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Activity 3 Using an IoT Cloud-based platform 16/2/2024

In this activity, you will learn:

 Controlling IoT through a cloud-based IoT platform
 Using sensors
 Using OLED

Cloud-based IoT Platform

An IoT cloud is a massive network that supports IoT devices and applications. This includes the
underlying infrastructure, servers and storage, needed for real-time operations and processing.

In this lab you will be introduced to Blynk IoT cloud.

Blynk is an IoT platform for iOS or Android smartphones that is used to control Arduino,
Raspberry Pi and NodeMCU via the Internet. This application is used to create a graphical
interface or human machine interface (HMI) by compiling and providing the appropriate
address on the available widgets.

Please refer to LED Project task in Activity 2. Recall the schematic below:

Follow to steps given at ( to setup the environment

Task 1: Using the blynk switch widget (

console/switch) , switch on/off the led on the breadboard from your mobile.
You may find the following post useful:
Task 2: Using the blynk LED widget, display the on board LED output on your mobile as well.
Task 3: Display the ESP32 time on your mobile using the blynk Terminal Widget.

Interfacing DHT 11(low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor)

Task 4: Interface DHT 11 sensor with ESP32 and display the data on Blynk.

OLED Display
Displaying DHT11 data on OLED

Task 5: Display DHT 11 data simultaneously on OLED.

Fun Stuff
Follow the steps ( and have fun.

Display some cool graphics (smiley) on OLED e.g. blinking eye.

Exploring other Cloud Platforms

Explore the fogwing IIOT industrial platform and try interfacing ESP 32

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