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James Floyd

University of Phoenix

Bus 700 Introduction to Business Administration in Doctoral Studies

Dr. Leslie Huffman

August 4, 2022

Description of Current Position

The Human Resource Manager performs a key role in enhancing the culture of an

organization. They assist and promote communication between management and employees

helping to settle disputes or complaints counseling executives on pertinent policies for workplace

conduct. HR managers additionally work with company executives to manage talent and ensure

that employees are delivering the most value. Setting up training resources, and company

workshops are necessary to improve employee engagement, address work place inequalities, or

help develop necessary skills for success and improved performance are also a large part of the

job of a human resource manager. According to Marcus Green (2020), the importance of human

resource managers is especially evident today as companies adapt to new technologies, laws, and

benefits programs to improve employee experiences and interrelations.

Limitations of HR Management

The are a large number of benefits to working as a Human Resource Manager but there

are also a significant number of drawbacks. It is important that an organization gains an

understanding of these drawbacks as this can aid management in implementing HRM principles

effectively and obtain maximum benefits. Limitations of HRM will be discussed in greater detail


Uncertainty of Future

All business organizations face uncertain futures. The reason for this is that numerous

social, political, technological and financial factors affect the day-to-day functioning of

companies. These factors have a direct effect on HRM because they effect the employment of

organizations (Covin & Slevin, 1989).


Problems of Surplus Staffing

There comes a time when an organization becomes over-staffed and it becomes the

responsibility of HRM to provide solutions such as terminations, layoffs, early retirements, etc.

This in turn negatively effects existing employees and the overall work culture as the threat of

job termination looms over the organization. This type of negative psychological pressure

generally makes for inefficient employees (Cardon & Stevens, 2004).

Conservative Attitudes of Top-Level Management

The majority of top-level (or upper-level) management of many organizations possess a

conservative attitude or mentality when it comes to functioning. This type of attitude brings a

reluctance in changing their own ideas or beliefs to accommodate the habits of regular

employees. This can create hinderances for managers in employing the practices of HRM.

Recommendation for Better Alignment of Position

The HR department tends to add value when its rationale and framework reflect the

rationale and framework of the organization that it serves. Transforming an HR department

requires the building of an HR organization that reflects both the company and the HR strategy

(Cardon & Stevens, 2004). The Human Resources Transformation Model contains three

overriding organizational design principles:

1. Make the HR organization follow the rationale and framework of the company that it


2. Make the HR organization follow the flow of any professional service organization.

3. Differentiate between transactional and transformational HR work.


Within a realignment of redesign of the HRM, it could become necessary to create a new

position with a new model of responsibilities. For example, the title and creation of a Human

Resource Administrator would aid an evolving organization that is seeking to develop a

managerial structure that will adapt to the ever-changing demands on today’s organizations. The

Human Resource Administrator would be responsible for overseeing human resource personnel

within the organization. They would also be responsible for creating employment contracts,

scheduling interviews, and recruiting.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities required for success Human Resource Administrator.

It is important to note that a truly dedicated Human Resource Manager is the backbone of

a successful company. HRMs create a safe, and efficient workplace by taking the time to balance

business related needs with employee demands. A few of the responsibilities of a Human

Resource Administrator are including but not limited to benefits management, conflict

mediation, applicant interviews and staff training. This position basically calls on the individual

to do everything a business needs in order to thrive (Carmelo- Ordaz, et, al).

There is a list of must have skills that a Human Resource Manager must have in order to

be successful. They must have strong written and verbal skills, organizational skills, tech savvy,

flexibility, patience, and negotiation skills.

The Evolution of the Human Resource Administrator

The evolving Human Resource Administrator can have two distinct and at times

overlapping responsibilities:

1. Service Centers

2. Corporate HR (HR Oversight)


Service Centers

HR leaders in the late 1990s began to come to the conclusion that administrative tasks are

better performed in a standardized manner. As the ears passed, the maturation of information

technology actually contributed to the growth of service centers and their transfer to lower-cost

parts of the world (Dal Zotto & Gustafsson, 2007).

Service centers call for a regularity of HR processes, thus lessening redundancy

and duplication, and they can also be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from inside

or outside the organization thanks to technology. Transformation of service centers comes

predominately through technology-enabled employee self-service, outsourcing, or both.

Corporate HR (HR Oversight)


HR Managers exercise their oversight functions in many ways, as it pertains to

maintaining relationships with clients, regulating the attitude of employees towards work,

compensation benefits, career auditing, bringing training benefits, and many more. These

responsibilities can in no way be handled by the HR Manager alone, this is why the HR Manager

delegates responsibility to some employees, for which after they get their feedbacks through, he

then oversees their responsibility (Cardon & Stevens, 2004).

There exist a lot of responsibilities that an HR Manager should perform within an

organization, which may include staffing, budgeting, recruitment, relating with clients, and a

whole lot more. All these are essentially important in any organization, but the most important of

all is their oversight responsibility. This is important as it makes the employees and the entire

organization to perform their duties as expected of them due to the supervisory role on ground as

they will be asked to give an account of their progress.

Here are some benefits of this oversight functions:

 Performance Improvement– Talking on performance improvement, it means that

the HRM oversees the affairs of the employees, enabling them to perform in an

effective way, knowing that they will give account of their activities, either quarterly

or yearly, as it is done, depending on the organization.

 Potential for Leadership– This oversight functions do not just refer to

the HRM alone. The HRM delegates responsibility to the heads of various

departments, so they can at the end give account of the progress made in their various

departments. Doing this delegation will instill in them the drive to lead, making them

to grow to become individuals that can perform excellently well.

 Improved Learning Opportunity– The oversight functions will enable the HRM to

learn from different departments of the organization on how they handle their

activities. This can be done when other organizational team members continually give

feedback based on what their department does and how it works for the collective

good of the Organization. It will then help the HRM to have a broadened idea about

how to exercise this oversight functions adequately as expected (Dal Zotto, &

Gustafsson, 2007).

On a conclusive note, it is important to emphasize that the role of HR Managers evolving into

them performing an oversight function, will bring more benefit to organizations as it instills a

mind of responsibility from the employees to perform their roles accurately, even as the

organization progresses.

Strategies for recruiting diverse talent, including diversity of thought, into this position.

When it comes to hiring diversity in this position or any other, it’s important to make sure

that there is diversity within the applicants to begin with. This will require the auditing of past

recruitment ads to make them more inclusive and appealing to candidates of diverse

backgrounds. This will allow the organization to speak to a broader range of clients. Also, the

company will attempt to source out candidates from a variety of locations online and offline. For

example, seeking out channels that cater to women of technology or groups dedicated to aspiring

HR managers would create a divers talent pool of applicants. Finally, the organization will begin

an internship program that targets candidates from specific backgrounds. This will allow the

company to reach out to local high schools and colleges and give back to the community as well.

While also benefiting from new and diverse talent.



Camelo-Ordaz, C., Garcia –Cruz, J., Sousa-Ginel, E., & Valle –Cabrera, R. (2011). The influence of

human resource management on knowledge sharing and innovation in Spain: The mediating role of

affective commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (7), 1442-1463.

Cardon, M. S. & Stevens, C. E. (2004). Managing human resources in small organizations: What do we

know. Human Resource Management Review, 14, (3), 295-323.

Dal Zotto, C., & Gustafsson, V. (2007). Human Resource Management as Entrepreneurial Tool. Rowena

Barret and Susan Mayson (Ed.), International Handbook of Human Resource Management and

Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing

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