0 2
(B) E0
2r 4r 2
d 2d
(C) E0 (D) E0
3r 2 r2
Sol. B
 E0
20 d
 = 0 dE0
E 0 d
So, EP 
4r 2
 E
6. Electric field given by the vector E  0 (xiˆ  yj)
ˆ N/C is present in the x-y plane. A small ring of mass M carrying charge +Q, which

can slide freely on a smooth non conducting rod, is projected along the rod from the point (0, ) such that it can reach the other end of
the rod. Assuming there is no gravity in the region. What minimum velocity should be given to the ring (in m/s)? if in S.I. unit
QE0 
(0, ) (Q, M)

(, 0) x
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 2.5 (D) 3.5

Sol. A
E0 x 2 E0 y 2
For the electric field, V    K
2 2
QE0 2 1 QE0  2
from energy conservation   k  Mv 2    2+ K
 2 2  8
v = 2 m/s
4. A non conducting infinite rod is placed along the z-axis: the upper half of the rod (lying along z  0) is charged positively with a
uniform linear charge density + while the lower half (z < 0) is charged negatively with a uniform linear charge density - . The origin
is located at the junction of the positive and negative halves of the rod. A uniformly charged annular disc (surface charge density : 0)
of inner radius R and outer radius 2R is placed in the x-y plane with its centre at the origin. Find the force on the rod due to the disc.




20 R 0 R
(A) (B)
0 20
0  R 0  R
(C) (D)
0 3 0
Sol. C
The force on the rod due to the annular disc is equal and opposite to that on the disc due to the rod. We take an annular strip of radius r
and width dr and find the force acting on it
 
dF = (0 2r dr)  0 dr
20r 0
 The force
  0  R
F= 0
0  dr 

3. A point charge +q is fixed at same height as centre of an uncharged conducting sphere placed on a smooth horizontal surface as shown
in figure. Neglect the induced charges on horizontal surface. The conducting sphere is released from rest. Then the conducting sphere.
ing sp
nduct he



(A) rolls towards left

(B) under goes translational motion towards left
(C) rotates about its centre
(D) continues to remain at rest
Sol. B
From symmetry of induced charges on sphere, the net electrostatic force Fe on induced charges on sphere due to point charge is along
line joining centre of sphere and point charge as shown.

Since all forces on sphere pass through its centre, net torque on sphere is zero. Hence the sphere translates towards left.
6. A thin non-conducting ring of radius R has linear charge density  = 0 cos2, where 0 is constant,  is the angle made by radius
vector with x-axis as shown in the figure. The magnitude of electric field strength at centre of ring [O] is

O x

0 0
(A) (B)
4 0 R 20 R
(C) (D) None of these.
6. D
2. A solid conducting sphere of radius 2R, carrying charge Q is surrounded by two point charges Q and 2Q as shown in the figure. The
electric field at point P due to the induced charges on conducting sphere is
Q 2Q

3R 3R
7 KQ 1 KQ
(A) towards right (B) towards right
16 R 2 8 R2
(C) 2 towards right (D) zero
Sol. (A)
k  2Q  k  Q  7kQ
Ei =  
 2R 2  4R 2 16R 2
6. Two charges q1 and q2 are kept on x-axis and the variation of electric field strength at different points on x-axis is described in the
adjacent figure graphically. Choose correct statement about nature and magnitude of q1 and q2.

q1 q2 x

(A) q1 +ve, q2+ve, |q1| > |q2|

(B) q1 +ve, q2 ve, |q1| > |q2|
(C) q1 +ve, q2ve, |q1| < |q2|
(D) q1 ve, q2+ve, |q1| < |q2|
Sol. B
5. The electric potential V in a region of space is given by V(x, y, z) = A(x 2  2y2 + z2) where A is a constant. The locus of equipotential
counters in a plane parallel to x-z plane is
(A) straight line (B) circular
(C) parabola (D) rectangular hyperbola

Sol. B
2. A charged conducting sphere of radius R is cut into two parts along a plane whose perpendicular distance from centre of sphere is h.
The total charge on sphere is Q. If the force required to hold two parts of the sphere together is f and the force required to hold two
parts is f0 when h = 0, then is

f h f

R 2  h2
(A) (B) 1
 1 h  h2
(C)   (D)
 R  R2
Sol. A
Electrostatic pressure =
2 0
Force required is   R 2  h2  .
2 0
8. Figure shows a uniformly charged hollow spherical shell having total charge Q and radius R. Consider two point A(0, Y, 0) and B(0,

Y, 0). If electric field vector at A is E then electric field vector at B is (y < R)


 
(A) E (B) E
 Q  Q
(C) E  ˆj (D) E  ˆj
40R 40R2
8. B
8. Due to the given shell and one imaginary upper half shell, total field at point A is zero. So due to the upper half shell electric field at
 
point A is E . So due to the given shell electric field vector at point B is E .
5. Three infinitely long charged thin wires are placed along x, y, z axis, with line charge densities are 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Then,
choose the correct option.
(A) Ex at point (a, a, 0) is independent of 3 (B) Ey at point (a, a, a) is a function of 12   32
(C) Ez at point (a, a, a) is a function of (1 + 2). (D) E at point (a, a, 0) is independent of 2.
5. C
 1 ˆ 2 ˆ 3  i j 
5. E at (a, a, 0) = j i   
20 a 20 a 20 2a  2 2
 2 3  ˆ  1 3  ˆ
  i   j
 20 a 40 a   20a 40 a 
 1  ˆj kˆ  2  ˆi kˆ  3  ˆi ˆj 
E at (a, a, a) =            
20 2a  2 2  20 2a  2 2  20 2a  2 2 
1 
 ( 2   3 )iˆ  (1   3 )ˆj  ( 1   2 )kˆ 
40 a 
5. Two charge particle 4q and q lies on x-axis as shown in the figure. Which of the following graphs will show the variation of electric
field on the x-axis (take the +ve x-axis towards right).

4q q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x


4q q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x


4q q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x


4q q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x

5. A
1. In gravity free space two particle A and B of same positive charge q and mass m are connected by light inextensible threads as shown

in the figure. An electric field is set up given by E =y î (where  is a positive constant). Now the system is rotated by small angle and
released. The value of 1/2 so that both strings always remains in a straight line is (Neglect the coulombian force between the particle)


(A) only 1/2 (B) only 1/3
(C) only 3 (D) for any value of 1/2.
Sol. D
6. A conducting shell having inner radius R1 and outer radius R2 contains a charge +q which is placed at a distance x from its centre. Field
at an exterior point P which is situated at a distance r from centre of shell (r > R2)


(A) depends on x (B) depends on R1 and R2

(C) depends only on r (D) none
6. C
4. Two concentric rings of radius R = 8 cm and r = 2 cm having charge Q = 8 C and q = 1 C are placed as shown in diagram. Then
electric field is zero at axis of rings
r q

(A) x =  43 cm (B) x =  4 cm
(C) x =  2 cm (D) x =  23 cm
4. B

2. A solid conducting sphere of radius 2R, carrying charge Q is surrounded by two point charges Q and 2Q as shown in the figure. The
electric field at point P due to the induced charges on conducting sphere is
Q 2Q

3R 3R
7 KQ 1 KQ
(A) towards right (B) towards right
16 R 2 8 R2
(C) towards right (D) zero
2. A
k  2Q  k  Q  7kQ
2. Ei =  
 2R  2
 4R  2
1. Two positively charged rings of different radii are placed co-axially. Then maximum number of points on the axis where resultant
electric field may be zero (not considering the points at infinity) is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

Sol. C
1. Two mutually perpendicular infinitely long straights conductors carrying uniformly distributed charges of 1 and 2 are at x = 0 along
y–axis and at x = a parallel to z axis. Then :
(A) The force between them is infinite
(B) The force between them depends on ‘a’
(C) The force between them is independent of ‘a’
(D) The torque of force about x axis on any conductor is non zero
1. C
5. A charge particle of charge 2 C and mass 1 kg projected with a speed 5 m/s at an angle 60o from horizontal. Minimum electric field
that should be applied in the space so that particle returns to its original point is
(A) 2.5 N/m (B) 5 N/m
5 3
(C) N/m (D) Not possible
Sol. A
mgcos   qE
3. Some point charges are kept on x-axis and y-axis in such a way that they lie on the circumference of the different concentric circles
centered at origin as shown in the figure. The direction of electric field at point O (origin) is (if OA = r, OB = 2r, OC = 4r)




8q O C
/6 /6 A B
8q +8q x
q q



ˆi  ˆj ˆi  ˆj
(A) (B)
2 2
 i  ˆj
(C) (D) î
Sol. C
5. All the charge particles each of magnitude q lie on the circumference of a ring of radius R as shown in the figure. Find the magnitude of
net electrostatic force acting on the charge particle P.

+q P
60 R
30 30
30 30

q q


5 
3  4 kq2
3 
3  2 kq2
2 3 R 2 3 R2
3 
3  2 kq2
5 
3  4 kq2
3 R 4 3 R2
5. D
5. The net electrostatic force acting on the charge particle q due to the remaining charge particle is

+q P
60 R
30 30
30 30

q q


kq2 2kq2
 2 cos 60 
cos30  
5 3  4 kq2 
(2R) R (R 3)2 4 3
5. A neutral metallic finite block is placed at large but finite distance from a large charged sheet in the middle space in front of sheet.
Then the block will be
(A) Attracted towards the sheet
(B) Repelled away from the sheet
(C) Depend on nature of charge on the sheet
(D) Zero force on the block
5. A
5. Conceptual.
2. Two small non-conducting spherical objects each of mass 5 kg carry the same amount of identical charges uniformly distributed over
them. If the electrostatic force between the two objects is exactly balanced by gravitational force of attraction between them, then the
magnitude of the charge (approximately) is
(A) 0.43 mc (B) 4 mc
(C) 40 mc (D) 4.3104C

Sol. D
q.q Gmm

40r r2
6.67  10 11
q  m 40 G  5  4.3  10 4 C
9  109
6. Two identical charges q are separated by distance 2d and fixed at this position. Third charge q0 is revolving in a circle of radius x in
plane perpendicular to line joining charges and centre coincides with mid point of line joining charges. The value of x for which speed
of particle is maximum is [Consider gravity free space.]

q x q


(A) (B) 2d
(C) d (D) 2d
6. C
5. Two identical blocks are kept on a frictionless horizontal table and connected by a spring of stiffness ‘k’ and of original length  0 . A
total charge Q is distributed on the blocks such that maximum elongation of spring, at equilibrium, is equal to x. Value of Q is
(A) 2 0 4 0k( 0  x) (B) 2x 40k( 0  x)
(C) 2( 0  x) 40kx (D) ( 0  x) 40 kx .

Sol. C
For maximum elongation charges on the blocks must be equal to on each block.
1 2
    kx
40 ( 0  x)2
Q  2( 0  x) 40kx .
1. Two metallic spheres, each of radius R having charges 2Q and Q are joined through a capacitor of capacitance C as shown in the figure.
Assuming R < < d, the charge on the capacitor long time after the key “K” is closed is
2Q,R Q,R

(A) (B)
40R 40R
1 2
(C) (D)
40R 40R
3 4

Sol. B
2Qq Qq
q q

v1 v 2
v1 v2
1  2Q  q Q  q  q
 
40  R R  c
 q
5. Two concentric conducting shells of radii R and 2R having charges q A and qB and potential 2v and 3v/2 respectively. (Assume potential
to be zero at infinity). Now shell B is earth by closing switch S. Let charges on spherical shells A & B become qA & qB respectively,


(A) qA/qB = ½ (magnitude)

(B) qA/qB = 1 (magnitude)
(C) potential of A after earthing becomes 3/2 v
(D) potential difference between A and B after earthling becomes v/2
5. B

6. The switch Sw is shifted from position 1 to position 2 as shown in the figure. Heat generated in the circuit is
Sw 1

C 2

V1 V2
(A) independent of V1
(B) independent of V2
(C) dependent on V1
(D) dependent on V2
6. D
2. Two points A and B are at distances of ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively from an infinite conducting plate having charge density . The work
done in moving charge Q from A to B is
Q 
(A) (b  a) (B) Q
0 (b  a)
(C) (D) none of these
(b  a) 0
2. A

2.  =
 
v A – vB = (b)  (a)
0 0
 W = Q(vA – vB) = (b  a)
6. Two concentric conducting spheres of radii R and 3R carrying charges Q and 2Q respectively. If the charge on inner sphere is doubled.
The potential difference between inner and outer spheres will
(A) becomes two times (B) becomes four times
(C) be halved (D) remains same
6. A
9. Two concentric conducting spheres of radii R and 3R carrying charges Q and 2Q respectively. If the charge on inner sphere is doubled.
The potential difference between inner and outer spheres will
(A) becomes two times (B) becomes four times
(C) be halved (D) remains same
9. A
4. In the figure, A, B, C and D are four concentric spheres of radius a, 2a, 3a and 4a and contain, charges +3q, +6q, 9q and +12q
respectively. In the beginning switches S1 and S2 are open. After earthing the sphere C, q1 amount of charge flows from the sphere C
| q1 |
to the earth. If the sphere B is also earthed, then q2 amount of charge flows from the sphere B to the earth, the value of is equal
| q2 |

3a C
M1 B
C S1 S2



(A) 1 (B) 3/5

(C) 2/3 (D) 1/2
Sol. A


3q D
1  3q 6q q1 12q 
   0
40  3a 3a 3a 4a 
 q1 = 18q
|q1| = 9q



1  3q q2 q3 12q 
   0
40  3a 3a 3a 4a 
1  3q q2 q3 12q 
   0
40  2a 2a 3a 4a 
q2 = 3q
|q2| = 9q
| q2 |
| q1 |

2. The diagram shows four pairs of large parallel conducting plates. The plates are separated by equal distance in all cases. The value of
the electric potential is given for each plate. Rank the pairs according to the magnitude of the electric field between the plates, least to
20V +70V +20V +70V

1 2
10V +90V +30V +90V

3 4
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) 4, 3, 2, 1
(C) 2, 3, 1, 4 (D) 2, 4, 1, 3
Sol. D
6. P and Q are two conductors carrying equal and opposite charge. The electric field created by two conductor is shown in the figure
 
which is non uniform. The magnitude of electric field along y-axis is given by E  E0 1  ky3 , where k is a constant. The electric

 ka4 
potential of conductor ‘P’ is 2E0  a   . Then the potential of conductor Q is
 4 
 Q

 
   
+ +
+ P +
+ +
+ +
 ka4   ka4 
(A) 2E0  a   (B) E0  a  
 4  4 
  
E0  ka4   ka4 
(C)  a   (D) 3E0  a  
2  4   4 
Sol. B

 dV  Edy    E0 (1  ky 3 )dy
y 4k
VQ  VP  E0 y 
4 0

 a 4k 
VQ  VP  E0  a  
 4 

 ka4 
VQ  E0  a  
 4 

3. A metal sphere of radius ‘a’ is having charge ‘+Q’ on it. Now it is connected with a metal wire to a concentric spherical shell of radius
‘2a’. Then the net potential at the surface of outer shell is


(A) (B)
a 2a
3 KQ 2KQ
(C) (D)
2 a a
3. B
3. V  ; whole charge is transferred to outer shell of radius ‘2a’.
1. In the given figure, a point charge particle ‘q’ lies at the centre C and both the shells are conducting. The outer shell is thick and has
charge ‘q’ and inner shell is thin and is earthed, then the graph of potential versus distance from centre (r) is

2a a

C q




a 2a 3a r


a 2a 3a r


a 2a 3a r


a 2a 3a r
1. A
5. Two conducting spheres of unequal radii are given charge such that they have the same charge density. If they are now brought in
(A) No charge will be exchanged between them
(B) Charge will flow from the larger to the smaller sphere
(C) Charge will flow from the smaller to the larger sphere
(D) No heat will be produced
5. B

5. Let the spheres have radii r1 and r2 (r1 > r2).

4r12  r1 4r2 2  r2 
V1   ,V2  
40r1 0 40r2 0
 V1 > V2
 charge will flow from the larger to the smaller sphere.
Any flow of charge cause loss of energy and hence heat is produced.
1. Initially the sphere A and B are at potentials VA and VB. The potential of A when sphere B is earthed is

(A) zero (B) VA

(C) VA  VB (D) none of these.
1. C
1. The potential difference between the two spheres depends on the charge on the inner sphere only. Hence, the potential difference will
remain unchanged because by earthing the sphere B charge on A remains constant. Let VA be the new potential at A. Then
VA  VB = VA  VB
But,VB = 0, as it is earthed,
Hence, VA = VA  VB
6. A point charge q is placed at centre of a hollow conducting sphere with radius R carrying a charge +Q. The potential of a point in a
space at a distance of r > R from the centre of the sphere is
(A) zero (B)
40 r
qQ Qq
(C) (D)
40 r 4 0 R
6. B

6. If the charged body is placed into the centre of the sphere, an additional charge q uniformly distributed over the surface will obviously
appear on the external surface of the sphere. The potential VR at a distance of R from the centre of the sphere will be VR =
When the body moves inside the sphere, the outside field will not change. Therefore, the potential will be V R at any position of the
charged body in the sphere.
1. A conducting material whose outer surface is spherical and inside which there are three cavities as shown in figure. Find the potential at
point P which is at distance r from the centre of sphere. If charges q1, q2 and q3 are placed inside the cavities as shown in figure.
r P


1  q1  q2  q3  1  q1  q2  q3 
(A)   (B)   
40  r  40  r 
(C) zero (D) data insufficient
Sol. A
2. Consider a metallic sphere (solid) of radius R carrying charge Q on it. Another point charge ‘q’ is kept at P at a distance 3R from
centre of the sphere electrical potential at point A lying on the line joining C and P at distance R/2 from C, would be
+ A P
+ + q
1 Q q 1  Q  q/3 
(A) (B)
4  R  4  R 

1  Q  3q  1  Q  q/3 
(C) (D)
4  R  4  R 

2. B
2. Total potential at C = potential at A
6. Two concentric conducting spheres of radii R and 3R carrying charges Q and 2Q respectively. If the charge on inner sphere is doubled.
The potential difference between inner and outer spheres will
(A) becomes two times (B) becomes four times
(C) be halved (D) remains same
6. A
6. A charge ‘q’ is undergoing S.H.M. about point ‘A’ along the line AB at distance ‘d’ from the center B of a conducting sphere of radius
R. Amplitude oscillation of charge is ‘a’ angular frequency is ‘’. The sphere is grounded through conducting wire CC' . Choose the
correct statement

 Ra 
(A) If a < < d then the maximum value of current in wire CC' will be q  2 
d 
 qRa2 
(B) If a < < d then the maximum value of current in wire CC ' will be  3 
 d 
 2Ra 
(C) If a < < d then the maximum value of current in wire CC' will be q  2 
 d 
 2qRa2 
(D) If a < < d then the maximum value of current in wire CC' will be  3 
 d 

Sol. A
q K qind
VA  Vind  0  K.  0
(d  a sin t) R
R.q dqind Rqa cos t
 qind  –  
(d – a sin t) dt (d  a sin t)2
1. An electron is released from rest at one point in a uniform electric field and travels a distance of 10 cm in 10 -7 seconds. Potential
difference across the points is
(A) 11.375 volts (B) 10 volts
(C) 5 volts (D) 5.7 volts
1. A
1. V = Es ;
qt 2
 V = 11.375 Volt
qt 2
 ^ ^ ^

 a  x i  y j zk 
9. The intensity of an electric field depends on the co-ordinates x, y and z as follows E  unit .The electrostatic energy
 
3 /2
x 2  y 2  z2
stored between two imaginary concentric spherical shells of radii R and 2R with centre at origin is
4 0 a2 20 a 2
(A) (B)
 0 a 2  0 a 2
(C) (D)
R 2R
9. C
4. ABC is an imaginary spherical surface of radius R divides space into two parts of potential V1 = V and V2 = 2 V. P is a positively
charged particle of charge q and mass m become incident on the boundary with speed v = qV m . In subsequent motion find the
distance of the point from B on the line MB where charge particle cuts it
P V1 = V V2 = 2V



5R 3R
(A) (B)
8 8
7R R
(C) (D)
8 8
Sol. B
Particle will be reflected back.
9. Two infinite sheets carrying charge density + and  are arranged perpendicularly as shown in the figure. Select the approximate
electric field lines for the charge system near the intersection.
+ 

+ 

+ 

+ 

+ 

Sol. B
 (  yiˆ  xj)
1. Electric field at point P in a region whose coordinates are (x, y, z) is give by : E  E0 where E0 is constant. Which of the
x2  y 2
following can best represent the Electric field lines corresponding to this field?

O x


O x


O x


O x

Sol. C

Electric field is tangential direction at all points (E .rˆ  0) and decreasing with increase in r.
(r = magnitude of radius vector of a point)
3. The electric flux passing through the surface parallel to y-z plane as shown in figure due to charged Q placed at point
(0, – a, 0) is



(0, – a, 0)
(A) (B)
48 0 24 0
(C) (D)
6 0 4 0
Sol. A
9. Twelve infinite long wire of uniform linear charge density () are passing along the twelve edges of a cube. Find electric flux through
any face of cube.

     
(A)   (B)  
 20   0 
    3  
(C)   (D)  
 3 0   0 
Sol. A
cube = flux due to single wire from whole cube
cube = similarly four wires out of twelve will have same contribution and eight will have zero.
 
face1  4 
8 0 20
1. If the electric field due to uniform thin hemispherical shell at point P is E, then the magnitude of electric field at Q is (charge on the
hemisphere is qo and radius R)



qo qo
(A) E (B) E
8 πε oR 2 4 πε oR2
qo qo
(C)  2E (D)  2E
8 πε oR 2 4 πε oR 2
1. A
9. Flux passing through shaded surface of sphere when a point charge q is placed at the centre is

R/2 q

(A) q/0 (B) Q/0

(C) q/40 (D) zero
9. C
5. Charge density of the given surface is . Then electric field strength at the centre (of quarter sphere) sis

 
(A) (B)
4 20 2 2 0
 
(C) (D)
2 0 2 0
5. A
9. A point charge q is kept on the vertex of the cone of base radius r and height r. The electric flux through the curved surface will be

q  1  q 1 
(A) 1   (B)  
20  2 0  2 2 
(C) zero (D)
0 2
Sol. C
 
1. A charge 5 2  2 5 coulomb is placed on the axis of an infinite disc at a distance a from the centre of disc. The flux of this charge
on the part of the disc having inner and outer radius of a and 2a will be
3 1
(A) (B)
20 20
2  5  2  2 5 5 2
(C) (D)
0 20

Sol. A

6. A charged particle ‘q’ lies at ‘P’ and the line PC is perpendicular to the surface of ABC (part of disc). Find the flux passing through the
surface ABC.


30 3 a
q C
q q
(A) (B)
40 160
q q
(C) (D)
320 480
6. D
2. The electric flux crossing the wire frame ABCD of length  width b and whose centre is at a distance OP = d from an infinite line of
charge with linear charge density  is (consider that the plane of the frame is perpendicular to the line OP)

A b
P 

  b   0  b 
(A) tan1   (B) tan 1  
0  2d    2d 
  2d    2d 
(C) tan1   (D) tan1  
0  b  0  b 
2. A
3. Consider a hypothetical condition in which charge is uniformly distributed in whole space. If net flux passing through the surface of
imaginary cone of base diameter D and slant length D is  then flux passing through the surface of imaginary sphere of radius D will be
(A) 32 (B) 
(C) 32 3  (D) 2

Sol. B

D/2 3
D 30 D

  D3 3 4 3
      D   '
 3 4 2  3 
7. Two identical charged particles each carrying charge q = 0.1 mC and of mass m = 10 mg are projected along two parallel lines
separated by a distance ‘’, with equal speed V0 = 104 m/s in opposite directions. In the beginning electrostatic interaction between the
charges can be ignored due to a large distance between them. The minimum distance between the particles is found to be 12 cm. The
value of  is equal to
(A) 6 cm (B) 8 cm
(C) 12 cm (D) 4 cm
Sol. A
3. A particle of mass m and charge +q approaches from a very large distance towards a uniformly charged ring of radius R and charge,
mass same as that of particle, with initial velocity v0 along the axis of the ring as shown in the figure. What is the closest distance of
approach between the ring and the particle? Assume the space to be gravity free and frictionless.

+q Ring

4 4
q 3q
(A)  R2 (B)  R2
2 02 m2 v 04 22 02 m2 v 04
m2 v 04 q4
(C)  R2 (D)  R2
22 q4 02 4   m 2 v 04
2 2

3. A
3. mv0 = 2mv  v = v0/2
1 q2 1 v2
mv 02   2. m. 0
2 4 R2  x 2 2 4

1 q2 q4
 mv 20  x=  R2
4 40 R2  x 2 2 02 m 2 v 04
6. Two positrons are placed at (a/2, a/2) and (a/2, a/2) respectively, while two protons are placed at (a/2, a/2) and (a/2, a/2)
respectively on an x-y plane. Initially the particles are held in these positions, but all four are released at the same time. The particle can
be considered as classical point masses moving in each other’s electrostatic fields. Gravity can be neglected. Estimate the speeds of the
particles in (view of proton is much heavier than positron (2000 times) when they are a significantly large distance apart? [take 1/40
= 9  109 Nm2/C2, mpositron = 9  1031 kg, electronic charge = 1.6  1019 C and a = 1 cm)
(A) vpositron = 540 m/s, vproton = 5 m/s
(B) vpositron = 340 m/s, vproton = 3 m/s
(C) vpositron = 840 m/s, vproton = 4 m/s
(D) vpositron = 1020 m/s, vproton = 5 m/s
6. B
mproton >> mpositron
4e2 2e2 e2 1
    2. mpositron v positron

40 a 40 2a 40 2a 2

vpositron ~ 340 m/s
e2 1
 2. mproton v proton
 vproton = 3 m/s
40 2a 2
3. Consider a metallic sphere of radius R concentric with another hollow metallic sphere of inner radius 2R and outer radius 3R as shown
in the figure. The inner sphere is given a charge Q and outer +2Q. The electrostatic potential energy of the system is


2 2
Q 3Q
(A) (B)
160R 160R
5Q2 11Q2
(C) (D)
480R 480R
Sol. C
Q2  1 1 1 1 1 1  5Q2
      
40  2R 2(2R) 2(3R) 2R 3R 3R  480R
4. A charged particle A hangs with an inextensible string of length . Another charged particle B is fixed at a distance  below the point of
suspension O as shown in the figure. In the equilibrium the particle A is at a height h above the level of particle B. If the mass of the
particle A is m and acceleration due to gravity is g, then the electrical potential energy of interaction of the particle in the equilibrium
will be


+ h
(A) mgh (B) 2mgh
(C) 3mgh (D) 4mgh

Sol. B
 
 T F
 902
 q1
h 90 x/2

x/2 mg
h x
sin    x2 = 2h …(i)
x 2
F 1 22 …(ii)
40 x
F mg

sin(180  2) sin(90  )
F mg 2mgh
  F  2mgsin  =
sin 2 cos  x
q1q2 2mgh
 
40 x 2 x
U  2mgh
40 x
From these relation we get U = 2gh
5. A non conducting rod AB of length 3R , uniformly distributed charge of linear charge density  and a non-conducting ring of
uniformly distributed charge Q, are placed as shown in the figure. Point A is the centre of ring and line AB is the axis of the ring,
perpendicular to plane of ring. The electrostatic interaction energy between ring and rod is

R 3R
Q Q
(A)  n(2  3) (B)  n(2  3)
40 20
Q Q
(C)  n(2  3) (D)  n(2  3)
40 20
Sol. A


dU  VP(ring) dx  dx
R2  x 2
Q dx
4 0 
0 R  x2

Let x = R tan 
 dx = R sec2 d
If x = 0   =0, and x = 3R
  = /3
 /3
Q Q Q
4 0  sec d  4
0 0
 n(sec   tan )0 /3 
 n(2  3)

1. A spherical water drop of radius R has a charge q, distributed uniformly over its surface. The drop splits into two identical droplets and
being separated by a large distance. These droplets have equal charges, distributed uniformly over the surface. Fractional change in
electrostatic potential energy is
1 21/3  1
(A) (B)
2 21/ 3

2 1
2/ 3
 (D)
2 3 1

22/ 3 24/3

Sol. C
R = 21/3 r
fractional change =
5. There are three charges Q1 Coulomb, Q2 Coulomb and Q3 Coulomb. Q2 and Q3 are fixed at position (0, 0) and (30m, 0) respectively.
Now Q1 moves in circular path in x–y plane of radius 40 m with help of external agent starting from (0, 40m) about origin then work
done by external agent is [till Q1 crosses x axis (40m, 0), given co–ordinates are in centimeters :
(A) 1 3 Joule (B) 1 3 Joule
4 0 2 0
2Q1Q3 2Q1(Q2  Q3 )
(C) Joule (D) Joule
 0  0

Sol. C
(40, 0) Q1(initial)

Q2 (30, 0) Q1(final)
Q3 R (40, 0) x

Wext = Q1(VR  VP )
9. A spherical shell is uniformly charged by a positive charge q. A positive point charge q 0 is placed at its center. The expansion of the
shell is slowly taking place from R1 to R2 (R2 > R1). For this situation mark out the incorrect statement.
(A) If an external force is acting, then work done by the external agent is negative.
(B) If no external force is acting, then energy would be released in this expansion .
(C) If no external from is acting. Then energy would be dissipated in this process.
q  q0  q / 2   1 1 
(D) The work of electric forces in this process in   
4 0 R
 1 R 2 

9 C
2. Four charges are fixed on the x-z plane as shown in the figure. Find the work done by the electric force applied by this system of
charges on a positive charge particle +Q, to displace it from point A(d, 0, 0) to point B(0, d, 0) if d >> a.
B (0, d, 0)

(a, 0, 0) +q (0, 0, a)

C A (d, 0, 0)
q (a, 0, 0)
z (0, 0, a)

Qqa Qqa
(A) (B) 
20 d2 20 d2
Qqa Qqa
(C) (D) 
0 d2 0 d2
2. A
Welectric = Ui  Uf =
40 a2
2. Charge Q is distributed on a small hollow conducting sphere (radius r) as shown inside a spherical cavity of radius r 1 made inside a
solid conducting sphere of radius r2 as shown in the figure. The total energy of the system is



 1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) kQ2     (B) KQ2    
 2r2 2r1 2r   r1 r2 2r 
 1 1 1  1 1 1
(C) kQ 2     (D) kQ 2    
 1 4r 2 2r   14r 2r 2 2r 
Sol. (A)
Total energy = self energy + interaction energy
8. Three charges q, q and –2q are fixed on the vertices of an equilateral triangular plate of edge length a. This plate is in equilibrium
between two very large plates having surface charge density 1 and 2 respectively. Find the period of small angular oscillation about
an axis passing through its centroid and perpendicular to plane. Moment of inertia of the system about this axis I.
0I 0I
(A) 2 (B) 2
qa | 1  2 | 2qa | 1  2 |
20I 20I
(C) 2 (D) 2
3qa | 1  2 | qa | 1  2 |
Sol. C
Net dipole moment = 3qa
|   2 | 
 =  3qa 1  I
3qa | 1  2 |  2  20 I
 I    T  2 .
20  T  3qa | 1  2 |
2. A dipole consists of a light rod of length , having two point charges +q and -q of same mass m joined at ends A and B of the rod. A
uniform electric field E is present in the region and perpendicular to the length of the rod. The rod is released from rest. The angular
velocity of the rod, when it becomes parallel to the electric field for the first time is
+q B

A q q
qE qE
(A) (B) 2
m m
qE 1 qE
(C) (D)
2m 2 m
2. B
2. W  u
m 2 2
  qE
= 2
4. A uniform electric field exist m space as shown m figure. A diapole a placed horizontally. There may be point in the space P, where
electric field is zero. Then value of Q is

– +
(A) tan1 2 (B) tan1 3
(C) tan1 2 (D) 45
4. A
4. At point P. Net electric field must be zero. Electric field due to diapole must be vertically upward.


– +
     90
tan 
tan  
tan 
tan(90  ) 
tan 
cot  
tan2   2
  tan1( 2)
6. In the diagram shown, the +Q and –Q charges are connected by a non-conducting rod, which can freely rotate about the fixed axis
passing through the centre. The other two +Q charges are fixed at the positions shown. The dipole shown is in the state of

+Q +Q



(A) stable equilibrium (B) unstable equilibrium

(C) neutral equilibrium (D) none of these
6 C
  
5. Two dipoles P1 and P2 are oriented as shown in the figure. Assuming dipole of dipole moment P2 to be placed at origin and dipole of

moment P1 is at a distance ‘d’ from origin then

 
P2 P1

d x

 1 P1P2
(A) Torque experienced by P1 is  k̂
80 d3
 1 2P1P2
(B) Torque experienced by P1 is + k̂
40 d3
 1 P1P2
(C) Torque experienced by P2 is  k̂
40 d3
 1 P1P2
(D) Torque experienced by P2 is + k̂
40 d3
Sol. C
    2P2  ˆ 2P1P2 ˆ
1  P1  E   P1  ˆj   3 
i k
 4  0 d  4 0 d3
    P1  ˆ PP
2  P2  E  P2  ˆi    3 
j   1 2 3 kˆ
 40 d  40 d
5. The distance between two parallel plates of a capacitor is a. A conductor of thickness b(b < a) is inserted between the plates as shown
in the figure. The variation of effective capacitance between the surfaces of conductor and plate as a function of the distance (x) is best
represented by

a b


(a- b)

(a - b)

(a – b)

(a – b)
5. C
1 1 1
5.  
C C1 C2
x ab x
= 
0 A 0 A
0 A
 C=
a b
2. A parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance C and charge Q. Another plate is inserted in between the plates of the capacitor at the center
and is connected by a long wire to another far off spherical conductor of radius R. What is the potential difference between the edge of
the sphere and one of the outer plates ?
(A) (B)
C 4C
Q 2Q
(C) (D)
2C C
2. C
2. The potential of the inserted plate is equal to the potential of sphere
Q = CV so the potential is divided equally

 + +

 +  +
The potential difference between the edge of the sphere and one of the outer plate is equal to the potential difference between inner and
outer plate.
So, V 
1. Two very large parallel metal plates carry charges densities of the same magnitude but opposite signs. Assume they are close enough
together to be treated as ideal infinite plates. Taking the potential to be zero at the left surface of the negative plate, choose the correct
graph of potential(V) with x. (take x from left surface of the negative plate)
 +
 +
 +
 +
 +
d 2d d

d 2d 3d 4d


d 2d 3d 4d x


d 2d 3d 4d x


d 2d 3d 4d x

Sol. C
7. One of the plates of the capacitor of capacitance C is given a charge 4Q. Now this capacitor is connected by a battery of emf 4Q/C and
then battery is disconnected. Now this capacitor is connected with uncharged capacitor of same capacitance C through a switches S 1
and S2 (as shown in the figure). When switches are closed charge flowing through the switch S1 will be
Higher potential
charged capacitor

S1 S2

(A) 2Q (B) 3Q
(C) 4Q (D) Q
Sol. B
4. Two parallel plate capacitors with different distances between the plates are connected in parallel to a voltage source as shown in the
figure. A point positive charge is moved from a point 1 that is exactly in the middle between the plates of the capacitor C 1 to a point 2
in capacitor C2 that lies at a distance from the negative plate of C2 equal to half the distance between the plates of C1. Then the work
done by the electric force is
+ C1
  1 2

(A) positive (B) negative

(C) zero (D) data insufficient.
Sol. A
1. Consider the capacitor circuit shown in the figure
Initially only K1 is closed and after sufficiently long time, K2 is also closed. The charge flowing through section 1  2 after closing the
K2 is
C 2C


K1 2
(A)  from 2 to 1 (B)  from 2 to 1
2 6
(C) CE from 2 to 1 (D) from 1 to 1
Sol. C
Initially charge configuration (before K2 is closed) is
2 2 2 2
 CE C  3 CE  3 CE  CE
3 3


K1 2
Final charge configuration (after K2 is closed) is

+CE CE 1 0 0


K1 2
The net change of charge in the encircled region can happen only because of charge flowing in section 1  2.
Initial charge = 0
Final charge = CE
 Charge flown = CE from 2 to 1.
4. In a gravity free space, three identical metal plates have been placed parallel to each other as shown. In the initial state shown in the
diagram, the potential difference between the points A and B is V1. Now, the middle plate is shifted down a distance L/2, keeping the
battery connected. The other plates are kept fixed. The potential difference between the points A and B now becomes V 2. The value
V1/V2 is equal to
(A) 1 (B) 5/6
(C) 5/4 (D) 3/2

Sol. D
13. STATEMENT-1: The electric field inside the cavity of a charged conductor is zero when there is no charge in the cavity.
STATEMENT-2: The flux of electric field through Gaussian surface inside the cavity with no charge is zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
13. B
Electric field does not exist inside the conductor.
When electric field is present inside the conductor electrons inside it can not be at rest.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
12. D
11. Statement 1:For non-uniformly charged thin circular ring having net charge zero, the electric field intensity at any point on axis is zero.
Statement 2:For non-uniformly charged thin circular ring having net charge zero, the electric potential at any point on axis is zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
11. D
11. Due to non-uniformly charged ring having zero net charge, electric potential at any point on axis of ring is zero and hence electric field
intensity along the axis is zero but it may have non-zero component in a direction perpendicular to axis of ring.
1 qx
10. Statement I: The magnitude of the electric field due to a non uniform ring on its axis will be more than where q is the
40 2 3

x  a2 2 
total charge on the ring, a is the radius and x is the distance from the centre of the ring.
1 qx
Statement II: The magnitude of the electric field due to a uniform ring on its axis will be equal to where q is the
40 3

x 2
a 
2 2

total charge on the ring, a is the radius and x is the distance from the centre of the ring.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
10. B

12. Statement 1: Electric field ( E ) outside vicinity of a conductor depends only on local charge.
 
Statement 2: Electric field E outside vicinity of conductor is given by ,  is the local charge density.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
12 B
A small electric dipole is placed in a non-uniform, electric field such that line of electric field is parallel to dipole moment vector. The
net force on dipole is along increasing direction of electric field.
The force on the charged particle on increasing side of electric field will be more than that on lower side of electric field.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
Sol. D
13. STATEMENT-1: There is no force (electrostatic force between a positively charge extended conductor and uncharged extended
conducting body.
STATEMENT-2: Coulomb’s law states that force between two point charges is proportional to product of magnitude of the charge onto
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
13. D
13. STATEMENT-1: The electrostatic force on a charged particle located on an equi-potential surface is always zero.
STATEMENT-2: Work done by external agent in slowly moving a point charge over equipotential surface is zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
13. D
The potential of an uncharged conducting sphere of radius R due to a point charge q, located at a distance r (r > R) from its centre is
Total induced charge on the surface of conducting sphere is zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

Sol. B
11. STATEMENT – 1: A positively charged sphere and a negative charged sphere are kept at finite distance. The total electrostatic
potential energy of system must be negative.
STATEMENT – 2: Potential energy between two like charge particle is positive and for two unlike charge particle is negative, if
potential energy at infinity is taken as zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
11. D
On going away from a point charge or a small electric dipole, electric field decreases at the same rate in both cases.
Electric field due to charge is inversely proportional to square of distance from the charge
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
11. D
11. A dipole is placed inside an uncharged conducting shell.
Electric field intensity at a point P outside the shell on axial line of dipole due to shell will be non zero.
Electric field intensity at a point P mentioned in statement–1 outside the shell is zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
11. C
From Gauss’s theorem if we draw one spherical Gaussian surface passing through P, electric flux will be zero through it.
 
  E  ds  0 
but from lack of symmetry of distribution of charges we can say E  0 at P due to shell as well as in total.
14. A dipole is placed in a conducting shell as shown in figure.

–q q

Potential at point P is zero
Tangential component of electric field at P is zero.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
14. B
14. Potential at A due to dipole as well as due to induced charges

–q q

(due to symmetry) will be zero. As it is a conducting shell

Potential at any point P on the shell will be zero.
Under electrostatic conditions, tangential component of electric field at P is zero
12. Statement -1: On going away from a point charge or a small electric dipole, electric field decreases at the same rate in both cases.
Statement -2: Electric field due to charge is inversely proportional to square of distance from the charge
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
12. D
The capacity of a capacitor neither depends upon charge nor potential difference across the plates.
The capacitance of a capacitor depends upon configuration of the capacitor.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement -2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
13. A
3. Two infinitely long line charges 1 and 2 are placed symmetric to x-axis as shown in the figure. Match the following for direction of
electric field at point P on the x-axis.


 P
O  x

Column I Column II
(A) Both 1 and 2 are positive (p) positive x-axis
(B) Both 1 and 2 are negative (q) positive y-axis
(C) 1 is positive but 2 is negative (r) negative x-axis
(D) 1 is negative but 2 is positive (s) negative y-axis
3. (A)  (p), (B)  (r), (C)  (s), (D)  (q)
2. Column-I contains some charged system and column-II contains its properties. Match the following.
Column – I Column – II
Charge System Properties
(A) z (p) Electric field at the origin is zero

A ring placed in x-y plane symmetrically,

having equal and opposite uniformly
distributed charge as shown in the figure.
(B) z y (q) Electric field at z-axis, Ez is along
positive z-direction for z>0 and EZ is
along negative z-direction for z < 0

A square placed in x-y plane symmetrically,

having alternate positive and negative
uniformly distributed charge on each side of
the square as shown in the figure.
(C) z (r) Electric field at z-axis is along positive x-
y direction

P P x

Four identical dipoles placed symmetrically
with respect to origin in x-y plane as shown in
the figure.
(D) z (s) Electric potential at any point on z-axis is
y zero

Two oppositely uniformly charged infinite (t) Electric potential at any point on z-axis is
rods are placed symmetrically with respect to some nonzero positive value.
origin in x-y plane as shown in the figure.

Sol. (A)  (r, s) (B)  (p, s) (C)  (p, q, t) (D)  (r, s)

1. Match the following for point P in each of the given situations. [unless stated, potential at infinity shall be taken as zero]
Column-I Column-II
+q q

(A) * Parallel plate capacitor (assume (p) Net E = 0, irrespective of
dimensions of plates are infinite in location of P
comparison to distance between the
* Point P is between two plates.
(B) * Metallic spherical shell (q) Net V = 0, irrespective of
* Point P is inside the shell location of P

(C) * Non conducting sphere with uniform (r) Net E = a non zero constant,
charge density, having a spherical irrespective of location of P
cavity inside.
* Point P is inside the cavity.
(D) * A point charge q is placed near a (s) Net V = a non zero constant,
neutral conducting spherical shell as irrespective of location of P
shown in figure.
* Point P is inside the shell.

1. (A)  (r), (B)  (p, s), (C)  (r), (D)  (p, s)

1. Match the following.
Column – I Column – II
(A) Uncharged conducting sphere (p) Can have electric field inside
(B) Uncharged dielectric sphere (q) Can have electric field outside
(C) Uniformly volume charged sphere (r) Can have energy
(D) He+ (s) Can exert force on charged particle
Sol. (A)  (p, q, r, s) (B)  (p, q, r, s) (C)  (p, q, r, s) (D)  (p, q, r, s)
1. In ColumnI, some situations are described where some charge distributions are created and their effects are observed on some
physical quantity typed in bold alphabets. These observations are listed in ColumnII. Match them
Column I Column II
(A) A parallel plate capacitor is connected to battery. Now without (p) Changes
disconnecting the battery, the distance between the plates is
doubled. The electric field energy density between the plates of

(B) A point charge q1, is enclosed within a spherical surface and (q) Remains same
another charge q2 is outside this surface. when charge q1 is doubled
and q2 is halved, the flux of electric field through the spherical
(C) Six point changes are fixed at the corners of a + – (r) Increases by two times
regular hexagone ABCDEF, as shown in the A B
figure. MN is the axis of the hexagon and P, Q
– F C
are points on this axis. As one moves along
MN, from P to Q, the component of electric E D
– +
field along MN (by system of charges).
(D) Two point charges Q and Q are fixed at (a, 0) and (a, 0) (s) Decreases by two times
respectively. P and Q are two points at (L, O) and (O, L)
respectively. Consider L >> a. If one moves from P to Q the
magnitude of electric field (by system of charges)
(t) Decreases by four times

Sol. (A)  (p, t); (B)  (p, r); (C)  (q); (D)  (p, s)
2. The Column-I is having the graph of either electrostatic field or its magnitude verses position on x-axis and magnetic field or its
magnitude verses position on the x-axis for the system indicated in the Column-II. Match the following.
Column I Column II
(a, 0) (a, 0)
(A) (p) I I
O x x
(a, 0) O (a, 0)

Two infinite wire are kept parallel to z-axis as

shown in the figure, each carrying positive
current I along positive z-axis

(B) (q) I I
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x

Two infinite wire are kept parallel to z-axis as

shown in the figure, one is carrying current
positive I along positive z-axis and other is
carrying positive current I along negative z-axis

(C) (r) +Q +Q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x x
(a, 0) O (a, 0)

Two point charges, each of magnitude +Q are

kept at points (a, 0) and (a, 0)
(a, 0) +Q Q
(D) (s)
O (a, 0) x O x
(a, 0) (a, 0)

Two point charges, +Q and Q are kept at points

(a, 0) and (a, 0) respectively
+ y +

(t) O
(a, 0) (a, 0) x

Two infinite non-conducting rod are kept parallel

to the y-axis as shown in the figure, each carrying
uniform charge density .
2. (A)  (s) (B)  (q, s)(C)  (p, r, t) (D)  (p, r, t)
2. Three very large conducting plates A, B and C (having negligible thickness) are placed along the plane x = d, x = 0 and x = +d
respectively. Charges +4Q, 6Q and +4Q are imparted to plates A, B and C respectively. Different regions separated by the plates are
marked as follows

+4Q 6Q +4Q

x <  d  Region - I
d < x < 0  Region - II
0 < x < d  Region - III
x > d  Region – IV
Match the column I with column II.
Column – I Column – II

(A) E is directed along + î direction (p) Region – I

(B) E is directed along  î direction (q) Region – II
(C) Equipotential surface are parallel to y-z plane (r) Region - III
(D) dV/dx is negative (s) Region – IV
Sol. A  (q, s), B  (p, r), C  (p, q, r, s), D  (q, s)
1. Match the electric field lines with the charge configuration.
Column – I Column – II
(A) Three equal positive charges placed at the (p)
vertices of an equilateral triangle.
(B) In thin, circular disc of uniform +ve charge (q)

(C) Two point charges of +q and 2q separated (r)

by a small distance.

(D) A conductor of finite length with uniform (s)

+ve charge distribution.

(t) None of these

1. A (q), B (p), C (s), D (r)
18. List -I contains the point charge Q at point P and List -II contains flux due to this charge Q through the surfaces mentioned in List-I.
List –I List –II
A point charge Q is
Q P(0,0,a) kept at point  0,0,a 
(P) B(0,a,0) and 1 and 2 are the (1) 1 > 2
y flux through triangular
A(a,0,0) 1 2 surface OAC and OBC
A point charge Q is
Q P(0,0,a) kept at point  0,0,a 
(Q) B(0,a,0) and 1 and 2 are the (2) 1 
O 480
y flux through triangular
1 surface OAB and ABC
A(a,0,0) 2 respectively
A point charge Q is
kept at point
C(0, 3a, 0)  a a 
 0,  ,  and
 3 6 Q
(R) 1 (3) 1 
x 1 and 2 are the flux 240
A(a, 0, 0) 2 B(a, 0, 0) through equilateral
triangular surface
D(0, 3a, 0) ABC and ABD
A point charge Q is
P(0,0,a) kept at point
Q D(– a,0,0)
C(– a,a,0)  0,0,a  and 1 and Q
(S) 2 (4) 2 
O y 2 are the flux 4 0
y' E through square
A(a,0,0) 1 surface OABE and
B(a,a,0) OECD respectively
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 4 1 2 3
Sol. B
2. Change Q1 and Q2 lie inside and outside respectively of a closed surface S. Let E be the field at any point on S and  be the flux of E
(electric field) over S.
Column-I Column-II
(A) If Q1 = 0 and Q2  0 then (p) Both E and  will change
(B) If Q1  0 and Q2 = 0 then (q) E = 0 put   0
(C) If Q2 changes (r) Net electric field will change but  will not
(D) If Q1 changes (s) E  0 but   0
(t) Both E and  will not change
2. (A)  (s) (B)  (q) (C) (r) (D)  (p)

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